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一、单选题:( 15 分)

( )1. --hat shuld I get y granda fr her birthday?

-- hy ___ yu ____ a sarf?

A. nt, buy

B. dn’t, buy . dn’ t, t buy D. nt, t


( )2. Peple dn’t need t spend ____ ney buying gifts.

A. t any

B. uh t . t uh D. any t

( )3. This r is ____ sall ____ hld these peple.

A. s, t

B. t, that . t, t D. suh, that

( )4. --hy dn’ t yu get the bk?

--That ’ s ____.

A. nt iprtant enugh

B. nt enugh iprtant

. enugh nt iprtant D. iprtant nt enugh

( )5. She is _____ teaher in ur shl.

A. the st ppular

B. re ppular . ppular D. less ppular

( )6. D yu knw that is _____ grandther.

A. a 80-year-ld

B. 80 -years-ld . an 80-year-ld D.

80 – year-ld

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( )7. I like t dane ____sing an English sng.

A. rather than

B. instead f . ver D. instead

( )8. --hen did yu get the gift?

-- _____ y _____ birthday.

A. n, sixth

B. In, sixth . n, six D. In, six

( )9. hat’s the best gift yu have ever ______?

A. reeived

B. t reeive . reeiving D. be reeived

( )10. ______ luky guy!

A. hat

B. hat a . Hw D. Hw a

( )11. y parents are ______ faus writers.

A. all

B. nne . bth D. st

( )12. ther tld e _____ t uh tie reading nvels.

A. dnt t spend

B. nt t take . nt t spend D. dnt st

( )13.—Shall we g fr a walk utside? -- ______ .

A. I wuld be

B.I like . I d D. Gd idea

( )14. D yu knw any ther freign language _____


A. exept

B. but . besides D. beside

( )15. Digital aeras are being very ppular, thugh

se still _____ t uh.

A. pay

B. spend . take D. st

二、完型填空:( 10 分)



nday rning is an iprtant tie at ur shl. All f the

students g t the playgrund.

e listen t usi, and we 16 the natinal flag(国旗) g up.

Usually, ne student gives a talk n nday rnings. ne

nday last year, a by gave the talk. He was 17 and exited! hen I saw hi, I wanted t have a try, t.

an I really d it?

Last week, ur teaher said ur lass shuld give the

talk. y teaher 18 e, "I knw yu want t have a try. Next

nday, yu an give the talk. G and write sething dwn. Get ready

fr it, I sure yull d well."

"Thank yu ," I answered, It was suh a great 19 fr

e ! hen I gt he , I was exited. I wrte tw pages fr the

talk. I read the again and again. hen I read, I asked

y parents 20 . I wanted t ake y teaher happy.

nday rning ae. I began t feel 21 hen did I last give a talk t s any peple ? Never! This was y first tie. uld

I really d it? aybe I uldnt finish the talk.

hen I gt t shl, we all went ut t playgrund. I 22

in frnt f everyne. I pened y uth, but I uldnt say anything.

"Take it easy," I said t 23 . " Dnt be nervus. yu

an d it."

ust then, I lked dwn at everyne. I saw abut 1,000

eyes. They were all lking at e ! I uldnt even stand up.

I lked at their eyes re arefully. Their eyes were

saying , "yu an d it! Dnt be afraid, ust talk !"

I 24 a big breath(呼吸). Then I began t talk. It

wasnt hard. It was easy.

I dnt knw 25 I finished y talk. But I did it. I felt s gd that day. I shwed yself

t everyne what I an d.

( )16. A. wath B. see . ntie D. lk at

( )17. A. surprising B. prud . aazed D. areful

( )18. A. tld B. asked fr . said t D. shwed

( )19. A. hane B. news . tie D. essage

( )20. A. t listen t B. t listen . listen t D. listen

( )21. A. exited B. happy . nervus D. surprised

( )22. A. stand B. std . was standing D. have std

( )23. A. e B. y lass . yself D. y parents

( )24. A. tk B. held . put D. left

( )25. A. when B. hw . why D. whether

三、阅读短:( 30 分)


In alst every big university in the United States

ftball is a favrite sprt. Aerian ftball is nt like ser.

Players seties kik the ball, but they als thrw the

ball and run with it. They try t take it t the ther end

f the field.They have fur hanes t ve the ball ten yards. They an arry it r thrw it. If they ve it t the end f

the field, they reeive six pints. This is alled a tuh

—dwn. It is diffiult t ve the ball. Eleven en n the

tea try t stp the an wh has the ball. If the an des nt

ve the ball ten yards, his tea kiks the ball t the ther tea.

Eah university wants its tea t win. Thusands f peple e t wath. They all yell fr their favrite tea. yung en

and wen alled heerleaders e n the field t help the peple yell re. They dane and up while they yell.

Eah tea plays ten r eleven gaes eah seasn. The seasn begins in Septeber and ends in Nveber. If a tea is very

gd, it ay play anther gae after the seasn ends. The best teas play again n anuary 1st, the first day f the New

year. any peple g t see these gaes and any thers

wath the n televisin.

( )26. In Aerian ftball players an ___.

A. nly kik the ball

B. nly thrw the ball

. nly arry the ball D. kik, thrw and arry the ball

( )27. If a tea wants t get pints, it has t ve the

ball ___.

A. 10 yards

B. t the ther end

. 40 yards D. away fr its wn end

( )28. h are daning and uping while they yell?

A. The heerleaders.

B. All thse wh are wathing the gae.

. The winners. D. The players f bth sides.

( )29. st teas play gaes in ___.

A. spring

B. suer . autun D. winter

( )30. hen d the best teas play again?

A. At hristas.

B. Befre the seasn ends.

. n New year’ s Day D. n the last day f seasn


apanese students wrk very hard but any are unhappy.

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They feel heavy pressures fr their parents.st students are always tld by their parents t study harder and

better s that they an have a wnderful life in the future. Thugh this ay be a gd idea fr thse very bright students, it an have terrible results fr any students wh are nt

gifted enugh.any f the have tried very hard at shl but have failed in the exas and have their parents lse hpe. Suh students feel that they are hated by everyne else

they eet and they dn’ t want t g t shl any lnger. They

beae drputs.

It is surprising that thugh st apanese parents are wrried abut their hildren, they d nt help the in any

way. any parents feel that they are nt able t help their hildren and that it is the teahers’ wrk t help their hildren. T ake atters wrse, a lt f parents send their

hildren t thse shls pening in the evenings and n weekends— they nly help the students t pass the exas

and never teah the any real sense f the wrld.

any apanese shls usually have rules abut everything fr the students’ hair t their lthes and things in the

shl bags.hild psyhlgists nw think that suh strit rules are harful t the feelings f the students. Alst 40% f

the students said that n ne had taught the hw t get n

with thers, hw t tell right fr wrng and hw t shw lve

and are fr thers, even fr their parents.

( )31. hih f the fllwing an be the best title f the passage?

A. The Truble in apanese Shls

B. The Prbles f apanese Students

. The Pressures f the Students in apan D.

Eduatin in apan

( )32.“ Drputs” are thse wh ___.

A. ake trubles in and ut f shls

B. g abut r stay he instead f being at shl

. try hard but always fail in the exas

D. l se hpe and give up se f their subets

( )33. hy d apanese students wrk very hard at

shl and feel unhappy?

A. They want t find a gd b.

B. They want t pass exas.

. They ’ re under pressure fr their parents.

D. They ’ re nt lever enugh.

( )34. Failure in exainatins ause students t ___.

A. hp ut f shl

B. quarrel with their parents

. g t shls pening n weekends D. have their parents

lse hpe

( )35. Arding t the passage, it’s neessary t teah students ___.

. t shw lve and are fr thers D. all abve

Every evening at six’lk an ld an ges t a restaurant near his huse. He eats dinner. After dinner, he drinks

ffee and talks t the peple at the restaurant.

The ld an’s nae is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant every evening beause he is lnely. His wife died and he

has n hildren.

Every evening the sae waitress brings Bill t his

dinner. Her nae is ara. She is 17 years ld. ara is kind t Bill.She knws he is lnely, s she talks t hi. If Bill

is late fr dinner, she alls hi n the telephne.“ Are yu k? ” she asks hi.

ne evening Bill desn’ t e t the restaurant.ara alls hi, but he desn’ t answer the phne. ara alls the plie.“Please g t Bill’ s huse.” ara tells the https://www.360docs.net/doc/5d18276063.html,ter the plie all ara at the restaurant.“Bill died in his sleep, ” the plie tell her. Bill was 82 years ld.


A week later, a an es t the restaurant.

sething fr ara, ” the an says. The an gives 票) fr $500 ’ 000. The ney is fr Bill.ara

“I have a

hek( 支

“This ney is fr e? Fr Bill?” ara asks the an.

“yes, ” the an answers.

“But ?why?” ara asks the an.

“Bill liked yu,” the an says.“yu were kind t hi ”

( )36. An ld an ges t a restaurant near his

huse every evening beause ____.

A. he feels lnely

B. he likes ffee

. the fd in the restaurant is deliius D. his wife


( )37. ---hy des ara ften talk t Bill? ---____.

A. Beause she has n friends

B. Beause she knws Bill is lnely

. Beause she has nthing t d D. Beause she knws Bill is very rih

( )38. ---hat des ara d if Bill is late fr dinner?


A. She alls hi n the telephne

B. She alls the

plie n the phne

. She brings dinner t Bill’s huse D. She waits fr hi at the dr

( )39. ---hy desn’ t Bill e t the restaurant that evening? --____.

A. Beause ara isn’t kind t hi

B. Beause he died

in his sleep

. Beause he is very tired D. Beause he stays at he

fr dinner

( )40. ---Fr wh is the ney fr ara? ---____________.

A. The plie

B. The an with glasses in the piture

. Bill D. ara’ s parents

四、英汉互译:( 15 分)

41.sunds gd ________ 42.take are f ________ 43.ake prgress________

44.支付 45. 一只叫 Tny 宠物狗 46. 用不同的方法


yure _____ _____ t ____ a gd idea.


hat _____ ______ an English sg?.

49.ak 对集邮感兴趣。

ak takes _______ _______ _______ ______ yur TV? Its t nisy.

五、选词填空:(每空限填一词,10 分)

knw, later, again, have, live, ne, eet, the, d, sae ne day the faus sientist Albert Einstein ___51___

an ld friend f his in the street in New yrk.“ r Einstein, ” said __52___ friend,“ yu need t __53__

a new at.“ It ___54__ atter.” Answered Einstein.

“ Nbdy ___55__ e here in New yrk.”

Several years ___56__, they et in New yrk ___57___. Einstein had bee a wrld-faus physiist by then, but he

was still wearing the __58____ ld at. ne re his friend

tried t persuade hi t buy a new _59__.“There’s n need nw, ” said Einstein.“ I have _60___ here fr a lng tie. Everybdy here knws e.”

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

六、句型转换:( 10分)

61. He was kind enugh t help e. (同义句)

He was ____ kind _____ he wuld help e.

62. uld yu like t g fishing with us?( 同义句 ) ______ ______ ging fishing with us?

63. I dn’ t buy the wath beause it’ s expensive. ( 提问 ) ______ dn’ t yu ______ the wath?

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64. y ther gave it t yu. (提问 ) ______ ______ it

t yu?

65. I gt a gldfish fr her.

提问 ) _____ _____ yu ( get fr her?

七、书面表达:( 10分)


所给的提示,以ak 的名义用英语给她写一封信。

提示: 1 学好英语并不难,但学习方法很重要;

2 根据你自己的体会给她提几条建议(不少于三条);


要求:语言连贯,用上所给提示,可适当扩展,80 词左右。

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四. 1, 听起不错 2 ,照顾 3 ,取得进步4,pay fr 5,a pet dg alled Tny

6,in different ways 7,lever enugh find

8,abut singing 9,an interest in lleting

五. 1, et 2,the 3,have 4,desn ’ t 5,knws 6,Later 7,again 8,sae 9,ne 10,lived

六. 1.s, that 2.hat, abut 3.hy, buy

4.h, gave

5.hat, did
