WindowsServer 2016超融合解决方案介绍
win server 2016操作手册

win server 2016操作手册【Win Server 2016操作手册】前言本操作手册提供了关于Win Server 2016操作系统的详细指南和常见问题解答,旨在帮助用户快速上手并解决操作中遇到的困惑。
第一章安装Win Server 20161.1 系统要求Win Server 2016对硬件和软件有一定的要求。
1.2 安装步骤本节将指导您完成Win Server 2016的安装过程,并提供详细步骤和提示。
第二章配置基本设置2.1 系统语言和区域设置Win Server 2016支持各种语言和区域设置。
2.2 网络设置网络设置是服务器配置的重要一环。
第三章管理用户和权限3.1 用户管理Win Server 2016允许您创建和管理多个用户账户。
3.2 组管理组是将用户分类和管理的一种方式。
第四章文件和文件夹管理4.1 创建和编辑文件Win Server 2016提供了多种方式来创建和编辑文件。
4.2 管理文件和文件夹文件和文件夹的管理对服务器运行和数据存储至关重要。
第五章网络服务配置5.1 DHCP服务配置DHCP服务可自动分配IP地址和其他网络配置信息。
5.2 DNS服务配置DNS服务负责将域名解析为对应的IP地址。
第六章安全性配置6.1 防火墙设置防火墙可以保护服务器免受未经授权的访问。

Hyper-V 是微软的虚拟化解决方案,能够让用户在Windows 系统上部署并使 用虚拟机。
俾统Windows 操作系统分为应用层和内核层,应用程序运行在Ring 3, 操作系统运行在Ring 0。
待Hyper-V 安装后,Hypervisor 运行在比传统模式更高 特权级的Ring-1,该特权级由CPU 提供支持,能够捕获虚拟机的特权操作并对 其进行模拟。
HypervisorHardware同时,原来的宿主操作系统与虚拟机操作系统运行在相同特权级,宿主机操 作系统被称为管理操作系统,虚拟机被称为客户机操作系统。
管理操作系统中运 行有一系列的用于管理虚拟机的组件(Virtualization Stack),用于与底层 Hypervisor 交互以提供虚拟化服务,Virtualization Stack 具体包拈:1) VSP (Virtualization Service Provider):用于控制虚拟机的 IO 请求;2) VMBus (Virtual Machine Bus):用于实现管理操作系统和客户操作系统 之间的数据通信,即用于实现VSP 和虚拟机中的VSC (Virtualization Service Client)通信;3) VMMS (Virtual Machine Management Service):与管理操作系统中的丄作 线程(每个虚拟机对应一个工作线程)一起提供对虚拟机生命周期管理, 包括创建、幵启、停止、保存和删除虚拟机;4) VID (Virtual Infrastructure Driver):协调 VMMS 与工作线程,管理客户 操作系Window Kernel Ring 3 Ring 0 Ring -1统和管理操作系统之间的通信。
Hyper-V 需要依赖于硬件虚拟化技术,如Intel 的VT-X 技术,同时还需要硬 件提供二级地址转换功能,如Intel 的EPT (Extended Page Tables )技术。
windows server 2016概述 -回复

windows server 2016概述-回复Windows Server 2016是微软推出的用于企业网络环境的操作系统,它为企业提供了一系列丰富的功能和工具,旨在增强网络安全、提高性能和可靠性,以及简化管理和部署过程。
在本文中,我们将一步一步回答关于Windows Server 2016的概述。
第一步:引言和背景知识(150-200字)Windows Server 2016是微软公司推出的最新版服务器操作系统,它继承了前代操作系统的传统和优势,并引入了一系列新功能和改进。
作为一种面向企业应用的操作系统,Windows Server 2016具有高度的可扩展性和灵活性,能够满足企业在不同规模和需求下的各种业务要求。
第二步:功能和特性(300-400字)Windows Server 2016提供了许多功能和特性,以帮助企业提高效率和生产力。
其中一些重要的功能包括:1. Hyper-V虚拟化平台:Windows Server 2016集成了最新的Hyper-V 虚拟化技术,可以提供高性能、高可用性和强大的扩展能力,使企业能够更好地利用硬件资源,并降低成本。
2. Nano Server:Nano Server是Windows Server 2016推出的一种最小化版本,它具有更小的安全攻击表面和更快的启动时间,适用于云环境和容器化应用。
3.存储空间直通:Windows Server 2016引入了存储空间直通功能,可以将物理存储设备直接映射给虚拟机,提供更高的性能和可靠性。
4. 容器支持:与以往版本不同的是,Windows Server 2016提供了完整的容器支持,使企业能够更轻松地部署、管理和迁移应用程序。
5. 分层存储空间:分层存储空间是Windows Server 2016的一项新功能,可以将冷热数据存储在不同的媒介上,以提供更高的性能和灵活性。

典型的融合架构方案包括VCE的Vblock、NetApp的FlexPod、Oracle的Exadata,以及Huawei 的FusionCube和H3C的UIS等。


WindowsServer2016介绍与安装版本介绍Windows Server 2016 Essentials edition Windows Server 2016 Essentials版是专为⼩型企业⽽设计的。
它对应于Windows Server的早期版本中的Windows Small Business Server。
它不⽀持Windows Server 2016的许多功能,包括虚拟化。
Windows Server 2016 Standard edition(标准版) Windows Server 2016标准版是为具有很少或没有虚拟化的物理服务器环境设计的。
它提供了Windows Server 2016操作系统可⽤的许多⾓⾊和功能。
它包括最多两个虚拟机的许可证,并且⽀持Nano服务器安装Windows Server 2016 Datacenter edition(数据中⼼版) Windows Server 2016数据中⼼版专为⾼度虚拟化的基础架构设计,包括私有云和混合云环境。
它提供Windows Server 2016操作系统可⽤的所有⾓⾊和功能。
Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016 作为运⾏虚拟机的独⽴虚拟化服务器,包括Windows Server 2016中虚拟化的所有新功能。
除了有限的⽂件服务功能,它不⽀持其他Windows Server 2016⾓⾊。

在配置虚拟机时,图1 创建NIC组级功能”项,“允许将此网络适配器作为来宾操作系统中的组的一部分”拟机中将网卡进行组合配置(如图r络通讯的性能。
选择目标虚拟机,左侧分别对应的虚拟网卡,图2 在虚拟机中使用NIC功能。

• 简单 – 专为虚拟机设计的存储,可以在任何标准的x86 架构下运行 • 基于策略的自动化、满足SLA,按虚拟机级的存储策略 • 能在提高相同用户体验的前提下显著降低 TCO • 可以从小规模开始,线性扩展性能、容量和成本 • 与VMWare 软件平台深度集成
V-SAN 方案配置
两种构建 Virtual SAN 节点的方法
• 随着互联网+时代的到来,具 备互联网基因的超融合架构成
业务系统从传统架构向互联网 /云计算架构的转型;
• 传统IT厂商数据中心解决方案
已经落后于互联网公司或相关 的新技术厂商。
Server SAN Phase 3 Server SAN Phase 2
平台支持 扩展性
• VMware、Hyper-V、KVM
最大节点、容量扩展限制 单次扩展节点、容量限制 性能随节点数量线性增长 管理界面 存储层的功能与API接口 与虚拟化平台的管理集成
硬件平台兼容性 闪存支持(全闪存或混合) Cloud集成(OpenStack)
使用简便 维护便利
VMware vSAN 6.2
• VMWare Virtual SAN 将来自多个服务器的固态磁盘和硬 盘组成集群,以创建共享存储 • 重新定义虚拟化管理程序以建立计算和存储集群 • 针对自我调节、以虚拟机为中心的存储进行基于策略的 管理 • 内置固态磁盘缓存的横向扩展体系结构,HDD/SSD的分 层设计

优势超融合解决方案具有以下几个优势:1. 简化IT运维传统的数据中心需要通过独立的服务器、存储设备和网络设备来支持应用程序的运行,运维人员需要管理这些设备,并处理它们之间的兼容性和配置问题。
2. 提供灵活的扩展性超融合解决方案采用了分布式架构,可以根据实际需求进行水平和垂直扩展。
3. 提升性能和可靠性由于超融合解决方案将计算和存储功能融合在一起,可以减少数据在存储和计算节点之间的传输延迟,提供更快的数据访问速度。
架构超融合解决方案的架构通常由以下几个关键组件组成:1. 超融合节点超融合节点是整个系统的核心组件,它集成了计算、存储和网络功能,并通过软件定义的方式进行管理。
2. 管理界面超融合解决方案通常提供一个统一的管理界面,用于对整个系统进行配置和管理。
3. 存储系统超融合解决方案通常内置了分布式存储系统,用于存储和管理数据。
4. 网络虚拟化超融合解决方案通常通过网络虚拟化技术实现对计算和存储资源的隔离和调度。

云计算软件定义数据中心(软件定义计算、软件定义存储、软件定 义网络和XaaS[All as A Service],包括服务器硬件虚拟化和容器虚拟 化、桌面虚拟化、网络和分布式存储、文档云存储、大规模在线教 学、大数据等)被广泛应用于政府和企事业单位私有云和混合云建 设。 典型案例: 1、图书馆行业:福建省图书馆/福建省少年儿童图书馆云计算数据中 心建设项目、福建省马尾开发区/福州市马尾区图书馆、厦门技师学 院图书馆、长乐图书馆等。 2、教育:2012年中央职业学校实训基地项目(计算机类;中央政府 采购)、宁德师范大学、中共厦门市委党校、厦门安防学院、厦门 工商旅游学校(省重点项目)、漳州第一职校、厦门医高专、厦门 技师学院等。安防学院采用云计算平台参加2013年福建省职业技术学 校云计算大赛并获奖。 3、政府和其他企事业单位:浙江省衢州市气象局(中央政府采购) 、浙江省江山市财税局、厦门思明疾控中心、厦门湖里检察院、厦 门观音山商业中心等
虚拟桌面/云桌面 典型案例和应用类型
学校 采用VDI桌面进行老旧终端利用过渡(中央职业学校实训基地项目2012) 视频和3D教学IDV,大并发GPU 要求较高的视频教学 多媒体教室IDV,外设兼容性,终端配臵个性化(中控/白板),断网可用。 学生机房IDV 学校图书馆IDV 移动办公和演示VDI 公共图书馆和学校图书馆 电子阅览室IDV 少儿多媒体体验区,IDV和VDI 馆员办公IDV 政府 局域网或城域网范围的操作敏捷要求/高性能业务终端桌面 IDV (外设兼容性,终端配臵个性化,断网 可用。) 业务培训教室 IDV 演示桌面VDI 企业 机械、服装等行业设计桌面管理、防泄密IDV 办公和厂区云桌面操作系统和软件管理、合规和桌面安全IDV 移动办公和演示桌面VDI
windows server 2016的详细说明

windows server 2016的详细说明Windows Server 2016是微软的服务器操作系统,它提供了一系列功能和性能提升,以满足现代企业和组织的需求。
本文将详细说明Windows Server 2016的特点、功能和用途,以及它如何提供安全性、云整合和虚拟化方案等方面的支持。
一、Windows Server 2016的特点Windows Server 2016是微软在2016年发布的最新版本的服务器操作系统,它提供了许多新的功能和性能提升。
其中一些特点如下:1. 安全性提升:Windows Server 2016引入了许多新的安全功能,包括安全的虚拟化、硬件安全和健壮性等方面的增强。
它采用了Windows 10的核心安全技术,包括Windows Defender等,为企业提供了更好的抵御威胁的能力。
2. 云整合:Windows Server 2016支持云整合,可以轻松地将本地服务器和云平台进行无缝集成。
3. 虚拟化支持:Windows Server 2016提供了功能强大的虚拟化支持,包括Hyper-V和容器技术。
4. 存储和网络的改进:Windows Server 2016改进了存储和网络的性能和可靠性。
5. 远程桌面服务:Windows Server 2016提供了强大的远程桌面服务,可以帮助企业提供远程办公和远程访问等功能。
二、Windows Server 2016的功能和用途Windows Server 2016具有广泛的功能和用途,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 域控制器:Windows Server 2016可以作为域控制器使用,用于管理和控制网络中的用户帐户、计算机和其他资源。
windows server 2016 操作系统技术参数

windows server 2016 操作系统技术参数1. 引言1.1 概述Windows Server 2016是一款由微软公司开发的服务器操作系统,它建立在Windows NT家族的基础上,并且是Windows Server 2012 R2的升级版本。
作为一种强大而稳定的操作系统,Windows Server 2016具有许多先进的功能和技术参数,可以满足企业对安全性、可靠性、高可用性以及性能优化等方面的需求。
1.2 文章结构本文将重点介绍Windows Server 2016操作系统的技术参数。
文章主要分为以下几个部分:引言、Windows Server 2016操作系统技术参数、主要特性和功能、性能优化与扩展性能以及结论。
通过对这些内容的详细阐述,读者将能够深入了解Windows Server 2016操作系统的各项技术指标和功能特点。
1.3 目的本文旨在向读者介绍和解释Windows Server 2016操作系统的技术参数,并探讨其对企业运营和管理所带来的潜在益处。
通过本文的阅读,读者将能够全面了解Windows Server 2016在技术参数上的优势,并对其领先于市场竞争对手的地位有更深刻的理解。
以上是文章“1. 引言”部分内容,介绍了本文的概述、结构和目的。
接下来,我们将详细探讨Windows Server 2016操作系统的技术参数,并深入分析其主要特性和功能。
2. Windows Server 2016 操作系统技术参数2.1 系统要求:Windows Server 2016 是一款功能强大的服务器操作系统,以下是它的系统要求:- 处理器:64位架构的x86处理器,支持NX 和DEP 功能。

– 超级高效:保证在存储和备份的同时节省 90% 的容量
– 超级保护:保证在 1 分钟内完成 1TB VM 的本地备份或本地还原 – 超级简单:在单个控制台点击 3 下即可备份、还原、移动或克隆 VM – 超级管理:保证在 1 分钟内创建或更新跨数十个站点的 1000s 的 VM
您在 SimpliVity 上运行或计划运行什么类型的应用?
大于 300:1:7%
Oracle Microsoft Exchange Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SharePoint SAP VDI 行业特定的应用 (例如 911 系统、医疗 应用、法律案件管理 以及 CAD/CAM 等) 电子商务 其他
HPE SimpliVity 客户平均体验到 40:1 的数据效率且 其中一半认为性能提升了 50% 以上
始终对所有数据进行去重和压缩 针对所有数据,永久、全局 卸载到 OmniStack 加速卡 主存储和备份保证实现 1:1的 数据效率
数据虚拟化平台 — 业内最强大的数据平台
24% 50% 79% 39% 12% 41% 48% 14%
200:1 到 300:1:9% 100:1 到 200:1:19% 50:1 到 100:1:30% 50:1及以下:35%
其中 >1/3 的用户拥有
>1/2 的用户性能提升

故障定位:快速定位故障原 因,确定故障类型
故障修复:根据故障类型,采 取相应的修复措施
故障预防:定期进行系统维护 和优化,降低故障发生概率
01 定期备份:确保数据
02 备份策略:根据数据
重要性和更新频率制 定合适的备份策略
01 概述 02 核心技术 03 应用场景与功能 04 部署与实施 05 应急处理措施 06 实践与展望
硬件部署:安装 服务器、网络设 备等硬件设施
软件安装:安装超 融合云桌面软件, 配置相关参数
数据迁移:将原有 数据迁移到超融合 云桌面环境中
用户培训:对相关 人员进行培训,确 保能够熟练使用超 融合云桌面
测试与优化:进行 测试,优化性能和 功能,确保满足客 户需求
正式上线:将超融 合云桌面投入实际 使用,提供稳定、 高效的服务
01 技术挑战:超融合云桌面解 决方案需要解决数据安全、 网络延迟、系统兼容性等问 题
02 市场竞争:市场上已有多家 厂商提供类似解决方案,竞 争激烈
03 客户需求:客户需求多样化, 04 发展趋势:云计算、5G等

究竟花多少钱买了设备 买的设备运行能效如何 我们是不是过度投资了
CAS虚拟化与Байду номын сангаас潮、深信服的竞争对比
B/S管理控制台 CPU资源热添加 磁盘容量热添加 网络I/O Control 磁盘I/O Control 资源优先级调度 CPU/内存预留与限制 vCPU与物理CPU绑定 L2/L4/出入方向/定时ACL 虚拟机备份策略制定 虚拟机模板完整性校验 国产操作系统兼容 虚拟化拓扑 操作系统HA 应用HA 跨管理平台迁移 短信告警 动态资源扩展 一键健康巡检 一键存储清理 资源使用趋势分析 资源使用统计报表 资源TOPN统计报表 可定制展示大屏 虚拟机迁移历史记录 管理界面定制 兼容VMware 资源自服务交付 业务交付流程定制 组织VDC管理
计算模块 存储模块
超融合统一资源池 超融合统一资源池
网络模块 安全模块 计算模块 存储模块 (包含:网络 + 安全 + 计算 + 存储 的所有功能)
网络模块 安全模块 计算模块 存储模块
网络模块 安全模块 计算模块 存储模块
(包含:网络 + 安全 + 计算 + 存储 的所有功能)

超融合架构解决方案技术建议书超融合一体机&超融合操作系统目录1传统IT架构面临的问题 (2)1.1业务与架构紧耦合 (2)1.2传统架构制约东西向流量 (3)1.3网络设备的硬件规格限制业务系统规模 (3)1.4不能适应大规模租户部署 (4)1.5传统安全部署模式的限制 (4)2项目概述 (5)2.1建设原则 (5)2.2建设关键需求 (6)2.3建设组件及建设模式 (7)3深信服超融合架构解决方案概述 (9)3.1超融合架构层 (10)3.1.1服务器虚拟化(aSV) (12)3.1.2网络虚拟化(aNET) (16)3.1.3存储虚拟化(aSAN) (21)3.1.4网络功能虚拟化(NFV) (25)3.2多业务模板层 (33)3.3虚拟化管理平台 (34)3.3.1服务器虚拟化管理模块 (35)3.3.2网络虚拟化管理模块 (36)3.3.3存储虚拟化管理模块 (39)3.4深信服超融合架构方案价值和优势总结 (41)3.4.1深信服超融合架构价值 (41)3.4.2深信服超融合架构的优势 (42)随着业务系统的高速发展,IT架构做为承载业务系统的基础设施,快速部署、减少投入和灵活扩展显得越来越重要。

超融合基础架构解决方案目录一、前言 (3)1.1 超融合基础架构解决方案概述 (3)1.2 解决方案的重要性和应用场景 (4)二、超融合基础架构原理 (6)2.1 超融合的定义和特点 (7)2.2 超融合基础架构的组成 (8)2.2.1 虚拟化层 (10)2.2.2 存储层 (11)2.2.3 网络层 (12)2.3 超融合基础架构的优势 (14)2.3.1 高可用性 (15)2.3.2 高扩展性 (16)2.3.3 高性能 (18)三、超融合基础架构解决方案的关键技术 (20)3.1 虚拟化技术 (21)3.2 存储技术 (22)3.3 网络技术 (25)3.4 数据备份和容灾技术 (26)3.5 安全技术 (27)四、超融合基础架构解决方案的应用场景 (29)4.1 教育行业 (30)4.2 医疗行业 (31)4.3 金融行业 (33)4.4 企业办公 (34)4.5 云计算 (36)五、超融合基础架构解决方案的选购和实施 (37)5.1 如何选择合适的超融合基础架构解决方案 (39)5.2 实施超融合基础架构解决方案的步骤 (40)5.2.1 规划和设计 (41)5.2.2 部署和配置 (43)5.2.3 测试和验证 (44)5.2.4 运营和维护 (46)六、超融合基础架构解决方案的挑战和未来发展趋势 (47)6.1 超融合基础架构解决方案面临的挑战 (49)6.2 超融合基础架构解决方案的未来发展趋势 (50)七、结论 (51)7.1 超融合基础架构解决方案的价值和意义 (52)7.2 对超融合基础架构解决方案的未来展望 (53)一、前言随着信息技术的快速发展,企业对于数据处理与存储的需求日益增长,传统的IT架构在面对日益增长的数据规模与复杂的业务需求时,显得捉襟见肘。
微软超融合存储Storage Direct平台测试方案

微软超融合存储Storage Direct平台测试方案适用对象本指南侧重于快速在客户环境实现Windows Server 2016新功能的概念验证所用,主要适用对象是需要在用户环境概念验证Storage Space Direct 新功能的TSP ,PFE 或者集成商的人员。
本文主要包含的内容● 概念验证环境需求 ● 准备工作● 超融合架构部署和验证 ● 性能测试工具和方法 ● 附录概念验证环境需求 超融合架构超融合架构简要说明,Windows Server 存储服务通过具备RDMA 能力的网络在物理节点间构建了一个低延迟的软件存储总线结构,连接和管理每台服务器上本地的物理磁盘系统;并在其上合并存储磁盘池,磁盘池下每个物理磁盘对于每个连接的物理节点都可见。
不同于VMWare VSAN的对象型存储结构,在Windows Server的超融合架构中,是在块存储级别实现的融合架构,每个虚拟磁盘如果可能会在每个物理磁盘创建以1GB为单位的Extend扩展。
硬件操作系统网络交换机DHCP非必要公网连接非必要准备工作验证物理磁盘总线类型如果可能,例如验证的用户环境有预安装的Windows Server 2012R2环境,建议在服务器通过PowerShell cmdlet,检查总线类型BusType是否为物理磁盘总线(SATA/SAS/NVMe),而非RAID才可以加入到S2D的存储池中。
Get-PhysicalDisk | sort CanPool,FriendlyName | ft FriendlyName,CanPool,BusType,MediaType例如:Get-PhysicalDisk|sort CanPool,FriendlyName|ftFriendlyName,CanPool,BusType,MediaTypeFriendlyName CanPool BusType MediaType------------ ------- ------- ---------DELL PERC H710 False RAID UnspecifiedMsft Virtual Disk False File Backed Virtual UnspecifiedSEAGATE ST3600057SS True SAS HDDSEAGATE ST3600057SS True SAS HDDTOSHIBA MK2001GRZB True SAS SSDTOSHIBA MK2001GRZB True SAS SSD准备测试的AD域环境非必须,不过为了加快概念验证的速度,可根据实际需要事先制作所需的AD域控制器虚拟机环境并对外提供DNS服务。
超融合 方案

超融合方案1. 背景介绍在传统的数据中心架构中,通常会有一个存储区域网络(SAN)用于存储数据,并且还需要专门的计算机服务器来处理各种任务。
2. 超融合方案的基本概念超融合方案是一种将计算、存储、网络和虚拟化功能整合在一起的解决方案。
3. 超融合方案的架构超融合方案的架构主要包括三个关键组件:计算节点、存储节点和网络节点。
4. 超融合方案的优势超融合方案相比传统的数据中心架构具有许多优势:4.1 简化管理超融合方案将计算、存储和网络资源整合在一起,通过一个管理软件可以对整个系统进行统一管理。
4.2 灵活扩展超融合方案采用分布式存储架构,可以根据实际需求快速增加计算和存储能力。
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Windows Server 2016 Hyper-Converged Solution - Virtual Machines and Software Defined Storage on the Same ClusterWindows Server 2016 Technical Preview introduces Storage Spaces Direct, which enables building highly available (HA) storage systems with local storage. This is a significant step forward in Microsoft Windows Server software-defined storage (SDS) as it simplifies the deployment and management of SDS systems and also unlocks use of new classes of disk devices, such as SATA and NVMe disk devices, that were previously not possible with clustered Storage Spaces with shared disks.Windows Server 2016 provides a hyper-converged solution by allowing the same set of servers to provide SDS, through Storage Spaces Direct (S2D), and serve as the hosts for virtual machines using Hyper-V. The sameHow to Use this Guide:This document provides both an introductory overview and specific standalone examples of how to deploy a Hyper Converged Solution with Storage Spaces Direct.Before taking any action, it is recommended that you do a quick read through of this document to familiarize yourself with the overall approach, to get a sense for the important Notes associated with some steps, and to acquaint yourself with the additional supporting resources and documentation. Hyper-converged Solution with Software Defined Storage OverviewIn the Hyper-Converged configuration described in this guide, Storage Spaces Direct seamlessly integrates with the features you know today that make up the Windows Server software defined storage stack, including Clustered Shared Volume File System (CSVFS), Storage Spaces and Failover Clustering.The hyper-converged deployment scenario has the Hyper-V (compute) and Storage Spaces Direct (storage) components on the same cluster. Virtual machine's files are stored on local CSVs. This allows for scaling Hyper-V compute clusters together with the storage it’s using. Once Storage Spaces Direct is configured and the CSV volumes are available, configuring and provisioning Hyper-V is the same process and uses the same tools that you would use with any other Hyper-V deployment on a failover cluster. Figure 5 illustrates the hyper-converged deployment scenario.1FIGURE 5: Hyperconverged – same cluster configured for Storage Spaces Direct and the hosting of virtual machinesHardware requirementsWe are working with our hardware partners to define and validate specific hardware configurations, including SAS HBA, SATA SSD and HDD, RDMA enabled network adapters etc. to ensure a good user experience. You should contact your hardware vendors for the solutions that they have verified are compatible for use with Storage Spaces Direct.If you would like to evaluate Storage Spaces Direct in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview without investing in hardware, you can use Hyper-V virtual machines, see Testing Storage Spaces Direct using Windows Server 2016 virtual machines.For more information about hardware options, see Hardware options for evaluating Storage Spaces Direct in Technical Preview 4NoteStorage Spaces Direct does not support disks connected via multiple paths, and the Microsoft Multipath MPIO software stack.2Example Hardware for this GuideFor simplicity, this guide references a specific set of hardware that we were able to test. This is for example purposes only and most of the steps are not specific to hardware. Where something is specific to hardware, it will be noted. There are many hardware vendors with solutions that are compatible with the hyper-converged system described in this guide and this hardware example does not indicate a preference over other systems or hardware vendors. Due to limited resources and time constraints imposed by TP5, we are in a position to offer detailed guidance only for a specific subset of tested hardware configurations at this time.Server: Dell 730XD- Bios: 1.5.54HBA: Dell HBA330- Firmware: A00Network Interfaces:Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro (dual port 10Gb, SFP+) for RoCEv2 networks- Firmware: or newerTop of Rack Switch (TOR) Cisco Nexus 3132- BIOS version: 1.7.0Information GatheringThe following information will be needed as inputs to configure provision and manage the hyper-converged system, and therefore it will speed up the process and make it easier for you if you have it on hand when you start:- Server Names–you should be familiar with your organization’s nami ng policies for computers, files, paths, and other resources as you will be provisioning several servers with Nanoinstallations and each will need to have a unique server name.- Domain name – you will be joining computers to your domain, and you will need to specify the domain name. It would be good to familiarize with your internal domain naming and domainjoining policies.3- Administrator Password for the new servers: When the Nano images are created, the command to create the images will prompt you to input the password for the local administrator account.- For RDMA configurationso Top of Rack switch make/modelo Network Adapter make/modelThere are 2 types of RDMA protocols, note which type your RDMA adapter is(RoCEv2 or iWarp)o Vlan IDs to be used for the 2 network interfaces used by the management OS on the hyper-converged hosts. You should be able to obtain this from your networkadministrator.Nano or Full/Core Install OptionsHyper-converged deployments can be done using either Nano or Full installations of Windows Server 2016 Preview.Nano is a new install type for Windows Server 2016, see this link for more information on the advantages of using Nano and deploying and managing Nano server.This guide will focus on deploying hyper-converged systems using Nano server and the “Deploy the operating system” section is a step-by-step method of deploying Nano server.However, the steps in t he “Configure the Network” and “Configure Storage Spaces Direct” sections are identical whether you are using Nano or full or core installations.For full and core installations, instead of following the “Deploy the operating system” in this guide, you can deploy Windows Server 2012 Datacenter like you would any other Failover Cluster deployment. This would include joining them to an Active Directory domain and installing the Hyper-V role and Failover Cluster feature and if using RoCE RDMA devices including the “Data Center Bridging” feature. Nano server installations require all management to be done remotely, except what can be done through the Nano Recovery Console. On Full and core installations you can use the remote management steps in this guide, or in some cases you can log into the servers and do the commands and management locally.Nano: Installing and configuring Hyper-Converged SystemThis section includes instructions to install and configure the components of a Hyper-Converged system using the Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview with a Nano Server configuration of the operating system. The act of deploying a Hyper-Converged system can be divided into three high level phases:1. Deploy the operating system2. Configure the Network3. Configure Storage Spaces Direct45Figure 6 illustrates the process for building a hyper-converged solution using Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview.Figure 6: Process for building a hyper-converged solution using Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview.You can tackle these steps a few at a time or all at once, but they do need to be completed in the order shown in Figure 6. After describing some prerequisites and terminology, we will describe each of the three phases in more detail and provides examples.ImportantThis preview release should not be used in production environments.Prerequisites and TerminologyThe provisioning and deployment process for a Windows Server Nano server involves specific steps that include:Creating a bootable .VHDx file for each Nano server∙Copying the bootable .VHDx files to a physical host and configuring the host to boot from the .VHDx files∙Remotely managing the newly deployed host machines running Nano ServersNote: The Image creation machine and the Management machine (defined below) can be the same machine. The critical factor is that the machine from which you are managing must be of the same version (or higher) as the Nano server that are being managed. For Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5 evaluation we recommend that your Management machine be runningWS2016 TP5 so you will be able to efficiently manage the Nano Servers (which are also running TP5).1. Image creation machine. The instructions in this guide includes creating bootableNano .VHDx files for each server. It’s a simple process, but you will need a system (Windows10 or Windows Server 2012 R2 or later) where you can use PowerShell to create andtemporarily store the .VHDX files that will be copied to the servers. The cmdlet modules used to create the image are imported from the Windows Server 2016 preview ISO, the instructionsbelow will have details on this process.2. Management machine. For the purposes of this document, the machine that has themanagement tools to remotely manage the Nano servers will be referred to as theManagement system. The management system machine has the following requirements:a. Running Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5, domain joined to the samedomain or fully trusted domain as the Nano systems.b. Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) and PowerShell modules for Hyper-V andFailover Clustering. RSAT tools and PowerShell modules are available on WindowsServer 2016 and can be installed without installing other features. They are alsoavailable by installing the RSAT package for Windows clients.c. Management system can be run inside of a Virtual Machine or on a physical machine.d. Requires network connectivity to the Nano servers3. Host machines. In the example below, the expectation is that you start with physicalmachines that are booted to a Windows Server operating system (full or core). We’ll becopying the VHDs files to the Host machines and then re-booting into Nano operation systemthat was created in the VHDx files. Booting from a VHDx file is the method of deploymentbeing outlined in this guide. Other methods of deploying VHDx boot files can also be used.Deploy the operating systemDeploying the operating system is composed of the following tasks:1. Acquire an ISO image of Windows Server 2016 TP52. Use the ISO and PowerShell to create the new Nano Server Images3. Copy the new Nano Server images to the Host machines4. Reboot into the new Nano Server image5. Connecting to and managing the Nano Servers from the Management system machine678Complete the steps below to create and deploy the Nano Server as the operating system on your Host machines in a Hyper-Converged system. Note: The “Getting Started with Nano Server” guide has many more examples and detailed explanations of how to deploy and manage a Nano server. The instructions below are solely intended to illustrate one of many possible deployments; you need to find an approach that fits your organization’s needs and situation.Acquire an ISO image of Windows Server 2016 TP5 DatacenterDownload a copy Datacenter ISO from <link to Technet> to your Image creation machine and note the path.Use the ISO and PowerShell to Create the new Nano Server ImagesThere are other methods do deploy Nano, but in the case of this exam ple we’ll provide a set of steps below. If you want to learn more about creating and managing different kinds of Nano deployments or images, see the “Getting Started with Nano Server” guid e, starting in the section “To quickly deploy Nano Server on a physical server”.NoteIf your deployment isn’t using a RoCEv2 RDMA adapter, then you can remove the“-Packages Microsoft-NanoServer-DCB-Package” parameter in the PowerShellcommandlet string below. Our example hardware for this guide does use RoCEv2RDMA adapters and Data Center Bridging, so the DCB package is included in theexample.NoteIf you are going to manage the servers with System Center, add the following itemsin the “-Packages” section of the “New-NanoServerImage” commandMicrosoft-NanoServer-SCVMM-PackageMicrosoft-NanoServer-SCVMM-Compute-PackageNoteIf you have drivers that are recommended by your hardware vendor, It is simplestto inject the network drivers into the image during the “New-NanoServerImage”step below. If you don’t, you may be able to use the in-box drivers using the –OEMDrivers parameter in the “New-NanoServerImage” command, and then updatethe drivers using Windows Update after deployment. It is important to have thedrivers that your hardware vender recommends, so that the networks provide thebest reliability and performance possible.91. On the Image creation machine, mount the Windows Server Technical Preview .ISO. Tomount the ISO, in File Explorer select and right click on the ISO, then choose Mount. Once the mounted drive is opened, navigate to the \NanoServer\NanoServerImageGenerator directory and copy the contents to a directory to your desired working folder on your Image creation machine where you want to create and store your new Nano Server Images.In this example, the NanoServerImageGenerator directory will be copied to:C:\NanoBuild\NanoBuildScripts2. Start Windows PowerShell as an administrator, change directory your desired workingfolder where you copied the “NanoServerImageGenerator” contents to, and run the following command to import the Nano Server Image Generator PowerShell module. This module will enable you to create the new Nano Server images.Import-Module.\NanoServerImageGenerator–VerboseYou should see something like this:3. Copynetwork drivers to a directory and note the path. The example in the next step will use c:\WS2016TP5_Drivers4. Before using the following PowerShell commands to create the new Nano Server imagesplease read the following section to get an overview of the entire task. Some features, need specific packages to be specified to be included in the “New-NanoServerImage”command below.In this step, you will create a unique image for each Host machine. We need 4 images;one for each physical host in the HyperConverged setup.10Creating each Nano Server image can take several minutes depending on the size ofthe drivers and other packages being included. It is not unusual for a large image to take30 minutes to complete the creation process.∙Create the images one at a time. Because of possible file collision, werecommend creating the images one at a time.∙You will be prompted to input a password for the Administrator accounts of your new Nano Servers. Type carefully and note your password for later use.You will use these passwords later to log into the new Nano Servers∙You will need the following information (at a minimum)o MediaPath: Specifies the path to the mounted Windows Server PreviewISO. It will usually be something like D:\o TargetPath: Specifies the path where the resulting .VHDx file will belocated. NOTE: this path needs to pre-exist before running the new-NanaServerImage cmdlet.o ComputerName: Specifies the name that the Nano server will use and beaccessed by.o Domain name: Specifies the fully qualified name to the domain that yourserver will join.o DriversPath– folder location where the expanded drivers that you want toinject to the image are maintainedo Other options: If you want a richer understanding of the all the inputparameters associated with New-NanoServerImage you can learn morefrom the “Getting Started with Nano Server” guide.New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath <MediaPath> -TargetPath <TargetPath> -ComputerName <ComputerName> -Compute -Storage -Clustering -DomainName <DomainName -OEMDrivers -DeploymentType Host -Edition Datacenter -EnableRemoteManagementPort -ReuseDomainNode -DriversPath <DriversPath> -Packages Microsoft-NanoServer-DCB-PackageThe following is an example of how you can execute the same thing in a script://Example definition of variable names and values$myNanoServerName="myComputer-1"$myNanoImagePath=".\Nano\NanoServerPhysical"$myNanoServerVHDXname="myComputer=1.VHDX"$myDomainFQDN=""$MediaPath="d:\"$myDriversPath="C:\WS2016TP5_Drivers"New-NanoServerImage-MediaPath d:\-TargetPath"$myNanoImagePath\$myNanoServerVHDXname"-ComputerName$myNanoServerName-Compute-Storage-Clustering-DomainName$myDomainFQDN-OEMDrivers-DeploymentType Host-Edition Datacenter-EnableRemoteManagementPort-ReuseDomainNode-DriversPath$myDriversPath-Packages Microsoft-NanoServer-DCB-Package11When you complete this task, you should have 1 VHDx file for each of the four hyper-converged systems that you are provisioningOther Packages that you may want to include:Desired State Configuration. An example feature that requires this is the Software Defined Network feature. The packages to include are:Microsoft-NanoServer-DSC-PackageShielded VMMicrosoft-NanoServer-SecureStartup-PackageMicrosoft-NanoServer-ShieldedVM-PackageManaging Nano with System Center Virtual Machine Manager or Operations ManagerMicrosoft-NanoServer-SCVMM-PackageMicrosoft-NanoServer-SCVMM-Compute-PackageCopy the new Nano Server images to the Host machinesThe tasks in this section assume that the servers that will be used for the hyper-converged system (Host Machines) are booted into a Windows Server operating system and accessible to the network. 1. Log in as an Administrator on the Host machines that will be the nodes of the hyper-convergedsystem.2. Copy the VHDX files that you created earlier to each respective Host machine and configureeach Host machine to boot from the new VHDX using the following steps:∙Mount the VHDx. If you are using Windows Explorer, the mount is accomplished by right clicking on the VHDX file and “mount”.Note: In this example, it is mounted under D:\ ∙Open a PowerShell console with Administrator privilages.∙Change the prompt to the “Windows” directory of the mounted VHD: In this example the command would be:cd d:\windows∙Enable booting to the VHDx:Bcdboot.exe d:\windows12Unmount the VHD. If you are using Windows Explorer, the unmount is accomplished by right clicking on the drive letter in the left hand navigation pane, and selecting “eject”. THIS STEPIS IMPORTANT, THE SYSTEM MAY HAVE ISSUES BOOTING IF YOU DON’T UNMOUNTTHE VHDX.Reboot into the new Nano Server image1. Reboot the Host machines. They will automatically boot into the new Nano Server VHDx images.2. Log into the Nano Recovery Console: After the Host machines are booted, they will show alogon screen for the Nano Server Recovery Console (see the "Nano Server Recovery Console"section in this Nano guide). You will need to enter “Administrator” for the User Name and enter the password you specified earlier when creating the new Nano Server images. For the Domain field, you can leave this blank or enter the computer name of your Nano server.3. Acquire the IP address of the Nano Server: You will use these IP addresses to connect to theNano Server in the next section, so it’s suggested to write it down or note it somewhere.a. Steps to aquire the IP address in the Nano Recovery Console:i. Select Networking then press Enterii. Identify from the network adapter list the one that is being used to connect to the system to manage it. If you aren’t sure which one, look at each of them andidentify the addresses.iii. Select your Ethernet adapter then press Enteriv. Note your IPv4 address for later useNote: While you are in the Nano Recovery Console, you may also specify static IP addresses at this time for networks if DHCP is not available.Connecting to and managing the Nano Servers from the Management system machineYou will need a Management system machine that has the same build of Windows Server 2016 to manage and configure your Nano deployment. Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows Serve 2016 is not suggested for this scenario since some of the Windows 10 storage APIs may not be updated to be fully compatible at the time of this preview release.1. On the Management system install the Failover Cluster and Hyper-V management tools. Thiscan be done through Server Man ager using the “Add Roles and Features” wizard. In the“Features” page, select “Remote Server Administration Tools” and then select the tools toinstall.2. On the Management system machine configure TrustedHosts; this is a onetimeconfiguration on the management system machine:Open a PowerShell console with Administrator privilages and execute the following. This willconfigure the trusted hosts to all hosts.enter13After the onetime configuration above, you will not need to repeat Set-Item. However, each time you close and reopen the PowerShell console you should establish a new remote PS Session to the Nano Server by running the commands below:3. Enter the PS session and use either the Nano Server name or the IP address that you acquiredfrom the Recovery Console earlier in this doc. You will be prompted for a password after youexecute this command, enter the administrator password you specified when creating the Nano VHDx.Enter-PSSession-ComputerName<myComputerName>-CredentialLocalHost\AdministratorExamples of doing the same thing in a way that is more useful in scripts, in case you need todo this more than once:Example 1: using an IP address:$ip=""$user="$ip\Administrator"Enter-PSSession-ComputerName$ip-Credential$userExample 2: OR you can do something similar with computer name instead of IP address.$myNanoServer1="myNanoServer-1"$user="$myNanoServer1\Administrator"Enter-PSSession-ComputerName$myNanoServer1-Credential$userAdding domain accounts.So far this guide has had you deploying and configuring individual nodes with the local administrator account<ComputerName>\Administrator.Managing a hyper-converged system, including the cluster and storage and virtualization components, often requires using a domain account that is in the Administrators group on each node.The following steps are done from the Management System.For each server of the hyper-converged system:e a PowerShell console that was opened with Administrator privileges and in a PSSession issue thefollowing command to add your domain account(s) in the Administrators local security group. See the section above for information about how to connect to the Nano systems using PSSession.Net localgroup Administrators<Domain\Account>/add14Network ConfigurationThe following assumes 2 RDMA NIC Ports (1 dual port, or 2 single port). In order to deploy Storage Spaces Direct, the Hyper-V switch must be deployed with RDMA-enabled host virtual NICs. Complete the following steps to configure the network on each server:NoteSkip this Network Configuration section, if you are testing Storage Spaces Direct inside of virtual machines. RDMA is not available for networking inside a virtual machine.Configure the Top of Rack (TOR) SwitchOur example configuration is using a network adapter that implements RDMA using RoCEv2. Network QoS for this type of RDMA requires that the TOR have specific capabilities set for the network ports that the NICs are connected to.15Enable Network Quality of Service (Network QoS)Network QoS is used to in this hyper-converged configuration to ensure that the Software Defined Storage system has enough bandwidth to communicate between the nodes to ensure resiliency and performance. Do the following steps from a management system using Enter-PSSession to connect and do the following to each of the servers.NoteFor Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview, there are multiple vendors supporting these RDMA network capabilities. Check with your network interface card vendor to verify which of their products support hyper-converged RDMA networking in in technical preview 5.1. Set a network QoS policy for SMB-Direct, which is the protocol that the software definedstorage system uses.New-NetQosPolicy “SMB” –NetDirectPortMatchCondition 445 –PriorityValue8021Action 3The output should look something like this:Name : SMBOwner : Group Policy (Machine)NetworkProfile : AllPrecedence : 127JobObject :NetDirectPort : 445PriorityValue : 32. Turn on Flow Control for SMBEnable-NetQosFlowControl –Priority 33. Disable flow control for other trafficDisable-NetQosFlowControl –Priority 0,1,2,4,5,6,74. Get a list of the network adapters to identify the target adapters (RDMA adapters)Get-NetAdapter | FT Name,InterfaceDescription,Status,LinkSpeedThe output should look something like the following. The Mellanox ConnectX03 Pro adapters are the RDMA network adapters and are the only ones connected to a switch, in this example configuration.[MachineName]: PS C:\Users\User\Documents> Get-NetAdapter | FT Name,InterfaceDescription,Status,LinkSpeedName InterfaceDescription Status LinkSpeed---- -------------------- ------ ---------NIC3 QLogic BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #46 Disconnected 0 bpsEthernet 2 Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro Ethernet Adapter #2 Up 10 Gbps16SLOT # Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro Ethernet Adapter Up 10 GbpsNIC4 QLogic BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #47 Disconnected 0 bpsNIC1 QLogic BCM57800 10 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #44 Disconnected 0 bpsNIC2 QLogic BCM57800 10 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #45 Disconnected 0 bps5. Apply network QoS policy to the target adapters. The target adapters are the RDMA adapters.Use the “Name” of the target adapters for the –InterfaceAlias in the following exampleEnable-NetAdapterQos –InterfaceAlias “<adapter1>”,”<adapter2>”Using the example above, the command would look like this:Enable-NetAdapterQoS –InterfaceAlias “Ethernet 2”,”SLOT #”6. Create a Traffic class and give SMB Direct 30% of the bandwidth minimum. The name of theclass will be “SMB”New-NetQosTrafficClass “SMB” –Priority 3 –BandwidthPercentage 30 –Algorithm ETSCreate a Hyper-V Virtual Switch with SET and RDMA vNICThe Hyper-V virtual switch allows the physical NIC ports to be used for both the host and virtual machines and enables RDMA from the host which allows for more throughput, lower latency, and less system (CPU) impact. The physical network interfaces are teamed using the Switch Embedded Teaming (SET) feature that is new in Windows Server 2016.Do the following steps from a management system using Enter-PSSession to connect to each of the servers.1. Identify the network adapters (you will use this info in step #2)Get-NetAdapter | FT Name,InterfaceDescription,Status,LinkSpeed [MachineName]: PS C:\Users\User\Documents> Get-NetAdapter | FT Name,InterfaceDescription,Status,LinkSpeedName InterfaceDescription Status LinkSpeed---- -------------------- ------ ---------NIC3 QLogic BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #46 Disconnected 0 bpsEthernet 2 Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro Ethernet Adapter #2 Up 10 GbpsSLOT # Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro Ethernet Adapter Up 10 GbpsNIC4 QLogic BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #47 Disconnected 0 bpsNIC1 QLogic BCM57800 10 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #44 Disconnected 0 bpsNIC2 QLogic BCM57800 10 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #45 Disconnected 0 bps2. Create the virtual switch connected to both of the physical network adapters, and enable theSwitch Embedded Teaming (SET). You may notice a message that your PSSession lostconnection. This is expected and your session will reconnect.New-VMSwitch –Name SETswitch –NetAdapterName “<adapter1>”,”<adapter2>”–EnableEmbeddedTeaming $trueUsing the Get-NetAdapter example above, the command would look like this:17。