一、基本要求: 1. 学历:具备学士学位及以上学历的申请者。
2. 语言:雅思总分6.5分或以上,单科不低于6.0分,托福总分90分及以上,阅读、听力和写作不低于20分,如果是中国大陆申请者,还要提供国家外语能力等级考试(CET)六级成绩及以上。
3. 工作经验:有两年以上工作经验。
二、其他要求: 1. 审核材料:拥有完整、正确、真实的申请材料,包括学习成绩、工作经历、个人简历、推荐信等。
2. 联系方式:有积极的沟通交流,及时回复相关的邮件,保持联系。
3. 文书:有完善的文书写作,能够生动展现自己的地位、思想、能力等。
4. 面试:有准备充分的面试,能够自信地表达自己的观点,有效地将自己优势表现出来,能够准确地回答面试官提出的问题。
大陆学生去香港大学MBA留学有什么申请条件中国香港是很多在内地的学生读研申请的地方,中国香港的教学模式及教学水平在内地认可度高,因此广受欢迎,而香港大学的MBA 是很多学生欢迎,那么香港大学MBA申请条件是什么?今天店铺小编就给大家介绍香港大学MBA申请条件,如果对这个话题感兴趣的话,欢迎点击。
香港大学必须提交GMAT/GRE成绩EMBA-Global AsiaMaster of Business Administration入学要求认可的学士学位或同等学历;GMAT成绩令人满意(MBA项目的GMAT代码为FS2-WL-61)*/GRE成绩令人满意(MBA项目的GRE代码为4136)* /GRK成绩令人满意#托福/雅思申请人的学历来自香港以外的大学,他的教学和/或考试语言不是英语。
最低TOEFL分数为550(基于纸)/80(基于互联网)或IELTS (学术模块)总分为6.5,子测试分数不低于5.香港大学MBA托福代码为9671(机构代码)和02(部门代码)提前注册雅思考试(学术模块)时,应直接发送官方纸质成绩报告学费全日制MBA的学费港币588,000元,分三期分一年支付,价格可能发生变化。
最低托福550(纸考)/80(网考),或雅思6.5单科不低于5.5 **;和至少两年研究生全职工作经验对于非全日制课程,具有七年以上研究生全职工作经验的申请人可能不受此要求。
HKU MBA招生简章是招收高素质的MBA学生的重要文件,旨在支持学生获得高质量的MBA研究经历,为他们提供
二、课程设置:HKU MBA招生简章给出了该项目的课程设置,包括商业课程、咨询课程、企业家精神课程和全球化课程,以及核心课程、选修课程等。
三、研究时间:HKU MBA招生简章给出了研究时间的安排,包括商业知识、行为科学和研究方法的研究,以及全球化课程、项目报告、项目研究等。
For General Stream须同时具有以下四条:
1) 完成中国大陆高校或香港大学所承认之其它高校本科学习,取得学士学位者;
2) 有三年以上工作经验并具备管理潜质;
3) 参加全国工商管理硕士入学联考,达到两校联合确定之录取分数线;或者有效GMAT成绩在580分及以上者;
4) 应具备英语语言水平:TOEFL成绩550分及以上(机考213及以上;网考80及以上);或IELTS成绩6分以上;或者等同水平。
For Executive Stream须同时具有以下四条:
4) 应具备英语语言水平:TOEFL成绩550分及以上(机考213及以上;网考80及以上);或IELTS成绩6分以上;或者等同水平。
符合上述条件的Executive Stream申请者,将受邀参加两校联合组织的面试及入学英语笔试。
香港大学M B A入学简介要求流程等事项Newly compiled on November 23, 2020I n s t r u c t i o n s&G u i d e l i n e s f o r A p p l i c a n t sPlease read through the instructions and guidelines before you start to fill in the application.EligibilityFull-time Programme (HKU MBA –London track with London Business School, New York track with Columbia Business School, and China Concentration track):1. A recognized undergraduate degree.2. A satisfactory GMAT score.You must make your own arrangementto take The Graduate ManagementAdmission Test (GMAT).Test scores of more than five years old willnot be accepted.3. Applicants with qualification from auniversity outside Hong Kong where thelanguage of teaching or examination is notin English are required to obtain aminimum TOEFL 550 (paper based)/80(internet based) or IELTS 6 band with nosubtest lower than . *T est scores of more than two years old willnot be accepted.4. Around 3 years of postgraduate full-timework experience (as of July 2010).Part-time Programme:1. A recognized undergraduate degree.2. A satisfactory GMAT score. Test scores ofmore than five years old will not beaccepted. Applicants with more than 7years of full-time experience might beexempted from this requirement.Exemption, if any, will be considered on acase-by-case basis.3. Applicants with qualification from auniversity outside Hong Kong where thelanguage of teaching or examination is notin English are required to obtain aminimum TOEFL 550 (paper based)/80(internet based) or IELTS 6 band with nosubtest lower than . *Test scores of more than two years old willnot be accepted.4.Around 3 years of postgraduate full-timework experience (as of September 2010).* Candidates can apply first without GMAT/TOEFL score and provide the score sheet at a later stage of the admission process.TestsWhen you pre-register to take the test (GMAT and TOEFL), you should request that the official test scores be sent to The University of Hong Kong. The HKU code number for GMAT is FS2-WL-61 (Old Code: 0788).The HKU code number for TOEFL is 9671. ApplicationYou are strongly advised to submit your MBA application online; the application can be submitted via taught postgraduate online system at admission or . If you are not able to access online application or you do not possess a credit card, please submit the paper application to the HKU MBA Office; soft copy of the application form can be downloaded at .Application FeeThe application fee is HK$300 (non-refundable).Methods of Payment:(a) Applicants who wish to submitonline application are required topay the fee by credit card on-line. (b) Local applicants residing in Hong Kongwho wish to submit paper applicationshould pay the appropriate amount ofapplication fee to The University of HongKong account at The Hongkong andShanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) byeither(i) via Automatic TellerMachine(ATM):(Please do not use the“Account Transfer” functionfor payment.)- by “Bill Payment” function atATMs of the HSBC/HangSengor JETCO bank groups with“Bill Payment Service” or “JETpayment Service” logorespectively.- Select “Bill Payment” →“Education”→ “The Universityof Hong Kong”- Enter Bill Type “06” Other Fees- Enter Bill account number:-Enter payment HK$300(ii) via HSBC Cheque DepositMachine (CQM):- Make a crossed chequepayable to “The University ofHong Kong”;- Deposit the cheque at anyHSBC’s CQM by entering theUniversity of Hong Kong- Insert the cheque into thecheque insertion slot [pleaserefer to the instructions listedon the machine](c) Overseas applicants who wish tosubmit paper application should pay byHong Kong dollar bank drafts (HK$300)or US dollar bank draft (USD40) drawnon a bank in Hong Kong and madepayable to “The University of HongKong”. Personal cheque in foreigncurrency will NOT be accepted. Please write your full name and proposed programme of study on the back of the ATM transaction/cheque deposit advice, crossed cheque or the bank draft for identification purpose.If you are using the payment methods as mentioned in (b) above, it is essential that the original ATM transaction/cheque deposit advice must be stapled together with your application. You are also reminded to retain a photocopy of the customer copy of the transaction/deposit advice as your proof of payment of application fee.ReferencesThe confidential reference forms and self-addressed envelopes should be given by the applicant to two individuals capable of commenting on your academic and/or administrative capabilities. The envelopes, with seals unbroken and signatures of the referees intact, are to be sent to the HKU MBA Office with your application materials. Your referees may send their reference letters directly to the HKU MBA Office. TranscriptsAn official transcript should be requested from every college or university you have attended. Photocopies of the transcript request form may be used to request transcripts from additional institutions.The official transcript with the transcript request form should be sent directly by the registrar of the institutions to the HKU MBA Office. Certified copies of transcripts should be sent to the HKU MBA Office.Application SubmissionThe completed application form should be returned with supporting documents before the application deadline to the HKU MBA Office: MBA OfficeFaculty of Business and EconomicsThe University of Hong KongRoom 104, Cyberport 4100 Cyberport Road, Hong KongDefinition of Non-local studentsFor the purpose of admission of non-local students, “non-local students”should be defined as persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with student visa/entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.Student VisaUpon successful application, non-local (overseas) students will need to arrange for their own student visa. The Center of Development and Resources for Students will act as the local sponsor for international students. For Mainland students the China Affairs Office will be the sponsor. Both offices will assist students in obtaining visa. Please note that all non-local students are required by law to obtain student visa to study in Hong Kong and the Immigration Department normally issues student visa to students enrolling in a full-time programme in the University only. It is the responsibility of individual students to make all necessary visa arrangement before the commencement of their studies.Programme Selection (Full-time MBA) Students may state their preference to study the London track at London Business School, New York track at Columbia Business School, or the China Concentration track when they apply as well as when they are interviewed. Their preferences are not guaranteed.Final admission offers will be made based on merit, fit, and competitive student quality.2010 Application RoundsFull-time MBAFirst Round: December 31, 2009 Second Round: February 28, 2010 Third Round (Final deadline): TBAPart-time MBAFirst Round: December 31, 2009 Second Round: February 28, 2010 Third Round (Final deadline): TBA Application ProcessYour application will be reviewed by HKU MBA admissions committee as soon as all the required documents and application fee have been received. As it often takes considerable time to gather references and transcripts, we strongly encourage you to apply as early as possible. Kindly note that limited seats are available every year and candidates are admitted on a continuous and rolling basis. As a result, spaces are filled throughout the admission period and there is a possibility that the class may be full before the final deadline.Not all applicants will be interviewed. Once suitable candidates have been shortlisted, they will be informed of specific interview arrangement. In general, the admission results will be available in 2 to 4 weeks after the interview; admission offers will be issued upon receipt of all required supporting documents.(Please print or type.)Please choose the mode of study for the degree of Master of Business Administration. □ Full-time MBA (Please state your preference)□ LBS □ CBS □ China Concentration□ Part-time MBA (Please state your preference for class mode)□ Weekday mode □ Weekend modeMrMsMrsName in English Surname First Name(as in your HKID Card/passport) Name in Chinese (ifany)Surname First NameDate of Birth(DD-MM-YY) AgeCorrespondence Address HK ID Card/Passport No.*NationalityLocal student Non-local student**TelephoneNo.(Home) Fax No. (Home)(Business ) (Business )Mobile No.E-mail # 1E-mail # 2* Please delete as appropriate. ** Please refer to the definition of Non-local student in the instructions.EducationPleaselistall collegesor universities at which you have taken courses. Please attach officially certified transcripts*, with a complete record of the courses attended and examination results for ALL tertiary level studies. Transcripts and diplomas, which are not in English, should be accompanied by a certified * Please note that the University will only ACCEPT originals or copies of the documents that have been duly declared as true copies before a notary public . a Commissioner for Oaths at a City District Office in Hong Kong). You may also bring the originals of the outstanding documents together with an additional set of their photocopies to MBA Office (Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong) or HKU Town Centre (3/F, Tower II, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong) for verification. Copies of the documents may be certified by the appropriate officials of your home institute if you are an overseas applicant.Previous Programme(s) of Study at the University of Hong KongApplicants who previously studied at The University of Hong Kong must complete this section. Please indicate(a) whether you have been de-registered by theUniversity due to outstanding fee payment(outstanding fees must be settled before an offer of admission would be made)Yes No (b) whether you were discontinued from studies by theUniversity (by regulation, you shall not be re-admitted to the same programme of study. This will not however affect your chance of admission to other programmes.)If the answer to (a) or (b) is yes, please specify the curriculum and year of study: ____________________Professional Qualifications(Please attach officially certified documentary evidences or send them by post along withPlease list honors, awards, or other recognitions (academic, community, etc.) you have official score sheets)When did you, or will you, take the GMAT(DD-MM-YY)TOEFL/IELTS score , if known:When did you, or will you, take theTOEFL(DD-MM-YY)TOEFL Score, if known:IELTS overall band, if known:Listenin gReading Writing Speaking you may submit the application first and provide your official score sheets at a later stage of the admission process.(DD-MM-YY)Reasons for Interest in this ProgrammePlease provide below a statement explaining why you are interested in doing this programme, why you are suitable for it and the value of the MBA programme to yourFull-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Describe each full-time position you have held, beginning with your current or mostFull-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Describe each full-time position you have held, beginning with your current or mostFull-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Describe each full-time position you have held, beginning with your current or mostRefereesPlease list below the two individuals you have asked for recommendations:Name 2. NamePosition Position Organizatio n Organizatio n Address AddressSource of Information on the HKU MBA(Please provide details)Where did you first learn aboutFriends and family HKU MBA programme Staff/Student/Alumni from HKU MBA Fair Newspaper/Magazine Online mediaOthersPersonal Information Collection Statement224/1204 1.This is a statement to inform you of your rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.2.Personal information is provided by you as an applicant through the completion ofapplication forms designated for various purposes, . for admission to a programme of study, for an exchange programme, for hall admissions, and for provision of facilities or services. Data collected are used specifically for the purposes prescribed in the application forms and will servea)as a basis for selection of applicants;b)as evidence for verification of the applicant’s examination results, academicrecords and other information; andc)where applicable, as part of the applicant’s official student records.In the case of (c) above, information so incorporated into student files will be used for all purposes relating to the student’s studies as required by the re levant regulations and procedures of the University.3. Personal data will be kept confidential and handled by the University’s staff members. TheUniversity may transfer some of the data to an agent or other persons appointed to undertake some of its academic and administrative functions.4.Under the provisions of the Ordinance, you have the right to request the University to ascertainwhether it holds your personal data, to be given a copy, and to apply for correction of the data, if deemed incorrect.5. Applications for access to and correction of personal data should be made byusing a special request form and on payment of a fee. Such applications as well as requests for information should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer, Registry, The University of Hong Kong.Declaration1. I have noted the general points pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.2. I authorize the University of Hong Kong to use, check and process my data as required for myapplication. I accept that all the data in this form and those the University is authorized to obtain will be used for purposes related to the processing and administration of my application in the university context.3. I authorize The University of Hong Kong to obtain, and the relevant examinationauthorities, assessment bodies or academic institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere to release, any and all information about my public examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications, I also authorize the University to use my data in this form for the purpose of obtaining such information.4. I understand that upon successful application, my data will become a part of mystudent record and may be used for all purposes as prescribed under relevant rules and regulations as well as attendant procedures, so long as I remain student of this University.5. I declare that the information given in support of this application is accurate andcomplete. I understand that any misrepresentation will disqualify my application.SignatureDateRequest for Statement of ReferenceTo the applicant:Name Surname First Name(as in your ID card/passport) Correspondence AddressIt may help you to meet deadlines if you indicate to your referee the date by which you must receive this form (see below* ). Be sure to give both the form and an envelope to your referee. Address the envelope to yourself. The sealed envelope is to be sent to the University with your other application materials. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of your permanent file.To the referee:The person named above is an MBA applicant to The University of Hong Kong. The Admissions Committee attaches considerable weight to the statements made by the referees the applicant has selected. You will greatly assist the members of the committee and the applicant by completing this form. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your files in case the original might be lost in the mail. The committee is aware of the time necessary to prepare such an assessment and gratefully acknowledges your help. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of a student’s permanent file. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights to request access to their personal data. We would be pleased to provide you with additional information about our programme if it will assist in any way. Please return the form in the envelope addressed to the applicant after sealing and signing your name across the flap. The applicants should send the sealed envelope to HKU MBA Office (Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong).* The applicant requests that you return the form to him/herby(date to be filled in byapplicant) Name of referee (please print ortype)Position/TitleSchool/FirmAddressHow long have you known the applicant and in what context Please comment on the frequency of your interaction.What are the applicant’s principal strengthsRequest for Statement of ReferenceIn what areas can the applicant improveIn your opinion, has the applicant given careful consideration to his or her plans for entry into the MBA programmePlease use the following scale to compare the applicant with others* you have known during your professional career.* Indicate the peer reference group to which the applicant is compared:concerning the applicant’s accomplishments, managerial potential, and other personal qualities. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.May we call you if the Admissions Committee feels that it would be helpful to contact If yes, please provide us with your daytime telephone number: Date Request for Statement of Reference To the applicant: Name Surname First Name(as in your ID card/passport)Correspondence AddressIt may help you to meet deadlines if you indicate to your referee the date by which you must receive this form (see below* ). Be sure to give both the form and an envelope to your referee. Address the envelope to yourself. The sealed envelope is to be sent to the University with your other application materials. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of your permanent file.To the referee:The person named above is an MBA applicant to The University of Hong Kong. The Admissions Committee attaches considerable weight to the statements made by the referees the applicant has selected. You will greatly assist the members of the committee and the applicant by completing this form. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your files in case the original might be lost in the mail. The committee is aware of the time necessary to prepare such an assessment and gratefully acknowledges your help. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of a student’s permanent file. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights to request access to their personal data. We would be pleased to provide you with additional information about our programme if it will assist in any way. Please return the form in the envelope addressed to the applicant after sealing and signing your name across the flap. The applicants should send the sealed envelope to HKU MBA Office (Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong).* The applicant requests that you return the form to him/herby(date to be filled in byapplicant) Name of referee (please print ortype)Position/TitleSchool/FirmAddressHow long have you known the applicant and in what context Please comment on the frequency of your interaction.What are the applicant’s principal strengthsRequest for Statement of ReferenceIn what areas can the applicant improveIn your opinion, has the applicant given careful consideration to his or her plans for entry into the MBA programmePlease use the following scale to compare the applicant with others* you have known during your professional career.* Indicate the peer reference group to which the applicant is compared:concerning the applicant’s accomplishments, managerial potential, and other personal qualities. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.May we call you if the Admissions Committee feels that it would be helpful to contact If yes, please provide us with your daytime telephone number: Date Transcript Request FormPlease complete the first part of this form and send it to the university you have attended.Name:Surname First name(as in your ID card/passport)University/College attended:Dates of attendance:Title of degree/diploma:Date of award:Programme applying for admission at The University of Hong Kong:* Full-time / Part-time MBA programme (please delete as appropriate)。
香港城市大学环球企业管理授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。
作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。
2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。
环球企业管理专业相关信息专业名称环球企业管理专业英文名称MA Global Business Management隶属学院商学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级490GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-3月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至4月30日)学费(当地货币)201,000环球企业管理课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1国际组织行为International Organizational Behaviour23战略管理Strategic Management45跨文化谈判Cross-Cultural Negotiation 67全球人力资源管理Global Human Resources Management89管理国际业务Managing International Business 1011财务报表分析Financial Statement Analysis1213国际创业与内部创业International Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship1415国际金融International Finance16海外业务发现Overseas Business Discovery 17序号课程中文名称课程英文名称18在亚洲经商Doing Business in Asia1920领导力:在不利情况下进行管理Leadership: Managing in Adverse Situations2122区块链技术和业务应用Blockchain Technology and Business Applications2324组织中的全球信息系统和知识管理应用Global Information Systems andKnowledge Management Applications in Organisations* 香港城市大学环球企业管理研究生申请要求由Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。
MBA国外申请条件引言MBA(Master of Business Administration)是一种专业硕士学位,广泛认可为在商业和管理领域发展职业的重要资格。
1. 学术背景申请国外MBA学位的第一个要求是拥有良好的学术背景。
2. 入学考试大部分国外MBA学校要求申请者参加入学考试,其中最常见的考试是GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)和GRE(Graduate Record Examination)。
3. 工作经验除了学术背景和入学考试成绩,申请者的工作经验也是申请国外MBA项目的重要考虑因素之一。
托福和雅思是香港八大本科最常见的英语考试,一般要求申请人的托福成绩在80 分以上,雅思成绩在6.0 分以上。
1. 学术成绩:申请者需要具备与该学位等同的学历,如本科或同等学历。
2. 工作经验:申请者需要具备至少两年或以上的全职工作经验,这是申请的重要条件之一。
3. 语言能力:申请者需要证明自己的语言水平,通常要求托福成绩达到79分或以上,雅思成绩达到6.5分或以上,或者通过学校的中文面试。
4. 推荐信:申请者需要提供至少两封推荐信,推荐人应为申请者的工作或学术导师或上级领导等。
5. 个人陈述:申请者需要提交一份个人陈述,内容包括申请目的、职业规划、个人特长等。
6. 其他材料:申请者还需要提供身份证、户口本等相关证明文件,以及近期免冠彩色照片等材料。
Instructions & Guidelines for ApplicantsPlease read through the instructions and guidelines before you start to fill in the application.EligibilityFull-time Programme (HKU MBA –London track with London Business School, New York track with Columbia Business School, and China Concentration track):1. A recognized undergraduate degree.2. A satisfactory GMAT score.You must make your own arrangementto take The Graduate ManagementAdmission Test (GMAT).Test scores of more than fiveyears old will not be accepted.3. Applicants with qualification froma university outside Hong Kongwhere the language of teaching orexamination is not in English arerequired to obtain a minimum TOEFL550 (paper based)/80 (internetbased) or IELTS 6 band with nosubtest lower than 5.5. *T est scores of more than two yearsold will not be accepted.4. Around 3 years of postgraduatefull-time work experience (as ofJuly 2010).Part-time Programme:1. A recognized undergraduate degree.2. A satisfactory GMAT score. Testscores of more than five years oldwill not be accepted. Applicantswith more than 7 years of full-timeexperience might be exempted fromthis requirement. Exemption, ifany, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.3. Applicants with qualification froma university outside Hong Kongwhere the language of teaching orexamination is not in English arerequired to obtain a minimum TOEFL550 (paper based)/80 (internetbased) or IELTS 6 band with nosubtest lower than 5.5. *Test scores of more than two yearsold will not be accepted.4. Around 3 years of postgraduatefull-time work experience (as ofSeptember 2010).* Candidates can apply first without GMAT/TOEFL score and provide the score sheet at a later stage of the admission process.TestsWhen you pre-register to take the test (GMAT and TOEFL), you should request that the official test scores be sent to The University of Hong Kong.The HKU code number for GMAT is FS2-WL-61 (Old Code: 0788).The HKU code number for TOEFL is 9671.ApplicationYou are strongly advised to submit your MBA application online; the application can be submitted via taught postgraduate online system at or If you are not able to access online application or you do not possess a credit card, please submit the paper application to the HKU MBA Office; soft copy of the application form can be downloaded at FeeThe application fee is HK$300 (non-refundable).Methods of Payment:(a) Applicants who wish to submitonline application are required topay the fee by credit card on-line.(b) Local applicants residing in HongKong who wish to submit paperapplication should pay theappropriate amount of applicationfee to The University of Hong Kongaccount at The Hongkong andShanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)by either(i) via Automatic TellerMachine(ATM):(Please do not use th e “AccountTransfer” function for payment.)- by “Bill Payment” functionat ATMs of the HSBC/HangSeng orJETCO bank groups with “BillPayment Service” or “JETpayment Service” logorespectively.- Select “Bill Payment” →“Education”→ “The Universityof Hong Kong”- Enter Bill Type “06” Other Fees- Enter Bill account number:for HSBC/Hang Seng Bank:20999999834001for JETCO: 2099999983000004001-Enter payment HK$300(ii) via HSBC Cheque DepositMachine (CQM):- Make a crossed chequepayable to “The University ofHong Kong”;- Deposit the cheque at anyHSBC’s CQM by entering theUniversity of Hong Kong’sbank account number: 002-222834-002 and the chequeamount of HK$300; and select“Reference” option andentering the reference number:20999999834001- Insert the cheque into thecheque insertion slot [pleaserefer to the instructionslisted on the machine](c) Overseas applicants who wish tosubmit paper application shouldpay by Hong Kong dollar bankdrafts (HK$300) or US dollarbank draft (USD40) drawn on abank in Hong Kong and madepayable to “The University ofHong Kong”. Personal cheque inforeign currency will NOT beaccepted.Please write your full name and proposed programme of study on the back of the ATM transaction/cheque deposit advice, crossed cheque or the bank draft for identification purpose.If you are using the payment methods as mentioned in (b) above, it is essential that the original ATM transaction/cheque deposit advice must be stapled together with your application. You are also reminded to retain a photocopy of the customer copy of the transaction/deposit advice as your proof of payment of application fee.ReferencesThe confidential reference forms and self-addressed envelopes should be given by the applicant to two individuals capable of commenting on your academic and/or administrative capabilities. The envelopes, with seals unbroken and signatures of the referees intact, are to be sent to the HKU MBA Office with your application materials. Your referees may send their reference letters directly to the HKU MBA Office.TranscriptsAn official transcript should be requested from every college or university you have attended. Photocopies of the transcript request form may be used to request transcripts from additional institutions.The official transcript with the transcript request form should be sent directly by the registrar of the institutions to the HKU MBA Office. Certified copies of transcripts should be sent to the HKU MBA Office.Application SubmissionThe completed application form should be returned with supporting documents before the application deadline to the HKU MBA Office:MBA OfficeFaculty of Business and EconomicsThe University of Hong KongRoom 104, Cyberport 4100 Cyberport Road, Hong KongDefinition of Non-local studentsFor the purpose of admission of non-local students, “non-local students”should be defined as persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with student visa/entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.Student VisaUpon successful application, non-local (overseas) students will need to arrange for their own student visa. The Center of Development and Resources for Students will act as the local sponsor for international students. For Mainland students the China Affairs Office will be the sponsor. Both offices will assist students in obtaining visa. Please note that all non-local students are required by law to obtain student visa to study in Hong Kong and the Immigration Department normally issues student visa to students enrolling in a full-time programme in the University only. It is the responsibility of individual students to make all necessary visa arrangement before the commencement of their studies.Programme Selection (Full-time MBA)Students may state their preference to study the London track at London Business School, New York track at Columbia Business School, or the China Concentration track when they apply as well as when they are interviewed. Their preferences are not guaranteed. Final admission offers will be made based on merit, fit, and competitive student quality.2010 Application RoundsFull-time MBAFirst Round: December 31, 2009Second Round: February 28, 2010Third Round (Final deadline): TBAPart-time MBAFirst Round: December 31, 2009Second Round: February 28, 2010Third Round (Final deadline): TBAApplication ProcessYour application will be reviewed by HKU MBA admissions committee as soon as all the required documents and application fee have been received. As it often takes considerable time to gather references and transcripts, we strongly encourage you to apply as early as possible.Kindly note that limited seats are available every year and candidates are admitted on a continuous and rolling basis. As a result, spaces are filled throughout the admission period and there is a possibility that the class may be full before the final deadline.Not all applicants will be interviewed. Once suitable candidates have been shortlisted, they will be informed of specific interview arrangement. In general, the admission results will be available in 2 to 4 weeks after the interview; admission offers will be issued upon receipt of all required supporting documents.(Please print or type.) Please choose the mode of study for the degree of Master of Business Administration. □ Full-time MBA (Please state your preference)□ LBS □ CBS □ China Concentration□ Part-time MBA (Please state your preference for class mode)□ Weekday mode □ Weekend modeMrMsMrsName in English Surname First Name(as in your HKID Card/passport) Name in Chinese (if any)Surname First NameH.K.U. No. (ifapplicable)Date of Birth--(DD-MM-YY)AgeCorrespondence AddressHK ID Card/Passport No.*NationalityLocal student Non-local student**Telephone No.(Home)Fax No.(Home)(Business )(Business )Mobile No.E-mail # 1E-mail # 2* Please delete as appropriate. ** Please refer to the definition of Non-local student in the instructions.p.1EducationPlease list all colleges or universities at which you have taken courses. Please attach officially certified transcripts*, with a complete record of the courses attended and examination results for ALL tertiary level studies. Transcripts and diplomas, which are not in English, should be accompanied by a certified translation in English.* Please note that the University will only ACCEPT originals or copies of the documents that have been duly declared as true copies before a notary public (e.g. a Commissioner for Oaths at a City District Office in Hong Kong). You may also bring the originals of the outstanding documents together with an additional set of their photocopies to MBA Office (Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong) or HKU Town Centre (3/F, Tower II, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong) for verification. Copies of the documents may be certified by the appropriate officials of your home institute if you are an overseas applicant.Previous Programme(s) of Study at the University of Hong KongApplicants who previously studied at The University of Hong Kong must complete this section. Please indicate(a) whether you have been de-registered by theUniversity due to outstanding fee payment(outstanding fees must be settled before an offer of admission would be made) Yes No(b) whether you were discontinued from studies by theUniversity (by regulation, you shall not be re-admitted to the same programme of study. This will not however affect your chance of admission to other programmes.)If the answer to (a) or (b) is yes, please specify the curriculum and year of study: ____________________Professional Qualifications(Please attach officially certified documentary evidences or send them by post along with other supporting documents*.)Other AchievementsPlease list honors, awards, or other recognitions (academic, community, etc.) you haveTest Information (Please refer to requirements stated in the instructions and attach the official score sheets)When did you, or will you, take the GMAT? --(DD-MM-YY)GMAT score , if known:TOEFL/IELTS score , if known:When did you, or will you, take the TOEFL? --(DD-MM-YY)TOEFL Score, if known:When did you, or will you, take the--(DD-MM-YY)IELTS?IELTS overall band, if known: IELTS subtest band:Listenin gReadingWritingSpeakingIf you cannot submit the GMAT and/or TOEFL/IELTS score(s) at the time of application, you may submit the application first and provide your official score sheets at a later stage of the admission process.p.3Reasons for Interest in this ProgrammePlease provide below a statement explaining why you are interested in doing this programme, why you are suitable for it and the value of the MBA programme to your future career.p.4Full-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Describe each full-time position you have held, beginning with your current or most recent position. Please use the same format on additional sheets, if needed.Full-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Describe each full-time position you have held, beginning with your current or most recent position. Please use the same format on additional sheets, if needed.Full-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Describe each full-time position you have held, beginning with your current or most recent position. Please use the same format on additional sheets, if needed.Full-time Employment History (Please attach your full CV/Resume.)Years of full-time experience in totalp.8RefereesPlease list below the two individuals you have asked for recommendations: Position PositionOrganizatio n Organizatio nAddress AddressSource of Information on the HKU MBA(Please provide details)Where did you first learn aboutFriends and familyHKU MBA programme?Staff/Student/Alumni from HKUMBA FairNewspaper/MagazineOnline mediaOthersPersonal Information Collection Statement224/1204 1.This is a statement to inform you of your rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.2.Personal information is provided by you as an applicant through the completionof application forms designated for various purposes, e.g. for admission to a programme of study, for an exchange programme, for hall admissions, and for provision of facilities or services. Data collected are used specifically for the purposes prescribed in the application forms and will servea)as a basis for selection of applicants;b)as evidence for verification of the applicant’s examination results,academic records and other information; andc)where applicable, as part of the applicant’s official student records.In the case of (c) above, information so incorporated into student files will be used for all purposes relating to the student’s studies as required by the relevant regulations and procedures of the University.3. Personal data will be kept confidential and handled by the University’s staffmembers. The University may transfer some of the data to an agent or otherpersons appointed to undertake some of its academic and administrativefunctions.4.Under the provisions of the Ordinance, you have the right to request theUniversity to ascertain whether it holds your personal data, to be given a copy, and to apply for correction of the data, if deemed incorrect.5. Applications for access to and correction of personal data should be made byusing a special request form and on payment of a fee. Such applications as well as requests for information should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer, Registry, The University of Hong Kong.Declaration1. I have noted the general points pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy)Ordinance.2. I authorize the University of Hong Kong to use, check and process my data asrequired for my application. I accept that all the data in this form and those the University is authorized to obtain will be used for purposes related to the processing and administration of my application in the university context.3. I authorize The University of Hong Kong to obtain, and the relevant examinationauthorities, assessment bodies or academic institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere to release, any and all information about my public examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications, I also authorize the University to use my data in this form for the purpose of obtaining such information.4. I understand that upon successful application, my data will become a part of mystudent record and may be used for all purposes as prescribed under relevant rules and regulations as well as attendant procedures, so long as I remain student of this University.5. I declare that the information given in support of this application is accurateand complete. I understand that any misrepresentation will disqualify my application.SignatureDatep.10Request for Statement of ReferenceTo the applicant:Surname First Name Name(as in your ID card/passport) Correspondence AddressIt may help you to meet deadlines if you indicate to your referee the date by which you must receive this form (see below* ). Be sure to give both the form and an envelope to your referee. Address the envelope to yourself. The sealed envelope is to be sent to the University with your other application materials. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of your permanent file.To the referee:The person named above is an MBA applicant to The University of Hong Kong. The Admissions Committee attaches considerable weight to the statements made by the referees the applicant has selected. You will greatly assist the members of the committee and the applicant by completing this form. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your files in case the original might be lost in the mail. The committee is aware of the time necessary to prepare such an assessment and gratefully acknowledges your help. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of a student’s permanent file. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights to request access to their personal data. We would be pleased to provide you with additional information about our programme if it will assist in any way.Please return the form in the envelope addressed to the applicant after sealing and signing your name across the flap. The applicants should send the sealed envelope to HKU MBA Office (Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong).* The applicant requests that you return the form tohim/her by(date to be filled in byapplicant) Name of referee (please printor type)Position/TitleSchool/FirmAddress1.How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Please comment on thefrequency of your interaction.2.What are the applicant’s principal strengths?Request for Statement of Reference3.In what areas can the applicant improve?4.In your opinion, has the applicant given careful consideration to his or her plansfor entry into the MBA programme?5.Please use the following scale to compare the applicant with others* you have knownduring your professional career.* Indicate the peer reference group to which the applicantis compared:6.Please comment on the ratings above and feel free to make additional statementsconcerning the applicant’s accomplishments, managerial potential, and other personal qualities. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.May we call you if the Admissions Committee feels that it would be helpful to contact you by phone regarding the applicant?Signature DateRequest for Statement of ReferenceTo the applicant:Surname First Name Name(as in your ID card/passport) Correspondence AddressIt may help you to meet deadlines if you indicate to your referee the date by which you must receive this form (see below* ). Be sure to give both the form and an envelope to your referee. Address the envelope to yourself. The sealed envelope is to be sent to the University with your other application materials. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of your permanent file.To the referee:The person named above is an MBA applicant to The University of Hong Kong. The Admissions Committee attaches considerable weight to the statements made by the referees the applicant has selected. You will greatly assist the members of the committee and the applicant by completing this form. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your files in case the original might be lost in the mail. The committee is aware of the time necessary to prepare such an assessment and gratefully acknowledges your help. The comments will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of a student’s p ermanent file. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights to request access to their personal data. We would be pleased to provide you with additional information about our programme if it will assist in any way.Please return the form in the envelope addressed to the applicant after sealing and signing your name across the flap. The applicants should send the sealed envelope to HKU MBA Office (Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong).* The applicant requests that you return the form tohim/her by(date to be filled in byapplicant) Name of referee (please printor type)Position/TitleSchool/FirmAddress1.How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Please comment on thefrequency of your interaction.2.What are the applicant’s principal strengths?Request for Statement of Reference3.In what areas can the applicant improve?4.In your opinion, has the applicant given careful consideration to his or her plansfor entry into the MBA programme?5.Please use the following scale to compare the applicant with others* you have knownduring your professional career.* Indicate the peer reference group to which the applicantis compared:6.Please comment on the ratings above and feel free to make additional statementsconcerning the applicant’s accomplishments, managerial potential, and other personal qualities. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.May we call you if the Admissions Committee feels that it would be helpful to contact you by phone regarding the applicant?Signature DateTranscript Request FormPlease complete the first part of this form and send it to the university you have attended.Name:Surname First name(as in your ID card/passport) University/Collegeattended:Dates of attendance:Title of degree/diploma:Date of award:Programme applying for admission at The University of Hong Kong:* Full-time / Part-time MBA programme (please delete as appropriate)。
报考mba条件篇一:MBA报考条件MBA(Master of Business Administration)是国际上公认的商业管理硕士学位,无论在国内还是国际上都具有广泛的认可和影响力。
1. 学士学位:报考MBA的基本要求之一是需要具备本科学士学位,不同学校和项目对学士学位的要求略有不同。
2. 工作经验:绝大多数商学院要求申请者至少具备一定的工作经验,一般为2-5年不等。
3. GMAT/GRE成绩:GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)和GRE(Graduate Record Examination)是两种常用的标准化考试,用来衡量申请者的学术潜力和逻辑思维能力。
4. 英语能力:由于MBA的教学语言通常为英语,因此英语能力是必备的条件之一。
5. 推荐信:申请MBA学位通常需要提交推荐信。
6. 面试:部分商学院会要求申请者参加面试环节。
1. 确定申请的院校和专业:在开始申请之前,先确定自己想要申请的香港院校和专业。
2. 准备申请材料:申请香港院校需要准备一系列的申请材料,包括个人简历、成绩单、推荐信、语言能力证明、个人陈述等。
3. 准备语言能力证明:香港大部分院校要求申请者提供英语能力证明,可以通过参加托福、雅思等考试来获得。
4. 提前了解申请时间和流程:不同院校的申请时间和流程可能会有所不同,提前了解并熟悉相关的申请时间和流程,以便及时准备和提交申请材料。
5. 注重个人陈述:个人陈述在申请过程中非常重要,可以通过展示个人特长、独特经历和对所申请专业的兴趣来增加自己的竞争力。
6. 关注申请结果和录取通知:申请完成后,密切关注申请结果和录取通知,及时处理和回复相关的通知。
7. 准备签证材料:如果成功获得录取,还需要准备签证材料,包括护照、签证申请表、录取通知书、资金证明等。
8. 留意奖学金和助学金:一些香港院校提供奖学金和助学金机会,
9. 提前了解香港的生活和文化:作为一个国际学生,了解香港的生活和文化情况,可以帮助你更好地适应和融入香港的学习和生活环境。
10. 注意申请的截止日期:不同院校的申请截止日期可能会有所不同,务必提前了解并注意申请的截止日期,以免错过申请机会。
香港城市大学商业与数据分析授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。
作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。
2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。
商业与数据分析专业相关信息专业名称商业与数据分析专业英文名称Master of Science in Business and Data Analytics隶属学院商学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间20Fall新开2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年4月27日学费(当地货币)216,000商业与数据分析课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1数据库管理系统Database Management Systems2大数据与社交媒体分析Big Data & Social Media Analytics3高级商务软件构建Advanced Business Software Construction4统计数据分析Statistical Data Analysis5应用线性统计模型Applied Linear Statistical Models6数据挖掘Data Mining7管理支持和商业智能系统Management Support and Business Intelligence Systems 8业务数据分析Business Data Analytics9区块链技术和业务应用Blockchain Technology and Business Applications10商业智能应用Business Intelligence Applications11决策分析Decision Analytics12经济学和金融学中的统计建模Statistical Modelling in Economics and Finance13业务的预测建模和预测Predictive Modeling and Forecasting for Business14市场营销中的预测建模Predictive Modeling in Marketing* 香港城市大学商业与数据分析研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。
1. 个人简历和背景审核:对申请人的学术背景、工作经历、领导能力和个人成就进行评估,以确定是否具备MBA学习的基本条件和潜力。
2. 成绩单和推荐信:申请人需要提供最近几年的学术成绩单和两封推荐信,推荐信一般来自于申请人的上级或导师,评估申请人在学术和工作方面的表现。
3. 入学考试:包括通用的入学考试如GMAT或GRE、英语水平考试如TOEFL 或IELTS,以评估申请人的学术能力和语言能力。
4. 面试:通过面试评估申请人的沟通能力、领导能力、逻辑思维和团队合作能力,以及对MBA项目的了解和动机。
5. 个人陈述或申请问答:申请人需要撰写一篇个人陈述,介绍自己的教育和职业目标,以及为什么选择汇丰MBA项目,对个人动机、使命和价值观进行评估。
一般来说,申请香港研究生学位的本科成绩要求如下:1. 香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong, HKU):通常要求本科GPA在3.0及以上(满分为4.0),有时也会对专业相关课程的成绩有额外要求。
2. 香港科技大学 (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKUST):要求本科GPA在3.0以上,并且在核心课程和专业相关课程中表现出色。
3. 香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK):通常要求本科GPA在3.0以上,有时也会对专业相关课程的成绩有额外要求。
4. 香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong, CityU):要求本科GPA在3.0以上,并且在核心课程和专业相关课程中表现出色。
5. 香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PolyU):一般要求本科GPA在2.5以上,有时也会对专业相关课程的成绩有额外要求。
申请条件:1、倾向于211、985院校的学生 GPA至少83分以上2、非211、985院校的学生 GPA最好能在85分以上3、雅思分数:总分7.0以上(小分不要低于6.5)4、虽然学校没有GMAT成绩的要求,但是建议学生若想申请港大最好考取GMAT,成绩能够在680分以上三、香港中文大学:金融(Finance);会计(Accountancy);Full Time MBA原本内地学生申请中文大学商科专业最多可以考虑的是MBA,但是此专业需要有3年的工作经验,今年中文大学新开设了金融和会计专业,招收内地的学生并且无工作经验的要求,但明确有GMAT成绩的要求。
申请条件:1、倾向于211、985院校的学生 GPA至少83分以上2、非211、985院校的学生 GPA最好能在85分以上3、雅思分数:6.5以上4、GMAT成绩:650分以上四、香港浸会大学:应用经济学;应用会计与金融备注:应用会计与金融要求学生提供GMAT成绩达到600分以上即可。
申请香港城市大学需要满足以下要求:1. 学术成绩优秀,符合学校录取标准。
2. 提供申请资料完整详细。
3. 有一定的经济实力。
4. 通过面试。
申请香港城市大学的优势在于:1. 国际化的教育背景。
2. 充足的学术资源。
3. 灵活的课程设置。
4. 良好的雇主声誉。
香港城市大学专业会计与企业管治授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。
作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。
2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。
专业会计与企业管治专业相关信息专业名称专业会计与企业管治专业英文名称MSc Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance隶属学院商学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-2月28日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至4月30日)学费(当地货币)277200专业会计与企业管治课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1会计信息系统Accounting Information Systems2高级税收Advanced Taxation3公司治理Corporate Governance4财务管理Financial Management5与企业和公司有关的法律Law Relating to Business and Companies6会计业务管理Business Management for Accountants7公司与证券法规与实务Companies and Securities Regulations and Practice8公司法,就业法和商法Corporate, Employment and Business Law9人力资源管理Human Resources Management10专业实习Professional Internship11战略管理与商业政策Strategic Management and Business Policy12审计Auditing13成本与管理会计Cost and Management Accounting14商业经济学Economics for Business15专业实习Professional Internship16定量决策技术Quantitative Decision Making Techniques17Corporate Accounting18Cost and Management Accounting Economics for Business 19Financial and Management Accounting序号课程中文名称课程英文名称20Financial Reporting21Quantitative Decision Making Techniques22Boardroom Dynamics23Corporate Accounting I24Corporate Accounting II25Companies and Securities Regulations and Practice 26Corporate, Employment and Business Law27Human Resources Management28Strategic Management and Business Policy* 香港城市大学专业会计与企业管治研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。
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香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 都市设计与规划 学制 2 年,学费 374,400 港币 ,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 建筑学 学制 2 年,学费 435,600 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6450
城大 EMBA 自 1997 年开设以来,为亚太和大中华区培养了大批杰出的行业领 袖与管理精英,杰出校友遍布各个领域。作为国际 EMBA 委员会正式会员,城 大的 EMBA 始终保持以教育本身的质量为重,紧贴国际趋势,注重在地性实效, 不断创新。
提交申请 缴纳课程入学申请费用 参加学校安排之面试 面试通过后, 由学校研究生院审批入学申请 获得录取通知书并缴纳学费 学校核对申请材料原件和有效学生签证,安排注册入学 正式入学 注:(1)非有效香港身份证持有人入学前由学校协助办理兼读学生签证赴港学习。 未获发或未使用有效学生签证入境,不能注册入学。 (2)若学员退学、被大学勒令停学或未能办理注册入学,所付费用概不退还。
国际会计学 学制 1 年,会计或金融背景,有两年工作经验优先,学费 202,500 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 专业会计与企业管治 学制 1 年,非会计背景申请,学费 243,000 港币,9 月开 学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 金融学 学制 1 年,有 2-4 年金融工作经验优先,学费 217,800 港币,9 月开学, 雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 490 应用经济学 学制 1 年,可以非经济专业申请,学费 156,600 港币,9 月开学, 雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 490 金融服务学 学制 1 年,有 2-4 年金融工作经验优先,学费 217,800 港币,9 月 开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 490 金融工程 学制 1 年,有 2-4 年金融工作经验优先,有数量分析背景,学费 217,800 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 490 商务资讯系统(无 IT 背景) 学制 1 年,非信息系统或计算机科学专业背景,
香港城市大学(常常被简称或昵称为“城大”),创建于 1984年,截至目前为 止,共有约20,000名学生,在校修读超过130项的副学士学位、学士学位、及 研究生课程。城大在商业、科学、工程、能源环境、法律、创意媒体、社会科 学等专业领域见长,所培养的学生不仅在香港,在亚太地区和全球职场也均有 出色表现。城大的教育理念是“全人教育”:不仅与中国传统的教育思想一脉 相承,强调德、智、体、群、美全面发展;也传袭了西方现代的教育理念,努 力培养学生的专业才能和批判思考能力,以及终生学习的欲望和能力。城大的 教员来自世界各地,并且为各自专业领域的专家。他们更偏重互动及信息科技 为本的教学法,为学生在其学科范畴内奠定坚实基础,使他们掌握实际生活所 需的终生学习技巧。而校园内先进的科学和研究设施,也为同学们营造了理想 的学习环境,为他们探索新知、接触社会、自我表达、互相支持提供了物质基 础。
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
应用心理学 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 153,140 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 社会工作学 学制 2 年,学费 221,650 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 应用社会学 学制 1 年,学费 120,900 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 现代亚洲研究 学制 1 年,1 年以上相关工作经验优先,学费 145,680 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 国际研究 学制 1 年,1 年以上相关工作经验优先,学费 145,680 港币,9 月开 学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 语言学 学制 1 年,可能有笔试或面试,学费 126,000 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 中文(中国语言及文学/汉语教学) 学制 1 年,学费 126,000 港币,9 月开学, 雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 英语语言学 学制 1 年,学费 120,900 港币,9 月开学,雅思 7,托福 102 传播与新媒体 学制 1 年,有两年相关工作经验优先,学费 140,940 港币,9 月 开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 整合营销传播 学制 1 年,有两年相关工作经验优先,学费 156,600 港币,9 月 开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450
具有认可的学士或以上学位 具有至少 7 年的工作经验,其中包括至少 5 年管理经验 现担任高级管理职务
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
注:个别未具上述条件的成功企业家或企事业单位高层管理者,如拥有专业资 历,也可作特别考虑。但受制于城大相对严格的质量保证制度,特别考虑的比 例非常有限。
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
香港城大商学院是一所立足大中华而面向全球的商学院,跻身国际顶尖商学院 殿堂。城大商学院是亚洲最大规模的商学院之一,并获得国际上两大管理教育 机构认证(AACSB 及 EQUIS)。根据美国德州大学达拉斯分校(UTD)的 2014 全球 100 所最佳商学院排行榜,香港城市大学商学院位居世界第 46 佳及亚洲 第 2 佳。
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
学费 131,100 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 商务资讯系统(有 IT 背景) 学制 1 年,信息系统或计算机科学专业背景,学 费 131,100 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 资讯系统管理 学制 1 年,有相关工作经验优先,学费 131,100 港币,9 月开 学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 电子商业及知识管理 学制 1 年,商学管理学专业优先,有两年工作经验优先, 学费 131,100 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450,T…… 电子商贸 学制 1 年,学费 144,210 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 环球企业管理 学制 1 年,三年国际商业管理工作经验或者两年与第一学位相关 的管理经验优先,学费 156,600 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79…… 组织管理 学制 1 年,分 2 个方向,特殊方向要求工作经验,学费 156,600 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 工商数量分析 学制 1-2 年,学费 126,000 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 营运与供应链管理 学制 1 年,有工作经验优先,学费 146,400 港币,9 月开学, 雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 市场营销学 学制 1 年,有两年工作经验优先,学费 212,700 港币,9 月开学, 雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求
香港城市大学简介.....................................................................2 香港城市大学 MBA 申请要求...................................................2 香港城市大学研究生申请专业介绍.........................................3 香港城市大学商学院专业解读.................................................9 香港城市大学研究生申请行前准备.......................................10 香港高校教育情况简介...........................................................13 香港城市大学研究生申请常见名词解释 ...............................14 香港城市大学商学院《企业股权激励研修班》精彩分享 ...16
建造管理(建造项目管理/房地产管理) 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 161,700 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 土木及建筑工程 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 161,700 港币,9 月开学,雅 思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 计算机科学 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 131,100 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 电子资讯工程学 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,额外有工业研究,商务管理两个特 殊方向可以选择;学费 151,500 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,…… 多媒体资讯科技 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,额外有工业研究,商务管理两个特 殊方向可以选择;学费 151,500 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5,托福 79,…… 先进科技及管理 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 126,000 港币,9 月开学,雅 思 6.5,托福 79,CET6 450 工程管理 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 126,000 港币,9 月开学,雅思 6.5, 托福 79,CET6 450 材料工程与纳米技术 学制 1 年,相关专业背景,学费 146,400 港币,9 月开学,