上海市2020年中考英语新题型专项练习 选词填空3

沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)(I)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共169分)1. (5分)从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。
We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers (先驱者) arrived in America in the 17th century. While they were ________ the Atlantic (大西洋), many people died, and after they landed, their first winter was ________than any English winter. The local people taught the pioneers how to grow corn. The next year they celebrated together by ________ a dinner of the new food.We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a ________ dinner. The main dish of this dinner is almost always turkey. We all help to ________ the food. We lay the table, and then before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food. We often talk a lot and tell stories after dinner as well.During the festival, there are lots of ________ things to see and do. We live in New York, and we go to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (游行). Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas season, and we start shopping for ________. Football is also important at Thanksgiving. Like many Americans, we usually watch the games on television and enjoy ________ very much.2. (10分)B: I went skating, watched five films, did sports and ________ two books.A: What do you think the most ________ thing is?B: Watching films. Life of Pie is very popular. I have ________ it three times.A: I like it, too. I saw another film Lost in Thailand. How do you________ it?B: Well, That' s really great fun. Which director do you ________ , Li An or Xu Zheng?A: They are quite different, I think. It's hard to say.3. (10分)选词填空。

Part I Listening(第一部分听力)1. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)A B C DE F G H1、________2、_________3、__________4、__________5、__________6、_________答案:1-6 D B A E G F解析:1. Alice is always active in math lessons.2. We must wear seatbelts when we travel by car.3. Nowadays it is popular to make cookies at home.4. The pretty clothes in the s hop caught Helen’s eye.5. Cycling is good exercise, isn’t it?6. Jane and her daughter are having a good time in the swimming pool.考点分析:图片配对题,听句子选择恰当的图片。
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7. A)Apple. B)Banana. C) Orange. D)Pear.答案:C解析:M: Wow, so many apples here, they are my favorite.W: Yes, apples are good, but I like oranges best.Q: What is the woman’s favorite fruit?考点分析:偏爱和优先选择,根据问题,本题主要侧重女生的表述内容。

【揭秘奉献】2012上海中考英语新题型精练(共9套)20XX年上海中考英语题型已确定, 词汇与语法部分新增选词填空题, 根据文章意思, 选择方框中最恰当的词语, 不需要进行词性转换。
但也增加不少难度, 首先需要读懂文章, 才能选择最正确的词, 以下为20XX年上海中考英语新题型选词填空专项练习, 供学生学习参考。
20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空1We cn't stop n erthquke(地震), but we cn do things to mke sure they don't destroy(毁坏) whole cities.irst, it is not 1 .________ ide to build houses long lines where 2.________ o the erth's pltes(板块) join together.Second, i you think there 3.________ be n erthquke, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4.________.Third, you must mke the houses s 5.________ s possible.Wek buildings will ll down in n erthquke, but strong ones my 6.________Scientists re 7.________ tht one dy n even biggererthquke will hit the prt round Sn rncisco(旧金山) .They cll it " The Big One ".However, people tody re still building more 8.________ .The popultion in nd round Sn rncisco is 9.________ ten times more thn it ws in 1906.This mens tht 10.________ there is nother erthquke, gret mny houses nd buildings will be destroyed.参考答案:1. good2. two3. my4. snd5. strong6. styup7. rid8. houses9. now10. i20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空2orget, bring, mend, beside, luck, pick, sme, dierently, I , every , stop, echMr.Brown hd n umbrell shop in smll town.People sometimes 1 ________ him broken umbrells, nd then he took them to big shop in London.They were 2 ________ there.One dy Mr.Brown went to London by trin.He 3 ________ to tke n umbrell with him tht dy.Sitting in ront o him ws mn with n umbrell stnding 4 _______ the set.When the trin rrived in London, Mr.Brown 5 ________ up the umbrell s he oten did during his journey by trin.Just s he ws getting o, he ws 6 ________ by the mn.He sid ngrily, "Tht's 7________ !" Mr.Brown' s ce turned red nd he gve it bck to the mn t once.When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper hd got his six umbrells redy.ter good look t 8 ________ o them, he sid, "You've mended them very well."In the ternoon he got into the trin gin.The 9 ________ mn ws in the sme set.He looked t Mr Brown nd his six umbrells, "You've hd 10 ________ dy," he sid.参考答案:1.brought2.mendedot4.beside5.picked6.stopped7.mine8.ech9.sme10.lucky20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空3beore, discover , st, in, come, wtch , so, st it, go , shine, not cnLight trvels t speed(速度) which is bout million times 1 .________ thn tht o sound. 2.________ one second, light trvels bout 300,000 kilometers, but sound trvels only 340 meters.You cn get some ide o this dierence by 3.________ the strt o running mtch.I you stnd r wy rom the strter(发令员), you cn see smoke 4.________ rom his gun 5.________ the sound reches your ers.The st speed o light produces some strnge cts.The nerest str is 6.________ r wy tht light which you cn see rom it tonight strted to trvel to you our yers 7.________ t speed o nerly two million kilometers every minute.The light rom some o tonight's strted on8.________ journey towrds you even beore you were born.So, i we wnt to be honest(诚实), we 9. ________ sy , " The strs re shining brightly tonight." We hve to sy, " The strs look nice.They were 10.________ our yers go but their light hs just reched our erth."参考答案:1.ster2.In3.wtching4 e5.beore6.so7.go8.itsnot10.shining20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空4other, move, enough, ind ,desert, mke, use , nother, riend , crry , trouble, riendYou my think there is nothing but snd in the desert o the world,but it is not true.In the desert we cn 1._______ stones.We cn see hills, too.There is little rin in the 2.________, but it is not 3.______ or most plnts.The nimls re 4._______ to the desert people in mny wys.The desert people et the met nd drink the milk o the nimls.They use their skins to 5.________ shoes, wter bgs nd even tents(帐篷).They use the cmels(骆驼) or 6._______ things.The people o the desert hve to keep 7._______ rom plces to plce.They must lwys look or grss or desert plnts or their nimls.They usully live in the tents.When there is mo more ood or their nimls, they tke down their tents, put them on the cmels nd move to 8._______ plce.The desert people re very 9. _______.No mn in the desert would ever reuse to help the people in 10._______ nd give them ood nd wter.参考答案:1.ind2.desert3.enougheul5.mke6.crrying7.moving8.nother9.riendly10.trouble20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空5The world o the out-o doors is ull o secrets.nd 1.________ re so interesting tht quite lot o people re busy studying them.ll round us re birds, nimls, trees nd lowers.The cts bout 2.________ they live nd grow re s interesting s nything could be.Do you know tht one o the gret presidents o the United Sttes 3 ________ hours nd hours studying birds businessmn who lives ner New York City becme so interested in insects(昆虫) tht he begn to collect them.He now hs more thn one thousnd dierent kinds 4.________ kept in the glss boxes.Come then with me, nd I will help you ind some o Nture's secrets.Let us go quietly through the woods nd ields.Here we shll ind how rbbit tells the other rbbits tht there is dnger.We shllollow mother ber nd her young ones s they serch or ood nd get redy or 5.________ sleep.We shll wtch bees 6.________ in the ir to let other bees know where they cn ind ood.I will 7.________ you mny other interesting things, but the 8.________ thing tht I cn tech you is to keep your eyes nd ers 9.________ when you go out o doors.Nture tells her secrets 10.________ to people who look nd listen creully. 参考答案:1.they2.how3.spent4.creully5.winter6.dncing7.show8.best9.open10.only20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空6Mr Hill rrives t Londonirport, t the end o three-week holidy in 1.________.Usully he wers berd(蓄着胡须).Since it hs been 2.________ there, he hs tken it o (剃掉).But his pssport photo shows him with his 3.________.n oicer looks t the 4.________or moment, nd sys, "Will you excuse me Plese sit down.I shn't keep you long." With this, he wlks wy, shows the photo to second 5.________, nd sys: "I know tht ce." The second oicer looks t the 6.________ nd sks where Mr Hill hs come rom.When he hers tht Mr Hill hs rrived bck rom Pris, the 7.________ oicer smiles nd sys: "n Englishmn with berd stole pinting in Pris on ridy, nd tht mn looks just the kind o mn..."8.________ it comes to the irst oicer who Mr Hill is.He returns to him, nd sks: "Did you9.________ t the No.2.High School" When Mr Hill nswers,10.________, tht he did, the irst oicer smiles nd sys: "I thought so.I'm Jck Smith.You tught me rench.You hven't chnged bit."参考答案:1.rnce2.hot3.berd4.photo5.oice6.pssport7.second8.Suddenly9.tech10.insurprise20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空7Thoms Edison ws gret mericn 1.________ .When he ws child, he ws lwys 2.________ questions nd trying out new ides.No mtter 3.________ hrd it ws, he never gve up.Young Tom ws in school or only three months.His techer didn't understnd why he hd 4.________ mny strnge questions.Most o them were not bout his lessons.The techer didn't wnt to tech Tom ny 5.________ .He sked Tom's mother to tke the boy home.Tom's mother tught him to red nd write, nd she ound him 6.________ very good pupil.He lernt very st nd becme very 7.________ in science.One dy , he sw little boy 8.________ on the rilwy trckst sttion. trin ws coming ner quiclly, nd the boy ws too rightened to move.Edison rushed out nd crried the boy to 9 .________.The boy's ther ws so 10.________ tht he tught Edison to send messges by telegrph.参考答案:1.inventor2.sking3.how4.so5.more6.tobe7.interested8.plying9.sety10.thnkul20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空8"Drems (梦 ) my be more importnt thn sleep.We ll need to drem," some scientists sy.Drems tke up bout one qurter o our 1 .________ time.People hveseverl2.________ech night.Drems re like short ilms.They re usully in colour.Some drems re3.________ old ilms.They come to us over nd over4.________.Tht my be becuse the dremer is worrying bout something.Dreming my be wy o trying to ind n nswer.Some people get new ides 5.________ their work rom drems.They my hve been 6.________ bout their work ll dy.These thoughts cn crry over into drems.Sometimes we 7.________ with good eeling rom drem.But oten we cn't remember the drem.Drems cn dispper (消失) 8.________ rom memory (记忆).Too much dreming cn be hrmul (有害的).The 9.________ we sleep, the longer we drem.The mind is hrd t work when we drem.Tht is 10.________ we my hve long sleep nd still wke up tired.参考答案:1.sleeping2.drems3.like4.gin5.bout6.thinking7.wkeup8.quickly9.more10.why20XX年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空9More thn seven hundred yers go, the Prince o Wles hd very big nd brve dog clled Gelert.One dy the Prince wnted to go 1.________ with his men.He told his 2.________ to sty t home nd look ter his bby son.The bby ws in wooden crdle (摇篮), which ws like smll bed.When the Prince cme bck rom hunting, Gelert rn out to meet his mster.He wgged his til nd jumped up to put his pws (前爪)on the Prince's chest.Then the Prince sw the blood on Gelert's jws nd hed."Wht hve you done" the Prince sid.He rushed into his house nd 3.________his bby son.The crdle ws lying on its side on the loor.The clothes were torn nd there ws blood on them."So you hve killed my son" the Prince sid ngrily."You unithuldog!" He took out his sword(剑) nd 4.________ the dog.Just s Gelert ws 5.________ , he mnged to brk.Then the Prince herd bby cll to the dog.The Prince rn out o the house nd sw his son lying on the ground unhurt.Ner him ws ded 6.________.Then the Prince knew tht Gelert hd deended(保卫) the bby nd killed the wol.The Prince rn 7.________ into the house but he ws too lte.Gelert ws ded.The Prince ws very sd indeed.8.________ rn down his ce when he relized 'he hd killed 9.________ithul riend.The Prince crried the body o his brve dog to the top o mountin nd buried him there.ter this, the Prince never smiled gin.Every morning t dwn, he wlked up the mountin nd stood by the dog's grve or ew minutes.I you go to MountSnowdon in Wles, people will show you where Gelert is buried.There is sign by his grve.It 10.________people o brve nd ithul dog.参考答案:1.hunting2.dog3.lookedor4,killed5.dying6.wol.7.bck8.Ters9.his10.reminds。

2020年中考英语专项练习---选词填空Dear Michael,I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China. Your dream has come true!I can 1_____ remember that you visited China for the first time when you were nine. Ever since you returned, you have been interested 2_____ Chinese culture and have put a lot of effort into learning Chinese. When you 3_____ started to learn Chinese, I thought it was nothing but a passing fad (一时的狂热). 4______, you didn’t give up halfway, but kept on 5______ and did a good job in the HSK (汉语水平考试). Now you finally 6______ what you had wanted for a long time. You got the chance to wanted life in China for one year. You should have it, my son, for 7______ only come to those who are prepared。
When you study there, you will have to face 8______ in everyday life that you have never experienced before, but after a year abroad, you will return with a new look at life—and at 9_______.Your mum and I are both 10______ of you. Keep it up, my son!Love,Dad参考答案:1.well2.in3.first4.However5.learning6.got7.chances8.challenges9.yourself 10.proudBAre you shy? If you are , you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point in their 1_____. Why are people shy ?It is 2_____ that family size might cause people to be shy. Children with 3_____ brothers and sisters may be shy. Growing up alone, they often play by 4______. They are not able to develop the same social skills 5_____ children from big families .Another cause of 6_____ could be technology. As more and more people use the Internet, they spend 7_____ time outside, talking to people. As a result, they lose practice at conversation. 8______ to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.For shy people, it can be difficult to make 9______, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can get over your shyness. They suggest trying new things 10_____ practicing conversation.参考答案:1.lives2.found3.no4.themselves5.as6.shyness7.less8.Speaking9.friends 10.andCA zero-waste life is a lifestyle that hardly creates any rubbish. So, a zero-waste theme store is about providing people with a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products to help them start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey.“Zero waste” or “danshari” was first 1______ by a French woman Bea Johnson. “Live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different methods to protect the earth.” she said.Yu Yuan, 27, is 2_____ attracted by this idea.She and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to be a customer without thinking a lot until she saw a video about “zero waste”.The video is 3_____ a family of four, and the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar.4______ watching the video, Yu wanted to experience this zero-waste lifestyle with her boyfriend.Yu says that a zero-waste life follows the 6R principle—Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot(腐烂).Over August—October when Yu followed the principle of zero waste 6R,she and her boyfriend Joe Harvey 5______ produced only two cans of rubbish.Now, the couple have opened a small shop 6______ The Bulk House in Nanluoguxiang,Beijing, to support a zero-waste life.At the store they use environmentally friendly products. For example, they use wood products to replace plastic ones and prepare cloth bags printed with zero-waste logos for customers. 7______ of the products sold in the store can be reused, and a small number of them which are not recyclable can degrade(分解).The store also has secondhand 8_____ and audio-visual CD/DVDs.For used toiletries (things like soap and toothpaste that are used for cleaning yourself)there is a company which accepts 9______, and the couple regularly mails their waste to it.Yu says that those who were once not 10______ in the zero-waste lifestyle have gradually changed because of curiosity. The zero-waste lifestyle, she adds, is for everyone.“It’s around us at our fingertip s.” Yu expects some of her friends to join her on the road to zero waste. As the saying goes, many hands make light work.参考答案:1.suggested2.deeply3.about4.After5.both6.called7.Most8.books9.them 10.interestedDDo you know that the “Happy Birthday to You” song is the first song sung in outer space? Apollo IX astronauts sang it on March 8, 1969. It is one of the 1_____ English songs of all time. He re’s the story behind it.The song 2______ by two sisters from Kentucky, Mildred and Patty Smith Hill. It was first published under the title of “Good Morning to All” in 1893. It was used 3_____ a classroom greeting. Teachers sang it each day to welcome their students to the classroom.The composer, Mildred Hill, was a concert 4______. Her sister Patty Smith Hill wrote the original(最初的)lyrics(歌词)for the song while she was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville, Kentucky, where Mildred also taught.The Hill sisters copyrighted(取得版权) their song 5_____ October 16, 1893. However, it appeared without their agreement in Robert H. Coleman's songbook on March 4, 1924. Coleman changed part of the lyrics to say, “Happy Birthday to You”, 6_____ the song still had its original title. The song was then published several 7_____ over the next ten years, often with small changes in the lyrics. In 1934, when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical, another Hill sister, Jessica, 8_____ to court (法院)over the copyright problem of the song. She was 9_____ about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sisters. She won her case. The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be paid every time the song was part of a commercial (商业的) production.The Hill sisters, who devoted their lives to educating children, could never imagine 10_____ the simple little song would continue to earn about $2 million every year.参考答案:1.most popular2.was written3.as4.pianist5.on6.although7.times8.went9.angry 10.that。

上海市2020年中考英语试题(含听力) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)1.____2._____3._____4._____5._____6._____7.A.Driving cars.B.Riding horses.C.Writing plays.D.Drawing cartoons.8.A.6.B.10.C.12.D.20.9.A.Safe B.Boring C.Expensive D.Interesting 10.A.In April.B.In May.C.In June.D.In July.11.A.To live near his office.B.To have a new job. C.To live close tofriends.D.To have a quiet life.12.A.At Gate 2.B.At Gate 5.C.At Gate 15.D.At Gate 30.13.A.Drinks for dinner. B.Place for dinner.C.Time for dinner.D.Food for dinner.14.A.Mum and son.B.Teacher and student.C.Doctor and patient.D.Policewoman and driver.C.Listen to the passage and whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F”表示)15.Animals like snakes(蛇)usually get more attention because they look dangerous. 16.Lucy wants people to know that less cute animals are important, too.17.Lucy is especially interested in snakes because she wants to save them.18.Lucy tells stories on TV about less cut animals.19.Many people like watching Lucy's fun videos online.20.The passage is mainly about how people study less cute animals.D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,用听到的单词完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)21.It's been about__________since Alex's mum left home.22.Although nursing is not easy.Alex's mum likes to__________patients.23.Alex's mum needs to make sure her patients take medicine__________.24.Nurses sometimes talk with patients and their family members to make them__________.25.Alex is__________his mum because she helps save lives.26.Which of the following words is pronounced /spi:tʃ/?A.speech B.space C.speed D.spend 27.Kelly's cheese cakes were sold out within half________hour at the night market.A.a B.an C.the D./ 28.Mr.Smith always encourages his students to be active________class.A.in B.by C.with D.from29.The ancient town has been open to visitors________about ten years.A.by B.for C.on D.though30.________friend Claude from France is keen on Chinese culture.A.I B.Me C.My D.Mine 31.There________more than two ways to solve this maths problem.A.am B.is C.are D.be 32.Randy wrote two novels.________ of them were made into films. I've seen them. A.None B.Both C.All D.Neither 33.—________is in charge of the summer concert?—Jessie.She has a lot of experience.A.Where B.Why C.What D.Who 34.Balanced diets are just as________as regular exercise in our daily life.A.important B.more importantC.most important D.the most important35.Emma felt________when her parents were on business trips.A.sadly B.angrilyC.unfortunately D.lonely36.Every year thousands of tourists________the mountain area to relax themselves. A.visited B.were visitingC.visit D.have visited37.Mike________the furniture into his new flat this time yesterday.A.would move B.was moving C.has moved D.had moved 38.The engineers will keep________the project with the manager of the company.A.discuss B.discussed C.discussing D.to discuss 39.Doctors tell us________our hands before and after every meal.A.wash B.washed C.washing D.to wash 40.According to the traffic law,children under 12________ride bicycles on the road.A.won't B.wouldn't C.needn't D.mustn't 41.—Tom,________here to carry the luggage upstairs for me,will you?—All right.A.come B.came C.coming D.to come 42.Which club do you prefer to join,the chess club________the dancing club?A.so B.but C.or D.for 43.Vivian will take her daughter to the amusement park________she gets the tickets.A.if B.until C.although D.unless 44.—________—It's a pleasure.A.Don't worry about the task.B.Thank you for showing me around.C.Be careful when you travel.D.You' d better go to the dentist's now.45.—I think wearing seat belts is very important for road safety.—_________A.That's all right.B.I'm sorry.C.That's a good idea.D.I agree.A.widely B.rebuild C.certainly D.receive E.expressA middle school had major problems with some of its buildings.Susan,the head teacher, invited students to share their ideas about how to46.the school."We wanted our students to decide what kind of school buildings they like.We wanted them to think of ideas to47.their own interests and hopes," she said.The news spread48.after it was reported by a local newspaper.Students49.seemed very excited.And some said they couldn't wait for the project to be finally completed at the end of this year.A.result B.collection C.necessary D.location E.connectedIn the beginning,the school was asked to close and the buildings would have to be sold off,as the school is in a very good50..But parents and teachers worked together to protect the school and now they are pleased to see the51..“This school is an important part of the community and it's 52.that it should continue,” said one parent,adding,“It is also amazing that the children have had a say in the building process.This gives them the feeling that they are more closely53.with the school.I really think the school will develop with success.”54.Nowadays,many_____have been used to work in dangerous situations.(robot)55.Uncle Andy tried_____different jobs,and finally chose to be a lawyer.(tenth)56.The boy started to live in school and learn to manage time by_____.(he)57.Lily asked her son to close the door_____in order not to disturb others.(soft)58.On_____days,leaves fall on the ground and the road looks beautiful.(wind)59.If you_____red and yellow,what colour will you get?(mixture)60.Thanks to the_____of the smart phone,it's convenient to take photos anytime.(invent)61.Sitting in front of the screen for too long is_____.It's bad for your eyes.(healthy)62.The middle school boy can tell traditional Chinese stories in English.(改为一般疑问句)_____the middle school boy_____traditional Chinese stories in English63.Lee has helped the local people sell their products since he returned to his hometown.(对划线部分提问)__________has Lee helped the local people sell their products64.The volunteer worked hard to get more kids back to school.(改为感叹句)__________the volunteer worked to get more kids back to school!65.The 13-year-old one-armed basketball player attracted a lot of fans. (改为被动语态)A lot of fans__________by the 13-year-old one- armed basketball player.66.Julia decided to be a doctor after watching the news programme.(保持句意基本不变)Julia__________her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme.67."Will the exhibition be held in Shanghai?" Olivia asked her secretary.(改为间接引语)Olivia asked her secretary_____ the exhibition_____be held in Shanghai.68.belongs to,hardworking,in the end,students,success (连词成句)_____New This Term at the Meriden CentreChinese Language Courses!Why I learn Chinese?A new road to a big worldChinese is the No.1 spoken language in the world!More people are speaking Chinese than English,and the need for business people who know Chinese is skyrocketing.Another great reason is to give your kids or yourself a seat at the table in a world where China is an important partner.Call us for course listings.Small class:10—15 studentsProfessional teachers:rich experience in teachingSelf—fit course:studying at your own pace.slower or faster than a usual courseOn workdays;﹩500 per course each termOffline courses:On weekends: ﹩650 per course each termOn workdays: ﹩350 per course each termOnline courses:On weekends: ﹩400 per course each term55 West Main Street,Meriden TownUnderground Line 2 & 8,Bus 515 & 613 at MeridenFree street parking available________69.The Meriden Centre offers its new courses on this term.A.business skills B.modern world historyC.spoken English D.the Chinese language70.The underlined word "skyrocketing" means"".A.rising quickly B.returning suddenlyC.dropping slowly D.disappearing completely71.We can learn from the information in the box that.A.the courses are designed for Chinese kidsB.China is an important partner in the worldC.it's difficult to get a seat in a Chinese restaurantD.English is the No.1 spoken language in the world72.The advantage of"self— fit course" is that you may choose your own.A.class size B.speed to learnC.language teacher D.place to park73.Ben wishes to take an online course on Tuesdays.How much does he need to pay each term?A.﹩500.B.﹩650.C.﹩350.D.﹩400.74.Which of the following is the best to be filled in the blank?A.Selected Books Buy One,Get One FreeB.Turn left into Garden Road and drive toward northC.For more information Contact Angela at 860—343—5807D.Guest speaker:Ann Bella Room 300 2:00 p.m. July 1How to Succeed in High SchoolYou have been familiar with the learning environment in your middle school, and it feels like home. So it is not always easy to say" 75 " to middle school.After entering high school, you may face some new challenges. The schoolwork may become more difficult and require greater skills. Most students need support. Teachers and parents may give you a hand. However, you can't 76 others all the time. What can you do Here are some suggestions:Understand what kind of learner you are. Do you need silence to focus Then make sure the TV is not on when you are studying. Provide yourself with a 77 learning environment at home. Some students focus better in the morning;others at night. Find the right 78 so that your efforts will work well.Learn to be better organized. It might be helpful when you get used to making a to—do—lit of all your schoolwork, and checking each item off when it is completed. Try to 79 your work. This will create smaller, more manageable tasks out of the larger ones. Big projects seem less difficult if they are done step by step.Form good reading habits. Read every day — the more, the better. It doesn't matter what you read. Reading newspaper regularly is a good choice. Newspapers provide plenty of details and background. 80 ,information you get from newspapers is usually official and true.High school life can be enjoyable. Old friendships might come undone and new ones will develop. Hope you will feel confident and perform well in high school!75.A.hello B.bye—bye C.sorry D.thanks 76.A.care for B.depend on C.compete with D.worry about 77.A.warm B.clean C.quiet D.safe 78.A.time B.place C.habit D.skill 79.A.divide B.finish C.remember D.correct 80.A.For example B.In brief C.On average D.In addition"Meatballs again?I hate meatballs!" Henry cried loudly."I'm not eating this!" Henry's mum and dad looked at each other.This was the second time this week that Henry had c81.about his dinner."We're going to let you take over dinnertime.You can pick the food and cook your meals,'Mum said."Good.We're going to eat good food every night!" Henry answered.The next day,Henry sat down to write the meal p82."We're going to have chicken tonight,and noodles tomorrow," Henry said."Are we going to have anything e83.besides chicken?We need to have at least one vegetable for each meal,",said Mum."We can have cabbage,"Henry said.After he finished shopping,it was time to make his f84.meal.He believed that this would be his favourite meal.Since he had never cooked,his parents were both there to help him."There's a lot to do,"Henry thought,as he looked at the mess in the kitchen.He was usually playing games outside while his parents were making dinner.It took almost two hours to cook.When dinner was finally finished,Henry was tired and h85..But he was so excited—he made dinner!"I don't like cabbage," cried Sophia,Henry's little sister,at the table.Henry felt quite upset.He had worked so hard on dinner,but it was i86.to get everyone happy about every part of every meal!"I'm sorry.I didn't know this could be so hard," Henry felt like he might cry.He began to r87.how his parents felt every time at the dinner table."It's 0K,Henry.You worked really hard.We' ll take back dinner responsibilities.You'll have to do it enough when you're grown up,"Dad said.Henry felt released.He happily finished his dinner and never got angry at dinner table again."Just because you can't see something, that doesn't mean it's not there. "This old saying is quite meaningful for British sculptor(雕刻家)Willard. The items he creates are so small that most of them fit on the head of a pin. You can see them clearly only through a microscope(显微镜).Many people want to own his art pieces. He's been honored by the Queen of England for his great art achievements. At every one of his exhibitions, the question is always the same. How does he do it?The answer is very, very carefully. So carefully, in fact, that he actually slows his breathing down and works in between breaths. Willard usually works under a microscope using special tools that he creates. To paint his works, he uses the hair from a fly as a paintbrush.Creating these detailed works is a very long and difficult process, and it isn't always enjoyable." It is a terrible dream when I start but a nice dream when I finish," he says. A single item can take at least several weeks to complete.People have asked Willard why he chose to do something that needed effort and took time. His interest in creating small things began when he was five. He started creating houses and playgrounds for ants. Willard was not a strong student. He had difficulty in reading and spelling words. Some kids used to call him a loser. This made him feel small, so focusing on lite things helped him to feel big. The smaller his work got, the bigger he felt. A newspaper reporter said, "Willard has shown the world that he is special. Though_______ , he________."88.Are Willard's art pieces big or small in size?__________________________________________89.When people visit Willard's exhibitions, what question do they always ask?__________________________________________90.What does Willard use to make a paintbrush?___________________________________________91.What does the underlined word it in paragraph 4 refer to?___________________________________________92.Why did Willard choose to do something that needed effort and took time?___________________________________________93.What can be filled in the blanks in the last paragraph?___________________________________________94.Write at least 60 words on the given situation(根据以下情况填写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)雕刻家Willard的成长经历告诉我们:人无完人,但每个人都有自己的独特之处,在Willard的主页上有一个留言区,每位浏览者都可以写下自己的故事和感想.请以"Everyone can be special (天生我才)"为题,在留言区分享你的经历或见闻.(注意:1.短文中不得出现考生姓名、校名等个人信息,否则不予评分.2.照抄阅读语篇不得分.)___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________参考答案1.D2.A3.G4.F5.C6.E【解析】【原文】略7.C【解析】【原文】略8.A【解析】【原文】略9.D【解析】【原文】略10.C【解析】【原文】略11.A【解析】【原文】略12.B【解析】【原文】略13.D【解析】【原文】略14.B【解析】【原文】略15.F16.T17.T18.F19.T20.F【解析】【原文】略21.one month 22.look after 23.on time 24.feel better 25.proud of 【解析】略26.A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:下列哪个单词发音/spi:tʃ/?考查单词音标。

2020年中考英语选词填空练习I think senior high schools should have the right to hold independent recruitment(自主招生).According to current regulations (规定), 1______ are being picked by schools according to 2_______ scores on the senior high school entrance exam. This is 3______ because the government wants students 4_______ equal education.But I believe independent recruitment should still 5_______. If an excellent student does poorly 6______ the entrance exam, what can he or she do if there are no other exams offered by schools? This is 7______ for such students. Their future should not be decided by 8_______ one exam.Also, some students in remote (偏僻的) areas don’t have as much access (机会) to 9________ resources. When taking the same entrance exam as students living in more 10_______ areas, they are at a disadvantage (劣势). Independent recruitment may provide these students with a chance to get enrolled (录取).China Youth Daily recently carried out an online survey of 1,934 people to find out more about their lives at home. 1______ of the respondents (受访者) were between the 2______ of 18 and 35. The survey 3________ that 73.5 percent of these young respondents said they want 4______ the same hobbies as their parents.While most young people 5_______ to watch TV, take photos or go 6______, their parents might prefer to watch Peking Opera, drink tea 7______ play chess.While being quarantined (隔离) at home during the coronavirus outbreak, however, they started to share each 8______ interests. “By learning 9_______ each others’ interests, parents and their children might find things that they have in common and have 10_______ relationships,” said Shen Yifei, a professor from Fudan University.Chere should be more PE classes for students who want more exercise. PE classes have become 1______ in many schools, including mine.For 2________, we can only go to the playground 3______ class has started and we need to go back upstairs to the classroom before the class 4______. It takes about 10 minutes or 5______ more going downstairs and upstairs.During 6_______ seasons, especially in spring, we are 7_______ to exercise outside most of the time because 8_______ the rainy weather. And in winter, smog (雾霾) is so heavy that most outdoor classes have to 9_______ off.I think schools should provide students 10_______ more exercise in spring and autumn, when PE classes can mostly be guaranteed (保证) to be outdoors.I think the government should provide disabled (有残疾的) people with greater access to public facilities (设施) so that they can get 1_______ more conveniently by themselves.People with disabilities should have 2_______ access to public transportation. For example, subways and 3_______ should be fully accessible to wheelchair (轮椅) 4_______. Taxis should provide specialized (专门的) services for 5______ passengers. The government should also cover 6______ of the fees (费用) for buying guide dogs so that more blind people can afford 7______ one.Last but not 8______, traffic lights should make a 9_______when they turn red or green so that blind people know when it’s safe to cross. I have noticed that many lights in 10_______ cities are either silent or make very little noise.There have been lots of bush fires across the globe, such as the California wildfires. I think the government should 1______ more efforts (努力) to prevent forest fires from 2_______ out here.We need 3 _______ up monitoring (监控) to prevent people from lighting fires inforests, 4_______ during the dry season.We can also encourage forest fire prevention 5______ television, websites and other media in order to raise 6_______ awareness (意识). 7_______ forest fires is not only the duty of the government, but 8_______ the responsibility (责任) of everybody.The government should also find 9_____ to get rid of (处理掉) trees that ignite (点燃) easily and burn quickly, such as gum trees (桉树). This would make wildfires 10______ to prevent and control.When Megan Sorbo first spoke about her support for Florida black bears at a public meeting, she was 9. She needed a stool (凳子) to reach the microphone.Now 13, the homeschooled student 1_____ Florida has helped to protect Florida’s natural resources (自然资源). This month, she asked state wildlife commissioners (委员) to cut hunting as a way 2_______ bear populations. She also asked Orange County commissioners to protect Split Oak Forest from a road building plan.“Just because kids can’t vote (投票) doesn’t mean we don’t care,” she 3______ commissioners. “Just because kids aren’t doctors or lawyers or professors yet doesn’t mean our voices matter 4_______.”In the matter of Split Oak, commissioners chose to extend (延伸) the 28.2-km Osceola Parkway across the Split Oak Forest’s southern tip (尖端). Sorbo wrote to mayor (市长) Jerry Demings, 5_______ the road would harm the environment.Though the project went on, the mayor praised 6_______ effort. “We like your passion (热情),” he said, thanking her 7______ being active (积极的) in her community. Sorbo’s mother, Tina Sorbo, believes her 8_______ bravery (勇敢) comes from a trip that she took to the forest for a homeschool lesson at age 7. Sorbo saw a hunter who 9_______ bears. Seeing the animals suffer made her quite upset.Sorbo has also called on people to use bear-resistant (防熊的) cast-iron trash cans (铁制垃圾桶) that will make bears less likely to bother humans in their 10______ and prevent conflict (冲突).“Small things can add up to make something big,” she said.Who is the greatest basketball player in NBA history? Kobe Bryant or Larry Bird? Stephen Curry or Kevin Durant? These debates never end among NBA fans.1______ this question, ESPN’s NBA experts voted (投票) on thousands of players in the league’s 74-year history and 2_______ a list of the 74 greatest players. Based on his whole career and peak (巅峰) performance, Michael Jordan, 57, topped the list. ESPN called him “the greatest 3______ of all time”. Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships, winning six Finals MVP awards and five regular-season MVP honors.What made him stand out was 4______ brilliance (才智) on both ends of the court. He defined (定义) a generation of basketball and set a new standard for players 5______ came after him.? Jordan was not only an excellent shooter, but a great 6______. He could handle the ball well in hard situations.The style of his era was old-school (老派的), meaning it was 7______ to score because the defense (防守) was more physical and the game was slower. But LeBron James said that if Jordan played in today’s NBA, he would still be the 8______ player. “He can adapt (适应) his game to 9_______,” James said. “For sure he’s a masterful basketball player.”However, Jordan is modest. He doesn’t think he deserves (应得) the title. “I don’t want it in a sense because I think it disrespects Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West – you know, all the guys prior (在前的) to me, I never had a chance to play 10______,” he told People magazine.Think of the landmark (地标) buildings in your city. Are most of them skyscrapers (摩天大楼)? Tall buildings can 1_____ in almost every big city in China. The country is home to the world’s 2_______ skyscrapers. The 3______ mainland (大陆) has five out of the world’s 10 tallest skyscrapers.But there will be fewer new tall buildings like 4______ in the future. According to a recent guideline released by the government, China has banned all cities from 5______ new super-tall skyscrapers 6_______ in special circumstances (情况).This will help 7_____ the country’s historical and traditional buildings and make buildings in cities more representative (有代表性的) of the 8_______ culture, experts said.“High-rise buildings will damage (破坏) cities’ original styles,” Li Naichao, 9______ of the Beijing Residential Real Estate Chamber of Commerce said.There are also many other 10________ to skyscrapers, such as high maintenance (维护) costs, fire risks and marring (破坏) city skylines.参考答案:A:1.students2.their3.mainly4.to have5.be allowed6.on7.unfair8.onlycational 10.developed B:1.Most2.ages3.showed4.to develop5.prefer6.shopping7.or8.others’9.about 10.stronger C:1.shorter2.example3.after4.ends5.even6.rainy7.unable8.of9.be called 10.with D:1.around2.greater3.busesers5.disabled6.most7.to have8.least9.sound 10.differentE:1.make2.breaking3.to step4.especially5.through6.people’s7.Preventing8.also9.ways 10.easier F:1.from2.to save3.told4.less5.saying6.her7.for8.daughter’s9.was killing 10.homesG:1.To answer2.made3.player4.his5.who6.passer7.harder8.best9.anything 10.againstH:1.be seen2.tallest3.Chinese4.these5.building6.except7.protect8.country’s9.head 10.disadvantages。

沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)A卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共169分)1. (5分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。
Take control of your personal information.First.don't ________too much online.For example,don't put your phone number or real ________on the Internet.Second,make sure you know who is ________your personal information.Don't let everyone see everything you put on the Internet.Be careful of strangers(陌生人).It can be fun to meet interesting and ________people on the Internet,but be careful.Some children have found themselves in a dangerous situation ________they agreed to meet online friends in real life.Use your time online to make the Internet a better place. Don't say things that will ________other people.Don't send rude(粗鲁的) ________.And delete people who are often rude.2. (10分)根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式。
2020年上海中考英语真题分类汇编 专题 选词填空 (教师版)

专题选词填空【2019】Ⅲ.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入空格。
每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)Technology plays an important part in our daily life now.Yet not many of us will realize how much we rely on it until we___21___our lives to those in the past.There was no___22___technology at that time,yet the items that people had were quite enough for them to live their lives.Without necessary cooking tools,the people could still___23___to make their food as nice as our food today.Animal parts were thrown away if they were not___24___Others were cooked over the fire.However,everything they used was taken from the forests around them.Without the television set,the radio and more importantly,the computer,we will___25___ have any fun in our homes today.However,the people in the past had their own clever ___26___ of enjoying themselves.For example,they made music without the use of computers but with tools made from wood and animal skin.Travel was simple at that time.Most of the people were excellent boat makers and they could make boats in a variety of shapes and sizes for travelling along the rivers and in the___27___.With increased skills and experience,the people learnt how to make the boats stronger against rains and storms.Some things are basic for us ___28___,but the people in the past could live the lives to the full even without them.We should not look down on the wisdom of people long ago.21.【答案】 E【解析】句意:然而,在我们将自己的生活与过去的生活进行比较之前,没有多少人会意识到我们有多依赖它。

2020年上海市中考英语试卷(含答案)2020年上海市初中毕业统⼀学业考试英语试卷考⽣注意,1. 本卷⾃7⼤題,共94⼩题。
2. 试卷滴分150分.考试时间IOO分钟。
3. 全部试题均采⽤连续编号,请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位冒⼔做在试卷上⼀律不给分.Part 1 LiStening (第⼀部分听⼒)!.Listening COmPrehen?ion(听⼒理解)(共30 分)A-Listcn and ChOOSC the right picture!根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图⽚)(6分)B.l JSten to the dialo∏ue and ChooSe the best answer to the question your hear(根裾你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)Q分)7. A.DriVing CarS. B Rlding horses. C. Writing plays. DDraWing CartOOns. & A6 B. 10. C?12. D.20.9? A.Safc. B.Boring? C.Expcnsivc. Lλln tcrcsting.10. A.In APriI. B.In May. C.In June. D.In July.第顷IL A?To IiVC near his OfflCe? B.To have 3 new job.C.To IiVe CIOSe to fHeruk.D.To have a quiet Iife.12. AΛt GatC 2. B.At GatC 5. C.At GatC 15. D.At GatC 30.13? A.Drinks for dinner- BTlace for dinner. C.Time Ibrdinncr. D.Food for dinner.14. A.Mum and son. B-Tcachcr and StUdCnLC.Doctor and patient. □.Policewoman and driver.C?Listcn to the PaSSage and ^hCthCr IhC following StatementS arc true Or hHsc(判断下列句⼦是否符合你听到的短⽂内容,符合的⽤表⽰,不符合飽⽤“F”表⽰)(6分)15. Λnimals IikC snαkc5(?2) USUaIly get more attention because they IoOIC dangerous?16. Lucy WantS PeOPle to know that IeSS CUte animals are imp0∏ant4∞.17. Lucy is especially interested in SnakeS because She WantS to SaVe Ihein.18. Lucy tells StOrieS Orl TV about IeSS CUt animals.19. Maπy PCOPlC IikC Wa(Ching LUCys IUn VidCoS OnIinC?20. The PaSSagC is mainly about how people StUdy ICSS CUtC animals.D?Lkhm to the dialogue and COInPIete the fυllυ??ln^ SeIItC I nCeS(^对话,⽤听到的单诃完成下列句⼦,毎空格限填⼀词)(10分)21.It*s been about ___________________________ SinCCAIcx*s mum left home?22. Although nursing is not easy.Alex ,s mum IikCS to ________________________________ P atiCntS?23. Alex,s mum needs to make Sure her PatientS take medicine _________________________________ ?24. Nurscs SOinCtimCS talk Witll PatiCnts and their family members to make them _____________________25. Alex is _________________________ his mum because She helps SaVe lives.Part 2 PhOnetiCS,Grammar and V r OCabIIlary(第⼆部分语⾳、语法和词汇)ILChoose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)<20分)第2页26. Which Of the following WOrdS is PrOnOUnCCd /spi:tNA.spcechB.space C .speed D.spend27. Kelly,s CheeSe CakeS Were SOId OUt Within half ______________ hour at the night mat a ket.28.Mr. Smith always encourages his StUdentS to be active ____________________ class.A.inB.byC.withD.from29.Thc ancient town has been OPen to ViSitOrS _________________ about (Cn years.A?by B. for C.on Ddhough30. ____________ friend ClaUde from FranCe is keen On ChineSe CUIhire.A.l BMe C.My D.Mine3!.There _____________ more than IWO WayS to SOlVC this maths problem.A.amB. isC. areD.beA.aB.anC.thcD./32.Randv WrOre two novels. ______________ Of Ihem Were made:nro films.Γve Seen them.WF 11 ■A.NoncB. BothC. Al I □.Neither33.- ___________ is in Charge Of the SUJnmer concert? -JeSSie.She has a IOt Of experience.AAVhere B. Why C. W hat DAVhOS4.Balanced diets are just as _______________ as regular CXCrCiSC in OUr daily life.AJmPOrtant B.more important Cmost important D.the most important35.Emma felt ______________ WhCn her ParCntS WCrC On business trips.A.sadlyB.angrilyC.unfortunatelyD.lonely36.Every year thousands Of tourists _________________ the InOUntain area to relax themselves.A.visitcdB.were ViSitingC.visitD.havc ViSitCd37.Mike ______________ Ihe AImiIUre into his new flat this Iime yesterday.A.wou!d moveB.was movingC.has movedD.had moved38.Tlιc engineers WilI keep ________________ the PrIyCCt With IhC maπ□gcrof IIIC company.AJiscuss BJiSCUSSed QdiSCUSSing DΛo discuss39.Doctors tell US ______________ OUr hands before and after CVMy meal.A.washB. WaShedC. washingD.t□ WaSh40.Λccording to the traffic IaW.children UndCr 12 ____________________ ride bicycles On the road.A.won*tB.wouldιΓtC.needn,tD.mustn,t41.-Tom, ____________ here to Carry Ihe IUggage UPSulirS for me,will you? -All right./doc/d7e4076ca800b52acfc789eb172ded630b1c9886.html cB.camc/doc/d7e4076ca800b52acfc789eb172ded630b1c9886.html ingD.to COmC42. __________________________________________________________ Wliich ChIb do you PrefCr IojoinJhc ChesS ClUb________________________________________________________ the dancing club?第3页⼀第2页A?so B.but C.or D.for43. Vivian Will take her daughter to the amusement Park __________________ She gets the tickets.A. ifB.until C^IthOUgh D.unless44. - _________ ?It t s a PlCasure.A. Don't WOrry about the task.B.Thank you for ShOWing me around?C.Be CarefUl When you IraVeL D You,d better go to the dentist's now.45. ?1 think Wearing Seat belts is Very important for road safety. - _____________________Λ.That's all right. B.Γm sorry. C.That,s a good idea. D.I agree.IILCOnlPkte the Γollowing PaSSage With the WOrdS in the box?Each Can be USed OnIy once(将下列单词填⼊表格,每空格限填⼀词,每词只能填⼀次)(R分)A.widelyB.rebuildC.certainlyD. receive ExXPrCSSA middle SChool had major PrObICmS With SOmC OfitS buildings.Susan,thc head teacher,invited StUdentS to Share their ideas about how to 46 the SChoo1.44We Wanted OUr StUdentS to decide What kind Of SChOOI buildings IhCy like.Wc WantCd ChCm to think Of ideas to 47 their OWn interests and hopes/1 She said.The news SPread after it WaS reported by a IoCaI newspaper;StLdCntS 49 SCCmCd VCry CXCitCd.And SOmC Said they COUIdn,t Wait for IhC PrqjCCt tobe finally COmPletCd at t?c end Of this year.In :he bcginning,thc sch∞l WaS asked to CIOSC and the buildings WOUId have to be SOId OfKaS the SChOOl is in a VCry good 50 .But ParCntS and Iciichcrs WOrkCd together to PrOtCXt the sch∞1 and now they are PleaSed to See the 51 ?t*This SChOOl is an important Part Of the COmmUnity and it*s 52 that it ShOUld continue,^ Said One ParCntadding? **lt is also amazing that the ChildrC n have had a Say in the building PrOCCSS.This gives them the feeling that they arc more ClOSCly 53 With the SChOOLl really think Ihe SChOOI WiIl develop With success/*IV z e CompIete the SentenCeS Wlth the given WOrdS In their PrOPCr fomιs(⽤抵号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句⼦,每空格限填⼀词)(8分)54. Nowadays,many _____________ have bccn used to WOrk in dangerous SitUatiOnS.(robot)55. Uncle AlXiy tried _____________ di∏erent jobs,and finally CIlOSe to be a IaWy r er.(tenth)56?Thc boy StartCd to IiVC in SChOOl and ICam to InanagC time by___________________ .(he)57.Li1y asked her SOn to ClOSe the door _______________ U) Order not to disturb OtherS.(so∩)58.On _____________ daysjeaves fall On the ground and the road IOOkS beautiful.(wind)59.Ifyou ______________ IVd and yellow,w?at colour Will you get2(mixturυ)60.Thanks to Ihe Of the Smart PhOnejt t S COnVenient to take PhOtOS anytime.(invent)61.Sitting in front Of the SCreen for too IOng is __________________ .lt,s bad for your eyes.(healthy)V.Cornplvtc tlιe following SClltenCrS as rc<]tιirr62. Thc middle sch∞l boy Can tell traditional ChinCSC StOriCS in English.(改为⼀般疑问句)___________ T hC middle SChOOl boy _______________ traditional ChineSe StOriCS in English?63. Lcc has helped the IOCal PCOPIC SClI their PrOdUCtS SinCC he returned to his hometown.(对划线部分提问)________________________ has LCC helped the IOCaI PCOPIC SCU their products?64. The VOlUnteer WOrked hard to get more kids back to school.(改为感叹句)________________________ IhC VOlUntCCr WOrkCd to get more kids back to SChOOI!65. The 13-year-old one-armed basketball PIayer attracted a Iot Of fans.(改为破动i⁄?态)A IOC Of fans __________________________ by IhC 13-yearold one-armed basketball player.66. Jιιlia d ecided to be a doctor after WatChifIg the news programme.(保持句盘基本不变)JUlia _________________________ her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme.67. fc4Will the CXhibitiOn be held in Shanghai?M OIiVia asked her SCCrCtary.(改为间接引i?)OliVia asked her SCCrCtary r ______________ the CXhibitiOn ______________ be held in Shanghai.68. bclongs IO t hardWOrkingJn IhC end,students,success (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)VLReadIng COInPrehenSIOIl((3读理解)(共50 分)AQhoosethebcsMnsweM根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答知(12分)NeW ThiS Term at Ihe Meriden Centre ChinCSC LangUagC Courses!。

2020年中考英语选词填空专项练习Over the last five months, the coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by storm. It has affected different 1_______ and regions in different ways, from disrupting (扰乱) their economies to creating new social norms (社会规范). Here, we’ll take a look at a few of the 2_______ events that have happened during the outbreak.Italy shuts downOn March 10, the Italian government decided 3______ the entire country on lockdown after the number of cases in the country started skyrocketing (飞涨). The first cases were detected (检测到) as early as January 31. In the following weeks, the number of cases exploded (迅速增加), 4_______ over 10,000 by the time of the lockdown. The lockdown affected 16 million people across the country. Italy was one of the first of many countries that carried out lockdowns to prevent the spread of the virus.WHO declares pandemicOn March 11, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially characterized (描述) COVID-19 as a pandemic. This was due to a growing number of cases 5_______ the world.In his announcement, Ghebreyesus called on governments to change the course of the outbreak by taking “urgent (紧急的) and aggressive (强硬的) action”. By this time, there were more than 20,000 cases in Europe, including 1,000 deaths, as 6______ as 1,000 cases in the US.Summer Olympics delayedOn March 24, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach and Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo held a conference (会议) call in which they 7_______ that the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, which were planned to be held in Tokyo, would be delayed until the following year in the interest of protecting public safety.The event has rarely been canceled or delayed -usually only in times of war. However, the 8______ agreed that the Olympic flame would remain in Tokyo until the games can start again in order to stand as a “light at the end of the tunnel (隧道)”.US hits over 1 million casesOn April 28, the US officially recorded over one million COVID-19 cases nationwide. This came just four days after it was announced that the virus had resulted in over 50,000 deaths across the country. The virus spread 9______ across the country, as the first case had been recorded three months earlier.Despite this, many US states have announced that they will gradually ease (放宽) lockdown requirements, against the advice of many 10______ professionals. US President Donald Trump has been criticized (批评) by the press, members of the public and even former (前任的) White House staff for his government’s slow and ineffective (效率低的) response to the outbreak.A Farewell SongNo dust is raised on the road wet with morning rain;The willows by the hotel look so 1_______ and green.I invite you to drink a cup of wine again;West of the sunny pass no more friends will 2_______.(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)This is a famous farewell (送别) poem 3_____ by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei (701-761). It shows how Wang felt when his friend Yuan Er had to leave 4_____ a faraway (遥远的) place called Anxi in today’s Xinjiang.The poem begins with a 5_____ morning scene. After the rain, the road is clean, and the willows by the hotel are fresh and green.The poet invites Yuan 6_______ wine because he knows that life in Anxi will be tough (艰难的). Although most cities in China were prosperous (繁华的) during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the 7______ areas were quite desolate (荒凉的). The journey to the west would be full of hardship. So when Wang says “I invite you to drink a cup of wine again,” he is pouring his care and good 8_____ into the cup as well.Showing natural and sincere love for friends, this poem was very popular 9______ the Tang Dynasty. People 10______ it into a song called A Parting Tune with a Thrice Repeated Refrain (《阳关三叠》). Although the original (最初的) song was lost during the Song Dynasty, you can still hear an adapted version (改编版) with the same title (名称) that is played on the guqin.The two sessions in Beijing are the talk of the town in China now. The annual session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC, 中国人民政治协商会议) 1______ on May 21. The annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC, 全国人民代表大会) started on May 22.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some arrangements (安排) for this year’s two sessions have been 2_______. Online communication is being fully utilized (运用) to ensure (确保) public health, as well as smooth (顺利的) communication for the 3_________.For example, the CPPCC National Committee’s new online platform has been used to seek (征集) opinions and 4_______ from netizens since May 8. This helped CPPCC members learn 5______ about public opinions before they gathered in Beijing.Each year, the heads of various State Council departments sit in on meetings during the two sessions 6______ different views on the government’s work. 7______ this year, the officials will attend the meetings through video conferences and phone calls. The departments have been asked to provide feedback (反馈) regarding (关于) suggestions about 8_______ work. Compared to last year, the number of reporters at the two sessions has been cut. Journalists who are overseas will not 9______ to Beijing. Some press conferences (新闻发布会) and interviews with ministers (部长) will be carried out online, Global Times noted.Information in Chinese and other languages will be posted on the two sessions’ news center website. The news center will 10_______ services to Chinese and foreign journalists.China’s Long March 5B rocket lifted off from the Wenchang Launch Center in Hainan on May 5, marking a new chapter (篇章) in China’s exploration (探索) of outer 1_____. China has long used its Long March rockets 2_____ satellites (卫星), astronauts and probes (探测器) into space, but the latest addition to the Long March family is a bit different.For one thing, the rocket features (拥有) a new configuration (配置). Designers removed the rocket’s second launch stage and replaced it with a 3______ volume (容量) for payloads (有效载荷), according to Spaceflight Now. This means the rocket can carry 4______ more equipment into outer space. In fact, it has a total payload capacity (容量) of 20 tons, the most of any of China’s rockets.Why is this important? It’s 5_______ because the Long March 5B will be responsible for carrying the large components (组件) that will eventually 6______ to build China’s first space station. The space station is expected to be completed around 2022.The launch of the Long March 5B also marked another milestone in China’s space exploration efforts. A 3D-printing experiment was carried out aboard the rocket for the 7_______ time in China’s history, according to the China Academy of Space Technology.Video clips (片段) on CCTV showed 8______ the printer printed out a flat section of a honeycomb-shaped (蜂巢状的) structure, as well as an emblem (标志) 9______ the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.Wang Yanan, editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, said 3D printing will be very useful in extended space missions (长期的太空任务) because 10______ will be able to simply print any components they need.参考答案:A:1.countries2.most important3.to put4.reaching5.around6.well7.agreed8.leaders9.rapidly 10.medicalB:1.fresh2.be seen3.written4.for5.beautiful6.to drink7.western8.wishes9.during 10.turnedC:1.started2.changed3.meetings4.suggestions5.more6.to hear7.But8.their9.be invited 10.provideD:1.space2.to send3.bigger4.even5.mainly6.be used7.first8.that9.of 10.astronauts。

参考答案 1. why 句意:语境可知,我们都不知道他为什么选择宠物。 2. ears 根据 heard 可知是在耳边听到了动静。 3. Instead “instead”表示“取而代之的是”,上文提到“我”等着听新闻,此处说没 有听到新闻,反而是一首歌。 4. surprise “recover”有“恢复”之意,此句理解为从惊讶中恢复。 5. visit 根据 guests 可知是有客人过来参观太空站。 6. rule “break the rule”指“违背规则”。 7. easier 句意:但我们发现把时间想象成白天和黑夜更容易。
参考答案 1.本题和后面的自我保护形成对比,一般是不会在学校教授的,所以是不寻常的一课,填 unusual。 2.本题不难, 幸运的是,杜刚学会了如何逃离袭击,填 Luckily。
3.从前后文都可以判断出,本篇文章主要说明的对象就是学生的人身安全,从下文也可以 得出直接参考答案,填 safety。 4.对于学生来说,最危险最常见的就是抢钱,所以填 robbery。 5.本题不难,像这样的课程,填 like。 6.本题不难,这些都是非常危险的情况,填 dangerous。 7.本空和 team-spirit 对应,提到了团队,就是要一起工作,填 work。

沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)C卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共169分)1. (5分)根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次Bibury is a village in England. It is on the list (名单) of must-see places for ________People call it " the most ________village in England".Arlington Row is the most famous ________ in Bibury. It's next to the River Coln. Arlington Row is so famous that you can see it in all UK passports (护照). All the visitors enjoy ________ photos of it.Bibury Trout Farm is in the ________ of the beautiful village. It is one of Britain's ________and most famous trout (鳟鱼) farms. People ________ it in 1902. There is a present shop, a fish shop, a(n)________and a little coffee shop on the farm. Visitors can catch their trout there.2. (10分)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。
上海市2020年中考英语新题型专项练习 选词填空5

2020年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空5The world of the out-of doors is full of secrets. And 1. ________ are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about 2.________ they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.Do you know that one of the great presidents of the United States 3 ________ hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds 4. ________ kept in the glass boxes.Come then with me, and I will help you find some of Nature's secrets. Let us go quietly through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for 5. ________ sleep. We shall watch bees6. ________ in the air to let other bees know where they can find food. I will7.________ you many other interesting things, but the 8. ________ thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears 9.________ when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets 10.________ to people who look and listen carefully.参考答案:1.they2.how3.spent4.carefully5.winter6.dancing7.show8.best9.open10.only。

上海市静安区2020-2022年中考英语二模试题分类汇编短文选词填空2022年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题二、短文选词填空Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once. 将下列单词填入空格。
Dr. Chip Taylor is a university teacher in the United Stales. He studies one ____16____ of North American butterfly. Just like a migrating (迁徙) bird, this butterfly travels about 4.000 kilometres south in auturnn. The ____17____ facts about the butterfly have attracted Dr. Taylor’s attention.In Mexico, the butterflies always return to the same small piece of forest, which is only 20 kilometres wide. Here, about 230 million butterflies spend the winter. They can cover some trees almost____18____. The butterflies that return to the south are the great-great grandchildren of the butterflies that left for the north. When they begin to travel north in spring, the ____19____ lay eggs. They lay eggs on only one plant: milkweed.want more land for ____20____. In the United States and Canada, farmers use chemicals that kill milkweed. This worries Dr. Taylor a lot.Now things are improving. Mexico has begun to____21____ parts of the forests. The United States and Canada have encouraged farmers to use fewer chemicals.Scientists still don’t understand how the butterflies know when to fly south. If they arc even a few days late, they will freeze. And how do all the great-great grandchildren find the same forest in Mexico every year? This is both ____22____ and interesting for many scientists.There are still many unknown facts to be ____23____ by those interested in science. Would you like to study?2021年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only onceⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢ8ⅢⅢReal-Life Marvel(漫威)Heroesre determined to make the world a better place. Let's met two of these young superheroes on the show——and their comic book (36) _______.Surprising AustinAustin’s superhuman comic book hero has the power to create a rain shower to irrigate(灌溉)thirsty crops. Austin doesn’t command the weather in real life, of course. But he does have a history of growing gardens-and helping his community.When Austin was younger, he didn’t always have enough to eat. His family found it hard to (37) _______ food and clothes. And stores didn’t sell a lot of fresh foods. Austin found a creative way to solve the problem. He planted some dried beans he had in his cupboard. Later, he added other crops. Soon he had a thriving garden full of fruits and veggies. Austin wasn’t satisfied to just (38) _______ his own family,though. So he started a big (39) _______ garden that brought in a healthy harvest for the whole community. Now his mission has grown. He's dedicated to ending world hunger.Sidney’s comic book hero is sent to magic lands to fight against an alien and a dragon. What’s his doorway to these (40) _______ adventures?It’s (spoiler alert(剧透警告)!)...a book. The real Sidney also knows that books can open doors. As a lifelong (41) _______ of reading,he started a club called Books N Bros for African American boys. It has more than 250 members across the U.S.The club manages to (42) _______the joy of reading. But it gives members more than that. Reading is important in school and in life. So joining Sidney’s crew of booklovers sets kids up for future success.Austin and Sidney are just a few of the many inspiring young people seen in Marvel’s Hero Project.Their stories (43) _______ you don't have to be a superhuman. As Marvel puts it, they’re all “real kids making a real difference”.2020年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题二、短文选词填空My musical inspiration (灵感)is the English singer, Leona Levis. One reason I admire (赞赏)her is because she’s got a great___21___. She also inspires me because she’s full of ambitions.Leona was born in London. She dreamed of being a musician from an ___22___age.She wrote her first song at the age of twelve and made her first recording when she was only fifteen years old. In 2006, she ____23____the first female winner of the British talent show, The X–Factor and she made her first album, Spirit.Probably her greatest achievement was when she sang at the Olympics closing ceremony (闭幕式)in Beijing in 2008 in front of a TV___24___ of three billion people.Another reason I admire her is because she is not only a talented and successful singer, she also ____25____as a very brave person. She always speaks her mind on important topics____26____disease awareness and vegetarianism (素食主义) .Leona Lewis is my musical inspiration and an inspiration to all young people because she has already___27___ so many great things in her career. She has won many music ___28___ and she has appeared with stars like Take That and Maria Carey …!答案:2022年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题16.C17.B18.D19.A20.C21.A22.B23.D【导语】本文主要介绍了一种北美蝴蝶。
沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)(II )卷

沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)(II )卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共169分)1. (5分)请阅读下面短文,根据其内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
(每个单词限用一次)Xu was born in a big family.His parents were good at writing.His father taught little Xu by ________ .When Xu was very young,he was ________ in reading.Fables(寓言)and novels were his favorites.He loved reading very much and he often forgot to eat and ________.When Xu was about six years old,he began to write some ________ .He kept practicing writing and did better and better.But he still kept on reading, ________ he always believed "Reading makes a full man".When he grew up,his dream came ________ .He became a world-famous writer.Not only Chinese but also people ________ other countries worshiped(崇拜) him.His works(著作) were enjoyed all over the world.Everyone ________ his works were nice and great.2. (10分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。

2020年上海市中考英语试题及答案(word版)2020年上海市中考英语试题及答案The Shanghai middle school entrance exam for English has a total score of 150 points and a time limit of 100 minutes。
All XXX。
Please write all answers on the answer sheet in the designated n。
No points will be given for answers written on the test paper.Part I Listening1.XXX (30 points)A。
Listen and choose the right picture (6 points)1.________2.________3.________4.________5.________6.________B。
XXX and choose the best answer to the n you hear (8 points)7.A) Apple B) Banana C) Orange D) Pear8.A) At 8:45 B) At 9:00 C) At 9:15 D) At 9:309.A) By bus B) By bike C) By car D) By underground10.A) Rainy B) Cloudy C) Sunny D) Windy11.A) Visit his uncle B) Visit his classmates C) Go to LondonD) Go to a language camp12.A) In a store B) At home C) At the cinema D) In a restaurant13.A) Husband and wife B) Doctor and patient C) Shop assistant and customer D) Teacher and student14.A) Talk to Lucy B) Go to the supermarket C) Eat more D) Lose some weightC。

沪教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(三)C卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Mr. King is a very old man. He likes1dumplings very much. Every Sunday, he goes to a Chinese2near his home and eats dumplings for dinner. Ann works there as a waitress. She often3with the old man when he is there. The old man likes sharing his stories with people and soon they become good 4. Every time after Mr. King5his dinner, he always puts some coins on the table. The 6 is for Ann It's her tip (小费).One day, Mr. King asked Ann," Do you want some coins or half my lottery prize (乐透奖)as a tip?" Ann thought that he was making fun of her7she laughed and said, Half of8prize.”The next day, Mr. King won (赢得))the lottery prize and 9six million dollars. Then he went to the restaurant10and gave Ann the tip-half of his lottery prize!(1)A . cookingB . eatingC . drawingD . collecting(2)A . libraryB . schoolC . bankD . restaurant(3)A . talksB . playsC . singsD . dances(4)A . villagersD . neighbors (5)A . looks forB . waits forC . pays forD . goes for (6)A . luckB . gameC . placeD . money (7)A . soB . butC . orD . be(8)A . myB . yourC . hisD . her(9)A . savedB . gotC . spentD . lost (10)C . badlyD . easily二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

长难句解析 As you can imagine, especially in a prison where there was heavy emphasis on reform a prisoner was smiled upon if he demonstrated an unusually intense interest in books. 句意:正如你所能想象的,特别是在一个非常强调改革的监狱里,如果一个囚犯对书籍表 现出异常强烈的兴趣,他就会微笑。 解析:heavy emphasis on 重点强调,intense 强烈的
参考答案: 1. variety 2. subjects 3. Available 4. interest 5. able 6. preferred 7. Fortunately 解析: 1. variety 由后文句意所知,许多来自哈佛,波士顿大学的老师在 The Norfolk Prison Colony’s library 给很多学生上课。此处考察固定搭配 a variety of 许多,大量。 2. subjects 根据句意,当你发现那些监狱辩手和观众为一些话题,比如:婴儿应不应 该母乳喂养,之类的辩论话题进行辩论的时候,你会为他们的努力认真感到惊讶不 已。空处为 n,根据句意,应为辩论话题的单词,subjects,此处注意 n 的单复数。 3. Available 根据句意,监狱图书室的书架上面大多是些常见话题的书。此处为一个 倒装句,句子主语为 books on just about every general subject,were 为 be 动词,此处应 该为一个形容词做表语,根据句子结构分析和句意,空处填形容词 available. 4. interest 在上文中作者提到,“Parkhurst,正如我提到的那样,对历史和宗教有浓烈的 兴趣,它有资金,也有兴趣收集一些大众书籍中少见的书籍。”此处根据句意,空处应 为 interest. 5. able 根据句意,“当我接触到这个世界,我如饥似渴的沉浸其中,这让我学会了阅读 和理解,我想没有一所大学会要求自己的学生像我一样,大量的阅读文学书籍。”此 句中作者提到,自己沉浸在读书的世界里,在书的世界里,他学会了阅读和理解。此 处考察固定短语 be able to,所以空处为 able. 6. preferred 在上文中,作者提到,“在自己房间比在图书馆的时间阅读的更多。一般 来说,读过很多书的犯人能够梳理清楚所有监狱图书馆的书籍。同时,我更喜欢再子 里封闭的房间里面读。”根据后一段,作者提到自己在自己房间读书的经历。所以此 处应该为作者更喜欢在自己的房间读书,空处为 preferred,注意时态为过去式。
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Light travels at a speed(速度) which is about a million times 1 . ________ than that of sound. 2. ________ one second, light travels about 300,000 kilometers, but sound travels only 340 meters. You can get some idea of this difference by 3. ________ the start of a running match. If you stand far away from the starter(发令员), you can see smoke 4.________ from his gun 5.________ the sound reaches your ears.
The fast speed of light produces some strange facts. The nearest star is 6. ________ far away that light which you can see from it tonight started to travel to you four years 7. ________ at a speed of nearly two million kilometers every minute. The light from some of tonight's started on 8. ________ journey towards you even before you were born.
So, if we want to be honest(诚实), we 9. ________ say , " The stars are shining brightly tonight." We have to say, " The stars look nice. They were 10. ________ four years ago but their light has just reached our earth. "