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metal(读作)medal quarter(读作)quarder

computer(读作)compuder date(读作)dade


What a good idea wha da goo di dea

Put it in a bottle pu di di na boddle

rent a van ren da van

rent an apartment ren da na partment

let her do it le der do it (h是个很弱的音,常常被击穿,即:不读)


Big counter big counter

Sit down sit down

Picture picture

Breakfast breakfast


前一个单词/音节以[p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g]结尾+后一个单词/音节以辅音开头[p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g]不读

Lap tap la top

Great deal grea deal

A big chance a bi chance


d+j= d would you

t+j= ch about you last year




Good day gooday

Keep pace keepace

Bus station bustation

Take care tacare (因为这里e不发音,k和c的发音都是[k])


dunno=don’t know I dunno= I don’t know

`em=them gav`em to me=gave them to me

Tak`em to me=take them to me

Pud`em to me=put them to me

gimme=give me

gonna=going to he is not gonna be home=he is not going to be home

wanna=want to/want a

hafda= have to do you hafda go now=do you have to go now insteada=instead of (of弱读时读/v/不是/f/) (was弱读时读/w s/)

( one读/w n/)

kinda=kind of it was kinda bad=it was kind of bad

sorda= sort of

lemme=let me(失去爆破) lemme help you=let me help you

ladda=lot of(lot读作/l d/) you’re gonna get a lodda homework=you are

going to get a lot of home work.

mighda=might have

shoulda=should have

musda=must have

woulda=would have

`n=and all she ever wants to eat is rice n’ beans




`record re`cord

`insult in`sult

`co/a:/nduct co/e/n`duct

`present per`sent

`co/a:/ntent co/e/n`tent

(固定词组) (描述性词组)

`blake board 黑板blake `board 黑色的板/甲板

`hot dog 热狗hot `dog

`white house 白宫white `house 白色的房子

`English teacher 英语老师English `teacher 英国的老师


I didn’t say he stole the money

1.` I didn’t say he stole the money 强调“自己”

2. I `didn’t say he stole the money 强调“做了。。。”

3. I didn’t `say he stole the money 强调“说”

4. I didn’t say `he stole the money 强调“他”

5. I didn’t say he `stole the money 强调“偷”

6. I didn’t say he stole `the money (the重读时读/eei/,弱读时读/ e /)

7. I didn’t say he stole the `money 强调“钱”
