网络教育应用基础第一次作业 (1)

你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确][正确]正确答案:A解答参考:4. _______________________________________ 计算机内部用于处理数据和指令的编码是。
(A) 十进制码(B) 二进制码(C) 十六进制码(D) 汉字编码你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确][正确]正确答案:B解答参考:5. 冯诺依曼1946年提出了计算机的程序存储原理。
下面关于这一原理的说法错误的是___________(A) 计算机内的程序由指令构成,程序和数据都用二进制数表示(B) 程序由指令构成(C) 计算机以中央处理器为中心(D) 掌上计算机机器尺寸太小,无法存储程序,是由使用者用口语命令它工作的你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确][正确]正确答案:D解答参考:6. 微型计算机的主机包括_______ 。
(A) 运算器和显示器(B) 中央处理器和内存储器(C) 中央处理器和键盘(D) 中央处理器和鼠标你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确][正确]正确答案:B解答参考:7. 在Excel 2003中,A7和N9围成的单元格区域的表示为___________ 。
(A) A7#N9(B) A7+N9(C) A7:N98. 在Excel 2003中,选择一块单元格区域后,若要实现合并及居中的功能则最少需要单击格式工具栏中相应的_______ 。
(A) 2个按钮(B) 3个按钮(C) 4个按钮(D) 1个按钮解答参考:9. 要启动记事本,应依次执行的一组操作步骤是。
(A) 开始-所有程序--附件--记事本(B) 我的电脑--控制面板--记事本(C) 资源管理器--记事本(D) 我的电脑--控制面板--辅助选项--记事本解答参考:10. 在Windows中,当选定文件或文件夹后,不将文件或文件夹放到’回收站'中,而直接删除的操作是______ 。
(A) 按 Delete 键(B) 用鼠标直接将文件或文件夹拖放到"回收站"中(C) 按 Shift + Delete 键(D) 用"我的电脑"或"资源管理器"窗口中"文件"菜单中的删除命令你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确][正确]正确答案:C解答参考:11. 不同于一般的纯文本格式的邮件,下列哪一种电子邮件可以插入好看的图片,可以更改字体或者字的大小、颜色等,做到'图文并茂' _______ ?(A) Word格式的邮件(B) 传统电子邮件(C) Web格式的邮件(D) 文本格式的邮件你选择的答案:A [正确]16. 以下软件中,不属于视频播放软件的是 _____ 。


A:科学计算 B:过程控制 C:辅助设计 D:数据处理2、计算机配置的内存的容量为128MB或128MB以上,其中的128MB是指__D____。
A:128×1000×1000字节 B:128×1000×1000字C:128×1024×1024字 D:128×1024×1024字节3、下列不属于微机主板上主要组件的是___D___。
A:CMOS B:内存插槽 C:高速缓存(Cache) D:键盘4、目前,打印质量最好的打印机是__D____。
A:针式打印机 B:点阵打印机 C:喷墨打印机 D:激光打印机5、不正常关闭Windows操作系统可能会___D___。
A:系统消失 B:硬件损坏 C:无任何影响 D:丢失数据6、在Windows中,不属于由用户设置的文件属性为__D____。
A:存档 B:只读 C:隐藏 D:系统7、在Windows 中,关闭"资源管理器"窗口,可以__D____。
A:小图标 B:大图标 C:列表 D:详细资料9、在Windows 控制面板中,使用"添加\删除程序"的作用是___D___。

2.(35.0分)网络教育与传统的教育相比,有那些显著的特点? 请结合自已的体会针对其中的某一特点进行阐述3.(30.0分)你为什么要报名参加福建师大网络与继续教育学院的学习?计算机应用基础作业2单选题 (共20道题)1.(3.0分)在Excel 图表中,使用x轴作为()。
• A、函数轴• B、数值轴• C、分类轴• D、公式轴2.(3.0分)在Word的编辑状态,连续进行了两次“插入”操作,当单击一次“撤消”按钮后( )。
• A、将两次插入的内容全部取消• B、将第一次插入的内容取消• C、将第二次插入的内容取消• D、两次插入的内容都不被取消3.(3.0分)在PowerPoint中,改变当前一张幻灯片的布局,应选择"格式"菜单中的命令是______。
• A、幻灯片版式• B、幻灯片配色方案• C、应用设计模式• D、母板4.(3.0分)在Excel的电子工作表中建立的数据表,通常把每一列称为一个________。
• A、记录• B、元组• C、属性• D、关键字5.(3.0分)访问,其地址的正确写法是______。
• A、• B、• C、• D、ftp:\\6.(3.0分)某台主机的域名为,其中______为主机名。
• A、public• B、cs• C、hn• D、cn7.(3.0分)在Excel 中,假定要向一个单元格输入文本数据12345,则输入的内容为________。
• A、&12345• B、=12345• C、'12345• D、123458.(3.0分)以下关于IE中"主页"的说法错误的是______。



选择一项:a. CPU和ROMb. 控制器和运算器c. 控制器和RAMd. 运算器和I\O接口反馈正确答案是:控制器和运算器题目3正确获得1分中的1分标记题目题干人们经常利用计算机多媒体技术,对讲解的内容进行形象、直观的描述,以达到更好的表达效果。
选择一项:a. 辅助设计b. 飞机导航c. 建筑物安全检测d. 文字处理反馈正确答案是:辅助设计题目4不正确获得1分中的0分标记题目题干计算机最重要的特点是______。
选择一项:a. 有记忆能力b. 可靠性与可用性c. 存储程序与自动控制d. 高速度与高精度反馈正确答案是:存储程序与自动控制题目5正确获得1分中的1分标记题目题干各种计算机中,字符的ASCII码不完全相同。
选择一项:a. 大写字母A的序号紧跟在小写字母a的序号后面b. 小写字母a的序号比写大字母A的序号小32c. 大写字母A的序号比小写字母a的序号小32d. 小写字母a的序号紧跟在大写字母A的序号后面反馈正确答案是:大写字母A的序号比小写字母a的序号小32 题目6正确获得1分中的1分标记题目题干SRAM存储器,汉语译为______。
选择一项:a. 静态随机存储器b. 动态只读存储器c. 动态随机存储器d. 静态只读存储器反馈正确答案是:静态随机存储器题目7正确获得1分中的1分标记题目题干在图形用户界面的操作系统中,最常使用的设备是______。
选择一项:a. 鼠标b. 麦克风c. 打印机d. 扫描仪反馈正确答案是:鼠标题目8正确获得1分中的1分标记题目题干按照传送的信息对总线分类,不包括______。
选择一项:a. 地址总线b. 数据总线c. 系统总线d. 控制总线反馈正确答案是:系统总线题目9正确获得1分中的1分标记题目题干"ASCII码",用来将字符转换为二进制数。


如果反射光束与折射光束之间的夹角正好为90°,该玻璃板的折射率等于多少?又当光波从玻璃板入射到空气中时,该玻璃板的全反射临界角是多少?答:入射角θ1=60°根据上图以及入射角θ1、反射角θ1’、 折射角θ2的关系式:θ1=θ1’n1sin θ1=n2sin θ 2得:折射角θ2=90°-60°=30°n2=n1sin θ1/sin θ2=sin60°/sin30°=0.866/0.5=1.732全反射临界角θc=arcsin(n1/n2)=arcsin(1/1.732)=35.3°2、一阶跃光纤,其纤芯折射率n 1=1.52,包层折射率n 2=1.49。
求:(1)光纤放置在空气中,光从空气中入射到光纤输入端面的最大接收角是多少? (2)光纤浸在水中(n 0=1.33),光从水中入射到光纤输入端面的最大接收角是多少?答:由公式n0sin φ0=n1sin φ1=n1cos θc,在光纤内n1,n2交界面上的全反射公式为n1sin θc=n2,可得(1)22221sin 110sin n n n c -=-=θφ=2249.152.1-=0.3φ0=arcsin(0.3)≈17.5°(2)22221sin 110sin 0n n n n c -=-=θφ=0.3φ0=arcsin(0.3/n0)=arcsin(0.3/1.33)≈13°3、某阶跃光纤的纤芯折射率为1.5,相对折射率差为Δ=0.003,纤芯的直径为7μm ,问:(1)该光纤的LP 11高阶模的截止波长λct 是多少?(2)当纤芯内光波长λ1=0.57μm 和0.87μm 时,能否实现单模传输?答:∆=-=22212122n an n aV λπλπ m 1.064048.2003.025.15.32221μμππλ≈⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=∆=∴m V an 因而(1)该光纤的LP 11高阶模的截止波长λct 为1.06um 。

网络教育(自学考试)大学英语(1)作业题及答案三套2013年9月份考试大学英语(1)第一次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 40 小题,每小题 1 分)1. Many years ago, the girl ( ) in London with her family for a longtime.A. livedB. had livedC. has livedD. was living2. The man knocked at the door ( ) nobody answered.A. andB. soC. orD. but3. The man knocked at the door ( ) nobody answered.A. andB. soC. orD. but4. ––The air is full of smoke and people are coughing. ––It'll get worse ( ) the government does something about pollution.A. butB. exceptC. besidesD. unless5. The sports shoes only ( ) 20 dollars A. costsB. spendsC. takesD. keeps6. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know ( ).A. which to chooseB. to choose whatC. what to chooseD. to choose which7. When you come out of the elevator, turn ( ) left.A. aB. anC. theD. ×8. The manager’s office is ( ) the fourth floor downstairs. A. atB. inC. onD. from9. There were so many people that police found it very hard to bring the situation ( ) control. A. atB. underC. withD. on10. Great changes ( ) in China since 1978.A. have been taken placeB. have taken placeC. has been taken placeD. has taken place11. It is a nice day to me. Why not ( ) for a picnic?A. go forB. go toC. go outD. go in12. ( ) some mammals came to live in the sea is not knownA. WhichB. SinceC. AlthoughD. How13. The pants are too ( )( ) for me. I’d like some loose ones. A. shortB. closeC. tightD. narrow14. Would you plea se tell me( )? A. where is the manager’s office?B. where the manager’s office is?C. the manager’s office is where?D. how can I find the manager’s office.15. The number of the visitors, ( ) we had expected, was well overtwo hundred.A. thatB. whereC. whoD. as16. . It’s raining as far east ( ) Detroit and Toronto. A. asB. toC. forD. so17. The movie was very boring and only ( ) people finished it.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little18. . It’s raining as far east ( ) Detroit an d Toronto.A. asB. toC. forD. so19. We have to do this uninteresting work ( ) we like it or not. A. no matterB. eitherC. whateverD. whether20. ( ), how can I get to the Kodak company?A. I'm sorryB. Please tell meC. WellD. Excuse me21. It looks ( )that rain is going to continue through the weekend.A. likeB. asC. ifD. whether22. ( ) I had time, I would have gone over to see her. A. DidB. WereC. HadD. If23. When talking about fruits, I prefer banana ( ) apple.A. overB. ofC. atD. to24. It ( ) for the woman to realize that she had spelled my name incorrectly.A. took five minutesB. was five minutesC. had five minutesD. take five minutes25. Between 1886 and 1914, Canada received over two million immigrants. The majority of them were from Eastern Europe. The government welcomed these people by offering them free farmland in the West. However, Canada immigration policy was not equal for Asian immigrants. The Canadian government passed two laws to prevent Chinese immigration. In 1885, the Canadian government passed the first law to prevent Chinese immigration. The law forced every Chinese person entering Canada to pay a $50 entry fee. The government introduced this head tax to satisfy Caucasian(高加索人) laborers whofelt that Chinese immigrants were competing for their jobs. The head tax was a burden for Chinese immigrants, but it did not prevent them from coming to Canada. For many of these poor Chinese laborers, they could earn more money there than in China. They were willing to borrow the money to pay for the overseas trip and the head tax. The Canadian government raised the head tax to $100 in 1900, then to $500 in 1903. The Canadian government passed its most restrictive immigration law in 1923. That year, the Chinese Immigration Act prevented all Chinese except officers, merchants, and students fromAsian entering Canada. The Act was the result of pressure from anti-groups. These groups felt that the head tax was insufficient because Chinese laborers were still coming to Canada. The law effectivelystopped Chinese immigration from 1923 to 1947. During the 24-year period, only 44 Chinese entered Canada officially.A. because Chinese immigrants conquered their landsB. Chinese immigrants were competing for their jobsC. because to many Chinese immigrants came to CanadaD. All of the above26. Music ( ) us a lot of pleasure.A. givingB. giveC. givesD. gived27. There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous, not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The first name was givenat birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant “firstborn daughter”. The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man (有法术之人). It usuallyreferred to the fine character of good deeds of one of the child’s ancestors (祖先). When he grew up, the personwas expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person mightnot be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usuallyreferred to something odd (临时的) that the person had done. It was hardlyever flattering. The fourth name came the deed name. It was give nby a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinary bravery. The name might be that of a fear –– inspiring animal such as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.A. He had done something oddB. American Indians liked to give nicknamesC. He was courageousD. He liked the animal best28. There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous, not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The first name was givenat birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant “firstborn daughter”. The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man 有法术之人). It usuallyreferred to the fine character of good deeds (of one of the child’s ancestors (祖先). When he grew up, the person was expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person mightnot be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usuallyreferred to something odd (临时的) that the person had done. It was hardlyever flattering. The fourth name came the deed name. It was give n by a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinary bravery. The name might be that of a fear –– inspiring animal such as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.A. Parent.B. Medicine man.C. War chief.D. School teacher.29. Between 1886 and 1914, Canada received over two million immigrants. The majority of them were from Eastern Europe. The government welcomed these people by offering them free farmland in the West. However, Canada immigration policy was not equal for Asian immigrants. The Canadian government passed two laws to prevent Chinese immigration. In 1885, the Canadian government passed the first law to prevent Chinese immigration. The law forced every Chinese person entering Canada to pay a $50 entry fee. The government introduced this head tax to satisfy Caucasian(高加索人) laborers whofelt that Chinese immigrants were competing for their jobs. The head tax was a burden for Chinese immigrants, but it did not prevent them from coming to Canada. For many of these poor Chinese laborers, they could earn more money there than in China. They were willing to borrow the money to pay for the overseas trip and the head tax. The Canadian government raised the head tax to $100 in 1900, then to $500 in 1903.The Canadian government passed its most restrictive immigration law in 1923. That year, the Chinese Immigration Act prevented all Chineseexcept officers, merchants, and students fromentering Canada. The Act was the result of pressure from anti-Asian groups. These groups felt that the head tax was insufficient because Chinese laborers were still coming to Canada. The law effectively stopped Chinese immigration from 1923 to 1947. During the 24-year period, only 44 Chinese entered Canada officially.A. because Chinese immigrants conquered their landsB. Chinese immigrants were competing for their jobsC. because to many Chinese immigrants came to CanadaD. All of the above30. There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous, not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The first name was givenat birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant “firstborn daughter”. The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man (有法术之人). It usuallyreferred to the fine character of good deeds of one of the child’s ancestors (祖先). When he grew up, the personwas expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person mightnot be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usuallyreferred to something odd (临时的) that the person had done. It was hardlyever flattering. The fourth name came the deed name. It was give nby a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinary bravery. The name might be that of a fear –– inspiring animal such as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.A. Parent.B. Medicine man.C. War chief.D. School teacher.31. Sally ( ) a cup of coffee whenever she comes home.A. feels likeB. feelC. likeD. feels alike32. I don't think that I shall fail. But if I ( ), I would try again.A. should failB. would failC. failedD. had failed33. There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous,not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The firstname was given at birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant “firstborn daughter”. The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man (有法术之人). It usually referred to the fine character of good deeds of one of the child’s ancestors (祖先). When he grew up, the person was expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person might not be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usually referred to something odd (临时的) that the person had done. It was hardly ever flattering. The fourth name came the deed name. It was give n by a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinaryinspiring animal such bravery. The name might be that of a fear ––as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.A. misunderstandings about American Indian names,B. the way American Indians are named,C. American Indian family namesD. the number of American Indian names34. Linda ( ) a dancer, but now she is a bit overweight. A. is used to beB. is used to beingC. used to beD. used to being35. —Someone took my book. —Well, I didn't and ( ).A. nor did JackB. nor Jack didC. Jack did norD. Jack nor did36. He will be punished ( ) he does his work.A. unlessB. ifC. forD. because37. He ( ) when his teacher asked him to hand it in. A. has just finished his paperB. just finished his paperC. would just finish his paperD. had just finished his paper38. John ( ) to Beijing many times and he knows the city very well.A. wentB. has goneC. goesD. has been39. Simply saying “hi” is an ( )greeting.A. informalB. formalC. informD. form40. I ( ) the dorm with 8 classmates.A. shareB. liveC. accompanyD. include二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共60分,共 6 小题,每小题 10 分)1. Advertising can be tho ught of “as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services”. Advertising aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message, and the press offers a fairly cheap method. Magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local markets. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Posters are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertising.We might ask whether the cost of advertising is paid for by the manufacturer or by the consumer. Since advertising forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertising. However, if large scale advertising leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertising on sales. When the market is growing, advertising helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertising may prevent a bigger fall in scales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertising if they were not convinced of its value to them.(1). Advertising is often used to ( )A. convince customersB.promote productionC.rise interestD.push the sales(2). According to the passage, trade fairs (Paragraph 1) may ( ) .A. replace exhibitions and markets supplyB.local goods and servicesC.attract possible customersD.provide cheap amusements(3). Advertising is in the main paid for by ( ) .A. the customerB.the producerC.the increased salesD.the decreased costs(4). The author says that advertising can increase demand ( )A. in any period of any a growing a shrinking market(5). What the last sentence of this passage actually tells us isthat ( ).A. businessmen usually do not pay more for advertising than they have toB.businessmen know well that advertising could bring them more profits C.advertising couldn’t convince people of the value of the goods advertising usually costsD.businessmen large amounts of money2. Few Americans remain in one position or one place for a lifetime. We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere,from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement. With each move we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time. For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also withthe hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible The word “ friend ” can be applied to a wide range ofrelationships — to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a fellow worker, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant ( 知已 ).(1). Many Americans move from place to place for the following reasons except( )A. going to college?B.getting a better jobC.finding a place to live in retirement D.saving money(2). Summer is a special time when many Americans( )A. enjoy the sunlightB.feel to other countriesD.get a new job(3). When summer comes, many Americans( )A. hope to meet new peopleB.expect to find some close friendsC.want to begin lasting friendships with new people D.Both A and B(4). From the passage it can be seen that a “friend” can be ( )A. a fellow workerB.a football teammateC.a boy or a girlD.all of the above(5). Which of the following is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? ( )A. For many of us summer is a special time for forming newfriendships.B.Today millions of Americans vacation abroad C.No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friendD.But surely the beginning of friendship is possible3. Almost every family buys at least one copy of a newspaper everyday. Some people subscribe to as many as two or three differentnewspapers. But why do people read newspapers? Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings — battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed — took months and evenyears to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers giveus a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and, of course, advertisements. There are all sorts of advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for their advertising space, but it is worth the money, for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisementsare also important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell theirThe habit of newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.(1).reading newspapers is ( )A. widespreadB.found among a few familiesC.not popularD.uncommon(2). In the past, news was ( )A. sent by telegraphB.sent by letterC.assed from one person to anotherD.sent by telephone(3). The money spent on advertisements is ( )A. wastedB.not muchC.worthwhileD.of no use to anyone(4). Which of the following statements is not true? ( )A. Five hundred years ago news did not take a long time to reach other countries.B.Large companies put big advertisements in the newspapers to make their products known.C.The news that we need in our newspapers is up-to-date. D.Though the newspapers are sold at a low price, their owners still gain profit.(5). The phrase “subscribe to” in the second sentence means ( ).A. contribute toB.write for receivingD.appreciate) 4. During the summer holidays there will be a revised ( 修改过的schedule of services for the students. Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the walloutside of the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged, will be posted each Wednesday outside of the student club.In the summer holidays, buses going to the town center will leavethe main hall every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 pm on weekends. The library will continue its usual hours during the week, but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 pm. All students who want to use the library borrowing services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next week''s student newspaper.(1). The main purpose of this announcement is to ( )A. tell students of important schedule changesB.tell students of new bus and library the excellent services for studentsD.ask students to renew their library cards(2). At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall? ( )A. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00B.8:30,9:30, 10:30, 11:30C.8:30,9:00, 9:30, 10:00D.8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30(3). Times for films and concerts are not listed in this announcement because ( )A. they are not to be announcedB.they are posted outside of the student clubC.the full list is not readyD. ?the full list is too long(4). In the summer holidays, the library will have ( )A. no special hoursB.special hours on weekdaysC.special hours on weekendsD.special hours both on weekdays and weekends(5). We may infer that during the summer holidays ( )A. the student newspaper will sell more copiesB.there will be a concert or a film once a weekC.many students will stay in the breakfast will be served on weekend5. Tokyo: Three snakes, whose poison could kill a person in ten minutes, are guarding a blue star sapphire ( 蓝宝石 ) worth nearly six hundred thousand dollars at a Japanese exhibition of jewels sent from an Indian museum."Normally it would be forbidden to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects, but it''s different this time because the jewels are being exhibited at a hotel," a police official said. Exhibitionofficials said that a person bitten( 咬 )by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an anti-poison medicine to be saved. Medicine was being kept ready at a nearby hospital. Star sapphires and other valuable jewels worth a total of one million dollars are on show behind glass. Hundreds of visitors came to see the special blue star sapphire and were surprised when they saw the sixty-centimeter long brown guards.(1). Using snakes at exhibitions ofvaluable objects is ( )A. quite normalB.never allowedC.often necessaryD.usually forbidden(2). The jewels were being shown in ( )A. an Indian Indian museumC.a Japanese hotelD.a Japanese museum(3). Why were the snakes and jewels at the same exhibition? ( )A. They were both special things from IndiaB.The snakes were there to keep the jewels safe.C.The organizers wanted to do something unusual.D.People liked to visit an exhibition guarded by snakes.(4). Many visitors came to the exhibition because ( ).A. the snakes were on many jewels were being exhibitedC.exhibition officials said it was specialD.they were interested in seeing a famous jewel(5). What’s the feeling of the visitors when they saw the guards of the blue star? ( )A. surprisedB.remoteC.sadD.excitedE.6. The MarylandScienceCenter is more than fun. You can enjoy thethree floors of exciting things, watch the larger-than-life play on the4th floor, and travel to other words, to faraway stars, on the 5th floor.Don’t just look. You are expected to feel, t o turn, to push. Build your own house and learn why it stands or falls. Use computers to workout plans just as famous scientists have done. There is always something new to learn at the MarylandScienceCenter.Children and group visitors enjoy half price.The excitement of the MarylandScienceCenter does not end when you leave. Visit the Science Store for a gift you’d like to keep.Electronic jewelry, games, books, and more – take part of the ScienceCenter home with you.InformationWhere to call:24 hour general information (410) 686-522524 hour STARLINE night sky information (410) 539-STARGroup visitor information (410) 68502370Hours:The MarylandScienceCenter is open 7 days a week (exceptThanksgiving Day and Christmas Day)Friday 10 am – 6 pm Monday –Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 8 pm(1). What can visitors do at the MarylandScienceCenter? ( )A. Learn science by trying it out.B.Watch and take part in a play.C.Make gifts for their friends.(2). The Maryland Science Center stays open ( ) A. every day from 10 am to 8 pmalmost all the weekdays and weekends B.on Thanksgiving Day andC.Christmas Day(3). By calling (410) 685-2370 we can get information about ( ).A. the night sky showB.books and price tickets(4). “ Take part of the Science Center home with you” means that ( )A. visitors can buy something there and take them homeB.the ScienceCenter may be sold to visitors. C.the visitors can make the ScienceCenter their home(5). Which is true about the MarylandScienceCenter? ( )A. Visitors can play and learn at the same time.B.It helps visitors travel to other countries. C.It can be visited 24 hours a day答案:一、单项选择题(40分,共 40 题,每小题 1 分)1. A2. D3. D4. D5. A6. A7. D8. C9. B 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. C14. B 15. D 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25.B 26.C 27. C 28.D 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. A37. D 38. D 39. A 40. A6 题,每小题 10 分) 二、阅读理解单项选择题(60分,共1.(1). D (2). C (3). A (4). C (5). B2.(1). D (2). C (3). A (4). D (5). A3.(1). A (2). C (3). C (4). A (5). C4.(1). A (2). B (3). B (4). C (5). D5.(1). D (2). C (3). B (4). D (5). A6.(1). A (2). B (3). C (4). A (5). A2013年9月份考试大学英语(1)第二次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 40 小题,每小题 1 分)1. My American friend knows my problem because I ( ) my ideas with him.A. have changedB. changedC. have exchangedD. exchanged2. We are having a ( ) technical problem with one of our engines. A. lightB. slightC. brightD. slim3. There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous, not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The first name was given at birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant “firstborn daughter”. The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man (有法术之人). It usually referred to the fine character of good deeds o f one of the child’s ancestors (祖先). When he grew up, the personwas expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person mightnot be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usuallyreferred to something odd (临时的) that the person had done. It was hardlyever flattering. The fourth name came the deed name. It was give nby a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinary bravery. The name might be that of a fear –– inspiring animal such as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.A. if he could put the meaning of this name into practice,B. if his appearance would be like his ancestor’s,C. only when he grew upD. when he satisfied the medicine man4. Between 1886 and 1914, Canada received over two million immigrants. The majority of them were from Eastern Europe. Thegovernment welcomed these people by offering them free farmland in the West. However, Canada immigration policy was not equal for Asian immigrants. The Canadian government passed two laws to prevent Chinese immigration. In 1885, the Canadian government passed the first law to prevent Chinese immigration. The law forced every Chinese person entering Canada to pay a $50 entry fee. The government introduced this head tax to satisfy Caucasian(高加索人) laborers who felt that Chinese immigrants were competing for their jobs. The head tax was a burden for Chinese immigrants, but it did not prevent them from coming to Canada. For many of these poor Chinese laborers, they could earn more money there than in China. They were willing to borrow the money to pay for the overseas trip and the head tax. The Canadian government raised the head tax to $100 in 1900, then to $500 in 1903. The Canadian government passed its most restrictive immigration law in 1923. That year, the Chinese Immigration Act prevented all Chinese except officers, merchants, and students from entering Canada. TheAsian groups. These groups Act was the result of pressure from anti- felt that the head tax was insufficient because Chinese laborers were still coming to Canada. The law effectively stopped Chinese immigration from 1923 to 1947. During the 24-year period, only 44 Chinese entered Canada officially.A. strictB. seriousC. limitation。


A:ENIAC B:EDVAC C:EDSAC D:MARK2、当前计算机已应用于各种行业、各种领域,而计算机最早的设计是应用于_B__。
A:数据处理 B:科学计算 C:辅助设计 D:过程控制3、专家系统能够利用人类专家的知识和解决问题的方法来处理该领域问题,这属于计算机应用中的_D___。
A:科学计算 B:数据处理 C:自动控制 D:人工智能4、"同一台计算机,只要安装不同的软件或连接到不同的设备上,就可以完成不同的任务"是指计算机具有__B__。
A:高速运算的能力B:极强的通用性C:逻辑判断能力 D:很强的记忆能力5、数据是信息的载体。
A:多媒体 B:表达式 C:函数 D:图像6、微型计算机的微处理器芯片上集成了_B__。
A:CPU和RAM B:控制器和运算器C:控制器和RAM D:运算器和I/O接口7、8个字节含二进制位_D__。
A:8个 B:16个 C:32个 D:64个8、计算机内部用于处理数据和指令的编码是___B_。
A:十进制码 B:二进制码 C:ASCII码 D:汉字编码9、计算机中,运算器的主要功能是完成_C_。
A:代数和逻辑运算 B:代数和四则运算C:算术和逻辑运算 D:算术和代数运算10、与二进制数11111110等值的十进制数是_D_。
A:251 B:252 C:253 D:25411、在Word中,工具栏上标有剪刀图形的快捷按钮的作用是_D_选定对象。
A:打印 B:保存 C:删除 D:剪切12、Excel工作表中最小操作单元是_A______。
A:单元格 B:一行 C:一列 D:一张表13、在Windows窗口的任务栏中有多个应用程序按钮图标时,其中代表应用程序窗口是当前窗口的图标所呈现的状态为__C_。

江南大学网络教育第一阶段练习题考试科目:《计算机应用基础(专科类)》第章至第章(总分100分)一单选题 (共30题,总分值30分,下列选项中有且仅有一个选项符合题目要求,请在答题卡上正确填涂。
)1. 下列关于内存储器(也称为主存)的叙述中,正确的是( C)。
(1 分)A. 内存储器和外存储器是统一编址的,字是存储器的基本编址单位B. 内存储器与外存储器相比,存取速度慢、价格便宜C. 内存储器与外存储器相比,存取速度快、单位存储容量的价格贵D. RAM和ROM在断电后信息将全部丢失2. 在下述Windows 7的各个版本中,支持的功能最多的是( D)。
(1 分)A. 家庭普通版B. 家庭高级版C. 专业版D. 旗舰版3. 硬盘的平均存取时间由( C)决定。
(1 分)A. 数据所在扇区转到磁头下所需的时间B. 磁头移动到数据所在磁道所需的平均时间C. 硬盘的旋转速度、磁头的寻道时间和数据的传输速率D. 硬盘转动一周所需的时间4. 下列关于PC机主板的叙述,错误的是( A)。
(1 分)A. BIOS的中文名称是基本输入输出系统,它仅包含基本外围设备的驱动程序B. CMOS由电池供电,当电池无电时,其中设置的信息会丢失C. Cache通常是指由SRAM组成的高速缓冲存储器D. 目前PC寄主板上的芯片一般由多块VLSL组成,不同类型的CPU通常需要使用不同的芯片组5. 在Windows资源管理器中,“剪切”一个文件后,该文件被(C )。
(1 分)A. 删除B. 临时存放在“我的文档”中C. 临时存放在“剪贴板”中D. 临时存放在“回收站”中6. Win7中的一个库最多可以包含( D)个文件夹。
(1 分)A. 20B. 30C. 40D. 507. 下列关于CPU的叙述,错误的是( A)。
(1 分)A. CPU中指令计数器的作用是统计已经执行过的指令数目B. CPU所能执行的全部指令的集合称为该CPU的指令系统C. CPU中含有若干寄存器D. 时钟频率决定着CPU芯片内部数据传输与操作速度的快慢8. 在Windows中,使用“(B )”中的“磁盘碎片整理程序”可以整理磁盘卷的碎片,使计算机运行的更快更有效。


1、PowerPoint 中可以对幻灯片进行移动、删除、添加、复制、设置动画效果,但不能编辑幻灯片中具体内容的视图是(b)。
A网中网B国际互联网C国际联网D计算机网络系统4、PowerPoint 中可以对幻灯片进行移动、删除、添加、复制、设置动画效果,但不能编辑幻灯片中具体内容的视图是(b)。
A自动把有误的邮件删除B原邮件退回,并给出不能寄达的原因C邮件将丢失D原邮件退回,但不给出不能寄达的原因3、在Internet Explorer 浏览器中,“收藏夹"收藏的是(c)。


《计算机安全技术》期中作业题学号: 11710320 姓名: 黄浩彬成绩:考试内容:1-5章时间:2012/10/17一、名词解释(30%)磁盘镜像、磁盘双工、磁盘阵列容错(RAID)、双机热备份、备份、系统备份、硬件备份、软件备份、数据失效、24x7系统、备份窗口、跨平台备份、推技术、备份介质轮换、灾难恢复措施。

正确答案:B.LAN4.Ethernet以太网是( )结构的局域网。

作业(一)第二章1、在298K时,有2mol的氮气,始态体积为15dm3,保持温度不变、,经下列三个过程膨胀到终态体积为50 dm3,计算各过程的W、△U、△H和Q的值。
2、根据下列反应的反应热,求298.15K时,AgCl的生成热△f H mθ(AgCl,298.15K)Ag2O(s)+2HCl(g)=2AgCl(s)+H2O(l)△r H mθ(298.15K)=-324.9kJ·mol-1 2Ag(s)+1/2O2(g)=Ag2O(s)△r H mθ(298.15K)=-30.57 kJ·mol-1 1/2 H2(g)+1/2Cl2(g)=HCl(g)△r H mθ(298.15K)=-92.31 kJ·mol-1 H2(g)+1/2O2(g)=H2O(l)△r H mθ(298.15K)=-285.84 kJ·mol-13、利用△f H mθ(B,298 K)数据,计算下列反应的△r H mθ(298K)(所需数据请查书后附录表16)。
(1) C(石墨)+2H2O(g)==== CO2(g)+2H2(g);(2) 2H2S(g)+SO2(g)==== 3S(s,正交)+2H2O(g);4、利用△c H mθ(B, 298 K) 数据,计算下列反应的△r H mθ(298 K) (所需数据请查书后附录表15)。
(1) CH5OH(l)+O2(g)==== CH3COOH(l)+H2O(l) ;(2) C2H2(g)+H2O(l)==== CH3CHO(g);(3) C2H4(g)+H2O(l)==== C2H5OH(l)。
已知在该温度下,甲苯的汽化热为362 kJ·kg-12、设1molHe服从理想气体行为,由始态T1= 273.2K,p1=304000Pa经恒温抗外压202700Pa(不可逆)的过程转变为p2=202700Pa,体积为V2的终态。
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专业:计算机应用技术所在教学中心:福建广播电视大学龙海工作站校外学习中心1.网络教育与传统的教育相比,有那些显著的特点? 请结合加以进一步的阐述。
在网络教学系统中存储着大量数据、档案资料、程序、教学软件、兴趣讨论组、专家组等各种教学信息,而网络中的每个学习者可以共享各种信息资源,这是其它任何一种媒体和技术手段所无法做到的,“网络教学信息由教育专家、优秀教师和计算机人员共同开发的,学生可以得到任何一个国家和地区、任一学科和领域的知识信息,得到世界上任一位专家学者的指导,使每一位学习者都能得到均等的受教育的机会,不再会受到学校水平、教材、教师能力的限制”,在网络教育中,许多优秀教育工作者总结多年教育教学经验,运用多媒体等现代教育手段,精心设计并制作各种学科的多媒体CAI (计算机辅助教学)软件,并把它应用于教育教学中,教育由此开始了新的篇章。
(7) 资源非常丰富,教师可以学生提供更多的素材,包括指导学生对其它网址的访问。
(8) 利用因特网进行教学时,学生处于个别化、交互式的学习状态,大大提高了教学效率。
(9) 学生个人可以在教师开辟的公共讨论区发表自己的见解,使整个网络教学过程能够形成一种讨论的气氛,教师也可以与学生讨论,开展启发式教学。
(10) 教师还可以利用因特网进行计算机管理教学,包括将学生有关的个人资料、评价情况等利用计算机来进行处理。