








关键词:ARM;实时操作系统uClinux;S3C4510B;ARM7TDMI1 嵌入式操作系统uClinux及其应用开发嵌入式软件平台由以下部分组成:系统引导程序、嵌入式操作系统内核、文件系统。

系统引导程序通常也称为BootLoad—er ,代码量虽少,但是作用非常大,相当于PC上的BOIS,负责将操作系统内核固化到Flash中和系统初始化工作.然后将系统控制权交给操作系统。


1.1 BootLoader程序系统引导程序BootLoader是嵌入式系统加电后执行的第一个程序,一般应写入Flash存储器中并从起始物理地址0x0开始。

在应用实际中BootLoader的功能主要有:① 将uCLinux内核和文件系统烧写到目标板中;②系统初始化;③系统的内存映射;④加载uClinux内核1.2 嵌入式操作系统uCiinuxuClinux就是Micro—Control—Linux,是针对控制领域的嵌入式linux操作系统,它是从Linux 2.0/2.4内核派生而来,沿袭了主流Linux 的绝大部分特性,适合不具备内存管理单元(MMU)的微处理器/微控制器(例如ARM7TDMI),它也是一个完全符合GNU/GPL公约的操作系统,完全开放代码。

5.4 uClinux应用程序设计

5.4 uClinux应用程序设计

all: $(EXEC) $(EXEC): $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -elf2flt clean: -rm -f $(EXEC) *.gdb *.elf *.o
install: $(EXEC) mkdir -p /home/app cp $(EXEC) /home/app
产生于1980年 占用内存小,适合于小型文件传输 采用UDP传输,69端口,不提供密码验证 只支持文件传输,不支持交互
RFC 1350
配置主目录 配置IP
通过超级终端配置目标机IP 切换到可写的目录,从宿主机读取文件
tftp –g 宿主机IP –r ./程序名
用串口线连接宿主机和目标机 通过jtag接口连接宿主机和目标机 用网线链接宿主机和目标机的网络端口 连接目标机电源,并打开
在windows中运行tftp服务器端程序 tftpd32.exe
点击"browse"按钮配置服务器主目录 点击"show dir"按钮检查主目录是否设置成 功
arm-elf-gcc hello.c –o hello -elf2flt –I... -L… -l…
3. 拷贝编译好的文件到某个目录,例如 "/home/app",下载到实验板.
# # # # 使用uClibc库编译连接uClinux应用程序样本 make DEBUG=1 构造调试版本 make 构造优化版本 make clean 清除构造生成的文件

uCLinux 操作系统开发文档

uCLinux 操作系统开发文档

组名U5G参赛编号A358文档编号DOC-2日期2007-1-26作者王志勇uCLinux操作系统开发文档一.uClinux操作系统简介在本设计中采用的STR 710处理器不带有MMU,故操作系统选用uClinux.uClinux, Micro-Control-Linux,即"针对微控制领域而设计的Linux系统"。




但是由于没有MMU管理,所以实际上uClinux采用实存储器管理策略(real memeory management)。













分享⾃⼰平时在⽹上收集的⼀些STM32源码,⼤家顶起哈!本帖部分附件需要少量⾦币,此⽬的是为了⿎励⼤家积极发帖,请⼤家见谅!3.2⼨真彩TFT液晶触摸屏,320*240像素,26万⾊,i8080 16位并⾏接⼝,带转接板及触控芯⽚,可以直接⽤AVR、51、PIC、dsPIC、ARM7、STM32等单⽚机驱动。

3.2TFT.rar (6.69 MB, 下载次数: 180, 售价: 2 ⾦币)⾮常不错的⼀款STM32开发板资料。



Armfly-STM32-SCH-SoftDemo.rar (16.05 MB, 下载次数: 431, 售价: 2 ⾦币)uC/OS-II官⽅的stm32的移植,基于arm的Cortex M3-uC/OS-II。

Micrium-ST-uCOS-II-LCD-STM32.rar (2.43 MB, 下载次数: 379)花了近3个⽉的毕业设计的时间,直到前⼏天完成的基本运营。



某些功能,这个MP3播放: MP3播放功能,⽀持MP3/WAV/WMA/MIDI播放,⽀持快进,快退,歌词显⽰⽀持[第⼆⼗条:第⼆⼗条:⼆⼗] / [第XX : XX.XX ] / [第XX号:第XX号] ,以⽀持多话歌词共享标记收⾳机功能,并⽀持⾃动发现服务台, FM76 ? 1.08 ,⾃动存⼊台湾图⽚播放功能,⽀持16位, 24位, 32位,任何⼤⼩的BMP图⽚浏览,以及符合JPEG / JPG格式图⽚浏览(只要它是正确的格式,⼤⼩限制)。








日期 May-2008 May-2008 Feb-2008
中文描述 STM32 Class B的VDE证书
日期 Nov-2007
长度 1342 KB
数据手册 参考 STM32F101x6/8/B Product Catalog P/N's : STM32F101VB STM32F101V8 STM32F101T8 STM32F101T6 STM32F101RB STM32F101R8 STM32F101R6 STM32F101CB STM32F101C8 STM32F101C6 STM32F103xC/D/E Product Catalog P/N's : STM32F103ZE STM32F103ZD STM32F103ZC STM32F103VE STM32F103VD STM32F103VC STM32F103RE STM32F103RD STM32F103RC STM32F101xC/D/E Product Catalog P/N's : STM32F101ZE STM32F101ZD STM32F101ZC STM32F101VE STM32F101VD STM32F101VC STM32F101RE STM32F101RD STM32F101RC 中文描述 版本 日期 长度 文档 英文 具有32至128 KB Flash,6个定时器,ADC,7个通信接口, 基于ARM 9 的中等容量,基本型32位MCU Jul-2008 中文 文档
2 STM32F10xxx 调试应用实例 STM32F101xx 和 STM32F103xx 核,及系统外围设备应用实例: covers NVIC, SysTick, DMA, RCC, EXTI, PWR, BKP, RTC, Flash, 2 IWDG 和 WWDG。 1 STM32F101xx 和 STM32F103xx 低功率模式 如何使用 STM32F101xx 和 STM32F103xx 微控制器的链路系统实现 1 32位定时器的分辨率 1 STM32F101xx 和 STM32F103xx RTC 校准 STM32F10XXX SPI 应用实例 STM32F10xxx I²C 应用实例 STM32F10xxx TIM1 应用实例 STM32F10xxx TIM 应用实例 STM32F10xxx USART 应用实例 1 1 1 1 1



OLIMEXINO-STM32 development boardUser's manualAll boards produced by Olimex are ROHS compliantDocument revision E, November 2014Designed by OLIMEX Ltd, 2012SCHEMATIC:OLIMEXINO-STM32, board revision E https://LED2_E D23_ECAN_TPin #Signal Name Pin #Signal Name 1D23_EXT2D24(CANTX) 3D25(MMC_CS)4D265D276D287D29(SCL2)8D30(SDA2)9D31(#SS2)10D32(SCK2)DISCLAIMER© 2014 Olimex Ltd. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Olimex Ltd. Other product names may be trademarks of others and the rights belong to their respective owners.The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex products.The Hardware project is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may reproduce it for both your own personal use, and for commercial use. You will have to provide a link to the original creator of the project https:// on any documentation or website.You may also modify the files, but you must then release them as well under the same terms. Credit can be attributed through a link to the creator website: https://The software is released under GPL.It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements.All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product.This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by OLIMEX to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-,and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations,including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.Olimex currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive. Olimex assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE DESIGN MATERIALS AND THE COMPONENTS USED TO CREATE OLIMEXINO-STM32. THEY ARE CONSIDERED SUITABLE ONLY FOR OLIMEXINO-STM32.For product support, hardware information and error reports mail to: ******************. Note that we are primarily a hardware company and our software support is limited.Please consider reading the paragraph below about the warranty of Olimex products.。



























linux下搭建stm32运⾏环境操作系统:deepin 20stm32cubemx 和STM32CubeProgrammer需要java环境,需要下载安装jreoracle官⽹下载jre 账号可以百度⼿动安装:终端切换到jre下载⽬录,将其解压到 /usr/lib/java ⽬录。

sudo tar zxvf jdk-8u172-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/java将此jre注册到系统中:sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/java/jre1.8.0_172/bin/java 300切换jre:sudo update-alternatives --config javadeepin ⼀般会默认只有这⼀个可以忽略这⼀步配置环境变量:sudo vim /etc/profile添加如下代码:export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/java/jre1.8.0_261export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jreexport CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/libexport PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH使⽤ Java -version 验证安装是否成功oracle 官⽹下载 stm32cubemx 和stm32programer 这两个Linux版下载后解压解压后的⽂件夹⾥包含三个平台版本,先不要删除其他不⽤的不然安装不成功等安装成功后再⼀块删除直接双击运⾏即可给与运⾏权限或者终端通过 chmod 777 ⽂件名给与权限变成可执⾏⽂件stm32cubemx 和stm32programer 安装过程⼀样stm32cubemx 安装完进⼊后要先安装stm32HAL库stlink 驱动安装:1、安装依赖包sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0sudo apt-get install cmakesudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev2、下载源码3、编译$ cd stlink$ git branch -a (以下版本根据这个命令下的选择版本对应更改)$ git checkout v1.4.0-patch$ make release$ make debug$ cd build$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..$ make$ cd Release; sudo make install;sudo ldconfig$ cd ../.. (回到stlink⽬录下)$ sudo cp etc/udev/rules.d/* /etc/udev/rules.d/$ udevadm control --reload-rules$ udevadm trigger测试:st-info –version会看到类似如下提⽰:v1.4.0或者deepin商店进⾏安装直接搜stlink 应该可以没试跑⼀个例⼦吧:打开stm32cubemx进⾏新建⼯程,然后最后选择输出为Makefile代码,然后vs code打开代码⽂件,在 core ⽂件夹下有.h 和.c⽂件可以编程执⾏想要的单⽚机功能。


#include “led.h” static void delay(uint32_t ms){
uint32_t count = 8000; while (ms--) {
while (count--); count = 8000; } }
int main(void){ led_init(); for (;;) {
现在可以使用stm32标准外设库了,下面以一个简单的跑马灯程序说明。 在init目录下建立main.c作为系统入口。
在src下建立一个bsp目录用来放置板级支持代码,建立led.c,led.h。 代码如下: led.h
#ifndef _LED_H_ #define _LED_H_
#include <stdint.h> #define LED_0 0 #define LED_1 1 #define LED_2 2
将UV4中project window里的顶层目录名改为template,并将第一个group名改为 libstm32。把libstm32目录下所有.c和.s文件加载到工程里的libstm32。
在src下建立一个init目录用来放置系统初始化代码。把 Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template\下的stm32f10x_it.c拷贝到init文件夹中, stm32f10x_it.h,stm32f10x_conf.h拷贝到include文件夹中。
Байду номын сангаас2/24
事实上,stm32标准外设库的使用在stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm中的How to use the Library一节中已有说明,下面我把其中的步骤罗列一下: 1. 根据所选芯片,把Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\startup\arm 中的启动代码加到工程中,这一步在上面已经做过了。 2. 在stm32f10x.h的66-73行,根据所选芯片类型,去掉相应注释,这里我去掉 STM32F10X_HD行的注释(大容量型stm32芯片)。 3. 去掉105行的USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER注释,启用stm32标准外设库。 4. 在system_stm32f10x.c的110-115行,根据所选芯片主频,去掉相应注释,默认 SYSCLK_FREQ_72MHz注释已去掉,如果你的芯片主频是72MHz,就不用做修改了,这 里我的芯片是36MHz,注释SYSCLK_FREQ_72MHz,去掉SYSCLK_FREQ_36MHz注释。


的 Th mb指 令 集 , u 使用 Th mb指 令 集 可 以 以 1 u 6 位 的系统 开销得 到某些 处 理器 3 位 的系统 性 能. 2 ARM7 DMI 有 MMU( mo yMa a e n T 没 Me r n g me t
常 用 于 具 有 很 少 内存 或 Fah的 嵌 入 式 系 统 . ls u l u 是 一 个 完 全 符 合 GUN/ P I( Ci x n G I GNU GP P bi Lcne 公 约 的操 作 系统 , 全 开放 代 码 . u l i s) c e 完
S C 4 OX 为例 , 3 4B 讨论 了 将u l u Ci x移植 到 A n RM 芯 片的 问题 , 以此 为平 台开 发 出一 种 车 载 G S 并 P
接 收机L . 1 q]
道外 部 中断输 入 , 8通道 1 O位 AD 输入 , 日历 C 带
功 能 的 实 时 时 钟 ( TC) 带 P R , I 的 片 内 时 钟 发 I
和 一般 用途 的高 性 价 比 的微 处 理器 . 过 集 成 丰 通
富 的外 围 , 降低 了 系统整 体价 格 . 3 4 OX 的片 S C4B
上 资 源 包 括 : . V 供 电 的 AR TD 25 M7 MI内核 带 8 AC KB C HE, E 控 制 器 ( 5 L D 2 6色 ) 2 通 道 ,
ulu C i x从 L n x . / . n iu 2 o 2 4内核 派 生而 来 , 沿
列 . M 7系 列 微 处 理 器 为 低 功 耗 的 1 / 2位 AR 63
RI C处 理器 , 主要用 于对 价位 和 功耗要 求 比较 S 它
袭 了主流 Ln x的绝 大 部 分 特 性. 是 专 门针 对 iu 它

linux stm32代码

linux stm32代码

linux stm32代码
Linux stm32代码是指在Linux操作系统下使用STM32系列微控制器(MCU)进行开发的代码。

STM32系列MCU 是一款高性能、低功耗的嵌入式处理器,广泛应用于各种嵌入式系统中。


#include "stm32f10x.h"
int main() {
/* 开启GPIOB时钟 */
*(unsigned int*)(0x40021000+0x18) |= 1<<3; /* 配置PB0为推挽输出 */
*(unsigned int*)(0x40010c00+0x00) |= 1<<(4*0);
return 0;




之 间的保 护 。对 于 u iu CLn x来 要 么 子 进 程 代 替 父 进 程 执 行
此 le ) 说 ,其设计针对没有 MMU的 ( 时 父 进 程 已 经 se p 直 到
xt 汇 使 处 理 器 , 能 使 用 处 理 器 的虚 子 进 程 调 用 e i退 出 , 要 么 调 须 具备 一 些 编译 、 编工 具 , 不
蟹巍 鬻 《
u iu CLn x在 嵌 入 式 领 域 凭 借 其 稳 定 、 良好 的 移 植 性 ,优 秀 的 网 络 功 能 ,灵 活 完
备 的 文 件 系 统 , 及 众 多 的 技 术 支 持 等 优 点 得 到 广 泛 应 用 ,并 将 有 更 广 阔 的 应 用 前 以
K re 主 要 由 内 存 管 理 、 进 内核 结构 e n l( 程 管 理 和 中断 处 理 等 等 构 成 )
它 和 文 件 系 统 。 u iu CLn x可 以 通 Ln x基 本 相 同 , 不 同 的 只 是 拟 地 址 被 送 到 MMU, 把 虚 拟 iu 过 定 制 使 内 核 小 型 化 ,还 可 以 对 内 存 管 理 和 进 程 管 理 进 行 改 地 址 映 射 为物 理 地 址 。通 过 赋
L n x系 统 在 分 配 内 存 时 没 有 子 进 程 使 用 wa e 父 进 程 做 一 些 说 明 , I 件 是 指 出 连 iu ku P把 d文 必 要 保 证 实 际 物 理 存 储 空 间 唤 醒 , 父进 程 继 续往 下执 行 。 接 时 内存 映 象 格 式 的 文 件 , 使
加 上 GUI图形 用 户 界 面 ) 定 写 , 以 满 足 无 MM U 处 理 器 的 予 每 个 任务 不 同 的虚 拟 一 物 理 ( 和 制 应 用 程 序 , 并 将 其 放 在 要 求 。 u iu CLn x是 Ln x 操 作 地 址 转 换 映 射 , 支 持 不 同 任 务 iu

【精品文档】stm32范例-word范文 (15页)

【精品文档】stm32范例-word范文 (15页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==stm32范例篇一:STM32第一个例子STM32第一个例子建立文件夹:GPIO_TEST存放整个工程项目在该项目文件夹下建立子文件夹存放不同类别的文件:Obj:存放工程文件Out:存放编译输出文件Sorce:存放源代码文件打开KEIL3:这个时候显示的应该是上次使用过的工程。













theKernel = (void (*)(int, int, unsigned int))((uint32_t)0x08003001);theKernel(0, 2189, ((uint32_t)0x20000100));1 start_kernel之前的汇编代码分析首先来到0x0800 3000处,此时携带有三个参数,R0、R1、R2,分别是0,2189,0x2000 0100. 0x0800 3000对应着下面stext的汇编代码。

代码阅读说明:① @后面的内容标示是注释语句② ARM或者THUMB指令的选取,在\include\asm-arm\unified.h中,定义了使用ARM,THUMB为空③偏移量#PROC_INFO_SZ等,在\include\asm\asm-offset.h中宏定义1.1 head-mommu.S文件在arch\arm\kernel\head-nommu.S,text.head段,有stext、__after_proc_init 两段组成,内核从这里开始启动,然后通过各种调用,最终进入C语言的start_kernel函数,这段代码执行流程如下:(1)调用__lookup_processor_type,传入R9(CPU基址寄存器的值),成功后获得当前的proc_info结构体信息,地址放入R10;(2)调用__lookup_machine_type,BootLoader传给内核的R1值,成功后获得当前的machine_desc结构体信息,地址放入R8;(3)执行__v7m_setup,进行必要的初始化;(4)执行__switch_data,并最终跳转到C语言的start_kernel函数。

.section ".text.head", "ax"ENTRY(stext)cpsid i @ disable interrupts //cortex-M3特殊指令,关闭所有中断ldr r9, =0xe000ed00 @ CPUID register addressldr r9, [r9] //CPUID基址寄存器,参考手册(周立功)-P80bl __lookup_processor_type @ r5=procinfo r9=cupid //head-common.Smovs r10, r5 @ invalid processor (r5=0)?beq __error_p @ yes, error 'p'bl __lookup_machine_type @ r5=machinfomovs r8, r5 @ invalid machine (r5=0)?beq __error_a @ yes, error 'a'badr lr, __after_proc_init @ return (PIC) address //提前暂存lr的值ARM( add pc, r10, #PROCINFO_INITFUNC ) //R10处偏移16个字节,然后赋给PC//相当于跳转到下面的__v7m_setupENDPROC(stext)__after_proc_init:ldr pc,__switch_data //将PC 指针赋值到__switch_data标号地址处,实际执行的ENDPROC(__after_proc_init) //是在__mmap_switched这个标号处.ltorg#include "head-common.S" //末尾包含下面的文件1.2 head-common.S文件在arch\arm\kernel\head-common.S,有__switch_data、__mmap_switched、__error_p、__error_a、__error、__lookup_processor_type、C语言的lookup_processor_type、__lookup_machine_type 、C语言的lookup_machine_type、__vet_atags等组成,这里只列出上面调用要使用的查找处理器类型和查找机器类型。



基于STM32F103的uCLinux移植汇总转载:STM32F103的uCLinux移植汇总STM32F103 ucLinux开发之四(内核启动后的调试)wangyw 2015-01-10 17:41 阅读:424 评论:0STM32F103 ucLinux开发之三(内核启动后不正常)(完结)wangyw 2014-03-23 00:09 阅读:563 评论:0STM32F103 ucLinux开发之⼆(内核启动汇编代码分析)wangyw 2014-03-22 21:07 阅读:649 评论:0STM32F103 ucLinux开发之⼀(BOOT分析及源码)wangyw 2014-03-22 20:55 阅读:1530 评论:0STM32F103⽚外运⾏代码分析wangyw 2014-03-22 17:41 阅读:350 评论:0STM32F10X固件库函数——串⼝清状态位函数分析wangyw 2014-03-20 18:28 阅读:395 评论:0STM32和STR71X移植uCos-II操作系统⽐较分析wangyw 2014-03-20 17:39 阅读:239 评论:0基于uIP和uC/OS-II嵌⼊式⽹络开发wangyw 2014-03-20 17:09 阅读:540 评论:0STM32平台SD卡的FatFS⽂件系统开发wangyw 2014-03-20 16:10 阅读:270 评论:0STM32 Cortex-M3 NMI异常wangyw 2014-03-20 15:54 阅读:563 评论:0应对STM32 Cortex-M3 Hard Fault异常wangyw 2014-03-20 15:42 阅读:2186 评论:0STM32的备份寄存器和控制状态寄存器wangyw 2014-02-09 21:06 阅读:432 评论:0。



基于STM32和uC_OS-II的多任务设计-嵌入式系统课程设计报告NORTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY嵌入式系统课程设计报告学生姓名:学号:学院:专业班级:指导教师:同组成员:2016年 12 月 26 日嵌入式系统课程设计报告一、课程设计目的本课程设计是在《嵌入式系统原理与应用》课程的基础上,通过软件编程及仿真调试的实践,进一步掌握嵌入式系统的原理和应用方法,是毕业设计前的一次重要实践,为今后从事嵌入式系统相关工作岗位打下良好的基础。

二、设计题目及要求2.1 设计题目:基于STM32和uC/OS-II的多任务设计2.2 功能实现:使用uC/OS-II的任务管理函数和STM32库函数控制相应的寄存器,完成一个多任务设计。


2.3 设计要求:理解和熟练使用KEIL软件、STM32寄存器、STM32库函数和uC/OS-II任务管理函数,用KEIL软件完成编程和调试,下载到开发板中实现4个设定的任务,并完成课程设计报告。



三、设计原理说明3.1 硬件说明本次课程设计主要使用的是STM32 神舟 IV 号开发板为基础进行课程设计的,本节将详细介绍神舟IV号开发板的各部分硬件原理与实现。

(1)开发板资源图- 1 -嵌入式系统课程设计报告(2)MCU开发板的处理器是STM32F107VCT6,该处理器基于ARM V7 架构的Cortex-M3 内核,主频72Mhz,内部含有256K字节的FLASH 和64K字节的SRAM,LQFP100 封装。


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AN3012Application noteGetting started with uClinux™for STM32F10x high-density devicesIntroductionuClinux, pronounced “you-see-Linux”, literally means “microcontroller (µC) Linux®”.uClinux is a Linux kernel fork for microcontrollers (MCUs, embedded systems). It does nothave a memory management unit (MMU). Originally derived from version 2.0 (1996) of theLinux kernel, it now has ports based on Linux 2.6. Since version 2.6, the major parts ofuC linux have been integrated with the mainline kernel for a number of processorarchitectures. The project continues to develop patches and supporting tools to use Linuxon microcontrollers. uClinux supports many architectures, and this new version supports theSTM3210E-EVAL evaluation board.The purpose of this application note is to explain you how to:1.Install the uClinux operating system, the toolchain, and configure the kernel for theSTM3210E-EVAL board2. Build a uClinux image and download it to the STM3210E-EVAL board3. Add applications to the kernelSeptember 2009Doc ID 16051 Rev 11/36Contents AN3012Contents1Package description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2Hardware description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73Getting the tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1uClinux package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1.1Standard distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1.2STM3210E-EVAL uClinux software kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2GNU toolchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.3DFuSe & Flash loader demonstrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.3.1DFuSe applet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.3.2Flash loader demonstrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104Building the uClinux image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1Installing the toolchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.2Preparing the source code tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.3Configure uClinux for STM3210E-EVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.3.1Configuring the kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.3.2Application/library settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.4Running the build process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185Loading the images to the board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195.1Loading the “kernel loader / software updater” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195.1.1Software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195.1.2Hardware installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195.1.3Load the hex file to the Flash memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205.2Loading the kernel/root file system images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215.2.1DfuSe demonstration installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215.2.2Generating the .dfu image and upgrading the board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6First run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 7Command examples/tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1AN3012Contents8How to add new features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298.1How to add a new hardware driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298.1.1References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298.1.2Example of a kernel driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298.2How to add a new application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 9Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Doc ID 16051 Rev 13/36List of tables AN3012 List of tablesTable 1.Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1AN3012List of figures List of figuresFigure 1.STM3210E-EVAL board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 2.Configuring the installation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 3.uClinux-dist directory.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 4.uClinux kernel directory.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure 5.uClinux configuration main menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 6.Vendor & Product selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 7.Kernel / Library / Defaults selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 8.System Type configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure 9.STM3210-EVAL demonstration menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 10.Device Manager window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 11.Flash loader demonstrator download configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Figure 12.Multi Bin injection window (STM3210E-EVAL-jffs configuration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Figure 13.Multi Bin injection window (STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash configuration). . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Figure 14.DfuSe demonstration window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Figure 15.Example of MS HyperTherminal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Figure 16.uClinux boot log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 17.Linux device driver architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 18.STM3210E-EVAL uart_driver struct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 19.STM3210E-EVAL uart_port struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 20.STM3210E-EVAL uart_ops struct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 21.STM3210E-EVAL console struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Figure 22.STM3210E-EVAL console Init function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Figure 23.Simple GPIO file_operations struct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Figure 24.Simple GPIO write operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Doc ID 16051 Rev 15/36Package description AN30126/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 11 Package descriptionThis section presents all the files in the package, that are needed to get started with uClinuxon STM32F101xC/D/E and STM32F103xC/D/E devices.●uClinux_on_stm32.patch.gz : the uClinux patch, using which the ARM Cortex-M3 CPU and STM3210E-EVAL board are supported.●AN3012.pdf : the purpose of this guide is to show all the steps necessary to successfully configure, build and run uClinux on the board. It also presents theprocedure to add new hardware driver and applications to the kernel.●Tiny_kernel_boot_loader.hex / kernel_boot_loader.hex : these are the boot loaders required to boot up the board and load uClinux (kernel loader / firmware updater).●uClinux_on_stm32-jffs.dfu / uClinux_on_stm32-MCU_Flash.dfu : these are the binary image files that can immediately be downloaded to the board to get uClinux running.AN3012Hardware description Doc ID 16051 Rev 17/362 Hardware descriptionThe STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board is designed as a complete development platform forSTMicroelectronics's ARM™ Cortex ®-M3 core-based STM32F103xx microcontrollersdelivered in 144-pin packages. This device features: full speed USB2.0, CAN2.0A/Bcompliant interface, two I 2S channels, two I 2C channels, five USART channels withSmartcard support, three SPI channels, two DAC channels, FSMC interface, SDIO, 64Kbyte of internal SRAM and 512 Kbyte of Flash memory, JTAG and SWD debug support.The STM3210E-EVAL has the following onboard hardware features:●Three 5 V power supply options: power jack, USB connector or daughterboard ●Boot from user Flash memory, system memory or SRAM ●I2S audio DAC, stereo audio jack ●128 Mbyte MicroSD card ●A- and B-type Smartcard support ●64 or 128 Mbit serial Flash memory, 512 Kbit × 16 SRAM, 512 Mbit or 1 Gbit NAND Flash and 128 Mbit NOR Flash memory ●I2C/SMBus compatible serial interface temperature sensor ●Two RS-232 channels with RTS/CTS handshake support on one channel ●IrDA transceiver ●USB2.0 full speed connection ●CAN2.0A/B compliant connection ●Inductor motor control connector ●JTAG and trace debug support ●240 × 320 TFT color LCD ●Joystick with 4-direction control and selector ●Reset, wakeup, tamper and user buttons ●4 color LEDs ● RTC with backup batteryHardware description AN3012 Figure 1.STM3210E-EVAL board8/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1AN3012Getting the tools Doc ID 16051 Rev 19/363 Getting the toolsThis section explains how to get the software tools that are required to build and run uClinuxon the STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board.3.1 uClinux package3.1.1 Standard distributionY ou should first download the original uClinux source files from the uClinux project page(/), or simply follow the following direct link:/pub/uClinux/dist/uClinux-dist-20080808.tar.bz2To get the uClinux-dist-20080808.tar.bz2 file (281Mbytes), which is compatible with theSTM3210E-EVAL uClinux kit.Porting is based on the latest stable version of uClinux which implements the Linux kernel2.6.26-uc0.Y ou also need the uClinux distribution update patch file: uClinux-dist-20080808-20090112.patch.gz (47.1Mbytes) available from:/pub/uClinux/dist/patches/uClinux-dist-20080808-20090112.patch.gz3.1.2 STM3210E-EVAL uClinux software kitThis package contains the kernel patch (update of 399 files) and the kernel boot loader (seeSection 1: Package description ). The package is available from /stm32.3.2 GNU toolchainA toolchain known to successfully build the kernel for ARM Cortex-M3 targets can bedownloaded from the CodeSourcery web site /, or using thefollowing link: /sgpp/lite/arm/portal/release827The G++ Lite 2009q1 toolchain is a free version of the CodeSourcery G++ toolchain, whichis an improvement of the GNU toolchain for ARM processors. It supports ARM, thumb andthumb-2 compilation for all architectures, including Version 7 of the ARM Architecture.Note:1This application note only shows how to Install the “easy-to-install recommended packages”.2Y ou need a PC running on the Linux operating system to be able to install and compileuClinux. The Linux distribution (Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu, etc.) should have the kerneldevelopment kit.3.3 DFuSe & Flash loader demonstratorThese two tools are needed to load the final binary images to the board.Getting the tools AN301210/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 13.3.1 DFuSe appletDFuSe stands for Device firmware upgrade application. This applet, coupled to the kernelboot loader firmware, allows the upgrade of the final .dfu file to the external NOR Flashmemory.It can be downloaded from the STMicroelectronics website or directly, using the followinglink: /stonline/products/support/micro/files/ .3.3.2 Flash loader demonstratorThis applet, together with the System memory boot loader capabilities, is used to upgradekernel_boot_loader.hex to the STM32F101/103xC/D/E’s 512-Kbyte internal Flash memory.The Flash loader demonstrator is available from at:/stonline/products/support/micro/files/um0462.zipNote:Y ou need a PC running on the Microsoft ® Windows ® operating system to be able to run anduse these two applets.4 Building the uClinux imageThis section shows the kernel building process from scratch; to successfully build theuClinux image, you have to Install GNU toolchain, extract the uClinux source files, apply thepath to the source, configure uClinux for the STM3210E-EVAL board and finally run thebuild process.4.1 InstallingtoolchaintheOn a host PC running with the Linux OS:1.Move to the directory containing the previously downloaded arm-2009q1-163-arm-uclinuxeabi.bin file.2. Execute the installer by double clicking on the bin file or from the command line bytyping:#./arm-2009q1-163-arm-uclinuxeabi.bin3. Follow the installer Wizard to install the typical toolchain settings.Figure 2.Configuring the installation parametersNote:When no windowing server is running you can use the console installation mode, which is enabled with the “-i console” parameter:# ./arm-2009q1-163-arm-uclinuxeabi.bin -i consoleDoc ID 16051 Rev 111/364.2 Preparing the source code treeLet us assume that all the downloaded files are present under the ~/sources directory.Make a new workspace directory, where the build process will take place.# mkdir ~/workspace1.Extract the original uClinux distribution files: make sure you have enough free space(more than 2 Gbytes).# cd ~/workspace# tar -xjvf ~/sources/uClinux-dist-20080808.tar.bz2Figure3 shows what is under the uClinux-dist directory.Figure 3.uClinux-dist directory.2. Update the uClinux distribution with the uClinux-dist-20080808-20090112.patch.gzpatch:# cd ~/workspace/uClinux-dist/# zcat ~/sources/uClinux-dist-20080808-20090112.patch.gz | patch -p13. To enable support of STM32 MCUs, patch the uClinux distribution withuClinux_on_stm32.patch.gz from the STM3210E-EVAL uClinux kit:# zcat ~/sources/uClinux_on_stm32.patch.gz | patch -p112/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1Figure 4.uClinux kernel directory.4.3 Configure uClinux for STM3210E-EVALNow that you have enabled support of the STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board by uClinux,you need to set up the configuration for the kernel and the final application. Many types ofkernel binary images can be built depending on how you configure uClinux.In this section you will see how to configure the uClinux kernel to run from the STM32’sinternal Flash memory or the external NOR Flash memory.# make menuconfigFrom the main menu, select the vendor / product as shown in Figure5.Doc ID 16051 Rev 113/36Figure 5.uClinux configuration main menuSelect “STMicroelectronics” for “Vendor” and, depending on the type of kernel image youwant to build, select “STM3210E-EVAL-jffs” or “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash” for“Product”.By selecting “STM3210E-EVAL-jffs” you apply the default configuration that enables supportof an external Flash memory, and boot from it.If you choose the “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash” configuration, the compilation script willbuild a mini image that runs from the microcontroller’s internal Flash memory.Figure 6.Vendor & Product selectionReturn to the main menu (with the “Exit” button or the “ESC“ key).14/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1Under the Kernel / Library / Defaults Selection menu, choose Linux-2.6.x for the “kernelversion” and “none” for the “libc version” and toggle the next three menus as shown inFigure7:●“Default all settings” will apply the default vendor/product configuration to the kerneland application.●“Customize Kernel Settings” is used to edit the kernel configuration.●“Customize Application/Library Settings” is used to choose the application that willbe add to the root file system.●Finally “Update Default Vendor Settings” is used to save the new configuration as thevendor default configuration for future use.Figure 7.Kernel / Library / Defaults selectionY ou can now exit the configuration menu. When prompted to save, choose “yes”.kernel4.3.1 ConfiguringtheThe Linux kernel has many configuration items. If you have followed the above describedsteps, the kernel should be configured to meet the STM3210E-EVAL evaluation boardspecifications. Let us now look into some of the main configuration menus.●The System Type menu (see Figure8) shows the MMU setting, ARM System type,processor type, Flash and SRAM settings. All these options should coincide with theboard specifications.Doc ID 16051 Rev 115/36Figure 8.System Type configuration●The boot options menu is used to enable the XIP (execute in place) mode and set thephysical location of the kernel xipImage. Y ou can also specify the default kernelcommand line. The “XIP Kernel Physical Location” parameter points to the Flashmemory address where the kernel image is located.For example, if “STM3210E-EVAL-jffs” was selected, the kernel binary will be written tothe external Flash memory address 0x64000000 set in the configuration menu (asdescribed in Section5.2.2: Generating the .dfu image and upgrading the board).If “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash” was chosen, the XIP setting will point to0x08003000.[ * ] Kernel Execute-In-Place from ROM(0x64000000) XIP Kernel Physical Locationor(0x08003000) XIP Kernel Physical Location●For console input/output, enter “Device Drivers” ->“Character Device”-> “SerialDrivers”. Set the two following options:[ * ] STM3210E-EVAL USART Port[ * ] Support for console on STM3210E-EVAL USART Port●Many file systems are supported by the uClinux kernel and can be enabled from the“File systems” menu. Y ou can determine which file system will be supported accordingto your product memory size. For example if you need the jffs2 file system you have toenable it.In the case of the STM3210E-EVAL-jffs configuration, this file system is mandatorybecause it is used as the root file system.Under the “File systems” -> “Miscellaneous File system” submenu, toggle JFFS2 fs(with fs standing for file system).[ * ] Journalling Flash File System v2 (JFFS2) support16/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 14.3.2 Application/library settingsIn this menu, leave the vendor default settings. In “Miscellaneous Applications” ->“STM3210E-EVAL Demo(s)”, you will find a few applications examples exploiting theSTM32 hardware and the uClinux features and drivers.Applications under development will also appear there.Figure 9.STM3210-EVAL demonstration menu1.If you use the STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash configuration, the Show Logo application will not be selectedbecause the LCD is not initialized during the boot process hardware initialization.When exiting the configuration menu, save the settings.Doc ID 16051 Rev 117/364.4 Running the build processY ou are now ready to start building the uClinux system. Depending on the previouslyselected configuration (“STM3210E-EVAL-jffs” or “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash”), you willuse one of the two following processes to build the kernel image:●If you chose the STM3210E-EVAL-jffs configuration:Simply type the “make” command and wait the end of the build process. At this step,the kernel and the selected application are built.After this operation, the xipImage.bin, rootfs.img.bin and logo.bin files are generatedand copied to the “uClinux-dist/images/” folder.●If you chose the STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash configuration:To build the minimal image, proceed as follows:a) Run the “make ucfront” command to prepare tools to build user applications.b) Run the “make user_only” command to prepare user applications.c) Run the “make romfs” command to build the initramfs folder tree.d) Run the “make image” command to copy the kernel image to the “uClinux-dist/images/” folder.At the end of this step a single xipImage.bin file is generated.Whatever the configuration you used (“STM3210E-EVAL-jffs” or “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash”), now all you need to do is copy the generated image(s) and jump to the nextstep: Loading the images to the board.18/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 15 Loading the images to the board5.1 Loading the “kernel loader / software updater”On a host PC running with a recent version of Microsoft Windows, you need to verify thatyou have an available COM port to communicate with the board.To check that you have an available communication port, right-click on the “My Computer”icon on the desktop and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu. The “System Properties”dialog box appears. Click on the “Hardware” tab, and then on the “Device manager” buttonto display the system hardware configuration. Available COM ports are grouped under the“Ports (COM & LPT)” node in the hardware tree as shown in Figure10.Figure 10.Device Manager window5.1.1 SoftwareinstallationRun the Flash_Loader_Demonstrator_VX.Y_Setup.exe file: the InstallShield Wizard willguide you through the installation of the Flash loader demonstrator application on yourcomputer. Once the software has been successfully installed, click on the “Finish” button. 5.1.2 HardwareinstallationConnect the device to a spare COM port on your PC.Doc ID 16051 Rev 119/365.1.3 Load the hex file to the Flash memoryBefore loading the file, move the boot jumpers to “System Memory Mode” then power up theboard. Run the Flash loader demonstrator application from the “Programs” menu.1.The first step consists in selecting the connection settings: UART port, baud rate andtimeout.2. In the second step, the connection is established and communication has started. Thisstep consists in displaying the Flash memory status. If this status is read-protected, the“Next” button is disabled until the read protection is removed by clicking on the“Remove protection” button. Removing the read protection causes all the Flashmemory pages to be erased.3. At this step the Wizard displays the available device information such as the target ID,the firmware version, the supported device, the memory map and the memoryprotection status. Select the target from the target combobox and click on “Next”.4. At this step, select the Download operation and set the related parameters as shown inFigure11. “Download from file” should point to the Kernel boot loader file from theSTM3210E-EVAL uClinux kit.Depending on the board configuration selected in Section4.3: Configure uClinux forSTM3210E-EVAL when booting from the STM32’s internal Flash memory, you requirea tiny boot loader to preserve some Flash pages for the kernel. In the case when thekernel is placed in an external Flash memory you can use a standard boot loader.–Use Tiny_kernel_boot_loader.hex (< 12 Kbytes) when booting from the STM32’s Flash memory (with the “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash” configuration).–Use Kernel_boot_loader.hex when booting from the NOR Flash memory (with the STM3210E-EVAL-jffs configuration).20/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1Figure 11.Flash loader demonstrator download configuration5. The last Wizard page shows the operation page. It gives the size of the data to bedownloaded, the percent completed and the duration of the operation.Note:If an error message appears, you can consult the Flash Loader demonstrator user manual available from the “Programs” menu.5.2 Loading the kernel/root file system imagesMove the boot jumpers to select the “User Flash” boot mode, set the JP14 board jumper toconnected mode and reset the board.5.2.1 DfuSedemonstration installationSoftware InstallationRun the DfuSe_Demo_VX.Y.Z_Setup.exe file: the InstallShield Wizard will guide you toinstall DfuSe applications and source code on your computer. When the software issuccessfully installed, click on the “Finish” button. Y ou can then explore the driver directory.The driver files are in the “Driver” folder located at your install path (C:\Programfiles\STMicroelectronics\DfuSe).Doc ID 16051 Rev 121/36Hardware installation●Connect the device to a spare USB port on your PC.●The “Found New Hardware Wizard” then starts. Follow the wizard to install the newhardware driver available in the “Driver” folder at your install path.5.2.2 Generating the .dfu image and upgrading the boardLet us assume that the files generated from Running the build process have been copied toa local folder on the MS Windows host (e.g. C:\Workspace\Images).DFU file managerStart the DFU file manager application (Start -> All Programs -> STMicroelectronics ->DfuSe-> DFU File Manager), select “i want to GENERATE a DFU file from S19, HEX orBIN files” then click on “OK”.1.Set an unused Target ID number.2. Fill the VID, PID, Version and target name fields3. Click on the “Multi Bin” button to show the “Multi Bin Injection” dialog box.If you chose the “STM3210E-EVAL-jffs” configuration in Section4.3: Configure uClinuxfor STM3210E-EVAL you have to:–Set the start address in the Address field to “6400 0000”.–Click the Browse button to select the xipImage.bin file atC:\Workspace\Images\xipImage.bin.–Click on the Add to list button to add the selected binary file at the given address.–Redo the same sequence to add C:\Workspace\Images\rootfs.img.bin at address “64100 0000”, and C:\Workspace\Images\logo.bin at address “64160 0000”.–Click on “OK” to validate.Figure 12.Multi Bin injection window (STM3210E-EVAL-jffs configuration)22/36Doc ID 16051 Rev 1Doc ID 16051 Rev 123/36If you chose the “STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash” configuration in Section 4.3:Configure uClinux for STM3210E-EVAL you have to:–Set the start address in the Address field to “08003000”.–Click the Browse button to select the xipImage.bin file at C:\Workspace\Images\xipImage.bin .–Click on the Add to list button to add the selected binary file at the given address.–Click on “OK ” to validate.Figure 13.Multi Bin injection window (STM3210E-EVAL-MCU_Flash configuration)4. To create the DFU file, click on “Generate ”.How to download a DFU fileRun the “DfuSe demonstration” application (Start -> All Programs ->STMicroelectronics ->DfuSe -> DfuSe Demonstration).1.Click on the “Choose ” button to select the previously generated DFU file. The displayed Information such as VID, PID, Version and target number is read from the DFU file.2.Choose “NOR Flash” or “internal Flash” in the “Select target(s)” area.3. Check the “Verify after download ” checkbox if you want to launch the verificationprocess after downloading data (this step is optional ).4. Click on the “Upgrade ” button to start upgrading the file content to the memory.5.Wait until the end of the upgrade process.。
