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8*迪士尼电影公司(The Walt Disney Company)
Walt Disney Company is a subsidiary of Disney . Disney's full name is The Walt Disney Company, named after the founder of Walt Disney , which is headquartered in the United States large multinational companies 大型跨国公司. 1930s and1940s,it started relying on Mickey Mouse , 1940s, which involved in the field of live-action films and has acquired the independent film industry giant Miramax(巨头米 拉麦克斯) and Pixar 3D animation supremacy(3D动画霸主皮克) 斯 and consolidate its position as the top film companies .
American films of the 1920s
• Films were made in the1920s that reflected the change of social and moral standars.some genres(流派).such as comedy,and westerns changed little.cynicism and sensuality喜爱感官享受 among the upper classes characterized many of the 1920s features,and democratic optimism gave way to rampant materialism(泛滥的拜金主义) • During the 1920s, movie attendance soared. By the middle of the decade, 50 million people a week went to the movies the equivalent of half the nation's population. In Chicago, in 1929, theaters had enough seats for half the city's population to attend a movie each day.
• 哥伦比亚三星电影集团公司是索尼影视娱乐有限公司旗下的影片销售 公司,由索尼影视(美国)有限公司和哥伦比亚三星国际电影发行公 司两个子公司组成,负责在美国和全球67个国家和地区销售、发行和 推广spe的电影产品。
4*华纳兄弟影业公司(Warner Bros)
In April, 1923 Warner Bros was created by Harry Warner哈里*华 纳 , Albert Warner阿尔伯特*华纳,Sam山姆*华纳 and Jack Warner杰克* 华纳. Headquartered is in New York at the time , the studio was located in Burbank near Hollywood.And filmed in 1927 , the distribution of films in the history of the first sound film was" The Jazz Singer 爵士歌手" , so Warner in the early 1930s into the ranks of the eight major Hollywood film companies .
1*米高梅电影公司(Metro Golden Mayer,简称MGM)
Hollywood 's film company
The company was officially established in 1924, the company's name is formed by three founder 's last name ( Mitt - Goldwyn - Meyer ) , the Chinese translation is 米高梅 . MGM has taken one of the most classic films in film history , " Gone with the Wind 飘" ,created a enduring classic screen "007" , created immortal cartoon "Tom and Jerry 猫和老鼠." Founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , and launched an Academy Award ( Oscar )
2*派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Picyures ,Inc.)
In the creation of the first thirty years , the company with a number of stars produced high-quality movies and theater chains across the United States which has been sitting on the throne of Hollywood hegemony. This company has produced "The Godfather 教父" " Saturday Night Fever 周末 夜狂欢," " Indiana Jones夺宝奇兵" and "Forrest Gump阿甘 正传" that was so popular and critically acclaimed movies
3*哥伦比亚三星电影集团公司(columbia tristar motion picture group )
Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group,is a Sony Pictures Entertainment film sales company ,which is consisted of Sony Pictures ( USA) Inc. and Columbia TriStar two subsidiaries of international film distribution company ,and responsible for sales in the United States and 67 countries and regions worldwide,issue and promotion of spe movie products.
5*环球影片公司(Universal Picture)
• "The Bourne Identity ,谍影重重" "Fast and Furious 速度与激情" .
In 1919 UNITED ARTISTS was founded by four renowned directors and actors Charlie Chaplin卓别林、 , Fairbanks范朋克、 , Bike Fu 毕克馥 、 , Griffith 格里菲斯 contributed to create, and gradually developed into one of the American film production and distribution of the eight companies.
The arrival of sound produced a sharp upsurge in movi e attendance, which jumped from 50 million a week in the mid20s to 110 million in 1929. But it also produced a number of fundamental transformations in the movie s themselves.As Robert Ray has shown, sound made th e mo vi e s mo r e A me r i c an . T he i nt r od u ct i o n of sound also encouraged new film genres-like the musical, the gangster film, and comedies that relied on wit rather than slapstick.
7*二十世纪福克斯影片公司(Twentieth (20th) Century Fox Film Corporation
•Baidu Nhomakorabea
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation) is America's leading film and television program distribution and production company , one is a subsidiary of News Corp.. Headquarters is located in Los Angeles, California, Beverly Hills, west side Century City .
In 1922,the increasing pressure for censorship and widely publicized scandals led the industry to adopt a self-regulatory code of dos and don'ts.
In1926,WarnerBrothers released the film Don Juan-the first film with a synchronized film score along with a program of talking shorts. The popularity o f The Jazz Singer, which was released in 1927, erased any doubts about the popular appeal of sound, and within a year, 300 theaters were wired for sound.
American Movies
*Hollywood Studio Era
The name of Hollywood had already existented long before it became synonymous(代名词) to be a movie powerhouse.In fact ,Hollywood was not what it was not for a small troop (队伍)of actors that ventured into (进军)it until in 1910.The place was a small village just in the north of LosAneles.The first movie was filmed In Old California.After rumors(传闻)spread out that California was such a great place to shoot movies ,directors from all over America which began to bring their projects out west into Hollywood.This is how the American Movie Industry was born.