SPXHigh 高压力搬运机械摆动杆说明书
Fax: (800) 955-8329 Order Entry: (800) 533-6127
Fax: (800) 283-8665 International Sales: rom the Jack
1. Lower the jack to its lowest position.
2. Remove the reservoir filler plug. Add hydraulic oil (215 SUS viscosity at 37.78° C [100° F]) until the oil level is within 50.8 mm (2 inches) to 63.5 mm (2.5 inches) of the filler hole opening.
hydraulic cylinder and cause jack failure. • Never move the jack with a load any higher off the ground than necessary. Slowly
and carefully move the jack around corners because the load could tip. Stay clear of a lifted load. • Lower the jack slowly and carefully while watching the position of the load.
Fax: (507) 455-7063
动力×动力臂=阻力×阻力臂,用代数式表示为F1• L1=F2•L2。
毛坯的薄膜斜度为5︒2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量由表2-10和表2-12可知,要确定毛坯的尺寸公差及机械加工余量,应先确定如下的因素 2.2.1公差等级由左摆动杠杆的技术要求,确定该零件的的公差等级为普通级。
高等职业技术学院数控技术专业079172 班学生(签名):刘孔缮日期:自2009年 6 月8日至2009年 6 月26 日评分:指导教师(签名):王希一、前言机械制造工艺及机床夹具课程设计是在完成了机械制造技术和大部分专业课,并进行了生产实习的基础上进行的一个教学环节。
调速杠杆的机械加工工艺规程及专用夹具设计 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020135调速杠杆的机械加工工艺规程及专用夹具设计二〇一一 年 十二 月机制工艺与夹具设计任务书1. 工件零件图(2天)2. 机械加工工艺过程卡(2天)3. 机械加工工序卡(5天)4. 专用夹具装配图(5天)5. 夹具体零件图(3天)6. 专用夹具三维造型(5天)7. 设计说明书(3天)说明书书写注意事项1. 目录页没有页码2. 大的章要另起页3. 参考文献另起页4. 每个图下面要有图标及说明(例如图1-1工件零件图)5. 每个表格上面要有表头及说明(例如表1-1工艺方案比较)目 录第1章 杠杆机械加工工艺规程及夹具设计.................................4 分析零件图..................................................................4 零件的作用 ...............................................................4 零件的工艺分析............................................................4 确定生产类型..................................................................5 确定毛坯类型 ...............................................................6 确定毛坯类型 (6)JIANGSU TEACHERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY机制工艺夹具课程设计与综合训练确定锻件及形状 (6)机械加工工艺过程设计 (7)选择定位基准 (8)拟定工艺过程 (8)选择机床和工艺装备 (8)选择机床 (9)选择夹具 (9)选择刀具 (9)选择量具 (9)确定工序尺寸 (9)确定切削用量和时间定额 (10)工序1切削用量及基本时间的确定 (10)工序2切削用量及基本时间的确定 (12)工序3切削用量及基本时间的确定 (14)工序4切削用量及基本时间的确定 (16)工序5切削用量及基本时间的确 (17)工序6切削用量及基本时间的确定 (17)工序7切削用量及基本时间的确定 (17)工序8切削用量及基本时间的确定 (18)工序9切削用量及基本时间的确定 (20)工序10切削用量及基本时间的确定 (20)工序11切削用量及基本时间的确定 (22)夹具设计有关计算 (24)定位基准的选择 (24)工切削力及夹紧力的计算 (24)工定位误差分析 (25)夹具设计结构设计及操作简要说明 (25)第2章综合训练 (27)夹具造型(小4号黑体) (27)铣夹具立体图 (27)铣夹具三视图…………………………...……………………… .28夹具各零件造型过程简述 (30)夹具体 (30)定位元件 (31)夹紧元件 (34)参考文献 (37)总结………………………………………………………………… .38第1章左摆动杠杆机械加工工艺规程设计分析零件图零件的作用杠杆原理亦称“杠杆平衡条件”。
需要其他设计题目直接联系!!!ABSTRCTThis design content has involved the machine manufacture craft and the engine bed jig design,the metal-cutting machine tool,the common difference coordination and the survey and so on the various knowledge.Left swinging leverage components technological process and its the processing¢12hole jig design is includes the components processing the technological design,the working procedure design as well as the unit clamp design three parts.Must first carry on the analysis in the technological design to the components,understood the components the craft redesigns the semi finished materials the structure,and chooses the good components the processing datum,designs the components the craft route;After that is carrying on the size computation to a components each labor step of working procedure, the key is decides each working procedure the craft equipment and the cutting specifications;Then carries on the unit clamp the design,the choice designs the jig each composition part,like locates the part,clamps the part,guides the part,to clamp concrete and the engine bed connection part as well as other parts;Position error which calculates the jig locates when produces,analyzes the jig structure the rationality and the deficiency, and will design in later pays attention to the improvement.Keywords:The craft,the working procedure,the cutting specifications, clamp,the localization,the error目录序言 (1)一.零件分析 (2)1.1零件作用 (2)1.2零件的工艺分析 (2)二.工艺规程设计 (3)2.1确定毛坯的制造形式 (3)2.2基面的选择传 (4)2.3制定工艺路线 (4)2.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 (7)2.5确定切削用量及基本工时 (13)三夹具设计 (14)3.1问题的提出 (14)3.2定位基准的选择 (14)3.3定位元件的设计 (14)3.4切削力及夹紧力计算 (15)3.5定位误差分析 (15)3.6夹具设计及操作简要说明 (16)总结 (20)致谢 (21)参考文献 (22)序言机械制造业是制造具有一定形状位置和尺寸的零件和产品,并把它们装备成机械装备的行业。
Nun können die verschiedenen Probekörper auf der Drillach-se befestigt werden. Für die Schwingungsdauer T einer Peri-ode gilt:(3) 2T=πD r: Winkelrichtgröße der KopplungsfederD.h. die Schwingungsdauer T ist umso größer, je größer das Trägheitsmoment J ist.Aus (3) ergibt sich die Bestimmungsgleichung für das Träg-heitsmoment:(4)224rT J D=⋅πDie Winkelrichtgröße der Kopplungsfeder kann mit Hilfe eines Federkraftmessers bestimmt werden:(5)r F rD⋅=αα: Auslenkung aus der GleichgewichtslageGERÄTELISTE1 Drillachse U20050 10086621 Lichtschranke U11365 10005631 Digitalzähler U8533341 1001032/3 1 Tonnenfuß, 1000 g U13265 10028341 Stativfuß, 3-Bein, 185 mm U13271 10028361 Präzisionskraftmesser 1 N U20032 10031041 Satz Probekörper zur Drillachse U20051 1008663AUFBAU UND DURCHFÜHRUNG∙Messanordnung wie in Fig. 1 gezeigt aufbauen. Drillach-se mit Hilfe der Libelle und den Nivellierschrauben am Stativfuß horizontal ausrichten.∙Lichtschranke an den Eingang A des Digitalzählers an-schließen. Am Digitalzähler den Wahlschalter für die Be-triebsart auf das Symbol zur Messung der Periodenzeiten eines Pendels stellen.Hinweise:∙Versuchsanordnung immer so auslenken, dass die Kopp-lungsfeder zusammengedrückt und nicht aufgebogen wird.∙Zu Beginn des Schwingungsvorgangs ist eine Auslen-kung von 180° (max. 360°) empfehlenswert. Bestimmung der Winkelrichtgröße D r der Kopplungsfeder ∙Den Federkraftmesser nacheinander in Abständen von r = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 und 30 cm vom Zentrum der Dreh-achse in die Hantelstange einhängen und um α = 180° = πauslenken. Darauf achten, dass der Kraft-messer immer senkrecht zur Hantelstange ausgerichtet ist.∙Am Kraftmesser die Werte für die Kraft ablesen, die zur Auslenkung bei den entsprechenden Abständen benötigt wird. Alle Werte in der Tabelle 1 notieren. Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J0der Hantelstange ohne Massestücke∙Die Hantelstange ohne daran befestigte Massestücke um 180° auslenken und mit Hilfe des Digitalzählers die Dauer einer Schwingungsperiode T0 messen.Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J in Abhängigkeit vom Abstand r der Massestücke zur Drehachse∙Die beiden Massestücke in Abständen von r = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 und 30 cm jeweils symmetrisch links und rechts vom Zentrum der Drehachse an der Hantelstange befes-tigen.∙Die Schrauben an den Massestücken, die die Kugelras-ten gegen die Hantelstange drücken, nicht betätigen; die Schrauben sind so justiert, dass sich die Massestücke verschieben lassen und dass sie gegen die Zentrifugal-kraft gehaltert werden.∙Die Hantelstange um 180° auslenken und mit Hilfe des Digitalzählers jeweils die Dauer einer Schwingungsperio-de T messen und in die Tabelle 2 eintragen. Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J für eine Holz-scheibe, eine Holzkugel, einen Voll- und einen Hohlzylin-der∙Die Probekörper nacheinander auf der Drillachse montie-ren. Für den Voll- und den Hohlzylinder den Aufnahmetel-ler verwenden.∙Zur Messung der Dauer einer Schwingungsperiode je-weils in geeigneter Weise ein Unterbrecher-Fähnchen aus Papier an den Probekörpern anbringen.∙Die Holzscheibe und die Holzkugel nacheinander um 180° auslenken und jeweils die Dauer einer Schwin-gungsperiode messen. Werte in Tab. 3 eintragen. Die weißen Markierungen an den Probekörpern als Orientie-rungshilfe bei der Auslenkung verwenden.∙Den Aufnahmeteller um 180° auslenken und die Dauer einer Schwingungsperiode messen. Wert in Tab. 3 ein-tragen.∙Den Voll- und den Hohlzylinder im Aufnahmeteller nach-einander um 180° auslenken und jeweils die Dauer einer Schwingungsperiode messen. Werte in Tab. 3 eintragen.Die weißen Markierungen an den Probekörpern als Ori-entierungshilfe bei der Auslenkung verwenden.Bestätigung des Steiner’schen Satzes∙Den Bolzen nacheinander in den Bohrungen mit Abstanda = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 und 14 cm vom Zentrum derKreisscheibe befestigen.∙Die Kreissscheibe für die verschiedenen Positionen des Bolzens auf der Drillachse montieren, jeweils um 180° auslenken und die Dauer einer Schwingungsperiode messen. Dazu in geeigneter Weise ein Fähnchen aus Papier an der Kreisscheibe anbringen. Werte in Tab. 4 eintragen.MESSBEISPIELBestimmung der Winkelrichtgröße D r der Kopplungsfeder Tab. 1: Messwerte für die Kraft F im Abstand r vom Zentrum der Drehachse bei einer statischen Auslenkung derHantelstange um α = 180° = π.r / m F / N0,05 1,720,10 0,860,15 0,580,20 0,460,25 0,320,30 0,26 Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J0der Hantelstangeohne MassestückeDauer einer Schwingungsperiode T0: 2460 ms Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J in Abhängigkeit vom Abstand r der Massestücke zur DrehachseTab. 2: Periodendauer T für die Schwingung der Hantelstan-ge mit den im Abstand r an der Hantelstange befes-tigten Massestücken.r / m T / ms0,05 28250,10 36630,15 47400,20 59260,25 71700,30 8440 Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J für eine Holz-scheibe, eine Holzkugel, einen Voll- und einen Hohlzylin-derTab. 3: Periodendauer T für die Schwingung verschiedener Probekörper.Probekörper T / msScheibe 1800Kugel 1880 Aufnahmeteller 512 Vollzylinder + Aufnahmeteller 917 Hohlzylinder + Aufnahmeteller 1171 Bestätigung des Steiner’schen SatzesTab. 4: Periodendauer T für die Schwingung der Kreisschei-be um verschiedene Achsen im Abstand a vomSchwerpunkt.a / cm T / ms0 29222 29604 31216 33278 362210 394812 435914 4748 AUSWERTUNGBestimmung der Winkelrichtgröße D r der Kopplungsfeder Aus (5) folgt:(6)r11F D Cr r=α⋅⋅=⋅ mitrC D=α⋅∙Die Messwerte für die Kräfte F aus Tabelle 1 gegen die Kehrwerte der Abstände 1/r auftragen und eine Gerade an die Messpunkte anpassen.F / Nr-1 / m-1 Fig. 2: Kraft F in Abhängigkeit vom Kehrwert des Massenab-standes 1/r.∙Aus der Geradensteigung C gemäß (6) die Winkelricht-größe D r bestimmen:(7)r r0,0860Nm0,0274NmCC D D=α⋅⇔===απ.Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J 0 der Hantelstangeohne MassestückeFür das Trägheitsmoment der Hantelstange ohne Massestü-cke ergibt sich aus (4):(8) ()232022,460s 0,0274Nm 4,2010kg m 4J -=⋅=⋅⋅π. Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J in Abhängigkeit vom Abstand r der Massestücke zur Drehachse ∙ Trägheitsmoment J der Hantelstange mit Massestücken gemäß (4) aus den Werten in Tab. 2 bestimmen und in Tab. 5 eintragen. ∙ Trägheitsmoment J m der Massestücke gemäß(9) m 0J J J =-bestimmen und in Tab. 5 eintragen.Tab. 5: Periodendauer T , Trägheitsmoment J der Hantel-stange mit Massestücken und Trägheitsmoment J mder Massestücke für verschiedene Abstände r zurDrehachse. r / mT / s J / 10-3 kg·m 2 J m / 10-3 kg·m 20,052,825 5,54 1,34 0,103,663 9,31 5,11 0,154,740 15,6 11,4 0,205,926 24,4 20.20,257,170 35,7 31,5 0,308,440 49,4 45.2Gemäß (2) gilt:(10) 2m 2J m r =⋅⋅∙ Trägheitsmomente J m aus Tabelle 5 gegen die Quadrateder Abstände r 2 auftragen und die lineare Abhängigkeit in(10) bestätigen (Fig. 3).J m / 10-3 kg m2r 2 / cm 2 Fig. 3: Trägheitsmoment J m der Massenstücke in Abhängig-keit vom Quadrat des Massenabstandes r .Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J für eine Holz-scheibe, eine Holzkugel, einen Voll- und einen Hohlzylin-der ∙ Trägheitsmomente J für die verschiedenen Probekörper gemäß (4) aus den Messwerten in Tab. 3 bestimmen und die Werte in Tab. 6 eintragen.∙ Zur Bestimmung der Trägheitsmomente von Voll- undHohlzylinder J V und J H jeweils das Trägheitsmoment desAufnahemtellers J T von den Werten der Trägheitsmo-mente von Vollzylinder + Aufnahmeteller und Hohlzylin-der + Aufnahmeteller J VT und J HT subtrahieren:(11) V H VT THT T J J J J J J =-=-. ∙ TheoretischeTrägheitsmomente J th mit Hilfe der Daten im Anhang berechnen, in Tab. 6 eintragen und mit den aus der Messung bestimmten Werten vergleichen. Tab. 6: Trägheitsmomente J für verschiedene Probekörper. Probekörper T / s J / 10-3 kg·m 2 J th / 10-3 kg·m 2 Scheibe 1,8002,25 1/2·m·r 2 = 2,57 Kugel 1,8802,45 2/5·m·r 2 = 2,54 Aufnahmeteller 0,5120,18 – Vollzylinder + Aufnahmeteller 0,9170,58 – Vollzylinder – 0,40 1/2·m·r 2 = 0,43 Hohlzylinder + Aufnahmeteller 1,1710,95 – Hohlzylinder – 0,77 m·r 2 = 0,86 Die aus der Messung bestimmten Werte stimmen gut mit den theoretisch berechneten Werten überein. Bestätigung des Steiner’schen Satzes∙ Trägheitsmomente J a für die verschiedenen Abstände a gemäß (4) aus den Messwerten in Tab. 4 bestimmen und die Werte in Tab. 7 eintragen.Tab. 7: Trägheitsmoment J a der Kreisscheibe bei Schwin-gung um verschiedene Achsen im Abstand a vomSchwerpunkt.a / cm T / s J a / 10-3 kg·m 2 02,922 5,93 2 2,9606,08 4 3,1216,76 6 3,3277,68 8 3,6229,11 10 3,94810,8 12 4,35913,2 14 4,748 15,6。
目录1 绪论 (2)2 杠杆加工工艺规程设计 (2)2.1 零件的分析 (2)2.1.1 零件的作用 (2)2.1.2 零件的工艺分析 (2)2.1.3杠杆的技术要求 (3)2.2杠杆加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施 (3)2.2.1 确定毛坯的制造形式 (3)2.2.2基面的选择 (3)2.2.3 制定工艺路线 (4)2.2.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 (6)2.2.5确定切削用量 (7)2.2.6确定加工工时 (7)3夹具设计 (8)3.1粗精铣宽度为30mm的下平台夹具设计 (8)3.1.1定位基准的选择 (8)3.1.2定位元件的设计 (8)3.1.3定位误差分析: (9)3.1.4夹具体槽形与对刀装置设计 (9)3.1.5夹紧装置及夹具体的设计 (12)3.1.6夹紧力计算 (12)3.1.7夹具设计及操作的简要说明 (13)参考文献 (13)1 绪论加工工艺及夹具毕业设计是对所学专业知识的一次巩固,是在进行社会实践之前对所学各课程的一次深入的综合性的总复习,也是理论联系实际的训练。
随着我国机械工业生产的不断发展,机床夹具的改进和创造已成为广大机械工人和技术人员在技术革新中的一项重要任务2 杠杆加工工艺规程设计2.1 零件的分析 2.1.1 零件的作用题目所给定的零件是CA6140车床的杠杆。
2.1.2 零件的工艺分析1、主要加工面:(1)、钻Φ0.023025+孔以及与此孔相通的Φ14阶梯孔、M8螺纹孔; (2)、钻Φ0.1012.7+锥孔及铣Φ0.1012.7+锥孔表面;(3)、钻2—M6螺纹孔及其上表面; (4)、铣杠杆底面。
左摆动杠杆课程设计说明书1.左摆动杠杆的工艺分析 1.1左摆动杠杆的用途左摆动杠杆主要应用在某些柴油机的左摆动器中,包括有中部有定轴管、一端为拨叉、另一端为触杆的锻造成型的杠杆体,在其两触杆端部各设有孔,在该两孔中设有与其紧密配合的钢球头。
动力×动力臂=阻力×阻力臂,用代数式表示为F1• L1=F2•L2。
1.2左摆动杠杆的技术要求 表一 左摆动杠杆的零件技术要求加工表面尺寸及偏差mm公差及精度等级表面粗糙度Raum 左摆动杆上面 177 IT93.2左摆动杆右面 28 IT9 3.2 左摆动杆左面 28IT9 3.2 右图12Φ孔12018.00+Φ IT8 1.6 右图6Φ孔 6012.00Φ+IT71.6右图12Φ孔及M10螺纹 12ΦM10 IT11 12.5左图12Φ盲孔12ΦIT1112.5左图15Φ孔15018.00Φ+IT8 1.6 左图下槽 8IT83.21.3左摆动杠杆的工艺分析分析零件图可知,左摆动杠杆的上、左和右端面的粗糙度要求较高,为 3.2,所以需要进行切削加工。
零件中几个孔的要求较高,粗糙度为 3.2,但孔的直径较小,所以采取钻、粗铰,精铰的加工以确保精度等级。
2确定毛坯、绘制毛坯简图 2.1选择毛坯由于左摆动杠杆在实际应用中要承受较大的力,为了增强左摆动杠杆的强度和冲击韧度,获得纤维组织,毛坯采用锻件。
3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSInstruction sheet11/15 Alf1 Circular disc2 Cross bar3 Mount for test bodies4 Spirit level5 Bracket with coiled spring6 Support rod7 WeightsIf the coiled spring is too tightly wound, there is the danger that high centrifugal forces cause the test bodies to be hurdled away.Do not displace the test bodies more than amaximum of 360° (180° is recommended). The torsion axle with its corresponding accesso-ries and parts are used to investigate rotational oscillation and for determining the moments of inertia of various sample objects from the period of oscillation.The torsion axle consists of a shaft with twin ball races which is coupled to a bracket by a coiled spring. A support rod permits assembly on a stand base or a table clamp. A spirit level is pro-vided so that the torsion axle can be aligned to the horizontal. The test bodies are a cross bar with weights that can be moved along its length and a circular disc with one hole in the centre and eight away from the centre fordetermining moments of inertia for eccentric axes of rotation and confirming Steiner’s theorem .1 shaft with bracket, coiled spring, support rod and mount for test bodies 1 cross bar2 weights 1 circular disc Restoring torque of the spring:0.028 Nm/rad Height of the torsion axle: approx. 200 mm Cross bar: Length: 620 mmMass: approx. 135 g Weights: 260 g each Circular disc: Diameter: 320 mm Mass:495 g Boreholes:9Borehole spacing: 20 mmSet of Test Bodies for Torsion Axle 1008663Fig. 1 Set of Test Bodies for Torsion Axle1 Wooden sphere,2 Mounting plate,3 Solidcylinder, 4 Wooden disc, 5 Hollow cylinder The accessories for the torsion axle consist of two cylinders with nearly identical weights but different weight distributions, a mounting plate for the cylinders, a wooden disc and a wooden sphere.Hollow cylinder (metal):External diameter: 90 mmHeight: 90 mmMass: approx. 425 g Solid cylinder (wood):Diameter: 90 mmHeight: 90 mmMass: approx. 425 g Mounting plate:Diameter: 100 mmMass: approx. 122 g Wooden disc:Diameter: 220 mmHeight: 15 mmMass: approx. 425 gMoment of inertia: 0.51 kgm2 Wooden sphere:Diameter: 146 mmMass: approx. 1190 g Moment of inertia: 0.51 kgm2To determine various moments of inertia for different test bodies, these objects are placed on a ball-bearing supported shaft which has a coiled spring attached. The coiled spring is sub-jected to restoring torque D. The oscillation peri-od T of the torsion pendulum results in the mo-ment of inertia J.T2=224DJ T=⋅πThe values determined experimentally confirm the findings theoretically postulated for a body of the mass m, whose mass elements Δm rotate at a distance r z around a fixed axis:n22zz1dmzJ m r r==∆⋅=∑⎰∙Mount the torsion axle in a tripod stand and align it horizontally using the spirit level.∙Do not adjust the screws that press the secur-ing spheres to the rod. (They are adjusted so that the weights can be moved along the rod but are not forced outwards by centrifugal forces.)∙Always arrange the experiment so that the spring is compressed and not extended.∙Start the oscillation by turning the rod 180° (max. 360°).∙Determine the oscillation period from several measurements by forming the mean value out of e.g. 5 oscillations.∙Note down the exact value of the restoring torque D on the torsion axle or in the operat-ing manual. This value is used to determine the moment of inertia J from the oscillation period T.To perform the experiments the following appa-ratus are required (recommended):1 Stand Base Tripod, 185 mm 1002836 1 Digital Stopwatch 1002811 1 Precision Dynamometer 1 N 1003104 1 Set of Test Bodies for Torsion Axle 1008663 8.1 Determination of the restoring torque D ∙Insert the rod without weights onto the torsion axle.∙Attach the 1 N dynamometer to the rod so that it acts perpendicularly to it.∙At distances of r = 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm from the centre of the rod measure the forceF needed to rotate the rod from its state of equilibrium by about α = 180°.Torque: r F M ⋅=Restoring torque: α=MDFig. 2Determination of the restoring torque8.2 Dependency of the moment of inertia Jon the distance r , in which a mass m rotates round a fixed axis∙ Attach the rod without weights to the torsionaxle.∙ Determine the moment of inertia J (rod).∙ Arrange the weights at symmetrical distanc-es of r = 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm from the centre of the rod.∙ Determine the moment of inertia J (rod +weights).∙ Calculate the moment of inertia J (weights) =J (rod + weights) – J (rod).Fig. 3Dependency of the moment of inertia J on the distance r8.3 Comparison of the moments of inertia ofcylinders of the same weight but with different weight distribution 8.3.1 Wooden disc (WD)∙ Attach the wooden disc (WD) to the torsionaxle.∙ Determine the moment of inertia J (WD).Fig.4Determination of the moment of inertia of a wooden disc8.3.2 Solid cylinder (SC) and hollow cylinder (HC)∙ Attach the mounting plate (P) to the torsionaxle.∙ Determine the moment of inertia J (P).∙ Place a cylinder onto the mounting plate (P). ∙ Determine the moments of inertia J (SC + P)and J (HC + P).∙ Determine the moments of inertiaJ (SC) = J(SC + P) – J (P)J (HC) = J (HC + P) – J (P) by subtracting.Fig. 5Comparison of the moments of inertia of cylinders8.4 Determination of the moment of inertiaof a sphere (S)∙ Attach the sphere (S) to the torsion axle. ∙ Determine the moment of inertia J (S).A comparison of the sphere with the wooden disc (refer to 8.3.1.) reveals that they both have the same moment of inertia. Spheres (S) and wooden discs (WD) have the same moment of inertia if the following holds true with regard to their mass m and their radii R :224()()()()5m WD R WD m S R S ⋅=⋅3B Scientific GmbH ∙ Rudorffweg 8 ∙ 21031 Hamburg ∙ Germany ∙ Fig. 6Determination of the moment of inertia of a sphere8.5 Dependency of the moment of inertia Jon the distance a between the rotation axis and the axis of the centre of gravity, verification of Steiner’s theorem∙ Attach the round disc to the torsion axle andalign it horizontally.∙ Start the disc turning about its centre ofgravity (a = 0).∙ Determine the moment of inertia J 0.∙ Determine the moments of inertia J a for dif-ferent distances of a = 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm......16 cm between the rotation axis and the axis of the centre of gravity.∙ Re-adjust the horizontal alignment of thedisc after each change of distance a .∙ Form the ratios a 02J Ja-=constantThus Steiner’s theorem 2a 0J J ma =+ is verified.Fig. 7 Verification of Steiner’s theorem。
课程设计任务书兹发给2010级机械X班班学生张XX 课程设计任务书,内容如下:设计题目:“135调速器调速杠杆”零件机械加工工艺规程设计应完成的项目:(1)原始资料:该零件图样,Q=2000台/年,n=1件/台,每日1班(2)零件图1张,毛坯图1张;(3)机械加工工艺过程卡片1张;(4)机械加工工序卡片1套;(5)课程设计说明书1份。
Follow all instructions and warnings for inspecting, maintaining and operating this trolley.The use of any trolley presents some risk of personal injury or property damage. That risk is greatly increased if proper instructions and warnings are not followed. Before using this trolley, each operator should become thoroughly familiar with all warnings, instructions and recommendations in this manual. Retain this manual for future reference and use. Forward this manual to the trolley operator. Failure to operate the equipment as directed in this manual may cause injury. Should you have any questions regarding this product, please call Columbus McKinnon.The hoisting equipment described in this manual is intended for industrial use only and should not be used to lift, support or otherwise transport people.GENERAL INFORMATION:ANSI B30.11 compliant. The UT series trolleys are designed to be used with several Columbus McKinnon hoists up to a capacity of 3 metric tons. Safety lugs, machined wheels and sealed bearings are included with each trolley. Rubber bumpers are available as an option.LOAD RATINGS:Before installing, make certain the capacity of the hoist does not exceed the capacity of the trolley and the supporting structure is capable of supporting the load, hoist and trolley.INSTALLATION:Adjustable flange width ranges are 2.3" to 8.6" and may be mounted on either American Standard Beams or Wide-Flange Beams. Proper adjustment is obtained by positioning the washers and spacers to achieve a beam to wheel flange spacing of approximately 1/16". See pages 4 and 5 of this manual for recommended guidelines.MAINTENANCE / INSPECTION:The trolley should be inspected periodically for evidence of excess wear or overload and its continued ability to support the load. The frequency of inspection will depend on the severity of use.It is recommended that the user begin with a monthly inspection and extend periods to quarterly, semi-annually or annually based on monthly experience. Any worn parts should be replaced immediately. The trolley should be visually inspected for the following conditions: loose hardware, sideplate damage or bending, cracks or distortion, wheel wear or cracks and worn bearings.TABLE OF CONTENTS (1) (1) (1) (1)Electric/Air Hoist Suspension Kits (3)UT Washer & Spacer Placement ........................................ 4-5 UTG Geared Hand Drive Installation.. (6) (7) (8)ELECTRIC/AIR HOIST SUSPENSION KITSHOISTREEVINGMOUNTING POSITIONTROLLEYSUSPENSION KITCM SHOPSTAR / CM SHOPAIR / COFFING SLC / COFFING SLA / LITTLE MULE SLM / BUDGIT SHOPHOIST / BUDGIT SERIES 600 1 & 2CROSS UT120655K CM LODESTAR (CLASSIC) (V1) (Small Frame)1PARALLEL UT12992UT CM LODESTAR (CLASSIC) (V1) (Small Frame)1CROSS UT12992UTC CM LODESTAR (CLASSIC) (V1) (Small Frame)2CROSS OR PARALLEL UT12993UT CM LODESTAR (CLASSIC) (V2) (Large Frame)1CROSS OR PARALLEL UT23677UT CM LODESTAR (CLASSIC) (V2) (Large Frame)2CROSS OR PARALLEL UT23668UT CM LODESTAR (CLASSIC) (V2) (Large Frame)3CROSS OR PARALLELUT39561UT CM LODESTAR (NH) (V1) (Small Frame)1PARALLEL UT12992NHUT CM LODESTAR (NH) (V1) (Small Frame)1CROSS UT12992NHUTC CM LODESTAR (NH) (V1) (Small Frame)2CROSS OR PARALLEL UT12993NHUT CM LODESTAR (NH) (V2) (Large Frame)1CROSS OR PARALLEL UT23677NHUT CM LODESTAR (NH) (V2) (Large Frame)2CROSS OR PARALLEL UT23668NHUT CM LODESTAR (NH) (V2) (Large Frame)3CROSS OR PARALLEL UT39561NHUT CM MAN GUARD / BUDGIT BEHC / YALE KELC 1CROSS OR PARALLELUT223456925CM MAN GUARD / BUDGIT BEHC / YALE KELC 2CROSS UT232560625CM MAN GUARD / BUDGIT BEHC / YALE KELC 2PARALLEL UT232560626CM MAN GUARD / BUDGIT BEHC / YALE KELC3CROSS OR PARALLEL UT350796125CM AIRSTAR 6 / BUDGIT 6000 / YALE KALC / COFFING CAH (Large Frame)1CROSS OR PARALLELUT223456925CM AIRSTAR 6 / BUDGIT 6000 / YALE KALC / COFFING CAH (Large Frame)2CROSS UT232560625CM AIRSTAR 6 / BUDGIT 6000 / YALE KALC / COFFING CAH (Large Frame)2PARALLEL UT232560626CM AIRSTAR 6 / BUDGIT 6000 / YALE KALC / COFFING CAH (Large Frame)3CROSS OR PARALLELUT350796125BUDGIT 2200 / COFFING CAH (Small Frame) / CM AIRSTAR / YALE YAL 1CROSS UT123561201BUDGIT 2200 / COFFING CAH (Small Frame) / CM AIRSTAR / YALE YAL 1PARALLEL UT123561202BUDGIT 2200 / COFFING CAH (Small Frame) / CM AIRSTAR / YALE YAL 2CROSS UT123561203BUDGIT 2200 / COFFING CAH (Small Frame) / CM AIRSTAR / YALE YAL 2PARALLEL UT123561204COFFING JLC / LITTLE MULE FLC / YALE YJL 1 & 2PARALLEL UT233337901COFFING JLC / LITTLE MULE FLC / YALE YJL 1 & 2CROSS UT233337901C COFFING EC1 1 & 2CROSS OR PARALLEL UT233337902COFFING EC13CROSS OR PARALLEL UT333337903COFFING EC3 (3t Max.) (Plain Only)1 & 2CROSS OR PARALLELUT333337904The CM Universal Trolley is designed to suspend several electric and air chain hoist models that are part of the CMCO family of brands. Select the appropriate Suspension Kit for your specific hoist listed below.WASHER (W)LONG SPACER(LS)LUG ADAPTERSHORT SPACER(SS)Due to the variations in beam flange widths,it is suggested that the beam flange width be measured to determine the exact distribution of washers and spacers. The distance between trackwheel flanges should be 1/8 to 3/16 inch greater than the beam flange width for straight runway beams and 3/16 to 1/4 inch greater than the beam flange width if runway system includes sharp curves. Also, the use of other than CM supplied washers and spacers may result in trackwheel to beam flange variations and thus the recommendations in the following tables will not apply.FLANGE WIDTHSIDEPLATE SIDEPLATEconfirm that the trolley will remain on straight sections of beam at increased clearance settings.0504030201SSW161514131206050403021615141312060504030201UNIVERSAL TROLLEYGEARED HAND DRIVEASSEMBL YGEARED HAND DRIVEASSEMBL YINSTRUCTIONS:1) Position hand drive assembly onto trolley as shown 2) Install (3) lock washers and (3) hex bolts3) Tighten each hex bolt to 19-24 Nm [14-18 ft./lb.]For UT1G & UT2G, use Geared Hand Drive Assembly 11843110For UT3G, use Geared Hand Drive Assembly 33336310For Motorized Universal Trolley, contact factoryKIT PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONUT1UT2UT3118431101184311033336310GEARED HAND DRIVE ASSEMBLY* Hand chain and connector link are included with this kit (not shown)GEARED HAND DRIVE ASSEMBL Y KITS*KIT PART NUMBERDESCRIPTION51703230for 30 ft. lift hoist 51703240for 40 ft. lift hoist 51703250for 50 ft. lift hoistCHAIN EXTENSION KITS**** T his kit extends the standard hand chain furnished with trolley, which is in proportion to a 20' lift hoist.1 2 34 5 6 7BEAM1/16"89Optional rubber bumper shownKit Number: 333379059See page 3 for hoisttop suspension kitDescription:Trolley UTCapacity:1000 - 3000 kg Machine Type:Hoisting equipmentRelevant EC Directives:EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Transposed harmonised standards in particular:ISO 12100-1:2003/A1:2009ISO 12100-2:2003/A1:2009EN 349:2008Applied Standards:ASME B30.11 (Monorail Systems and Underhung Cranes)Quality Assurance :ISO 9001 Date:7.13.2012Identification of the Signee:David K. HuberDirector – Product Engineering Systems & Standards Hoist and Rigging Americas Columbus McKinnon CorporationDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYIn accordance with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (Appendix II A)We hereby declare, that the design, construction and commercialized execution of the below mentioned machine complies with the essential health and safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive. The validity of this declaration will cease in case of any modification or supplement not being agreed with us previously. Furthermore, validity of this declaration will cease in case that the machine will not be operated correctly and in accordance with the operating instructions and/or not be inspected regularly.Phone (800) 888.0985 • (716) 689.5400 • Fax: (716) 689.5644 • 。
3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSInstruction manual10/16 TL/ALF1 Rotating body with wirehook2 Spring module3 Coil spring4 Vertical plate and knurledscrews5 Body with hookThe Supplementary Kit “Wilberforce Pendulum” has everything you need to build a Wilberforce pendulum in a space-saving table-top set-up. It consists of a coil spring and an adjustable rotating body, allowing the moment of inertia to be fine-tuned in order to investigate coupled translation and rotation forces by means of the Wilberforce experiment.A spring module makes it possible to connect the pendulum to the dynamic force sensors from the Sensors “Mechanical Oscillations” set in order to record and analyse oscillations with two degrees of freedom by means of an oscillo-scope.The wire hook is designed to stabilise the axial rotation motionand guarantees non-slip cou-pling of the rotating body to the spring.1 Coil spring 1 Rotating body 1 Wire hook 1 Vertical plate 1 Body with hook1 Spring moduleSpring constant for coil spring: 5 N/m Mass of rotating body: 142 gFig. 1 Set-up for Wilberforce pendulum with USB oscilloscopeThe following additional equipment is necessary in order to carry out the experiments:1 Stand Equipment “Mechanical Oscillations10128491 Sensors “Mechanical Oscillations”@230V 1012850or@115V 10128511 USB oscilloscope 2x 50 MHz 10172641 PC, operating system Win XP, Vista, Win 7or1 Analogue oscilloscope 2x 30 MHz 10027275.1 General informationCaution: Dynamic force sensors must not be subjected to mechanical overloading!∙ Neither dynamometer hook may be loadedwith more than 5N in the axial direction and 1 N in transverse direction.∙ Be especially careful with the maximumloading force when assembling the system or suspending loops or springs from the hook.∙ Make sure stand rods are firmly fitted intothe base and that all other mounting ele-ments are also firmly fitted to the stands.5.2 Set-up for Wilberforce pendulum∙ Screw the stand rods with both external andinternal threads into the outer threaded sockets of the base plate.∙ Extend both rods by screwing rods with ex-ternal thread only onto the ends of them. ∙ Attach double clamps near the top of bothstand rods and turn them to point inwards so that the slots are vertical and facing one an-other.∙ Remove the knurled screws from the springmodule and hook the spring onto the mount. Tighten the nut with the rubber ring by hand against the spring eyelet (the eyelet mustnot have any play in the spring module).Fig. 2 Spring module with coil spring∙Lay the body with hook on the cross bar and loosely attach it from underneath with the knurled screw. Refer to fig. 3.∙ Hook one of the eyelets of the spring mod-ule onto the body with hook.∙Put the dynamometer on the cross bar and attach the second eyelet of the module to the hook on the dynamometer.∙Carefully attach the dynamometer to the cross bar with the knurled screw in the same way as the body with hook. Make sure that the red band is taut and straight.Fig. 3 Assembly of spring moduleFig. 4 Set-up of cross bar between standsFig. 5 Set-up of vertical sensorFig. 6 Full set-up for module∙Attach the cross bar into the slots of the two clamps. Refer to fig. 4.∙Screw the second force sensor to the lowest position on the vertical plate and attach it to the cross bar. Refer to fig. 5.∙Suspend the loop of thread on the spring module from the hook of the vertical force sensor and loosen the knurled screw enough to push the sensor upward till the loop is gently tautened (the red cord of the spring module needs to still run in a straight line between the two hooks). Refer to fig. 6. ∙Suspend the wire hook from the lower eyelet of the spring and hang the rotating body from the end of it.∙Connect the force sensors to the inputs for channels A and B of the MEC amplifier board.∙Connect the outputs to an oscilloscope and start the experiment. Note:∙In order to initiate an oscillation which is as free as possible from disturbance, pull the rotating body vertically down onto the base plate and then release it.The two calibrating weights on the rotating body (knurled screws) need to be screwed in by an equal amount. For a well calibrated pendulum, the rotary and translational motions should have identical periods. The amplitudes of both types of oscillation pass through the point of zero am-plitude in quick succession.∙Packaging and compo-nents should be dis-posed of, where neces-sary, at local recyclingcentres.The Wilberforce pendulum demonstrates cou-pling between translation and rotation oscilla-tions in a calibrated mass-spring system.The cause of the coupling between the two os-cillations lies in the geometry of the spring. A motion along the length of the spring causes the wire of the coil to twist, which initiates rotary oscillation. The rotation similarly gives rise to extension or contraction of the spring, leading to further oscillation along its length.For the up and down motion, the frequency of the pendulum is influenced by both the spring constant and the mass of the rotating body. The period and motion of the rotary oscillation are determined by the torsional constant of the spring and the adjustable moment of inertia of the rotating body.The resonant frequency of the translation oscil-lation can be calculated using Equation 1:mk=transω(1)k = Spring constantm = MassThe resonant frequency of the rotary motion is determined as follows:JK=rotω(2)K = Torsion constantJ = Moment of inertia of rotating body3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ 。
目录序言 (1)一、零件的分析 (2)1.1左摆动杠杆的作用 (2)1.2左摆动杠杆的技术要求 (2)1.3左摆动杠杆的工艺分析 (3)1.4确定左摆动杠杆的生产类型 (3)二、工艺规程设 (4)2.1确定毛坯的制造形式 (4)2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量 (4)2.2.1公差等级 (4)2.2.2锻件重量 (4)2.2.3锻件形状复杂系数 (4)2.2.4锻件材质系数 (4)2.2.5零件表面粗糙度 (5)2.3定位基准的选择 (6)2.3.1精基准的选择 (6)2.3.2粗基准的选择 (6)2.4表面加工方法的确定 (6)2.5加工阶段的划分 (7)2.6工序的集中与分散 (7)2.7工序顺序的安排 (7)2.7.1机械加工工序 (7)2.7.2热处理工序 (7)2.7.3辅助工序 (7)2.8确定工艺路线 (8)2.9 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 (9)2.9.1选择机床根据不同的工序选择机床 (9)2.9.2选择夹具 (9)2.9.3选择刀具根据不同的工序选择刀具 (10)2.10加工余量工序尺寸及公差的确定 (10)2.11 确定切削用量及基本工时 (14)2.11.1粗精铣宽24mm,毛坯28mm,的下表面 (14)2.11.2 孔的加工 (16)2.11.3 铣槽 (21)2.11.4时间定额的计算 (21)三、体会与展望 (26)四、参考资料······························ (27)序言机械制造工艺课程设计是我们学完了大学的全部基础课程、技术基础课程以及大部分专业课程之后进行的。
杠杆百分表杠杆千分表的分度值为0.002mm ,其原理如图5-11所示,当测量杆1向左摆动时,拨杆2推动扇形齿轮3上的圆柱销C 使扇形齿轮绕轴B 逆时针转动,此时圆柱销D 与拨杆2脱开。
当测量杆1向右摆动时,拨杆2推动扇形齿轮上的圆柱销D 也使扇形齿轮绕轴B 逆时针转动,此时圆柱销C 与拨杆2脱开。
图5-11 杠杆千分表1-测量杆;2-拨杆;3-扇形齿轮;4-小齿轮;5-端面齿轮;6-小齿轮;7-指针。
已知r 1=16.39mm ,r 2=12mm ,r 3=3mm ,r 4=5mm ,z 3=428,z 4=19,z 5=120,z 6=21,当测量杆向左移动0.2mm 时,指针7的转数n 为:由于刻度盘等分100格,因此1格所表示的测量值b 为:当测量杆向右移动0.2mm 时,指针7的转数为:由于杠杆比 相同,因此测量杆向左或向右转动的两条传动链的传动比是相等的,也就是分度值相等。
四 杠杆百分表和千分表的使用方法1 使用注意事项1) 千分表应固定在可靠的表架上,测量前必须检查千分表是否夹牢,并多次提拉千分表测量杆与工件接触,观察其重复指示值是否相同。
2) 测量时,不准用工件撞击测头,以免影响测量精度或撞坏千分表。
为保持一定的起始测量力,测头与工件接触时,测量杆应有0.3~0.5mm 的压缩量。
3) 测量杆上不要加油,以免油污进入表内,影响千分表的灵敏度。
4) 千分表测量杆与被测工件表面必须垂直,否则会产生误差。
5) 杠杆千分表的测量杆轴线与被测工件表面的夹角愈小,误差就愈小。
从图5-12可知,当平面上升距离为α时,杠杆千分表摆动的距离为b ,也就是杠杆千分表的读数为b ,因为b>α,所以指示读数增大。
用数学式表示就是F1• L1=F2•L2这样表达就很直观明了。
1.2零件的工艺分析这一部分是杆类零件,形状不规则,尺寸精度,形位精度要求很高,对分析零件的主要技术要求如下:1.2.1主要尺寸精度和形位公差(1)Φ12孔尺寸精度是H8,内表面的粗糙度值是 1.6,其中心轴线是Φ15H8(2)孔的定位基准和Φ6H7的孔的定位基准;(3)零件下方的部分的表面粗糙度值的6H7直径的孔,下面是1.6;;(4)零件上方Φ15H8的孔的内表面Ra值为1.6;(5)顶部左边和右边的粗糙度值是3.2;;(6)零件的尺寸精度的厚度(24±0.1);1.2.2毛坯的技术要求铸件的要求不应该有砂眼、疏孔、毛刺或者其他缺陷,只有保证没有这些缺陷才能用来保证零件的强度、硬度和刚度,即使外力作用下,也不会发生意外事故。
2 2第二章确定毛坯画毛坯-零件合图第二章确定毛坯、画毛坯—零件合图2.1确定生产类型因为在批量生产零件的杠杆生产程序,使加工设备中使用的普通机床和专用工具,量具,夹具,并考虑适当浓度的过程中,为了提高生产率和减少机床数量,降低其生产成本。
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机械制造技术课程设计任务书 (2)一、左摆动杠杆的工艺分析 (3)1.1左摆动杠杆的用途 (3)1.2左摆动杠杆的技术要求 (3)1.3左摆动杠杆的工艺分析 (4)1.4确定左摆动杠杆的生产类型 (4)二、确定毛坯、绘制毛坯简图 (5)2.1选择毛坯 (5)2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量 (5)三、拟定左摆动杠杆工艺路线 (6)3.1定位基准的选择 (6)3.2表面加工方法的确定 (7)3.3加工阶段的划分 (7)3.4工序的集中与分散 (8)3.5工序顺序的安排 (8)3.6确定工艺路线 (8)四、加工余量、工序尺寸、和公差的确定 (10)4.1选择加工设备与工艺设备 (10)4.2加工余量工序尺寸及公差的确定 (11)五、切削用量、时间定额的计算 (14)5.1粗精铣宽24mm,毛坯28mm,的下表面 (14)5.2孔的加工 (16)5.3 铣槽 (20)5.4时间定额的计算 (20)六、填写机械加工工序卡 (23)机械制造技术课程设计任务书一、题目:左摆动杠杆机械加工工艺规程设计二、原始数据典型机械零件图1张,零件图上尺寸、公差及技术要求较齐全。
动力×动力臂=阻力×阻力臂,用代数式表示为F1• L1=F2•L2。
毛坯的薄膜斜度为5︒2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量由表2-10和表2-12可知,要确定毛坯的尺寸公差及机械加工余量,应先确定如下的因素 2.2.1公差等级由左摆动杠杆的技术要求,确定该零件的的公差等级为普通级。
2.2.2锻件重量已知机械加工后的左摆动杠杆的重量为1.2Kg ,由此可初步估计机械加工前的锻件的重量为2.3Kg2.2.3锻件形状复杂系数对左摆动杠杆进行分析计算,可大致确定锻件的包容体的长度、宽度和高度,即179mm , 32mm ,24mm 。
(详见毛坯图);由公式(2-3)和(2-5)可以计算出锻件的复杂系数46.08.724321792.1)(2.1106≈⨯⨯⨯⨯===-ρlbh S mm ts2.2.4锻件材质系数由于该材料为45号钢,是碳的质量分数小于0.65%的碳素钢,故该锻件的材质系数属M1级。
2.2.5零件表面粗糙度由零件图可知,该左摆动杠杆的各加工表面的粗糙度Ra 大于或等于1.6um 根据上述因素,可查表确定该锻件的尺寸公差和机械加工余量,所得结果列于表二表二左摆动杠杆锻造毛坯尺寸公差及机械加工余量三、拟定左摆动杠杆工艺路线3.1定位基准的选择定位基准有粗基准还有精基准,通常先确定精基准,再确定粗基准。
2)工序5、6、7、8、9为钻、绞孔面粗糙度数值小要较精密的机床才能满足要求因此选用Z515钻床的参数如下型号Z515320-2900r/min,主轴行程100mm最大钻孔直径15mm寸350x350(mm x mm),主电动机功率0.6kw。
刀具应具有韧度艺性和经济性性45钢合金中的YT15类刀具因为加工该类零件时摩擦严重,切削温度高,而YT类硬质合金具有较高的硬度和耐磨性,尤其具有高的耐热性, 在高速切削钢料时刀具磨损小寿命长,所以加工45钢这种材料时采用硬质合金的刀具。
4.2加工余量工序尺寸及公差的确定根据各资料及制定的零件加工工艺路线采用计算与查表相结合的方法确定各工序加工余量,中间工序公差按经济精度选定,上下偏差按入体原则标注,确定各加工表面的机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸如下:1、24mm上表面2、24mm下表面参照《实用机械加工工艺手册》确定各工序尺寸及加工余量3、177mm后表面4、177mm前表面参照《实用机械加工工艺手册》确定各工序尺寸及加工余量5、28mm右表面6、28mm左表面7、φ12H8孔查《机械制造工艺与机床夹具课程设计》表2-8、2-4确定各工序尺寸及加工余量8、φ6孔9、φ12*11孔10、φ15H8孔11、φ12*18孔12、宽2mm 槽查《机械制造工艺与机床夹具课程设计》表2-15、2-16确定各工序尺寸及加工余量13、宽8mm 槽五、切削用量、时间定额的计算5.1粗精铣宽24mm ,毛坯28mm ,的下表面工序1 粗铣宽度为24mm 的下表面 加工条件: 工件材料:45机床:X51立式铣床。
查参考文献[1]表30—34刀具:硬质合金三面刃圆盘铣刀(面铣刀),材料:YT15,D100mm ,齿数Z=8,此为粗齿铣刀。
因其单边余量:Z=2mm 所以铣削深度mm a a p p2:=每齿进给量f a :根据参考文献[3]表2.4-75f a =0.12mm/Z铣削速度V :参照参考文献[1]表30—34V=1.33/ms 。
由机床主轴转速n 得机床主轴转速dv n π1000=(2.1)min /254100*14.360*33.1*10001000r d v n ===π按照参考文献[3]表3.1-74 n=300r/min 实际铣削速度v :min /2.94/57.160100030010014.31000m s m dnv =≈⨯⨯⨯==π进给量f V :r mm s mm Zn a V f f /8.0~/8.460/300812.0≈⨯⨯==工作台每分进给量m f :min /288/8.4mm s mm V f f m ===εa :根据参考文献[1]表2.4-81,εa =30mm被切削层长度l :取l= 28~30刀具切入长度t l :mm a D D l t 3.5)3~1()(5.022=+--=ε 式(2.2)刀具切出长度2l :2l =2mm走刀次数为1工序2精铣宽度为24mm (毛坯28mm )的下平面 加工条件:工件材料:45钢,锻造。