基于Zigbee 的智能家居系统设计外文翻译




基于ZigBee技术的智能家居系统吴海军;吴伯农;杨芬【摘要】为了满足手机短信远程控制家电设备的需要,应用GR64和CC2430为核心开发了一种基于无线传感器网络的智能化短信远程控制系统.系统硬件部分主要由短信(SMS)收发模块、红外收发模块、微处理器模块、存储模块和供电模块等组成;软件部分给出了ZigBee无线通信协议的工作原理、家庭网关的设计流程.试验表明,该系统具有良好的可扩展性、低成本、低功耗、低延时、低复杂度等特点,在智能家居系统中具有广阔的应用前景.%To meet the need of SMS remote controlling household appliances, an intelligent SMS remote controlling system by using SMS transceiver module GR64 and microcontrollerCC2430 was developed based on wireless sensor network. The hardware and software of the system are introduced, and the test results are given. The system hardware has many functions, such as SMS transceiver, infrared transceiver, microprocessor module, nonvolatile memory module and power supply module. The flow chart and home gateway are given based on ZigBee protocol. The experiment shows that the system has characteristics of good expansibility, low cost, low power consumption, low latency, low complexity and so on, which also has a wide range of application prospects in smart home.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2011(034)015【总页数】4页(P43-46)【关键词】智能家居;家庭网关;红外线通信;SMS;ZigBee;GR64;CC2430【作者】吴海军;吴伯农;杨芬【作者单位】北方工业大学,北京 100144;北方工业大学,北京 100144;北方工业大学,北京 100144【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN915-340 引言智能家居(Smart Home)又称智能住宅。






在各种无线技术中,ZigBee 技术凭借其自身多种优势脱颖而出,满足人们对智能家居由“价格”向“价值”转换的需求,更好的提升家居的舒适性和安全性,发展前景可观[1-2]。





其中,家庭网关主要负责家庭内外网络数据的转换;家庭内部的网络主要是负责将内部的各个设备相互连接在一起,其中涵盖家用电器、照明设备和所需的对应的传感器;用基于ZigBee 无线网络的智能家居控制系统设计孙威魏立明(吉林建筑大学电气与计算机学院,吉林长春130118)摘要:本文基于ZigBee 无线网络技术对智能家居控制系统进行了设计,整个系统选定CC2530为硬件开发平台,软件开发采用以Z-Stack 为基础的程序设计,选定PC 为家庭的网关,连接互联网与智能家居系统,最终实现远程控制家庭内部传感器,提高人们日常生活的便利感与舒适感。



基于Zigbee技术的智能家居系统设计方案基于Zigbee技术的智能家居系统设计方案摘要:对基于ZigBee 技术对嵌入式Web 的智能家居远程监控系统进行研究和设计。

对家居设备通过Zigbee 进行无线组网,把家居设备的信息和数字视频传输到因特网网络上,在因特网上设立一个"无线视频网关"WEB 服务器,可供外部访问;实现将家居信息如温度进行实时的显示并进行后续的利用和控制;同时将收集各处传输进来的数字视频信息进行后续的处理和识别。


智能家居又称为智能住宅,在国外常用Smart Home 表示。

与智能家居含义近似的有家庭自动化(Home Automation)、电子家庭(Electr ON ic Home、E-home)、数字家园(Digital Family)、家庭网络(Home Net/Networks for Home)、网络家居(NetworkHome)、智能家庭/建筑(Intel ligent Home/Building)等。



1 项目概述1.1 智能家居发展概况智能家居是利用先进的计算机技术、嵌入式系统和网络通讯技术,将家庭中的各种设备(如照明系统、环境控制、安防系统、网络家电)通过家庭网络连接到一起的,自从美国在1984 真正的智能建筑出现以来,国外已经有将近30 年的研究历史,而国内在这方面的研究相对较晚,从2003 年才逐步应用于高端市场,而且标准不统一,如海信、海尔、清华大学等大家各自为营。

由于智能家居系统具有安全、方便、高效、快捷、智能化和个性化的独特魅力,使得智能家居的开发与建设成为21 世纪科技发展的必然趋势。






关键词: Zigbee ;Z-Stack;CC2530芯片;智能家居The Design of Smart Home Control System Based on ZigBee Technology TechnologyABSTRACTWith the development of the science and economy,people’s living standard improves enormously.People may pay more and more attention to their living environment.Information society has changed people’S lifestyle and work habits to makeintelligent home system a consumer demand.Intelligent home system catches moreand more people’S attention.Thereforethe topic about the integration andmanagement of various communication equipments in home,household appliancesand home security devices combined by the intelligent home c ontrol system remotel,has become a hot research point in recent years.Key words: Zigbee; Z-stack;CC2530;Smart Home目录1绪论 (1)1.1无线传感器网络 (1)1.1.1无线传感器网络概况 (1)1.1.2无线传感器的应用现状 (1)1.1.3无线传感器的未来前景 (2)1.2基于Zigbee技术的无线传感器网络 (2)1.3论文结构 (3)2 Z-Stack协议栈 (4)2.1 Zigbee协议介绍 (4)2.1.1 Zigbee协议栈的结构 (4)2.2 Zigbee网络结构 (5)2.3 Z-Stack协议栈介绍 (6)2.3.1寻址 (6)2.3.2绑定 (9)2.3.3路由协议 (9)2.3.4数据发送函数 (10)2.3.5网络组建过程 (10)2.3.6数据接收函数 (10)3智能家居系统的实现 (13)3.1系统的整体介绍 (13)3.2系统硬件介绍 (13)3.2.1各类传感器模块 (13)3.2.2终端节点和数据汇聚模块 (15)3.3系统软件介绍 (16)3.3.1终端节点和数据汇聚模块软件设计 (16)3.3.2上位机(PC机)的监控界面 (18)4结论 (21)参考文献 (22)附录 (23)1 绪论1.1无线传感器网络1.1.1无线传感器网络概况无线传感器网络是指大量的移动的或静止的传感器以自组织和多跳的方式构成的无线网络。



基于ZigBee技术的智能家居系统设计作者:王青青于本成来源:《电脑知识与技术》2014年第12期摘要:以CC2530芯片及其外围设备构成硬件系统,使用IAR Embedded Workbench软件对芯片进行编译、调试、下载,通过ZigBee技术组建智能家居网络,对智能家居环境温度、湿度、光照度进行实时监测,实验结果表明,该系统测量准确性高、实时性好,并能通过网络远程控制,能为人们提供舒适、方便和人性化的智能家居环境。

关键词:智能家居;ZigBee;CC2530中图分类号:TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2014)12-2828-03The Design of Smart Home System Based on ZigBee TechnologyWANG Qing-qing, YU Ben-chengAbstract: The smart home system compose by CC2530 chip and its peripheral equipment ,using IAR Embedded Workbench compile, debugging and download, constructed network by ZigBee technology, the system provide real-time monitoring of the environment temperature,humidity, light intensity. The experimental results show that, the system measurement accuracy,good real-time performance, and it may realize the remote control, provides comfortable,convenient and the user-friendly intelligence lives environment.Key words: The smart home; ZigBee; CC2530智能家居又叫Smart Home,最早是由美国、欧洲等西方发达国家提出,智能家居将计算机技术、无线局域网技术、传感器技术以及嵌入式系统技术融合应用于家庭环境中,使家居生活中的照明系统、安防系统、环境监测系统等有机结合起来[1]。



图1 感知家居需求与用户用例图图2 感知家居系统与芯片选型原有的信息孤岛相互联系起来将成为未来的大趋势。

2016年3月8日,海尔向开发者开放了U+平台,美的集团也向第三方开放了M-Smart 的SDK(软件开发工具包);3月31日,微软也发布了MS Bot Framework 机器人框架,巨头们的纷纷表率预示着更多的厂商将会开放自身的软硬件平台,使得家电设备,以及越来越多的智能硬件单品可以整合到一起。


新一代智能家居产品以小米和华为的最新产品为例,均采用Wi-Fi 与ZigBee 协议。


1 系统概述要实现一套性价比较高的智能家居系统,所需的功能由用户的核心需求来决定。

根据马斯洛需求层级,生理和安全方面的需求应当放在首要实现的位置,实现的功能必须包含安全防盗、火警、有害气体检测和危险情况及时报警;其次是生活的便利化,包括对家庭环境的随时随地查看,家电的远程控制等;最后是需求的个性化,例如SOHU 办公、孕婴或行动不便、视力障碍或听觉障碍等情况,是用户分散的长尾需求指标。

用户用例如图1所示,通过PC 电脑浏览器或移动APP 均可传感器型号传感器描述DHT11温湿度传感器,有效测量范围:0~50℃;湿度有效测量范围:20%~90%RH 。


有效监测范围:100~20000ppm ;工作环境温度:-10℃~50℃;湿度65%±5%RH 。

BH1750FVI 光照传感器,其测量范围约为(1~65535lx),工作温度范围:-40℃~50℃。

HC-SR501人体红外活动探测传感器,工作温度:-15℃~70℃,有效范围15m 。

DSM501AP M 2.5探测传感器,工作温度范围:-20℃~80℃ 。



基于ZigBee的智能家居设备设计李琪;秦会斌;张雄【摘要】According to the shortcoming of wiring dififculties, poor mobility, high-cost maintenance and so on in the traditional smart home, a smart home scheme based on Zigee wireless sensor network technology is designed. The whole system regards S3C2440 as the server combining with the ZigBee network technology to control the sub-node terminals by the coordinator. The sub-node terminals contain the common devices such as the smart home environment information real-time display, ten-level dimming and simulate curtain are controlled by STM32. The currentdate(including lunar calendar and weekdays), time and room temperature are displayed on the LCD in real time, and the lighting intensity and the degree of the curtain’s closure c an be controlled between 0 and 100% by sending instructions to the coordinator on the smart phone after veriifcation.%针对传统智能家居存在布线困难、移动性差、维护成本高等缺点,提出了一种基于ZigBee无线传感网技术的智能家居方案。


[7]Drew Gislason .Zigbee Wireless Networking[M].Newnes ,2008.
[8]Texas Instruments.CC2530manul [S].2009.
智能家居控制系统(smart home control systems),是以智能家居系统为平台,家居电器及家电设备为主要控制对象,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术等将家居生活有关的设施进行高效集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的控制管理系统,提升家居智能、安全、便利、舒适,从而实现具有一定自动、智能控制功能的系统平台。智能家居控制系统是智能家居的核心,是智能家居控制功能实现的基础。
4.如何实现ZigBee & Wi-Fi网关跨网间的数据同步。

基于 ZigBee 的智能家居系统设计

基于 ZigBee 的智能家居系统设计

基于 ZigBee 的智能家居系统设计随着科技的快速发展,越来越多的人开始关注智能家居系统的设计和实现。

而其中,基于ZigBee 技术的智能家居系统则成为了近年来最具热度的研究方向之一。

本文将详细探讨基于 ZigBee 的智能家居系统的设计和实现。

一、ZigBee 技术简介ZigBee 技术是一种低功耗、近距离、无线通讯技术,它是一种基于 IEEE802.15.4 标准的无线网协议。

ZigBee 技术能够支持多种应用场景,适用于环境监测、医疗保健、智能家居、能源管理等领域。

ZigBee 技术采用了低功耗、低速率的传输方式,具有低成本、低噪声和低干扰的特点。

同时,ZigBee 网络结构简单,有很强的自组织能力,能够让各种设备快速建立通讯。

二、ZigBee 技术在智能家居中的应用智能家居系统是指通过各种网络技术,将家居中传统的电器设备和其他可编程设备进行集成,从而达到自动化控制的目的。

而 ZigBee 技术在智能家居中的应用则包括以下几个方面:1、家庭网络化ZigBee 技术可以帮助实现家庭网络化。

通过 ZigBee 网络,家庭中的各种设备都可以实现互联,实现智能化自动控制。



而 ZigBee 技术可以帮助实现安全保护,可以通过智能传感器实时监控家庭的安全情况,当检测到异常情况时进行即时报警,从而保护家庭安全。


通过 ZigBee 技术,用户可以轻松地控制家庭中的音乐、影像等设备,达到家庭娱乐化的目的。

三、基于 ZigBee 的智能家居系统设计在设计基于 ZigBee 的智能家居系统时,应遵循以下设计理念:1、低功耗智能家居系统的常承担着长期、甚至是持续的工作,因此对于功耗的要求极高。

因此在基于 ZigBee 技术的智能家居系统设计中,应注重低功耗、智能化的设计,以延长系统设备的使用寿命。







1. Zigbee无线网关Zigbee无线网关是整个智能家居系统的核心部件,它实现了家庭中的各种设备的联网功能。








其中,控制策略包括以下几个方面:1. 情景控制情景控制是指能够通过指定的场景、活动或者用户的智能要求自动执行一系列指令,比如说,当某房间内有人时,自动把房间内的灯光亮度调至适宜的光度。

2. 定时控制定时控制是指设计好特定时间点的智能控制,比如说,特定时间点自动启动加湿器、空气净化器等,提高室内空气质量。


摘 要: 本课题研究的 目的和意义在于 设计 基于 zg e 技术和 A ibe RM技术 的智能 家居系统 , 即通过 CC 50 2 3 模块组建家庭 内部局域网 , 通过这些模块对家用 电器进行控制 , 使用 ARM网关将 家 电信息 传送 给服务器 , 同时也将 控制命令转 发给zg e 局域网 , ib e 用户 只需在任何一个能上 网的地 方或者通过手机 , 登陆家中的服务器 , 发送控 制命令及查询命令 , 即可对 家中的情 况一 目了然 , 并能 远程控制家 中的 电器 , 从而 实现 家用 电器系统的智能化和网络化 , 家庭生活更加舒适 、安全 、方便。 使 关键 词 : 智能家居 ; ib eARM ; ; 由算法 Zg e ; C# 路
几种 无线通信 技术 , 往往 比较复 杂 , 不但 消耗资 源很多 , 而且 成本也 不低 , 不太适合 应用在短 距离无 线通信 的场
合 。本 文介绍 了一种复杂 度、成本和功耗都 很低 的低速 率短距 离无线技术—— Zg et。 ib el 1
本协议 引入能量 量 化变量 : 一级能 量量 化值 ; E1, E2 二级 能量量 化值 。其 中网络 中除协调器 外 , , 其它 节 点 均设 有 能量量 化变 量 。
( 动 技 与 用 21年 O 第l期 ( 化 术 应 》01 第3卷 1 自
计 算 机 应 用
Comp t rAp l a i s u e pi t c on
Байду номын сангаас
基于 Z E B I E的智 能家居 系统 的设计 G
关学忠 , 刘 鹏. 唐 磊 , 华 斐 迁
( 东北石油大学 , 黑龙江 大庆 1 3 1 ) 6 3 8
1 引 言



The smart home control system solutionsPart 1Intelligent home network with the network technology and communication technology continues to evolve and requirements of people living continuously improve and achieve family intelligent remote control has become an inevitable trend. Ministry of Construction and Housing Industrialization Promotion Center proposed residential area to achieve the six intelligence requirements, including safety precautions implemented automated monitoring and management: on residential fires, toxic gas leak to implement automatic alarm; anti-theft alarm system should be installed such as infrared or microwave various types of alarm detector; system should be integrated with the computer security management system network; computer system burglar alarm system can be centrally managed and controlled. However, as wireless technology immature, operating expenses of higher malpractice, intelligent home controller and the external network of wireless communications technology as leading to a low degree of market acceptance of the important factors, the characteristics of GPRS system can be a good solution to the problem. GPRS network communication business Communication Company launched a data communication service, the GPRS network coverage area, unlimited transmission distance, communication cost is relatively low transfer rate faster. This article related to intelligent systems and GPRS technology family background, analysis of its basic characteristics and their basic functions to be achieved, and on this basis was proposed the overall intelligent control system solutions based on GPRS wireless communication service. At last, the core GPRS chip system software and hardware realization.Overall system architecture The popularity of network applications and the production of a variety of information appliances are made within the family visit on the Internet, no longer limited to a single PC, each family will be faced with how to transfer Internet data within the family and how the various appliances problems connecting, based on this, intelligent home networks come into being. Intelligent home network is the basic unit of information society. The future of the family, all kinds of appliances will form a home LAN and Internet access through the smart home controller. Intelligent home network market potential is considerable, several large manufacturers Intel, IBM, Microsoft and Sony are already involved in them.Intelligent home network that is in a home in a communications network, the various appliances connected together, to achieve all the intelligent home network appliances for remote access and control, and any request for information exchange, such as music, television or data. Intelligent home network architecture, including within the family network system, intelligent home controller and the intelligent home network and external Internet networks of data communications. Among them, the smart home smart home network controller is an integral part of the core to play the management, control and communications role with the external network. It is the management platform and home through the family life of the combination of the various subsystems of a system is to connect the family intelligence network inside and outside the physical interfaces, complete with external communication networks within the family, the data exchange between functions, but also for families equipment management and control.Smart home controller on the one hand the need for cabling to provide communication interface within the family, to collect information on household equipment, and processing, automatic control and regulation; other smart home controller as a home gateway, to provide for external network interfaces, connectivity within the family network and external Internet networks, so users can access the home network, internal network, to achieve monitoring and control. In addition, smart home controller should also be equipped with automatic alarm and other functions, that is, when found, such as alarm signal: it was a malicious intrusion, high temperature, etc., the controller can be dealt with immediately send alarm signals to the user.ARM embedded system design can be used to automatically run, processing of data, management and control through the RS485 bus, the control terminal. And the controller through the GPRS module to achieve the family system and the external network communications, so users can SMS and the Internet, etc. to achieve the family system, remote control, while the controller through the keyboard and display for the user interface, easy users to achieve local control. Control terminal for the SCM control system composed of a number of small control various home appliances, and by controlling the bus, the control system composed of these small networks, connected to the smart home controller, by the smart home controller.Specific smart home controller features include: Household equipment data collection: Collection of household equipment, including indoor temperature, lighting appliances, security doors and other equipment of the state data, processed by the controller feedback to the user.Local control: the user through the controller keyboard and display, for home monitoring equipment.Remote Control: Remote users can send text messages or via the Internet on the family system to control and query.Automatic alarm: when the controller detects high temperature, such as illegal intrusion or alarm signal, triggering indoor alarm in time and send alert messages by means of promptly notify the user.Temperature check: the user can check the room temperature by the controller. Security door password settings: local or remote user can modify the password security door; enter the correct password at the door before they can open the door.Infrared Appliance Control: receiving user commands via infrared transmitter control TV, air conditioning and other infrared controlled appliances.Other lamps and so on-off control: receiving user commands control the amount of lighting and other switching equipment.Smart home controller through GPRS module, to achieve the family system and the external network communication as a central part of the smart home system to solve the bottleneck before the key technology. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is short, the existing GSM system is to add a new GGSN (Gateway Support Node) and SGSN (Service Support Node) node developed a new packet data bearer services. GPRS with the existing GSM system the most fundamental difference is, GPRS is a packet switching system, particularly suitable for intermittent, sudden or frequent, small amounts of data transfer, but also to the occasional large data transfers. The main advantage of GPRS network transmissions are: always online, according to traffic accounting, quick log on, high-speed transmission, within a restricted range (transmission distance, terrain, weather, etc.), and data transmission reliability.Part 21. IntroductionThe booming Internet has broadened the traditional concept of smart consumer appliances. Originally, smart consumer appliances are just stand-alone devices that have the control program running by themselves. Due to hardware limitations, these appliances can only implement somesimple control algorithms that can at most achieve local optimal control effects. Nowadays more and more consumer appliances have the capabilities to benter connected by many kinds of communication media such as phone lines, utility lines, and wireless technology, and even can be connected to the Internet. This trend of development brings promising prospects to future home appliances that will not only let users maintain, monitor, and control appliances more easily and conveniently, but also will make the long-time expected remote-controlled home appliances feasible.A remote-controllable home appliance can be considered as a slave device to the remote controller that resides in far end and has powerful mainframe running advanced control algorithms. The appliance runs its own control program while at the same time can receive control commands, configuration parameters or even updated control algorithms from there mote controller to achieve optimal control effect in the global level. In order to meet this challenge, a new architecture for smart consumer appliances systems needs to be proposed.On the other hand, Hardware implementation of control systems will be one of important issues in the development of smart consumer electronics. For simple applications, such as smart toys, microwaves, and washing machines, simple control algorithms can be used and implemented on a single chip that may cost very little. However, for more complex problems, such as smart heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (WAC) for individual houses or office buildings, advanced control methods must be utilized and implemented with sophisticated hardware that would cost significantly more than the conventional controllers. For example, an intelligent PLC (programmable logic controller) for energy efficient and waving temperature control may cost several times more than a household air conditioning unit. This might be justified for some industrial applications but obviously not acceptable for average individual customers. Therefore, to make smart consumer electronics marketable for this type of applications, innovative approach for implementation must be established to reduce the cost to a level acceptable to average customers.In the following sections, the architecture of intelligent control systems for consumer appliances via Internet is briefly presented, and then a network-based memos-fuzzy implementation is described. 2. Architecture of Networked AppliancesFigure shows two versions of architecture for networked appliances. Both architectures can be seen composed of two different types of functional devices: home-based appliances, and remote controllers. The remote controllers in both architectures play the same role as: a) running advanced control algorithms and issue control commands; b) monitoring the running status of appliances.The difference between these two architectures is on the home side. In architecture (I), home appliances must first connect to Home Control System, which functions in part as a common gateway to the Internet for all appliances. This architecture is suitable for current implementation because networked appliance is still in its early stage of development; they are still lack of standard software and hardware interfaces to the Internet. Besides, the data exchange between home appliances and remote controller at current stage are limited, therefore the utility lines and phone lines are enough for transmitting simple control signals. Architecture (II) is the choice for future development while all home appliances have direct access to the Internet. In this case, large amounts of real-time data from home appliances can be fed back to remote controller as the control input through Internet, and control output, which could vary from simple control parameters or set values to updated algorithms, can also be downloaded to the corresponding appliances.The architectures proposed here have their origins in Distributed Control Systems (DCS), which is widely used in industrial automation and proved to be mature and reliable. From topologypoint of view, the networked appliances systems and DCS are similar, and those functional devices in networked appliances systems can also find their counterpart in DCS. But a significant difference lies in the fact that DCS uses proprietary communication protocols in a local area network for data exchange, thus it is not an open architecture that makes devices from different vendors very difficult, if it’s not impossible to be interconnected, while networked appliances systems rely on the Internet that uses TCP/IP, the de facto protocol for network communication, so any appliances that is TCP/IP compatible can be easily interconnected and communicate with other appliances that are already on the net.3. ConclusionThis paper presents architecture of the intelligent control systems for consumer appliances by applying the idea of Distributed Control Systems (DCS) to the home environment, and a network-based neuron-fuzzy implementation of this architecture. The basic idea of this implementation is to use simple and reliable in-system programmable devices for on-line field control execution with fuzzy logic, and communication networks and computers for off-line learning and optimization through neural networks. An ongoing research project in consumer electronics is to implement this architecture to the network- based intelligent control of smart heating and air-conditioning systems, which could lead to significant saving in energy and reduction in pollution.家庭智能控制系统解决方案第一部分随着网络技术和通信技术的智能家庭网络的不断发展和生活水平不断提高,实现家庭智能远程控制已成为必然趋势人的要求。



设计智能家居系统,让生活更智能化!(英文中文双语版优质文档)As an important application field of the Internet of Things, the smart home system is getting more and more attention. The system can connect various smart home appliances, sensors, network communication and other equipment, and realize remote control and intelligent management through the Internet. This article will introduce the design and implementation of a smart home system.1. Basic structure of smart home systemThe basic structure of a smart home system includes three parts: hardware devices, cloud platform, and mobile applications. Hardware devices are the entities of the smart home system, including various sensors, controllers, and smart home appliances. The cloud platform is the core of the smart home system, responsible for processing data, controlling equipment, managing users and other tasks. A mobile application is the user interface of a smart home system that allows users to control the smart home system from a smartphone or tablet.2. Selection and connection of hardware equipmentAmong the hardware devices of the smart home system, various sensors are the most important. Sensors can collect data such as indoor temperature, humidity, smog, and carbon dioxide, which can help users understand the state of the home environment and take timely measures. In addition, smart home appliances are also an important part of the smart home system, which can realize automatic management through remote control.For the selection of hardware devices, factors such as device functions, reliability, and compatibility need to be considered. When connecting hardware devices, technologies such as wireless network and Bluetooth can be used to connect each device to a local area network.3. Design and implementation of cloud platformThe cloud platform is the core of the smart home system, it can process data, control equipment, manage users and other tasks. When designing a cloud platform, the following aspects need to be considered:1. Data storage and processingThe cloud platform needs to process a large amount of data, including data collected by sensors, device status, user information, etc. In order to ensure data security and stability, the cloud platform needs to use reliable database and data processing technologies, such as NoSQL database, distributed storage and other technologies.2. Device Control and ManagementThe cloud platform needs to control and manage the equipment, which can be realized through remote control and scheduled tasks. At the same time, the cloud platform needs to monitor the equipment status, detect equipment failures in time and take measures.3. User management and authorizationThe cloud platform needs to manage and authorize users, and different user permissions can be set to ensure the security and stability of the system.4. Design and implementation of mobile applicationsA mobile application is the user interface of a smart home system that allows users to control the smart home system from a smartphone or tablet. When designing a mobile application, there are several aspects to consider:1. User interface designThe user interface of the mobile application needs to be concise, clear, and easy to use. It can adopt a graphical interface and intuitive operation mode, so that users can quickly grasp the usage method of the system.2. Functional designMobile applications need to provide rich functions, including device control, data monitoring, device status query, alarm reminder and other functions. At the same time, it should provide users with customizable functions, allowing users to set up according to their own needs.3. Data interaction and communicationMobile applications need to perform data interaction and communication with the cloud platform, which can be realized through API interfaces, message queues, etc. At the same time, the security and stability of data should be guaranteed to avoid data loss or tampering.5. Security and Privacy ProtectionThe smart home system needs to ensure data security and privacy protection, and the following measures can be adopted:1. Data encryption and authenticationFor the transmitted data, encryption and authentication technologies are required to ensure the security and reliability of data transmission.2. User rights managementThe smart home system needs to manage the rights of users to ensure that only authorized users can operate the system.3. Protection against attacks and intrusionsSmart home systems need to adopt security measures such as firewalls and anti-virus software to prevent malicious attacks and intrusions.4. Privacy ProtectionSmart home systems need to adopt privacy protection technology to protect users' private information from being leaked or abused.6. SummaryAs an important application field of the Internet of Things, the smart home system can bring convenience and comfort to people's lives. When designing and implementing a smart home system, it is necessary to consider the selection and connection of hardware devices, the design and implementation of cloud platforms, the design and implementation of mobile applications, security and privacy protection, etc. Only by fully considering all aspects can we design a safe, reliable, and easy-to-use smart home system that will bring more convenience and comfort to people's lives.智能家居系统作为物联网的一个重要应用领域,正在得到越来越多的关注。

基于Zigbee的智能家居环境监测系统的设计 毕业论文

基于Zigbee的智能家居环境监测系统的设计  毕业论文

智能家居监测系统的设计Design of The Intelligent Home Furnishing Mornitorning System毕业设计成绩单毕业设计任务书毕业设计开题报告摘要随着嵌入式计算、传感器、无线通信等技术的飞速发展,无线传感网被广泛应用于环境监测、军事国防和工农业控制等诸多领域,已成为电子信息技术发展的一个热点。







关键词:CC2530 传感器Zigbee 环境监测ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of embedded computing, sensor, wireless communication technology, wireless sensor network is widely used in environmental monitoring, military defense, industrial and agricultural control fields, has become a hotspot in the development of electronic information technology. CC2530 is a wireless sensor network chip for Zigbee TI solution, with low power consumption, high reliability, simple networking advantages. CC2530 and based on Zigbee protocol, design the temperature and humidity data acquisition system, the software algorithm coordinator and ordinary nodes are given respectively, tested in interference environment, the network has strong robustness and self-organizing ability.This paper mainly introduces the design of hardware circuit and software flow design of family environment monitoring system based on CC2530 as the core, realizes in the home environment of temperature, humidity. Among them, the analog temperature, humidity, light sensor through the SCM processing output control action corresponding adjusting the corresponding parameters; SCM outputs corresponding protection control: instantaneous over current protection. This design uses Zigbee wireless network protocol, the system parameters of transmission and control, is also available with a PC real-time communication and monitoring.Key words: CC2530 Sensor Zigbee Environmental Monitoring目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 本文研究背景与意义 (1)1.2 智能家居环境监测系统的特点 (1)1.3 国内外发展现状及分析 (2)1.4 典型无线网络技术介绍 (2)1.4.1 Zigbee技术 (2)1.4.2 Wi-Fi技术 (3)1.4.3 蓝牙技术 (3)1.5.1 本文主要研究内容 (3)1.5.2 本文主要研究创新点 (4)第2章Zigbee技术综述 (5)2.1 Zigbee技术介绍 (5)2.2 Zigbee技术的特点 (6)2.3 Zigbee网络设备组成和网络结构 (6)2.4 Zigbee协议分析 (7)2.4.1 网络层(NWK) (7)2.4.2 应用层(APP) (8)第3章家居环境监测系统方案 (11)3.1 系统结构 (11)3.2 系统功能定义 (12)3.3 系统设计要求 (12)第4章家居环境监测系统硬件设计 (14)4.1 系统电源电路 (14)4.2 Zigbee芯片CC2530 (15)4.3 家居环境参数采集模块 (15)4.3.1 数字温湿度传感器DHT11 (15)4.3.2 烟雾传感器MQ-2 (16)4.4 CC2530通讯 (17)4.5 LCD液晶显示模块 (18)第5章系统软件设计 (19)5.1 Zigbee无线通讯协议 (19)5.2 温湿度传感器程序 (20)5.3 烟雾传感器程序 (20)第6章系统性能测试与评述 (21)6.1 硬件测试 (21)6.2 软件测试 (21)第7章结论与展望 (22)7.1 结论 (22)7.2 展望 (22)总结 (23)参考文献 (24)致谢 (25)附录 (26)附录A 外文文献 (26)附录B 中文翻译 (34)附录C 程序 (39)第1章绪论1.1 本文研究背景与意义千百年来,人类都在关注着自身的生活和居住条件,并努力改善和提高之。







1. Zigbee无线网络技术概述Zigbee是一种基于IEEE 802.15.4标准的无线网络通信技术,它采用了低功耗、低数据速率、短距离通信和自组织网络等特点,适用于各种低功耗、低速率的无线传感器和控制网络。





































文章编号:1006-1576(2008)03-0080-02基于Zigbee技术的智能家居系统设计戴敏,陈波(西南科技大学计算机科学与技术学院,四川绵阳 621010)摘要:采用Zigbee技术实现智能家庭的无线传输。





关键词:Zigbee;无线通信;智能家居中图分类号:TP393.02; TN914.4 文献标识码:ADesign for Smart Home System Based on ZigbeeDAI Min, CHEN Bo(School of Computer Science & Technology, Southwest University of Science & Technology, Mianyang 621010, China) Abstract: Adopt Zigbee to realize the wireless communication of smart home system. Its transceiver module adopts CC2420 as the radio frequency chip. The system uses singlechip PIC18LF4620 as micro controller, which communicates with RF transceiver based on SPI bus and some disperse control signal. Adopt controller (PIC18LF4620) as the SPI master part and RF transceiver as servant part. The controller realizes the IEEE802.15.4MAC layer and Zigbee protocol layer and uses SPI bus to communicate with RF transceiver.Keywords: Zigbee; Wireless communication; Smart home0 引言家庭网络已成为互联网中重要的组成部分。

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外文文献UBIQUITOUS SMART HOME SYSTEM USINGANDROID APPLICATIONShiu KumarDepartment of Information Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University, 534-729,Mokpo, South KoreaABSTRACTThis paper presents a flexible standalone, low cost smart home system, which is based on the Android app communicating with the micro-web server providing more than the switching functionalities. The Arduino Ethernet is used to eliminate the use of a personal computer (PC) keeping the cost of the overall system to a minimum while voice activation is incorporated for switching functionalities. Devices such as light switches, power plugs, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, current sensors, intrusion detection sensors, smoke/gas sensors and sirens have been integrated in the system to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed smart home system. The smart home app is tested and it is able successfully perform the smart home operations such as switching functionalities, automatic environmental control and intrusion detection, in the later case where an email is generated and the siren goes on.KEYWORDS : Android smart phone, Smart home, Home Automation, Internet of Things (IoTs), Remote Control.1. INTRODUCTIONWith the continuous growth of mobile devices in its popularity and functionality the demand for advanced ubiquitous mobile applications in people’s daily lives is continuously increasing. Utilizing web services is the most open and interoperable way of providing remote service access or enabling applications to communicate with each other. An attractive market for home automation and networking is represented by busy families and individuals with physical limitations.Is can be described as connecting everyday objects like smart phones, internet televisions, sensors and actuators to the internet where the devices are intelligently linked together to enable new forms of communication amongst people and themselves. Thesignificant advancement of IoTs over the last couple of years has created a new dimension to the world of information and communication technologies. The advancement is leading to anyone, anytime, anywhere (AAA) connectivity for things with the expectation being that this extend and create an entirely advanced dynamic network of IoTs. The IoTs technology can be used for creating new concepts and wide development space for smart homes in order to provide intelligence, comfort and improved quality of life.Smart home is a very promising area, which has various benefits such as providing increased comfort, greater safety and security, a more rational use of energy and other resources thus contributing to a significant savings. This research application domain is very important and will increase in future as it also offers powerful means for helping and supporting special needs of the elderly and people with disabilities, for monitoring the environment and for control. There are a number of factors that needs to be considered when designing a smart home system. The system should be affordable, scalable so that new devices can be easily integrated into the system, and it should be user friendly .With the dramatic increase in smart phone users, smart phones have gradually turned into an allpurpose portable device and provided people for their daily use. In this paper, a low cost wireless controlled smart home system for controlling and monitoring the home environment is presented. An embedded micro-web server with real IP connectivity is used for accessing and controlling appliances and other devices remotely from an Android based app, which can be used from any Android supported device. The Arduino Ethernet is used for the micro web-server thus eliminating the use of PC and the system requires user authentication in order to access the smart home system. Voice activation for switching applications has also been incorporated to aid users especially for the elderly and the disabled persons.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a brief discussion of the related work is provided. The overall system architecture, implementation and the features of the proposed smart home system are presented in Section 3. Finally the conclusion with some further prospective works is presented.2. RELATED LITERATURESmart home is not a new term for science society however, it is still far more away from people’s vision and audition. As electronic technologies are converging, the field of home automation is expanding. Various smart systems have been proposed where the control is via Bluetooth, internet, short message service (SMS) based , etc. Bluetooth capabilities are good and most of current laptop/notebook, tablets and cell phones have built-in adaptor that will indirectly reduce the cost of the system. However it limits the control to within the Bluetoothrange of the environment while most other systems are not too feasible to be implemented as low cost solution.In Wi-Fi based home automation system is presented. It uses a PC (with built in Wi-Fi card) based web server that manages the connected home devices. The users can manage and control the system locally (LAN) or remotely (internet). The system supports a wide range of home automation devices like power management components and security components. A similar architecture is proposed in where the actions are coordinated by the home agent running on a PC. Other papers such as also presented internet controlled systems consisting of a dedicated web server, database and a web page for interconnecting and managing the devices. These systems utilize a PC which leads to a direct increase in cost and power consumption. On the other hand, the development and hosting of the web page will also result in additional costs.The design and implementation of a microcontroller based voice activated wireless automation system is presented in. The user speaks the voice commands through a microphone, which is processed and sent wirelessly via radio frequency (RF) link to the main control receiver unit. Voice recognition module is used to extract the features of the voice command. This extracted signal is than processed by the microcontroller to perform the desired action. The drawback is that the system can only be controlled from within the RF range. Reference also presents a voice activated smart home automation system. This system provides graphical user interface (GUI) using Microsoft Visual Basic software hosted by a PC, and uses Microsoft Speech Recognition engine. The signal is than transmitted via RF link to the microcontroller to which the home appliances are interfaced. Again a PC is used that account for an increased cost and power consumption.A significant contribution to smart home system has been made by the above mentioned systems. However, a PC is used as a server that increases the cost and power consumption while others require web page hosting that adds up the extra cost. The voice activation systems either use PC software or separate voice recognition module for speech recognition.3.SYSTEM DESIGN3.1System ArchitectureIn the proposed design, a low cost smart home system for remotely controlling and monitoring the smart home environment is presented. An overview of the proposed system architecture is shown in Figure 1. The system consists of an app developed using the Android platform and an Arduino Ethernet based micro web-server. The Arduino microcontroller is the main controller that hosts the micro web-server and performs the necessary actions that needs to be carried out. The sensors and actuators/relays are directly interfaced to the main controller. The smart home environment can be controlled and monitored from a remotelocation using the smart home app, which will communicate with the micro web-server via the internet. Any internet connection via Wi-Fi or 3G/4G network can be used on the user device.The features that the proposed design offers are the control of energy management systems such as lightings, power plugs and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems; security and surveillance system such as fire detection and intrusion detection with siren and email notifications; automatic smart home environment control such as maintaininga certain room temperature; voice activation for switching functions and has user authentication to access the smart home system.3.2. Software development of the Android platform appThere are several platforms for developing smart phone applications such as Windows Mobile, Symbian, iOS and Android. In the proposed system, the Android platform app is developed as most of the phones and handy devices support Android OS. Java programming language using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) has been used for the development and implementation of the smart home app. The SDK includes a complete set of development tools such as debugger, libraries, a handset emulator with documentation, sample code and tutorials. Eclipse (running on Windows 7 development platform), which is the officially supported integrated development environment (IDE) has been used on in conjunction with the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plug-in to develop the smart home app. The screenshots of the smart home app developed is shown in Figure 2 while the processing of the smart home app is shown in Figure 3.The designed app for the smart home system provides the following functionalities to the user:Remote connection (via internet) to the smart home micro web-server; require server real IP and user authentication.Device control and monitoring.Scheduling tasks and setting automatic control of the smart home environment. Password change option.Supports voice activation for switching functions.In order to successfully connect and access the smart home micro web-server, the user has to enter the correct real IP address and password (see Figure 2.a). If the micro web-server grants access to the smart home app, response packet containing response code 200 will be received. The app processes the response packet to determine the micro web-server’s response. Response code 200 indicates the password is correct, and the app will switch to the main control page and synchronize using the data from the response packet to reflect the real time statuses of the smart home devices (see Figure 2.b). If the password is incorrect, response code 404 will be received. The general response packet layout is shown in Figure 4. The response code and devices with their statuses are separated by a space while the device and its status is separated by a colon (:). For example when the action requested by the userfrom the app to turn on Light 1 is s uccessful, the response packet will be “200 Light_1:1”. A zero indicates off state while a one indicates on state for the status for switching functions.The user can perform the desired action from the GUI one’s access is granted. Switching actions can also be performed through voice activation that uses the Google Speech Recognition engine available on the device (see Figure 2.c). The password can also be managed by the user from the smart home app. Clicking the password change button on the GUI will then require the user to enter the old and password (see Figure 2.b). If the new passwords match than the command packet containing the new password is sent to the micro web-server. If password is successfully changed, response code 201 will be received. Automatic mode can also be activated where the smart home environment will be controlled automatically, for example maintaining a certain room temperature and turning on/off certain light during night/day.When the user performs an action on the smart home app, command packet is sent to the micro web-server via the internet. The general layout of the command packet is shown in Figure 5. The command packet if formatted in such a way that micro web-server is easily able to read and extract the information from the packet. For example for turning on the fan with the default password, the command packet sent will be “$1234$Fan_On” and for setting the fan speed to 2 the command packet will be “$1234$FanSpeed_2”.3.3. Software development of the smart home micro web-serverThe main controller hosting the micro web-server acts as the heart of the smart home system consisting of the server application software and the Arduino microcontroller firmware. The server application software is the library implementation of the micro web-server running on the Arduino Mega 2560 using the Arduino Ethernet shield connected to the internet over TCP/IP, which can act as both the server and client. The Ethernet library“<Ethernet.h>” is used to send and receive data in conjunction with th e microcontroller. The output messages sent to the smart home app is in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.Utilizing Web services is the most open and interoperable way of providing access to remote services or for enabling applications to communicate amongst each other. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representative State Transfer (REST) are the two classes of Web services. However, REST ful based Web service has been employed due to its light-weight compared to the SOAP based Web service offering similar functionalities. Standard GET and POST request operations have been utilized for communication between the smart home app and the micro webserver.。
