
一、员工管理(1) 激励员工,提高工作效率短语: staff motivation,working efficiency措施:financial: bonus, good salary, stock options,Benefits system: family-care allowance, sick pay, transport subsidy, relocation expenses, holidayallowance, overtime payCareer development: training,promotion,flexi-time,Psychology: acknowledgement from above, a more challenging jobOthers: comfortable working environment, first-class air travel, paid holidayTravel chances作用:•Training, for career aspirations.• Acknowledgement form above:satisfy staff’s psychological needs.•Flexi -time:Advantages: For staff, it can improve staff satisfaction level.This not only helps staff keep a better balance between life and work, but also can save them alot of time and money on road, so that they can control their hours better, and reserve time forfamily, hobbies and other private affairs. It’s especially useful for those living m iles away fromtheir working place, and those who have heavy family burdens.For companies, it can reduce office space and overheads.Disadvantages:(1) It’s not suitable for everyone because it demands lots of self-discipline and self-motivation.(2) Without supervision 监督管理system support and competition from colleagues, staff willfind it hard to stay motivated.(3) Many family environment isn’t suitable for home working. These may lead to low efficiencyand poor performance which will seriously affect our company’s development.Solutions:(1) People should have a computer at home with access to the Internet so that they can get intouch with the head office at any time.(2) Meetings should be arranged regularly for face-to-face communication and the share of ideasto encourage staff interaction.(3) Performance appraisals should be conducted on a regular basis to check staff’s workprogress and to see whether they manage their time well.Working at office:Staff will get more chance to communicate with each other, share knowledge and ideas….•Good salary: it represents a decent and comfortable life, and social status•Comfortable working environment: working condition is crucial for the health and safety of staff•promotion: encourage staff to continue their efforts步骤:•了解员工的喜好:A staff survey should be conducted to identify 支持,认出,识别staff’s requirements and expectations, and to find out their likes and dislikes about the company. •对不同的员工有不同的激励方式:Provide different incentives 动机,刺激,激励的for different staff. To motivate someone with strong career aspirations志向,抱负,强烈的愿望, we can provide promotion. When they make a great achievement, they will be promoted to a higherposition. For those who are not interested in management, we can introduce financial reward system. As forsenior managers, we can suggest stock option, longer paid holiday, first-class air travel, private car, etc.Besides, flexi-time and family-care allowance should be provided for those with heavy family burdens. In aword, staff should be motived according to their needs and preferences.The importance to a company of having well motivated staffFirstly, well-motivated staff often work harder, think more creatively, and are willing to take moreresponsibilities, all of which are essential for /to the development and success of a company.Secondly, well-motivated staff can also help stimulate刺激,激励 their colleagues’ morale andcreate a dynamic working environment where everyone are encouraged to put their talents intofull play. This helps a lot to bring out the potential and creativity of individual and maximize thecollective force of a team.Thirdly, making staff motivated also can encourage efficient internal communication, and create apleasant atmosphere sharing mutual help and understanding.员工的晋升短语:promotion晋升时的重要考虑因素:•领导才能:leadership qualityA prospective 预期,未来,可能的candidate must demonstrate outstanding qualitiesof leadership, such as directing a team, coordinating the relationship among colleagues,allocating tasks, nurturing培养 talents. Because people on managerial positionsdetermine the performance of both individual and the company. (Because people onsenior positions can directly affect the company’s future performance).•良好的教育背景:good education background: A well-trained and well-educated candidate has rich theories for his job, which is the basis of knowledge thatwill be gained in the future work.•相关工作经验:working experience: People without relevant workingexperience won’t be able to direct their subordinates. In today’s cut-throat market, animproper instruction may crash the whole company.•个人品质:Absolute loyalty and commitment to the company have alwaysbeen priorities. An ideal candidate must demonstrate the merit of regarding himself asa contributor rather than a taker to the company.怎样获得晋升机会:•发展工作相关技能develop work-related qualitiesThese qualities include Professional skills and managerial abilities. Professional skillsguarantee excellent job performance, while managerial skills and abilities,contribute to successful team work.•个人品质personal qualitiesPersonal qualities such as absolute loyalty to the company, a strong sense ofresponsibility are also necessary when seeking an opportunity of promotion. In aword, you should present yourself as a contributor to the company rather than ataker, and take every chance to demonstrate to your boss your desire andcompetence for being a leader.•从你的领导那里学习,了解个人优势和劣势Learn from your superior, and find out the differences between the two of you, make constant efforts to promote your strengths and make up for the shortages.公司应当制定合理的提拔政策:•从内部晋升 promote from within instead of external recruitment好处,原因:•there are abundant human resources we can make full use of.•Furthermore, external recruitment needs extra costs and time fortraining•Recruiting external candidates will undermine the morale andproductivity of our employees, while promoting someone from withinhas a motivating effect. It can serve as a reward for staff withoutstanding work performance and encourage people to continue theirefforts.•On the whole, promotion-from-within contributes to both thecareer development of individual and the overall growth and success ofour corporation.措施:However, as a coin has two sides, promotion-from-within, sometimes ,can lead to internal conflict among employees.guarantee fair competition.• A clear description for the requirements of the job should be given, involving professional skills, relevant working experience, educational background, andpersonal qualities as well as track record.• Set up a sound appraisal process and a fair promotion system. Make sure that all members are evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is onlybased on their contribution to the company, rather than race, sex, or otherirrelevant criteria. As we all know, discrimination can largely under'mine逐渐削弱the morale and satisfaction of its victims, and even force them toquit their jobs.• Secondly, people in charge of interviewing should be someone who has experience in associating with people from different background, who isrighteous and can avoid personal bias and discrimination.Personnel management: the importance of internal promotion as an incentive for staff•员工的培训制定培训计划时,需要考虑的内容•Identify training needs:When arranging a training programme, it’s very important for you to fully understand your staff’s requirements, and the results they expect to achieve from the training. You need to have a deep talk with your staff and encourage them to write a personal development plan from which you can identify their career aspirations and training needs. Getting staff positively involved in this process will make them feel valued and respected and in turn they will take more seriously the opportunity of learning new skills and make the utmost of it. •Divide staffAfter pinpointing 准确描述,精确的your goals, the next task for you is to divide your staff into several groups according to their personal abilities and then train them towards different goals. For staff with a high level of skills you should train them towards the managing direction, however for those who have relatively weak abilities, you should focus on improving their basic skills and knowledge.(3) CostsBesides, you need to set up a clear budget beforehand, and take it into account all the time. The amount of budget directly determines what level of training you can use and how you will arrange it.普通培训•Language training: The globalization of economy and wide-spread international cooperation have made English an indispensable 必需的,必不可少的tool for business people. As we all know, language is a central element in communication. Staff who can speaka fluent foreign language are more likely to build a good relationship with their foreign clientsand achieve excellent performance in overseas transactions. On the contrary, it may pose a barrier to your job and even results in conflicts if you can’t communicate in a way that can be accepted or understood by your clients. Therefore, foreign language ability is of great importance for the development of both individual and the company.•Time management:•E-commerce:•Management skills:新员工培训如何使培训更有效in today’s cut-throat 激烈,凶残market./competition.How to achieve an effective cooperation within a company (improve teamwork)Firstly, set up a clear objective, and let staff know exactly what each member should do during the cooperation and what results they are expected to achieve.Secondly, try to 哦foster 培养a spirit of teamwork among the whole workplace, and let members from different departments and levels realize the importance of team work and the significant strengths of cooperation so that a good atmosphere of mutual trust and help will be created. To achieve this, we can conduct some outdoor activities like rafting, sailing, and rock climbing to promote team spirit. These activities will not only increase staff’s problem-solving abilities but also can make realize the limitation of individual so that they will appreci ate others’ capabilities better.Thirdly, company should open supportive channels to encourage efficient internal communication. Organise leisure activities, like a tea party to promote face-to-face dialogue in a open, sincere, friendly and staff-oriented atmosphere where everyone can express their opinions freely.When all the members develop a strong awareness of cooperation, they would make joint efforts to achieve their common goal and ensure a higher level of performance.2.弊端:A.信息交流不充足Inadequate information exchange makes it tough for staff to 了解最新情况,并列的keep abreast with/of what is happening in the company.B.交流环境官僚化,不开放Existing bureaucratic management stule creates an unequalcommunication environment which focuses too much on giving orders rather than sharing ideas.5. 加强沟通的重要性As an effective way to enhance mutual trust and understanding and to create a dynamic working environment, internal communication undoubtedly has lots ofadvantages.(1) It helps staff keep track of 跟踪,知晓情况,追踪possible problems in their own workand make sensible adjustments at the right time. Besides, they can also usethe ideas and opinions from others to improve their future performance.(2) It also provide a platform for staff to show their talents and put their ideas across other, sothat they can acquire recognition and appreciation from your boss(3) Praise and compliment from above will in turn gives people a strong sense of honor andaccomplishment, which will impel them to work harder.Therefore, internal communication is of great significance for the development of both individual and the company.The importance of involving staff in setting the objectives of a company’s business planA: Firstly, Getting staff involved in the objective-setting process will make them feel valued and respected.You actually have fostered a spirit of teamwork and every member who belongs to the team share a common objective. In a team, people work more systemically andcoordinate better with each other. This helps bring out the potential andcreativity of individual and maximize the collective force of a team. Secondly, The communication among your staff will be greatly enhanced and a good atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding will be created.All of these benefits will in turn bring out a higher working efficiency and better job performance, both of which are essential for the accomplishment of your goals.How to ensure effective communication.As the leader of the company, you should open supportive channels to encourage internal communication. Firstly, organise leisure activities, like a tea party to promoteface-to-face dialogue in a open, sincere, friendly and staff-orientedatmosphere where everyone can express their opinions freely. Managersshould be encouraged to sharing information with their subordinates. Theyshould let employees keep abreast with what’s happening in the company, sothat they can make provision for any possible changes before they actuallyoccur. Secondly, excessive competitions between units may hoard, ratherthan share information. To avoid this, a supervision mechanism thatsimultaneously rewards and disciplines knowledge-sharing activities shouldbe put in place.(11)招聘与求职招聘找什么样的人experienced, have excellent communication skills, hard-working, enthusiastic about, outgoing.怎样找到合适的人1.选人方式External recruitment:A good way to revitalize the organisations. Applicants hired from the outside can be a source of new ideas and may bring along with them the latest knowledge acquired from their previous employment.Dis: There are so many uncertainties. It will cost us a lot of money and time in training, and it may undermine the morale and productivity of the in-house employees.Promotion from within: promoting someone from within has a motivating effect. It can serve as a reward for staff with outstanding work performance and encourage people to continue their efforts.Dis: promotion-from-within, sometimes, can lead to internal conflict among employees and have the potential for creating tension, breakdown rather than fostering cooperation and support.2. 招聘方法Put advertisements on newspapers, and internet. Because of low cost and wide coverage Internet has become a convenient and effective tool for recruitment, which can reach a large audience of potential candidates.We can also outsource it to professional recruitment agency, which can save us a lot of time and efforts.3. 吸引员工的方法A decent salary, financial benefits: bonus, paid holiday, sick pay, systematic career development plan.4. 树立公司的名誉Make the company known in your field. Organisations that enjoy good reputation in the business have greater competitiveness in attracting prospective candidates than their competitors.招聘员工时需要考虑哪些因素 (晋升的条件)1.工作经验(working experience)A prospective candidate must have rich experience in relevant working field. His performance in previous work helps us a lot in examining his capabilities and in determining whether he is competent for the job. Besides, applicants with abundance experience will also save us a lot of time and money on training.2.个人品质(Personal qualities)High loyalty and commitment to the company have always been priorities. A perfect applicant should demonstrate the merit of regarding himself as a contributor rather than a taker to the company.3. 教育背景和学术成绩(Education background and academic achievements)A well-trained and well-educated candidate has rich theories for his job, which is the basis of knowledge that will be gained in the future work. The certificates and achievements he has gained are the evidence of his basic knowledge and skills. These are especially important for graduate recruitment and for job which requires lots of expertise.求职如何准备面试1.研究招聘广告(Study the job advertisement)Read between the lines and interpret what kind of person and what qualities the job really asks for.2.了解要面试的公司(Learn about the company)Collect relevant information about the company have you applied for, such as its history, background, culture, short-term and long-term goals. Equipping yourself with all of the detailed information will help you perform better in the interview.3.了解个人优势Do a thorough evaluation about yourself to identify your priorities and to identify your strengths and weaknesses and to determine whether you are competent for the job. Prepare a brief introduction about yourself, as well as some real-life situations that can manifest your talents and capabilities.4.心理准备(Psychological preparation)Don’t take the results too seriously. Regard it as a chance to acquire experience and improve self-confidence. You can calm yourself down by taking deep breath and by treating it as an ordinary talk with old friends rather than an interview with examiners.5. 着装,举止(Appearance, clothes, manner)A decent dressing and elegant manners help you leave a good impression on the interviews. This has direct influence on the results and your career prospect. Besides, good looking can also largely enhance self-confidence.选择工作需要注意哪些1. Working conditionsWorking conditions can largely affect staff’s performance and efficiency. In a pleasant environment, staff are more productive and efficient and are more likely to bring out their potential and creativity.2. Management systemIn an advanced and people-oriented management style, staff will feel free to express their opinions, communicate with each other openly and create a dynamic atmosphere, which is essential for the success of a company.3. Career opportunityI prefer to work in a company which provides lots of training opportunities for staff to improve their professional skills and personal qualities. These are indispensable for their career development.4. SalarySalary represents your quality of life and social status.5. Additional benefits6. line of business: must be related to my educational background.7. location of the premises ( shouldn’t be too far away from home, and transportation there isconvenient)(6)降低工作压力短语:heavy workload,pressure, time managementHow to manage a heavy workload effectively, how to cope with pressure in work自己: 1. Training courses should be arranged to improve staff’s time management skills so that they can work more efficiently and reserve more time to relax themselves.2. Establish sports facilities and organize sports activities to enhance staff’s health awareness and to improve their health condition.3. Learn some useful tips to relieve the bad feelings, like listening to soft music, taking deepbreath, Introduce better benefits system, involving family-care allowance, and flexi-time to alleviate staff’s burden caused by family, so that they can save more energy to cope with the stress on work.5. Besides, a psychological consultancy is also needed to care about staff’s mental health.The importance of being able to cope with the stress in a jobA: In today’s cut-throat market, businessmen tend to take an increasing number of responsibilities and constantly bear the burden of heavy workload. If they can’t cope with the stress appropriately, it will not only result in low efficiency and poor performance at work but also lead to serious stress-related illnesses, such as high blood pressure, fatigue, etc. All of these will in turn largely reduce staff satisfaction level, which then further cause a high turnover rate, and seriously influence the operation and stability of the whole company. Therefore the ability to cope with the stress in our jobs is one of the necessary skills that everyone should acquire in today’s business world. A strong anti-pressure ability can help us remain dynamic and motivated even in face of big challenges. On the other hand, it will also help us keep a better balance between life and work. Therefore, ….. is of great importance, because it will benefit your whole life.(7)时间管理1. 加强时间管理的重要性:The importance of time managementIn today’s cut-throat market, businessmen tend to take an increasing number of responsibilities and constantly bear the burden of heavy workload. If they can’t manage their time well, it will not only result in low efficiency and poor performance at work but also lead to serious stress-related illnesses, such as high blood pressure, fatigue, etc. All of these will in turn largely reduce staff satisfaction level, which then further cause a high turnover rate, and seriously influence the operation and stability of the whole company. Therefore, the ability to control and arrange working hours is one of the necessary skills that everyone should acquire in today’s business world. A excellent time management ability can help us remain dynamic and motivated even in face of big challenges. From the perspective of family life, it will keep a better balance between life and work. Therefore, time management is of great importance, because it will benefit your whole life.2. 时间管理方法1. Make a list of tasks that you need to accomplish at the outset of each day and rank all tasks in order of importance and urgency. This helps us identify our priorities and avoid wasting time on trivial matters.2. Make a sensible allocation of time and effort for each part of your businesses. This requires you to find out your prime time and leave it for your top priorities. During this creative time, you can achieve 80% of results with only 20% of the effort.3. Before starting your work, you should first make your office and desk neat and comfortable. This can help you stay motivated and bring out your potential and creativity.(9)工作安全与员工健康现状:1. some employees lack self-protection awareness and violate regulations and rules frequently.2. Many overused equipment is still in operation without proper maintenance and upgrade.原因1. Because of our lack of effective means of safety communication, supervisors can’t explain thoroughly the correct working procedures, potential hazards to staff.2. Inadequate inspection on working facilities also reflects managers’negligence in safetyproblems.加强公司安全管理应做哪些工作?适用员工Safety and health training is very important, especially for those handling hazardous chemicals, dangerous machines, or working in environment with potential dangers.A. 怎样提高员工的安全意识:1. 参加培训(1) Inform staff of relevant rules and regulations, and demonstrate to them the correct operational methods of office facilities. We should also warn them what serious consequences it may cause if they don’t follow rules.2. 举办考试(2) Examinations and seminars should be organized to constantly strengthen staff’s self-protection awareness.3. 建立监督机制 A supervision mechanism should be put in place to enforce the implementation of rules and regulations and to discipline those who violate so that they will not commit the same mistake again.B。

两个考生6min 三个考生8min 除掉构思准备时间和另一个考生提问题的时间,每个考生只有一分半钟,最多讲十几句话,考生做简短发言时论点要紧扣主题,给出2,3条论据即可,点到为止不必展开议论。
Show a clear understanding of the taskMake an appropriate introduction and conclusionThe ideas well-organized and logically orderedUse appropriate signposting (指示)and linking(连接) languageDevelop ideas clearly and the ideas given are easy to understandSpeak in a clear and the ideas given are easy to understand The talk is given an appropriate lengthOpening SentenceWell, I’d like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic…Body (一般讲2-3个要点,根据语速和知识点调整)First,…Second….Third,…Closing SentenceAnyway, that’s why I think so.Thank you very much.Thank you for taking your time.Thank you for listening.高级商务英语必备口语知识点(2)(1) Grammar and Vocabulary 语法与词汇测试考生口头表达时语法和词汇是否正确,得体并丰富多彩,能否避免词汇和句型单一或不断重复相同的词句。

The first impression is vital. We should be neatly dressed to leave a good impression on the audience.2。
If you have a good sense of humor,it helps to enhance atmosphere at the presentation and the audience will become more friendly and engagingTeamwork (mutual trust, full co—operation)1. What is important when managing a project?●Encouraging team work●Keeping to schedule●Selection of the team membersFirstly, encouraging teamwork is very important when managing a project。
Teamwork reflects the combined experiences, knowledge, intelligence and views of a group of people, so it will definitely improve the quality and efficiency of the work.Secondly, keeping to schedule is also important. Time is always of essence for a project。

B E C中级口试话题归纳总结内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)BEC中级口语题目及答案归纳first impression is vital. We should be neatly dressed to leave a good impression on the have a good sense of humor, it helps to enhance atmosphere at the presentation and the audience will become more friendly and engaging Teamwork (mutual trust, full co-operation)1. What is important when managing a projectEncouraging team workKeeping to scheduleSelection of the team membersFirstly, encouraging teamwork is very important when managing a project. Teamwork reflects the combined experiences, knowledge, intelligence and views of a group of people, so it will definitely improve the quality and efficiency of the work.Secondly, keeping to schedule is also important. Time is always of essence for a project. You should ensure that you would be running before the schedule rather than after it. Otherwise it will lead tolate completion.On top of that, selection of the participants should be also taken into consideration. People with a wide range of experiences can enhance the chance of the successfully sorting out problems.2. What is important when choosing people to work in teamsVariety of experiencePersonal qualitiesAttitudeFirstly, variety of experience is very important to a team member, because you never know what kind of problems might suddenly come up to you. Experiences in different fields will enhance the chance of successfully sorting out problems with you knowledge which is based on your past experienceSecondly, personal qualities are also important. The basis of the team work is mutual trust and friendly atmosphere, which requires team members to be patient, modest and to have good interpersonal skills.What’s more, attitude should be also taken into account. As the old saying goes “Attitude is everything”. It has a direct impact on the success or failure of the teamwork.Recruiting & SelectingWhat is important when selecting staff for promotion (selecting new applicants for candidates)Work- related qualities(专业素养)Personal qualities(人品)Current performanceExperienceFirstly, when aiming for promotion, work-related qualities are important .These qualities include qualifications, skills and abilities which are necessary for any job.Secondly, personal qualities are important as well, such as loyalty to the company, responsibility and so on, since these can help to establish personal credibility and integrity among colleagues.On top of that, current performance is another factor to consider. Successful performance can at least demonstrate some aspects of the staff’s ability, such as communication skills, sales experiences and so on.WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…Selecting applicants for a jobWorking experiencePersonal qualitiesI choose topic A-what is important when selecting applicants for a job. As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are 3 things to consider.First, I think working experience is very important when selecting applicants. Applicants who have already had the work experience in the relevant fields will learn the new job easier and quicker. And it will also save the company a lot of training fees if the applicant has related experience.Second, we must consider the personal qualities of the applicants, such as personality and health. Companies tend to employ people whose character fits a special job. For example, consulting company tends to employ applicant who is analytical and knowledgeable, but advertising agents like their employees to be energetic and creative.Third, I believe language is of great importance when selecting applicants. Nowadays, we do business with people from all over the world. Always we buy goods from Africa, and sell our electronic product to Europe; a foreign language especially English is needed if the company wants to expand to the world. Applicants who can speak one or more foreign languages will have a better chance to get the job.WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…(常考)Preparing for a job interviewStudying the job advertisementFinding out about the companyBefore you go for an interview, you must make preparations so as to face the interviewer with more confidence. They include studying the job advertisement, finding out about the company, preparing yourself psychologically, etc.Firstly, you should study the job advertisement carefully so that you can match your knowledge, skills and abilities with the specifications required for the post. You must assure the interviewerthat you have all the qualifications required, so you are the rightsort of person they are looking for.Secondly, you should know more about the company, such as its profile, structure, existing problems, requirements, campaigns andfuture pla ns. As a Chinese saying goes: “know the opponent and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat.”Finally, you should also prepare yourself psychologically and this will help you combat stress. Rehearsing the interview with your friends, for example, is a good relaxation exercise that can install confidencein you.What is important when aiming to retain good staffWhat is important when aiming to reduce staff turnoverWhat is important when motivating staffPleasing work environmentCareer opportunity/development/structure(1\2\3)Flexible working hoursFinancial benefits(1\2\3)TrainingFirstly, creating a pleasing workplace is very important when aim to retain good staff. A pleasing workplace includes everything from having the right tools available to provide basic comfort, such as proper lighting and noise control, etc.Secondly, career opportunity is also important. Employees will remain withtheir employer if career opportunities are presented. Career plans for those who what to upward in the company undoubtedly improve morale and boost engagement. (This can lead to some motivational values and enhance employees’ fulfillment.)On top of that, flexible working hours should be also taken into account. It allows the staff a certain degree of freedom, which is essential for the balance of life and work.Financial benefits are also important. Staff want some sort of recognition for the job that they do. Correct financial benefits plan will arouse their enthusiasm. Otherwise, they would feel being ignored (neglect/overlook).Besides, training cannot be neglected, since training can keep their skills current and up-dated, thus making them more competitive throughout their lives.What is important when aiming to improve career prospectsReading business articlesLearning a foreign languageTrainingFirstly, reading business articles is very important when trying to improve career prospects. This is a good way for you to keep up withthe latest development in related field which may give you a clue of what to do next.Secondly, learning a foreign language is also important. For instance if you are good at speaking English ,that would add weight to the improvement of career prospects since the globalization economy and the wide-spread international corporation all needs the bridge of a common language ,and English is one of the most widely used languages.Thirdly, training is another factor to consider. By doing so , you get access to a range of skills to meet different sorts of needs from different jobs.Conference and PresentationWhat is important when organizing a conference(Presentation) Conference speakersVenue/LocationTopics coveredFacilities neededAudiencePracticing beforehandFirstly, I think conference speakers are a very important factor to consider. If they are well-known people knowing a lot about aparticular field ,or come from big multinationals, theconference/presentation will be likely to be informative and you may benefit a lot from it.(A good presenter knows what his audience want and is able to demonstrate (speak) in a clear, accurate and honest way to grab their attention and to raise their interest.)Secondly, location is also important. If the conference is held in a place with bea utiful surroundings, more people will go and it’s good for you to do some useful networking. (Help you free from nervousness) On top of that, topics covered should be taken into account. To ensure all the audience can really benefit from the conference, what the speakers talk about ought to be something that the participants are interested in and relates to their workTo ensure the success of the presentation, some facilities are needed, such as OHP, microphone and PowerPoint that work. They can help to make details more clearly expressed and the presentation more impressive to the audience.The audience is also very important. Their participation and interaction can be helpful to the success to the presentation. It has to be decided first who is the target audience and then according to the result, send out the invitation letters to the right people before the presentation.What do you think is important when planning a careerQualificationsFuture trendsInterestFirstly, it’s important to consider qualifications, since qualifications, to some extent, means relevant education, knowledge and ability, which are essential to the development and success of your career in the future. With qualifications, it will be easier for you to be accepted and acknowledge by others.Secondly, it’s also important to consider future trends. Following future trends will keep you up with the times and bring you more chances. Persuing a career with good future trends is undoubtedly more promising.Furthermore, personal interest should be also taken into account. Interest will bring along active attitude, thus making it easier to overcome work stress.Marketing1、Advertisement2、Packaging包装3、Setting pricesWhat is important when dealing with competitionPricing policesAdvertising strategiesQualityWhat is important when aiming to reach new marketsMarket research /Target market( the first step before the company gets into the market.)PricingAdvertisingFirstly, market research is important when aiming to reach new markets.By carrying out market research, a company can get such information as whether there’s a market for a new product, and what are customers’ needs and tastes for new product. Thus, the new product will sell well when it is launched into the market.On top of that, pricing should be also taken into account. In order to capture a large market share, you must set a price lower than your competitors. If you fixed the price higher than your rivals without higher quality, you might soon find yourself in an unfavorable situation.(The fundamental task for a company is to make its products and itself know to the public. There are several ways to achieve this, advertising is the most important one.)What is important when advertising a new productCostMediaTarget consumersFirst, cost is very important when advertising a new product. Without money, there can be no mentioning of training at all. The costs of advertisement should be calculated carefully and reasonably..Themount of advertising budget determines the scale and period of advertisement.Secondly, media is also important. A company, through proper advertisements, can manage to introduce the advantages of their products comparing to their rivals’ and convince the consumers that their products would be the right choice.Thirdly, target consumers should be taken into consideration. For instance, bill board will likely be an important element for the target market that has a limited number of potential customers, while TV comer What is important when setting prices for new productsCostDemandCompetition(competitors’ prices)The first thing we must take into account is costs when setting prices for new products. Prices should cover the costs, such as insurance, raw materials, rent and equipment. Otherwise, the company will make a loss.Secondly, demand is also important. Consumer demand for the product clearly affects the price that can be charged. When demand is strong, we can set high prices, when demand is weak, we can set low prices.Besides, competition should be taken into account. If you fixed the price higher than your rivals without higher quality of service, youmight soon find yourself in an unfavorable situation.(The company is supposed to consider the prices set by its competitors.(Last but not least, if a company wants its new products to be competitive, it must take competition into consideration. It must set the prices equal to or lower than its competition.)What is important when packagingimageproduction processconvenienceFirst of all, when packaging, it’s very important to choose the color, shape and design that convey the high-quality image to our customers. With special appearance, it helps make the product distinct from others and attract consumers’ attentionSecond, production process is also important, the product will be handled for many times during its production process, so the packaging material we use should be strong enough to resist any damage.(we should also consider the transit process so that the package we design will protect the product against spoilage.Apart from this two aspects, it’s also of great importance tooffer consumers convenience. Packaging should be designed in such as way to make it easier for customers to open the container and use the product.What do you think is the basic objective underlying all promotionI think it’s to provide information. Companies want to tell customers about themselves as well as what products are available, where they can be purchased, and for what prices.What do you think are the promotional alternativesThey are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and publicityDelegationEntertaining Clients招待客户Do you think it’s necessary for a company to establish a good long-term relationship with its clientsYes. A good long-term business relationship with clients means better understanding and greater trust between you and your clients. That will definitely help retain clients.Location and RelocationWhat is important when relocation a businessWhat is important when choosing retail premises to rentLocal workforce availableLocation of site (transportation)Length of contractDemand for products or servicesLabor costsCompetitionFirstly,Secondly, location of site is very important. You need to consider whether it’s convenient and easy for raw material supply and transporting out the products, whether it’s easy to get access to the electricity, water, gas and other supporting energy, whether it’s convenient for staff to go to work.Furthermore, length of contract is also important. Longer contract would cover issues in more details. The contract should cover certain matter, which are likely to happen, such as, assignment, service charges.Competition is another factor to consider. You shouldn’t locate in a place where there are already a lot of firms. Competition will severely affect a company’s revenue.DiscussionTrade fairWhat is important when exhibiting at trade fair参加展销会需考虑哪些要点Quality of displayStaff selectedFirstly, when exhibiting at trade fair, quality of display is very important. The quality of the display will affect the public image of the company. Therefore you should make sure that what you display should be of high quality and show the best of your products.Secondly, it is also important to select the right staff. There have to be people who are informative and have excellent communicativeskills so as to answer any kind of questions produced by potential customers.All this is impossible without careful planning. So you have to plan in advance to make your display a complete success.What is important when planning the layout of a stand at trade fair展销会展位布置需考虑哪些要点AttractivenessSecurity of exhibitsSpace arrangementFirstly, attractiveness is very important when planning the stand layout. In order to get more people to visit your stand, it should be designed in a creative way to make it as eye-catching as possible.Secondly, security of exhibits is also important. No one want to see any visitor to your stand be hurt due to the neglect of security of exhibits. So make sure your exhibits are placed in safe way to avoid any potential dangers.On top of that, space arrangement should be also taken into consideration.For instance, there should be area for demonstrating your products as well as for discussion with visitors.Entertaining Clients(organize outdoor activities户外活动、商务活动)Arrange a meeting(travelling and accommodation arrangement,information ,travelling) give presentationHow important is it for a company to have regular meetingsVery important. It is an effective way to collect ideas and to communicate. Also, it keeps employees well-informed with the latest developments of the companyVideo conferencingTraining(seminar/program) for newstaff(students/appraisal\measure/evaluatea training on sth. for sb. It’s certainly a good chance to improve-----Training is to the mutual interest of both the individual and the companyThe growth of the company depends on the development of its staff.on issues/topics like XXXX, which are important when holding a training programam with you here./You bet./I couldn’t agree with you more. This aims to ---Besides that,------------It’s a very good idea.So that leads to the next item-----谈论如何做,以及这种做法的意义。


bec中级口语总结EntertainingVenueWhen we choose the venue, we should consider how important is the client to us, and take his or her characters into consideration. If the client is quiet, then a concert is a good choice.Otherwise you can take your client to the sports event.Cultural differencesBe familiar with client’s manners and customs can show our respect for others. For example, when we talk to a Japanese do not use the color green, because they treat green as the symbol of misfortune. And don’t have mutton during a business dinner with a Japanese.Types of activitiesDifferent clients for different activities. In order to make them feel satisfied and comfortable we must choose the activities they prefer and are interested in. For example if you find your client has a taste for art or music then take him or her to a concert. If he or she is a sports fan take him or her to the sports event , and so on.CostIt is depend on the nature of the transaction or the size of the deal. Consider the profit issue.If the company is expecting to make big profits out of a specific client, it should at least put in proportional investment to entertain its clients. Information about the clientThe activities that you choose will constitute a part of the first impression that you will give to your clients. So you should be careful when choosing the type of activities. You need to consider the client’s age, educational and cultural backgrounds and do some research about you clients’ characters and hobbies.Company personnel involvedThe staff we select to meet customers should have appropriate skills as well as sufficient experiences. Fluent oral English is needed when we meet a foreign customer, and he or she must have the abilities to handle the emergency.A formal mealYou should always end up all kind of activities with having a formal meal. Activities are just the warming-up activities for the key matter-business. After a whole day or a few days’entertainment, you may find the distance between the two sides are much narrower than the beginning, and there might be a lot of things that you both want to talk about.New equipmentPrice and discountsDiscounting is common in business. Even if you are buying only one piece of furniture, you can still expect to receive about a 30% discount off. As the volume of your purchase increases, the discount should continue to increase to nearly half the original price。

通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. That’s R-A-Y, Ray.本项考试的目的是:考官借助于对考生个人信息的提问,核对考生考试资格,并通过与考生之间的交流,考察考生的发音,语法和用词。
方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。
实用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特殊疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或句子给予明确的答复。
B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。
C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。
Part One (interviews)In the first part of the test the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.General ProcedureExaminers’ greeting and self-introductionCandidate’s names and hometownsMarksheets requiredQuestions for referenceCan you tell me about yourself?Can you tell me about your hometown?Can you tell me about your friends?Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown?Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English?Could you tell me about your interests outside college or work?Could you tell me about your ambitions for the future?Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies?Could you tell me how much you use English at work?/in your studies?Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies?Could you tell me what you like least about your work/studies?Could you tell me how important you think English is in business life in China?Could you tell me how important you think imports and exports are to China?Could you tell me what effect you think technology is having on business life in China? Could you tell me what effect you think advertising has on people in China?Could you tell me how working life is changing in China?Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry is to China?Can you tell me about your reasons for choosing your profession or studies?Can you tell me what you hope to achieve professionally in the next five years?Can you tell me how important a foreign language is to you in your work or studies?Can you tell me how you relax from your work or studies?Can you tell me what you would like to change about your work or studies?Can you tell me whether you would like to work or study in a foreign country?Can you tell me which foreign language you think will be most important in the future for business in China?Can you tell me what you think is the biggest change in working life in China?Can you tell me how important you think it is for people who work in business in China to be familiar with information technology?Can you tell me which professions are most useful for China?Can you tell me how people’s attitude s to work are changing in China?Can you tell me which you think are the most important new commercial activities in China?Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and1 What you find most interseting about your job or studies ?The significances of your major in society2 Your future career plans? (subjective mood)I wish I could be/haveI wish I could run my own business.advance my education infurther my studies in3 Why you decided to learn English?●Compulsory course●Widely used➢The first language of British ,American ……➢The second language of Indian ……➢The foreign language of the rest world➢One of the six working language of the UN and the largest one➢Two thirds of the world’s mass media broad casts in EnglishIt is because of its importance that we decide to learn it.4 Your ideal kind of employer?➢Wide scope of knowledge➢How to make use of his people➢Professionally competent➢Good at relationship with his people➢Considerate➢Well-connected in the society (social connection)6 About the place where you work or study?The city , university, campus ,environment.Could you tell me1 What you think have been the most significant changes recently in consumerbehaviours in China ( in your country )?➢In the past – prices, durability , quantity➢Now – designs , styles ,quality➢Brand name –famous brand (top , international brand)➢---- from quantitative point of view to qualitative point of view➢-----less attention to ****➢-----people in China are more and more influenced by ****2 How imporatnt you think English will be in the future for business in China ( in yourcountry )? --- the status of English in ChinaDue to more and frequent contacts between China and the rest of the world , English would definitely be more and more important for business in China in the near future, but at the same time , with the development of our motherland , our mother tongueof course will be more widely used for business . ( I doubt that ……)3 To what extent you think consumers in China( in your country ) are influenced by pricelevels of products ?➢More and more influenced by ****➢Less and less influenced by ****➢Instead of ****4 Whether you think most people will work from home in China (in your country) in thefuture ?The answer is positive . in the future , communication . commuteInstead of travelling to theTechnology , network technology.Task-orientedHome-based occupations5 How you think career opportunities are likely to change in China (in your country) ?With the development of science and technology ,some of the traditional trades are disappearing, on the other hand ,some modern trades …….such as IT …….becoming more and more popular . ……likely to shift from …to ….Materials for Your Speaking Test Part OneCould you tell me about your interests outside college or work?Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry in China?Tourism is a key economic sector in China. In terms of foreign currency it acts as a positive factor and its share in export and the gross domestic product is also particularly important. The development of other branches of the economy is based on the growth of the tourist industry and its impact on the employment rate and on the development of individual regions, where tourism provides a great opportunity to exploit the potential of natural and cultural monuments is very positive.Provide me with the skills I need in global business and equip me with the experience necessary to succeed in the global marketplace. (if you are working now)I’m able to gain experience and obtain skills that t hey may not have the chance to learn in their home country and absorb different values and come to better understand international expectations. (if you are a student)For students, an international education — particularly through life experience — creates an understanding that differences among people can be life-enhancing, and makes the transition into foreign cultures much more successful.Part one(必考题)I am a kind of person who can balance well between my personal life and woke lifeHere you are/ that is okey.(姓) 名:second name /given name西方人选择城市的十大目标:Weather transportation environment housing(pricey/expensive/costly) night life local people(hospitable /friendly/ generous)night lifeLocal governmentJob opportunities, resorts, atmosphere常考题:1. transportationHow did you come here today? How did you travel to the test? Did you come here by bus?Bus / taxi / cab / private car / subway / Tube underground / tramIf you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?) Which form of transport would you like to travel by? time / safety / moneyHow do you think you will travel to work in 15 years’ time?How do you think you will travel to work 15 years from now?Ans:It would be fast developing in 15 years time and will cover everywhere in Beijing. It will be really convenient.(2) HotelsWhat kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on holiday?✧hotel/motel/villa/apartment/flat(BrE)/dorm✧city breaks, beach holidayssun-tanned / fast-tanned centerDo you stay in a hotel or an apartment you are on holiday?✧camping camp or tent✧Hitchhiking, hitchhiker (take a gap year)✧Domestic travel✧Sight seeingWhat kinds of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for business people? (Why?)✧Hi-tech, Local Area Net, internet, database system, fax✧Well equipped conference room,sound-proofmulti-function hallvideo-conferencing, tele-conferencingDo you think companies should pay for their staff to stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)It depends (on the different circumstances).If you fix a deal which is worth $1000000, in that case, your company will pay for you to live…If you go there for only $2, it’s impossible.(3)Job (important )What kind of job would you like to do most? (Why?) What would your ideal job be?What kind of job do you like?Job title Job responsibility Job satisfactionShould companies offer training to staff?(Why? / Why not?)Do you think companies should provide training for staff?✧training→productivity→profit→motivationBut: training→cost money, time, staffopportunity cost internal conflictWould you like to work abroad? (Why? / Why not?)Is the opportunity to work in another country important to you?✧broaden one’s horizon, experience✧…is quite an experience to me.✧…is a real eye-opener culture messenger(4)Training Course (在第2部分和第3部分中非常重要)What kind of training course have you ever taken?Have you ever taken any training course?NewOriental School BEC online training course Computer skill training courseWhat do you think is most important when you choose a training course? (Why?)Location Transportation Duration of course CostFlexibility of trainer Topics covered Materials Follow up advice(5) Future PlanWhat would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?)✧go abroad, look for a job, hunt for a job, study further, post graduateWhat are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan?✧knowledge preparation: attend training course✧psychological preparation: be matureimprove interpersonal skillsWhat if you failed to find a job as a…? I am the right person for this job(6) Teamwork(外企应聘必考题)What kind of people do you most like working /studying with? (Why?)✧Honest and have good interpersonal skills diversityWhat do you think makes a good team? What is a good team?Cooperation and friendly atmosphereMutual trustDo you think you work in a good team? (Why? / Why not?)Asking about personal views.1. Why do you study English?2. Why do you want to study business?3. What do you think of some modern methods of payment (credit cards, cheques, banktransfers)?4. What role does the computer play in modern business?5. What are some necessary steps for preparing a business trip overseas?6. Which kind of office would you prefer to work in, cellular or an open-plan office?7. What do you think of international trade?8. How to deal with customer enquires on the phone?9. Transportation: (What is your usual means of transportation? Compare the variousmeans of transportation)10. Health and safety in the workplace (How to ensure a healthy working environment foremployees? What are some health hazards in the office/factory shop? What safety measures should be adopted in the workplace?)11. How to keep a balance between growth and environment protection?12. Radio and TV (What are your favorite/TV programs? Why?)13. What kind of role does advertising play in promoting your products/services? Whichform of advertising is most effective in your opinion?14. What are the required qualities of a modern manager?15. What do you know about flexible time?Ⅲ Business Dialogue1) Negotiating a Job OfferEmployer: would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year?Ms. Wilson: What kind of benefits are talking about?Employer: Our standard package includes health insurance, two weeks vacation anda company car.Ms. Wilson: Are these things negotiable?Employer: Uh…not normally. What do you have in mind ?Ms. Wilson: Vacation time is important to me. I would be willing to give up these other items in order to receive more vacation days.Employer: What an interesting idea, Ms. Wilson. Would you also be willing to accepta cut in initial salary?Ms. Wilson: possibly. What do you have in mind ?2) Employee Pay RaiseBoss: You have done an excellent job this year and we are pleased with the results.Employee: I am glad that you have been happy with my performance.Boss: As a result of your performance, we happy to offer you the position of manager.Employee: Does this title come with an increase in salary?Boss: Yes, it does.Employee: Can you give me the specifics?Boss: Your monthly gross salary will increase by $500.Employee: That sounds fair.3)Asking for a RaiseMr. White: So, tell me: what makes you think we should give you a raise?Miss Small: I’ve got several good reasons. I’ve been here several years, my work has proven to be good, and I’ve noticed that people in comparable jobs getpaid more than I do.Mr. White: Salaries are confidential; how do you know how much money t hese “other people” make?Miss Small: Well, I’ve noticed all the new cars around here, for one thing.Mr. White: Those are company cars provided to the sales staff for their business trips.Also, some employees receive sales commissions. So good salesmen willnaturally earn more.Miss Small: That’s understandable. Well, rather than comparing my salary with someone else’s, perhaps we could talk about my job performance. Surelyyou’ve noticed the extra hours I’ve put in recently? If I were being paid anhourly wage, with the standard time – and – a – half for overtime, I’d beearning much more.Mr. White: I see you point. However, it might be hard to get a raise approved. Profits were down last quarter, and the whole company is tightening its belt, soanything that affects the annual budget is hard to get approved. But I’ll tellyou what I’ll do. I’ll give you a one – time bonus for your recent hard work.And I’ll try to arrange some sort of compensation for any future overtime. Miss Small: That would be very good of you, Mr. White.4)Asking for a RaiseMartin: Mr. Smith, I have been doing some industry research and was shocked to learn that the average salary for a position that is similar to mine pays, onaverage $2,000 more per year than I am currently making.Mr. Smith: What are you basing this information on?Martin: First and secondary research. I hope that you can address this concern immediately as I find it very disturbing.Mr. Smith: Yes, I will. We are very happy with performance and want to continue our good working relationship.Martin: I wish the same. As such, I hope you will seriously consider a pay increase.Mr. Smith: Let me take this up with the Director and get back to you immediately.。
作者简介: 周为,西南政法大学外语学院04级法律英语专业学生,2006年5月参加BEC商务英语高级考试,顺利通过.总体感受BEC中级难度基本介于四、六级之间,BEC高级难度介于六级与专业八级之间。

1.Different Communication Styles不同的交流风格The way people communicate varies widely between, and even within, cultures. One aspect of communication style is language usage. Across cultures, some words and phrases are used in different ways. For example, even in countries that share the English language, the meaning of "yes" varies from "maybe, I'll consider it" to "definitely so," with many shades in between. Another major aspect of communication style is the degree of importance given to non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication includes not only facial expressions and gestures; it also involves seating arrangements, personal distance, and sense of time. In addition, different norms regarding the appropriate degree of assertiveness in communicating can add to cultural misunderstandings. For instance, some white Americans typically consider raised voices to be a sign that a fight has begun, while some Asian, African, Jewish and Italian Americans often feel that an increase in volume is a sign of an exciting conversation among friends. Thus, some white Americans may react with greater alarm to a loud discussion than would members of some American ethnic or non-white racial groups.2.Different Attitudes Toward Conflict对待冲突的态度不同Some cultures view conflict as a positive thing, while others view it as something to be avoided. In the U.S., conflict is not usually desirable; but people often are encouraged to deal directly with conflicts that do arise. In fact, face-to-face meetings customarily are recommended as the way to work through whatever problems exist. In contrast, in many Eastern countries, open conflict is experienced as embarrassing or demeaning; as a rule, differences are best worked out quietly. A written exchange might be the favored means to address the conflict.3.Different Approaches to Completing Tasks采用不同方法去完成任务From culture to culture, there are different ways that people move toward completing tasks. Some reasons include different access to resources, different judgments of the rewards associated with task completion, different notions of time, and varied ideas about how relationship-building and task-oriented work should go together.When it comes to working together effectively on a task, cultures differ with respect to the importance placed on establishing relationships early on in the collaboration. A case in point, Asian and Hispanic cultures tend to attach more value to developing relationships at the beginning of a shared project and more emphasis on task completion toward the end as compared with Americans. Americans tend to focus immediately on the task at hand, and let relationships develop as they work on the task. This does not mean that people from any one of these cultural backgrounds are more or less committed to accomplishing the task, or value relationships more or less; it means they may pursue them differently.4.Different Decision-Making Styles不同的做决定的风格The roles individuals play in decision-making vary widely from culture to culture. For example, in the U.S., decisions are frequently delegated -- that is, an official assigns responsibility for a particular matter to a subordinate. In many Southern European and Latin American countries, there is a strong value placed on holding decision-making responsibilities oneself. When decisions are made by groups of people, majority rule is a common approach in the U.S.; in Asia consensusis the preferred mode. Be aware that individuals' expectations about their own roles in shaping a decision may be influenced by their cultural frame of reference.5.Different Attitudes Toward Disclosure对待披露/曝光的态度不同In some cultures, it is not appropriate to be frank about emotions, about the reasons behind a conflict or a misunderstanding, or about personal information. Keep this in mind when you are in a dialogue or when you are working with others. When you are dealing with a conflict, be mindful that people may differ in what they feel comfortable revealing. Questions that may seem natural to you -- What was the conflict about? What was your role in the conflict? What was the sequence of events? -- may seem intrusive to others. The variation among cultures in attitudes toward disclosure is also something to consider before you conclude that you have an accurate reading of the views, experiences, and goals of the people with whom you are working.。

如上升趋势有“grow , skyrocket, soar, increase”等,表示下降的有“drop, plummet, decrease, fall”等,平衡状态的有“level off, balance, go steady”等。
积累这些词汇还要积累下表示程度的如“dramatically, extremely, slowly, quickly”等。
第二部分从“letter, proposal, report”三种形式选择一种,写一篇文章。
可能你擅长写report的那个题目让你汇报“The causes to the increase of staff turnover”, 但是你对员工流失率的内容并不熟悉;而写proposal的题目要求你写关于“organize an annual festival party in the company” 的内容,你有很多的idea,但是你不熟悉proposal的写法,这样就难办了。

个人0 其实自己准备得不是很充分,这学期专业课很多,陆续都考试了,在BEC考试之前刚刚接受了学校考试的狂轰乱炸。
我选的是A,题目是说在选择明星代言产品的时候什么更重要一些呢,是明星的费用,还是明星的形象, 搭档说的没有听懂,所以提问这部分我做的很差。
口试通知时间: 口试安排是在上午笔试结束的时候写在黑板上的。

1. Work and careers:关于工作和职业的话题,例如职业规划、就业市场、工作经验等。
2. Technology and communication:关于科技和通信的话题,例如电子邮件、社交媒体、手机等。
3. Globalization and business travel:关于全球化和商务旅行的话题,例如跨国公司、国际商务、文化差异等。
4. Management and leadership:关于管理和领导力的话题,例如团队管理、决策 making、创新等。
5. Customer service and sales:关于客户服务和销售的话题,例如客户满意度、销售技巧、市场营销等。
6. Ethics and corporate social responsibility:关于道德和企业社会责任的话题,例如商业道德、可持续发展、公平贸易等。

教材准备:剑桥BEC真题集中级第2,3和4辑;新编剑桥商务英语中级同步辅导(第三版);新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版学生用书;新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版学生用书练习册;剑桥商务英语中级词汇精选(新东方,黄色封面书);《新编剑桥商务口试必备手册PASS BEC》(陈小慰主编);新东方BEC主讲谢姣岳的中级口语教材;新编剑桥商务英语教师用书中级(第三版);考试准备用品:1.文具用品:铅笔两只(一只怕不够,以防万一),橡皮,直尺,黑色水笔或者钢笔 2.必备品:耳机(音质不错的,自己平时就在用的耳机,考场可能提供耳机,但是质量就。

BEC高级口语总结第一篇:BEC高级口语总结一、团队合作1.团队合作的好处(重要性)或缺点In a team, I can learn from my fellow workers , get help from them when I am under pressure.When you work with more people, you get a chance to listen to different points of view, to learn to see things in a different perspective.Sometimes, team membership requires you to give up some individuality in order for the team to function as a whole.Sometimes you feel your own contribution to the team cannot be measured, so you work less than you would individually.2.团队合作的要点/特点Mutual trust is the first secret of successful teamwork.When members share a trusting relationship, they will feel free to express their views, understand each other’s ca pabilities and limitations, and communicate with each other timely.This helps to bring out the potentials, experience and creativity of the individual and create good work environment.Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact on the success or failure of the team.When team members develop a strong awareness of cooperation, they would make collective efforts to achieve the common objectives and ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship.On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.Characteristics like mutual trust, co-operation, commitment, openness of expression among team members are essential to a good team.Besides, a team should also be clear about the common goals they aim to attain.3.怎样形成团队合作的文化二、企业内部沟通1.重要性(好处)The employee can make suggestions to the boss about internal development, and discuss areas they can improve on.In this way, the employee can contribute to the overall improvement of the company.2.和员工沟通管理信息需考虑的要点First o f all, I think it’s important to clearly state your overall purpose and expectation.In this way, employees know exactly what they should do to meet work requirements and to achieve performance excellence.In addition to this, providing feedback on their performance is also important.On the managerial part, performance reviews help mangers to keep track of possible problems in their own work.On the part of the employees, they get encouraged for their hard work and are given chances to correct mistakes made on the job.Besides, mangers should be more open in sharing information with their subordinates.They should let employees know in advance any proposed changes before they actually occur.This will enhance mutual understanding and trust.3.与顾客沟通的必要性(好处)及如何与顾客沟通?三、降低成本1.控制生产成本需考虑的要点(方法)及作用Train workersIn these days of changing technologies and methods, it is necessary to train your workers to keep them up to date.Staff training is extremely important nowadays.You see, technologies keep changing and if employees get regular training, they would be able to work more efficiently.It's the competence of the workforce that sharpens the competitive edge of the company.Get quality from suppliers Low quality goods fromsuppliers is a major source of waste.You should not only try to get quality suppliers but also work with your suppliers to help them improve their operations and quality of output.In cost management, it's important to cut down the cost of raw materials, as to a large extent, it helps to determine the product prices.Cost-conscious companies always seek to work with good suppliers who can offer quality raw materials with reasonable prices.Low quality materials from suppliers are actually a waste of money.Efficiency of production line is another important thing to consider.When introducing a production line, it is important to consult an ergonomics specialist and see that it's user-friendly and will not cause too much physical stress and strain.Meanwhile, workers should get fully-trained to work more efficiently on the line.Measures should also be taken to eliminate waste.On top of that, management should develop good benefits system to boost the morale of the workers.2.不恰当的控制成本的方法及危害downsizing Some company leaders feel they can reduce costs by simply downsizing or reducing the number of workers or middle managers.Unfortunately, it’s not a proper way.One of the biggest effects of downsizing to reduce costs is that the good employees quickly leave the company for greener pastures.Thus the company is left with the deadwood employees, who are supposed to do twice the work as before.Reducing customer service Customer service can be a nuisance and is often expensive.Sometimes companies will reduce or eliminate the service they give to the customers.Unfortunately, a neglected customer is an ex-customer.Customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.Good customer relationship helps to improve your company image and boost sales.As a result, large-scale production will be cost effective for yourcompany.Cutting corners A quite way to cut costs is by cutting corners in production or service methods.Some company leaders feel that by using cheaper material and labor, and by eliminating part and steps, they can cut costs and save money.It is true that costs may be cut in the short turn, but often the product or service is of such a low quality that repair and rework costs go through the roof.Also customers may become unhappy with the low quality and move on to another supplier.四、时间管理1.有效管理时间有多重要?时间管理技巧:When managing a busy schedule, time management skills are important.They are es-sential skills for effective people.Keeping T o-Do lists would remind you of all essential tasks to be finished.It's a powerful method of organising yourself and a way of reducing stress.Deciding work priorities can help you concentrate on the right things which are important and urgent.Tackling problems in order of importance allows you to separate important jobs from the many time-wasting trivial ones.2.设立目标的重要性/怎样设立目标?设立目标的重要性:By setting clearly-defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals and raise your self-confidence due to your achievements, ability and competence.Self-confidence, by turns, will enable you to achieve higher and more difficult goals.怎样设立目标?Set goals which are specific, measurable, realistic and achievable.Your optimum goals are those which cause you to ‘stretch’ but not ‘break’ as you strive for achievement.Goals can give creative people a much-needed sense of direction.3.作计划的重要性/怎样作计划?五、管理1.团队的核心领导的重要性2.优秀的管理者应该具有的素质:六、销售1.销售技巧Speak effectively and sincerely about my product or service.Learn to be a good listener because if you don’t listen to and understand the needs of buyers you can’t become a successful sales professional.Know my competitors and the merits and pitfalls of their products.A successful salesman should connect with customers and create a desire to buy him willingly and happily.2.广告的重要性When aiming to increase sales of a product, it's important to advertise the product because advertising can inform, persuade and remind potential customers of the product.Marketers can launch an advertising campaign to attract a large number of consumers.And, effective advertising can enhance consumer perceptions of quality in the product, thus encouraging customers to buy this product repeatedly.3.广告媒体的选择The media the marketer selects must be capable of accomplishing the communications objectives of information, persuading, and reminding potential customers of the products.Broadcast media include television and radio.Newspapers, magazines, outdoor advertising represent the major types of print media.The internet is a new medium.Nowadays, many companies jump to advertise on the internet.Internet advertising can assist in raising awareness of brands, it is most successful when combined with traditional advertising such as TV or print.With more and more people using the internet, advertisements on the internet can reach largeaudiences.4.处理顾客投诉When customers complain, it's important that staff should apologize first, because cus-tomers must be very upset when they are dissatisfied with the product or service, some may even be aggressive.At this time, employees should remain calm and collected, listen to the complaints and apologize for the problem, and then the customers may feel that they are taken good care of.Suggesting a solution to the problem is also important.An apology is not enough, em-ployees should also try to deal with the existing problems, if they suggest a solution to the problem, customers may not be so dissatisfied, and they may not take their business elsewhere.It's also important that employees should not make any promises that they cannot keep.If employees cannot keep promises, customers may get disappointed, then, they may switch to other producers.5.处理顾客投诉的重要性Businesses benefit from treating complains as welcome resource and opportunities to gain innovative ideas for improvement.Customers often have stronger commitments to a company after a conflict has been solved than they would have if they had never complaint at all.Customer complaints offer organizations the opportunity to overcome problems and improve commitments to service.七、产品开发1.市场调研In developing new products, I think market research is very important.By carrying out market research, a company can get such information as whether there exists a niche market for a new product, and what are customers' needs and tastes for the new product, therefore, the new product will sell well when it is launched into market.2.创新第二篇:BEC高级口语考试话题总结1.Different Communication Styles不同的交流风格The way people communicate varies widely between, and even within, cultures.One aspect of communication style is language usage.Across cultures, some words and phrases are used in different ways.For example, even in countries that share the English language, the meaning of “yes” varies from “maybe, I'll consider it” to “definitely so,” with many shades in between.Another major aspect of communication style is the degree of importance given to non-verbal communication.Non-verbal communication includes not only facial expressions and gestures;it also involves seating arrangements, personal distance, and sense of time.In addition, different norms regarding the appropriate degree of assertiveness in communicating can add to cultural misunderstandings.For instance, some white Americans typically consider raised voices to be a sign that a fight has begun, while some Asian, African, Jewish and Italian Americans often feel that an increase in volume is a sign of an exciting conversation among friends.Thus, some white Americans may react with greater alarm to a loud discussion than would members of some American ethnic or non-white racial groups.2.Different Attitudes Toward Conflict对待冲突的态度不同Some cultures view conflict as a positive thing, while others view it as something to be avoided.In the U.S., conflict is not usually desirable;but people often are encouraged to deal directly with conflicts that do arise.In fact, face-to-face meetings customarily are recommended as the way to work through whatever problems exist.In contrast, in many Eastern countries, open conflict is experienced as embarrassing or demeaning;as arule, differences are best worked out quietly.A written exchange might be the favored means to address the conflict.3.Different Approaches to Completing Tasks采用不同方法去完成任务From culture to culture, there are different ways that people move toward completing tasks.Some reasons include different access to resources, different judgments of the rewards associated with task completion, different notions of time, and varied ideas about how relationship-building and task-oriented work should go together.When it comes to working together effectively on a task, cultures differ with respect to the importance placed on establishing relationships early on in the collaboration.A case in point, Asian and Hispanic cultures tend to attach more value to developing relationships at the beginning of a shared project and more emphasis on task completion toward the end as compared with Americans.Americans tend to focus immediately on the task at hand, and let relationships develop as they work on the task.This does not mean that people from any one of these cultural backgrounds are more or less committed to accomplishing the task, or value relationships more or less;it means they may pursue them differently.4.Different Decision-Making Styles不同的做决定的风格The roles individuals play in decision-making vary widely from culture to culture.For example, in the U.S., decisions are frequently delegated--that is, an official assigns responsibility for a particular matter to a subordinate.In many Southern European and Latin American countries, there is a strong value placed on holding decision-making responsibilities oneself.When decisions are made by groups of people, majority rule is a commonapproach in the U.S.;in Asia consensus is the preferred mode.Be aware that individuals' expectations about their own roles in shaping a decision may be influenced by their cultural frame of reference.5.Different Attitudes Toward Disclosure对待披露/曝光的态度不同In some cultures, it is not appropriate to be frank about emotions, about the reasons behind a conflict or a misunderstanding, or about personal information.Keep this in mind when you are in a dialogue or when you are working with others.When you are dealing with a conflict, be mindful that people may differ in what they feel comfortable revealing.Questions that may seem natural to you--What was the conflict about? What was your role in the conflict? What was the sequence of events?--may seem intrusive to others.The variation among cultures in attitudes toward disclosure is also something to consider before you conclude that you have an accurate reading of the views, experiences, and goals of the people with whom you are working.第三篇:BEC高级a级自己总结口语材料[转载]BEC高级口语presentation的材料口语具体的考试形式就不多说了,相信大家都知道,这里主要说一下presentation部分经常考的内容。
【2018-2019】商务英语考试BEC高级口语经验小结-word范文 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==商务英语考试BEC高级口语经验小结我在北外考场以口语考官的身份,考差了14对、28人的高级口语。
问过姓名之后,就是Where are you from?这道题,我的考场都是正确反应:I am from Sichuan, China.其它考场有的人说I'm from Ren Min University.答成了自己的学校。
第一部分有两套题,其中那个第一套题和去年一样,没有变化:Work or Studies:- What you find most interesting about your job or course- About your future career plans- Why you decided to learn English- About your ideal kind of employer *- Why you chose your particular career- About the place where you work or study. *其中画有*的题目有的考生没有理解。
ideal kind of employer不一定需要考生是有工作的,因为它在问“你理想的雇主具有哪些特点”,即使是在校生,也可以发表自己的意见、有的可说; 学习或工作的地方,有的人没有思路,有的人有思路但是调理不清楚,用词也没有注意到质量。
下面是比较好的答案:- About your ideal kind of employer *Well, for me, I would like to join a company where there arewell-developed training programs for young people. After all, moneyis not higly prioritized for someone fresh from school. Rather, gaining experience and qualification would be more important.其中 In my opinion, opinion的发音有的人读错,重音、卷舌音乱来;As far as I'm conerned有的人说成了 as far as I am concern, 这也是错的。

第一篇:BEC中高级口语总结(根据陈小蔚口语书各主题总结)主题一.商务旅行/差旅(1) 前期准备preparation 1. accommodation:book a hotel(hall等)with adequate working facilities(such as fax machine,internet access,computers等)2. transportation :choose a convenient(suitable)means of transportation (2) 费用:hotel bills,traveling expenses,public transportation fares,fax or telephone charges,client entertainment expenses (3) 考虑因素: 文化差异cultural differences:different thought patterns;working style;ways of decision-making;shopping habits;ways of seeing the world 如何应对:1. promote the global mindset2. become sensitive to the cultural difference/be open-minded3. respect for native culture4. consider cultural taboos5. the staff should acquaint with differences in language,laws and social customs6. relocate the employee to work abroad to experience different working style二.员工培训training (1)主要内容:(内容+意义munication skills +avoid misunderstanding;get the work well done2.customer service +it is critical to meet customers‘needs;increase customers’satisfaction3.interpersonal relationship + enhance mutual understanding and trustputer skills + it is important for conducting administrative and offer training + give practical advice for avoiding getting hurt6. business ethics(商业道德)+customers‘s loyalty and trust to the company (2)重要性从公司发展的角度看:1. enhance company image 2. increase productivity 从雇员的角度:1. increase job satisfaction2. boost morale(among employees)3. enhance efficiencies in process which result in financial gain4 . reduce employee turnover/retain employee5. acquire more practical skills that is beneficial for the personal development6. ensure employees have greater commitment in their work/continue effort7. ensure employees keep up with the latest information for market trend9. help them have a clear idea of future job(以上的好处或重要性适用于任何有关公司发展的政策措施或活动) (3)如何使培训有成效Good preparation ensures effective training(任何有关准备的主题都可以套用)1. maintain a positive energy and attitude 2. fully equipped facilities 3. meet the training needs/requirements 4. company budget 5. well-organized materials (4)如何鉴定培训是否具有成效1. organize a relevant test2. to conduct a survey to participants to see whether they have any improvement in the work performance3. whether the training address the issues/solve problems三.激励员工留住员工措施:(具体措施+好处)1. offer financial benefits/bonus2. effective training + 同上training的好处3. provide cozy/comfortable working environment + feel at ease/increase efficiency4. paid holiday + release5. profit-sharing plan 公司利润分享制6. stock option7. constant communication between the employer and the employer8. flexible working hour+ balance work and life/reserve time for family,hobby or personal development9. offer some special gift that meet employee’s expectation 10. opportunities for promotion 11. offer physical health check-up for the staff/membership or discount at health and fitness club四.招聘Recruiting(1)招聘方式(优缺点)1.内部招聘internal promotion优点:have more motivational value boost maral encourage employees to continue effort give other employees anticipation of promotion reduce the orientation and training cost make good use of abundant human resources缺点:if not fair,it will lead to internal conflict补充一下内部招聘的具体做法:a selection test/well-designed interview/check record ofpast performance/appraisal2,外部招聘external recruitment优点:receive a source of new ideas/latest knowledgeavoid unfair selectingbe contributable to company‘s overall growth and success缺点:deprive career anticipationdiscourage moraleIncrease training cost其他招聘方式(TV,newspapers,internet,recruitment company)各种方式的优缺点:优+缺(同广告不同宣传方式的优缺点)Interne(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vast audience/attract wide attention;attract potential customes + may be annoying Television:reach vast audience + high cost;people often change channels Newspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader + life span is short,readers often discard them quicklyask a recruitment company :professional + high cos;cannot find the right person五.广告宣传方式(招聘,发表新产品等)launch a advertising campaign,publicity 1. Interne(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vast audience/attract wide attention;attract potential customers + may be annoying 2. Television:reach vast audience + high cost;people often change channels 3. Newspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader + life span is short,readers often discard them quickly cost 5.give out free sample:give a personal experience6.send direct email to target customers:get a mailing list of target customers;attract potential customers + people often ignore or just delete it immediately without open (should use attractive headline)7.give out leaflets六.商务会议(1)前期准备(召开前要考虑的要点)1. agenda(key point):set out in advance to state date,time and location;inform them of all the items to be discussed together;ask them for suggestions for items2. venue:choose a suitable venue;with convenient transportation;big enough to accommodate all the participants;3.facilities:fully equipped with necessary facilities such as overhead projecter,fax,telephone,computer with access to the internet4.the size/length of the meeting(2)集会的目的:1. keep on track of market trend(to respond quickly)2. gather ideas to reach more workable final decision3,offer platform to share valuable experience 3. exchange views to solve problem (3).其他形式的集会活动1. buffet dinners2. afternoon teatime3. sightseeing reward ceremony 目的同上:商务会议的目的(4).参会需要带的文件(只是个大概):1. work plans2. analysis for market trend and development3. sales report(销售会议)4. related figures/datagive a overall picture;useful for setting goals/targets(5)参加会议需要注意什么(会中):1.listen carefully :show respect to others;benefit from their views2. take notes:ensure not miss the important items;useful for later reference七.缓解工作压力/应对繁重工作(1).表现:consistently working lateworking through lunchcome to work even when ill/often ask for sick leaverush to meet tight deadlinebring work home (2)后果:high turnover;poor performance;in low spirit;lower productivity (3)解决措施:(具体措施+好处) 1. time management training: prioritize all tasks in order of importance and urgency + feel at ease with their routine work 2. flexible working time + balance work and life 3. provide some sports facilities/organize sports activities + enhance employees’health 4. encourage to take up a hobby + get off the fatigue 5. provide coffee rooms and nutritious refreshment + help to relax 6. provide childcare/eldercare/transportation facilities + help to cope with these responsibilities八.解决公司危机的措施:It is really time that we should take some immediate measures 1. issue a news release 2.make arrangement for the victims 3. offer all kinds of assistance 4. offer some compensation 5. assign some staff to their family to help to cope with tragedy 6. make a promise to7. organize some related training programme about 8. (产品)recall all the product from the market to prevent possible danger九.公司选址/迁址考虑因素:1.get closer to the target market 2.cheaper labor cost;low rates of corporate tax and fast-growing business area(which have high level of demand for services)4.convenient public transportation 5.leasing rent(choose one can affort)6.avoid competition 7.consider expansion potential(which offer some flexibility and room for the expansion of company)8.better working environment好处:boost business;lead to higher-quality performance;increase company‘s profits(这几个都是万能短语)十.市场营销(产品相关的话题)(1)产品属性:brand;price;quality;after-sales service;reputation;reliability (2)价格的制定影响因素:competition; supply and demand; customers’perception of price 措施: offer seasonal/trade/cash discount to stimulate demand,boost saleCarry out survey to find out customers’needs and tastes (3)产品推销/推广目的:aim at target market;promote product efficiency;meet and beat fierce competitioncapture a large market share(占领市场较大份额)方式:1. launch a advertising campaign(略,见上)2. personal selling:employ some experienced salepeople3. sales promotion:offer promotional gifts;coupons优惠券;rebate回扣;loyalty scheme;sweepstake抽奖;free samples;trading stamp;contest4. publicity:mass media 好处:attract potential customers ;boost the sale of product ;encourage customers to try new products (4) 客户服务customer service 目的:increase the level of customer satisfaction;meet customers’expectation;improve the standard of customer service 提高服务质量的措施:1. Have an after-sale services supervision system(minitor,supervise)2. staff training programme(improve staff friendliness;the speed of service;learn to deal with customer complaints)3. check sales figures regularly4. obtain feedback from customer (set up a hotline;conduct a survey) (5) 留住顾客目的:maintain customer loyalty;keep customer 措施:1. understand what the customer needs2. provide high quality product and good service3. offer some discount to regular customer4. upgrate interior decoration十一.招待客户具体款待方式+好处(1) appropriate types of activities:1. arrange a big welcoming dinner+ show warm welcome/hospitality;make them feel at ease;set a stage for conversation and potential business2. show them around our company,especially the best part + give them an overview of our facilities and production methods3. take them to see places of cultural and historicalinterest/experience cultural events(plays;concerts;sport events)+ offer us good opportunities to get to know each other better;give them more insight into our way of doing business;help encourage their busiess interest in china;have a chance to take in the local flavor (2) costhigh cost means excellence in service (3) business objectives 1. have a clear plan in mind 2. work out a list of specific business objectives to achieve 3. land business contracts第二篇:BEC高级口语总结一、团队合作1. 团队合作的好处(重要性)或缺点In a team, I can learn from my fellow workers , get help from them when I am under pressure. When you work with more people, you get a chance to listen to different points of view, to learn to see things in a different perspective.Sometimes, team membership requires you to give up some individuality in order for the team to function asa whole. Sometimes you feel your own contribution to the team cannot be measured, so you work less than you would individually. 2. 团队合作的要点/特点Mutual trust is the first secret of successful teamwork. When members share a trusting relationship, they will feel free to express their views, understand each other’s capabilities and limitations, and communicate with each other timely. This helps to bring out the potentials, experience and creativity of the individual and create good work environment. Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact on the success or failure of the team. When team members develop a strong awareness of cooperation, they would make collective efforts to achieve the common objectives and ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship. On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.Characteristics like mutual trust, co-operation, commitment, openness of expression among team members are essential to a good team. Besides, a team should also be clear about the common goals they aim to attain.3. 怎样形成团队合作的文化二、企业内部沟通1. 重要性(好处)The employee can make suggestions to the boss about internal development, and discuss areas they can improve on. In this way, the employee can contribute to the overall improvement of the company. 2. 和员工沟通管理信息需考虑的要点First of all, I think it’s important to clearly state your overall purpose and expectation. In this way, employees know exactly what they should do to meet work requirements and to achieve performance excellence.In addition to this, providing feedback on their performance is also important. On the managerial part, performance reviews help mangers to keep track of possible problems in their own work. On the part of the employees, they get encouraged for their hard work and are given chances to correct mistakes made on the job. Besides, mangers should be more open in sharing information with their subordinates. They should let employees know in advance any proposed changes before they actually occur. This will enhance mutual understanding and trust. 3. 与顾客沟通的必要性(好处)及如何与顾客沟通?三、降低成本1. 控制生产成本需考虑的要点(方法)及作用Train workersIn these days of changing technologies and methods, it is necessary to train your workers to keep them up to date. Staff training is extremely important nowadays. You see, technologies keep changing and if employees get regular training, they would be able to work more efficiently. It's the competence of the workforce that sharpens the competitive edge of the company.Get quality from suppliers Low quality goods from suppliers is a major source of waste. You should not onlytry to get quality suppliers but also work with your suppliers to help them improve their operations and quality of output.In cost management, it's important to cut down the cost of raw materials, as to a large extent, it helps to determine the product prices. Cost-conscious companies always seek to work with good suppliers who can offer quality raw materials with reasonable prices. Low quality materials from suppliers are actually a waste of money. Efficiency of production line is another important thing to consider. When introducing a production line, it is important to consult an ergonomics specialist and see that it's user- friendly and will not cause too much physical stress and strain. Meanwhile, workers should get fully-trained to work more efficiently on the line. Measures should also be taken to eliminate waste. On top of that, management should develop good benefits system to boost the morale of the workers.2. 不恰当的控制成本的方法及危害downsizing Some company leaders feel they can reduce costs by simply downsizing or reducing the number of workers or middle managers. Unfortunately, it’s not a proper way. One of the biggest effects of downsizing to reduce costs is that the good employees quickly leave the company for greener pastures. Thus the company is left with the deadwood employees, who are supposed to do twice the work as before.Reducing customer service Customer service can be a nuisance and is often expensive. Sometimes companies will reduce or eliminate the service they give to the customers. Unfortunately, a neglected customer is anex-customer. Customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Good customer relationship helps to improve your company image and boost sales. As a result, large-scale production will be cost effective for your company.Cutting corners A quite way to cut costs is by cutting corners in production or service methods. Some company leaders feel that by using cheaper material and labor, and by eliminating part and steps, they can cut costs and save money. It is true that costs may be cut in the short turn, but often the product or service is of such a low quality that repair and rework costs go through the roof. Also customers may become unhappy with the low quality and move on to another supplier.四、时间管理1. 有效管理时间有多重要?时间管理技巧:When managing a busy schedule, time management skills are important. They are es-sential skills for effective people. Keeping To-Do lists would remind you of all essential tasks to be finished. It's a powerful method of organising yourself and a way of reducing stress. Deciding work priorities can help you concentrate on the right things which are important and urgent. Tackling problems in order of importance allows you to separate important jobs from the many time-wasting trivial ones.2. 设立目标的重要性/怎样设立目标?设立目标的重要性:By setting clearly-defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals and raise your self-confidence due to your achievements, ability and competence. Self-confidence, by turns, will enable you to achieve higher and more difficult goals.怎样设立目标?Set goals which are specific, measurable, realistic and achievable. Your optimum goals are those which cause you to ‘stretch’but not ‘break’as you strive for achievement. Goals can give creative people a much-needed sense of direction.3. 作计划的重要性/怎样作计划?五、管理1. 团队的核心领导的重要性2. 优秀的管理者应该具有的素质:六、销售1. 销售技巧Speak effectively and sincerely about my product or service. Learn to be a good listener because if you don’t listen to and understand the needs of buyers you can’t become a successful sales professional. Know my competitors and the merits and pitfalls of their products. A successful salesman should connect with customers and create a desire to buy him willingly and happily.2. 广告的重要性When aiming to increase sales of a product, it's important to advertise the product because advertising can inform, persuade and remind potential customers of the product. Marketers can launch an advertising campaign to attract a large number of consumers. And, effective advertising can enhance consumer perceptions of quality in the product, thus encouraging customers to buy this product repeatedly.3. 广告媒体的选择The media the marketer selects must be capable of accomplishing the communications objectives of information, persuading, and reminding potential customers of the products. Broadcast media include television and radio. Newspapers, magazines, outdoor advertising represent the major types of print media. The internet is a new medium. Nowadays, many companies jump to advertise on the internet. Internet advertising can assist in raising awareness of brands, it is most successful when combined with traditional advertising such as TV or print. With more and more people using the internet, advertisements on the internet can reach large audiences.4. 处理顾客投诉When customers complain, it's important that staff should apologize first, because cus-tomers must be very upset when they are dissatisfied with the product or service, some may even be aggressive. At this time, employees should remain calm and collected, listen to the complaints and apologize for the problem, and then the customers may feel that they are taken good care of. Suggesting a solution to the problem is also important. An apology is not enough, em-ployees should also try to deal with the existing problems, if they suggest a solution to the problem, customers may not be so dissatisfied, and they may not take their business elsewhere. It's also important that employees should not make any promises that they cannot keep. If employees cannot keep promises, customers may get disappointed, then, they may switch to other producers.5. 处理顾客投诉的重要性Businesses benefit from treating complains as welcome resource and opportunities to gain innovative ideas for improvement.Customers often have stronger commitments to a company after a conflict has been solved than they would have if they had never complaint at all.Customer complaints offer organizations the opportunity to overcome problems and improve commitments to service.七、产品开发1. 市场调研In developing new products, I think market research is very important. By carrying out market research, a company can get such information as whether there exists a niche market for a new product, and what are customers' needs and tastes for the new product, therefore, the new product will sell well when it is launched into market. 2. 创新第三篇:BEC真题口语总结第四辑TEST1 :Part 2:1、marketingimportance of advertising slogans in promoting a brand or product..广告标语对宣传品牌和产品的重要性2、information managementimportance of keeping staff informed about company policies and plans让员工了解公司政策和计划的重要性3、purchasinghow to achieve and maintain good relations with all suppliers怎样取得和保持和供应商的良好关系Part3: your company proposing send a team of staff abroad six months to set up an office and train local employees. Recommendations for that.公司拟派员工出国开设分公司或机构培训当地员工,提建议。

2019年商务英语考试口语总结-word范文模板 (3页)

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比如th和s 发音的区别,你能做到很好吗?仅仅准确远远不够,英语的发音放到具体句子里就会变音,连读、略读等等很多。
(呵呵,顺便交待一下,我比较喜欢看《越狱》Prison Break,不过这是美国电视剧,所以发音是美式的,对于正在准备BEC的同学,我现在就不推荐你们看了,不过考试完之后可以看一下,我到现在看了两遍多了,到最近更新的第二季14集,真的可以作为一部教科书,无论是政治背景、文化背景、故事情节、折射出的人性,还是说具体一点我比较推崇的发音,都值得好好研究学习 )Practice makes perfect.练习永远都是提高口语水平的必经之路,也是最有效的方法。
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B E C中高级口语总结(根据陈小蔚口语书各主题总结) -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII主题一.商务旅行/差旅(1)前期准备preparation1.accommodation:book a hotel(hall等)with adequate workingfacilities(such as fax machine,internet access,computers等)2.transportation :choose a convenient(suitable)means oftransportation(2)费用:hotel bills,traveling expenses,public transportation fares,faxor telephone charges,client entertainment expenses(3)考虑因素:文化差异cultural differences:different thought patterns;working style;ways of decision-making;shopping habits;ways ofseeing the world如何应对:1.promote the global mindset2.become sensitive to the cultural difference/be open-minded3.respect for native culture4.consider cultural taboos5.the staff should acquaint with differences in language,laws and social customs6.relocate the employee to work abroad to experiencedifferent working style二.员工培训training(1)主要内容:(内容+意义munication skills +avoid misunderstanding;get the workwell done2.customer service +it is critical to mee t customers‘ needs;increase customers’ satisfaction3.interpersonal relationship + enhance mutual understanding andtrustputer skills + it is important for conductingadministrative and offer training + give practical advice for avoiding gettinghurt6. business ethics(商业道德)+customers‘s loyalty and trust tothe company(2)重要性从公司发展的角度看:1.enhance company image2.increase productivity从雇员的角度:1. increase job satisfaction2. boost morale(among employees)3. enhance efficiencies in process which result in financialgain4 . reduce employee turnover/retain employee5. acquire more practical skills that is beneficial for thepersonal development6. ensure employees have greater commitment in theirwork/continue effort7. ensure employees keep up with the latest information formarket trend9. help them have a clear idea of future job(以上的好处或重要性适用于任何有关公司发展的政策措施或活动)(3)如何使培训有成效Good preparation ensures effective training(任何有关准备的主题都可以套用)1.maintain a positive energy and attitude2.fully equipped the training needs/requirementspany budget5.well-organized materials(4)如何鉴定培训是否具有成效1. organize a relevant test2. to conduct a survey to participants to see whether they haveany improvement in the work performance3. whether the training address the issues/solve problems三.激励员工留住员工措施:(具体措施+好处)1.offer financial benefits/bonus2.effective training + 同上training的好处3.provide cozy/comfortable working environment + feel at ease/increaseefficiency4.paid holiday + release5.profit-sharing plan 公司利润分享制6.stock option7.constant communication between the employer and the employer8.flexible working hour+ balance work and life/reserve time for family,hobby or personal development9.offer s ome special gift that meet employee’s expectation10.opportunities for promotion11.offer physical health check-up for the staff/membership or discount athealth and fitness club四.招聘Recruiting(1)招聘方式(优缺点)1.内部招聘internal promotion优点:have more motivational valueboost maralencourage employees to continue effortgive other employees anticipation of promotionreduce the orientation and training costmake good use of abundant human resources缺点:if not fair,it will lead to internal conflict补充一下内部招聘的具体做法:a selection test/well-designedinterview/check record of pastperformance/appraisal2,外部招聘external recruitment优点:receive a source of new ideas/latest knowledgeavoid unfair selectingbe contributabl e to company‘s overall growth and success 缺点:deprive career anticipationdiscourage moraleIncrease training cost其他招聘方式(TV,newspapers,internet,recruitment company)各种方式的优缺点:优+缺(同广告不同宣传方式的优缺点)Interne(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vastaudience/attract wide attention;attract potentialcustomes + may be annoyingTelevision:reach vast audience + high cost;people often changechannelsNewspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader + lifespan is short,readers often discard them quicklyask a recruitment company :professional + high cos;cannot find the right person五.广告宣传方式(招聘,发表新产品等)launch a advertising campaign,publicity1. Interne(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vastaudience/attract wide attention;attract potential customers + may be annoying2. Television:reach vast audience + high cost;people often change channels3. Newspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader +life span is short,readers often discard them cost5.give out free sample:give a personal experience6.send direct email to target customers:get a mailing list oftarget customers;attract potential customers + people oftenignore or just delete it immediately without open (should use attractive headline)7.give out leaflets六.商务会议(1)前期准备(召开前要考虑的要点)1. agenda(key point):set out in advance to state date,timeand location;inform them of all the items to bediscussed together;ask them for suggestions for items 2. venue:choose a suitable venue;with convenienttransportation;big enough to accommodate all theparticipants;3.facilities:fully equipped with necessary facilities such asoverhead projecter,fax,telephone,computer withaccess to the internet4.the size/length of the meeting(2)集会的目的:1. keep on track of market trend(to respond quickly)2. gather ideas to reach more workable final decision3,offer platform to share valuable views to solve problem(3).其他形式的集会活动1. buffet dinners2. afternoon teatime3. sightseeing reward ceremony目的同上:商务会议的目的(4).参会需要带的文件(只是个大概):1. work plans2. analysis for market trend and development3. sales report(销售会议)4. related figures/datagive a overall picture;useful for setting goals/targets (5)参加会议需要注意什么(会中):1.listen carefully :show respect to others;benefit from their views2. take notes:ensure not miss the important items;useful for later reference七.缓解工作压力/应对繁重工作(1).表现:consistently working lateworking through lunchcome to work even when ill/often ask for sick leaverush to meet tight deadlinebring work home(2)后果:high turnover;poor performance;in low spirit;lower productivity(3)解决措施:(具体措施+好处)1.time management training: prioritize all tasks in order of importanceand urgency + feel at ease with their routine work2.flexible working time + balance work and life3.provide some sports facilities/organize sports activities + enhanceemployees’ health4.encourage to take up a hobby + get off the fatigue5.provide coffee rooms and nutritious refreshment + help to relax6.provide childcare/eldercare/transportation facilities + help to copewith these responsibilities八.解决公司危机的措施:It is really time that we should take some immediate measures1. issue a news release2.make arrangement for the victims3. offer all kinds of assistance4. offer some compensation5. assign some staff to their family to help to cope with tragedy6. make a promise to7. organize some related training programme about8. (产品)recall all the product from the market to prevent possible danger九.公司选址/迁址考虑因素:1.get closer to the target market2.cheaper labor cost;low rates of corporate and fast-growing business area(which have high level of demand for services)4.convenient public transportation5.leasing rent(choose one can affort)6.avoid competition7.consider expansion potential(which offer some flexibility and room for the expansion of company)8.better working environment好处:boost business;lead to higher-quality performance;increase company‘s profits(这几个都是万能短语)十.市场营销(产品相关的话题)(1)产品属性:brand;price;quality;after-sales service;reputation;reliability(2)价格的制定影响因素:competition; supply and demand; customers’ perceptionof price措施: offer seasonal /trade/cash discount to stimulate demand,boost saleCarry out survey to find out customers’ needs and tastes(3)产品推销/推广目的:aim at target market;promote product efficiency;meet and beat fierce competitioncapture a large market share(占领市场较大份额)方式:unch a advertising campaign(略,见上)2.personal selling:employ some experienced salepeople3.sales promotion:offer promotional gifts;coupons优惠券;rebate回扣;loyalty scheme;sweepstake抽奖;free samples;trading stamp;contest4.publicity:mass media好处:attract potential customers ;boost the sale ofproduct ;encourage customers to try new products(4)客户服务customer service目的:increase the level of customer satisfaction;meet customers’ expectation;improve the standard of customer service提高服务质量的措施:1.Have an after-sale services supervision system(minitor,supervise)2.staff training programme(improve staff friendliness;the speed ofservice;learn to deal with customer complaints)3.check sales figures regularly4.obtain feedback from customer (set up a hotline;conduct a survey)(5)留住顾客目的:maintain customer loyalty;keep customer措施:1.understand what the customer needs2.provide high quality product and good service3.offer some discount to regular customer4.upgrate interior decoration十一.招待客户具体款待方式+好处(1)appropriate types of activities:1.arrange a big welcoming dinner+ show warm welcome/hospitality;make themfeel at ease;set a stage for conversation and potential them around our company,especially the best part + give them anoverview of our facilities and production methods3.take them to see places of cultural and historical interest/experiencecultural events(plays;concerts;sport events)+ offer us good opportunities to get to know each other better;give them more insight into our way of doing business;help encourage their busiessinterest in china;have a chance to take in the local flavor (2)costhigh cost means excellence in service(3)business objectives1.have a clear plan in out a list of specific business objectives to achievend business contracts11。