
寂静岭2 启示录你是赢不了我的You cannot defeat me.别去寂静岭Do not go to Silent Hill.宝贝没事的Honey, it's okay.有我呢I'm here...-我着火了 -傻孩子梦罢了- I was burning... - Hey come on, kiddo, it was just a dream. 搬家时总会做噩梦It's always like this when we move.-这回不同 -听着...- This feels different. - Hey look...等我们把家当放好再粉刷一下...Once we've unpacked and give this place a lick of paint... 这就是我们的家了This will be our home.-噩梦就不会来了 -他们在召唤我- The dreams will fade. - They're calling me.别听他们的Do not listen.别听他们的你明白吗Do not listen. Do you hear?你要发誓I want you to promise me无论发生什么千万别去那里...that whatever happens, you'll never go there...好的Okay.昨晚没睡好吗Rough night?是啊Yeah.老爸我不想再这样下去了Dad, I don't want to do this again.亲爱的我懂I know, honey.勺子呢...Spoons...希瑟... 为什么叫希瑟Heather... Why Heather?这是我祖母的名字It was my grandmother's name.要是不喜欢可以叫别的You can change it if you don't like it.不用No, no.希瑟挺好的Heather is fine.我先是叫莎伦后来是玛丽I was Sharon, then Mary,然后是凯西现在是希瑟then Cathy. Now Heather.你也从克里斯多夫变成了哈利And you were Christopher and now you're Harry. 名字无所谓Names don't matter.我还是原来的我I'm still me.生日快乐Happy birthday!老爸谢谢但...还没到生日呢Dad, thank you! But you're, you're early.也就早了一点点Just a little.不敢相信今天Can't believe that today自家姑娘都快十八了I have a soon-to-be 18 year-old daughter.-怎么了 -没什么- What's wrong? - Nothing.我很喜欢I love it.-真的吗 -真的- Really? - Yes我看到你在商场盯着这件看It is the one I saw you're looking at in the mall.是啊谢啦很喜欢呢真很喜欢Yes, yes. Thank you. I love it. I love it so much.宝贝不客气You're welcome, honey.老爸你那边的头发开始变白了You're getting all that gray there, dad.都是为了你啊Your fault.你原来的发色要露出来了You know, yours are showing.我知道会染好的Yeah, I know. I'll fix it.我觉得这地方挺好的I think this place is gonna be good for us,你觉得呢怎么样You know? What do you think?是挺好的Yes拜托只要把家当安置好Hey, come on. What's say we unpacked,再给房♥子粉刷一下...give the new place a lick of paint...你知道的来点...You know, a little...别说了老爸Don't, Dad.怎么了What?梦里你跟我说了一样的话It's just what you said in my dream.所以...别说了Just...don't.我得走了I got to go.上学第一天可不想迟到Do not want to be late on the first day of school. 别忘了规则Hey, remember the rules.-新镇子新学校 -知道- New town, new school. - Yes以前也是这么过来的I've done this before.我知道... 我只是...I know you have, I'm just...-只是担心你 -别担心- You know I worry. - Don't worry.我很谨慎没事的I'm careful. I'll be fine.我爱你I love you.老爸也爱你I love you too, honey.寂静岭罗丝真希望你还在Hey, Rose. I wish you were still here.自从你把莎伦救回来生活太过艰难It's been so hard since you brought Sharon back to me.亲爱的克里斯多夫Christopher, my love,罗丝Rose我曾试着找过你I tried to find you.找过很长时间I searched for so long.亲爱的我时日不多了My love, I don't have a lot of time我被困在这里你没办法救我的I'm trapped here. There's nothing you can do for me.保护好女儿Protect her.-她才是最重要的 -你为什么回不来- She's the one that matters now. - Why can't you come back? 我找到块印♥章♥ 但其中一部分不见了I found a Seal. Part of it is missing.只有一人能重回现实Only one of us could come through.我做了决定I made a choice.-女儿人呢 -他们会来找她的- Where is our daughter? - They'll come looking for her.他们会追来的因为他们需要她They'll come looking because they need her.千万别让他们把女儿带走Never let them take her.无论发生什么No matter what happens,无论付出什么代价向我发誓no matter what you have to do, swear to me. 发誓绝不让他们带走女儿Swear to me you will never let them take her. -我发誓 -我把她带回给你- I swear. - I brought her back to you.现在就靠你保护她了She is yours to care for now.别走Don't go.亲爱的永别了Goodbye, my love.罗丝Rose!爸爸Daddy!莎伦Sharon?天呐莎伦Oh, my God, Sharon!-你回来了 -爸爸- You are here. - Daddy!没事了It's Okay.你现在安全了You are safe now.发生了什么我记不起来了What happened? I don't remember anything. 没事的没事了It's okay. It's okay.你...You....只是发生了意外You were in an accident.那妈妈呢Where's Mommy?-妈妈救了你 -妈妈人呢- Mommy saved you. - Where's Mommy?妈妈不在了宝贝She's gone, honey.很抱歉吓到你了Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.-抱歉你说什么 -你还好吧- Sorry, what? - Are you okay?是的我很好Yes, I'm fine.小姐你只是不想与流浪汉有牵扯It's just that you don't wanna be messing with the vagrants, miss. 我只是想问他是否需要帮助I just wanted to see if he needed some help.有些人我们爱莫能助Some people are beyond our help.我们以前见过吗Have we met?-不不应该没有 -没有吗- No, no, I don't think so. - No ?我敢肯定见过I'm sure we have.-你叫什么 -我得赶校车了- What is your name? - I have to catch my bus.同学们欢迎回来Welcome back, everyone.相信大家圣诞假期都很愉快了I hope you had a good Christmas vacation.让我们欢迎I would like to welcome这学期的几位新同学some new students who will be joining us this semester.希瑟梅森跟大家打个招呼吧Heather Mason. Could you say hello to the class, Heather?大家好我叫希瑟Hi. I'm Heather.新来的刚搬过来所以...I'm new. I just moved to town, so...希瑟别害羞跟大家说说自己Come on, Heather, share a little bit of yourself.大家都有经历说说你的经历吧Everyone has a story. Tell us yours.这是小学三年级吗还来这套What is this, third grade?你们想知道些什么What do you wanna know?你衣服都是从二手摊上买♥♥的吗Do you get all of your clothes from goodwill?好了知道吗Okay, you know what?那我就直说吧Let me make this sincere for you.这是我11岁以来换的第五所学校This is the fifth school I've been to since I was 11.我和我爸经常搬来搬去Me and my dad, we move around.所以我经常遇到这种情况So I do this, a lot.所以别费心记我名字So don't bother trying to remember my name因为我也不会记住你们的because I'm sure as hell not gonna remember yours.别跟我说话我们不是朋友Do not talk to me. We won't be friends.不会给你们发短♥信♥I won't I.M you or,不会加你脸谱好友也不会微博你Facebook you or Tweet you,不会读你的博文read your blog.无论你想说什么或做什么别担心And whatever you're thinking of saying or doing, don't bother, 这我见怪不怪了because I've seen it before,我只是胡乱猜测但是...and I'm just guessing here, but...我也不认为这里有很多不一样的人I don't think there are too many original thinkers in this room. 等到你们中有人真正地了解到And by the time any of you have found out anything about me 任何有关我的事时...that's worth knowing...我已经走人了I have moved on.-怎么样 -很有新意- How's that? - Very impressive.接着欢迎另一名新生文森特·库伯Now the next addition to our class -- Vincent Cooper. 开玩笑吧这让我怎么接Are you kidding me? I can't follow that.糟糕Shit!烧死女巫Burn the witch!-烧死女巫 -不- Burn the witch! - No.-烧死女巫 -不- Burn the witch! - No.-离我远点 -烧死女巫- Please leave me alone. - Burn the Witch!求你们了Please!离我远点...Leave me alone...你没事吧Are you alright?-什么 -你没事吧- What? - Are you okay?你不上课在这里做什么What are you doing out of class?是这样的我迷路了You know what? I'm lost.不知道数学课在哪里你知道吗I can't find Math. Any ideas?不不知道No, no.我...我也迷路了I...I'm lost too.一起喝杯咖啡怎么样Hey look, you wanna get a coffee?-不还得上课 -我是说放学后- No, we have class. - I mean, later.-不 -为什么不- No. - Why not?我们都是新来的谁也不认识We're both new. We don't know anyone else.课上说的那番话都是来真的That speech I gave in class, I gave it for a reason.我真的不想认识任何人I really do not want to know anyone here.宝贝开学第一天如何Hey, honey. How was your day?我认为有人跟踪我该怎么办I think there's someone following me. What do I do?好的...Okay...先别回来我们约个地方见Don't come back here. Not yet. I'll meet you somewhere. 中♥央♥广场商城Central Square Mall.-小心别被跟上了 -好的- You need to make sure. - Okay,快乐汉堡餐厅见I'll meet you at Happy Burger place.我会尽快赶去那里的I'll be there as soon as I can.你认为有人知晓我们的行踪了吗Do you think someone knows?不会的No.没人知道待会见No one knows. I'll see you soon.-老爸我爱你 -我也爱你- I love you, Daddy. - I love you too.希瑟生日快乐Happy birthday, Heather!许个愿吧Make a wish!希瑟生日快乐希瑟生日快乐艾丽莎生日快乐莎伦Sharon.莎伦Sharon!拜托先生...Please, sir...莎伦等等Sharon, wait!爸爸爸爸...Dad, Dad...爸爸我...Dad, I...莎伦等等Sharon, wait.莎伦Sharon!离我远点Keep away from me!-没事的 -没事才怪- It's okay. - No, it's not okay.没事才怪Nothing is okay.你是谁Who are you?我叫道格拉斯·卡特兰德是名私♥家♥侦♥探♥ My name is Douglas Cartland, I'm a private investigator.你跟踪我♥干♥什么What do you want from me?我受雇找人有人想找到你莎伦I'm paid to find people. Someone wanted you found, Sharon.那不是我的名字That's not my name!你叫莎伦·达·席尔瓦You're Sharon Da Silva.至少你自己是这么认为的Or at least you think you are.你们离开波特兰后我一直跟着你们Tracked you down after you left Portland.你和哈利避开了警♥察♥ 但还是被我找到了You and Harry got away from the police, but I found you.当时我爸...他是正当防卫What my dad did there... That was self-defense.我不在乎哈利杀了谁I don't care who Harry killed.-我只是想帮忙 -退后为什么- I'm trying to help. - Get back! Why?因为当时我不知道雇主是谁但现在知道了Because I didn't know who I was working for then, but I do now.他们称自己为Valtiel教They call themselves the Order of Valtiel.Valtiel 《寂静岭》游戏中经常出现的怪物其属性是寂静岭的神使名字构成中的"-el"指代的是天使"Angel"的位阶他们要抓你And they want you.你个骗子You're lying.你不明白You do not understand.他们知道你在哪里They know where you are.我告诉了他们你们在哪里I told them where you are.他们就要追来了你得快点逃They're coming. You gotta get away.别担心我会逃Don't worry, I will.离我远点Keep away from me!你父亲之前所说的一切都不是真的Everything your dad ever told you was a lie.去你的他说的都是实话Fuck you! He told me the truth.你知道为什么自己没有童年记忆吗You know why you don't remember anything from your childhood?我出了车祸妈妈死了我失忆了I was in a car crash. My mother died. I lost my memory.不根本就没有车祸No! There was never any accident.你当时被困在一个叫寂静岭的地方You were trapped in a place called Silent Hill.但你母亲救了你把你送回了现实But your mother saved you. She got you out.但他们想要你回去去问你♥爸♥爸But they want you back. Ask your dad.他知道...He knows that...告诉我我是谁Tell me who I am.求你告诉我Please tell me.它走了它走了It's gone. It's gone.我来帮你来吧I'll help you, come on.垃圾你们两个退后You two, move back now.女士你不能在这里Hey, Miss, you can't be back here.请站到警戒线后Come on, back behind the tape, please.伙计们请都退后Hey come on, folks, I need you back.所有人都往后退Everybody get back.等一下Whoa, whoa, one second.他口袋里有钱包There's a wallet in his pocket.先生请往后退Sir, please stand back.道格拉斯·卡特兰德Douglas Cartland.外地的某个私♥家♥侦♥探♥Some P.I. From out of town.-有线索没 -在下面发现了件夹克- What do you got there? - The boys found this jacket down there. -上面有血迹 -拿去鉴证科- There's blood on it. - Go hand it over to forensics,查明是谁的血迹just find out whose blood it is.希瑟梅森莎伦·达·席尔瓦Heather Mason, Sharon Da Silva.这个女孩说不定就是她This girl? Maybe this is her.那我们找到她和她谈谈Well let's find her and ask her.查查这个卡特兰德See what we got on this Cartland,把监控录像调出来pull the security tapes,我要去看一下今晚发生了什么I want to see what happened here tonight.这里刚发生命案你看到没They found a guy dead in there, did you see it?是啊Yeah, uhh...怎么了What's wrong?-我不能说 -没事的说吧- I can't tell you. - It's okay. You can tell me.我不能说因为...No, I can't, because...我现在脑子一团乱I have no idea what's going on in my head now.是我请留口讯It's me. Leave a message.爸听到快回电♥话♥Dad, dad, call me when you get this, please.你这样子很冷Look, you're cold.你的外套呢Where's your coat?来穿上Come here.谢了Thanks.怎么了What's the matter?你看到他们了吗Do you see them?-是啊谁那个跑步的吗 -不是- Yeah, who, the runner? - No.算了Never mind.又一件事情证明我要疯了It's just another thing that prove that I'm going crazy. 你家在哪里So, where's home?离这里就几条街A couple of blocks away.我是说之前你从哪里来No, I mean before. Where did you come from?我和我爸四海为家没常住的地方Nowhere, really. I travel a lot with my dad.你觉得梦境与现实间有区别吗Do you think there is a difference between dreams and reality? 我们不应该闲谈吗What happened to the small-talk?不先问"你最喜欢哪支乐队"No "What's your favourite band","你有脸谱号♥吗" 这类问题..."Do you Facebook", nothing like that?...去他的脸谱你想过没Fuck Facebook. Do you?我从没想过I never think about it.-每个人都想过 -我除外- Everybody thinks about it. - Not me.听着我生活够复杂的了Look, my life is complicated enough.你该跟我祖父聊聊You should talk to my grandfather.他就一直在思考这问题That's all he ever thinks about.这问题把他逼疯了It drove him crazy.我也要疯了It's driving me crazy.不不我是说他精神病了No, no, I mean he's insane.顽固的老疯子Bat-shit nuts.在我甜蜜的故乡小镇Back in my sweet, little hometown,有个叫伦纳德的老头在软禁室里胡扯Old man Leonard drools in a padded cell.他会告诉你根本没梦境一说He will tell you there are no such things as dreams,有的只是层层叠叠的无尽现实just endless realities all piled on top of each other.有些人能看见怪物Some people see monsters.有些人只能...看见人Other people just see... people.他们因为这事把他关起来的And they locked him up for that?我母亲把他关起来的My mother had him committed.-天呐 -我妈妈她有点吓人- Jesus. - Yeah, she's kind of intimidating, my mother.梦境与现实间没有区别No difference between fantasy and reality.-我不喜欢我的现实 -谁又喜欢呢- I don't think I like my reality. - You think anyone does? 至少我...还是我认为的自己At least I'm... who I think I am.你呢...And you...你也很真实啊...Yeah, pretty real......并且漂亮... and just, pretty.这搭讪可真差劲Oh, a lousy pick up line.通常会成功吗Does it often work?以前从没试过I never tried it before.效果如何How did it go down?就搭讪来说简直是灾难It was a crime against pick-up lines.希瑟你挺有趣的You're kind of funny, Heather.你确实挺恶劣但我不知为何...You're pretty fucked up, but I don't know, I ...觉得你骨子里透着幽默的傻劲I think you're goofy fun inside.幽默的傻...Goofy fun...这个搭讪不错That would be nice for a change.总之我家到了Anyway, this is my street.-谢谢陪我回来 -希望以后还有机会- Thanks for walking me back. - I'd like to do it again sometime. 文森特你很好但...Vincent, you're nice, but...-你不会想了解我的 -我想了解- I don't think you wanna know me. - I do.不你不想No, you don't.我会打电♥话♥给你I'm gonna call you later.你又没我手♥机♥号♥码I didn't give you my number.后会有期See you around!老爸Dad?老爸Dad!来寂静岭老爸Dad!老爸Dad!老爸Dad老爸Dad!老爸Dad!希瑟是我文森特Heather, it's Vincent.我听到你在叫没出事吧I heard you yell. Is everything alright?你需要你的帮助I need your help.你看Look,那是血吗Is that blood?-你报♥警♥了吗 -不行- Did you call the police? - I can't.-为什么警♥察♥能帮上忙 -就不行- Why not? They can help. - I just can't!-好吗 -好吧- Okay? - Okay.你知道寂静岭在哪里吗Well, do you know where this Silent Hill is?不我...No, it's ..我做梦时会梦到这地方It's something that I dreamt about.我爸他...他要我千万别去那里My dad, he... He warned me never to go there.但我认识这符号♥But I know that symbol.就是这个This is it.他把所有资料都存在这里He kept it all in here.给莎伦-是你妈妈吗 -我养母罗丝- Is this your mom? - My adoptive mom, Rose.你是领养的吗You were adopted?是的我一直不知道亲生父母是谁Yeah, I never knew my real parents.-这都是你写的吗 -是的- Did you write all of these? - Yeah.-你知道这是什么吗 -不知道- Do you know what that is? - No.好像还有一块和它互补Looks like there's another side that fits in here. 枪为什么要带枪A gun? Why do you need a gun?梅森小姐我们是警♥察♥Miss Mason, it's the police.我记得你说没有报♥警♥I thought you said you didn't call.-我没报♥警♥ -那他们怎么会在这里- I didn't. - Then why are they here?-希瑟到底发生了什么 -我得走了- What is going on, Heather? - I have to go.他们要是抓住我我就再也找不到我爸了If they catch me, I'll never find my dad.抓住你他们为什么要抓你Catch you? Why would they catch you?-你到底干了些什么 -什么也没干- What have you done? - Nothing!我什么也没干我发誓I haven't done anything, I swear.-帮我 -要我怎么帮- Help me. - What do you want me to do?-你会开车吗 -什么- Can you drive? - What?我不会开车你会吗I can't drive. Can you?桑蒂尼过来这边Santini, come here.你想要一个合理的解释You want a probable cause?这就是了This is it.这里到底发生了什么What the hell happened here?看起来像帮派标志吗That look like a gang tag to you?我看不像但我从没见过这种图案I don't think so. But I've never seen anything like it.呼叫侦察组来马上到这里来Call Crime Scene, get them down here.-那姑娘怎么办 -定为犯罪嫌疑人- What about the girl? - She's a murder suspect.最爱的莎伦My dearest Sharon,若你看到此信说明我已遭不测If you are reading this then something has happened to me. 你得靠自己了You're on your own now.别来找我Don't try to find me.不论干什么切勿前往寂静岭And whatever you do, don't go to Silent Hill.我向你母亲发过誓要保护你的安全I promised your mother I'd keep you safe,可惜我没做到but I failed.我知道你以为我们之所以躲避警方I know you think we're running from the police,是因为两年前我在波特兰误杀了人because of the man I killed in Portland two years ago.爸爸Dad!但事实是...他并非偶然遭遇的窃贼But the truth is... He wasn't just a random thief.收拾行李我们得走了Get your things. We're leaving.有人派他来带你回寂静岭He was sent to take you back to Silent Hill.他是教会的一员He was a member of the Order.这些人想要你他们需要你These people want you, they need you.虽不知为何I don't know why,但为了抓你回去他们会不择手段but they will do everything in their power just to draw you back. 你必须反抗到底You must resist it.我尽了全力保证你的安全I tried to keep you safe.我从未想过要骗你但我必须这样And I never meant to lie to you, but I had to.在我的笔记本里你可以找到真♥相♥You'll find the truth in my notebooks.这是我搜集到的所有信息As much as I could find out.米德维奇小学我希望等你读完这些后I hope that when you read what I learned,你能开始明白自己的真实身份you can finally begin to understand who you really are.请原谅我未曾向你阐明真♥相♥Please forgive me for not telling you the truth.这一切都是为了保护你But I did it to protect you.莎伦我爱你I love you, Sharon.你还好吧Are you okay?要把车停下吗Do you wanna stop?不No.西佛吉尼亚州[美国东部州名]上面都写了些什么What does it say?很多So much.我认得他的字迹但这太疯狂了I know his writing, but this is crazy."寂静岭原先是所殖民地监狱"Silent Hill was originally a prison colony,建造在从本土印第安人那里抢来的土地上built on ground taken from the native Indians.他们称之为"灵魂沉寂之所"They called it 'The Place of the Silent Spirits'".常言道别在古印第安人坟上动土Never build on the ancient Indian burial grounds.应该是众所周知的吧I thought everyone knew that.这里记载着:一个名为It says here: "Religious zealots calledValtiel教的宗教狂热团体the Order of Valtiel,在过去一百年里秘密地统治着镇子secretly ran the town for the last 100 years.他们等待着They were waiting for a child一个婴儿的诞生作为他们上帝的皮囊to be born to be a vessel for their god.这样便能重生创造新的世界Who would then be resurrected and make the world anew."听着好像是某个疯狂的末日邪教It sounds like one of those crazy doomsday cults.是的听着像Yeah. Sounds like it.还有篇剪报There is a newspaper article."矿区大火失控""Fire in the coal mines got out of control""整个地方仍在燃烧"The whole place is still burning,从地底深处所有人必须离开"deep underground. Everyone had to leave."但我爸不信这种说法My dad doesn't believe that, though.他不信No?他说那个镇子被恶魔之子诅咒了He says the town was cursed by the power of a demon child. 她的名字叫艾丽莎Her name was Alessa.教会试图用大火来净化她This Order tried to cleanse her with fire.但他们失败了艾丽莎为了报复But they failed. And Alessa's revenge召唤来了漫天的黑暗was to summon a world of darkness,以及各种可怕的怪物filled with terrifying creatures.上面说这个是她的"守护者及刽子手"This one, it says, is her "Guardian and executioner".道路封锁我们应该停车了We should stop.-不行我要继续赶路 -我累了- No, I want to keep going. - I'm tired.我需要休息你也是I need rest, you need rest.杰克旅馆你说他们会找到我们吗Do you think they'll find us?最终有人会的Someone will, eventually.-你觉得我们离那里还远吗 -不- You think we're far? - No.不我认为非常近了No, I think we're very close.但是我认为你不该去...And I don't think you should go...-什么 -我觉得你♥爸♥爸是对的- What? - I think your dad is right.我认为你不应该去寂静岭I don't think you should go to Silent Hill.我要找到他I need to find him.他的笔记你也读了他想你跑得远远的You read his notebooks. He wants you to run.-文森特 -不听我说教会想要你- Vincent... - No, listen to me. The Order, they want you. 所以他们抓走了哈利I think that's why they took Harry.-以此引诱你回来 -我没得选- To make you come back. - I don't have a choice.-这点你不明白吗 -我明白- Don't you understand that? - I understand.我只是...I just...不想你有什么不测I just don't want anything to happen to you.你没睡觉You didn't sleep?没有No.我们不能再往前了We can't go any further.这事我们已经谈过了我必须去We already talked about this. I have to.你怎么就不能信我Why can't you just trust me?我是为了我爸你不会理解It's for my dad. You don't understand.-我理解 -不你不懂- I do. - No, you don't.你怎么会理解How could you?因为我是教会的孩子Because I am a child of the Order.什么What?我出生并在寂静岭长大I was born and raised in Silent Hill.他们选中我来到这个世界I was chosen to come into this world,把你带回去to make sure you return.不No.这不可能No, that's not possible.教会被困在寂静岭里The Order are trapped in Silent Hill.笔记本上写了The notebook says so.少数人能逃离一阵子It is possible for a few to escape just for a while, 但这需要but it requires,这需要牺牲和痛苦it requires sacrifice, and suffering.你被我们选中了You have been chosen for this!你怎么能这么对我How could you do this to me?我的一生都在被教育My whole life all I've been taught,所有的人都被教育说All that any of us have taught艾丽莎邪恶至极is that Alessa is the great evil of the world.她将我们困在这里她招来了漫天黑暗She trapped us, she brings the darkness.而你...你是她的一部分And you... you are part of that evil.但我我知道这不是真的But I, I know that's not true.看到你和你相处之后After seeing you, after spending我发现你并不邪恶我...this time with you, I know you're not evil, I ...如果你是艾丽莎的一部分If you are part of Alessa......那肯定是善良的那部分... you're the innocent part.-这一路上你句句谎言 -我不得不- Every step of the way, you lied. - I had to.他们在监视我They were watching,将他们的灵魂传送到这个世界你也看到了protecting their spirits into the world. You saw them.你带走了我爸You took my dad.请相信我那不是我♥干♥的Please believe me, I had nothing to do with that,我很抱歉I'm sorry.为什么要抓他为什么不抓我Why take him, why not just take me?因为必须要你心甘情愿地回去Because you have to return of your own free will.抓了他他们知道你会追来Taking him, they knew you'd follow.为什么非要是我Why do I matter so much?因为只有艾丽莎消失了教会才能自♥由♥ Because the Order can't be free until Alessa is gone.她的力量将他们困住Her power keeps them trapped,而只有她完整了才能摧毁她and she can't be destroyed until she's whole again.-你能让她完整 -那我爸爸呢- You will make that happen. - What about my dad?-他还活着吗 -是的但是命不久矣- Is he still alive? - Yes, but not for long.我母亲克劳迪娅My mother, Claudia,在得到你后不会让你♥爸♥活着的won't keep him alive after she has what she wants. 我爸被关在哪里Where is he?在小镇地下的避难所里In the sanctuary beneath the town.-希瑟等等停下 -不- Wait, Heather, stop... - No!你需要这个You need this.你得找到另外一半You have to find the other half.只有这样你才能救你父亲It's the only way you'll be able to save your dad.另一半在我祖父手里My grandfather has it.就是被关在收♥容♥所♥的那个The one in the asylum?是的他叫伦纳德·沃尔夫Yes, Leonard Wolf.很危险让我帮你It's dangerous. Let me help you.不要离我远点No! Get off of me!-听我说 -不要- Listen! - No...-怎么了 -黑暗降临了- What is happening? - The Darkness is coming.希瑟...Heather...怎么了What's going on?停下来你让这停下来Stop! Make it stop!-这是你干的 -不是我- You did this. - No.不是我It's not me.怎么可能是我♥干♥的How could it be me?因为你是艾丽莎的一部分Because you are part of Alessa.你离她不远了是你让黑暗蔓延过来You're so close, you allowed the darkness to break through. 文森特这是怎么回事Vincent, what is going on?我不知道I don't know.文森特Vincent!欢迎来到寂静岭烧死女巫Burn the Witch!你不该来You should not be here.他们会利用你They will use you.我们都将遭受苦难We will all suffer now.我知道你是谁I know who you are.你是她母亲You're her mother.艾丽莎的妈妈Alessa's mother.你怎么能让他们用火烧她How could you let them burn her?不我爱她No, I loved her.宝贝没事的It's alright, sweetheart.没事了没事了It's okay. It's alright我被他们欺骗了I was deceived.我从来没想要这么对她I never wanted this for her.你要把我带到哪里去Where are you taking me?妈妈妈妈Mommy! Mommy!艾丽莎很特别。

Mine——————TaylorSwiftOh-oh-ohOh-oh-ohYou were in college, working part time, waiting tablesLeft a small town, never looked back你头也不回的离开了你所生活的那个小镇到大学里兼职当餐厅服务生I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling我当时就是个飞行隐患,生怕会随时坠落Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts想知道为什么我们明知爱不持久却还要继续I say, Can you believe it?这叫人如何相信?As we're lying on the couch正当我们两人靠在沙发上The moment I could see it瞬间我明白了Yes, yes, I can see it now没错,我现在看清了Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water还记得我们曾经坐在水池边吗?You put your arm around me for the first time你第一次用你的手臂把我紧紧搂住You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter你使原本谨慎的我变得叛逆You are the best thing that's ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西Flash forward and we're taking on the world together向前倒带, 我们一起乘风破浪And there is a drawer of my things at your place在你家有一个专门放我的东西的抽屉You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded你知道了我的秘密, 也终于懂了我的矜持You said we'd never made my parents' mistakes你说过我们永远不会犯我父母犯过的过错But we've got bills to pay但我们要付出代价We got nothing figured out我们什么也没有弄清楚When it was hard to take当我们难以承受的时候Yes, yes, this is what I thought about没错,这就是我所烦恼的Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water还记得我们曾经坐在水池边吗?You put your arm around me for the first time你第一次用你的手臂把我紧紧搂住You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter你使原本谨慎的我变得叛逆You are the best thing that's ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西Do you remember all the city lights on the water?还记得当整个城市的灯光在水中浮现吗?You saw me start to believe for the first time你看到我第一次开始相信You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter你使原本谨慎的我变得叛逆You are the best thing that's ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西Oh-oh-ohAnd I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m.我依然记得我们在凌晨吵的那场架You said everything was slipping right out of our hands 你说事情全部都失去了我们的控制I ran out crying, and you followed me out into the street 我边哭边跑出门,然而你一直跟着我到街上Braced myself for the goodbye我硬撑着道了别'Cause that's all I've ever known因为这就是我所了解的一切And you took me by surprise你让我大吃一惊You said I'll never leave you alone你说你永远不会让我孤身一人You said, I remember how we felt sitting by the water你说你还记得我们是怎样坐在水池旁的And every time I look at you, it's like the first time你还说你记得每一次你看着我就像第一次一样I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter你说你曾经喜欢上一个粗心的爸爸的细心女儿She is the best thing that's ever been mine你说我是你拥有过最好的东西(Hold on), we'll make it last我们会走到最后的(Hold on, never turn back)永不回头,永不后悔(Hold on) You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter 你变成了我的俘虏(Hold on) You are the best thing that's ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西(Hold on) Do you believe it?你能相信吗?(Hold on) We're gonna make it now我们会走到最后的(Hold on) And I can see it我已经看到我们的未来了(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (I can see it now)You belong with me———TaylorSwiftYou're on the phone with your girlfriend ,she's upset.你正和女朋友聊电话她很不高兴She's going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而发火'Cuz she doesn't, get your humor like I do...她不像我领会你的幽默感I'm in the room It's a typical Tuesday night我在房间又是一个平凡的星期二晚上I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like我在听那种她不喜欢的音乐and she'll never know your story like I do ...她不像我对你如此了解But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts但她穿短裙我穿T恤She's cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I'm on the bleachers而我却坐在露天看台上Dreaming about the day when you wake up希望你会有一天醒来发现And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time 你理想中的女孩一直就在你身边If you could see that I'm the one who understands you如果你可以看到我才是由始至终都理解你的人been here all along so why can't you see,一直陪着你为什么你就是不明白You belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me你应该和我在一起Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我一起在街上闲逛I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be我不禁开始想象原本就应该是这样Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上我一边傻笑一边在想Hey isn't this easy'嘿这居然如此容易And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town 你的笑容可以照亮整个城镇I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down你和她在一起之后已经有一段时间没看到了You say you're fine I know you better then that你说你没事我知道你应该更加坚强Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that嘿这样的女孩你为什么还紧追不放She wears high heels她穿高跟鞋I wear sneakers我穿球鞋Shes cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长而我却坐在露天看台上Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find希望你会有一天醒来发现That what you're looking for has been here the whole time你理想中的女孩一直就在你身边If you could see that I'm the one who understands you如果你可以看到我才是由始至终都理解你的人been here all along so why can't you see,一直陪着你为什么你就是不明白You belong with me你应该和我在一起Standing by and waiting at your back door我站在你家的后门口等着你All this time how could you not know Baby....一直等着你亲爱的你怎么还不明白You belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me你应该和我在一起Oh I remember you drivin' to my house in the middle of the night 噢我想起你在半夜的时候开车到我家I'm the one who makes you laugh是我在逗你发笑When you know you're about to cry在你快要哭的时候And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你也告诉了我你的梦想Think I know where you belong我想我知道你的归宿Think I know it's with me...我想你应该和我在一起Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you你难道看不出我才是由始至终都理解你的人been here all along so why can't you see,一直陪着你为什么你就是不明白You belong with me你应该和我在一起Standing by and waiting at your back door我站在你家的后门口等着你all this time How could you not know一直等着你亲爱的你怎么还不明白Baby you belong with me亲爱的你应该和我在一起You belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me你应该和我在一起Have you ever thought just maybe你有没有想过也许you belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me...你应该和我在一起OurSong——taylorswiftI was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car我坐在他车子的副驾驶位子上,顶着乱糟糟的头发He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel他一只手握着方向盘The other on my heart另一只手在我心上I look around, turn the radio down我随意张望,把录音机的声音关小He says baby is something wrong?他说宝贝怎么了?I say nothing I was just thinking how we don't have a song我说没什么,我只是在想为什么我们没有一首我们的歌And he says...然后他说... [Chorus:]Our song is the slamming screen door,我们的歌是那扇发出噪音的门Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window当我晚上偷偷溜出去,敲你的窗户的时候When you're on the phone and you talk real slow是我们讲电话时你悄悄的话语Cause it's late and your mama don't know因为已经是深夜,并且你妈妈不知道Our song is the way you laugh我们的歌是你的笑声The first date "man, I didn't kiss her, but I should have"第一次约会“天啊,我没有吻她,但是我应该吻的”And when I got home ... before I said amen当我回到家...在我结束祷告前Asking God if he could play it again问上帝能不能让一切重来I was walking up the front porch steps after everything the day 在一天结束后,我沿着台阶走进前门廊Had gone all wrong or been trampled on所有的事都搞砸,弄得一团糟And lost and thrown away被丢弃,被浪费Got to the hallway, well on my way to my lovin' bed通向我可爱的床的途中,穿过走廊I almost didn't notice all the roses我几乎没有注意到沿途的玫瑰And the note that said...和写着...的纸条[Repeat Chorus]I've heard every album, listened to the radio我听了每一张专辑,又听了录音机Waited for something to come along等待着什么事的到来That was as good as our song...这种感觉很好,就像我们的歌一样...Cause our song is the slamming screen door因为我们的歌是那扇发出噪音的门Sneaking out late, tapping on his window当我晚上偷偷溜出去,敲你的窗户的时候When you're on the phone and you talk real slow是我们讲电话时你悄悄的话语Cause it's late and your mama don't know因为已经是深夜,并且你妈妈不知道Our song is the way you laugh我们的歌是你的笑声The first date "man, I didn't kiss her, but I should have"第一次约会“天啊,我没有吻她,但是我应该吻的”And when I got home ... before I said amen当我回到家...在我结束祷告前Asking God if he could play it again问上帝能不能让一切重来I was riding shotgun with my hair undone我坐在他车子的副驾驶位子上,顶着乱糟糟的头发In the front seat of his car坐在他车子的前座上I grabbed a pen and an old napkin我抓着一支钢笔和一条旧餐巾And I... wrote down our song然后我...写下了我们的歌Change——TaylorSwift It's just a sad picture,这是副悲惨的画面The final blow hits you最后一击打垮了你Somebody else gets what you wanted again他们又夺走了你的追求You know it's all the same你知道每次都这样Another time and place不同时间或者地点Repeating history, and your getting sick of it重复的历史让你变疲倦But I believe in whatever you do但我仍坚信And I'll do anything to see it through我仍愿意做任何事只愿看到(胜利)Because these things will change因为事情已经改变Can you feel it now?你此时是否感觉到?These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down 阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉It's a revolution这是一场逆转the time will come for us to finally win时间由吾, 最终得胜We'll sing hallelujah我们高唱哈里路亚We'll sing hallelujah我们高唱哈里路亚Oh So you've been outnumbered你曾经寡不敌众Raided and now cornered你曾经走投无路It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair难以抵抗不公平的战斗We're getting stronger now(但)我们现在变的更强From things they never found只因为那些他们做不到They might be bigger, but we're faster and never scared他们也许更壮, 但是我们迅如闪电, 从不畏惧You can walk away and say we don't need this你可以选择逃避,嘴上说着放弃But there's something in your eyes, says we can beat this 但你的眼睛里闪耀着对胜利的渴望These things will change已经变了Can you feel it now?你此时是否感觉的到?These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down 阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win 这是一场逆转, 时间由吾, 最终得胜We'll sing hallelujah我们高唱哈里路亚We'll sing hallelujah我们高唱哈里路亚Oh Tonight we're standing on our knees今夜我们不屈的站起To fight for what we worked for all these years为那些多年夙愿奋斗The battle was long, it's the fight of our lives为这场战争穷尽一生Will we stand up champions tonight?我们今夜能否登上顶峰It was the night things changed已经改变了Can you see it now?此时你是否感觉的到When the walls that they put up to hold us back fell down阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉It's a revolution, throw your hands up, cause we never gave in 这是一场逆转, 高举双手, 因为我们从未放弃We'll sing halleluiah我们高唱哈里路亚We'll sing halleluiah我们高唱哈里路亚halleluiah哈里路亚Love Story——taylorswift We were both young when I first saw you当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装See you make your way through the crowd看见你费劲地从人群中挤出来And say hello, little did I knowThat you were Romeo对我打招呼,呵,至少让我知道了你的名字叫“罗密欧” You were throwing pebbles你(对着我家的窗户)扔小石子儿And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点And I was crying on the staircase(可是这时)我却蜷坐在楼梯间里偷偷地抹眼泪Begging you please don't go在心底里祈求你不要离开And I said我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It's a love story, baby, just say yes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是,我偷偷摸摸地溜到小花园去见你We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew我们压抑着声息,被他们发现我们就完蛋了So close your eyes,那么,闭上你的双眼escape this town for a little while逃避这个喧嚣的尘世,即使只有如此短暂的一刻Oh, oh, oh'Cause you were Romeo,正因为你的出现I was a scarlet letter我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点But you were everything to me但我又怎么能够承受没有你的痛苦I was begging you please don't go于是,我无时无刻不在祈求你不要离开我说,Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It's a love story, baby, just say yes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧Romeo, save me,罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧they're trying to tell me how to feel他们总在试图左右我的思想This love is difficult, but it's real我们的爱情面对着重重的困难,却无比的忠诚坚贞Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess不要害怕,(我相信)我们终究会冲破困境It's a love story, baby, just say yes这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我I got tired of waiting,我厌倦了似乎无穷无尽的等待wondering if you were ever coming around渐渐开始怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前My faith in you was fading曾经坚定的信念,也渐渐开始动摇When I met you on the outskirts of town当我再一次在小镇的郊外与你相会And I said我说,Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone罗密欧,救救我,我再也无法承受这孤独的煎熬I keep waiting for you but you never come我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Is this in my head, I don't know what to think我脑子里乱糟糟的,一片空白,又像是一团浆糊He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring梦中的他此时正虔诚地跪在我的面前,捧出一枚戒指他说,Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone 嫁给我吧,茱丽叶,你再也不会是独自一人……I love you and that's all I really know我爱你,我只知道这一件事情I talked to your dad,我和你的父亲谈过了,go pick out a white dress快去挑选你洁白的嫁衣It's a love story, baby, just say yes这是我们的爱情故事,宝贝请答应我Oh, oh, oh, oh噢,我不禁又想起了,We were both young when I first saw you我第一次看见你的时候,那时,我们还年轻。

1.Big big worldI’m a big big girlin a big big worldit's not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feel thatI too too will miss you muchmiss you much...I can see the first leaf fallingit's all yellow and niceit's so very cold outsidelike the way I’m feeling insideI’m a big big girlin a big big worldit's not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feel thatI too too willmiss you muchmiss you much...outside it's now rainingand tears are falling from my eyeswhy did it have to happen why did it all have to end I’m a big big girlin a big big worldit's not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feelthat I too too willmiss you muchmiss you muchI have your arms around me ooooh like firebut when I open my eyes You’re gone...I’m a big big girlin a big big worldit's not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feelthat I too too willmiss you muchmiss you much...I’m a big big girlin a big big worldit's not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do feel I willmiss you muchmiss you much...2. You are my sunshineYou are my sunshineMy only sunshineYou make me happyWhen skies are grayYou’ll never know dearHow much I love youPlease don't take my sunshine away The other night dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my armsBut when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken So I hung my head and I cried.3. Edelweiss1) Edelweiss, EdelweissEvery morning you greet meSmall and white, Clean and brightYou look happy to meet me2) Blossom of snowMay you bloom and growBloom and grow foreverEdelweiss, Edelweiss3) Bless my homeland foreverSmall and white, Clean and brightYou look happy to meet meBlossom of snowMay you bloom and growBloom and grow foreverEdelweiss, EdelweissBless my homeland forever4. 我心永恒My heart will go onEvery night in my dreams I see you, I feel youthat is how I know you go on far across the distanceand the spaces between us you have come to show you go on near far whenever you are I believe that the heart does go on once more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and onlove can touch us one time and last for a lifetimeand never let go till we're onelove was when I loved you one true time I hold youIn my life we'll always go on near far whenever you areI believe that the heart does go on once more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on there is some love that will not go awayyou're here there is nothing I fearand I know that my heart will go on we'll stay forever this wayyou are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on5. Take me to your heartHiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won't let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many peopleall around the worldTell me where do I findSomeone like you girlTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand before I’m oldShow me what love isHaven’t got a clueShow me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We’re only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold me Show me what love isBe my guiding starIt’s easy take me to your heart Standing on a mountain high Looking at the moon throughA clear blue skyI should go and see some friends But they don't really comprehend Don’t need too muchTalking without saying anything All I need is someoneWho makes me wanna singTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand before I’m old Show me what love isHaven’t got a clueShow me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We’re only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold me Show me what love is –Be my guiding starIt’s easy take me to your heart Take me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold me Show me what love is –Be my guiding starIt’s easy ta ke me to your heart 6. Yesterday once moreWhen I was young, I’d listen to the radio,Waiting for my favorite songs.When they played I’d sing along.It made me smile.Those were such happy times, and not so long ago.How I wondered where they’d go ne.But they’re back again, just like a long-lost friend.All the songs I loved so well.Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling -a-ling,That they’re starting to sing, so fine.When they get to the part where he’s breaking h er heart,It can really make me cry. Just like before,It’s yesterday once more.Looking back on how it was in years gone by, and the good time that I had,makes today seem rather sad; so much has changed.It was songs of lovethat I would sing to th em, and I’d memorize each word.Those old melodies still sound so good to me,as they melt the years away.Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling -a-ling, that they’re starting to sing, so fine.All my best memories come back clearly to me; some can even make me cry.Just like before, it’s yesterday once more.Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling -a-ling, that they re starting to sing, so fine.7. I swearI swear by the moon and the stars in the skiesand I swear like the shadow that's by your sideI swearI see the questions in your eyesI know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure I know my partcause I’ll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though I’d make mistakesI’ll never break your heartand I swear by the moon and the stars in the skiesI’ll be thereI swear like the shadow that's by your sideI’ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us partI’ll love you with every beat of my heartand I swearI gove you everything I canI’ll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when(and when)just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if I’d still carecos as the tome turns the pagemy love won't age at alland I swear(I swear)by the moon and the stars in the skies I’ll be thereI’ll be thereI swear(and I swear)like the shadow that's by your side I’ll be thereI’ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us partI’ll love you with every beat of my heart and I swearI swear(I swear)by the moon and the stars in the skiesI’ll be thereI’ll be thereI swear like the shadow that's by your sideI’ll be thereI’ll be therefor better or worsebetter or worsetill death do us partoh noI’ll love you with every beat of my heartevery single beat of my heartand I swear I swear, I swear8. Jingle bellsjingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. dashing through the snowon a one horse open sleigh,over the fields we go,laughing all the way;bells on bob-tail ring,making spirits bright,what fun it is to ride and singa sleighing song tonight.jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. dashing through the snowon a one horse open sleigh,over the fields we go,laughing all the way;bells on bob-tail ring,making spirits bright,what fun it is to ride and singa sleighing song tonight.jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.dashing through the snowon a one horse open sleigh,over the fields we go,laughing all the way;bells on bob-tail ring,making spirits bright,what fun it is to ride and singa sleighing song tonight.jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.jingle bells, hay!9.Animal fair儿歌歌词Animal FairI went to the animal fair, the birds and the beasts were there. The big baboon, by the light of the moon, was combing his aubumhair.The monkey he got drunk, and sat on the elephant’s trunk. The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees, and that was the end of the monk.Said a flea to a fly in a flue, said the flea ”oh, what shall we do?:Said the fly, “Let us flee!” Said the flea: ”Let us fly!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.I went to the animal fair, the birds and the beasts were there. The big baboon, by the light of the moon, was combing his aubum hair.The monkey he got drunk, and sat on the elephant’s trunk. The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees, and that was the end of the monk, the monk,10.Oh, Susanna儿歌歌词Oh, Susanna!Oh, I come from Alabama my banjo on my knee.And I’m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see.Wee, it rained all night the day I left. The weather it was dry. The sun to hot, I froze to death. Susanna, don’t you cry. Oh, Susanna! Oh, don’t your cry for me.For I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee11.Take me out to the ball game儿歌歌词Take me out to the ball game.Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd.Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.I don’t care if ever get back.‘Cause it’s root, root, root for the home team.If they don’t win, it’s a shame.For it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out at the old ball game.12.Ten Little Indians儿歌歌词Ten Little IndiansOne little, two little, three little Indians: Four little, five little, six little Indians;Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians; Ten little Indian boys.Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians; Seven little, six little, five little Indians;Four little, three little, tow little Indians; One little Indian boy.13.Three Blind Mice儿歌歌词Three Blind MiceThree blind mice, three blind mice.See how they run, see how they run.They all ran after the farmer’s wife,She cut off their tails with a carving knife.Did you ever see such a sight in your life.As three blind mice?14.Here we go round the Mulberry Bush儿歌歌词Are we go round the Mulberry BushHere we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.Here we go round the mulberry bush, so early in the morning. This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes.This is the way we wash our clothes, so early Monday morning. This is the way we iron our clothes, iron our clothes, iron our clothes.This is the way we iron our clothes, so early Tuesday morning. This is the way we scrub the floor, scrub the floor, scrub the floor.This is the way we scrub the floor, so early Wednesday morning. This is the way we mend our clothes, mend our clothes, mend our clothes.This is the way we mend our clothes, so early Thursday morning. This is the way we sweep the house, sweep the house, sweep the house.This is the way we sweep the house, so early Friday morning. This is the way we bake our bread, bake our bread, bake our bread.This is the way we bake our bread, so early Saturday morning. This is the way we go to church, go to church, go to church. This is the way we go to church, so early Sunday morning.15.London Bridge儿歌歌词London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.Build it up with iron bars. (etc)Iron bars will bend and break (etc)Build it up with pins and needles (etc)Pins and needles rust and bend (etc)Build it up with gold and silver (etc)Gold and silver I’ve not got (etc)London Bridge is falling down (etc)16.Polly Wolly Doodle儿歌歌词Polly Wolly DoodleOh, I went down South for to see my Sal, singin” Polly wolly Doodle” all the day.My sally is a spunky gal, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.CHORUSFare thee well, fare the well, fare thee well, my fairy fay. For I’m goin’ to Louisiana for to see my susyanna.Singin’“Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.Oh, my sal, she is a maiden fair, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle”all the day.Well a bullfrog sitin’on a railroad track. Singin’“Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.Just a-pickin’his teeth with a carpet tack, singin’”Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.17.Sailing Medley儿歌歌词Sailing MedleyBlow the man downI’ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea.With a way! Hey! Blow the man down!And trust that you’ll join in the chorus with me.Give me some time to blow the man down.There was an old skipper, I don’t know his name.With a way! Hey! Blow the man down!Although he once played a remarkable game.Give me some time to blow the man down.His ship lay becalmed in the tropical seas.With a way! Hey! Blow the man down!He whistled all day. But in vain, for a breeze.Give me some time to blow the man downMy Bonnie lies over the oceanMy Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean. Oh bring back my bonnie to me. Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my bonnie to me, to me. Bring back, bring back, oh, bring back my bonnie to me. Sailing, sailingSailing, sailing over the bounding main.Fro many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again. Sailing, sailing over the bounding main.For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again. Up she Rises.CHORUSWay, hey and up she rises, Way, hey and up she rises. Way, hey and up she rises, early in the morning.What do you do with a drunken sailor?What do you do with a drunken sailor?What do you do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning. Put him in a longboat ‘tl he’s sober.Put him in a longboat ‘tl he’s sober.Put him in a longboat ‘tl he’s sober.Early in the morning.18.Skip to my Lou儿歌歌词Skip to my LouCHORUSLou, lou, skip to my lou. Lou, lou, skip to my lou.Lou, lou, skip to my lou. Skip to my lou, my darlin’Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!Skip to my lou, my darlin’Lost my partner, what’ll I do?Lost my partner, what’ll I do?Lost my partner, what’ll I do?Skip to my lou, my darlin’I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.Skip to my lou, my darlin’I’ve got a fal and that ain’t all, I’ve got a gal who’s ten feet tall.Sleeps in the kitchen with her feet in the hall.Skip to my lou, my darlin’I know a fellow, his name is BillHe was born on the side of hill,One leg’s longer than the other one still.Skip to my lou, my darlin’19.Clementine儿歌歌词ClementineIn a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for mine.Lived a miner forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine.Oh my darling, oh my darling. Oh my darling, Clementine, You were lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine. Light she was and like a feather, and her shoes were number nine. Herring boxes without topses,sandals were for Clementine Drove she ducklings to the water, every morning just at nine. Hit her foot against a splinter, fell into the foaming brine. Ruby lips above the water, blowing bubbles soft and fine.But alas, I was no swimmer, so I lost my Clementine.20.Just for you儿歌歌词Just for you.I picked the reddest apple from the tree.It was the finest one that I could see.I saved it all except a bite or two. Just for you.I carried home the groceries from the store.I wanted to be helpful with a chore.I put them all away except a few. Just for you. Someday I’ll be grown up too.And if I can I’ll grow up just like you.I ate up all my lunch just like you saidBut I think there was a little too much bread.And so I left the crust when I was through just for you. Someday I’ll be grown up too.If I can I’ll grow up just like you.Just one more thing before I go to bed.And everything I have to say is said.There’s something special that I want to do21.Twinkle, twinkle, little star儿歌歌词Twinkle, twinkle, little star.Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. When the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon. The you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. 22.You are My sunshine 儿歌歌词You are my sunshineThe other night, dear, as I lay sleeping.I dreamed I held you in my arms.When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.and I hung my head and cried.CHORUSYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine.you make me happy when skies are gray.you'll never know, dear, how much I love you.Please don't take my sunshine away.I'll always love you and make you happy.If you will only say the same.But if you leave me to love another.You'll regret it all some day.CHORUSYou told me once, dear, you really loved me.and no one esle could come between.But now you've left me and love another.you have shattered all my dreams.23.IF YOU ARE HAPPY 如果你快乐If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you are happy and you know it clap your hands.(2)…stamp your feet… (3)…nod your head…(4)…pull your ears… (5)…do all four…(做以上四个动作) 24.SHAKE MY HAND 握握我的手Shake my hand and then go clap, clap, clap. Shake my foot and then go tap, tap, tap. One, two , three, I take a little hop. So we’ll dance till the music stops. Shake my fingers, and then go snap, snap, snap. Shake my nose, and then go wrap, wrap, wrap. Four, five, six and take a little hop. Then go around until the music stops. (repeat)25.GOOD MORNING TO YOU 早上好Good morning. Good morning to you. To you and to you. Goodmorning. Good morning to you and to you. Nancy, Judy and Margaret, Peter, Dandy, Paul and John. Good morning. Good morning to you and to you.(repeat)26.APPLE SONG 苹果歌I have an apple and you have two. You give me an apple and I have two. I eat one apple and give one back to you . I don’t have any apple you still have two。
said i love you but i liedk中英文

said i love you but i liedk中英文“said i love you but i lied”的中文翻译是“说我爱你,但我说谎了”。
这是一句歌词,出自英国乐队 Michael Bolton 的歌曲《Said I Loved You But I Lied》。
这首歌曲表达了什么情感?《Said I Loved You But I Lied》是一首关于爱与背叛的抒情歌曲,表达了一个人在爱情中内心的矛盾和痛苦。
歌曲中的“said I loved you but I lied”这句歌词表达了一种矛盾的情感,即虽然口中说着爱对方,但实际上内心却并不如此。
以下是几首类似风格的英文抒情歌曲推荐,它们都表达了关于爱与情感的复杂主题:1.《My Heart Will Go On》- Celine Dion2.《Because You Loved Me》- Celine Dion3.《I'll Always Love You》- Whitney Houston4.《Un-Break My Heart》- Toni Braxton5.《I Swear》- All-4-One6.《How Do I Live》- LeAnn Rimes7.《Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)》- Phil Collins8.《Have I Told You Lately》- Rod Stewart9.《The Power of Love》- Celine Dion10.《When You Believe》- Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston这些歌曲的旋律优美,歌词深情,能够引起听众的共鸣,希望你会喜欢。

40句暖入你心窝的经典英文歌词(双语版)1.《No Matter What》(无论如何)No matter what they tell us, no matter what they do, no matter what they teach us, what we believe is true.无论他们告诉我们什么,无论他们对我们做什么,无论他们教给我们什么,我们坚信的就是真理。
2. 《I Believe I Can Fly》(我心飞翔)If I can see it, then I can do it. If I just believe it, there s nothing to it.只要我能看到,我就能做好。
3. 《There You'll Be》(有你相依)In my dreams I always see you soar above the sky. In my heart there will always be a place for you and for my life. I keep a part of you with me and everywhere I am there you ll be梦里我总是看见你翱翔于苍穹。
4. 《The Color of The Night》(夜色)I ll give you everything I am and everything I want to be. I put it in your hands if you could open up to me. Oh, can t we ever get beyong this wall. Because all I want is just once to see you in the light. But you hide behind the color of the night.我想给你我的一切以及我想要的一切。
《i swear 》中英文歌词知识分享

《i s w e a r》中英文歌词精品资料i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮and i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i see the questions in your eyes 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问i know what's weighing on your mind 也听见你心中的忐忑不安you can be sure i know my part 你可以安心,我很清楚我的脚本'cause i'll stand beside you through the years 在往后共渡的岁月里you'll only cry those happy tears 你只会因为喜悦而流泪and though i make mistakes 即使我偶尔会犯错i'll never break your heart 也不会让你心碎and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there 我必在你左右i swear like a shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there 我必在你左右for better or worse till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear 我发誓wo..o...oi'll give you every thing i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的i'll build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦we'll hang some memories on the walls 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上and when ( and when ) just the two of us are there 当你我独处you won't have to ask if i still care 你不在对我的爱存疑'cause as the time turns the page 任时光荏苒my love won't age at all 我的爱永不老去and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄till death do us part 至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear 我发誓i swear by the moon and stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄till death do us part 至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear,i swear, oh i swear我发誓,我发誓,我发誓...仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2。
防弹少年团 born singer 歌词

born singer -防弹少年团作词: Rap Monster/SUGA/J-HOPE,I'm a born singer 有点晚了的告白(I swear),I'm a born singer 囧呢叫 bou林够被(I swear)一直离我很远的海市蜃楼就在我眼前(就在这里),ong接那某gi慢内搜等心gi路嘎怒那啊陪一搜(哟gi 一搜)I'm a born singer 也许是过早的告白,I'm a born singer 哦桥喵一len 够被但是我仍然很幸福I'm good,可嘞都no木很bou K I'm Good whoo yeah平生第一次以防弹这个名字站上的舞台,难森桥嗯帮谈一兰一了么喽送木they再次盘问我的心三年前的第一个舞台,撒鸟囧桥木they也吗嗯么大西够木内仍然和大邱土包子rapper没有什么区别but,哟叫你 they古群no 嘞剖哇大了给哦b搜叽 But只不过在amateur的单词上添了一个pro的单词,啊吗去哦兰大no V也扑喽兰大no了都搜叽那么想要的舞台,说着rap跳着舞的时候,可头喽我那等木they 嘞不啦喵穷穷they仍然能感觉到还活着疲劳又艰苦的上下班,啊叽撒啦一思么呢kiao 皮古那够够等去they这种的还能忍受因为我的人们在看着我,可大V嫩 giao地吗内内撒浪的里叽giao bou你嘎身体不舒服也能忍受因为尖叫声正在涌上来,某米啊怕都 bou忒吗内汗送的里米聊哦你嘎出道前后的不同点在idol和rapper之间的境界上,they V 搜路也恰一囧买一喽瓜嘞剖撒一囧活着我的本上还是写满着lime,给也撒啦都哟叫你内共切给 ruai米恰一搜在待机室和舞台之间我拿着笔在写歌词,they gi西嘎木they 撒一诶送陪呢的够嘎撒了搜这样的我在你们眼里有什么变化?一龙内嘎你的怒没嫩某嘎大啦叫搜Damnshit 我依旧没变,说我变了?(what?)Damn Shit难哟叫内内嘎票内大够?去告诉他们,不变地守着本质I'm still rapperman,嘎搜叫内票那哦b西 bou叽了叽kiao I'm still rapperman和3年前一样我还是说着rap唱着歌,三niong叫嘎大了某b西嘞怕够 no嘞嘿I'm outI'm a born singer 有点晚了的告白(I swear),I'm a born singer 囧呢叫 bou林够被(I swear)一直离我很远的海市蜃楼就在我眼前(就在这里),ong接那某gi慢内搜等心gi路嘎怒那啊陪一搜(哟gi 一搜)I'm a born singer 也许是过早的告白,I'm a born singer 哦桥喵一len 够被但是我仍然很幸福I'm good,可嘞都no木很bou K I'm Good whoo yeah说实话我害怕过我吹牛过要证明我自己,搜叽ki嘟我搜搜可搜林桥那嫩they 那亲喵汗大嫩给过去只知道笔和书的我现在要去让整个世界受到惊吓I don't no,喷瓜切慢啦等内嘎一接 sei桑嗯 no嘞gin大嫩给 I dunno怕和世界的期待值不对称,sei桑也 gi they起哇no木皮they亲哈嘎bua 嘟聊我搜怕背叛了相信我的人们,那了米都就等某den 撒啦的了被西那给对嘎bua所以舒展肩膀站上第一个舞台,木够no给了票够桥木they诶哦啦刹那的寂静,然后顺气,恰那也加奔桥么叫苏么够啦我关注着的人们现在在关注着我,内嘎起kiao吧等撒浪的里一接那叽kiao bou够一内一直在TV里的他们现在在底下,航桑哦聊吧等 TV搜个的里叽个门内米忒没有掠过走马灯的时间只有一次的话剧已经开始了,Uh 句吗的秋龙思起特都哦b西哈bou不您用个跟西加对bou聊叽3分钟就蒸发掉的我的3年的血汗和麦克风的较量,撒奔吗内叽吧兰内撒鸟捏皮大皮头叽嫩吗一可哇也 gi撒呜只有几十秒但是我清晰地说出来I'm fucking real,喵西桥一不你哦叽慢都都ki 搜大内 I'm fucking real喂小子你的梦想是什么呀因吗你古门某呀我是成为rap star can't you feel,那嫩瓜撒嘎对嫩够呀 cant you feel还有下台的瞬间爆发的喊声可里够内聊嗯孙干可哈送yeah I could read your mind (uh yeah),yeah I could read your mind(uh yeah)I could read your mind 代替问号的只有微笑,I could read your mind木了票 they心米搜慢成员们一句话不说只是拍了拍我的肩膀,吗喽b西慢bou的len 可叫内哦给嘟的聊叫搜就像是在昨天一样但是已经过了20个晚上,够哦可接嘎ten they 思木吧米呵喽bou聊搜And let the haters on me 他们一直在做的事,And let the haters on me 给内嘎呢桑嘿嗯一你们在敲打着键盘的时候我在填满我的梦想,你内嘎 ki bou的 no里等安难内古的了切我叽墨镜hairstyle 我知道为什么在骂,搜个啦思 Hair style 诶哟卡嫩叽亚啦总之是比你强的20岁的我,哦接den 苏木撒嘞 no bou大加拉嘎嫩那呀I'm a born singer 有点晚了的告白(I swear),I'm a born singer 囧呢叫 bou林够被(I swear)一直离我很远的海市蜃楼就在我眼前(就在这里),ong接那某gi慢内搜等心gi路嘎怒那啊陪一搜(哟gi 一搜)I'm a born singer 也许是过早的告白,I'm a born singer 哦桥喵一len 够被但是我仍然很幸福I'm good,可嘞都no木很bou K I'm Good whoo yeah我们一起跑的日子我们一起经历的日子,无里嘎对哦等那无里嘎踢 kiao够等那3年的时间成为一体的我们的心,撒鸟你兰西干某嘟哈那嘎对等吗嗯流的血汗就这样把我弄湿,可喽给呵林皮大米那叫西内舞台结束后眼泪就蔓延,木内嘎个难对 nun木里 bou叽内每个瞬间都会对自己下决心不要失去初心,没孙干吗大西内给大叽没桥西么一叽安K一直要像我自己不要对不起当初的我,航桑那大给桥嗯灭那也给不个喽叽安KSo we go we go we go,So we go we go we go要向上向上向上,都 V喽 V喽 V喽I'm a born singer 有点晚了的告白(I swear),I'm a born singer 囧呢叫 bou林够被(I swear)一直离我很远的海市蜃楼就在我眼前(就在这里),ong接那某gi慢内搜等心gi路嘎怒那啊陪一搜(哟gi 一搜)I'm a born singer 也许是过早的告白,I'm a born singer 哦桥喵一len 够被但是我仍然很幸福I'm good。
《i swear 》中英文歌词

i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮and i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i see the questions in your eyes 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问i know what's weighing on your mind 也听见你心中的忐忑不安you can be sure i know my part 你可以安心,我很清楚我的脚本'cause i'll stand beside you through the years 在往后共渡的岁月里you'll only cry those happy tears 你只会因为喜悦而流泪and though i make mistakes 即使我偶尔会犯错i'll never break your heart 也不会让你心碎and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there 我必在你左右i swear like a shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there 我必在你左右for better or worse till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear 我发誓wo..o...oi'll give you every thing i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的i'll build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦we'll hang some memories on the walls 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上and when ( and when ) just the two of us are there 当你我独处you won't have to ask if i still care 你不在对我的爱存疑'cause as the time turns the page 任时光荏苒my love won't age at all 我的爱永不老去and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄till death do us part 至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear 我发誓i swear by the moon and stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄till death do us part 至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear,i swear, oh i swear我发誓,我发誓,我发誓...。

好听的英文歌歌词中文翻译好听的英文歌歌词中文翻译1.芬兰乐队Stratovarius - Forever歌词:I stand alone in the dark- nessThe winter of my life came so fast Memories go back to child- hoodTo days I still recallOh how happy I was thenThere was no sorrow there was no pain Walking through the green fields Sunshine in my eyes黑暗中我独自伫立我生命中的寒冬这样迅速的到来时光穿梭回到童年欢乐的往事历历在目没有忧愁没有伤痛走过绿色的原野阳光闪耀在眼瞳I’m still there everywhereI’m the dust in the windI’m the star in the northern skyI never stayed anywhereI’m the wind in the treesWould you wait for me forever ? {Solo……}I’m still there everywhereI’m the dust in the windI’m the star in the northern skyI never stayed anywhereI’m the wind in the treesWould you wait for me forever ? Would you wait for me forever ?Will you wait for me forever ?我还在彼时彼处停留我是风中的尘埃我是北方天空的星斗我是穿过树林的风永不停止的流浪你能否永远的等我能否永远的等我2.you are -lee baxterI am a knight and you are my armourprotecting me from those that try to hurt meWith your presence around me I feel bold and gallantAble to conquer anything that tries to stop meYou are my love my angel you are you areI am a bird and you are my wingsSoft and gentle and yet able to lift me to heights of great exctasy Carrying me across oceans to lands of paradise And keeping me warm and cosy when I sleep at nightYou are my love my angel you are you areI am a flower and you are my waterSweet and cool filling me full of energySo that I can shine with happinessFor I fear without you I should surely dieYou are my love my angel you are you areYou are this poem and I am your penEnabling me to write down all my thoughts and feelingsYou are the one that can make me laugh and cryYou are all these things and so much moreYou are my love my angel you are you are3.She's gone 她走了Out of my life 远离我的生活I was wrong 我错了I'm to blame 我罪该如此I was so untrue 我如此恍惚I can't live without her love 没有她的爱我无法过活In my life 在我生命中there's just an empty space 在有限的空间里All my dreams are lost 所有的梦都已湮没I'm wasting away 我日渐消瘦Forgive me girl 宽恕我吧,女孩Lady won't you save me lady,不想拯救我吗My heart belongs to you 我的心属于您Lady can you forgive me lady,你能原谅我吗For all I've done to you 为你我愿付出一切Lady, oh Lady lady,噢,ladyShe's gone 她走了Out of my life 从我生命中消失Oh she's gone 噢,她走了I find it so hard to go on 我想我很难继续I really miss that girl, my love 我真正地想念那个女孩, 我的爱Come back Into my arms 回来入我臂弯I'm so alone 我如此孤单I'm begging you 我乞求您I'm down on my knees 我跪下我的膝盖Forgive me girl 宽恕我吧女孩Lady won't you save me lady,不想拯救我吗My heart belongs to you 我的心属于您Lady can you forgive me lady,你能原谅我吗For all I've done to you 为你我愿付出一切Lady, oh Lady lady,噢,ladyoh Lady 噢,ladyoh~~~ 噢····Lady won't you save me lady,不想拯救我吗My heart belongs to you 我的心属于您Lady can you forgive me lady,你能原谅我吗For all I've done to you 为你我愿付出一切Lady~oh~Lady lady,噢,ladyMy heart belongs to you 我的心只属于您Lady can you forgive me lady,你能原谅我吗For all I've done to you 为你我愿付出一切4.you and iMusic : Klaus MeineLyrics: Klaus MeineI lose control because of you babe 我丧失了理智,只因为你I lose control when you look at me like this 我丧失了理智,当你这样看着我There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight 你眼中有些许悸动,今晚将要诉说I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door 我不再是个孩子,生活已经打开了这扇门To a new exciting life 通往崭新的精彩生活I lose control when I'm close to you babe 我丧失了理智,只因为你I lose control don't look at me like this 我丧失了理智,不要这样看着我There's something in your eyes, is this love at first sight 你眼中有些许悸动,那是一见钟情吗Like a flower that grows, life just wants you to know 就像一朵花儿的成长,生活想让你了解All the secrets of life 生命的所有秘密It's all written down in your lifelines 这已经在你的命中注定It's written down inside your heart 这已经在你心中画下烙印You and I just have a dream 你和我,只有一个梦想To find our love a place, where we can hide away 为我们的爱找个空间,远离喧嚣You and I were just made 你和我,已被注定To love each other now, forever and a day 相爱每天,直到永远I lose control because of you babe 我丧失了理智,只因为你I lose control when you look at me like this 我丧失了理智,当你这样看着我There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight 你眼中有些许悸动,今晚将要诉说I'm so curious for more just like never before 我如此好奇,从未经历In my innocent life 在我无辜的一生中It's all written down in your lifelines 这已经在你的命中注定It's written down inside your heart 这已经在你心中画下烙印You and I just have a dream 你和我,只有一个梦想To find our love a place, where we can hide away 为我们的爱找个空间,远离喧嚣You and I were just made 你和我,已被注定To love each other now, forever and a day 相爱每天,直到永远Time stands still when the days of innocence 时间坚持伫立,直到无辜之日Are falling for the night 堕入永夜I love you girl I always will 我爱你,永远I swear I'm there for you 我发誓我将为你在此Till the day I die 直到我死去You and I just have a dream 你和我,只有一个梦想To find our love a place, where we can hide away 为我们的爱找个空间,远离喧嚣You and I were just made 你和我,已被注定To love each other now, forever and a day 相爱每天,直到永远5.You Raise Me UpWhen I am down 当我失意低落之时and, oh my soul, so weary; 我的精神,是那么疲倦不堪When troubles come 当烦恼困难袭来之际and my heart burdened be; 我的内心,是那么负担沉重Then, I am still 然而,我默默的伫立and wait here in the silence, 静静的等待Until you come 直到你的来临and sit awhile with me. 片刻地和我在一起You raise me up, 你激励了我so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足于群山之巅You raise me up, 你鼓舞了我to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面I am strong, 在你坚实的臂膀上when I am on your shoulders; 我变得坚韧强壮You raise me up: 你的鼓励To more than I can be. 使我超越了自我There is no life - 世上没有——no life without its hunger; 没有失去热望的生命Each restless heart 每颗悸动的心beats so imperfectly; 也都跳动得不那么完美But when you come 但是你的到来and I am filled with wonder, 让我心中充满了奇迹Sometimes, I think 甚至有时我认为因为有你I glimpse eternity. 我瞥见了永恒You raise me up, 你激励了我so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足于群山之巅You raise me up, 你鼓舞了我to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面I am strong, 在你坚实的臂膀上when I am on your shoulders; 我变得坚韧强壮You raise me up: 你的鼓励To more than I can be. 使我超越了自我6.gone with the sin随原罪飘逝I love your skin oh so white我爱你的肌肤是如此光洁I love your touch cold as ice我爱你的触摸似冰般冷酷And I love every single tear you cry我也爱你流下的每一滴眼泪I just love the way you're losing your life以及你正迷失生命的方式Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are宝贝你是这般的美丽Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are 宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美好 `````1. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。
I Swear--歌词

I SwearKnney RogersI see the questions in your eyesI know what's weighing on your mindYou can be sure I know my heart`Coz I'll stand beside you through the yearsYou'll only cry those happy tearsAnd though I make mistakesI'll never break your heartAnd I swear by the moon and the stars in the skyI'll be thereI swear like a shadow that's by your sideI'll be thereFor better or worse, till death do us partI'll love you with every beat of my heartAnd I swearI'll give you every thing I canI'll build your dreams with these two handsWe'll hang some memories on the wallsAnd when just the two of us are thereYou won't have to ask if I still care`Coz as the time turns the page, my love won't age at allAnd I swear by the moon and the stars in the skyI swear like the shadow that's by your sideI'll be thereFor better or worse, till death do us partI'll love you with every beat of my heartAnd I swearI swear by the moon and stars in the skyI'll be thereI swear like the shadow that's by your sideI'll be thereFor better or worse, till death do us partI'll love you with every beat of my heartI swear, I swear, oh I swear中文歌词:我发誓当着天空的日月星辰我发誓如同守候你的身影………… 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问也听见你心中的忐忑不安你可以安心演绎你的生活我很清楚我自己的角色在往后共渡的岁月里你只会因为喜极而泣即使我偶尔也会犯错也绝不会让你心碎我发誓当着天空的星星月亮我会永远伴随在你身边我发誓如同守候你的身影我会永远在那里无论丰腴困厄至死不渝心跳不息爱无止尽我发誓我愿付出我的一切用双手为你筑梦将最美好的回忆挂在墙上当我们单独在一起你不再对我的爱存质疑任时光荏苒我的爱永不老去我发誓当着天空的星星月亮我会永远伴随在你身边我发誓如同守候你的身影我会永远在那里无论丰腴困厄至死不渝心跳不息爱无止尽我发誓。

Tell me what makes a man告诉我什么使一个男人
Wanna give you all his heart想对你付出全心
Smile when you're around 当你在身边时微笑
and you're taking it out tonight而你今晚将把爱全带走
how am I supposed to leave you now我要如何才能离开你
when you're looking like that你的一颦一笑如此迷人
I can't believe what I just gave away我不感相信我竟然放弃了这般尤物
What am I doing without you 我怎能没有你的陪伴
And all of the things I've been looking for 所有我曾费心寻觅的事物
Have always been here outside of my door 其实一直就在我门外等待
And all of the time I'm looking for something new 所有追求新奇事物的时光
And all of the time I'm looking for something new 所有追求新奇事物的时光
What am I doing without you 怎能没有你的陪伴
03.What Makes A Man 心甘情愿(UK 排行榜No.2单曲)
This isn't goodbye 这不是再见

《Marry You》- Bruno MarsIt s a beautiful night这是个美丽的夜晚We re looking for something dumb to do我们在找些蠢事来做Hey baby嘿,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我想和你结婚Is it the look in your eyes是因为你的迷离眼神Or is it this dancing juice还是因为这美酒呢Who cares baby谁在乎呢,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我想和你结婚Well I know this little chapel我知道有一座小教堂on the boulevard we can go在我们走着的这林荫小道上No one will know没有人会知道Come on girl哦,来吧女孩Who cares if we re trashed有谁会在乎我们是否烂醉如泥got a pocket full of cash we can blow我们带著满满的现金Shots of patron和许多美酒And it s on girl这就来了女孩Don t say no no no no-no别说不不不不不Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah就说好好好好好And we ll go go go go-go我们这就走走走走走If you re ready like I m ready只要你和我一样迫不及待Cause it s a beautiful night因为这是个美丽的夜晚We re looking for something dumb to do 我们在找些蠢事来做Hey baby嘿,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我只想和你结婚Is it the look in your eyes是因为你的迷离眼神Or is it this dancing juice还是因为这美酒呢Who cares baby谁在乎呢,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我只想和你结婚I ll go get a ring let the choir我会把戒指带来bells sing like oooh然后让婚礼钟声响起So whatcha wanna do那你打算怎么做呢Let s just run girl我们逃跑吧,女孩If we wake up and you wanna break up that s cool 但如果我们梦醒了你决定要分手那也没关系No I won t blame you不,我不会怪你It was fun girl那曾是快乐的,宝贝Don t say no no no no-no别说不不不不不Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah快说好好好好好And we ll go go go go-go我们这就走走走If you re ready like I m ready只要你和我一样迫不及待Cause it s a beautiful night这是个美丽的夜晚We re looking for something dumb to do我们在找些蠢事来做Hey baby嘿,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我只想和你结婚Is it the look in your eyes是因为你的迷离眼神Or is it this dancing juice还是因为这美酒Who cares baby谁在乎呢,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我只想和你结婚Just say I do只要说“我愿意”Tell me right now baby现在就告诉我宝贝Tell me right now baby baby现在就告诉我宝贝,宝贝Just say I do只要说“我愿意”Tell me right now baby现在告诉我宝贝Tell me right now baby baby现在就告诉我宝贝,宝贝Cause it s a beautiful night这是个美丽的夜晚We re looking for something dumb to do 我们在找些蠢事来做Hey baby嘿,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我只想和你结婚Is it the look in your eyes是因为你的迷离眼神Or is it this dancing juice还是因为这美酒Who cares baby谁在乎呢,宝贝I think I wanna marry you我只想和你结婚《i wanna be with you》I (0,595)wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's trueIn everything I do (oh oh)I wanna be with youI'd like to know your policyWhen it comes to meLike to know what's in your mindIt's not easy seeI know now what I feelAnd what to doI wanna be with youAnd I'll be waitingUntil you face the truthThe light is fadingYou know what I wanna doI wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's true(You know it's true)And everything I do (is for you baby) I wanna be with you (Oh with you)Everybody sing (Oh yeah)See you once againYeah everybody swingYeah everybodyYeah everybody swingWish you'd come and set me free So that I can seeAll the thing I've left behindWhat's missing in meI'm looking for a signAnd the things you doI wanna be with youAnd I'll be waitingUntil you face the truthWhen the light is fadingYou know what I wanna doI wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's true(You know it's true)And everything I do (is for you baby) I wanna be with you (Oh with you) Everybody sing (Oh yeah)See you once againYeah everybody swingYeah everybodyYeah everybody swingI wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's trueIn everything I do (Oh oh oh)I wanna be with you (yeah)I wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's true (yeah)In everything I doI wanna be with youI wanna be with you(I wanna be with you)It's crazy but it's true(It's crazy but it's true)In everything I do (in everything I do)I wanna be with you(I wanna be with you)HeyIn everything I do I wanna be with you《i swear歌词》I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮and i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影I see the questions in your eyes 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问I know what's weighing on your mind 也听见你心中的忐忑不安you can be sure i know my part 你可以安心,我很清楚我的脚本cause i'll stand beside you through the years 在往后共渡的岁月里you'll only cry those happy tears 你只会因为喜悦而流泪and though i'd make mistakes 即使我偶尔会犯错I'll never break your heart 也不会让你心碎and i swear by the moon and the stars in the skies 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮I'll be there 我必在你左右I swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影I'llbe there 我必在你左右for better or worse,till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝I'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear 我发誓I gove you everything i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的I will build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦we'll hang some memories on the walls 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上and when(and when)just the two of us are there 当你我独处you won't have to ask if i'd still care 你不在对我的爱存疑cause as the tome turns the page 任时光荏苒my love won't age at all 我的爱永不老去and i swear(i swear)by the moon and the stars in the skies 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there 我必在你左右i'll be there 我必在你左右i swear(and i swear)like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there 我必在你左右i'll be there 我必在你左右for better or worse,till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝I'll love you with every beat of my heart and i swear 我发誓我用我每个心跳爱你I swear(i swear)by the moon and the stars in the skies 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there 我必在你左右i'll be there 我必在你左右i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there 我必在你左右i'll be there 我必在你左右for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄better or worse 丰腴困厄ill death do us part至死不渝oh noi'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你every single beat of my heart 我的每个心跳and i swear i swear,i swear 我发誓《Light Of My Life》- Lara Fabian&王力宏I wandering like a leaf upon the wind像一片树叶一样在风中漫游i have been searching for someone我在寻找那个人holding out for a love to shake my soul等待着一段震撼灵魂的爱情heaven or nothing那是天堂,或什么也不是then you walked into my life你走进我的生命in a blaze of light在一阵光明之中i've never wanted someone more我从未奢望更多you are the one i've waited for你就是那个我要等的人light of my life我生命中的光亮you're the fire in my heart你是我心中的火焰when i am lost (lost)当我迷失的时候i know i'll feel you burning in the dark (oh) 我知道我能感到你在黑暗中哦you're the light of my life你是我生命中的光亮every star in the sky天空中的每一颗星shines more brightly when you're at my side 当你在我身边的时候都会更加明亮you're the light of my life (oh, it's you) mmm 你是我生命中的光亮(那是你)and dreaming, i feel you next to me和梦想,我能感到你就在我身旁no, i'm not dreaming (oh, oh)不,我是不是在做梦哦哦cause i'm drowning in your kiss因为我已经沉溺在你的吻中i die in your arms我在你的怀抱里死去and when i hear you call my name当我听到你呼唤我的名字baby, it's like i'm born again宝贝,那像是我又获得新生light of my life我生命中的光亮you're the fire in my heart你是我心中的火焰when i am lost当我迷失的时候when you're lost i know当你迷失的时候,我知道i'll feel you burning, burning in the dark我将会感觉到你在黑暗中燃烧着you're the light of my life你是我生命中的光亮every star in the sky天空中的每一颗星shines more brightly when you're at my side 当你在我身边的时候都会更加明亮you're the light of my life, yeah你是我生命中的光亮your love's a lantern in the rain你的爱像是雨中的灯塔、bringing me home time and again无数次将我带回家burning like an eternal flame像是永恒燃烧的火焰light of my life我生命中的光亮you're the beat of my heart你是我心跳的节拍when i am lost当我迷失的时候when you're lost i know当你迷失的时候,我知道you'll see me shining你将会看到我在发光shining in the dark在黑夜里闪光you're the light of my life你是我生命中的光亮like the stars in the sky像是天空中的星星only you can take me through只有你能带我走出去you're the only one who makes it right 你是唯一一个能让它正确的人only you set fire to the night只有你点亮了黑夜you're the light (you're the light)你是那道光(你是光)you're the light of my life, mmm你是我生命中的光亮嗯oh哦。
片尾曲 Minions 版本I Swear & YMCA歌词

片尾曲 Minions 版本I Swear & YMCA 歌词上周看的,写了短评,还是再说下吧。
看之前网上的各种trailer,feature clips都找来看了,后果就是前30分钟关键(搞笑)情节都已经看过了。
据说,明年会有Minions番外篇出来,还会有影后Sandra Bullock献声。
I Swear 原唱All 4 oneUtube:/watch?v=rKpK3dQhz4QAh , Laopoda. Talachi , Matol , Lina . Ah, Labadi , Hochi, La , No chaaa. Wu pla na chii , leh ji ~ Fuh pa pu seh , La ma nii ~ Underwear ! La kah reh , Li rey wee , Gih leh bya ~ Mah ke reh , Underwear ! La pah kreh , leh gua ri , Teh lah keh , Lah peh reh. Underwear ! Lah ceh peep, li bee da , ee leh gua. Lah gua rehh ~ Ley show lee leh duu , Lah keh rey dee zuu ~ Bleh ahh boh dee zu re kah , Zohh reh kah laa ,UNDERWEAR ~ Lah du. Leh ah mo dee underwear ~YMCA 原唱:The Village People附上Utube:/watch?v=Q2kuiUn_ITcMocha, fa les duo ma laki, boji. Mocha, fa ta qui ba dada, boda. Mocha, Linguini Banaki, Loto lat o les boo hey la….(mia mia mia mia mia)La bada gei a luo, "Tu pues des bras", La bata gei a luo. "Tu pues des bras", fa la quelè mi duo, fa la tous les loka, kappa boyé les paprikas. La bada gei a luo. "Tu pues des bras", la bada gei a luo. "Tu pues des bras", linda lou les bono, li les Carbonara, les ji chie les calita.ps,Minions都是法国导演献声的,所以会经常冒出两句法语来,这首YMCA里面的chorous,如果你会法语的话,就会很容易听出来是Tu pues des bras,直译为You stink the arms...又被戳中笑点又没有。

In a World Like This在这样的一个世界You got me wide open, wide open.你让我敞开,敞开。
Now I’m yours.现在我是你的。
You found me heart broken, heart broken你找到我的心破碎,破碎的心On the floor在地板上Became my salvation, salvation through the wall 成为我的拯救,穿墙得救You got me wide open, wide open.你让我敞开,敞开。
Now I’m yours.现在我是你的。
chorus合唱In a world like this when some back down,在这样的一个世界当一些下来,Uh uh, no, we’re gonna make it.呃,呃,不,我们会没事的。
In a time like this when love comes around在这样的时刻当爱来临Uh uh, no, we’re gonna take it.呃,呃,不,我们要把它。
In a world like this when people fall apart在这样的一个世界当人们崩溃In a time like this when nothing comes from a heart 在这样的时候,当没有来自心脏In a world like this在这样的一个世界We’ve got you我们有你And now I’m free falling free falling现在我是自由落体自由下降In your eyes在你的眼睛You got me still calling still calling你让我还是叫还打电话来No surprise没有惊喜I never knew I could love till the end of time我不知道我会爱你到时间的尽头And now I’m free falling free falling现在我是自由落体自由下降By your side.在你的身边。
what makes a man歌词

what makes a manThis isn't goodbye 这不是再见even as I watch you leave 我看着你离开的时候也不会(even as-正如,也可像本句翻译的)this isn't goodbye 这不是再见I swear I won't cry 我发誓我不会落泪( swear-发誓,过去式为swore,过去分词为sworn)even as tears fill my eyes 眼泪盈眶之时也不会I swear I won't cry 我发誓我不会落泪Any other girl,I'd let you walk away 其她的女孩儿,我愿意让你们离开("you"就是指“any other girl")Any other girl,I'm sure I'd be okay. 其她的女孩儿,我相信我会过得很好Tell me what makes a man 请告诉我,是什么值得让一个男人Wanna give you all his heart 为你付出他的全部心思(heart意译为“心思”)Smile when you're around 当你在他周围的时候,他会高兴( you're around意译为“你在他的周围”,smile意译为“高兴”)And cry when you're apart 当你离开他的时候,他会伤心(apart-adj. 远离的,句中作“离开”解释)If you know what makes a man 如果你知道是什么让一个男人Wanna love you the way I do 想用我爱你的方式去爱你Girl you gotta let me know 亲爱的,你必须让我知道这是为什么(Girl为了好看,翻译为”亲爱的“,gotta=got to,口语,正确形式have got to,必须)So I can get over you 所以我才可以忘却你(get over,原意”克服“,意译”忘却“)What makes her so right 是什么让她干什么都是对的Is it the sound of her laugh 是她的笑声吗?That look in her eyes 她的眼神.....When do you decide 你什么时候就决定She is the dream that you seek 她就是你一生中所寻找的梦想That force in your life 在你生命中的力量When you apologise 当你道歉了(apologize-Verb 道歉)no matter who was wrong 无论谁对谁错,都不要紧( no matter- 不要紧)When you get on your knees if that would bring her home 你就是要跪着也要把她带回家(get on sb's knees-可以翻译为”跪下“)Tell me what makes a man 请告诉我,是什么值得让一个男人Wanna give you all his heart 为你付出他的全部心思Smile when you're around 当你在他周围的时候,他会高兴And cry when you're apart 当你离开他的时候,他会伤心If you know what makes a man 如果你知道是什么让一个男人Wanna love you the way I do 想用我爱你的方式去爱你Girl you gotta let me know 亲爱的,你必须让我知道这是为什么So I can get over you 所以我才可以忘却你Other girls will come along they always do 别的女孩儿做什么都会孤独But what's the point when all I ever want is you ,tell me 但是曾经,我只想你又有什么价值呢?( What's the point(of sth.) ...的意义何在?)Tell me what makes a man 请告诉我,是什么值得让一个男人Wanna give you all his heart 为你付出他的全部心思Smile when you're around 当你在他周围的时候,他会高兴And cry when you're apart 当你离开他的时候,他会伤心If you know what makes a man 如果你知道是什么让一个男人Wanna love you the way I do 想用我爱你的方式去爱你Girl you gotta let me know 亲爱的,你必须让我知道这是为什么So I can get over you 所以我才可以忘却你。
I swear歌词

ma ta ko ko ni hi bi ki ta shi ta
to ke i no a shi o to
e i e n ni e gia ku yu me
yu ra me i te
kyo ya i te ru
ma ru i te ka ra mo no
ta do ri yu ke ba
ki to mi tsu ke ra re ru ka ra
a o i no u ta
i'll be there
i wanna find myself
so ra o me gu ri yu ke ba
we'll be there...
shi n ji ra re ru ka ra
また ここに 響(ひび)きたした
I swear…
きっと見つけられるから 愛の歌
I'll be there…
I wanna find myself
We'll be there… 信じられるから
I swear… どんな遠くにいても
きっと奏(かな)でられるから 青い歌
I swear…
I wanna steer my way in the sky
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I Swear
i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮and i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i see the questions in your eyes 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问
i know what's weighing on your mind 也听见你心中的忐忑不安
you can be sure i know my part 你可以安心,我很清楚我的脚本
'cause i'll stand beside you through the years 在往后共渡的岁月里
you'll only cry those happy tears 你只会因为喜悦而流泪
and though i make mistakes 即使我偶尔会犯错
i'll never break your heart 也不会让你心碎
and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there 我必在你左右
i swear like a shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影
i'll be there 我必在你左右
for better or worse till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝
i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你
and i swear 我发誓
i'll give you every thing i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的
i'll build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦
we'll hang some memories on the walls 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上
and when ( and when ) just the two of us are there 当你我独处
you won't have to ask if i still care 你不在对我的爱存疑
'cause as the time turns the page 任时光荏苒
my love won't age at all 我的爱永不老去
and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮
i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右
i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影
i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右
for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄
till death do us part 至死不渝
i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你
and i swear 我发誓
i swear by the moon and stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮
i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右
i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影
i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右
for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄
till death do us part 至死不渝
i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你
and i swear,i swear, oh i swear我发誓,我发誓,我发誓...。