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To achieve the algorithms' packaging and associated debugging, we make the detection algorithm into the dynamic link library files under Visual Studio ++ based on OpenCV vision library which can be used by Xavis, one of the industry configuration software about machine vision.Being tested, the program runs perfectly and has a good fault tolerance. So it can be widely used about the detection program.
关于机件的表面缺陷检测,本次毕设针首先对可用于缺陷பைடு நூலகம்测的图像处理的各个 基本算法,比如图像滤波,图像增强,图像形态学处理,图像分割,边缘检测等进行 了研究。
针对待检测的图像的配准问题,采取 Matlab 对于基于 harris 角点检测的图像配 准、基于灰度信息的模板匹配等各种算法进行了仿真。最终在毕设中采用了三种效果 比较不错的配准算法。
针对待检测的缺陷图像,研究并提出了基于信息熵的缺陷检测算法、基于图像形 态学处理的缺陷检测算法。并自己的创新性的提出了基于灰度信息的模板匹配缺陷检 测算法并予以实现。取得了预想中的成果,检测的表面划痕效果清晰明显。
针对算法的封装与联合调试,在 Visual Studio++下基于 OpenCV 视觉库,把检测 算法封装成动态链接库文件,然后供工业视觉组态软件 Xavis 调用。经测试,程序运 行、容错能力良好。检测程序适用范围也比较广。
We studied many elemental algorithms of the image processing about the surface defects detection, such as image filtering, image enhancement, image morphology and segmentation, edge detection.
此次毕设也我熟悉并掌握 Visual Studio C++软件、Xavis 软件和图像处理以及 OpenCV 的知识。同时培养了良好的编程能力,分析和解决问题的能力,为以后的科研 夯实了基础。
关 键 词:缺陷检测;信息熵;模板匹配;Xavis;OpenCV
With the development of the digital image processing technology in the industry fields, the detection technology about mechanical defects based on digital image processing has got widely used. Low-cost, no damage, accurate result and fast diagnosing, makes the machine vision plays an important part in the field of surface defects detection. This thesis research specially about the algorithms of defects detection based on the digital image processing technology, and it is achieved in the Xavis, which is one of the industry configuration software. So it can be put into use better. This thesis researches the application in the detecting and distinguishing about defects in depth.
To slove the problem of the image registtration, we put forward the defect detection algorithms based on harris corner and template matching in gray level, and get the simulation results with Matlab. Finally we pick out three better image registration algorithms.
About the disabled image to be detected, we studied and put forward the defect detection algorithms based on information entropy and template matching in gray level. Being tested, we get the results expect, also the surface scratches are clearly evident.
毕 业 设 计 (论文)
基于数字图像处理技术的 缺陷检测算法研究
随着数字图像处理技术在工业领域的发展,基于数字图像处理技术的机件缺陷检 测得到了广泛的应用。低成本、无损伤、准确,快速,使得机器视觉在缺陷检测领域 具有重要的意义。本题专门研究基于数字图像处理的缺陷检测算法,并在工业组态软 件 Xavis 中实现,以便更好的应用于实际。本次毕设在缺陷检测识别中的算法作了较 深入的研究。