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清算系统clearing system

可兑换货币convertible currency

远期汇票usance bill

授权签字authorized signature

托收指示collection instruction

有条件的付款承诺conditional undertaking of payment

合同义务contractual obligation


全称也要会写SWIFT是(society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunications)环球银行间金融通信协会是一个由金融机构共同拥有的私营股份公司,按比利时的法律登记注册,由会员银行和其他金融机构协同管

流通工具negotiable instrument

承兑行accepting bank

Dishonor 拒付

Bill of exchange 汇票

D/A 承兑交单

D/D demand draft 票汇

International Factoring 国际保理

Ocean Bill of lading 海运提单

Presentation 提示

Acceptance for honour 参加承兑

Payment in advance 预付

Release of commercial documents 放单

Sight payment credit 即期付款信用证

Non-trade settlement非贸易结算

vostro account 来账

nostro account 往账

大量的专业术语参见书本P241——261的APPENDIX1, 对于平时上课笔记补充的一些专业术语也要求掌握。


1、Bill of exchange:P28

A Bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or the order of a specified person or to bearer.抬头


(1) The process of talking about business between the sellers and the buyers. This process may result in a deal or bargain being made .

(2)The purchase by a bank of bills of exchange from an exporter in a collection ,or a method of payment or settlement by bills of exchange in a documentary L/C transaction.

(3)The transfer of a negotiable instrument to another party.

3、stand by L/C 备用信用证P141

备用信用证与独立保函功能相似.起源于美国,因<美国联邦银行法>规定美国的商业银行不得开出银行保函,为满足客户提出代其担保的要求,而开立实际是保函性质的备用信用证.备用证不是凭受益人提交的提单,箱单,发票等单据获得议付,而是凭受益人提交的证明对方当事人违约的书面文件获得银行的偿付.可参见<国际备用证惯例>Standby letters of credit are used as support where an alternative, less secure,method of payment has been agreed and the main purpose is to provide credit assurance.


4、reverse remittance 逆汇

Reverse remittance indicates that the funds flow in the opposite direction of the credit instruments transmitted therefrom.


5、International Factoring 国际保理

International Factoring is a complete financial package that combines credit protection , accounts receivable bookkeeping ,and collection services.

国际保理是一个完整的财务软件包,结合信用保护,应收账款记账,并收集服务。( 6、L/G、(letter of guarantee)保函

It may be defined as the irrevocable obligation of a bank to pay a sum of money in the event of non-performance of a contract by the principal .它可以被定义为不可撤销的义务,银行支付一笔钱的事件不能履行合同的主体。
