


• Compound Sentences: A compound presence contains two or more independent claims joined by a coordinating connection (e.g., and, but, or) For example, "She sings beautifully, and she plays the guitar."
Practice translating sentences with complex sentence structures, such as those with sub border clauses
Subject Verb Complex
A completion completes the meaning of the subject or verb For example, "John is a marathon runner."
The Importance of Sentence Patterns in Language Expression
language and vice verse
Students will be able to apply translation techniques and strategies to improve the quality of their translations
Course content and structure
Translation of different text types such as news, advertisements, and literary works
review of key grammar points and language usage to improve translation accuracy



• 长嗟短叹 -- sighing deeply
• 发号施令-- issue orders
• 土崩瓦解-- fall apart
•2021/3/7两面三刀-- two-fCaHEcNeLI d tactics
4. 语态转换
• 在英汉两种语言当中都有主动和被动两种语态 。在英语中被动语态的使用频率要远远高于汉 语。如果一味按照汉语原句的语态来翻译,会 使译文显得十分别扭。
Practice Please.
• 1. 我不觉得用英语与外国人交谈有什么困难。 • I don’t think it difficult to speak to a
foreigner in English.
• 2. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
• Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
• 这个小男孩在放学回家的路上受了伤 。
• The little boy was hurt on his way home from school.
• 门锁好了。The door has been locked up.
• 新教材在印刷中。
• New 2021/3/7 textbooks are CbHEeNLiIng printed.
2. 减词:
• 汉语喜欢重复,英语崇尚简洁。汉语的重复作为一种修辞 手段有两种作用。一是为了强调,重复表达一个意思,或 增添修饰语,加强语气。二是为了便于词语搭配,或平衡 节奏,增加可读性。这些在汉语里习以为常的重复词语或 句式,到了英语里要么不合逻辑,要么累赘冗长。所以翻 译时都要有所删减省略。



另外一种方法是化学方法。 Another method is the chemical process. / Another
approach is the chemical method.
同极电荷相斥,异极电荷相吸。 Electrical charges of a similar kind repel each other while
敌我矛盾 contradictions between ourselves and the enemy
钢铁工业 the iron and steel industry
国际经济新秩序 a new international economic order
社会主义的现代化强国 a modern and strong socialist country
危险时也要保持冷静。 You should keep calm even when you are in danger.
天高云淡。 The sky is high and the clouds are pale.
车未停稳,切勿上下。 Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill.
我们建议立即做出决定。 We advise an immediate decision.
声音的频率、波长和速度三者是密切相关的。 The frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound are
closely related.
白求恩大夫一到前线就立刻开始工作。 Dr. Bethune set to work as soon as he came to the front.


3. 随着社会和经济的发展,不可避免地会有新问题产生。(arise) 3. New problems will inevitably arise as our society and economy develop.
4. 她将会公开露脸,为她最新的小说签名。(appearance, sign) 4. She will be making a public appearance, signing copies of her latest novel.
very grateful.
6.他那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。 ( no wonder )
6. He talked so rudely to his boss. No wonder he was fired.
• 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another)
to it, the more fun you have.
• 好像他的事业就快要结束了。(It seems/ seemed that…, at an end)
1. It seems that his career is at an end. 2. 百分之六十的旅客宁愿住在窗朝南的房间。(用定语从句) 2. Sixty percent of the travelers prefer to live in the rooms whose windows face
with each other.
3. 那个老人很固执,病了还拒绝搬到他女儿家中住。(stubborn)
3. This is the first time he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal. 4. 请耐心点。火车十分钟后到。(be doing 表将来) 4. A hobby is something that you never get tired of—the more time you devote



Sentence translation skills
Literal translation and free translation
Literal translation
This method aims to confirm the exact meaning of the source language presence to the target language, without any changes in vocabulary or grammar It is important to maintain the original context and intention
Long presence translation
Breaking down complex senses
Long senses in the source language can often require breaking them down into smaller, more manageable units for translation This helps maintain clarity and flow in the target language version
Target language word order
Adjusting word order in the target language can help ensure a more natural and readable translation It is essential to maintain graphical correctness and logical flow while making these adjustments


人类把自己和其他动物区别开来。与此同时,人类还具 有观察和了解周围环境的能力。他们要么适应环境,要 么控制环境,或根据自身的需要改造环境。人类就这样 在一些情况下, 一些英语长句单纯采用上述任何 一种方法都不方便, 这就需要我们的仔细分析, 或按照时间的先后,或按照逻辑顺序, 顺逆结合, 主次分明地对全句进行综合处理,以便把英语原 文翻译成通顺忠实的汉语句子。
anybody else.
分析: 该句共有三层含义: A: 人们不敢出门; B: 尽管警察已 接到命令, 要作好准备以应付紧急情况; C: 警察也和其他人 一样不知所措和无能为力。在这三层含义中, B表示让步, C 表示原因, 而A则表示结果, 按照汉语习惯顺序, 我们作如下 的安排:
尽管警察已接到命令, 要作好准备以应付紧急情况, 但 人们不敢出门, 因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能 为力。
Now you try:
For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.
分析: 这个句子由一个主句, 两个原因状语和一个定语从句, “铝直 到19世纪才被人发现”是主句, 也是全句的中心内容, 全句共有四个 谓语结构, 共有五层意思: A. 铝直到19世纪才被人发现; B. 由于在自 然界找不到游离状态的铝; C. 由于它总是跟其他元素结合在一起; D. 最普遍的是跟氧结合; E. 铝跟氧有很强的亲和力。按照汉语的表达 习惯通常因在前, 果在后, 这样, 我们可以逆着原文的顺序把该句翻 译成:


The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts. 这种润滑作用是靠增加工资、改善厂房的通风状况及播放轻 音乐,以及通过心理学家的疏导和人际关系专家的指导完成 的.
Translate the following into Chinese
The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts; 这种润滑作用是靠 增加工资、改善厂房的 通风状况及播放轻音乐, 以及通过心理学家 的疏导和人际关系专家的指导完成的.
Translate the following into Chinese
In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "humanrelations" experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue and the white collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.

翻译练习 英汉互译课件

翻译练习 英汉互译课件

8. She considered housework demeaning and the care of children an added insult.
译文: 她觉得干家务活低人一等,带孩子更丢人。 译文: 她觉得干家务活低人一等,带孩子更丢人。
9. My teaching and my family are proving more than enough to fill my time.
12. If we attack quickly, we can nip the enemy's plans in the bud. 如果我们迅速进攻,我们可以把敌人的计划消灭在萌芽状态。 13. We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile at the looming of the death. 我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的威胁。 14. The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions. 该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。 15. It has taken many a pick and shovel to prove to the world that the history of Greece went back long before the year 776BC. 大量的考古发掘工作向世人证明了,希腊的历史可以追溯到公元前776年。 16. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 少时所学,到老不忘。 17.How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢? 18. Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. 山姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。 19. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the colonialists. 殖民主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。 20. He bombarded her with questions.


China is planning to buy a large stake in U.S. social networking website Facebook.
It took him a while to regain his composure.
The story is told from the perspective of an ordinary soldier.
He was in dire need of hospital treatment.
Thousands of lives are at stake if a war is not avoided.
All passengers on the flight have been accounted for.
She had not wanted to be Queen, but the role was thrust upon her.
I don’t watching war film, it’s full of harrowing scenes.
Moving to the city has been a difficult adjustment for us.
搬到城里来对我们而言是个艰难的适应过程。 我们不得不对日程安排作了一些调整。


To help foreign investors get a better understanding of Shanghai, they’ve compiled this little guide from the various sources they could find.
Translation — Chinese to English 他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是个危险分 子。
an entry permission on the grounds that
He was refused an entry permission on the grounds that he was a dangerous person.
Translation — Chinese to English 如果我负责这个项目,我会更好地利用现有的资金。
make better use of be in charge of
the money that is available
If I were in charge of the project, I’d make better use of the money that’s available.
Translation — Chinese to English 只要钱是老老实实赚来的,新政策鼓励人们变得富有。
acquired honestly
The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.
Translation — Chinese to English


linguistic forms and expressions to ensure readability and fluency in the target language.
Addition and subtraction methods
This method adds necessary information or explanations to the target language version to make it more complete or explicit. It can help to clarify the original meaning or provide additional contextual information.
English sentence translation emphasizes accuracy, conciseness, readability, and cultural sensitivity. It requires translators to have a good command of both source and target languages, as well as an understanding of cultural backgrounds and language differences.
• Respect target language syntax: When translating English sentences into another language, it is essential to adhere to the syntax and grammar rules of the target language. Translators should strive to create sentences that are grammatically correct and syntactically coherent in the target language.
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O.M.Yaghi,Science,V319, 939.
各种类沸石结构 的多孔配合物晶 体材料
Experimental and theoretical investigations have provided evidence that the water trimer, tetramer, and pentamers have cyclic, quasi-planar minimum energy conformations. Larger water clusters were expected to have stereo geometries with the hexamer representing the transition from a cyclic to a three-dimensional geometry . On the other hand, infinite onedimensional (1-D) , twod-imensional (2-D) and threedimensional (3-D) water morphologies, typically assembled from basic water clusters, have also been documented. In contrast to the isolated water clusters, the formations and structures of polymeric water still needs more studies.
T. B. Liu,& J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2006, 128, 15914
A. Müller, &, J. Cluster. Science,2006, 17, 333
[(MoO3)176(H2O)80H32] 和Mo154 A. Müller, & Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 1220
[Na48[H16Mo368O1032(H2O)240(SO4)48] .ca. 1000H2O] A. Müller , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41, 1162
在C方向有孔道(孔道大小11×8 Å2)
黄色球大小代表 孔洞的大小
The design of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with voids and channels, usually assembled as porous materials, is an area of great interest. These compounds are able to adsorb, store and release guest molecules. Among other functions, some MOFs can form polymeric magnets, present nonlinear optic (NLO) properties, redox activity, porous magnetic properties, and may perform as selective electric conductors.
Investigations on water clusters have received considerable interest because of their importance for human life, as well as their roles in many biological and chemical processes. As a result, a number of discrete water clusters including trimers , hexamers , octamers , decamers have been found in various coordination polymers. Studies on these ‘‘discrete” water clusters have advanced our knowledge toward understanding the behavior of bulk water .