
市场营销案例分析——NIKE程旭郭建勋刘顺利目录Contents⏹经营策略⏹4P’s⏹SWOT 分析⏹品牌故事品牌故事NIKE 在西方人的眼光里很是吉利,而且易读易记,能叫得很响。
第四章 消费者市场和购买行为的分析案例

1、从交易的商品看 由于消费者市场提供的是人们最终消费的产 品,而购买者是个人或家庭,因而它更多地受 到消费者个人人为因素诸如文化修养、欣赏习 惯、收入水平等方面的影响; 产品的花色多样、品种复杂,产品的生命 周期短;商品的专业技术性不强,替代品较多, 因而商品的价格需求弹性较大,即价格变动对 需求量的影响较大。
CASE 基于查消费者感知反应的宣传
西方的冷饮公司通过调查消费者对冰淇淋的感知 反应,发现大多数消费者感到吃冰淇淋是一种好的感 官体验,将冰淇淋与快乐、愉悦和兴奋联系起来。 因此,美国一家冰淇淋公司在把业务推广到欧洲 时,突出宣传了它的产品的高乳脂含量和浓郁的香气, 促进了人们的感知反应。 古龙香水的生产厂商为了宣传它的香味,在一些 杂志中插入1100万幅带香气的漫画广告,对于激发购 买产生了决定性的影响。
宣传产品知识 宣传品牌优点 发动营业员帮助 决策:简化购买过程 提供完整售后服务 提供利于本企业的信息,让 购买者相信决策是正确的 (再去宣传) ①利用价格/销售促进吸引试 用②重复性广告 ③增加介入程度和品牌差异 (去污+去屑+营养+防脱发) 占有货架 提醒广告 降低,促销
多样性—消费者购买随意,不收集信 鞋子 息,不比较,不评估,只在消费时简 厨房用具 单评估,下次购买交易转换其他品牌。
(1)需要的含义:个体对内在环境和外部条件的较为稳定 的要求 (2)消费者的动机:人产生某种行为的原因。购买动机指 人们产生购买行为的原因 (3)动机理论 ①需要层次论 :生理需要、安全需要、社交需要、 尊重需要和自我实现需要
②双因素理论 :动机需要与保健需要。 保健因素是消费者购买的必要条件;动机因 素则是魅力条件。 在有选择余地的情况下,如果消费者对保健 因素不满意,就肯定不会购买;但是仅仅对保健 因素满意,也不一定购买,只有对动机因素也满 意才会购买。

案例2 开展国际促销,树立“美的”品牌 拓展品牌是一个企业获得长远发展的必要手段。美的集团在树立了产品 “口碑”的基础上,综合运用各种营销手段,将企业自身的品牌拓展到国际市 场。 美的集团在1999年实现出口1.17亿美元,出口创汇连续8年居中国同行之 首。经评估,“美的”品牌价值46.7亿元。 “美的”品牌在国际上的知名度正在迅速提升。1999年,日本、美国、欧 洲和巴西等地的媒体多次报道美的集团在技术创新和海外营销上取得的成就。 2003年10月,美的集团总裁何享建先生访问巴西时,该国权威的《金融日报》 慕名而至,作了专门的跟踪报道。由于品牌的影响力,现在慕名前来洽谈生意 的客户络绎不绝。 美的产品在国内市场是高档产品,但在国际市场上,美的产品的定位是中 档。当然品牌在国际市场上的定位会随着企业的发展而变化,美的集团正在不 断努力,力集团确立技术创新为企业的发展定位。2003年更改后的国际商标“Midea”引申 为“My Idea——我的理念”,配合美的集团求新求变的企业发展定位。 提高品牌的国际知名度是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及到企业经营理念、营 销目标和资源投入等多方面因素,需要有一个渐进的过程。
Seth在向公司主管Tom详尽汇报之前,Seth自己需要做出选择 和决定。前三种促销方法虽然有些差别,但没有本质上的突破。经过反 复比较和考虑,Seth决定采用传统的促销手段和互联网相结合的混合模 式来策划和运作本次促销活动。 遵循一切以孩子为归依的目的,不妨首先制作以 Cheery小怪物 为卡通主角的小型Flash动画,让它提前1—2个月在互联网的电子邮件 中随意自由散播。由于迪斯尼卡通文化深入人心,美国动画片的观众不 像其他国家以儿童为主而是遍及各个年龄段。对于电脑普及的美国,无 论是已经开始学习电脑的儿童,还是作为购买决策者的母亲或其他消费 者,均有机会借助互联网提前看到这一可爱的Cheery小怪物,从而留 下初步印象。回想一下每天所收到 的以电子邮件附件为形式的来自四面八方的Flash动画或者小电影, 便可以知道其对生活的影响力之大。而仅达几十秒到两三分钟的Flash 动画不仅便于网上浏览和文件下载,对于宝洁这类大公司来说其成本更 是低廉。

16个市场营销成功案例分析1. Apple:创新与品牌建设Apple公司以其创新的产品和独特的品牌形象而闻名。
2. CocaCola:情感营销CocaCola公司长期以来一直以其情感营销策略而著称。
3. Nike:品牌故事与代言Nike公司通过讲述品牌故事和利用知名运动员代言,成功地建立了强大的品牌形象。
4. Airbnb:社区营销Airbnb通过建立强大的社区营销策略,成功地吸引了大量用户。
5. Red Bull:极限运动营销Red Bull通过赞助极限运动活动和赛事,成功地与年轻消费者建立了联系。
这种营销策略使Red Bull成为极限运动爱好者的首选品牌。
6. TOMS Shoes:社会营销TOMS Shoes通过其“买一送一”的商业模式,成功地吸引了消费者的关注。
7. Amazon:客户体验优化Amazon通过不断优化客户体验,成功地建立了强大的品牌忠诚度。
8. Starbucks:体验营销Starbucks通过营造独特的咖啡体验和社区氛围,成功地吸引了大量忠实客户。
9. Lego:产品创新与娱乐营销Lego通过不断创新和推出有趣的产品,成功地吸引了各个年龄段的消费者。


案例一,Nike的“Just Do It”营销策略。
Nike作为全球知名体育用品品牌,其“Just Do It”营销口号深入人心。
Nike通过与众多体育明星合作,借助体育赛事等渠道,将“Just Do It”深入人心。
通过“Just Do It”这一简洁而有力的口号,Nike成功地塑造了自己的品牌形象,吸引了年轻、积极向上的消费群体。
案例二,Coca-Cola的“Share a Coke”营销活动。
Coca-Cola曾推出了“Share a Coke”活动,将常见的英文名字印在可乐瓶上,鼓励人们与朋友、家人分享一瓶可乐。
答案二,Coca-Cola的“Share a Coke”活动成功之处在于其强调了消费者参与感和情感共鸣。

Case One:Xiangjiang Wildlife Park1 Company IntroductionXiangjiang Wildlife Park, l ocated i n Guangzhou Province, is a comprehensiveproject for the development of the tourism resources i n Pearl R iver D elta andpromotion of the environmental protection and investment. It combines animal and plant protection, researching, culture, tourism, science education as a whole.1.1 Company Values:Adopt a customer-oriented mentality when providing serviceTreat everyone sincerely and passionatelyKeep moving in harmoniousEnjoy happiness together2 BackgroundXiangjiang Wildlife Park officially opened to the public when the Asian financia had given a negative effect on China economy. The market of tourism i s n otcrisisoptimistic during that time. However, in the first year it opened the park has creat several miracles in tourism industry:Host more than 80000 tourists on the first day it opened, serve 30000 students on a spring trip and firstlyachieve h ighest record o f hosting m ore than 3000000tourists by the first year it opened. The reason why Xiangjiang Wildlife Park can makMarketingsuch a big s uccess is t hat t he park has implemented proper “IntegratedCommunications”.Integrated Marketing C ommunications is t he concept under which a companyintegrates and coordinates its many communications channels t o delivercarefullyclear, consistent and compelling message about organization and itsproducts.(Kotleret al.1999)3 The actions taken by Xiangjiang Wildlife Parkts“wild & interesting” scenery spo3.1Establishscenery spots which are much different from Establish “wild & interesting”others according to tourists’ mentality—seeking new, strange, special and interesting things.(1) Construct with high start and high standard. The park specialize on massive crocodile breeding and watching and characterize with large amount of free-roaming animals features, meanwhile combining with a variety of animal shows and unique flavor and style of food.the slogan "return t o nature". The park replace t he traditional(2)Highlighttrench heavy iron cage with glass a nd ditch i n order to minimize the distancebetween human and animal, man and nature.(3)Pay attention to environmental landscape. Build natural landscape perfectly combined with animals and plants.mode and make full use of(4)Break the traditionalmonotony zoo exhibitionmodern tourist attractions’ service and entertainment functions. The park sets upas well a s the world's largest Crocodileparrot, elephant, beast performance field,show field.(5)Follow the consumer-oriented rules, respect t he consumer's e xpected costand consumption habits, always pay attention to reach effective communicationprinciple with consumers and develop the park according to consumers’ needs.Thecompany into t he park. W ith the help ofpark employed professionaladvertisingprofessional assistance, the Marketing Department and Public Relations Department has done lots of market investigation and environmental design, and planned severalwhich has brought positiveintegrated marketing communication activitiessensational effects.3.2 Start from the environmentAccording to the idea "what consumers want, what we offer" ,the park try theirbest to meet consumers requirements. Because the wildlife park is not the place only for people to watch rare animals, but also the place which allow people to relax and entertainment. Walking into t he park, y ou can not only watch a variety of rareanimals, but also can see the flowers g arden, f ruit decorated branches, m elonssprings forest, vegetation and trees. Allwaterside p avilions,hanging scaffolding,these elegant s cenery m ake urban people who have lived in reinforced concreteconstruction for a long time really appreciate the nature of the "Wild & Interesting On the basis of the modern entertainment and services, the park give full play to thThere are fiveanimal p erformances forattractions:function of the modern touristvisitors taking turns every day, parrots, elephants, wild beasts, tigers and crocodi which make the tourists open their eyes. As a result of that, the park get one more function of a circus. Meanwhile there are also many styles of fast food restaurants, food street, a dessert gallery, as well as the China's only crocodile restaurant.3.3 Focus on white tigerSeveral m arketing studies s how that locking the focus can lead to higheradvertising effectiveness. So the park come up with the marketing idea "just say one thing". As a result of that, the park chose the sacred, powerful and rare white tige its image spokesman. The tiger-related activities have always attracted large amount of attention and aroused media’s coverage. Moreover the white tiger troupe fromthe United States makes the park even crowded of tourists. White Tiger image has left a deep impact on people. People will think of the XiangJiang Wildlife Park whe talking about the white tiger. The park tickets and the largest outdoor post billbo among province both use the white tiger as main character.3.4 Draw support from media to do public relationshipThe park The park is g ood at capturing "golden opportunity" of advertising.carefully planned a series of public relations activities which attracted intense pu attention and active participation In this way it can get help from the mass media t play a strong i nfluence on public opinion. When the park opened, the Miss Chinacampaign was underway. The TV show is r ecorded i n the park, i n which the MissThe audience are deeplyChina performed with several a nimals in the wildlife.impressed by the beautiful natural scenery i n the park. A nd thus the XiangjiangWildlife Park has become an overnight success.eyes" drawing contest and In addition, "the animal world in children’sDay, made aChildren'sphotography c ontest, held by the park on t he Internationalis h ighly acclaimed b y theperfect combination o f art a nd education. The activitymass media and people can not help focusing on the Xiangjiang Wildlife Park.3.5 Actively participate in public benefit activities to promote the image of the parXiangjiang Wildlife Park has always stressed on financing and organizing various since i t o pened. The park has implemented the free t icketsocial welfare a ctivitiespolicy for the elderly, young children and people with disabilities into the park. Sofree o fthere have been over 300000 people who have enjoyed entering the parkalsocharge, a nd the number of teenagers w ho enter the park with half-priceexceeded 200 000.research, culture, science In addition, the park focused o n animal protection,and education p rograms, f or w hich the park equipped with a number of scientificand technical researchers and also invited foreign and domestic experts to come towho come to visit thethe park giving people lectures.As a result of that, touristsbalance a nd think m ore of our survivalpark can learn m ore about the ecologicalenvironment. Xiangjiang Wildlife Park start to establish their own long-term image a a high scale o f level and win consumers’ heart b y focusing on the public benefitactivities.4 Analysis and conclusionThese are the values that guide our business, our product development, and our brand. T hey're what we look for i n every employee. As our company continues toevolve and grow, these five values remain constant.that the park stressed on as well as insisted The key of the park’s success lies inon its company value and achieved efficient integrated communication.The company values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave. They guide the way we work with our business p artners, within ourcommunities and with each other.Company values help companies in the decision-making processes. As the core value of the park is customer-oriented, all activities of the park are market-center and consumer-centered. They use what consumer needs and desires as a startingpoint and try to meet their needs through relevant and efficient advertising, publi relations, promotions and marketing, media and other means of communication and organically integration. In this way they have achieved long-term business interests For example, according t o tourists’mentality—seeking n ew, strange, special andscenery s pots w hich are“wild & interesting”interestingthings, the park establishmuch different from others.Company values educate clients and potential customers about what thecompany is about and clarify the identity of the company. Especially in thiscompetitive world, having a set of specific company values that speak to the public is definitely a competitive advantage.that c an Xiangjiang Wildlife Park elaboratelyplanned a series public activitiescause intense public interest and active participation, which had a strong influenc on public opinion. At the same time the company carried out "green marketing" and insisted on the principle of harmonious development. With the growing emphasis ona range of social and environmental p roblems such as ecological balance andenvironmental protection, "green business" will become increasingly popular among consumers. T he park try t o resonate w ith consumers by expressing the voices o fconsumers on a common issue.and retention tools. As an Company values a re becoming primary recruitingenergetic w arm friendly company, the park attracts large quantities of skilledemployers who hold the same value as the company to work for it. Different from most cases, parks a re hard to attract talents due to the distant working location.and talent workers, t he Xiangjiang Wildlife ParkWith the help of the enthusiasticstand as a giant and grow fast in his field.Case Two:Alibaba Group1 Company Introduction1.1 Alibaba Group introductionAlibaba Group is a privately owned company of Internet-based e-commercebusiness including business-to-businessonline web portals, online retail andportals togetherpayment services,a shopping service s. I n 2012, two of Alibaba’shandled $170 billion in sales, more than competitor eBay and combined.The company began in 1999 with the website , abusiness-to-business portal to connect Chinese manufactures with overseas buyers. Its consumer-to-consumer p ortal Taobao, similar to eBay, features nearly a billionAlibaba G roup’s sitesproducts a nd is o ne of the 20 most-visited websites g lobally.account f or o ver 60% of the parcels delivered in China. A lipay, an online p aymentwithinaccounts f or r oughly h alf of all online p ayment transactionsescrow service,China. The vast majority of these payments occure using Alibaba services.1.2 Dream, mission, vision and valuesDream: Create a different world through the development of new businessmodeMission: To make doing business easyVision: Through the development of IT, s olve the problems of small-f irm’s procurement, marketing, management and financingValues:Client is God. Provide the best service to the customers and maintain the images of the company.together Collaborate together. Share resource t ogether and take responsibilityso that many common people can do uncommon things.Hug with changes. When some changes happen we should adapt it and solve it When something always immutable and frozen w e should create m orerationally.changes bravely.Honesty. Honesty is a significant value in Chinese culture.Passion. Keep positive and never give up.Work dedicated, finish work on time, insist on learning to improve and use time properly.2 BackgroundAs Alibaba has launched various services systems it is hard to analyze them at the same time. We focus on studying the case of Tmall to see how company value and marketing communication strategy work for the success of Tmall. was introduced i n April 2008 as a business-to-consumer online retail platform tocomplement the Taobao consumer-to-consumer portal a nd became a separatebusiness in June 2011. As of October 2013 it was the eighth most visited web site i China, offering global brands to an increasingly affluent Chinese consumer base.3 The actions taken by Alibaba Group3.1 Public relationsPublic relations emphasize two-way communication between the enterprise andthe public. The purpose is to establish mutual understanding between enterprise and public. Public relations can be distinguishedfrom customer relations because itsconcerns go beyond the creation of mutually beneficial relationships with actual or potential customers.(1) Rename from “Taobao”to“Tmall”. Reestablish the brand.changed its name to “Tmall”.mall officiallyOn January 11th, 2012, “Taobao”brand,This w ords comes from Chinese h omophonic cat. Cat was picky o n quality,environment, which represents fashion, sexy and quality. This is precisely what theywant to build with the new brand. Meanwhile, the change of its name is to let the consumer be clearer about the positioning of this w ebsite. O n this p latform,consumers can shop more effectively and get good quality products.(2)Tmall annual festivalThe “Tmall annual festival” marked the start of Tmall independent brand. Since then, Tmall can show their best according to their own personal orientation. At the same time, with the aid of such a distinctive brand image, the brand influence was improved.(3) Adjust the relationship with the merchantsOn October 2011, taobao mall announced new rules for 2012, to increase theThe technicaldeposit from 10000 yuan to 50 000, 100 000, 150 000, three l evels.service fee raised from 6000 yuan a year to 30 000 and 60 000 yuan a year. With high deposit, the threshold of the enterprisesis r aised up so that p roduct q uality andconsumers right are assured. At the same time, T mall promised to offer the bestplatform a nd service, also to rule m erchants to do legitimate business, withoutdamaging the benefits of consumers. Otherwise merchants will be punished. A series of actions from the perspective of consumers will in exchange for consumers’ trust and loyalty. In this way, Tmall get double win with the consumers.3.2 Advertisingdefined a s any paid form of non-personal communication Ad is t raditionallyabout a product, a service or a company with the intention to sell the product o rservice or to influence opinion o n and attitudes towards the product, service orcompany. Each of the elements in this d efinition merits a brief e xplanation.promote the brand.Advertisingmarketing c an greatly improve product p opularity,Tmall, of course, made a lot efforts in advertising.(1)TV advertisingIn the television AD, Tmall utilize celebrity effect and promotion to push publipeople will buy a lot d iscount p roducts o nline, whichduring f estivals,Especiallybrings billions of income.(2)Online advertisementTmall is a n intensive player. They take every opportunity in On the internet,almost all network activities. Such practices, such as buffer advertisment sometimes have side effects on consumers. However, some other nicer a dvertisement, willstimulate consumers shopping enthusiasm.(3)SponsorTmall sponsored Hunan TV programs, s uch as soap series. The reason Tmallselect Hunan TV as their sponsoring subject, is they have strong brand effect, whic help promotion. O n the other hand, with a big population watchwill definitelyis t heHunan TV, the brand will be known by more peopl e. In addition,20 o’clocktime that most audience are housewives and youth chasing idol drama, also include staffs.These people are the main force o f online s hopping. Thesome white-collardirectional, targeted advertisement to this group is an intelligent choice.3.3 Sales promotionto attract consumers to Sales p romotion is a good way which uses incentivesbuy the product of products. The marketing method works well for Tmall. Basically there are two following ways:(1) Holiday discounts. Such as 11th November is the shopping carnival of Tmall. All p roducts a re 50% discount off, which bring a lot o f buyers coming online. Thisactivity stimulated business transactions a lot.(2)MembershipYou can directly register as a free member of Tmall. In this way, consumers and shop owners are connected. Members can get credit (credits can used to buy certain products), return security, birthday g ift b ag and etc. M embership offers m anypreferential discounts, so that consumers will be loyalty. All of these plays a key in the development of Tmall.4 Analysis and conclusionB2C website, leads b usinessmen to shift Tmall, as China's most representativefrom store management to network operation. Most series of brands pay attentionwhich is c onsidered to be a n important means andto the online trading platform,way to achieve strategic transformation, brand extension, channel expansion and to win customers. I n my opinion, the main reason for the success o f Tmaill a re asfollowing three points:(1)Accurate position of servicethe turnover o f Tmall is n ot positive due to the reason that its “At first,service orientation is not clear and no one has taken the initiative to study what strengths are, what are the customers' needs. Whereas, there will be a turnover ofofaround 200 000RMB each month. But we need to give u s a clear positioningservice, we need to know what we are selling, then what we can get. Through the data analysis, we made some changes of our products. Later based on the feedbackof our customers, we clear the position of our services.The reason of Tmall’s success lies in the accurate position of its service: uphcome first,embrace change, t eamwork,the values o f the company,----"customersintegrity, dedication and passion," with the whole new meaning to build a new B2Conline t radingservice platform, and to promote integrated, lively and efficientculture. By integrating thousands of brands, manufacturers and building a one-stop solution bridge between businesses and consumers, Tmall try to upgrade the Taobao platform to "everywhere" win-win situation platforms between supply and demandof consumer. Try to create mutual assistance and lively, family-trading environment so that each person in the Tmall can not only conduct transactions more quickly but also to make more friends.(2)Positive enterprise cultureAnother reason of Tmall’ssuccess is t o own a group of like-minded talents tothe organizationfight for i t. Since i ts opening, t he company has been constructingaround the company's corporate values for a long time. As a result of that Tmall has formed a clear efficient organizational structure w ith various departmentscooperating and division.the company can response When facing of new opportunitiesand challenges,as well as figuring out solutions quickly. Inand sensitively,and react e fficientlyhuman resource management, Tmall developed a strict management system and thewarmwhile also g iving a democracy liberalrules o f incentives and disincentives,working atmosphere, a s a result of that f ully mobilize the enthusiasm o f the staffwork.(3)Efficient integrated marketing communications strategyTmall combines public relations, advertising and sales promotion nicely,manages all the information resource about products and service, keeps the principle of “convey the same voice, establish outstanding image”, which help the consumers and potential consumers touch the integrated information, so that they want to buy and even keep buying. By renaming, brand carnival and the adjustment ofrelationship with merchants, Tmall has improved their brand image and status, got rid of the once cheap, low quality products image, and rebuilt fashion, sexy, quali as their n ew image. Secondly, t hey vigorously push forward the promotion totargeted consumers, with the aim of improving brand popularity and development. Thirdly, through the sales promotion, consumers are stimulated to buy, at the same time, through membership, further add weight for strengthen customer loyalty. In a word, all of these methods are used for the development and prosperous of Tmall.5 What I learn from this assignmentBy talking with the two sales s taff, I realized that a long-term integratedmarketing communications is a persuasive c ommunication planning p rocess toto customers and potential customers. T he mostimplement different strategiesimportant t hing i s t o communicate. Communicate with customers, c ommunicatewith the team and other departments of the company, communicate with the media, communicate with the exhibition company and communicate with the relevantthe communication to a number of contactapproval a uthorities,etc. In particular,points should start at the same time, so that we should work hard and stress on the communication skills.Secondly, the range of integrated marketing c ommunications can neither besimplistic"issue with oneWe can never stay o n the media integrationnor single.Meanwhile, we also shouldn’t extend it to the corporation voice on different media".planning, production, and so on all aspects o f marketing. The so-calledintegratedmarketing c ommunication, m uch more than the establishment of an appropriatedepartment, pick up a few people, change the name of the integration of marketing communications head. More importantly, we should know how to combine them.Thirdly, company values serve as the a core and spiritual pillar for a company. Once established and recognized by all members, it will have long-term stability, an even become a common belief in the faith of generations. When an individual'svalues consistent with the company values, employees will work for the enterprise just as for their dreams. If a company can make the values accepted by all employees, then the company will have the power to overcome various difficulties.6 appendix5.1 Interviewee 1Name: Cheng LeePosition: Planning Commissionerand promotion of the brand of XiangjiangDaily work: Be responsible for p ublicitysummary.plan, write r eports and activityPark, d evelop marketing a ctivityWildlifeand newspaper ads. Plan various p romotionalPlan and create radio, televisionactivities.5.1 Interviewee 2Name: Xiangkun ZhangPosition: Sales managerDaily w ork: Fully be responsible for t he daily management of the Department ofSales. Develop and implement marketing p lan according to the company the salesdepartment task a nd annual sales targets.Ensure the monthly sales reaching plancombined with market conditions. Professional guidance to the departmental staff in order to achieve individual performance.。

一.公司简介McDonald's麦当劳餐厅(McDonald's Corporation)是大型的连锁快餐集团,主要售卖汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、甜品。
英文全称:McDonald’s公司类型:上市公司(纽约证券交易所)广告语:I'm lovin' it!为快乐腾点空间(2010年)成立于:1995年总部位于:美国伊利诺州欧克布鲁克(Oakbrook, Illinois)重要人物:雷.克罗克(Ray Kroc),创始人;安德鲁·麦肯纳(Andrew J. McKenna),董事会非执行主席;吉姆·斯金纳(Jim Skinner),董事会副主席兼CEO;迈克尔·罗伯茨(Michael Roberts),总裁兼COO 。

卫生巾stp分析案例卫生巾的 stp 分析案例。
我们首先要了解什么是 stp 分析?stp 分析是将企业的营销活动作为一个系统,以消费者需求为出发点,从市场调研开始,到制定、实施营销战略及计划,再到营销活动的具体运作,直至达成市场营销目标。
所谓“ stp”是由英文单词products (简称 ps)+ marketableness (简称 aptitude)+ success (简称 spirty)组合而成。
生产商:妇女卫生用品公司( fol)。
通过本公司的 swot 分析可知,该公司只能以其他的方式寻找自己的定位,比如:“更加舒适的感觉,让您变得健康起来!”又或者是:“贴身舒适,我们的专家。
市场营销案例分析Case 2

Principles of MarketingTrap-Ease America:The Big Cheese of Mousetraps#1.Martha and the Trap-Ease America investors believe they face a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What information do they need to evaluate this opportunity? How do you think the group would write its mission statement? How would you write it?Trap-Ease Company is quite confident of this mousetrap but they focus too much on the advantages of the product. They still need information of:Does the product have disadvantages and how to conquer?What is the desire and require of the customers? Can this product now meet all demands of the customers? Will they expect other functions on this mousetrap?What new ideas can be brought forth to the product?How to determine the price? Can the customers accept the recent price?What after service can they serve?Etc.Only when the company has a all-around view of the information can they grasp this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and make the mousetrap a successful product.Mission statement:[Trap-Ease] The trap has many advantages for the consumer when compared with traditional spring-loaded traps or poisons. It is clean and easy to use, there is no risk of catching fingers while loading it. It posed no injury or poisoning threat to children or pets. It create no ‘clean up’ problem, the user could reuse the trap or simply throw it away.* They may pay more attention to the specific products they offers than the benefits and experiences produced by the product. →Marketing myopia[My thought] This product is suit for housewife, pet keepers, animal lovers and all who want to keep the annoying mice away from their homes. We can provide safer, more convenient and more environment-friendly mousetraps for the customers.#2. Has Martha identified the best target market for Trap-Ease? What other market segments might the firm target?The company targeted women, especially housewives but the company had only sold several hundred thousand units through April.In my view, the target market is too narrow. It is correct to target the market to housewives because they want to keep the mice away through a clean, safe (because they have children) and convenient way. But there are still customers have same require such as single person (especially girls), pet keepers (they won’t like to poison or hurt their pets), restaurant keepers (dead mice will certainly influence their operating), factories (especially food manufactures) and so on.#3. How has the company positioned the Trap-Ease for the chosen target market? Couldit position the product in other ways?The company defined the mousetrap as ‘clean, safe and easy to use’. At the same time, the mousetrap won the contest this year, beating out over 300 new products. So the product is also an innovative product and its price is five to ten times more than traditional ones.In my view, the position is not differential enough to the other products. The product is better than traditional ones only in ‘clean, safe and easy to use’, the function is the same as the traditional mousetraps. I think they can position the mousetrap as a delicate-designed and worthy product, which can be used repeatedly.#4. Describe the current marketing mix for Trap-Ease. Do you see any problems with this mix?[Product] This product is the only mousetrap of the Trap-Ease company. They can design more types of mousetraps which are suitable for family, restaurant factory and office. [Price] The price is five to ten times more than traditional mousetraps. Although the company claimed that their product can be used repeatedly, once the customers choose to dispose the mousetrap, they face a higher cost.[Place] Now the product is on sale in national grocery, hardware, and drug chains. I think they can sell their products on the Internet. Those who always stay at home and surf the Internet tend to have mice problems.[Promotion] The company has already publicized the product on print media and shopping programs. But they have ignored a much wider information carrier: Internet.#5. Who is Trap-Ease America’s competition?Those companies who provide products aiming to solve mice problems are all competitions to Trap-Ease America.#6. How would you change Trap-Ease’s marketing strategy? What kinds of control procedures would you establish for this strategy?Martha is the only salesperson. Although she intended to hire more salespeople soon, we can still learn from the case that the company is lack of human resources. It is a fatal disadvantage. Marketing needs people to cooperate together.They must enlarge their target market as I said in question 2.They should know what are the customers really need and what requirement do they have for the mousetrap.All in all, the company has to hire more employees to apply the marketing strategy, target correct market and learn more from their customers.。


Brief introducation
Company name Headquarters site Jianlibao Guangzhou
Time of founding 1984 Business scope Carbonated drinks
Brand of glory in a way
1984年:健力宝诞生,随中国体育代表团首次出征奥运会,一鸣 年 健力宝诞生,随中国体育代表团首次出征奥运会, 惊人,被誉为“中国魔水” 惊人,被誉为“中国魔水”; • 1985年:荣获全国最佳运动饮料、并成为人民大会堂国宴饮料 ; 年 荣获全国最佳运动饮料、 • 1988年:获国家级科技进步二等奖(饮料业首获此奖); 年 获国家级科技进步二等奖(饮料业首获此奖); • 健力宝 • • 1990年:北京亚运会中国队专用饮料; 中国队专用饮料 年 北京亚运会中国队专用饮料; • 1991年:在美国成立分公司,购入帝国大厦一层楼; 年 在美国成立分公司,购入帝国大厦一层楼; • 1984-1996年:连续四届成为奥运会中国体育代表团首选饮料; 年 连续四届成为奥运会中国体育代表团首选饮料; • 1993年:中国常驻联合国外事接待饮料; 年 中国常驻联合国外事接待饮料; • 1994年:亚运会中国队首选饮料; 年 亚运会中国队首选饮料; • 1995年:中国饮料酿酒业销售首位; 年 中国饮料酿酒业销售首位;
资本运作出身的张海借建基地之名, 资本运作出身的张海借建基地之名,再操旧 年开始, 业。从2003年开始,他相信与湖北的双环 年开始 科技、甘肃的西北化工、 科技、甘肃的西北化工、江西的华意压缩 等上市公司洽谈收购事宜, 等上市公司洽谈收购事宜,无一例外的是 上述企业都是精英陷入困境的“ 上述企业都是精英陷入困境的“空壳公 司”,而收购条件竟是在当地建造投资不 低于1亿元的 健力宝健康产业园” 亿元的“ 低于 亿元的“健力宝健康产业园”,这些 项目耗尽了主业上的资金,造成恶性循环。 项目耗尽了主业上的资金,造成恶性循环。

市场营销SWOT分析法案例目录一、内容综述 (2)1.1 背景介绍 (3)1.2 研究目的与意义 (3)1.3 研究方法与数据来源 (4)二、市场分析 (5)2.1 市场规模与增长趋势 (6)2.2 市场细分与目标市场选择 (7)2.3 竞争对手分析 (8)2.4 客户需求分析 (10)三、营销策略 (11)3.1 产品策略 (12)3.1.1 产品特点与优势 (13)3.1.2 产品定位与差异化 (14)3.2 价格策略 (16)3.2.1 定价依据与方法 (17)3.2.2 价格调整与优化 (19)3.3 渠道策略 (20)3.3.1 渠道类型与选择 (22)3.3.2 渠道管理与优化 (23)3.4 促销策略 (24)3.4.1 促销活动策划 (25)3.4.2 促销效果评估与改进 (27)四、SWOT分析 (28)五、营销策略优化建议 (30)5.1 品牌建设与推广 (31)5.2 产品线扩展与升级 (32)5.3 渠道多元化与整合 (33)5.4 促销活动创新与执行 (35)六、结论与展望 (36)6.1 研究结论总结 (37)6.2 营销策略优化方向 (38)6.3 未来发展趋势预测 (39)一、内容综述市场营销SWOT分析法,作为一种战略规划工具,旨在全面评估企业市场营销过程中的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats)。

杜蕾斯市场营销案例分析目录一、企业概况 (3)1、1企业简介 (3)1、2关于品牌 (3)1、3杜蕾斯在中国 (4)二、STP分析 (4)2、1市场细分(Segmentation)中国区 (4)2、2目标市场(Targeting)中国区 (4)2.3定位(Positioning)杜蕾斯 (5)三、SWOT分析 (5)3.1优势Strength (5)3.2劣势Weakness (6)3、3机会Opportunity (7)3.4竞争Threat (7)四、4P分析 (7)4.1产品Product (7)4.2 价格Price (9)4.3 渠道策略Place (9)4.4 促销策略Promotion (9)五、营销策划方案 (9)六、建议与启示 (10)一、企业概况1、1企业简介杜蕾斯Durex诞生于1929年,是全球知名两性健康品牌。

Hotwind已经从街边小店吹入各大Shopping Mall,从上海吹进20多个一二线城市,发展为在全国拥有100余间连锁店的全国性时尚零售业知名品牌。

4P营销理论案例分析——华莱士4P营销理论案例分析——华莱士一、4ps理论概念4Ps营销理论(The Marketing Theory of 4Ps)产生于20世纪60年代的美国,是随着营销组合理论的提出而出现的。
二、4ps理论分析A、产品角度(Product )华莱士总部根据市场细分的原则,在选定的目标市场内,确定消费者需求,有针对性地发现口味好和口感棒的食品,以满足消费者对美味的需要。
B、价格(Price )华莱士定价的目的是树立和维护华莱士的品牌和品质形象。
C、渠道(Place )华莱士的渠道组合策略如下:1、采取直供分销制,自建营销网络华莱士作为国内著名的洋式快餐加盟品牌,是中国本土最大一家集产品开发、生产、销售为一体的快餐企业。

市场营销策略的成功案例分析CocaCola 市场营销策略的成功案例分析:CocaCola市场营销是企业获取市场份额的重要手段,而成功的市场营销策略是企业取得市场竞争优势的关键。
本文将对CocaCola 的市场营销策略进行深入分析,并洞察其成功的原因。

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Case One:Xiangjiang Wildlife Park 1 Company IntroductionXiangjiang Wildlife Park, located in Guangzhou Province, is a comprehensive project for the development of the tourism resources in Pearl River Delta and promotion of the environmental protection and investment. It combines animal and plant protection, researching, culture, tourism, science education as a whole.1.1 Company Values:Adopt a customer-oriented mentality when providing serviceTreat everyone sincerely and passionatelyKeep moving in harmoniousEnjoy happiness together2 BackgroundXiangjiang Wildlife Park officially opened to the public when the Asian financial crisis had given a negative effect on China economy. The market of tourism is not optimistic during that time. However, in the first year it opened the park has created several miracles in tourism industry:Host more than 80000 tourists on the first day it opened, serve 30000 students on a spring trip and firstly achieve highest record of hosting more than 3000000 tourists by the first year it opened. The reason why Xiangjiang Wildlife Park can make such a big success is that the park has implemented proper “Integrated Marketing Communications”.Integrated Marketing Communications is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver clear, consistent and compelling message about organization and its products.(Kotleret al.1999)3 The actions taken by Xiangjiang Wildlife Park3.1Establish “wild & interesting” scenery spotsEstablish “wild & interesting” scenery spots which are much different from others according to tourists’mentality—seeking new, strange, special and interesting things.(1) Construct with high start and high standard. The park specialize on massive crocodile breeding and watching and characterize with large amount of free-roaming animals features, meanwhile combining with a variety of animal shows and unique flavor and style of food.(2)Highlight the slogan "return to nature". The park replace the traditional trench heavy iron cage with glass and ditch in order to minimize the distance between human and animal, man and nature.(3)Pay attention to environmental landscape. Build natural landscape perfectly combined with animals and plants.(4)Break the traditional monotony zoo exhibition mode and make full use of modern tourist attractions’ service and entertainment functions. The park sets upa parrot, elephant, beast performance field, as well as the world's largest Crocodile show field.(5)Follow the consumer-oriented rules, respect the consumer's expected cost and consumption habits, always pay attention to reach effective communication principle with consumers and develop the park according to consumers’ needs.The park employed professional advertising company into the park. With the help of professional assistance, the Marketing Department and Public Relations Department has done lots of market investigation and environmental design, and planned several integrated marketing communication activities which has brought positive sensational effects.3.2 Start from the environmentAccording to the idea "what consumers want, what we offer" ,the park try their best to meet consumers requirements. Because the wildlife park is not the place only for people to watch rare animals, but also the place which allow people to relax and entertainment. Walking into the park, you can not only watch a variety of rare animals, but also can see the flowers garden, fruit decorated branches, melons hanging scaffolding, waterside pavilions, springs forest, vegetation and trees. All these elegant scenery make urban people who have lived in reinforced concrete construction for a long time really appreciate the nature of the "Wild & Interesting". On the basis of the modern entertainment and services, the park give full play to the function of the modern tourist attractions: There are five animal performances for visitors taking turns every day, parrots,elephants, wild beasts, tigers and crocodiles, which make the tourists open their eyes. As a result of that, the park get one more function of a circus. Meanwhile there are also many styles of fast food restaurants, a food street, a dessert gallery, as well as the China's only crocodile restaurant.3.3 Focus on white tigerSeveral marketing studies show that locking the focus can lead to higher advertising effectiveness. So the park come up with the marketing idea "just say one thing". As a result of that, the park chose the sacred, powerful and rare white tiger as its image spokesman. The tiger-related activities have always attracted large amount of attention and aroused media’s coverage. Moreover the white tiger troupe from the United States makes the park even crowded of tourists. White Tiger image has left a deep impact on people. People will think of the XiangJiang Wildlife Park when talking about the white tiger. The park tickets and the largest outdoor post billboards among province both use the white tiger as main character.3.4 Draw support from media to do public relationshipThe park is good at capturing "golden opportunity" of advertising. The park carefully planned a series of public relations activities which attracted intense public attention and active participation In this way it can get help from the mass media to play a strong influence on public opinion. When the park opened, the Miss China campaign was underway. The TV show is recorded in the park, inwhich the Miss China performed with several animals in the wildlife. The audience are deeply impressed by the beautiful natural scenery in the park. And thus the Xiangjiang Wildlife Park has become an overnight success.In addition, "the animal world in children’s eyes" drawing contest and photography contest, held by the park on the International Children's Day, made a perfect combination of art and education. The activity is highly acclaimed by the mass media and people can not help focusing on the Xiangjiang Wildlife Park.3.5 Actively participate in public benefit activities to promote the image of the parkXiangjiang Wildlife Park has always stressed on financing and organizing various social welfare activities since it opened. The park has implemented the free ticket policy for the elderly, young children and people with disabilities into the park. So far there have been over 300 000 people who have enjoyed entering the park free of charge, and the number of teenagers who enter the park with half-price also exceeded 200 000.In addition, the park focused on animal protection, research, culture, science and education programs, for which the park equipped with a number of scientific and technical researchers and also invited foreign and domestic experts to come to the park giving people lectures. As a result of that, tourists who come to visit the park can learn more about the ecological balance and think more of our survival environment. Xiangjiang Wildlife Park start to establish their ownlong-term image at a high scale of level and win consumers’ heart by focusing on the public benefit activities.4 Analysis and conclusionThese are the values that guide our business, our product development, and our brand. They're what we look for in every employee. As our company continues to evolve and grow, these five values remain constant.The key of the park’s success lies in that the park stressed on as well as insisted on its company value and achieved efficient integrated communication.The company values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave. They guide the way we work with our business partners, within our communities and with each other.Company values help companies in the decision-making processes. As the core value of the park is customer-oriented, all activities of the park are market-centered and consumer-centered. They use what consumer needs and desires as a starting point and try to meet their needs through relevant and efficient advertising, public relations, promotions and marketing, media and other means of communication and organically integration. In this way they have achieved long-term business interests. For example, according to tourists’mentality—seeking new, strange, special and interesting things, the park establish “wild & interesting”scenery spots which are much different from others.Company values educate clients and potential customers about what thecompany is about and clarify the identity of the company. Especially in this competitive world, having a set of specific company values that speak to the public is definitely a competitive advantage.Xiangjiang Wildlife Park elaborately planned a series public activities that can cause intense public interest and active participation, which had a strong influence on public opinion. At the same time the company carried out "green marketing" and insisted on the principle of harmonious development. With the growing emphasis on a range of social and environmental problems such as ecological balance and environmental protection, "green business" will become increasingly popular among consumers. The park try to resonate with consumers by expressing the voices of consumers on a common issue.Company values are becoming primary recruiting and retention tools. As an energetic warm friendly company, the park attracts large quantities of skilled employers who hold the same value as the company to work for it. Different from most cases, parks are hard to attract talents due to the distant working location. With the help of the enthusiastic and talent workers, the Xiangjiang Wildlife Park stand as a giant and grow fast in his field.Case Two:Alibaba Group1 Company Introduction1.1 Alibaba Group introductionAlibaba Group is a privately owned company of Internet-based e-commerce business including business-to-business online web portals, online retail and payment services, a shopping services. In 2012, two of Alibaba’s portals together handled $170 billion in sales, more than competitor eBay and Amazon. combined.The company began in 1999 with the website Alibaba., a business-to-business portal to connect Chinese manufactures with overseas buyers. Its consumer-to-consumer portal Taobao, similar to eBay, features nearly a billion products and is one of the 20 most-visited websites globally. Alibaba Group’s sites account for over 60% of the parcels delivered in China. Alipay, an online payment escrow service, accounts for roughly half of all online payment transactions within China. The vast majority of these payments occure using Alibaba services.1.2 Dream, mission, vision and valuesDream: Create a different world through the development of new business modeMission: To make doing business easyVision: Through the development of IT, solve the problems of small-firm’s procurement, marketing, management and financingValues:Client is God. Provide the best service to the customers and maintain theimages of the company.Collaborate together. Share resource together and take responsibility together so that many common people can do uncommon things.Hug with changes. When some changes happen we should adapt it and solve it rationally. When something always immutable and frozen we should create more changes bravely.Honesty. Honesty is a significant value in Chinese culture.Passion. Keep positive and never give up.Work dedicated, finish work on time, insist on learning to improve and use time properly.2 BackgroundAs Alibaba has launched various services systems it is hard to analyze them at the same time. We focus on studying the case of Tmall to see how company value and marketing communication strategy work for the success of Tmall. Tmall. was introduced in April 2008 as a business-to-consumer online retail platform to complement the Taobao consumer-to-consumer portal and became a separate business in June 2011. As of October 2013 it was the eighth most visited web site in China, offering global brands to an increasingly affluent Chinese consumer base.3 The actions taken by Alibaba Group3.1 Public relationsPublic relations emphasize two-way communication between the enterprise and the public. The purpose is to establish mutual understanding between enterprise and public. Public relations can be distinguished from customer relations because its concerns go beyond the creation of mutually beneficial relationships with actual or potential customers.(1) Rename from “Taobao”to“Tmall”. Reestablish the brand.On January 11th, 2012, “Taobao” mall officially changed its name to “Tmall”. This words comes from Chinese homophonic cat. Cat was picky on quality, brand, environment, which represents fashion, sexy and quality. This is precisely what they want to build with the new brand. Meanwhile, the change of its name is to let the consumer be clearer about the positioning of this website. On this platform, consumers can shop more effectively and get good quality products.(2)Tmall annual festivalThe “Tmall annual festival”marked the start of Tmall independent brand. Since then, Tmall can show their best according to their own personal orientation. At the same time, with the aid of such a distinctive brand image, the brand influence was improved.(3) Adjust the relationship with the merchantsOn October 2011, taobao mall announced new rules for 2012, to increase the deposit from 10000 yuan to 50 000, 100 000, 150 000, three levels. The technical service fee raised from 6000 yuan a year to 30 000 and 60 000 yuan a year. With high deposit, the threshold of the enterprises is raised up so thatproduct quality and consumers right are assured. At the same time, Tmall promised to offer the best platform and service, also to rule merchants to do legitimate business, without damaging the benefits of consumers. Otherwise merchants will be punished. A series of actions from the perspective of consumers will in exchange for consumers’ trust and loyalty. In this way, Tmall get double win with the consumers.3.2 AdvertisingAd is traditionally defined as any paid form of non-personal communication about a product, a service or a company with the intention to sell the product or service or to influence opinion on and attitudes towards the product, service or company. Each of the elements in this definition merits a brief explanation. Advertising marketing can greatly improve product popularity, promote the brand. Tmall, of course, made a lot efforts in advertising.(1)TV advertisingIn the television AD, Tmall utilize celebrity effect and promotion to push public. Especially during festivals, people will buy a lot discount products online, which brings billions of income.(2)Online advertisementOn the internet, Tmall is an intensive player. They take every opportunity in almost all network activities. Such practices, such as buffer advertisment sometimes have side effects on consumers. However, some other nicer advertisement, will stimulate consumers shopping enthusiasm.(3)SponsorTmall sponsored Hunan TV programs, such as soap series. The reason Tmall select Hunan TV as their sponsoring subject, is they have strong brand effect, which will definitely help promotion. On the other hand, with a big population watch Hunan TV, the brand will be known by more people. In addition, 20 o’clock is the time that most audience are housewives and youth chasing idol drama, also include some white-collar staffs. These people are the main force of online shopping. The directional, targeted advertisement to this group is an intelligent choice.3.3 Sales promotionSales promotion is a good way which uses incentives to attract consumers to buy the product of products. The marketing method works well for Tmall. Basically there are two following ways:(1) Holiday discounts. Such as 11th November is the shopping carnival of Tmall. All products are 50% discount off, which bring a lot of buyers coming online. This activity stimulated business transactions a lot.(2)MembershipYou can directly register as a free member of Tmall. In this way, consumers and shop owners are connected. Members can get credit (credits can used to buy certain products), return security, birthday gift bag and etc. Membership offers many preferential discounts, so that consumers will be loyalty. All of these plays a key role in the development of Tmall.4 Analysis and conclusionTmall, as China's most representative B2C website, leads businessmen to shift from store management to network operation. Most series of brands pay attention to the online trading platform, which is considered to be an important means and way to achieve strategic transformation, brand extension, channel expansion and to win customers. In my opinion, the main reason for the success of Tmaill are as following three points:(1)Accurate position of service“At first, the turnover of Tmall is not positive due to the reason that its service orientation is not clear and no one has taken the initiative to study what its strengths are, what are the customers' needs. Whereas, there will be a turnover of around 200 000RMB each month. But we need to give us a clear positioning of service, we need to know what we are selling, then what we can get. Through the data analysis, we made some changes of our products. Later based on the feedback of our customers, we clear the position of our services.The reason of Tmall’s success lies in the accurate position of its service: uphold the values of the company,----"customers come first, embrace change, teamwork, integrity, dedication and passion," with the whole new meaning to build a new B2C service platform, and to promote integrated, lively and efficient online trading culture. By integrating thousands of brands, manufacturers and building a one-stop solution bridge between businesses and consumers, Tmall try to upgrade the Taobao platform to "everywhere" win-win situation platformsbetween supply and demand of consumer. Try to create mutual assistance and lively, family-trading environment so that each person in the Tmall can not only conduct transactions more quickly but also to make more friends.(2)Positive enterprise cultureAnother reason of Tmall’s success is to own a group of like-minded talents to fight for it. Since its opening, the company has been constructing the organization around the company's corporate values for a long time. As a result of that Tmall has formed a clear efficient organizational structure with various departments cooperating and division.When facing of new opportunities and challenges, the company can response and react efficiently and sensitively, as well as figuring out solutions quickly. In human resource management, Tmall developed a strict management system and the rules of incentives and disincentives, while also giving a democracy liberal warm working atmosphere, as a result of that fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff work.(3)Efficient integrated marketing communications strategyTmall combines public relations, advertising and sales promotion nicely, manages all the information resource about products and service, keeps the principle of “convey the same voice, establish outstanding image”, which help the consumers and potential consumers touch the integrated information, so that they want to buy and even keep buying. By renaming, brand carnival and the adjustment of relationship with merchants, Tmall has improved their brandimage and status, got rid of the once cheap, low quality products image, and rebuilt fashion, sexy, quality as their new image. Secondly, they vigorously push forward the promotion to targeted consumers, with the aim of improving brand popularity and development. Thirdly, through the sales promotion, consumers are stimulated to buy, at the same time, through membership, further add weight for strengthen customer loyalty. In a word, all of these methods are used for the development and prosperous of Tmall.5 What I learn from this assignmentBy talking with the two sales staff, I realized that a long-term integrated marketing communications is a persuasive communication planning process to implement different strategies to customers and potential customers. The most important thing is to communicate. Communicate with customers, communicate with the team and other departments of the company, communicate with the media, communicate with the exhibition company and communicate with the relevant approval authorities, etc. In particular, the communication to a number of contact points should start at the same time, so that we should work hard and stress on the communication skills.Secondly, the range of integrated marketing communications can neither be simplistic nor single. We can never stay on the media integration "issue with one voice on different media". Meanwhile, we also shouldn’t extend it to the corporation planning, production, and so on all aspects of marketing. The so-called integrated marketing communication, much more than theestablishment of an appropriate department, pick up a few people, change the name of the integration of marketing communications head. More importantly, we should know how to combine them.Thirdly, company values serve as the a core and spiritual pillar for a company. Once established and recognized by all members, it will have long-term stability, and even become a common belief in the faith of generations. When an individual's values consistent with the company values, employees will work for the enterprise just as for their dreams. If a company can make the values accepted by all employees, then the company will have the power to overcome various difficulties.6 appendix5.1 Interviewee 1Name: Cheng LeePosition: Planning CommissionerDaily work: Be responsible for publicity and promotion of the brand of Xiangjiang Wildlife Park, develop marketing activity plan, write reports and activity summary. Plan and create radio, television and newspaper ads. Plan various promotional activities.5.1 Interviewee 2Name: Xiangkun ZhangPosition: Sales managerDaily work: Fully be responsible for the daily management of the Department of Sales. Develop and implement marketing plan according to the company the sales department task and annual sales targets. Ensure the monthly sales reaching plan combined with market conditions. Professional guidance to the departmental staff in order to achieve individual performance.。