C8 Operation Management(good)




Arealaw 面积规律 array 阵列 Arrow 箭头 Arrowlinedisplay 箭头线显示 Arrowsegment 箭头段 ArtisticImage 艺术图像 ASCII 美国信息交换标准码 AspectRatio 纵横比 AssembleAsGroup 装配为组 AssembleStep 装配步骤 Assemblies 装配 AssembliesClearance 装配间隙 Assembly 装配 Assemblyanalysis 装配体分析 AssemblyHiddenLineRemoval 装配消隐线移去 AssemblyModeling 装配建模 AssemblyNavigator 装配导航器 AssemblyNavigatorTool 装配导航工具 Assemblypart 装配部件 Assemblypreferences 装配参数预设置 AssemblySepuencing 装配导航器 Assemblyviews 装配视图 AssemblyZone 装配区域 AssenblySequences 装配次序 Assign 指定 Assignment 分派 Associate 关联 Associated 相关联的 Associative 关联
Addacomponents 添加一个组件 AddExistingComponent 加入已存的组件 Addexistingpart 加入已存的部件 AddViewtoDrawing 在图纸中增加视图 Addingaviewdistance 添加一个视图的距离 Addinganorthographicview 添加一个正投影视图 Addingentries 添加记录 Addingmemberstoassembly 添加成员到装配体中 Addingpoles 添加极点 Additional 附加的 Adjacency 相邻 AdjacentEdgesDevuation 相邻边偏差 Adjust 调整 Adrisor 顾问 AdvancedLights 高级光 Advantagesoverinterpartexpressions 超出部件 间表达式的优 点 Align 对齐 Aligncurve 对准曲线 AlignView 对齐视图 Aligningdrawingviews 对准图纸视图 Alignment 对准 Alignmentmethods 对准方法 Alignmentoptions 对准选项 All 全部 Allow 允许 Allowsubstitution 允许替换 Allowance 余量 Along 沿着 Alongcurve 沿曲线



运营管理Operation Management(第十三章供应链管理)习题判断题1.外包是指将传统上属于企业内部的活动转移给外部的供应商负责。






是否单选题1.以下哪一策略可以使得供应链更有效率?A在特定的时间里,进行价格促销B采取每天低价的策略C根据采购量的多少,设置采购折扣D 买一送一2.在供应链中,()不是牛鞭效应产生的原因?A准时化生产B批量采购C价格促销D期货购买行为3.哪种谈判策略要求供应商向采购方提供其订单量()。










诠释零售营运专业术语(中英文). 营运管理(OPERATION MANAGEMENT):是指零售商透过一些硬指标及软指标对其门店的各项作业,起到培训、督导、考核、奖惩的一系列经营管理活动。


2. 营运规范(OPERATION STANDARD):营运管理部门对门店的各项营运作业做一个统一的、规范的作业流程与作业细节,称之为“营运规范”,其目的是提高营运效率,节省人力与费用,提高效益,避免个人或部门闭门造车,按照不规范的方法,提供不规范的服务给顾客。

3. 经营绩效(PERFORMANCE):又称为“效益”,是指营运管理最终的成果,具体表现在一些指标任务达标的情况,包括:销售额、销售额增长率、毛利额、毛利率、毛利额增长率、损耗率、其他收入、其他收入增长率、费用率、净利率、投资回报率、资产回报率、人员流动率、存货周转率等等。

4. 布局(LAYOUT):又称为“商品配置图”,系指门店各商品大小组及部门的配置相关位置。




5. 指标(TARGET、GOAL、OBJECTIVE、BUDGET):又称为“目标”,是指在营运管理的过程,公司为门店所设定(或门店设定经公司同意)的一些经营任务。


6. 电脑建议订单(OPL、ORDER PROPOSAL LIST):指门店利用信息技术将日均销量、库存数量、交货天数、交货日期、订货单位倍数及最低订货金额等数据结合在一起,运算出“建议订货数量”与“送货日期”。



《学科概论》课程简介课程名称:学科概论(Introduction to Disciplines )课程编号:107001学分:1分总学时:16学时选课对象:会计学修读要求:必修内容提要:会计学科概论主要涉及会计学科的理论知识和专业技能,会计专业的历史变革和发展,强化会计信息系统方面的知识,学习会计学科概论,有助于了解会计学在各个领域的应用,以及对其它学科的影响,熟悉国内外与会计相关的方针,政策法规及准则,会计职业道德规范,培养知识能力素质协调发展。

考核方式:撰写1篇论文使用教材:自编讲义参考书:《会计学概论》刘永泽主编高等教育出版社2007第一版《基础会计》陈国辉主编东北财经大学出版社2012第三版《会计学》胡玉明编著中国人民大学出版社2011第一版《学科概论》教学大纲(适用于理论教学课程)课程名称:学科概论(Introduction to Disciplines )课程编码:107001学分:1分总学时:16学时适用专业:会计学先修课程:无一、课程的性质、目的与任务通识教育课程,必修课程。


二、教学基本要求了解:会计学科的内涵、基本理念理解:会计学、成本会计学、管理会计、审计等专业的相关知识掌握:会计职业道德修养、相关政策法规、正确认识会计职业及对职业的规划和设想三、教学内容(应标出具体学时)第1章导论 4 学时1.1 会计学的含义1.2 会计学科的产生1.3 会计学科的发展1.4 会计学科的任务与作用1.5 学习会计学科的意义第2章会计学科体系 2 学时2.1 财务会计学2.2 成本会计学2.3 审计2.4 税法第3章财经法规4学时3.1 概述3.2 会计工作管理体制3.3 会计核算与监督3.4 会计机构和会计人员第4章会计职业道德与规范 4 学时4.1 会计职业道德概述4.2 会计职业道德规范的主要内容4.3 会计职业道德与修养4.4 会计职业道德建设第5章会计职业发展和规划 2 学时5.1 会计职业5.2 会计职业发展和规划总计16学时实践环节无四、教学参考书《会计学概论》刘永泽主编高等教育出版社2007第一版《基础会计》陈国辉主编东北财经大学出版社2012第三版《会计学》胡玉明编著中国人民大学出版社2011第一版执笔人:钱红光《管理学原理》课程简介课程名称:管理学原理(Management Principle)课程编号:107101学分:2.5学分总学时:40学时选课对象:市场营销、财务管理、会计学、信息管理、电子商务、行政管理、人力资源管理修读要求:必修内容提要:本课程的教学目的在于通过教与学,使学生正确理解管理的概念、管理的科学性和艺术性,掌握计划、决策、组织、领导、控制等方面的基本理论与方法,了解管理学的基本原理和一般方法,并能综合运用所学理论分析实际问题,初步具有解决一般管理问题的能力,该课程为以后学习其它专业管理课程和日后的实际管理工作奠定理论基础。

operation management

operation management

Investments Security Real estate
Loans Commercial Industrial Financial Personal Mortgage
Accounting Auditing
Trust Department
Figure 1.1(A)
Table 1.2 (cont.)
1 - 12
Ten Decision Areas
Layout strategy (Ch 9) › How should we arrange the facility? › How large must the facility be to meet our plan? Human resources and job design (Ch 10) › How do we provide a reasonable work environment? › How much can we expect our employees to produce?
Finance/ accounting
Disbursements/ credits Receivables Payables General ledger Funds Management Money market International exchange Capital requirements Stock issue Bond issue and recall
Table 1.2 (cont.)
1 - 15
Significant Events in OM
Figure 1.3
1 - 16



物流运营管理物流运营管理(Logistics operation management)物流运营管理 1物流运营管理是指将信息、库存、仓库、搬运以及包装等物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理,它的任务是以尽可能低的成本为顾客提供最好的服务。

















Compa‎n y Opera‎t ion and Manag‎em ent‎公司运作与‎管理1.团队合作的‎重要性:team work:learn‎from my fello‎w worke‎rslearn‎to commu‎n i cat‎e wi th all sorts‎of peopl‎eknow each other‎ wellcoope‎rate with each other‎e ffec‎ti vel‎yhave a chanc‎e to liste‎n to diffe‎rent point‎s of viewenabl‎e team membe‎r s to keep track‎of work progr‎e ssmake colle‎ctive‎decis‎i onsincre‎a se perso‎n al aware‎n ess of abili‎t ies and compl‎e ment‎a ry skill‎s in your teamm‎a tes.It offer‎s me oppor‎t unit‎i es to devel‎o p bette‎r i nter‎p erso‎n al commu‎ni cat‎i on skill‎s.(培训课程的‎作用)2.团队成功的‎要素:相互信任,通力合作,及时的沟通‎,决定对策mutua‎l trust‎相互信任share‎ a trust‎i ng relat‎i onsh‎i p feel free to expre‎ss their‎views‎full co-opera‎ti on 通力合作When team membe‎rs devel‎o p a stron‎g aware‎n ess of coope‎ratio‎n,they would‎make coll e‎cti ve‎effor‎t s to achie‎v e the commo‎n objec‎ti ves‎and ensur‎e a highe‎r level‎ of quali‎t y and workm‎a nshi‎p.3.团队建设提供培训课‎程怎样进行团‎队建设:provi‎d e team build‎i ng games‎and outdo‎o r activ‎i ties‎that liven‎up the train‎i ng sessi‎o n sprovi‎d e train‎i ng cours‎e soutdo‎o r adven‎t ures‎like rafti‎n g,saili‎n g and rock climb‎l ingmutua‎l under‎stand‎i ng and mutua‎l trust‎ a re indis‎pensa‎b le to effec‎ti ve team build‎i ng.4.课程培训的‎重要性:train‎i ng progr‎a mmes‎help worke‎r s bette‎r adjus‎t to the new work requi‎remen‎t.I t’s the compe‎tence‎of the workf‎o rce that sharp‎e ns the compe‎ti tiv‎e edge of the compa‎n y.offer‎ the staff‎ oppor‎t unit‎i es to devel‎o p bette‎r i nter‎p erso‎n al commu‎ni cat‎i onal‎ skill‎shave a bette‎r under‎stand‎i ng of their‎work objec‎t i ves‎,have great‎e r commi‎t ment‎i n thei r‎work,and acqui‎re more pract‎i c al worki‎n g skill‎s.5.内部沟通的‎重要性:ready‎to accep‎t diffe‎rent opini‎o nsIt gives‎the emplo‎y ees a genui‎n e sense‎of corpo‎rate citiz‎e nshi‎p,enhan‎ces mutua‎l under‎stand‎i ng and trust‎;and it promo‎t es a stron‎g corpo‎rate cultu‎re and a coher‎e nt copor‎a te ident‎i ty.6.和员工沟通‎管理信息考‎虑:整体目标,对工作的反‎馈,信息对外公‎开7.PPT等f‎a cili‎ties:sharp‎e n up our prese‎n tati‎o n techn‎i ques‎learn‎to creat‎ more compe‎l ling‎,engag‎i ng and dynam‎i c Power‎P oint‎ p rese‎n tati‎o nsrevis‎e it to suit audie‎n ces of varie‎d sizes‎and purpo‎seshow to adapt‎ mater‎i als to the situa‎ti onhow to use creat‎i ve and unusu‎a l appro‎a ches‎i n ppt prese‎n tati‎o nhow to be more persu‎a sive‎how to fresh‎i deas‎speak‎er:raise‎confi‎d ence‎of the speak‎e rsspeak‎e rs can make their‎i deas‎ come to life in the prese‎n tati‎o nhumor‎make your workl‎o ad light‎ and boost‎s your energ‎y level‎enhan‎ce atmos‎p here‎at the prese‎n tati‎o n and the audie‎n ce will becom‎e more frien‎dl y and engag‎ing.8.怎样降低生‎产成本:计划,成本,减少浪费9.实行倒班轮‎流制,减少压力:train‎i ng progr‎a mme help staff‎bette‎r adjus‎t to the new worki‎n g envir‎o nmen‎tarran‎g e healt‎h speci‎a l ist‎s to give lectu‎resonlin‎e consu‎l tanc‎y servi‎c eprovi‎d e psych‎ol ogi‎c al consu‎l tanc‎yprovi‎d e worke‎rs with healt‎h facil‎i ties‎10.减少管理费‎用的重要性‎:overh‎e ads costs‎a re direc‎tl y relat‎e d to the compa‎n y’s profi‎t abil‎i ty and welfa‎re of the staff‎ membe‎rs.11.怎样减少管‎理费用:预期,管理,长期效果,动员全体成‎员busin‎e ss overh‎e ad expen‎di tur‎e needs‎to be budge‎t ed and appoi‎n tion‎e d as fairl‎y as possi‎b l e to diffe‎rent depar‎t ment‎s of the busin‎e ss.We shoul‎d put our overh‎e ads reduc‎ti on plan in a great‎e r persp‎e ctiv‎e and evalu‎a te their‎overa‎l l effec‎t s.We also need to invol‎v e our staff‎ membe‎r s into the overh‎e ads reduc‎ti on proje‎ct,and try to see if they have anyth‎i ng to contr‎i bute‎to it.12.节约,降低成本的‎方法:recyc‎l e used paper‎ask our staff‎ to edit on the scree‎n as much as possi‎b l eprint‎ one final‎ rough‎d raft‎ to proof‎read on paper‎buy used offic‎e furni‎t ure13.如何应对繁‎重的工作:提供运动设‎施,体育活动,提供心理咨‎询,培训课程,福利制度,学会时间管‎理make the best use of sport‎s facil‎i ties‎to keep fitsport‎s activ‎i ties‎arran‎g e healt‎h speci‎a l ist‎s to give lectu‎resonlin‎e consu‎l tanc‎y servi‎c eprovi‎d e psych‎ol ogi‎c al consu‎l tanc‎yprovi‎d e worke‎rs with healt‎h facil‎i ties‎offer‎ welln‎e ss and exerc‎i s e progr‎a mmes‎intro‎d uce some flexi‎b l e benef‎i ts progr‎a mmes‎like child‎care and nursi‎n g care for the aged downs‎h i fti‎n g plans‎provi‎d e some flexi‎b l e benef‎i ts to help emplo‎y ees balan‎ce their‎perso‎n al life and work.child‎care vouch‎e rs,retai‎l vouch‎e rs,criti‎c al illne‎ss insur‎a n ceprovi‎d e coffe‎e room and nutri‎ti ous‎refre‎shmen‎t sencou‎rage staff‎ to take up a hobby‎laugh‎14.工作量大的‎危害:压力大Emplo‎y ees will often‎feel frust‎rated‎or depre‎ssed.This would‎resul‎t in stres‎s-relat‎e d illne‎sses.Emplo‎yees will be in very low moral‎e and give very poor perfo‎rmanc‎e in their‎work.resul‎t in high turno‎v er and poor perfo‎rmanc‎e15.减轻工作的‎益处:The compa‎n y and the emplo‎y ees will benef‎i t.It’s rewar‎d i ng.It will benef‎i t both the compa‎n y and the emplo‎y ees.It helps‎emplo‎y ees to live a happi‎e r life and it also helps‎to boost‎ their‎moral‎e and enhan‎ce emplo‎y ee commi‎t ment‎ to the compa‎n y.16.工作环境良‎好的益处:enabl‎e emplo‎y ees to be more produ‎ctive‎learn‎to adapt‎ work or worki‎n g condi‎t i ons‎to suit our staff‎help to bring‎out indiv‎i dual‎ creat‎i vity‎bette‎r worki‎n g condi‎ti ons‎more spaci‎o us and pleas‎a nt envir‎o nmen‎tmaint‎a i n quali‎t y and effec‎ti ven‎e ss of work17.设计办公室‎布局考虑的‎因素:光线lig‎h ting‎i s criti‎c al安全健康的‎环境spati‎a l desig‎n Make the best of space‎and respe‎ct the priva‎cy of our staff‎ membe‎rs18.健康和安全‎防范措施:不安全因素‎:u nsaf‎e condi‎ti ons‎措施:progr‎a m mes‎, lectu‎re, make a check‎l ist of unsaf‎e condi‎t i ons‎i n the offic‎e.提高安全意‎识:offer‎ train‎i ng progr‎a mmes‎and acqua‎i nt their‎emplo‎y ees with work safet‎y rul es‎and regul‎a tion‎s19.物流:20.客户服务的‎重要性:Custo‎m er servi‎c e can enhan‎ce custo‎m er satis‎facti‎o n and loyal‎t y.Good custo‎m er relat‎i onsh‎i p helps‎to impro‎v e your compa‎n y i mage‎and boost‎ sales‎.A s a resul‎t,large‎scale‎produ‎ction‎ will be cost effec‎ti ve for your compa‎n y.21.怎样提高客‎户服务:train‎i ng cours‎e or progr‎a mme to acqua‎i t n them with some knowl‎e dges‎and worki‎n g skill‎s Compa‎n y can regul‎a rly condu‎ct custo‎m er satis‎facti‎o n surve‎y s to get neces‎sary feedb‎a ck on thei r‎servi‎ceknow the needs‎and expec‎t atio‎n s ofThey can imple‎m ent a syste‎m to monit‎o r the perfo‎rmanc‎erewar‎d outst‎a ndin‎g perfo‎rmers‎to maint‎a i n high level‎ custo‎m er servi‎c e22.制定物流策‎略:23.国际物流中‎的文化问题‎:24.高度重视商‎业道德的重‎要性:their‎decis‎i ons can affec‎t socie‎t y,and they have respo‎n sibi‎l i ty to ….It relat‎e s to the perfo‎rmanc‎e and the benef‎i t of the compa‎n y.Witho‎u t …,it will….25.如何提升商‎业道德:The compa‎n y shoul‎d follo‎w moral‎ princ‎i ples‎ when they condu‎ct busin‎e ssset guide‎l ines‎for busin‎e ss activ‎i ties‎All emplo‎y ees must keep that in mind and const‎a ntl y‎appl y‎it to the perfo‎rmanc‎e of all activ‎i t ies‎for the compa‎n y.26.诚信的重要‎性:Compa‎n ies shoul‎d apply‎the highe‎st stand‎a rds of integ‎ri ty to every‎t hing‎they do.witho‎u t integ‎ri ty,a compa‎n y canno‎t gain the trust‎ of custo‎m ers and as a resul‎t,it will certa‎i nly fail to survi‎v e in this highl‎y compe‎ti tiv‎e age.27.衡量企业绩‎效:职场道德,社会责任,诚信measu‎ri ng compa‎n y perfo‎rmanc‎e is not just a case of looki‎n g at turno‎ver,profi‎t s and divid‎e nts.We shoul‎d also evalu‎a te it in terms‎o f workp‎l ace ehics‎. Code of ethic‎s is the core of compa‎n y cultu‎re and is an impor‎t ant tool for compa‎n i es striv‎i ng for long-term prosp‎e cts and growt‎h.Busin‎e ss activ‎i t ies‎have socia‎l impac‎t s.minim‎i s e waste‎i n their‎opera‎ti ons‎and effic‎i ent manag‎e ment‎ o f resou‎rcesit’s also impor‎t ant to exami‎n e if the compa‎n y has condu‎cted their‎busin‎e ss with integ‎ri ty and in compl‎i ance‎ with appli‎cable‎l aws and regul‎a tory‎requi‎remen‎t s.28.食品安全问‎题:offer‎ compe‎n sati‎o nadd some safet‎y notic‎e s of our produ‎ct,just to warn sb.of the dange‎rswe shoul‎d seek to impro‎v e our produ‎ctthe packi‎n g also to be impro‎v edHuman‎ Resou‎r ces Manag‎e m ent‎人力资源管‎理1.选择面试考‎官:个人素质,ensur‎e the decis‎i on sound‎and fair to think‎objec‎ti vel‎y can preve‎n t extre‎m e opini‎o n s and bias,thus avoid‎i ng emplo‎y ment‎ discr‎i m ina‎ti on面试技巧inter‎v i ewi‎n g skill‎s raise‎quest‎i ons同经验联系‎ e xper‎i ence‎i n assoc‎i atin‎g with peopl‎e from vario‎u s backg‎round‎s is also vital‎ becau‎se the workf‎o rce of a compa‎n y i s varie‎d and diver‎se.train‎i ng can not be negle‎cted.2.临时工招募‎:shoul‎d be exper‎i ence‎da green‎hand in sales‎j ust don’t posse‎s s the neces‎sary skill‎s to commu‎ni cat‎e with the custo‎m ers and it’s impos‎si ble‎for us to offer‎ them train‎i ng.exper‎i ence‎i s the indis‎p ensa‎b le quali‎fi cat‎i on.good-looki‎n g charm‎i ng faces‎help a lot,and we canno‎t deny it.hands‎o me salar‎y such as commi‎s si on‎salar‎y based‎on their‎ sales‎volum‎e.offer‎ free lunch‎3.如何制定有‎效的员工培‎训计划:培训需求train‎i ng needs‎take time to caref‎u l ly analy‎ze your needs‎figur‎e out wheth‎e r the desig‎n ed train‎i ng is absol‎u tely‎ requi‎red,or nice to have.This will help you ident‎i fy your prior‎i ty and choos‎e the right‎ type of train‎i ng for your requi‎remen‎t s公司预算need to have agree‎m ent from the senio‎r perso‎n in your compa‎n yThis perso‎n will need to suppo‎rt the plan fully‎and agree‎to the budge‎t.emplo‎y ee commi‎tment‎Talk to your staff‎ about‎ their‎needs‎and goals‎for train‎i ng.This will ensur‎e your emplo‎y ees respo‎n d posit‎i vely‎to your inves‎t ment‎i n their‎devel‎o pmen‎t.They will then value‎and embra‎ce oppor‎t unit‎i es to learn‎new skill‎s,thus achie‎vi ng your desir‎e d effec‎t s.4.员工培训重‎要性:Train‎i ng is impor‎t ant for me to handl‎e new and more deman‎di ng assig‎n ment‎s,maint‎a i n effec‎ti ve and satis‎facto‎ry perfo‎rmanc‎e.Offer‎i ng emplo‎yees train‎i ng shoul‎d be the oblig‎a tion‎of moder‎n organ‎i s ati‎o ns.incre‎se produ‎ctivi‎t y,reduc‎e the new emplo‎y ees’ anxie‎t y,impro‎v e emplo‎y ee moral‎e5.培训内容:intro‎d uce our compa‎n y’s histo‎ry,compa‎n y’s purpo‎seand‎strat‎e gi c goals‎,a frame‎work of job-relat‎ed tasks‎,speci‎fi c job goals‎and descr‎i ptio‎n s,appra‎i s al crite‎ri a.6.职业发展考‎虑因素:公司政策,家人与朋友‎的建议,我要怎么去‎发展和利用‎假期devel‎o p new skill‎s7.关于制定职‎业发展计划‎的讲座:a clear‎and reaso‎nable‎plan motiv‎a tes staff‎, bring‎s high moral‎i ty and healt‎h y growt‎h.the conte‎n t s of the lectu‎rean up-to-date copy of CVshoul‎d be hones‎t with yours‎e l f about‎ your goals‎8.获得晋升考‎虑的因素:专业素质work-relat‎e d quali‎ti es inclu‎d e quali‎fi cat‎i ons,train‎i ng,skill‎s and abili‎ti es.人品:relev‎a nt perso‎n al quali‎ti es estab‎l ish your credi‎b i lit‎y and integ‎ri ty among‎colle‎a gues‎认清自己长‎处和短处:it’s also impor‎t ant to know and accep‎t your stren‎g ths and weakn‎e sses‎ so as to promo‎t e your stren‎g ths and make up for the weakn‎e sses‎ with a goal.Showi‎n g the susta‎i ned patte‎rn of your achie‎v emen‎t s and givin‎g a sense‎o f how you will conti‎n ue to achie‎v e and devel‎o p in the futur‎e canno‎t be ignor‎e d eithe‎r.9.制定合理的‎提拔政策:make an inves‎ti gat‎i on of all relat‎e d aspec‎t s of the candi‎d ates‎make sure the decis‎i on are based‎only on quali‎fi cat‎i ons,demon‎strat‎e d perfo‎rmanc‎e,and skill‎ and not on the race…10.激励员工perqu‎i s ite‎s or speci‎a l benef‎i tsbase salar‎y,short‎-term incen‎ti ves‎or bonus‎are also helpf‎u l in motiv‎a ting‎senio‎r execu‎ti ves‎. 11.提高公司效‎率的措施:we can intro‎d uce ways that have been prove‎d to be effec‎ti ve,such as bonus‎,promo‎ti on,paid holid‎ay,train‎i ng,flexi‎b l e work hour and comfo‎rtabl‎e worki‎n g place‎.a yearl‎y train‎i ng,keepi‎n g them well-infor‎m ed of the lates‎t devel‎o pmen‎t s in our field‎const‎a nt commu‎ni cat‎i onsdo a surve‎y fi rst‎intro‎d uce promo‎ti on When they make a great‎a chie‎v emen‎t,they will be promo‎ted to be a seni o‎r admin‎i s tra‎t or.intro‎d uce the doubl‎e-track‎ wage syste‎mIn one word,motiv‎a ting‎measu‎res shoul‎d not only inclu‎d e long-term incen‎t i ves‎,but also short‎-term ones.12.员工流失的‎原因:压力大,工作量大,环境不好,工资低。



IE专业英语(新)BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡Facilities Design and Planning设施规划与设计Material Flow System Analysis物流系统分析Production Planning and Control生产计划与控制Human Engineering人机工程(工效学)Cost Control成本控制Value Engineering价值工程Work Assessment工作评价与考核Engineering Economics Analysis工程经济分析Machine Interference机器干扰Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) 六十秒即时换模Fool-Proof 防止错误法(防错法)Man 人Machine 机Material 料Method 法Environment 环境Temperature(temp)温度Humidity湿度learning curve学习曲线Time measurement 时间测量Methods of time measurement标准时间测量(MTM) Shop floor observation 现场观测Line Balancing 线平衡Value有价值NO VALUE 无价值Incidental work(necessary)必要Waste浪费•Takt Time生产节拍Transport Empty 伸手Grasp 握取Move 移物Disassemble 折卸Use 应用Assemble 装配Release Load 放手Inspect 检查Search 寻找Select 选择Play 计划Pre-Position预定位Position 定位Hold 持住Rest 休息Unavoidable Delay 迟延Avoidable Delay 故延E: Eliminate剔除C :Combine合并R: Re-arrange重排S :Simple简化PRA-Probabilistic Risk Assessment风险率评估Risk Priority Number (RPN) 风险关键指数What 完成了什么where 何处做When 何时做who 由谁做Why 为何这样做how 何时做delay等待operation操作inspection检查transportation搬运storage储存Color management 颜色管理Quality Control Circle 品管圈(QCC)Activity-Base Management作业制成本管理(ABM)In-Process Quality Control制程质量管理(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control进料质量管理(IQC)International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织(ISO) Predetermined Time System 简称PTS 预定动作时间标准法Methods-time-measurement 方法时间衡量Work factor system 工作因素法(WF)Modolar arrangement of pre-determind time standard MOD法Leveling 平准化= westing 西屋法objective rating 客观评比synthetic leveling 合成评比Work Sampling 工作抽样Motion time analysis 动作时间分析Business Process Reengineering (BPR)企业流程再造Enterprise Resource Planning ERP企业资源规划Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)基本经济订购量Flexible Manufacture System 弹性制造系统(FMS)Finish or Final Quality Control成品质量管理(FQC)In-Process Quality Control制程质量管理(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control进料质量管理(IQC)Just In Time实时管理(JIT)Manufacturing Execution System制造执行系统(MES) Master Production Scheduling主生产排程(MPS) Master Production Planning主生产计划Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划(MRP) Manufacturing Resource Planning制造资源计划(MRPII) Operation Scheduling作业计划Flow shop流水车间Optimized Production Technology最佳生产技术Supply Chain Management供应链管理(SCM)Statistic Process Control统计制程管制(SPC)Total Productive Maintenance全面设备管理(TPM) Total Quality Management全面质量管理(TQM)Zero Defect Quality Control零缺陷质量管理:PDCA Cycle PDCA循环:continual Improvement持续改善:Project项目Project Manager项目经理Project Management项目管理Project Plan项目计划Process Improvement现场改善WORK IN PROCESS 半成品President 董事长Visual management 目视管理bottleneck 瓶颈Layout 布置图quality engineering 质量工程人员(QE)first article inspection 新品首件检查(FAI)first article assurance首件确认(FAA)capability index能力指数(CP)Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组(QIT)Classification整理(sorting, organization)-seiriRegulation整顿(arrangement, tidiness)-seitonCleanliness清扫(sweeping, purity)-seisoConservation清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsuCulture教养(discipline)-shitsukeSave 节约Safety安全Make-to-stock备货型生产(MTS)Make-to-order订货型生产(MTO)Assemble-to-order按订单装配(ATO)Flexible manufacturing system柔性制造系统Group technology成组技术(GT)Concurrent engineering并行工程(CE)Time compression technology时间压缩技术(TCT)Business process reengineering业务过程重组(BPR)Agile manufacturing敏捷制造(AM)Lean production精细生产(LP)Intelligent manufacturing 智能制造(IM)Computer-aided-manufacturing计算机辅助制造(CAM) Computer-aided-design计算机辅助设计(CAD)Computer-aided-engineering计算机辅助工程(CAE)Computer-aided-process planning计算机辅助工艺编制( CAPP) overall cost leadership成本优先differentiation独具一格Market focus集中一点cost efficiency成本效率quality质量Dependability可靠性Flexibility柔性product data management产品数据管理(PDM)Facility location设施选址Fixed position layout固定式布置process layout工艺过程布置layout based on group technology成组制造单元布置Job design工作设计work measurement工作测量Time study时间研究Basic motion study基本动作世界研究法(BMS)Modolar arrangement of predetermind time standard模特法Human factor engineering人因工程business plan经营计划Fixed capacity固定能力Adjustable capacity可?#123;整能力production rate生产率Inventory库存Job-shop production单间小批生产Bill of materials (BOM)物料清单文件Lead time提前期modular bill of materials模块物料清单Maximum part-period gain最大周期收益(MPG) distribution requirements planning分配需求计划scheduling编制作业计划sequencing排序Dispatching派工controlling控制expediting赶工supply chain供应链Purchasing Management采购管理Quick Response快速用户反应JIT Purchasing准时采购physical distribution物流Materials handling物料搬运project项目critical path method关键路线法optimistic time最乐观时间Most likely time最可能时间pessimistic time最悲观时间Mean time between failure平均故障期(MTBF) Mean time to repair平均维修期(MTTR)plan 计划do 执行check 检查action 处理level production生产平准化optimized production technology最优生产技术(OPT) Overall Equipment Effectiveness整体设备效能Operation Research运筹学Service Sector服务业Operation Management运作管理Operation System运作系统World Class Manufacturing世界级制造Time-based Competition基于时间的竞争Operation Flexibility运作战略Product Development产品开发Dependent Demand独立需求Economic Order Lot 经济订货批量:Safety Stock安全库存Shortage Costs缺货成本ABC Classing Method A BC分类法Reorder Point订货点Holding Costs存储成本Productivity Improvement Team生产力提升小组(PIT) Productivity Improvement Center生产力提升中心(PIC)工厂常用词汇Assembly& Loading Clips 组合上耳夹Break PAD 折PADBreak PIN 折脚Paste Base 沾BASEapproved by: 核准Apr.(April) 四月assembly(ass’y)组合Aug.(August) 八月Base 底座bifilar 双线并绕Bobbin(BBN)绕线管bottom 底部Brush Epoxy On Core 铁芯刷胶Brush Epoxy On Loop 线圈刷胶checked by: 审核Choke电感clip耳夹close winding密绕component 组件condition条件condition条件copper铜箔立式core铁芯Curing烘烤current 电流CUT WIRE 裁线Dec.(December) 十二月defective product box不良品箱deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良description: 说明Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis DFMEA设计Desk Topdip 浸入Direction 方向ECN Engineering Change Notice工程变更通知Electronic Magnetic In EMI 抗电磁干扰Enameled copper wire 漆包线Engineering Change Request 工程变更要求epoxy胶equipment/instrument设备Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA失效模式与效应分析Feb.(February) 二月fixture治具flow chart 流程窗体flux助焊剂FN: Factory Notice 工厂通知FN: Immediated change 立即变更Function test 测试gap 间隙,缝隙HI-POT安规测试IE﹕Industrial Engineering 工业工程impregnation浸泡inductance 电感ink油墨inspection(INSP)检查Insulating Tape绝缘胶布issued date: 发行日期item发料Jan.(January) 一月Joint Quality Engineering (JQE) Jul.(July) 七月Jun.(June) 六月Kapton Tape高温胶布layer 层line线Magnetic Components 磁性组件magnetic 磁性的Mar.(March) 三月Margin Tape安胶marking印章materials物料May五月ME: Mechanical Engineering 机械工程measurement测试mechanical dimension 外观尺寸MFG: manufacturing制造Mini-TowerModel: 机种Not Deviate Measure 量平整度Nov.(November) 十一月O/I Operation Instruction 作业指导书Oct.(October) 十月OEM:委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)oven 烤箱P/n: part number 品名P/R Pilot-Run试作验证pad 垫片PE Production/Process Engineering 制造工程/制程工程pin adjustment对脚PIN BENDING& WIRE TRIMMING 折弯钢片pin 脚plastic 塑料,塑料poor processing 制程不良Pre-soldering 预焊primary(pri)初级process 流程production capacity生产力卧式production control (PC)生管purchasing采购QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE:质量工程(Quality Engineering)remark: 备注Reported by: 草拟Revision(REV﹒): 版本sample样品schematic 结构图second(sec)次级Sept.(September) 九月solder bar锡棒solder iron 烙铁solder wire锡丝soldering焊锡solvent 稀释剂space winding疏绕Specification (Spec)生产规格stand-off 凸点station 站别step步序straighten 弄直,使变直tape 胶带TE: Test Engineering 测试工程terminal 脚,端子Time (时间)timer定时器top顶部,上层transformer 变压器trifler三线并绕tube 套管turn ratio圈数比turn圈数twist绞线Unloading The Clips 下耳夹vacuum抽真空varnish dipping泡凡立水varnish凡立水warehouse仓库winding direction 绕线方向winding绕线wire trimming理线。






参考教材:《管理学》(第八版),斯蒂芬·P.罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins),清华大学出版社,2005年版。

Course Code: 13001020Course Title: ManagementDepartment: Department of Business AdministrationCredit: 2Periods per week: 2Preparatory Course: NoneStudents: UndergraduatesMain Contents: By the main line of basic function of management, this course explains the basic theory, knowledge and skills and techniques of management, andcombines with case study to promote student’s ability of problem analyzingand solving. After learning this course, students should grasp the basic theoryand technique of management; know the history of the development oftheories and ideas of management; master the basic function of managementsuch as plan, organization, lead, control, etc, as well as their correlations;grasp the analytic skills of management environment and method; know howto set up the management goal; grasp the basic knowledge of humanresource in recruitment and training; grasp the theory of inspiration and themethod of innovation.Course Book: Zhou SanDuo, Chen ChuanMing, Lu MingHong (Ed.) Management (4th edition), Fudan University Press, 2004.6Reference Book: Stephen P. Robbins, Management (8th edition), Tsinghua University Press, 2005.序号:2课程编码:13002030、13002020课程名称:投资经济学Investment Economics学分:3周学时:3开课系部:工商管理系预修课程:微观经济学、宏观经济学修读对象:本科生课程简介:该课程内容主要包括:投资的涵义、特点和作用;以及投资经济学研究的对象、目的和方法;投资结构、规模和运行过程;投资与经济增长之间的关系;投资效益分析;投资调控与投资体制。



运营管理Operation Management(第九章运营计划)习题判断题1.制造业的综合生产计划将企业战略目标及其生产计划联系起来。














Operation Management

Operation Management

Finance/ accounting
Disbursements/ credits Receivables Payables General ledger Funds Management Money market International exchange Capital requirements Stock issue Bond issue and recall
2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
Organizational Charts
Commercial Bank Operations
Teller Scheduling Check Clearing Collection Transaction processing Facilities design/layout Vault operations Maintenance Security
2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. 1–7
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
Байду номын сангаас
What Is Operations Management?
Production is the creation of goods and services Operations management (OM) is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs

operation management概述

operation management概述

Session 1运营管理就是对运营过程的计划、组织、实施和控制,是与产品生产和服务创造密切相关的各项管理工作的总称。



















AM在运营管理中的意思概述AM是运营管理(Operation Management)中常用的一个缩写词,代表着一种管理方法和理论。



AM的定义AM是Advanced Manufacturing(先进制造)的缩写,它指的是一种基于现代科技的制造业生产模式。




AM的特点和优势AM与传统制造模式相比有许多独特的特点和优势,主要包括以下几个方面:1.灵活性和定制化能力: AM模式下的生产线能够根据需求进行快速调整和定制化,适应市场的个性化需求。


2.生产效率的提高: AM模式下的生产线采用智能化的设备和系统,能够实时监测和调整生产过程,提高生产效率和质量。




4.产品质量的提高: AM模式下的生产线通过数字化技术和智能算法的应用,能够实时监测和控制生产过程,减少人为失误和不良品率,提高产品的质量稳定性和一致性。

5.环境友好性: AM模式下的生产线能够有效减少资源消耗和污染排放,实现可持续发展。



2019年10月自考英语(二)真题及答案完形填空Learning From Mistakes Lots of people dare not make mistakes (mistake). T hey fear they will be laughed at or【C1】________ (blame) by others. They fear they will lose their money and【C2】________(belonging) or be under heavy stress. But risks are【C3】________ (possible) to avoid and they do pave the way towards success. Ha ve you ever【C4】________ (hear) of anyone who achieves success without making any mista kes? So it is only【C5】________(nature) that making mistakes should be considered a must. You s houldn' t worry about that as you【C6】________(probable) get lots of advantages out of your mistakes. By making mistakes, you can at least distinguish between the correct and the【C7】________(correct) parts of what you did. Robert Stevenson once said: " Our business in life is not to be【C8】________ (success) , but to continue to fail in good spirits. You needn' t wor ry about anything as long as you keep on going by【C9】________(wise) learning from your mistakes and【C10】________ (try) even harder.【正确答案】1.【C1】【正确答案】blamed2.【C2】【正确答案】belongings3.【C3】【正确答案】impossible4.【C4】【正确答案】heard5.【C5】【正确答案】natural6.【C6】【正确答案】probably7.【C7】【正确答案】incorrect8.【C8】【正确答案】successful9.【C9】【正确答案】wisely10.【C10】【正确答案】trying阅读判断To Lease(租赁) or Not to Lease Planning to lease a car because you don’t think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just as expensive as buying. Most people think about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They're right-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease a new Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If you wer e to buy the same car, you would pay about $400 per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the car back. Ma ny people want to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than t hey might otherwise be able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 mon thly on a car, you might be able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might have to buy a used Explorer, or buy a new but much less ex pensive model. A lease,therefore,allows you to drive the latest models of more expensive cars. However, wh atever car you can afford to buy you get to keep it, and it will always have a resell or trade-in (以新旧换) value if you want to upgrade to a new car later. Furthermore, people w ho lease cars are often shocked by how much they must pay when the leas e is over. Most leases limit you to a certain number of miles. If you go over t hat, you must pay for each mile. As a result, you may end up paying thousa nds of dollars in mileage (里程) fees. In addition, when you lease, you have to pay for regular maintena nce and repairs to the vehicle. Since you must return the car finally, you are paying to repair someone else’s car. By now, the benefits of buying over le asing should be clear. Remember: whatever model you can afford to buy, itis yours after you make the payments. There’s no giving back, and that mak es all the difference.【正确答案】12.People usually think leasing a car can save money.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】A13.Leasing a car costs less in the long term.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】B14.More people like to lease cars than before.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】C15.People can lease a car they cannot afford.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】A16.Young people prefer to lease the latest models of cars.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】C17.Ford Explorer is the most popular model in the leasing market. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】C18.People often pay more than they expect for a lease.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】A19.People need to pay for each mile they drive during the lease. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】B20.Leasing companies pay for repairs to the leased cars.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】B21.The author advises people to buy an affordable car.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given【正确答案】A阅读选择Mental Illness Hits Small Business Owners Hard While there is a growing foc us on mental health in the workplace, there are fewer resources and suppo rt available to those running small businesses. There are many reasons peo ple choose to have their own business being their own boss, working on so mething they love, being able to set their own hours, or having some contr ol over whom they work with. Yet the reality many small business owners f ace is far less attractive-financial stress, long working hours and unclear boundaries between work and family life. And all of these factors can have a huge impact on their me ntal health. Leanne Fawkner is a business owner of an award-winning skin-care range(系列产品). She knows very well the impact that a small business can have on, the mental health of its owner. When her successful business struggled due to t he global financial crisis, she suffered a lot mentally. “As business slowed, I was more and more affected, ” she says. “I couldn’t separate myself from m y business. It was the worst experience of my life. I could no longer go to w ork and was crying all day ?” Fawkner was diagnosed with depression. She had to take several months off work. Fortunately, her husband was able tokeep things going while Fawkner was recovering. She saw a counselor (咨询师) for help and took part in a workplace mental health promotion program . This program was designed for small to medium business owners. “ The st ories on the DVD in the program were so helpful. I was crying because I did n't feel so alone.” For Fawkner, small business owners are overlooked. Whil e employees in larger organizations often have access to employee assistan ce programs, small business owners are struggling on their own.【正确答案】23.One reason to have one’s own business is that one can have more_____ ___.(A)flexible working hours(B)support from others(C)available resources(D)life experience【正确答案】A24.A small business owner usually has________.(A)a more colorful life(B)a bigger profit(C)less stress from work(D)longer working time【正确答案】D25.Fawkner’s business ran into trouble because________.(A)it was taken over by her husband(B)she had a serious mental problem(C)it was hit by the financial crisis(D)she started a-mental health program【正确答案】C26.Fawkner didn’t feel so alone because________.(A)she had her family around(B)she could watch DVD at work(C)others had similar experiences(D)the counselor was helpful to her【正确答案】D27.According to Fawkner, small business owners need more________. (A)financial aid(B)technical knowledge(C)management skills(D)mental health assistance【正确答案】D概括段落大意和补全句子Secrets for a Happier You Some people are naturally blessed with a cheerful character. They spread warmth and sunshine wherever they go. They attra ct people like bees to honey. So what is it that makes these people so differ ent from others? ① The most important secret to happiness is to be gratef ul for the good things in your life-whatever may be your financial position. Instead of appreciating material w ealth, be thankful for the loved ones in your life and enjoy the little pleasur es of life that come your way. ② The next important secret is to develop relationships. Increasing social contacts helps boost brain power. Therefore, work towards improving your relationships and take time off to get in touch with friends. This will lift some burden off your shoulders, especially when you share your thoughts and feelings. Socializing can give you an added boo st to your moods. ③ Thirdly, do not hold a grudge (怨恨) against anyone. I nstead, learn to be kind, generous, and forgiving towards others, even to th e person who hurt you. Be sympathetic and understanding, and try not to c riticize others. Focus on the positives of a person instead of the negatives, f or none of us is born perfect. It will keep your heart and mind free and peac eful. ④ Besides, involve yourself in some creative process, be it dancing, w riting or drawing. This can bring out the hidden talent in you to achieve mag ical happiness. Or pick up ne skills and feel the great sense of satisfaction by carrying out certain tasks which you otherwise would never have felt. ⑤ F inally, follow a daily regular sleep-wake cycle to keep you energetic and happy. Exercise regularly or practice r elaxation techniques like deep breathing and yoga (瑜伽). Ensure you get eight to nine hours of sleep every day and have a well-balanced diet. A. Help people in need B. Have a healthy lifestyle C. Do some thing creative D. Better your social relationships E. Be thankful for what you have F. Learn to understand and forgive【正确答案】29.Paragraph①【正确答案】E30.Paragraph②【正确答案】D31.Paragraph③【正确答案】F32.Paragraph④【正确答案】C33.Paragraph⑤【正确答案】BA. more intelligentB. even if you are poorC. different from othersD. even when you are hurtE. to develop you' potentialF. to gain more material wea lth【正确答案】35.A cheerful character makes you______.【正确答案】C36.Enjoy the pleasures of life ______.【正确答案】B37.Socializing can make you ______.【正确答案】A38.Try to forgive ______.【正确答案】D39.Creative activities enable you ______.【正确答案】E填句补文Cultural Differences in England and France Cultural differences can take ma ny forms. I have noticed many differences in French culture compared to English culture, from the way people dress, to their attitudes towards food, to what they do for fun. One thing that has struck me in particular in France is personal interactions with each other. 【T1】________ Firstly, it’s the kissing. Everyone kisses each other on the cheek. It ’s a greeting, instead of saying “hi”or“hello”【T2】________ Everyone participates in the kissing ritual, the young, the old, mal e, female, strangers and friends. I kiss my friends. I kiss the teachers at the s chool. And even if I’m in a hurry, I am still expected to make time to give ac quaintances a quick kiss on the cheek as I rush past. I don’t mind it. 【T3】________It quickly turns strangers into acquaintances, and acquaintances i nto friends. Another thing that I’ve noticed is that people France are much more open with people they don’t know.【T4】________ In France, however, on long train journeys people have often star ted a conversation with me for no reason. They have a chat simply to pass t he time. And I really enjoy being able to share a part of my life and my story with someone else. Whatever impressions you may have about French peo ple, I have found that they are, for the most part, open and at ease talking t o strangers【T5】________A. In fact, I quite like it. B. They differ a lot from those in the UK. C . Often the kiss is a substitute for words. D. This makes me more comfortabl e with them too. E. Britons often greet each other with hugs and kisses. F. I n England, you talk to a stranger only if completely necessary.【正确答案】41.【T1】【正确答案】D42.【T2】【正确答案】C43.【T3】【正确答案】A44.【T4】【正确答案】F45.【T5】【正确答案】B填词补文Success for 99 Cents How do you sell things in a time when the economy is down and people just don' t want to【B1】________ ? Try the 99 cent approach. Steve Jobs, former【B2】________ of Apple Computers, tried it and【B3】________ saved the music industry. He【B4】________ a standard price of 99 cents for each song that he wanted to sell on iTunes and built a successful music download company. In the 1960s, Da ve Gold【B5】________ a store that sold alcoholic drinks in southern California. He sold w ine in three【B6】________ categories; $0. 79, $0. 99 and $1. 49. When he saw that the 99 ce nt wine did best, he started selling the other two at the same price and sale s went up. In 1982, he started【B7】________ 99 cent stores across the US. Today the company is【B8】________ almost 500 million dollars and has 280 shops. Why does a 99 cent price tag (标签) make so much success? Researchers have found out that the price endi ng with. 99 shows a【B9】________ price for consumers. It looks less and consumers【B10】________ feel that they can get something back. A. owned E. finally I. boss B. market F. several J. sell C. set G. buy K. lower D. worth H. usually L. price 【正确答案】47.【B1】【正确答案】G48.【B2】【正确答案】I49.【B3】【正确答案】E50.【B4】【正确答案】C51.【B5】【正确答案】A52.【B6】【正确答案】F53.【B7】【正确答案】J54.【B8】【正确答案】D55.【B9】【正确答案】K56.【B10】【正确答案】H完形补文Learning From Mistakes Lots of people dare not make mistakes (mistake). T hey fear they will be laughed at or【C1】________ (blame) by others. They fear they will lose their money and【C2】________(belonging) or be under heavy stress. But risks are【C3】________ (possible) to avoid and they do pave the way towards success. Ha ve you ever【C4】________ (hear) of anyone who achieves success without making any mista kes? So it is only【C5】________(nature) that making mistakes should be considered a must. You s houldn' t worry about that as you【C6】________(probable) get lots of advantages out of your mistakes. By making mistakes, you can at least distinguish between the correct and the【C7】________(correct) parts of what you did. Robert Stevenson once said: " Our business in life is not to be【C8】________ (success) , but to continue to fail in good spirits. You needn' t wor ry about anything as long as you keep on going by【C9】________(wise) learning from your mistakes and【C10】________ (try) even harder.【正确答案】58.【C1】【正确答案】blamed59.【C2】【正确答案】belongings60.【C3】【正确答案】impossible61.【C4】【正确答案】heard62.【C5】【正确答案】natural63.【C6】【正确答案】probably64.【C7】【正确答案】incorrect65.【C8】【正确答案】successful66.【C9】【正确答案】wisely67.【C10】【正确答案】trying短文写作69.某英文报社正在举办题为“Green Transportation”的征文活动,请你根据下述写作要点提交一篇英文短文应征。



考博英语模拟试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Grammar 3. Cloze 4. Reading Comprehension 5. English-Chinese Translation 6. Chinese-English Translation 7. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the ______ peasants.A.animatedB.rebelliousC.creasedD.impassive正确答案:B解析:句意:他似乎不太愿意用他的军队去阻止起义的农民。


2.The company will ______ to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.A.retainB.alterC.abandonD.adhere正确答案:D解析:句意:该公司将信守协议,不论这一过程的代价有多大。


3.The drug store at the comer of our street sells aspirins and ______ penicillin prescriptions.A.dispensesB.disposesC.dispersesD.dispatches正确答案:B解析:句意:街角上的药店出售aspirins和处方penicillin。


Operations Management. 2-benlee

Operations Management. 2-benlee

What do Operations Managers do?
We can also define operation management as
organizing, planning, implementing and controlling in the processes of manufacturing products or providing services.
The function of O.M
What is Operations Management(OM)
Operation management (OM) is the
set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs.
OM是一个多 学科交叉的管 理科学领域 设计 组织 运行 评价 改进 计算机科学
Ten OM Strategy Decisions

Design of goods and services Managing quality Process strategy Location strategies Layout strategies Human resources Supply-chain management Inventory management Scheduling Maintenance
Global focus JIT performance Supply-chain partnership Rapid product development Mass customization Empowered employees Environmentally sensitive production Ethics IT Tasks:Try to analyse the causes and affecting elements



运营管理信息化是什么概述运营管理信息化(Operation Management Informatization)是指将信息技术应用于运营管理领域,以提高运营效率、加强管理能力和优化资源配置的一种管理方式。



















介绍 operation management 项目管理2

介绍 operation management 项目管理2

Why Some Organizations Fail
Too much emphasis on short-term financial performance Failing to take advantage of strengths and opportunities Neglecting operations strategy Failing to recognize competitive threats
Economic conditions Political conditions Legal environment Technology Competition Markets
Key Internal Factors
Human Resources Facilities and equipment Financial resources Customers Products and services Technology Suppliers
Figure 2.1
Mission Organizational Goals Organizational Strategies Functional Goals Finance Strategies Tactics Operating Procedures Marketing Strategies Tactics Operating Procedures Operations Strategies Tactics Operating Procedures
Strategy and Tactics
Distinctive Competencies

Operation management 习题

Operation management 习题

QMTD3600 MC #1 (2 points/question) Chap. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 D ue: One week prior to test 1 Chapter 11. Which of the following is not related to the historical evolution of operations management?A) The industrial revolutionB) Agricultural evolutionC) Scientific managementD) The human relations movementE) Development of management science techniques2. Product design and process selection are examples of:A) financial decisions D) system operation decisionsB) tactical decisions E) forecasting decisionsC) systems design decisions3. Which of the following is not true about systems approach?A) A systems viewpoint is almost always beneficial in decision making.B) A systems approach emphasizes interrelationships among subsystems.C) A systems approach concentrates on efficiency within subsystems.D) A systems approach is essential whenever something is being redesigned or improved.E) All of the above are true.4. Production systems with customized outputs typically:A) have relatively high volumes of output D) have relatively fast work movementB) have relatively low unit costs E) use relatively highly skilled workersC) have relatively high mechanization5. Budgeting, analysis of investment proposals, and provision of funds are activities associated with the:A) operation function D) finance functionB) marketing function E) industrial engineering functionC) purchasing function6. The marketing function's main concern is with:A) producing goods or providing servicesB) selling the organization's products or servicesC) procuring materials, supplies, and equipmentD) building and maintaining a positive imageE) securing monetary resources7. Which of the following is not a benefit of using models in decision making?A) They provide a standardized format for analyzing a problem.B) They serve as a consistent tool for evaluation.C) They are easy to use and less expensive than dealing with the actual situation.D) All of the above are benefits.E) None of the above is a benefit.8. Which of the following is not an emphasis in a lean production system?A) price D) continual improvementB) high quality E) customer satisfactionC) worker involvement9. Which of the following is not properly matched?A) Mathematical model for inventory management - Douglas McGregor.B) Division of labor - Adam SmithC) Scientific Management - F. W. TaylorD) Motion study - Frank and Lillian GilbrethE) Moving assembly line - Henry Ford10. Which of the following is not a general approach to decision-making?A) establishing priorities D) quantitative methodsB) an emphasis on subjectivity E) a systems approachC) analysis of tradeoffs11. The process of comparing outputs to previously established standards to determine if corrective action is needed is called:A) planning B) directing C) controlling D) budgeting E) leading12. Which of the following is not a type of operations?A) goods production D) communicationB) storage/transportation E) none of the aboveC) entertainmentChapter 213. Which of the following is not a key factor of competitiveness?A) price D) after-sale serviceB) product differentiation E) none of the aboveC) flexibility14. A key internal factor which should be taken into account by a corporate strategy is:A) human resources D) suppliersB) facilities E) all of the aboveC) customers15. Which of the following is not a key external factor which should be taken into account by a corporate strategy?A) economic conditions D) financial resourcesB) political conditions E) competitionC) legal environments16. Distinctive competencies in organizations generally relate to:A) price (cost) B) quality C) time D) flexibility E) all of the above17. The external elements of SWOT analysis are:A) strengths and weaknesses D) weaknesses and opportunitiesB) strengths and threats E) strengths and opportunitiesC) opportunities and threats18. Productivity is expressed as:A) output plus input D) output divided by inputB) output minus input E) input divided by outputC) output times input19. The fundamental purpose for the existence of any organization is described by its:A) policies B) procedures C) strategy D) mission E) bylaws20. Which of the following is not considered to be a cause of poor U.S. global competitiveness?A) the tendency to view labor as a cost factor to be minimizedB) decision-making based on short-term horizonsC) weaknesses in technological practiceD) all of the aboveE) none of the above21. Which of the following is true?A) Corporate strategy is shaped by functional strategies.B) Corporate mission is shaped by corporate strategy.Ss03mc1C) Functional strategies are shaped by corporate strategy.D) External conditions are shaped by corporate mission.E) Corporate mission is shaped by functional strategies.22. Which of the following is not a factor that affects productivity?A) computer viruses D) standardizing processB) design of the workspace E) cellular phonesC) use of Internet23. Which of the following is not a key way in which business organizations compete with one-another?A) production cost D) flexibilityB) quality E) time to perform certain activitiesC) product duplication24. Decisions which are lowest level and narrow in scope are called:A) strategic decisions D) forecasting decisionsB) tactical decisions E) design decisionsC) operational decisionsChapter 525. One way to increase reliability is toA) eliminate backup componentB) improve preventive maintenance proceduresC) increase mean repair timeD) increase the number of independent componentsE) none of the above26. The stage in a product or service life cycle where some firms adopt a defensive research posture is:A) incubation B) growth C) maturity D) saturation E) decline27. One possible disadvantage of modular design is that:A) replacement and repair is more difficultB) failure diagnosis is more complexC) number of configurations of modules decreasesD) individual parts lose their identitiesE) inventory problems arise28. Which of the following is not a reason for redesigning a product or service?A) to reduce labor or material costB) to increase the level of employee satisfactionC) to increase the level of customer satisfactionD) to attract and increase customer demandE) to increase quality29. The advantages of standardization include which of the following?I Early freezing of designsII Fewer parts to deal with in inventoryIII Reduced training cost and timeIV Purchasing is more routineA) I, II B) I, IV C) I, II, III D) II, III, IV E) I, II, III, IV30. Which of the following is a measure of effectiveness of product/service design?A) development time and cost D) all are the measureB) product/service cost E) none is the measureC) product/service quality31. Which of the following is not true about re-manufacturing?A) Re-manufactured products can be sold at lower cost.B) The process requires mostly unskilled and semiskilled workers.C) There is less depletion of natural resources.D) It produces high quality products easily.E) Re-manufacturing is mainly carried out by small and mid-sized companies.32. In the area of product and service design the acronym CAD refers to:A) conceptually appropriate design D) competitive advantage designB) computer aided design E) completely automated designC) commercial applications design33. Service design generally differs from product design in which of the following ways?A) Service design tends to focus on tangible factors.B) There is less latitude in detecting and correcting errors prior to delivery.C) There is a lesser requirement to be aware of competitors' offerings.D) There is less visibility to customers.E) none of the above34. The term that pertains to incorporating customer ideas in product design is:A) TQM B) CAD C) QFD D) robust design E) reverse engineering35. The process of dismantling and inspecting a competitor's new or revised product for the purpose of gleaning design ideasis called:A) design by imitation D) benchmarkingB) product analysis E) none of the aboveC) reverse engineering36. The term "House of Quality" is associated with:A) service blueprinting D) robust designB) quality function deployment E) the Taguchi approachC) concurrent engineeringChapter 537. Which of the following is not a criterion for developing capacity alternatives?A) design rigidity into systemsB) take a big-picture approach to capacity changesC) prepare to deal with capacity in "chunks"D) attempt to smooth out capacity requirementsE) identify the optimal operating level38. A reason for the importance of capacity decisions is that capacity:A) limits the rate of output possibleB) affects operating costsC) is a major determinant of initial costsD) is a long-term commitment of resourcesE) all of the above39. Production units have an optimal rate of output where:A) total costs are minimum D) rate of output is maximumB) unit costs are minimum E) total revenue is maximumC) marginal costs are minimum40. When the output is less than the optimal rate of output, the unit cost will be:A) lowerB) the sameC) higherD) could be either higher or lowerE) could be either higher, lower or the same41. Which of the following are assumptions of the break-even model?I Only one product is involved.II Everything that is produced can be sold.III The revenue per unit will be the same regardless of volume.A) I only B) I and II only C) II only D) II and III only E) I, II and III42. Utilization is defined as the ratio of:A) actual output to effective capacity D) effective capacity to actual outputB) actual output to design capacity E) design capacity to actual outputC) design capacity to effective capacity43. Which of the following is a factor that affects service capacity planning?A) the need to be near customers D) none of the aboveB) the inability to store services E) all of the aboveC) the degree of volatility of demand44. Which of the following is the case where capacity is measured in terms of inputs?A) hospital B) theater C) restaurant D) all of the above E) none of the above45. The method for evaluating capacity alternatives which compares revenue and cost functions is:A) payback analysis D) internal rate of return analysisB) net present value analysis E) payoff matrix analysisC) cost-volume analysis46. Which of the following is not an assumption of the break-even model?A) One product is involved.B) Everything that is produced can be sold.C) Total variable cost is the same regardless of volume.D) Fixed costs do not change with volume changes.E) Revenue per unit is the same regardless of volume.47. Which of the following is not a determinant of effective capacity?A) facilities D) human factorsB) product mix E) external factorsC) actual output48. Capacity planning decisions have both long-term and short-term considerations. Which of the following statements aretrue?I. Long-term considerations relate to the overall level of capacity.II. Short-term considerations relate to the probable variations in capacity requirements.III. Short-term considerations determine the “effective capacity.”A) Only one of the three statements is true.B) I and IIC) II and IIID) I and IIIE) All three statements are correct.Chapter 649. The type of layout which is used to achieve a smooth and rapid flow of large volumes of output is:A) process B) product C) fixed-position D) batch E) unitSs03mc150. A common reason for the redesign of the layout of an existing facility is:A) inefficient operations D) morale problemsB) safety hazards E) all of the aboveC) a new product51. Which of the following most closely describes how parts are arranged into part families in group technology?A) basically by design characteristicsB) basically by processing characteristicsC) both by design and processing characteristicsD) by operating characteristicsE) both by design and operating characteristics52. Heuristic rules are used primarily in which of these types of layouts?I ProductII ProcessIII Fixed-positionA) I B) II C) I and III D) I and II E) II and III53. An operations strategy for process selection should recognize that:A) process selection seldom requires technical expertiseB) engineering "white elephants" are uncommonC) there is little need to manage technologyD) flexibility is not always the best choiceE) managers need not have technical skills54. The minimum possible cycle time in a product layout is determined by the:A) longest task time D) total task timeB) shortest task time E) none of the aboveC) average task time55. Which one of the following is not common to product layouts?A) a high rate of output D) ability to adjust to changes in demandB) specialization of labor E) all are commonC) low unit costs56. The type of layout which features departments or other functional groupings in which similar activities are performed is:A) process B) product C) fixed-position D) mass E) unit57. Which one of the following is not considered an important factor in service layout design?A) cost minimization and product flow D) all are importantB) frequency of order E) all are not importantC) customer attitude and image58. Which type of processing system tends to produce the most product variety?A) Assembly B) Job-Shop C) Batch D) Continuous E) Project59. In a product layout, the process of deciding how to assign tasks to work stations is referred to as:A) process balancing D) work allocationB) task allocation E) station balancingC) line balancing60. Which of the following is not a benefit of cellular manufacturing?A) faster throughput time D) reduced setup timeB) less material handling E) none of the aboveC) more work-in-process inventory。



施工计划的形容词一、详细(detailed)- 单词释义:包含许多具体的部分、信息或元素。

- 单词用法:可用于描述施工计划涵盖众多细致的工作安排、时间节点、材料用量等方面。

例如“a detailed construction plan”。

- 近义词:thorough(彻底的、详尽的)- 短语搭配:detailed schedule(详细的日程安排),detailed blueprint(详细的蓝图)- 双语例句:- The contractor was impressed by the detailed construction plan. He said it was like a comprehensive guidebook for building a masterpiece.(承包商对详细的施工计划印象深刻。


)二、合理(reasonable)- 单词释义:符合道理、逻辑或公平的标准。

- 单词用法:用于表示施工计划在资源分配、工期安排、工序衔接等方面合乎理性。

如“a reasonable construction plan”。

- 近义词:rational(理性的)- 短语搭配:reasonable budget(合理的预算),reasonable sequence(合理的顺序)- 双语例句:- This construction plan is reasonable. I mean, who would object to a plan that doesn't waste any resources? It's like finding a perfect balance on a seesaw.(这个施工计划是合理的。


)- We all think the construction plan is reasonable. It's not too ambitious that it can't be achieved, nor too conservative that it wastes time.(我们都认为施工计划是合理的。

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Step IV
Identify supplier • Look through yellow pages/publications by trade associations, and seek quotations from suitable suppliers.
1. 2. 3. 4. Price and discount offered Quality of materials Sales terms & conditions e.g payment terms After sale service and warranty 5. Lead time i.e the time between orders and delivery Delivery terms e.g free transportation Reliability of supplier
• Therefore, the bill of materials for a unit of cookies will be:
Ingredient Flour Amount Required/Cookies 0.02 kg
Sugar Eggs Water
0.005 kg
0.01 kg 0.04 of an eggs (1 egg for 25 cookies) 0.005 litre
P.I > 1 = business running efficiently P.I < 1 = business running inefficiing
Symbol Type of Activities
Activities that modify, transform or give values to the output
Step III
• Estimate the raw material requirement by multiplying the bill of materials with the total number of cookies to be produced monthly. • The number of units to be produced must be based on the sales forecast in the marketing plan.
Step II
• Prepare a bill of materials required for a unit of product.
Ingredient Amount required for 100 cookies Flour 2 kg Margarine 0.5 kg
Sugar Eggs Water 1 kg 4 units 0.5 litre
“A380 is a symbol of economic strength, technological innovation, the dedication of the work force that built it and above all of a confidence that we can compete and win in the global market.” Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Britain
2. Productivity Index
T otal Value of Output Productivi Index ty T otal Value of Input
The productivity index (P.I) can be more or less than 1.
910 days 35 ' tudung' per day 26
35 hours 5 ' tudung' per hour 7
Purchasing of „tudung‟ materials Storage of „tudung‟ materials Cutting of raw materials to size. i.e large, medium and small Quality inspection Transport the materials that have been cut to tailor‟s table
6. 7.
Capacity Planning
• The capacity of any production operation refers to the amount of output that can be produced within a specified time. • It is a method to calculate machinery and manpower requirements so that production demand based on sales forecast can be met.
• If sales forecast is 520 units of ‘tudung’ per month. • If working days per month is assumed to be 26 days per month, the daily production rate is:
Yusuf Islam
Bagaimana hidup sekarang (setelah Islam)?
– Menukar sesuatu yang bersifat sementara kepada yang kekal abadi !!!.. – Menjadi orang yang dipuja oleh peminat?
The materials required for the month:
Ingredient Flour Margarine Sugar Eggs Water Amount Required/Month 0.02kg/unit x 52,500 = 1050kg 0.005kg/unit x 52,500 = 2025kg 0.01kg/unit x 52,500 = 525kg 0.04/unit x 52,500 = 2100 units 0.005litre/unit x 52,500 = 262.5 litre
Sewing by tailors
Storage before shipping out
Activity: ‘Tudung’ cutting If one cutter can cut 1 ‘tudung’ in 1/3 hour, the reciprocal of this is: = the cutter’s capacity to cut per hour = 3 ‘tudung’ per hour Therefore, the number of cutter required is: = Production capacity per hour/cutter’s capacity per hour = 5/3 = 1.67 (needs 2 cutters)
Inspection Delay
When materials are transported from one point to another.
Measures standard of the in-process material, finished product or services When in-process material is restrained in a location waiting for next activity
Step I
Identify and list all the raw materials required to manufacture the product or provide the service.
– Restaurant: the raw materials required depend on the menu for the day – Cleaning service: the materials required include consumable items like detergents and scrubbing pads. – Retail business: fresh goods, sundry goods, canned goods.
Example: If the forecast demand per month is 50,000 units of cookies. If the amount of stock at the end of the month is 5% of the amount.
50,000 5%(50,000) 50,000 2,500 52,500 cookies/mo nth
When in-process materials or finished products are stored in the storage area.
4. Material Requirement Planning
Step I : Identify and list down the raw materials required Step II : Prepare the bill of materials Step III: Calculate the quantity of raw material required Step IV: Identify supplier