Office Work Instruction 办公室工作指导书
二、作业环境1. 办公室内部环境应保持整洁、舒适,保持空气流通,保持适宜的温度和湿度,以提高工作效率。
2. 办公桌面应整齐摆放必要的办公用品,个人物品不得占用公共工作空间。
三、作业设备1. 电脑及相关设备应妥善保管,不得私自更换或丢弃,如出现问题应及时向负责人报告。
2. 其他办公设备及工具应妥善使用,定期检查维护,并按照规定存放。
四、作业流程1. 高效的沟通是办公室作业的重要环节,各成员应保持良好的沟通和协作,及时分享信息和解决问题。
2. 任务分配应公平合理,根据成员能力和专长进行合理划分,确保每个人有明确的工作职责。
3. 请假或离岗时,应提前向负责人请假,并做好工作交接,确保工作的连续性和稳定性。
4. 工作要有明确的目标和计划,制定合理的工作进度表,及时调整工作计划以应对变化。
五、作业质量1. 对于所承接的任务,应严格按照要求和标准完成,确保质量。
2. 做到心无旁骛,专注于工作,提高工作效率和质量。
3. 报告、文档等内容应准确无误,避免拼写、语法等错误。
六、个人素质和行为准则1. 办公室成员应保持良好的职业道德和职业操守,积极主动,以诚实守信为根本准则。
2. 遵守工作纪律,按时上下班,不迟到、早退或擅自请假。
3. 尊重同事,保持团队合作的良好氛围,共同营造和谐的工作环境。
4. 个人和办公室的资料、文件等应妥善保密,不得泄露给外部人员。
七、安全与应急措施1. 办公室作业要注意劳动安全和防火防爆安全,正确使用消防设备。
2. 遇到突发事件或紧急情况,应遵循安全应急预案,按照指示行动,保证人身安全。
一、办公室规范1.1 办公室行为规范:员工在办公室内应保持良好的行为习惯,包括尊重他人、保持整洁、遵守安全规定等。
1.2 办公室设备使用规范:员工应正确使用办公设备,如电脑、打印机等,并保持设备的正常维护和保养。
1.3 办公室文件管理规范:员工应按照指定的文件管理流程进行文件的归档、存储和保密,确保文件的安全和可追溯性。
二、办公室沟通与协作2.1 内部沟通:员工应积极参预内部沟通,包括会议、邮件、即时通讯等,确保信息的及时传递和共享。
2.2 团队协作:员工应与团队成员密切合作,分享信息、协调工作,提高团队效能。
2.3 跨部门协作:员工应与其他部门保持良好的合作关系,共同解决问题,推动工作的顺利进行。
三、办公室工作流程3.1 工作计划与安排:员工应制定合理的工作计划,合理安排工作时间和优先级,确保任务按时完成。
3.2 会议管理:员工应准时参加会议,提前准备会议资料,并积极参预讨论和决策。
3.3 任务分配与追踪:员工应根据工作要求将任务合理分配给团队成员,并跟踪任务的进度和完成情况。
四、办公室工作效率4.1 时间管理:员工应合理安排工作时间,避免迟延和浪费时间,提高工作效率。
4.2 任务优先级:员工应根据工作的重要性和紧急程度,合理确定任务的优先级,确保高效完成工作。
4.3 技能提升:员工应持续学习和提升自己的专业知识和技能,以适应工作的需求,并提高工作效率。
五、办公室工作质量5.1 准确性与精确性:员工应在工作中保持准确和精确,避免错误和疏漏,提高工作质量。
5.2 细致与耐心:员工应细致入微地完成工作,耐心处理问题,确保工作质量和客户满意度。
5.3 反馈与改进:员工应及时反馈工作中浮现的问题,并提出改进意见,以不断提高工作质量和效率。
正文内容:1. 任务分配1.1 清晰的任务描述:办公室作业指导书应该包含清晰的任务描述,确保每个成员都明确自己的工作内容和目标。
1.2 合理的任务分配:根据每个成员的能力和专业性,将任务合理分配给各个成员,确保工作的高效进行。
1.3 任务时限的设定:在指导书中明确任务的截止日期,以便成员能够合理规划时间,提高工作效率。
2. 工作流程2.1 流程图设计:在办公室作业指导书中,应该包含清晰的工作流程图,指导成员按照规定的流程进行工作,减少不必要的沟通和错误。
2.2 各个环节的说明:对于每个工作环节,都要有详细的说明,包括工作内容、所需资源、工作方法等,确保成员能够正确理解和执行工作。
2.3 沟通协作:指导书中应该强调成员之间的沟通和协作,鼓励团队合作,提高工作效率和质量。
3. 资源管理3.1 人力资源:指导书中应该明确每个成员的职责和权限,确保人力资源的合理利用和管理。
3.2 物质资源:指导书中应该包含物质资源的管理规定,包括采购流程、使用规范等,确保物质资源的合理使用和节约。
3.3 时间资源:指导书中应该强调时间的管理,包括合理安排工作时间、避免时间浪费等,提高工作效率。
4. 质量控制4.1 工作标准:指导书中应该明确工作的标准和要求,确保成员按照标准进行工作,提高工作质量。
4.2 质量检查:指导书中应该包含质量检查的流程和方法,确保工作质量的监控和改进。
4.3 问题解决:指导书中应该包含问题解决的方法和流程,鼓励成员积极解决问题,提高工作质量和效率。
5. 安全保障5.1 信息安全:指导书中应该包含信息安全的规定,包括数据备份、网络安全等,确保办公室的信息安全。
5.2 环境安全:指导书中应该包含环境安全的规定,包括消防安全、办公设备使用规范等,确保办公室的安全环境。
二、工作环境和设备要求1. 办公室环境要求:- 办公室应保持整洁、安静、明亮的工作环境,确保员工的工作效率和舒适度。
- 办公室内应定期进行卫生清洁,保持空气流通,避免灰尘和异味的积累。
- 办公桌和椅子应符合人体工程学原理,提供舒适的工作姿势。
- 办公室应配备足够的储物柜和文件柜,以便员工整理和存放文件、资料等。
2. 办公设备要求:- 办公室应配备稳定可靠的电脑、打印机、传真机等办公设备,并定期进行维护和保养。
- 电脑应安装合法的操作系统和办公软件,确保员工的工作正常进行。
- 打印机和传真机应保持良好的打印质量和传真效果,定期更换耗材。
三、办公室作业流程1. 日常办公事务处理:- 接收和发送邮件:员工应每天上班后首先查看邮件,及时回复和处理邮件内容。
- 文件管理:员工应按照文件管理规定对文件进行分类、整理和归档,确保文件的安全和易查找。
- 会议安排:员工应根据会议安排参加会议,并提前准备相关资料。
- 来访接待:员工应热情接待来访客户或合作伙伴,提供必要的协助和服务。
2. 文件处理流程:- 文件收集:员工应及时收集和整理与工作相关的文件和资料。
- 文件审核:员工应对文件进行审核,确保文件的准确性和完整性。
- 文件归档:员工应按照文件管理规定对文件进行归档,确保文件的安全和易查找。
3. 会议组织流程:- 会议筹备:员工应根据会议要求准备相关资料、会议室和设备,并提前通知与会人员。
- 会议记录:员工应对会议进行记录,包括会议议程、决议和行动计划等。
- 会议总结:员工应对会议进行总结,记录会议成果和下一步工作计划。
四、工作注意事项1. 时间管理:- 员工应合理安排工作时间,确保任务按时完成。
- 员工应遵守上下班时间,不迟到、早退或旷工。
一、工作规范:1.1 准时上班:员工应按照规定的上班时间准时到岗,以确保工作的正常进行。
1.2 着装规范:要求员工按照公司规定的着装要求穿着整洁、得体的服装,以展现良好的形象。
1.3 工作纪律:员工应遵守公司的工作纪律,包括禁止迟到早退、私自离岗等行为,以保持良好的工作秩序。
二、文件管理:2.1 文件分类:建立合理的文件分类体系,将文件按照不同的主题进行分类,方便查找和归档。
2.2 文件命名规范:制定统一的文件命名规范,包括文件名的格式、标识和版本号等,以便于文件的识别和管理。
2.3 文件保密措施:对于涉及机密信息的文件,要采取相应的保密措施,如设定权限、加密存储等,以确保信息的安全性。
三、会议组织:3.1 会议前准备:提前确定会议议题、参会人员和会议时间,发送会议通知并准备相关资料,确保会议的顺利进行。
3.2 会议主持技巧:主持人应具备良好的沟通能力和组织能力,掌握有效的会议主持技巧,如控制会议时间、引导讨论等,以提高会议效率。
3.3 会议记录与跟进:会议结束后,要及时整理会议记要并发送给预会人员,跟进会议决议的执行情况,以确保会议效果的落实。
四、沟通协作:4.1 清晰明确的沟通:在工作中,及时与同事进行沟通,明确任务的要求和进度,以减少误解和冲突。
4.2 团队合作:鼓励员工之间的合作与交流,共同解决问题,提高工作效率。
4.3 反馈与改进:定期进行工作反馈,及时发现问题并进行改进,以不断提高工作质量和效率。
五、工作安全:5.1 安全意识培养:加强员工的安全意识培养,包括防火、防盗、防病毒等方面的知识培训,以确保员工的人身安全和工作环境的安全。
5.2 应急预案:制定应急预案,包括火灾、地震等突发事件的处理措施和紧急联系方式,以应对突发情况。
二、办公室作业流程1. 办公室开门与关闭- 每天上班前,办公室管理员应按时开门,并确保办公室内设备正常运行。
- 下班前,办公室管理员应关闭门窗,确保安全。
2. 办公室设备维护- 办公室管理员应每天检查办公设备的正常工作状态,如打印机、复印机、电脑等,确保其正常运行。
- 如发现设备故障,应及时联系维修人员进行维修。
3. 办公用品管理- 办公室管理员应每周检查办公用品的库存情况,并及时补充不足的物品。
- 使用办公用品时,员工应节约使用,避免浪费。
4. 文件管理- 员工应按照文件管理制度,对文件进行分类、整理和归档。
- 文件的命名应规范明确,便于查找和使用。
5. 办公室卫生- 办公室管理员应每天清理办公室,包括清扫地面、擦拭桌面、清洁卫生间等。
- 员工应保持自己的工作区域整洁,不堆放杂物。
6. 会议安排与记录- 办公室管理员应负责会议室的预约和安排,并确保会议室设备的正常运行。
- 会议记录应准确、清晰,包括会议议程、参会人员、讨论内容等。
7. 电子邮件和电话管理- 员工应及时回复电子邮件和电话,确保沟通畅通。
- 电子邮件的撰写应简洁明了,内容准确。
8. 安全管理- 办公室管理员应定期进行安全检查,确保办公室的安全。
- 员工应遵守安全规定,如不随意插拔电源、不私自更改设备设置等。
9. 工作纪律- 员工应按时上班,不迟到、早退或旷工。
- 员工应遵守工作纪律,不私自离开工作岗位。
三、办公室作业指导书的执行与监督1. 执行- 所有办公室工作人员应仔细阅读并理解本指导书的内容,并按照要求执行办公室作业流程。
- 针对不同的工作岗位,可根据本指导书进行相应的补充和调整。
2. 监督- 办公室管理员应定期检查员工的办公作业情况,并及时给予指导和反馈。
第 2 页
内勤(人事)作业指导书(working Instruction) 资料名称 资料编号 编制部门 审批 修订日期 本资料为XXX内部资料,未经本公司允许不得复印及利用 岗位名称 上 级 内勤(人事) 办公室主任 办公室日常工作 教育背景 专业知识 任职资格 工作经历 综合技能 工作职责 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 一年以上同岗工作经历。 要求语言表达能力强,能较强的沟通协调能力,与人和善,能长期从事此 类工作的期望。 职位描述 组织制定与修改部门人事行政管理规定。 安排日常办公会议,协调各科室之间的工作,并协助组织部门重大活动。 协助部门领导与外部单位搞好关系,并代表本部门出席相关会议。 组织、协调、安排营运部的后勤保障工作,确保营运部整体工作正常有序进行。 按照公司经费预算,严格监督和控制行政费用支出,并确认费用分摊范围。 负责部门对外的形象宣传和部门文化建设。负责部门相关档案及文件的归档和管理 。 负责来访人员的接待工作。 负责部门办公用品的申购、管理和发放等工作。 协助上级领导与公司内部进行联络、沟通与协调,做好上传下达工作。 组织并协助人力资源部实施部门缺编人员的招聘、录用和晋升等事务。 大专以上学历。 经济管理类相关专业,人力资源管理专业优先。 所属部门 下 级 营运部 编制 审核 批准
任职资格 工作经历 综合技能 工作职责 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
第 7 页
第 3 页
内勤作业指导书(working Instruction) 资料名称 资料编号 编制部门 审批 修订日期 本资料为XXX内部资料,未经本公司允许不得复印及利用 岗位名称 上 级 内勤 办公室主任 办公室日常工作 教育背景 专业知识 任职资格 工作经历 综合技能 工作职责 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 安排接待来宾。 处理电话、邮件和传真等。 组织、安排各类会议,撰写和整理会议纪要。 负责收发公司和部门内、外各种来往文件。 负责有关文书资料的起草、打印、登记和存档等工作。 协助部门领导同其他科室联络、沟通与协调,做好上传下达工作。 负责部门的各种公章、证照、文书档案资料的登记、管理工作。 负责部门劳动用品申报、领取、发放等工作。 负责部门电话费用申报及差旅费用报销等工作。 一年以上同岗工作经验。 有责任心,塌实肯干,有一定文字功底,熟练操作办公室软件,具有较强 协调沟通能力。 职位描述 大专以上学历。 文秘相关专业。 所属部门 下 级 营运部 编制 审核 批准
Page 1 of 2FORWARD—DELETE AFTER READING[Use of this format is mandatory for all QMS documentation to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001. Work instructions shall be prepared in instances where the lack of such directions may adversely affect the quality of a product. Work Instructions shall be prepared as a procedure containing the following sections when the instructions will reasonably conform to the format. Some sections may be designated as "not applicable" in a particular instruction. Employee directions or instructions that do not reasonably conform to this format, such as drawings, forms, or checklists shall be identified and controlled as Work Instructions.[This document template is prepared in two sections. This forward is designed for the document author’s use. It provides general information about using the template. The forward section must be deleted from the document and then the remainder of the template can be used. The body of the document contains section headings and writing instructions , which are enclosed in brackets [ ], as follows: [This is an instruction on what should be written.] DELETE ALL BRACKETED TEXT AND REPLACE WITH WORK INSTRUCTION SPECIFIC DETAIL.[Fill out the title block on page 1, along with the header on page 2, which contains the document number and title. The “Effective Date” is the earliest possible date after a pproval the document will be effective. If this date occurs before final approval, the release date will supersede the effective date as the date of implementation.]1. PURPOSE[Short statement of the purpose of the Work Instruction]2. SCOPE[Short statement of the scope of the Work Instruction.]3. DEFINITIONSGE-XXXXX-A [Fill in Document Title] Page 2 of 2 [This paragraph is optional. Unless otherwise defined, the quality management terms that are used in this procedure will be as defined in ISO 8402. When definitions are included, they should be assigned sequential lower-case letters, beginning with a.]4. REFERENCES[List and identify documents which are either referenced in the body of the procedure or employ the subject procedure as a reference. Also, record forms that are applicable to the implementation of the procedure.]5. TOOLS and EQUIPMENT[List specific/special tools, equipment and materials required to perform the instruction. The list shall be detailed (e.g. serial numbers, lot date code, etc.) to the degree necessary to perform the instructions in a satisfactory manner.]6. INSTRUCTIONS[In a step-by-step sequence, identify each action required to perform the task. For each step description, the following guidelines shall be considered:1. Identify special working conditions2. Identify requirements/specifications such as pressure, temperature, voltage settings, etc.3. Identify accept/reject criteria4. Identify data records and/or forms that must be completed.5. Include aids that will help the user such as flow diagrams, checklists, diagrams, schematics, tables, etc.]7. QUALITY RECORDS[This section is used to identify quality records. Quality Records are the objective evidence of the fulfillment of project requirements for quality and the effectiveness of the operation the Project Quality System.[Not all documents created as a result of carrying out a process are quality records. You should identify those quality records that result from key steps in the process.[It is recommended that the owner and location sections contain information that will generally guide employees to the record but not be so detailed that an office reorganization or relocation will necessitate the update of this table.[The Record Media column refers to the official record and whether it is in electronic or hard copy format. Generally, the official file copy is either the electronic copy or the hard copy but not both. [NPG 1441.1, the NASA Records Retention Schedule, is the official procedure governing the retention, retirement, and destruction of Agency records and should be used to determine schedule, retention, and disposition.]。
三、工作流程1. 办公室开门营业时间- 工作日:上午9点至下午6点- 周末和法定节假日:歇息2. 办公室入职指引- 新员工入职需办理相关手续,包括填写入职表格、办理入职登记等。
- 新员工需参加入职培训,了解公司的组织结构、工作流程、规章制度等。
3. 办公室日常工作- 办公室工作时间内,员工需按时到岗,不得迟到早退。
- 员工需保持工作场所的整洁和卫生,定期清理办公桌和文件柜。
- 员工需遵守公司的机密保密制度,不得将公司机密信息外泄。
4. 办公室文件管理- 员工需按照文件管理制度进行文件的整理、归档和检索。
- 文件应按照分类、编号和日期进行管理,确保文件的完整性和可追溯性。
- 员工需定期清理档案室,将过期文件进行销毁或者归档。
5. 办公室会议管理- 会议的召开需提前通知预会人员,并明确会议的议题和目的。
- 会议开始前需准备好相关资料和会议室设备。
- 会议记要应及时整理和分发给预会人员,确保会议内容的记录和沟通。
6. 办公室协作与沟通- 员工需积极参预团队合作,与同事之间保持良好的沟通和协作。
- 员工需及时回复邮件和电话,确保信息的及时传递和处理。
- 员工需遵守办公室礼仪,保持良好的职业形象。
四、工作规范1. 工作态度和行为规范- 员工需保持积极的工作态度,对工作认真负责。
- 员工需遵守公司的规章制度,不得违反公司的工作纪律。
2. 工作效率和质量要求- 员工需按照工作计划和任务安排,高效完成工作。
- 员工需保证工作质量,不得浮现严重的错误和失误。
二、工作时间和考勤1. 工作时间:- 上午:8:30 AM - 12:00 PM- 下午:1:00 PM - 5:30 PM2. 考勤:- 员工需在工作时间内到岗,不得迟到早退。
- 员工请假需提前向主管汇报,并填写请假申请表。
- 员工迟到、早退或者未经批准缺勤将影响绩效评估。
三、办公室环境和设备维护1. 办公室环境:- 办公桌整洁有序,不得堆放杂物。
- 办公室垃圾及时清理,保持整洁。
- 办公室内禁止吸烟,保持空气清新。
2. 设备维护:- 使用电脑时,注意保护屏幕和键盘,禁止随意更改设置。
- 打印机、复印机等办公设备使用完毕后,应及时关机并保持清洁。
- 电源设备使用完毕后,应拔掉电源插头。
四、文件管理和保密1. 文件管理:- 文件应按照分类、编号和日期进行管理,确保易查找。
- 文件柜和文件夹应保持整洁,文件的归档应及时进行。
- 重要文件应备份并存放在安全的地方。
2. 保密:- 员工需严守公司的保密协议,不得泄露公司机密信息。
- 所有电子文件和纸质文件应妥善保存,不得外传。
五、会议和协作1. 会议:- 会议应提前安排,确定议程和参会人员。
- 会议记要应及时记录,并发送给参会人员。
- 会议结束后,会议室应保持整洁,设备关闭。
2. 协作:- 员工之间应积极合作,互相协助完成工作。
- 分工明确,任务分配合理,确保工作的高效完成。
- 遇到问题时,应及时沟通和寻求匡助。
六、办公室礼仪和沟通1. 办公室礼仪:- 员工应穿着整洁、得体,注意个人形象。
- 遵守办公室的行为规范,不得大声喧哗或者干扰他人工作。
- 接待来访者时,应热情友好,提供必要的匡助。
2. 沟通:- 员工之间应保持良好的沟通,尊重他人意见。
二、办公室作业流程1. 办公室开门与关闭- 办公室开门时间为早上8点,关闭时间为晚上6点。
- 开门时应确认门窗是否关闭,空调是否关闭,避免浪费能源。
- 关闭时应确认所有电器设备已关闭,门窗已锁好。
2. 办公室设备使用- 打印机使用:- 打印前确认打印机是否正常工作,纸张是否充足。
- 打印完毕后及时关闭打印机,避免浪费电力。
- 复印机使用:- 复印前确认复印机是否正常工作,纸张是否充足。
- 复印完毕后及时关闭复印机,避免浪费电力。
- 电脑使用:- 使用电脑前确认电脑是否正常启动,网络是否连接。
- 使用完毕后及时关闭电脑,避免浪费电力。
- 电话使用:- 使用电话时应注意用语规范,礼貌待人。
- 使用完毕后挂断电话,保持电话路线畅通。
3. 文件管理- 文件归档:- 文件按照类别、时间等进行分类归档。
- 归档时应确保文件编号清晰可辨,方便查找。
- 文件传递:- 文件传递时应填写传递单,明确传递的文件名称、目的地等信息。
- 传递完成后应及时确认文件是否送达,并记录在传递单上。
4. 会议管理- 会议准备:- 会议前应准备好会议议程、参会人员名单、会议材料等。
- 会议室应提前预订,确保会议的顺利进行。
- 会议记录:- 会议期间应有专人负责记录会议内容,确保会议记要准确完整。
- 会议结束后应及时整理会议记录,并发送给预会人员。
5. 来访管理- 来访登记:- 来访人员应在到达办公室后进行登记,填写来访登记表。
- 登记表应包含来访人员姓名、来访事由、来访时间等信息。
- 来访接待:- 接待来访人员时应礼貌待客,提供必要的匡助。
- 接待结束后应送客,并记录来访人员离开的时间。
三、注意事项1. 安全注意事项:- 办公室内禁止使用明火,禁止吸烟。
work instruction template 作业指导书模板英文版
1.1(What is the reason for writing this work instruction) Start with the following statement: “The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for - - - - - - - - .”
3.1(Indicate specific type of records to be maintained and where they will be maintained)
4.1(Reference upward to the procedures that the work instruction is controlled by and reference forms by control number used to create records. Also, reference other documents, standards or information that are relevant.)
5.1(Define any terms and phrases that might be unique to this instruction or to this particular industry)
6.1(List department(s) or functions responsible for maintaining these instructions)
1.2Be as specific as you need to be to define the purpose of the document.
二、工作流程1. 办公室日常管理1.1 办公室开门营业时间- 工作日:上午9点至下午6点- 歇息日:周六、周日及法定节假日1.2 办公室安全管理- 保持办公室内外环境整洁有序- 定期检查电气设备,确保安全使用- 做好文件和重要资料的保密工作1.3 办公室设备维护- 定期检查和维护办公设备,确保正常使用- 及时修理或者更换损坏的设备1.4 办公室卫生清洁- 每天清理办公室,确保整洁干净- 定期清洁办公桌、椅子、地板等2. 文件管理2.1 文件收发- 按照文件管理制度进行文件收发- 确保文件的及时传递和正确归档2.2 文件备份- 定期对重要文件进行备份- 确保文件的安全性和可恢复性2.3 文件归档- 按照文件归档规范进行文件整理和归档 - 确保文件的易查性和保存性3. 会议组织3.1 会议筹备- 根据会议目的和议程准备会议材料- 安排会议室、设备和饮品等3.2 会议记录- 按照规定格式记录会议内容和决议- 确保会议记录的准确性和完整性3.3 会议后续- 及时分发会议记要和相关文件- 跟进会议决议的执行情况4. 日程安排4.1 个人日程安排- 合理安排个人工作时间和任务优先级- 制定个人工作计划和目标4.2 共享日程安排- 在共享日历中记录重要的会议和活动- 方便他人了解和安排工作5. 信息管理5.1 电子邮件管理- 及时回复和处理收到的邮件- 合理使用邮件分类和标签功能5.2 文件共享和协作- 使用云存储平台进行文件共享和协作- 确保文件的版本控制和权限管理5.3 信息整理和归档- 将重要信息整理并归档到适当的文件夹中 - 方便查找和使用6. 任务分配和跟进6.1 任务分配- 根据工作需求和成员能力合理分配任务- 确定任务的截止日期和优先级6.2 任务跟进- 定期与成员沟通了解任务发展情况- 提供必要的支持和协助6.3 任务评估和反馈- 定期评估任务完成情况和质量- 提供及时的反馈和改进意见三、注意事项1. 保持良好的沟通和协作氛围,加强团队合作2. 严格遵守公司的保密制度,确保信息安全3. 遵守办公室纪律,不得迟到早退或者擅自离岗4. 及时向上级汇报工作发展和问题5. 不得私自更改或者删除他人的文件和资料四、总结办公室作业指导书是办公室日常工作的重要参考文件,它规范了办公室成员的工作流程和要求。
DOCUMENT HISTORY LOGPREFACEThe NASA Office Work Instruction (OWI) for Approve ESE Office Work Instructions documents the tasks and activities in conformance with the Internatio nal Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) 9001 requirements for quality systems. The OWI supplements the NASA Strategic Plan, the NASA Strategic Management Handbook, and other higher level NASA directives, which form the basis for how NASA conducts business.This OWI is not intended to duplicate or contradict any other NASA policy, procedures or guidelines, which currently exist. As such, the OWI will reference prevailing documents where a topic is addressed and existing coverage is deemed adequate. Additional information provided within is intended to supplement existing documentation regarding Headquarters (HQ) implementation of strategic and program/project management, as well as HQ conformance with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) requirements.TABLE OF CONTENTSPARAGRAPH PAGE1.0 PURPOSE 52.0 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY 53.0 DEFINITIONS 54.0 REFERENCES 65.0 FLOWCHART 76.0 PROCEDURE 87.0 QUALITY RECORDS 10 APPENDIX A. ESE CONVENTIONS FOR OWI DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG 11 APPENDIX B. ESE FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS FOR OWI MS WORD FILES 121.0 PURPOSEThis OWI documents the NASA Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) procedure for reviewing and approving Office Work Instructions (OWIs).2.0 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY2.1 Scope. The ESE procedure for approving an OWI includes verifying the accuracy of the OWI, coordinating it among the ESE divisions, and obtaining the ESE Associate Administrator’s approval by signature.2.2 Applicability. This work instruction for Approve ESE Office Work Instructions applies to the NASA Office of Earth Science (OES, Code Y) offices and divisions. The Associate Administrator for Earth Science is responsible for maintaining this document. The controlled version of this OWI is available on the World Wide Web (WWW) via the HQ ISO 9000 Document Library at . Any printed version of this OWI is uncontrolled (reference: HCP 1400.1, Document and Data Control). Proposed revisions will be accomplished by following HQOWI 1410-Y015, Approve Quality Documents.3.0 DEFINITIONS3.1 Quality Record. Any ESE-accepted product that supports the Quality Management System.3.2 Signature Authority. The designated management representative with authority to approve ESE quality documents.3.3 Document. A statement or form in conventionally written/electronic media, which presents policies, procedures, work instructions, instructional materials made part, directly or by reference, of the Quality Management System. Examples include OWIs and training manuals which provide step-by-step or general instructions stating how to perform specific duties.3.4 Document Control Board (DCB). A board comprised of a representative of each one of the Earth Science Enterprise divisions and the enterprise representative to the agency implementation team/ISO Project Office.3.5 ESE Document Manager. The person who administers the Document Management System (DMS) for the Earth Science Enterprise. Responsibilities include reviewing the draft document for format and conformance to standards, coordinating internal OWI updates and reviews, submitting new and revised documents to DMS, and serving as the ESE DCB member.3.6 HQ Document Manager. The person who administers the DMS for Headquarters, serves as the secretariat for the Document Control Board, and maintains the Master List of Level 1, 2, and 3 documents.3.7 Limited Applicability. Applies to marking/using superseded or obsolete documents; user must have documented authority to use previous/obsolete documents or products.3.8 Maintaining Documentation. Providing storage, distribution, reproduction, document revisions, replacement of documents with the latest revisions, and disposition of obsolete and/or invalid documents such as historical, limited applicability, and reference documents for ESE OWIs.3.9 Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Director. The division director of the Enterprise office responsible for preparing, submitting for review and approval, and maintaining the accuracy and currency of a given OWI, from baseline release through revisions.3.10 OPR Process Owner. The OPR Director or designated representative to whom the OPR Director delegates responsibilities for maintaining a particular OWI.3.11 Quality Management System. A management system which defines and documents an organization’s quality policy, quality objectives, and commitment to quality.4.0 REFERENCESThe following document contains provisions that, through reference in this OWI or in policy or procedure documents, constitutes the basis for the documented procedure:HCP 1400.1 Headquarters Common Process “Document and Data Control”5.0 FLOWCHARTThe following flowchart depicts the procedure described in Section 6. The outputs in boldface type represent the quality records listed in Section 7.6.0 PROCEDURECode Y OWIs exist in the form of MS Word files. Each MS Word file contains text and a flow chart. The flow chart is an embedded object, copied from a source TopDown Flowcharter file. The ESE Document Manager maintains an electronic library of the MS Word and TopDown source files. This electronic library resides in the ISO 9000 area of the Code Y Management Information System (CYMIS) Web site1. CYMIS provides controlled access to the OWI source files.OWIs are created or revised in accordance with HCP 1400-1, Document and Data Control. For revised OWIs, the ESE Document Manager may download the MS Word file for the current version from DMS2. Alternatively, any Code Y employee may download the source files from CYMIS. The OWI is then submitted for review, coordination, and approval as described below.The following table describes the flowchart of Section 5.Actionee ActionOWI Author3OPR Process OwnerOPR Review Team 1 Review and Coordinate Document. The OWI author forwards theelectronic source file(s) for a new or updated OWI to the process owner.The process owner establishes a review team consisting of knowledgeable personnel from the OPR and other ESE divisions as appropriate. Thereview team assesses the accuracy of the OWI and provides anycomments to the process owner.If necessary, the process owner directs the author to make changes andresubmit. The process owner reviews the resubmitted document to ensure the changes were made correctly.When the OWI is ready for final approval, the process owner forwards the electronic source file(s) for the OWI to the ESE Document Manager. The process owner also indicates which division directors should sign theconcurrence sheet. At a minimum, the OPR Director shall sign theconcurrence sheet.ESE Document ManagerOPR Director Other division directors as appropriate 2 Prepare Document for Final Approval. The ESE Document Managerreviews the OWI for format and conformance to standards. HCP 1400.1, Document and Data Control, Appendix A provides the OWI template, and Appendix B provides the approved set of flowchart symbols.The ESE Document Manager then prints the OWI, prepares a concurrence sheet, and obtains the OPR Director’s signature on the concurrence sheet, as well as any other division director signatures as specified by the OPRDirector. The ESE Document Manager then forwards the printed OWI and concurrence sheet to the ESE Deputy Associate Administrator (AA).ESE Deputy AA 3 Obtain Final Approvals. The Deputy AA signs the concurrence sheet, andpresents the OWI to the AA for final enterprise approval. The AA provides1 A CYMIS redesign effort is underway. When completed, the name will change to Earth Science eXtranet (ESX).2DMS only allows the user who submitted a document to download the Word version, while any user may download the (uneditable) PDF version. Also, DMS does not store the TopDown flowcharter file.3 The process owner may author or update the OWI, or may delegate author and update responsibility to support staff. This procedure description assumes delegation to an author.ESE AA final approval by signing the concurrence sheet.OPR Process OwnerOWI Author 4 Revise/Rework Document. If either the Deputy AA or the AA does notconcur, the ESE Document Manager forwards their comments to theprocess owner for incorporation into the OWI. The process owner directs the author to make the changes. The process owner reviews theresubmitted document to ensure the changes were made correctly. Based on the extent of the changes and on concurrences previously obtained, the process owner determines whether or not the OWI needs to becoordinated through other ESE divisions, or if only final approvals areneeded.ESE Document Manager 5 Publish and Distribute. Once the document has been signed andapproved, the ESE Document Manager executes the following tasks:❑Finalize the OWI. Open the OWI in MS Word and complete the following steps:∙If the source file contains revision markings, accept all revisions and set revision tracking off. Update the Table of Contents byclicking on it and hitting [F9]. Review the OWI and verifyformatting, pagination, and other aspects that might be overlookedwith revision tracking activated.∙Check all headers (for example, both the first and second page headers, and in the headers of multiple sections). Set theEffective Date, if any, to the date the AA approved the OWI, andensure the Revision field is correct.∙Update the Document History Log by deleting any rows reflecting internal Code Y revisions, and completing the appropriateBASELINE or REVISION row. Appendix A of this OWI presentsESE conventions for use of the Document History Log.∙Save as, for example, Y001Baseline.DOC, or Y001RevA.doc.Appendix B shows ESE naming conventions for OWI source files.❑Submit the OWI to DMS. Using a Web browser, access DMS at and complete the following steps:∙In DMS, select the menu option "Submit Draft" (or if the OWI was previously submitted, "Submit Revised Draft") to enter identifyingdata for the OWI.∙Deliver the MS Word file YxxxBASELINE.DOC to the HQDocument Manager by e-mail or diskette. The HQ DocumentManager converts the Word file to Portable Document Format(PDF), performs a review, and accepts or rejects the PDF versioninto DMS in accordance with HCP 1400-1, Document and DataControl.❑Upload the Final OWI Source Files to CYMIS. Access CYMIS and upload the final OWI source files into the ISO 9000 area. OWI files inCYMIS are “read only” files. The ESE Document Manager isresponsible for assuring that the current version of all OWIs areuploaded into CYMIS. Access to CYMIS is controlled by passwords.7.0 QUALITY RECORDS* Quality Records are retained in accordance with the referenced schedule and item numbers from NPG 1441.1, NASA Records Retention Schedules.APPENDIX A. ESE CONVENTIONS FOR OWI DOCUMENT HISTORY LOGThe following tables show example entries for the OWI Document History Log.OWI authors may use "Draft" and Arabic numerals to track interim (internal ESE / pre-approval) changes:For the approved baseline OWI, the ESE Document Manager deletes any rows representing interim changes, and completes a row to designate BASELINE and the effective date:For subsequent updates, OWI authors may use "Draft" and Arabic numerals to track interim changes:For the approved revision, the ESE Document Manager designates the revision letter, summarizes the changes incorporated into the approved revision, and deletes any rows representing interim changes.APPENDIX B. ESE FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS FOR OWI MS WORD FILES The following table shows an example progression of ESE OWI file names. The “Yxxx” rep resents the OWI number, for example, a HQOWI 1410-Y015 source file name would begin with “Y015.”CHECK THE MASTER LIST at TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE。
一、办公室环境管理1.1 办公室布局与设计:合理的办公室布局和设计可以提高工作效率,包括工作空间、办公桌的摆放、文件柜的位置等。
1.2 办公设备的选择和维护:根据工作需求选择适当的办公设备,并确保其正常运行和定期维护。
1.3 办公室卫生和清洁:保持办公室的整洁和卫生,定期清理办公桌、地面和办公设备,提供一个舒适的工作环境。
二、文件管理2.1 文件分类和归档:根据不同的文件性质和用途进行分类和归档,建立明确的文件目录和档案管理系统。
2.2 文件命名和编号:制定统一的文件命名和编号规范,便于查找和追溯文件。
2.3 文件保密和安全:对于涉及机密信息的文件,采取相应的保密措施,确保文件的安全性和机密性。
三、办公流程管理3.1 工作任务的分配和跟踪:明确工作任务的责任人和截止日期,并进行跟踪和反馈,确保任务按时完成。
3.2 会议和沟通管理:合理安排会议时间和议程,确保会议的高效和有效,及时沟通和解决问题。
3.3 工作流程的优化和改进:对办公室的工作流程进行分析和评估,找出问题和瓶颈,并提出改进措施,提高工作效率。
四、时间管理4.1 工作计划和优先级:制定每日、每周和每月的工作计划,并根据工作的紧急程度和重要性设置优先级。
4.2 时间分配和控制:合理安排工作时间,避免时间浪费和迟延,提高工作效率。
4.3 时间记录和分析:记录工作时间和完成情况,进行时间分析和评估,找出时间管理的问题和改进方向。
五、团队协作和沟通5.1 团队合作和协作:建立良好的团队合作氛围,鼓励成员之间的合作和互助,提高团队的整体效能。
5.2 有效沟通和反馈:建立良好的沟通渠道和机制,确保信息的及时传递和反馈,避免信息的丢失和误解。
5.3 冲突管理和解决:处理团队成员之间的冲突和分歧,采取适当的解决措施,维护团队的和谐和稳定。
二、正文办公室日常管理1.1 文件管理:建立文件分类归档制度,对各类文件进行有序存放,方便随时查阅。
1.2 办公用品管理:定期清点办公用品,确保常用物品充足,不常用物品得到合理存放。
1.3 会议安排:提前通知、准备会议室,确保会议按时进行,并记录会议纪要。
沟通交流2.1 内部沟通:提倡开放、透明的沟通氛围,鼓励员工提出意见和建议。
2.2 外部沟通:规范与合作伙伴、客户的沟通流程,明确信息传递的渠道和方式。
2.3 会议记录:重要会议需专人记录,并整理成会议纪要,以便查阅。
时间管理与工作安排3.1 工作计划:制定周、月工作计划,明确工作任务和时间节点。
3.2 时间管理:合理分配工作时间,提高工作效率。
3.3 工作汇报:定期向上级汇报工作进展,及时反馈问题。
办公自动化4.1 软件使用:熟悉常用办公软件的使用,如Word、Excel、PowerPoint等。
4.2 网络资源:有效利用网络资源进行信息查询与共享。
4.3 技术支持:了解办公设备的基本操作与常见问题的解决方法。
团队合作与协作5.1 分工合作:明确团队成员的工作职责,相互配合完成项目。
5.2 团队协作:鼓励团队成员积极沟通、互相支持。
5.3 工作氛围:营造和谐、积极向上的工作氛围。
安全与保密6.1 保密意识:确保公司机密信息不被泄露。
6.2 安全措施:遵守公司安全规定,采取必要的安全防范措施。
6.3 事故处理:遇到突发情况,保持冷静,按照应急预案处理。
个人素养与能力提升7.1 职业素养:保持高度的责任心和敬业精神。
7.2 学习成长:不断学习新知识、新技能,提升个人能力。
7.3 创新思维:鼓励员工积极思考,提出创新性的意见和建议。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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TABLE OF CONTENTSPARAGRAPH PAGE1.0 PURPOSE 32.0 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY 33.0 DEFINITIONS 34.0 REFERENCES 45.0 FLOWCHART 56.0 PROCEDURE 67.0 QUALITY RECORDS 8 APPENDIX A. ESE CONVENTIONS FOR OWI DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG 9 APPENDIX B. ESE FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS FOR OWI MS WORD FILES 101.0 PURPOSEThis OWI documents the NASA Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) procedure for reviewing and approving Office Work Instructions (OWIs).2.0 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY2.1 Scope. The ESE procedure for approving an OWI includes verifying the accuracy of the OWI, coordinating it among the ESE divisions, and obtaining the ESE Associate Administrator’s approval by signature.2.2 Applicability. This work instruction for Approve ESE Office Work Instructions applies to the NASA Office of Earth Science (OES, Code Y) offices and divisions. The Associate Administrator for Earth Science is responsible for maintaining this document. The controlled version of this OWI is available on the World Wide Web (WWW) via the HQ ISO 9000 Document Library at . Any printed version of this OWI is uncontrolled (reference: HCP 1400.1, Document and Data Control). Proposed revisions will be accomplished by following HQOWI 1410-Y015, Approve Quality Documents.3.0 DEFINITIONS3.1 Quality Record. Any ESE-accepted product that supports the Quality Management System.3.2 Signature Authority. The designated management representative with authority to approve ESE quality documents.3.3 Document. A statement or form in conventionally written/electronic media, which presents policies, procedures, work instructions, instructional materials made part, directly or by reference, of the Quality Management System. Examples include OWIs and training manuals which provide step-by-step or general instructions stating how to perform specific duties.3.4 Document Control Board (DCB). A board comprised of a representative of each one of the Earth Science Enterprise divisions and the enterprise representative to the agency implementation team/ISO Project Office.3.5 ESE Document Manager. The person who administers the Document Management System (DMS) for the Earth Science Enterprise. Responsibilities include reviewing the draft document for format and conformance to standards, coordinating internal OWI updates and reviews, submitting new and revised documents to DMS, and serving as the ESE DCB member.3.6 HQ Document Manager. The person who administers the DMS for Headquarters, serves as the secretariat for the Document Control Board, and maintains the Master List of Level 1, 2, and 3 documents.3.7 Limited Applicability. Applies to marking/using superseded or obsolete documents; user must have documented authority to use previous/obsolete documents or products.3.8 Maintaining Documentation. Providing storage, distribution, reproduction, document revisions, replacement of documents with the latest revisions, and disposition of obsolete and/or invalid documents such as historical, limited applicability, and reference documents for ESE OWIs.3.9 Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Director. The division director of the Enterprise office responsible for preparing, submitting for review and approval, and maintaining the accuracy and currency of a given OWI, from baseline release through revisions.3.10 OPR Process Owner. The OPR Director or designated representative to whom the OPR Director delegates responsibilities for maintaining a particular OWI.3.11 Quality Management System. A management system which defines and documents an organization’s quality policy, quality objectives, and commitment to quality.4.0 REFERENCESThe following document contains provisions that, through reference in this OWI or in policy or procedure documents, constitutes the basis for the documented procedure:HCP 1400.1 Headquarters Common Process “Document and Data Control”5.0 FLOWCHARTThe following flowchart depicts the procedure described in Section 6. The outputs in boldface type represent the quality records listed in Section 7.6.0 PROCEDURECode Y OWIs exist in the form of MS Word files. Each MS Word file contains text and a flow chart. The flow chart is an embedded object, copied from a source TopDown Flowcharter file. The ESE Document Manager maintains an electronic library of the MS Word and TopDown source files. This electronic library resides in the ISO 9000 area of the Code Y Management Information System (CYMIS) Web site1. CYMIS provides controlled access to the OWI source files.OWIs are created or revised in accordance with HCP 1400-1, Document and Data Control. For revised OWIs, the ESE Document Manager may download the MS Word file for the current version from DMS2. Alternatively, any Code Y employee may download the source files from CYMIS. The OWI is then submitted for review, coordination, and approval as described below.The following table describes the flowchart of Section 5.Actionee ActionOWI Author3OPR Process OwnerOPR Review Team 1 Review and Coordinate Document. The OWI author forwards theelectronic source file(s) for a new or updated OWI to the process owner.The process owner establishes a review team consisting of knowledgeable personnel from the OPR and other ESE divisions as appropriate. Thereview team assesses the accuracy of the OWI and provides anycomments to the process owner.If necessary, the process owner directs the author to make changes andresubmit. The process owner reviews the resubmitted document to ensure the changes were made correctly.When the OWI is ready for final approval, the process owner forwards the electronic source file(s) for the OWI to the ESE Document Manager. The process owner also indicates which division directors should sign theconcurrence sheet. At a minimum, the OPR Director shall sign theconcurrence sheet.ESE Document ManagerOPR Director Other division directors as appropriate 2 Prepare Document for Final Approval. The ESE Document Managerreviews the OWI for format and conformance to standards. HCP 1400.1, Document and Data Control, Appendix A provides the OWI template, and Appendix B provides the approved set of flowchart symbols.The ESE Document Manager then prints the OWI, prepares a concurrence sheet, and obtains the OPR Director’s signature on the concurre nce sheet, as well as any other division director signatures as specified by the OPRDirector. The ESE Document Manager then forwards the printed OWI and concurrence sheet to the ESE Deputy Associate Administrator (AA).ESE Deputy AA 3 Obtain Final Approvals. The Deputy AA signs the concurrence sheet, andpresents the OWI to the AA for final enterprise approval. The AA provides1 A CYMIS redesign effort is underway. When completed, the name will change to Earth Science eXtranet (ESX).2DMS only allows the user who submitted a document to download the Word version, while any user may download the (uneditable) PDF version. Also, DMS does not store the TopDown flowcharter file.3 The process owner may author or update the OWI, or may delegate author and update responsibility to support staff. This procedure description assumes delegation to an author.ESE AA final approval by signing the concurrence sheet.OPR Process OwnerOWI Author 4 Revise/Rework Document. If either the Deputy AA or the AA does notconcur, the ESE Document Manager forwards their comments to theprocess owner for incorporation into the OWI. The process owner directs the author to make the changes. The process owner reviews theresubmitted document to ensure the changes were made correctly. Based on the extent of the changes and on concurrences previously obtained, the process owner determines whether or not the OWI needs to becoordinated through other ESE divisions, or if only final approvals areneeded.ESE Document Manager 5 Publish and Distribute. Once the document has been signed andapproved, the ESE Document Manager executes the following tasks:❑Finalize the OWI. Open the OWI in MS Word and complete the following steps:∙If the source file contains revision markings, accept all revisions and set revision tracking off. Update the Table of Contents byclicking on it and hitting [F9]. Review the OWI and verifyformatting, pagination, and other aspects that might be overlookedwith revision tracking activated.∙Check all headers (for example, both the first and second page headers, and in the headers of multiple sections). Set theEffective Date, if any, to the date the AA approved the OWI, andensure the Revision field is correct.∙Update the Document History Log by deleting any rows reflecting internal Code Y revisions, and completing the appropriateBASELINE or REVISION row. Appendix A of this OWI presentsESE conventions for use of the Document History Log.∙Save as, for example, Y001Baseline.DOC, or Y001RevA.doc.Appendix B shows ESE naming conventions for OWI source files.❑Submit the OWI to DMS. Using a Web browser, access DMS at and complete the following steps:∙In DMS, select the menu option "Submit Draft" (or if the OWI was previously submitted, "Submit Revised Draft") to enter identifyingdata for the OWI.∙Deliver the MS Word file YxxxBASELINE.DOC to the HQDocument Manager by e-mail or diskette. The HQ DocumentManager converts the Word file to Portable Document Format(PDF), performs a review, and accepts or rejects the PDF versioninto DMS in accordance with HCP 1400-1, Document and DataControl.❑Upload the Final OWI Source Files to CYMIS. Access CYMIS and upload the final OWI source files into the ISO 9000 area. OWI files inCYMIS are “read only” files. The ESE Document Manager isresponsible for assuring that the current version of all OWIs areuploaded into CYMIS. Access to CYMIS is controlled by passwords.7.0 QUALITY RECORDS* Quality Records are retained in accordance with the referenced schedule and item numbers from NPG 1441.1, NASA Records Retention Schedules.APPENDIX A. ESE CONVENTIONS FOR OWI DOCUMENT HISTORY LOGThe following tables show example entries for the OWI Document History Log.OWI authors may use "Draft" and Arabic numerals to track interim (internal ESE / pre-approval) changes:For the approved baseline OWI, the ESE Document Manager deletes any rows representing interim changes, and completes a row to designate BASELINE and the effective date:For subsequent updates, OWI authors may use "Draft" and Arabic numerals to track interim changes:For the approved revision, the ESE Document Manager designates the revision letter, summarizes the changes incorporated into the approved revision, and deletes any rows representing interim changes.APPENDIX B. ESE FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS FOR OWI MS WORD FILES The following table shows an example progression of ESE OWI file names. The “Yxxx” represents the OWI number, for example, a HQOWI 1410-Y015 source file name would begin with “Y015.”。