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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
• Logo: Snake
• Founder: Salazar Slythrein
• Color: green, silver
• House Purpose : ambition, power, unscrupulous, pure blood
小天狼星(哈利的教父)从阿兹卡班里逃出来,告 诉哈利,当初是小矮星彼得出卖了他的父母,可这时 候摄魂怪(监狱守卫)来了,准备吸去小天狼星的灵 魂,哈利和赫敏用时间转换器回到从前,哈利又施展 了守护神咒,救出了被摄魂怪包围的小天狼星、赫敏 和自己。但是小矮星彼得逃走了。
Harry Potter and the Goblet of ire
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
• College logo: Eagle • Founder: Rowena Ravenclaw • Color: blue, bronze • House Purpose : wisdom, justice, shrewdness • Ghost Representative: Ms. Gray
Harry participated in the Triwizard Tournament, but the trophy was a Portkey to Voldemort, he was taken to the front of Voldemort, Pettigrew got Harry‘s blood for Voldemort, through an ancient magic, Voldemort reborn. In times of crisis, The soul of Harry’s parents appeared, with their help, Harry fled back to Hogwarts.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy films .The films chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to subjugate nonmagical people, conquer the wizarding world, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.
After growing up, Harry Porter came to Hogwarts to study magic , met Ron and Hermione, this time Professor Quirrell possessed by Voldemort, his plan was to make a body with the philosopher’s stone, and then he can be reborn , but finally pretended by Harry . This is Harry Portter's first film.
曾经有个少年叫汤姆里德尔(之后的伏地魔),他拥有极高的魔法天赋,并立志要 成为最伟大的巫师,在魔法学院里他组建了自己的小组织,这些追随者就是后来的食 死徒。
Then Voldemort heard the “Horcrux", and began studying forbidden magic, finally became a very powerful wizard that no one can defeat, called himself “Lord Voldemort", with his Death Eaters brings the darkness for ten years to the wizarding world .
Sirius escape from the prison-Azkaban,told Harry, it was Peter Pettigrew betrayed his parents, later the Dementors come, plan to absorb Sirius‘s soul, Harry and Hermione used the Time Turner to return the past, Harry used “ Expecto Patronum” to rescue Sirius, Hermione and himself who was surrounded by Dementors mantra. But Peter Pettigrew escaped.
Previously On Harry Potter
Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts , established the order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort, Harry's parents are the members.
Sorting Hat:
When the new students start school, the first thing is to wear sorting hat, the hat will judge you according to your personality which houses you belongs to .
Harry Potter is invited to attend this school. Each film records one year in Harry's life, and most of the events take place at Hogwarts.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
伏地魔在巅峰的时候听到一个预言(其实只是预言的一部分),他会被一个在7月 31日出生的小男孩杀死,他认定这个男孩指的就是只有1岁的哈利波特,伏地魔杀死 了哈利的父母,最后他杀哈利的时候被自己的咒语反弹回来,肉体撕裂,灵魂逃走。
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Previously On Harry Potter
There was a boy named Tom Riedel (later Lord Voldemort), he has a very high talent, and aspire to be the greatest wizard in the magic world, he set up a small organization in Hogwarts , which is later followers of the Death Eaters.
• Ghost Representative: the Bloody Baron
the Bloody Baron
the Fat Friar
Nearly Headless Nick
Ms. Gray
Character Tree
Character Tree
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
• College logo: Badger • Founder: Helga Hufflepuff • Color: yellow ,black(Soil color) • House Purpose : diligent, honest, loyal • Ghost Representative: the Fat Friar
Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin
格兰芬多 赫奇帕奇 拉文克劳 斯莱特林
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
• College logo: Lion • Founder: Gedelike Gryffindor • Color: Red and Gold • House Purpose: Courage, Vitality and Chivalry • Ghost Representative: Nearly Headless Nick
Voldemort heard a prophecy ,he will be killed by a boy born in July 31st, he firmly believed that the boy is Harry Potter , only 1 years old , Then Voldemort killed Harry's parents. But he was finally killed by his own rebounded spell. His flesh was torn , the soul fled.
•Houses •Characters •Plots •Curriculums •Spells
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hogwarts is a school of magic for witches and wizards between the ages of eleven and seventeen living in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
伏地魔只能继续虚弱待在禁林里,这时候一本日记本 出现了,这是伏地魔的“一片灵魂”—16岁的汤姆里德尔, 汤姆把哈利引诱到密室,准备通过日记本聚积能量,但是 又被哈利阻止,哈利把毒蛇的牙齿插进了笔记本,作为记 忆存在的汤姆·里德尔就这样消失了。
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
长大后哈利波特来到霍格沃兹魔法学校学 习魔法,认识罗恩和赫敏,这时候伏地魔附身 在奇洛教授身上,大魔头的计划是用魔法石制 作一个肉身,然后附身上去就能复活。最后被 哈利阻止。这是哈利波特第一部电影
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
So Voldemort had to stay weakly in the Dark Forest, then a diary appeared, This is “a piece of Voldemort‘s soul” - the 16 years old Tom Riedel.Tom lured Harry into the Chamber of Secrets, intending to save energy through the diary, but Harry killed the basilisk , put the poison teeth of the basilisk into the diary, pretended him again. The piece of Voldemort’s soul -Tom Riedel just disappeared.