


2.1 英汉语言对比
▪ 吕叔湘先生曾经指出:“只有比较才能看 出各种语文表现法的共同之点和特异之点。 拿外语跟汉语进行比较,可以启发我们注 意被我们忽略过去的现象。”
▪ 世界上每一种语言都有自己的语法,否则, 人们就不能进行翻译实践和翻译理论的研 究。而通过分析和对比英汉两种语言,译 员必将更加深刻地体会到译事之艰辛。
2. Upon his death in 1826, Jefferson was buried under a stone which described him as he had wished to be remembered as the author of the Declaration on Independence and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the father of the University of Virginia.
2.1.2 形合与意合
▪ 英语国家沿袭了古代希腊人非常严格和规范的语 词系统。古代希腊人认为,语词系统与思维系统是 相一致的,要表达一个清晰合理的思想就离不开清 晰合理的词形和句法。而在一个毫无条理的陈述 结构中,思想肯定也是杂乱无章的,而杂乱无章的 思想是没有意义的。英语形合的特征正是在这样 一种背景之下形成的。
1. 月球离地球非常遥远,即使那边山上长着 大树,有大象在跑来跑去,我们用已经发 明的最高倍率的望远镜也不能看到它们。
2. 1826年杰斐逊逝世。按他生前遗愿,在他 墓地的石碑上刻着:独立宣言和弗吉尼亚 州信教自由法令的作者,弗吉尼亚大学创 建人之墓。

1-5:英汉互译实践与技巧 (课堂PPT)

1-5:英汉互译实践与技巧 (课堂PPT)
英国的J.Catford:“翻译是把一种语言的文字材 料替换为另一种语言的对等的文字材料。”
《现代汉语词典》:“翻译是把一种语言文字的 意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。”
Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation
Translation is not a word for word activity
许建平 《英汉互译实践与技巧》清华大学出版社 2006年 郭著章、李庆生《英汉互译实用教程》武汉大学出版社
1996年 张培基 《英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社 1980年 张光明 《英语实用文体翻译》中国科学技术大学出版社
2009年 连淑能 《英汉对比研究》高等教育出版社 1993年 李瑞华 《英汉语言文化对比研究》上海外语教育出版社
Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围
英 国 翻 译 教 育 家 Peter Newmark : “ It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 翻译是按作者的创造意图把一篇文章的意思 用另一种语言描述出来的过程。”
实用文体翻译1:简历 实用文体翻译2:求职信 实用文体翻译3:通知 实用文体翻译4:致辞 实用文体翻译5:企业或学校简介 实用文体翻译6:六级英语 实用文体翻译7:考研英语 实用文体翻译8:新闻英语 实用文体翻译9:论文题目、摘要 实用文体翻译10:科技英语
Suggested reading books and websites



02 翻译技巧与实践
准确把握原文含义,包括词汇、语法 、语境等,是翻译的基础。
将理解后的信息用目标语言表达出来 ,要求准确、流畅、符合目标语言习 惯。
03 翻译教学策略与方法
04 翻译实践案例分析
文学翻译案例主要涉及诗歌、小说、戏剧 等文学作品,强调语言的美感和文化内涵 的传递。在翻译过程中,需要关注原文的 艺术风格、修辞手法和情感色彩,力求在 译文中保留原作的艺术魅力。
采用传统的讲授、练习和讨论相结合 的教学方法,确保学生掌握基本的翻 译知识和技能。
通过分析真实的翻译案例,让学生了 解实际翻译过程中遇到的问题和解决 方法。
组织学生进行小组合作,共同完成翻 译任务,培养学生的协作能力和团队 精神。
利用现代信息技术手段,如在线学习 平台、智能翻译软件等,提高教学效 率和学生的学习效果。



Basic Requirements for the Translator
A satisfactory knowledge of the source language 1 The first and
most obvious requirement of any translator is that he has a satisfactory knowledge of the source language. …Rather, he must understand not only the obvious content of the message, but also the subtlties of meaning, the significant emotive values of words, and the stylistic features which determine the “flavor and feel” of the message. (from Nida’s “Toward a Science of Translating) (对译者首要和最明显的要求是:他应当具备令人满意的源语/译出语水平。更 确切地讲, 他不仅必须理解文章需要了解的内容,而且要懂得意义的微妙性, 懂得词语的重要情感价值,懂得确定文章“风味和感受”的语体特征.。) The paragraph tells us that translators shoulde be well versed in a foreign language and this requirement is essential for all good translators. If we want to be good translators, we should make every endeavor to improve our English through a variety of mechanisms. To attain the level he mentioned is so hard, but not impossible. An average learner of English can do reading, can communicate at superficial level and can pass many kinds of proficiency tests, but he can never translate well. Only an advanced learner of Englsih, so long as he developes himself high comprehesion ability and equips himself with adequate knowledge/encyclopedic information, he can start to translate. In all, a translator should be of strong comprehensive power and be encyclopedic/erudite enough.



What is translation?
Translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language (the "source text") and the production, in another language, of an equivalent text (the "target text," or "translation") that communicates the same message.
Free Translation
The great scientists are often men of supernormal vitality which enables them to retain a freshness of outlook and enterprise even into their old age. [意译]伟大的科学家往往具有超人的活力,因此,即令到 了晚年,他们还保有新颖的观点和朝气蓬勃的事业心。 Watch out for Harlow, he‘s full of mickey mouse ideas. [字面意义]要小心哈洛,他满脑子都是米老鼠的想法。 [意译]要提防着点哈洛,他满脑子歪门邪道。(下流、不 高明的看法)
Literal Translation or Free Translation?
Her father was very fond of Hughie, but would not hear of any engagement. [直译]她的父亲很喜欢休希,但不愿意听到任何订婚的事。 [意译]她的父亲很喜欢休希,但一提到订婚的事他就不干。 A good teacher should have his head in the clouds sometimes, but his feet always on the ground. [字面意义]一个好老师的头有时要放在云层中,但他的脚 应该永远站在地上。 [意译]好老师有时应该富于幻想,但时时刻刻必须从实际 出发。



Tests: 60% There will be only one test: a final. But there may also be
Main Language points: 1. Comparative studies of language family 2. Comparative studies of word building in English and
Chinese 3. Comparative studies of syllable
教学目的:旨在帮助学生了解词义的多样性 (引申、褒贬);并掌握词语翻译的选词技巧。
教学内容: 1. 词义的选择 2. 词义的引申 3. 词义的褒贬 4. 翻译练习
一、教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技 巧,从而在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。
教学内容: 1. 翻译的定义、分类 2. 翻译的标准 3. 翻译的过程:理解——表达——校对 4. 中、西译史
Teaching aims: to learn about the similarities and differences of Chinese and English in word forming and vocabulary so as to translate them accurately.
1. 增译法 2. 省译法 3. 词类转换 4. 正说反译、反说正译法 5. 翻译练习1、2、3、4
一、教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技 巧,从而在汉英翻译时做到通顺、准确。

第九讲 女性主义翻译研究3

第九讲 女性主义翻译研究3

3. 女性主义译者还挖掘在父权社会中被遗忘的女
作者的作品,通过翻译让早期女作者的信息、 经历及她们的作品为人们所知。 如Margaret Patterson Hannay 编写的《若无言 语,早已沉默:身为宗教作品赞助人、翻译家 和作者的都铎王朝的女人们》(Silent But for the Word: Tudor Women as Patrons, Translators, and Writers of Religious Works,1985)

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him… (NIVI) So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them… (NRSV) So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them…
操控的工具”(Flotow,2004:8)。 70年代的女性主义者更是喊出了“女人要解放, 首先就要解放语言并从语言中得到解放”的口 号(Simon,1996:8)。 “英美女性主义”( 改革派 ) “法国女性主义”(激进派)
“英美女性主义”( 改革派 )认为 语言是对客观世界的反映 传统语言反映出了父权社会对妇女的 歧视 因此应该改革语言以消除妇女在语言 中受歧视的。
妻,地也;夫,日也,妻,月也;夫,阳也; 妻,阴也。天尊而处上,地卑而处下,日无盈 亏,月有圆缺,阳唱而生物,阴和而成物,故 妇专以柔顺为德,不以强辩为美也”。 带有“女”字的汉字如“委”、“安”、 “婉”、“奴”等都有驯化顺从之意。反映在 父权社会里,语言本身就体现了对妇女的压迫。


语言中蕴含的情感色彩是语用意义的重要组成部分,译者需要关注原文的情感色彩,并在译文中进行适 当的表达,以实现语用意义的完整传递。
在翻译过程中,译者应遵循语用等效原则,确保译文在目 标语言中产生与原文相同的效果,包括语言功能、语用意 义和修辞效果等方面。
商务合同的翻译实践需遵循法律文件的严谨性。译者应仔 细核对原文,确保译文的准确性和完整性,避免因疏忽而 产生的法律风险。同时,在遇到法律术语时,译者应进行 深入研究,确保译文的准确性和专业性。
新闻报道的翻译实践要求时效性极强,因为新闻报道需要 及时传递给目标语读者。在翻译过程中,译者应快速准确 地完成翻译工作,确保新闻报道的时效性不受影响。
为实现语用等效,译者需要根据具体情况选择合适的翻译 策略,如直译、意译、增译、减译等,以准确传达原文的 语用意义。
评价译文是否达到语用等效,需要考虑译文在目标语言中 的可接受度、表达的自然度以及读者反馈等因素,以确保 翻译质量。
翻译中的语言规范与风 格
在翻译过程中,需要遵循目标语言的语法、词汇和表 达习惯,以确保译文准确、流畅。
以源语文化为归宿,保留原文的异国情调 和文化特色,让译文读者了解不同文化。
在翻译过程中,根据目标语的语言习惯和表达方式,增加一些词语或短语,以使译文更加完整、流畅 。




第四章:翻译的变化方法。从20世纪50年代以来,出现了很多从语言学的角度去分析翻译的方法。本章重点介绍了3种模式:维奈(Vinay)和达贝尔内(Darbelnet)的直接翻译和间接翻译、卡特福德的形式对应和篇章对等及翻译变化的层次和范畴、茨瓦尔特(Van Leuven Zwart)的有关翻译变化的比较—描写模式。


以传递信息为主要目的,翻译时 应注重信息的准确性和清晰度, 采用直译或意译的策略。
根据不同文本类型采取不同的翻 译策略,如直译、意译、归化和 异化等。
强调语言的美感和艺术性,翻译 时应保持原文的风格和修辞手法 ,采用归化或异化的策略。
在翻译过程中,应尽量保持原文的语 言风格,包括用词、句式和修辞手法 等。
不拘泥于原文形式,传达 原文意义和精神,更符合 目标语言习惯。
根据语境选择翻译方法、 保持原文的修辞效果、注 意保留原文的文化特色等 。
使译文更符合目标语言的文化习 惯和表达方式,易于读者理解。
保留原文的文化差异和语言特色 ,提供更多信息。
根据读者群体选择翻译策略、根 据文化背景选择翻译方法、注意
在翻译过程中,需要根据目标语言 的语法规则对原文进行适当的调整 ,以使译文更加自然流畅。
在翻译过程中,需要根据目标语言 的表达方式进行转换,以使译文更 加符合目标语言的表达习惯。
指根据语言功能和交际目的对语 言使用所作的分类,包括信息型 、表达型和号召型。
汉语和英语的语法结构也存在显著差异,如汉语中常用动词短语,而英语中则更倾向于使 用名词短语。
汉语和英语的表达方式也有所不同,如汉语中常用修辞手法,而英语中则更注重逻辑性和 客观性。
在翻译过程中,需要根据目标语 言的语境和文化背景选择合适的 词汇,以准确传达原文的含义。



《翻译理论与实践》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称:翻译理论与实践英文名称:Theoryand Practice of Translation课程编号:0311021B课程类别:专业主干课程总学时:32总学分:2开课学期:第五(六)学期适用专业:英语专业先修课程:无二、课程性质与任务《翻译理论与实践》为英语专业本科教学中的一门主干课程,通过本课程的教学,帮助学生有效提高翻译的理论知识和实践能力,达到高等学校英语专业教学大纲对其翻译能力的基本要求,即:能运用翻译理论和技巧,对翻译的基本理论达到理解和应用,用理论指导实践使得译文忠实流畅,并能胜任涉及翻译能力的工作。













六、课时分配七、教学内容第一章翻译导论(4学时)【教学目标】1.明确翻译的定义2.熟悉翻译的本质3.了解翻译的起源和意义【教学内容】1.关于翻译的比喻2.翻译的定义3.翻译的起源和意义【教学重点】1.从关于翻译的比喻入手,了解翻译的本质2.从《巴别塔的故事》中了解翻译的起源和意义【教学难点】从语言学、文化、文学、交际学、语义学等层面剖析翻译的定义【学时数】1.课堂讲述2学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解2学时第二章翻译的分类(2学时)【教学目标】1.熟悉不同层面上翻译的分类方式2.明确每种分类的原则和基本内容3.掌握每种分类方式的区别与联系【教学内容】语言、语言符号、翻译模式、源语文体和翻译变体等五种层面上翻译的分类【教学重点】1.语言、语言符号、翻译模式、源语文体和翻译变体等五种层面上翻译的分类2.每种分类的原则和基本内容【教学难点】对文学翻译和非文学翻译的要求的区别【学时数】1.课堂讲述1学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解1学时第三章翻译的原则和标准(4学时)【教学目标】1.明确掌握中西方翻译学者所提出的各种翻译标准和原则2.比较中西方翻译学者所提出的翻译标准和原则的区别与联系【教学内容】1.中国翻译学者提出的翻译标准和原则2.西方翻译学者提出的翻译标准和原则【教学重点】中西方翻译学者所提出的各种翻译标准和原则,如严复的“信、达、雅”、泰特勒翻译三原则、奈达的功能对等【教学难点】对比两种翻译原则的异同,如严复的“信、达、雅”与泰特勒的三原则【学时数】1.课堂讲述2学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解2学时第四章译者的素质(2学时)【教学目标】1.了解译者的责任2.熟悉译者应具备的素质3.了解口译员应具备的特殊素质【教学内容】1.译者的技术责任及社会和文化责任2.译者的素质3.口译员的特殊素质【教学重点】1.译者普遍应具备的素质,如思想政治素质、职业道德、系统知识储备及合理的应用能力等2.口译员应具备的特殊素质【教学难点】译者普遍应具备的素质,如思想政治素质、职业道德、系统知识储备及合理的应用能力等【学时数】1.课堂讲述1学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解1学时第五章翻译的过程(6学时)【教学目标】1.明确了解关于翻译过程几种观点,并掌握奈达与贝尔的观点2.重点掌握翻译的过程、理解的特点、理解与表达的关系及校对的内容【教学内容】1.西方的几个翻译过程模式2.翻译过程的三步骤【教学重点】1.翻译过程的三步骤2.尤金▪奈达关于翻译过程的代表观点3用心理语言学及诠释学的理论解释翻译过程【教学难点】翻译过程中理解与表达的关系【学时数】1.课堂讲述3学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解3学时第六章中西翻译理论发展及现状(4学时)【教学目标】1.了解中西翻译史2.了解中西翻译理论发展及现状3.了解中外著名翻译理论家及其翻译思想【教学内容】中国翻译简史西方翻译简史中西方翻译理论研究现状【教学重点】1.中西方翻译高潮2.中外著名翻译理论家及其翻译思想【教学难点】中西方著名翻译理论家及其翻译思想【学时数】1.课堂讲述2学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解2学时第七章翻译与文化(6学时)【教学目标】1.了解翻译中文化因素的渗透2.了解翻译中文化的差异及转换【教学内容】1.汉英翻译与文化2.中英思维方式对比3.汉英语言对比【教学重点】1.语言与文化的密切关系2.中西方语言文化差异3.翻译中的文化转换【教学难点】1.汉英语言对比2.翻译中的文化转换【学时数】1.课堂讲述3学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解3学时第八章直译与意译(2学时)【教学目标】1.了解直译与意译的含义2.了解直译与意译的功能3.了解翻译中直译与意译相结合的方法【教学内容】1.直译与意译的定义2.直译与意译的特点、功能、冲突与协调3.直译与意译的适用条件【教学重点】1.直译与逐字译的区别2.意译的含义3.直译与意译的功能【教学难点】直译与意译的功能及适用条件【学时数】1.课堂讲述1学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解1学时第九章归化与异化(2学时)【教学目标】1.了解归化与异化的概念及其历史沿革2.正确认识翻译中的归化与异化问题3.学会在翻译实践中恰当运用归化与异化策略【教学内容】1.归化与异化的概念2.“归化”与“异化”同“直译”与“意译”的异同3.技术层面上的归化与异化处理【教学重点】1.归化与异化的概念及其历史沿革2.学会使用归化和异化的翻译策略【教学难点】在翻译实践中恰当运用归化与异化策略【学时数】1.课堂讲述1学时2.课堂讨论、习题讲解1学时八、教材及主要参考书[1]Newmark,P. .A Textbook of Translation. Shanghai: SFLEP, 2001.[2]Nida,E. A. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanghai: SFLEP, 1993.[3]Nida,E. A. Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating. Shanghai:SFLEP,2001.[4]陈宏薇. 新实用汉译英教程. 湖北:湖北教育出版社.2000.[5]冯庆华. 实用翻译教程(英汉互译. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.2002.[6]姜倩,何刚强. 翻译概论. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.2008.[7]谢天振,何绍斌. 简明中西翻译史. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.2013.。



翻译理论与实践(Translation theory and Practice)This paper consists of the 8888 contributionPpt documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view.Translation theory and PracticeI., What, is, translation, II., Is, it, to, translate, easy, III.,, Can, all, the, translated, words, be?I., What, is, translation?1, the definition of translation? 2, translation is to translate the text or? E.g.1:, My, sister, went, to, school, at, 7., e.g.2:, have you eaten? Where to? E.g.3: you're beautiful today! -- where?!II., Is, it, easy, to, translate?Henchman? Go back to man in the? The? Street? Crow s feet a hen party '? Fog lock hill mountain fog water disappears in the sky with rain window, two East West three point cut to carve up the piece, seven horizontal eight vertical knife knife toward the sea towards towards falling towards long clouds long long.III., Can, all, the, words, be, translated?According to the nephew lanterns (old uncle)? East sunrise rain, is (clear) the situation is a (clear)? --The professor shouted:Gentlemen, order --The entire class yelled:! "" Beer! "--Why is the river very? Rich? --Because it has two banks.You can cage a swallow, but you can t swallow a "cage. --The secret is going to? Be exposed, and we ll look pretty silly. --You" already look pretty and silly. bathing on bikini? Girl, eyeing, boy, finds boy eyeing bikini on bathing girl.Chapter 1The definition of translation, the purpose of translation, the type of translation, the standard of translation, the process of translation, the conditions for translationDefinition of translationTranslation is the practice of language in which the content of another language is re expressed in one language. Feng Qinghua? Translation is a kind of language (i.e., primitive) information in another language (the target language) express, so that the readers can get the original thoughts expressed by the author, are roughly the same as the original readers feel. - Fan Zhongying, translation is the translator's re understanding of the same thing and the use of another text. - Qiao HaiqingDefinition of translationTranslation is "an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language Translation is." Jakobson? "The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) byequivalent textual material in another language (TL). Catford Translation is the replacement of? A representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language. HudsonThe purpose of translationA bridge of communication and communication between different languages and cultures.Types of translationIntra language translation (intralingual translation) an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same language (interlingual translation) translation? An interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language? Intersemiotic translation (intersemiotic translation) an interpretation of verbal signs by means of nonverbal signs systemChinese translation theoriesYan Fu: Xindaya translation - Three: xindaya. It is hard to ask for a letter. Take care of the letter and fail to reach it,Even if you do not translate it, you will also interpret it. ? Lu Xun: faith, Shun - a course to make it easy, one is to preserve the original charm. / / faith rather than fluency? Qu Qiubai: the notion of equivalence translation should be the original intention, exactly China introduced to readers, make readers get China concept concept equal to other language from the textto the reader. Contradiction: to reproduce the artistic conception the highest task of literary translation is to reproduce the artistic conception so that the target readers can enjoy the beauty as much as the original.Chinese translation theoriesLiu Zhongde: letter, reach, cut letter: believe in content: as long as it is cut: to adapt to style, Zhang today: true, good, beautiful, truth: truth, principle, good: ideological principles: Beauty: artistic principlesForeign translation theoriesTytler: 1. The translation should the same effect on give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. style and manner of 2. The writing should be of the same character as that of the original. translation should have all 3. The the ease of the original composition.Federov: on Translation should produce a translation version which may be read with as much pleasure as the original, and yet remain faithful to its spirit, sense and style. Nida: dynamic equivalence theory readers get responses, and feelings with the original readers read the original income roughly equal. Newmark: text centered theoryProcess of translationIt is generally believed that the original text is understood expression Nida: original text testAnalytical translationTarget textRestructureFour steps: analysis, translation, reconstruction, testTranslation, from, English, to, Chinese:1., The, days, run, into, weeks., the days go by, for a few weeks.2. It, s, all, Greek, to, me., the translation condition, I do not understand at all. Mandarin Chinese is better than3. Mary has? A clever tongue. Marie (glib glib). English language ability is better than4., You, can, never, tell., wide knowledge, no one can say.5., My, memory, failed, me, at, that, moment., I can't remember that moment.6., Your, name, obstinately, escapes, me., I can't remember your name.7., To, think, that, you, should, fail., I don't think you will fail. 8., Would, it, were, otherwise, if that's not the case. There was more mischief than harm in him. he is only mischievous, and no harm. 10., I, never, go, past, my, old, school, but,, think, of, our, headmaster.. Every time I pass my alma mater, I remember our headmaster. 11., The, book, is, beyond, me., I can't read this book. 12., There, is, nothing, like, leather, for, shoes., leather shoes are great. 13., It, is, too, recent, to, be, forgotten., fresh in memory.14., The, mountain, is, not, valuable, because, it, is, high.,mountain is precious, not at its height. The "This is the last place I where expected to meet you." did not expect to meet you here. 16., He, is, nothing, if, not, stubborn., he's a stubborn man. 17., I, was, not, a, little, surprised., I was shocked.18., He, can, do, it, if, any, one, can., only he can do it.19. You cannot make something out of nothing. one can't make bricks without straw. 20., I, can, t, bear, the, sight,, of, that, man.I can't stand seeing that man.Similar sentences1. He had made a box., he has made a box. He had a box made., he told people to make a box.2. Foolishly he spoke. he was so foolish to speak. He spoke foolishly. he talks very stupid.3. Quite properly he was punished. he deserved to be punished. He was punished quite properly., he was properly punished.4., We, asked, him, to, speak, from, his, experience., we ask him to talk about it based on his experience. We asked him to speak about his experiences. we asked him to talk about his experience.Similar sentences5. He is behind time. he's late. He, is, behind, the, times., he's behind the times.6. His success is out of question. his success is beyond doubt. His, success, is, out, of, the, question, he's never going to be successful.7., They, went, to, sea., they're going to besailors. They, went, to, the, sea., they went to the beach. 8., It, has, been, raining, continually, for, two, days., rain, intermittent two days. It has, been, raining, continuously, for,, two, days rain continued for two days.Similar sentences9., He, has, no, more, than, ten, books., he has only ten books. He has not more than ten books., he has ten books at most.He is not a little afraid of it. he was very scared. He is not a bit afraid of it., he is not afraid at all. 11., I, didn, t, go, because, I, was, afraid., I am not afraid to go. I, didn, t, go, because, I, to., was, afraid, I did not go, because I dare not go. 12. She kept the house., she watches over the house. She kept house. her home.Similar sentences13., This, is, no, place, for, me, to, go., this is not whereI should go. There, is, no, place, for, me, to, go, I have nowhere to go. 14. I, had, a, good, talk, to, him, yesterday., I gave him a good dressing down yesterday. I had a good talk with him yesterday. I had a really good time talking to him yesterday. 15., Tom, escaped, prison., Tom escaped the jail. Tom, escaped, from, prison., Tom, jailbreak. 16., Is, there, any, difficulty, in, this? Do you have any difficulty with this? Is, there, some, difficulty, in, this? It's a bit difficult, isn't it?Similar sentencesWe are sure that man is mortal. we are sure that man will always die. We, are, sure, that, man, is, dead., we are sure the man is dead. 18., We, hired, the, boat, by, the, hour.. We ship by hour. We hired, the, boat, for, an, hour., we rented an hour boat.Similar sentences19., I, did, not, notice, him., I didn't notice him. I, took, no, notice, of, him., I don't care about him. 20., Happily, he, did, not, die., thankfully he did not die. He did not die happily., he died uneasy.The second chapter is semantic translationFirst, the choice of meaning in the understanding of polysemy (polysemy)The translation of runRun, a, car, run, shop, run, oil, run, message, a, fever, run, a, computer, run, run, a, meeting, run,, chickens, run, a, arms, advertisement, run, anHead translation10. He arranged his speech under five heads. his speech is divided into five parts. 11., We, have, thirty, head, of, cattle.We have thirty cows. 12., Heads, or, tails? Heads or tails? 13., Where, is, the, head? Where is the toilet?The translation of head:1. head of the English Department, director of the English Department of2. head of the government head of the bed, head of government3.4. head of the staircase a of the needle at the top of the stairs5. head6. He was badly wounded in a the head. he was badly wounded in the head.7. He has a good head for maths. he has a lot of mathematical talent.8., You, should, use, your, head., you should use your head.9. The, dinner, cost, US, five, dollars, a, head., the meal cost us 5 yuan each.The translation of I. poor:1. The, cloth, is, poor, in, quality., this cloth is of poor quality.2. The, water, is, poor, in, oxygen., this water is anoxic.3. Her first concert had a poor audience., her first concert, with very few listeners.4. This, to, her, was, a, poor, consolation., this comfort does not work for her.5. In my poor opinion, you should let her go. in my humble opinion, you should let her go. Boat. She was a poor sailor and always went to bed immediately on on getting the she has seasickness problems, so always go to bed on board.The translation of II. runThe He will not be running in the next election., he is not ready to run for the next election. 2., The, train, is, not, running, today., that train is off today. 3. The film began to run. filmat the. 4. His face was running with sweat. he Sweat streamed down the face. 5., It, was, such, a, ran., hot, day, that, the, butter, the weather was so hot that the butter melted. 6., The, road, runs, north., this road extends north. The "The rumor runs that he is going to resign." is rumoured that he is going to resign. 8., The, monsoon, had, six, weeks, more, to, run., the rainy season will last six weeks.The translation of II. run9., The, car, repair, will, run, you, at, least, two, hundred., repair, at least you spend two hundred yuan. 10. The play ran for only a week in that theatre.. The play was only staged for a week in that theater. 11., Potatoes, are, running, large, this, year., potatoes grow a lot this year. 12., A, freezer, doesn, run., t, cost, much, to, the use of the refrigerator is not very expensive.The translation of III. liveShe needs to find somewhere to live. she needs to find a place to live. 2., Where, do, these, plates, live? Where are these dishes? 3., Spiders, can, live, for, several, days, without, food., spiders can live without food for a few days. 4., We, saw, a, real, rattlesnake, live! We saw a live rattlesnake.The translation of III. live5. The club has live music most nights., the club has live music most nights.6. The show is going on live., the show is being broadcast live.7., Pollution, is, still, very, much, a, live,issue. pollution is still a very interesting issue at the moment.8., This, is, a, live, and, interesting, book., this is a lively and interesting book.The translation of IV. like1., He, likes, mathematics, more, physics., than, he prefers mathematics to physics.2., Bananas, don, t, like, me., I ate a banana and my stomach was upset. (bananas do not fit my stomach.) Three它的味道像芒果。



• 他走进客厅,喝了一口水,看了一会儿电 视,又走回房间温习。 • 他拿起杂志,看了一眼,摇了摇头,把它 放回到桌子上。
• Lulled by the gentle motion and soothed by the rippling music of the waves the babies soon fell asleep. • 船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不 久就睡着了。
• 一吨煤用不了一个月。 • 一个月用不了一吨煤。 • 三天读一本书。 • 一天读三本书。
• 我昨天坐车到郊外。 • 我昨天到郊外坐车。
• 一会儿再说。 • 再说一会儿。
• 英语重形合 (hypotaxis) • 汉语重意合(parataxis)
• The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of information. • 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会 与外界隔绝,而这种状况又由于资讯不足 而更加严重。
• 有迹象表明,在两个多星期的政治僵局之 后,建立联合政府的努力正在取得进展。
• 同更专业化的零售商相比,百货商店由于 其自身性质在对供应商施加影响方面形势 不利。
Байду номын сангаас
• As a nation, the French are no more eager to learn about their wartime failings than are the Japanese. • Casual photographs taken in relaxed circumstances give a richer and more intimate slice of life than a formal picture.

王晓农翻译理论与实践2 Lecture Nine

王晓农翻译理论与实践2 Lecture Nine
Translation Theory & Practice (2)
Course No. 1400142
Lecture Nine Translation of Chinese Idioms
1. Definition of a Chinese idiom:
A multi-charactered expression which has a relatively fixed structure and whose real meaning is transparent to the native Chinese speakers but can not be or is very hard to be derived from the literal meanings of and syntactic relations between its constituents.
(17)这次评职称,他们是八仙过海,各显其能。 In order to be successful in this round of grading and conferring professional titles, they try their best just like the way the Eight Fairies crossed the sea, each displaying his own talent. Note: The Eight immortals of Taoism in Chinese folklores.



翻译理论与实践讲义翻译理论与实践讲义第一章绪论Definition of translation1. Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). --Catford2. To translate is to change into another lang uage, remaining the sense.‖ -- Dr. Samuel Johnson3. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. --EugeneA. Nida 尤金奈达1. Her mother died of difficult labor.2. This is a very good price.3. Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flatter her.4. He always lives ahead of his salary.第二章翻译的过程1. 阅读并分析原文(analysis )2. 将原文转为译入语(transfer )3. 对译文进行修订(proofreading)2.1 阅读并分析原文2.1.1 原文的意图一.语法结构的选择二.形式对意义的表达例如诗歌等三、语义分析(semantic analysis )a. 词的概念意义(conceptual meaning)和关联意义(associative meaning )①chair the board meeting②seat oneself in a wooden chaira sharp knife a sharp child a sharp turn sharp eyesb. 把握意义关系,注意同反义、褒贬义、多歧义关系。

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• Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-market, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.
• 他走进客厅,喝了一口水,看了一会儿电 他走进客厅,喝了一口水, 又走回房间温习。 视,又走回房间温习。 • 他拿起杂志,看了一眼,摇了摇头,把它 他拿起杂志,看了一眼,摇了摇头, 放回到桌子上。 放回到桌子上。
• Lulled by the gentle motion and soothed by the rippling music of the waves the babies soon fell asleep. • 船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不 船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳, 久就睡着了。 久就睡着了。
• 一吨煤用不了一个月。 一吨煤用不了一个月。 • 一个月用不了一吨煤。 一个月用不了一吨煤。 • 三天读一本书。 三天读一本书。 • 一天读三本书。 一天读三本书。
• 我昨天坐车到郊外。 我昨天坐车到郊外。 • 我昨天到郊外坐车。 我昨天到郊外坐车。 • 一会儿再说。 一会儿再说。 • 再说一会儿。 再说一会儿。
• 英语重形合 (hypotaxis) ) • 汉语重意合(parataxis) 汉语重意合( )
• The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of information. • 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具, 与外界隔绝, 与外界隔绝,而这种状况又由于资讯不足 而更加严重。 而更加严重。
• As a nation, the French are no more eager to learn about their wartime failings than are the Japanese. • Casual photographs taken in relaxed circumstances give a richer and more intimate slice of life than a formal picture.
• 有迹象表明,在两个多星期的政治僵局之 有迹象表明, 建立联合政府的努力正在取得进展。 后,建立联合政府的努力正在取得进展。 • 同更专业化的零售商相比,百货商店由于 同更专业化的零售商相比, 其自身性质在对供应商施加影响方面形势 不利。 不利。
• Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in disadvantageous position.
• 晴雯先接出来,笑道:“好啊,叫我研了 晴雯先接出来,笑道: 好啊, 早起高兴,只写了三个字, 墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就 走了。哄我等了这一天, 走了。哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了 这些墨才算呢。 这些墨才算呢。”
• 作为一个国家,法国和日本一样不肯从战 作为一个国家, 败中汲取教训。 败中汲取教训。 • 不经意中拍摄的照片比正式场合中拍摄的 照片内容更丰富,也更贴近于生活的片段。 照片内容更丰富,也更贴近于生活的片段。
• There are signs that, after more than two weeks of political stalemate, progress is now being made towards the formation of a coalition government. • The nature of the department store puts them at a disadvantage compared with more specialized retailers when it comes to exerting leverage over suppliers.