精品文档2007—2008学年第1、2学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(A 卷)答案及评分标准精品文档.精品文档二、选择题(本大2分,每小分10 mol1-若体系加下达到汽液平衡两组分组成的混合物在一液相和汽相组成分别C,的组分下使体系重新达到汽液平衡,此时汽、液相的组成分别,在相)不确对于绝热闪蒸过程当进料的流量组成及热状态给定之后经自由度分析只剩下一个自由度由闪蒸罐确定则还应该确定的一个条件D)闪蒸罐的温)闪蒸罐的压)气化)任意选定其中之7时液相组时泡点与之相平衡的气相组某二元混合物其为易挥发组分相应的露点)不能确用郭氏法分析可知理论板和部分冷凝可调设计变量数分别1010、如果二元物系有最高压力恒沸物存在,则此二元物系所形成的溶液一定A)正偏差溶)理想溶)负偏差溶)不一、用纯溶剂吸收混合气中的溶质,逆流操作,平衡关系满足亨利定律。
当入塔气体浓上升,而其它入塔件不变,则气体出塔浓和吸收的变化C上升下下降上上升不上升变化不确逆流填料吸收塔当吸收因且填料为无穷高时气液两相将在哪个部位达到平B(A)塔(B塔(C塔中(D塔外平衡常数较小的组分D)难吸收的组)较轻组)挥发能力大的组)吸收剂中的溶解度、吸附等温线是指不同温度下哪一个参数与吸附质分压或浓度的关系曲线A(A)平衡吸附(B)吸附(C)满吸附(D最大吸附精品文1液相双分子吸附中型吸附是指在吸附过程中吸附A溶质和溶剂吸附量相当的情(B)始终优先吸附一个组分的曲(A)精品文档 A卷)答案及评分标准1、2学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(2007—2008学年第答:分析可知:: 学号恒沸精馏塔:由于恒沸剂加入过量,塔底为甲醇-甲苯的混合物,塔顶烷烃-甲醇的二元恒沸物。
1 2007 —2008 学年第1、2学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(A A 卷)答案及评分标准二、选择题(本大题20分,每小题2分)1、由1-2两组分组成的混合物,在一定T 、P 下达到汽液平衡,液相和汽相组成分别为 11,y x ,若体系加入10 mol 的组分(1),在相同T 、P 下使体系重新达到汽液平衡,此时汽、液相的组成分别为 '1'1,y x ,则,则 ( C )(A )1'1x x >和 1'1y y > (B )1'1x x <和1'1y y < (C )1'1x x =和1'1y y = (D )不确定)不确定2、对于绝热闪蒸过程,当进料的流量组成及热状态给定之后,当进料的流量组成及热状态给定之后,经自由度分析,经自由度分析,只剩下一个自由度由闪蒸罐确定,则还应该确定的一个条件是则还应该确定的一个条件是( D ) (A )闪蒸罐的温度)闪蒸罐的温度 (B )闪蒸罐的压力)闪蒸罐的压力 (C )气化率)气化率 (D )任意选定其中之一)任意选定其中之一3、某二元混合物,其中A 为易挥发组分,液相组成5.0=A x 时泡点为1t ,与之相平衡的气相组成75.0=A y 时,相应的露点为2t ,则 ( A )(A )21t t = (B )21t t > (C )21t t < (D )不能确定)不能确定4、用郭氏法分析可知理论板和部分冷凝可调设计变量数分别为用郭氏法分析可知理论板和部分冷凝可调设计变量数分别为 ( A ) (A )1,1 (B )1,0 (C )0,1 (D )0,0 5、如果二元物系有最高压力恒沸物存在,则此二元物系所形成的溶液一定是 ( A ) (A )正偏差溶液)正偏差溶液 (B )理想溶液)理想溶液 (C )负偏差溶液)负偏差溶液 (D )不一定)不一定6、用纯溶剂吸收混合气中的溶质,逆流操作,平衡关系满足亨利定律。
传质与分离课后练习题一、填空题1. 传质过程主要包括________、________和________三种基本方式。
2. 在气体吸收过程中,根据溶质与溶剂的接触方式,可分为________和________两种类型。
3. 蒸馏操作中,将混合液加热至沸腾,产生的蒸汽通过________冷却后,可得到纯净的液体。
4. 萃取过程中,常用的萃取剂应具备________、________和________等特点。
5. 吸附分离技术中,根据吸附剂与吸附质之间的作用力,可分为________和________两种类型。
二、选择题1. 下列哪种传质方式属于质量传递?()A. 动量传递B. 能量传递C. 质量传递D. 热量传递2. 在下列吸收操作中,属于物理吸收的是()。
A. 氨气吸收B. 二氧化硫吸收C. 丙酮吸收D. 氯气吸收3. 下列哪种蒸馏方法适用于分离沸点相近的液体混合物?()A. 简单蒸馏B. 蒸馏C. 蒸馏D. 分子蒸馏A. 萃取剂的性质B. 混合液的温度C. 萃取剂的浓度5. 下列哪种吸附剂属于物理吸附剂?()A. 活性炭B. 离子交换树脂C. 氢氧化钠D. 氧化铝三、判断题1. 传质过程中,质量传递速率与浓度梯度成正比。
()2. 在气体吸收过程中,气膜控制表示溶质在气相中的扩散速率较慢。
()3. 蒸馏过程中,塔板数越多,分离效果越好。
()4. 萃取操作中,萃取剂的选择对萃取效果具有重要影响。
()5. 吸附分离过程中,吸附剂的选择与吸附质的性质无关。
()四、简答题1. 简述传质过程的基本原理。
2. 请列举三种常见的气体吸收设备,并简要说明其工作原理。
3. 蒸馏操作中,如何提高塔板的效率?4. 萃取过程中,影响萃取效果的因素有哪些?5. 简述吸附分离技术的应用领域。
五、计算题1. 某混合液中含有甲、乙两种组分,其摩尔分数分别为0.4和0.6。
Problems for Mass Transfer and Separation ProcessAbsorption1 The ammonia –air mixture containing 9% ammonia(molar fraction) is contact with the ammonia-water liquid containing 5% ammonia (molar fraction). Under this operating condition, the equilibrium relationship is y*=0.97x. When the above two phases are contact, what will happen, absorption or stripping?Solution :09.0=y 05.0=x x y 97.0=*09.00485.005.097.0=<=⨯=*y y It is an absorption operation.2 When the temperature is 10 c 0 and the overall pressure is 101.3KPa , the solubility of oxygen in water can be represented by equation p=3.27⨯104x , where p (atm) and x refer to the partial pressure of oxygen in the vapor phase and the mole fraction of oxygen in the liquid phase, respectively. Assume that water is fully contact with the air under that condition, calculate how much oxygen can be dissolved in the per cubic meter of water?Solution: the mole fraction of oxygen in air is 0.21,hence:p = P y =1x0.21=0.21amt64410*24.610*27.321.010*27.3-===p x Because the x is very small , it can be approximately equal to molar ratio X , that is 610*42.6-=≈x XSo[])(/)(4.11)/(18*)(1)/(32*)(10*42.6lub 2322222226O H m O g O kmolH O kgH O kmolH kmolO kgO kmolO ility so ==-3 An acetone-air mixture containing 0.02 molar fraction of acetone is absorbed by water in a packed tower in countercurrent flow. And 99% of acetone is removed, mixed gas molar flow fluxis 0.03kmol ·s —1m -2 , practice absorbent flow rate L is 1.4 times as much as the min amountrequired. Under the operating condition, the equilibrium relationship is y*=1.75x. V olume totalabsorption coefficient is K y a=0.022 kmol ·s —1m -2y -1.. What is the molar flow rate of the absorbentand what height of packing will be required?solution :()0002.01=-=ηb a y y x a =0733.*min =⨯=--=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ab a b x x y y V L 43.24.1min=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=V L V L s m kmol L 20729.003.043.2=⨯=720.043.275.1===L mV S Number of mass transfer units N oy =(y 1-y 2)/∆y=12(y b -y a )=0.02-0.0002∆y=[(y b -y*b )- (y a -y*a )]/ln[(y b -y*b )/ (y a -y*a )](y b -y*b )=0.02-1.75x b =0.0057X b =V/L (y b -y a )= (0.02-0.0002)/2.43=0.00815(y a -y*a )= y a =0.0002Or ])1)(ln[(11S S mx y mx y S N ba ab Oy +----==12 m Kya S V H OY 364.1022.003.0/=== m N H H OY OY 37.1612364.1=⨯==4 The mixed gas from an oil distillation tower contains H 2S=0.04(molar fraction). Triethanolamine (absorbent) is used as the solvent to absorb 99% H 2S in the packing tower, the equilibrium relationship is y*=1.95x, the molar flux rate of the mixed gas is 0.02kmol ·m -2·s -1,overall volumeabsorption coefficient is Kya=0.05 kmol ·s —1m -2y -1, The solvent free of H 2S enters the tower andit contains 70% of the H 2S saturation concentration when leaving the tower. Try to calculate: (a) the number of mass transfer units N oy , and (b) the height of packing layer needed, Z.solution :ya=yb(1-0.99)=0.04*1%=0.0004xb*=yb/m=0.04/1.95= 0.0205 xb=0.7xb*=0.0144yb*=1.95*0.0144=0.028yb-yb*=0.04-0.028=0.012△ym=0.0034Z=HoyNoyNoy=(yb-ya)/ △ym=11.6m a K G H y m oy 4.005.0/02.0/===Z=11.6*0.4=4.64m5 Ammonia is removed from ammonia –air mixture by countercurrent scrubbing with water in a packed tower at an atmospheric pressure. Given: the height of the packing layer Z is6 m, the mixed gas entering the tower contains 0.03 ammonia (molar fraction, all are the same below), the gas out of the tower contains ammonia 0.003; the NH 3 concentration of liquid out of the tower is 80% of its saturation concentration, and the equilibrium relation is y*=1.2x. Find:(1)the practical liquid —gas ratio and the min liquid —gas ratio L/V=?. (2) the number of overall mass transfer units.(3) if the molar fraction of the ammonia out of the tower will be reduced to 0.002 and the other operating conditions keep unchanged, is the tower suitable?solution :(1)⨯-=G L (2) 26.689.0003.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-=In N OY (3) m N Z H OY OY 958.026.66===47.889.0002.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+⨯-='In N OY Since m N H Z OYOY 0.61.847.8958.0'>=⨯='= it is not suitable6 Pure water is used in an absorption tower with the height of the packed layer 3m to absorb ammonia in an air stream. The absorptivity is 99 percent. The operating conditions of absorber are 101.3kpa and 200c, respectively. The flux of gas V is 580kg/(m 2.h), and 6 percent (volume %) of ammonia is contained in the gas mixture. The flux of water L is 770kg/( m 2.h). The gas and liquid is countercurrent in the tower at isothermal temperature. The equilibrium equation y *=0.9x, and gas phase mass transfer coefficient k G a is proportional to V 0.8, but it has nothing to do with L. What is the height of the packed layer needed to keep the same absorptivity when the conditions of operation change as follows:(1)the operating pressure is 2 times as much as the original.(2)the mass flow rate of water is one time more than the original. 3) the mass flow rate of gas is two times as much as the original Solution: 3,1,293Z m p atm T K ===1210.060.063810.06(10.99)0.000638Y Y Y ==-=-= The average molecular weight of the mixed gas M=29×0.94+17×0.06=28.2822580(10.06)19.28/()28.2877042.78/()180.919.280.405642.78V kmol m h L kmol m h mV L =-=⋅Ω==⋅Ω⨯==12221ln[()(1)]110.06380ln[()(10.4056)0.4056]10.40560.0006386.88430.43586.884OG OG OG N mV LH Y mX mX mV Y mX L L Z m N =-+-=----+-==== 1) 2p p '=''p p m m = So 1222ln[()(1)]10.90.4520.4519.280.202842.78111ln[(100)(10.2028)0.2028]10.20285.496OG mp m p m V L Y mX m X m V N mV Y mX L L L-+='==⨯=''⨯==''-'=---+-= OG r G V V H K a K aP ==ΩΩSo:OG H changes with the operating pressure10.43580.21792OG OG OG OG H H H H ρρρρ'=''=⋅=⨯='So 5.4960.2179 1.198OGOG Z N H m '''=⋅=⨯= So the height of the packed section reduce 1.802m vs the original2) 2L L '=11()0.40560.20282225.496OGmV mV mV L L L N ===⨯=''=when the mass flow rate of liquid increases,G K a has not remarkable effect0.43585.4960.4358 2.395OG OG OG OG H H m Z N H m'=='''=⋅=⨯= the height of the packed section reduce 0.605m against the original3) 2V V '=(2)2()20.40560.81161ln[(100)(10.8116)0.8116]15.8110.8116OG mV m V mV L L L N '===⨯='=-+=- when mass flow rate of gas increaes,G K a also will increase. Since it is gas film control for absorption, we have as follows: G G G OG OG G G OGOG K a V V K a K a K a V V V H H K aP K aP mZ N H m m ∝''==''===Ω'Ω=⨯='''==⨯= So the height of the packed section increase 4.92m against the originalDistillation1 Certain binary mixed liquid containing mole fraction of easy volatilization component F x 0.35, feeding at bubbling point, is separated through a sequence rectify column. The mole fraction in the overhead product is x D =0.96, and the mole fraction in the bottom product is x B =0.025. If the mole overflow rates are constant in the column, try to calculate(a)the flow rate ratio of overhead product to feed(D /F)?(b)If the reflux ratio R=3.2, write the operating lines for rectifying and stripping sections solution :F x =0.35;x B =0.025;x D =0.96;R=3.2。
分离工程考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在分离工程中,下列哪种方法不适用于液-液分离?A. 离心分离B. 过滤C. 蒸馏D. 吸附答案:D2. 哪种类型的分离过程是基于分子大小差异进行的?A. 萃取B. 膜分离C. 蒸发D. 结晶答案:B3. 以下哪个参数对过滤速率影响最大?A. 滤饼厚度B. 过滤面积C. 过滤压力D. 滤液粘度答案:B4. 在蒸馏过程中,提高哪种参数可以增加分离效率?A. 进料温度B. 回流比C. 塔板数D. 塔顶压力答案:C5. 反渗透膜分离技术主要应用于哪种类型的分离?A. 气-液分离B. 液-固分离C. 液-液分离D. 固-固分离答案:C6. 离心分离中,离心力的大小与哪个参数成正比?A. 转速的平方B. 转速的立方C. 转速的四次方D. 转速的五次方答案:A7. 以下哪种方法不适用于气体的分离?A. 吸收B. 吸附C. 膜分离D. 沉降答案:D8. 哪种类型的分离过程是基于分子间作用力差异进行的?A. 萃取B. 膜分离C. 蒸发D. 结晶答案:A9. 在液-液萃取中,选择性系数αAB/AC表示什么?A. 组分A与组分B的分配系数之比B. 组分A与组分C的分配系数之比C. 组分B与组分C的分配系数之比D. 组分A在两种溶剂中的分配系数之比答案:A10. 哪种类型的分离过程是基于分子质量差异进行的?A. 萃取B. 膜分离C. 超滤D. 蒸馏答案:C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 在过滤过程中,滤饼的厚度增加会导致过滤阻力_____。
2. 蒸馏操作中,提高回流比可以_____组分间的分离效果。
3. 反渗透膜分离技术中,水分子通过膜的驱动力是_____。
4. 离心分离中,离心力的大小与转速的_____次方成正比。
5. 在液-液萃取中,选择性系数αAB/AC越大,表示组分A与组分B 之间的_____越大。
6. 蒸馏过程中,塔板数的增加可以提高_____效率。
(1) 相互接触的两流体间存在着稳定的相界⾯,界⾯两侧各存在着⼀个很薄(等效厚度分别为z G和z L)的流体膜层(⽓膜和液膜)。
(2) 溶质在相界⾯处的浓度处于相平衡状态。
(3) 在膜层以外的两相主流区由于流体湍动剧烈,传质速率⾼,传质阻⼒可以忽略不计,相际的传质阻⼒集中在两个膜层内。
(5分)2.多组分精馏的FUG简捷计算法中,F代表 Fenske 方程,用于计算N m ,U代表Underwood 公式,用于计算R m ,G代表 Gilliland 关联,用于确定实际理论板数 N 。
(6分)2.在多组分精馏的FUG简捷计算法中,用 Fenske 方程计算N m ,用 Underwood 公式计算 R m,用 Gilliland 关联确定 N 。
(6分)driving force for gas absorption is 气相中溶质的实际分压与溶液中溶质的平衡蒸气压力之差。
(3分)二、单项或多项选择题(共计10)1.晰分割法的基本假定是:馏出液中除了 A 外没有其他 C 。
(2分)A. heavy key component;B. light key component;C. heavy non-key components;D. light non-key components.1.晰分割法的基本假定是:釜液中除了 B 外没有其他 D 。
,考试作弊将带来严重后果!华南理工大学期末考试2007《传质与分离工程英文》试卷A (含答案)1. 考前请将密封线内填写清楚;所有答案请直接答在试卷上(或答题纸上);.考试形式:开(闭)卷;S in the air is absorbed by NaOH solution is ( A ).2B. liquid film “controls”;C. two film “controls”.AB=1. WhenC ).>x A; B. y A<x A; C. y A=x A. D. uncertainAD ) is true.>t d; B. t>t w=t d; C. t=t w>t d; D. t=t w=t dwo C, ( C ) of reading is o C B. 77 o C C. 77.01 o C; D. 77.010 o CB ).When the water content of some material is close to its equilibrium water content X*, its drying rate will ___ C _.B. decrease;C. be close to zero;D. be uncertainFor the desorption (stripping) process, when ( B ) increases and ( A )A ) increases, it is good for the operation.D ) decreases, it is good for the operation.A.dry-bulb temperature of air;B. wet-bulb temperature of air ;C. dew point temperature of air;D. size of material to be dried(9) For absorption process, when the coefficients k x a and k y a are of the same order of magnitude and equilibrium constant m is much greater than 1, ( B ) is said to be controlling. In order to increase mass transfer rate, it is better to increase ( E ).A. gas film;B. liquid film;C. both gas film and liquid film;D. gas phase flow rate;E. liquid phase flow rate;F. both gas phase flow rate and liquid phase flow rate;(10) For absorption process, if it is the liquid film control, ( D ) is feasible to increase mass transfer rate of absorption.A to decrease gas flow rate.B to decrease liquid flow rateC to increase gas flow rate.D to increase liquid flow rate.(11)When the reflux ratio R increases and other conditions keep the same, overflow of vapor V will (increase ); the concentration of overhead product x D will (increase ); steam consumption of reboiler will (increase ), the theoretic plate numbers required will (decrease ) for the same recovery percentage of overhead product.(12) The factors to influence mass transfer coefficients of gas phase include (T, P, gas flow rate).(13) When some moist air is preheated in a preheater, its humidity will (be the same ), its relative humidity will (decrease ), its enthalpy will (increase), its dew point will (be the same ), its wet-bulb temperature will (increase ).(14) When the liquid flooding at a packed tower occurs, (pressure drop ) increases remarkably and the entire tower may fill with (liquid )..(15) Mathematic expression of Fick’s law is ( J A=-DdC A/dz ).(16) The requirements to satisfy constant molal overflow are (vaporization heat of different components will be the same, sensible heat exchange of liquid and gas phases on the plates can be ignored, heat loss of column can be igored. )(17)Some wet solids are dried by air with temperature t and humidity H.(1)When air velocity increases and air temperature t and humidity H keep constant, the drying rate at constant-rate period will (increase); If air velocity and air conditions keep unchanged, but thickness of materials increases, the critical moisture content of wet material Xc will (decrease ).2. (20 points) At a constant pressure operation a continuous distillation column with reflux is used for the separation of a binary mixture with feed rate F=1000kmol/h and concentration x F=0.36 (mol fraction of more volatile component). Feed is saturated vapor, the relative volatility ofmixture α is 3, indirect steam heating is used at a rebolier, and total condenser and bubble point reflux at the top of column are employed and the reflux ratio R is 3.2, respectively. It is required that the recovery percent of more volatile component at the top of column is 92%, and that the concentration of more volatile component at the top x D is 0.9. Calculate:(1)Operating line equation for rectifying section;(2) Overhead product flow rate D, vapor overflow V for rectifying section and vapor overflow V ’ for stripping section, in kmol/h.(3)If the practical liquid concentration leaving the first plate (x 1) is 0.825, what is this plate efficiency of plate 1L M E ,?Solution (1) y=0.762x+0.214(2) D x D /Fx F =0.92, D=0.92(1000*0.36)/0.9=368kmol/hV=(R+1)D=4.2*368=1545.6kmol/hV’=V -F=1545.6-1000=545.6kmol/h(3) E mL =(x D -x 1)/(x D -x 1*)=(0.9-0.825)/(0.9-0.75)=0.5y 1=x D =αx 1*/([α-1)x 1*+1]=0.9=3x 1*/[(3-1)x 1*+1]x 1*=0.753.(20 points) Some gas mixture contains acetone vapor with 3%(molar fraction) which is absorbed by pure water at a countercurrent operation absorber. 98% acetone of outlet gas is removed. Ratio of liquid to gas flow rate is 2 and the equilibrium relation is =*y 1.05x Find(1)what is the acetone concentration of outlet water at the tower bottom?(2) what is the overall mass transfer unit number of gas phase?(3) if the inlet compositions of gas and liquid phases keep the same and the ratio of liquid to gas flow rate is 1.04, where (in what position of tower) is the equilibrium of gas and liquid phases when the packing layer height is infinite? What is the maximum recovery percentage of acetone? Solution: (1) x 1=V(y 1-y 2)/L=0.03*0.98/2=0.0147(2) N oy =(y 1-y 1)/∆y m =0.03*0.98/0.00438=6.71∆y m =[(0.03-1.05*0.0147)-0.0006]/ln[(0.03-1.05*0.0147)/0.0006]=0.00438(3) since104.105.104.1 05.1 ='=='=VL m S VL m So the equilibrium will be reached at the bottom of tower. Max removal efficiency of acetone is121max y y y '-=η0286.*1===y x 0297.00286.004.1*121=⨯=='-x VL y y %9903.00297.0121max =='-=y y y η4. (15 points) A moist material is to be dried from water content 25% to 5% (wet basis) in an adiabatic dryer (constant enthalpy drying process) under atmospheric pressure. The feed of moist material solid into the dryer is 1000 kg/h. After some fresh air with a dry-bulb temperature of 25ºC and a humidity of 0.013 kg water/kg dry air is preheated to 100ºC, it is sent to the dryer. And the air temperature leaving the dryer is 65ºC.(1) What are the bore-dry air (in kg/h) and the volume of fresh air required per unit time (in m 3/h)?(2) How much heat is obtained by air when it passes through the preheater (in kJ/h)? [Hint: 273273)244.1772.0(00+⨯+=t H v H , enthalpy of moist air=(1.01+1.88H)t+2492H] Solution: (1) W=Gc(X1-X2)=1000*0.75(1/3-5/95)=210.5kg/hI 1=I 2(1.01+1.88H 1)t 1+2492H 1=(1.01+1.88H 2)t 2+2492H 2H 1=0.013, t 1=100,t 2=65, H 2=0.0268L=W/(H 2-H 1)=210.5/(0.0268-0.013)=15253.6kgdry air/hv H =(0.772+1.244*0.013)(298/273)=0.86m 3/kgdry airV=Lv H =15253.6*0.86=13118.1 m 3/h(2)Qp=L(I 1-I 0)=15253.6(1.01+1.88*0.013)(100-25)=1183420 kJ/h5. Question (5 points)Draw the capacity performance chart of plate column and indicate the meaning of every line, describe the satisfactory operation zone. When the liquid flow rate keeps constant and vapor flow rate increases remarkably, please explain what may happen to the column.Solution: When the liquid flow rate keeps constant and vapor flow rate increases remarkably, more liquid will be taken upward the plate. So make separation efficiency of column decrease.。
传质与分离工程期末试卷试卷号:2002 - 6班级______________ 姓名_________________ 号__________________本试卷共五大题,共页、选择填空题(30分)1、( 5分)精馏操作分离的依据是组分间的相对挥发度的差异.扩散系数D表征物质的扩散能力大小,当温度升高时,气体扩散系数D」增大,液体扩散系数D_增大_;当压强增大,气体扩散系数D下降,液体扩散系数 D妻本不变_.2、(2分)某二元理想溶液用精馏方法分离,在设计中,若产品浓度为X D,X W,进料xf的条件不变,提高进料液的温度,最小回流比将:( A )A增大。
D无法确定3、( 2分)连续精馏设计中,当塔顶采用全凝器,泡点回流时,为完成分离任务所需理论板数为N TI,若塔顶采用分凝器,回流比不变,则完成同样的分离任务所需的理论板数为N T2•试比较(C)( 2分)A . N TI <N T2 B. N TI =N TI C. N TI >N T2 D.判断依据不足4、( 2分)某吸收过程,气膜传质系数k y=5 x 10-6kmoL/m 2.h,液膜传质系数k x=8 x 1062kmoL/m .h,则该过程为:(C )A,液膜控制;B,气膜控制;C,判断依据不足;D,气膜阻力和液膜阻力相差不大.5、(4分)对接近常压的低浓度溶质的气液平衡系统A、B,在同样条件下,A系统中溶质的溶解度比B系统高,则A系统亨利系数E A _小于 _ E B,气液平衡常数 n A _小于 _ m B.6、(2分)下面有2、关物料干燥的论述中,(A,C )是正确的.A •平衡水分必是结合水分.B •结合水分必定是平衡水分C •物料的平衡水分随空气的相对湿度增大而增大D •物料的临界含水量与物料的性质有关,与物料的大小及物料的厚度无关7、(3分)对于饱和湿空气,其干球温度t,湿球温度tw,绝热饱和温度 tas,露点温度t d的关系是t_____ = ____ t w __= ______ t as _ = _ - t d.8、( 3分)一定湿度的气体,总压增大时,露点温度t d 增大。
传质分离工程期末考试试题### 传质分离工程期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在两相流动系统中,传质系数K与流速v的关系是:- A. 正比- B. 反比- C. 无关- D. 先增大后减小2. 以下哪项不是传质分离工程中常见的分离方法?- A. 蒸馏- B. 萃取- C. 过滤- D. 蒸发3. 传质分离过程中,若传质系数K增大,则:- A. 传质速率不变- B. 传质速率增大- C. 传质速率减小- D. 无法确定4. 传质分离工程中,传质单元数Ntr与传质系数K和传质面积A的关系是:- A. Ntr = K/A- B. Ntr = A/K- C. Ntr = K * A- D. Ntr = 1/(K * A)5. 以下哪个因素不会影响传质分离过程?- A. 温度- B. 压力- C. 组分浓度- D. 颜色二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述传质分离工程中常见的传质机制,并解释它们在实际应用中的意义。
2. 描述蒸馏过程中的传质现象,并解释为什么蒸馏是一种有效的分离方法。
三、计算题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设在一个蒸馏塔中,塔顶的乙醇浓度为0.85,塔底的乙醇浓度为0.05,塔顶的乙醇蒸气流量为2000 kg/h,塔底的乙醇液体流量为500 kg/h。
2. 一个萃取塔中,水相和有机相的接触面积为100 m²,水相的流速为0.5 m/s,有机相的流速为0.3 m/s。
已知水相中某溶质的传质系数为0.002 m/s,传质系数与流速的关系为K = 0.0005 * (v_water + v_organic)。
四、论述题(每题15分,共15分)1. 论述传质分离工程在化工生产中的应用,并讨论其在环境保护和资源回收方面的重要性。
一、填空(每空2分,共20分)1. 如果设计中给定数值的物理量的数目等于 设计变量 ,设计才有结果。
2. 在最小回流比条件下,若只有重组分是非分配组分,轻组分为分配组分,存在着两个恒浓区,出现在 精镏段和进料板 位置。
3. 在萃取精镏中,当原溶液非理想性不大时,加入溶剂后,溶剂与组分1形成具有较强 正 偏差的非理想溶液,与组分2形成 负偏差或理想 溶液 ,可提高组分1对2的相对挥发度。
4. 化学吸收中用增强因子表示化学反应对传质速率的增强程度,增强因子E 的定义是 化学吸收的液相分传质系数(k L )/无化学吸收的液相分传质系数(k 0L ) 。
5. 对普通的N 级逆流装置进行变量分析,若组分数为C 个,建立的MESH 方程在全塔有 NC+NC+2N+N=N(2C+3) 个。
6. 热力学效率定义为=η ; 实际的分离过程是不可逆的,所以热力学效率必定 于1。
7. 反渗透是利用反渗透膜选择性的只透过 溶剂 的性质,对溶液施加压力,克服 溶剂的渗透压 ,是一种用来浓缩溶液的膜分离过程。
二、推导(20分)1. 由物料衡算,相平衡关系式推导图1单级分离基本关系式。
1(1)0(1)1ci i i i z K K ψ=-=-+∑ 式中: K i ——相平衡常数;ψ——气相分率(气体量/进料量)。
2. 精馏塔第j 级进出物料如图1,建立MESH 方程。
K i =yi/xi。
2、拉乌尔定律表达式为(、拉乌尔定律表达式为( P A =P A0 X A),其适用条件是(,其适用条件是( 稀溶液中的溶剂稀溶液中的溶剂 )。
3、对于二元溶液的范拉尔方程,当01®x时,1ln g¥=( 12A),2g=( 1 )。
4、对于能生成二元最低恒沸物的物系来说,x、y关系在恒沸点左侧为(关系在恒沸点左侧为( y x>),在恒沸点右侧为(沸点右侧为( xy<)。
5、在一个塔中精馏某二元最低恒沸物时,塔顶得到的产物是(、在一个塔中精馏某二元最低恒沸物时,塔顶得到的产物是( 恒沸物恒沸物 ),塔底得到的产物是(产物是( 纯组分纯组分 )。
6、萃取精馏塔中,当原料以(、萃取精馏塔中,当原料以( 气相或q=0 )热状况加入时,精馏段与提馏段中的溶剂浓度大致相等,萃取剂将从塔(底或釜)出来。
8、双组分均相恒沸物在低压下其活度系数ig应等于(p/0i p),最高温度均相恒沸物判断条件为(判断条件为(¥¥<<21211ggPP)。
9、单组分气体在固体上吸附时适用于五种类型吸附等温线中的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ种类型的吸附理论是(BET多分子层吸附理论多分子层吸附理论 ),只适用于其中的第Ⅰ种类型的吸附理论是(朗格谬尔单分子层吸附理论)。
10、在板式塔的吸收中,原料中的平衡常数小的组分主要在塔内(底、在板式塔的吸收中,原料中的平衡常数小的组分主要在塔内(底 )板被吸收,吸收中平衡数大的组分主要在塔内平衡数大的组分主要在塔内 (顶)板被吸收。
y 0.97 0.05 0.0485 y 0.09 It is an absorption operation.
2 When the temperature is 10 0c and the overall pressure is 101.3KPa , the solubility of oxygen
4 The mixed gas from an oil distillation tower contains H2S=0.04(molar fraction). Triethanolamine (absorbent) is used as the solvent to absorb 99% H2S in the packing tower, the
Solution: the mole fraction of oxygen in air is 0.21,hence: p = P y =1x0.21=0.21amt
x p 0.21 6.24 *106 3.27 *104 3.27 *104
Because the x is very small , it can be approximately equal to molar ratio X , that is
V min
S mV 1.75 0.720 L 2.43
Number of mass transfer units Noy=(y1-y2)/y=12 (yb-ya)=0.02-0.0002 y=[(yb-y*b)- (ya-y*a)]/ln[(yb-y*b)/ (ya-y*a )] (yb-y*b )=0.02-1.75xb=0.0057 Xb=V/L (yb-ya)= (0.02-0.0002)/2.43=0.00815 (ya-y*a)= ya=0.0002
分离工程C 卷(答案写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上无效)一、填空题(每空2分, 共40分)1. 分离过程可分为( )和传质分离两大类。
其中传质分离过程的特点是过程中有( )现象发生。
常见的传质分离过程有( )、( )、( )。
2. 若组成为Z i 的物系,∑Z i /K i <1时其相态为( )。
3. 非清晰分割法假设各组分在塔内的分布与在( )时分布一致。
4. 通常所说多组分精馏的FUG 简捷计算法中,F 代表( )方程,用于计算( ),U 代表( )公式,用于计算( ),G 代表( )关联,用于确定( )。
5. 描述多级分离过程的数学模型为( )。
6. 效率常见的表示方法有( )、( )和( )。
7. 常见的精馏节能技术有( )、( )、( )和SRV 精馏。
二、选择题(每题2分, 共10分)1. 分离过程的特征是该过程是( )A 熵增过程;B 熵不变化过程;C 熵减少过程;D 自发过程2. 平衡常数计算式p p K i i /0 在( )条件下成立。
A 气相是理想气体,液相是理想溶液;B 气相是理想气体,液相是非理想溶液;C 气相是理想溶液,液相是理想溶液;D 气相是理想溶液,液相是非理想溶液3. 当板上液体达到完全混合时,点效率与板效率的关系为( )A E MV >E OG ;B E MV =E OG ;C E MV <E OG4. 在多组分混合物的吸收过程中,不同组分和不同塔段的吸收程度是不同的。
( )一般主要在靠近塔顶的几级被吸收,在其余级变化很小。
A 关键组分;B 轻组分;C 重组分5. 当两个难挥发组分为关键组分时,则以何处为起点逐级计算( )A 塔顶往下;B 塔釜往上;C 两端同时算起三、判断题,有错误的请改正(每题2分, 共10分)1. 分离因子相对于汽液平衡常数而言,随温度和压力的变化不敏感。
( )2. 多组分精馏和吸收过程都是双向传质过程,规定分离要求时多组分精馏过程最多只能指定 2 个关键组分,多组分吸收过程最多只能有1 个关键组分。
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,考试作弊将带来严重后果!华南理工大学期末考试2007《传质与分离工程英文》试卷A (含答案)1. 考前请将密封线内填写清楚;所有答案请直接答在试卷上(或答题纸上);.考试形式:开(闭)卷;S in the air is absorbed by NaOH solution is ( A ).2B. liquid film “controls”;C. two film “controls”.AB=1. WhenC ).>x A; B. y A<x A; C. y A=x A. D. uncertainAD ) is true.>t d; B. t>t w=t d; C. t=t w>t d; D. t=t w=t dwo C, ( C ) of reading is o C B. 77 o C C. 77.01 o C; D. 77.010 o CB ).When the water content of some material is close to its equilibrium water content X*, its drying rate will ___ C _.B. decrease;C. be close to zero;D. be uncertainFor the desorption (stripping) process, when ( B ) increases and ( A )A ) increases, it is good for the operation.D ) decreases, it is good for the operation.A.dry-bulb temperature of air;B. wet-bulb temperature of air ;C. dew point temperature of air;D. size of material to be dried(9) For absorption process, when the coefficients k x a and k y a are of the same order of magnitude and equilibrium constant m is much greater than 1, ( B ) is said to be controlling. In order to increase mass transfer rate, it is better to increase ( E ).A. gas film;B. liquid film;C. both gas film and liquid film;D. gas phase flow rate;E. liquid phase flow rate;F. both gas phase flow rate and liquid phase flow rate;(10) For absorption process, if it is the liquid film control, ( D ) is feasible to increase mass transfer rate of absorption.A to decrease gas flow rate.B to decrease liquid flow rateC to increase gas flow rate.D to increase liquid flow rate.(11)When the reflux ratio R increases and other conditions keep the same, overflow of vapor V will (increase ); the concentration of overhead product x D will (increase ); steam consumption of reboiler will (increase ), the theoretic plate numbers required will (decrease ) for the same recovery percentage of overhead product.(12) The factors to influence mass transfer coefficients of gas phase include (T, P, gas flow rate).(13) When some moist air is preheated in a preheater, its humidity will (be the same ), its relative humidity will (decrease ), its enthalpy will (increase), its dew point will (be the same ), its wet-bulb temperature will (increase ).(14) When the liquid flooding at a packed tower occurs, (pressure drop ) increases remarkably and the entire tower may fill with (liquid )..(15) Mathematic expression of Fick’s law is ( J A=-DdC A/dz ).(16) The requirements to satisfy constant molal overflow are (vaporization heat of different components will be the same, sensible heat exchange of liquid and gas phases on the plates can be ignored, heat loss of column can be igored. )(17)Some wet solids are dried by air with temperature t and humidity H.(1)When air velocity increases and air temperature t and humidity H keep constant, the drying rate at constant-rate period will (increase); If air velocity and air conditions keep unchanged, but thickness of materials increases, the critical moisture content of wet material Xc will (decrease ).2. (20 points) At a constant pressure operation a continuous distillation column with reflux is used for the separation of a binary mixture with feed rate F=1000kmol/h and concentration x F=0.36 (mol fraction of more volatile component). Feed is saturated vapor, the relative volatility ofmixture α is 3, indirect steam heating is used at a rebolier, and total condenser and bubble point reflux at the top of column are employed and the reflux ratio R is 3.2, respectively. It is required that the recovery percent of more volatile component at the top of column is 92%, and that the concentration of more volatile component at the top x D is 0.9. Calculate:(1)Operating line equation for rectifying section;(2) Overhead product flow rate D, vapor overflow V for rectifying section and vapor overflow V ’ for stripping section, in kmol/h.(3)If the practical liquid concentration leaving the first plate (x 1) is 0.825, what is this plate efficiency of plate 1L M E ,?Solution (1) y=0.762x+0.214(2) D x D /Fx F =0.92, D=0.92(1000*0.36)/0.9=368kmol/hV=(R+1)D=4.2*368=1545.6kmol/hV’=V -F=1545.6-1000=545.6kmol/h(3) E mL =(x D -x 1)/(x D -x 1*)=(0.9-0.825)/(0.9-0.75)=0.5y 1=x D =αx 1*/([α-1)x 1*+1]=0.9=3x 1*/[(3-1)x 1*+1]x 1*=0.753.(20 points) Some gas mixture contains acetone vapor with 3%(molar fraction) which is absorbed by pure water at a countercurrent operation absorber. 98% acetone of outlet gas is removed. Ratio of liquid to gas flow rate is 2 and the equilibrium relation is =*y 1.05x Find(1)what is the acetone concentration of outlet water at the tower bottom?(2) what is the overall mass transfer unit number of gas phase?(3) if the inlet compositions of gas and liquid phases keep the same and the ratio of liquid to gas flow rate is 1.04, where (in what position of tower) is the equilibrium of gas and liquid phases when the packing layer height is infinite? What is the maximum recovery percentage of acetone? Solution: (1) x 1=V(y 1-y 2)/L=0.03*0.98/2=0.0147(2) N oy =(y 1-y 1)/∆y m =0.03*0.98/0.00438=6.71∆y m =[(0.03-1.05*0.0147)-0.0006]/ln[(0.03-1.05*0.0147)/0.0006]=0.00438(3) since104.105.104.1 05.1 ='=='=VL m S VL m So the equilibrium will be reached at the bottom of tower. Max removal efficiency of acetone is121max y y y '-=η0286.*1===y x 0297.00286.004.1*121=⨯=='-x VL y y %9903.00297.0121max =='-=y y y η4. (15 points) A moist material is to be dried from water content 25% to 5% (wet basis) in an adiabatic dryer (constant enthalpy drying process) under atmospheric pressure. The feed of moist material solid into the dryer is 1000 kg/h. After some fresh air with a dry-bulb temperature of 25ºC and a humidity of 0.013 kg water/kg dry air is preheated to 100ºC, it is sent to the dryer. And the air temperature leaving the dryer is 65ºC.(1) What are the bore-dry air (in kg/h) and the volume of fresh air required per unit time (in m 3/h)?(2) How much heat is obtained by air when it passes through the preheater (in kJ/h)? [Hint: 273273)244.1772.0(00+⨯+=t H v H , enthalpy of moist air=(1.01+1.88H)t+2492H] Solution: (1) W=Gc(X1-X2)=1000*0.75(1/3-5/95)=210.5kg/hI 1=I 2(1.01+1.88H 1)t 1+2492H 1=(1.01+1.88H 2)t 2+2492H 2H 1=0.013, t 1=100,t 2=65, H 2=0.0268L=W/(H 2-H 1)=210.5/(0.0268-0.013)=15253.6kgdry air/hv H =(0.772+1.244*0.013)(298/273)=0.86m 3/kgdry airV=Lv H =15253.6*0.86=13118.1 m 3/h(2)Qp=L(I 1-I 0)=15253.6(1.01+1.88*0.013)(100-25)=1183420 kJ/h5. Question (5 points)Draw the capacity performance chart of plate column and indicate the meaning of every line, describe the satisfactory operation zone. When the liquid flow rate keeps constant and vapor flow rate increases remarkably, please explain what may happen to the column.Solution: When the liquid flow rate keeps constant and vapor flow rate increases remarkably, more liquid will be taken upward the plate. So make separation efficiency of column decrease.。