美国历史大事年表1863.1.1 林肯签署《解放宣言》。
1879.12.21 托马斯·爱迪生发明电灯。
1903.12.17 莱特兄弟首次成功地驾驶由发动机推进的飞机。
1941.12.7 日本偷袭珍珠港。
1944.6.6 美国军队及盟军在诺曼底登陆。
1945.7.16 成功地进行了世界上第一次核爆炸。
1949.8.24 美国、加拿大和14个西欧国家在华盛顿签署一项公约,建立北大西洋公约组织。
1952.11.1 美国在太平洋实验场爆炸一颗氢弹。
1954.12.1 美国一黑人妇女在蒙哥马利城的公共汽车上拒绝把自己的座位让给一个白人男子。
1959.1.3 阿拉斯加成为美国第49州。
1961.4.17 美国策动猪仔湾事件,企图推翻古巴政府。
1963.11.22 肯尼迪总统在得克萨斯州达拉斯市遇刺身亡。
1968.4.4 美国黑人民权领袖马丁·路德·金在田纳西州孟菲斯遭暗杀身亡。
1969.7.20 “阿波罗”11号飞船登月成功,人类首次踏上月球。
1972.2.21 美国总统尼克松抵达北京,对中国进行为期8天的访问,与中国领导人举行会谈。
1974.8.9 尼克松因“水门事件”,辞去总统职务,由副总统吉拉尔德·福特继任总统。
1975.12.15 福特总统访问中国,并与毛泽东主席及邓小平副总理会谈。
1979.1.1 美国与中华人民共和国建立全面外交关系。
1982.12.2 在盐湖城,美国医生成功地为一患者进行人工心脏移植手术。
1984.4.26 美国总统里根访问中国,与中国领导人举行会谈。
1989.12.20 美国军队入侵巴拿马。
1991.1-2 在中东海湾战争中,美国及其盟国打败伊拉克,解放科威特。
1863.1.1 林肯签署《解放宣言》。
材料1 马克思说:美国是“ 材料1:马克思说:美国是“宣布了第一个人权 宣言和最先推动了18世纪的欧洲革命的地方”;是 宣言和最先推动了18世纪的欧洲革命的地方” 18世纪的欧洲革命的地方 最先产生了伟大的民主共和国思想的地方” “最先产生了伟大的民主共和国思想的地方”。 材料2 美国独立战争和《独立宣言》 材料2:美国独立战争和《独立宣言》在大洋彼 岸的中国引起了很大的反响。自那时起, 岸的中国引起了很大的反响。自那时起,华盛顿及其 领导的美国革命一直是近代中国进步人士心目中的理 想和榜样。1897年章太炎在 变法箴言》 年章太炎在《 想和榜样。1897年章太炎在《变法箴言》中称华盛顿 功若女娲、燧人” 独立宣言》 “功若女娲、燧人”。《独立宣言》在中国被首次翻 译并发表在1901年出版的《国民报》第一期上。 1901年出版的 译并发表在1901年出版的《国民报》第一期上。1903 年陈天华在《猛回头》中疾呼: 要学那,美利坚, 年陈天华在《猛回头》中疾呼:“要学那,美利坚, 离英自立” 离英自立”。 探究5 结合材料和所学内容:归纳: 探究5:结合材料和所学内容:归纳: 独立宣言》有何进步性 进步性? 《独立宣言》有何进步性?
背景1 背景1:欧洲启蒙思想在北美社会传播为 情景一 独立宣言》的问世奠定了理论基础。 《独立宣言》的问世奠定了理论基础。
1607— 1607—1733
在英属北美殖民地,经过100多年 在英属北美殖民地,经过100多年 100 的发展, 的发展,来自英国和欧洲其它国家的 移民…… ……, 移民……,从欧洲带来的启蒙思想在 北美的不断传播使北美民族民主意识 增强, 增强,许多人对启蒙思想家的著作耳 熟能详,把新思想奉为“ 熟能详,把新思想奉为“不言而喻的 真理”……在共同的语言 在共同的语言, 真理”……在共同的语言,共同的地 域促使下美利坚民族的逐渐形成 美利坚民族的逐渐形成。 域促使下美利坚民族的逐渐形成。 ——《全球通史》 ——《全球通史》
3.英国与北美殖民地矛盾的激化¨1773年茶叶税法,波士顿倾茶事件¨ 1774年3月始,英国政府接连颁布了5项高压法令(“不可容忍的法令Intolerable Acts”)。
二、美国的建立与初步繁荣(1776-1860年)1.美国独立革命(1775-1783年)The War of American Independence “列克星敦枪声Lexington”和独立战争的爆发(1775年4月19日) Someone fi red the “shot heard round the world”1775年5月10日召开的第二届大陆会议开始招募军队,华盛顿被任命为统一的美利坚军队的总司令托马斯•潘恩于 1776年1月10日发表《常识》Common Sense《独立宣言》与美国的建立1776年7月4日《独立宣言》Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776天赋人权和社会契约论social contract,认为人人生而平等,享有不可剥夺的“生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利”“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” 美国革命通过《独立宣言》以及由此导致的一系列立法,创造了一个全新的国家从邦联到联邦邦联制下的美国《邦联条例》 Article of Confederation (1777)谢斯起义 Rebel of Shays《1787年宪法》Constitution of the Unites States与联邦体制 Federal System的确立1787年5月25日至9月15日在费城召开制宪会议。
美国历史常识1.Politics makes good slogans1. Tippecanoe and Tyler, too.Used by the Whig party in1840, when William Henry Harrison, the hero of the battle of Tippecanoe, was the Whig presidential candidate, and John Tyler his running mate.2. 54”40?or fight1844 James K. Polk A Democratic rallying cry in the 1844 presidential campaign, referring to the dispute over whether the United States or Great Britain owned the Pacific Northwest, which had been under joint control since 1818.Polk demanded that the USA take over the entire region, which extended to 54”40?north latitude. In 1846, President Polk agreed to a compromise dividing the region at the 4t9h parallel.3. Vote yourself a farmRefers to the Republican Party?s promise in the 1860 campaign to give land in the West to anyone who would settle on it. Unlike so many campaign promises, this one was kept, by passage of the Homestead Act of 1862.4. Don? swap horses in the middle of the stream别在河中央换马First used by Republicans to persuade voters to reelect Abraham Lincoln in 1864.5. We did not go to war我们未曾卷入战争.A phrase used by Martin Henry Glynn, a former governor of New York, in the keynote speech at the 1916 Democratic Convention, which nominated Woodrow Wilson for a second term. When it and other references to Wilson?s success in maintaining neutrality drew thunderous applause, the Democrats decides to stress that argument in the fall campaign.6. Every man a king人人皆国王The slogan of the Louisiana senator Huey Long?s Share Our Wealth movement during the Great Depression. Long proposed to confiscate all fortunes of more than five million dollars and all incomes of more than one million dollars, and to use the money to give every American family a house, a car, and an annual income of two thousand dollars or more.7. A chicken for every pot锅锅有鸡.户户有车And a car for every garage. Used by the Republicans in the 1928 presidential campaign to suggest what they liked to call “Coolidge prosperity.”& Had enough?受够了?The question was asked by the Republicans during 1946 congressional elections. After fourteen years of “Democratic rule”the Republicans maintained, it was “time for a change”.9. A choice, not an echc选择而非附和The postwar rallying cry of conservative Republicans opposed tonominating Republicans who favored accepting most New Deal reforms. When, in 1964, the conservatives succeeded in nominating Barry Goldwater for President, they made wide use of the slogan “In your heart you know he?s right,”prompting democrats to retort...10. In your guts, you kn ow hes nuts你们心里明白他是个疯子11. a pubic office is a public trust.公职乃公众的信托This 1884 Democratic campaign slogan reminded voters that the Republican candidate was believed to have sold favors to a railroad while Speaker of the House in the 1870s.12. we do our part我们做份内之事The motto of NRA, the New Dea?ls National Administration, was used in conjunction with the famous Blue Eagle emblem to identify the products of companies that had adopted NRA codes of fair business practices.13. Nixon@ the one尼克松正是人选Republican slogan in the 1968 presidential campaign, sometimes used by the Democrats on posters bearing the photograph of a very pregnant black woman.2. They shot the president1 . John Wilkes Booth shot and killed Lincoln in a Washington theater inApril 1865. Booth was a rabid Confederate sympathizer whobelieved slavery was “one of the greatest bless in gs・God everbestowed upon a favored n ation.2.Leon F. Czolgosz, an anarchist, shot and killed William McKinley in 1901, while he was shaking hands on a reception line at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, because he was against allgovernment and because“I didn?t believe one man should have somuch services and another man should have non”e.3.John F. Shrank shot at the former president Theodore Roosevelt as he was leaving a hotel in Milwaukee on his way to make a speechduring his Bull Moose campaign in 1912.4.Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed John F. Kennedy in 1963, but his motive can?t be determined, nor for that matter can his responsibility for the murder be settled beyond question, since he himself waskilled by one Jack Ruby before he could be brought to trial. 5.John W. Hinckley, JR., shot and seriously wounded Ronald Reagon and three members of his party in March 1981 outside a Washington hotel because Hinckley wished to impress Jodie Foster, an actressfor whom he had developed a secret passion after seeing her in amovie. The day of the shooting he wrote, but did not mail, a letter toher saying, “The reason I?m going ahead with this attempt now isbecause I just cannot wait any longer to impress you.” Hinckley,who was acquitted on the grounds of insanity, is also alleged to havetold someone in Texas that “as far as he was concerned, politicians should be eliminated”.3.Seven supreme court decisions1. Marbury & Madison1803 William Marbury sued Secretary of StateJames Madison in order to obtain a commission appointing him ajustice of the peace that had been signed but not delivered by retiring President John Adams. Important because in deciding the case, the Court for the first time declared a law of Congress unconstitutional.2. McCullough & Maryland1819, John W. McCullough, cashier of theBaltimore branch of the bank of the United States, was sued byMaryland because he refused to pay a tax levied on the bank by the date legislature. The case is notable because, in deciding it in favor of the bank, Chief Justice John Marshall interpreted the powers ofCongress broadly. The Constitution did not specifically grant Congress the right to create a bank, but a bank was a reasonable way forCongress to exercise powers enumerated in the documen“tl.et the end be legitimate,” Marshall declared, “and all means which areappropriate …are con stituti on al. ” Since the bank was con stituti onal and since the Constitution was the supreme law, the state tax on the bank was unconstitutional because “the power to tax involves thepower to destroy”.3. Gibbons&Ogden1824 Thomas Gibbons and Aaron Ogden were rivalferryboat operators. Ogden had been granted the exclusive right tooperate a ferry between New York City and New Jersey by New York State, but Gibbons set up a competing line. When Ogden sued, theSupreme Court decided that the New York law was unconstitutional because it interfered with interstate commerce, a prerogative of thefederal government. By defining commerce as“intercourse”and notmerely as the movement of goods, the Court laid the basis for the later federal regulation, radio, and television, and other forms oftransportation and communication.4. Plessy&Fergusion1896 Homer Adolph Plessy, a light-skinned Louisianablack man, was arrested for sitting in a railway car reserved byLouisiana law for whites. In a New Orleans court his lawyers argued that the law was unconstitutional, but Judge John H. Ferguson ruled against them, on the ground that the railway had provided separate but equally good cars for blacks, as the law required. This line of reasoning was upheld by the Supreme Court. The case is remembered todaymainly for the dissent of Justice John Marshall Harlan. Ou rConstitution is color -blind,” Harlan wrote.The arbitrary separation of citizens, on the basis of race•…is a badge of servitude wholly inconsistent with civil freedom”.5. Brown&Board of education of Topeka1954 This is the famous school-desegregation case in which the Court unanimously overturnedPlessy&Ferguson. “In the field of public education,”Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, “the doctrine of ,separate butequal?has no place.”6. Roe&Wade 1973 Norma McCorvey (or Jane Roe) a woman preventedfrom having an abortion by a Texas law, sued to have the lawoverturned. Henry Wade, a Dallas district attorney, pushed the case up to the SupremeCourt. Texas claimed that the case should havebeen dismissed as moot, since the plaintiff had already had her baby.In a controversial decision the Court ruled in McCorvey?s favor,establishing the right of women to have abortions during the earlymonths of pregnancy.4.The worst supreme court decisionDred Scott&Sandford1857 A slave, Dred Scott sued for his freedom on the ground that his master, an Army surgeon, had taken him to Illinois and then the Wisconsin Territory, where slavery had been barred by Congress in the Missouri Compromise. The court, whose majority decision was read by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it violated the property rights protected by the Fifth Amendment, since it denied slave owners the right to take their property wherever they wanted to. In effect, this decision opened all the west to slavery, infuriated to the North, and pushed the nation more precipitously toward civil war.5.I don 'k t now him from Adams1. Samuel Adams (1722-1803), organizer of the Sons of Liberty and theBoston Tea Party, signer of the Declaration of Independence, governor of Massachusetts.2. John Adams (1735-1826), cousin of Samuel, one of the drafters of theDeclaration of Independence, a negotiator of the peace treaty ending the Revolution, first Vice-president and second President of the United States. He was called His Rotundity because of his shape.3. Abigail Smith Adams (1744-1818), wife of John, manager of the familyproperties during long periods when he was away on public business.Popular with modern feminists, especially for having urged John to“remember the ladies” while helping to create the new nation.4. John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), son of John and Abigail, diplomat,senator, President of the U.S. and, late in life, member of the House of Representatives.5. Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886), son of John Quincy, vice-presidential candidate of the Free Soil party in 1848, congressman, minister to Great Britain during the Civil War, editor of the papers of John and of John Quincy.6. Charles Francis Adams, JR. (1835-1915), son of Charles, Union officer,historian, railroad executive, public official.7. Henry Adams (1838-1918), second son of Charles Francis Sr. ,historian, editor, teacher, novelist, author of The education of HenryAdams.8. Brooks Adams (1848-1927), another son of Charles Sr. , historian,philosopher, professional pessimist.6.Good phrases for big issues1. the great war for the empire帝国之伟战The name given for what ismore commonly known as the Seven years?war by the historianLawrence Henry Gipson in his monumental The British Empire before the Revolution(1936-1967). Gipson?s point was that what American know as the French and Indian War was part of a worldwide struggle between France and Great Britain for control of vast areas in America and Asia.2. the American System美国制度a scheme designed by Henry Clay inthe 1820s. Clay sought to form a coalition of Eastern and Westerninterests in Congress. In return for Western support of protective tariffs that would benefit Eastern manufacturers, the Easterners would vote for bills providing federal expenditures on roads and canals.3. the peculiar institution. 独特体制A southern euphemism for slavery.The term was not intended to be a pejorative; by “peculiar”Southerners meant particular or unique, not odd or queer.4. waving the bloody shirt 挥动血衫.This post-Civil War Republican tacticinvolved reminding Northern voters that the south was made up mostly of Democrats and that many Northern members of that party had been at best lukewarm about resisting secession. The term came into use after the congressman Benjamin F. Butler displayed before hiscolleagues the bloodstained shirt of a Northerner who had been flogged in Mississippi. The “bloody shirt ” was used by Republicans fordecades as a way of diverting attention from political embarrassingcontemporary issues. A classic speech in this vein was given by RobertG. Ingersoll in the campaign of 1880: “Every man that lowered our flagwas a Democrat. Every man that bred bloodhounds was a Democrat.Every preacher that said slavery was a divine institution was aDemocrat. Recollect it! Every man that shot a Union soldier was aDemocrat. Every wound borne by you Union soldiers is a souvenir of a Democrat.5. manifest destiny昭然命运this term, coined by John L. COSullivan in1845 in an article in his United States Magazine and DemocraticReview, reflected the expansionist spirit of the era. It was, O?Sullivan wrote, “our manifest (obvious) destiny to overspread the continent.6. the robber barons强盗资本家this name was applied to the ultra richXI.industrialists of the late 19 th century, such as the railroad magnates Cornelius Vanderbilt and Jay Gould, and the oil tycoon John D.Rockefeller. It originated in the late 1860s but became a symbol forcorporate power and the evils of unrestrained economic freedom only with the publication of Matthew Josephson?s best seller The Robber Barons in 1934.7.Twenty wonderful nicknames1. old Hickory 老山核桃木Andrew Jackson, because of his toughness.The name dates from his days as an Indian fighter during the War of 1812. after the battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama in 1814, his Creek Indian foes gave him another name “, Sharp knife”.2. His accidence. (碰巧阁下)John Tyler, so called after he succeededto the Presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison in 1841.Since this was the first time a President had died in his office, there was some question as to the extent of Tylesr?authority.3. old rough and ready. (胸有成竹的大老粗)Zachary Taylor was giventhis time by his troops during his long career in the army, because of his informal yet confidence-building way of dealing with them and hisrough-hewn appearance.4. the rough rider 粗犷骑兵Theodore Roosevelt(also called TR andTeddy, which later name he disliked intensely), because of theregiment of that name, composed of a motley mixture of cowboys,adventurers, and odd characters raised by Roosevelt to fight in theSpanish-American War.5. Big Bill. 大块头比尔William Howard Taft, because he weighed morethan three hundred pounds.6. Silent Cal. 沉默的加尔Calvin Coolidge, who had little to say iteconomically, e.g. “The American business is business”. and, when asked if he would seek reelection in1928“, I do not choose to run”.7. The happy warrior. 快乐斗士Alfred E. Smith, who was given the nameby Franklin D. Roosevelt in the course of a speech nominating him for President at the 1924 Democratic Convention.8. The Kingfish.头儿Huey P. Long, because of his total dominance of hisnative state of Louisiana.9. Tail Gunner Joe. 机尾射手乔Joseph R. McCarthy, theCommunist-hunting senator who claimed ---falsely--- to have been a tail gunner on American bombers during World War II.10. T ricky Dick. 狡猾的迪克Richard M. Nixon, because of his shifty,calculating political style. The phrase long antedated the Watergatescandal.11. L andslide Lyndon. 压倒多数的林登Lyndon B. Johnson, because ofthe paper-thin margin by which he won Texas?s Democratic primary for the Senate in 1948.8.Seven speeches to remember1.George Washington?s Farewell address(1796), in to which hestressed the importance of national unity as the “main pillar ”of thenation?s independence, peace, and prosperity.2.Thomas Jefferson?s first inaugural address(1801), which contains his famous reference to the United States as ,the world ?s besthope?and his praise of ,wise and frugal government which shallrestrain men from injuring one another, and shall leave themotherwise free to regulate their own pursuits”. At the time, the factthat Jefferson?s election marked the first real change of party control of the government made his promise to respect the rights of theFederalist minority seem the most important point in the address. 3.Daniel Webster?s second reply to Hayne(1830), in which he called the American flag “the gorgeous ensign of the republic” and concludedwith the sentence: Liberty and Union, now and forever, one andinseparable.” Webster?s grandiloquence was much admired bycontemporaries, but the speech was actually important because ofits powerful refutation of the passionate but confused argument ofSouth Carolina?s Senator Robert Y. Hayne that the separate stateswere the ultimate source of sovereignty in the American politicalsystem.4.Abraham Lincoln?s “House Divided”speech, (1858), delivered on the occasion of his nomination as the Republican candidate for senatorfrom Illinois. This was probably Lincoln ?s most radicalstatementabout the implications of the slavery issue, the one inwhich he predicted that “ this government cannot endurepermanently half slave and half free.”It got him in some trouble with Northern conservatives, especially when opponents quoted theremark out of context in order to suggest that Lincoln was anabolitionist. Lincoln did not, in this speech or on any other occasion before the war, call for the abolition of slavery.5.William Jennings Bryan?s “Cross of Gold”speech, at the 1896 Democratic National Convention, Bryan, arguing for the a plank inthe party platform calling for the free coinage of silver, ended withthe sentence “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross ofgold.”“You”were the Gold Democrats, the supporters of theincumbent President, Grover Cleveland, who opposed the unlimited coinage of silver. The speech made a national figure of the thirty -six-year-old Bryan and led to his nomination for the Presidency bythe convention.6.Woodrow Wilson?s call for declaration of war againstGermany(1917), which contains the famous line“The world must be made safe for democracy.” The speech is remarkable for Wilson?sinsistence that “we have no quarrel with German people •••. Wefight without ran cor and without selfish object.”Such forbearance and Wilson?s promise that victory would result ina “universal dominion of right ”helped win liberal support for the wareffort, but it contributed to postwar disillusionment when his idealistic hopes were not realized.7.Franklin D. Roosevelt?s first inaugural address(1933), rememberedfor the line “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” forRoosevelt?s promise “to put people to work,”and perhaps for use of the phrase “good neighbor”when referring to foreign policy. It wasan extraordinarily effective speech, but it also contained a good deal of windy political foolishness, and a considerable amount of badadvice. For example, the President felt it necessary to point out that “happiness lies not in the mere possession of money”; he promiseto balance the federal budget and urged state and localgovernments to reduce their expenditures “drastically ”; and heclaimed that there was an “overbalance of population”in thenation?s cities.9.Ten paintings that say “America ”10. Quotations worth quoting1. I heard the bullets whistle, and , believe me, there is something charming in the sound.”----- G eorge Washington, writing to his brotherafter his first experience in battle in 1754.2. o ! ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! ---Thomas Paine, urging the colonies to declare their11. s ome famous things they didn 's t ay12. k now these six great historians13. one date everyone gets wrong14. what 's new?15 phrases that grabbed us16. texts that changed our lives17. Rockefellers18. ten more wonderful nicknames19. land of rebels20. c artoons21. three more things that they didn 's t ay22. it 's a panic23. seven famous warships24. five black “Troublemakers ”25. women on women26. let 's make a deal27. W ho invented it?28. T he invention that wasn 't。
2.五月花号公约(Mayflower Compact)《五月花号公约》是1620年前往北美洲新英格兰殖民地的殖民船“五月花号”的男性船员在上岸前签订的政治声明,目的是建立一个大家都能受到约束的自治基础,并且同意创建并服从一个政府。
3.普利茅斯殖民地(Plymouth Colony)1620年,乘坐五月花号到来的清教移民建立了普利茅斯殖民地,是英国在北美最早建立的殖民地之一,也是新英格兰规模最大、历史最悠久的英国拓垦地。
4.约翰·温思洛普(John Winthrop)1588-1649,北美殖民地官员,1629—1648年间十二次任总督。
5.托马斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine)政论家,启蒙学者。
6.《独立宣言》(Declaration of Independence)1775年5月第二届大陆会议召开;会议任命《独立宣言》起草委员会;7月4日,大陆会议通过独立宣言,并予以公布:1)阐述了美国独立的依据;2)列举英王对殖民地的专制暴政;3)郑重宣布独立意义:1)宣告美国诞生;2)使启蒙思想成为一个国家的立国原则;3)自然权利思想普世化7.莱克星顿和康科德战役(Battle of Lexington and Concord)1774年大陆会议后,马萨诸塞州成为革命中心,马州议会指令各地招募民兵,在康科德建立军火库。
1.开始:1775年4月19日, 来克星顿的枪声,标志着美国独立战争爆发。
1607 年5 月14 日,105 名英国人来到美国弗吉利亚州,建立詹姆斯敦,从此开始了美国的历史。
1612 年引进的烟草种植业使詹姆斯敦繁荣起来,成为弗吉尼亚殖民地的首府。
1676 年,反抗州长的弗吉尼亚人一把火将该市夷为平地,1699 年州府迁往威廉斯堡更使詹姆斯敦走向没落凋零。
2.五月花号公约(Mayflower Compact)五月花号是1620年清教徒移民北美的船的名字,其本来目的地是弗吉尼亚,但由于洋流原因偏离航向,在科特角搁浅,当时已是冬季教徒们决定于此上岸而不再南行。
3.普利茅斯殖民地(Plymouth Colony)1620年由英国分离派清教徒到新英格兰建立的殖民地,五月花号公约就是建立该殖民地之前达成的,詹姆斯敦是其第一个定居点,在该殖民地后来实行了自治制度,后来划归马萨诸塞。
4.约翰·温思洛普(John Winthrop)他本是英国公理会牧师,虽是非分离派,但由于其主张受到国教排斥便决定移居北美。
1630年,在前往建立马萨诸塞殖民地(清教徒殖民地)的航程上,他再船上发表了著名的布道词,提出“我们将成为整个世界的山巅之城(a city upon a hill)”,这句话敲定了美国建国的基调,开拓殖民地的目标即是要把美国建设成世界的典范——山巅之城(出自《圣经》,原意是要基督徒成为世界的光,让世人效仿)。
19世纪末美国开始了工业革命,主要贡献有: 富尔顿的汽船,标准化的生产方法。
美国独立后,通过赎买、入侵等手段领土从 大西洋沿岸向太平洋沿岸扩展。东部移居 西部,形成了“西进运动”。土著印第安 人遭到屠杀,但西部的广大地区得到开发, 客观上促进了美国经济的发展。 北方的资本主义工商业经济和南方的奴隶制 种植园经济矛盾激化。矛盾的焦点是奴隶 制的存废问题。 1861年至1865年美国南北内战。 1863年林肯颁布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》。
同时,各州有权制定州宪法和法律。 体现了:中央集权和地方分权相结合。
1787年宪法中体现的制衡: 1、联邦与各州之间的制衡。 2、大州与小州之间的制衡。 3、国会、总统、法院之间的制衡。 4、北方资产阶级和南方种植园主的相互妥协。
美国1787年宪法的意义: 一、确立了联邦制,加强了中央的权力,有利 于政权的巩固。 二、确立了三权分立体制,有效地防止独裁和 专制。 三、以代议制为基础的共和体制体现了主权在 民的思想。 四、将三权分立等启蒙思想第一次予以实践, 建立了总统制、联邦制、代议共和制相结合的 国家制度,推动了世界民主化的进程。 五、为美国由小变大、由弱变强提供了制度保 证。 六、被许多国家效仿。如中国的《中华民国临 时约法》
1787年宪法的局限性: 一、没有保障个人权利的权利法案,没有规定 公民的宗教、言论、出版等自由和权利。 二、间接地承认了奴隶制的合法性。 三、只是拥有一定财产的白人男性才有选举权。 广大的黑人和妇女被排除在外。
1789年美国进行了第一次总统选举,华盛顿 当选为第一任总统,组成了第一届联邦政 府。开启了美国总统任期一般不超过两届 的先例。
• 罗斯福新政实施的前提:不改变 资本主义制度。
▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌精诚凝聚 =^_^= 成就梦想▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌在谈论美国总统时,有人常常混淆他的届、任、位。
• (1)材料一中的“诉诸武力”是指什么历史事件? • (2)材料二出自何时颁布的何文件?这一文件的 颁布有何意义? • (3)材料二中“自由独立的合众国”、“大不列颠 王国”各指什么国家? • (4)“这些殖民地”为什么要“自由独立”? • (5)英王被迫解除“一切隶属关系”是在哪一年? • (6)“这些殖民地”人民取得独立的历史意义是什 么?
• 追求民主与法制,反对专制与独裁是世界各国人民的不懈追 • 求,自人类诞生以来,世界各国人民为追求民主与法制就进行了许多 的尝试与努力。阅读下列材料,回答问题。 • 材料一 有人认为:英国的“光荣革命”既不是一次微不足道的政变, 也不是一次以建立“平衡宪法”为归宿的政治妥协,而是议会与国ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 权力关系史上的决定性转折点。 • 材料二 美国总统威尔逊曾说 过:“我们的宪法(1787年宪法),它 是一块奠基石,而不是一座完整的大厦;它是根,而不是完美的藤。” • 材料三 1954年9月,第一届全国人民代表大会在京召开并通过了《中 华人民共和国宪法》,初步奠定了社会主义民主和法制的基础。但 “文革”期间,民主法制遭到严重破坏。1982年五届人大五次会议通 过了修订的《中华人民共和国宪法》,这对于推进新时期的民主和法 制建设具有重要作用。
• 3.列宁指出“现代的文明的美国的历史,是由一次伟大的、真正解放 的、真正革命的战争开始的”。列宁评价的这次战争是( ) • A.英国资产阶级革命 B.美国独立战争 • C.法国资产阶级革命 D.美国南北战争
• 4.在“你最崇拜的美国总统”的民间调查中,华
• • • •
盛顿、林肯和罗斯福三人得票最多,其中华盛顿 的主要事迹是( ) A.推行新政并领导了反法西斯战争 B.领导北美人民赢得了民族独立 C.解放黑人奴隶并维护了国家的统一 D.结束了中美长达二十余年的隔绝状态
1607.5 英国伦敦公司在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦建立第一个永久居留地。
1740 丹麦人维特斯·白令受俄国人雇佣,抵达阿拉斯加进行探险。
1765 英国颁布印花税条例。
1850.9.9 美国国会通过1850年妥协案,制定逃奴追缉法,镇压废奴运动。
1861.2.8 南部七个州组成美国联邦同盟,杰斐逊·戴维斯为临时总统。
1862.7.7 土地赠予法获得通过,规定由政府拨地,在各州建立州立大学,以推动学业和机械技术的发展。
1863.1.1 林肯签署《解放宣言》。
1865.4.9 南部邦联军投降,美国内战结束。
1882.5.6 美国通过一项排斥华工法,规定十年内暂不接受华工移民,并且对非美国出生的所有华人后裔的国籍不予承认。
1883.1.6 旨在改革联邦文官制度的彭德尔法(又称文官改革法)获得通过。
1947.6.5 国务卿乔治·C·马歇尔提出一项恢复欧洲经济的援助计划,即马歇尔计划。
1951.9.1 美国、澳大利亚和新西兰签订一项共同防御协定,即美澳新条约。
1952.11.1 美国在太平洋实验场爆炸一颗氢弹。
1954.9.8 美国与英国、法国、新西兰、澳大利亚、菲律宾、泰国和巴基斯坦建立东南亚条约组织。
1954.12.1 美国一黑人妇女在蒙哥马利城的公共汽车上拒绝把自己的座位让给一个白人男子。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
制宪会议召开前,华盛顿和麦迪逊在通信 中反复商讨了制宪的大政方针。 此外,在会前的几个星期里,他深入地阅 读了古代和现代邦联制度史,并写出一篇 备忘录,题为《合众国政治制度的弊端》。 会前,麦迪逊做了充分准备,他带了数百 本书,准备回答会上可能提出的任何问题。
经宾夕法尼亚代表莫里斯提议,参加会议 的代表书面投票,乔治· 华盛顿得到当天出 席会议的7个邦的一致赞同,当选为制宪会 议主席。
如果会议过程外传,媒体再把代表们为各州利益 发生的争议渲染一番,很容易酿成民众的激愤情 绪。假如群情激昂的民众向各自的代表施压:非 如何如何不可,那么任何妥协都别想达成。而各 方的妥协,显然是会议的唯一出路。这唯一的出 路,可不能被民众的非理性干扰给堵死了。
正是因为有了制宪会议代表和民众之间的 隔离,代表们才能够维持常识,保持一颗 平常心,才能够充分运用理性和智慧,耐 心地探讨各种难题,耐心地寻求妥协,耐 心地进行制度设计,最终形成了持续运作 200余年的美国宪法。让人感到惊奇的是, 这部宪法保障了几十次的政权和平转移, 没有出现过一次暴力政变。
建立一个全国性政府 政府设立一个国家元首或国家行政长官 设立国家司法机构 设立两院制的立法机构(众议院、参议员)
两院议员人数都依各州的人口多寡,按照比 例分配。 (5月29日—6月13日)
在6月14日的会议上,新泽西的代表佩特森 提出《新泽西方案》,该方案凸显各邦的 独立性,要求把主权留给各邦,实质是力 图维持松散的邦联结构。
绝对君权是欧亚大陆存在了千年的,相当稳固的 统治方式。当新大陆的人们开始摒弃绝对君权, 试图对它进行制约,走向“民主”的道路后,新 生的美国将面临的问题就是:究竟什么才是我们 所要的自由?我们又打算通过什么样的机制,获 得自由?
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美国历史常识1.Politics makes good slogans1. Tippecanoe and Tyler, too.Used by the Whig party in1840, when William Henry Harrison, the hero of the battle of Tippecanoe, was the Whig presidential candidate, and John Tyler his running mate.2. 54”40’ or fight1844 James K. Polk A Democratic rallying cry in the 1844 presidential campaign, referring to the dispute over whether the United States or Great Britain owned the Pacific Northwest, which had been under joint control since 1818.Polk demanded that the USA take over the entire region, which extended to 54”40’ north latitude. In 1846, President Polk agreed to a compromise dividing the region at the 49th parallel.3. Vote yourself a farmRefers to the Republican Party’s promise in the 1860 campaign to give land in the West to anyone who would settle on it. Unlike so many campaign promises, this one was kept, by passage of the Homestead Act of 1862.4. Don’t swap horses in the middle of the stream.别在河中央换马First used by Republicans to persuade voters to reelect Abraham Lincoln in 1864.5.We did not go to war我们未曾卷入战争.A phrase used by Martin Henry Glynn, a former governor of New York,in the keynote speech at the 1916 Democratic Convention, which nominated Woodrow Wilson for a second term. When it and other references to Wilson’s success in maintaining neutrality drew thunderous applause, the Democrats decides to stress that argument in the fall campaign.6.Every man a king.人人皆国王The slogan of the Louisiana senator Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth movement during the Great Depression. Long proposed to confiscate all fortunes of more than five million dollars and all incomes of more than one million dollars, and to use the money to give every American familya house, a car, and an annual income of two thousand dollars or more.7. A chicken for every pot锅锅有鸡.户户有车And a car for every garage. Used by the Republicans in the 1928 presidential campaign to suggest what they liked to call “Coolidge prosperity.”8。
Had enough? 受够了?The question was asked by the Republicans during 1946 congressional elections. After fourteen years of “Democratic rule”the Republicans maintained, it was “time for a change”.9. A choice, not an echo.选择而非附和The postwar rallying cry of conservative Republicans opposed to nominating Republicans who favored accepting most New Deal reforms.When, in 1964, the conservatives succeeded in nominating Barry Goldwater for President, they made wide use of the slogan “In your heart you know he’s right,” prompting democrats to retort...10. In your guts, you know he’s nuts.你们心里明白他是个疯子11.a pubic office is a public trust.公职乃公众的信托This 1884 Democratic campaign slogan reminded voters that the Republican candidate was believed to have sold favors to a railroad while Speaker of the House in the 1870s.12. we do our part.我们做份内之事The motto of NRA, the New Deal’s National Administration, was used in conjunction with the famous Blue Eagle emblem to identify the products of companies that had adopted NRA codes of fair business practices. 13. Nixon’s the one.尼克松正是人选Republican slogan in the 1968 presidential campaign, sometimes used by the Democrats on posters bearing the photograph of a very pregnant black woman.2.They shot the president1.John Wilkes Booth shot and killed Lincoln in a Washington theater in April 1865. Booth was a rabid Confederate sympathizer who believed slavery was “one of the greatest blessings…God ever bestowed upon a favored nation.”2.Leon F. Czolgosz, an anarchist, shot and killed William McKinley in 1901, while he was shaking hands on a reception line at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, because he was against all government and because “I didn’t believe one man should have so much services and another man should have none.”3.John F. Shrank shot at the former president Theodore Roosevelt as he was leaving a hotel in Milwaukee on his way to make a speech during his Bull Moose campaign in 1912.4.Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed John F. Kennedy in 1963, but his motive can’t be determined, nor for that matter can his responsibility for the murder be settled beyond question, since he himself was killed by one Jack Ruby before he could be brought to trial.5.John W. Hinckley, JR., shot and seriously wounded Ronald Reagon and three members of his party in March 1981 outside a Washington hotel because Hinckley wished to impress Jodie Foster, an actress for whom he had developed a secret passion after seeing her in a movie. The day of the shooting he wrote, but did not mail, a letter to her saying, “The reason I’m going ahead with this attempt now is because I just cannot wait any longer to impress you.”Hinckley, who was acquitted on the grounds of insanity, is also alleged to have told someone in Texas that “asfar as he was concerned, politicians should be eliminated.”3.Seven supreme court decisions1.Marbury & Madison1803 William Marbury sued Secretary of StateJames Madison in order to obtain a commission appointing him a justice of the peace that had been signed but not delivered by retiring President John Adams. Important because in deciding the case, the Court for the first time declared a law of Congress unconstitutional.2.McCullough & Maryland1819, John W. McCullough, cashier of theBaltimore branch of the bank of the United States, was sued by Maryland because he refused to pay a tax levied on the bank by the date legislature. The case is notable because, in deciding it in favor of the bank, Chief Justice John Marshall interpreted the powers of Congress broadly. The Constitution did not specifically grant Congress the right to create a bank, but a bank was a reasonable way for Congress to exercise powers enumerated in the document. “let the end be legitimate,”Marshall declared, “and all means which are appropriate…are constitutional.”Since the bank was constitutional and since the Constitution was the supreme law, the state tax on the bank was unconstitutional because “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.”3.Gibbons&Ogden1824 Thomas Gibbons and Aaron Ogden were rivalferryboat operators. Ogden had been granted the exclusive right tooperate a ferry between New York City and New Jersey by New York State, but Gibbons set up a competing line. When Ogden sued, the Supreme Court decided that the New York law was unconstitutional because it interfered with interstate commerce, a prerogative of the federal government. By defining commerce as “intercourse” and not merely as the movement of goods, the Court laid the basis for the later federal regulation, radio, and television, and other forms of transportation and communication.4.Plessy&Fergusion1896 Homer Adolph Plessy, a light-skinnedLouisiana black man, was arrested for sitting in a railway car reserved by Louisiana law for whites. In a New Orleans court his lawyers argued that the law was unconstitutional, but Judge John H.Ferguson ruled against them, on the ground that the railway had provided separate but equally good cars for blacks, as the law required. This line of reasoning was upheld by the Supreme Court.The case is remembered today mainly for the dissent of Justice John Marshall Harlan. “Our Constitution is color –blind,” Harlan wrote.“The arbitrary separation of citizens, on the basis of race…is a badge of servitude wholly inconsistent with civil freedom.”5.Brown&Board of education of Topeka1954 This is the famousschool-desegregation case in which the Court unanimously overturned Plessy&Ferguson. “In the field of public education,”Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, “the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place.”6.Roe&Wade 1973 Norma McCorvey (or Jane Roe) a womanprevented from having an abortion by a Texas law, sued to have the law overturned. Henry Wade, a Dallas district attorney, pushed the case up to the Supreme Court. Texas claimed that the case should have been dismissed as moot, since the plaintiff had already had her baby. In a controversial decision the Court ruled in McCorvey’s favor, establishing the right of women to have abortions during the early months of pregnancy.4.The worst supreme court decisionDred Scott&Sandford1857 A slave, Dred Scott sued for his freedom on the ground that his master, an Army surgeon, had taken him to Illinois and then the Wisconsin Territory, where slavery had been barred by Congress in the Missouri Compromise. The court, whose majority decision was read by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it violated the property rights protected by the Fifth Amendment, since it denied slave owners the right to take their property wherever they wanted to. In effect, this decision opened all the west to slavery, infuriated to the North, and pushed the nation more precipitously toward civil war.5.I don’t know him from Adams1.Samuel Adams (1722-1803), organizer of the Sons of Liberty and theBoston Tea Party, signer of the Declaration of Independence, governor of Massachusetts.2.John Adams (1735-1826), cousin of Samuel, one of the drafters of theDeclaration of Independence, a negotiator of the peace treaty ending the Revolution, first Vice-president and second President of the United States. He was called His Rotundity because of his shape.3.Abigail Smith Adams (1744-1818), wife of John, manager of thefamily properties during long periods when he was away on public business. Popular with modern feminists, especially for having urged John to “remember the ladies”while helping to create the new nation.4.John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), son of John and Abigail, diplomat,senator, President of the U.S. and, late in life, member of the House of Representatives.5.Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886), son of John Quincy,vice-presidential candidate of the Free Soil party in 1848, congressman, minister to Great Britain during the Civil War, editor of the papers of John and of John Quincy.6.Charles Francis Adams, JR. (1835-1915), son of Charles, Unionofficer, historian, railroad executive, public official.7.Henry Adams (1838-1918), second son of Charles Francis Sr. ,historian, editor, teacher, novelist, author of The education of Henry Adams.8.Brooks Adams (1848-1927), another son of Charles Sr. , historian,philosopher, professional pessimist.6.Good phrases for big issues1.the great war for the empire.帝国之伟战The name given for what ismore commonly known as the Seven years’war by the historian Lawrence Henry Gipson in his monumental The British Empire before the Revolution(1936-1967). Gipson’s point was that what American know as the French and Indian War was part of a worldwide struggle between France and Great Britain for control of vast areas in America and Asia.2.the American System.美国制度a scheme designed by Henry Clay inthe 1820s. Clay sought to form a coalition of Eastern and Western interests in Congress. In return for Western support of protective tariffs that would benefit Eastern manufacturers, the Easterners would vote for bills providing federal expenditures on roads and canals.3.the peculiar institution.独特体制A southern euphemism for slavery.The term was not intended to be a pejorative; by “peculiar”Southerners meant particular or unique, not odd or queer.4.waving the bloody shirt挥动血衫.This post-Civil War Republicantactic involved reminding Northern voters that the south was made up mostly of Democrats and that many Northern members of that party had been at best lukewarm about resisting secession. The term came into use after the congressman Benjamin F. Butler displayed before his colleagues the bloodstained shirt of a Northerner who had been flogged in Mississippi. The “bloody shirt”was used by Republicans for decades as a way of diverting attention from political embarrassing contemporary issues. A classic speech in this vein was given by Robert G. Ingersoll in the campaign of 1880: “Every man that lowered our flag was a Democrat. Every man that bred bloodhounds was a Democrat. Every preacher that said slavery was a divine institution was a Democrat. Recollect it! Every man that shot a Union soldier was a Democrat. Every wound borne by you Union soldiers is a souvenir of a Democrat.5.manifest destiny昭然命运this term, coined by John L. O’Sullivan in1845 in an article in his United States Magazine and Democratic Review, reflected the expansionist spirit of the era. It was, O’Sullivan wrote, “our manifest (obvious) destiny to overspread the continent. 6.the robber barons强盗资本家this name was applied to the ultra richindustrialists of the late 19th century, such as the railroad magnates Cornelius Vanderbilt and Jay Gould, and the oil tycoon John D.Rockefeller. It originated in the late 1860s but became a symbol for corporate power and the evils of unrestrained economic freedom only with the publication of Matthew Josephson’ s best seller The Robber Barons in 1934.7.Twenty wonderful nicknames1.old Hickory老山核桃木Andrew Jackson, because of his toughness.The name dates from his days as an Indian fighter during the War of 1812. after the battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama in 1814, his Creek Indian foes gave him another name , “Sharp knife”.2.His accidence. (碰巧阁下)John Tyler, so called after he succeeded tothe Presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison in 1841.Since this was the first time a President had died in his office, there was some question as to the extent of Tyler’s authority.3.old rough and ready. (胸有成竹的大老粗)Zachary Taylor wasgiven this time by his troops during his long career in the army, because of his informal yet confidence-building way of dealing with them and his rough-hewn appearance.4.the rough rider粗犷骑兵Theodore Roosevelt(also called TR andTeddy, which later name he disliked intensely), because of the regiment of that name, composed of a motley mixture of cowboys, adventurers, and odd characters raised by Roosevelt to fight in the Spanish-American War.5.Big Bill.大块头比尔William Howard Taft, because he weighedmore than three hundred pounds.6.Silent Cal.沉默的加尔Calvin Coolidge, who had little to say iteconomically, e.g. “The American business is business.” and, when asked if he would seek reelection in1928, “I do not choose to run.”7.The happy warrior.快乐斗士Alfred E. Smith, who was given thename by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the course of a speech nominating him for President at the 1924 Democratic Convention.8.The Kingfish.头儿Huey P. Long, because of his total dominance ofhis native state of Louisiana.9.Tail Gunner Joe.机尾射手乔Joseph R. McCarthy, theCommunist-hunting senator who claimed ---falsely--- to have been a tail gunner on American bombers during World War II.10.Tricky Dick. 狡猾的迪克Richard M. Nixon, because of his shifty,calculating political style. The phrase long antedated the Watergate scandal.11.L andslide Lyndon. 压倒多数的林登Lyndon B. Johnson, because ofthe paper-thin margin by which he won Texas’s Democratic primary for the Senate in 1948.8.Seven speeches to remember1.George Washington’s Farewell address(1796), in to which he stressed the importance of national unity as the “main pillar” ofthe nation’s independence, peace, and prosperity.2.Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address(1801), which contains his famous reference to the United States as ‘the world’s best hope’ and his praise of ‘wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, and shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits.” At the time, the fact that Jefferson’s election marked the first real change of party control of the government made his promise to respect the rights of the Federalist minority seem the most important point in the address.3.Daniel Webster’s second reply to Hayne(1830), in which he called the American flag “the gorgeous ensign of the republic”and concluded with the sentence: Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.”Webster’s grandiloquence was much admired by contemporaries, but the speech was actually important because of its powerful refutation of the passionate but confused argument of South Carolina’s Senator Robert Y. Hayne that the separate states were the ultimate source of sovereignty in the American political system.4.Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech, (1858), delivered on the occasion of his nomination as the Republican candidate for senator from Illinois. This was probably Lincoln’s most radicalstatement about the implications of the slavery issue, the one in which he predicted that “this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” It got him in some trouble with Northern conservatives, especially when opponents quoted the remark out of context in order to suggest that Lincoln was an abolitionist. Lincoln did not, in this speech or on any other occasion before the war, call for the abolition of slavery. 5.William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold”speech, at the 1896 Democratic National Convention, Bryan, arguing for the a plank in the party platform calling for the free coinage of silver, ended with the sentence “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”“You” were the Gold Democrats, the supporters of the incumbent President, Grover Cleveland, who opposed the unlimited coinage of silver. The speech made a national figure of the thirty –six-year-old Bryan and led to his nomination for the Presidency by the convention.6.Woodrow Wilson’s call for declaration of war against Germany(1917), which contains the famous line “The world must be made safe for democracy.”The speech is remarkable for Wilson’s insistence that “we have no quarrel with German people …. We fight without rancor and without selfish object.”Such forbearance and Wilson’s promise that victory would result in a “universal dominion of right” helped win liberal support for the war effort, but it contributed to postwar disillusionment when his idealistic hopes were not realized.7.Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first inaugural address(1933), remembered for the line “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,”for Roosevelt’s promise “to put people to work,”and perhaps for use of the phrase “good neighbor” when referring to foreign policy. It was an extraordinarily effective speech, but it also contained a good deal of windy political foolishness, and a considerable amount of bad advice. For example, the President felt it necessary to point out that “happiness lies not in the mere possession of money”; he promise to balance the federal budget and urged state and local governments to reduce their expenditures “drastically”; and he claimed that there was an “overbalance of population” in the nation’s cities.9.Ten paintings that say “America”10. Quotations worth quoting1. I heard the bullets whistle, and , believe me, there is something charming in the sound.”----George Washington, writing to his brother after his first experience in battle in 1754.2. o ! ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! ---Thomas Paine, urging the colonies to declaretheir11.some famous things they didn’t say12.know these six great historians13. one date everyone gets wrong14. what’s new?15 phrases that grabbed us16. texts that changed our lives17. Rockefellers18. ten more wonderful nicknames19. land of rebels20.cartoons21. three more things that they didn’t say22. it’s a panic23. seven famous warships24. five black “Troublemakers”25. women on women26. let’s make a deal27.Who invented it?28.The invention that wasn’t。