

教学课件 实用商务英语写作(第二版)

教学课件 实用商务英语写作(第二版)

The Layout of the Application Letter (cont.)
Complimentary close (Your truly/ faithfully/ sincerely/ cordially)
Your AL may determine whether or not you will be employed, therefore it must be written to help you make the best possible impression. The letter is successful if an interview is granted.
Question to ponder:
What points do we need to include in an application letter for a job?
Questions Often Asked By the Employer
An employer will probably pose these questions:
This course is designed to help you learn and apply the principles of written communication in business and professional contexts.
The Layout of the Application Letter (cont.)
• 5 January 2017 5 (th) (of) January (,) 2017



for hiring
build goodwill (job
duties match level, pay)
Chapter 1
An Overview of Business Writing
What is Business English?
1. It is a part of English for Specific Purposes(ESP)
2. is English used in business context. 3. is especially related to international trade
build goodwill
Description of qualifications and duties of Inform,
description each job. Used for performance appraisals persuade good
岗位责任说明 绩效考核, setting salaries 薪资设定, and candidates to apply;
attitudes and want them to act. ➢ To entertain: to build goodwill(建立友善关系/良好
的信誉); you create a good image of yourself and of your organization- the kind of image that makes people want to do business with you
What are the functions of business writing?

实用商务英语写作chapter 1

实用商务英语写作chapter 1

Simon’s letter
20 September 200X Mr Robert Roman 13/F 151 Gloucester Rd Wan Chai Hong Kong Dear Mr Roman HSBC CREDIT CARD 5411 8001 7633 8766 Thank you for your letter dated 18 September 200X. We would advise that the card fee would be automatically billed to your card account annually despite your renewed card is remained uncollected. However, annual fee can be refunded provided that the card is uncollected within a certain period and is returned to the Card Centre for cancellation. Please therefore pick up your renewed card at your earliest convenience. We are pleased to be of service. Yours sincerely S TSE Simon Tse Customer Service Officer Card Centre
which verbs can you use to state your purpose? In the box below are 12 verbs. You can use 9 of them to indicate why you are writing.

实用商务英语写作课件-unit 1

实用商务英语写作课件-unit 1

Business writing (example): no complicated expressions
We are having trouble with the five computers you recently installed. As a result, we’re returning them to you today and requesting our money back — as you agreed today on the telephone. You asked for a brief documentation of the problems we’re having, so you can tell your suppliers. Here are the main problems we had.
Unit 1 Overview of Business English Writing
1. Writing Principles 2. Writing Features 3. Writing Process 4. Exercises
Writing Principles
1. Consideration 2. Completeness 3. Correctness 4. Concreteness 5. Conciseness 6. Clarity 7. Courtesy
Concrete a 10% reduction on April 10 80%
5. Conciseness
Conciseness means the message is expressed with brevity without sacrificing clarity or courtesy. Avoid wordy language and redundancy, or repetition.


3. Do you think Aptitude, IQ, or personality tests is important? Why? 4. What do you think about physical examination in the selection
process? 5. How to explain the candid comments?
desire n. 欲望 vt.想要 opportunity n. 机会 applicant n. 申请人 potential adj. 潜在的 enthusiasm n.热情,热心 Résumé n. 简历 clarification n. 澄清 conservatively adv. 保守 initially adv. 最初, 首先 overbearing adj. 傲慢的,压倒一切的; v.
Unit1 Job-Hunting
Learning Objective
After studying this chapter you will be able to: Know the main tips of building virtual store Understanding the ways of getting core
压住,否定 executive v. 执行
Text A How to Crack a Job Interview successfully
Questions for Discussion
1. What is the function of a job interview?
2. Which factors are involved in a successful job interview?

商务英语写作 chapter 1[优质ppt]

商务英语写作 chapter 1[优质ppt]

Exercise II on page 16
• 11.. WYoeurwoirldler bweill pbeledaesliveedretdobydMelayiv1e6.r your order by May 16.
• 33.. YoIu awmill pbleegalasdetotkonoiwnfthoartmyoyuorureqtuheastt foIr cpaanymgernatnotf tryaoveulrexrpeeqnuseessits gfraonrtedp.ayment of t6r.aYovuerlleettxepreonf sMeasy.16 has been received.
An Overview of Business Writing
Contents of this chapter I. Functions of Business Writing II. Six C’s—Criteria and Techniques for Effective Business Writing
1. To inform
Messages to inform are used to convey the vast amount of information needed to complete the day-to-day operations of the business.
The purpose is to have the receiver understand a body of information and concentrate on the logical presentation of the contents.

商务英语写作第2版课件 Unit 1

商务英语写作第2版课件  Unit 1
Unit 1 An Overview of Business Letter Writing
Functions & Essential Qualities of Business Writing
• To give a brief introduction to functions & essential qualities of business writing
Disappointed: We hope
you won’t be dissatisfied
Indirect: Please do not
be late in submitting
Decisive: We can not
comply with
Critical: Because of the
• We are pleased to offer
you a favor …
• We find both the price
and quality of your products satisfactory.
✓ Confident: We are sure
you will be satisfied
are basic requirements for business writing, In addition, correctness means choosing the correct level of language, and using accurate information and data.
Conventional vs Business Jargon

《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 1 Introduction

《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 1 Introduction
2. The purpose of this book:
This book will give you an introduction into the most common types of business writing you are likely to meet.
II. The outline of this book
2. Differences (1) Academic writing at college involves essays or assignments for
a teacher who then corrects the work and awards a grade. (2) Business writing is intended to make business transactions or
❖ Writing involve a number of stages :
❖ (1) Clarifying your aim ❖ (2) Identifying your readers ❖ (3) Generating ideas ❖ (4) Organizing the ideas ❖ (5) Sketching a synopsis ❖ (6) Drafting your text ❖ (7) Revising and editing ❖ (8) Proofreading
❖ Part One Introduction
❖ Chapter 1: Introduction of business writing
❖ Part Two Business Correspondence
❖ Chapter 2: The layout of business correspondences



The ability to write effectively is a valuable
business asset.
Three reasons: 1) business is transacted in writing; 2) writing effectively helps increase company sales and profit; 3) proficiency in writing gives a personal advantage
Course Outline
Text Book
胡英坤 车丽娟 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 2013.8
1 An Overview of Business W商务ri写tin作g概述 2 Structure and Style of Bus商in务e信s函s 的Le结t构te与rs格式 3 Sales-related Inquiries and询R盘e与p回li复es 4 Orders and Confirmation L订e单tt与er确s认函 5 Letters about Shipment 装运函
The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the reader.



Inside address:
Attention line:
Subject line
Complimentary Close Signature
C.C./B.C.C ENC./ENCL./Enclosure P.S./ps
The reference may include a , departmental code or the initials of the signer followed by that of the typist of the letter. Your ref: JBD/WM Our ref: WDW/LP
Section Manager Assistant Manager Supervisor
Head Office/ Headquarter Company/ firm/ enterprise/ Joint-venture State-owned /private-owned company Branch Subsidiary Office Bureau
They are typed below the letter head p36 or at the
lower left margin 2 lines below the name of the signer.p53
Sept. 3, 2008/
3 Sept. 2008
感谢您的聆听,为方便温习本节 课程内容, 本课件可在下载完成 后进行查阅
Thank you for listening. For the convenience of reviewing the content of this course, this courseware can be viewed after downloading


• Dear Mr. X • Dear Ms. X • Dear Mrs. X • Dear Miss. X
• Dear Sir • Dear Madam • Dear Sir or Madam
• Dear Customer • Dear Clients • Dear Users
• Prof. John Baker • President John Baker • Doctor John Baker
• Please confirm if you would like to go ahead with the project.
• Please confirm our reservation.
• Please give me a call to confirm that the order has arrived.
• We have been asked to check the invoices again. There are some problems with this month’s closing.
invoice 发票 closing 会计决算
• This is just a quick note to let you know that my phone extension has been changed to 522.
• Just a quick note to remind you to set your automatic email before you go away.
Confirming 确认
• I am writing to confirm your appointment to the position of Marketing Manager. Congratulations.


we’re having tomorrow! See you then, Chris
Courtesy means to show our appreciations and respect to the reader.
I wanted to let you know that I don’t like your team always monopolizes the discussion at our weekly meetings. I have a lot of projects, and I really need time to get my team’s progress discussed as well. So far, thanks to your team, I haven’t been able to do that. Can you make sure they make time for me and my team next week?
Concreteness means description should be vivid, specific and definite rather than vague, general and abstract.
How much time do you spend every day packing your kids’ lunches?
No more! Just take a complete Lunchbox Wizard from your refrigerator
each day to give your kids a healthy lunch AND have more time to play or read with them!
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A customer, Mr Roman, wrote a letter requesting that his credit card account not be debited. Simon, an HSBC colleague who is learning English, wrote back to Mr Roman. Read Simon's letter below. Why do you think Simon wrote this letter (writer's purpose)?
If you plan well, your writing is more likely to get the results you want.
2.Planning : How to do it
How can you plan your writing? Effective writers use 3 strategies.
The Writing Process : A Quick Review
Do you remember the 5 stages of the process?
1.Planning: Why Do It
You begin the Writing Process by planning.
“if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” So you need to plan your writing ... and then write according to your plan.
HSBC CREDIT CARD 5411 8001 7633 8766
Thank you for your letter dated 18 September 200X.
We would advise that the card fee would be automatically billed to your card account annually despite your renewed card is remained uncollected. However, annual fee can be refunded provided that the card is uncollected within a certain period and is returned to the Card Centre for cancellation.
* WHY are you writing? * WHAT do you want the reader to do? * WHAT does the reader need to know?
These 3 questions provide a good framework for planning.
3.Planning: The 3 Strategies
Each of the 3 planning strategies has a name.
3.1 Writer's Purpose
PLANNING STRATEGY #1 To determine the writer's purpose, always ask yourself one important question. Why am I writing this letter?
Chapter 1
In the introductory chapter “Getting Started”, you learned about the Writing Process.
In this chapter, you're going to look at the first stage of the Writing Process: Plan.
Card Centre
What do you think Simon's purpose was in writing to Mr Roman?
To thank him for his letter To explain how annual fees for credit cards are
Please do not debit my account.
Yours faithfuter
20 September 200X
Mr Robert Roman 13/F 151 Gloucester Rd Wan Chai Hong Kong
Dear Mr Roman
Please therefore pick up your renewed card at your earliest convenience.
We are pleased to be of service.
Yours sincerely S TSE
Simon Tse
Customer Service Officer
By the end of this chapter, you'll be able to plan your writing. You'll do this by deciding:
* why you are writing * how you want your reader to respond * what you want your reader to know.
Mr Roman’s letter
Dear Sir or Madam
I noted your charge on my bill of $220 for the annual fee of my MasterCard. Please note that I haven't picked it up yet since I was abroad until a few days ago.