
Scalawags:支持激进派重建,并加入共和党的南 方人,被民主党视为叛徒。主要是种植园主和商人。
The form of the KKK:
(1) the original small group was formed in 1865
(2) the historic Klan was formed in 1867
Ulysses S. Grant 尤里西斯·格兰特
美国第18位总统 (1869--1877年) ,军 事家、政治家,毕业于西 点军校。他规定联邦军队 不得干涉南方内政,使南 方保守派获得一些州政府 的控制权。到1876年, 只有三个rford B. Hayes
黑人法令(black codes)
It’s the southern local laws that limited former slaves’ ability to find work and freedom to move off the plantations. These codes helped convince the Congress that strict Federal control was necessary.
美国内战后出现社会动荡、 种植园经济被破坏等
“Amnesty and Reconstruction ”
What was the “Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863)”?
a general pardon of offenses esp. against government.
The Reconstruction Acts 重建法令
The form of the KKK:
(1) the original small group was formed in 1865
(2) the historic Klan was formed in 1867
Ulysses S. Grant 尤里西斯·格兰特
美国第18位总统 (1869--1877年) ,军 事家、政治家,毕业于西 点军校。他规定联邦军队 不得干涉南方内政,使南 方保守派获得一些州政府 的控制权。到1876年, 只有三个rford B. Hayes
黑人法令(black codes)
It’s the southern local laws that limited former slaves’ ability to find work and freedom to move off the plantations. These codes helped convince the Congress that strict Federal control was necessary.
美国内战后出现社会动荡、 种植园经济被破坏等
“Amnesty and Reconstruction ”
What was the “Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863)”?
a general pardon of offenses esp. against government.
The Reconstruction Acts 重建法令
新编英美概况 美国教育 英文PPT..

Average tuition for parochial school students was about $2,600, and for nondenominational school students at least $5,000 per year in the mid1990s . The average teacher salary in private schools was $27,300 in 2007-2008 , a fraction of the $43,650 earned by public schools teachers . And male teachers earned substantially more than their female counterparts in both public and private schools .
In the United States elementary education begins at the age of six . In some school systems ,elementary school includes grades from years are called high school . In other school systems, there are three divisions : elementary school ( grades one to six ) ,junior high school ( grades seven to nine ) , and senior high school ( grades ten to twelve ) .
The federal government can give financial help but not orders in education . Schools are provided and managed by local community boards of education , whose members are elected . Most schools are run on taxes by local districts and states

3.1.1 Economic reason Two different economic systems existed side by side In the South—slavery was the foundation In the North—commerce and industry led the economy led to increased conflicts between North and South.
A meeting of colonial leaders
who opposed British oppression was held in Philadelphia. They urged Americans to disobey The Intolerable Acts and to boycott (抵制) British trade. At the same time, the colonists began to defend themselves.
• Printing paper money and opening diplomatic relations with foreign powers.
2.2 The Second Continental Congress
George Washington, a wealthy Virginia planter, was respected as a man of ability and integrity.
The United States of America
英 语 国 家 概 况
I America in the Colonial Era The War of Independence The Civil War America in the 20th Century America in the 21st Century
美国4历史2 美国概况 英语国家概况 英美概况课件

The Monroe Doctrine
❖ The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. doctrine which, on December 2, 1823, stated that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas.
❖ The United States would not interfere with existing colonies or their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere. However, any attempt by a European nation to oppress or control any nation in the western hemisphere would be seen as an act of aggression and the United States would intervene.
American History The Civil War
❖ Process of the War ❖ 1. First two Years of the War ❖ 2. Emancipation Proclamation ❖ 3. Last Two Years of War (1863-65) ❖ The Emancipation Proclamation consists of two
❖ 1607 Jamestown; 1620 Plymouth; 1733 (13)

• In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands.
• Columbus believed that he had reached India and called the native people Indians.
• Amerigo Vespucci discovered the continent of South America, the continent was named after him.
由于与法国进行战争的需要,英国又对 在北美经销的茶叶课以重税,引起了北美人 民的强烈反抗。他们组织了许多秘密社团, 希望冲破东印度公司的垄断,从中国直接进 口茶叶,其中以“波士顿茶叶党”最为著名。 1773年12月16日,化装成印第安人的“波 士顿茶叶党”成员秘密登上了东印度公司的 茶叶货船,将成箱的茶叶倾倒入海中,这就 是著名的“波士顿倾茶事件”。这一事件最 终成为北美殖民地人民起义反英的导火线。
Resented the taxes and resisted the
quartering of soldiers.
colonists’ slogan
• “No taxation without representation” 无代表权拒绝交税。
• 早在殖民地时期,同样是英王臣民的美洲居民在伦敦的 议会里就没有正式代表。既然没有议会代表权殖民地人 民就就绝绝向英国交税。
Jamestown was named for the ruler, King James.
The Founding of the 13 Colonies
• After the British founded the first colony in America in 1607
• Columbus believed that he had reached India and called the native people Indians.
• Amerigo Vespucci discovered the continent of South America, the continent was named after him.
由于与法国进行战争的需要,英国又对 在北美经销的茶叶课以重税,引起了北美人 民的强烈反抗。他们组织了许多秘密社团, 希望冲破东印度公司的垄断,从中国直接进 口茶叶,其中以“波士顿茶叶党”最为著名。 1773年12月16日,化装成印第安人的“波 士顿茶叶党”成员秘密登上了东印度公司的 茶叶货船,将成箱的茶叶倾倒入海中,这就 是著名的“波士顿倾茶事件”。这一事件最 终成为北美殖民地人民起义反英的导火线。
Resented the taxes and resisted the
quartering of soldiers.
colonists’ slogan
• “No taxation without representation” 无代表权拒绝交税。
• 早在殖民地时期,同样是英王臣民的美洲居民在伦敦的 议会里就没有正式代表。既然没有议会代表权殖民地人 民就就绝绝向英国交税。
Jamestown was named for the ruler, King James.
The Founding of the 13 Colonies
• After the British founded the first colony in America in 1607

The River Thames
Landmarks & Symbols of London
The palace of Westminster
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Hwæt! We Gar-Dena þeodcyninga, hu ða æþelingas Oft Scyld Scefing
in geardagum, þrym gefrunon,
ellen fremedon. sceaþena þreatum
2. Middle English (11th ~ 15th )
Landmarks & Symbols of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Castle
Palace of Holyrood
Major Cities—Cardiff
Europe's youngest capital city
has been the capital city of Wales for around 50 years
of total
85.7% 1.2% 5.3% 1.2% 1.8% 1.3% 0.5% 0.4% 1.0% 0.8% 0.2% 0.4% 0.4%
III The English Language
1. Old English 2. Middle English 3. Modern English 4. Standard English
Lake poets
The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed---and gazed---but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:
The River Thames
Landmarks & Symbols of London
The palace of Westminster
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Hwæt! We Gar-Dena þeodcyninga, hu ða æþelingas Oft Scyld Scefing
in geardagum, þrym gefrunon,
ellen fremedon. sceaþena þreatum
2. Middle English (11th ~ 15th )
Landmarks & Symbols of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Castle
Palace of Holyrood
Major Cities—Cardiff
Europe's youngest capital city
has been the capital city of Wales for around 50 years
of total
85.7% 1.2% 5.3% 1.2% 1.8% 1.3% 0.5% 0.4% 1.0% 0.8% 0.2% 0.4% 0.4%
III The English Language
1. Old English 2. Middle English 3. Modern English 4. Standard English
Lake poets
The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed---and gazed---but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:
美国课件3历史 美国概况 英语国家概况 英美概况

❖ Around 10,000 years ago, another group of Asian people came to the northern part of North America, and they were the ancestors of the later Eskimos.
❖ The English king appointed many of the colonial governors, but they all had to rule in cooperation with an elected assembly. Voting was restricted to landowning white males.
❖ In 1492, Columbus persuaded the queen of Spain to finance his voyage to Asia, but he reached America at last, and he called the native people “Indians.”
Colonial Era
❖ The U.S. never had a feudal aristocracy. Land was plentiful and labor was scarce; every free man had an opportunity to achieve economic independence.
❖ One group of English Puritans crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. A much larger Puritan colony was established in the Boston area in 1630.
❖ The English king appointed many of the colonial governors, but they all had to rule in cooperation with an elected assembly. Voting was restricted to landowning white males.
❖ In 1492, Columbus persuaded the queen of Spain to finance his voyage to Asia, but he reached America at last, and he called the native people “Indians.”
Colonial Era
❖ The U.S. never had a feudal aristocracy. Land was plentiful and labor was scarce; every free man had an opportunity to achieve economic independence.
❖ One group of English Puritans crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. A much larger Puritan colony was established in the Boston area in 1630.

❖ George Calvert's son and heir.
❖ In 1632, he became the second Baron of Baltimore and the first Lord of Maryland.
Decrees in Maryland
❖ Each gentleman brought 5 servants was allowed to establish a manor of 2000 acres.
American Beginnings
❖ The term “Quaker” was coined by their enemies because the Quakers were so faithful to God that when they spoke of God, they trembled.
❖ In late 15th-century Europe, there was a great demand for spices, textiles and dyes from Asia.
❖ Christopher Columbus, a mariner from Italy believed that he could reach the Far East by sailing from Europe.
❖ One group of English Puritans crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. A much larger Puritan colony was established in the Boston area in 1630.
❖ In 1632, he became the second Baron of Baltimore and the first Lord of Maryland.
Decrees in Maryland
❖ Each gentleman brought 5 servants was allowed to establish a manor of 2000 acres.
American Beginnings
❖ The term “Quaker” was coined by their enemies because the Quakers were so faithful to God that when they spoke of God, they trembled.
❖ In late 15th-century Europe, there was a great demand for spices, textiles and dyes from Asia.
❖ Christopher Columbus, a mariner from Italy believed that he could reach the Far East by sailing from Europe.
❖ One group of English Puritans crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. A much larger Puritan colony was established in the Boston area in 1630.

US History Timeline Colonial Era and Revolution War (1607-1783)
• • • •
US History Timeline Colonial Era and Revolution War (1607-1783)
1770: Boston Massacre 1773: Boston Tea Party 1774: First Continental Congress 1775-1783: American Revolution: War of Independence
US History Timeline A New Nation
• • • • • • • • The Founding of a nation The Second War with England 1812-1814 Westward Expansion Monroe Doctrine 1823 Trail of Tears 1838 Manifest Destiny 1845 Gold Rush 1848 The Compromise of 1850
• Agricultural Changes
America: the granary of the world
• Industrial Growth and Appearance of Monopolies
the fourth in value of manufactures in 1860; the first by 1894
US History Timeline The New World
US History Timeline The New World
US History Timeline Colonial Era and Revolution War (1607-1783)
美国历史简介 中英对照 (课堂PPT)

Introduction to British and American Culture
The Discovery of America
Columbus • In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the
Caribbean(加勒比海) islands. • Columbus called the local people Indians.
Introduction to British and American Culture
The First Permanent English Colony
• In 1607 • Three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and
landed by the side of a river--the James River 杰姆斯河. • The first English colony was founded at Jamestown詹姆斯顿, Virginia 维吉尼亚州.
Introduction to British and American Culture
今天,在美国人心目中,感恩节是比圣诞节还要重要的 节日。首先,它是一个长达4 天的假日,足以使人们尽情 狂欢、庆祝。其次,它也是传统的家庭团聚的日子。感 恩节期间,散居在他乡外地的家人,都要赶回家过节, 这已经成了全国性的习俗。此外,美国人一年中最重视 的一餐,就是感恩节的晚宴。在美国这个生活节奏很快 ,竞争激烈的国度里,平日的饮食极为简单。美国的快 餐流行世界,就是一个很好的说明。但在感恩节的夜晚 ,家家户户都大办筵席,物品之丰盛,令人咋舌。在节 日的餐桌上,上至总统,下至庶民,火鸡和南瓜饼都是 必备的。这两味“珍品”体现了美国人民忆及先民开拓 艰难、追思第一个感恩节的怀旧情绪。因此,感恩节也 被称为“火鸡节”。

❖ From the establishment of Jamestown to the Treaty of Paris and to some extent even afterward, American culture strongly resembled British culture.
Inspired by the success of Spanish explorers who had found gold in South America, these adventurers hoped to get rich. The English merchants who organized the Jamestown colonists expected prosperity or wealth from the venture. They were particularly interested in sources of gold.
pilgrim father
❖ The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World. There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character.
Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of American history.
The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, religion, economic benefits, job growth, settlement patterns, environmental impact, impact on upward social mobility (上进心,向上倾向) , levels of criminality, nationalities, political loyalties, moral values, and work habits.
Inspired by the success of Spanish explorers who had found gold in South America, these adventurers hoped to get rich. The English merchants who organized the Jamestown colonists expected prosperity or wealth from the venture. They were particularly interested in sources of gold.
pilgrim father
❖ The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World. There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character.
Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of American history.
The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, religion, economic benefits, job growth, settlement patterns, environmental impact, impact on upward social mobility (上进心,向上倾向) , levels of criminality, nationalities, political loyalties, moral values, and work habits.
英语国家概况American History课件

Another settlement occurred in 1620 when the Puritans, English Protestants who opposed the Church of England, traveled across the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower.
The Statue of Liberty was a common sight to many immigrants who entered the United States through Ellis Island
The History of Immigration At the 1998 commencement address(毕业典礼) at Portland(波特兰,美国俄勒冈西北部港市) State University, U.S. president Bill Clinton voiced support for immigrants, including immigrants from Asia and Latin America when he said that:
By the 1760s, England and its 13 American colonies were quarreling over settlement, government, and taxes, especially those imposed by the Stamp Act(印花税法案) of 1765.
Before they set foot on the new land, the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact, in which they promised to obey the rules and laws of the colony.

2.2 The Second Continental Congress
Held in Philadelphia in May 1775 Assume the functions of a national government • Founding Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington.
2.1 The Shot of Lexington
On April 19, British troops were sent to Lexington and Concord to disarm the American militiamen. The first shot in the American War of Independence.
A meeting of colonial leaders
who opposed British oppression was held in Philadelphia. They urged Americans to disobey The Intolerable Acts and to boycott (抵制) British trade. At the same time, the colonists began to defend themselves.
• •
Once a colonel in the French and Indian War; One of the few Americans with considerable military experience; Led the continental army to the victory of the Independence War.

The first stage 1775 to 1778 for the first phase of the war as a strategic defensive stage, the main battlefield in the north, the British advantage. The second stage 1779 to 1781 for the second phase of the war to the victory of Saratoga as a symbol to enter the phase of strategic stalemate, the main battlefield go to the south, the U.S. David and Goliath. The third stage April 1781 -1783 year in September, the strategic counteroffensive stage.
"Bill of Rights"
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The establishment of a constitutional monarchy, paves the way for the development of capitalism.
American Revolution
April 19, 1775, the people of Boston to Lexington over fired the first shot of the War of Independence, to Lexington's guns opened the prelude to the American War of Independence.
英美历史文化概况教学ppt American History and Cultures

American Historபைடு நூலகம் and Cultures
Chapter 1 Territory, Climate and Environment Chapter 2 Origin and History Chapter 3 Government, Political Parties and Legal
Dependent areas of the United States
Several islands in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea are dependent territories of the United States. The Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is administered by the U.S. under a perpetual lease, much as the Panama Canal Zone used to be before the signing of the TorrijosCarter Treaties and only mutual agreement or U.S. abandonment of the area can terminate the lease.
2. Territory Districts, States, Counties, Cities and Townships Territories are subdivided into legally administered tracts, e.g., nonsovereign, geographic areas that have voluntarily come under the authority of a government. The contiguous United States, Hawaii, and Alaska are divided into smaller administrative regions. These are called counties in 48 of the 50 states, and they are called boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana.
Chapter 1 Territory, Climate and Environment Chapter 2 Origin and History Chapter 3 Government, Political Parties and Legal
Dependent areas of the United States
Several islands in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea are dependent territories of the United States. The Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is administered by the U.S. under a perpetual lease, much as the Panama Canal Zone used to be before the signing of the TorrijosCarter Treaties and only mutual agreement or U.S. abandonment of the area can terminate the lease.
2. Territory Districts, States, Counties, Cities and Townships Territories are subdivided into legally administered tracts, e.g., nonsovereign, geographic areas that have voluntarily come under the authority of a government. The contiguous United States, Hawaii, and Alaska are divided into smaller administrative regions. These are called counties in 48 of the 50 states, and they are called boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana.
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American Indians
• Were skilled hunters and fishermen • Developed the brilliant American
civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas.
Introduction to British and American Culture
__________________________________ 2. Do you know where the name “America” came
from? __________________________________ 3. Which American holidays do you know? __________________________________
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Mayflower
• Significance
– A symbol of early European colonization of the Americas
Christopher Columbus.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
American Indians
• The Bering Strait was tied together
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
Think about the following questions. 1. Who are the original American people?
• It was possible to for the Indians to walk from Asia to Alaska 25000 years ago.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
• In 1607 • Three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and
landed by the side of a river--the James River. • The first English colony was founded at
Jamestown, Virginia.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
Amerigo Vespucci
• He first confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discoveredmerican Culture
The Discovery of America
Columbus • In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the
Caribbean islands. • Columbus called the local people Indians.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
American Indians
• About 25,000 years ago • Descendants of Asian people-Mongoloid • The name “Indians” was given by
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
Colonization of North America
• American Indians • The Discovery of America • The First Permanent English Colony • The Mayflower • The Founding of the Thirteen Colonies
Part One History of the United States I
1 Introduction to British and American Culture
Learning Focus
• Columbus and the New World • American Indians • The Mayflower • The War of Independence • The American Civil War
• Background
– oppressed by the Church of England – In 1620 – 102 people sailed in a ship named the “Mayflower”. – Landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts
• The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.
The First Permanent English Colony