



十个习惯改变自己的英语双语阅读有关十个习惯改变自己的英语双语阅读1. Stay positive.You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can know that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.保持积极乐观的心态。


2. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement: My purpose is__.每天早上起床的时候,就想想怎么填完整下面这句话:我的目标是__。

3. Take a morning walk of gratitude. It will create a fertile mind ready for success.每天早晨进行一次感恩散步,这会滋养你的精神沃土,为成功做好准备。

4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are. Think optimistically about where you are going.与其对你现在所处的位置感到失望,不如乐观地想想你前进的方向。

5. Eat. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.吃东西。


6. Remember that adversity is not a dead-end but a detour to a better outcome.记住,逆境并不是尽头,而是更好的结果的一个转角而已。

休闲英语:10个日常好习惯 让生活变得更简单

休闲英语:10个日常好习惯 让生活变得更简单

休闲英语:10个日常好习惯让生活变得更简单I do love to keep things simple. Why?我喜欢凡事简单。

为什么呢?One simple reason and one the most important ones for me is that simplicity reduces the heaviness in life. It makes it lighter, no to stressful or energy draining as it once might have been.简单说来,因为对我来说最重要的莫过于简单能够化解不少生活负担。


So today I would like to share 10 daily habits that make my life simpler and lighter. I hope you’ll find something useful for your own life among these habits.所以今天我就跟大家分享一下使我的生活更简单轻松的10个日常习惯,希望大家也能从中学到对自己生活有用的东西吧。

1. Use a minimalistic workspace.保持办公室简洁。

My work space is just a laptop on a small black desk made out of wood. I use a comfy chair and there is room for my glass of water beside the computer. That’s it. There are no distractions here. This makes it easier to write and to keep a clear mind.我的办公室只有一张小小的黑色木头桌子、一张舒服的椅子和一台笔记本电脑,电脑边上有一杯水。


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001. Positive people don t confuse quitting with letting go.
00Are you waiting for life events to turn out the way you want so that you can feel more positive about your life? Do you find yourself having pre-conditions to your sense of well-being, thinking that certain things must happen for you to be happier? Do you think there is no way that your life stresses can make you anything other than stressed out and that other people just don t understand? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you might find yourself lingering in the land of negativity for too long!



These ten habits of highly successful women range from maintaining your hormonal balance to letting go of the past—and they will positively affect your mind, body, and soul.从保持内分泌平衡到忘记过往,成功女人的十个良好习惯将会给你的头脑、身体和灵魂带来积极影响。

First, check out this quotation from writer Anais in:首先,来看看我们引用的作家阿娜伊丝•宁的这段话:“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the action stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest fo rm of living.”“梦想转化为现实,现实又催生梦想,这种互生关系造就了人生的最高境界。

”Taking action is a crucial habit of successful women…and so is dreaming! Don’t let go of your passions…坚持梦想,付诸行动是成功女人的重要习惯。


1. Maintain your hormonal balance. Are you moody, exhausted, irritable, or sad? Check your hormones. If they’re out of whack, then you’ll struggle to be successful! Make sure you’re getting enough protein and vitamins, and decrease your refined sugars and carbohydrates.1. 保持内分泌平衡。

让孩子受益终生的10个好习惯中英文 word版

让孩子受益终生的10个好习惯中英文 word版

让孩子受益终生的10个好习惯(图)让孩子受益终生的10个好习惯1. Focus on the activities and people that make you happy。


Sometimes we make things complicated when they are really quite simple: Find what it is that makes you happy and spend more time doing it. Find who it is that makes you smile and spend more time with them. Living your dream is really just a state of mind. It‟s feeling comfortable in you r own skin, and realizing that where you are at any given moment is exactly where you want to be. Thus, happiness and success in life is simply the gratifying combination liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking who you do it with。





2. Trust your instincts on new opportunities。



7 阅读好习惯同学们,你喜欢读书吗?你经常读书吗?告诉你,被全世界公认为最优秀民族的犹太人,他们认为读书是甘之如饴的一件事.他们有这样一个习俗:在孩子小的时候,妈妈在《圣经》里滴上蜂蜜,让孩子去舔。






三、好习惯早养成同学们,为了培养良好的阅读习惯,可以从以下方面努力呀. (我的阅读记录卡:(我的阅读记录卡:(三)高年级阅读好习惯的要求:我的阅读记录卡:四、小故事古往今来,世界各地都有许多名人读书的故事,让我们一睹为快吧。

































生活正能量:热情的人们10个好习惯(英汉对照)1. Passionate people are doers.热情的人是行动派。

Passion is the genesis of genius. Tony Robbins热情成就天才。

托尼托尼罗宾斯罗宾斯While passionate people often enjoy talking a mile a minute about what excites them, they back up their claims with action. Bring on the blood, sweat, and tears! The devoted will do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams.热情的人喜欢滔滔不绝谈论令自己兴奋的事情,更喜欢通过行动来兑现自己的言论。


2. Passionate people are excited.热情的人情绪高昂。

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. Oprah Winfrey热情是能量,是一种能让你专注于喜爱的事情上的力量。

奥普拉温弗Passion is contagious! Its hard to be around a fiery person and not get swept away in their excitement, even if its about something that you never thought could interest you. Passionate people live every day with the anticipation of great things.热情是可以传染的!如果身边有个热情似火的人,你很难不被他感染哪怕你本以为自己绝不会对他说的事情感兴趣。



Perhaps one of the most underappreciated aspects of life is this: every day you’re here is another chance to be better than you were the day before.也许人生最容易被忽视的一点就是:你的每一个今天都有机会提升昨日的自己。

Day-to-day trivialities often get in the way, however, and we get bogged down with mundane tasks. There comes a time for most of us, however, when we embark on a quest for greater fulfillment in our lives. If you seek to continually improve your life, here are 10 simple things you can do every day, starting today.途中会有日复一日的琐事,我们就这样陷入世俗的奔波里。



1.Spend time with those you love most.花时间陪伴你最爱的人。

For most of us, there aren’t many things in t his world more important than the relationships we have with those we’re closest to, so make it a point to spend quality time with your loved ones every single day. Don’t let geographic boundaries deter you either—pick up the phone or send an email if you can’t see someone in person. Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken with in a while. Let them know you’re thinking about them.对多数人而言,世间再也没有比至亲至爱更加可贵的东西了,所以不妨在每一个平凡的日子里与他们共度一段美好的时光。



60秒让你变快乐的秘诀:就这10个习惯哦(英汉对照)1. MAKE YOUR BED.整理床铺The thing thats surprising to me is that, for most people, outer order does contribute to inner calm and creativity, Rubin says. She says one easy way to maintain order and, in turn, boost happiness, is to make the bed. Every day.鲁宾说:对大多数人来说,最让我惊讶的事实是外部的整洁能够帮你实现内心的沉静和创造力。


2. SMELL THE ROSESOR SOMETHING ELSE NICE.闻闻玫瑰花或者其他美好的事物Rubin says she used to scoff at scented candles, but now she understands scents are a way to get a quick lift without any time and energy, money. 鲁宾说她以前总是对香味蜡烛不屑一顾,但如今她明白了:香味可以让你不费时、不费力甚至不费金钱就提升情绪。

3. FOLLOW THE ONE-MINUTE RULE.遵循一分钟定律Overwhelmed by unopened mail, and other tiny tasks? The one-minute rule says that anything I can do in less than a minute, I should do withoutdelay, Rubin says. So I dont postpone hanging up my coat, printing out a document and filing it, glancing over a letter and throwing it away.被未读邮件和其他杂事淹没了吗?一分钟定律就是,能够在一分钟之内完成的事,我绝不拖延,鲁宾说。










H2: 制定阅读计划制定一个阅读计划可以帮助你更好地组织自己的阅读时间和目标。



H2: 注重阅读环境阅读环境对阅读体验有着重要的影响。



H2: 增加阅读速度和理解能力阅读速度和理解能力是阅读的关键因素。




H2: 做读书笔记做读书笔记是一个培养阅读习惯和加深理解的好办法。



H2: 建立阅读小组建立阅读小组是一个互相学习和分享的好方法。





10个好习惯使你活到100岁10 Habits You Should Take Up To Live To 100Health Lifestyle April 9 by Kyle RobbinsLiving to be 100. It’s a lofty goal, but one most of us want. It’s seemingly the magic number for a long, prosperous life. But 100 years on the planet is very different than loving life each of those 100 years. Here are 10 habits your should take up now to live to 100.1. Workout. Be active.A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest. Stay in motion. Daily. With the vast majority of jobs moving more to the office and less in the field, it’s easy to spend most of your time sitting. Exercise becomes a vital factor in maintaining a healthy, happy life well into the golden years. Learning to play golf and tennis when you’re young can help you stay active when older and offer a great way to stay social for years to come.2. Love unconditionally.As you get older, many of the things that you find most appealing today won’t even be a huge part of your life in the future. Your job will consume less of your life, your good looks will fade, and your relationships with family and friends will endure. Make sure you make time for those who you love at every stage of your life. Love your spouse, your children, your friends, and your family unconditionally. Share love. Maintain the bond and hold on to those close to you. Many of the petty problems that can often drive a wedge into families happen when you are younger and more proud. Love unconditionally and you’ll find a loving, caring support system shine s through when other things fade.3. Embrace the changes that age brings.You will change. From your body to your mind and everything in between, age will conquer. Embrace it. Wrinkles bring with them wisdom and years of memories and stories. Share them.D on’t let the changes rule you, rather make the most of your experience.4. Eat your veggies.Eat well, not just as you get older, but in each stage of life. Food is such a vital part of your life, make sure it’s fuel for your body and not damaging. You can’t live to be 100 if you’re not healthy. A healthy diet is one of the best ways to improve your quality of life and maintain it for a long, long time.5. Sleep. Nap. Stay rested.Get enough sleep. A well-rested body performs at its best and offers protection against illness and fatigue. You’ll get less stressed and keep wear and tear off your body. Find a sleep pattern that works for you and stay rested. Sleep is vital for recovery. You’ll test your body each and every day. Give it the time it needs to heal properly and it will reward you will a long, healthy life.6. Play chess. Or Monopoly. Or Phase Ten.Play games. Keep your mind sharp and maintain a competitive edge. You’ll find that learning to love these types of strategy games when you’re young will g ive you something to excel at as you age. Having a healthy dose of competitive juices flowing will keep your mind sharp and your days full, no matter what stage in life.7. Embrace new technology.It can be lonely in a world where technology reigns supreme if you’ve not embraced it. Embrace it. Stay up to date with the newest technology and buy the latest and greatest gadgets. Join the social networks the kids are using and continue to learn and evolve as new technologyarrives. You’ll find that while other s get left out in the cold, you will maintain the ability to do what you want. A lot is going to change by the time you turn 100. Stay relevant and you’ll make sure every year counts.8. Listen to the local pop radio station.Along the same lines as techno logy above, stay current. Whether that’s opening yourself to new music or finding new hobbies, always leave room to evolve. By embracing change, you’ll be prepared for the new and exciting world that will be around in the next few dozen years.9. Don’t miss your yearly doctor’s visits.Take care of yourself. And start now. Just as illness seems to compound on itself, staying healthy does also. Don’t be too proud to visit your doctor and make sure you take care of your teeth at the dentist. It’s the little things that slip when we’re younger that can cause massive problems later in life. Stay healthy and fit. Your 100-year-old self will thank you.10. Travel. Learn to love being away from home.Learn to love adventure. Many things will change in your lifetime. Be open to all the experience that 100 years can bring. Travel the world. Travel the country. Explore your surroundings. Find things outside of your home that you love and embrace them. You’ll find that 100 years will fly by when you live each one like it could be your last.Love this article? Share it with your friends on FacebookKyle RobbinsI am Kyle. I think therefore I am. I used to write absolutely stellar internet dating profiles (they worked, therefore I am not allowed to write them anymore). My blog? It's the foot notes, building blocks, wadded up paper, & winding road that may lead to the next great American Novel.。



双语阅读:让你更幸福的小习惯I think of myself as the happiest person whenever I walk intoa room, and most people notice my smile right away. Here are 20 ways you can find yourself as happy as I am.每当我进入一个房间的时候,我总是认为自己是最幸福的人,大部分的人都会立刻注意到我的微笑。


1. Let it go.When someone criticizes you or says something not-so-nice, just forget it. Worse things have been uttered in human history. Even when you know the person meant it, remember that you become stronger by accepting them for who they are and knowing your capabilities.2. Be kind.People who are mean and feel the need to put others down are insecure with themselves. But when you are kind to others, kindness returns to you.3. Think of your problems as challenges.When you come up against a difficulty, whether a person or an event, consider what your future self will have learned from it.I believe it was Kanye West, or maybe Nietszche, who said, “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”4. Express gratitude.When you let people know that you appreciate them, they are more willing to help you in the future. Saying thank you is more than good manners—it’s karma.5. Dream big.The happiest person has reached the highest level of Maslow’s H ierarchy of Needs—self-actualization. If you want tobe happy you must work hard to achieve something, and strive to attain that life goal.6. Speak well of others.The Buddhist notion of “right thought, right action” is an important one. It’s in the mind that negativity starts. By clearing your head of negative ideas of others, you will clear your mind of problems, worries and fears, and you won’t be tempted to gossip or speak ill and bring that negativity back to you.7. Be in the now.Yes, you have to do your laundry and clean the bathroom when you get home, but while you’re here now eating this cheeseburger, just enjoy the cheeseburger. Then apply this lesson to all other moments of pleasure and work—you can deal with the little stuff later.8. Do not compare yourself to others.As soon as you start this, you fall into a trap of ego, a grasping at the temporal, fleeting aspects of reality. Instead, think about what you have that makes you happy, or at least satisfied.9. Realize you don’t need others’ a pproval.As long as you do what makes you happy, you don’t need other people to condone your actions. This will free you to act on what you believe, which will instill confidence into your every act.10. Be honest.Lies, even little ones, imply that you are willing to be lied to in return. But when you keep your conversation honest, you will maintain a higher level of integrity in your world.11. Take time to listen.The happiest person doesn’t interrupt because she knows that if she wants to be heard, she has to listen to others. By listening instead of waiting to speak, you can understand whatmotivates others, which can help you build rapport with them and understand yourself.12. Accept what can’t be changed.Sure, I wish I was taller, smarter, and bette r looking. But I’m not. As soon as I realized that I wasn’t going to be President of the U.S.A., I figured out what I did want to do with my life: write.13. Read daily selections from a book of wisdom.Magazines and newspapers are all well and good, but the reason people throughout history have dedicated their lives to religion and philosophy is because of the wisdom these sacred texts hold. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Bible, Torah or Quran verse, reading these books of wisdom will remind you of what came before and what will come after you.14. Travel at least two weeks of the year.It’s even better if it’s foreign travel. Alas, getting out of the country can be expensive. When you go somewhere different, to remind yourself of how people live in places other than those that you’re used to, you will be happy to return to what you have when it’s time.15. Catch yourself before negativity starts.Yeah, it’s easy to read the above points and say, okay, I get it. But the hardest part of being happy is realizing when negativity starts to creep into your mind and from there, getting rid of it.16. Dress well.You’re only as good as you feel, and you can only feel good if you look good. Personal hygiene, grooming, and fashion enter into this. Rarely will you find someone well-dressed crying by themselves.17. Enjoy sadness.John Keats said that in the “temple of delight melancholyhas her sovran shrine.” In other words, at the heart of every joy is a glimmer of sadness waiting to shine through. The same goes for sadness—within every pain is a reversal of fortune that will lead you to feel happy again. So when those moments come, enjoy them. They won’t last long.18. Eat well.You are what you eat, so if you’re stuffing yourself with cheeseburgers and hot dogs every day, chances are you are overweight and you lack energy and mental clarity. Instead, make sure to eat enough fruit and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates—and indulge in moderation.19. Keep in touch with your friends and family.Your family—in most cases—loves you unconditionally. It’s important to keep in touch with them, whether it’s a weekly phone call or an annual visit. Friends too help to inspire and support happy people. Take time out of your week to communicate with them.20. Be alone.The happiest person is comfortable spending time by himself. That’s because he loves himself. A lot. He is just as comfortable spending an entire day alone as he is spending it with someone else. You should be too.1.顺其自然当有人批评你或说你坏话时,别往心里去。



十大好习惯读后感60字英文回答:Good habits help us to improve our lives in many aspects, and they can even change our life trajectory. The "Ten Good Habits" provide us with a comprehensive guide to developing and maintaining positive habits that can benefit us in all areas of our lives.1. Be Punctual: Punctuality shows respect for others' time and conveys that you value your own time as well. It helps to create a positive and productive environment.2. Be Prepared: Preparation is key to success in any endeavor. By being prepared, you increase your chances of achieving your goals and minimizing mistakes.3. Be Organized: Organization is essential for managing your time and resources effectively. It helps to keep your life in order, reduce stress, and improve productivity.4. Be Responsible: Taking responsibility for youractions and decisions is crucial for personal growth and development. It fosters a sense of independence and self-reliance.5. Be Honest: Honesty is the foundation of trust and integrity. By being honest, you build a positive reputation and maintain strong relationships.6. Be Kind: Kindness is a powerful force that can make the world a better place. It creates a positive atmosphere and fosters compassion and empathy.7. Be Patient: Patience is a virtue that allows us to navigate challenges and setbacks with grace and resilience. It helps us to stay focused on our goals and persist even when faced with difficulties.8. Be Respectful: Respect is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and creating a harmonious environment. It involves valuing others' opinions, beliefs, andboundaries.9. Be Grateful: Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can shift our perspective and promote happiness. By expressing gratitude, we appreciate the good things in our lives and foster a sense of abundance.10. Be Disciplined: Discipline is the key to achieving long-term goals and overcoming obstacles. It involves setting boundaries, establishing routines, and maintaining focus.中文回答:"十大好习惯"为我们提供了一个全面的指南,用于培养和保持积极习惯,这些习惯可以让我们在生活的各个领域受益。



作文十个好习惯Good habits are essential for personal growth and success. (良好的习惯对于个人成长和成功至关重要。

) They help us become more disciplined, organized, and productive individuals. (他们帮助我们成为更有纪律,有条理,有生产力的个人。

) Cultivating good habits requires effort and commitment, but the benefits are well worth it. (养成良好的习惯需要付出努力和承诺,但好处是值得的。

)One good habit is to start the day early. (一个好习惯是早早起床。

) Waking up early allows for more time to prepare for the day ahead, and it sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. (早起有更多的时间准备今天的日程,并为接下来的一天设定了积极的基调。

) It provides a quiet and peaceful environment for self-reflection and planning, which can contribute to better decision-making throughout the day. (它为自我反思和规划提供了一个安静和祥和的环境,可以有助于在一天中做出更好的决策。

)Another important habit is regular exercise. (另一个重要的习惯是定期锻炼。

) Engaging in physical activity not only keeps the body fit and healthy, but it also has numerous mental and emotional benefits. (参与体育活动不仅保持身体健康,还有许多心理和情感上的好处。







It seems like a happy relationship should come naturally when you’re with the right person, but that’s not true. Relationships require work. Happy couples have to maintain their relationships every day with love and care, but it’s not as daunting of a task as it may seem. There’s no real “secret” to having a happy relationship, but there are things you can do to make it all come more easily. Try to integrate these habits into your daily life and see how much happier your relationship can be.1. Go to bed at the same time.貌似只要遇到对的人,恋爱自然而然就会幸福。






尝试在日常生活中养成以下习惯,看看你的恋爱会变得有多甜蜜吧!1. 同一时间上床睡觉。

I used to think it was silly to want to go to bed at the same time as my partner, but it does wonders for your relationship! If one of us stays up later than the other, our whole evening feels off. There’s something cozy about sliding under the covers together, talking about what happened during the day or what’s on the list for tomorrow. My fiancé works the night shift, and without realizing it, my schedule also changed until I was a night owl, doing my freelance work during the late hours while he wasat his job. When he came home early in the morning, I’d go to bed with him just to get that connection you can only get from sleeping and waking up together.我以前觉得跟爱人同时间上床睡觉完全扯淡,但其实这真的有助于彼此关系哦!要是有一个人熬夜,那两个人的晚上就毁了。



双语阅读:10个好习惯让你充满热情We are all naturally passionate at some point in our lives. We all start out that way at least. Most children contain the energy and love of life that sums up the spirited. Unfortunately, as life takes its toll, some of us lose our passion. Here are 10 habits to help infuse your life with intensity again.自然,每个人在生活中的某些时刻都有过热情,或者至少刚开始是充满热情的吧。




1. Passionate people are doers.热情的人是行动派。

“Passion is the genesis of genius.” – Tony Robbins“热情成就天才。

”——托尼托尼·罗宾斯罗宾斯While passionate people often enjoy talking a mile a minute about what excites them, they back up their claims with action. Bring on the blood, sweat, and tears! The devoted will do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams.热情的人喜欢滔滔不绝谈论令自己兴奋的事情,更喜欢通过行动来兑现自己的言论。







1.do nice things for other people1.为他人做好事研究已证实,为他人做好事不仅是一桩善举,也能给自己带来好心情。





你还记得上一次给好朋友送花是什么时候?或者上一次尝试从没吃过的东西是在什么时候?3.listen to your inner guidance3.聆听内心的声音想要收获快乐,你只需要遵从一条规那么就行。



4.treat yourself4.善待自己5.how to have a good day5.学习快乐生活if you want to change how happy you are with your entire life, then start with focusing on how to make day-to-day moments more enjoyable with just a few changes. from eating a healthy breakfast to putting out good energy (always say thank you!) to ending the day by reading a chapter from your favorite book, you'll soon have a long list of things that make you both happy and grateful.。



双语阅读:10个小习惯升级甜蜜恋人(2)6. Hug each other when you see each other after work.6. 下班后给彼此一个拥抱。

This one is easy—who doesn’t want to melt into a comforting hug after a hard day? And if you had a good day, share your excitement with a hug. You can’t beat ‘em. And once you start hugging, you’ll feel so much happier that you’ll find it easier to make time to cuddle with your partner instead of getting stressed by the things you need to get done around the house.这个很容易——谁不想在辛苦工作后得到一个欣慰的拥抱呢?如果你今天过得不错,那就用拥抱传达你的开心吧。



7. Say “I love you” and “Have a good day” every morning.7. 每天早晨说“我爱你”和“希望你今天过得开心”。

Another easy tip! Saying sweet words to each other is never a waste of breath. My fiancé and I say “I love you” any time we part—whether it’s on the phone, when he leaves for work, when I run an errand. It makes you feel much happier, and is always a good note to end on when you go about your days.这也是一个很简单的建议!嘴甜不吃亏嘛。

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双语阅读:10个好习惯让你充满热情We are all naturally passionate at some point in our lives. We all start out that way at least. Most children contain the energy and love of life that sums up the spirited. Unfortunately, as life takes its toll, some of us lose our passion. Here are 10 habits to help infuse your life with intensity again.自然,每个人在生活中的某些时刻都有过热情,或者至少刚开始是充满热情的吧。




1. Passionate people are doers.热情的人是行动派。

―Passion is the genesis of genius.‖ – Tony Robbins―热情成就天才。

‖——托尼托尼·罗宾斯罗宾斯While passionate people often enjoy talking a mile a minute about what excites them, they back up their claims with action. Bring on the blood, sweat, and tears! The devoted will do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams.热情的人喜欢滔滔不绝谈论令自己兴奋的事情,更喜欢通过行动来兑现自己的言论。


2. Passionate people are excited.热情的人情绪高昂。

―Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.‖ –Oprah Winfrey―热情是能量,是一种能让你专注于喜爱的事情上的力量。

‖——奥普拉·温弗瑞Passion is contagious! It’s hard to be around a fiery person and not get swept away in their excitement, even if it’s about something that you never thought could interest you. Passionate people live every day with the anticipation of great things.热情是可以传染的!如果身边有个热情似火的人,你很难不被他感染——哪怕你本以为自己绝不会对他说的事情感兴趣。


3. Passionate people are courageous.热情的人充满勇气。

―Chase your passion, not your pension.‖ – Denis Waitley―追寻你的热情吧,别光想着养老金。

‖——丹尼斯·怀特尼Passionate people are willing to do anything to get the job done. They face their fears head-on because they are committed to eliminate anything that holds them back from what they most desire.为了完成工作,热情的人愿意做任何事。


4. Passionate people are positive.热情的人乐观向上。

―Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.‖ – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel―世上任何卓越的成就都缺不了热情。

‖——黑格尔Passionate people often don’t hang out with negative people. They come to value positivity in themselves and others, and don’t have time to entertain failure long. They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks quickly without losing enthusiasm. After all, they didn’t really fail, they just learned one more way to avoid attempting their missio n. They still have thousands of attempts still untested.热情的人一般不会跟消极的人做朋友。




5. Passionate people strive to be their best.热情的人全力以赴。

―Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant.‖ –Ralph Waldo Emerson―热情让世界重现青春,使万物复活、万象更新。

‖——爱默生People with passion always want to offer their best to the world. They can be slightly perfectionist in their thinking, but it’s o nly because they see their output as a direct reflection of them. If they place their personal stamp upon it, it will be infiltrated with their essence.热情的人渴望向世界展现最优秀的自己。



6. Passionate people are motivating.热情的人充满动力。

―Man is only great when he acts from passion.‖ – Benjamin Disraeli―人只有满怀热情地行动才称得上伟大。

‖——本杰明·迪斯雷利Need help getting started with a new project? Find a passionate person to get you off the couch! Passionate people are great coaches and motivators. They often care deeply for others and do everything they can to help them succeed.新项目的启动需要有人帮忙?那就请有热情的人帮你搞定吧!热情的人很擅长指导与鼓劲儿,他们会真心关心他人,竭力帮助他人办好事情。

7. Passionate people are happy.热情的人很快乐。

―Live with passion!‖ – Tony Robbins―热情地生活吧!‖——托尼·罗宾斯Most passionate people who follow their life longings are happy and fulfilled individuals. They focus on their blessings and give back to others. They are glass-half-full people who choose to enjoy making lemonade with the lemons life throws at them.大部分追寻自己生活梦想的热情的人都快乐满足。



8. Passionate people are accountable.热情的人有担当。

―If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.‖ – Benjamin Franklin―如果热情来袭,那就让理智主导心智吧。

‖——本杰明·富兰克林One of the best bits of advice I’ve ever received was that passion was a powerful driving force that must be channeled. If left unchecked, it could cause an explosion causing great destruction. However, if properly utilized, the same fire that once ruined could also be captured to power a steam engine for positive change. Passionate people learn to have others hold them accountable to channel their energy in the best possible way.我听到过的一个好建议是,热情是种―双面性‖的强大驱动力——如果放任自流,它可能爆发并造成惨痛损失;可如果恰当利用的话,同样热烈的情绪也能转化成正能量发动机。
