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TECH MONITOR z Nov-Dec 2009


Photovoltaic technology and solar energy

development in Viet Nam

Trinh Qung Dung

Viet Nam has potential solar energy for sustainable development. The year-round high solar radiation of 5.2 kWh/m 2 per day is a basic factor to develop solar electricity on an industrial scale for Viet Nam. New technologies not only allow solar electricity produced to be fed to the grid, but also guarantee sustainable local power supply at low prices. In the face of increasing demand and market for power, exploitation of Viet Nam’ renewable energy sources is very urgent. A mega solar programme for long-term sustainable energy development is under preparation, and it will be submitted for the government’s approval,after discussion in a Joint Ministerial Meeting.

Solar radiation in Viet Nam

olar radiation is a very important natural resource in Viet Nam. At an average total solar radiation of about 5 kW/h/m 2/day in most of the middle and the southern provinces and about 4 kW/h/m 2/day in the north-ern provinces, solar radiation is better in Viet Nam than in most other parts of the world (Dung, 2005). Below the 17th parallel, the radiation is not only plentiful but also steady for most part of the year, reducing about 20 per cent from dry season to rainy season.1 The solar energy potential is estimated at 43.9 billon tonnes of oil equivalent

(TOE) per year. Figure 1 shows the average total solar radiation in Hanoi,Danang and Ho Chi Minh (HCM) city,which are typical for the northern, mid-dle and southern regions of Viet Nam.The average solar radiation is better in the middle and southern regions.The northern provinces receive poor sunshine in the first quarter of the year;there are only two hours or less of sun-shine during January, February and March and the average solar radiation is 50-60 per cent less. The average sunshine hours per year in the North-eastern zone range between 1,500and 1,700 hours, while the Southern and Central Viet Nam clocks between 2,000 and 2,600 sunshine hours per year. These data, measured over a period of 10 years, were taken from the weather station at HCM City.


In North Viet Nam, the solar radiation is not continuous in winter and autumn.


Mr. Trinh Qung Dung Director, Solarlab-Institute of

Physics, HCM City

Vietnamese Academy of Science

and Technology

01 Mac Dinh Chi Street, 01 District,

HCM City, Viet Nam Tel: +84 (8) 3822 2028Fax: +84 (8) 3829 5905




TECH MONITOR z Nov-Dec 2009

Renewable energy status and development need

Present situation

A general view of the development of photovoltaic (PV) installations in Viet Nam in the last decade can be seen in Figure 2 and Table 1. PV develop-ment has been realized in applications such as battery charging centre, com-munity centre, telecommunications,satellite receiver-transmitter, naviga-tion beacons, etc.

Following several national and in-ternational projects, most of the civil use of PV is in solar villages, which have in solar home systems (SHS),covered community centres, battery charging centres (BCC), cultural halls,schools, medical centres, etc. Almost all models of PV applications – such

as SHS, BCC, medical and commu-nity centres, solar ambulance, satel-lite receiver-transmitter, etc. – have been designed and developed in Viet Nam. During 20 years of development,about 70 solar villages, 30 BCCs,thousands of navigation beacons,several telecommunication stations and more than 4,000 SHS have been installed across the country.Among civil applications, SHS is the most basic; it started in 1990 and gradually developed. Its growth is spurred by government-sponsored PV projects as well as private installa-tions (Dung, 2008). The demand for SHS is very large, covering over 5million farming families, which could not be connected to the grid for a long time. An SHS project was the first 100per cent electrified village in Viet Nam,in Buon Cham, wherein 180 families

were provided solar electricity at their homes (Dung, 2003). The cultural-cum-battery charging centre (CBCC)is a typical Vietnamese innovation,which has shown 20 per cent more efficiency than other similar installa-tions in the region. Each CBCC is de-signed to produce 300-1,500 Wp per station, and a 1,000 Wp CBCC can provide electricity for 40-50 houses.From 1990 up to the present, more than 1,000 families have started using solar electricity from the CBCC. In the night, a CBCC doubles as a local cultural centre for viewing television programmes and video movies, and for Karaoke singing. This is a new and highly effective model of PV use invented by Viet Nam’s Solarlab (Dung and others, 2003).

In 1999, thanks to the cooperation between New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organiza-tion (NEDO) of Japan and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environ-ment (MOSTE) of Viet Nam, the first solar power plant was installed at the Muang Giang district of Gialai pro-vince in Central Viet Nam. The plant is a hybrid renewable energy model,with 100 kWp of solar power and 25kW of micro hydropower. It is the first solar plant in Viet Nam and South-East Asia working for a local grid. The big-gest solar installation is the National Conference Hall, with 154 kWp of solar power using grid-connected technol-ogy, financed by Germany’s official development assistance (ODA). Red Sun, the first factory to manufacture PV modules, was opened in March 2009 at Long An province. Its annual capacity is about 3-5 MWp. Only five companies in Viet Nam are doing busi-ness in the PV field: too meagre a number considering the solar energy potential of the country.

The main Vietnamese partners for international collaboration until now are Solarlab, Institute of Energy (IE),Renewable Energy Research Centre (RERC) and Women’s Union. Coop-eration has been established with NEDO of Japan, Fondation Energies pour le Monde (FONDEM) of France,Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Nord-rhein-Westfalen (NRW) of Germany,Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) of

Figure 1: Solar radiation in the north, middle and south of Viet Nam






S o l a r r a d i a t i o n (k W h /m 2/d a y )

Ho Chi Minh city Hanoi Danang

Figure 2: Development of photovoltaics in Viet Nam (1989-2008)

P h o t o v o l t a i c c a p a c i t y (k W p )





















