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1.About to 正准备要

I was about to go to school when she called. 我正要上学的时候她来电话了。

2.Above all 最重要的

Above all, make sure you read the directions first before trying to fix it.


3. Accounted for 计算在内

All present and accounted for. 该到的全到了。该有的全有了。该算的全算进去了。

4. All along 自始自终

All along he suspected that she was guilty. 自始自终他认为她有问题。

5.Ask for 自找麻烦

He was asking for trouble when he spit on the man's shoes. 他将痰吐在那人的鞋子上是自找麻烦。

6.A steal (像捡到皮夹子一样得到的)便宜货

At this price, this dress is a steal. 这个价钱,这女装像偷来一样便宜。

7.Beat around the bush 讲话兜圈子

Don't beat around the bush, just tell me the truth right now. 别兜圈子了,快告诉我实况。

8.Be better off 比较有利

I will be better off living in America than live in Russia. 我生活在美国要比生活在苏联好。

9.Be caught red-handed 被逮个正着

They caught him red-handed with the stolen money in his briefcase.


10. Be in charge of 主管或负责

I want to be in charge of the entire company.我想统管整个公司

11.Out of the question 不可能的

You expect a raise right now, that's out of question. 你想要马上加薪是不可能的。

12.Up to (you, him…) 随(某某人)便

It is up to you how you want to handle your life. 你想要怎么样的人生随你的便

13.Be used to 习惯

I am used to eating Chinese food. 我习惯了吃中餐。

14.Brush off 应付,敷衍

She really gave him the brush off, I doubt whether she'll ever talk to him again.


15.Buy off 买通

I want to buy off the customs officers. 我想买通海关官员。

16.By the way 喔,对了(常常是讲话者突然想起一个话题时用)

Oh, by the way, your girlfriend just called. 喔,对了,你女朋友刚打电话来。

17.(Let's) call it a day 到此结束

I am tired, let's call it a day. 我累了,今天到此结束。

18.Can't help it 只得如此,不得不,忍不住

I knew I shouldn't eat too many sweets, I just can't help it. 我知道我不能吃太多的甜点,可实在是忍不住。

19.Cat 猫,在美国,猫也是女性的代名词,狗指男性Fat Cat 指大腹便便的有钱人

Look at that cool cat, he's got everything! That guy is a real fat cat, wears a Rolex, has a Mercedes, and all the girls stick to him like bees on honey. 看那个家伙,他真是个有钱人,戴罗莱克斯手表,开奔驰车,女人像蜜蜂叮蜂蜜一样叮着他。

20. Cop out 溜掉, Chicken out胆小如鸡(鼠), Bug out 虫掉(指临阵脱逃)

Don't cop out, I need you to be responsible and keep your promise. 别溜啊,我指望着你说到做到。

Why do you want to chicken out? It's easy, just go take the test, after all, you really studied hard.


Jim decided to bug out, the concert was just too noisy. 吉姆决定开溜,这音乐会太吵了。

21.Cool 冷静,入时,好

I have kept my cool. 我保持了冷静。

He is really cool. Everyone likes the way he dresses. 他很时髦,大家都喜欢他的打扮。

It's cool.真好,不错。

22.Day by day 一天天

I take everything day by day, I don't let anything bother me. 过一天算一天,我不为琐事烦心。

23.Deal 成交,一言为定

Let's make a deal. I will pay you two thousand dollars now and two thousand dollars next week.


Why is that a big deal!那有什么了不起。

24.Raw deal 上当,吃亏

He gave you a raw deal. 他让你吃大亏了。

25.Dirty old man 老而好色之徒

Young Lady, you had better watch out for that guy, he's a real dirty old man.


26.Dope 白痴,傻瓜,毒品

Look at him, he must be on dope or something. 看,那人肯定吸了毒或怎么地了。

27. Dummy 假人,木头人,笨蛋

Wow, he's such a dummy he can't even understand basic math. 哇,他真是个笨蛋,连基本的数学都不懂。

28. For good 彻底,永久

She left him for good. 她和他决裂了。

29.For the time being 目前这段时间

For the time being, it would be better for you to wait. 目前来说,你最好等一等。

30.Forget it! 算了吧,别提了,别想了,别指望了

Hey, forget it, I'm not interested any more ! 算了吧,我已经不感兴趣了。

31.Get along 相处得,进展得

I expect you children to get along and stop fighting. 我希望你们孩子们团结一点,不要再吵闹了。

You had better get along now and be leaving. 你最好现在离开。

32.Get in touch, keep in touch 和某某人联系,保持联系

Can you tell me how I can get in touch with you, what's your e-mail address?
