具体步骤如下:1. 准备样品:从污水处理厂的废水出口或给定的取样点采集废水样品。
2. 校准濁度計:按照濁度計的说明书进行校准,确保准确读取测量结果。
3. 进行测试:将校准后的濁度計放入废水样品中,等待数秒使其稳定,然后记录所读取的濁度計数值。
4. 重复测试:为了确保准确性,可以重复进行多次测试,并取其平均值作为最终的浑浊度测量结果。
TSS浊度计(Turbidity Analyzer)产品描述TSS浊度计是为测量市政污水或工业废水处理过程中水的浊度而设计的在线分析仪表。
应用领域 水及污水处理进水口、出水口、中水处理等 造纸、电力、矿山水处理等工作原理TSS浊度计的工作原理如图1-1所示,传感器上发射器发送的红外光在传输过程中经过被测物的吸收、反射和散射后,有一部分透射光线能照射到180°方向的检测器上,有一部分散射光照射到90°方向的检测器上。
图1 TSS浊度计的工作原理图性能特点 标准90度散射光测量技术,提供可靠测量结果; 自动补偿电压波动、器件老化、温度变化以及污泥颜色的变化; 超声波自清洗功能,基本免维护; 中文菜单和简便的按键操作; 具有气泡消除系统; 浸没式、流通式等多种安装方式,适合各种应用场合; 双通道输入,即插即用; 故障自诊断功能;仪表接线1.变送器安装尺寸 发射器检测器图2 变送器正视图 图3 变送器侧视图图4 变送器背板图2.变送器安装方式变送器背后有三个孔,尺寸如图4所示,其中上面的孔用于悬挂,下面两个孔用于加螺栓固定。
图5 遮阳罩图6 仪表保温箱3.传感器的安装图7 传感器尺寸浸没式安装方式是指把传感器通过安装支架浸入池中或罐中的安装方式。
图8 浊度计安装示意图(1)、首先在安装传感器的池壁合适位置打入四个M10钢制膨胀螺栓,将如图9所示的传感器池壁安装支架通过M10螺母和弹簧垫片固定在池壁的螺栓上,安装完成后如图9中右图所示。
④有研究指出生活污水的 CODCr与 BOD5 之间 存在一定的相关性[8 ] , 生活污水的 BOD5 与 CODCr 的比值大约为 014[9 ] 。在已知浊度的情况下 , 不但 可估计污水的 CODCr 值 , 还能大致了解该水样的 BOD5 , 从而间接的判断污水的污染程度和处理效 果。
参考文献 1 吴 国 琳. 水 污 染 的 监 测 与 控 制. 北 京 : 科 学 出 版 社 ,
活性污泥法处理后的污水 (污水 Ⅱ)
浊度 (N TU)
CODCr (mg/ L)
浊度 (N TU)
CODCr (mg/ L)
通过上面的结果分析 , 除了知道试验选用的三 种类型污水的浊度和 CODCr具有较好的相关性 , 不 同处理工艺的净化效果不同等结果 , 作进一步的分 析可得到以下结论 :
①以试验所选用的的这三种污水为代表类型 的污水的浊度和 CODCr具有较好的相关性 , 在不具 备较高的检测条件时 , 可通过测定污水的浊度来估 算它的 CODCr 。但对于工业废水 、微污染原水 、高 浊度污水等其他类型还需试验证明该结论是否同样 成立 。
ExperimentⅢUse the spectrophotometer to measure the wastewater turbidityⅠ.The purpose and requirements of the experiment1.Familiar with and master the principle of this test and operative skills2.Understand the relationship of suspended solid and turbidity ,clarify thedifferent between the definition of suspended solid and turbidity;3.Know the GB of wastewater and make clear the harms of turbidity in drinkingwater;4.Figure out the components of turbidity and know how to use severaltechnologies to reduce the turbidity in water;5.Deepen our impression of the usage of spectrophotometer.Ⅱ. Experimental program1. Experimental drugs and instrumentsAbout 50 mL turbidity standard solutionAdequate distilled waterSample waterSpectrophotometerMore than 9 clear colorimetric tubes with plugsMore than 10 colorimetric tubesPipette2.The experiment principleAt the right temperature, the polymerization of Hydrazine sulfate and Methenamine will form to white polymer and use this cloud liquid as a standard.Based on this standard, contrast the sample under the certain conditions3. Experimental steps(1)The preparation of different turbidity standard solution: Use this formula V=50*(x/400°)(x refers to 0°, 8°, 20°,40°,80°,100°) to calculate the volume of turbidity standard solution. We can get volume: 0mL, 1mL, 2.5mL, 5mL, 10mL,12.5mL. After that respectively take0mL, 1mL, 2.5mL, 5mL, 10mL, 12.5mLstandard solution to eight 50ml colorimetric tube and dilute to 50mL. Then we get the 0°, 8°, 20°, 40°, 80°, and 100° turbidity standard solution.(2) Measure the absorbance of the turbidity standard solution and sample: Setthe wavelength of the spectrophotometer in 680nm, and pour distilled water to the colorimetric ware and put it into the machine to determine dish difference. After then respectively place six turbidity standard solutions to measure their Abs.Lastly measure the Abs of the water which from huanghe by spectrophotometer.(3) Calculate each one’ turbidity and check out whether they are in the range ofprecision. Draw out the graph of Abs-turbidity in the computer.Ⅲ. The result and data handlingdish different of absorbance.2.Graph one: According to table one, we draw the following graph bycomputer.Notes: six points in the graph refer to six tests’ data and the straight lineconcludes from six points and stand for the law of Abs and turbidity.to turbidity.Ⅳ. Conclusion1. Data reliability analysisFrom the fig.1 we can see that the R2=0.9999≥0.995, which means the data is reliable. W e know that the turbidity’ precision is in a reasonable level. For the precision of 0, 8, 20, 40, and 100degree, the data is in the range of prescriptive precision. In a word our straight line is fit with the reality quite well.For the table two, we figure thatThe average of turbidity,391.37)615.37103.37846.36000.38(41x 41x n 1i =+++⨯==∑= The absolute deviation of turbidity which is the sample water lists as follow: d1= 0.609; d2= (-0.545); d3= (-0.288); d4=0.224, so the average of mean deviation417.0)224.0288.0-545.0-609.0(41d 41d n 1i i =+++⨯==∑= The standard deviation of turbidity which is the sample water0.5171-40.224)0.288-()0.545-(0.6091-n d 2222n 1i 2i =+++==∑=σ The relative standard deviation of data 000000 1.38391.37517.0100x CV =⨯=⨯=σFrom the above calculation, we can see that the data is quite centralized. The precision is the index of the repeatability and reproducibility. The data of turbidity which sample water (CV1=1.38%)is relatively accurate. For the graph, we can draw a conclusion that the relationship between Abs and turbidity accord with the function “y = 0.0078x - 0.0014”.In my view, the error comes from the following reasons: when we sampling if we don’t mixing the sample, when we text the absorbance if we don ’t shake the awaiting water in the tubes before testing, error will appear. If the colorimetric ware is not being clean up. Squalor of colorimetric ware will bring about error in the experiment. When we were text, grains of sand in this liquid subside very fast. If we don ’t quickly enough, it will bring a big error. Random errors brought by us.2. Some standard specifications of turbidity in GBAccording to < The sanitary norm of drinking water quality >, the turbidity in drinking water can’t exceed 1 NTU. But i n special circumstances, its upper limit can reach 5 NTU. There is not any special regulation in the integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB 8978—1996).3. Treatment technologiesThe main mechanism of treatment technologies is adsorption and flocculation. There are three major methods to deal with this problem: (1)Active carbon adsorption purification process: the shortcoming of this method is that the active carbon needs renewing frequently to keep it effective. (2)Biochemical process: The organic pollutants in wastewater can be dislodged by biological flocculation and adsorption.(3)Physical oxidation: as we all know, chlorination are widely applied to the drinking water’ disinfection phase though it has been prove that its by-product is poison. Ⅴ. Questions and discussingFigure out the difference and connections between suspended solid and turbidity.Answer:Different: (1)Their definition diverse: The turbidity of water is a measure of the extent to which, the intensity of light passing through water, reduced by the suspended solids. While suspended mattes is solids that either float on the surface or are suspended in water or other liquids. (2)Their measuring method diverse: Turbidity measurement is ISO7072-1984. SS measurement is GB11901-89. (3)Their measurement unit different: turbidity use FTU, NTU, JTU, and EBC. SS use “degree”.Relationship: In a certain condition, turbidity is a Representation method of suspended solids2. Explain the structure and principle of the spectrophotometer and state its application in the field of environmental monitor.The structure of spectrophotometer shows as follow (from Wikipedia):Principles of spectrophotometer: A spectrophotometer consists of two instruments, namely a spectrometer for producing light of any selected wavelength, a photometer for measuring the intensity of light. The instruments are arranged so that liquid in a cuvette can be placed between the spectrometer beam and the photometer. The amount of light passing through the tube is measured by the photometer. The photometer delivers a voltage signal to a display device, normally a galvanometer. The signal changes as the amount of light absorbed by the liquid changes. When monochromatic light passes through a solution there is usually a quantitative relationship between the solute concentration and the intensity of the transmitted light. Through the Beer’ law we can attain the Abs value.Environmental applications of spectrophotometer: Use for measuring material of liquid in colorimetric method; The concentration of Na and K in cement samples can be found out; Use for the measurement of turbidity, nucleic acid and protein in cells. Discuss1.After finish this two experimental reports, I eagerly feel that we need to previewbefore class. We need to know the knowledge which relates to this experiment.We should know the steps of the experiment in order to reduce the mistake we made in the experiment. Because teaching oneself always more successfully than learning from the class.2.Teamwork is more effective in some places. If it works well, it will save muchtime and make the experiment more easily.3.The skills of using excel to handle the data. Use computer to handle data is moreaccurate and credible. On the other hand, computer have become more and more important in our life, we should master it too.4.We should be careful thought the experiment. Because all the steps may bringmistakes.5.Teacher should not refuse to answer the students’ questions after lecturing.6.Student always need more than one time to master the operation. So I hope youcan give us a little more time.。
相当于1mg一定粘度的硅藻土(白陶土)在1000m L水中所产生的浊度,称为1度。
(三)试剂浊度标准液:1、称取10g通过0.1mm筛孔(150目)的硅藻土,于研钵中加入少许蒸馏水调成糊状并研细,移至1000mL 量筒中,加水至刻度。
于105℃烘箱内烘2h,置干燥器中冷却30mi n,称重。
表面水力负荷hydraulic surface loading 每平方米表面积单位时间内通过的污水体积数。
水力表面负荷q其为单位时间内通过沉淀池单位表面积的污水量,即:q=Q/A式中q———表面负荷Q———最大时污水流量,A———沉淀池表面面积,$ 实际上代表速度,其单位可表达为m/h,。
而u<q 的颗粒仅有一部分能够沉淀去除。
初沉池常取q=1.5~3.0污泥负荷sludge loading 曝气池内每公斤活性污泥单位时间负担的五日生化需氧量公斤数。
污泥负荷在微生物代谢方面的含义就是F/M比值,单位kgCOD(BOD)/(kg污泥.d) 在污泥增长的不同阶段,污泥负荷各不相同,净化效果也不一样,因此污泥负荷是活性污泥法设计和运行的主要参数之一。
污泥负荷的计算方法:Ns=F/M=QS/(VX)式中Ns ——污泥负荷,kgCOD(BOD)/(kg污泥.d);Q ——每天进水量,m3/d;S ——COD(BOD)浓度,mg/L;V ——曝气池有效容积,m3;X ——污泥浓度,mg/L。
水质检测 英语
水质检测英语English: Water quality testing is a crucial process that involves analyzing the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water. This process helps in determining whether the water is suitable for drinking, swimming, or supporting aquatic life. Physical parameters such as temperature, color, and turbidity are measuredto understand the clarity and appearance of the water. Chemical parameters including pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and heavy metals are tested to assess the presence of contaminants. Additionally, biological parameters such as the presence of bacteria and other microorganisms are analyzed to determine the overall health of the water. Water quality testing plays a vital role in ensuring public health and environmental protection, as it helps in identifying potential risks and ensuring compliance with water quality standards.中文翻译: 水质检测是一个至关重要的过程,涉及分析水的物理性质、化学性质和生物学特性。
The detemination of Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD)in the Waste WaterCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering Environmental Engineering Class Two3110007674陈昶敏Part One IntroductionBOD,or Biological Oxygen Demand, is the measured amount of oxygen required by acclimated microorganisms to biologically degrade the matter in the waste water. It’s the most important parameter in water pollution control.It is used as a measure of organic pollution, as a basis for estimation the oxygen needed for biological processes,and as an indicator of process performance.Because biological oxidation continues indefinitely, the test for ultimate BOD has been arbitrarily limited to 20 days, when perhaps 95 percent or more of the oxygen requirement has been met.Even this period, however, is too long to make measurement of BOD useful, so a five-day test BOD5, carried out at 20℃, has become standard.So in this lab, our objective is to determine the BOD5 in wastewater, which is brought from a polluted river nearby our dormitory building, by using dilution inocula method.Also we should understand and learn how to do the detemination in the process and basically learn how to determine the Dissolved Oxygen(DO) in the water samples.Part Two Experiment SetupⅠ. Materialsa)Main Instrument:Constant Temperature Incubator, Dissolved Oxygen Reagent Bottle, 1000mL Measuring Cylinder, Glass Rod, Siphon, Beaker, Geiser Burette, Transfer Pipette, Conical Flask.b)Main Reagent: Prepared Diluted Inoculated Water(use for diluting the waste water), Manganese Sulfate solution, Alkaline Potassium - Sodium Azide solution, Starch, Sodium Thiosulfate solution, Sulfuric Acid(ρ=1.84mg/L).Ⅱ. PrinciplesBOD5 is a relative measure of the biologically degradable organic matter present in the system, which can be biodegradable by microorganisms in the diluted inoculated water we putted in, while having a five-day cultivation.BOD5 =((C1 -C2) - (B1 –B2)×f1)/f2①In this formula,C1 refers to the mass concentration of DO in water sample before it is cultivated for 5 days.C2 refers to the mass concentration of DO in water sample afer it is cultivated for 5 days.B1 refers to the mass concentration of DO in diluted inoculated water before it is cultivated for 5 days.B1 refers to the mass concentration of DO in diluted inoculated water afer it is cultivated for 5 days.f1 refers to the percentage of diluted inoculated water in the cultivation solution.f2 refers to the percentage of water sample in the cultivation solution.To measure the amount of DO in the water, we use sodium thiosulfate solution to titrate the treated sample.DO(O2) =c×V×8×1000/100 ②In this formula,c refers to the concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution.V refers to the volume of sodium thiosulfate solution used in titration.Ⅲ. Method and Procedurea) Preparation1.Go collect a bottle of water in the polluted river nearby. Do not shake it thenadd extra O2 in it.2.Prepare the diluted inoculated water before we use it.b) Dilute the samplesAs our pre-determination of the COD of the wastewater is about 200mg/L, we dilute the samples into 15, 30 ,45 times, which means 53, 27,18mL.1.Absorb about 200mL diluted inoculated water into an 1000mL measuringcylinder with siphon before we transfer the samples.e the transfer pipette to transfer total 53mL sample into measuring cylinder.3.Absorb diluted inoculated water through siphon till the total volume is 800mL.e a glass rod to stir the 800mL sample till it’s mixed.e the siphon again to transfer sample from measuring cylinder to two DOreagents till it’s full and water seal it.6.Repeat step 1 to 5 ,but fot step 2 use 27mL,18mL and 0mL,for blank control,instead.bel them into “BOD5 15times 0d”, “BOD5 15times 5d”, “BOD5 30times 0d”,“BOD530times 5d”, “BOD545times 0d”,“BOD545times 5d”,”Blank Control 0d”and”Blank Control 5d”.c) CultivationPut DO reagents labelled“BOD515times 5d”, “BOD530times 5d”,“BOD5 45times 5d” and ”Blank Control 5d” into Constant Temperature Incubator setted at about 20℃.And take the rest of the DO reagents into immediate determination.d) Determination1.The Determination before cultivation1) Open DO reagants, use transfer pipette to transfer 1mL manganese sulfatesolution and 2mL alkaline potassium - sodium azide solution into it and remember to plug the transfer pipette below the liquid level while transfering the solution.Cover up the bottle stopper, turn it upside down to mix till it’s fully reacted.2) Open the bottle and use transfer pipette to transfer 2mL sulfuric acid likestep1) do immediately. Cover up the bottle stopper, turn it upside down to mix till the precipitations have been total dissolved and keep it in a dark side for 5min.Then transfer 100mL it into conical flask through transfer pipette.3) Wash the geiser burette, get sodium thiosulfate solution prepared for titrateand it to wash the geiser burette again.Add fully sodium thiosulfate solution into the geiser burette so that we can begin to titrate the prepared sample in the conical flask.4) Mark down the volume of sodium thiosulfate solution we used in titration.5) Repeat the above step afer the other DO reagants are cultivated for 5 days. Part Three Data Processing and ResultsTable 1(the volume of sodium thiosulfate solution used in titration)15 times 30 times 45 times Blank Control0d 3.70 mL 4.00 mL 4.05 mL 4.30 mL 5d0.00 mL0.80 mL 1.50 mL 3.50 mL So according to the ②formula list above,we can get the mass concentration of DOin the samples.Table 215 times 30 times 45 times Blank ControlC1 (mg/L) 7.40 mg/L8.00 mg/L8.10 mg/L8.60 mg/LC2 (mg/L) 0.00 mg/L 1.60 mg/L 3.00 mg/L7.00 mg/LSo according to the ①formula list above,we can get the mass concentration of BOD5 in the samples.From table 2 we get that B1 =8.60mg/L and B2 =7.00 mg/L, so B1 - B2 =1.60 mg/LTable 315 times 30 times 45 timesf10.93375 0.96625 0.9775f20.06625 0.03375 0.0225BOD5(mg/L) 89.15 143.82 157.16 Campared 15times with 30times and 45times,wo can get that the concentration ofBOD5 is much lower than the others.By the way, while titrating the samplefrom“BOD5 15times 5d”, we can’t get any color change after transfering 1mL manganese sulfate solution and 2mL alkaline potassium - sodium azide solution.Sowe can eliminate it while processing the results.Table 4 ResultsBOD5 (mg/L)150.49Standard Deviation 9.428090416Cv 0.062649744Part Four Conclusion and DiscussionⅠ.Anylisis1.From the table above, the average BOD5 is 150.49mg/L<COD=200mg/L, so it’s valuable for us to measure is the wastewater polluted or not.Also, from sandard dviationσ=9.428090416 and Cv =0.062649744, we can know that the determination of BOD5 are relatively concentrated, except for the lowest one.2.Campared 15 times with the others, we can see clearly that it’s much lower than the other two even the regular. After having a dicussion with groupmates, we think that the dilution multiple is a little bit low causing too much biologically degradable organic matter presented in the sample making more DO demand, the diluted inoculated water, however, contain less DO that microorganisms need, so after the DO is used up, the organic matter is still there.Ⅱ.Conclusion1.From the above data, the average BOD5 =150.49mg/L is quite beyond the standard of GB 7488-1987, which is 20mg/L for the first type and 30 mg/L for the second.So the wastewater we get from the polluted river nearby is seriously polluted.2.The best way to eliminate high levels of BOD5 is to use microorganisms.The microorganism has the ability of adsorption and metabolism.They can make all the pollutants into sludge, and then we can separate clear water from wastewater and sludge.Part Five QuestionsQ1.Look up other methods of determining BOD5 , make a brief about the principle of these method.A: Microbial Electrode Method and Coulometric TitrationThe mechanism of Microbial Electrode Method is the oxygen electrode would have different current through the change of DO in water.When the water sample contained the number of organic matters are through the electrode room ,the microorganism would decompose organic matters in water,which change the current of oxygen electrode.Coulometric works by the press difference of oxygen in closed culture flask to determine BOD.Q2.Look up and make a brief about what technical essential should be paid high attention to while detetmining BOD5 ?A:Fist of all, we must be careful while collecting the wastewater nearby, do not shake too hard and fully fill the whole collecting bottle in case the air or bubbles made by shaking adds extra oxygen into the wastewater.Secondly, don’t make bubbles while transfering, the same reason as the first one.Thirdly, the DO reagents should totally be full while bottling. At last, During the titration ,one more or one less would have some effects on the results because the volume need to multiply 8000 which is a large number to produce DO .。
Turbidity Measurement~1
• •
• •
ABB Automation
• 测量原理
• 实际的在线系统 –吸收浊度计
• 标定
• 系统选择
• 应用 • 浊度变送器和传感器
ABB Automation
• 吸收浊度计 –取决于当光束通过样品时因吸收(或衰减)而得到的 测量值
散射浊度计 –测量光在某一特定角度的散射部分, eg. 900
0.7 to 1.0NTU 150 to 200FTU 300 to 360FTU 60 to 80FTU
7997 400 & 401
7997 400 & 401 7997 400 & 401
7997 161
7997 162 7997 163
600 to 700FTU
800 to 900FTU 120 to 160FTU
ABB Automation
• NV内存故障报警处理 • 表示仪表启动时未能正确读取内存上数据,可重新断 电重启,如还有此故障,需返厂 • 测量值不稳定,变化大 • 多是因为气泡干扰造成,调整流量,清洗光学窗口。 如还不能解决,需加装除泡装置
ABB Automation
ABB Automation
4670 210 系统典型安装
ABB Automation
7997 200系列浊度仪的安装
ABB Automation
水平安装,流速控制在0.5L-样品 出口 (6mm id hose)
6分析步骤6.1工作曲线的绘制6.1.1浊度为5~40F·T·U的工作曲线:按表1移取浊度贮备液注入一组100mL容量瓶中,用无浊度水稀释至刻度,摇匀,放入100mm比色皿中,以无浊度水作参比,在波长为600nm 处测定透光度并绘制工作曲线。
Abstract:This report details the procedures and results of a water quality analysis experiment conducted to assess the chemical and biological characteristics of a given water sample. The experiment focused on determining the pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, and total coliform bacteria levels in the water. The findings are discussed in relation to the potential impacts on aquatic life and human health.Introduction:Water quality is a critical factor in determining the suitability of water for various uses, including drinking, irrigation, and recreational activities. This experiment was designed to evaluate the chemical and biological parameters of water to ensure its safety and suitability for intended use. The primary objectives of the experiment were to measure the pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, and total coliform bacteria levels in the water sample.Materials and Methods:1. Sample Collection:A water sample was collected from a local river using a sterile sampling bottle. The bottle was rinsed with the water to be sampled and thenfilled to the specified mark. The sample was immediately sealed and transported to the laboratory for analysis.2. pH Measurement:The pH of the water sample was measured using a digital pH meter. The meter was calibrated using standard buffer solutions before use. The pH probe was immersed in the water sample and the reading was recorded.3. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Measurement:Dissolved oxygen levels were measured using a dissolved oxygen probe connected to a digital meter. The probe was calibrated using a saturated oxygen solution before use. The probe was submerged in the water sample, and the DO level was recorded.4. Turbidity Measurement:Turbidity was measured using a nephelometer. The water sample was poured into a cuvette, and the nephelometer was set to the appropriate wavelength. The turbidity reading was obtained by reading the intensity of light scattered by the sample.5. Total Coliform Bacteria Count:Total coliform bacteria were counted using the multiple tubefermentation (MTF) method. A sterile loop was used to transfer a small volume of the water sample to a series of tubes containing lactose broth. The tubes were incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. The presence of coliform bacteria was indicated by the appearance of gas production in the broth.Results:1. pH:The pH of the water sample was found to be 7.2, which is within the acceptable range for most aquatic organisms.2. Dissolved Oxygen (DO):The dissolved oxygen level in the water sample was measured to be 9.5mg/L, which is above the minimum required for most fish species.3. Turbidity:The turbidity of the water sample was determined to be 10 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units), indicating a relatively clear water body.4. Total Coliform Bacteria Count:The total coliform bacteria count in the water sample was found to be100 colonies per 100 mL, which is within the acceptable range fordrinking water.Discussion:The pH level of the water sample is within the optimal range for most aquatic organisms, suggesting that it is suitable for fish and other aquatic life. The high dissolved oxygen levels indicate that the wateris well-oxygenated, which is essential for the survival of aerobic organisms. The relatively low turbidity level suggests that the water is clear and free from suspended particles that could hinder light penetration and reduce photosynthesis.The total coliform bacteria count in the water sample is within the acceptable range for drinking water, indicating that the water is relatively free from fecal contamination. However, it is important to note that the presence of coliform bacteria does not necessarilyindicate the presence of pathogenic organisms. Further analysis, such as the detection of specific pathogens, would be required to assess the water's safety for drinking purposes.The results of this experiment suggest that the water sample is generally of good quality, with no immediate concerns regarding its suitability for aquatic life or human use. However, regular monitoring and analysis should be conducted to ensure ongoing water quality and to detect any potential changes or contamination.Conclusion:The water quality analysis experiment conducted in this study has provided valuable insights into the chemical and biological characteristics of the water sample. The results indicate that the water is suitable for aquatic life and has the potential for various uses, although it is important to continue monitoring and maintaining its quality to ensure its safety and sustainability. Further research and analysis may be necessary to explore the long-term impacts of environmental factors on water quality and to develop strategies for water resource management.References:1. APHA, AWWA, WEF. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 22nd ed. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association; 2012.2. Colwell, R. R. (2006). Water quality: A guide to the uses and management of freshwater resources. Cambridge University Press.3. USEPA. Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring. EPA 822-B-02-001. Washington, DC: United States Environmental Protection Agency; 2002.。
3.1.2硫酸肼溶液(10 g/L):称取硫酸肼[(NH2)2·H2SO4,又名硫酸联胺]1.000g溶于纯水并于100 mL容量瓶中定容。
注意:硫酸肼具致癌毒性,避免吸入、摄入和与皮肤接触!3.1.3环六亚甲基四胺溶液(100 g/L):称取环六亚甲基四胺[(CH2 )6N4]10. 00 g溶于纯水,于100 mL容量瓶中定容。
3.1.4福尔马肼标准混悬液:分别吸取硫酸肼溶液5.00 mL、环六亚甲基四胺溶液5.00 mL 于100 ml容量瓶内,混匀,在25℃±3℃放置24 h后,加入纯水至刻度,混匀。
此标准混悬液浑浊度为400 NTU,可使用约一个月。
此混悬液浑浊度为40 NTU,使用时再根据需要适当稀释。
4、相关技术依据GB/T 5750.4-2006 生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和物理指标。
污染指数(SDI)测定方法污染指数(SDI)测定方法:10.1 SDI测定概要:SDI测定是基于阻塞系数(PI,%)的测定。
测定是在47mm的0.45 m的微孔滤膜上连续加入一定压力(30PSI,相当于2.1kg/cm2)的被测定水,记录下滤得500ml水所需的时间T i(秒)和15分钟后再次滤得500ml水所需的时间T f (秒),按下式求得阻塞系数PI (%)。
PI=(1-T i/T f)3100SDI=PI/15式中15是15分钟。
(如果整定值达不到30 psi时,则可在现有压力下试验,但不能低于15 psi。
)h.用合适的容器来收集水样,在水样刚进入容器时即用秒表开始记录,收取500ml水样所需的时间为T O(秒)。
10.3测定结果计算a. 当试验过程中压力为30 psi时,按照下式计算SDI值:SDI=(1-T i/T f)3100/15b.当测量过程中压力打不到30 psi时,可改用现有压力,但测得的SDI值必须换算到30 psi时的SDI值,方法如下:%Pp=(1-T i/T15)3100 (%Pp为非标准压力30 psi时的阻塞指数)SDI=%P30/15注意: A. 每次试验过程中压力要稳定,压力波动不得超过±5%,否则试验作废。
实验一 废水悬浮固体(SS)和浊度的测定
反复烘干、冷却、称重,直至两次称量相差≤0.2mg,记B= g。
反复烘干、冷却、称重,直到两次称量相差≤0.4mg为止,记A= g。
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ExperimentⅢthe determination of wastewater turbidity------spectrophotometryThe purpose and requirements of the experiment1.Know the influence of turbidity to light transmittance;2.Know the relative between turbidity and SS is exist in certaincondition;3.Learn the method to determine water turbidity. Experimental program1.Experimental instruments and drugs10 clear 50ml colorimetric tubesPipette,spectrophotometerAbout 50mL 400 degree turbidity standard solution2.Experimental stepsPreparation standard solution: take 0 mL, 1mL, 2.5mL, 5mL, 10mL, 12.5mL solution from 400 degree turbidity standard solution into 6 clear 50ml colorimetric tubesdilute to 50mL standard line, shake up.Determining Abs: set the wavelength ofSpectrophotometer in 540nm. The first determine 4 dishes difference and mark which tube is put into which dish to determine, then shake up tubes and wash dishes before determining each tubes, including wastewater without dilution. And writ every data down table. Let the Abs be the ordinate and the turbidity of standard solution be the abscissa and draw up the graph. Through the graph, calculate the turbidity ofwastewater. Experimental result and data handlingThe Abs of each turbidity standard solutionFig. 1 Abs-eachturbiditystandard solutionAccording to fig. 1 and the following formula we can calculate turbidity of wastewater.Notes: y refers to the Abs of each turbidity standard solutionx refers to the turbidity of wastewaterThe turbidity of wastewaterConclusion1.Data reliability analysisThe average of the concentrationThe standard deviation of the concentrationThe relative standard deviation of dataFrom the table and formula, we can see the first data is the smaller than others.Review our experiment, I found that we determined 3 solutions each time and the NO.1 wastewater is line in the fourth in second time determination. So the SS in wastewater was precipitating when we determined it. Thereby Abs of NO.1 wastewater is smaller than others. Hence we must determine each wastewaterevery time after shaking up when we determine Abs of wastewater.Only by that we can reduce error.2.Standard of turbidity in drinking waterAccording to < The sanitary norm of drinking water quality >, the turbidity in drinking water can’t exceed 1 NTU. The sample waster have exceeded standard more than 30 times. But in source of water and water purification, its upper limit can reach 3 NTU. And the harm of turbidity in water is small, so there is not any special regulation in the integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB 8978—1996).3.Treatment technologiesWhat we treat mainly about turbidity in wastewater is SS, so the method of treatment is the same as treatment of SS. We can also treat low concentration and high color wastewater by activated carbon. Due to activated carbon is expensive, it just suit a few water treatment. In wastewater treatment, we usually treat turbidity in settling tank.Questions and discussion1.Explain the difference and relative between SS and turbidity by looking formaterialAnswer: turbidity is representative of how much SS is in waster. When it’s low concentration and low color, it is direct proportion between turbidity and the concentration of SS. But if it is low concentration and high color or high concentration of SS, they aren’t any relative. And turbidity is an optical unit, SS isa mass unit. There aren’t strict conversion relations between them. So SS is just areference value for turbidity.2.Explain the structure and principle of the spectrophotometer and state itsapplication in the field of environmental monitor by looking for materialAnswer: it is mainly two partsin spectrophotometer, a spectrometer for producing light of any selected color (wavelength), and a photometer for measuring the intensity of light. When a light shoot from spectrometer and pass through dish with solution to photometer. By measuring the intensity of light, we can calculate transmittance and Abs.spectrophotometer can be used for the determination of Na, K, Ca in water, ash, biological materials.The concentration of Na and K in cement samples can be found out. It can be also used for the measurement of turbidity, nucleic acid and protein in cells in environmental applications of spectrophotometer.Advises and opinionsMany students violate operating rules when they do experiment, it leads to experiment apparatus broken and reagent is polluted. The incorrectoperation will make the result of next team be higher than others. So even if we have correct operation and steps, but we still have a result with high error. If teacher make students observeoperating rules that would reduce the influence for the next experiment. And the experiment will become easier.。