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Assignment: Should we admire heroes but not celebrities? (2007.10)

There are people suggesting that we should admire heroes but not celebrities. Admittedly, heroes are famous because they are great people, while a certain number of people become celebrities only because of their undeserved fame. However, this does not mean that all celebrities are not worthy admiration. In fact, there are still a multitude of admirable celebrities who are also amazing people and can bring us enormous positive influence.

An excellent example to prove this point is Nicholas James Vujicic, who is not a hero saving a country but a celebrity famous for his unusual experiences. He was born with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs but now is a well-known motivational speaker helping thousands of people. While born with no limbs, Vujicic was not defeated by his disability. Instead, he learned to transcend his disability. With his optimism and persistence, he successfully mastered the daily tasks of life, like typing, shaving, brushing teeth and answering the phone, and he even learned to dive and throw tennis balls without limbs. Now he is a man grateful for life and a motivational speaker giving talks to share his stories and to encourage people to be confident and thankful. A tremendous amount of his fans have learned from him optimism, self-confidence, persistence and gratitude, and I am also one of them. Vujicic is now my idol. Whenever I encounter obstacles or failures, I think of him, and then I get courage to move on.

Another example of the celebrities worthy of admiration is Steve Jobs, the former CEO of the present extremely successful Apple Inc. Though not a hero saving the whole world, Jobs is, undoubtedly, one of the most renowned and influential people in the human history. His innovation has transformed a variety of fields like computer, music, movie, phone and retailing. Today,

people around the world are learning from him. Entrepreneurs learn from him leadership, management and inspiring. Designers learn from him how to create a product that is both functional and beautiful. Students learn from him how to pursue what they are truly passionate about. Ordinary people who are craving for success learn from him the secrets to spectacular achievement. As a world-known celebrity, Jobs is definitely worth admiring. His wisdom and legacy will benefit generations of people.

Nicholas James Vujicic and Steve Jobs are only two of the countless examples of the celebrities that worth admiring. Worshiping these famous people is no less valuable than looking up to heroes.

(2006.6) Do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own independent ideas?

It is rare to find an objective and independent viewpoint on style, literature, politics, or any other matter. Many people's opinions are formed through their associations with others. It is our nature to conform; conformity is a force that few can successfully resist. We give in to the human instinct to go along with the crowd and to have its approval.

Truly, it is our nature to conform, and human’s long history has witnessed the prevalence of conformity among the general public. However, this does not indicate that we will give in to our nature all the time. In the modern age, with education available to most people and with competition heating up around the globe, people in mounting number are developing their own independent ideas instead of blindly conforming to others.

In history, there are abundant examples revealing that most of the remarkable breakthroughs that humans have ever made are invariably attributable to a few individuals’ independent ideas instead of those of the majority. This indicates a significant fact about the majority of our ancestors, that is, a strong tendency to conform to conventional thoughts and wisdom with little independent questioning. For instance, one of the biggest revolution in the field of astronomy was sparked by an individual—Copernicus whose

hel iocentric model transformed people’s understanding of the universe. Before Copernicus’ novel idea was popularized, the public at the time tended to conform to the widely held views, believing that Earth was the center of the universe. Had it not been for C opernicus’ novel theory, the public would have been fooled for longer time.
