7B Unit4知识点梳理及练习教学提纲

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7B Unit4知识点梳理及练习


1、I think we have to go up again. 我想我们不得不再上去。

have to 意为“必须,不得不”,否定形式为don’t(doesn’t) have to,意思为“不必”,疑问形式为“Do(Does)…have to …?”。如:

We finish the work before having supper. 我们必须在吃晚饭前完成这项工作。

I practice the piano on Sunday. 我不必在周日练钢琴。

―Do you practice the piano on Sunday? ―你不得不在周日练钢琴吗?

―Yes, I do./―No, I do n’t. -是的,必须。/-不,不必要。

★2、Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine middle school. 阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面。1)“A + be + 方位词+ of + B”结构用于描述A地在B在的某个方向。如:The park is west of my home. 公园就在我家的西边。

注意:此种结构中方位词前不加the,而在“in/on/to the + 方位词+ of”中,却要加the。如:

China is in the east of Asia. 中国在亚洲的东部。

另外需要特别注意:方位词(east/west/south/north)+ of=to the +方位词(east/west/south/north)+ of


Japan is China.=Japan is China.


3)to the east of,in the east of,on the east of的区别

B is in the east of A. (内部)

C is on the east of A.(外部但接壤)

C is to the east of B.(外部不接壤)=C is B.


Shanghai is east of China and north of Guangdong.

A.in the;不填

B.不填;to the

C.in the;on the

D.to the;on the

3、They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long. 它们喜欢吃竹子,整天躺着。(1)lie 为不及物动词,意思中“平躺”、“位于”、“说谎”。例如:

After supper he likes lying on his chair. 吃过晚饭他喜欢躺在椅子上。

Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. 台湾位于中国的东南。

We don’t like a person who often lies. 我们不喜欢经常说谎的人。

lie to sb.对某人说谎,注意介词用to


(2)all day long的意思是“整天”,亦可以说all day around。类似的还有all year long/around(常年,全年)。例如:


4、Go straight on, and you’ll find the Panda House. 一直往前走,你就将看到熊猫馆。(1)go on 表示“继续(说/做)下去”。常用结构为:go on doing继续做(未做完的事,中间无间断);go on to do 接着做(做完某事,接着干另外一件事)。如:Go on writing, please. 请继续写下去。

We have finished Unit 5. Let’s go on to learn Unit 6.


(2)straight 用作副词,意为“径直地,笔直地”。如:

They stood . 他们站得笔直。

Walk on and you’ll see the traffic lights. 一直走你将看到红绿灯。

Go down the road, you’ll find the post office. 沿着这条路一直向前,你会找到邮局。

5、Walk along the road. 沿着这条路走。

(1)along 用作介词,意为“沿着;顺着”,相当于down。如:

The train station is along that road, on the left. 火车站在那条路的左边。

Walk the road and take the third turning on the right.沿着公路走,在第三个转变处向右拐。

(2)along 用作副词,意为“向前”,常与表示运动的动词go, come, move等连用,表示向前移动。如:Come straight along here. 直接到这儿来。Come along. 来吧,跟我来吧。

6、Remember that they’re dangerous. 记住它们是危险的。

(1)remember动词,意为“记得、记住”,反义词是forget。后面可接名词和代词或从句。如:Do you remember her? 你还记得她吗?

Did the girl remember your name? 那个女孩还记得你的名字吗?

(2)remember to do sth意为“记得去做某事”,该事没有做;remember doing sth 意为“记得曾做过某事”,该事已经做了。如:

Remember to turn off the lights when you leave. 当你离开时要记得关好灯。

I remember telling you about this. 我记得告诉过你那件事。


Kate,remember for the sick to cheer them up.

A.to sing B.singing C.not to sing

7、Cross the bridge, and you’ll see the elephants. 过桥,你就会看到大象。

(1)本句属于“祈使句+ and + 简单句”的句型。



It’s dangerous to cross the street when the traffic can go.

