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一、选出适当字母把单词补充完整,把答案序号写在题前括号内。()1. l __fe 生活 A. a B. i C. o

()2. sh __w 演出 A. a B. i C. o

()3. ph __to 照片 A. a B. i C. o

()4. r __dio 卡片 A. a B. i C. u

()5. f __nny 滑稽的 A. a B. i C. u 二.选词填空。

badly fast well high

1) She’s a good footballer. 2) He’s a good basketball

She plays football very player. He can jumps

____________! very ___________!

3) He isn’t a good footballer 4) She’s a good runner.

He plays football very She can runs very

____________! ____________!


( ) 1. I’ve got three letters ______English.

A. from

B. in

C. to

( ) 2. Beijing is ______ the north of China.

A. in

B. at

C. on

( ) 3. —_____did you go there?

- I went there at 9 o’clock.

A. What

B. Where

C. What time

( ) 4. —Did you go with your mother?


A. Y es, I didn’t.

B. No, I didn’t.

C. Y es, I do.

( ) 5. —______ did he do last night?

—He watched TV.

A. What

B. When

C. Who

( ) 6. —Can I have your library card, please?

— _________

A. Y es, here you are.

B. Y es, I can.

C. Thank you very much.

( ) 7. — Where are the books, please?

—They’re _______ Shelf C.

A .in B. on C. with

( ) 8. Daming, come quickly! Sam is_______ the phone for you! A. in B. with C. on

( ) 9. Is line A the same _______ line B?

A. as

B. at

C. with

( ) 10. –Where are you going to go?

—We______ to Xinjiang.

A. went

B. are going to go

C. go

()11. ______ oranges do you want?

A. How many

B. How much

()12. __ ______cheese do you want?

A. How many

B. How much

()13. There are _____ boys . There__ _ __ ___books.

A .too much , are enough B. t oo many aren’t enough

()14. This man can’t _______ .

A. hear

B. see

()15.Sam _____________at nine o’clock.

A. goes to bed

B. gets up


Where do you put the bags? She got thirty-six.

Can you play football well? I want a pencil.

What do you want ? That’s OK.

Sorry ,I’m late .In the car.

How many points did Amy get? Not very well.

When do you eat breakfast? I like summer best.

Which season do you like best? My birthday is in May.

When is your birthday? Because I can fly kites.

Why do you like spring? It’s June 9th.

What’s the da te? I eat breakfast at 7:00.


1、do, eat dinner, When, you (?)


2、season, like, Which, best, do, you (?)


3、birthday, your, is, When (?)


4、you, are, doing, What (?)


5、are, catching butterflies, They (.)



Father Mouse(老鼠) asked his baby(孩子), ― Can you speak a foreign language(外国语言)?‖ ―Foreign language? Sorry, I can’t,‖ answered Baby Mouse. ―Y ou should learn it. It’s very useful,‖ Father Mouse said to Baby Mouse.

One day, Father Mouse wanted to take his baby in the park. When they came to the door, they were surprised by a big cat. Father Mouse jumped and said, ―Bow-wow(狗叫声)!‖ The cat ran away at once.

―What did you say?‖ asked Baby Mouse. ―Well, you know, it’s very u seful to learn a foreign language!
