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第19卷 第8期 2017 年 8 月
Vol. 19 No. 8 Aug .,2017
。对于CHF 的研究,建立稳定、可靠的CHF 动物模型,是实验的基础,也是成败的关键因素。在众多的CHF 模型中,ISO 诱导大鼠的CHF 模型具有简便、易操作等优点而成为CHF
动物模型的首选方案[2];但也存在着ISO 剂量不统
一、建模时间不一致而难以复制的缺点[3-8]。对此,本课题组依据较常运用的ISO 诱导大鼠CHF 造模方案[9-15],结合自己摸索的经验分别选择了3组造模方案:三组均是皮下多点连续注射(sc),分别为每公斤体重2.5 mg 注射28 d、5 mg 注射21 d 和10 mg 注射14 d,后做超声心动图;再继续常规饲养至第6周
(1.南京中医药大学,江苏 南京 210029;2.江苏省中医院,江苏 南京 210029)
摘 要:
目的:建立稳定、可靠的异丙肾上腺素(ISO)诱导大鼠慢性心力衰竭(CHF)模型。方法:将雄性Wistar 大鼠按皮下注射ISO 剂量大小(10、5、2.5 mg·kg -1·d -1
)分为3个实验组,建立CHF 模型(n =20),大、中、小剂量ISO 组连续注射时间分别为14、21、28 d。并用等体积生理盐水连续皮下注射28 d 制备对照组(n =6)。各组分别于各自注射时间结束后以及第6周末进行心脏彩超检测心脏功能指标,计算存活率、成模率,第6周末检测心脏指数及血清B 型钠尿肽(Brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)水平。结果:各实验组在注射结束后均可以有效的诱导CHF,但大剂量ISO 组最佳;且注射结束后,心功能继续损伤;第6周末,大剂量ISO 组心脏功能损伤指标优于中、小剂量
组(P <0.05)。结论:ISO 诱导大鼠CHF 模型的制作以皮下注射ISO 10 mg·kg -1·d -1
,连续注射14 d,继续普通饲养至第6周为最佳。
中图分类号:285.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-842X (2017) 08- 0031- 04
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(81302902)作者简介:王晓燕(1988-),女,河北邯郸人,硕士研究生,研究方向:中医内科学心血管方向。通讯作者:李七一(1951-),男,江苏南京人,教授、主任中医师,博士研究生导师,研究方向:心血管疾病的中医药研究。 E-mail:Liqiyi0701@。
Establishment of Model of Isoprenaline-induced Chronic Heart Failure in Rats
WANG Xiaoyan 1,LI Qiyi 2,YAN Shihai 2
(1.Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210029,Jiangsu,China;
2.Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210029,Jiangsu,China)Abstract:Objective :To establish the model of isoprenaline(ISO)-induced chronic heart failure (CHF)in rats. Methods :According to the dose of isoprenaline,sixty male Wistar rats were equally divided
into three group[10,5,2.5 mg·(kg·d)-1] to establish the model of CHF 10 mg·(kg·d)-1
group was induced by subcutaneous injections of ISO with 10 mg·(kg·d)-1 dose for 14 days;5 mg·(kg·d)-1 group was induced by subcutaneous injections of ISO with 5 mg·(kg·d)-1 dose for 21 days;2.5 mg·(kg·d)-1 group was induced by subcutaneous injections of ISO with 2.5 mg·(kg·d)-1 dose
for 28 days;Meanwhile,the control group was established by subcutaneous injecting the same volume of normal saline for 28 days(n =6). The cardiac function was observed by using doppler echocardiography procedures after injecting. The cardiac function,survival rates and success rates of rats for estabilishment of model were compared after 6 weeks later. And then,all rats were detected respectively BNP,the heart weight/body weight ratio. Results :The high dose group of ISO is the best group to induce CHF. The Sixth week is the best time for different doses to induced CHF;six weeks later,The success rate of high-dose group ISO to estabilish the model were better than the other two doses of ISO group(P <0.05). Conclusion :
The better methods for establishing the CHF model is to injected isoprenaline for 10 mg·(kg·d)-1 for
14 d and to raise rat for 6 weeks.
Keywords:isopreoterenol;heart failure;animal models of heart failure;cardiac function