





②原料技术数据性能项目试验条件[状态] 测试方法测试数据数据单位基本性能密度/ / 0.941—0。

959 g/cm3熔体流动速率/ / ≤1。

0 g/10min机械性能拉伸强度/ / ≥19。

0 MPa 断裂伸长率/ / ≥400% 耐环境应力开裂性48h / ≤2/10/电气性能介电常数1MHz / ≤2.40/体积电阻率/ / ≥1×1013Ω?m①原料描述部分规格级别:挤出级外观颜色:-—-用途概述:用途:供水管,工业用管子。


②原料技术数据性能项目试验条件[状态]测试方法测试数据数据单位基本性能熔体流动速率/ ASTM D-1238 0。

12 g/10min 密度/ ASTM D—1505 0.950 g/cm3机械性能屈服拉伸强度/ ASTM D—638 220 Kg/cm2断裂拉伸强度/ ASTM D-638 390 Kg/cm2最终拉伸率/ ASTM D-638 〉500 %挠曲强度/ ASTM D-747 8,500 Kg/cm2洛氏硬度/ ASTM D-785 50 R冲击强度/ ASTM D-256 30 kg?cm/cm 耐环境应力破裂/ ASTM D-1693 〉1,000 F50hr热性能脆化温度/ ASTM D—746 <—80 ℃熔点/ ASTM D-2117 131 ℃维卡软化点/ ASTM D—1525 122 ℃①原料描述部分规格级别:管材级外观颜色:—-—用途概述:农业排灌管、热水管、支架备注说明: 类型:挤塑②原料技术数据性能项目试验条件[状态] 测试方法测试数据数据单位基本性能熔体流动速率/ / 0.15 g/10min 密度/ / 0.954 g/cm3机械性能拉伸强度/ / 18。

ASTM D 1238-04C熔融指数测定

ASTM D 1238-04C熔融指数测定

Designation:D1238–04cStandard Test Method forMelt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D1238;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers measurement of the rate of extrusion of molten resins through a die of a specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature,load, and piston position in the barrel as the timed measurement is being made.1.2Procedure A is a manual cutoff operation based on time used for materials havingflow rates that fall generally between 0.15and50g/10min.Procedure B is an automatically timed flow rate measurement used for materials havingflows from 0.50to900g/10min.By both procedures,the piston travel is generally the same during the timed measurement;the piston foot is about46and20.6mm above the parableflow rates have been obtained by these procedures in interlaboratory round-robin measurements of several materials described in 14.1.Provision is made for calculation of melt volume-flow rate as well as melt mass-flow rate.N OTE1—Round-robin testing indicates this test method may be suit-able atflow rates up to1500g/10min if the timing clock resolves the elapsed time to the nearest0.01s.N OTE2—This test method and ISO1133-1991are technically equiva-lent.1.3This standard does not purport to address the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.Specific precautionary statements are given in5.7,10.2.12,and15.1.2.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D618Practice for Conditioning Plastics for TestingD883Terminology Relating to PlasticsD3364Test Method for Flow Rates for Poly Vinyl Chloride with Molecular Structural ImplicationsE691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method2.2ANSI Standard:B46.1on Surface Texture32.3ISO Standard:ISO1133-1991Determination of the Melt-Mass Flow Rate (MFR)and the Melt V olume-Flow Rate(MVR)of Ther-moplastics33.Terminology3.1General:3.1.1For definition of some of the technical terms used in this test method refer to Terminology D883.4.Significance and Use4.1This test method is particularly useful for quality control tests on thermoplastics.N OTE3—Polymers havingflow rates less than0.15or greater than900 g/10min may be tested by the procedures in this test method;however, precision data have not been developed.4.2This test method serves to indicate the uniformity of the flow rate of the polymer as made by an individual process and, in this case,may be indicative of uniformity of other proper-ties.However,uniformity offlow rate among various polymers as made by various processes does not,in the absence of other tests,indicate uniformity of other properties.4.3Theflow rate obtained with the extrusion plastometer is not a fundamental polymer property.It is an empirically defined parameter critically influenced by the physical proper-ties and molecular structure of the polymer and the conditions of measurement.The rheological characteristics of polymer melts depend on a number of variables.Since the values of these variables occurring in this test may differ substantially from those in large-scale processes,test results may not correlate directly with processing behavior.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.30on Thermal Properties (Section D20.30.08).Current edition approved Dec.1,2004.Published December2004.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2004as D1238-04b.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---4.4The flow rate of a material may be measured under any of the conditions listed for it in 8.2.Additional characterization of a material can be obtained if more than one condition is used.In case two conditions are employed,a Flow Rate Ratio (FRR)may be obtained by dividing the flow rate at one condition by the flow rate at the other condition.5.Apparatus5.1Plastometer :5.1.1The apparatus shall be a dead-weight piston plastom-eter consisting of a thermostatically controlled heated steel cylinder with a die at the lower end and a weighted piston operating within the cylinder.The essential features of the plastometer,illustrated in Figs.1and 2,are described in 5.2-5.8.All dimensional measurements shall be made when the article being measured is at 2365°C.5.1.2Relatively minor changes in the design and arrange-ment of the component parts have been shown to cause differences in results among laboratories.It is important,therefore,for the best interlaboratory agreement that the design adhere closely to the description herein;otherwise,it should be determined that modifications do not influence the results.5.2Cylinder —The steel cylinder shall be 50.8mm in diameter,162mm in length with a smooth,straight hole9.550460.0076mm in diameter,displaced 4.8mm from the cylinder axis.Wells for a thermal sensor (thermoregulator,thermistor,etc.)and thermometer shall be provided as shown in Fig.1.A 3.2-mm plate shall be attached to the bottom of the cylinder to retain the die.A hole in this plate,centered under the die and countersunk from below,allows free passage of the extrudate.The cylinder may be supported by at least two 6.4-mm high-strength screws at the top (radially positioned at right angles to the applied load)or by at least two 10-mm diameter rods screwed into the side of the cylinder for attaching to a vertical support.The essential dimensions of a satisfactory cylinder of this type are shown in Fig.1(Note 4).The cylinder bore should be finished by techniques known to produce approximately 12rms or better in accordance with ANSI B46.1.N OTE 4—Cylinders made of SAE 52100or other equivalent steel heat-hardened to 60–65Rockwell Hardness Scale C give good service when used at temperatures below 200°C.Cylinder liners of cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy are also satisfactory to 300°C.5.3Die —The outside of the steel die shall be such diameter that it will fall freely to the bottom of the 9.550460.0076mm diameter hole in the cylinder (Note 5).The die shall have a smooth straight bore 2.095560.0051mm in diameter and shall be 8.00060.025mm in length.The bore and its finish are critical.It shall have no visible drill or other tool marks and no detectable eccentricity.The die bore shall be finished by techniques known to produce approximately 12rms or better in accordance with ANSI B46.1.FIG.1General Arrangement of ExtrusionPlastometerFIG.2Details of ExtrusionPlastometerN OTE 5—Recommended die material is tungsten carbide.Also satisfac-tory are steel,synthetic sapphire,and cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy.5.4Piston :5.4.1The piston shall be made of steel with an insulating bushing at the top as a barrier to heat transfer from the piston to the weight.The land of the piston shall be 9.474260.0076mm in diameter and6.3560.13mm in length.The piston design may incorporate means for land replacement,for example,having threads and flats immediately above the land.Above the land,the piston shall be no larger than 8.915mm in diameter (Note 6).The finish of the piston foot shall be 12rms in accordance with ANSI B46.1.If wear or corrosion is a problem,the piston should be of stainless steel and equipped with a detachable foot for ease of replacement.N OTE 6—To improve standardization it is preferable that the piston be guided with a loose-fitting metal sleeve at the top of the cylinder.N OTE 7—Pistons of SAE 52100steel with the bottom 25mm,including the foot,hardened to a Rockwell hardness,C scale,of 55to 59have been found to give good service when used at temperatures below 200°C.5.4.2The piston shall be scribed with two reference marks 4mm apart in such fashion that when the lower mark coincides with the top of the cylinder or other suitable reference point,the bottom of the piston is 48mm above the top of the die (see Fig.1).5.4.3The combined weight of piston and load shall be within a tolerance of 60.5%of the selected load.5.5Heater :5.5.1The equipment must have a heater capable of heating the apparatus so that the temperature at 10mm above the die can be maintained within 60.2°C of the desired temperatureduring the test.The temperature of the barrel,from 10mm to 75mm above the top of the die,must be maintained within 61%of the set temperature (°C).N OTE 8—At temperatures higher than 200°C this degree of temperature control may be more difficult to obtain.5.5.2Calibrate the temperature-indicating device by means of a light-gage probe-type thermocouple or a platinum-resistance temperature sensor having a short sensing length.4The thermocouple should be encased in a metallic sheath having a diameter of approximately 1.6mm with its hot junction grounded to the end of the sheath.Insert the tempera-ture sensor into the melt from the top of the cylinder so that it is 1061mm above the upper face of the die.The temperature sensors shall be used with a potentiometer having a sensitivity of at least 0.005mV ,or a temperature readout having a sensitivity of at least 0.1°C.Calibration should also be verified at 75mm above the upper face of the die.An alternate technique for calibration is to use a sheathed thermocouple or platinum-resistance temperature sensor with tip diameter of 9.460.1mm for insertion in the bore without material present.An example of this is shown in Fig.3.Calibration of the temperature-indicating device shall be verified at each run temperature.N OTE 9—The response of the temperature sensing device may be affected by immersion level.Take care to ensure adequate insulation of the4Round-robin data showing flow rate and corresponding temperature profile of the melt obtained using probe-type thermocouples and platinum resistance tempera-ture sensors can be obtained from ASTM Headquarters.RequestRR:D20-1094.FIG.3Example of a Temperature Calibration DeviceNote A—Mineral glass insulation or equivalent spacer shall be bonded to tip and SS tube.Bond material shall be low conductivity type,400°C minimum rating.Insulation jacket material shall be low conductivity type (400°C minimum rating preferred,see Note 5).Note B—The RTD shall be inserted into bronze tip and bonded using high conductivity,400°C rated material.Tip of RTD element shall touch the bronze tip.Minimum insertion depth of 11.2mm clearance between RTD and tip wall shall beminimized.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---device sensor and stabilization of the barrel temperature.5.5.3Heat shall be supplied by electric band heater(s) covering the entire length of the cylinder.The heater(s)may be single-or multi-element,depending upon the manufacturer’s control means.The heater(s)plus control system must be capable of maintaining the temperature within the required 60.2°C of the set point.The temperature sensor and readout equipment must be calibrated to a traceable national standard (that is,NIST)at least once per year.The cylinder with the heater(s)shall be lagged with38mm of foamed-glass insula-tion.An insulating plate3.2mm in thickness shall be attached to the bottom of the cylinder to minimize heat loss at this point.5.6Temperature Controller—The type of controller and sensor must be capable of meeting the required control tolerance specified in5.—Thermometers having a range of4°C graduated in0.2°C divisions may be used to indicate tempera-ture.The temperature at this point may not necessarily be the temperature of the material10mm above the die.The thermometer may be used to monitor indirectly the temperature of the material10mm above the die and may be calibrated by reference to a thermocouple or platinum resistance temperature sensor inserted in the material10mm above the die.See5.5.2 for a description of a method for measuring temperature. (Warning—Caution should be observed with the use of a mercury-filled thermometer.Mercury vaporization occurs if the thermometer is broken.Mercury thermometers are not to be used at or above the boiling point of mercury,which is357°C.)5.8Level—Provision shall be made for vertical alignment of the bore of the extrusion plastometer.This is necessary to minimize subtractive loads resulting from rubbing or friction between the piston tip and sidewall.Means of alignment are discussed in Appendix X1.5.9Accessory Equipment—Necessary accessories include equipment for charging samples to the cylinder,a funnel,a die plug,a tool for cutting off the extruded sample,a timer or stop watch,cleaning equipment,go/no-go gages,a balance accurate to60.001g,and,when required,a weight or weight-piston support.N OTE10—Satisfactory operation of the apparatus for polyethylenes can be ascertained by making measurements on NIST Standard Reference Materials(SRMs)certified for meltflow rate.The four SRMs certified under condition190/2.16are SRM1473with aflow rate of1.29g/min, SRM1474with aflow rate of5.03g/10min,SRM1496with aflow rate of0.26g/10min,and SRM1497with aflow rate of0.19g/10min.SRM 1475a is certified under condition190/3.25with aflow rate of2.20g/10 min.56.Test Specimen6.1The test specimen may be in any form that can be introduced into the bore of the cylinder,for example,powder, granules,strips offilm,or molded slugs.It may be desirable to preform or pelletize a powder.7.Conditioning7.1Many thermoplastic materials do not require condition-ing prior to testing.Materials which contain volatile compo-nents,are chemically reactive,or have other special character-istics most probably require appropriate conditioning procedures.Moisture not only affects reproducibility offlow rate measurement but,in some types of materials,degradation is accelerated by moisture at the high temperatures used in testing.Check the applicable material specification for any conditioning requirements before using this test.See Practice D618for appropriate conditioning practices.8.Procedural Conditions8.1Standard conditions of test are given in Table1.Test conditions shall be shown as:Condition___/___,where the temperature in degrees Celsius is shownfirst,followed by the weight in kilograms.For example:Condition190/ following conditions have been found satisfactory for the material listed:Material Condition Acetals(copolymer and homopolymer)190/2.16190/1.05 Acrylics230/1.2230/3.8 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene200/5.0230/3.8220/10Acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene/polycarbonate230/3.8250/1.2blends265/3.8265/5.0 Cellulose esters190/0.325190/2.16190/21.60210/2.16 Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer271.5/2.16Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer297/5.0Nylon275/0.325235/1.0235/2.16235/5.0275/5.0Perfluoro(ethylene-propylene)copolymer372/2.16Perfluoroalkoxyalkane372/5.0Polycaprolactone125/2.1680/2.16 Polychlorotrifluorethylene265/12.5Polyether sulfone(PES)380/2.16360/10343/2.16Polyethylene125/0.325125/2.16250/1.2190/0.325190/2.16190/21.60190/10310/12.5Polycarbonate300/1.2Polymonochlorotrifluoroethylene265/21.6265/31.6Polypropylene230/2.16Polyphenyl sulfone(PPSU)365/5.0380/2.16 Polystyrene200/5.0230/1.2230/3.8190/5.0 Polysulfone(PSU)343/2.16360/10 Polyterephthalate250/2.16210/2.16285/2.16Poly(vinyl acetal)150/21.6Poly(vinylidenefluoride)230/21.6230/5.0Poly(phenylene sulfide)315/5.0Styrene acrylonitrile220/10230/10230/3.8Styrenic Thermoplastic Elastomer190/2.16200/5.0 Thermoplastic Elastomer-Ether-Ester190/2.16220/2.16230/2.16240/2.16250/2.16 Thermoplastic elastomers(TEO)230/2.16Vinylidenefluoride copolymers230/21.6230/5.0for T m=100°use120/5.0or21.6N OTE11—Some materials may require special materials of construc-tion or handling for performing this test.Please refer to the material5These standard polyethylenes are available from the National Institute ofStandards and Technology,Office of Standard Reference Materials,Washington,DC20234.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---specification for appropriate recommendations.8.3If more than one condition is used and the material is polyethylene,the determination of Flow Rate Ratio (FRR)has been found to be useful.The FRR is a dimensionless number derived by dividing the flow rate at Condition 190/10by the flow rate at Condition 190/2.16.N OTE 12—When determining such a ratio of flow rates for a material at the same temperature under different loads,it has been found that precision is maximized when one operator uses one Procedure (A or B),the same plastometer,and the same die for both measurements (the die need not be removed from the plastometer between the two determina-tions).9.Procedure A—Manual Operation9.1Select conditions of temperature and load from Table 1in accordance with material specifications such that flow rates will fall between 0.15to 50g/10min.9.2Ensure that the bore of the extrusion plastometer is properly aligned in the vertical direction.(See Appendix X1.)9.3Inspect the apparatus and die for cleanliness.If it is not clean,see 9.11.N OTE 13—The degree of cleanliness can significantly influence the flow rate results,therefore a thorough method of cleaning must be established.It has been found that three swabs of the barrel is satisfactory for most materials and that the die,barrel,and piston are more easily cleaned while hot.9.4Check the die bore diameter with appropriately sized no-go/go gages prior to testing.Make frequent checks to determine whether the die diameter (tested with die at 2365°C)is within the tolerances given in 5.3.N OTE 14—Cleaning and usage can result in a die diameter that is out of specifications.Data has shown that erroneous results will be obtained if the die diameter is not within the appropriate tolerances.9.5Verify that the temperature is stable and within 60.2°C of the appropriate test temperature as specified in the die and the piston.The temperature of the cylinder with the piston and die in place must be stable at the appropriate test temperature 15min before testing is begun.When equipment is used repetitiously,it should not be neces-sary to heat the piston and die for 15min.N OTE 15—The reduction in heating time when the unit is being used repetitiously is only allowed when runs of the same or similar material are being measured over a continuous time frame.If the piston and die are removed and cleaned,they should be considered “cold”and the full 15minutes heating stabilization time required.9.7Remove the piston and place it on an insulated surface.Charge the cylinder within 1min with a weighed portion of the sample in accordance with the expected flow rate,as given in Table 2.Reinsert the piston and add the appropriate weight.N OTE 16—Experience has shown that for the best reproducibility the piston should operate within the same part of the cylinder for eachTABLE 1Standard Test Conditions,Temperature,and Load//^:^^#^~^^""~:""~:$:@@:"#:$@~#~"^:"~*~~"^~:^^::*#^#$\\measurement.The piston is scribed so the starting point for each extrusion is roughly the same.Some excess of material over the minimum required for the actual flow measurement portion of the test is provided by the charging weights shown in Table 2.This is necessary to achieve a void-free extrudate and flow equilibrium before start of rate measure-ments.N OTE 17—It is frequently helpful to take interim cuts of the extrudate at uniform time intervals during the specified extrusion time.Weights of these individual cuts give an indication of the presence of bubbles which may be masked due to their size or to opacity of the sample.This technique is particularly helpful in the case of highly pigmented materials.Forcing out some of the resin manually during the preheat period often eliminates bubbles in the test extrudate.9.8Allow time for the material to soften and begin to melt,and then purge some material to a position such that subse-quent travel of the piston will position the lower scribe mark at the reference start position 7.060.5min from the completion of the charge.Purge must be completed at least 2min prior to start of the test for materials having melt flow rates less than 10g/10min.N OTE 18—It has been found that purging within 60s of the start time will result in higher variability in the data.N OTE 19—There may be cases where the 7.060.5min is too much or not enough preheat time.For those materials,provisions must be in the material documents.It is necessary to refer to the appropriate material document before beginning any test.N OTE 20—Additional care may be necessary to prevent thermal degra-dation in the extrusion plastometer.This is sometimes done by the addition of an appropriate antioxidant.For highly unstable materials,it may be necessary to use alternative techniques as an indication of flow charac-teristics.9.9For materials with flow rates greater than 10g/10min,a weight (and if needed,a piston)support must be used after the initial purge.The support shall be removed at such a time as to allow the test to begin within 760.5min of the completion of the charge.The piston/weight support should be of such a length that the lower scribe mark of the supportedpiston/weight will be 25mm above the top of the guide bushing or other suitable reference mark.N OTE 21—It has been found that the effect of choosing plugging,weight support,or both,is significant to the flow rate results.The choice of piston support was made to cover all conditions and flow rates 10to 50g/10min.9.10For all tests,start collecting a timed extrudate when requirements for the piston position are met,provided this is within 7.060.5min from the end of charging;otherwise,discard the charge and repeat the test with readjusted piston position after the initial purge,or change weights.Require-ments are that the top scribed mark on the piston be visible above the cylinder or index and that the lower scribe mark be in the cylinder or below the index.As the lower scribed mark approaches the top of the cylinder or index,reset the timer to zero,then simultaneously start the timer and make the initial cut-off when the position requirements are met.Make the final cut-off exactly when the time interval given in Table 2is reached.Collect the timed extrudate.If the extrudate contains visible bubbles,discard the complete charge and begin the test again.N OTE 22—The charge weight should only be increased if no material is being purged and there is still not enough material to complete the test.9.11Discharge the remainder of the specimen and push the die out through the top of the cylinder.Swab out the cylinder with cloth patches after the manner of cleaning a pistol barrel.The die may be cleaned by dissolving the residue in a solvent.A better method is pyrolytic decomposition of the residue in a nitrogen atmosphere.Place the die in a tubular combustion furnace or other device for heating to 550610°C and clean with a small nitrogen purge through the die.This method is preferable to flame or solvent cleaning,being faster than solvent cleaning and less detrimental to the die than an open flame.In certain cases where materials of a given class having similar flow characteristics are being tested consecutively,interim die cleaning may be unnecessary.In such cases,however,the effect of cleaning upon flow rate determination must be shown to be negligible if this step is avoided.9.12Once the extrudate is cool,weigh to the nearest 1mg.9.13Multiply the weight of the extrudate by the appropriate factor shown in Table 2to obtain the flow rate in grams per 10min.N OTE 23—Frequently,errors in test technique,apparatus geometry,or test conditions,which defy all but the most careful scrutiny exist,causing discrepancy in flow rate determinations.The existence of such errors is readily determined by periodically measuring a reference sample of known flow rate.The flow rate value and range to be tolerated can be determined using a statistically correct test program composed of multiple determinations with various instruments.Standard samples of polyethyl-ene,linear or branched,are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.9.14In case a specimen has a flow rate at the borderline of the ranges in Table 2and slightly different values are obtained at different time intervals,the referee value shall be obtained at the longer time interval.10.Procedure B—Automatically Timed Flow RateMeasurement 10.1Apparatus :TABLE 2Standard Test Conditions,Sample Mass,A and TestingTime BFlow Range,g/10min Suggested Mass of Sample in Cylinder,gTime Inter-val,min Factor for Obtaining Flow Rate in g/10min0.15to 1.0 2.5to 3.0 6.00 1.67>1.0to 3.5 3.0to 5.0 3.00 3.33>3.5to 10 4.0to 8.0 1.0010.00>10to 25 4.0to 8.00.5020.00>254.0to 8.00.2540.00AThis is a suggested mass for materials with melt densities of about 0.7g/cm 3.Correspondingly,greater quantities are suggested for materials of greater melt densities.Density of the molten resin (without filler)may be obtained using the procedure described by Terry,B.W.,and Yang,K.,“A New Method for Determining Melt Density as a Function of Pressure and Temperature,”SPE Journal ,SPEJA,Vol.20,No.6,June 1964,p.540or the procedure described by Zoller,Paul,“The Pressure-Volume-Temperature Properties of Polyolefins,”Journal of Applied Poly-mer Science ,Vol 23,1979,p.1051.It may also be obtained from the weight of an extruded known volume of resin at the desired temperature.For example,25.4mm (1in.)of piston movement extrudes 1.804cm 3of resin.An estimate of the density of the material can be calculated from the following equation:resin density at test temperature 5M /1.804where:M =mass of extruded resin.BSee 9.14.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^""~:""~:$:@@:"#:$@~#~"^:"~*~~"^~:^^::*#^#$\\10.1.1Extrusion plastometer and auxiliary equipment are detailed in Section 4and below.10.1.2A timing device shall electrically,optically,or me-chanically time piston movement within the specified travel range.The requirements of the system are as follows: and indicate the piston travel time within 60.01s (see Note 1). piston travel within 60.4%of the nomi-nal preset value (see use in the flow rate calculations. effects on the applied load must be included in the allowable tolerance given in should be preset or be settable for measuring piston travel of 6.3560.25mm for flow rates up to 10g/10min. should be preset or be adjustable for measuring piston travel of 25.460.25mm for flow rates greater than 10g/10min. ensure high interlaboratory reproducibility,it is important that the timing device operates within a fixed portion of the cylinder.This is defined as the portion of the cylinder between 4662mm and 20.662mm above the top of the die. die,cylinder,and position dimensions for conformance to 5.2-5.4and Figs.1and 2.10.2Procedure :10.2.1Refer to Table 1for selection of conditions of temperature and load in accordance with the material specifi-cation.10.2.2Check the die bore diameter with appropriately sized no-go/go gages prior to testing.Make frequent checks to determine whether the die diameter (tested with die at 2365°C)is within the tolerances given in 5.3(see Note 14).10.2.3Ensure that the bore of the extrusion plastometer is properly aligned in the vertical direction (see Appendix X1).10.2.4Inspect the apparatus and die for cleanliness.If it is not clean,see 9.11and Note the die bore diameter with appropriately sized no-go/go gages before beginning the test.Make frequent checks to determine whether the die diameter is within the tolerances given in 5.3(see Note 14).10.2.6Verify that the temperature is stable and within 60.2°C of the appropriate test temperature as specified in the die and the piston.The temperature of the cylinder with the piston and die in place must be stable at the appropriate test temperature 15min before testing is begun.When equipment is used repetitiously,it should not be neces-sary to heat the piston and die for 15min.10.2.8Adjust the travel arm to 6.3560.25mm for mea-suring materials with expected flow rates of up to 10g/10min or 25.4060.25mm for measuring materials with expected flow rates of 10g/10min or higher.N OTE 24—It has been found that for some materials the melt flow rates obtained on a material will be different depending on which timer length is chosen;therefore,it is important to adhere to the protocol in 10.2.8to compare interlaboratory results.10.2.9Remove the piston and place it on an insulated surface.Charge the cylinder within 60s with a weighted portion of the sample in accordance with the expected flow rate,as given in Table 2.Reinsert the piston and add weight.10.2.10Allow time for the material to soften and begin to melt,and then purge some material to a position such that subsequent travel of the piston will position the lower scribe mark at the reference start position 7.060.5min from the completion of the charge.Purge must be completed at least 2min prior to start of the test for materials having melt flow rates less than 10g/10min (see Note 18).10.2.11Weight and piston support,if needed,must be used after the initial purge.The support will be removed at such a time as to allow the timer to activate within 7.060.5min after completion of the charge.If the timer is not activated within 760.5min after the completion of the charge,the test must be repeated with readjusted piston position after the initial purge,or change weights.The piston/weight support should be of such a length that the lower scribe mark of the supported piston/weight will be at least 25mm above the top of the cylinder.Only use piston support if there is excessive material flow (see Notes 21and 22).10.2.12For materials greater than 50g/10min a die plug must be used in addition to the piston/weight support.The die plug is inserted before charge and is removed prior to removing the piston/weight support.The initial charge should be adjusted to reduce excess flow.If the timer arm is not activated within 760.5min after the completion of the charge the test must be repeated with readjusted piston position,or change weights (see Notes 21and 22).(Warning—Rapid expulsion of mate-rial when die plug is removed may be hazardous.)10.2.13If the timed extrudate contains visible bubbles,repeat the test (see Note 23).10.2.14Record the time to the nearest 0.01s for the piston to complete the calibrated distance of travel.10.2.15Discharge any remaining resin and clean the die,piston,and cylinder as detailed in 9.11.11.Procedure C—Automatically Timed Flow RateMeasurement for High Flow Rate Polyolefins Using Half-Height,Half Diameter Die 11.1Apparatus :11.1.1Extrusion plastometer and auxiliary equipment are detailed in Sections 5and polyolefins with a MFR of 75or greater using the standard die (See 5.3),an alternate die can be used to reduce the flow rate of these materials and improve the reproducibility of results.The alternate die dimensions shall be:Height 4.000TABLE 3Factors for Calculation of Flow RateMaterial (Unpigmented)Tempera-ture,°C Piston Travel,L ,cm [in.]Factor forCalculation of FlowRate,F APolyethylene 190 2.54[1]826Polyethylene 1900.635[0.25]207Polypropylene 230 2.54[1]799Polypropylene2300.635[0.25]200AFactors calculated using melt-density values of 0.7636g/cm 3for polyethylene and 0.7386g/cm 3for polypropylene,as expressed in article by Zoller,Paul,“The Pressure-Volume-Temperature Properties of Polyolefins,”Journal of Applied Poly-mer Science ,Vol 23,1979,P .1051.The base densities at 23°C for which the melt densities are reported were 0.917g/dm 3for annealed low-density polyethylene and polypropylenehomopolymer.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^""~:""~:$:@@:"#:$@~#~"^:"~*~~"^~:^^::*#^#$\\。




现行熔体流动速率测试标准GB/T 3682-2000,ISO 1133:2011[3],ASTM D1238-2013[4](以下分别简称GB,ISO,ASTM)都规定了热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率(MFR)和熔体体积流动速率(MVR)的测试方法,分别为A法和B法。


astmd1238 质量法

astmd1238 质量法
















常见塑料物性的检测及标准流动系数(1)测试的标准:ASTM D1238(2)常用的测试标准的量测仪器是溶液指数计(Melt Indexer).(3)流动系数检测方法:是一种表示塑胶材料加工时的流动性的数值。

它是美国量测标准协会(ASTM)根据美国杜邦公司(Du Pont)惯用的鉴定塑料特性的方法制定而成,其测试方法是先让塑料粒在一定时间(10分钟)内、一定温度及压力(各种材料标准不同)下,融化成塑料流体,然后通过一直径为2.1mm圆管所流出的克(g)数。







收缩率•测试的标准:ASTM D955•塑胶制品经冷却、固化并脱模成形后,其尺寸与原模具尺寸之差的百分比。





<1>热塑性塑料塑料名称成形收缩率(%)塑料名称成形收缩率(%)塑料名称成形收缩率(%)ABS0.3~0.8PA0.6~2.5POM0.8~3.5 AS0.2~0.7PA-60.5~2.2PP 1.0~2.5 CA0.3~0.8PA-660.5~2.5PPO0.5~0.7 CAB0.4~0.5PA-610 1.2PPS0.6~1.4 CAP1PA-612 1.1PS0.2~1.0 CP0.4~0.5PA-11 1.2PVA0.5~1.5 EC0.4~0.5PA-120.3~1.5PVAC0.5~1.5 EPS0.4PAR0.8~1.0PVB0.5~1.5 FEP 3.0~4.0PBT 1.3~2.4硬质PVC0.1~0.5FRP0.1~0.4PC0.4~0.7软质PVC 1.0~5.0 EVA0.5~1.5PCTFE0.2~2.5PVCA 1.0~5.0 HDPE 1.2~2.2PE0.5~2.5PVDC0.5~2.5 HIPS0.2~1.0PET 2.0~2.5PVFM0.5~1.5 LCP0.1~1.0PES0.5~1.0SAN0.2~0.6 LDPE 1.5~3.0PMMA0.2~0.8SB0.2~1.0<2>热固性塑料塑料名称成形收缩率(%)塑料名称成形收缩率(%) EP0.1~0.5SP0.0~0.5MF0.5~1.5UF0.6~1.4PDAP0.1~0.5UP0.1~1.2PF0.4~0.9DAP0.1~0.5PU0.6~0.8BMC0.0~0.2热膨胀系数•测试的标准:ASTM D696•塑料加热时尺寸膨胀的比率•由于一般塑料的热膨胀系数比金属大2~10倍,因此在设计模具、塑料与金属并用的器具、塑料的钳核物时,必须详加考虑,以防止因内部应力而造成产品的龟裂变形。



ASTM-D1238中文翻译(熔融流动率、熔融指数、体积流动速率)用挤压塑料计测量热塑性塑料熔体流动速率的试验方法 1. 范围1.1该测试方法涵盖了熔融树脂挤出流动速率测试方法,通过在精确的温度,载荷,压料杆在料筒位置等条件下,指定长度和直径的口模来定时测量。





1.3.1 计算熔融体积流动速率及熔融质量流动速率的规定。

Note1――如果定时器可以定时最短时间达到0.01s. 反复循环测试表明测试方法适合流动速率最大为1500g/10min,Note2――测试方法和ISO 1133-1991年在技术上是相当的。

2. 参考文献:略 3.术语:略 4. 意义及使用4.1本试验方法是特别适用于热塑性塑料的品质管控测试。


4.2 该测试方法用于流动速率显示一致且采用单一加工制造的塑料,这种情况可能其他性能也显示一致。



4.4 在8.2列下的任何条件,一种材料的流动速率都可能被测量。







1. ASTM D1238-13a 标准测试方法ASTM D1238-13a 是由美国材料和试验协会(ASTM International)制定的标准测试方法,用于测定塑料熔融指数(Melt Flow Rate,MFR)。

该测试方法适用于流动速率在0.10 g/10 min到200 g/10 min之间的熔融塑料。

测试过程中,使用一台熔体流动速率仪(Melt Flow Rate Tester)对塑料试样进行测试。



2. ISO 1133 标准测试方法ISO 1133 是国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)制定的标准测试方法,也用于测定塑料的熔融指数。

该方法与ASTM D1238-13a类似,适用于流动速率在0.1 g/10 min到50 g/10 min之间的塑料。

ISO 1133测试方法使用一台熔体流动速率仪进行测试。



3. GB/T 3682-2000 标准测试方法GB/T 3682-2000 是中国国家标准化管理委员会(Standardization Administration of China)制定的标准测试方法,用于测定塑料的熔融流动速率。

该方法适用于流动速率在0.1 g/10 min到1000 g/10 min 之间的塑料。



塑料物性检测标准ISO ASTM DIN_对比

塑料物性检测标准ISO ASTM  DIN_对比

Procedure A: 0.15-50
DIN 5373O 3451/1-1997
GB 9345-88
1.坩埚称重, 材料净重
2.燃烧后放入马弗炉中煅烧 600±25度, 0.5 h
试样量不超过坩埚体积一半, 燃烧火焰不超过2.5cm
在马弗炉中煅烧不超过3 h
80*10*4 标准扰度0.34
127*13*3-13 标准扰度0.25
试样中点弯曲变形达到 0.34mm时的温度
平放试样, 三点弯曲应 力,恒速升温,形变量达 标准扰度的温度
2.平放试样,施加载 荷,5min后,调零
3.匀速升温,记录达标准 扰度的温度
A法:0.45MPa; B法:1.8MPa 最少2个试样 起始温度<27度 升温速度120度/h
样条尺寸 测试方法 特殊说明
ISO 179
80*10*4(缺口2) 支撑线间距离62
GB 1043-96
ASTM D 6110 – 06
80*10*4(缺口2) 支撑线间距离60
1.铣缺口 2.测量试样尺寸 3.选择摆锤(能量最大), 调节校准仪器
4.抬起摆锤,放置试样, 缺口背对刀刃

ISO 1133-2005 GB 3682-2000
ASTM D1238
1.清洗仪器, 升温恒温 15min; 2.装样压实,预热 3.施负荷,下标线达料筒 顶面时计时并切除料条
4.按一定间隔切取料条至 上标线达料筒顶面
5. 选合格料条计算结果
5min预热,切条长度10-20 mm 230 oC, 2.16 kgPA6 PA66 ABS AS PC/ABS PBT PET PPO PPS PEEK POM HIPS

ASTM D1238

ASTM D1238

Designation:D1238–04aStandard Test Method forMelt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D1238;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers measurement of the rate of extrusion of molten resins through a die of a specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature,load, and piston position in the barrel as the timed measurement is being made.1.2Procedure A is a manual cutoff operation based on time used for materials havingflow rates that fall generally between 0.15and50g/10min.Procedure B is an automatically timed flow rate measurement used for materials havingflows from 0.50to900g/10min.By both procedures,the piston travel is generally the same during the timed measurement;the piston foot is about46and20.6mm above the parableflow rates have been obtained by these procedures in interlaboratory round-robin measurements of several materials described in 13.1.Provision is made for calculation of melt volume-flow rate as well as melt mass-flow rate.N OTE1—Round-robin testing indicates this test method may be suit-able atflow rates up to1500g/10min if the timing clock resolves the elapsed time to the nearest0.01s.N OTE2—This test method and ISO1133-1991are technically equiva-lent.1.3This standard does not purport to address the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.Specific precautionary statements are given in5.7,10.2.12,and14.1.2.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D618Practice for Conditioning Plastics for TestingD883Terminology Relating to PlasticsE691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study toDetermine the Precision of a Test Method2.2ANSI Standard:B46.1on Surface Texture32.3ISO Standard:ISO1133-1991Determination of the Melt-Mass Flow Rate (MFR)and the Melt V olume-Flow Rate(MVR)of Ther-moplastics33.Terminology3.1General:3.1.1For definition of some of the technical terms used in this test method refer to Terminology D883.4.Significance and Use4.1This test method is particularly useful for quality control tests on thermoplastics.N OTE3—Polymers havingflow rates less than0.15or greater than900 g/10min may be tested by the procedures in this test method;however, precision data have not been developed.4.2This test method serves to indicate the uniformity of the flow rate of the polymer as made by an individual process and, in this case,may be indicative of uniformity of other proper-ties.However,uniformity offlow rate among various polymers as made by various processes does not,in the absence of other tests,indicate uniformity of other properties.4.3Theflow rate obtained with the extrusion plastometer is not a fundamental polymer property.It is an empirically defined parameter critically influenced by the physical proper-ties and molecular structure of the polymer and the conditions of measurement.The rheological characteristics of polymer melts depend on a number of variables.Since the values of these variables occurring in this test may differ substantially from those in large-scale processes,test results may not correlate directly with processing behavior.4.4Theflow rate of a material may be measured under any of the conditions listed for it in8.2.Additional characterization of a material can be obtained if more than one condition is used.In case two conditions are employed,a Flow Rate Ratio (FRR)may be obtained by dividing theflow rate at one condition by theflow rate at the other condition.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.30on Thermal Properties (Section D20.30.08).Current edition approved August1,2004.Published August2004.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2004as D1238-04.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Rohm Haas Company; Wed Oct 13 01:50:34 EDT 20045.Apparatus5.1Plastometer :5.1.1The apparatus shall be a dead-weight piston plastom-eter consisting of a thermostatically controlled heated steel cylinder with a die at the lower end and a weighted piston operating within the cylinder.The essential features of the plastometer,illustrated in Figs.1and 2,are described in 5.2-5.8.All dimensional measurements shall be made when the article being measured is at 2365°C.5.1.2Relatively minor changes in the design and arrange-ment of the component parts have been shown to cause differences in results among laboratories.It is important,therefore,for the best interlaboratory agreement that the design adhere closely to the description herein;otherwise,it should be determined that modifications do not influence the results.5.2Cylinder —The steel cylinder shall be 50.8mm in diameter,162mm in length with a smooth,straight hole 9.550460.0076mm in diameter,displaced 4.8mm from the cylinder axis.Wells for a thermal sensor (thermoregulator,thermistor,etc.)and thermometer shall be provided as shown in Fig.1.A 3.2-mm plate shall be attached to the bottom of the cylinder to retain the die.A hole in this plate,centered under the die and countersunk from below,allows free passage of the extrudate.The cylinder may be supported by at least two6.4-mm high-strength screws at the top (radially positioned at right angles to the applied load)or by at least two 10-mm diameter rods screwed into the side of the cylinder for attaching to a vertical support.The essential dimensions of a satisfactory cylinder of this type are shown in Fig.1(Note 4).The cylinder bore should be finished by techniques known to produce approximately 12rms or better in accordance with ANSI B46.1.N OTE 4—Cylinders made of SAE 52100or other equivalent steel heat-hardened to 60–65Rockwell Hardness Scale C give good service when used at temperatures below 200°C.Cylinder liners of cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy are also satisfactory to 300°C.5.3Die —The outside of the steel die shall be such diameter that it will fall freely to the bottom of the 9.550460.0076mm diameter hole in the cylinder (Note 5).The die shall have a smooth straight bore 2.095560.0051mm in diameter and shall be 8.00060.025mm in length.The bore and its finish are critical.It shall have no visible drill or other tool marks and no detectable eccentricity.The die bore shall be finished by techniques known to produce approximately 12rms or better in accordance with ANSI B46.1.N OTE 5—Recommended die material is tungsten carbide.Also satisfac-tory are steel,synthetic sapphire,and cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy.5.4Piston :5.4.1The piston shall be made of steel with an insulating bushing at the top as a barrier to heat transfer from the piston to the weight.The land of the piston shall be 9.474260.0076mm in diameter and6.3560.13mm in length.ThepistonFIG.1General Arrangement of ExtrusionPlastometerFIG.2Details of ExtrusionPlastometerdesign may incorporate means for land replacement,for example,having threads and flats immediately above the land.Above the land,the piston shall be no larger than 8.915mm in diameter (Note 6).The finish of the piston foot shall be 12rms in accordance with ANSI B46.1.If wear or corrosion is a problem,the piston should be of stainless steel and equipped with a detachable foot for ease of replacement.N OTE 6—To improve standardization it is preferable that the piston be guided with a loose-fitting metal sleeve at the top of the cylinder.N OTE 7—Pistons of SAE 52100steel with the bottom 25mm,including the foot,hardened to a Rockwell hardness,C scale,of 55to 59have been found to give good service when used at temperatures below 200°C.5.4.2The piston shall be scribed with two reference marks 4mm apart in such fashion that when the lower mark coincides with the top of the cylinder or other suitable reference point,the bottom of the piston is 48mm above the top of the die (see Fig.1).5.4.3The combined weight of piston and load shall be within a tolerance of 60.5%of the selected load.5.5Heater :5.5.1The equipment must have a heater capable of heating the apparatus so that the temperature at 10mm above the die can be maintained within 60.2°C of the desired temperature during the test.The temperature of the barrel,from 10mm to 75mm above the top of the die,must be maintained within 61%of the set temperature (°C).N OTE 8—At temperatures higher than 200°C this degree of temperature control may be more difficult to obtain.5.5.2Calibrate the temperature-indicating device by means of a light-gage probe-type thermocouple or a platinum-resistance temperature sensor having a short sensing length.4The thermocouple should be encased in a metallic sheath having a diameter of approximately 1.6mm with its hot junction grounded to the end of the sheath.Insert the tempera-ture sensor into the melt from the top of the cylinder so that it is 1061mm above the upper face of the die.The temperature sensors shall be used with a potentiometer having a sensitivity of at least 0.005mV ,or a temperature readout having a sensitivity of at least 0.1°C.Calibration should also be verified at 75mm above the upper face of the die.An alternate technique for calibration is to use a sheathed thermocouple or platinum-resistance temperature sensor with tip diameter of 9.460.1mm for insertion in the bore without material present.An example of this is shown in Fig.3.Calibration of the temperature-indicating device shall be verified at each run temperature.N OTE 9—The response of the temperature sensing device may be affected by immersion level.Take care to ensure adequate insulation of the device sensor and stabilization of the barrel temperature.5.5.3Heat shall be supplied by electric band heater(s)covering the entire length of the cylinder.The heater(s)may be single-or multi-element,depending upon the manufacturer’s control means.The heater(s)plus control system must be capable of maintaining the temperature within the required 60.2°C of the set point.The temperature sensor and readout equipment must be calibrated to a traceable national standard4Round-robin data showing flow rate and corresponding temperature profile of the melt obtained using probe-type thermocouples and platinum resistance tempera-ture sensors can be obtained from ASTM Headquarters.RequestRR:D20-1094.FIG.3Example of a Temperature Calibration DeviceNote A—Mineral glass insulation or equivalent spacer shall be bonded to tip and SS tube.Bond material shall be low conductivity type,400°C minimum rating.Insulation jacket material shall be low conductivity type (400°C minimum rating preferred,see Note 5).Note B—The RTD shall be inserted into bronze tip and bonded using high conductivity,400°C rated material.Tip of RTD element shall touch the bronze tip.Minimum insertion depth of 11.2mm clearance between RTD and tip wall shall beminimized.(that is,NIST)at least once per year.The cylinder with the heater(s)shall be lagged with38mm of foamed-glass insula-tion.An insulating plate3.2mm in thickness shall be attached to the bottom of the cylinder to minimize heat loss at this point.5.6Temperature Controller—The type of controller and sensor must be capable of meeting the required control tolerance specified in5.—Thermometers having a range of4°C graduated in0.2°C divisions may be used to indicate tempera-ture.The temperature at this point may not necessarily be the temperature of the material10mm above the die.The thermometer may be used to monitor indirectly the temperature of the material10mm above the die and may be calibrated by reference to a thermocouple or platinum resistance temperature sensor inserted in the material10mm above the die.See5.5.2 for a description of a method for measuring temperature. (Warning—Caution should be observed with the use of a mercury-filled thermometer.Mercury vaporization occurs if the thermometer is broken.Mercury thermometers are not to be used at or above the boiling point of mercury,which is357°C.) N OTE10—Warning:5.8Level—Provision shall be made for vertical alignment of the bore of the extrusion plastometer.This is necessary to minimize subtractive loads resulting from rubbing or friction between the piston tip and sidewall.Means of alignment are discussed in Appendix X1.5.9Accessory Equipment—Necessary accessories include equipment for charging samples to the cylinder,a funnel,a die plug,a tool for cutting off the extruded sample,a timer or stop watch,cleaning equipment,go/no-go gages,a balance accurate to60.001g,and,when required,a weight or weight-piston support.N OTE11—Satisfactory operation of the apparatus for polyethylenes can be ascertained by making measurements on NIST Standard Reference Materials(SRMs)certified for meltflow rate.The four SRMs certified under condition190/2.16are SRM1473with aflow rate of1.29g/min, SRM1474with aflow rate of5.03g/10min,SRM1496with aflow rate of0.26g/10min,and SRM1497with aflow rate of0.19g/10min.SRM 1475a is certified under condition190/3.25with aflow rate of2.20g/10 min.56.Test Specimen6.1The test specimen may be in any form that can be introduced into the bore of the cylinder,for example,powder, granules,strips offilm,or molded slugs.It may be desirable to preform or pelletize a powder.7.Conditioning7.1Many thermoplastic materials do not require condition-ing prior to testing.Materials which contain volatile compo-nents,are chemically reactive,or have other special character-istics most probably require appropriate conditioning procedures.Moisture not only affects reproducibility offlow rate measurement but,in some types of materials,degradation is accelerated by moisture at the high temperatures used in testing.Check the applicable material specification for any conditioning requirements before using this test.See Practice D618for appropriate conditioning practices.8.Procedural Conditions8.1Standard conditions of test are given in Table1.Test conditions shall be shown as:Condition___/___,where the temperature in degrees Celsius is shownfirst,followed by the weight in kilograms.For example:Condition190/ following conditions have been found satisfactory for the material listed:Material Condition Acetals(copolymer and homopolymer)190/2.16190/1.05 Acrylics230/1.2230/3.8 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene200/5.0230/3.8220/10Acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene/polycarbonate230/3.8250/1.2blends265/3.8265/5.0 Cellulose esters190/0.325190/2.16190/21.60210/2.16 Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer271.5/2.16Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer297/5.0Nylon275/0.325235/1.0235/2.16235/5.0275/5.0Perfluoro(ethylene-propylene)copolymer372/2.16Perfluoroalkoxyalkane372/5.0Polycaprolactone125/2.1680/2.16 Polychlorotrifluorethylene265/12.5Polyether sulfone(PES)380/2.16360/10343/2.16Polyethylene125/0.325125/2.16250/1.2190/0.325190/2.16190/21.60190/10310/12.5Polycarbonate300/1.2Polymonochlorotrifluoroethylene265/21.6265/31.6Polypropylene230/2.16Polyphenyl sulfone(PPSU)365/5.0380/2.16 Polystyrene200/5.0230/1.2230/3.8190/5.0 Polysulfone(PSU)343/2.16360/10 Polyterephthalate250/2.16210/2.16285/2.16Poly(vinyl acetal)150/21.6Poly(vinylidenefluoride)230/21.6230/5.0Poly(phenylene sulfide)315/5.0Styrene acrylonitrile220/10230/10230/3.8Styrenic Thermoplastic Elastomer190/2.16200/5.0 Thermoplastic Elastomer-Ether-Ester190/2.16220/2.16230/2.16240/2.16250/2.16 Thermoplastic elastomers(TEO)230/2.16Vinylidenefluoride copolymers230/21.6230/5.0for T m=100°use120/5.0or21.6N OTE12—Some materials may require special materials of construc-tion or handling for performing this test.Please refer to the material specification for appropriate recommendations.8.3If more than one condition is used and the material is polyethylene,the determination of Flow Rate Ratio(FRR)has been found to be useful.The FRR is a dimensionless number derived by dividing theflow rate at Condition190/10by the flow rate at Condition190/2.16.N OTE13—When determining such a ratio offlow rates for a material at5These standard polyethylenes are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology,Office of Standard Reference Materials,Washington,DC20234.the same temperature under different loads,it has been found that precision is maximized when one operator uses one Procedure (A or B),the same plastometer,and the same die for both measurements (the die need not be removed from the plastometer between the two determina-tions).9.Procedure A—Manual Operation9.1Select conditions of temperature and load from Table 1in accordance with material specifications such that flow rates will fall between 0.15to 50g/10min.9.2Ensure that the bore of the extrusion plastometer is properly aligned in the vertical direction.(See Appendix X1.)9.3Inspect the apparatus and die for cleanliness.If it is not clean,see 9.11.N OTE 14—The degree of cleanliness can significantly influence the flow rate results,therefore a thorough method of cleaning must be established.It has been found that three swabs of the barrel is satisfactory for most materials and that the die,barrel,and piston are more easily cleaned while hot.9.4Check the die bore diameter with appropriately sized no-go/go gages prior to testing.Make frequent checks to determine whether the die diameter (tested with die at 2365°C)is within the tolerances given in 5.3.N OTE 15—Cleaning and usage can result in a die diameter that is out of specifications.Data has shown that erroneous results will be obtained if the die diameter is not within the appropriate tolerances.9.5Verify that the temperature is stable and within 60.2°C of the appropriate test temperature as specified in the die and the piston.The temperature of the cylinder with the piston and die in place must be stable at the appropriate test temperature 15min before testing is begun.When equipment is used repetitiously,it should not be neces-sary to heat the piston and die for 15min.N OTE 16—The reduction in heating time when the unit is being used repetitiously is only allowed when runs of the same or similar material are being measured over a continuous time frame.If the piston and die are removed and cleaned,they should be considered “cold”and the full 15minutes heating stabilization time required.9.7Remove the piston and place it on an insulated surface.Charge the cylinder within 1min with a weighed portion of the sample in accordance with the expected flow rate,as given in Table 2.Reinsert the piston and add the appropriate weight.N OTE 17—Experience has shown that for the best reproducibility the piston should operate within the same part of the cylinder for each measurement.The piston is scribed so the starting point for each extrusion is roughly the same.Some excess of material over the minimum required for the actual flow measurement portion of the test is provided by the charging weights shown in Table 2.This is necessary to achieve a void-free extrudate and flow equilibrium before start of rate measure-ments.N OTE 18—It is frequently helpful to take interim cuts of the extrudate at uniform time intervals during the specified extrusion time.Weights ofTABLE 1Standard Test Conditions,Temperature,and LoadCondition Temperature,°CTotal Load Including Piston,kgApproximate PressureStandard DesignationkPa psi 80/2.1680 2.16125/0.3251250.32544.8 6.5125/2.16125 2.16298.243.25150/2.16150 2.16298.243.25190/0.3251900.32544.8 6.5190/2.16190 2.16298.243.25190/21.6019021.602982.2432.5200/5.0200 5.0689.5100.0230/1.2230 1.2165.424.0230/3.8230 3.8524.076.0265/12.526512.51723.7250.0275/0.3252750.32544.8 6.5230/2.16230 2.16298.243.25190/1.05190 1.05144.721.0190/10.019010.01379.0200.0300/1.2300 1.2165.424.0190/5.0190 5.0689.5100.0235/1.0235 1.0138.220.05235/2.16235 2.16298.243.25235/5.0235 5.0689.5100.0250/2.16250 2.16298.243.25310/12.531012.51723.7250.0210/2.16210 2.16298.243.25285/2.16285 2.16298.243.25315/5.0315 5.0689.5100.0372/2.16372 2.16298.243.25372/5.0372 5.0689.5100297/5.0297 5.0689.5100230/21.623021.62982.2432.5230/5.0230 5.0689.5100265/21.626521.62982.2432.5265/31.626531.64361.2632.5271.5/2.16271.5 2.16298.243.25220/1022010.01379.0200.0250/1.2250 1.2165.424.0265/3.8265 3.8524.076.0265/52655.0689.5100.0these individual cuts give an indication of the presence of bubbles which may be masked due to their size or to opacity of the sample.This technique is particularly helpful in the case of highly pigmented materials.Forcing out some of the resin manually during the preheat period often eliminates bubbles in the test extrudate.9.8Allow time for the material to soften and begin to melt,and then purge some material to a position such that subse-quent travel of the piston will position the lower scribe mark at the reference start position 7.060.5min from the completion of the charge.Purge must be completed at least 2min prior to start of the test for materials having melt flow rates less than 10g/10min.N OTE 19—It has been found that purging within 60s of the start time will result in higher variability in the data.N OTE 20—There may be cases where the 7.060.5min is too much or not enough preheat time.For those materials,provisions must be in the material documents.It is necessary to refer to the appropriate material document before beginning any test.N OTE 21—Additional care may be necessary to prevent thermal degra-dation in the extrusion plastometer.This is sometimes done by the addition of an appropriate antioxidant.For highly unstable materials,it may be necessary to use alternative techniques as an indication of flow charac-teristics.9.9For materials with flow rates greater than 10g/10min,a weight (and if needed,a piston)support must be used after the initial purge.The support shall be removed at such a time as to allow the test to begin within 760.5min of the completion of the charge.The piston/weight support should be of such a length that the lower scribe mark of the supported piston/weight will be 25mm above the top of the guide bushing or other suitable reference mark.N OTE 22—It has been found that the effect of choosing plugging,weight support,or both,is significant to the flow rate results.The choice of piston support was made to cover all conditions and flow rates 10to 50g/10min.9.10For all tests,start collecting a timed extrudate when requirements for the piston position are met,provided this iswithin 7.060.5min from the end of charging;otherwise,discard the charge and repeat the test with readjusted piston position after the initial purge,or change weights.Require-ments are that the top scribed mark on the piston be visible above the cylinder or index and that the lower scribe mark be in the cylinder or below the index.As the lower scribed mark approaches the top of the cylinder or index,reset the timer to zero,then simultaneously start the timer and make the initial cut-off when the position requirements are met.Make the final cut-off exactly when the time interval given in Table 2is reached.Collect the timed extrudate.If the extrudate contains visible bubbles,discard the complete charge and begin the test again.N OTE 23—The charge weight should only be increased if no material is being purged and there is still not enough material to complete the test.9.11Discharge the remainder of the specimen and push the die out through the top of the cylinder.Swab out the cylinder with cloth patches after the manner of cleaning a pistol barrel.The die may be cleaned by dissolving the residue in a solvent.A better method is pyrolytic decomposition of the residue in a nitrogen atmosphere.Place the die in a tubular combustion furnace or other device for heating to 550610°C and clean with a small nitrogen purge through the die.This method is preferable to flame or solvent cleaning,being faster than solvent cleaning and less detrimental to the die than an open flame.In certain cases where materials of a given class having similar flow characteristics are being tested consecutively,interim die cleaning may be unnecessary.In such cases,however,the effect of cleaning upon flow rate determination must be shown to be negligible if this step is avoided.9.12Once the extrudate is cool,weigh to the nearest 1mg.9.13Multiply the weight of the extrudate by the appropriate factor shown in Table 2to obtain the flow rate in grams per 10min.N OTE 24—Frequently,errors in test technique,apparatus geometry,or test conditions,which defy all but the most careful scrutiny exist,causing discrepancy in flow rate determinations.The existence of such errors is readily determined by periodically measuring a reference sample of known flow rate.The flow rate value and range to be tolerated can be determined using a statistically correct test program composed of multiple determinations with various instruments.Standard samples of polyethyl-ene,linear or branched,are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.9.14In case a specimen has a flow rate at the borderline of the ranges in Table 2and slightly different values are obtained at different time intervals,the referee value shall be obtained at the longer time interval.10.Procedure B—Automatically Timed Flow RateMeasurement 10.1Apparatus :10.1.1Extrusion plastometer and auxiliary equipment are detailed in Section 4and below.10.1.2A timing device shall electrically,optically,or me-chanically time piston movement within the specified travel range.The requirements of the system are as follows: and indicate the piston travel time within 60.01s (see Note 1).TABLE 2Standard Test Conditions,Sample Mass,A and TestingTime BFlow Range,g/10min Suggested Mass of Sample in Cylinder,gTime Inter-val,min Factor for Obtaining Flow Rate in g/10min0.15to 1.0 2.5to 3.0 6.00 1.67>1.0to 3.5 3.0to 5.0 3.00 3.33>3.5to 10 4.0to 8.0 1.0010.00>10to 25 4.0to 8.00.5020.00>254.0to 8.00.2540.00AThis is a suggested mass for materials with melt densities of about 0.7g/cm 3.Correspondingly,greater quantities are suggested for materials of greater melt densities.Density of the molten resin (without filler)may be obtained using the procedure described by Terry,B.W.,and Yang,K.,“A New Method for Determining Melt Density as a Function of Pressure and Temperature,”SPE Journal ,SPEJA,Vol.20,No.6,June 1964,p.540or the procedure described by Zoller,Paul,“The Pressure-Volume-Temperature Properties of Polyolefins,”Journal of Applied Poly-mer Science ,Vol 23,1979,p.1051.It may also be obtained from the weight of an extruded known volume of resin at the desired temperature.For example,25.4mm (1in.)of piston movement extrudes 1.804cm 3of resin.An estimate of the density of the material can be calculated from the following equation:resin density at test temperature 5M /1.804where:M =mass of extruded resin.BSee9.14.。











1. 预试样制备:将预试样料加入到试验设备中,通过预试样制备设备将其熔融,然后将熔融的预试样料从试验设备中移除。


2. 试验样制备:将预试样料放入熔融指数仪的料筒中,根据ASTM1238标准设定的温度和压力条件进行试验样制备。


3. 试验过程:通过检测挤出的试验样料通过孔嘴的体积或重量,计算出熔融指数。










D 1000-1999 电气和电子设备用压敏粘结涂覆带的试验方法ASTM D 1002-2001 用拉力负载法测定单面搭接粘结金属试样的表面剪切强度的标准试验方法(金属之间) ASTM D 1003-2000 透明塑料混浊度和透光系数的标准试验方法ASTM D 1004-1994 塑料薄膜和薄板的抗撕裂强度的测试方法ASTM D 1005-1995 用千分尺测量有机涂层干膜厚度的试验方法ASTM D 1006-2001 木材表面涂料的室外暴露试验标准实施规程ASTM D 1007-2000 仲丁醇ASTM D 1013-1993 树脂和塑料中总氮量的测试方法ASTM D 1014-1995 钢材表面涂料室外暴露试验方法ASTM D 1015-1999 高纯度烃冻结点的标准测试方法ASTM D 1016-1999 通过冻结点测定烃纯度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1018-2000 石油馏分中氢含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1025-1996 聚合级丁二烯中不挥发性残余物的试验方法ASTM D 1029-1995 纸和纸板的抗剥离试验方法ASTM D 1030-1995 纸和纸板纤维分析的试验方法ASTM D 1034-1994 氟铬砷酸盐苯酚ASTM D 1035-1994 氟铬砷酸盐苯酚的化学分析方法ASTM D 1036-1999 木电杆的标准静态试验方法ASTM D 1037-1999 木质纤维板和刨花板的性能评定试验方法ASTM D 1038-1983 薄板和胶合板相关术语的定义ASTM D 1039-1994 电绝缘用玻璃粘合云母的试验方法ASTM D 1042a-2001 加速操作状态下塑料线性尺寸变化的标准测试方法ASTM D 1043-1999 用扭转试验法测定温度对塑料硬挺度影响的试验方法ASTM D 1044-1999 透明塑料表面耐磨蚀性的试验方法ASTM D 1045-1995 塑料用增塑剂的取样与试验方法ASTM D 1047-1995 电线及电缆用聚氯乙烯套管ASTM D 1048-1999 橡胶绝缘毡层ASTM D 1049-1998 橡胶绝缘封盖物ASTM D 1050-1990 橡胶绝缘衬里套管ASTM D 1051-1995 橡胶绝缘管ASTM D 1052-1985 用罗斯挠曲装置测定橡胶切口扩展的试验方法ASTM D 1053-1992 橡胶特性试验.挠性聚合物和涂覆制品的低温劲度测试方法ASTM D 1054-1991 用回跳摆锤法测定橡胶弹性的试验方法ASTM D 1055-1997 挠性多孔材料.泡沫胶乳ASTM D 1056-2000 韧性多孔材料的标准规范.海绵状或膨胀橡胶ASTM D 1059-1997 基于短长度样品的纱线支数试验方法ASTM D 1060-1996 为测定净毛纤维百分率从成包原毛中心取样ASTM D 1061-1995 石棉卷标准规范ASTM D 1062-1996 金属之间胶粘剂抗劈裂强度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1064-1997 松香油脂肪酸及其它相关制品中铁含量的测试方法ASTM D 1065-1996 松脂制品(包括松香、松油和相关产品)中不可皂化物的测试方法ASTM D 1066-1997 蒸汽的抽样ASTM D 1067-1992 水的酸性和碱性的测试方法ASTM D 1068-1996 水中铁的测试方法ASTM D 1070-1985 气体燃料相关密度的试验方法ASTM D 1071-1983 气体燃料试样容积的测量方法ASTM D 1072-1990 燃料气中总硫量的测试方法ASTM D 1073-2001 沥青铺面混合料用细集料标准规范ASTM D 1074-1996 沥青混合料抗压强度的测试方法ASTM D 1075-1996 水对压实的沥青混合料粘结力影响的试验方法ASTM D 1076-1997 橡胶.浓缩的、氨储存的、乳状的和离心处理的天然胶乳ASTM D 1078-2001 挥发性有机液体馏程的标准试验方法ASTM D 1079-2001 铺屋面材料、防水材料和沥青材料的相关标准术语ASTM D 1082-2000 云母耗散因数和电容率(介电常数)的标准试验方法ASTM D 1083-1991 集装箱、大型船运箱和板条箱的机械搬运的试验方法ASTM D 1084-1997 胶粘剂粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1085-1965 石油和石油产品的测量(只适用于再版单行本)ASTM D 1091-2000 润滑油和添加剂中磷含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1092-1999 润滑脂表观粘度测量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1093-1998 液态烃及其蒸馏残余物酸度的测试方法ASTM D 1094-1999 航空燃料水反应性的试验方法ASTM D 1101-1997 室外用层压板结构制品的胶合接头完整性的试验方法ASTM D 1102-1984 木材中灰分的测试方法ASTM D 1105-1996 无提取物木材的制备ASTM D 1106-1996 木材中酸不溶木素的测试方法ASTM D 1107-1996 木材的醇苯可溶性试验方法ASTM D 1108-1996 木材中二氯甲烷溶解物的测试方法ASTM D 1109-1984 木材在百分之一的烧碱中可溶性的试验方法ASTM D 1110-1984 木材水溶解度的测试方法ASTM D 1113-1990 洗净羊毛中植物性物质和其它碱性不溶杂质的测试方法ASTM D 1117-1999 无纺织物的试验ASTM D 1118-1995 石棉纤维和石棉织物磁参数的标准测试方法ASTM D 1119-1996 发动机冷却剂与防锈剂的灰分含量的测试方法ASTM D 1120-1994 发动机冷却剂沸点的测试方法ASTM D 1121-1998 发动机抗冻剂、防锈剂和冷却剂储备碱度的测试方法ASTM D 1122-1997 用液体比重计测量发动机冷却剂及其浓缩物比重的试验方法ASTM D 1123-1999 卡尔.费歇尔试剂法测定发动机冷却剂浓缩物中水含量的试验方法ASTM D 1125-1995 水的电导性和电阻率的测试方法ASTM D 1126-1996 水硬度的测试方法ASTM D 1129-2002 与水相关的标准术语ASTM D 1131-1997 松香油的试验方法ASTM D 113-1999 沥青材料延展性的试验方法ASTM D 1133-1997 烃类溶剂的贝壳杉脂丁醇值的测试方法ASTM D 1139-2000 单层或多层沥青表面处理用集料的标准规范ASTM D 1140-2000 土壤中小于200号(75微米)筛孔的材料总量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1141-1998 海水代用品ASTM D 1142-1995 露点温度法测定气体燃料中蒸汽含量的试验方法ASTM D 1143-1981 静态轴向压力荷载下桩柱的试验方法ASTM D 1144-1999 胶粘剂粘结强度提高的测定ASTM D 1146-2000 有效粘结层粘结点的标准试验方法ASTM D 1148-1995 橡胶变质.受热及紫外线使浅颜色表面退色的试验方法ASTM D 1149-1999 橡胶变质的试验方法.在小室中的橡胶表面臭氧龟裂ASTM D 1151-2000 潮气和温度对胶粘剂粘结能力影响的标准试验方法ASTM D 115-1998 电绝缘用含清漆溶剂的试验方法ASTM D 1152-1997 甲醇(甲基醇)ASTM D 1153-1994 甲基异丁基甲酮ASTM D 1155-1989 玻璃球圆度的测试方法ASTM D 1157-1991 轻质烃总抑制剂含量(TBC)的测试方法ASTM D 1159-1998 电位滴定法测量石油馏分及商用脂族烯烃溴值的试验方法ASTM D 1160-1999 石油产品减压蒸馏试验方法ASTM D 116-1986 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验ASTM D 1165-1980 生活中用硬木和软木的命名法ASTM D 1166-1984 木材及有关材料中甲氧基团的测试方法ASTM D 1168-1999 电绝缘用烃类石蜡的测试ASTM D 1169-1995 电绝缘液体电阻率(电阻系数)的测试方法ASTM D 1171-1999 橡胶变质的标准试验方法.室外或小室内橡胶表面臭氧龟裂(三角形试样)ASTM D 117-1996 产自石油的电绝缘油的试验方法和规范导则ASTM D 1172-1995 肥皂和洗涤剂水溶液pH值的测试方法ASTM D 1173-1953 表面活性剂起泡性试验方法ASTM D 1176-1998 试验用发动机冷却剂或防锈剂水溶液的取样和制备的试验方法ASTM D 1177-1994 发动机冷却剂溶液冻结点的测试方法ASTM D 1179-1999 水中氟化物离子的测试方法ASTM D 1183-1996 胶粘剂耐周期性实验室老化条件的标准试验方法ASTM D 1184-1998 胶粘剂粘结的层压部件挠曲强度的试验方法ASTM D 1185-1998 材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法ASTM D 1186-2001 铁基非磁性涂层干膜厚度的无损标准试验方法ASTM D 1187-1997 金属保护涂层用沥清乳液ASTM D 1188-1996 用涂石蜡样品测定压实的沥青混合料的体积比重和密度的试验方法ASTM D 1190-1997 热浇铸弹性混凝土填缝料ASTM D 1191-1984 混凝土接缝密封胶的试验方法ASTM D 1192-1998 水和蒸汽的抽样设备ASTM D 1193-1999 试剂水(联邦试验方法No.7916)ASTM D 1194-1994 展宽基底和静荷载用土壤承受能力的测试方法ASTM D 1195-1993 用于公路路面和机场跑道设计和评定的土壤与韧性路面成份的往复静态平板荷载的测试方法ASTM D 1196-1993 用于公路和机场路面设计和评定的土壤与韧性路面成份的非往复静立平板荷载试验方法ASTM D 1198-1993 胺基树脂溶剂容限的测试方法ASTM D 1200-1994 福特粘度杯测定粘度的试验方法ASTM D 1201-1999 热固聚酯模制化合物ASTM D 120-1995 橡胶绝缘手套ASTM D 1203-1994 用活性碳法测定塑料的挥发损失的试验方法ASTM D 1204-1994 高温下非硬性热塑塑料薄板或薄膜线性尺寸变化的测试方法ASTM D 1208-1996 某些颜料通性的试验方法ASTM D 1209-2000 透明液体色度的标准试验方法(铂钴标度)ASTM D 1210-1996 颜料载体体系分散细度的测试方法ASTM D 1211-1997 木材用透明硝基漆漆膜耐温度变化的试验方法ASTM D 121-2000 煤和焦炭的标准术语ASTM D 1212-1991 有机涂层湿膜厚度的测试方法ASTM D 1214-1989 玻璃球筛析的试验方法ASTM D 1217-1993 用宾汉比重法测定液体密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法ASTM D 1218-1999 液态烃的折射率和折射分散度的标准测试方法ASTM D 12-1988 未加工的桐油ASTM D 121a-2001 煤和焦炭的标准术语ASTM D 1220-1965 立式圆罐的测量和校正(只用做再版单行本)ASTM D 1223-1993 75度下纸和纸板镜面光泽的试验方法ASTM D 1224-1992 纸中锌和镉的试验方法ASTM D 1227-1995 屋面保护涂层用乳化沥青ASTM D 1229-1987 橡胶特性试验方法.低温时的压缩变形率ASTM D 1230-1994 服装纺织品的易燃性的测试方法ASTM D 123-2000 与纺织品相关的标准术语ASTM D 1233-1988 韧皮纤维和叶纤维制双股线ASTM D 1234-1985 含脂羊毛的手扯长度的取样和试验方法ASTM D 1238-2001 用挤压塑性计测定热塑性塑料熔化流率的标准试验方法ASTM D 1239-1998 用化学制剂测定塑料薄膜抗萃取性的试验方法ASTM D 1240-1996 包括松香,高脂油和相关产品中心存储的松香酸含量的测试方法ASTM D 1241-1968 土壤集料次底层、底层和表层用料ASTM D 124-1988 脱胶的豆油ASTM D 1242-1995 塑性材料耐磨性的试验方法ASTM D 1243-1995 氯乙烯聚合物的稀溶液粘度的试验方法ASTM D 1244-1998 纱线结构的名称与符号ASTM D 1245-1984 用化学显微镜作水沉积物的检验ASTM D 1246-1995 水中的溴化物离子的测试方法ASTM D 1248-2000 电线和电缆用聚乙烯塑料挤制材料标准规范ASTM D 1249-1992 辛基正酞酸酯增塑剂ASTM D 1250-1980 石油测量表ASTM D 1251-1994 用周期法测定包装箱的蒸汽渗透性的试验方法ASTM D 1252-2000 水的化学氧需要量(重铬酸盐氧需要量)的标准试验方法ASTM D 1253-1986 水中残余氯的测试方法ASTM D 1257-1990 高比重甘油ASTM D 1258-1995 高比重甘油的试验方法ASTM D 1259-1985 树脂溶液的不挥发物含量的测试方法ASTM D 126-1987 含铬酸铅和氧化铬绿的黄、橙和绿色颜料的化学分析方法ASTM D 1263-1994 汽车轮轴承润滑脂泄漏倾向的试验方法ASTM D 1264-1996 润滑脂抗水洗能力的试验方法ASTM D 1265-1997 液化石油(LP)气取样(手工法)ASTM D 1266-1998 石油产品中硫的试验方法(燃灯法)ASTM D 1267-1995 液化石油(LP)气气压的测试方法(液化石油气法)ASTM D 127-1987 石油蜡包括凡士林滴熔点的试验方法ASTM D 1272-1956 五氯苯酚ASTM D 1274-1995 五氯苯酚的化学分析方法ASTM D 1275-1996 电绝缘油中腐蚀性硫的测试方法ASTM D 1278-1991 天然橡胶的试验方法.化学分析ASTM D 1279-1982 金属除垢剂的抛光作用的试验方法ASTM D 1280-1989 浸槽式金属除垢剂的全浸腐蚀试验的试验方法ASTM D 128-1998 润滑脂的分析试验方法ASTM D 1282-1996 用气流阻力表示羊毛毛条,生条和洗净羊毛的平均纤维直经的测试方法ASTM D 1283-1985 羊毛碱溶性的测试方法ASTM D 1287-1991 发动机冷却剂和防锈剂的pH值的试验方法ASTM D 1290-1995 用离心机测定水乳化抛光剂中沉积物的试验方法ASTM D 1291-2001 氯的需求量和/或水的需求量评估的标准实施规程ASTM D 129-2000 石油产品中硫含量的标准试验方法(氧弹法)ASTM D 1292-1986 水的气味的测试方法ASTM D 1293-1999 水pH值的标准测试方法ASTM D 1294-1995 在1英寸(25.4毫米)长度内羊毛纤维拉伸强度和断裂强度试验方法ASTM D 1296-2001 挥发性溶剂和烯释剂气味的标准试验方法ASTM D 1298-1999 比重计法测定原油和液态石油产品的密度、相对密度和API燃油比重ASTM D 130-1994 用铜条变色法检测石油产品对铜腐蚀性的测试方法ASTM D 1304-1999 与电绝缘试验相关的胶粘剂ASTM D 1305-1999 电绝缘纸和纸板.硫酸盐(牛皮纸)层型ASTM D 1306-1988 醇酸树脂和含有其它二元酸的酯类的酞酸含量测试方法(重量法) ASTM D 1308-1987 家用化学品对透明和着色有机面漆影响的试验方法ASTM D 1309-1993 贮藏期间交通标志用色漆的沉淀特性的测试方法ASTM D 1310-1986 用泰格开口杯装置测定液体闪点和燃点的测试方法ASTM D 1312-1993 涂层用合成酚醛树脂或溶液中表观游离酚的测试方法ASTM D 1316-1993 用美国油墨研究会研磨测量计测定油墨研磨细度的测试方法ASTM D 1318-2000 测定残留燃料油中钠的标准试验方法(火焰光度测定法)ASTM D 1319-1999 用荧光指示剂吸附法测定液态石油产品中烃类物质的试验方法ASTM D 13-1997 松脂油标准规范ASTM D 1321-1997 石油蜡针入度的试验方法ASTM D 1322-1997 航空涡轮机燃料烟点的试验方法ASTM D 1324-1983 改性木材ASTM D 1325-1994 氨化砷酸铜ASTM D 1326-1994 氨化砷酸铜的化学分析法ASTM D 1327-1997 铺屋面和防水用浸沥青物质的机织粗麻布ASTM D 1329-1988 评定橡胶特性的试验方法.低温下的回缩(TR试验)ASTM D 1330-1985 薄橡胶衬垫ASTM D 1331-1989 表面活性剂溶液的表面张力与界面张力的试验方法ASTM D 1334-1996 原毛毛含量的测试方法.商业尺度ASTM D 1335-1998 毛绒地毯绒头联结的标准试验方法ASTM D 1336-1997 机织织物中纱线扭曲度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1337-1996 用稠度和粘结强度测定胶粘剂贮藏寿命的试验方法ASTM D 1338-1999 用稠度和粘结强度测定液态或糊状胶粘剂使用寿命的标准试验方法ASTM D 1342-1992 巴西棕榈蜡中石蜡型烃含量的测试方法ASTM D 1343-1995 用落球法测定纤维素衍生物粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1347-1972 甲基纤维素的试验方法ASTM D 1348-1994 纤维素中湿度的测试方法ASTM D 1349-1999 橡胶.试验温度ASTM D 1351-1997 电线和电缆的聚乙烯绝缘ASTM D 1352-1997 电线和电缆用耐臭氧的丁基橡胶绝缘ASTM D 1353-1996 色漆、清漆、喷漆及相关产品用挥发性溶剂中不挥发物质的试验方法ASTM D 1356-2000 与大气取样和分析相关的标准术语ASTM D 1357-1995 制定外围大气的取样计划ASTM D 1358-1986 用分光光度计测定脱水蓖麻油及其衍生物二稀值的试验方法ASTM D 1360-1998 涂料阻燃性试验方法(小室法)ASTM D 1363-1994 丙铜和甲醇的高锰酸盐时间的测试方法ASTM D 1364-1995 挥发性溶剂中水的测试方法(费歇尔试剂滴定法)ASTM D 1366-1986 颜料粒度特性报告ASTM D 1367-1996 石墨润滑质量的测试方法ASTM D 1369-1984 沥青表面处理用材料的数量ASTM D 1370-2000 沥青材料间接触相容性的试验方法(奥林萨斯试验)ASTM D 1374-1989 金属除垢剂的充气全浸腐蚀的试验方法ASTM D 1384-2001 玻璃器皿中发动机冷却剂腐蚀试验的标准试验方法ASTM D 1385-2001 水中肼含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1386-1998 合成蜡和天然蜡的酸值(以实验为基础的)的试验方法ASTM D 1387-1989 合成和天然蜡皂化值(经验)的测试方法ASTM D 1388-1996 织物硬挺性测试方法ASTM D 1389-1997 测试薄固体电绝缘材料校验电压的试验方法ASTM D 139-1995 沥青材料浮选试验的检测方法ASTM D 1397-1993 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中不皂化物的测试方法ASTM D 1398-1993 醇酸树脂和醇酸树脂溶液的脂肪酸含量测试方法ASTM D 1399-1995 磷酸三甲苯酯不可皂化物含量的测试方法ASTM D 1400-1994 非铁金属基表面非传导涂层干膜厚度无损测量的测量方法ASTM D 1401-1998 石油和合成燃料的水分离特性的试验方法ASTM D 140-2001 沥青材料的抽样标准实施规程ASTM D 1403-1997 用1/4和1/2标度的锥形设备测定润滑脂锥入度的试验方法ASTM D 1404-1999 评定润滑脂中有害粒子的标准试验方法ASTM D 1405-2001 平定航空燃料净燃烧热的标准试验方法ASTM D 1406-1965 油箱的液体校准(只适用于单行本)ASTM D 1407-1965 驳船油槽的测量和校准(只适用于单行本)ASTM D 1408-1965 球形和扁球形油槽的测量和校准(只适用于单行本)ASTM D 1409-1965 油槽车油槽的测量和校正ASTM D 1410-1965 固定卧式油槽的测量和校准ASTM D 1411-1999 分级集料筑路混合物中作为掺合物的溶水氯化物的试验方法ASTM D 1412-1999 在96%-97%相对湿度和30℃时煤的平衡湿气的标准测试方法ASTM D 1413-1999 用实验室土块培养法测试木材防腐剂ASTM D 1414-1994 O型橡胶圈的试验方法ASTM D 1415-1988 橡胶特性的测试方法.国际硬度ASTM D 1416-1989 合成橡胶的测试方法.化学分析ASTM D 1417-1997 合成橡胶胶乳的试验方法ASTM D 1418-2001 橡胶和橡胶胶乳的标准实施规程.命名ASTM D 1418a-2001 橡胶和橡胶乳液标准规范.术语ASTM D 1422-1999 退捻加捻法测定单细纱捻数的试验方法ASTM D 1423-1999 直接计算法测定纱线捻数的试验方法ASTM D 1424-1996 埃尔曼多夫落锤仪测定机织物抗撕裂的试验方法ASTM D 1425-1996 用电容测试设备测定纱线条干不匀度的测试方法ASTM D 1426-1998 水中氨态氮的测试方法ASTM D 1429-1995 水和盐水的比重的测试方法ASTM D 1430-1995 聚氯三氟乙烯(PCTFE)塑料ASTM D 143-1994 洁净木材小样品的试验ASTM D 1434-1982 测定塑料薄膜和薄片透气性能的测试方法ASTM D 1435-1999 塑料的室外风化ASTM D 1436-1997 试验用乳胶地板基质抛光剂的使用ASTM D 1439-1997 羧甲基纤维素钠盐的试验方法ASTM D 1440-1996 棉纤维长度和长度分布的试验方法(列阵法)ASTM D 1441-1987 试验用棉纤维取样ASTM D 1442-1993 棉纤维成熟度的试验方法(烧碱膨胀与偏振光法)ASTM D 1445-1995 棉纤维的断裂强度和延伸率的试验方法(扁纤维束法) ASTM D 1447-1989 用纤维照相法测定棉纤维的长度和长度均匀度的测试方法ASTM D 1448-1997 棉纤维的马克隆尼读数的试验方法ASTM D 1452-1980 用螺旋钻作土壤勘探和取样ASTM D 1455-1987 乳化地板抛光剂60度镜面光泽度的试验方法ASTM D 1456-1986 橡胶特性的测试方法.特定应力下的延伸ASTM D 1457-1992 聚四氟乙烯模塑及挤压成型物料ASTM D 1458-1996 电绝缘用完全硫化硅橡胶涂层的玻璃布与玻璃带的试验方法ASTM D 1459-1993 电绝缘用硅清漆涂层的玻璃布和玻璃带ASTM D 1460-1986 橡胶性能的测试方法.液体浸没期间的长度变化ASTM D 1461-1985 沥青铺砌混合料中水份或挥发性馏份含量的测试方法ASTM D 146-1997 防水与屋面材料用沥青浸渍的油毡和编织物的抽样与试验方法ASTM D 1464-1990 棉花染色差异性的试验方法ASTM D 1465-1990 石油蜡的熔点和粘着点的测试方法ASTM D 1466-1986 涂料,清漆及相关物料常用液体油和脂肪酸取样的测试方法ASTM D 1467-1989 防护涂层用脂肪酸试验ASTM D 1468-1993 磷酸三甲苯酯中挥发物质的试验方法ASTM D 1469-1993 车辆涂层中总松香酸含量的测试方法ASTM D 1474-1998 有机涂层压痕硬度的试验方法ASTM D 1475-1998 色漆、清漆、喷漆及相关产品密度的试验方法ASTM D 1476-1988 喷漆溶剂的庚烷混溶性试验方法ASTM D 1478-1991 滚珠轴承润滑脂低温转矩的试验方法ASTM D 1480-1993 用宾汉比重计测定粘性材料密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法ASTM D 1481-1993 用利普金双毛细管比重计测定粘性材料密度和相对密度(比重)的试验方法ASTM D 1483-1995 用加纳尔--科尔曼法测定颜料的吸油量的试验方法ASTM D 1485-1986 从天然原料中获取橡胶的方法.取样和样品制备ASTM D 1488-2000 胶粘剂中淀粉物质的标准试验方法ASTM D 1489-1997 含水胶粘剂中不挥发物含量的试验方法ASTM D 1490-2001 脲甲醛树脂溶液中不挥发物含量的标准测试方法ASTM D 149-1997 固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度的试验方法ASTM D 1492-1996 库仑计滴定法测定芳烃溴指数的测定方法ASTM D 1493-1997 工业有机化学品固化点的测试方法ASTM D 1494-1997 增强塑料板的散射光透射系数的测试方法ASTM D 1498-1993 水的氧化还原潜能ASTM D 1499-1999 操纵塑料暴露用曝光和曝水装置(碳弧型)ASTM D 1500-1998 石油产品ASTM颜色的试验方法(ASTM比色刻度尺)ASTM D 150-1998 固体电绝缘材料(恒定电介质)的交流损耗特性和介电常数的试验方法ASTM D 1505-1998 用密度梯度法测定塑料密度的试验方法ASTM D 1506-1999 炭黑的标准测试方法.灰分含量ASTM D 1508-1999 粒状碳黑的试验方法.细粒含量ASTM D 1509-1995 碳黑的测试方法.加热损耗ASTM D 1510-2001 炭黑的标准试验方法.碘吸收值ASTM D 1510a-2001 炭黑标准测试方法.碘吸收值ASTM D 1511-1998 碳黑的试验方法.丸粒尺寸分布ASTM D 1512-1995 碳黑的测试方法.pH值ASTM D 1513-1999 丸状炭黑的标准测试方法.倾注密度ASTM D 1514-2000 炭黑的标准试验方法.筛渣ASTM D 1516-1984 皮革宽度的测试方法ASTM D 1517-1999 皮革的相关标准术语ASTM D 1518-1985 纺织材料的热传导的试验方法ASTM D 1519-1995 橡胶化学制品的试验方法.溶化范围ASTM D 1523-1995 工作温度为90℃的电线和电缆用合成橡胶绝缘材料ASTM D 1524-1994 用过的石油制电绝缘油的现场目测检查的方法ASTM D 1525-2000 塑料维卡(Vicat)软化温度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1527-1999 丙烯腈-丁二稀-苯乙稀塑料管.表40和80ASTM D 1531-1995 用液体位移法测定介电常数与耗散系数的试验方法ASTM D 153-1984 颜料比重测试方法ASTM D 1533-2000 用卡耳费瑟库仑滴定法测定绝缘液体中水的标准试验方法ASTM D 1534-1995 用比色指示剂滴定法测定电绝缘液近似酸度的试验方法ASTM D 1535-2001 用孟塞尔制规定颜色的标准实施规程ASTM D 1537-1960 蒸馏的大豆脂肪酸ASTM D 1538-1960 蒸馏的亚麻籽脂肪酸ASTM D 1539-1960 脱水蓖麻籽脂酸ASTM D 1541-1997 干性油及其衍生物总碘值的试验方法ASTM D 154-1985 清漆试验ASTM D 1542-1960 清漆中松香的质量检测的测试方法ASTM D 1544-1998 透明液体颜色的试验方法(加德纳比色刻度尺)ASTM D 1545-1998 用起泡时间法测定透明液体粘度的试验方法ASTM D 1546-1996 透明地板密封剂的性能试验ASTM D 1550-1994 ASTM丁二烯测量表ASTM D 1552-1995 石油产品中硫含量的试验方法(高温法)ASTM D 1554-2001 与木基纤维和刨花板材料相关的标准术语ASTM D 1555-1995 工业芳烃体积和重量的计算方法ASTM D 1555M-2000 工业香烃类计量的体积和重量计算的标准测试方法ASTM D 1556-2000 用砂锥法现场测定土壤密度和单位重量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1557-1991 用修正作用力56000 ft-Ibf/ft(2700 KN-m/m)测量土壤实验室压实性能的测试方法ASTM D 1558-1994 细粒土水含量渗透阻力关系的试验方法ASTM D 1559-1989 用马歇尔(Marshall)装置测定沥青混合物抗塑性流动的试验方法ASTM D 1560-1992 用赫维门(Hveem)装置测定沥青混合物抗变形和粘结性的试验方法ASTM D 1561-1992 用搅拌压实机法制作沥青混合物试样ASTM D 156-2000 石油产品赛波特颜色的标准试验方法(赛波特比色计法)ASTM D 1562-1998 纤维素丙酸酯模制和挤压化合物ASTM D 1566-2000 与橡胶相关的标准术语ASTM D 1567-1989 评定除垢剂对某些搪瓷制品腐蚀影响的测试方法ASTM D 1568-1997 烷基苯磺酸盐的取样与化学分析的标准试验方法ASTM D 1569-1962 烷基洗涤剂的试验方法ASTM D 1570-1995 脂肪烷基硫酸盐的取样与化学分析的测试方法ASTM D 1571-1995 石棉布的标准规范ASTM D 1573-1995 石棉织物热老化的标准测试方法ASTM D 1574-1987 羊毛和其它动物纤维中可萃取物的试验方法ASTM D 1575-1990 洗净羊毛及生条中羊毛纤维长度的测试方法ASTM D 1576-1990 用炉烘干法测定羊毛内水分的试验方法ASTM D 1577-1996 纺织纤维线密度的测试方法ASTM D 1578-1993 绞纱形式下纱线的断裂强度的试验方法ASTM D 1579-2001 苯酚、间苯二酚和三聚氰胺胶粘剂中填料含量的标准测试方法ASTM D 1582-1998 液相苯酚、间苯二酚和三聚氰胺胶粘剂中不挥发物含量的测试方法ASTM D 1583-2001 干粘膜中氢离子浓度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1585-1996 中心仓库中松香,妥尔油和相关产品的脂肪酸含量测试方法ASTM D 1586-1999 土壤渗透试验和对开管取样的试验方法ASTM D 1587-1994 泥土薄壁管抽样ASTM D 1593-1999 非硬性氯乙烯塑料薄板ASTM D 1596-1997 包装材料减震性能的试验方法ASTM D 1598-1997 恒定内压下塑料管的破裂时间的测试方法ASTM D 1599-1999 塑料管道和配件的短时破裂水压的测试方法ASTM D 1600-1999 与塑料相关的缩略语的标准术语ASTM D 1601-1999 乙烯聚合物稀溶液粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1603-2001 烯烃塑料中碳黑含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1607-1991 大气中二氧化氮含量的测试方法(格里斯-沙耳茨曼反应)ASTM D 1608-1998 气态燃烧产物中氮的氧化物的测试方法(苯酚二磺酸法)ASTM D 1610-1991 试验用皮革和皮革制品的修整ASTM D 1611-1981 皮革与金属接触时产生腐蚀的试验方法ASTM D 1612-1995 甲醇(木精)中丙酮含量的测试方法ASTM D 1613-1996 色漆,清漆,喷漆和有关产品用挥发性溶剂和化学介质中酸度的试验方法ASTM D 1614-1995 丙酮中碱度的试验方法ASTM D 1615-1960 醇酸树脂中甘油,乙二醇和季戊四醇的试验方法ASTM D 1617-1990 溶剂和稀释剂酯化值的试验方法ASTM D 1618-1999 炭黑可萃取性的标准试验方法.甲苯脱色ASTM D 1619-1999 碳黑的试验方法.硫含量ASTM D 16-2000 涂料、相关涂层、材料和应用的标准术语ASTM D 1621-2000 硬质泡沫塑料压缩特性的标准试验方法ASTM D 1622-1998 硬质泡沫塑料表观密度的测试方法ASTM D 1623-1978 硬质泡沫塑料张力和张力粘合性能的试验方法ASTM D 1624-1971 酸性铬酸铜ASTM D 1625-1971 铬酸盐砷酸铜ASTM D 1627-1994 酸性铜铬酸盐的化学分析ASTM D 1628-1994 铬酸盐砷酸铜的化学分析的测试方法ASTM D 1630-1994 橡胶特性的试验.耐磨性(NBS磨损机)ASTM D 1631-1999 用碘试剂法测定苯酚和有关原料中水分的试验方法ASTM D 1632-1996 试验室中水泥土压缩试样和挠曲试样的制作和养护ASTM D 1633-2000 模制掺土水泥圆筒抗压强度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1634-2000 用横梁弯曲断裂部分测定掺土水泥抗压强度的标准试验方法(改良立方体法) ASTM D 1635-2000 用简支梁三点负荷法测定掺土水泥抗挠强度的标准试验方法ASTM D 1636-1999 烯丙基模制化合物ASTM D 1639-1990 有机涂料酸值试验方法ASTM D 1640-1995 室温下有机涂料干燥,固化及成膜试验方法ASTM D 1641-1997 外用清漆耐用性的试验方法ASTM D 1642-1993 清漆弹性或韧性的试验方法ASTM D 1644-2001 清漆中不挥发物含量的标准试验方法ASTM D 1646-1999 橡胶的试验方法.粘度和硫化特性(穆尼粘度计)ASTM D 1647-1989 清漆干膜耐水性和耐碱性试验方法ASTM D 1648-1986 碱式硅铬酸盐颜料ASTM D 1649-1995 铬酸锶颜料ASTM D 1652-1997 环氧树脂中环氧含量的试验方法ASTM D 1653-1993 有机涂层薄膜水蒸气渗透性测试方法ASTM D 1655-2001 航空涡轮机燃料标准规范ASTM D 1657-1989 用压力温差比重计测定轻烃类物质的密度或相对密度的测试方法ASTM D 1662-1992 切削润滑油中活性硫的测试方法ASTM D 1665-1998 焦油制品恩氏比粘度的测试方法ASTM D 1666-1987 木材和木基材料的传导机械试验ASTM D 1667-1997 软质泡沫材料.氯乙烯聚合物和共聚物(闭孔泡沫)ASTM D 1668-1997 铺屋面和防水用(机织和经处理的)玻璃织物ASTM D 1669-1989 沥青材料在加速风化与室外风化用试片的制备ASTM D 1670-1998 沥青材料在加速风化与室外风化中端点损坏的试验方法ASTM D 167-1993 块焦比重和孔隙度的试验方法ASTM D 1673-1994 电绝缘用充气泡沫塑料的介电常数与耗散系数的测试方法。


80*10*4 跨距:16±1 倍厚度
测试方法 特殊说明
2.设置试验速度(推荐2 mm/min)
3.把试样对称地放在两 个支座上,并于跨度中 心施加力,开始试验
规定挠度:试样厚度h 的1.5倍

ISO 1133-2005 GB 3682-2000
50 mm/min(0.5-5min 断裂
DIN 53457 115 *6*2

2 弯曲强度 标准
ISO 178
GB 93412000
DIN 53453
80*10*4 跨距:16±1 倍厚度
80*10*4 跨距:16±1 倍厚度
127*12.7*3.2 跨距:16±1 倍厚度
1. 试样平放于底座上压针下 2.放入加热装置中5min后施加负荷, 仪器清零 3.50度或120度/min匀速升温,搅拌, 记录针刺入试样1mm的温度 两个试样温度不相差2度
最少2个试样 起始温度20-23度 A50,A120负荷10N B50,B120负荷50N 50,120表示升温 速率
DIN 53460
25*25*6或 6cm2*6
1.选标尺 (50-115)
3.10s内施主试验力保持 15s,卸去主试验力15s后 读数
记录施加主试验力及去除 时长指针分别通过B0的 次数并相减:差数为0, 标尺加100,为0,直接读 数,为2,标尺减100
R,初试验力98.07N, 主试验力588.4N,压 头直径12.7



ASTM D1238标准试验方法热塑性塑料熔体流动速率挤压1。






测量单位克/ 10分钟(克/ 10分钟)。


它通常见于材料含有熔体流动率下降0.15至50克/ 10分钟(见注1)。


熔体流动速率测量和程序汇报在克/ 10分钟。

术测量汇报在立方厘米/十分钟(立方厘米/ 10分钟)。



程序是通常使用材料含有熔体流动速率从0.501500克/ 10分钟。


它通常是用来作为一个替换程序对样品含有熔体流动速率大于75克/ 10分钟。






注意1-polymers含有熔体流动速率小于0.15或大于900克/ 10分钟可测试程序在本试验方法;然而,正确数据还未开发。



















可据客户要求选择相关温度,剪切速率和其他参数的仪器。在Shear Sweep毛细管流变仪中,熔融态高分子材料通过毛细管被挤出,同时仪器可确定不同剪切速率下剪切力的大小。本仪器可以通过挤出料桶中不同停留时间的聚合物,测试聚合物材料的热稳定性。
Shear Sweep可以自行算出剪切速率和剪切力大小,并绘图。
比浓对数粘度inherent viscosity
特性粘度intrinsic viscosity
相对粘度relative viscosity


ASTM D1238 (方法 A) ISO 1133 (方法 A)
塑料材料在一定温度和压力下,熔体每10min通过标准口模 的质量g/10min 加热炉:温度控制在±0.5℃ 钢制圆筒,内径.550mm,长150-180mm 标准口模: 2.095±0.005或1.18±0.01mm 1, 料筒, 2, 活塞杆 3, 口模, 4, 负荷, 5, 聚合物样品, 6, 温度控制系统
0.325 2.16 1.05 10 1.2 5 1 2.16 5 2.16 12.5 2.16 2.16 5
方法 A
ASTM D1238 手动测试
ISO 1133 手动测试
数据比较 (PC241R)
PHYSICAL Value Unit Standard
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ190
190 190 200 230 230 280 190 220 300 125
10.00 21.60 5.00 2.16 3.80 2.16 5.00 10.00 1.20 0.325
275 230 190 190 300 190 235 235 235 250 310 310 285 315
GE Method ASTM D 1238 Standard
Mold Shrinkage on Tensile Bar, flow (2)
Density Water Absorption, (23°C/sat) Moisture Absorption (23°C / 50% RH) Melt Volume Rate, MVR at 300°C/1.2 kg
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ASTM D1238标准试验方法






测量的单位克/ 10分钟(克/ 10分钟)。


它一般用于材料具有熔体流动率下降0.15至50克/ 10分钟


熔体流动速率测量与程序的报告在克/ 10分钟。

术测量报告在立方厘米/十分钟(立方厘米/ 10分钟)。



程序是一般使用的材料具有熔体流动速率从0.501500克/ 10分钟。


它一般是用来作为一种替代程序对样品具有熔体流动速率大于75克/ 10分钟。






注意1-polymers具有熔体流动速率小于0.15或大于900克/ 10分钟可测试程序在本试验方法;然而,准确的数据尚未开发。









0.15 - 50克/ 10分钟。



9.3检查模孔直径在频繁的间隔适当大小的去/不继续计(检查与死亡23 6 5°丙)验证,模具是在给定的公差在3。




















预热时间应当在7 6 0.5分钟从建成的收费除非另有规定的材料规格。

9.8为材料的流量大于10克/ 10分钟,重量(如果需要,活塞)的支持,必须使用防止活塞旅行在预热期为了确保有足够的材料的孔正确的材料试验。



支持应删除或重量应用到活塞的一时间允许经营者作出初步切断内7 6 0.5分钟完成充电。


选择支持了活塞至所有条件和流量10至50克/ 10分钟/活塞重量支持不同厂商之间的挤压式塑

9.9月底的预热段,当上划线标记在活塞是有形以上缸(或顶部的导套)和较低的抄写员马克在缸(或以下的顶部导套)表明,活塞土地是46 6 2毫米从模具的顶部,复位定时器零同时作出初步截止。










