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第33卷第1期铁 道 学 报V o l.33 No.1 2011年1月JO U RN A L O F T HE CH IN A R AIL W AY SOCIET Y Januar y2011

文章编号:1001 8360(2011)01 0108 06


张志强, 师晓权, 何 川

(西南交通大学土木工程学院,四川成都 610031)

摘 要:目前,国内外学者对用于铁路和公路交通的山岭隧道断面形式做了不少研究,并得出一些有价值的结



力。本文以厦门东通道海底隧道为工程背景,采用三维有限差分软件F L AC3D进行流固耦合分析,研究仰拱曲




中图分类号:U459.5 文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001 8360.2011.01.018

Analysis of Optimizing Cross section Shape of Subsea Tunnel

ZH ANG Zhi qiang, SH I Xiao quan, H E Chuan

(Sch ool of Civil Engin eering,Southw es t Jiaoton g U nivers ity,Chengdu610031,Ch ina)

Abstract:U ntil now,do mestic and fo reig n scholars have done quiet a lo t o f studies on cross section forms of railw ays and hig hw ay tunnels and have draw n some valuable conclusions.But w hether the conclusio ns are rea sonable w hen they are applied in subsea tunnels,it remains a problem to study.Subsea tunnels w ith lar ge cro ss sections ar e o ften designed in the horse hoof shaped cro ss sectio n and w ith an inverted arch to control ad jo ining r ock displacement and im pro ve mechanical characteristics of the lining structure.In the paper,taking the Xiam en east passageway,the Xiang'a n Subsea T unnel under construction,as an example,ado pting the flu id m echanical interactio n metho d by use of the three dimensional finite differential softw ar e,the influence of the cur vature r adius of the inver ted arch and the inv erted arch w aterproo f and drainag e m easures o n adjoining rock displacement and im pro vem ent in m echanical characteristics of the lining structure is studied to o ptimize the cross section fo rm of the subsea tunnel,and give reference to design subsea tunnels and co nstructio n of large scale acr oss the w ater.

Key words:subsea tunnel;cross section optimizing;curvature radius o f invert;fluid mechanical interaction

合理设计隧道断面形式有利于洞室开挖安全、围岩稳定、支护结构受力合理、减小开挖面积、降低造价、隧道美观、提高行车舒适度等。目前,山岭隧道断面形式已趋于标准化,而水底隧道的修建在我国隧道建设中属于新兴领域,目前在国内采用矿山法修建的水底隧道主要有厦门东通道隧道、武广铁路客运专线浏阳河隧道等。关于水底隧道断面形式的研究文献鲜见于收稿日期:2008 11 22;修回日期:2009 12 09


纪优秀人才支持计划(NCE T 10 06667)

作者简介:张志强(1968 ),男,四川荣县人,教授,博士。

E mail:clarkchang68@ 学术期刊,其设计方法多参照山岭隧道的设计方法。考虑水底隧道的特殊性,基于流固耦合研究水底隧道断面形式优化具有重要意义。

本文以厦门东通道地质勘测资料以及建筑限界[1 2]为背景,研究仰拱曲率半径及仰拱排水措施对围岩位移及衬砌结构受力的影响,以优化断面形式,指导水底隧道的设计。

1 工程概况

