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JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND SHOCK Vol.37 No.9 2018基于节点构形度的单层柱面网壳稳定优化设计



摘要:稳定是单层柱面网壳结构分析与设计中的关键因素。从节点构形度的视角,考虑外在因素中与稳定问题 直接相关的核心部分,定义了能全面反映结构静力稳定特性的节点构形度相对变化梯度(0(_U,其最小值()与






中图分类号:TU393.3 文献标志码:A DOI : 10. 13465/j. cnki. jvs. 2018.09.012

Stability optim izationdesignfor single-layer cylindrical domes

based on joint well-formedness

LU Mingfei, YE Jihong

(Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of China Ministry of E

Southeast University,Nanjing 210018,China)

Abstract:St abi li ty i s a key factor in design and analysis of single-layer cylindrical domes. From the perspective of joint well-formedness,the relative gradient of joint well-formedness (g r a_r)was defined here t o f u l l y r e flect the s t a t i c

s t a b i l i t y of structures a nd consider the core part directly related t o s t a b i l i t y of external factors,i t s minimum value (g r a_

U b) was directly related t o s t a b i l i t y loads. I t was shown that g r a_r can quantitatively measure lose s t a b i l i t y and reveal domes ’unstable mechanism. On t h i s basis,the s t a b i l i t y optimization design metliod for single­layer cylindrical domes was proposed. Using the st a b i l i t y optimization model,the maximization of g objective,and discrete rods’cross-sections as variables,various design constraint conditions specified in the code were considered,the force-bearing a b i l i t y for the structure s t a b i l i t y was improved under the premise of a given steel-consuming amount. Two practical engineering examples verified the effectiveness of the proposed s t a b i l i t y opti for single-layer cylindrical domes.

Key words:single-layer cylindrical domes;joint well-formedness;stability;s t a b i l i t y optimization;optimal design

整体失稳是壳体结构特有的一种失效模式,因此,稳定是网壳结构分析中的一个重要因素。1979年,Riks[1]提出了弧长法,成功解决了在迭代过程中,因刚度矩阵奇异而导致的不收敛问题。经弧长法非线性跟踪,可以准确求得代表网壳结构稳定的临界荷载J r。30多年来,学者们对网壳结构稳定性问题做了深入研究,在计算方法、缺陷、后屈曲性能等方面取得了丰硕成果[2—7]。曹正罡等[8]考虑弹塑性,研究了单层柱面网


收稿日期:2016 -12-09修改稿收到日期:2017 -02-15


通信作者叶继红女,博士,教授,博士生导师,1967年生壳弹塑性稳定性能。M a等[9]研究了半刚性节点对单层柱面网壳稳定性的影响。然而,对于网壳结构的静力失稳机理,系统性的研究尚未见报导。

不同于其它杆系结构,稳定性已经超越了强度、刚度问题,成为单层柱面网壳结构设计中的控制性因素。也就是说,单层柱面网壳在经满应力优化设计后,一般难以满足稳定性要求。沈世钊等在20世纪90年代末期,对许多大型复杂单层柱面网壳进行了大规模参数化分析,所得到的部分结论已编入相关设计规程。K a o 等[10]利用线性特征值屈曲荷载,以广义长细比为基础,提出了杆件截面分配法的网壳结构稳定设计方法。其不足在于,以放大系数及经验拟合公式考虑非线性。
