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本书是来安方《新编英美概况》(最新修订版)的配套题库,包括以下几个方面的内容:模块一是章节题库, 严格按照来安方《新编英美概况》(最新修订版)的章目编排,共8章(分为两部分,第一部分是英国文化,共4 章;第二部分是美国文化,共4章),精选与各章内容配套的习题进行详解;我们还从指定来安方主编的《新编英 美概况》(最新修订版)为考研参考书目的名校历年考研真题中,挑选有代表性的考研真题,并对所选考研真题 进行了详细的解答,所选试题基本涵盖了每章的考点和难点。模块二是模拟试题,根据各校历年考研真题的命题 规律,精选教材中的重要考点,精心编写了两套模拟试题,并进行了详细的解答。
第1章土地和人民 第2章英国历史 第3章政治、政府及教育 第4章补充材料
第1章总括 第2章美国的历史 第3章政府形式和社会生活 第4章补充材料
来安方《新编 英美概况》
(最新修订版) 考研模拟试题 及详解(一)
来安方《新编 英美概况》 (最新修订版) 考研模拟试题 及详解(二)
这是《来安方《新编英美概况》(最新修订版)配套题库【章节题库(含名校考研真题)+模拟试题】》的 读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的心得。
Chapter 4 American Revolu on
2. What happened on the evening of March 5, 1770? A clash between American colonies and Bri sh soldiers took place in Boston.
①The people of the US are predominantly white. ②The second most numerous minority in the US were the black people whose forefathers came from
from La n American countries.
⑤The Chinese American have proved to be industrious and intelligent.
2. What factors cause the Americans to move frequently within the United States?
3. Why do many Americans now migrate from ci es to suburbs?
①The widespread uses of automobiles and the construc on of express highways made it possible for
第2章美国的历史2.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. The Thirteen English-American Colonies and the War of Independence1. The Founding of the colonies2. The Early Immigrants3. Relation between England and Colonies4. The Boston Tea Party5. The First Continental Congress6. The Second Continental Congress7. Military Struggle and Final VictoryⅡ. Appearance of the American Constitution and Territorial Expansion1. America Following Independence2. The Constitutional Convention3. The American Constitution4. The Second War with England (1812)5. The Monroe Doctrine (1823)6. The Mexican War and Its Results (1846-1848)Ⅲ. The Civil War1. The Beginning of Slavery in America2. Conflicts Arising from Slavery3. Lincoln’s Death and American Concept of a Hero4. Effect of the Civil War5. Economic Development6. Progressivism7. The Federal Reserve Bank8. Imperialist Foreign Policy and War with SpainⅣ. America During and After World WarⅠ1. America Entering the War (1917)2. America after World WarⅠ3. The Great DepressionⅤ. America During and After World War Ⅱ1. Background and Outbreak of General War2. Changes of the U.S. Policy3. The Lend-Lease Bill4. America’s Entry into the War5. America after the War6. Cold War and America’s Containment7. Red Scare and the McCarthy Era8. Demand for Reform9. The Watergate Affair10. Reagan Revolution and ClintonⅠ. The Thirteen English-American Colonies and the War of Independence (十三块英属北美殖民地和独立战争)1. The Founding of the colonies (殖民地的建立)(1)The first successful English colony in North America was planted in Virginia in 1607. Thecolonists named their new settlement Jamestown, in honor of the king.英国在北美的第一块殖民地位于弗吉尼亚州。
来安方《新编英美概况》笔记和典型题(含考研真题)详解-美国-第2章 美国的历史【圣才出品】
![来安方《新编英美概况》笔记和典型题(含考研真题)详解-美国-第2章 美国的历史【圣才出品】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/62b7a98bb4daa58da1114a3c.png)
第2章美国的历史2.1 复习笔记I. The Thirteen English-American Coloniesand the War of Independence1. The Founding of the colonies2. The Early Immigrants3. Relation between England and Colonies4. The Boston T ea Party5. The First Continental Congress6. The Second Continental Congress7. Military Struggle and Final VictoryII. Appearance of theAmericanConstitution andTerritorial Expansion1. America Following Independence2. The Constitutional Convention3. The American Constitution4. The Second War with England (1812)5. The Monroe Doctrine (1823)6. The Mexican War and Its Results (1846 - 1848)III. The Civil War1. The Beginning of Slavery in America2. Conflicts Arising fromSlavery3. Lincoln’s Death and American Concept of a Hero4. Effect of the Civil War5. Economic Development6. Progressivism7. The Federal Reserve Bank8. Imperialist Foreign Policy and War with Spain IV. America During and After World War I1. America Entering the War (1917)2. America after World War I3. The Great DepressionV. America During and After World War II1. Background and Outbreak of General War2. Changes of the US Policy3. The Lend-Lease Bill4. America’s Entry into the War5. America after the War6. Cold War and America’s Containment7. Red Scare and the McCarthy Era8. Demand for Reform9. The Watergate Affair10. Reagan Revolution and ClintonI. The Thirteen English-American Colonies and the War of Independence (十三块英属北美殖民地和独立战争)1. The Founding of the colonies (殖民地的建立)(1)The first successful English colony in North America was planted in Virginia in1607. The colonists named their new settlement Jamestown, in honor of the king.英国在北美的第一块殖民地位于弗吉尼亚州。
Unit 1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources1. How many states are there in the Un ited States? And which two states are geographically separated from the others? (50, Alaska, Hawaii)2. What are the gen eral characters of the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachia n Mountains.1) To the west of Atla ntic coastal plain lie the Appalachia n Mountains that begi n in Can ada and reach all the way to Georgia and Alabama. These are old mountains with roun ded tops and wooded hills, usually not exceed ing 800m in height. The highest point is only 2000m above the sea. Most of the mountain ridges are low eno ugh to be easily crossed by moder n highways. The Appalachia ns have much beautiful sce nery and many tourist resorts. The Ohio and the Tenn essee Rivers flow dow n the western slopes of the Appalachia ns to the great Mississippi River, deep in the heart of America.2) To the west of the Great Plai ns lie the Rocky Mountains, “ the backb one of the continentmountains stretch all the way from Mexico to the Arctic and form what is known as Continen tal Divide, or Great Divide, the most importa nt watershed on the con ti nent. The Rockies are more tha n twice as high as the Appalachia ns and high eno ugh to receive more rain tha n the surro unding pla ins and plateaus. Con seque ntly, they are mostly forested. The strik ing and varied sce nery of the Rockies has give n rise to the establishme nt of many n atio nal parks here. The other n atural won ders in clude roam ing herds of buffalo, elk, deer, an telope and sheep, as well as the famous grizzly bear.Chapter 2 America n Populati on1. Why is the United States knownas a “ meltipgt ”?It means that the US is composed of immigra nts from differe nt n ati ons all over the world.①The people of the US are predo minan tly white.②The sec ond most nu merous min ority in the US were the black people whose forefathers came fromAfrica.③America n In dia ns were the orig inal in habita nts on the con ti nent.④There were about 50.5 millio n Hispa nics in 2010 in the US. They are the Spani sh-speak ing immigrants from Lat in America n coun tries.⑤The Chin ese America n have proved to be in dustrious and in tellige nt.2. What factors cause the America ns to move freque ntly within the Un ited States?①The desire for econo mic betterme nt is gen erally the most importa nt force in duci ng migrati on.②Geographic differe nee in econo mic opport uni ty, as reflected by such factors as differe nces inemployment opportunities a nd earning power for worker血nd differences in the availability and the price of land for farmers.③Nonecono mic factors. Such as climate, racial attitudes, and family tires, in flue ncing migrati on.3. Why do many America ns now migrate from cities to suburbs?①The widespread uses of automobiles and the con struct ion of express highways made it possible forpeople to live farther away from their jobs.②The teleph one reduced the n eed for them to work or live in close proximity to one ano ther.③Suburba n areas offered more liv ing space tha n cities, lower crime rates, less polluti on, and superiorschools. It is gen erally believed that they are better place for raisi ng childre n.Chapter 3 Discovery and Coloni zati on of the New World1. Discuss the pre-Columbia n cultures in the Americas.1) The Aztecs of Mexico2) The Incas of Peru3) The In dia ns of North America4) In dia n con tributi ons to Europea n culture: Foods, Drugs and Utilitaria n objects2. Why did the discoveries of New World before Columbus not exert great in flue nee in the world at that time?Because Europe was the n poor and politically fragme nted. It was beset by local wars and civil disorder and largely illiterate. I n short, Europe was the n in capable of resp onding to the Norse discoveries.3. Why did so many English people move to the New World in the 17 century?1) The New World was a great and rich land. In the New World there were all those resources n ecessary for agricultural and in dustrial developme nt.2) During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1588-1603), the English in growing numbers realized that the New World was their best place to make their fortun es, and to worship and live accordi ng to their beliefs.3) Some of them might move to America to leave oppressive political institutions, to escape burdensome church duties, to acquire large Ian dhold ings or merely to cha nge their gen eral patter n of liv ing. Of course, material gai n was a com mon factor.4. What was the social structure of the13 coloni es?Society in the 13 colonies was like a pyramid.①The top was made up of mercha nts and Ian dlords.②The base was made up of refugees from Europe, black slaves from Africa. And n ative In dia ns.5. Why did not the American Indians become slaves during the colonial days?As for Indians, they could not put up with slavery. If an Indian was enslaved, his fellow tribe members would fight to free him. So the colo ni alists soon gave up the attempt to use them as slave labor. I nstead they seized the land of the In dia ns and drove them away or killed them.Chapter 4 America n Revoluti on2. What happe ned on the eve ning of March 5, 1770?A clash betwee n America n colonies and British soldiers took place in Bost on.①A group of un employed laborer attacked a British sentry stati oned at the Bost on customhouse.②Whe n the British soldiers dispatched to help the sentry arrived, they met a rapidly grow ing, angry crowd.③Some one gave the comma nd for the soldiers to fire.④Three colonies were killed and several were woun ded, two of whom later died.3. How did the colonies react to the Town she nd Act?The colonies, however, still rejected the idea that the Parliament in Britain had the right to tax them without consent and reacted to these new duties by refus ing to import any of the taxed goods.4. What were the main contents of the Declaration of Independence?①The Preamble, which explains why the Declaration was issued.②A statement of principles of government to which the American people were committed③A list of injustices suffered by the colonists.④A summary of efforts the colonies had made to avoid a break with the mother country.⑤The proclamation is that theColonies are Free and Independent States5. What was the importa nee of the victory at Saratoga?The victory and Saratoga wa a turning point f the war. It further heightened the spirit of the Americans but more importa ntly it caused action abroad t was after this battle that the French agreed to join the war against Britain Later Spa in and Holla nd joined France while nost of the other European powers formed an Armed Neutrality to protect their commerce from Britain r.' s naval poweChapter 5 the Con federati on and the Con stituti on1. What is con federati on?A con federati on is a gover nment in which the con stitue nt gover nmen ts, called states in the US, create a cen tral gover nment by con stituti onal compact but do not give it power to regulate the con duct of in dividuals.2. Compare the powers of the gover nments un der the Articles of Con federati on and the Con stituti on.3. What does the “ check and bala nee ” mean?It means that each branch of gover nmen t-executive, legislative, or judicial-must exercise disti net powers and be selected in a distinct way, and that each branch must be able to c heck and balanee” the others if one branch grew too powerful and sought to domin ate the others.4. What was the Bill of Rights?It guaranteed freedom of speech, religion, peaceful assembly, and the press; the right to bear arms; freedom from un reas on able search; and the right to the protect ion of certa in legal procedures known as the due process of law.5. What were the chief causes of the War of 1812?①The British were not rec on ciled to the loss of their thirtee n coloni es. Usi ng Can ada as the base, they always challe nged to battle with the young Republic.②This an ger reaches its peak in 1807 whe n one British warship attached and boarded in America n ship, killi ng and wounding 21me n and impress ing four sailors.③Jeffers on persuaded Con gress to pass an Embargo Act, which forbade all ships, except foreig n ones without charge, to leave America n ports.Chapter 6 America n Expa nsion and the Civil War1. What was the importa nee of the Monroe Doctri ne?The esse nee was America for America ns”,which later became a cornerstone of the US foreign police s the New world developed in the years ahead this Doctri ne became more meanin gful and was stre ngthe ned by a broader in terpretatio n to meet the n eeds of an en ergetic and ambitious Un ited States.2. What were the basic causes of the Civil War?Two differe nt social-ec ono mic systems existed side by side in the Un ited States.In the South slavery was the foun dati on of the econo mic system while in the North i ndustry and commerce were the mai n character of its economy. The swiftly grow ing in dustries in the North required the restrictio n of slavery as well as an expanding territory in order to provide capitalist production with raw materials, markets and abundant labor supply.The slave economy in the South was an obstacleto industrial growth and expansion.This economic antagonism led to increased conflicts between the North and the South.3. What was the doctrine of the popular sovereignty”?This doctrine means that the inhabitants of the new territories can decide the question of slavery for themselves. In appearanee, it seemed fair, but in actual practice, as far as slavery was concerned, the doctri ne did not work.4. How do you comme nt on the America n Civil War?The outcome of the war placed the n orther n capitalists in solid eon trol of the federal gover nment of the US capitalism .In 1865, the Thirtee nth Ame ndme nt to the US Con stituti on was adopted, which freed all slaves throughout the Un ited States.Chapter 7 Recon struct ion and the Birth of US Imperialism1. What is the 10 perce nt pla n?The pla n provided that as soon as 10 perce nt of voters in any state had take n the oath of loyalty, they could form their own gover nment and would be en titled to the recog niti on of their state by the preside nt of the Un ited States.2. Why was An drew Joh nson impeached by the House?In March 1867, Con gress passed two Acts that took away two preside ntial prerogatives: the right to remove Cabinet members and the right to remove army officers un der his comma nd.To test the eon stituti on ality of the Act, Preside nt An drew Joh nson removes Edwin M. Sta nto n, the Secretary of War, from office in 1869, who was the on ly remai ning Radical in Joh nso'Cab in et.He thus walked in to troubles with the radicals. Later the House voted to impeach the Preside nt.3. After the Recon structi on, how were the civil rights of the Blacks in the South?①Voters must be able to read and write;②Voti ng taxes were in troduced;③The whites also took steps to segregate the blacks and two separate societies emerged in the South.4. Why did the US have a rapid in dustrial growth after the Civil War?①The vast in dustrial developme nt bega n with the ope ning the West.②Speedi ng this process of western settleme nt were ths ailroads③Science and technolog/y ere also greatly marchi ng forward.④The basic industry of the nation, iron and st;ee lbo developed rapidly after the Civil War.⑤The oil industry also developed rapidly.⑥During the latter part of the 19th in dustry, industrial expansioi in America went ahead rapidly.⑦There was a clear in dicati on ofr apid concentration of capital6. What was the Open Door Policy"?。
第4章补充材料Ⅰ. Multiple Choice.1. Which of the following is the most famous of all British newspapers?(北二外2006研)A. The TimesB. The GuardianC. Daily T elegraphD. Daily Mirror【答案】A【解析】The Times《泰晤士报》是英国第一主流大报,是该国最具影响力的报纸。
The Guardian《卫报》。
Daily T elegraph《每日电讯报》,因其时效性而得名。
2. The _____ University offers courses through one of BBC’s television channels and by radio.A. OpenB. FreeC. NationalD. Community【答案】A【解析】英国20世纪70年代初出现了以广播、电视、函授与暑期学校相结合的成人高等教育机构。
3. The oldest national newspaper in the world is _____.A. the TimesB. the Financial TimesC. the Washington PostD. the Observer【答案】D【解析】《观察家报》(the Observer)创办于1791年,是世界历史上最悠久的全国性报纸。
4. Which of the following statements about the BBC is not true?(北京交大2003研)A. The BBC puts out both radio broadcasting services and TV programs.B. There is no advertising on any of the BBC programs.C. The BBC is financed by private funds.D. The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide, using more than 30 languages.【答案】C【解析】BBC英国广播公司除了经营广播节目之外,还经营电视节目;所有节目中都不插播任何广告;资金来自用户的接收费;以30多种语言做全球广播。
最新英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分)英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分)Chapter 1 第一章Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个) 和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wale 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. 英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
来安⽅《新编英美概况》笔记和典型题(含考研真题)详解-美国第⼀章⾄第四章【圣才出品】第2卷(美国)第1章总括1.1复习笔记Ⅰ.The United States and the Americans,Size and Positionernment Principles and System3.The Federal Government4.State Governments5.Local Governments6.Population7.The Melting Pot8.Distribution of People9.Class StructureⅡ.Geographical Features,Climate and Natural Resources1.The Atlantic Seacoast and the Appalachian Mountains2.The Great Mississippi River Basin3.The Rockies west to the Pacific Ocean4.Climate and Weather5.Rivers and Lakes6.Forests7.Mineral Resources8.New ProblemsⅢ.National Economy and Cities1.General Introduction2.The Market Sector3.The Corporate Sector4.The Public Sector5.Economic and Trade Relations with China6.Industry and Cities7.Agriculture and Husbandry8.Transportation and Communication9.Current ProblemsⅠ.The United States and the Americans(美国和美国⼈),Size and Position(名称,⼤⼩和位置)(1)Full Name(全称)The United States of America美利坚合众国(2)Size(国⼟⼤⼩)The total area of America is some9.4million square kilometers,which makes it the fourth largest country in the world.美国的总⾯积约9400000平⽅公⾥,是世界第四⼤国。
最新新编英美概况 许鲁之(第四版)Unit1-12课后习题选择填空名师精心制作教学资料
![最新新编英美概况 许鲁之(第四版)Unit1-12课后习题选择填空名师精心制作教学资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8624af4aa45177232f60a236.png)
Chapter1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources1.In area, the United States is the 4th largest country in the world.2.The Midwest in the US refers to the region around the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi Valley.3.The Backbone of North America refers to the Rocky Mountains4.Death Valley is on the western edge of the Great Basin.5.The Great Plains might have a dust storm in summer.6.The western part of Washington State has the highest rainfall in the US.7.The US primary suppliers of foreign oil are the following countries except Japan8.The US largest open-pit copper-mining center is in Utah.1. The United States is bordered on the north by Canada, on the south by Mexico and the Guff of Mexico, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.2. The large territory of the continental US is divided into three basic areas:A. the Atlantic seacoast west to the AppalachiansB. the Mississippi River BasinC. the Rockies west to the Pacific3. The Middle Atlantic States are the most densely populated region in the US, where the land is flat and fertile.4. The Central Valley of California is a highly productive area, which produced enormous amounts of fruits and vegetables.5. Most production of oil and natural gas in the US comes from offshore areas of Louisiana and Texas, and from onshore areas of Texas, Oklahoma and California. Her big consumption of energy now has made America insufficient in oil supply. The US reliance of foreign oil has reminded consistently in the 40% ranges.6. The United States has little trouble caused by the shortage of fresh water. Farmlands in the US making up about 12% of the arable lands in the world, and they are among the richest and most productive.Chapter 2 American Population1.The over 3 million of early Americans in 1790 were mostly of British ancestry.2.About 700,000 immigrants were legally received by the US each year during the 1980s.3.The official racial segregation continued to be the law of the US until 1954.4.American Indians now mainly live in the South.5.The majority of American Hispanics are from the following countries except Spain.6.The West now leads in percentage increase in population.7.According to the 1994 US census, the second most populous state in the US is Taxes.8.The trend in migration from cities to suburbs now prevailed in all regions except the South.1.The United States is the third most populous nation in the world.2.Prior to 1875 anyone from any country could enter the US freely and take up permanent residence there. Later the US Congress passed laws restricting immigration on the basis of morality, race, and national origin. The 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act reaffirmed national origin as the chief criterion for eligibility and established a preferential system for skilled workers and for relatives of the US citizens. For many years the US restricted to total number of immigrants to 270,000 each year, although the real immigrants numbered much greater than the limit. The 1990 Immigration Act limits the total number of immigrants to 700,000 from 1992 to 1995 and 675,000 thereafter.3.The first blacks arrived in Jamestown in 1619 as indentured servants, but soon[ after 1619 they were brought to colonies as slaves. The blacks were formally freed in1863, but continued to suffer the institutionalized segregation for about a century. Today many blacks still live in the South, some have entered the middle class, but one-third of all black families still live below the poverty line.4.The Chinese-Americans have proved to be industrious and intelligent. They are now viewed as a “model minority” in the US. According to the 2010 US census, there were about 3.8 million Chinese-Americans living in the US. The figure was more than twice what it was in 1990.Chapter 3 Discovery and Colonization of the New World1. The ancestors of the present American Indians came from Asia.2.“The ambition for the vast lands”is not correct to explain the reasons for the sudden daring exploration of the unknown in the mid-15th century.3. On his voyage of 1492, Columbus expected to reach India.4. Vasco da Gama discovered the route to India.5. John Cabot was sent by the English King to explore the new way to the east.6. New York was not founded first by the English.7. The breadbasket colonies include the following ones except Virginia. (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland)8. The last one of the 13 colonies was Georgia, which was established in 1733.1. In 1488 Bartholomew Diaz, sailing under the Portuguese flag, went to the Cape of Good Hope at the southern Africa. In 1492 Christopher Columbus, financed by rulers of Spain sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the islands of the Caribbean. He was convinced that he had found the continent of Asia.2. The South Africa was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci who showed the land he arrived in was a new continent. Before long the land was named America after his name.3. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement, was founded in 1607. In 1620, Pilgrims and others arrived in Plymouth, Massach usetts. They drew up “Mayflower Compact”4. By 1775, the 13 colonies in North America could be classified as the following three kinds. Specify how the governors were chosen in each.a. Royal: appointed by the English Kingb. Proprietary: chosen by proprietorsc. Self-governing: elected by residents5. Because the New England colonies were difficult of farming, they become a center for fishing and shipbuilding. The middle colonies were known as the breadbasket, which produced wheat and potatoes as the major staple. The southern colonies developed a plantation system. The main crop in the South was tobacco. Much later, cotton became important crop.Chapter 4 American Revolution1. There was a great change in policy towards the 13 colonies after 1763.2. The Stamp Act of 1765 first set a large scale of opposition in the colonies.3. The Tea Act of 1773 was passed by the British Parliament in order to help the British East India Company.4. The First Continental Congress was attended by the representatives from all the colonies except Georgia.5. The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired in Lexington.6. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense urged the American colonists to declare their in dependence.7. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson.8. The victory at Saratoga was considered as the turning point of the War of Independence.1. During the colonial days the English ruling class did everything they could to control the development of the colonial economy. The colonies in North America were supposed to complement and not compete with English industry.2. Within the five years from 1763 to 1767 after the war with France, the British government adopted several measures to extract more money from colonies. The Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765, for example, laid taxes on certain imports and numerous articles in America to help pay for the costs of British government in the colonies.3. The Sons of Liberty was formed in 1765 to organize the opposition to the Stamp Act. They favored to take violent action to the stamp collectors.4. The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in Sep.1774. The majority of the representatives still favor to take peaceful means to settle the quarrel with the British. They agreed to refuse to buy English goods, hoping in this way to force the British government to give in to their demands. This united action could be called boycott.5. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. Karl Marx once called it “the first declaration of the rights of the individual”.6. The American War of Independence lasted 7 years. The fighting was actually ended in 1781, but the final treaty between Britain and the United States was signed in Paris in 1783. The boundaries of the United States were fixed roughly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River on the west and from the Great Lakes on the north to Spanish Florida on the south. The direct social change brought about by the American Revolution was the emancipation of slaves who fought against the British.Chapter 5 the Confederation and the Constitution1. The confederation created in 1781 was a very loose union of states.2. James Madison was called the Father of the US Constitution.3. The Constitution was frames on the following ideals except that the new government should impose its authority on the people through states.4. Those who supported the Constitution and preferred a strong national government were called Federalists.5. Nine States were needed to ratify the Constitution.6. “They spell out the people’s right” is incorrect to comment on the Federalist Papers.7. The amendment of the Constitution requires the approval of at least three-fourths of the states.8. When the Second War of Independence broke out in 1812, the US president was James Madison.1. Under the Articles of Confederation the national government consisted of only a legislature; it had no separate executive and judicial divisions. The state government was left the exclusive powers to regulate commerce and to tax their citizens.2. The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in 1787. Fifty-five delegates from all states except Rhode Island attended the opening session. The president of the convention was George Washington.3. The Antifederalists opposed the constitution and preferred a more decentralized federal system of government.4. George Washington was elected unanimously as the first US President in 1788. The first Vice-President was John Adams, and the first Secretary of Treasury was Alexander Hamilton, and the first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson.5. the most glorious achievement of Jefferson as President was the Louisiana Purchase, which was about 828,000 square miles. This Purchase doubled the area of the then United States.6. The War of 1812 is also called the Second War of Independence. This war lasted three years and ended in another American victory. An important result of the war was the strengthening of national unity and patriotism. And it was after this war that the US was able to make the change of a semi-colonial economy into a really independent national economy.Chapter 6 American Expansion and the Civil War1. The Monroe Doctrine had the following features or ideas except Latin America for Europeans.2. The US continental expansion was almost complete by 1848.3. Cotton became the most profitable crop in the South mainly because of the Whitney’s cotton gin.4. In 1854, the Republican Party was founded by some abolitionists.5. In his inaugural address in 1861, Lincoln showed clearly that he would not abolish slavery immediately but to preserve the Union.6. “It immediately freed all slaves living in the United States” about the Emancipation Proclamation is not accurate.7. the most important advantage the North had over the South in the Civil War was its industrial superiority.8. An advantage the South had over the North was its superior military leadership.1. The essence of the Monroe Doctrine was “America for Americans” which later became the cornerstone of the US foreign policy.2. The US expansion to the west may be treated in three stages;A. the settlement of the region between seaboard states and the Mississippi RiverB. the settlement of the Louisiana Territoryc. the occupation of the far Southwest.3. The great majority of dwellers in Louisiana Territory were the descendants of the French pioneers. They settled mainly in two cities: St. Louis and New Orleans.4. Oregon Territory was settled between Britain and the United States in 1846. Its boundary on the north was fixed at the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude.5. Under Missouri Compromise, Missouri was admitted as a slave state, but the balance of political power maintained by admission of Maine as a free state. In addition, slavery was to be prohibited in the rest of Louisiana Territory north of the line36°30’ parallel.6. In 1862, the federal government took two revolutionary measures: (1) Homestead Act and (2) Emancipation proclamation.7. In July 1863 came the turning point of the war at Gettysburg. Here the Confederate army under the general Robert E. Lee was defeated. The battlefield was made a national cemetery, where Lincoln gave his famous speech, the Gettysburg Address, on November 19, 1863.8. In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted, which abolished slavery throughout the United States.Chapter 7 Reconstruction and the Birth of US Imperialism1. The first US president who faced impeachment proceedings was Andrew Johnson.2. The radical Reconstruction was ended under the President Rutherford B. Hays3. Gold was discovered in California in 1848.4. The first transcontinental railroad in the US was completed in 1869.5. Telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander D. Bell.6. The value of manufactured goods in the US was worth twice as that of her agricultural products by 1900.7. The first imperialist war, the US—Spanish War, broke out in 1898.8. After the US—Spanish War, the US acquired all the following areas except Cuba (Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines)1. The Reconstruction Acts divided all the former Confederate states, except Tennessee, into five military districts and each was put under the control of a Northern army officer. The officer had the power to keep order and to enforce martial law if necessary.2. During the Reconstruction period many Northerners moved to the south .Whatever their motives, these Northerners came to be called carpetbaggers because they were said to have brought all their belongings to the South in a small, cheap suitcase made out of a carpet like material.3. During the Reconstruction the Southern whites who supported the radical reconstruction and joined the Republican Party were called scalawags. They were considered as traitors by the Southern Democrats.4. The KKK, founded in Tennessee in 1866, was a secret society for restoring white supremacy and driving blacks out of politics.5. During Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency the US got control of Panama Canal.Chapter 8 World War I and the Depression1. By the beginning of the 20th century the country that took the first place in economy in Europe was Germany.2. When the First World War began, President Wilson immediately called upon the American people to observe strict neutrality.3. The US joined the First World War in 1917.4. Wilson’s Fourteen Points did not include the point of creation of an international peacekeeping force.5. “Only the rich could afford new consumer goods” about the US in 1920s is not true.6. In responding to the Depression, President Hoover thought that the basic role of the Government was to “create conditions favorable to the development of private enterprises”.7. The agricultural Adjustment Act was an attempt to deal with the farmers’ problem of overproduction.8. “It reduced the commodity prices by limiting production and devaluing the dollar” is not right to comment on the New Deal.1. The First World War was waged between two groups of imperialist powers: the Allies and the Central European Power.2. The direct cause that made the US declare war on Germany in 1917was the Germany’s unlimited campaign.3. The major triumph for Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference was the formation of the League of Nations.4. The United States didn’t join the League of Nations because t he US Senate refused to approve the Treaty of Versailles.5. Three major treaties were concluded at the Washington Conference:(1) The Four-Power Treaty, respecting the status quo in the Pacific.(2) The Five-Power Treaty, on naval arms apportionment.(3) The Nine-Power Treaty, guaranteeing the independence and integrity of China in appearance, but actually a public international affirmation of the Open Door policy.6. The Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted in 1920, which granted women the right to vote.7. The Great Depression started with the sudden collapse of the Stock Market in New York in October, 1929. This economic distress extended to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.Chapter 9 American During and After World War II1. Between 1935 and 1939, American foreign policy included all of the following except active intervention to prevent aggression.2. The US formally entered the Second World War in 1941.3. Normandy Landing took place on June 6, 1944.4. At Yalta Conference, in Feb. 1945 did Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree to call a conference of all the United Nations in San Francisco in April 1945.5. The post-World War II program of economic assistance to Western Europe was known as Marshall Plan.6. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., advocated the philosophy of nonviolence.7. Thousands of American soldiers were sent to Vietnam under the President Lyndon B. Johnson.8. The formal diplomatic relation at the ambassadorial rank between China and the US was established under the President Carter.1. The cash-and-carry policy allowed US citizens to sell certain no prohibited goods to belligerent nations as long as thosegoods were not transported on American ships.2. Lend-Lease Act enabled any country whose defense the President considered vital to that of the US to receive arms and other equipment and supplies by sale, transfer, exchange, or lease. F.D. Roosevelt explained the Act would make the US the arsenal of world democracy.3. Civil rights involve government protection of individuals against discrimination based on their race,religion nation origin, gender, age, and other factors. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was honored for his effort to fight discrimination. In 1964, he won the Nobel Prize for peace.4. Star Wars program was proposed by President Reagan in 1983. The program seeks to construct a defensive “shield” against incoming missiles. The shield would be made of laser and electronic devices that would destroy such missiles launched to attack the US.5. In 1990, President Bush ordered Operation Desert Storm to punish Iraq, more than 200000 US troops were sent to Saudi Arabia, and the US navy blocked all oil exports from Iraq and all imports except food.6. Under Clinton, the US enjoyed an economic growth for nine consecutive years. This phenomenon, hardly seen before, has been termed the “new economy” by some. The fundamental reason for it is that American economic structure went through essential changes because of the promotion of scientific and technological progress.Chapter 10 the Federal System and Congress1. The power of the state in the US is actually from both B and C. (the state constitution, the US Constitution)2. The supreme law of the United States includes all the above three.3. The terms of the senator and representative are six and two years respectively.4.”The 17th Amendment (1913)” provided for the direct election of senators.5. Certain presidential appointments must be approved by a majority vote in the Senate.6. All revenue or tax bills must be originated in the House.7. The Speaker of the House is second in line in presidential succession.8. In the House, the power to decide when the full House will hear the bill is vested in the Rules Committee.1. Federalism means the division of powers by a constitution between the central government and state government. It operates only on two levels, the national and the states. Units of government within a state enjoy no independent existence.2. Separation of powers in the United States means not only allocating legislative power to Congress, executive power to President and judicial power to the Supreme Court, but also giving each branch constitutional and political independence and checks and balances that ensure each of the three branches a sufficient role in the actions of the others.3. According to the Constitution, members of the House of Representatives must be25years old and must have been citizens for 7 years. Senators must be at least 30 and must have been citizens for 9 years.4. The Vice President is officially the presiding officer and is called the president of the Senate. In fact he seldom appears in the Senate chamber in this role unless it appears that there might be tie vote in the Senate. In such instances, he casts the tiebreaking vote. To deal with day-to-day business, the Senate chooses the president pro tempore.5. A senator who wants to delay action on a bill or kill it altogether may use a tactic called a filibuster. It can be cut off only through cloture.6. Lobbying i s part of the citizen’s right to petition government in the US. Now there are thousands of lobbyists in Washington D.C. Their influence in making the US policy is so great that some people call them “the third house”.Chapter 11 The President and the Judiciary1. The 22nd Amendment in following limits the President to two successive terms only.2. The American President has all the following powers except declaring war on another country.3. The president’s major appointments should be approved by the Senate.4. “It requires the approval of Congress” is not correct to explain the executive agreement.5. The President’s veto can be overridden by two-third votes in both houses.6. The federal courts that regularly employ grand and petit juries are the district courts.7. The highest authority of the Supreme Court is to interpret the US constitution.8. The case involving copyright, trademark, counterfeiting, and bank robbery are usually first tried in the federal district courts.1.By law any natural-born American citizen of and over 35 years of age and of being a resident within the United States for 14years can run for the President. The duly elected and duly qualified president-elect takes office on the20th of January following his election.2.The war powers resolution (1973) requires the President to consult congress and withdraw troops after sixty days unless Congress specifically approves the continued deployment of troops.3.A federal law gave President an item veto in 1996, which is an authority to reject specific sections of a bill without having to veto the entire bill.4.The Supreme Court has the power to examine the bills passed by Congress and policies made by President, and declare them unconstitutional and thus abolish them. John Marshall, the most famous chief justice in American history called this power of interpretation judicial review5.There are three federal court levels: 1) the district courts 2) the courts of appeal 3) the Supreme Court. All the judges of federal courts are appointed by President with the consent of the Senate. The state court system also has a hierarchy of three levels: 1) superior courts, 2) appellate courts, 3) a state supreme court. The state court judges are usually elected. The term of the country court judges is usually four years. And the judges in higher state courts usually sever eight or twelve years for one termChapter 12 Political Parties and Elections1. The emblem of the Democratic Party is donkey.2. The first Democratic President was Thomas Jefferson.3. The first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln.4. The only Democratic President who served two separate terms between the end of Civil War and 1912 was Grover Cleveland.5. The presidential candidate of the major party is nominated at the national convention.6. In the presidential election year the American voters vote on the Tues, after the 1st Mon.7. The number of the presidential electors in each state is equal to the number of its senators and Representatives.8. The American President is actually elected by presidential electors.1. Two factions emerged during the ratification of the US Constitution. One group was called Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton. They favored business development, a strong national government, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Another group led by Thomas Jefferson was called Democratic-Republicans. They called for a society based on small farms, a relatively weak central government, and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. The roots of today’s Republican Party lie in the Federalists, while the Democrats can trace their beginnings back to Antifederalists or Democratic-Republicans.2. In general, Democrats traditionally have supported workers and minorities, while the Republicans are known for known for their support of business and conservative positions on social issues.3. Before 1971 the only state that gave 18-year-old the right to vote was Georgia; all other states set the age at 21. In 1971 the 26th Amendment to the Constitution lowered the voting age to 18.4. The voting percentage now is very low in the United States. In general older people with more education and high income tend to vote, while the youth, especially aged 18 to 21, has the lowest voting percentage in the Unites States.5. The c andidate with the most votes in a state wins all of that state’s electoral votes. This is known as the “winner-take-all” principle. The candidate who wins the majority of the 538 Electoral College votes will be the US President in the next four years.。
第二部分美国第1章总括Ⅰ.Multiple Choice.1.Which of the following city is regarded as the financial capital of the world?A.Washington D.C.B.Los Angeles.C.New York.D.London.【答案】C【解析】纽约是美国最大的经济中心,是世界金融中心,著名的华尔街就是纽约的金融中心区。
2.Of all50states of America,_____is the largest in territory.A.AlaskaB.TexasC.HawaiiD.California【答案】A【解析】美国是世界第四大国,占地930万平方公里,共包含50个行政州和1个行政特区(District of Columbia),其中48个大陆州和哥伦比亚区构成美国国土的主体,另2个州分别为位于太平洋上的Hawaii和位于加拿大西部的Alaska。
Alaska虽然人烟稀少,但是面积为50个州之最,大陆州中面积最大的是Texas,最小的是Rhode Island。
3.The United States ranks_____in the world in the total value of its economic production.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth【答案】A【解析】美国人口不到全世界的6%,但生产力却占到世界的1/4,其经济产出位居世界之首,是超级经济大国和全球最发达的国家。
4.Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Hispanic population in the U.S.?(北京交大2007研)A.They all speak Spanish.B.They are Catholics.C.Most of them are poor.D.They are all migrant workers.【答案】D【解析】拉美裔美国人是指来自美国本土以外讲西班牙语的移民;他们信仰天主教;失学率高,在劳动力市场上占劣势,因此大多数面临贫困问题。
《最新英美概况》练习参考答案(英国部分) (1)
![《最新英美概况》练习参考答案(英国部分) (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e41975dd76eeaeaad1f330f7.png)
《最新英美概况》练习参考答案(本答案不包括练习中的开放性习题、思考题和讨论题)==================================================== PART ONE The United Kingdom Chapter One The LandP. 6II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. BIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. F4. F5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.2. Four. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.3. Yes, it was.4. No, it isn’t.5. The “British Isles” is a group of islands including Great Britain, Ireland, the Isleof Man, the Channel Islands, Shetland Islands, the Isle of Wight, and manyother smaller surrounding islands. There are two countries located on the islands:the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.P. 10II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. England, Scotland, Ireland2. white, St. George, England, St. Andrew, Scotland, St. Patrick, IrelandIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3.T4. T5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. 1801.2. Because when the first version of the Union Flag appeared Wales was alreadyunited with England and was therefore represented by the flag of England.3. Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Fiji.4. 1922.P. 12-13II Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. TIII Answer the following questions.1. God Save the Queen.2. There are five verses in the full version of the song but usually only the first verseis sung on official occasions.3. It’s u nknown.4. It originated in a patriotic song, and first publicly performed in London in 1745.5. It is played whenever the Queen makes a public appearance, and is played by theBBC every night before closedown.P. 16-17I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 7.83 million, 3002. England3. three4. 19485. LondonII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. F5. FP. 20III Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea2. Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland3. France4. the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the Atlantic Ocean5. a sixthIV Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. T4. F5. TV Answer the following questions.1. No.2. It covers about 245,000 square kilometers or 94,600 square miles.3. It is about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) long, and the widest part of Britain isabout 480 kilometers.4. It has a land boundary with the Republic of Ireland as long as 434 kilometers(270 miles).5. Scotland.P. 23-24II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. highland, lowland2. coastal areas, Scotland, Wales3. Severn, Thames4. Clyde5. The Dee6. Bann7. Lough Neagh, Lower Lough ErneIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of the UK.2. 94.3. It’s Ben Nevis in Scotland, with a height of 1,344 metres (4,409 feet) above sealevel.4. Scotland.5. Owing to a relatively small island, the UK’s rivers are not very long.P. 25I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. coal2. iron ore3. tin4. those used in the construction and building industries such as sand and gravel,limestone and gypsumII Answer the following questions.1. They are coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, tin, zinc, gold, chalk, salt, clay, limestone,gypsum, lead, silica, and so on.2. Coal.3. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 in the West Sole area of the North Sea.4. Oil was discovered in 1970 under the North Sea.5. Because coal can be produced more cheaply in other countries.6. The tin-mining industries have been hard hit by competition from cheaperoverseas producers, and by changes in government policy.P. 27II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. unique2. cool, mild3. 32, about4.44. west, south5. average annual temperature, average winter rainfallIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. F5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Such a statement has been made because of the changeability of the weatherconditions in Britain that can change so much from day to day, season to season.2. It can be as hot as 32°C (90°F), but mostly it only reaches 26°C.3. It’s about4.4°C.4. It originated in a patriotic song, and first publicly performed in London in 17455. They are probably May, June, September and October.P. 40I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1.England, Guildhall, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower Bridge2. second, Athens of the North3. industrialized, the Industrial Revolution, fastest growing city4. the House’s Parliament, the two House’s of Parliament, Big Ben5. William the Conqueror, a royal residence, prison of state, Jewel House6. at the foot of the basalt cliffs, 40,000 massive black basalt columnsII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. T5. T6. FIII Answer the following questions.1. Manchester. Manchester United FC and Manchester City.2. Liverpool.P. 42-43I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 9, 322. 26, 63. 17, 3, 144. islandII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. D2. D3. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. F5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. An overseas territory is under British sovereignty but does not form part of theUK itself; a crown dependency is also under sovereignty of the UK but has adifferent constitutional relationship.2. Yes.Chapter Two The People and Their CultureP. 48I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. third, twenty-second2. 80.05, 77.95, 82.253. medical advances in the treatment of many illnesses and diseases4. Scotland5. 80 percent6. England, 3957. 4,700II Answer the following questions.1. 62,262,000.2. The chief reasons are 1) the increase in births and decrease in deaths; 2) theincrease in net international migration to the UK; and 3) the increase in lifeexpectancy.3. It is 0.6 percent.4. It is 2.6 migrant(s) per 1,000 population.5. It was 256 people per square kilometer.P. 49Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Immigration and migration from other countries2. 92.13. 8%4. 0.45. 2P. 52-53II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. third, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish2. English3. the three countries in Britain and Northern Ireland in Ireland, the four countriesthemselves4. Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish5. secondIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Approximately 375 million people.2. Beside English there are also four Celtic languages in use in the UK, such asWelsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Cornish.3. Because of the USA’s dominance of cinema, television, popular music, trade andtechnology (including the Internet).4. The major differences are in phonology, phonetics, vocabulary, grammar andspelling.P. 56-57II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Christianity2. Roman Catholic, England3. Scotland4. Roman Catholic, the Presbyterian Church5. immigration6. 152,000III Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. T5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. Christianity.2. Queen Elizabeth II.3. Yes, they are.4. The Roman Catholic Church.5. The Roman Catholic Church.P. 60-61I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. conservative2. the weather3. Trooping the colour, Changing of the Guard4. Foot Guard, Household Cavalry5. palaceII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. C3. D4. D5. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. T4. F5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. It is true, its conservatism has something to do with the fact that Britain is anisland isolated from the European Continent and its weather is frequentlychanging.2. It was for the soldiers to recognize their own regiment as soon as possible. Itoften takes place in London annually on the second Saturday in June.P. 67-68I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the death and his resurrection2. exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing mealswith family and friends, waiting for Father Christmas to arrive3. the seed of life4. go trick-or-treating and carve pumpkins5. slaveryII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. C3. D4. C5. DIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. F5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. It commemorates all those men and women who were killed during the two WorldWars and other conflicts.2. In the past, hunting fox was a popular sport among the upper classes. Now horsingracing and football are popular.3. Fasting is to develop patience and self-control, to learn sympathy for the deprived,to cleanse the body and mind, to gain appreciation for Allah's bounty, todemonstrate the depth of one's commitment, and to protect against sin.There are, then, three levels of the Ramadan fast:-Refraining from the physical things that are forbidden (performed with the mouth/stomach/sexual organs).-Restraining oneself from saying, hearing and looking at forbidden things (performed with the senses).-Renewing one's devotion to Allah (performed with the heart and mind).P. 71-72I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. welfare, from-cradle-to-grave2. the National Health Service3.the retirement pension4. accidental injury at work, the conditions5. the Beveridge ReportII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. T4. F5.FP. 78I Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2.D3. D4. D (40改成47)5. CII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. F5. FP. 83I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. football2. Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool3. Wimbledon, Australian Open, French Open, US Open4. 18, 17, 15. Formula 1 British Grand Prix, the Wales Rally GB, the Festival of SpeedII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. FIII Answer the following questions.1. Football, rugby, cricket, golf, tennis, hockey, etc.2. Watchers can bet a horse to be thought to win.3. The Football Association Challenge Cup (英格兰足总杯). It is the oldest footballcompetition in the world, founded in 1872. It's the competition that provides theopportunity for small, part-time clubs to potentially go head to head with the bigclubs of the Premiership.P. 88-89I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. freedom of the press, conflicts, freedom of access to information, the interests ofthe public, the privacy, individual2. entertainment, public opinion, political3. news, entertainment, sports4. the Times, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times5. BBC One, BBC Two, ITV, Channel Four, Channel FiveII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. A3. B4. B5. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3.F4. F5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. They are central to British leisure culture.2. Because it can bring buyers and sellers together, provide people with theinteractive platforms, and people can use it to do digital marketing, e-commerce,management, etc.P. 93-94I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 37, 1542. evolutionary, natural selection, The Origin of Species, The Descent of Man.3. James Cook4. Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, James Cook, Stephen Hawking, WinstonChurchill, Diana SpencerII Answer the following questions.1. Stephen Hawking is a British theoretical physicist noted for his research into theorigin of the universe. His work influenced the development of the big bang andblack hole theories.2. He was the 20th century's most famous and celebrated Prime Minister who ledBritain to victory in World War Two. He worked tirelessly throughout the war,building strong relations with US President Roosevelt while maintaining asometimes difficult alliance with the Soviet Union.Chapter Three A Brief History of the United KingdomP. 97-98I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Ice Age2. Beaker Folk3. The Celts4. the Irish, the Welsh5. DruidismII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. C3. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. Between 3000 and 2000 BC2. Three Waves. The first wave was the Gaels who came around 600 BC; thesecond wave was the Britons who came around 400 BC, and the third wave wasthe Belgae who came around 150 BC.3. The Celts, a taller and fairer race than the people who had come before, began toarrive in Britain at about 700 BC and kept coming until the arrival of theRomans.P. 100-101I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Julius Caesar2. 433. Boadica, Londinium4. 410 AD5. YorkII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. D3. C4. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Between 55 and 54 BC.2. The invasion of British Isles.3. Firstly, the resistance of the British people was strong. Secondly, Roman troopswere often withdrawn from Britain to fight in other parts of the Roman Empire.4. 400 years.5. The Romans also made good use of Britain’s natural resources, minin g lead, ironand tin and manufacturing pottery, etc.P. 104I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. The Jutes, Saxons and Angles2. English3. Mercia, Offa’s Dyke4. St. Augustine5. Archbishop of CanterburyII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. A2. C3. BIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3.T4. TIV Answer the following questions.1. The seven kingdoms are: Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia andNorth Umbria.2. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from the names ofthe gods of Anglo-Saxons’ Teutonic religion: Tiu, the god of war, Wooden, king ofheaven, Thor, the god of storms, and Freya, goddess of peace.3. Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, orsheriffs, responsible for administering law. Secondly, they devised thenarrow-strip, three-field farming system in use up to the 18th century. Thirdly,they also established the manorial system. Finally, they created the Witan toadvise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.P. 106-107I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Edward2. William the Conqueror3. William (此题印刷有错,需把句子中的William删掉)II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. D3. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. TIV Answer the following question1.Edward was called Edward the Confessor as he was a very religious man andwould often go to church and confess to sins. The title "confessor" alsodistinguished this Edward from Edward the Martyr (c962-979). Edward was latermade a saint, due to his building of Westminster Abbey and efforts in otherchurches.2.The Norman Conquest replaced the loosely organized Anglo-Saxon kingdomwith a feudal system based on land ownership by a hereditary aristocracy thatowed its position - and therefore lands and loyalty - to a strong central authoritywith a hereditary succession. In addition, there were other changes such as inEnglish emigration and Norman immigration, women’s rights, language, etc.3.There are four. They were the King of Norway, the Duke of Normandy, and twobrothers of Edward’s Queen, named Edith, and Harold Godwinson.P. 110-111I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. an English charter2. 1337, 14533. territorial, economic4. 1348 - 1350II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. C3. B4. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. TIV Answer the following questions.1. Feudalism in England was established by William the Conqueror and theNormans following the defeat of the English Anglo Saxons at the Battle ofHastings in 1066.2. Magna Carta is an English charter, originally issued by King John of England atRunnymede in the English county of Surrey under compulsion from the churchand his barons on 15 June 1215. The charter was reissued later for several timesin modified versions which omitted certain temporary provisions, including themost direct challenges to the monarch's authority, which had a huge influenceon the developing legal system of England.3. The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France and their variousallies for control of the French throne. It was the result of a dynasticdisagreement dating back to William the Conqueror who became King ofEngland in 1066, while remaining Duke of Normandy. As dukes of Normandyand other lands on the continent, the English kings owed homage to the Kingof France. In 1337 Edward III of England refused to pay homage to Philip VIof France, leading the French king to claim confiscation of Edward's lands inAquitaine.4. The war was in fact a series of separate wars and is commonly divided intothree phases. First, the English won a great naval victory at Sluys in 1340, thenan equally decisive land battle near Calais at Crecy in 1346. Then the Englishwent on to take Calais; and in 1356 at Poitiers they won another victory overthe French King who was taken prisoner and held to ransom.5. The Black Death was one of the most devastating epidemic diseases in humanhistory, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1349, and killing nearly half ofEurope’s population. Additionally, The Black Death is thought to have startedin Asia. It then travelled along the Silk Road and reached the Crimea by 1346.From there, it was probably carried by Oriental rat fleas living on the black ratsthat were regular passengers on merchant ships. All in all, the plague reducedthe world population from an estimated 450 million to a number between 350and 375 million in the 14th century. Moreover, the impact of the Black Deathupon the future of England was greater than upon any other European country.The Black Death has been seen as creating a series of religious, social andeconomic upheavals which changed the face of the English society in aprofound way.P. 115I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 1642-1646, 1647-16492. Puritan Revolution3. overthrew, foundation, beginning4. the Glorious Revolution of 16885. The Bill of RightsII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. A3. D4. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. FP. 118I Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. B3. A4. D5. CII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. T4. TIII Answer the following questions.1. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processesthat occurred in the period from about 1760 to some time between 1820 and1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines,new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiencyof water power, the increasing use of steam power and development of machinetools. The transition also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels tocoal. The Industrial revolution began in England and within a few decadesspread to Western Europe and the United States.2. The accumulation of capital; the development of capitalist farming; theappearance of a labour reserve; and the expansion of markets, domestic andforeign.3. The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production. Within a short period the Industrial Revolution took over all industries in Britain and replaced other systems of production. And it improves the living standards. Much of the laboring population, previously largely employed in agriculture, moved to the industrial towns and cities, where they were housed and employed in often miserable and squalid conditions. And etc.4. The industrial revolution was a period in Britain from mid-1700s to themid-1800s in which power-driven machines in factories replaced manual labor.The industrial revolution resulted from advances in applied science and engineering, such as the development of steam engines (especially those of the inventor James Watt). Much of the laboring population, previously largely employed in agriculture, moved to the industrial towns and cities, where they were housed and employed in miserable conditions.5. The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution are complicated and remaina topic for debate. The reference answer is as follows:Causes:-Iron renovations: stronger, better quality iron-Labor surplus—more jobs, more people to do jobs-Stable agricultural society—the agricultural revolution improved food supply and quality; created a strong base for industrialization-High food supply—stated above; more farmland + more transportation = more crops-Ready capital—constant supply of money-Population growth—due to food supply-Government allowed fencing off lands—peasants now needed work after being kicked off private farmland-Entrepreneurs—people wanted to make money through new ways andopportunities-Plentiful natural resources—rivers = water power for steam engine andtransportation, iron ore and coal = fuel-Relatively free society—government usually exhibited laissez faire (let people do what they want), economy regulated itself, ideas circulated freely-Ready market—ships could deliver and transport-Stable governmen t—strong central government to support the peopleEffects:-Better transportatio n—faster, cheaper-Long distance communication s—telegraphs, etc. linked nations from coast to coast-Money to be mad e—capitalism: investments, inventing, selling, producing-Bad working condition s—disease, deformations, long, hard hours-Child abuse-New invention s—locomotives (railroads), purer iron, factories, spinning jenny, steam engines, steamboats...etc-Rural workers became urban workers-Increased production rates (everything machine made)-Family life disrupted—families were separated, women and children alsolabored-Bad pay—women paid half or less than men-Migration and population boom in cities—everyone flocked to cities to workin factories-Industrialization "age"—spread to Europe and around the world-Social classes formed—industrial middle class and industrial working classesemerged-Industrial capitalism took hold—economic system of manufacturingP. 121I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. The Reform Act2. The New Poor Law3. charter of political demands (A People's Charte)4. Moral Force Chartists, Physical Force ChartistsII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. D2. B3. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Charter Movement was a movement for political and social reform in Britainduring the mid-19th century, between 1838 and 1850. In the years 1839, 1842 and1848, the Chartist Movement urged Parliament to adopt three great petitions. Ofthese, the best known is the final petition, with six million signatures (although anumber of these were later found to be fake), presented to Parliament on 10thApril 1848 after a huge meeting on Kennington Common. This event achievedgreat prominence in the story of Chartism, due largely to the reaction of theauthorities as they faced the challenges of that turbulent year.2. Between 1832 and 1884 three Reform Bills were passed in the British parliament.The Reform Act of 1832 abolished “rotten Boroughs”, and redistributedparliamentary seats more fairly among the growing towns. It also gave the vote tomany householders and tenants, based on the value of their property. The NewPoor Law of 1834 forced the poor people into work houses instead of giving themsufficient money to survive in their own homes. The 6 points in the People’sCharter were achieved very gradually over the period of 1858-1918, although thesixth has never been practical. Lenin said the Chartist Movement was "the firstbroad, really mass, politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement."3. The movement failed for a number of reasons:-It failed to obtain parliamentary support for the Charter.-The middle-classes ignored, shunned or condemned Chartism.-Chartists were divided among themselves.-Government handled the movement firmly and calmly.-Chartist demands were too drastic.-There was too much diversity in the intellectual and ideological aims ofChartism.-Other movements offering more immediate and tangible benefits attractedchartists.-The socio-economic position improved after 1842. Prosperity eliminated masssupport.-Chartism and the Chartists were made to look ridiculous after KenningtonCommon, and the failure of the Land Plan.-The changing sociology of England after railways fragmented the apparent unityof the working classes.P. 124I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the 16th century, 15832. England, Scotland3. Jamestown4. 22.5 million5. the 20th centuryII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. A3. BIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. TP. 128I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Entente Powers, Central Powers of Germany2. Britain, economy3. New York stock market4. Battle of Britain5. ConservativeII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1.T2. T3. F4. FIII Answer the following questions.1. The assassination on 28 June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, theheir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by a Yugoslav nationalist in Sarajevo,Bosnia was the spark of the war. It resulted in a Habsburg ultimatum against theKingdom of Serbia. Several alliances formed over the previous decades wereinvoked, so, within weeks, the major powers were at war; via their colonies, theconflict soon spread around the world.2. Britain was one of the main countries fighting on the side of the Entente againstthe Central Powers. Britain, together with its empire, went to war early in August1914 and fought for the entire duration of the war.3.World War Two began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared waron Germany following Germany's invasion of Poland. Although the outbreak of。
英美概况考试题汇总一、英国部分1. 英国的全名:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
大伦敦市下设一个对的金融城(City of London)和32个城区(London Boroughs)。
2. 英国最长的河流是:塞文河(354公里);最重要的河流为泰晤士河,流经伦敦,全长346公里。
3. 英国的气候主要受北大西洋暖流的影响,属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。
4. 1707年英格兰与苏格兰合并,不列颠岛统一。
5. 现代英国民族的基本成分是三个日耳曼部族,他们是:盎格鲁、萨克森和朱特。
6. 爱德华一世最后终于在1282年成功征服了威尔士北部和西部的最后一个当地的威尔士公国(大约是今天的安格鲁西郡、凯尔纳冯夏尔郡、麦里昂斯郡、塞勒狄琼郡和凯尔马瑟夏尔郡这块地区),并且在两年之后透过《罗德兰法令》(Statute of Rhuddlan)确立了爱德华一世对此地的统治。
阐述美国经济制度的基础,如市 场经济、私有制等,以及产业结 构的现状与特点。
探讨美国当前面临的社会问题, 如种族不平等、贫困、犯罪等, 以及政府和社会如何应对这些挑 战。
回答关于美国历史、文化、社会等方面的 简答题,如“简述美国独立战争的背景和 结果”、“分析个人主义在美国文化中的 地位和影响”等。
阐述美国多元文化的特点,以及不同民族在美国社会中的融合过 程。
探讨实用主义哲学对美国文化的影响,以及创新精神在美国科技、 经济等领域中的体现。
分析美国政治体制的特点,包括 总统制、三权分立等,以及权力 结构中的利益集团、政党等因素。
英美在国际事务中的影响力 分析英美在国际组织、全球治理等方面的作用和影响力。
英美外交政策的异同点 比较英美在外交政策制定和实施上的相似性和差异性。
解释英国君主立宪制的基本原则和特 点。
分析美国总统制与英国君主立宪制的 异同点。
过去几十年来,英美两国在文化领域的 交流活动不断增多。例如,英国皇家莎 士比亚剧团和美国百老汇的戏剧合作、 英国国家美术馆和美国大都会艺术博物 馆的艺术交流等。这些活动为两国人民 提供了更多了解和欣赏对方文化的机会。
随着全球化的深入发展,英美两国之间 的文化交流将继续加强。未来,两国可 以在数字创意产业、影视制作、艺术教 育等领域开展更多合作,共同推动世界 文化的繁荣和发展。
英美文化概况考研真题答案一、选择题1. 英国的国教是:A. 天主教B. 东正教C. 新教D. 伊斯兰教答案:C2. 美国的独立日是每年的哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 4月4日D. 4月16日答案:A3. 英国文学史上最著名的戏剧家是:A. 乔治·奥威尔B. 威廉·莎士比亚C. 查尔斯·狄更斯D. 托马斯·哈代答案:B4. 美国的首都是:A. 纽约B. 华盛顿特区C. 洛杉矶D. 芝加哥答案:B5. 英国的君主立宪制开始于:A. 光荣革命B. 工业革命C. 法国大革命D. 美国独立战争答案:A二、填空题1. 英国的全称是_________。
答案:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. 美国的宪法制定于_________年。
答案:17873. 英国的第二大城市是_________。
答案:曼彻斯特4. 美国的国花是_________。
答案:玫瑰5. 英国的议会分为_________和_________。
答案:上议院下议院三、简答题1. 简述英国的工业革命对世界的影响。
2. 描述美国的文化多元性。
四、论述题1. 论述英美两国在教育体系上的差异。
最新新编英美概况 许鲁之(第四版)Unit1-7课后习题简答题答案汇编
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Unit 1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources1. How many states are there in the United States? And which two states are geographically separated from the others? (50, Alaska, Hawaii)2. What are the general characters of the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains.1) To the west of Atlantic coastal plain lie the Appalachian Mountains that begin in Canada and reach all the way to Georgia and Alabama. These are old mountains with rounded tops and wooded hills, usually not exceeding 800m in height. The highest point is only 2000m above the sea. Most of the mountain ridges are low enough to be easily crossed by modern highways. The Appalachians have much beautiful scenery and many tourist resorts. The Ohio and the Tennessee Rivers flow down the western slopes of the Appalachians to the great Mississippi River, deep in the heart of America.2) To the west of the Great Plains lie the Rocky Mountains, “the backbone of the continent”. These high mountains stretch all the way from Mexico to the Arctic and form what is known as Continental Divide, or Great Divide, the most important watershed on the continent. The Rockies are more than twice as high as the Appalachians and high enough to receive more rain than the surrounding plains and plateaus. Consequently, they are mostly forested. The striking and varied scenery of the Rockies has given rise to the establishment of many national parks here. The other natural wonders include roaming herds of buffalo, elk, deer, antelope and sheep, as well as the famous grizzly bear.Chapter 2 American Population1.Why is the United States known as a “melting pot”?It means that the US is composed of immigrants from different nations all over the world.①The people of the US are predominantly white.②The second most numerous minority in the US were the black people whose forefathers came fromAfrica.③American Indians were the original inhabitants on the continent.④There were about 50.5 million Hispanics in 2010 in the US. They are the Spanish-speaking immigrantsfrom Latin American countries.⑤The Chinese American have proved to be industrious and intelligent.2.What factors cause the Americans to move frequently within the United States?①The desire for economic betterment is generally the most important force inducing migration.②Geographic difference in economic opportunity, as reflected by such factors as differences inemployment opportunities and earning power for workers and differences in the availability and the price of land for farmers.③Noneconomic factors. Such as climate, racial attitudes, and family tires, influencing migration.3.Why do many Americans now migrate from cities to suburbs?①The widespread uses of automobiles and the construction of express highways made it possible forpeople to live farther away from their jobs.②The telephone reduced the need for them to work or live in close proximity to one another.③Suburban areas offered more living space than cities, lower crime rates, less pollution, and superiorschools. It is generally believed that they are better place for raising children.Chapter 3 Discovery and Colonization of the New World1. Discuss the pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas.1) The Aztecs of Mexico2) The Incas of Peru3) The Indians of North America4) Indian contributions to European culture: Foods, Drugs and Utilitarian objects2. Why did the discoveries of New World before Columbus not exert great influence in the world at that time?Because Europe was then poor and politically fragmented, It was beset by local wars and civil disorder and largely illiterate. In short, Europe was then incapable of responding to the Norse discoveries.3.Why did so many English people move to the New World in the 17th century?1) The New World was a great and rich land. In the New World there were all those resources necessary for agricultural and industrial development.2)During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1588-1603), the English in growing numbers realized that the New World was their best place to make their fortunes, and to worship and live according to their beliefs.3)Some of them might move to America to leave oppressive political institutions, to escape burdensome church duties, to acquire large landholdings or merely to change their general pattern of living. Of course, material gain was a common factor.4. What was the social structure of the 13 colonies?Society in the l3 colonies was like a pyramid.①The top was made up of merchants and landlords.②The base was made up of refugees from Europe, black slaves from Africa. And native Indians.5.Why did not the American Indians become slaves during the colonial days?As for Indians, they could not put up with slavery. If an Indian was enslaved, his fellow tribe members would fight to free him. So the colonialists soon gave up the attempt to use them as slave labor. Instead they seized the land of the Indians and drove them away or killed them.Chapter 4 American Revolution2. What happened on the evening of March 5, 1770?A clash between American colonies and British soldiers took place in Boston.①A group of unemployed laborer attacked a British sentry stationed at the Boston customhouse.②When the British soldiers dispatched to help the sentry arrived, they met a rapidly growing, angry crowd.③Someone gave the command for the soldiers to fire.④Three colonies were killed and several were wounded, two of whom later died.3. How did the colonies react to the Townshend Act?The colonies, however, still rejected the idea that the Parliament in Britain had the right to tax them without consent and reacted to these new duties by refusing to import any of the taxed goods.4. What were the main contents of the Declaration of Independence?①The Preamble, which explains why the Declaration was issued.②A statement of principles of government to which the American people were committed③A list of injustices suffered by the colonists.④A summary of efforts the colonies had made to avoid a break with the mother country.⑤The proclamation is that the “Colonies are Free and Independent States”5. What was the importance of the victory at Saratoga?The victory and Saratoga wa s a turning point of the war. It further heightened the spirit of the Americans, but more importantly it caused action abroad. It was after this battle that the French agreed to join the war against Britain. Later Spain and Holland joined France while most of the other European powers formed an Armed Neutrality to protect their commerce from Britain’s naval powe r.Chapter 5 the Confederation and the Constitution1. What is confederation?A confederation is a government in which the constituent governments, called states in the US, create a central government by constitutional compact but do not give it power to regulate the conduct ofindividuals.2. Compare the powers of the governments under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.3. What does the “check and balance” mean?It means that each branch of government-executive, legislative, or judicial-must exercise distinct powers and be selected in a distinct way, and that each branch must be able to “check and balance” the others if one branch grew too powerful and sought to dominate the others.4. What was the Bill of Rights?It guaranteed freedom of speech, religion, peaceful assembly, and the press; the right to bear arms; freedom from unreasonable search; and the right to the protection of certain legal procedures known as the due process of law.5. What were the chief causes of the War of 1812?①The British were not reconciled to the loss of their thirteen colonies. Using Canada as the base, they always challenged to battle with the young Republic.②This anger reaches its peak in 1807 when one British warship attached and boarded in American ship, killing and wounding 21men and impressing four sailors.③Jefferson persuaded Congress to pass an Embargo Act, which forbade all ships, except foreign ones without charge, to leave American ports.Chapter 6 American Expansion and the Civil War1. What was the importance of the Monroe Doctrine?The essence was” America for Americans”, which later became a cornerstone of the US foreign policy. As the New world developed in the years ahead this Doctrine became more meaningful and was strengthened by a broader interpretation to meet the needs of an energetic and ambitious United States.2. What were the basic causes of the Civil War?Two different social-economic systems existed side by side in the United States.In the South slavery was the foundation of the economic system while in the North industry and commerce were the main character of its economy. The swiftly growing industries in the North required the restriction of slavery as well as an expanding territory in order to provide capitalist production with raw materials, markets and abundant labor supply.The slave economy in the South was an obstacle to industrial growth and expansion. This economic antagonism led to increased conflicts between the North and the South.3. What was the doctrine of the “popular sovereignty”?This doctrine means that the inhabitants of the new territories can decide the question of slavery for themselves. In appearance, it seemed fair, but in actual practice, as far as slavery was concerned, the doctrine did not work.4. How do you comment on the American Civil War?The outcome of the war placed the northern capitalists in solid control of the federal government of the US capitalism. In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted, which freed all slaves throughout the United States.Chapter 7 Reconstruction and the Birth of US Imperialism1. What is the 10 percent plan?The plan provided that as soon as 10 percent of voters in any state had taken the oath of loyalty, they could form their own government and would be entitled to the recognition of their state by the president of the United States.2. Why was Andrew Johnson impeached by the House?In March 1867, Congress passed two Acts that took away two presidential prerogatives: the right to remove Cabinet members and the right to remove army officers under his command.To test the constitutionality of the Act, President Andrew Johnson removes Edwin M. Stanton, the Secretaryof War, from office in1869, who was the only remaining Radical in Johnson’s Cabinet.He thus walked into troubles with the radicals. Later the House voted to impeach the President.3. After the Reconstruction, how were the civil rights of the Blacks in the South?①Voters must be able to read and write;②Voting taxes were introduced;③The whites also took steps to segregate the blacks and two separate societies emerged in the South.4. Why did the US have a rapid industrial growth after the Civil War?①The vast industrial development began with the opening the West.②Speeding this process of western settlement were the railroads.③Science and technology were also greatly marching forward.④The basic industry of the nation, iron and steel, also developed rapidly after the Civil War.⑤The oil industry also developed rapidly.⑥During the latter part of the 19th industry, industrial expansion in America went ahead rapidly.⑦There was a clear indication of rapid concentration of capital.6. What was the “Open Door Policy”?。
第1章土地和人民Ⅰ. Multiple Choice.1. Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain?A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Northern IrelandD. Wales【答案】C【解析】大不列颠岛上共有三个政治分区,分别为England(位于南部,面积最大、人口最稠密),Scotland(位于北部,拥有三大自然区:北部高地、中部低地和南部丘陵)和Wales(位于西部)。
Ireland是大不列颠岛之外的另一个岛屿,包含theRepublic of Ireland和英国的Northern Ireland。
2. Most people in Northern Ireland are ______.A. CatholicsB. ProtestantsC. PresbyteriansD. Nonconformists【答案】B【解析】新教徒多为联合派,主张留在英国。
3. The two large islands that make up the British Isles are ______.A. Scotland and IrelandB. Britain and ScotlandC. Great Britain and Northern IrelandD. Great Britain and Ireland【答案】D【解析】不列颠群岛由两座大的岛屿和无数小岛组成。
两座大岛分别是大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛(Great Britain and Ireland)。
目 录第1卷(英国)第1章 土地和人民1.1 复习笔记1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2章 英国历史2.1 复习笔记2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第3章 政治、政府及教育3.1 复习笔记3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第4章 补充材料4.1 复习笔记4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2卷(美国)第1章 总 括1.1 复习笔记1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2章 美国的历史2.1 复习笔记2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第3章 政府形式和社会生活3.1 复习笔记3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第4章 补充材料4.1 复习笔记4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第1卷(英国)第1章 土地和人民1.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. The British Isles and Great Britain1. Full name2. Constituents3. Introduction of Each Part4. Physiographic Features5. Climate and W eather6. Factors Influencing English W eather7. Inland W ater8. The English LanguageⅡ. People and the State1. People2. Party Politics3. Central Government4. Local Governments5. Law6. Reform of the Law Court7. Legal Profession8. Police Force9. Religion10. Characteristics of the English PeopleⅢ. National Economy1. General Survey2. Company Law and Framework of Industry3. Heavy and Light Industries4. Textile Industries5. Agriculture6. Transportation and Communication7. British Disease and Thatcher’s Medicine8. CitiesⅠ. The British Isles and Great Britain (不列颠群岛及大不列颠)1. Full name (全称)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. Constituents (组成部分)(1)The Island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and W ales大不列颠岛:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(2)Northern Ireland北爱尔兰3. Introduction of Each Part (各部分简介)(1)England (英格兰)England is the largest and most developed of all the three political divisions.英格兰是三个中最大的和最发达的政治分区。
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Ⅰ.Multiple Choice.
1.Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain?
C.Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland和英国的Northern Ireland。
2.Most people in Northern Ireland are______.
3.The two large islands that make up the British Isles are______.
A.Scotland and Ireland
B.Britain and Scotland
C.Great Britain and Northern Ireland
D.Great Britain and Ireland
两座大岛分别是大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛(Great Britain and Ireland)。
4.Which of the following is NOT a company in the energy sector?
D.British Gas.
5.Manchester is nicknamed as______of the world.
B.Iron City
C.Ghost City
D.Automobile City
6.Rolls-Royce is world famous for______.
A.machine tools
B.household appliances
C.luxury automobiles
D.high-quality knives and hand tools
7.Britain doesn’t share any land border with any other countries except_____.
A.the Republic of Ireland
8.The British staple food is_____.
C.wheat in the form of bread
Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks.
1.London plays a significant role in_____economic and cultural life.It’s not only the financial_____of the nation,but also one of_____major international financial centers in_____.
【答案】Britain’s;center;the three;the world
2.The beef industry was hit badly by_____which caused a ban on beef exports in 1996.
【答案】BSE disease
3.Englishman Frank Whittle developed the world’s first practical_____in1937.【答案】jet engine
4.A low rate of_____coupled with a very high rate of_____is a characteristic of the UK economy.
【答案】domestic industrial investment;overseas investment
5.The_____of goods from British colonies and the_____of these goods all over the world became the key to British prosperity.
6.The two important crops in Britain are_____.
【答案】wheat and barley
7.Britain has traditionally been a manufacturing nation and was once known as the _____.It has established a comprehensive industrial system capable of producing varied goods.Britain’s largest manufacturing industry is the_____industry.
【答案】workshop of the world;iron and steel
8.The capital of Scotland is_____,which is well known for its natural_____.
Ⅲ.Explain the terms or expressions in English.
【答案】The British economy went through a particularly bad period in the1970s, with high rates of inflation and devaluation of the Pound.Therefore,in the1980s,。