外文文献资料1、Software EngineeringSoftware is the sequences of instructions in one or more programming languages that comprise a computer application to automate some business function. Engineering is the use of tools and techniques in problem solving. Putting the two words together, software engineering is the systemtic application of tools and techniques in the development of computer-based applications.The software engineering process describes the steps it takes to deelop the system. We begin a development project with the notion that there is a problem to be solved via automation. The process is how you get from problem recognition to a working solution. A quality process is desirable because it is more likely to lead to a quality product. The process followed by a project team during the development life cycle of an application should be orderly, goal-oriented, enjoyable, and a learning experience.Object-oriented methodology is an approach to system lifecycle development that takes a top-down view of data objects, their allowable actions, and the underlying communication requirement to define a system architecture. The data and action components are encapsulated, that is , they are combined together, to form abstract data types Encapsulation means that if I know what data I want ,I also know the allowable processes against that data. Data are designed as lattice hierarchies of relationships to ensure that top-down, hierarchic inheritance and side ways relationships are accommodated. Encapsulated objects are constrained only to communicate via messages. At a minimum, messages indicate the receiver and action requested. Messages may be more elaborate, including the sender and data to be acted upon.That we try to apply engineering discipline to software development does not mean that we have all the answers about how to build applications. On the contrary, we still build systems that are not useful and thus are not used. Part of the reason for continuing problems in application development, is that we are constantly trying to hita moving target. Both the technology and the type of applications needed by businesses are constantly changing and becoming more complex. Our ability to develop and disseminate knowledge about how to successfully build systems for new technologies and new application types seriously lags behind technological and business changes.Another reason for continuing problems in application development is that we aren’t always free to do what we like and it is hard to change habits and cultures from the old way of doing things, as well as get users to agree with a new sequence of events or an unfamiliar format for documentation.You might ask then, if many organizations don’t use good software engineering practices, why should I bother learning them? There are two good answers to this question. First, if you never know the right thing to do, you have no chance of ever using it. Second, organizations will frequently accept evolutionary, small steps of change instead of revolutionary, massive change. You can learn individual techniques that can be applied without complete devotion to one way of developing systems. In this way, software engineering can speed changee in their organizations by demonstrating how the tools and techniques enhance th quality of both the product and the process of building a system.2、Data Base System1、IntroductionThe development of corporate databases will be one of the most important data-processing activities for the rest of the 1970s. Date will be increasingly regarded as a vital corporate resource, which must be organized so as to maximize their value. In addition to the databases within an organization, a vast new demand is growing for database services, which will collect, organize, and sell data.The files of data which computers can use are growing at a staggering rate. The growth rate in the size of computer storage is greater than the growth in the size or power of any other component in the exploding data processing industry. The more data the computers have access to, the greater is their potential power. In all walks of life and in all areas of industry, data banks will change the areas of what it is possiblefor man to do. In the end of this century, historians will look back to the coming of computer data banks and their associated facilities as a step which changed the nature of the evolution of society, perhaps eventually having a greater effect on the human condition than even the invention of the printing press.Some most impressive corporate growth stories of the generation are largely attributable to the explosive growth in the need of information.The vast majority of this information is not yet computerized. However, the cost of data storage hardware is dropping more rapidly than other costs in data processing. It will become cheaper to store data on computer files than to store them on paper. Not only printed information will be stored. The computer industry is improving its capability to store line drawing, data in facsimile form, photo-graphs, human speech, etc. In fact, any form of information other than the most intimate communications between humans can be transmitted and stored digitally.There are two main technology developments likely to become available in the near future. First, there are electromagnetic devices that will hold much more data than disks but have much longer access time. Second, there are solid-state technologies that will give microsecond access time but capacities are smaller than disks.Disks themselves may be increased in capacity somewhat. For the longer term future there are a number of new technologies which are currently working in research labs which may replace disks and may provide very large microsecond-access-time devices. A steady stream of new storage devices is thus likely to reach the marketplace over the next 5 years, rapidly lowering the cost of storing data.Given the available technologies, it is likely that on-line data bases will use two or three levels of storage. One solid-state with microsecond access time, one electromagnetic with access time of a fraction of a second. If two ,three ,or four levels of storage are used, physical storage organization will become more complex ,probably with paging mechanisms to move data between the levels; solid-state storage offers the possibility of parallel search operation and associativememory.Both the quantity of data stored and the complexity of their organization are going up by leaps and bounds. The first trillion bit on-line stores are now in use . in a few year’s time ,stores of this size may be common.A particularly important consideration in data base design is to store the data so that the can be used for a wide variety of applications and so that the way they can be changed quickly and easily. On computer installation prior to the data base era it has been remarkably difficult to change the way data are used. Different programmers view the data in different ways and constantly want to modify them as new needs arise modification , however ,can set off a chain reaction of changes to existing programs and hence can be exceedingly expensive to accomplish .Consequently , data processing has tended to become frozen into its old data structures .To achieve flexibility of data usage that is essential in most commercial situations . Two aspects of data base design are important. First, it should be possible to interrogate and search the data base without the lengthy operation of writing programs in conventional programming languages. Second ,the data should be independent of the programs which use them so that they can be added to or restructured without the programs being changed .The work of designing a data base is becoming increasing difficult , especially if it is to perform in an optimal fashion . There are many different ways in which data can be structured ,and they have different types of data need to be organized in different ways. Different data have different characteristics , which ought to effect the data organization ,and different users have fundamentally different requirements. So we need a kind of data base management system(DBMS)to manage data.Data base design using the entity-relationship model begins with a list of the entity types involved and the relationships among them. The philosophy of assuming that the designer knows what the entity types are at the outset is significantly different from the philosophy behind the normalization-based approach.The entity-relationship(E-R)approach uses entity-relationship diagrams. The E-Rapproach requires several steps to produre a structure that is acceptable by the particular DBMS. These steps are:(1) Data analysis(2) Producing and optimizing the entity model.(3) Logical schema development(4) Physical data base design process.Developing a data base structure from user requirements is called data bases design. Most practitioners agree that there are two separate phases to the data base design process. The design of a logical database structure that is processable by the data base management system(DBMS)d escribes the user’s view of data, and is the selection of a physical structure such as the indexed sequential or direct access method of the intended DBMS.Current data base design technology shows many residual effects of its outgrowth from single-record file design methods. File design is primarily application program dependent since the data has been defined and structured in terms of individual applications to use them. The advent of DBMS revised the emphasis in data and program design approaches.There are many interlocking questions in the design of data-base systems and many types of technique that one can use is answer to the question so many; in fact, that one often sees valuable approaches being overlooked in the design and vital questions not being asked.There will soon be new storage devices, new software techniques, and new types of data bases. The details will change, but most of the principles will remain. Therefore, the reader should concentrate on the principles.2、Data base systemThe conception used for describing files and data bases has varied substantially in the same organization.A data base may be defined as a collection of interrelated data stored together with as little redundancy as possible to serve on or more applications in an optimal fashion; the data are stored so that they are independent of programs which use thedata; a common and controlled approach is used in adding new data and in modifying and retrieving existing data within the data base. One system is said to contain a collection of data bases if they are entirely separate in structure.A data base may be designed for batch processing, real-time processing, or in-line processing. A data base system involve application program, DBMS, and data base.One of the most important characteristics of most data bases is that they will constantly need to change and grow. Easy restructuring of the data base must be possible as new data types and new applications are added. The restructuring should be possible without having to rewrite the application program and in general should cause as little upheaval as possible. The ease with which a data base can be changed will have a major effect on the rate at which data-processing application can be developed in a corporation.The term data independence is often quoted as being one of the main attributes of a data base. It implies that the data and the application programs which use them are independent so that either may be changed without changing the other. When a single set of data items serves a variety of applications, different application programs perceive different relationships between the data items. To a large extent, data-base organization is concerned with the representation of relationship between data items and records as well as how and where the data are stored. A data base used for many applications can have multiple interconnections between the data item about which we may wish to record. It can describes the real world. The data item represents an attribute, and the attribute must be associated with the relevant entity. We design values to the attributes, one attribute has a special significance in that it identifies the entity.An attribute or set of attribute which the computer uses to identify a record or tuple is referred to as a key. The primary key is defined as that key used to uniquely identify one record or tuple. The primary key is of great importance because it is used by the computer in locating the record or tuple by means of an index or addressing algorithm.If the function of a data base were merely to store data, its organization would be simple. Most of the complexities arise from the fact that is must also show the relationships between the various items of data that are stored. It is different to describe the data in logical or physical.The logical data base description is referred to as a schema .A schema is a chart of the types of data that one used. It gives the names of the entities and attributes, and specifics the relations between them. It is a framework into which the values of the data-items can be fitted.We must distinguish between a record type and a instance of the record. When we talk about a “personnel record”,this is really a record type.There are no data values associated with it.The term schema is used to mean an overall chart of all of the dataitem types and record types stored in a data he uses. Many different subschema can be derived from one schema.The schema and the subschema are both used by the data-base management system, the primary function of which is to serve the application programs by executing their data operations.A DBMS will usually be handing multiple data calls concurrently. It must organize its system buffers so that different data operations can be in process together. It provides a data definition language to specify the conceptual schema and most likely, some of the details regarding the implementation of the conceptual schema by the physical schema. The data definition language is a high-level language, enabling one to describe the conceptual schema in terms of a “data model” .The choice of a data model is a difficult one, since it must be rich enough in structure to describe significant aspects of the real world, yet it must be possible to determine fairly automatically an efficient implementation of the conceptual schema by a physical schema. It should be emphasized that while a DBMS might be used to build small data bases, many data bases involve millions of bytes, and an inefficient implementation can be disastrous.We will discuss the data model in the following.3、Three Data ModelsLogical schemas are defined as data models with the underlying structure of particular database management systems superimposed on them. At the present time, there are three main underlying structures for database management systems. These are :RelationalHierarchicalNetworkThe hierarchical and network structures have been used for DBMS since the 1960s. The relational structure was introduced in the early 1970s.In the relational model, the entities and their relationships are represented by two-dimensional tables. Every table represents an entity and is made up of rows and columns. Relationships between entities are represented by common columns containing identical values from a domain or range of possible values.The last user is presented with a simple data model. His and her request are formulated in terms of the information content and do not reflect any complexities due to system-oriented aspects. A relational data model is what the user sees, but it is not necessarily what will be implemented physically.The relational data model removes the details of storage structure and access strategy from the user interface. The model provides a relatively higher degree of data. To be able to make use of this property of the relational data model however, the design of the relations must be complete and accurate.Although some DBMS based on the relational data model are commercially available today, it is difficult to provide a complete set of operational capabilities with required efficiency on a large scale. It appears today that technological improvements in providing faster and more reliable hardware may answer the question positively.The hierarchical data model is based on a tree-like structure made up of nodes and branches. A node is a collection of data attributes describing the entity at that point.The highest node of the hierarchical tree structure is called a root. The nodes at succeeding lower levels are called children .A hierarchical data model always starts with a root node. Every node consists of one or more attributes describing the entity at that node. Dependent nodes can follow the succeeding levels. The node in the preceding level becomes the parent node of the new dependent nodes. A parent node can have one child node as a dependent or many children nodes. The major advantage of the hierarchical data model is the existence of proven database management systems that use the hierarchical data model as the basic structure. There is a reduction of data dependency but any child node is accessible only through its parent node, the many-to –many relationship can be implemented only in a clumsy way. This often results in a redundancy in stored data.The network data model interconnects the entities of an enterprise into a network. In the network data model a data base consists of a number of areas. An area contains records. In turn, a record may consist of fields. A set which is a grouping of records, may reside in an area or span a number of areas. A set type is based on the owner record type and the member record type. The many-to many relation-ship, which occurs quite frequently in real life can be implemented easily. The network data model is very complex, the application programmer must be familiar with the logical structure of the data base.4、Logical Design and Physical DesignLogical design of databases is mainly concerned with superimposing the constructs of the data base management system on the logical data model. There are three mainly models: hierarchical, relational, network we have mentioned above.The physical model is a framework of the database to be stored on physical devices. The model must be constructed with every regard given to the performance of the resulting database. One should carry out an analysis of the physical model with average frequencies of occurrences of the grou pings of the data elements, with expected space estimates, and with respect to time estimates for retrieving and maintaining the data.The database designer may find it necessary to have multiple entry points into a database, or to access a particular segment type with more than one key. To provide this type of access; it may be necessary to invert the segment on the keys. Thephysical designer must have expertise in knowledge of the DBMS functions and understanding of the characteristics of direct access devices and knowledge of the applications.Many data bases have links between one record and another, called pointers. A pointer is a field in one record which indicates where a second record is located on the storage devices.Records that exist on storage devices is a given physical sequence. This sequencing may be employed for some purpose. The most common pupose is that records are needed in a given sequence by certain data-processing operations and so they are stored in that sequences.Different applications may need records in different sequences.The most common method of ordering records is to have them in sequence by a key —that key which is most commonly used for addressing them. An index is required to find any record without a lengthy search of the file.If the data records are laid out sequentially by key, the index for that key can be much smaller than they are nonsequential.Hashing has been used for addressing random-access storages since they first came into existence in the mid-1950s. But nobody had the temerity to use the word hashing until 1968.Many systems analysis has avoided the use of hashing in the suspicion that it is complicated. In fact, it is simple to use and has two important advantages over indexing. First, it finds most records with only one seek and second, insertion and deletions can be handled without added complexity. Indexing, however, can be used with a file which is sequential by prime key and this is an overriding advantage, for some batch-pro-cessing applications.Many data-base systems use chains to interconnect records also. A chain refers to a group of records scatters within the files and interconnected by a sequence of pointers. The software that is used to retrive the chained records will make them appear to the application programmer as a contiguous logical file.The primary disadvantage of chained records is that many read operations areneeded in order to follow lengthy chains. Sometimes this does not matter because the records have to be read anyway. In most search operations, however, the chains have to be followed through records which would not otherwise to read. In some file organizations the chains can be contained within blocked physical records so that excessive reads do not occur.Rings have been used in many file organizations. They are used to eliminate redundancy. When a ring or a chain is entered at a point some distance from its head, it may be desirable to obtain the information at the head quickly without stepping through all the intervening links.5、Data Description LanguagesIt is necessary for both the programmers and the data administrator to be able to describe their data precisely; they do so by means of data description languages. A data description language is the means of declaring to data-base management system what data structures will be used.A data description languages giving a logical data description should perform the folloeing functions:It should give a unique name to each data-item type, file type, data base and other data subdivision.It should identify the types of data subdivision such as data item segment , record and base file.It may define the type of encoding the program uses in the data items (binary , character ,bit string , etc.)It may define the length of the data items and the range of the values that a data item can assume .It may specify the sequence of records in a file or the sequence of groups of record in the data base .It may specify means of checking for errors in the data .It may specify privacy locks for preventing unauthorized reading or modification of the data .These may operate at the data-item ,segment ,record, file or data-base level and if necessary may be extended to the contents(value) of individual data items .The authorization may , on the other hand, be separate defined .It is more subject to change than the data structures, and changes in authorization proceduresshould not force changes in application programs.A logical data description should not specify addressing ,indexing ,or searching techniques or specify the placement of data on the storage units ,because these topics are in the domain of physical ,not logical organization .It may give an indication of how the data will be used or of searching requirement .So that the physical technique can be selected optimally but such indications should not be logically limiting.Most DBMS have their own languages for defining the schemas that are used . In most cases these data description languages are different to other programmer language, because other programmer do not have the capability to define to variety of relationship that may exit in the schemas.附录 B 外文译文1、软件工程软件是指令的序列,该指令序列由一种或者多种程序语言编写,它能使计算机应用于某些事物的运用自动化。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an Android package, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application.In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world:1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications.2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications.3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well.It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the sameVM.Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Your application doesn't incorporate the code of the other application or link to it. Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises.For this to work, the system must be able to start an application process when any part of it is needed, and instantiate the Java objects for that part. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point for everything in the application (no main() function, for example). Rather, they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed. There are four types of components:ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use —including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by theActivity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the music playback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). See Processes and Threads, later.Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in anyother manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers.Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.Activating components: intentsContent providers are activated when they're targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. The other three components — activities, services, and broadcast receivers — are activated by asynchronous messages called intents. An intent is an Intent object that holds the content of the message. For activities and services, it names the action being requested and specifies the URI of the data to act on, among other things. For example, it might convey a request for an activity to present an image to the user or let the user edit some text. For broadcast receivers, theIntent object names the action being announced. For example, it might announce to interested parties that the camera button has been pressed.There are separate methods for activating each type of component:1. An activity is launched (or given something new to do) by passing an Intent object toContext.startActivity() or Activity.startActivityForResult(). The responding activity can look at the initial intent that caused it to be launched by calling its getIntent() method. Android calls the activity's onNewIntent() method to pass it any subsequent intents. One activity often starts the next one. If it expects a result back from the activity it's starting, it calls startActivityForResult() instead of startActivity(). For example, if it starts an activity that lets the user pick a photo, it might expect to be returned the chosen photo. The result is returned in an Intent object that's passed to the calling activity's onActivityResult() method.2. A service is started (or new instructions are given to an ongoing service) by passing an Intent object to Context.startService(). Android calls the service's onStart() method and passes it the Intent object. Similarly, an intent can be passed to Context.bindService() to establish an ongoing connection between the calling component and a target service. The service receives the Intent object in an onBind() call. (If the service is not already running, bindService() can optionally start it.) For example, an activity might establish a connection with the music playback service mentioned earlier so that it can provide the user with the means (a user interface) for controlling the playback. The activity would call bindService() to set up that connection, and then call methods defined by the service to affect the playback.A later section, Remote procedure calls, has more details about binding to a service.3. An application can initiate a broadcast by passing an Intent object to methods like Context.sendBroadcast(), Context.sendOrderedBroadcast(), andContext.sendStickyBroadcast() in any of their variations.Android delivers the intent to all interested broadcast receivers by calling their onReceive() methods. For more on intent messages, see the separate article, Intents and Intent Filters.Shutting down componentsA content provider is active only while it's responding to a request from a ContentResolver. And a broadcast receiver is active only while it's responding to a broadcast message. So there's no need to explicitly shut down these components. Activities, on the other hand, provide the user interface. They're in a long-running conversation with the user and may remain active, even when idle, as long as the conversation continues. Similarly, services may also remain running for a long time. So Android has methods to shut down activities and services in an orderly way:1. An activity can be shut down by calling its finish() method. One activity can shut down another activity (one it started with startActivityForResult()) by calling finishActivity().2. A service can be stopped by calling its stopSelf() method, or by calling Context.stopService().Components might also be shut down by the system when they are no longer being used or when Android must reclaim memory for more active components. A later section, Component Lifecycles, discusses this possibility and its ramifications in more detail.The manifest fileBefore Android can start an application component, it must learn that the component exists. Therefore, applications declare their components in a manifest file that's bundled into the Android package, the .apk file that also holds the application's code, files, and resources.The manifest is a structured XML file and is always named AndroidManifest.xml for all applications. It does a number of things in addition to declaring the application's components, such as naming any libraries the application needs to be linked against (besides the default Android library) and identifying any permissions the application expects to be granted.But the principal task of the manifest is to inform Android about the application's components. For example, an activity might be declared as follows:The name attribute of the <activity> element names the Activity subclass that implements the activity. The icon and label attributes point to resource files containing an icon and label that can be displayed to users to represent the activity.The other components are declared in a similar way — <service> elements for services, <receiver> elements for broadcast receivers, and <provider> elements for content providers. Activities, services, and content providers that are not declared in the manifest are not visible to the system and are consequently never run. However, broadcast receivers can either be declared in the manifest, or they can be created dynamically in code (as BroadcastReceiver objects) and registered with the system by calling Context.registerReceiver().For more on how to structure a manifest file for your application, see The Android Manifest.xml File.Intent filtersAn Intent object can explicitly name a target component. If it does, Android finds that component (based on the declarations in the manifest file) and activates it. But if a target is not explicitly named, Android must locate the best component to respond to the intent. It does so by comparing the Intent object to the intent filters of potential targets. A component's intent filters inform Android of the kinds of intents the component is able to handle. Like other essential information about the component, they're declared in the manifest file. Here's an extension of the previous example that adds two intent filters to the activity:The first filter in the example — the combination of the action"android.intent.action.MAIN" and the category"UNCHER" — is a common one. It marks the activity as one that should be represented in the application launcher, the screen listing applications users can launch on the device. In other words, the activity is the entry point for the application, the initial one users would see when they choose the application in the launcher.The second filter declares an action that the activity can perform on a particular type of data.A component can have any number of intent filters, each one declaring a different set of capabilities. If it doesn't have any filters, it can be activated only by intents that explicitly name the component as the target.For a broadcast receiver that's created and registered in code, the intent filter is instantiated directly as an IntentFilter object. All other filters are set up in the manifest. For more on intent filters, see a separate document, Intents and Intent Filters.应用程序基础Android DevelopersAndroid应用程序使用Java编程语言开发。
广东商学院各院及其专业(中英文翻译) (GUANG DONG UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS STUDIES)一、工商管理学院:The College of Business Administration1、物流管理:Logistics Management2、人力资源:Human Resources3、市场营销专业:Marketing Program4、工商管理专业:Business Administration Program二、会计学院: the College of Accounting1、审计学:Auditing2、会计学专业:Accounting Professional3、财务管理专业: Financial Management Major4、审计学(注册会计师)Auditing(Certified Public Accountant (CPA))三、财税学院:the College of Taxation1、财政学:Public Finance2、税务:Financial Affairs3、资产评估专业:MSc Property Appraisal and Management四、公共管理学院:School of Public Administration1、行政管理专业:General Administration Program2、劳动与社会保障:Labor and Social Security3、文化产业管理: Culture Industry Management4、公共事业管理(城市管理):City Management五、金融学院:College of Finance1、金融学:Finance2、国际金融:International Finance3、金融工程:Financial Engineering4、保险:Insurance5、投资学:Investment Principles六、经济贸易与统计学院:the College of Economic and Statistics1、经济学:Economics2、国际经济与贸易:International Economics And Trade3、统计学:Statistics4、国际商务:International Business七、法学院:The College of Law1、法学(国际法):The International Law2、法学(民商法):Civil and Commercial Law3、法学:Science of Law4、治安学:Science of Public Order八、旅游学院:College of Tourism1、酒店管理:Hotel Management2、旅游管理:Tourism Management3、会展经济与管理:Exhibition Economy and Management九、资源与环境学院:College of Resource and Environment1、土地资源管理:Land Resources Management2、资源环境与城乡规划管理:Resources-Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management3、房地产经营管理:Administration and Management of Real Estate十、外国语学院:College of Foreign Language1、英语(国际商务管理):International Business Management2、英语(国际商务翻译):International Business English Translation3、日语(国际商务管理):nternational Business Management十一、人文与传播学院: College of Humanities and Communications1、汉语言文学:Chinese Language and Literature2、新闻学:Advocacy Journalism3、新闻学(编辑出版方向)News Editing4、社会工作:Social work5、社会学:Sociology6、播音与主持艺术:Techniques of Broadcasting and Anchoring7、广播电视编导:Radio and Television Editing and Directing十二、艺术学院:Academy of Fine Arts1、广告学(广告策划与经营管理方向):Advertisement2、艺术设计(广告设计方向):Art and Design(Advertising Design)3、艺术设计(玩具与游戏设计方向):Art and Design4、艺术设计(商业空间设计方向):Commercial Space Design5、艺术设计(展示设计):Display Design6、动画专业:Science of Animated Cartoon Program十三、信息学院:College of Information1、信息管理与信息系统:Information Management and Information System2、计算机科学与技术:Computer Science and Technology3、电子商务:Electronic Commerce4、软件工程:Software Engineering十四、数学与计算科学学院:Collegeof Mathematics and Computer Science1、信息与计算科学:Information and Computing Science2、数学与应用数学:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics十五、人文与传播学院:College of Humanities and Communications1、应用心理学: Applied Psychology2、商务文秘:Business secretary3、对外汉语:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language。
Acceptance Testing--可接受性测试一般由用户/客户进行的确认是否可以接受一个产品的验证性测试。
actual outcome--实际结果被测对象在特定的条件下实际产生的结果。
Ad Hoc Testing--随机测试测试人员通过随机的尝试系统的功能,试图使系统中断。
algorithm analysis--算法分析一个软件的验证确认任务,用于保证选择的算法是正确的、合适的和稳定的,并且满足所有精确性、规模和时间方面的要求。
Alpha Testing--Alpha测试由选定的用户进行的产品早期性测试。
application software--应用软件满足特定需要的软件。
ASQ--自动化软件质量(Automated Software Quality)使用软件工具来提高软件的质量。
assertion checking--断言检查用户在程序中嵌入的断言的检查。
audit trail--审计跟踪系统审计活动的一个时间记录。
Automated Testing--自动化测试使用自动化测试工具来进行测试,这类测试一般不需要人干预,通常在GUI、性能等测试中用得较多。
广东商学院各院及其专业(中英文翻译)(GUANG DONG UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS STUDIES)一、工商管理学院:The College of Business Administration1、物流管理:Logistics Management2、人力资源:Human Resources3、市场营销专业:Marketing Program4、工商管理专业:Business Administration Program二、会计学院: the College of Accounting1、审计学:Auditing2、会计学专业:Accounting Professional3、财务管理专业: Financial Management Major4、审计学(注册会计师)Auditing(Certified Public Accountant (CPA))三、财税学院:the College of Taxation1、财政学:Public Finance2、税务:Financial Affairs3、资产评估专业:MSc Property Appraisal and Management四、公共管理学院:School of Public Administration1、行政管理专业:General Administration Program2、劳动与社会保障:Labor and Social Security3、文化产业管理: Culture Industry Management4、公共事业管理(城市管理):City Management五、金融学院:College of Finance1、金融学:Finance2、国际金融:International Finance3、金融工程:Financial Engineering4、保险:Insurance5、投资学:Investment Principles六、经济贸易与统计学院:the College of Economic and Statistics1、经济学:Economics2、国际经济与贸易:International Economics And Trade3、统计学:Statistics4、国际商务:International Business七、法学院:The College of Law1、法学(国际法):The International Law2、法学(民商法):Civil and Commercial Law3、法学:Science of Law4、治安学:Science of Public Order八、旅游学院:College of Tourism1、酒店管理:Hotel Management2、旅游管理:Tourism Management3、会展经济与管理:Exhibition Economy and Management九、资源与环境学院:College of Resource and Environment1、土地资源管理:Land Resources Management2、资源环境与城乡规划管理:Resources-Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management3、房地产经营管理:Administration and Management of Real Estate十、外国语学院:College of Foreign Language1、英语(国际商务管理):International Business Management2、英语(国际商务翻译):International Business English Translation3、日语(国际商务管理):nternational Business Management十一、人文与传播学院: College of Humanities and Communications1、汉语言文学:Chinese Language and Literature2、新闻学:Advocacy Journalism3、新闻学(编辑出版方向)News Editing4、社会工作:Social work5、社会学:Sociology6、播音与主持艺术:Techniques of Broadcasting and Anchoring7、广播电视编导:Radio and Television Editing and Directing十二、艺术学院:Academy of Fine Arts1、广告学(广告策划与经营管理方向):Advertisement2、艺术设计(广告设计方向):Art and Design(Advertising Design)3、艺术设计(玩具与游戏设计方向):Art and Design4、艺术设计(商业空间设计方向):Commercial Space Design5、艺术设计(展示设计):Display Design6、动画专业:Science of Animated Cartoon Program十三、信息学院:College of Information1、信息管理与信息系统:Information Management and Information System2、计算机科学与技术:Computer Science and Technology3、电子商务:Electronic Commerce4、软件工程:Software Engineering十四、数学与计算科学学院:Collegeof Mathematics and Computer Science1、信息与计算科学:Information and Computing Science2、数学与应用数学:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics十五、人文与传播学院:College of Humanities and Communications1、应用心理学: Applied Psychology2、商务文秘:Business secretary3、对外汉语:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language。
软件工程用英语怎么说问题一:软件工程用英语怎么说?Software engineering问题二:软件开发用英语怎么说软件开发(software development)软件工程(software engineering)问题三:我毕业于xx学校软件工程专业英语怎么说I graduated from XX �niversity and my major is software engineering.问题四:软件工程硕士的英文怎么说软件工程硕士[网络] MSE; Master of Software Engineering; software engineering; MSc Software Engineering;[例句]第一个软件工程硕士学位设立了西雅图大学于1979年。
The first software engineering Master's degree was established at Seattle University in1979.问题五:请问“信息学院”和“软件学院”的用英语怎么说?信息学院:Information Institute软件学院:Software Institute如果是厂信息系:Information Department软件系:Software Department希望对您有帮助问题六:软件工程专业用英语吗可以不用。
英语怎么翻译I am from class one of Software Engineering. 问题八:软件工程中二次开发专业术语用英文怎么说?redevelope/reexploit。
英文文献原文及译文学生姓名:赵凡学号:1021010639学院:软件学院专业:软件工程指导教师:武敏顾晨昕2014年 6月英文文献原文The use of skinWhat is a skin? In the role of setting, the preparations made for the animation in the final process is skinning. The so-called skinning skinning tool is to use role-model role do with our skeletal system to help set the course together. After this procedure, fine role model can be rendered on real numbers can be made into animation. Bones in skinning process, in which the position is called Bind Pose. After the skin, bone deformation of the skin caused by the Games. However, sometimes inappropriate distortion, which requires bone or skin to make the appropriate changes, then you can make use of relevant command to restore the bone binding position, and then disconnect the association between bone and skin. In Maya, you can always put the bones and skin disconnected or reconnected. There is a direct way to skin the skin (skin flexible rigid skinning) and indirect skin (or wrap the lattice deformation of flexible or rigid skinning skinning joint use).In recent years, more and more 3D animation software, a great competition in the market, software companies are constantly developing and updating the relevant software only more humane, but in three-dimensional animation maya mainstream animation software. Able to create bone, meat, God's role is that each CG digital artists dream. Whether the digital characters charm, the test is the animator of life, understanding of life. Digital character to have bone and meat producers are required for the role of the body and has a full grasp of motor function. In addition, the roles of whether there is realism, the key lies in the design and production of the skin, which is skinning animation software for skilled technical and creative mastery is essential. Skin is ready to work in animation final steps, after this procedure, you can do the movements designed, if the skin did not do the work, after the animation trouble, so the skin is very important.As the three-dimensional animation with accuracy and authenticity, the current three-dimensional animation is rapidly developing country, nowadays the use ofthree-dimensional animation everywhere, the field of architecture, planning areas, landscape areas, product demonstrations, simulated animation, film animation, advertising, animation, character animation, virtual reality and other aspects of three-dimensional animation fully reflects the current importance. If compared to the three-dimensional animation puppet animation in real life, then the doll puppet animation equivalent of Maya modeling, puppet performers equivalent Maya animators and puppet steel joints in the body is the skeletal system. Bones in the animation will not be the final rendering, its role is only equivalent to a bracket that can simulate real bones set of major joints to move, rotate, etc.. When the bones are set, we will be bound to the skeleton model, this step is like a robot mounted to a variety of external parts, like hanging, and then through the various settings, add a keyframe animation on bone, and then drive to be bound by the bones corresponding to the model on the joints. Thus, in the final animation, you can see the stiffness of a stationary model with vitality. The whole process from the rigging point of view, may not compare more tedious keyframe animation, rigging, but it is the core of the whole three-dimensional animation, and soul.Rigging plays a vital role in a three-dimensional animation. Good rigging easy animation production, faster and more convenient allows designers to adjust the action figures. Each step are bound to affect the skeleton final animation, binding is based on the premise of doing animation, animators animate convenient, good binding can make animation more fluid, allowing the characters to life even more performance sex. In addition to rigging as well as expression of the binding character, but also to let people be able to speak or behave different facial expressions. Everything is done in order to bind the animation is set, it is bound to set a good animation is mainly based on the entire set of styles and processes. Rigging is an indispensable part in the three-dimensional animation.Three-dimensional animation production process: model, texture, binding, animation, rendering, special effects, synthesis. Each link is associated. Model and material determines the style of animation, binding, and animation determine fluency animation, rendering, animation effects, and synthetic colors and determine the finalresult.Three-dimensional animation, also known as 3D animation, is an emerging technology. Three-dimensional animation gives a three-dimensional realism, even subtle animal hair, this effect has been widely applied to the production of film and television in many areas, education, and medicine. Movie Crash, deformed or fantasy scenes are all three-dimensional animation in real life. Designers in the first three-dimensional animation software to create a virtual scene, and then create the model according to the proportion, according to the requirements set trajectory models, sports, and other parameters of the virtual camera animation, and finally as a model assigned a specific material, and marked the lights , the final output rendering, generating the final screen. DreamWorks' "Shrek" and Pixar's "Finding Nemo" is so accomplished visual impact than the two-dimensional animation has.Animated film "Finding Nemo" extensive use of maya scene technology. Produced 77,000 jellyfish animation regardless of the technical staff or artist is one of the most formidable challenge. This pink translucent jellyfish is most needed is patience and skill, you can say, jellyfish appeared animated sea creatures taken a big step. His skin technology can be very good. The use of film roles skinning techniques is very good, so that each character is vivid, is not related to expression, or action is so smooth, these underwater underwater world is so beautiful. Maya maya technology for the creation of the first to have a full understanding and knowledge. He first thought of creative freedom virtual capacity, but the use of technology has limitations. When the flexible skinning animation technique many roles in the smooth bound for editing, re-allocation tools needed to adjust the skeletal model for the control of the weight through the right point, every detail clownfish are very realistic soft. In the joint on the affected area should smear, let joints from other effects, this movement was not wearing a tie. Used less rigid, rigid lattice bound objects must be created in a position to help the bones of the joint motion. Animated film "Finding Nemo," the whole movie a lot of facial animation, facial skin but also a good technique to make facial expressions, the facial animation is also animated, and now more and more animated facial animationtechnology increasingly possible, these should be good early skin behind it will not affect the expression, there is therefore the creation of the film how maya digital technology, play his video works styling advantages and industrial processes are needed to explore creative personnel, all and three-dimensional figures on the production of content, from maya part. Two-dimensional hand-painted parts, post-synthesis of several parts, from a technical production, artistic pursuit. Several angles to capture the entire production cycle of creation. Maya techniques used in the animated film "Finding Nemo", the flexible skinning performance of many, clown face on with a lot of smooth binding, so more people-oriented, maya application of technical advantages in certain limited extent. Realistic three-dimensional imaging technology in the animation depth spatial density, the sense of space, mysterious underwater world to play the most. Because lifelike action, it also brings the inevitable footage and outdoor sports realistic density, but also to explore this movie maya main goal of the three-dimensional animation.英文文献译文蒙皮的运用什么是蒙皮?在角色设定中,为动画所作的准备工作里的最后一道工序就是蒙皮。
base class
behavioral feature
business object model
business modeling
business process
change management
Unified Modeling Language(UML)
use case
use-case model
user interface (UI)
virtual machine(VM)
inspection effectiveness
integrated development environment (IDE)
interaction diagram
软件工程 敏捷开发(中英文对照)
![软件工程 敏捷开发(中英文对照)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a067990602020740be1e9b48.png)
• 重量级方法呈现的是一种 “防御型” 的姿态。 • 在应用“重量级方法”的软件组织中,由于软件项目经理 不参与或者很少参与程序设计,无法从细节上把握项目进 度,因而会对项目产生 “恐惧感”,不得不要求程序员 不断撰写很多“软件开发文档”。 • 轻量级方法则呈现“进攻型”的姿态,这一点从XP方法 特别强调的五种价值 – 沟通 communication, – 简单 simplicity, – 反馈 feedback, – 勇气 courage,
• Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. As a type of agile software development, it advocates frequent "releases" in short development cycles (timeboxing), which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints where new customer requirements can be adopted.
rapidly building and disseminating 散播 institutional knowledge among members of a development team. The goal is to give all developers a shared view of the system which matches the view held by the users of the system. To this end, extreme programming favors simple designs, common metaphors, collaboration of users and programmers, frequent verbal communication, and feedback.
database数据库(1) 根据为一个或多个应用程序提供服务的方案存储的相关数据(带有冗余控制)的集合。
(2) 存储在系统中的所有数据文件。
(3) 存储在一起并由数据库管理系统管理的数据集。
database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统通过为有效访问、完整性、恢复、并行控制、隐私和安全性提供集中控制、数据独立和复杂物理结构等服务来管理数据的计算机程序。
DBA数据库管理员DBCS双字节字符集DBMS数据库管理系统DCE分布式计算环境DCOM分布式对象模型 (Microsoft)deadlock死锁两个独立控制线程彼此阻塞,相互等待对方采取操作,这种状态称为死锁。
decision rule决策规则指一组人员同意就某一议题给出集体决策的规则或技术,例如多数票决、一致通过、自发协议等。
defect checklist缺陷检查表某类指定的工件中常见缺陷的列表。
defect density缺陷密度每一个单位数量(每页代码或每千行代码)的被评审工作产品中所发现的缺陷的数量。
defect log缺陷日志见"问题日志"。
defining model定义模型储存库所基于的模型。
Chapter 11.multi-core processor(多核处理器)------It is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing units called “cores”, which are the units that read and execute program instructions.它是集成了两个或两个以上称为“核”的处理单元的计算部件,具有读取和执行程序指令的单元。
2.graphics processing unit(GPU)(图形处理单元)------A graphics processing unit, also occasionally called visual processing unit(VPU),is a specialized processor. It is designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.它是一个图形处理单元,有时也被称为视觉处理单元VPU,一个专门的处理器。
3.Wearable computer(可穿戴电脑)------A wearable computer, also known as a body-borne computer or wearable ,is a miniature electronic device that is worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing.穿戴式电脑,也被称为人体电脑或穿戴电脑,是一种微型电子设备,由持有者佩戴在身上或者衣服上。
软件工程英语文档:Docume nts软件工具:Softwa re Tools工具箱:Tool Box集成工具:Integr atedTool软件工程环境:Softwa re Engine ering Enviro nment传统:Conven tiona l经典:Classi cal解空间:Soluti on Domain问题空间:Proble m Domain清晰第一,效率第二Cl arity the first, Effici encythe next.设计先于编码Desig n before coding使程序的结构适合于问题的结构Ma ke the progra m fit the proble m 开发伴随复用,开发为了复用Develo pment with reuse, Develo pment for reuse.靠度量来管理:Manage mentby Measur ement 软件度量学:Softwa re Metric s 软件经济学:Softwa re Econom ics 软件计划WH Y软件分析WHAT软件实现HO W软件生存周期过程的开发标准Standa rd for Develo pingSoftwa re Life CycleProces s软件开发模型:Softwa re Develo pment Model编码员:Coder瀑布模型:Waterf all Model快速原型模型:RapidProtot ype Model增量模型:Increm ental Model线性思维:Linear Thinki ng演化模型:Evolut ionar y Model螺旋模型:Spiral Model对象:Object类:Class继承:Inheri tance聚集:Aggreg ation消息:Messag e面向对象=对象Obje ct+分类Clas sific ation+继承Inhe ritan ce+消息通信Co mmuni catio n with Messag es构件集成模型:Compon ent Integr ation Model转换模型:Transf ormat ional Model净室软件工程:Cleanr oom Softwa re Engine ering净室模型:Cleanr oom Model软件需求规格说明书:Softwa re Requir ement Specif icati on ,SRS 分析模型:Analys is Model便利的应用规约技术:Facili tated Applic ation Specif icati on Techni ques,FAST结构化语言:Struct uredLangua ge 判定树:Decisi on Tree基数:Cardin ality事件轨迹:EventTrace对象-关系Obje ct-Relati onssh ip 结构化分析:SA(Struct uredAnalys is)由顶向下,逐步细化Top-Down Stepwi se Refine ment面向对象分析:Object-Orient ed Analys is包含:Contai ns临近:Is Next To传到:Transm its to来自:Acquir es from管理:Manage s控制:Contro ls组成:Is Compos ed of细化:Refine ment抽象:Abstra ction模块:Module策略:Strate gy信息隐藏:Inform ation Hiding数据封装:Data Encaps ulati on抽象数据类型:Abstra ct Data type 模块化设计:Modula r Design分解:Decomp ositi on模块性:Modula rity单模块软件:Monoli thicSoftwa re模块独立性:Module Indepe ndenc e内聚:Cohesi on偶然性内聚:Coinci denta l Cohesi on逻辑性内聚:Logica l Cohesi on 时间性内聚:Tempor al Cohesi on 过程性内聚:Proced uralCohesi on通信性内聚:Commun icati onalCohesi on顺序性内聚:Sequen tialCohesi on 功能性内聚:Functi onalCohesi on 非直接偶合:No Direct Coupli ng 数据偶合:Data Coupli ng特征偶合:StampCoupli ng控制偶合:Contro l Coupli ng外部偶合:Extern al Coupli ng公共偶合:Common Coupli ng 内容偶合: Conten t Coupli ng由底向上设计:Bottom-Up Design自顶向下设计:Top-Down Design 正式复审:Formal Review非正式复审:Inform al Review走查,排练:Walk-Throug h会审:Inspec tion映射:Mappin g传入路径:Affere nt path传出路径:Effere nt path变换中心:Transf orm Center接受路径:Recept ion path动作路径:Action path事务中心:Transa ction Center分支分解:Factor ing of Brandc hes瓮形:oval-shaped一个模块的控制域:Scopeof Contro l一个模块的作用域:Scopeof Effect结构化程序设计:Struct uredProgra mming通心面程序:Bowl of Spaghe tti 流程图:Flow Diagra m编码:Coding方框图:BlockDiagra mPDL (Pidgin):Progra m Design Langua ge伪代码:Pseudo CodeJSD:Jackso n System Develo pment 对象建模技术:Object Modeli ng Techni que基础设施:Infras truct ure控制线程:Thread of Contro l保护者对象:Guardi an Object协议:protoc olUML:Unifie d Modeli ng Langua ge OMG:Object Manage mentGroup统一方法:Unifie d Method关联:Associ ation泛化:Genera lizat ion依赖:Depend ency结点:Node接口:Interf ace包:Packag e注释:Note特化:Specia lizat ion元元模型:Meta-Meta Model用户模型:User Model静态图:Static Diagra m动态图:Dynami c Diagra m用例视图:Use Case View逻辑视图:Logica l View并发视图:Concur rentView构件视图:Compon ent View实现模型视图:Implem entat ion ModelView部署视图:Deploy mentView航向:Naviga bilit y重数:Multip licit y共享聚集:Shared Aggreg ation组合:Compos ition泛化:Genera lizat ion简单消息:Simple Messag e同步消息:Synchr onous Messag e 异步消息:Asynch ronou s Messag e事件说明:Event_Signa ture守卫条件:Guard_Condi tion动作表达式:Action_Expr essio n 发送子句:Send_C lause时序图:Sequen ce Diagra m协作图:Collab orati on Diagra m 前缀:Predec essor循环子句:Iterat ion-Clause活动图:Activi ty Diagra m构件图:Compon ent Diagra m配置图:Deploy mentDiagra m建模过程指导(RUP):Ration al Unifie d Proces s可执行代码:Execut albeCodes实现:Implem entat ion编码风格:Coding Style标准:Classi cal控制流的直线性:Linear ity of Contro l Flow 程序风格设计要素:先求正确后求快Make it rightbefore you make it faster.先求清楚后求快Make it clearbefore you make it faster.求快不忘保持程序正确Keep it rightwhen you make it faster.保持程序简单以求快Keep it simple to make it faster.书写清楚,不要为“效率”牺牲清楚Writeclearl y-don't sacrif ice clarit y for "effici ency"文档化:Code Docume ntati on内部文档编制:Intern al Docume ntati on序言:Prolog ue用户友善:User Friend ly纠错:Debugg ing测试用例:Test Case穷举测试:Exhaus tiveTestin g选择测试:Select ive Testin g静态分析:Static Analys is黑盒测试:BlackBox Testin g白盒测试:WhiteBox Testin g等价分类:Equiva lence Partio ning边界值分析法:Bounda ry ValueAnalys is所谓猜错:ErrorGuessi ng因果图:Cause-Effect Graph逻辑覆盖测试法:LogicCovera ge Testin g试凑:Trialand Error回溯:Back Tracki ng病因排除法:CauseElimin ation 测试纠错:Debugg ing by Testin g 蛮力纠错技术:Debugg ing by BruteForce回归测试:Regres sionTestin g单元测试:Unit Testin g综合测试:Integr ation Testin g确认测试: V alida tionTestin g系统测试:System Testin g模块测试:Module Testin g 高级测试:Higher orderTestin g 不可达的:Unreac hable办公桌检查:Desk Check走查:Walk-Throug h代码会审:Code Inspec tion测试驱动模块:Test Driver测试桩模块:Test Stub群:Cluste r混合方式测试:Sandwi ch Testin g 渐增式测试:Increm ental Testin g非渐增式:Non-Increm ental配置复审:Config urati on Review 测试终止标准:Test Comple tionCriter ia基于线程的测试:Thread-BasedTestin g基于使用:Use-Based基于构件的软件开发:Compon ent BasedSoftwa re Develo pment ,CBSD领域工程:Domain Engine ering需求规约:Requir ement s Specif icati on变体:Varian t组件对象模型,COM:Compon et Object Model对象链接与嵌入:Object Linkin g and Embedd ing公共对象请求代理体系结构,CORBA:Common Object Reques t Broker Archit ectur e枚举分类:Enumer aterClassi ficat ion呈面分类:Facete d Classi ficat ion 属性-值分类:Attrib ute-ValueClassi ficat ion应用系统工程,ASE:Applic ation System Engine ering完善性维护:Perfec tiveMainte nance适应性维护:Adapti ve Mainte nance纠错性维护:Correc tiveMainte nance预防性维护:Preven tiveMainte nance结构化的翻新:Struct uredRetrof it可维护性:Mainta inabi lity可理解性:Unders tanda bilit y可修改性:Modifi abili ty可测试性:Testab ility调用图:Call Graph交差引用表:Cross-Refere nce Direct ory数据封装技术:Data Encaps ulati on维护申请单M RF:Mainte nance Reques t Form软件问题报告单SPR:Softwa re Proble m Report软件修改报告单SCR:Softwa re Change Report修改控制组C CB:Change Contro l Board软件配置:Softwa re Config urati on 版本控制库:Versio n Contro l Librar y活动比:Activi ty Ratio工作量调节因子EAF:Effort Adjust mentFactor软件再工程:Softwa re Reengi neeri ng逆向工程:Revers e Engine ering 重构:Restru cture演化性:Evolva bilit y问题定义:Proble m Defini tion系统目标与范围的说明:Statem ent of Scopeand Object ives可行性研究:Feasib ility Study系统流程图:System Flowch art 成本-效益分析:Cost-Benifi t Analys is风险识别:Risk Identi ficat ion风险预测:Risk Projec tion风险估计:Risk Estima tion风险评价:Risk Assess ment估算模型:Estima tionModel资源模型:Resour ce Model构造性成本模型:Constr uctiv e cost Model组织:Organi c半独立:Semide tache d嵌入:Embede d算法模型:Algori thmic Model分类活动结构图WBS:Work Breakd own Struct ure人员-时间权衡定律People-Time Trade-Off Law无我小组:Egoles s T eam主程序员小组:Chief-Progra mmerTeam PERT:Progra m Evalua tionand Review Techni que关键路径:Critic al Path知识产权:Intell ectua l Proper ty 靠质量来管理:Manage mentby Measur ement质量保证:Qualit y Assura nce质量认证: Qualit y Certif icati on质量检验:Qualit y Inspec tion全面质量管理TQC:TotalQualit y Contro l质量体系:Qualit y System计划-实施-检查-措施 Plan-Do-Check-Action合格论证:Confor mityCertif icati on可靠性:Reliab ility效率:Effici ency运行工程:HumanEngine ering正确性:Correc tness使用性:Usabil ity完整性:Integr ity可理解性:Unders tanda bilit y可测试性:Testab ility可修改性:Modifi abili ty可移植性:Portab ility可维护性:Mainta inabi lity可适应性:Flexib ility可重用性:Reusab ility 交互操作性:Intero perab ility验证与确认:Verifi catio n and Valida tion,V&V基线:Baseli nes平均故障时间:Mean Time To Failur e ,MTTF错误传入:ErrorSeedin g冗余:Redund ancy容错:FaultTolera nce公理化归纳断言法:Axio-MaticInduct ive Assert ion循环不变式:Loop Invari ant能力成熟度模型:Capabi lityMaturi ty Model关键过程域:Key Proces s Area ,KPA关键实践:Key Practi ce初始级:Initia l可重复级:Repeat able已定义级:Define d已管理级:Manage d优化级:Optimi zing主任评估师:Lead Assess or极值程序设计:Extrem e Progra mming自适应软件开发:Adapti ve Softwa re Develo pment轻载:Lightweight重载:HeavyWeight返工:Rework进度:Schedu le时间:Durati on成本:Cost代码行LOC:Linesof Code面向功能:Functi on-Orient ed面向规模: Size-Orient ed功能点:Functi on Points权系数:Weight ing Coeffi cient用户输入:User Input用户输出: User Output用户查询: User Inquir ty主文件处理:Master File外部界面:Extern al Interf ace TCF:Techni cal Comple xityFactor技术复杂性因子测度:Measur ement最终用户:End-User;计算机辅助软件工程CA SE:Comput er AidedSoftwa re Engine ering拉出:pull-out下拉: pull-down一致性:Unific ation自动化:Automa tion过程模型:Proces s Model软件开发环境SDE:Softwa re Develo pment Enviro nment软件设计支持环境PSE:Progra mming Suppor t Enviro nment集成化项目支持IPSE:Integr atedProjec t Suppor t Enviro nment集成化框架:Integr ation Framew ork质量从头抓起:Qualit y from Beginn ing 缺陷:Defect变更请求:Change Reques t功能扩充:Enhanc ement Reques t。
. 课程关键术语中英文对照表1、S oftware 软件2、U ser 用户3、D eveloper 开发者4、C onstituent 组成5、P rogram 程序6、D ocument 文档7、D ata 数据8、S oftware Crisis 软件危机9、S afety-Critical 安全忧关的10、Software Engineering 软件工程11、Maintenance 维护12、Bug 故障13、Failure 失效14、Correctness 正确性15、Reliability 可靠性16、Maintainability 可维护性17、Reusability 可重用性18、Traceability 可跟踪性19、Portability 可移植性20、Interoperability 互操作性21、Efficiency 有效性23、Modularity 模块化24、Information Hiding 信息隐藏25、Localization 局部化26、Consistency 一致27、Completeness 完整28、Verifiability 可验证29、Software Lifecycle 软件生命周期30、Feasibility Investigation 可行性分析31、Requirement 需求32、Requirement Analysis 需求分析33、Software Delivery 软件发布34、Prototype 原型35、Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 软件需求规格说明书36、Software Architecture 软件体系结构37、Refinement 精化38、Software Architecture Design Specification 软件体系结构规格说明书39、Integration Test Plan 集成测试计划40、Detailed Design 详细设计41、Detailed Design Specification 详细设计规格说明书42、Unit Test Plan 单元测试计划43、Integration Test 集成测试45、Validation Test46、Maintenance 维护47、Process 过程48、Software Process 软件过程49、Process Framework 过程框架50、Software Process Model 软件过程模型51、Incremental Model 增量模型52、RAD Model 快速应用开发53、Spiral Model 螺旋模型54、Unified Process 统一过程55、CASE 计算机辅助软件工程56、Software requirement 软件需求57、Function 功能58、Performance 性能59、Constraint 约束60、Schedule 进度61、Requirement Engineering 需求工程62、Analyst 分析人员63、Stakeholder 利益相关者64、Software Requirement Specification 软件需求规格说明书65、Inception 开始67、Elaboration 精化68、Negotiation 协商69、Specification 规格说明70、Validation 确认71、Management 管理72、Modeling 建模73、Refinement 精炼74、Conflict 冲突75、Multiple Viewpoints 多视点76、Prototype 原型77、Standardization 标准化78、Rules of Thumb 经验原则79、Requirement Analysis 需求分析80、Methodology 方法学81、Data Flow Oriented Modeling 面向数据流建模82、Data Flow Oriented Methodology 面向数据流方法学83、Structure Software Development Methodology 结构化软件开发方法学84、Data Flow Diagram(DFD)数据流图85、Data Dictionary (DD) 数据字典86、Process Specification (PS) 处理规格说明87、External Entity 外部实体89、Data storage 数据存储90、Data flow 数据流91、Software Design Specification (SDS) 软件设计规格说明书92、Design Models 设计模型93、Formal Technical Review 正式技术评审94、Architecture Design Model 体系结构设计模型95、Data design Model 数据设计模型96、Interface Design Model 接口设计模型97、Component Design Model 部件设计模型98、Deployment Design Model 部署设计模型99、Design Principle 设计原则100、Abstraction 抽象101、Architecture 体系结构102、Patterns 模式103、Modularity 模块化104、Hiding 隐藏105、Functional Independence 功能独立106、Refinement 精化107、Refactoring 重构108、Program Design Language(PDL) 程序设计语言109、User interface (UI) 用户界面111、Transform Flow 变换流112、Transaction Flow 事务流113、Incoming Flow 输入流114、Transform Center 处理中心115、Outgoing Flow 输出流116、Transaction 事务117、Transaction Flow 事务流118、Transaction Center 事务中心119、Action Paths 动作路径120、Transform Mapping 变换映射121、Transaction mapping 事务映射122、Error-free 无错误123、Software Error 软件错误124、Software Testing 软件测试125、Delivery 交付126、Debug 跟踪127、Evaluate Result 评估结果128、Test Case 测试用例129、Tester 测试人员130、Unit Testing 单元测试131、Integration Testing 集成测试133、Stub 桩134、Testability 可测试性135、Observability 可观察性136、Understandability 可理解性137、Cover 覆盖138、White-Box Testing 黑盒测试139、Black-Box Testing 白盒测试140、Basic Path Testing 基本路径测试141、Flow Diagram 流图142、Flowchart 流程图143、Path 路径144、Basic Path 基本路径145、Equivalence Partitioning 等价分类146、Boundary Value Analysis 边界取值分析147、Regression Tests 回归测试。
Internet of electronic information resourcesdevelopment and utilizationThe development and utilization of Internet richness of the electronic information resource, which can be directly consider E-mail, file transfer, Telnet approach, also can indirectly consider using several common information retrieval tool, the paper made a detailed introduction and analysis, aims to help help user well using the Internet. For information institutions or library is concerned, to learn and use well, not only can enlarge Internet information resources development and utilization of the scope, but also able to enhance the level of service to users.Keywords Internet electronic information resources development and utilizationExploitation andUtilization of Electronic Information Resources on Internet- The Internet can be extensive communication in the world every person, connect all the computer and provides a wealth of information resources, and provide A variety of service tool to obtain these resources. Information institutions or libraries in the Internet for information resources, retrieval electricity The son journals and newspapers, orders and electronic publications, retrieval online catalogue and union catalog, a searchable database system, access journals to discuss, through the file transfer (FTP) receiving documents. So we can use Internet richness of the information resources to expand its collection, still can use directly these information resources to carry on the information retrieval consulting services. In searching available in the email, database retrieval, file transfer, remote login, and information query tools etc. In order to enrich the exploitation and utilization of Internet information resources, the author thinks that should through the following ways.1 directly use the InternetE-mail (hereinafter Email) Electronicmail,E-mail is a based on computer network to store, forward form various data, images, and exchange information in words of exchange System, sending and receiving and managementare in computer Internet E-mail systems management software. Email software generally provide teleport, browse, storage, transfer, delete, restore E-mail and the reply, and other functions, can match a communication, also can spread, each user has a particular coding mailbox, can with any users online information transmission, spontaneous since the received or forwardingletters. User simply equipped with a modem, a telephone lines and thcorresponding communication software, can in any part of the microcomputer with communication phase even on sending and receiving information, to realize communication. Email take storage, forwarding way, open E-mail program is adopted, the web server machine online way 24 hours working around-the-clock, always receive emails from all of the world, no matter what, when and where will the computer connected server only, can scoop out your E-mail. Need to send electronic information, users first the arbitrary length of letters for its input computer plus addressee address, and send button, the information being sent to the information high male road. On the other side of the addressee opena computer, information will be sent into his E-mail, can be read. Through E-mail can access the Internet richness of the database and files resources. But on the Internet use E-mail to the other party requests, told to want borrowed books or want to copy a in the journal papers. Users can also use E-mail to information institutions (or library) rapporteur retrieval request, will soon be in the home received E-mail sent back the retrieval results.via E-mail to obtain information resources of several ways(1) what service(2) information serviceProvide consulting services, get all kinds of information resources on the network.Internet information service center compiled the Mail server (E-mail Erver), so as to let the user's query the information they provide. Archie server to send an email, the mail service Device will automatically read, analyze mail, and will executecommands in the results by E-mail sent users. When the user wants to nets thespecific information service center inquires the material, can be directly to thecenter send an contains a series of electric information query command son Mail, the center's Mail server (E-mail erver) of procedures will automatically collect read, analyze received E-mail of life makes, then for users to search, retrieval results by E-mail sent back to the user E-mail.(3) electronic Bulletin Board system (Bulletin Board ystem, abbreviation BB)The electronic bulletin board content includes news, notification, conference news, composition, the latest weather conditions, the telephone directory and so on, can to a group of users, and not a single user provide telecommunication services, 24 hour at all times to located in the world of a group of people to transmit information, is the information communication is a very effective tool.(4) user group discussion group) (i.e. User group(Mailing List) is in accordance with the different project organization, attract the world 56,936 or have a common interest Old people to the discussion, exchange views. To become a discussion group members, users need to apply a paneldiscussion of the principal (usually send an electronic mail), he (she) name wasincluded in the recipient list, then duly received networks offer letter interest, the user can his ideas entry computer, transmitted to other members of the group inside, so everyone may at any time, any place engage in conversation. In a foreign country, by E-mail for academic discussion already commonly, the same professional orrelated field experts, scholars between academic discussions and informationexchange. Join or exit the group of users only to the relevant E-mail send ancontaining have join (by) or exit (unsubscribe) the E-mail address.(5) electronic journal (EJournal)Subscriber may through email to E-mail server @ RTFM. MIT. Edu address can be checked to the electronic periodical catalog and their E-mail address, emailaddresses to it issued to order the whole of periodicals or ordering the relatedarticles in the journal letters. There are many online free of electronic journals, as long as you apply for subscription, subscription publications will automatically send to youElectronic mailbox.(6) online meetingElectronic conference in time and place of great flexibility, although lackingattendees mutual infection, but for travelFee less groups speaking, have certain appeal.library or information institutions using email approach(1) information consulting servicesFor readers request access to the literature material, ask knotty problems, find the latest information, when library cannot be resolved, they can make E-mail outside other information or advice, turn to deal with them.2) information retrieval serviceOCLC and DIALOG system, etc. By E-mail way for users provide query and retrieving service always respond to user All of the information required, and user'srequirements to a user's literature deliver E-mail.(3) provide online sdi intelligence servicesE-mail system, user use online inter-library loan system (ILL), first in the unity on the cataloguing books information retrieval, then choose 1! 5 housed thebibliography, sends out the library borrowingBook apply, Receive borrowed request of library via E-mail take each other need literature transmission in the past.(5) book purchasing and newspapers and periodicals orderMany books wholesalers and publishers and set up their own electronic ordering system, used for the transmission of various books tradeFile, data and information, ordering personnel want to use based on the systematic terminals, can get from all over the world from the book information such asE-mail.(6) literature material exchange business,(7) collect user opinion(8) to release a new books catalogues, news and noticethrough Email realized on the various service with Internet access service provided(1) through Email do FTP,(2) by Email do Archic;(3) by Email do Gophcr;(4) by Email do Veronica,(5) by Email do Usenet;(6) by Email do WAI retrieval;(7) by Email do WWW,(8) by Email do Finger,(9) by Email do WHOI;(10) by Email to do the other services.File Transfer Protocol (FTP Protocol File, abbreviation) 'Is stored in the remote computer system of documents access tool. Need to userlogin user name and password files Sharing agreement. According to the FTP access to resources can be considered a special library (or information center), at any time to each take place Need, but not limited to place, also need not dependent on inter-library loan. In any between two computers to transmit data (documents), it is to use Elihu access Internet rich resources important method. File transfer protocol of the basic operation steps: ∀ and file transfer protocol clothing Affairs editor on-line, # login each other host, ∃ find necessary files; % definitions are send files the type; & access files, ∋exit The other system. Document transmission, the first login to the other computer, just can undertake and file search, transmission related operation, such as the following documents directory, change the current document catalogue, set transport parameters, transfer files etc, using FTP can obtain any field letter interest resources, still can obtain thousands of computer program software.The FTP connection only being used for searching and transmit various documents, and usually is the literature of full text, allows users to nonlocal calculation In-flight file transfer to this unit hosts, and then set of records to oneself of micro computer reading, printing, or other processing. In the file transfer process, user once found useful information, can immediately they retrieved, sets of record and print them out.130 Telnet (Telnet)This is in the TCP/interconnection Protocol (Transission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, abbreviation TCP/IP) of communication protocol terminal agreement Telnet, under the support of user's computer through Internet nets temporarily become one Sets the remote computer terminal process. Users first in Telnet command given in the remote computer's communication domain name or IP address, but according to the other system after the inquiry, the key in the user name and password. In the remote computer user, the first to become ubiquitous tasseled legitimate user, and have corresponding account number and password. Remote login step: with the other system online; ∀ # login each other department experience.meanwhile, ∃ decide oneself use terminals, in order to complete simulation type network terminal display data, % of all kinds of resources to the other system using, & exit each other. Once the user login successfully, can be real-time use remote computer opening of all resources. It is unnecessary to consider how far is from another country, users of computer system as connected next door, through remote system as easily as recorded connection, you immediately AD and can search Princeton university library online public readers, as if you were in use directory of the school an online directory public readers terminal. Use this function to use the remote computer on the information resources, to realize information sharing, and can make the information processing. Scientific computing, thus greatly expanded their available resources.2 the indirectly USES the InternetIf well track of the information network, find appropriate database, grasp well below the network information inspectionCable tools can be easier, fully, more effectively on the Internet queried and available information resource.information query software Gop erApril 1991 by the university of Minnesota's earliest development of a menu-driveninteractive type retrieval software, then browse in readers retrieval Internet on the various information resources. Will all kinds of information resources according to the hierarchical menus forms are properly described later to give users access, From top to bottom layers, thus accessing the menu was necessary information. Will the user requests automatically converts FTP or Telnet command, it's common functions are: search text files, The user's query recorded, Call FTP access files.Gopher integrated FTP functions, use Telnet or can be directly obtained menu-driven documents.Veronica (2.2 VeryEasyRodentOriented leads to a Computerized Arc ives) retrieval System This is a based on the pace of Gopher information retrieval system, to Gopher pace menu further index. User input retrieval words, the system will searching out all containing the search term menu items. Veronica tell users you find food single shown below (documents describing levels). Can retrieve out and retrieval model matching menu, so that the user can be directly enter phase shut menu, get necessary information.Jug eadThe basic function and Veronica is same, also be retrieval Gopher pace system of a kind of tool, Veronica's search rangeAre the Gopher pace, and Jughead only check Gopher pace is a particular area.global information nets WWW (Web) number1992 by European particle research center (CERN) launched the based on a super text (Hypertext) multimedia letterCoupon retrieval or query tool, is a menu type browsing tool, is the tree structure, the user can through cadres menu listWay, inquires into his the information she needed. Using the WWW can not only visit Hypermedia (Hypermedia) organization, and informationAnd still can visit Gopher, WAI, FTP, Archie and Usenet on the various information, and can obtain X500 andWhois and other network directory services. It will be located at Internet at different sites related literatures, data and information organically plait knit together, the use requirements, but only put forward inquires where and how to query is composed of query WWW automatically. The WWW searchable online with nearly all of the information resources, namely a link on the Internet computers in zentraedi, WWW software worldwide information immediately illustrated to appear vividly eyes, even with sound color animation or films, videos slice. Library users can be collected in today's world, WWW various hypertext literature, to build a virtual library. WWW retrieval tools (retrieval engine.this earch search) many, such as Yahoo is an excellent collection Engine, can be said to be a huge libraries of directory room, their web site is: HTTP: / /; 1996 mid-may Hong Kong optimal couplet grams international Co., LTD launched high intelligence collection of Chinese Goyoyo, inquires the material when engine, can according to its classification project retrieval, may also directly enter the keywords to find necessary Chinese material, quite convenient, their web site is:http://WWW. Goyoyo. Com.Arc ie document query systemBy Canada MCGILL university develops, allow the user to enter a through may appear in the key needed database nameWord on the Internet to inquires resources. User input keywords, Archie can be automatically query online documentation, and willname descriptorClose inquires the conditions of the database retrieval out. Users are searching the types of files with hope filename, document server (ArchieServer) can point out that in which the FTP server to deposit such documents.For according to index search and find articles according to content with strong function, can use one or more keywords to search rapidly, tulameen bottom of information, can be in millions of database searches for any information Internet service tool, is a kind of keywords search information relevant documents in the host address, document catalogue and filenames) tool, is an information retrieval system, can cycle connected to the world of anonymous FTP server, will these servers offer can carry document file name and path collect together to form Archie database, and through the retrieval procedure for Internet users provide compulsory inspection cable service. Archic search out a file of the corresponding anonymous FTP address, namely tell users you seek filename where (filename level). Can help inquires the carrying specified file or directory anonymous FTP, and returning to our information.2.6 wide-area information server WAIS (Wide AreaInformation Service)Apple Computer, know by Dow Jones Machines and jointly sponsored by know Machines Develop and provide the user inquires the distribution in the Internet on each kind of database of a generic interface software. Is a distributionType information retrieval system, searchable database, involving more than 500 index range of content is great, suitable for searching text files, reading newspapers around the world, scanning all kinds of professional database. Using the WAI than other tools can more accurately retrieving of user's file.Internet 电子信息资源的开发和利用开发和利用Internet 上丰富的电子信息资源, 可直接考虑电子邮件、文件传输、远程登录的途径,也可间接考虑利用各种常用的信息检索工具, 本文分别作了较详细的介绍和分析, 旨在帮助用户很好地使用Internet。
Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Determinants and Permanents 行列式Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划Random Number Generation 随机数生成Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Sorting 排序Searching 查找Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分Vertex Coloring 点染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access level访问级别access function 访问函数account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced 高级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架appearance 外观append 附加architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。
软件工程毕业论文文献翻译中英文对照学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学生姓名: 学号专业名称:软件工程译文标题(中英文):Qt Creator白皮书(Qt Creator Whitepaper)译文出处:Qt network 指导教师审阅签名: 外文译文正文:Qt Creator白皮书Qt Creator是一个完整的集成开发环境(IDE),用于创建Qt应用程序框架的应用。
本文提供了一个推出的Qt Creator和提供Qt开发人员在应用开发生命周期的特点。
Qt Creator的简介Qt Creator的主要优点之一是它允许一个开发团队共享一个项目不同的开发平台(微软Windows?的Mac OS X?和Linux?)共同为开发和调试工具。
Qt Creator的主要目标是满足Qt开发人员正在寻找简单,易用性,生产力,可扩展性和开放的发展需要,而旨在降低进入新来乍到Qt的屏障。
Qt Creator 的主要功能,让开发商完成以下任务: , 快速,轻松地开始使用Qt应用开发项目向导,快速访问最近的项目和会议。
, 设计Qt物件为基础的应用与集成的编辑器的用户界面,Qt Designer中。
, 开发与应用的先进的C + +代码编辑器,提供新的强大的功能完成的代码片段,重构代码,查看文件的轮廓(即,象征着一个文件层次)。
, 建立,运行和部署Qt项目,目标多个桌面和移动平台,如微软Windows,Mac OS X中,Linux的,诺基亚的MeeGo,和Maemo。
, GNU和CDB使用Qt类结构的认识,增加了图形用户界面的调试器的调试。
, 使用代码分析工具,以检查你的应用程序中的内存管理问题。
, 应用程序部署到移动设备的MeeGo,为Symbian和Maemo设备创建应用程序安装包,可以在Ovi商店和其他渠道发布的。
, 轻松地访问信息集成的上下文敏感的Qt帮助系统。
英语缩略词“SE”经常作为“Software Engineering”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“软件工程”。
英文单词:Software Engineering
中文拼音:ruǎn jiàn gōng chéng
缩写词领域:Academic Degrees。
常用中英文职务职称翻译大全泛瑞翻译董事长Board Chairman总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager总经理秘书Secretary总经理助理General Manager's Assistant秘书Secretary客户经理Account Manager高级理财顾问Senior Financial Consultant高级客户经理Senior Account Manager市场总监Marketing Director客户主任Account Executive市场营销部经理Manager of Marketing Department销售部经理Sales Manager餐饮部经理Food and Bererage Manager客房部经理Housekeeper康乐部经理Recreation Dept Manager财务部经理Financial Controller人事部经理Personnel Manager工程部经理Chief Engineer保安部经理Chief Security Officer办公室主任Director of Executive Office大堂副理Asst Manager物资经理Logistic&Purchasing Dept.Manager会计Accountant销售工程师Sales Engineer生产经理Production Dept.Manager销售工程师Sales Engineer工会主席Labour Union chairman操作工Operator库管员Warehouse Keeper技术工程师Technicial Engineer销售一部经理Sales Dept.Manager接待员Receiptionalist配料员Operator保洁员Purifier人事经理助理HR Assistant炊事员Canteen Worker会计Accountant质保经理QC Dept.Manager机械师Machinist工程主管Facilities Supervisor采购员Buyer车间班长Group Leader叉车司机Driver机修工Operator行政经理Administrative Dep.Manager运输协调员Traffic Coordinator副总工程师Vice-Chief Engineer综合管理部部长Colligation and Management Dep.Minister网络主管Network Manage综合管理部总务Colligation and Management Dep.General Affair 市场部部长Market Dep.Minister市场部项目总理Market Dep.Item Manager质保部Quantity Engineer工艺员Engineer调度员Dispatcher采购主管Purchase Manage综合管理部Colligation and Management Dep财务部部长Finance Dep.Minister市场部部长助理Market Dep.Minister's assistant生产部部长助理Produce Dep.Ministarls assistant研发工程师Develop Engineer业务主办Operation Direct计划员Programmer更夫Bellman技术服务部经理Technical Service Dept.Manager物资内勤Secretary技术服务工程师Technician Service Engineer销售二部经理Sales Dept.Manager车间主管Production Supervisor内勤Secretary出纳Cashier检验员hecker市场部经理Marketing Dept.Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales ManagerIT工程师IT Engineer研磨工Operator司机Driver清扫工Purifier人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager文员Clerk财务经理Finance Dept.Manager技术发展部经理Technical Development Dept.Manager 电工Electrician送货员Deliveryman挤压工OperatorSenior Accountant高级会计Senior Consultant/Adviser高级顾问Senior Employee高级雇员Senior Secretary高级秘书Service Manager服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter同声传译员Software Engineer(计算机)软件工程师Supervisor监管员Systems Adviser系统顾问Systems Engineer系统工程师Systems Operator系统操作员Technical Editor技术编辑Technical Translator技术翻译Technical Worker技术工人Telecommunication Executive电讯(电信)员Telephonist/Operator电话接线员、话务员Tourist Guide导游Trade Finance Executive贸易财务主管Trainee Manager培训部经理Translation Checker翻译核对员Translator翻译员Trust Banking Executive银行高级职员董事长Board Chairman总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager总经理秘书Secretary总经理助理General Manager's Assistant市场营销部经理Manager of Marketing Department销售部经理Sales Manager餐饮部经理Food and Bererage Manager客房部经理Housekeeper康乐部经理Recreation Dept Manager财务部经理Financial Controller信息部经理Info Manager人事部经理Personnel Manager工程部经理Chief Engineer保安部经理Chief Security Officer办公室主任Director of Executive Office大堂副理Asst Manager物资经理Logistic&Purchasing Dept.Manager会计Accountant销售工程师Sales Engineer生产经理Production Dept.Manager销售工程师Sales Engineer工会主席Labour Union chairman操作工Operator库管员Warehouse Keeper技术工程师Technicial Engineer销售一部经理Sales Dept.Manager接待员Receiptionalist配料员Operator保洁员Purifier人事经理助理HR Assistant炊事员Canteen Worker质保经理QC Dept.ManagerSr Engineer--Supplier Quality Engineering高级工程师-供应商质量工程师,Sr Engineer Team Lead高级工程师主管Oracle Database Administrator Oracle数据库管理员HR Sr.Staffing Administrator人力资源高级招聘主管Logistic Supervisor物流主管ITA Sr Administrator ITA高级行政人员Assocaite Engineer助理工程师Senior Engineer高级软件工程师Product Assurance Manager产品验证经理ORT Test Mananger ORT测试经理Quality Staff Engineer质量工程师Sr Engineer--Customer Quality Engineering高级工程师-客户质量经理IT System Analyst IT系统分析员Associate Engineer助理工程师Training Supervisor培训主管HSA Production Supervisor美国HSA生产主管Associate Engineer(for Drive equipment)助理工程师(硬盘设备)Product Manager(for Product Engineering)产品经理(产品工程师)Firmware Engineer固件工程师Senior Software Engineer(for Tooling Development)高级软件工程师(模具拓展)Sr Engineer--Quality高级工程师-质量IT Developer人力资源软件开发IT Staff Analyst IT分析师主管IT Analyst(Teamcenter Engineering)IT分析师(Teamcenter工程师)Mechanical Commodity Manager物料采购经理Staff Supplier Quality Engineer质量工程师主管 </td><td width="50%"height="59"><p>Accounting Assistant会计助理Accounting Clerk记帐员Accounting Manager会计部经理Accounting Stall会计部职员Accounting Supervisor会计主管Administration Manager行政经理Administration Staff行政人员Administrative Assistant行政助理Administrative Clerk行政办事员Advertising Staff广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Staff航空公司职员Application Engineer应用工程师Assistant Manager副经理Bond Analyst证券分析员Bond Trader证券交易员Business Controller业务主任Business Manager业务经理Buyer采购员Cashier出纳员Chemical Engineer化学工程师Civil Engineer土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员Clerk Typist&Secretary文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人Deputy General Manager副总经理Economic Research Assistant经济助究助理Electrical Engineer电气工程师Engineering Technician工程技术员English Instructor/Teacher英语教师Export Sales Manager外销部经理Export Sales Staff外销部职员Financial Controller财务主任Financial Reporter财务报告人F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员Fund Manager财务经理General Auditor审计长General Manager/President总经理General Manager Assistant总经理助理General Manager's Secretary总经理秘书Hardware Engineer(计算机)硬件工程师Import Liaison Staff进口联络员Import Manager进口部经理Insurance Actuary保险公司理赔员International Sales Staff国际销售员Interpreter口语翻译Legal Adviser法律顾问Line Supervisor生产线主管Maintenance Engineer维修工程师Management Consultant管理顾问Manager经理Manager for Public Relations公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer制造工程师Manufacturing Worker生产员工Market Analyst市场分析员Market Development Manager市场开发部经理Marketing Manager市场销售部经理Marketing Staff市场销售员Marketing Assistant销售助理Marketing Executive销售主管Marketing Representative销售代表Marketing Representative Manager市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer机械工程师Mining Engineer采矿工程师Music Teacher音乐教师Naval Architect造船工程师Office Assistant办公室助理Office Clerk职员Operational Manager业务经理Package Designer包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk人事部职员Personnel Manager人事部经理Plant/Factory Manager厂长Postal Clerk邮政人员Private Secretary私人秘书Product Manager生产部经理Production Engineer产品工程师Professional Staff专业人员Programmer电脑程序设计师Project Staff(项目)策划人员Promotional Manager推售部经理Proof-reader校对员Purchasing Agent采购(进货)员Quality Control Engineer质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff房地产职员Recruitment Co-ordinator招聘协调人Regional Manger地区经理Research&.Development Engineer研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff销售计划员Sales Assistant销售助理Sales Clerk店员、售货员Sales Coordinator销售协调人Sales Engineer销售工程师Sales Executive销售主管Sales Manager销售部经理Salesperson销售员Seller Representative销售代表Sales Supervisor销售监管School Registrar学校注册主任Secretarial Assistant秘书助理Secretary秘书Securities Custody Clerk保安人员Security Officer安全人员Typist打字员Wordprocessor Operator文字处理操作员机械师Machinist工程主管Facilities Supervisor采购员Buyer车间班长Group Leader叉车司机Driver机修工Operator采购主管Purchase Manage综合管理部Colligation and Management Dep财务部部长Finance Dep.Minister市场部部长助理Market Dep.Minister's assistant生产部部长助理Produce Dep.Ministarls assistant研发工程师Develop Engineer业务主办Operation Direct计划员Programmer更夫Bellman技术服务部经理Technical Service Dept.Manager物资内勤Secretary技术服务工程师Technician Service Engineer销售二部经理Sales Dept.Manager车间主管Production Supervisor内勤Secretary出纳Cashier检验员hecker市场部经理Marketing Dept.Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales ManagerIT工程师IT Engineer研磨工Operator司机Driver清扫工Purifier人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager文员Clerk财务经理Finance Dept.Manager技术发展部经理Technical Development Dept.Manager电工Electrician送货员Deliveryman挤压工Operator行政经理Administrative Dep.Manager运输协调员Traffic Coordinator副总工程师Vice-Chief Engineer综合管理部部长Colligation and Management Dep.Minister网络主管Network Manage综合管理部总务Colligation and Management Dep.General Affair 市场部部长Market Dep.Minister市场部项目总理Market Dep.Item Manager质保部Quantity Engineer工艺员Engineer调度员DispatcherCustomer Quality Manager客户质量经理Engineering Manager(For HDIG Group,Funtional Engineering)工程经理(希捷集团设计经理)EHS Director/Senior Manager EHS主管/高级经理Senior Manager(for Lean Manufacturing)高级经理(精益生产)Drive FA Engineer(for Product Engineering)硬盘失效工程师(产品工程师)Engineering Manager(for Functional Engineering)工程经理(设计工程师)Senior FA Engineer(for worldwide FA)高级失效分析工程师(世界范围内失效分析)Engineer(for Drive equipment)工程师(硬盘设备)M&P Sr.Engineer法国M&P高级工程师HGSA Equipment Engineer(software)HGSA设备高级工程师(软件)。
Unit 11.This introduction brought about the first real signs of competition within computing history which helped to spur faster and better of computers.译:这项引进带来了计算史中是第一个正真的竞争标志,有助于刺激计算机更快更好的发展。
(1) 这一开始带来了计算历史中可谓第一个真正的竞争标志,有助于刺激计算机更快更好的发展。
2.while expensive, these machines started the trend for computers within common households.译:尽管这些机器很昂贵,但是他们在普通用户中开启了计算机潮流。
(2) 虽然昂贵,但是这些机器为计算机在普通家庭中使用开启了趋势。
Unit 21.In personal computers, a motherboard is the central printed circuit board(PCB) in many modern computers and holds many of the crucial components of system,providing connectors for other peripherals.译:在个人电脑中,一个主板是许多现代计算机的中央印刷电路板,并且包含很多重要的系统零件,这些零件为其他外围设备提供连接器。
(1) 对于个人电脑,许多现代计算机中的主板是中央印制电路板(PCB),并拥有计算机系统的许多重要组成部分,为其他外围设备提供连接器。
2.A CPU socket provides many functions, including a physical structure to support the CPU, support for a heat sink, facilitating replacement(as well as reducing cost),and most importantly ,forming an electrical interface both with the CPU and the PCB. 译:CPU插座有很多功能,它可作为一个支撑CPU并支持散热器的物理结构,还利于更换,也减少花费,更重要的是,它能与中央处理器和印刷电路板形成一个电接口(2) CPU插座提供了许多功能,包括支持CPU的物理结构、对散热片的支持、便于更换(以及降低成本),最重要的是形成了一个CPU和PCB的带电接口。
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Internet of electronic information resourcesdevelopment and utilizationThe development and utilization of Internet richness of the electronic information resource, which can be directly consider E-mail, file transfer, Telnet approach, also can indirectly consider using several common information retrieval tool, the paper made a detailed introduction and analysis, aims to help help user well using the Internet. For information institutions or library is concerned, to learn and use well, not only can enlarge Internet information resources development and utilization of the scope, but also able to enhance the level of service to users.Keywords Internet electronic information resources development and utilizationExploitation andUtilization of Electronic Information Resources on Internet- The Internet can be extensive communication in the world every person, connect all the computer and provides a wealth of information resources, and provide A variety of service tool to obtain these resources. Information institutions or libraries in the Internet for information resources, retrieval electricity The son journals and newspapers, orders and electronic publications, retrieval online catalogue and union catalog, a searchable database system, access journals to discuss, through the file transfer (FTP) receiving documents. So we can use Internet richness of the information resources to expand its collection, still can use directly these information resources to carry on the information retrieval consulting services. In searching available in the email, database retrieval, file transfer, remote login, and information query tools etc. In order to enrich the exploitation and utilization of Internet information resources, the author thinks that should through the following ways.1 directly use the InternetE-mail (hereinafter Email) Electronicmail,E-mail is a based on computer network to store, forward form various data, images, and exchange information in words of exchange System, sending and receiving and managementare in computer Internet E-mail systems management software. Email software generally provide teleport, browse, storage, transfer, delete, restore E-mail and the reply, and other functions, can match a communication, also can spread, each user has a particular coding mailbox, can with any users online information transmission, spontaneous since the received or forwardingletters. User simply equipped with a modem, a telephone lines and thcorresponding communication software, can in any part of the microcomputer with communication phase even on sending and receiving information, to realize communication. Email take storage, forwarding way, open E-mail program is adopted, the web server machine online way 24 hours working around-the-clock, always receive emails from all of the world, no matter what, when and where will the computer connected server only, can scoop out your E-mail. Need to send electronic information, users first the arbitrary length of letters for its input computer plus addressee address, and send button, the information being sent to the information high male road. On the other side of the addressee opena computer, information will be sent into his E-mail, can be read. Through E-mail can access the Internet richness of the database and files resources. But on the Internet use E-mail to the other party requests, told to want borrowed books or want to copy a in the journal papers. Users can also use E-mail to information institutions (or library) rapporteur retrieval request, will soon be in the home received E-mail sent back the retrieval results.via E-mail to obtain information resources of several ways(1) what service(2) information serviceProvide consulting services, get all kinds of information resources on the network.Internet information service center compiled the Mail server (E-mail Erver), so as to let the user's query the information they provide. Archie server to send an email, the mail service Device will automatically read, analyze mail, and will executecommands in the results by E-mail sent users. When the user wants to nets thespecific information service center inquires the material, can be directly to thecenter send an contains a series of electric information query command son Mail, the center's Mail server (E-mail erver) of procedures will automatically collect read, analyze received E-mail of life makes, then for users to search, retrieval results by E-mail sent back to the user E-mail.(3) electronic Bulletin Board system (Bulletin Board ystem, abbreviation BB)The electronic bulletin board content includes news, notification, conference news, composition, the latest weather conditions, the telephone directory and so on, can to a group of users, and not a single user provide telecommunication services, 24 hour at all times to located in the world of a group of people to transmit information, is the information communication is a very effective tool.(4) user group discussion group) (i.e. User group(Mailing List) is in accordance with the different project organization, attract the world 56,936 or have a common interest Old people to the discussion, exchange views. To become a discussion group members, users need to apply a paneldiscussion of the principal (usually send an electronic mail), he (she) name wasincluded in the recipient list, then duly received networks offer letter interest, the user can his ideas entry computer, transmitted to other members of the group inside, so everyone may at any time, any place engage in conversation. In a foreign country, by E-mail for academic discussion already commonly, the same professional orrelated field experts, scholars between academic discussions and informationexchange. Join or exit the group of users only to the relevant E-mail send ancontaining have join (by) or exit (unsubscribe) the E-mail address.(5) electronic journal (EJournal)Subscriber may through email to E-mail server @ RTFM. MIT. Edu address can be checked to the electronic periodical catalog and their E-mail address, emailaddresses to it issued to order the whole of periodicals or ordering the relatedarticles in the journal letters. There are many online free of electronic journals, as long as you apply for subscription, subscription publications will automatically send to youElectronic mailbox.(6) online meetingElectronic conference in time and place of great flexibility, although lackingattendees mutual infection, but for travelFee less groups speaking, have certain appeal.library or information institutions using email approach(1) information consulting servicesFor readers request access to the literature material, ask knotty problems, find the latest information, when library cannot be resolved, they can make E-mail outside other information or advice, turn to deal with them.2) information retrieval serviceOCLC and DIALOG system, etc. By E-mail way for users provide query and retrieving service always respond to user All of the information required, and user'srequirements to a user's literature deliver E-mail.(3) provide online sdi intelligence servicesE-mail system, user use online inter-library loan system (ILL), first in the unity on the cataloguing books information retrieval, then choose 1! 5 housed thebibliography, sends out the library borrowingBook apply, Receive borrowed request of library via E-mail take each other need literature transmission in the past.(5) book purchasing and newspapers and periodicals orderMany books wholesalers and publishers and set up their own electronic ordering system, used for the transmission of various books tradeFile, data and information, ordering personnel want to use based on the systematic terminals, can get from all over the world from the book information such asE-mail.(6) literature material exchange business,(7) collect user opinion(8) to release a new books catalogues, news and noticethrough Email realized on the various service with Internet access service provided(1) through Email do FTP,(2) by Email do Archic;(3) by Email do Gophcr;(4) by Email do Veronica,(5) by Email do Usenet;(6) by Email do WAI retrieval;(7) by Email do WWW,(8) by Email do Finger,(9) by Email do WHOI;(10) by Email to do the other services.File Transfer Protocol (FTP Protocol File, abbreviation) 'Is stored in the remote computer system of documents access tool. Need to userlogin user name and password files Sharing agreement. According to the FTP access to resources can be considered a special library (or information center), at any time to each take place Need, but not limited to place, also need not dependent on inter-library loan. In any between two computers to transmit data (documents), it is to use Elihu access Internet rich resources important method. File transfer protocol of the basic operation steps: ∀ and file transfer protocol clothing Affairs editor on-line, # login each other host, ∃ find necessary files; % definitions are send files the type; & access files, ∋exit The other system. Document transmission, the first login to the other computer, just can undertake and file search, transmission related operation, such as the following documents directory, change the current document catalogue, set transport parameters, transfer files etc, using FTP can obtain any field letter interest resources, still can obtain thousands of computer program software.The FTP connection only being used for searching and transmit various documents, and usually is the literature of full text, allows users to nonlocal calculation In-flight file transfer to this unit hosts, and then set of records to oneself of micro computer reading, printing, or other processing. In the file transfer process, user once found useful information, can immediately they retrieved, sets of record and print them out.130 Telnet (Telnet)This is in the TCP/interconnection Protocol (Transission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, abbreviation TCP/IP) of communication protocol terminal agreement Telnet, under the support of user's computer through Internet nets temporarily become one Sets the remote computer terminal process. Users first in Telnet command given in the remote computer's communication domain name or IP address, but according to the other system after the inquiry, the key in the user name and password. In the remote computer user, the first to become ubiquitous tasseled legitimate user, and have corresponding account number and password. Remote login step: with the other system online; ∀ # login each other department experience.meanwhile, ∃ decide oneself use terminals, in order to complete simulation type network terminal display data, % of all kinds of resources to the other system using, & exit each other. Once the user login successfully, can be real-time use remote computer opening of all resources. It is unnecessary to consider how far is from another country, users of computer system as connected next door, through remote system as easily as recorded connection, you immediately AD and can search Princeton university library online public readers, as if you were in use directory of the school an online directory public readers terminal. Use this function to use the remote computer on the information resources, to realize information sharing, and can make the information processing. Scientific computing, thus greatly expanded their available resources.2 the indirectly USES the InternetIf well track of the information network, find appropriate database, grasp well below the network information inspectionCable tools can be easier, fully, more effectively on the Internet queried and available information resource.information query software Gop erApril 1991 by the university of Minnesota's earliest development of a menu-driveninteractive type retrieval software, then browse in readers retrieval Internet on the various information resources. Will all kinds of information resources according to the hierarchical menus forms are properly described later to give users access, From top to bottom layers, thus accessing the menu was necessary information. Will the user requests automatically converts FTP or Telnet command, it's common functions are: search text files, The user's query recorded, Call FTP access files.Gopher integrated FTP functions, use Telnet or can be directly obtained menu-driven documents.Veronica (2.2 VeryEasyRodentOriented leads to a Computerized Arc ives) retrieval System This is a based on the pace of Gopher information retrieval system, to Gopher pace menu further index. User input retrieval words, the system will searching out all containing the search term menu items. Veronica tell users you find food single shown below (documents describing levels). Can retrieve out and retrieval model matching menu, so that the user can be directly enter phase shut menu, get necessary information.Jug eadThe basic function and Veronica is same, also be retrieval Gopher pace system of a kind of tool, Veronica's search rangeAre the Gopher pace, and Jughead only check Gopher pace is a particular area.global information nets WWW (Web) number1992 by European particle research center (CERN) launched the based on a super text (Hypertext) multimedia letterCoupon retrieval or query tool, is a menu type browsing tool, is the tree structure, the user can through cadres menu listWay, inquires into his the information she needed. Using the WWW can not only visit Hypermedia (Hypermedia) organization, and informationAnd still can visit Gopher, WAI, FTP, Archie and Usenet on the various information, and can obtain X500 andWhois and other network directory services. It will be located at Internet at different sites related literatures, data and information organically plait knit together, the use requirements, but only put forward inquires where and how to query is composed of query WWW automatically. The WWW searchable online with nearly all of the information resources, namely a link on the Internet computers in zentraedi, WWW software worldwide information immediately illustrated to appear vividly eyes, even with sound color animation or films, videos slice. Library users can be collected in today's world, WWW various hypertext literature, to build a virtual library. WWW retrieval tools (retrieval engine.this earch search) many, such as Yahoo is an excellent collection Engine, can be said to be a huge libraries of directory room, their web site is: HTTP: / /; 1996 mid-may Hong Kong optimal couplet grams international Co., LTD launched high intelligence collection of Chinese Goyoyo, inquires the material when engine, can according to its classification project retrieval, may also directly enter the keywords to find necessary Chinese material, quite convenient, their web site is:http://WWW. Goyoyo. Com.Arc ie document query systemBy Canada MCGILL university develops, allow the user to enter a through may appear in the key needed database nameWord on the Internet to inquires resources. User input keywords, Archie can be automatically query online documentation, and willname descriptorClose inquires the conditions of the database retrieval out. Users are searching the types of files with hope filename, document server (ArchieServer) can point out that in which the FTP server to deposit such documents.For according to index search and find articles according to content with strong function, can use one or more keywords to search rapidly, tulameen bottom of information, can be in millions of database searches for any information Internet service tool, is a kind of keywords search information relevant documents in the host address, document catalogue and filenames) tool, is an information retrieval system, can cycle connected to the world of anonymous FTP server, will these servers offer can carry document file name and path collect together to form Archie database, and through the retrieval procedure for Internet users provide compulsory inspection cable service. Archic search out a file of the corresponding anonymous FTP address, namely tell users you seek filename where (filename level). Can help inquires the carrying specified file or directory anonymous FTP, and returning to our information.2.6 wide-area information server WAIS (Wide AreaInformation Service)Apple Computer, know by Dow Jones Machines and jointly sponsored by know Machines Develop and provide the user inquires the distribution in the Internet on each kind of database of a generic interface software. Is a distributionType information retrieval system, searchable database, involving more than 500 index range of content is great, suitable for searching text files, reading newspapers around the world, scanning all kinds of professional database. Using the WAI than other tools can more accurately retrieving of user's file.Internet 电子信息资源的开发和利用开发和利用Internet 上丰富的电子信息资源, 可直接考虑电子邮件、文件传输、远程登录的途径,也可间接考虑利用各种常用的信息检索工具, 本文分别作了较详细的介绍和分析, 旨在帮助用户很好地使用Internet。