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Electronic products and production process of paper


Electronic products and production process introduction is mainly about the classification of some commonly used in modern electronic products, the working principle and production process of their. It includes computer products, communication products, radio and television and instrumentation products, electronic products, electronic components and integrated circuits and other seven categories. Production process of electronic products mainly from material preparation, material testing, SMT, assembly and welding, the test to illustrate several aspects. The course combines with multimedia video and PPT writing on the blackboard and real observation and material use way. Its characteristic is practical, simple. As a marketing professional non-electrical majors introduction to electronic products and production process and the main reason is the basic concept and theory can help some commonly used in modern electronic products in order to better the future engaged in electronic products.

电子产品及生产过程中主要介绍一些常用的现代电子产品的工作原理和分类,他们的生产工艺。它包括计算机产品,通讯产品,广播电视和仪器仪表,电子产品,电子元器件和集成电路等七大类。电子产品主要从材料的制备,材料试验,SMT 生产过程,装配和焊接,测试等几个方面加以说明。本课程结合多媒体视频和幻灯片在黑板上和实际观测和材料使用的写作方法。其特点是简单实用。作为一个营销专业的非电专业介绍电子产品和生产过程的主要原因是基本概念和理论可以帮助一些常用的现代电子产品,为了更好的未来从事电子产品。

Electronic products is composed of electronic components products collectively. The classification mainly has: radar and radio navigation, electronic components, communication products, electronic design and

processing, broadcasting, television equipment, electronic finance, CNC equipment, electronic business, instrument, meter, wire etc..


Electronic technology is a new technology in late nineteenth Century, early twentieth Century began to develop, the most rapid development in twentieth Century, the most widely used, has become an important symbol of the development of modern science and technology. The first generation of electronic products to the electronic tube as the core. Forty's at the end of the world was born the first semiconductor three tubes, which is characterized by compact, lightweight, energy saving, long service life, and was quickly used up all countries, in a wide range of replaced the electron tube. In late fifty, the first integrated circuit world, it takes many transistors and other electronic components integrated on a silicon chip, the electronic products to the development of more compact. Integrated circuit from small scale integrated circuit to the rapid development of LSI and VLSI, which makes electronic products toward high efficiency low consumption, high precision, high stability, intelligent direction. In short, technical progress from 1916 to begin production of electron tube, transistor radio industry has experienced, electron tubes, integrated circuits, large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circuit stage. From 1946 since the advent of the first electronic computer, the computer technology rapid progress, is to develop the giant, miniature, intelligent and networked direction.

