
日立KP-D5010P 1/2″日夜高灵敏彩色摄像机ETLE1 EILE2 EILE3 EILE4 BILE5(AGC51,彩色使用)(AGC31,彩色除雾)(AGC31,黑白透雾)(AGC31,BLC)(AGC28,黑白增强透雾)(光量控制)(平均亮度)⑴~000~+127(同时按上、下钮,恢复亮度出厂值000)亮度)AVERAGE AIE: OFF LOW MID HIGH (同时按上、下钮)STR:000-127(低)(中)(高) UUSTR:000-013返回)背光补偿) 6 5 4区域设置) 2 1 3⑵~000~+127亮度) (同时按上、下钮,恢复亮度出厂值000) 7 8 9BLC AIE: OFF LOW MID HIGH (宽动态) (低)(中)(高) STR:000-127(返回) UUSTR:000-013峰值光照度/平均光照度)模式)⑶、 30/70、 50/50、 75/25、 100/0、 0/100/平均) (同时按上、下钮,恢复亮度出厂值15/85)~000~+127(同时按上、下钮,恢复亮度出厂值000)亮度)AIE: OFF LOW MID HIGH (同时按上、下钮)(低)(中)(高) STR:000-127返回) UUSTR:000-0132、AGC: ⑴(自动增益: ON模式) (开)~+51(最高AGE增益)增益调整) 0……+51(同时按上、下钮,恢复出厂值) DNR: HIGH LOW OFF(降噪) (高) (低) (关)画质优先动作优先⑵ OFF最低AGE增益))增益调整) -6……51(同时按上、下钮,恢复出厂值+0)DNR: HIGH LOW OFF(降噪) (高) (低) (关)3、SHUTTER 、1/2000、(电子快门自动电子快门4、SENS UP: OFF 、AUTO×2、4、6、8、10、12、16、32、64、128 (自动OFF时,可设AES)(感光度提升) (自动)MANU:×2、4、6、8、10、12、16、32、64、128、192、256、320、384、(人工、512、5、B/W MODE: OFF ON AUTO(H) AUTO(M) AUTO(L)(模式) (彩色) (黑白) (占画面70%) (占画面50%) (占画面30%)高照度转换中照度转换低照度转换带彩色脉冲信号DVR、IP解码器选用))黑白图像无脉冲信号,自动聚焦镜头选用。

日立乘客电梯——MCAMCA 电梯是根据“乐享绿色未来(Enjoy Green Future )”的设计理念,以日立崭新的全球CA 技术平台为基础,汇聚日立全球先进技术,由日本日立开发设计,并由日立电梯(中国)有限公司揉合了独特的中国元素而成。
在控制系统、速度调节、能耗工程、人文设计、装饰风格等五大方面全方位突破,真正做到了“先进(Advanced )”、“优雅(Beautiful )”、“贴心(Careful)”、“灵巧(Dexterous )”和“高效(Efficient)”的完美融合。
一、全面的控制技术日立电梯一直从“技术的日立”精髓出发,MCA 电梯在日本日立强大的技术支持下,大至系统、管理,小至速度、通讯,整个系统萃集各项尖端控制技术。
1. 先进的CA09控制系统1-1 纯正的日本日立血统MAC 电梯采用日本日立开发设计的主控系统,以日立全球“CA 控制系统”技术平台为基础,汇聚日立先进技术,秉承了“技术的日立”一贯的设计精髓。
1-2 双32位统合主控系统双32位统合微机处理器体积更小,集成度更高。
一方面,运行速度更快出色的数字化处理能力及运行效率最大程度提升了电梯的节能效果;另一方面,高性能的矢量控制电梯专用变频微机输出电压波形媲美正弦波,处理速度、控制精度及可靠性均2. 可靠的高频脉冲变压器通讯采用日立电梯全球独家高频脉冲变压器串行通讯技术,该技术主要应用于电信、军事通讯等特殊要求行业。
高速可靠传处理器 位数 功能主微机 32 逻辑控制、运行指令控制变频微机32电机控制内容 日立MCA 其它厂家 通讯模式 高频脉冲变压器RS485或CANBUS可靠性 高 低 抗干扰强普通概要二、卓越的能效理念日立电梯一向致力于追寻解决时效控制的最佳方式,MCA电梯无疑为时间效率管理提供了新的解决方案。

多用途• 通用矢量型LH1系列“流畅●稳定”的驱动性多种抗电源扰动、抗电磁干扰、抗负载扰动措施,运行更加流畅稳定。
LH1系列继承了日立变频器的优异基因,为构建环保型社会做贡献!传动机械空调泵类风机环境・生活关联机械娱乐关联机械传送机械塑料机械约DC540V直流母线电压约DC460V电机转速交流电源约39Hz约23Hz约2.7s约0.7s电机电流输出频率电机电流输出频率■ 过电流•过电压抑制功能对急加速•急减速及冲击性负载的瞬时过电流•过电压检测和对策。
■ 低电压穿越(瞬停无视)电源电压瞬间跌落、中断、断电情况下的可靠解决方案。
过电流抑制功能ON 时■ 起动“防风车”,停车“后励磁”实现“风机”等大惯性负载的可靠,高效运行•“防风车”起动: 避免风机等负载因“风车” 现象而无法正常起动;•“后励磁”停车: 实现风机等大惯性负载的 快速高效停车和定位停车;输出频率直流母线电压输出频率输出电流输出电流直流母线电压输出频率功能OFF时功能ON时■ 过励磁快速停车高制动性能、低系统成本• 无需外接制动电阻即可实现快速停车。
• 适合于:风机,离心机等大惯性负载 的快速停车,提高生产效率!输出电流功耗■ 节能运行模式实现异步电机的高效率运行,节能降耗。
(该功能仅适用于异步电机)■ 兼容永磁同步电机的驱动可兼容异步电机/永磁同步电机(PM 电机)的驱动,利用PM 电机的高效率实现节能。

多联式热泵空调MULTI-SPLIT AIR-CONDITIONERP01104Q尊敬的⽤户:您好!感谢您选择和使⽤本公司产品。
●*23WB 15WB -5DB*15DB 43DB* 27DB 15WB*室内室外室内室外制冷运⾏制热运⾏最⾼最低*这个温度值可能随不同的室外机⽽改变。

2010c u beLOW TiRe PReSSuRe WARninG LiGHT inSTRuMenT BRiGHTneSS cOnTROL* TWin TRiP OdOMeTeR*HeAdLiGHT And TuRn SiGnAL cOnTROL WindSHieLd WiPeR AndWASHeR SWiTcHSTeeRinG WHeeL SWiTcHeS fOR AudiOcOnTROL/BLueTOOTH®cRuiSe cOnTROLTiL T STeeRinGVeHicLe dYnAMic cOnTROL (Vdc)Off SWiTcHfueL-fiLLeR dOOR ReLeASeHOOd ReLeASe*AudiO SYSTeMfROnT PASSenGeR AiR BAGSTATuS LiGHTcLiMATe cOnTROL01 02 03 0405081206091314 0710110102030405090612070814 111013*See your Owner’s Manual for more information.This easy-to-use Quick Reference Guide is intended to help you more fully appreciate some of the unique features and functions of your new vehicle. However, it is not intended to replace your Owner’s Manual. The Owner’s Manual contains more detailed information to help you better understand the important safety warnings, features, operation and maintenance of your vehicle. All information, specifications, photographs and illustrations in this publication are those in effect at the time of printing. niSSAn reserves the right to change specifications or design without notice and without obligation.The niSSAn intelligent key™ allows you to lock or unlock your vehicle, opennOTe: it is important to make sure the intelligent key is with you (that is, inonce.01 Move the shift lever to the P (PARk) position and applyAcceSSORY POSiTiOnPress the ignition switch START/STOP button once without depressing the brake pedal to access the Acc position. This position activates electrical accessories such as the radio.Press the ignition switch START/STOP button a second time without depressing the brake pedal to access the On position. This position turns on the ignition switch and all electrical accessories.niSSAn inTeLLiGenT keY™ BATTeRY diScHARGeif the battery of the intelligent key is completely discharged, the Array intelligent key system warning light in the instrument panel blinks inyellow after pushing the ignition switch START/STOP button. To startthe engine with a discharged intelligent key, perform the followingprocedure:Move the shift lever to the P (PARk) position.firmly apply the foot brake.Touch the ignition switch START/STOP button with the intelligentkey. A chime will sound.Push the ignition switch START/STOP button while depressingthe brake pedal within 10 seconds after the chime sounds. Theengine will start.if the intelligent key system warning light in the instrument panel is blinking in green, replace the battery as soon as possible. This warning means that the intelligent key battery is almost discharged. nOTe: if the ignition switch is pushed without depressing the brake pedal, the ignition switch will change to the Acc position.OPeninG THe BAck dOORTo open the back door, unlock and pull the handle.unlock the back door using one of the following01 operations:Push the button on the keyfob or the intelligentkey twice.Push the back door Request Switch 01(if soequipped).Push the power door lock switch to the unlock position.insert the key into the driver’s door key cylinder and turn towards the rear of the vehicle twice.1B 04051A 02 030102AB STEERING WHEEL SWITCHES FOR AUDIO CONTROL/* (if socan be used to perform the following:switch for less than 1.5 seconds to changeswitch for more than 1.5 secondsswitch for less than 1.5 seconds to change tracks on a cd, iPod® orvolume control is a trademark of Apple inc., registered in the u.S. and other countries.6switch or tap the brake pedal.switch. The vehicle returns to the last set cruising speed when the vehicle speed is over 24 MPH (38 km/h).switch. The cRuiSe indicator light in AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (if so equipped)01 AUTO BUTTONPress the AUTO button 01 . use the temperature control buttons 02 to set the desired temperature. This will allow the fan speed, air flow distribution and temperature to be automatically maintained at the selected temperature.T o disable auto mode, press the MODE button 03 , one of the fan speed control buttons 04 or the front defroster control button 05 .02 TEMPERATURE CONTROL BUTTONS Press the temperature control buttons 02 , up to increase the temperature or down to decrease the temperature.The temperature range is between 60°f and 90°f .0510040308090702010603MODE BUTTONPress the MODE button03to cycle through the following air flow outlets:Air flows from the center and side vents.Air flows from the center, side and foot vents.Air flows mainly from the foot vents.Air flows from the defroster and foot vents.Air flows mainly from the defroster vents.04FAN SPEED CONTROL BUTTONSPress the (slower) or (faster) button to adjust the fan speed.using the fan speed control buttons will disable the auto mode; to resume auto mode, press the AUTO button01.05DEFROSTING/DEMISTING FRONT AND SIDE WINDOWSPress the defroster control button to turn the system on. The A/c automatically turnson when the defroster mode is selected.use the temperature control buttons02to set the desired temperature.T o set the defroster on high, press the fan speed control button to increase the fanspeed to the maximum setting.06DEFROSTING REAR WINDOW AND OUTSIDE HEATED MIRRORS (if so equipped)Push the rear window defroster switch on.Push the rear window defroster switch again to manually turn the defroster off.This function automatically turns off after approximately 15 minutes.07A/C BUTTONPress the A/C button to manually turn the A/c on or off.08AIR RECIRCULATION BUTTONPress the air recirculation button to recirculate air inside the vehicle; the indicator light on the button will illuminate.The air recirculation mode can only be selected if the air flow mode control is in thefollowing positions: , or.Press and hold the air recirculation button for more than 2 seconds to set automatic control for the air recirculation and outside air circulation modes.09OUTSIDE AIR BUTTONPress the outside air button to draw fresh air into the vehicle; the indicator light on the button will illuminate.10OFF BUTTONPress the OFF button to turn the climate control system off.8FM/AM/SAT* RADIO WITH CD PLA YER (if so equipped)01SCAN BUTTONPress the SCAN button to stop at each broadcasting station (fM, AM or XM ®) for 5 seconds. Pressing the button again during this 5-second period will stop scan tuning and the radio willremain tuned to that station.02EJECT BUTTONPress the button. The cd will eject.03STATION SELECT BUTTONSY our radio is equipped with three separate banks, each with six station presets. choose a radio band AM, fM1 or fM2 using the FM/AM button. T une to the desired station using Seek/cAT or ScAn tuning. Press and hold any of the desired STATiOn SeLecTbuttons (1 - 6) until a beep is heard. The station is now set in memory.04RDM and 05RPT BUTTONSPress the RDM or RPT buttons to change the play pattern while listening to a cd or iPod ®/uSB.06SEEK/CAT BUTTONSTo scan through each broadcasting station, press the SEEK/CAT buttons.To skip from one track to another on a cd, iPod ® or uSB device, press the SEEK/CAT buttons.To rewind or fast forward a cd, iPod ® or uSB device, press and hold the SEEK/CATbuttons. Release the buttons to return to normal play.07FM/AM BUTTONPressing the FM/AM button will change the band to either AM, fM1 or fM2 radio stations.08CD BUTTONPress the CD button to play a cd.01030405070911100612020809AUX BUTTONPress the AUX button to play a compatible device such as an MP3 player when it is plugged into the AUX (auxiliary) jack. The AUX button is also used to play a device plugged into the USB jack. if there are devices plugged into both the AUX jack and the USB jack, pressing the AUX button will toggle between the two functions. if so equipped, you can also press the AUX button to access XM® SAT1 and SAT2 preset banks.nOTe: Y ou may need to adjust the volume on any compatible device plugged into the auxiliary jack to find the most desired sound level of the audio system.10ENTER/SETTINGS BUTTON AND11TUNE/SCROLL CONTROL DIAL T o manually tune the radio, turn the TUNE/SCROLL dial. if playing a cd that is formattedwith MP3/WMA folders, turn the TUNE/SCROLL dial to scroll through the available folders.To adjust the Bass, Treble, fade, Balance, Speed Sensitive Volume (SSV), Brightness,contrast and clock (On/Off) press the ENTER/SETTINGS button until the desiredmode is displayed, then turn the TUNE/SCROLL dial to adjust to the desired level.12iPod® PLA YER OPERATION (if so equipped)The USB jack is located in the lower center of the instrument panel. connect the cable that is supplied with your iPod® to the outlet, and then attach the other end of the cable to your iPod®. if compatible, the battery of your iPod® will charge during the connection to the vehicle.PLA YING AN iPod®The interface for iPod® operation shown on the vehicle center display is similar to the iPod®interface. The iPod® can only be operated by the vehicle audio controls while connected.Select the iPod® by using one of the following methods:Press the12iPod®/MENU button.Press the SOURCE select switch on the steering wheel.SEEK/CAT BUTTONS AND TUNE/SCROLL DIALPress the SEEK/CAT buttons while a track is being played; the next track or the beginning of the current track will be played.Press and hold either SEEK/CAT (rewind or fast forward) button for more than approximately1.5 seconds, the track will play while rewinding or fast forwarding. When the SEEK/CAT(rewind or fast forward) button is released, the track will return to the normal playing speed.Press the iPod MENU button, then use the TUNE/SCROLL dial to scroll through themenu (Playlists, Artists, Albums, Songs, Podcasts, Genres, composers and Audiobooks) and press ENTER to make a selection. The display will return to the previous menu or list screen each time the iPod MENU button is pressed.if the system is turned off while the iPod® is playing, the iPod® will start when the ON/OFF or iPod MENU button is pressed. depending on the iPod® or software version, some functions may not work as described.*XM® Satellite Radio is only available on vehicles equipped with optional XM® Satellite subscription service.jack cover, connect the uSB end of the cable supplied to the jack, then connect the other end of the cable to the iPod®. When the(if compatible) will01When the shift lever is moved to the R (ReVeRSe) position, the monitorellow 3 ft (1 m); Green 7 ft (2 m) and 10 ft (3 m).01switch again to activate the Vdc system. The The Vdc system is active while the vehicle is running until the switch is pushed to turn off.by a small adult, child or child restraint as outlined in the Owner’s Manual, the will illuminateair bag is OFF and will not inflate in a crash.When the front-passenger’s seat is occupied and the passenger meets the conditions outlinedto indicate that the front passenger air *When the system detects that the front-passenger’s seat is unoccupied, the front passenger air bag status light will not illuminate even though the front passenger air0101030202010101.o raise the seatback, lift up each seatback and push it to the upright position until it is latched. After raising the seatback, pull the seat belt buckles out of the seat cushion pockets until theyHANDS-FREE PHONE SYSTEM (if so equipped)button on the steering wheel to activate voice recognition.Speak in a clear and natural voice without pausing between words.To go back to the previous command, say “Go back” or “correction.”To cancel a voice recognition session, simply wait 5 seconds; say “cancel,” “Quit” or pressTo increase or decrease the volume of the voice prompts, press the VOL (volume) control switch or on the steering wheel or turn the POWER/VOLUME knob on theaudio system while the system is responding.if the Voice Recognition system does not recognize your voice commands, train the system using the Speaker Adaptation Mode. See your Owner’s Manual for detailed information.Some commands are not available while the vehicle is in motion.The “Help” command can be used in any menu to hear a list of available commands.Please refer to the cellular phone manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual for detailed information regarding your Bluetooth® phone.For recommended phones and detailed instructions, please visit/bluetooth.cOnnecTinG YOuR PHOneTo use the hands-free feature, you need to set up, or connect, the system to recognize your compatible cellular phone(s). five compatible Bluetooth®-enabled phones can be connected. After setup, the system automatically connects with a connected phone when the ignition is in the Acc or On position, as long as the phone is on and in the vehicle.nOTe: Some cellular phones require the user to enable the automatic reconnection feature. Please refer to the cellular phone manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual for Bluetooth® setup information. cOnnecTinG PROceduRenOTe: The vehicle must be stationary when connecting the phone.1. Press the button on the steering wheel. The system announces the available commands.2. Say “connect Phone.”3. The system acknowledges the previous command and announces the next set of availablecommands. Say “Add phone.”4. initiate connecting from the phone.The connecting procedure varies according to each cellular phone model. for detailedconnecting instructions and a list of compatible phones, please visit/bluetooth.When prompted for a Passkey code, enter “1234” from the handset. (The Passkey code is assigned by niSSAn and cannot be changed.)5. Say a name for the phone when the system asks you to provide one. Y ou can give the phonea name of your choice.MAkinG A PHOne cALL1. Press the button.2. After the tone, do one of the following:Say “call.” After the system responds, say the name of the person in the phonebook.Say “call Phone number.” After waiting for the tone, say [number]. for example, say “call Phone number.” After waiting for the tone, say “123-456-7891.”Say “Redial” to redial the previous phone number.16 Say “call Phone number.” After the system responds, say “Special number” to dial more than 10 digits or special characters.Y ou can say all the digits of a 7- or 10-digit phone number at one time.for a 10-digit number, saying the phone number in groups of 3, 3 and 4 digits may improve recognition for some speakers. To use this group dialing method, say only the first 3 digits of the phone number. After the system recognizes the number, it will request the next 3 digits and finally the last 4 digits.if a phone number is incorrectly recognized, you can try entering the phone number again using the 3-3-4 group dialing procedure by saying “correction.”When you have finished speaking the phone number wait for the system to repeat it back to you, then say “dial.”ReceiVinG/endinG A PHOne cALLWhen you receive a phone call, a ring tone sounds through the audio system.To accept the call, press the button. To reject the call, press the button.To hang up the phone at the end of a call or to disconnect during call placement, pressthe button.HOW TO SAY nuMBeRSniSSAn Voice Recognition permits numbers to be spoken in a variety of ways.Say “zero” or “oh” for “0.” example: 1-800-662-6200 – Say “one eight zero zero six six two six two oh oh.”Say “pound” for “#.” Say “star” for “*” (available when using the “call Phone number” then “Special number” command and the “Send” command during a call).Say “plus” for “+” (available only when using the “call Phone number” then “Special number”command).Say “pause” for a 2-second pause.uSinG YOuR PHOneBOOkWhen a compatible phone is connected to the system, the phonebook is automatically downloaded. This allows you to access your phonebook from the Bluetooth® system to call contacts by name. up to 1,000 phone numbers will be transferred. T o access your phonebook:1. Press the button and wait for the tone.2. Say “Phonebook.”3. Wait for the tone, then say [a name] or say “List names.” The name must be said exactly as itis entered in your phonebook for the system to recognize it. for example, say “Phonebook”then after the system responds, say “Michelle.”The phonebook can transfer multiple numbers for each entry. if you select a name with multiple numbers, the system will ask you which number you want to dial.17The system allows for up to 40 voice tags to be recorded. Y ou can record a voice tag for phone-book entries that the system has difficulty recognizing or to directly dial an entry with multiple numbers. To record a voice tag:1. Press the button and wait for the tone.2. Say “Phonebook.”3. Wait for the tone, then say [a name] or say “List names.” Select the name for which you want to record a voice tag.4. Say “Record name.”nissan, the nissan Brand Symbol, “SHifT_” tagline, Z and nissan model names are nissan trademarks.© 2009 nissan north America, inc.QR0e-0Z12u0Printing: October 2009 (03)。

佛山凯特威空压机有限公司批发日立压缩机原装配件,三滤及专用油优惠价!佛山凯特威批发日立配件传动皮带50551090佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器50532330佛山凯特威批发日立配件机油滤清器21115810佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离器50533021佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气节流阀包50512030佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀包21116911佛山凯特威批发日立配件减压阀包25302750佛山凯特威批发日立配件最小压力阀包20115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件缸出口连接33212035佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位计组件包25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件注油口21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀垫21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件本体21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承21111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封50510140佛山凯特威批发日立配件压缩腔出口50510240佛山凯特威批发日立配件传动皮带52301090佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器52302330佛山凯特威批发日立配件机油滤清器52305910佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离器52303020佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气节流阀包20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件减压阀包25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件最小压力阀包52305560佛山凯特威批发日立配件缸出口连接36016070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位计组件包25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件注油口21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承21711030佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封36011140佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封垫36011180佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711030佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711040佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承21711050佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承21711060佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封36011140佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36011240佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36011250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711620佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711630佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带36012090佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带35714051佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮360G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮360G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013300佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013150佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(吸气部)36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器感应器50512240佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器36055000佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器外绵21718640佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气部连接管36018170佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承底垫36013390佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离过滤器36014040佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(油分离器)36014250佛山凯特威批发日立配件安全阀36015600佛山凯特威批发日立配件回油过滤器21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺36014130佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件油入口胶圈21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应(51013240)36015080佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应220115080佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温表2171630佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表21715070佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体1800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制51015330佛山凯特威批发日立配件后冷却器36014500佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀胶圈25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件散气过滤器36013460佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体21113500佛山凯特威批发日立配件最少压力阀本体20515420佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(大)21715410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(小)21715360佛山凯特威批发日立配件止回阀(20514100)20514101佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36016000佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36016070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器本体25303700佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接器36016750佛山凯特威批发日立配件真空阀36016200佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050100佛山凯特威批发日立配件计时表21715040佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH65TK55A51014010佛山凯特威批发日立配件Reverse phase relay5051404021115099佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH50NO.42.5251014080佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH35NO.651014090佛山凯特威批发日立配件COILASSEMB1Y36015900佛山凯特威批发日立配件3WAYSOIENOIDVA1VE25302470佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT36018601佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT(2f)36018611佛山凯特威批发日立配件pcunit(1f)36018600佛山凯特威批发日立配件压缩器51099010佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷却风扇51099040佛山凯特威批发日立配件风扇马达51099050佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力过荷制51099080佛山凯特威批发日立配件反相保护器51099090佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力器51099150佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度电磁阀51099190佛山凯特威批发日立配件Hotgasbypassvalve51099200佛山凯特威批发日立配件Y型过滤器25304100佛山凯特威批发日立配件自动排水器25101250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111040佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111050佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111060佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封36211140佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(机械油封)36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111620佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111630佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带36212090佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带22212091佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(8.5Kg)362G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(8.5Kg)36211520佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013300佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013150佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(吸气部)36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器感应器50512240佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器36055000佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器外绵21718640佛山凯特威批发日立配件戏气部连接管36218170佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封底座36013390佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离过滤器36214040佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(油分离器)36014250佛山凯特威批发日立配件安全阀36015600佛山凯特威批发日立配件回油过滤器21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺36014130佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件传动皮带52321090佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器52322330佛山凯特威批发日立配件机油滤清器52305910佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离器52323020佛山凯特威批发日立配件戏气节流阀20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件减压阀25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件最小压力阀52325560佛山凯特威批发日立配件缸出口连接35216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位计组件25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件注油口21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承22111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封36211140佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封垫36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺铜圈20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件油入口胶圈21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应036015080佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应220115080佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温表21716030佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表21715070佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体21800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制51015330佛山凯特威批发日立配件后冷却器36214500佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀胶圈25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件散气过滤器36013460佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀本体21113500佛山凯特威批发日立配件最少压力阀本体22115300佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(大)21715410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(小)21715360佛山凯特威批发日立配件止回阀30115500佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216000佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器本体25303700佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216750佛山凯特威批发日立配件真空阀21715890佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050100佛山凯特威批发日立配件Reversephaserelay5051404021115099佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH65TK55A51014010佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH50NO.42.5251054080佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH35NO.651054090佛山凯特威批发日立配件COILASSEMB1Y36015900佛山凯特威批发日立配件3WAYSOIENOID25302470佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT36018601佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT(2f)36018601佛山凯特威批发日立配件pcunit(1f)21715040佛山凯特威批发日立配件压缩器51099010佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷却风扇50801110佛山凯特威批发日立配件风扇马达51099050佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力过荷制51099080佛山凯特威批发日立配件反相保护器51099090佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力器51099150佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度电磁阀51099190佛山凯特威批发日立配件Hotgasbypasvalve51099200佛山凯特威批发日立配件Y型过滤器25304100佛山凯特威批发日立配件自动排水器25101250佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH80TK5180A570佛山凯特威批发日立配件反相保护器50514040佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH805180A580佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH655180A590佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH80TK5180A630佛山凯特威批发日立配件Printedciromit board,PWB351014230佛山凯特威批发日立配件Printedciromit board,PWB151014240佛山凯特威批发日立配件Printedciromit board,PWB451014250佛山凯特威批发日立配件电流表36015570佛山凯特威批发日立配件REGULATORVALVE37190佛山凯特威批发日立配件GASKET,CHECK VALVE1040110佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILLOEVELGAUGE12902520佛山凯特威批发日立配件TEMPERATUERCOMTROL VALVE21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRFILTERELEMENT21717210佛山凯特威批发日立配件DCOVERPACKING24211640佛山凯特威批发日立配件JACKETCOVERPACKING(lST)24211650佛山凯特威批发日立配件65BEARING24213040佛山凯特威批发日立配件45BEARING24213050佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILFILLINGPORT PACKING24213160佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRENDPK24213220佛山凯特威批发日立配件GLEANINGCOVER PK24213231佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILPUMPCOVERPK24213250佛山凯特威批发日立配件PKOHPUMP24213260佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILPUMPBEARING24213280佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILSEALOILPUMP24213290佛山凯特威批发日立配件BEARINGSUPPPORT PACKING24213370佛山凯特威批发日立配件INSPECTIONCOVER PK24213390佛山凯特威批发日立配件PK(1),OILPUMP24213480佛山凯特威批发日立配件PK(2),OILPUMP24213490佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,OILPUMP24213630佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,OILPUMP24213650佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERBLOW-OFF VALVE SEAT24 215070佛山凯特威批发日立配件UNLOADERPK24215110佛山凯特威批发日立配件AUCTIONPK24215120佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERGASKET24215130佛山凯特威批发日立配件UNLOADERPK(2)(4)24215150佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERSEAL PK(3)24215160佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERSEAI,WSHER24215180佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERPISTON GASKET24215340佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,AIRCYLINDER24215371佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERNEEDLE GASKET24215380佛山凯特威批发日立配件CHECKVALVE24215390佛山凯特威批发日立配件VORTEXGASKET24219061佛山凯特威批发日立配件COVERPLCHECKVALVE24219150佛山凯特威批发日立配件FILTERBLEMENT CONTROL VAI,VE24 220240佛山凯特威批发日立配件GREASE24298100佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGOILSEALGLAND0佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING TEMPERATURE VALVE0佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGRELIFFVALVE35649830佛山凯特威批发日立配件PRESSURESWTTCH(63产U)40620151佛山凯特威批发日立配件0RINGCOOLANTPUMP42218210佛山凯特威批发日立配件COOLANTSTRAINER42218340佛山凯特威批发日立配件COOLANTPRESSURE CAP42218360佛山凯特威批发日立配件DSPCOOLANT42220940佛山凯特威批发日立配件COOLANTMECHANICAL SEAL(50上Hz)42 518080佛山凯特威批发日立配件RUBBERRINGCOOLANT PUMP42518120佛山凯特威批发日立配件BEARINGCOOLANT PUMP(50Hz)42518130佛山凯特威批发日立配件COVERPKCOOLANT PUMP(50Hz)42518150佛山凯特威批发日立配件FLANGEPKCOOLANT PUMP(50Hz)42518190佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERGASKET45915201佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGAIRCYLINDER45915400佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERGASKET45915620佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILSTRAINER45919080佛山凯特威批发日立配件SOLENOIDVALVE MANIFOLD45920970佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGOILSEALCOVER46514720佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIREND48111000佛山凯特威批发日立配件BUSH48413090佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING(A),VISO GLAND48413930佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,VISCOGLAND48413940佛山凯特威批发日立配件VISOSPRING48313950佛山凯特威批发日立配件VBELT(50Hz)48414051佛山凯特威批发日立配件COUPLINGRUBBER,COOLANT PUMP484182 40佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILFILTERELEMENT54488820佛山凯特威批发日立配件电子板PCUNIT40617340佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应器51013240佛山凯特威批发日立配件电池50514220佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表50515050佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体1800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制51015330佛山凯特威批发日立配件后冷却器36214500佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀胶垫25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件散气过滤器36013460佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀本体21113500佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(大)22115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(小)22115360佛山凯特威批发日立配件止回阀25304200佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216000佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器本体25303700佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216570佛山凯特威批发日立配件真空阀21715890佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤芯25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050010佛山凯特威批发日立配件电池50514220佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器42618750佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表50515050佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀本体42613400佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体1800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件25302740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈,调节阀25302750佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制5101A240佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀胶垫25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈22115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈33226038佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050010佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111040佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111050佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111060佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封36211140佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(机械油封)36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111620佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111630佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带42611520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(7.okg)42611520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(7.okg)426G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封25402240佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封底座25402270佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫25402340佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫25402350佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(1840350)33212055佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(吸气部)36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器感应器50512240佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器29417211佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离过滤器51803020佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(油分离器)51803030佛山凯特威批发日立配件安全阀(8.5kg)29281030佛山凯特威批发日立配件回油过滤器21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺51803130佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应器036015080佛山凯特威批发日立配件Cylimderroller bearing42611030佛山凯特威批发日立配件Angularballbearing22111040佛山凯特威批发日立配件Angularballbearing22111050佛山凯特威批发日立配件Cylindricalroller bearing22111060佛山凯特威批发日立配件Mechanicalseal22111620佛山凯特威批发日立配件Mechanicalseal pk22111630佛山凯特威批发日立配件Dischargecover pk42611140佛山凯特威批发日立配件Dischargecasing O-ring36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件Elementpkseparator36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件Elementpksepartor36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件Vbelt29414040佛山凯特威批发日立配件Capseal25302561佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket42612090佛山凯特威批发日立配件Suctionpk25402240佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket25402350佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oring1840350佛山凯特威批发日立配件Valve plate25402270佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oillevelgauge pk25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket25302530佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilsuuplly poarat O-ring21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件Copper pk20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oring(small)22115360佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oring(Large)22115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oiltemp,Conterol valve21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oiltemppk21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket36216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilscavengefilter21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilscavengefilter21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件Regulatordiaphragm21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件Modulatordiaphragm25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件Modulatorrubber pk25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件Airfilterelement29417211佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilfilterelement25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件OilfilterORing(G-60)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件OilfilterORing25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilfilter pk36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilfilter pk36050100佛山凯特威批发日立配件80滚子轴承22111031佛山凯特威批发日立配件35滚子轴承22111041佛山凯特威批发日立配件60滚子轴承22111051佛山凯特威批发日立配件40滚子轴承22111061佛山凯特威批发日立配件SPACER36211090佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封42611140佛山凯特威批发日立配件SCOVERPACKING36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件DCOVERPACKING36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件DCASINGPACKING36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件60滚子轴承22111621佛山凯特威批发日立配件40滚子轴承22111631佛山凯特威批发日立配件BELT52651090佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封25402240佛山凯特威批发日立配件卸载阀件25402340佛山凯特威批发日立配件卸载阀件25402350佛山凯特威批发日立配件卸载阀件O型圈33211135佛山凯特威批发日立配件SUCTIONPACKING36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件风格52652330佛山凯特威批发日立配件油分52303020佛山凯特威批发日立配件油分O型圈52303030佛山凯特威批发日立配件销子5230314佛山凯特威批发日立配件SEALWASHER5230315佛山凯特威批发日立配件O型圈33216040佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILLEVELGAUGE ASSEMBLY52653250佛山凯特威批发日立配件RUBBERPKMODULATOR VALVE25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件DIAPHRAGMASSEM BLY,REGULATOR21 116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件VALVEASSEMBLY,REGULATOR25302740佛山凯特威批发日立配件MINIMUMPRESSURE VALRE PISTON526555 70佛山凯特威批发日立配件DIAPHRAGM25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,REGULATOR25302750佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING52655560佛山凯特威批发日立配件CHECKVALVEPISTON52655580佛山凯特威批发日立配件OTLTBMPCONTROL VALRE52655720佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING33216045佛山凯特威批发日立配件FLANGEPACKING36216071佛山凯特威批发日立配件STARTERFAN51034170佛山凯特威批发日立配件OLLFILTERELEMENT52655910目录产品名称零件编号适用机型备注1 传动皮带50551090 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI2 空气过滤器50532330 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI3 机油滤清器21115810 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI4 油水分离器50533021 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI5 吸气节流阀包50512030 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI6 调压阀包21116911 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI7 减压阀包25302750 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI8 最小压力阀包20115410 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI9 缸出口连接33212035 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI10 油位计组件包25302631 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI11 注油口21114260 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI12 油温控制阀垫21115840 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI13 本体21115830 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI14 轴承21111030 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI15 轴封50510140 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI16 压缩腔出口50510240 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI17 传动皮带52301090 OSP22M,S HITACHI18 空气过滤器52302330 OSP22M,S HITACHI19 机油滤清器52305910 OSP22M,S HITACHI20 油水分离器52303020 OSP22M,S HITACHI21 吸气节流阀包20513030 OSP22M,S HITACHI22 减压阀包25302760 OSP22M,S HITACHI23 最小压力阀包52305560 OSP22M,S HITACHI24 缸出口连接36016070 OSP22M,S HITACHI25 油位计组件包25302631 OSP22M,S HITACHI26 注油口21114260 OSP22M,S HITACHI27 油温控制阀21114260 OSP22M,S HITACHI28 轴承21711030 OSP22M,S HITACHI29 轴封36011140 OSP22M,S HITACHI30 轴封垫36011180 OSP22M,S HITACHI31 滚子轴承21711030 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI32 滚子轴承21711040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI33 走珠轴承21711050 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI34 走珠轴承21711060 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI35 机械油封36011140 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI36 纸垫(排气部)36011240 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI37 纸垫(排气部)36011250 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI38 滚子轴承21711620 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI39 滚子轴承21711630 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI40 V型皮带36012090 OSP22U5AI(R)HITAC3HI41 V型皮带35714051 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI42 皮带轮360G1520 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI43 皮带轮360G1520 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI44 吸气轴封20513030 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI45 纸垫36013300 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI46 纸垫36013150 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI47 纸垫(吸气部)36016410 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI48 空气过滤器感应器50512240 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI49 空气过滤器36055000 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI50 空气过滤器外绵21718640 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI51 吸气部连接管36018170 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI52 轴承底垫36013390 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI53 油水分离过滤器36014040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI54 纸垫(油分离器)36014250 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI55 安全阀36015600 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI56 回油过滤器21716180 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI57 油位尺36014130 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI58 油位尺胶圈25302631 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI59 油位尺胶圈20901100 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI60 油入口胶圈21114260 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI61 温度感应(51013240)36015080 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI62 温度感应2 20115080 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI63 油温表2171630 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI64 回气过滤器21116120 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI65 空气压力表21715070 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI66 调节阀本体1800930 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI67 调节阀配件21116910 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI68 压力制51015330 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI69 后冷却器36014500 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI70 调节阀配件25302770 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI71 调节阀胶圈25302760 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI72 散气过滤器36013460 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI73 调节阀本体21113500 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI74 最少压力阀本体20515420 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI75 胶圈(大) 21715410 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI76 胶圈(小) 21715360 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI77 止回阀(20514100) 20514101 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI78 连接管36016000 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI79 油温控制阀21115830 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI80 胶圈(油温控制阀) 21115840 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI81 纸垫36016070 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI82 油过滤器本体25303700 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI83 连接器36016750 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI84 真空阀36016200 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI85 油过滤器25303740 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI86 胶圈(油过滤器) 25303760 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI87 胶圈(油过滤器) 33212060 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI88 胶圈(油过滤器) 36050090 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI89 胶圈(油过滤器) 36050100 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI90 计时表21715040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI91 MGSWH65TK55A 51014010 OSP22U5OSP22U5AI k30BN-EP92 Reverse phaserelay50514040 21115099 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI93 MGSWH50NO.42.52 51014080 OSP22U5AI(R)k30BN-EP94 MGSWH35NO.6 51014090 OSP22U5AI(R)k25BN-EP95 COILASSEMB1Y 36015900 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI96 3WAYSOIENOIDVA1VE 25302470 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI97 PCUNIT 36018601 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI98 PCUNIT(2f) 36018611 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI99 pcunit(1f) 36018600 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI100 压缩器51099010 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI101 冷却风扇51099040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI102 风扇马达51099050 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI103 冷冻压力过荷制51099080 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI104 反相保护器51099090 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI105 冷冻压力器51099150 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI106 温度电磁阀51099190 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI107 Hotgasbypassvalve 51099200 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI108 Y型过滤器25304100 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI109 自动排水器25101250 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI110 滚子轴承22111030 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI111 滚子轴承22111040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI112 走珠轴承22111050 OSP37U5AI/37B5AII HITACHI113 走珠轴承22111060 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI114 机械油封36211140 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI115 纸垫(机械油封) 36211180 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI116 纸垫(排气部) 36211240 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI117 纸垫(排气部) 36211250 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI118 滚子轴承22111620 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI119 滚子轴承22111630 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI120 V型皮带36212090 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI121 V型皮带22212091 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI122 皮带轮(8.5Kg) 362G1520 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI123 皮带轮(8.5Kg) 36211520 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI124 吸气轴封20513030 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI125 纸垫36013300 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI126 纸垫36013150 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI127 纸垫(吸气部) 36016410 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI128 空气过滤器感应器50512240 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI129 空气过滤器36055000 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 130 空气过滤器外绵21718640 OSP37U5AI/37B5A 36055010 131 戏气部连接管36218170 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 132 轴封底座36013390 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI133 油水分离过滤器36214040 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 134 纸垫(油分离器) 36014250 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 135 安全阀36015600 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI136 回油过滤器21716180 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 137 油位尺36014130 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI138 油位尺胶圈25302631 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 139 传动皮带52321090 OSP37M.S HITACHI140 空气过滤器52322330 OSP37M.S HITACHI141 机油滤清器52305910 OSP37M.S HITACHI142 油水分离器52323020 OSP37M.S HITACHI143 戏气节流阀20513030 OSP37M.S HITACHI144 减压阀25302760 OSP37M.S HITACHI145 最小压力阀52325560 OSP37M.S HITACHI146 缸出口连接35216070 OSP37M.S HITACHI147 油位计组件25302631 OSP37M.S HITACHI148 注油口21114260 OSP37M.S HITACHI149 油温控制阀21114260 OSP37M.S HITACHI150 轴承22111030 OSP37M.S HITACHI151 轴封36211140 OSP37M.S HITACHI152 轴封垫36211180 OSP37M.S HITACHI153 油位尺铜圈20901100 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI154 油入口胶圈21114260 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI155 温度感应0 36015080 OSP37U5AI(R)51013240156 温度感应2 20115080 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI157 油温表21716030 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI158 回气过滤器21116120 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI159 空气压力表21715070 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI160 调节阀本体21800930 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI161 调节阀配件21116910 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI162 压力制51015330 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI163 后冷却器36214500 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI164 调压阀配件25302770 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 165 调压阀胶圈25302760 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI166 散气过滤器36013460 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI167 调压阀本体21113500 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI168 最少压力阀本体22115300 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI169 胶圈(大)21715410 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI170 胶圈(小)21715360 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI171 止回阀30115500 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI172 连接管36216000 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI173 油温控制阀21115830 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI174 胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 175 纸垫36216070 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI176 油过滤器本体25303700 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI177 连接管36216750 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI178 真空阀21715890 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI179 油过滤器25303740 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI180 胶圈(油过滤器)25303760 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 181 胶圈(油过滤器)33212060 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 182 胶圈(油过滤器)36050090 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 183 胶圈(油过滤器)36050100 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 184 Reversephaserelay 21115099 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI185 MGSWH65TK55A 51014010 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 186 MGSWH50NO.42.52 51054080 OSP37U5AI(R)K30BN-EP 187 MGSWH35NO.6 51054090 OSP37U5AI(R)K25BN-EP 188 COILASSEMB1Y 36015900 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI189 3WAYSOIENOID 25302470 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI190 PCUNIT 36018601 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI191 PCUNIT(2f) 36018601 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI192 pcunit(1f) 21715040 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI193 压缩器51099010 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI194 冷却风扇50801110 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI195 风扇马达51099050 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI196 冷冻压力过荷制51099080 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI197 反相保护器51099090 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI198 冷冻压力器51099150 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI199 温度电磁阀51099190 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI200 Hotgasbypasvalve 51099200 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI201 Y型过滤器25304100 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI202 自动排水器25101250 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI203 MGSWH80TK 5180A570 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI204 反相保护器50514040 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI205 MGSWH80 5180A580 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI206 MGSWH65 5180A590 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI207 MGSWH80TK 5180A630 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI208 Printedciromitboard,PWB3 51014230 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI209 Printedciromitboard,PWB1 51014240 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI210 Printedciromitboard,PWB4 51014250 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI211 电流表36015570 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI212 REGULATORVALVE 37190 DSP37 HITACHI213 GASKET,CHECK VALVE 1040110 DSP37 HITACHI214 OILLOEVELGAUGE12902520 DSP37 HITACHI 215 TEMPERATUERCOMTROLVALVE 21115830 DSP37 HITACHI216 AIRFILTERELEMENT 21717210 DSP37 HITACHI 217 DCOVERPACKING 24211640 DSP37 HITACHI218 JACKETCOVERPACKING(lST) 24211650 DSP37 HITACHI219 65BEARING 24213040 DSP37 HITACHI220 45BEARING 24213050 DSP37 HITACHI221 OILFILLINGPORTPACKING 24213160 DSP37 HITACHI222 AIRENDPK 24213220 DSP37 HITACHI223 GLEANINGCOVER PK 24213231 DSP37 HITACHI 224 OILPUMPCOVERPK 24213250 DSP37 HITACHI225 PKOHPUMP 24213260 DSP37 HITACHI226 OILPUMPBEARING 24213280 DSP37 HITACHI227 OILSEALOILPUMP 24213290 DSP37 HITACHI228 BEARINGSUPPPORTPACKING 24213370 DSP37 HITACHI229 INSPECTIONCOVER PK24213390 DSP37 HITACHI 230 PK(1),OILPUMP 24213480 DSP37 HITACHI231 PK(2),OILPUMP 24213490 DSP37 HITACHI232 ORING,OILPUMP 24213630 DSP37 HITACHI233 ORING,OILPUMP 24213650 DSP37 HITACHI234 AIRCYLINDERBLOW-OFFVALVE SEAT 24215070 DSP37 HITACHI235 UNLOADERPK 24215110 DSP37 HITACHI236 AUCTIONPK 24215120 DSP37 HITACHI237 AIRCYLINDERGASKET 24215130 DSP37 HITACHI 238 UNLOADERPK(2)(4)24215150 DSP37 HITACHI 239 AIRCYLINDERSEALPK(3)24215160 DSP37 HITACHI240 AIRCYLINDERSEAI,WSHER 24215180 DSP37 HITACHI241 AIRCYLINDERPISTONGASKET 24215340 DSP37 HITACHI242 ORING,AIRCYLINDER 24215371 DSP37 HITACHI243 AIRCYLINDERNEEDLEGASKET 24215380 DSP37 HITACHI244 CHECKVALVE 24215390 DSP37 HITACHI245 VORTEXGASKET 24219061 DSP37 HITACHI246 COVERPLCHECKVALVE 24219150 DSP37 HITACHI 247 FILTERBLEMENTCONTROL VAI,VE24220240 DSP37 HITACHI248 GREASE 24298100 DSP37 HITACHI249 ORINGOILSEALGLAND 0 DSP37A HITACHI250 ORING TEMPERATUREVALVE 0 DSP37A HITACHI251 ORINGRELIFFVALVE 35649830 DSP37A HITACHI252 PRESSURESWTTCH(63产U)40620151 DSP37A HITACHI253 0RINGCOOLANTPUMP 42218210 DSP37A HITACHI254 COOLANTSTRAINER 42218340 DSP37A HITACHI255 COOLANTPRESSURE CAP 42218360 DSP37A HITACHI 256 DSPCOOLANT 42220940 DSP37A HITACHI257 COOLANTMECHANICALSEAL(50上Hz) 42518080 DSP37A HITACHI258 RUBBERRINGCOOLANTPUMP 42518120 DSP37A HITACHI259 BEARINGCOOLANTPUMP(50Hz) 42518130 DSP37A HITACHI260 COVERPKCOOLANTPUMP(50Hz) 42518150 DSP37A HITACHI261 FLANGEPKCOOLANTPUMP(50Hz) 42518190 DSP37A HITACHI262 AIRCYLINDERGASKET 45915201 DSP37A HITACHI 263 ORINGAIRCYLINDER 45915400 DSP37A HITACHI264 AIRCYLINDERGASKET 45915620 DSP37A HITACHI 265 OILSTRAINER 45919080 DSP37A HITACHI266 SOLENOIDVALVEMANIFOLD 45920970 DSP37A HITACHI267 ORINGOILSEALCOVER 46514720 DSP37A HITACHI 268 AIREND 48111000 DSP37A HITACHI269 BUSH 48413090 DSP37A HITACHI270 ORING(A),VISO GLAND 48413930 DSP37A HITACHI271 ORING,VISCOGLAND 48413940 DSP37A HITACHI272 VISOSPRING 48313950 DSP37A HITACHI273 VBELT(50Hz) 48414051 DSP37A HITACHI274 COUPLINGRUBBER,COOLANT PUMP 48418240 DSP37A HITACHI275 OILFILTERELEMENT 54488820 DSP37A HITACHI276 电子板PCUNIT 40617340 DSP37A HITACHI277 温度感应器51013240 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI278 电池50514220 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI279 回气过滤器21116120 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI280 空气压力表50515050 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI281 调节阀本体1800930 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI282 调节阀配件21116910 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI283 压力制51015330 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI284 后冷却器36214500 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI285 调压阀配件25302770 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI286 调压阀胶垫25302760 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI287 散气过滤器36013460 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI288 调压阀本体21113500 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI289 胶圈(大)22115410 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI290 胶圈(小)22115360 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI291 止回阀25304200 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI292 连接管36216000 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI293 油温控制阀21115830 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI294 胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 295 纸垫36216070 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI296 油过滤器本体25303700 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI297 连接管36216570 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI298 真空阀21715890 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI299 油过滤芯25303740 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI300 胶圈(油过滤器)25303760 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 301 胶圈(油过滤器)33212060 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 302 胶圈(油过滤器)36050090 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 303 胶圈(油过滤器)36050010 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 304 电池50514220 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI305 回气过滤器42618750 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI306 空气压力表50515050 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI307 调压阀本体42613400 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI308 调节阀本体1800930 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI309 调节阀配件21116910 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI310 调节阀配件25302740 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI311 胶圈,调节阀25302750 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI312 压力制5101A240 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI313 调压阀配件25302770 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI314 调压阀胶垫25302760 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI。

所以判断阀是否动作故障,应该首先判定是否得电以及线圈是否故障。 4、室外风机:电机噪音问题不包含在内,代码只包括电气故障。 (室外风机噪音故障目前在三包期内没有发生。) 5、室外风机电容:测量方法与压机电容一样。 6、室外交流接触器:一般是大功率柜式空调使用交流接触器。 7、室外温度传感器:老型号机器中使用比较多,现在柜机中还在使用。测量和判断
而且,变频新型号与老型号之间,故障指示灯闪烁的指示有一些差异。 ②手册的执行要求: 维修人员应该根据空调故障指示灯闪烁的次数,分析发生故障的原因,检查出 空调故障真正的故障点位置。然后: ★根据手册上规范的代码进行反馈; ★将「空调故障指示灯闪烁次数」写在备注中,输入日立电脑系统。
维修故障点分类方法 - 内部机构件不良(B)
1、室内机内部的机构件主要有: ① 风叶:因为野蛮装卸,挂机贯流风叶、柜机离心风叶的叶片都可能会发生断裂; ②积水盘:因为野蛮装卸发生断裂,但是发生概率很低; ③轴承盖:因野蛮装卸造成脱落;少数维修工不规范拆装会造成断裂(左、右); 挂壁式有2个轴承盖。 右侧是电机轴承盖;左侧是固定贯流风叶的A型轴承的轴承盖。 (A型轴承保养时,需要加「凡士林」润滑,否则会产生异常音。收费修理。) ④柜机电机支架:因为野蛮装卸造成电机支架变形(风叶等可能也同时损坏); ⑤柜机移动面板的滑动部分:因为野蛮装卸造成「移动销」脱离轨道。 2、室外机内部的机构件主要有:
⑦负离子发生器。(部分机型有此功能) 2、故障点代码与空调故障指示灯闪烁的次数没有建立相应关系: ①原因: 空调故障指示灯闪烁的次数是指导维修人员维修检查的方向。但造成故 障的实际原因可能是安装问题;可能是室内电气部件问题;也有可能是室外电 气部件问题。与本手册分类方法不同,怕搞乱。 ②手册的执行要求:维修人员应该根据空调故障指示灯闪烁的次数,分析发生故 障的原因,检查出空调故障真正的故障点位置。然后: ★根据手册上规范的代码进行反馈; ★将「空调故障指示灯闪烁次数」写在备注中,输入日立电脑系统。

SH比其他室内机高3℃ 以内为正常 Ti-To>7℃为正常 Pd:1.0~3.5MPa
系统压力是否正常? (高压Pd、低压Ps)
制冷剂充注量不准确 压力传感器不良或接线不良 截止阀是否打开 电气系统与制冷系统是否一致 检查电子膨胀阀是否异常 检查系统循环回路是否有异常 检查四通阀是否异常 室外机气流组织不合理 检查造成压缩机温度异常的原因 (故障代码详细讲解)
④如果第一分歧之后的配管尺寸大于之前的配管尺寸,请选 用第一分歧之前的配管尺寸 ②其它主管道的管径取决于主管道所连接室内机的容量总和
③与室外机连接的 管道管径根据室外 机的型号选择管径
系 列
H L L1
L L1 H D
节 能 先 锋
主管道分配要求 • 主管道分配最多可以有两级 • 主管道分配位置必须在前三级分支中
接地线要可靠。L1、L2、L3、N对地电阻要在1MΩ以上 注意事项 通讯线不允许接成闭环状 有线遥控器接线A、B不允许短接 有线遥控器接线A、B和通讯线接线1、2不允许混接

※记入时的注意事项 相(U,V,W)与线间(U-V,V-W,W-U)的区别 实际值(rms) 、峰值(peak)、瞬时值(ins:instantaneous)的区别 星型接线 (线间电压=
电气角与机械角的区别(机械角=电气角/(极数/2)) ※电阻与电感 因排线中也含有电阻与电感,所以电阻与电感不作为必要事项,而应进行自整定。
有时可从客户提交的数据表单中,推测基频・高频及额定电压等。 计算公式参照参数设定项。
中文【ES1248】_PM 电机常数设定指导手册 WJ200_Ver2_20100916 株式会社 日立产机系统
ES1248 2010/9/16 3. 变频器的选定 a) 根据额定电压决定变频器的电压级 b) 选定额定电流的 300%低于最高电流(减磁等级)的变频器。大多数的 PM 电气时间常数较小,电流易增大。因 此,只要不能确保“可以通过额定电流 300%以上的电流” ,选定变频器时就应有所预留。但是当变频器的额定 电流也低于电机额定电流时,可能无法达到希望的转矩而不易对应。 4. 诱起电压测定 由于减磁后不宜测定,因此尽可能在驱动变频器前进行测定。 测定点为: ・ 测定 u – v 间、v – w 间、w – u 间所有的线间← 确认 3 相是否平衡 ・ 测定 3 处以上的转数← 确认是否与转数成比例 ・ 通过示波器等观测波形← 确认是否为正弦波 ・ 记录测定时的转子温度(或室温)← 因为有温度特性 测定后确认客户的诱起电压常数(诱起电压)的数据是否正确。 计算公式参照参数设定项。另外,在非测定环境下参照末尾事例进行推算。 5. 自整定(电阻与电感的测定) 测定的注意事项 ・在自整定中,会有测定电感时电机轴振动(转动)的情况。通常在电机轴连接负载时无需固定转轴。但当电机 轴未固定时会出现电机轴的振动及其他问题,为避免此类问题推荐固定电机轴。 <调试模式的使用> 注意:不告知客户调试模式。一般来说工厂设定值不会出现问题。此外,一旦输入错误值将可能造成动作不稳定, 请注意。 自整定 NG 时,可使用调试用的参数进行调整。 ・ H930:设定测定电感时的电压增加率。在测定 Ld,Lq 时发生自整定 NG 时设定较大数值,OC 跳闸时设定较小 数值。 ・ H931:设定测定电感时的电流指令值。虽然普遍认为没有必要调整,但由于电感一般依存于电流,因此推荐 在电机额定电流附近测定。 ・ H932:设定测定电感时的频率指令值。虽然普遍认为没有必要调整,但由于设定较大数值能够加大对电抗器 组成部分的影响,因此能够提升测定的精确度。 ・ H934:设定测定电阻时的电压增加率。在测定 R 时发生自整定 NG 时设定较大数值,OC 跳闸时设定较小数值。 ・ H935:设定测定电阻时的指令电流值。虽然普遍认为没有必要调整,但由于设定较大数值能够减小由于空载 时间等造成的电压误差的影响,因此能够提升测定的精确度。

7. 切断电源后的上电步骤
确认备份电池开关处于 Enable 状态。 开磁盘阵列机柜 AC BOX 的断路器。此时⑧BS-ON 灯(黄色)亮。 执行正常开机步骤。参考“2. 正常开机步骤” 。 通过 SVP 检查磁盘阵列状态。 如果②ALARM(红色)或③MESSAGE(黄色)指示灯亮,立刻通知 HDS 支持工程师。
HDS 高端阵列维护及操作手册
第一章 前言
本 文 档 适 用 于 HDS 高 端 阵 列 的 维 护 操 作 , 包 括 USP/NSC55 系 列 、 USPV/USPVM 系列以及 VSP 系列。 本文档只是简要介绍部分维护操作,详细操作步骤及说明请参考维护手册。 文档的有关示意图和菜单来自 USPV,其它型号产品可能有所不同,请参考 维护手册。 在维护过程中出现任何异常情况,立刻反馈给 HDS 支持工程师,或通过服 务热线 4006786783 联系 HDS 值班工程师。 注意: 在磁盘阵列出现异常关机后, 不能关备份电池的开关。 (不适用于 VSP) 注意: 所有维护操作需要按照 SVP 的步骤实施,不要在磁盘阵列关机状态下 实施部件更换操作。
2. 正常开机步骤
将 操 作 面 板 的 PS 左 边 开 关 ⑩ ENABLE 和 右 边 开 关 ⑾ ON/OFF 往 上 拨 (Enable+ON),此时⑨PS-ON 指示灯亮(绿色) ,磁盘系统将顺序自动上电。 约 20 分钟后①READY 灯(绿色)亮,磁盘阵列上电完成。 通过 SVP 检查磁盘阵列状态。 如果②ALARM(红色)或③MESSAGE(黄色)指示灯亮,立刻通知 HDS 支持工程师。 在服务器实施相关的检查和操作,确认服务器能正常访问存储设备。
日立 AMS 2500产品技术说明书

早在1997年,利用开放性上的优势,FC-AL得到了众多厂商的拥护,但对于磁盘阵列内部的存储互连来说,硬盘驱动器的所谓“FC”,其实是FC-AL(Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop,光纤通道仲裁环路),经铜缆(机箱之间才是光纤)连接成一个环路,一个仲裁环理论上可以连接127个设备,但受制于带宽,容纳的磁盘驱动器通常不到这个数字的一半。因此,存储行业的几家领先厂商带头开始研发被称为Serial Attached SCSI(串行连接SCSI,即SAS)的技术,作为并行SCSI的接班人。SAS与FC光纤通道相比,最明显的技术优势在于连接带宽:

○高度:71型及 以下270mm, 80型及以上为 350mm; ○静压:71型及 以下机型为 30Pa,80型及 以上为60Pa。 ○容量换算: 1HP≈2.8kW
○高度:71型及 以下270mm,80 型及以上为 350mm; ○静压:71型及 以下机型出厂为 50Pa,80Pa可 选,80型及以上出 厂为120Pa,90Pa 可选; ○电源:224型和 280型电源为3相 380V
○室内机种类:10大类型96个 品种 ○型号命名(RPI为例) RPI-28FSDNQH
28:名义制冷量(×100W) FSDNQ:FLEX MULTI全 变频D系列 H:高静压 ○容量换算:1HP≈2.8kW
○室内机种类:10大类型96个 品种 ○型号命名(RPI为例) RPI-28FSNQH
28:名义制冷量(×100W) FSNQ:SET FREE R410A系 列 H:高静压 ○容量换算:1HP≈2.8kW
○容量范围:22.4~56kW ○型号命名(10HP为例) RAS-280FSN1Q RAS:室外机 280:名义制冷量(×100W) FSN1Q:节能先锋系列 ○容量换算:1HP≈2.8kW

4. 选择功能..................................................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 室内机(RPF(l) – FSG(E),RPK-FSGM 和 RPC-FSG1 系列).......................................................4-1 4.1.1遥控器开/关功能........................................................................................................................4-1 4.1.2电源开/关功能1(电源接通时的自动功能)..........................................................................4-5 4.1.3电源开/关功能2(电源故障后的重启功能)..........................................................................4-5 4.1.4室内电热调控器的控制..............................................................................................................4-6 4.1.5遥控温度传感器的操作控制......................................................................................................4-7 4.1.6外部输入改变制冷或制热模式的设定(水平信号输入)......................................................4-7 4.1.7截取操作信号..............................................................................................................................4-8 4.2 室内机(RPI-FSG1,RCI-FSG1 和 RCD-FSG1 系列) ...................................................................4-11 4.2.1室内机印刷电路板输入输出设置..............................................................................................4-11 4.2.2温度遥控器功能..........................................................................................................................4-13 4.2.3遥控器开/关功能.........................................................................................................................4-14 4.2.4电源开/关功能1(电源接通时的自动功能)..........................................................................4-18 4.2.5电源开/关功能2(电源故障后的重启功能)..........................................................................4-18 4.2.6室内电热调控器的控制..............................................................................................................4-19 4.2.7遥控温度传感器的操作控制......................................................................................................4-20 4.2.8外部输入改变制冷或制热模式的设定......................................................................................4-20 4.2.9截取操作信号..............................................................................................................................4-21 4.3 室外机...................................................................................................................................................4-25 4.3.1指令.............................................................................................................................................4-27 4.3.2强制停机......................................................................................................................................4-27 4.3.3固定运行模式..............................................................................................................................4-28 4.3.4霜冻传感器..................................................................................................................................4-28 4.3.5除霜条件的改变..........................................................................................................................4-29 4.3.6制热模式下温控关闭时对室内风机的控制..............................................................................4-30 4.3.7各个季节里的制热操作..............................................................................................................4-30 4.3.8各个季节里的制冷操作..............................................................................................................4-31 4.3.9夜间转换(低噪音)运行..........................................................................................................4-32 4.3.10截取室外机印刷电路板的信号..................................................................................................4-334.4遥控器PC-2H2.....................................................................................................................................4-35 4.4.1零件名称......................................................................................................................................4-35 4.4.2同步运行......................................................................................................................................4-36 4.4.3双遥控器操作系统......................................................................................................................4-38 4.4.4功能设定选择..............................................................................................................................4-39 4.4.5遥控器功能选择..........................................................................................................................4-42 4.4.6 寻址(ADDS)和制冷剂循环编号(RN)显示 .....................................................................4-474.5无线遥控器PC-LH3 ............................................................................................................................4-48 4.5.1零件名称......................................................................................................................................4-48 4.5.2室内机组并列安装的识别..........................................................................................................4-49 4.5.3同步运行......................................................................................................................................4-50 4.5.4紧急操作......................................................................................................................................4-52 4.5.5选择功能设定..............................................................................................................................4-53 4.5.6无线遥控器的选择功能..............................................................................................................4-54 4.6七日时控器,PSC-3T..........................................................................................................................4-55 4.7中央控制器PSC-3S1 ...........................................................................................................................4-57 4.7.1零件名称......................................................................................................................................4-57 4.7.2系统.............................................................................................................................................4-58 4.7.3中央控制器的操作步骤..............................................................................................................4-60选择功能(4.1室内机) 4.选择功能4.1室内机(RPI(I) – FSG(E),RPK-FSGM和RPC-FSG1系列)4.1.1遥控器开/关功能该功能提供远程自动停机或系统启动的控制。

日立变频器用户使用手册1.简述 (2)2.外部输入输出信号列表 (2)3.变频操作 (4)3.1互锁 (4)3.2电机速度控制 (4)3.3启/停变频器的操作流程 (5)4.显示界面 (7)4.1条形图 (7)4.2故障显示 (8)4.3互锁记录显示 (10)4.4 DIO(输入和输出接触点显示)界面 (12)4.5软件版本显示 (12)1.简述日本日立公司生产的High Voltage Inverter产品是一种交流电机的速度调节控制装置。
2. 变频装置和外部的接口信号列表变频装置的启动,需要外部的DCS对变频装置进行操作,变频装置运行后,需要将运行状态信号反馈给DCS,以便运行人员监视变频器的状态。

5轿内检修下行可用11L40与最低层站的内指令输入点短接.B 轿顶检修:此时X7.X10 不亮,可用轿顶检修试运行。
1 .轿顶检修上行11L40与21L6 短接[X11亮]2 。
3检修运行电梯状态;当11L40与慢上或慢下点时,电梯应立即关门[PC 出点Y3。
GMJ 上行;SJ上行或XJ上行]。
Y14或Y15 `Y12`Y0亮]。

二、电梯技术要求1总则1.1 工程概况十四号线一期工程(嘉禾望岗~街口)线路全长54.3km,其中地下线长21.8km,地上线长32.5km,设13座车站,其中地下站6座(嘉禾望岗、东平、石湖、太和、江浦、街口站),高架站7座(竹料、钟落潭、黎家塘、新和、太平、神岗、邓村站),换乘站2座(嘉禾望岗、新和站);知识城支线(新和~镇龙)线路长21.9km,地下线长19.9km,地上线长2.0km,共设9座车站(知识城北、马头庄、枫下、知识城、知识城南、旺村、康大、镇龙北、镇龙站),全部为地下车站,换乘站2座(新和、镇龙站)。
1.2 总体要求1.2.1 卖方充分理解并认真遵循本招标文件的要求,所提供设备的品质、性能和使用寿命至关重要。
1.2.2 拟投标的电梯必须是符合国家标准和规范的合格产品,电梯是国际著名品牌的原厂产品,使用本品牌注册商标(不允许提供贴牌产品)。
日立分体式空调室内 室外单元说明书

使用说明书49 ~ 95页请详细阅读这本使用说明书以了解正确的使用安装方法,使机器长久发挥最高性能。
Instruction manualPage 1~48To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble free use, please read this instruction manual completely.RAS-SX10HAK / RAC-SX10HAK RAS-SX13HAK / RAC-SX13HAKINDOOR UNIT/OUTDOOR UNITMODEL• Please read the “Safety Precaution” carefully before operating the unit to ensure correct usage of the unit.• Pay special attention to signs of “ Warning ” and “ Caution ”. The “Warning” section contains matters which, if not observed strictly, may cause death or serious injury. The “Caution” section contains matters which may result in serious consequences if not observed properly. Please observe all instructions strictly to ensure safety.• The signs indicate the following meanings. (The following are examples of signs.)• Please keep this manual after reading.NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH PART(Understanding The Operating Mechanism, page 39)• While the power is on, a very small amount of power is consumed within the control circuit even when the unit is not in operation.Power can be saved if the circuit breaker is switched off.※Open the front panel to operate. (How to open the front panel, page 8)Stainless Mesh Filter (inside)Air Cleaning Mesh BoxWith the air cleaning mesh used, the air-conditioning capability will fall slightly.Remove dust from the surface with a vacuum cleaner, and DO NOT clean it with water. (We recommend you clean it once every 6 months and replace it once every 2 years.)Remote controller can be used when it is fixed on a wall or pillar using the remote controller holder.Before fixing it, make sure the indoor unit can be controlled from the remote controller fixing point.Transmits the operation and timer settings to the indoor unit.The LCD shown in the illustration below is the display immediately after the reset switch is pressed. Usually not all the data are displayed. On the LCD shown below, the functions not available for this room air conditioner are also displayed.NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH PART (continued)(When the door is open)the aluminium sheet on the surface nor make a hole on it.INSTALLING ANTI-MOLD WASABI CASSETTEOpen the front panel.•Do not hold the movable panel Panel support• Hold and lift up the front panel.• Push up the panel support until itclicks to lock it.Lower the front panel and fix in position with the panel support.Install the anti-mold wasabi cassette.No daily maintenance is required. However, the effectiveness of anti-mold wasabi cassette will be lost after approximately 10 years have elapsed. Replace the anti-mold wasabi cassette in such event.Close the front panel.• Hold and lift up the front panel.• Push down the panel support until it clicks.Push the both ends of the front panel first and then its center until it clicks.• Pull it downward.FILTER CLEANING UNIT OPERATION CHECKMake sure the power plug is firmly plugged into the power outlet.Performing operation check after the power is turned on.Perform the filter cleaning unit operation check• After the power is turned on (after the power plug is inserted into the poweroutlet or after the circuit breaker is switched on after power failure), thecleaning unit makes one cycle of back and forth movement.•• One cycle of operation check will take approximately 5 minutes.• During the operation check, the unit performs “Fan” operation while the movablepanel and horizontal air deflector remain closed.• Ifoperation check, refer to “Troubleshooting” on page 44.Cleaning Unitpanel for your reference only.PREPARE THE REMOTE CONTROLLERPREPARE THE REMOTE CONTROLLER (continued)AUTOMATIC OPERATIONBased on the room temperature and outside temperature, the unit determines the most suitable operation mode (heating, dehumidifying or cooling) and a comfortable temperature. (Set the current time on the remote controller before starting operation.)Room temperature and fan speed can be adjusted to your preference.HEATING OPERATIONDEHUMIDIFYING OPERATION• After the dehumidifying operation is stopped, the remote controller will display the (DEHUMIDIF Y) button waspressed.room temperature.•and 1-9 hours) can be set for quick laundry and condensation control modes with the (SLEEP) button. •To set to your desired temperature and humidity while executing dehumidifying, it is recommended to use manual dehumidifying function. (Page 17)•If you do not wish room temperature to be too high when drying the laundry, use the preference (Powerful) mode instead of quick laundry mode. (Page 18)Room temperature setCurrent room temperatureCOOLING OPERATION•If you want to set the desired temperature and humidity during dry cool operation, we recommend you use the manual cooling operation. (Page 17)DRY COOL OPERATIONHumidity to be setTemperature to be set Based on the detected outside and room temperature,the temperature is set on an hourly basis within the range of 24~28°C.• Even if the room temperaturereached the preset temperature, the air conditioner may continueto operate if the preset humidity has not been reached.50% when temperature above 27°C is set.55% when temperature of 26°C is set.60% when temperature below 25°C is set.●Adjustment Range of Dehumidifying OperationRoom TemperatureRoom TemperatureHumidityHumidityAutomatically adjusted in the range of 50% to 60%Auto-controlled temperature ±3°CAuto-controlled temperature ±3°CAuto dry cool operation Manual dry cool operation●Adjustment Range of Dry Cool OperationSetting Range of AUTO/MANUAL Operation40%~70%40%~70%40%~70%SWITCHING BETWEEN AUTO/MANUAL DEHUMIDIFYING/DRY COOL OPERATIONAuto Dehumidifyingoperation Manual Dehumidifyingoperation10°C~32°C16°C~32°C• Stainless plasma air purifying (Fan) operation is the combined operation mode of the fan operation and the electric dust collector operation.• If the stainless plasma air purifying mode is set while the air conditioner is in basic operation mode, the air purifying function by the electric dust collector will operate together.POWERFUL OPERATIONSTAINLESS PLASMA AIR PURIFYING (FAN) OPERATIONWith the infrared sensor, the air conditioner can detect the activity level in a room and adjust the temperature and humidity automatically, thus achieving the purpose of energy saving.•for more than 2 hours.In the energy-saving temperature-control mode, the energy consumption saved by the air conditioner varies with the activity level.•INFRARED HUMAN PRESENCE SENSING FUNCTION•••The infrared sensor detects changes to the infrared generated by human bodies. Therefore, the accuracy of infrared sensor may be affected negatively in the following cases: ··The activity level is very low (reading, watching TV, etc.) or human bodies are blocked by a screen, cabinet, or glass board. ··The indoor temperature is very high and exceeds or approaches the human body temperature (when the refrigeration just begins). ··The person wears thick clothes and turns his/her back to the air conditioner. ··Curtains or plant leaves swing due to pet movement or airflow.The tracing function (Page 20) can further reduce the energy consumption.After detecting that the person leaves the room for 30 minutes, the air conditioner turns to the energy-saving modes according to the settings in the remote controller as shown in the right table, but the preset temperature and humidity in the remote controller remain unchanged.When the air conditioner works in powerful operation, setting the energy-saving mode will cancel the powerful operation.DYNAMIC AIR DEFLECTION FUNCTION (TRACING/EVASION)The infrared sensor can detect the position of people and automatically change the airflow direction.■How to change the detection speed of the sensor of the dynamic air deflection (tracing/evasion) function:·There are 2 detection speeds: “Standard” (by intervals of 15"–3') and “Slow” (by intervals of 1'–10'). ·The remote controller is set to the standard speed by default.·When the detection speed of the sensor is too high, set the detection speed to “Slow”(when people and pets in the room behave frequently, resulting in frequent changes to the airflow direction).·After the dynamic air deflection mode is set, the sensor usually works once every 15 seconds to 3 minutes to detect the position of the person and adjusts the airflow direction accordingly.(The airflow direction does not change with the movement of human body immediately.)·If the dynamic air deflection mode fails to achieve the desired effect, adjust the airflow direction manually. ·When the machine works in cooling, dehumidifying, or dry cool operation after the dynamic air deflection is set, if the indoor humidity/temperature is very high, the left/right/upper/lower air deflectors may change their angles to prevent drop of condensed water. After the temperature falls, the air conditioner returns to the dynamic air deflection status.In addition to “Standard” and “Slow” modes, you can also fine tune the detection speed of the sensor.– 20 –INTERNAL CLEANING OPERATION•When in cooling operation, the temperature and humidity will be controlled in combination with dehumidifying operation.•When in dehumidifying or dry cool mode, temperature is controlled to a comfortable level with the preset humidity target level of 60%.•When in heating operation, temperature is controlled in the same manner as ordinary sleep mode.•When in automatic operation, a control is executed according to the operation mode set by the auto function.SLEEP OPERATIONThe air conditioner detects indoor temperature and humidity. Once the temperature and humidity reaches to a level conductive to mold growth, the dehumidifying and stainless plasma air purifying operations automatically start.MOLD MONITOR OPERATIONADJUSTING THE VERTICAL AIRFLOW DIRECTIONPlease operate with the remote controller. (Moving by hands may cause malfunction.)Set automatically• Air conditioner automatically set to the suitableangle for each operation (Horizontal air deflectoronly. The angle of the vertical air deflector is set tothe front). Usually vertical airflow direction controlis not required.• If room temperature and humidity continue to behigh during cooling, dehumidifying or dry cooloperation, the angle of horizontal air deflector maychange to prevent dripping of condensed water.ADJUSTING THE HORIZONTAL AIRFLOW DIRECTIONIn the following cases, the swing stops even when vertical swing and horizontal swing are set.In Heating operation In Dehumidifying operation In Dry Cool operation• During preheat operation.• During defrost operation.• When the room temperature reaches the temperature which had been set.• When the humidity is reachedto the humidity which has been set.• When the room temperature is below 1°C. • When the temperature is below the temperature which has been set and the operation is stop.TIMER PRESET OPERATION How to preset the timer••• The air conditioner starts operation a maximum of 60 minutes before the preset time, depending on conditions including room temperature and preset temperature.(For example: When setting the timer to stop operation at 10:30 p.m. and your desired temperature is reached at 7:00 a.m.)• The timer with earlier preset time will function first, based on the time at which the timer is set.How to cancel the preset timerFURTHER CONVENIENT TIMER FUNCTION• can be set in combination before you go to sleep.dehumidifying operation (Condensation control) is executed at 11:38 p.m.SLEEP TIMER OPERATIONConfiguring the fan speed appropriate for sleeping and stop the operation at specified time.The display below indicates sleep timer which is set for 2 hours at 11:38 p.m. and the turn off time will be 1:38 p.m.Combination of Sleep Timer and On Timer operation•Set the operation to auto stop by sleep timer operation, it can be set to start the operation next morning by11:38 p.m.FILTER CLEANING OPERATION(Filter Cleaning Unit Operation Check, page 10)• Automatically cleans the micro mesh stainless filter when the basic air-conditioning operation such as cooling has ended. (Refer to page 31 for automatic filter cleaning operation)• Automatic filter cleaning mode is set at the time of purchase.(2) It turns over by the travelling force of the cleaning unit which is travelling back. At this time, the dust collected by the dust catcher is put into the dust box.Once the filter cleaning operation has been completed, the cleaning unit returns to the position at which air conditioning operation is not obstructed.(Troubleshooting, page 41)• The cleaning unit makes one cycle of back and forth movement to sweep the dust on the micro mesh stainless filter and the dust catcher puts the collected dust into the dust box.• One cycle of filter cleaning operation will take approximately 5 minutes.• Horizontal air deflectors remain closed when fan operation starts.Conditions under which automatic filter cleaning is performed• When the air conditioner operates for more than 15 minutes and stop, automatic filter cleaning is performed in one of the following conditions.(1) Accumulated operating hours of the air conditioner have exceeded 8 hours.(2) Air conditioner is not operated for more than one week.(To clean the dust which is naturally deposited on the top filter.)CAUTION: The accumulated operating hours will not be reset if the automatic filter cleaning operation is stopped before its completion.• If the air conditioner is in operation continuously, the operation is stopped and automatic filter cleaning operation is performed once 24 hours have elapsed.After the completion of automatic filter cleaning, the operation will return to the operation mode which had been set prior to the automatic filter cleaning.Automatic filter cleaning is not performed if the air conditioner operation is stopped by sleep timer or off timer function.If you use sleep timer or off timer every time, manual filter cleaning should be executed approximately once every 2~3 days. (Page 32)However, if no manual filter cleaning is performed, automatic filter cleaning will be performed approximately once a week after the air conditioner operation is stopped by sleep timer or off timer function to protect the device.FILTER CLEANING OPERATION (continued)Use the remote controller to run filter cleaning operation when the air conditioner operation is stop.before it is initialized.• • • (Maintenance, page 34)If the air conditioner is not in use for a long period, it is recommended to manually run filter cleaning No daily maintenance is required. However, dust amount varies depending on the environment in which the air conditioner is used. Check the dust amount approximately once every two years and throw theGreasy dirt can also be cleaned by the combined function of filter cleaning and micro mesh stainless filter. If the dirt looks heavy, remove the micro mesh stainless filter, dust catcher and filter cleaning wiper to wash them with water. (Maintenance, page 34~38)dust, if any.MAINTENANCEMaintenance of dust box• No daily maintenance is required. However, dust amount varies depending on the environment in which the air conditioner is used. Check the dust amount approximately once every two years and throw the dust, if any.•Some type of dust may be accumulated on the rear surface of the dust catcher.It is recommended to clean the dust catcher together with the dust box.Stop the operation with the remote controller and unplug the power supply (or turn off the circuit breaker).Wash the dust box with water.• If the dirt is stubborn, wash with the dust box with warm water below 40°C.• After washing, dry it in the shade.Turn on the power supply (or turn on the circuit breaker).••No daily maintenance is required. However, filter should be cleanedconditioner is used.Stop the operation with the remotecontroller and unplug the power plug(or turn off the circuit breaker).Open the front panel.(Refer to page 8 on opening the front panel)Push the end of the right-side arm outward torelease the tab.Move the left-side arm outward to release theleft tab, and then pull the panel towards you. Maintenance of Stainless Mesh FilterRemove the front stainless mesh filter.Slide the left and right stainless filter locks towards the direction as illustrated. Slightly lift up the stainless mesh filter and pull it out towards you.MAINTENANCE (continued)Maintenance of mesh stainless filter (continued)Vacuum the dust.• In the event the stainless mesh filter is heavily dirty and the dust cannotbe cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, wash the filter with neutral detergent and rinse well with water, and then dry the filter in the shade.• Align the filter with the top face of the indoor unit, and then slide and push it in. (The shape of the left and right filters is the same.)•Tighten the left and right filter locks to the indicated direction.Attach the front panel.Insert the shaft of the left arm along the step on the unit into the hole.Securely insert the shaft of the right arm along the step on the unit into the hole. Make sure that the front panel is securely attached, and then close the front panel.Close the front panel.(Refer to page 9 on closing the front panel)Turn on the power supply (or turn on the circuit breaker).Attach the stainless mesh filter.123Maintenance of dust catcherNo daily maintenance is required. However, filter should be cleaned if the dirt is noticeable due to the environment in which the air conditioner is used.Some type of dust may not go in the dust box but be accumulated on the rear surface of the dust catcher. It is recommended to check the dust amount on the dust catcher approximately once every 2 years and clean the dust catcher if it is dirty.the power supply (or turn off the circuit breaker).Remove the front panel.(Refer to page 35 on removing the front panel)Remove the dust catcher.• Remove the dust catcher as shown with arrows.• If dust is accumulated at the inner side of the dust catcher, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner.Wash with water.• Please wash with water.• If the dirt is stubborn, use a mild detergent and wash with warm water below 40°C.• Dry completely in the shade.Attach the dust catcher.• Hold the dust catcher for the top face with its side having the lever facing towards you. Insert and push in the dust catcher in the arrow direction until it clicks.Attach the front panel.(Refer to page 36 on attaching the front panel)MAINTENANCE (continued)Maintenance of electric dust collector electrodes circuit breaker).both hands.electrodes with a toothbrush.• Be sure to use a dry toothbrush.• Lightly brushed off the dust.Turn on the power supply.(or turn on the circuit breaker)UNDERSTANDING THE OPERATING MECHANISMTHE IDEAL WAYS OF OPERATION1. An average room temperature setting is probably the best for you as well as being economical.• Excessive cooling or heating is not recommended for health reasons. High electricity bills may also result.• Close the curtains or blinds to prevent heat from flowing into or escaping the5. The following must never be used for cleaning the indoor and outdoor units:• Benzine, thinner and scrub can damage plastic surfaces or coating. • Hot water above 40°C can shrink the filter and deform plastic parts.6. Do not block the air intake and air outlet.• Do not block the air outlets and intakes of the indoor and outdoor units with curtains or other obstacles which could degrade air conditioner performanceand cause unit failure.TROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLESHOOTING (continued)PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING BEFORE SERVICETROUBLESHOOTING (continued)TEMPORARY OPERATIONIF THE UNIT WOULD NOT BE USED FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME (MORE THAN 1 MONTH), PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW FOR MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTING (continued)REGULAR INSPECTIONPLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING POINTS EVERY EITHER HALF YEARLY OR YEARLY. CONTACT YOUR SALES AGENT SHOULD YOU NEED ANY HELP .INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCEOPERATION DISPLAY CHARTMEMO< 474 : A >使用说明书49 ~ 95页请详细阅读这本使用说明书以了解正确的使用安装方法,使机器长久发挥最高性能。
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Whether for desktops, video recorders, closed circuit TV applications, online transaction processing, PC gaming machines, ATA servers or disk-to-disk backup and recovery, our technology ensures that Hitachi drives meet and exceed the highest expectations.©2009 Hitachi Global Storage Technologies.All rights reserved.Endurastar, Travelstar, Ultrastar, Deskstar, CinemaStar, CoolSpin, EcoTrac, Partners First and HiVERT are trademarks of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies.Hitachi GST trademarks are authorized for use in countries and jurisdictions in which Hitachi GST has the right to use, market and advertise the brands. The Travelstar trademark is authorized for use in the Americas, EMEA, and the following Asia-Pacific countries and jurisdictions: Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and Taiwan. Contact Hitachi GST for further information. Hitachi GST shall not be liable to third parties for unauthorized use of Hitachi GST trademarks.One GB is equal to one billion bytes and one TB equals 1,000GB (one trillion bytes) when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may be less. 。