小型机HP MP卡_配置
Power Restore Policy Configuration:
Current -> ON - Automatically Power On 电源恢复后主机自动启动
OFF - Remain Powered Off 电源恢复后主机不自动启动,依然保持关机状态
P - Restore Previous Power State 电源恢复后,使用电源关闭前的恢复策略。
目录1 总则 (5)2 硬件安装要求 (5)2.1机柜布局 (5)2.2 电源配置 (5)3 操作系统安装 (5)3.1 操作系统版本选择 (5)3.2 安装选项 (5)3.3 其他软件包安装 (5)3.4 补丁安装 (6)4 操作系统配置 (6)4.1 基本配置 (6)4.2 网络配置 (6)4.3 其他配置 (7)5 存储系统配置 (7)5.1 逻辑卷组(VG)配置要求及命名 (7)5.2 逻辑卷(LV)配置要求及命名 (8)5.3 HP UX系统文件配置 (8)5.4 应用软件对存储的要求 (9)6 用户管理 (9)6.1 用户名要求 (9)6.2 组管理要求 (9)6.3 口令管理要求 (9)7 群集软件安装及配置 (9)7.1 MC/SG软件版本 (9)7.2 MC/SG软件安装 (9)7.3 MC/SG补丁安装 (9)7.4 资源组命名要求 (9)7.5 MC/SG配置步骤 (9)8 JA V A安装要求 (10)8.1 软件安装 (10)8.2 安装后检查 (10)9 第三方硬件/软件配合 (11)9.1 与EMC的配合 (11)9.2 与STK的配合 (11)9.3 与ORACLE的配合 (11)9.4 与WEBLOGIC的配合 (11)9.5 与Veritas备份软件NetBackup的配合 (11)10 参数配置表 (11)11 系统监控要求 (11)11.1 ISEE监控 (11)11.2 toptea/tivoli监控 (12)12 系统备份配置 (12)13 时钟同步配置 (12)14 系统安全加固 (13)15 应用软件要求 (13)附件1、操作系统安装操作步骤 (14)附件2、安装配置审核确认单 (16)附件3、HPUX常用参数表 (18)附件4、HPUX系统安全加固 (20)附件5、Lan Console配置 (25)附件6、MC/SG相关的配置文件 (27)1 总则为规范中国移动通信集团公司江苏有限公司信息技术系统HP小型机安装配置实施操作工作,实现HP小型机安装、配置、维护工作的标准化、规范化,特从HP小型机硬件安装、操作系统安装、参数配置等方面进行制定标准,可为以后进行信息技术系统HP小型机设计、安装实施配置作为参考。
HP小型机机型性能参数一、Rp8400系列hp rp8400 Server Series PCI Slot TypesSlot# Device:rp8400 DIMMSCell Board VrmHP 9000 rp8400效劳器2-16个650MHz或750MHz PA-8700 CPU1-4个单元板(每个单元:2或4个CPU,2到16GB内存)2个硬件分区(nPars)和16个虚拟分区(vPars)HP-UX工作负荷管理(WLM)软件2到64GB内存容量16个PCI热插拔I/O卡插槽PCII/O卡插槽上具有PCI doorbell功能*未来可升级为PCI-X32GB/s crossbar带宽和s PCL总线总带宽机柜或单机服务器解决方案4个内置热插拔器盘机架和2个内置可移动介质机架(DVD或DAT)6个热插拔冗余电源2或4根电源线(最少2个,在2套电力系统中使用4个)热插拔冗余冷却风扇企业HP-UX 11i操作环境CPU和内存动态分配/重新分配内存chip-sparing技术热插拔单元板所有CPU、高速缓存、内存和I/O通道上都具有检错与纠错(ECC)功能联机添加和更换PCII/O卡双电力系统冗余电源输入冗余核心I/ON+1热插拔风扇和电源Hot-spare即时按需扩容CPU功能热插拔磁盘驱动器热插拔DVD和DATmc/serviceguard和mc/lockmanager cluster软件具有故障恢复功能的硬件分区(nPars)用mc/serviceguard集成商业应用程序SAP R/3 somersault技术控制台故障恢复功能*先进的事件监控系统(EMS)功能关键任务服务和支持核心I/O:10/100/1000Base-T LAN,Ultra2 SCSI,管理局域网,三个串行端口附加卡:ATM,Token Rjing,FDDI ,1000Base-SX,1000Base-T,10/100Base-T,Ultra2,Ultra3, FW,光纤通道,双内置服务处理器partition manager集成hp webqos peak集成hp servicecontrol managerHP-UX工作负荷管理(WLM)软件hp OpenView工具包效用付费(按次付费,即时按需扩容,以及按预测付费)为未来几代PA-RISC和Itanium处理器设计的机箱可在一个系统机箱内混合各种速度处理器*组件可与其它的惠普服务器和存储解决方案互换支持未来的平台内建不受限制的Internet HP-UX 11i操作环境许可分析、设计和实施基础架构、IT流程和IT机构培训服务smart set集成服务实施服务预先和响应式的支持服务外包和业务恢复服务二、Rp7400系列hp rp7405 Servershp rp7405-to-rp7410 Upgradesrp rp7405/ rp7410 DIMMSTable B-6 Typical hp rp7405/rp7410 ConfigurationsHP 9000 rp7410效劳器2至8个650MHz或750MHz PA-8700 CPU1至2个单元板(每个单元支持:2或4个CPU, 1GB至16GB内存)1至32GB主内存2个硬件分区(nPars)8个虚拟分区(vPars)hp-ux工作负荷管理(WLM)软件15个PCI热插拔I/O卡插槽和2个核心I/OPCI插槽总带宽s4个内置热插拔磁盘机架和1个内置可拆卸介质机架(DVD或DAT)2个热插拔冗余电源2或4根电源线(最少2根,2个电源4根)热插拔冗余冷却风扇企业HP-UX 11i操作环境高速缓存自修复内存芯片冗余(chip-sparing)技术动态CPU和内存分配/释放热插拔单元板即时按需增容(iCOD)的热备CPU所有CPU、高速缓存和I/O通道上进行检错与纠错(ECC)联机添加和更换PCI I/O卡冗余电源输入提供双电源连接冗余核心I/ON+1热插拔风扇2N热插拔电源热插拔磁盘驱动器、DVD和DATmc/serviceguard和mc/lockmanager集群软件具有故障结束功能(failover)的硬件分区(nPars)商业应用软件与mc/serviceguard集成SAP R/3 Somersault技术控制台故障结束(failover)功能*先进的事件监视系统(EMS)监控功能关键任务服务与支持核心I/O: 10/100/1000Base-T局域网,Ultra3 SCSI, 100Base-T管理局域网,3个RS-232串行端口附加卡:ATM, 令牌,FDDI, 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-T, 10/100Base-T, Ultra2, Ultra3, FW SCSI, 光纤通道,终端MUX, hp speedcard软件,, Hyperfabric* 首次发布时不可用双内置服务处理器分区管理器可管理vPars和nPars集成hp webQoS peak集成hp servicecontrol managerhp-ux工作负荷管理(WLM)软件可轻松升级到未来的PA-RISC和Itanium处理器组件可与16路hp server rp8400互换系统机箱在同一个机箱中支持多处理器速度按需定价(按使用付费,即时按需增容,按预测付费)内置不受限制的Internet HP-UX 11i操作环境许可支持未来选择的平台咨询移植和迁移教育和培训安装、集成和部署硬件和软件支持主动的规划和技术帮助关键任务服务全面、有选择的外包业务恢复服务财务计划* 2002年年中可用2到16个PA-8800处理器(900 MHz或1 GHz, 配置 MB一级高速缓存/32 MB组合二级高速缓存)1到2个单元板(每个单元:2到8个处理器,2至32 GB内存)2至128 GB内存容量15 PCI-X内部热插拔I/O卡插槽4个内置磁盘机架及1个内置可拆卸介质机架(DVD或DAT)2硬件分区(nPars)支持高达14个虚拟分区(vPars)16 GB/s I/O插槽总带宽机架或独立服务器解决方案热插拔、冗余电源冗余(2N+1)输入功率热插拔、冗余冷却风扇动态CPU和内存分配/再分配内存芯片备用技术热插拔单元板在所有CPU、高速缓存、内存和I/O通道上检错与纠错(ECC)联机添加和更换PCI-X I/O卡冗余电源输入提供双电源连接核心I/O管理处理器故障转移N+1热插拔风扇和电源热备即时按需增加容量的CPU功能电子隔离硬件分区(nPars)广泛的HP-UX 11i安全特性:IPSec, IPFilter, LDAP-UX, AAA Server, SecureHP Serviceguard用于RAC的HP Serviceguard Extension用于SAP的HP Serviceguard Extensio用于事件监控服务的HA监控器高可用性工具套件HP Mirrordisk/UXHP Extended Campus Cluster关键任务服务与支持核心I/O: 10/100/1000Base-T局域网,Ultra3 SCSI, 管理局域网,3个串口附加卡:ATM, Token Ring, FDDI, 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-T, 10/100Base-T, Ultra2, Ultra3, Fibre Channel, Terminal MUX, Hyperfabric, 组合卡配置HP Partition Manager用于安装和部署操作系统的HP Ignite-UX用于软件和补丁管理的HP Software Distributor-UX监控器:内置管理处理器,用于全面的远程服务器管理HP Servicecontrol Manager, 用于集中HP-UX服务器管理优化特性:HP-UX 11i虚拟服务器环境(VSE), 包括HP-UX 11i虚拟分区和硬件分区HP Process Resource Manager (PRM), 用于HP-UX资源管理HP-UX Workload Manager (WLM), 用于基于服务级别目标的HP-UX工作负荷管理HP OpenView Glanceplus Pak企业:HP OpenView套件,用于基础设施架构、服务和业务流程管理HP Systems Insight Manager, 用于管理HP所支持环境下的故障、资产、安全性和配置按需定价-按使用付费,按需增加容量,按预测付费(2004年上半年实现按使用付费)临时按需增加容量按需增加单元板容量机箱针对未来几代的PA-RISC和Intel Itanium处理器而设计在一个分区系统内支持PA-8800混合处理器速度组件可与其它HP服务器和存储解决方案互换HP-UX 11i操作系统二进制代码、源代码和数据兼容性,以及Linux(r)和Windows(r)的互操作性分析、设计和实施适应性基础平台、IT流程和IT组织培训服务Smart Set集成服务实施服务主动和反应式支持服务外包和业务恢复服务金融服务机架安装解决方案允许将服务器在所有HP机架内占用10U空间(高厘米高) (机架系统/E和10000系列机架)J1530B: HP现场机架套件J1530BZ: HP工厂机架套件要获得机架和机架附件的完整列表,请参阅三、rp5400系列四、HP rp440-8效劳器2到8个PA-8800处理器时钟频率:800 MHz或 GHz系统总线带宽: GB/s一级高速缓存: MB指令及 MB数据/处理器二级高速缓存:芯片外集成的32 MB内存,在处理器模块内,在2个CPU 之间共享的整合指令/数据总线带宽: GB/sRAM类型:PC2100 ECC注册DDR266A/B SDRAM容量:最大64 GB内存插槽:16或32个DIMM插槽(取决于您选择的内存板)内部硬盘驱动器托架:2HDD总线接口:Ultra320* SCSIHDD容量/速度:36 GB/15k rpm, 73 GB/15k rpm, 146 GB/10k rpm 可拆卸介质:1个可用的DVD托架*使用核心I/O SCSI控制器时,会受限于Ultra160速度可用的PCI-X插槽:6 (2 x 133 MHz, 4 x 66 MHz)I/O带宽:4 GB/s10/100/1000Base-T局域网(铜缆)2个Ultra160 SCSI通道1个通用RS-232串行端口2个用于集成管理处理器的RS-232串行端口2个USB端口机架安装解决方案:无需工具,侧面安装的机架滑动安装-允许服务器占用4U (机架设备)空间适用所有HP机架及许多第三方机架要获得机架和机架附件的完整列表,请参阅或N+1冗余热插拔电源(N=1)N+1风扇ECC内存和高速缓存内存芯片备用自动卸载内存和处理器服务处理器用于监控系统状态HP Serviceguard用于RAC的HP Serviceguard Extension用于SAP的HP Serviceguard Extension用于集群的HP Serviceguard Manager用于HP事件监控服务的HA监控器高可用性工具套件HP Mirrordisk/UX用于RAC的HP Extended Campus Cluster配有Continuous Access XP的HP Metrocluster配有EMC SRDF的HP MetroclusterHP ContinentalclustersHP Systems Insight Manager提供单点管理并集成以下工具用于进行配置、故障及工作负荷管理:配置管理用于安装和部署操作系统的HP Ignite-UX用于软件和补丁管理的HP Software Distributor-UX用于HP-UX系统管理的HP System Administration Manager用于一致管理的WBEM故障管理用于故障管理的HP事件监控服务用于HP-UX 11i v1的全面远程服务器管理的管理处理器工作负荷管理HP-UX 11i v1 Kernel Configuration用于轻松、动态变更内核参数HP Process Resource Manager用于HP-UX 11i v1资源管理(可选)HP-UX Workload Manager自动管理一个操作系统映像内的资源五、rp2430 / rp2470系列六、HP 9000 rp3410-2 / 3440-4系列效劳器1或2个PA-8800处理器-800 MHz, 带有 MB一级高速缓存/32 MB二级高速缓存(rp3410-2);2或4个PA-8800处理器-800 MHz和 GHz, 带有 MB一级高速缓存/32 MB二级高速缓存(rp3440-4)6 GB内存容量(rp3410-2); 24 GB 内存容量(rp3440-4)2个PCI-X热插拔I/O卡插槽(rp3410-2); 4个PCI-X热插拔I/O卡插槽(rp3440-4)2 GB/s I/O插槽总带宽(rp3410-2); 4 GB/s I/O插槽总带宽(rp3440-4)机架或独立服务器解决方案3个内置热插拔磁盘机架和1个内置可拆卸介质机架(DVD或DAT)热插拔、冗余电源冗余(2N+1)输入功率热插拔、冗余冷却风扇动态CPU和内存分配/再分配内存芯片备用技术在所有CPU、高速缓存、内存和I/O通道上检错与纠错(ECC)联机添加和更换PCI I/O卡冗余电源输入提供双电源连接核心I/O管理处理器故障转移N+1热插拔风扇和电源用于HP-UX的HP Serviceguard用于RAC的HP Serviceguard Extension用于SAP的HP Serviceguard Extension用于事件监控服务的HA监控器HP Serviceguard Manager高可用性工具套件HP Mirrordisk/UXHP Extended Campus Cluster用于RAC的HP Extended Campus ClusterHP MetroclusterHP ContinentalclustersHP Continentalclusters for RAC完善的关键任务服务与支持核心I/O:10/100/1000Base-T局域网,Ultra3 SCSI, 管理局域网,3个串口附加卡:ATM, Token Ring, FDDI, 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-T, 10/100Base-T, Ultra2, Ultra3, Fibre Channel, Terminal MUX, Hyperfabric, 组合卡管理的中心点-HP Systems Insight Manager提供单点管理并为进行配置、故障及工作负荷管理,集成有以下工具:配置管理用于安装和部署操作系统的HP Ignite-UX用于软件和补丁管理的HP Software Distributor-UX用于HP-UX系统管理的HP System Administration Manager用于一致管理的WBEM故障管理用于故障管理的HP事件监控服务用于HP-UX的全面远程服务器管理的管理处理器工作负荷管理HP-UX内核配置,用于轻松、动态的内核参数变更HP Process Resource Manager用于HP-UX资源管理(可选)HP-UX Workload Manager用于基于优先的服务等级目标的工作负荷管理(可选)专为PA-RISC的未来产品而设计通过简单的CPU交换,箱内升级至Intel Itanium处理器分析、设计和实施基础设施架构、IT流程和IT组织培训服务Smart Set集成服务实施服务主动和反应式支持服务外包和业务恢复服务金融服务机架安装解决方案允许将服务器在所有HP机架内占用2U空间(高厘米) (机架系统/E和10000系列机架)AB241A: HP用于HP 9000 rp3400系列服务器的机架套件AB242A: HP用于HP 9000 rp3400系列服务器的基座套件要获得机架和机架附件的完整列表,请参阅。
卸下服务器机柜请按照以下步骤卸下服务器机柜:第 1 步. 割断围绕集装箱的聚酯纤维绑带第 2 步. 从运输箱上拿起纸板顶盖第 3 步. 从货盘取下瓦楞覆盖物第 4 步. 取下包装材料注意塑料包装材料应通过裁割取下,而不应通过拉拽的方式取下,通过拉拽取下包装材料可能有静电放电的危险。
第 5 步. 取下固定斜轨的四个螺栓然后取下斜轨下图显示了一个已固定到机柜两侧货盘的斜轨(两个螺栓将每个斜轨固定在货盘上)。
第 6 步. 从底部取下将机架固定在货盘上的六个螺栓注意:在将机架滑下斜轨或通过脚轮移动机架之前,请务必将机架上的校平支脚抬起。
第7 步. 固定机柜。
第8 步. 架装系统安装(视实际情况而定)。
一,什么是LanConsole在HP的小型机里面有一张独立于主机和系统之外的集成卡,这张卡里面有小型的集成系统(是独立于系统的一个操作环境),这个系统可以监控和管理主机和系统的运行状况.这张卡叫做GSP卡或者MP卡(老型号的机器叫做GSP(Guardian Service Processor (GSP)) 卡,新机器叫做MP卡).访问这张卡的系统有两种方式:(1)通过串口的方式访问.(这个需要在机房操作)(2)通过网络的的方式访问,也就是lanconsole的登陆方式.(在GSP卡和MP卡上都有串口和网络接口)二,GSP卡常用命令登陆到GSP卡后就可以直接进行相关的操作了At the GSP prompt (GSP>) type he, to display the help menu, as shown:(This is the old format help screen GSP A.01.06 and before)Where: X is the current hardware revision, and A.XX.XX is the current firmware revision.GSP> heHEHardware Revision X Firmware Revision A.XX.XX July 16 1999, 17:19:31AC : Alert Display ConfigurationAR : Configure the Automatic System RestartCA : Configure local and remote console parametersCE : Log a chassis code in the GSP chassis code history bufferCL : Display the history of the ConsoleCO : Return to Console ModeCSP : Connect to another Service Processor via LANCT : Configure Tracing into GSP FirmwareDC : Default configurationDI : Disconnect remote or LAN consoleDR : OBSOLETE. Use the ER and EL commandsEL : Configure LAN console access optionsER : Configure remote/modem port access optionsHE : Display the list of available commandsIT : Modify GSP inactivity timeoutsLC : Configure the LAN connectionLR : OBSOLETE. Use the ER command.LS : Display LAN configurationMFG : Enter the manufacturing modeMR : Modem ResetMS : Display the status of the ModemOT : Disable overtemperature controlPC : Remote Power ControlPG : Configure PagingPS : Display the status of the Power Management ModuleQMM : Quit the manufacturing modeRP : OBSOLETE. Use the DC command.RS : System reset through RST signalSDM : Set Display Mode (hex or text)SE : Activate a system session on local or remote portSL : Display SPU status logsSO : Configure security options and access controlSS : Display the status of the system processorsTC : System reset through INIT signalTE : Sends a message to other terminalsUR : OBSOLETE. Use the ER command.VFP : Activates Alert Log Display (all ports except internal port)VT : View Trace bufferWHO : Display a list of GSP connected usersXD : GSP Diagnostics and ResetXU : Upgrade the GSP FirmwareZCTGNAYOR : Clear GSP NVM at your own riskZDTPMT : Dump the GSP Internal Post Mortem Trace三,MP卡的常用操作进入MP卡后并没有直接进入常用的命令操作界面,先要用命令cm进入MP>cm进入后界面如下MP:CM>如果需要重启机器就可以用pe来重启了MP:CM> peThis command controls power enable to a hardware device.T - CabinetC - CellP - IO ChassisSelect Device: tThe power state is ON for Cabinet 0.In what state do you want the power? (ON/OFF) off(选择off是给主机断电,当提示断电完毕后在重新输入pe命令,选择on主机就加电启动)。
Pci slot
hp rp7405 Servers
Number Description
rp7405 2-way system
Includes rp7405 SMP base system, two 650-MHz PA-RISC
1_3 PCI
4x, “Twin Turbo” 64
bit, 66 MHz, 3.3V
only, 3.3V connector, Hot Swap Slot.
1_4 PCI
4x, “Twin Turbo” 64
bit, 66 MHz, 3.3V
only, 3.3V connector, Hot Swap Slot.
0_3 PCI
4x, “Twin Turbo” 64
bit, 66 MHz, 3.3V
only, 3.3V connector, Hot Swap Slot.
0_4 PCI
4x, “Twin Turbo” 64
bit, 66 MHz, 3.3V
only, 3.3V connector, Hot Swap Slot.
512 Mbyte
32 Gbytes
128 Mbit
1 GByte
64 Gbytes
256 Mbit
Table B-6 Typical hp rp7405/rp7410 Configurations
HP rx Se MP卡 配置
管理处理器可以管理电源、重置和控制转移(TOC) 功能,并可用于访问控制台、显示和记录系统事件,以及显示有关各种内置子系统的详细信息。
管理处理器还提供了一个可用于远程监视前面板LED 的虚拟前面板。
只要系统与电源连接,即可使用管理处理器(即使HP Integrity rx4640 服务器主电源开关处于关闭位置)。
在MP 主菜单中,用户可以选择下列任一选项:1、进入管理处理器命令模式………………..( cm: Command Menu )2、进入控制台………………………………. ( CO: Console )3、查看事件日志……………………………..( SL: Show Event Logs )4、查看控制台历史记录……………………..( CL: Console Log )5、显示虚拟前面板…………………………...( VFP: Virtual Front Pane )6、进入控制台会话…………………………...(Enter OS Session )7、连接其他管理处理器……………………..(CSP: Connect to Service Processor )多个用户可以同时从MP MAIN MENU 选择不同的选项。
HP Compaq 6200 Pro 商业小型因式PC说明书
Illustrated Parts & Service MapHP Compaq 6200 Pro Business PC Small Form Factor© 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information con-tained herein is subject to change without notice. HP shall not be liable for tech-nical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel, Pentium, Intel Inside, and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation and its subsidiaries in the U. S. and other countries.Document Number 649707-001. 1st Edition March 2011.Key SpecificationsSpare PartsProcessor Type Intel® Core i7, i5, i3RAM Type Non-ECC DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333 MHz) & PC3-8500 (1066 MHz)Maximum RAM 16 GB Expansion Slots (Low profile)•(1) PCIe-x16•(2) PCIe-x1•(1) PCIChipsetIntel Q65 ExpressGraphics Adapter Integrated Intel HD graphics Bays•(1) external 5.25-inch •(1) internal 3.5-inch •(1) external 3.5-inchI/O InterfacesFront: (4) USB, microphone, headphoneRear: (6) USB, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, line in, line out, VGA, DisplayPort v1.1a, RJ-45, serial, parallel (optional), eSATA (optional)Preinstalled Operating Systems•Windows® Vista •Windows 7•FreeDosSystem Unit 1Front bezel646814-0012Power supply, 90% efficient 613762-001*Power supply 613763-0013Chassis Not spared 4Access panel646815-001* Not shownCables 1Front I/O cable and power switch assembly 636926-0012SATA cable, 19.5 inch, 2 straight ends 638813-0013SATA power cable636923-001*SATA cable, 25.2 inch, 1 straight end, 1 angled end 638814-001*DMS-59 to dual VGA cable 463023-001*Adapter, DisplayPort to VGA 603250-001*Adapter, DisplayPort to DVI 484156-001*Adapter, DisplayPort to HDMI 617450-001*DisplayPort cable487562-001*Not shownKeyboards (not illustrated)PS/2, Basic USB, BasicUSB Mini (-001, -121 only)Washable Smartcard 537745-xx1537746-xx1611375-xxx 613125-xxx 631411-xx4Arabic -17x LA Spanish[b]-16xBelgian[b]-18x Norwegian[b]-09x Brazilian Portuguese[b]-20x People’s Republic of China[b]-AAx Bulgaria [c]-26x Portuguese -13x Czech -22x Romanian[c]-27x Danish[b]-08x Russian -25x Finnish[a]-35x Saudi Arabia -DEx French[b]-05x Slovakian -23x French Canadian -12x South Korea[b]-KDx German[b]-04x Spanish[b]-07x Greek[b]-15x Swedish[b]-10x Hebrew -BBx Swiss -11x Hungarian -21x Taiwanese[b]-ABx International[b]-37x Thai[b]-28x International English[b]-L3x Turkish -14x Italian[b]-06x U.S.-00x Japanese[b]-29xU.K.[b]-03x[a] not for 537745[b] not for 613125[c] not for 631411Mass Storage Devices (not illustrated)16X SATA DVD±RW drive with LightScribe 581600-00116X SATA DVD-ROM drive581599-001Blu-ray BD-RW SuperMulti DL Drive with LightScribe 617030-0011 TB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 636930-001750 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 632938-001500 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 636929-001320 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive, 2.5-inch634824-001300 GB, 10000-RPM SATA3 hard drive 639695-001300 GB, 10000-RPM SATA2 hard drive 648963-001250 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 636927-001160 GB, 10000-RPM SATA hard drive 639694-001160 GB, 10000-RPM SATA hard drive, 2.5-inch 508312-001160 GB Solid State Drive (SSD)646809-00180 GB Solid State Drive (SSD)607817-001System BoardStandard and Optional BoardsSystem boards with replacement thermal material 1System board, includes Trusted Platform Module (TPM) - worldwide use615114-001*System board, does not include TPM - only for use in EMEA region 649515-001Memory modules (PC3-10600, CL9)21 GB 635802-001*2 GB 635803-001*4 GB 585157-001Other boards *HP WLAN 802.11 b/g/n 538048-001*Antenna for use with 538048-001583345-001*nVidia Quadro NVS295 PCIe x16 graphics card, 256 MB 641462-001*nVidia Quadro NVS300 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 632486-001*ATI Radeon HD6350 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 637995-001*ATI Radeon HD6450 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 637996-001*AMD FirePro 2270 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 637213-001*Intel PRO/1000CT NIC, includes bracket 635523-001*HP FireWire / IEEE 1394a PCIe x1 Card 637591-001Intel Core i7 processors (include thermal material)*2600, 3.4 GHz, 8-MB L3 cache, 95W 638632-001Intel Core i5 processors (include thermal material)*2500, 3.3 GHz, 6-MB L3 cache, 95W 638631-001*2400, 3.1 GHz, 6-MB L3 cache, 95W 638630-001Intel Core i3 processors (include thermal material)*2120, 3.3 GHz, 3-MB L3 cache, 65W 638629-001*2100, 3.1 GHz, 3-MB L3 cache, 65W638628-001* Not shownCommon POST Error Messages Screen Message Probable Cause Recommended Action 101-Option ROM Error1.System ROM checksumerror.2.Expansion board option ROM checksum1.Verify ROM, reflash if required2.Remove suspected card, reboot3.Clear CMOS memory, reboot4.Replace system board 103-System Board FailureDMA, timers1.Clear CMOS memory.2.Remove expansion boards.3.Replace system board.164-Memory Size Error and201-Memory ErrorIncorrect memory configu-ration1.Run Setup (F10).2.Check DIMMs for proper seating, type, and HP compatibility.3.Remove DIMMs singularly and reboot to isolate faulty DIMM.4.Replace system board.214-DIMM Configura-tion WarningPopulated DIMM configura-tion is not optimized Rearrange the DIMMs so that each channel has the same amountof memory.301-, 304-Keyboard errorKeyboard failure.Check keyboard connection or keys. Check connector for bent of missing pins. Replace keyboard. If 304, possible system board problem.501-Display Adapter FailureGraphics display controller.1.Reseat graphics card.2.Clear CMOS.3.Check monitor connection.4.Replace graphics card.1720-SMART Hard Drive Detects Imminent FailureHard drive is about to fail. 1.Determine if hard drive is giving correct error message. Enter Computer Setup and run the Drive Protection System test under Storage > DPS Self-test .2.Apply hard drive firmware patch if applicable.3.Back up contents and replacehard drive.Miscellaneous Parts 1Chassis fan 645327-0012Fan duct 636921-0013Heatsink 645326-0014Speaker 636925-0015Solenoid lock 641498-0016Printer port, PCI card 638817-0017Hood sensor 638816-001*Serial port, PCI card 638815-001*Card reader, 22-in-1636166-001*Grommet, hard drive isolation, blue 594220-001*USB powered speakers 571536-001*Mouse, PS2, optical, jack black 537748-001*Mouse, USB, BFR-PVC 590270-001*Mouse, washable 619580-001*Mouse, optical, jack black 444740-001*Mouse, laser, jack black 570580-001*USB 3.0 port, PCIe x1 card 616610-001*eSATA port assembly, PCI card645558-001*Clamp lock, includes universal cable (plate not included)508987-001*Not shownSystem Board Connectors and Jumpers (component location may vary)SPKR Speaker connector MEDIA2Media card reader connector FRNT AUD Front panel connector HSENSE Hood sensor connector FRONT_USB22nd USB connector X1PCIEXP1PCIe X1 slot FRONT_USB 1st USB connectorX1PCIEXP2PCIe X1 slot SATA PWR0Optical drive power connector X16PCIEXP PCIe X16 slot SATA PWR1Hard drive power connector PCI1PCI slot SATA01st hard drive (SATA 3.0)CHFAN Fan connector PWR Main power connector PSWD Password header SATA12nd hard drive (SATA 2.0)CMOS CMOS header PWR CMD Power connectorXUI Processor socket SATA21st optical drive (SATA 2.0)PWRCPU CPU power connector ESATA eSATA connector DIMM4Memory socket - Channel A PAR Parallel port connector DIMM3Memory socket - Channel A COMB Serial portDIMM2Memory socket - Channel B MEDIA Media card reader connector DIMM1Memory socket - Channel B CHFAN2System fan connector PB/LEDPower switch connectorHLCKHood lock connectorSystem Setup and BootAccess the Setup Utility during the computer boot sequence by pressing the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and then pressing the F10 key. If you do not press Esc at the appropriate time, you must restart the computer and again press Esc when the monitor light turns green to access the utility.Password SecurityEstablishing a Setup or Power-On password:1.Turn on or restart the computer.2.As soon as the computer turns on, press the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.3.Press the F10 key to enter Computer Setup.4.To establish Setup password, select Security > Setup Password and follow the instructions.- or -To establish a Power-On password, select Security > Power-On Password and follow the instructions on the screen5.Before exiting, click File > Save Changes and Exit .Changing a Setup or Power-On password:1.Turn on or restart the computer.To change the Setup password, go to step 2.To change the Power-on password, go to step 3.2.To change the Setup password, as soon as the computer turns on:- Press the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed. - Press the F10 key to enter Computer Setup.3.When the key icon appears, type your current password, a slash (/) or alternate delimiter character, your new password, another slash (/) or alternate delimiter character, and your new password again as shown:current password/new password/new password.NOTE: Type the new password carefully since the characters do not appear on the screen. 4.Press Enter .The new password will take effect the next time the computer is restarted.Deleting a Power-On or Setup password1.Turn on or restart the computer.To delete the Setup password, go to step 2. To delete the Power-On password, go to step 3.2.To change the Setup password, as soon as the computer turns on:- Press the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed. - Press the F10 key to enter Computer Setup.3.When the key icon appears, type your current password followed by a slash (/) or alternate delimiter character as shown. Example: currentpassword/ 4.Press Enter .Clearing CMOS1.Turn off the computer and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.2.Remove the access panel.3.On the system board, press and hold the CMOS button for 5 seconds.4.Replace the chassis access panel and reconnect the power cord.5.Turn on the computer and allow it to start. Computer Setup Menu Heading Option/DescriptionFileSystem Information - Lists the following main system specifications:•Product name•SKU number (some models)•Processor type/speed/stepping •Cache size (L1/L2/L3)•Installed memory size/speed/chan •Integrated MAC Address•System BIOS•Chassis serial number •Asset tracking number •ME firmware version •ME Management modeAbout - Displays copyright notice.Set Time and Date - Allows you to set system time and date.Flash System ROM - Allows you to select a drive containing a new BIOS.Replicated Setup - Save to Rmvble Media and Restore from Rmvble Media Default Setup•Save Current Settings as Default •Restore Factory Settings as DefaultApply Defaults and Exit - Applies the selected default settings and clears any established passwords.Ignore Changes and Exit - Exits Computer setup without saving changes.Save Changes and Exit - Saves changes to system configuration or default settings and exits Computer Setup.StorageDevice Configuration - Lists all installed BIOS-controlled storage devices. The following options are available:•CD-ROM - Let you view drive size, model, firmware version, serialnumber, connector color.•Hard Disk - Let you view drive size, model, firmware version, serialnumber, connector color, SMART. Also lets you set Translation Mode (Automatic, Bit-Shift, LBA Assisted, User, and Off).•Diskette Drive - model and firmware version.•SATA Defaults - lets you set Translation Mode (Automatic, Bit-Shift,LBA Assisted, User, and Off).•eSATA port - Allows you to set a SATA port as an eSATA port for usewith an external drive.•SATA Emulation - IDE, RAID (not for USDT), or AHCI.•Removable Media Boot - Enables/disables ability to boot the systemfrom removable media.•Max eSATA Speed - Allows you to choose 1.5 Gbps or 3.0 Gbps as themaximum eSATA speed.DPS Self-Test - Allows you to execute self-tests on ATA hard drives.Boot Order - Allows you to specify boot order.•Shortcut to Temporarily Override Boot OrderSecuritySetup Password - Allows you to set and enable the setup (Admin) password.Power-On Password - Allows you to set and enable power-on password.Password Options - When any password exists allows you to lock legacy resources, enable/disable Setup Browse Mode, set password prompt, enable/disable network server mode, specify password requirement for warm boot, and set stringent passwords.Smart Cover (some models) - Allows you to lock/unlock cover lock and set status of cover removal sensor.Device Security - Allows you to set Device Available/Device Hidden for: embedded security devices, serial and parallel ports, system audio, network controller, and SATA ports.USB Security - Allows you to set Device Available/Device Hidden for front USB ports 1-4, rear USB ports 1-6, accessory USB ports 1-4.Slot Security - Allows you to disable any PCI or PCI Express work Boot - Enables/disables boot from OS (NIC models only).System IDs - Allows you to set Asset tag, Ownership tag, Chassis serial number or UUID, and keyboard locale setting.System Security (some models) - Allows you to enable/disable:•Data Execution Prevention (enable/disable)•Virtualization Technology (VTx) (enable/disable)•Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VTd) (enable/disable)•Intel TXT (LT) (enable/disable)•Embedded Security Device Support (enable/disable)•OS management of Embedded Security Device (enable/disable)•Reset of Embedded Security Device through OS (enable/disable)DriveLock Security - Allows you to assign or modify a master or user pass-word for hard drives.PowerOS Power Management - Allows you to enable/disable Runtime Power Management, Idle Power Savings, Unique Sleep State Blink Rates.Hardware Power Management - Allows you to enable/disable SATA bus power management and S5 maximum power savings.Thermal - Allows you to control minimum fan speed.AdvancedPower-On Options - Allows you to set:•POST mode-QuickBoot, FullBoot, Clear Memory, FullBoot every x days •POST messages - Enable/disable•Press the ESC key for Startup Menu - Enable/disable •Option ROM prompt - Enable/disable •After Power Loss - Off/on/previous state •POST Delay - None, 5, 10, 15, or 20 seconds •System Recovery Boot Support - Enable/disable•Remote Wakeup Boot Source - Remote server/local hard drive •Bypass F1 Prompt on Configuration Changes - Enable/disableBIOS Power-On - Allows you to set the computer to turn on at a preset time.Onboard Devices - Allows you to set resources or disable Legacy devices.Bus Options (some models) - Allows you to enable/disable PCI SERR# Generation and PCI VGA palette snooping.Device Options - Allows you to set:•Turbo Mode - enable/disable•Printer Mode - Bi-Directional, EPP & ECP, Output Only •Num Lock State at Power-on - off/on •Integrated Video - enable/disable •Internal Speaker - enable/disable•NIC Option ROM Download - enable/disable •Multi-Processor - enable/disable •Hyper-threading - enable/disableComputer Setup Menu (continued )Heading Option/DescriptionAdvanced (cont)VGA Configuration - Displayed only if there are multiple PCI video adapt-ers in the system. Allows you to specify which VGA controller will be the “boot” or primary VGA controller.AMT Configuration - Allows you to set:•AMT-enable/disable functions of the embedded Management Engine(ME) such as Active Management Technology (AMT).•Unconfigure AMT/ME-unconfigure any provisioned management set-tings for AMT.•Watchdog Timer-set amount of time for a operating system and BIOSwatchdog alert to be sent if the timers are not deactivated.Diagnostic LEDs LED Color LED Activity State/Message Power Green OnComputer onPower Green 1 blink every 2 seconds Normal Suspend Mode Power Red 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pauseCPU thermal shutdown Power Red 3 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Processor not installedPower Red 4 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Power failure (power supply overload)Power Red 5 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Pre-video memory error Power Red 6 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Pre-video graphics error Power Red 7 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause System board failure (ROM Power Red 8 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Invalid ROM based on Checksum Power Red 9 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pauseSystem powers on but is unable to bootPower Red 10 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pauseBad option card Power Red 11 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Current processor does not support a feature previously enabled.nonenoneSystem does not power on and LEDs are not flashingSystem unable to power on。
[1]启动(1)启动次序MP stand/vmunix /sbin/init(调用/etc/inittab) /sbin/rc(调用/sbin/rc[run-level].d) 用户登入脚本等(2)pre_init_rc用来检查启动文件的正确性(3)M P 界面MP确省用户:Admin 密码:Admin进入MP ctrl+B退出MP先执行ma (即main)再执行co (即console)(4)如何查看Primary,Alternate Boot Path?重新启动主机,在十秒钟中断时按任意键进入BootAdmin 菜单,此时在BootAdmin 的提示符下键入pa 命令如下:main menu> pa就会列出Primary,Alternate Path。
或在操作系统下执行#setboot 命令。
(5)/sbin/initinit使用的参数如下:0 关闭机器,处于halt状态1 机器进入系统管理模式,与单用户模式相似,但所有文件系统都可使用,只有超级用户的控制台才可访问系统2 多用户模式,允许所有用户进入系统3 多用户模式,能够共享远程文件等(如NFS)4 多用户模式,VUE(visual user environment),是一个图形环境并有一组X Windows程序被激活5-6 HPUX没有定义,作为用户自定义模式a,b,c 不改变当前运行级别,而是运行一组给定程序s 单用户模式,S 与s模式相似。
在s模式之用物理的系统控制台才可进入系统,而在S模式虚拟的系统控制台可以进入系统Q/q 不改变运行模式,使用当前级别重新读取inittab文件。
(6)/etc/inittab启动后,init进程根据/etc/inittab的内容创建任务1.inittab文件内容举例### change the default run level herei nit:3:initdefault:### pre-configured lines required for boot - don‘t change!ioin::sysinit:/sbin/ioinitrc >/dev/console 2>&1tape::sysinit:/sbin/mtinit > /dev/console 2>&1stty::sysinit:/sbin/stty 9600 clocal icanon echo opost onlcr ixon icrnl ignpar </dev/systtysqnc::wait:/sbin/rc </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1 # system init### these lines display login promptscons:123456:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console # system console#ttp1:234:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty -h tty0p1 9600krsd:123456:respawn:/sbin/krsd -I2.inittab文件格式说明Label:Run-level:Action-keyword:ProcessLabel 4个字符长的唯一标示符Run-level 1个或多个init参数,表运行级别。
HP小型机设备硬件状态查看HP小型机查看日志将菜单回到以下菜单,如果不是请按CTRL+B选择SL菜单在新出的菜单选择F硬件的日志平常只看3级或3级以上的日志选择V再选t 可以将日志的显示模式选为TXT模式。
S:主板的运行状态G:MP卡(管理卡)状态P:IO箱的状态C:CELL板的状态You may display detailed power and hardware status for the following items:T - CabinetS - System BackplaneG - MP (Core I/O)P - IO ChassisC - CellSelect Device: tHW status for rx7620 cabinet : FAILURE DETECTEDPower switch is onRight Door is openTop Door is closedLeft Door is closedTotal Power Available 3600 V ATotal Power Needed 1852 V APower Redundancy : NOT REDUNDANT Power Viability : viablePower Status---------------+-----+-----+-------+-----+ | | | | || Sys | | IO | ||Bkpln|Cells|Chassis| BPS || | 0 1 | 0 1 | 0 1 |---------------+-----+-----+-------+-----+ Populated | * | * * | * * | * * |Enabled | * | * * | * * | * * |Power OK | * | * * | * * | |Warning/Fault | | | | * |Attention LED | | | | |AC Line status:Line A0 PresentLine A1 PresentLine B0 NOT PRESENTLine B1 NOT PRESENT-- Press to continue, or 'Q' to Quit -- Front Fan Speed : normalRear Fan speed : normalI/O Bay Fan Speed : high Temperature state : normalMain Fan Redundancy : redundantI/O Fan Redundancy : redundant Overtemp Shutdown Enabled| BPS | PCI || Fans| Fans || 0 1 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 |+-----------+-----+-------------+Populated | * * | * * * * * * |Failing | * | |Failed | | || Standby/Main Fans || || 0 1 2 3 |+-----------+-------------------+Populated | * * * * |Failing | |Failed | || Cell Fans || CPU C || 0 1 2 3 C |+-----------+------------+Cell 0 | |Populated | * * * |Failing | |Failed | |Cell 1 | |Populated | * * * |Failing | |Failed | |查找各个备件中是否有FAILING 或FAILED的位置有*的,有*的代表硬件为那个状态。
* For Enterprise & Technical Computing Application Segments
Memory spares
100 0
32P TPCC Itanium 2
安腾的性能提升速度高于x86 的至强
7 15 January 2019
大规模, 复杂工作 负载
安腾Itanium 2 与至强Xeon™ MP 比较
Characteristic Error recovery on data bus-ECC Internal soft error logic check
Itanium® 2 Xeon™ MP
15 January 2019
访问层 应用层 数据层
•Web •基础架构 •Mail •文件/打印
•OLTP •数据仓库 •操作数据存储器
HP Integrity NonStop (Itanium 2)
Itanium or Xeon?
的可扩展性、可用性和安全性。理想的工作负载包括要求苛刻的大型数据层和交易应用, 以及复杂的分析应用(它们往往需要大规模的共享内存和/或高浮点性能)。随着工作负 载的增加,这几类应用通常可以在大型的多处理器服务器平台上得到最有效的扩展。
远远超越x86服务器的高可用特性和更长的 使用生命周期
4)抓取 MP 日志方法 1. 使用笔记本通过串口(RS-232)或是网口连接到小型机的 MP 上 2. 开启终端软件(securecrt 或是超级终端)通过串口或是 telnet 进入 MP 界面 3. 使用命令“sl”打开 Show Event Logs 子菜单,然后根据提示选择系统日志(例如:选择“E” 查看系统事件日志) 4. 打开终端软件的录屏功能,记录到一个文本文件中 5. 选择“D”录下全部 MP 日志 6. 抓取完毕后,退出 MP
Crd Hdw Net-Interface NM MAC HP-DLPI DLPI
In# State NamePPA ID Type
Support Mjr#
10/4/8 0x00108318E6E8 0 UP lan0 snap0 1 ETHER Yes 119
10/12/6 0x0060B0C44462 1 UP lan1 et
0 0/0/1/0.1
0 0/0/1/0.1.0
应检查有无状态为 NO_HW 的设备
/dev/diag/lan0 /dev/ether0
SCSI C895 Ultra
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
HP小机MP卡命令大全“tc” - TOC a Single Partition“rs” - Resetting a Partition.“rr” - Reset a Partition for Reconfig“bo” - Boot a Partition to BCH“re” - Reset Cell as a Single Entity“cp” - Display Cell Assignments“pe” - Power Entities On or Off“de” - Display Entity Status“df” - Display FRU In “sysrev” - Display Firmware Revisions “fw”, “osp” - Update Firmware Revisions “who” - Display MP Lan Connections“lc”, ls” - Config & Display Lan Connections“date” - Configure Date & Time for logging.“ca” - Configure Modem Parameters“xd”, “ru” - Reset MPformation for an Entity看资料时自己整理的。
希望对大家有帮助!!Mp 菜单命令Mp>Co: console interfaceVfp: virtual front panelCm: command menuCl: console log viewerSl: chassis log viewerHe: help menuX: session terminatedMp:cm>Ls 显示当前网络接口状态Lc:改变网络接口配置El: 启用或禁用网络接口Di 终止当前所有的登陆,但是不终止接口Dc 恢复mp的配置到出厂默认值Ca 终端配置Er 启用或禁用远程modem支持Mr 终止所有modem的链接通过modem的resetMs 显示目前远程modem支持的状态So 修改登陆超时时间设置Uc or so 创建修改删除mp帐户Who 显示当前登陆mp帐户Te 向其他登陆用户发送在线消息Rs 重启Tc crash dump then resetPs 查看当前系统电源状态Pc 给系统加电或者是掉电取得mp keybord 控制 ^e then cfMp:cm>who 列表显示谁在mp的登陆中并显示谁具有mp控制权Parstatus –w 显示目前登入的是哪个partitionVparstatus –w 显示目前登入的是哪个vpar。
HP DL360gen9机器管理卡及pci硬盘
HP DL360Gen9 机器有两个pci接口
开机 F9进入到bios 界面
选择【iLo 4 平台配置程序】
在按ESC退出此界面,返回iLO 4配置界面
保存完毕,即可重启设备通过iLO 4 管理卡来管理设备了。
HP小型机及存储巡检手册第一章 1HP 小型机巡检手册2检查机房环境CONTENTS目录第一章检查机房环境:3第二章 HP 小型机巡检42.1系统配置检查 (4)2.2检查系统硬件情况: (8)2.3系统日志检查 (11)2.4LVM 相关检查 (15)2.5集群状态的检查 (18)2.6系统总体性能评估 (20)2.7系统备份检查 (22)第三章 HP PC 服务器巡检233.1检查前面板指示灯 (23)3.2查看SMH(System Management Homepage ) (26)3.3看 iml 日志 (26)3.4查看系统操作日志 (26)3.5看 BOIS 版本号 (27)第四章 HP 磁阵巡检284.1EVA 系列 (28)4.2MSA 系列 (32)第一章检查机房环境第一章 3温度:室内温度应保持在20~25 ℃ ? 湿度:相对湿度应保持在40~60% ? 火线- 零线电压:198~232V ? 零线- 地线电压:应<1V, 最高不超过 3V ? 洁净度:机房应保持清洁,不能有太多的灰尘,如机房太脏应提醒客户注意。
? 维护空间:机柜旁不宜摆放杂物,要根据各机型的规定留有足够的散热空间和维护空间。
? 电话线:机房应该配备电话线(用于紧急拨号维护或及时电话支持)。
? 机房环境( 电源, 空调…) 近期内有没有较大变动4HP 小型机巡检第二章 HP 小型机巡检2.1 系统配置检查2.1.1 检查 HP-UX 操作系统版本在终端上执行以下命令: asogz3:/ # uname -a HP-UX asogz3B.11.11 U 9000/800 1135931517 unlimited-user license2.1.2 检查 PDC 固件版本在 cstm 或 mstm 中看 CPU 设备的 information,以 cstm 为例#cstm cstm>map Dev Last Last Op Num Path Product Active Tool Status === ==================== ========================= =========== 1 system system () Information Successful 2 0 Bus Adapter (582) Information Successful 3 0/0 PCI Bus Adapter (782) Information Successful 4 0/0/0/0 Core PCI 100BT Interface Information Successful 5 0/0/1/0 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 6 0/0/1/0.3.0 SCSI Tape (HPC1537A) Information Successful 7 0/0/1/1 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 8 0/0/1/1.15.0 SCSI Disk (SEAGATEST31840 Information Successful 9 0/0/2/0 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 10 0/0/2/0.3.0 SCSI Disk (HPDVD-ROM) Information Successful 11 0/0/2/1 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 12 0/0/2/1.15.0 SCSI Disk (HP36.4GATLAS10 Information Successful 13 0/0/4/0 RS-232 Interface (103c104 Information Successful 14 0/0/5/0 RS-232 Interface (103c104 Information Successful 15 8 MEMORY (9b) Information Successful 16 160 CPU (5cb) Information Successful第二章 5cstm>select dev 16 cstm>info -- Updating Map -Updating Map... cstm>il Hardware path: 160 Product ID: CPU Module Type: 0 Hardware Model: 0x5cb Software Model: 0x4 Hardware Revision: 0 Software Revision: 0 Hardware ID: 0 Software ID:566770598 Boot ID: 0x1 Software Option: 0x91 Processor Number: 0 Path: 160 Hard Physical Address: 0xfffffffffffa0000 Soft Physical Address: 0 Slot Number: 8 Software Capability: 0x100000f0 PDC Firmware Revision: 41.18 IODC Revision: 0 Instruction Cache [Kbyte]: 512 Processor Speed: N/A Processor State: N/A Monarch: Yes Active: Yes Data Cache [Kbyte]: 10242.1.3 通过 sam 检查 CPU 和内存信息例如检查CPU 信息:hp01:/>#sam Starting the terminal version of sam... T o move around in sam: - use the "Tab" key to move between screen elements - use the arrow keys to move within screen elements - use "Ctrl-F" for context-sensitive help anywhere in sam On screens with a menubar at the top like this: -----------------------------------------------------|File View Options Actions Help| | ---- ---- ------- ------------------------------- ---| - use "Tab" to move from the list to the menubar6HP 小型机巡检- use the arrow keys to move around - use "Return" to pull down a menu or select a menu item - use "Tab" to move from the menubar to the list without selecting a menu item - use the spacebar to select an item in the list On any screen,press "CTRL-K" for more information on how to use the keyboard. Press "Return" to continue... 根据提示按任意键则进到 SAM 界面:在SAM 的界面,可以用tab 键和上下左右箭头方向键来移动光标。
HP RX8640通过MP卡查看告警日志、消除告警灯及软重启
HP RX8640通过MP卡查看告警日志、消除告警灯及软重启一、登陆MP卡1、通过网络方式通过网线连接MP卡的RJ-45口,通过telnet方式登录,登录账号和口令均为Admin 2、通过串口线方式登录登录账号和口令均为Admin ,CRT设置如下:3、登录后如下三、查看告警日志1、在MP>下执行SL查看日志2、执行SEL查看事件日志3、选择告警级别(按“A”)4、一般选择按“3”选择查看Warning级别以上日志5、按“T”以文本的形式显示详细的告警信息6、按“L”查看最新的日志(lastest)看完日志,按CRT+B返回主菜单四、消除告警灯一般告警灯在查看完事件日志后就会自动消除(比如温度过高告警),也有时候查看完告警日志后告警灯依然存在,需要消除隐患后才会消除告警灯(比如CELL板CPU风扇告警)五、查看是否存在硬件故障1、在主菜单下执行CM命令进入命令菜单(不知道命令可以HE查询帮助)2、执行PS命令显示设备状态3、选择硬件(一般选择整个柜子),按“T”若检测到硬件错误,则继续往下看是哪个部件有报错,保存整个执行日志记录,方便错误诊断。
2、在CM>菜单下执行PC,OFF/ON重启机器2.1 OFF(关闭)机器2.2 ON(开启)机器在主菜单下执行VFP查看虚拟面板,观察启动情况。
第二章访问MP可以通过MP serial port 或者MP LAN port 登陆MP,默认的用户名/口令为:Admin/Admin 登陆过程:*************************************************************************This is a private system.Do not attempt to login unless you are an authorized user.Any authorized or unauthorized access or use may be monitored and canresult in criminal or civil prosecution under applicable law.**************************************************************************************************************************************************Only default users are configured.Use one of the following user/password pairs to login:Admin/AdminOper/Oper*************************************************************************MP login: AdminMP password: *****Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out HP Integrity and HP 9000(c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1999-2004. All Rights Reserved.MP Host Name: mp-rx2620Revision E.03.15*************************************************************************MP ACCESS IS NOT SECUREDefault MP users are currently configured and remote access is enabled.Modify default users passwords or delete default users (see UC command)ORDisable all types of remote access (see SA command)**************************************************************************************************************************************************Your Certificate is expired.Use the SO command to generate a new certificate.*************************************************************************MP MAIN MENU:CO: ConsoleVFP: Virtual Front PanelCM: Command MenuCL: Console LogSL: Show Event LogsCSP: Connect to Service ProcessorSE: Enter OS SessionHE: Main Help MenuX: Exit Connection2.1 serial port使用任意终端仿真软件通过主机专用的串口线连接,具体设置为2.2 MP LAN port通过网线连接,直接telnet MP LAN port 的IP 地址第三章常用命令注意:MP里的一些命令将对正在运行的系统造成破坏性影响,请不要随意操作,必须在响应中心工程师指导下进行。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
在HP Integrity Server中有一块MP卡,该卡负责对系统的状态进行监视和控制。该卡在系统插上电源后即被激活,无论操作系统是否启动,系统是否开机。该卡提供了串行和网络两种接口可供访问。
对于RX2600类型的机器,在后面板上有一个25针的接口,该接口在写着MP Management的一个框中,使用随机带的1对3接口(一边25针接口,另一边3个九针的接口),把串口线一边接到3个九针接口中写着“console”的接口上(串口线的线序为1-1,2-3,3-2,4-6,5-5,6-4,7-8,8-7,9-9),另一边接到笔记本上的串口上,然后可以使用Windows自带的超级终端程序对系统进行访问。
To discontinue search, press any key (termination may not be immediate).
Path# Device Path (dec) Device Type
----- ----------------- -----------
P0 1/0/0/3/0.6 Random access media
Bits per second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow Control
10. 选中File System,在这里可以修改各系统文件的空间大小.
Type Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
Type Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
注意: :接下来可能出现屏幕乱码现象,解决方法:按User System 键,屏幕底出现8个小亮块,最右边一块为 按F8键,8个亮块发生变化,其中有一个为 ,按F5键, 进入TERMINAL CONFIGURATIONJIEMIAN界面,将TERM MODE项的值改为EM100),然后按F1,保存设置
1.2. 安装HP-UX
1. 安装前的准备:
2. 在屏幕上将看到:
"rocessor is booting from fist availiable deviceTo discontinue.press any keuy within 10 seconds"
This sets all of the SCSI parameters for the path to their default values,
which will correct the unmatching SCSI parameters.
Type main to get back to the "Main Menu."
1.1.2. 管理MP
在输入Ctrl+B后,系统应该提示登陆,在其中输入用户名Admin和口令Admin,注意大小写完全匹配,然后登陆。进入系统后便进入到MP的管理界面 。
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol8 25165824 1560488 23420984 6% /usr
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol7 1048576 20008 1021232 2% /tmp
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol6 15388183 3019237 10830127 22% /oracle
pc(Power Control):
Basic Software System File system AdvancedConfigrations:[……………………………………….] [ Description…]Environments:[……………………………………....] [HP-UX B.11.00][Root Disk….]……………………………………………………………File System :[Logical Volume Manager ; with VxFS ][Root Swap(MB)]…… Physical Memory (RAM) =……[Languages…….]…… [Keyboards…] [Additional….]
VFP(Virtual Front Panel):
Lc (Lan config):
ERROR: PDH NVRAM and I/O card NVRAM SCSI parameters
do not match for path 1/0/0/3/1
Search aborted. The SCSI parameters for this card
must beΒιβλιοθήκη corrected from the BCH Service menu.
Host address
To correct this problem, follow these steps:
1、If already at the "Main Menu," type ser (for "Service Menu"); go to step 2.
If not already at the "Main Menu," type main (to return to the "Main Menu"),
type ser (for "Service Menu"), then go to step 2.
2、In the "Service Menu," type the following command:
scsi path default
where path is the HBA's path (the hw_path in the error message).
· Guided Installation (recommand for basic installs)[ ]Advanced Installation
选择 · Media only installation和 · Advanced Installation两项为选中状态,然后OK.
9. 屏幕出现:
8. 屏幕出现:
User Interface And Media OptionslllllllllSource Location Options:
· Media only installation[ ] Media with Network enabled(allows use of SD depots)[ ] Idnite-UX server based installationUser Interface Option:
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol3 1048576 87200 953880 8% /
hfs /dev/vg00/lvol1 393392 42352 311696 12% /stand
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol9 12582912 904936 11586800 7% /var
5. 根据'device path如:8/4.5'与机器前门内标注(D250)确定光驱或DVD的路径,假设为P1 8/4.9键入命令bo p1回车:Main Menu:Enter command>;bo p1
6. 系统会询问是否要进行交互访问,要输入 n回车
Interact with IPL? >; n