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monkey .I’m sure you’ll lose yourself in the beautiful scenery.We’ll return to the car parks of Wuxian’gang in the afternoon and return to Chengdu at night.
❖ When wind comes, the clouds sea is wafted(浮动) to all the directions and then mountains become small islands
floating in an ocean; when the clouds sea gathers together, peaks are invisible again; when wind gets strong, the clouds sea sometimes moves at a full gallop(疾驰) like a horse;sometimes makes a welter(翻滚) like a big wave of the sea; sometimes becomes elegant and stretching(伸展) like a fair lady. The most sublime(壮观的) scene is that once in a while you have the chance to enjoy countless
From Mt. Emei to Chengdu
We get up early on the top of Mt.Emei,where we will enjoy the Golden Summit (金顶), sunrise, Clouds Sea and Buddha Rays(佛光). Then we will walk from Leidongping(雷洞坪)to Wuxian’gang(五显岗)(exclusive(独有) agency arrangement, if you do not want to walk, or car) ,enjoying the Xixiangchi(洗象 池),Jiulaoxianfu(九老仙府) ,Hongchunxiaoyu(洪椿晓 雨),Shuangqiaoxiyin(双桥清音).After that,we’ll visit the ecological monkey zones and play with the wild and naughty
cloud columns in the shape of mushroom. They fly up to the sky, and then sprinkle(洒) gradually and then turn into filmy(朦胧的)flowing clouds.
❖ Buddha Rays(佛光)
Clouds Sea When the sky is clearly blue, white clouds rise slowly among the mountains. Just in a moment, vast clouds sea appears above the horizon like a snowy white woolen blanket, smooth, clean and thick. Sometimes there are clouds either above the horizon or in the sky, so people stand between two clouds layers, which make you feel like a supernatural being.
❖ In the afternoon, at the foot of the Sheshen Rock, every place is full of pure white clouds. Then an aura (氛围) the color of red, orange, yellow, green, black blue, blue and purple extends within a radius of(半径) around one to two meters (about 3 to 7 feet). It looms(逼近) and shines in the center like a mirror. Back against the sunlight from the west, sometimes you can find your own shadow in the aura. And your every action is followed by the figure in the aura, as if you were facing a bright mirror. To your most surprise, even if millions of people were viewing at it or two persons hugging each other were enjoying it, they could only see themselves. And this is the magic Buddha rays, which are rare in other places but appear in Mt. Emei frequently.
Let see some of the scene spots.
The beautiful scenery of the Golden Summit.
(金顶)(the top of EmeBaidu Nhomakorabea)
Golden Summit.(金顶)
❖ In Golden Summit, the sky before the dawn is amazing. The color turns from mauve(淡紫色) to jacinth and then golden red. At last the semicircle makes an elegant jump thus the sun appears in the east sky.