湖大宏观经济学期末考试 4套试题

宏观经济学期末考试试卷及答案一、名词解释题(本题型共 5 题。
每题 3 分,共15 分)1.国内生产总值2.平衡预算乘数3.流动性偏好4.基础货币5.充分就业1.国内生产总值:一个国家或地区在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(物品和劳务)的市场价值。
二、单项选择题(本题型共30 题。
每题 1 分,共30 分)1.下列哪一项将不计.入..当年的GDP?()A .当年整修过的古董汽车所增加的价值;B.一辆新汽车的价值;C.一辆二手汽车按其销售价格计算的价值;D.一台磨损的高尔夫球清洁机器的替换品。
1. C ;2.在以支出法计算国内生产总值时,不属于...投资的是()。
A .某企业增加一笔存货;B.某企业建造一座厂房;C.某企业购买一台计算机;D.某企业购买政府债券。
2. D ;3.用收入法计算GDP 时,不能计入GDP 的是()A .政府给公务员支付的工资;B.居民购买自行车的支出;C.农民卖粮的收入;D.自有住房的租金。
3. B ;4.当实际GDP 为1500 亿美元,GDP 缩减指数为120 时,名义国民收入为:()A .1100 亿美元;B.1500 亿美元;C.1700 亿美元;D.1800 亿美元。
4.D;5.一个家庭当其收入为零时,消费支出为2000 元;而当其收入为6000 元时,其消费为6000 元,在图形上,消费和收入之间成一条直线,则其边际消费倾向为()。


A.消费、总投资、政府购买和净出口B.消费、净投资、政府购买和净出口C.消费、总投资、政府购买和总岀口D.工资、地租、利息、利润和折旧9.假定边际储蓄倾向等于20%,则增加100万美元的投资,可使国民收入增加()A.200万美元B.500万美元C.800万美元D.850 7110.边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向之和等于()A.大于1的正数B.小于2的正数C.零D.111.下列四种情况中,投资乘数最大的是()A.边际消费倾向为04B.边际储蓄倾向为01C.边际消费倾向为0.6D.边际储蓄倾向为0.312.若边际储蓄倾向为0.25,则边际消费倾向为()A.0.25B.0.75C.lD.1.2513.在下列情况下,转移支付乘数最大的是()A.MPC = 09B.B.MPC = 0.8C.MPS = 0.75D.MPS = 0.514.消费曲线位于45?线的上方表明,储蓄是()A.正数B.0C.负数D.不确定15.消费者的消费支出不由他的现期收入决定,而是由他的永久收入决定。

一、单项选择第十二章国民收入核算1.下列关于GDP说法正确的是(③)①一年内一个国家范围内的所有交易的市场价值②一年内一个国家范围内交换的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值③一年内一个国家范围内生产的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值④一年内一个国家范围内交换的所有商品和劳务的市场价值2.某人收入为1000元,个人所得税200 元,政府补助150 元,则个人可支配收入为(②)①1350 元②950 元③650 元④1050元3.下列将计入当年GDP的一项是(③)①某人花10 万元购买一辆二手汽车②面包厂购买的面粉③某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20 万元产品④家庭妇女在家从事家务劳动4.如果一个社会体系的消费支出为9 亿元,投资支出为 1.2 亿元,间接税为 1 亿元,政府用于商品和劳务的支出为 2.5 亿元,出口额为3 亿元,进口额为 1.8 亿元,则下列正确的是(①)①GDP为13.9 亿元②GDP为12.9 亿元③NDP为13.9 亿元④NDP为12.9 亿元外国公民从该国取得的产值。
A、大于 B 、小于 C 、等于 D 、可能大于也可能小于6. 今年名义GDP大于去年的名义GDP,说明( D )A、今年的物价水平一定比去年高了B、今年生产的物品和劳务总量一定比去年增加了C、今年的物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了D、以上三种说法都不一定正确。
7.在一般情况下,国民收入核算体系中,数值最小的是( C )A、国民生产净值; B 、个人收入;C、个人可支配收入;D、国民收入8、一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值根据价格变化调整后的数值被称为( B )A、国民生产净值;B、实际国内生产总值;C、名义国内生产总值; D 、潜在国内生产总值9、在统计中,社会保险税增加对( D ) 项有影响。
A、国内生产总值(GDP) ; B 、国内生产净值( NDP) ;C、国民收入(NI) ; D 、个人收入(PI) 。

宏观经济学期末考试试题及答案试卷A一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 宏观经济学研究的主要对象是()。
A. 个体经济行为B. 企业经济行为C. 国民经济总体D. 政府经济行为答案:C2. 国内生产总值(GDP)是指()。
A. 一个国家所有居民生产的最终产品和服务的市场价值B. 一个国家所有居民消费的最终产品和服务的市场价值C. 一个国家所有居民收入的总和D. 一个国家所有居民储蓄的总和答案:A3. 通货膨胀是指()。
A. 货币供应量增加B. 货币供应量减少C. 货币购买力下降D. 货币购买力上升答案:C4. 货币政策的主要工具不包括()。
A. 利率B. 货币供应量C. 税收D. 公开市场操作答案:C5. 财政政策的自动稳定器包括()。
A. 税收B. 政府支出C. 政府债务D. 所有以上答案:D6. 经济周期的四个阶段是()。
A. 繁荣、衰退、萧条、复苏B. 繁荣、萧条、衰退、复苏C. 复苏、衰退、萧条、繁荣D. 萧条、复苏、繁荣、衰退答案:A7. 总需求曲线向下倾斜表明()。
A. 价格水平上升,总需求增加B. 价格水平上升,总需求减少C. 价格水平下降,总需求增加D. 价格水平下降,总需求减少答案:B8. 长期总供给曲线是()。
A. 垂直的B. 向右上方倾斜的C. 向右下方倾斜的D. 水平的答案:A9. 货币乘数的大小取决于()。
A. 法定准备金率B. 货币流通速度C. 银行贷款利率D. 以上都不是答案:A10. 菲利普斯曲线描述的是()。
A. 通货膨胀与失业率之间的关系B. 通货膨胀与经济增长之间的关系C. 经济增长与失业率之间的关系D. 货币供应量与失业率之间的关系答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些因素会影响总需求()。
A. 消费者信心B. 利率水平C. 政府支出D. 货币供应量答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些是财政政策的工具()。
A. 税收B. 政府支出C. 货币供应量D. 利率答案:AB3. 以下哪些是宏观经济学的主要目标()。

A.消费、总投资、政府购买和净出口;B. 消费、净投资、政府购买和净出口;C. 消费、总投资、政府购买和总出口;D.工资、地租、利息、利润和折旧。
A.2/3;B.3/4;C.4/5;D.1;4.假设消费者在T年(退休前)时预计退休后每年可得额外的退休金10 000元,根据生命周期假说,该消费者与原来相比较,将()。
A.在退休前不改变,退休后每年增加10 000元消费;;B. 在退休前增加10 000元消费,退休后不再增加消费;C. 以T年起至生命结束每年增加消费10 000元;D. 将退休后可得到的退休金额均匀地用于增加T年以后的消费中。
7.若消费函数为C=40+0.8Yd,净税收T=20,投资I=70-400r,净税收增加10单位使IS曲线().A.右移10单位;B.左移10单位;C.右移40单位;D.左移40单位.8.中央银行有多种职能,只有()不是其职能.A.制定货币政策;B.为成员银行保存储备;C. 发行货币;D. 为政府赚钱9.利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线左下方、LM曲线的左上方的区域中,则表示().A.投资小于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给;B.投资小于储蓄,且货币供给小于货币需求;C.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给;D.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求大于货币供给.10.在下述何种情况下,会产生挤出效应().A.货币供给的下降提高利率,从而挤出了对利率敏感部门的私人支出;B.对私人部门税收的增加引起私人部门可支配收入和支出的下降;C. 政府支出增加使利率提高,从而挤出了私人部门的支出;D.政府支出的下降导致消费支出的下降。

2. 简述宏观财政政策。
3. 简述通货膨胀的成因。
4. 简述定量税时三部门均衡国民收入的决定。
五、 用总供求分析法说明经济的萧条、高涨和滞涨状态及其政策含义。
六、 计算题
1. 已知在两部分经济中消费C=100+0.8y,投资I=150,货币需求L=0.2y-4r,货币供给量200单位,①求IS和LM方程,求均衡国民收入、利率、消费和投资;②当货币供给增加20单位时,均衡国民收入、利率、消费和投资各为多少?③为什么货币供给增加后,国民收入不变而利率下降?
(1) Y,C,I的均衡值
(2) 投资乘数
(3) 平均消费倾向
2. 假定货币需求为L=0.2Y,货币供给为M=200,消费C=90+0.8 ,税收T=50,投资I=140-5r,政府支出G=50,求:
(1) 求出IS和LM的方程,求均衡收入、利率和投资;
(2) 若其他情况不变,政府支出增加20,收入、利率和投资有何变化?
(3) 是否存在“挤出效应”?
C 政府订购一批军火 D 政府给公务员加薪
2. 假定其他条件不变,厂商投资增加引起( )
A 国民收入增加,但消费水平不变 B国民收入增加,消费上升
C 国民收入增加,消费水平下降 D国民收入增加,储蓄水平下降
3. 如果边际储蓄倾向0.3,投资支出增加60亿元,可以预见,这将导致均衡水平GNP增加( )
A.50 B.10 C.30 D.以上都不对
6. 当货币供给量和价格不变时,国民收入增加将使
A.货币需求增加,利率上升 B.货币需求减少,利率上升

宏观经济学期末试题一、选择题(每题2分,共60分)1. 宏观经济学研究的是()。
A. 个体经济单位的决策过程B. 市场价格的变动C. 社会总体经济运行的规律和机制D. 国际经济关系的发展2. 下列哪个指标不属于衡量经济增长的指标?A. 国内生产总值(GDP)B. 人均国内生产总值(GNP)C. 劳动参与率D. 城镇登记失业率3. 达沃斯世界经济论坛是世界上最知名的()。
A. 政治会议B. 经济论坛C. 私人俱乐部D. 体育比赛4. 通过调整货币政策和财政政策实现宏观调控属于()。
A. 中央银行的职责B. 商业银行的职责C. 政府的职责D. 企业的职责5. 经济增长是指()。
A. 国内生产总值的增长B. 人均国内生产总值的增长C. 固定资产投资的增长D. 劳动生产率的增长6. 货币政策不包括()。
A. 利率调控B. 货币供应量调控C. 汇率调控D. 财政支出调控7. 货币供应量的宽松会引发以下哪种可能的问题?A. 通胀加剧B. 经济增长下滑C. 国际收支状况改善D. 劳动力市场紧张8. 下列哪个政策属于主动性财政政策?A. 减税B. 提高政府支出C. 调整利率D. 货币发行量控制9. 资本市场的主要功能不包括()。
A. 提供中长期融资B. 资产配置C. 风险分散D. 提供货币发行渠道10. 下列哪个国际组织的主要任务是维持国际金融稳定?A. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)B. 世界贸易组织(WTO)C. 世界银行(WB)D. 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)二、填空题(每题2分,共40分)1. 宏观经济学的三个基本问题是“(1)”问题、“(2)”问题和“(3)”问题。
2. GDP可以通过两种方法进行测算,分别是(1)法和(2)法。
3. 根据需求方面的因素,货币政策可以分为(1)政策和(2)政策。
4. “通货膨胀率”是指物价水平的(1)每年的百分比变动。
5. 账户上货币的增加被称为“(1)”,账户上货币的减少被称为“(2)”。

一、[请单击此处编辑题目] (每小题分,共分)一、选择题(本题包含30小题,每题?分,共?分)1.Suppose GDP consists of wheat and rice. In 2002, 20 bushels of wheat are sold at $4 per bushel, and 10 bushels of rice are sold at $2 per bushel. If the price of wheat was $2 per bushel and the price of rice was $1 per bushel in 2001, the base year, nominal 2002GDP isa. $100, real 2002 GDP is $50, and the GDP deflator is 50.b. $50, real 2002 GDP is $100, and the GDP deflator is 200.c. $100, real 2002 GDP is $50, and the GDP deflator is 200.d. $40, real 2002 GDP is $100, and the GDP deflator is 50.2.The CPI is a measure of the overall cost ofa. inputs purchased by a typical producer.b. goods and services bought by a typical consumer.c. goods and services produced in the economy.d. stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.3.The price of imported athletic shoes produced by a U.S. company operating in Thailand increases. By itself what effect will this change have on the GDP deflator and on theCPI?a. The GDP deflator and the CPI will both increase.b. The GDP deflator will increase and the CPI will be unaffected.c. The GDP deflator and the CPI will both be unaffected.d. The GDP deflator will be unaffected and the CPI will increase.4.Which of the following is a part of your Economics professor's human capital?a. the things she learned at some prestigious universityb. her copy of Mankiw's textc. her chalk holderd. All of the above are correct.5.Which of the following is consistent with the catch-up effect?a. The United States had a higher growth rate before 1900 than after.b. After World War II the United States had lower growth rates than war-ravaged European countries.c. Although the United States has a relatively high level of output per person, its growth rate is rathermodest compared to some countries.d. All of the above are correct.6.Which of the following is correct?a. Stocks, bonds, and deposits are all similar in that each provides a medium of exchangeb. Banks lend mostly to large and familiar companies rather than smaller local firms.c. Banks charge borrowers a slightly lower interest rate than they pay to depositors.d. None of the above are correct.7.Index fundsa. typically have about the same rate of return as more actively managed funds.b. typically have lower rates of return than more actively managed funds.c. contain the stocks and bonds from a single Standard Index Classification of industry.d. typically have higher rates of return than more actively managed funds.8.Three people go to the bank to cash in their accounts. April had her money in an account for 25 years at 4 percent interest. Ben had his money in an account for 20 years at 5 percent interest. Cathy had her money in an account for five years at 20 percent interest. If each of them originally deposited $500 in their accounts, which of them gets the most money when they cash in their accounts?a. Aprilb. Benc. Cathyd. They each get the same amount.9.The reported unemployment rate should be viewed asa. a useful but imperfect measure of joblessness.b. clearly smaller than the true unemployment rate.c. clearly larger than the true unemployment rate.d. being very close to the true unemployment rate.10.Commodity money isa. backed by gold.b. the principal type of money in use today.c. money with intrinsic value.d. receipts created in international trade that are used as a medium of exchange.11.Which list contains only actions that decrease the money supply?a. raise the discount rate, make open market purchasesb. raise the discount rate, make open market salesc. lower the discount rate, make open market purchasesd. lower the discount rate, make open market sales12.According to the classical dichotomy, which of the following is influenced by monetary factors?a. the real wageb. the real interest ratec. the nominal waged. All of the above are correct.13.Which of the following statements is NOT true?a. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of most workers.b. Given the current U.S. tax structure, inflation reduces the incentive to save.c. The inflation tax causes deadweight loss because people waste scarce resourcestrying to avoid it.d. Countries with high rates of inflation usually also have volatile rates of inflation.14.A German company sells cameras to a retailer in the United States. These sales by themselvesa. have no affect on U.S. net exports and increase German net exports.b. decrease U.S. net exports and increase German net exports.c. increase U.S. and German net exports.d. increase U.S. net exports and decrease German net exports.15.If the nominal exchange rate e is foreign currency per dollar, the domestic price is P, and the foreign price is P*, the real exchange rate is defined asa. e(P*/P).b. e(P/P*).c. e + P/P.d. e - P/P*.16.When a country's central bank increases the money supply, itsa. price level rises and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.b. price level rises and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.c. price level falls and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.d. price level falls and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.17.In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its net capital outflowa. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.18.If the government started with a budget deficit and moved to a surplus, domestic investment woulda. rise and the trade balance would move towards surplus.b. rise and the trade balance would move towards deficit.c. fall and the trade balance would move towards surplus.d. fall and the trade balance would move towards deficit.19.If the United States imposes an import quota on clothing, U.S. exportsa. increase, U.S. imports increase, and U.S. net exports are unchanged.b. increase, U.S. imports decrease, and U.S. net exports increase.c. decrease, U.S. imports increase, and U.S. net exports decrease.d. decrease, U.S. imports decrease, and U.S. net exports are unchanged.20.In 1995 House Speaker Newt Gingrich threatened to send the United States into default on its debt. During the day of this announcement, U.S. interest rates rose and the real exchange rate of the U.S. dollardepreciated. Which of these changes is consistent with the results of the open-economy macroeconomic model?a. the increase in U.S. interest ratesb. the depreciation of the real exchange rate of the U.S. dollarc. Both of the above are consistent.d. Neither of the above are consistent.21.A rise in the economy's overall level of prices tends toa. raise both the quantity demanded and supplied of goods and services.b. raise the quantity demanded of goods and services, but lower the quantity supplied.c. lower the quantity demanded of goods and services, but raise the quantitysupplied.d. lower both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of goods andservices.22.When taxes increase, consumption decreases as shown bya. a movement to the left along a given aggregate demand curve.b. shifting aggregate demand to the left.c. shifting aggregate supply the left.d. which does none of the above.23.Which of the following would cause prices and real GDP to rise in the short run?a. an increase in the expected price levelb. an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the capital stockd. None of the above is correct.24.Which of the following shifts money demand to the left?a. an increase in the price levelb. a decrease in the price levelc. an increase in the interest rated. a decrease in the interest rate25.According to liquidity preference theory if the price level increases, the equilibrium interest ratea. rises so that the aggregate quantity of goods demand rises.b. rises so that the aggregate quantity of goods demanded falls.c. falls so that the aggregate quantity of goods demanded rises.d. falls so that the aggregate quantity of goods demanded falls.26.In the long run, fiscal policy primarily affectsa. aggregate demand. In the short run, it affects primarily aggregate supply.b. aggregate supply. In the short run, it affects primarily saving, investment, andgrowthc. saving, investment, and growth. In the short run, it affects primarily aggregatedemand.d. saving, investment, and growth. In the short run, it affects primarily aggregate supply.27.If the MPC is 0, the multiplier isa. 0.b. 1.c. infinite.d. None of the above is correct.28.The economy is in long-run equilibrium. Immigration of skilled workers shifts the long-run aggregate supply curve $60 billion to the right. At the same time, government purchases increase by $30 billion. If the MPC equals 0.8 and the crowding-out effect is $90 billion, we would expect that in the long-run,a. both real GDP and the price level would be higher.b. both real GDP and the price level would be lower.c. real GDP would be higher but the price level would be lower.d. real GDP would be higher but the price level would be the same.29.Over the last ten years Canada and many European countries have had higher average unemployment rates than the United States. This suggests that these countriesa. have higher average inflation rates than the United States.b. have long-run Phillips curves to the right of the United States's.c. may have less generous unemployment compensation or lower minimum wages.d. All of the above are consistent with the evidence on unemployment rates.30.A favorable supply shock will cause the short-run Phillips curve to shifta. right and unemployment to rise.b. right and unemployment to fall.c. left and unemployment to rise.d. left and unemployment to fall.二、判断题(本题包含20小题,每题?分,共?分)31.When a Chinese citizen works temporarily in the United States, her production is a part of U.S. GDP.32.Changes in the prices of most natural resources compared to other goods indicate that natural resources are generally becoming scarcer.33.Constant returns to scale is the point on a production function where increasing inputs will no longer increase output.34.When the government runs a budget deficit, national saving is reduced, interest rates rise, and investment falls.35.According to the rule of 70, if you earn an interest rate of 3.5 percent, your savings will double about every 20 years.36.Risk-averse persons will take no risks.37.Someone who is without work but is not looking for work would be counted as unemployed by the BLS.38.The unemployment rate reported by the BLS clearly understates the true unemployment rate.39.M1 includes savings deposits.40.When the value of money is on the vertical axis, an increase in the price level shifts money demand to the right.41.U.S. exports make up less than 20 percent of GDP.42.The key determinant of net capital outflow is the real exchange rate.43.When a country imposes a trade restriction, the real exchange rate of that country's currency appreciates.44.Like real GDP, investment fluctuates, but investment fluctuates by a larger percentage.45.When output rises, unemployment falls.46.An unexpected increase in the price level does not shift the aggregate supply curve, but an expected increase in the price level shifts the aggregate supply curve to the left.47.If inflation is zero, then the nominal and real interest rate are the same.48.The multiplier is found as MPC/(1 - MPC).49.If the Fed were to increase the money supply, inflation and unemployment would both increase in the short run.50.The sacrifice ratio is the percentage point increase in the unemployment rate created in the process of reducing inflation by one percentage point.三、名词解释(本题包含5小题,每题?分,共?分)51.technological knowledge:52.trade deficit:53.trade policy:54.recession:55.automatic stabilizers:四、简答题(本题包含8小题,每题?分,共?分)56.Compare and contrast the population theories of Malthus and Kremer.57.Your brother-in-law wants to buy either stock or bonds in Cedar Valley Furniture, but he isn't sure whether to buy the stock or bonds. Explain how each of his quotes below should affect his choice between the stock and the bond.a. "I have reason to believe that people are soon going to find rocking chairs have health benefits."b. "I would like to tell people I am part owner of Cedar Valley Furniture."c. "I do not want to take on much risk."58.Are credit cards and debit cards money? What's the difference between credit and debit cards?59.Suppose that monetary neutrality holds. Of the following variables, which ones do not change when the money supply increases?a. real interest ratesb. inflationc. the price leveld. real outpute. real wagesf. nominal wages60.The long-run trend in real GDP is upward. How is this possible given business cycles?What explains the upward trend?61.What variables besides real GDP tend to decline during recessions? Given the definitionof real GDP, argue that declines in these variables are to be expected.62.Suppose that consumers become pessimistic about the future health of the economy, andso cut back on their consumption spending. What will happen to aggregate demandand to output? What might the president and Congress have to do to keep outputstable?63.Explain how unemployment insurance acts as an automatic stabilizer.参考答案1.c2.b3.d4.a5.d6.d7.d8.a9.a 10.c 11.b 12.c 13.a 14.b 15.b 16.b 17.d 18.a 19.d 20.c 21.c 22.b 23.b 24.b 25.b 26.c 27.b 28.d 29.b 30.d31.T 32.F 33.F 34.T 35.T 36.F 37.F 38.F 39.F 40.F 41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.T 46.T 47.T 48.F 49.F 50.F51.society's understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services.52.an excess of imports over exports.53.a government policy that directly influences the quantity of goods and services that a country importsor exports.54.a period of declining real incomes and rising unemployment.55.changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recessionwithout policymakers having to take any deliberate action.56.The difference is that Malthus predicted that population growth would be greater thangrowth in the ability to increase output. He believed that people would continue topopulate the earth until output reached a subsistence level. On the other hand Kremer argues that population growth increased productivity allowing people to improvetheir standard of living despite growing population. Kremer argues that with morepopulation comes more innovations. The improvements in technology more thanoffset any adverse impact of the increase in population on the standard of living.57. a. Presumably, when this happens, unless everyone else has anticipated it, dividends,the price of the stock, or both will increase. The interest rate on bonds will notchange as profits increase, so this quote suggests buying stock would better suityour brother-in law's purposes.b. Bondholders are simply creditors, while stockholders are part owners. So thisquote indicates your brother-in-law would prefer to buy stock.c. In case of financial difficulties stockholders get paid after bondholders, so the stockis somewhat more risky. So, your brother-in-law may prefer the bond.58.Neither credit cards nor debit cards are money, but credit cards are very different fromdebit cards. Credit cards are not a medium of exchange, but are a means of deferring payment. Debit cards allow the user immediate access to deposits in a bank account, which are part of the money supply.59. a. real interest ratesd. real outputd. real wages60.There are occasional short-lived periods of negative real GDP growth. However, in most years real GDP increases. The years of increase are more frequent and the increases large enough that over long periods of time real GDP increases despite the occasional declines. The long-run upward trend in real GDP is due to increases in the labor force and capital stock, and advances in technological knowledge.61.Variables that fall along with real GDP include; employment, incomes, investment, sales,home purchases. GDP may be measured as either the production or expenditures of final goods and services. It follows that any other variable that could be used to measure production or expenditures, employment or sales for example, will generally move in the same direction as real GDP.62.As consumers become pessimistic about the future of the economy, they cut their expenditures so thataggregate demand shifts left and output falls. The president and Congress could adjust fiscal policy to increase aggregate demand. They could either increase government spending, or cut taxes, or both.63.As income falls, unemployment rises. More people will apply for unemployment compensation from thegovernment and so government spending rises. An increase in government spending tends to increase aggregate demand, output, and income.。

一、单选题(共15题,每题2分,共30分)1. (鼓励独立完成作业,严惩抄袭。
)哪一项计入GDP?()(第 二章,视频教学课件第7-9讲)A. 购买一辆用过的IH 自行车;B. 政府向低保户发放一笔救济金;C. 汽车制造厂买进10吨钢材;D. 银行向某企业收取一笔贷款利息试题编号是否评分:未评分 评价描述:***2. 一国的国内生产总值小于国民生产总值,则该国公民从国外収得的收入()外国国民 从该国取得的收入。
(第二章,视频教学课件第7-9讲) A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 等于D. 不能确定试题编号: 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:和* 试题难度:一般 试题解析:*** 考生答案:B 考生得分:*** 是否评分:未评分 评价描述:***3. 在一个有家庭、企业、政府和国外的部门构成的四部门经济中,GDP 是()的总和。
(第二章,视频教学课件第7-9讲)政府购买和净出口: 政府购买和净出口; 政府购买和总出口; 政府转移支付和净出口 试题编号:试题类型 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案考生得分 单选题 *** 一般D*** A. 消费、 B. 消费、 C. 消费、 D. 消费、 总投资、 净投资、 总投资、 总投资、试题类型 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案 考生得分 是否评分 评价描述4. 在两部门收入•支出模型中,如果边际消费倾向为0.8,那么自主支出乘数为()o (第 三章,视频教学课件第10-18讲)A. 1.6B. 2.5C. 5D. 4试题编号单选题***一般A*** 未评分试题类型 单选题 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案 一般 ***C考生得分:***是否评分 未评分评价描述***5.固定税制度下的自发支出乘数()变动税制下的自发支出乘数。
(第三章,视频教学课 件第10・18讲) A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 等于 D. 不能确定试题编号 试题类型 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案 考生得分 单选题 *** 一般 ***C是否评分:未评分 评价描述:***6.当经济出现膨胀缺口时,以下可以使经济达到充分就业均衡水平的措施有()o (第三章,视频教学课件第10-18讲)A.增加白发消费B.增加计划投资C.提高边际消费倾向D.增加进口试题编号:试题类型:单选题标准答案:***试题难度:一般试题解析:***考生答案:D考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***7.下列哪项不是人们持有货币的动机()0(第四章,视频教学课件第19・25讲)A.交易动机B.预防动机C.投机动机D.均衡财富试题编号:试题类型:单选题标准答案:***试题难度:一般试题解析:***考生答案:D考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***& 利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线左下方,LM曲线右下方区域中,则表示()。

《宏观经济学》期末考试试题请将试题答案全部写在答题纸上1、名词解释(共6个, 每题3分, 合计18分)2、国内生产总值(GDP)3、摩擦性失业4、总需求5、自生支出乘数6、菲利普斯曲线7、边际消费倾向填空题(共22个空, 每题1分, 合计22分)1.宏观经济学的研究对象包括()、()、()、()、()和()。
2、用总支出衡量国民收入的方法, GDP可以分为()、()、()和()四个部分。
1、简答题(共5题, 每题6分, 共30分)2、宏观经济中, 如果政府购买的变动会对国民投资和储蓄产生什么样的影响?3、对于未预期到的通货膨胀, 会对经济关系中借款者与贷款者以及工人与雇主之间产生怎样的影响?4、小国开放经济模型中, 不同的经济政策对该国贸易产生何种影响?5、请简单画出IS曲线和LM曲线的形状, 并分析两条曲线倾斜方向的原因。
1、论述题(共两题, 每题10分, 共20分)2、索洛模型中, 人口增长的变化以及技术进步和劳动效率的提高会对该模型以及实际产出产生怎样的改变?3、请作图描述影响短期总供给曲线的变动的因素以及具体的变动情况。
计算题(共2题, 每题5分, 共10分)1.根据奥肯定律, 如要使一国失业率由7%降到4%, 那么实际GDP的增长率要增长多少?2、一个生产企业向一个租赁企业租借一台10万元的机器一年, 一年后出租企业在市场上将这台机器卖掉了, 年利率是8%。
由于机器的磨损, 卖价降低, 折旧率为20%。

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六、计算题1.已知在两部分经济中消费C=100+0.8y,投资I=150,货币需求L=0.2y-4r,货币供给量200单位,①求IS和LM方程,求均衡国民收入、利率、消费和投资;②当货币供给增加20单位时,均衡国民收入、利率、消费和投资各为多少?③为什么货币供给增加后,国民收入不变而利率下降?2.假定某国当前预算赤字为75亿美元,边际消费倾向0.8,固定税率为0.25,如果政府为降低通货膨胀率要减少支出200亿美元,试问支出的这种变化能否最终消灭赤字?湖南大学课程考试试卷(宏观经济学2)一.名词解释(每小题3分,共15分)宏观经济学 GDP 资本边际效率赤字财政政策流动性陷阱二.判断下列说法是否正确,并说明理由。
A.总统薪水 B.股息 C.公司对灾区的捐款 D.银行存款者取得的利息2.下列哪一项计入GDP()A.购买一辆用过的自行车B.购买普通股票C.汽车制造厂买进10吨钢板D.银行向某企业收取一笔存款利息3.边际消费倾向是指()A.在任何收入水平上,总消费对总收入的比率。
D.两者可能相等也可能不相等三、计算题(每个10分共20分)1.假设某经济社会的消费函数为c=100+0.8y 投资为50,(1)求均衡收入,消费和储蓄(2)若消费函数为c=100+0.9y 投资为50,收入和储蓄为多少,投资增至100时收入增加多少?2.已知总需求曲线为Yd=1000—20P,总供给曲线为Ys=20P.单位亿元(1)供求均衡点(2)总需求增加10%时的新总需求曲线。
湖南大学课程考试试卷(宏观经济学4)一.名词解释储蓄投资恒等式政府购买支出乘数 LM曲线公开市场实务资本边际效率二.判断分析题1.企业投资对利率变动反应越敏感,财政政策效果越小2.总投资增加时,资本存量就增加三.单项选择题1.下列项目中,()不属于政府购买A 地方政府办三所中学B 政府给低收入者提供住房补贴C 政府订购一批军火D 政府给公务员加薪2.假定其他条件不变,厂商投资增加引起()A 国民收入增加,但消费水平不变 B国民收入增加,消费上升C 国民收入增加,消费水平下降 D国民收入增加,储蓄水平下降3.如果边际储蓄倾向0.3,投资支出增加60亿元,可以预见,这将导致均衡水平GNP 增加()A 20亿元B 60亿元C 180亿元D 200亿元4.在国民生产和国民收入中,哪种行为将被经济学家视为投资()A 购买公司债券B 生产性活动导致的当前消费C 购买新公司债券D 都不对5.根据相对收入假说,消费倾向在()情况比较高A 教育程度低B 社会地位低C 拥有较多流动资产D 周围人的消费水平6.如果人们的工资增加,则增加的将是()A 货币的交易需求B 货币的预防需求C 货币的投机需求D 三者中的任何一个7.当利率降得很低是,人们购买债券的风险将会()A 变得很小B 变得很大C 可能大也可能小D 不发生变化8.当投资支出与利率相关时,产品市场上的均衡收入()A 与利率不相关B 与利率负相关C 与利率正相关D 随利率下降而下降9.下列哪种情况中,增加货币供给不会影响均衡收入()A LM曲线陡B LM曲线陡峭,IS曲线也陡峭C LM曲线平缓,IS曲线垂直D LM曲线平缓,IS曲线也平缓10.长期菲利普斯曲线说明()A 通货膨胀和失业之间不存在相互替代关系B 传统的菲利普斯曲线仍然有效C 在价格很高的情况下通货膨胀与失业之间仍有替代关系D 离原点越来越高四.简答题1.税收、政府购买和转移支付这三者对总需求的影响方式有何区别?2.“轻微的通货膨胀是刺激经济的润滑剂”,你同意这个观点吗?为什么?3.为什么货币需求对利率越敏感,即货币需求的利率系数越大,财政政策效果越大?4.为什么人们购买债券和股票从个人来说算是投资,但在经济学上不能称为投资?五.论述题什么是财政政策的“挤出效应”?(结合图形分析)它受到哪些因素的影响?六.计算题1.假设某经济的消费函数为C=100+0.8Y,投资为500亿元,求:(1) 国民经济均衡时的国民收入,消费和储蓄。
(2) 如果当时实际的国民收入为4500亿元,则企业非意愿存货积累为多少?(3) 若投资增至1000亿元,求增加的国民收入2.已知下列经济模型:国民收入Y=C+I+G,投资I=20+0.15Y,消费C=40+0.65Y,政府支出G=60,求:(1)Y,C,I的均衡值(2)投资乘数(3)平均消费倾向。