




何谓ACAlternating Current(交流)的首字母缩写。



何谓DCDirect Current(直流)的首字母缩写。



②流动极性不随时间变化,但大小随时间变化的电流也是DC,通常被称为纹波电流 (Ripple current)。















图3-6 Sepic斩波电路和Zeta斩波电路
U otto ofnf ETt otn onE1 E (2-49)
2.1.5 Sepic斩波电路和Zeta斩波电路
荡回路, L1的能量转移至C1,
电压源 电压源的变换
图3-4 升降压斩波电路及其波形
0 uL dt 0
uL = E
uL = - uo
b) Zeta斩波电路
图3-6 Sepic斩波电路 和 Zeta斩波电路 (2-50)

t1 E
I 20
c) 电流断续时的波形
图3-1 降压斩波电路得原理图及波形
2.1.1 降压斩波电路
Uoton t otnof



AN22 - 1High Frequency DC-DC Conversion using High Current Bipolar TransistorsNeil Chadderton Dino RosaldiIntroductionDC-DC conversion is o ne o f the fundamental circuit functions within the electronics industry and addresses a wi de f iel d of market secto rs,applications and supply requirements. A general trend, (to pursue cost, size and reliability advantages) has been to reduce the size of the DC-DC converter systems, and as the inductive elements of such a system are quite often the bulkiest components, increases in switching frequency provide one met ho d to al lo w this. Switch ing frequencies therefore have increased from tens of kHz to hundreds of kHz,which has forced a revision of the enabling switching devices.It is an often assumed maxim that bipolar transistors are useful for DC-DC conversion functions up to perhaps 50kHz, and for service beyond this frequency, that MOSFETs provide the only solution. The purpose of this application note is to demonstrate that bipolar transistors possessing superior geometrys - thereby providing a higher current capability per die area, can and are o p era te d to re aso n ab ly h igh switching frequencies with minimal loss. This often allows a more compactdesign (due to the higher silicon efficiency of bipolar technology) and lower cost.BackgroundTo obtain the most efficient performance fro m b ipo la r trans is to rs at h igh switching frequencies, an appreciation of the basic switching mechanisms and base charge analysis is useful. Appendix A provides an introduction to bipolar transistor switching behaviour, and appendix B provides references for mathematical treatments.Th ere are various methods for increasing the maximum switching speed of bipolar transistors. Some of these rely on preventing saturation of the device, thus vastly reducing the stored charge, while other methods remove the charge at turn-off. Figures 1,2 and 5 show a number of common speed-up networks. Figures 1a through 1d show various options for preventing saturation, and effectively reduce/limit base drive when the collector terminal has fallen to a specific level. (Figure 1a is often termed a Schottky transistor, and is often used for IC transistors, and400kHz Operation with Optimised Geometry DevicesFigures 1c and 1d are variants of the so called Baker clamp circuit).These methods (the Baker clamp being preferred for high power applications) of course do not allow the transistor’s collector-emitter voltage to saturate to a very low level, and so the resultant on-state loss may be high and therefore prohibit the use of smaller packaged, though adequately current capable devices. Figures 2 and 5 show two methods that allow true saturation by permitting sufficient forward base drive, while removing charge quickly at turn-off. Design of such networks is non-critical, and by suitable choice of components allow high levels of base overdrive with no penalty to turn-off time duration.Figure 2 shows a method of speeding up PNP devices to enable replacement of large P-Channel MOSFETs - this particular circuit being designed for fast charging of battery packs by Benchmarq Microelectronics. Figures 3 and 4 show the relevant waveforms, for a standard passive turn-off method (base-emitter pull-up resistor) and the speed-up circuit of Figure 2 - the combined storage and fall times being reduced from 1.2µs to 80ns. Importantly, the major switching loss contributor - the fall time, has been significantly reduced to 40ns, which is comparable to, or better than P-Channel MOSFET performance. This allows cost effective replacement of large packaged devices.To Oscilloscope+5V0VInput+5V0VFigure 5.Capacitive Speed-up method/Circuit to Determine Minimum Value of Turn-Off Chargeof a Bipolar Transistor.Figure 6.Turn-Off Waveforms, and Effect ofVarying Parallel (“Speed-Up”)Capacitance.Upper trace - Input waveform;lower traces - (a) C=0, (b) C=100pF,(c) C=120pF, (d) C=130pF (stored chargejust removed).Horizontal scale=200ns/div, Verticalscale=2V/div. ZTX300, I B=1mA, I C=10mA.Figure 7.Turn-Off Waveforms, and Effect ofVarying Parallel (“Speed-Up”)Capacitance.Trace (a) - Input waveform;turn-off traces - (b) C=0, (c) C=470pF, (d)C=820pF, (e) C=1.5nF (stored chargeremoved).Horizontal scale=500ns/div, Verticalscales: Input=2V/div; collector=5V/div.ZTX1048A, I B=10mA, I C=500mA.Figure 5 shows the standard speed-up capac itance method , altho ugh in practice a finished design would use a fixed value capacitor. A similar circuit can also be used to determine the capacitance required for a particular bias condition. In practise the variable cap ac itance (or value o f parallel capacitance) is adjusted such that the sum of stored charge and junction capacitance charge is just removed -all ow in g fo r device variation,temperature and bias tolerance.The oscillographs in Figures 6 and 7show the effect of increasing the capacitor value from zero (Eg. open circuit) to a value adequate to neutralise the stored charge. Figure 6 is for a small signal device, while Figure 7 is for the ZTX1048A - a transistor utilising the Zetex Matrix geometry, and a Super-βemitter process to produce a 4A DC rated part in the TO92 style E-Line package.Figure 8 summarises a set of suchmeasurements for the ZTX1048A - for example, at a collector current of 1A and a forced gain of 200, a turn-off charge of 900pC is required to neutralise stored charge and eliminate storage time effects.[Note 1: Appendix A also includes some ancillary material on the minimum amount of trigger charge necessary for pulse circuits].Power Conversion CircuitsTo demonstrate the performance advantages possible when the bipolar transistor’s turn-off charge is addressed,th is se ction co nsiders such modifications to a basic step-down DC-DC converter. The circuit shown in Figure 9 was used to provide a means of evaluation, and is of fairly standard implementation, apart from the choice of the FMMT718 SuperSOT SOT23 PNP transistor. This circuit, with minimal design optimisation, can produce the eff ici en cy a ga in s t load curren t characteristic shown in Figure 10. This c ha rt als o s ho w s h o w the bias conditions for the pass device can be mod if ied to increase the curren t capability of the circuit, albeit with some compromise to conversion efficiency at lower load currents. Curves 1, 2 and 3illustrate this effect for base currents of 9.4mA, 43mA and 170mA respectively.Figure 11 shows how the efficiency varies with input voltage for the I B =43mA option. Higher output current designs are possible with larger die transistors from the Zetex range, such as the ZTX788B, ZTX789A, ZTX790A, ZTX948and ZTX949. For a comprehensive listing please refer to Semiconductor DataBooks one and two.100n1n0.1I C - Collector Current (A)Stored Charge v I C110S t o r e d C h a r g e (C )ZTX1048AI /I =50I /I =100I /I =150I /I =20010nFigure 8.Turn-off Charge Required as a Function of Collector Current and Forced Gain, for the ZTX1048A Bipolar Transistor.FMMTFigure 9.Basic Step-Down DC-DC Converter using the LM3578 and the FMMT718.(With values shown, F op=50kHz, I B=43mA, peak efficiency=88%).Output Current (A)Efficiency v Output Current10100Efficiency(%)20406080515Efficiency(%)100Input Voltage (V)Efficiency v Input Voltage20406080791113Figure 10.Efficiency against Load Current for theConverter of Figure 9, with I B as aparameter.Curve 1 - I B=9.4mA; Curve 2 - I B=43mA;Curve 3 - I B=170mA. F op=50kHz; Vin=7V;V out=5V.Figure 11.Efficiency against Input Voltage for theConverter of Figure 9. (I B=43mA; I out=1A).AN22 - 6E f f i c i e n c y (%)1000Output Current (A)Efficiency v Output Current20406080Figure 14.Efficiency against Load Current for the Converters of Figure 13 and 16.PWM ICFigure 15.Bipolar Transistor Turn-off Circuit to allow Capacitive Turn-off Charge Neutralisation with PWM Controller IC.VinFigure 16.Basic Step-down DC-DC Converter using the TI5001/FMMT718 Combination with Capacitive Turn-off Circuit.AN22 - 8Figure 14, curve 2. This shows a peak efficiency of 92%. Figure 17 shows the switching waveforms, including the collector-to-0V waveform - note the rapid turn-off edge; this was measured to be 25ns. The efficiency at lower currents has of course reduced, due to the extra current taken by the turn-off circuit. This efficiency profile can be modified for specific applications by sacrificing high current efficiency in favour of low current performance or vice-versa.Further modifications were effected to assess performance at still higher switching frequencies. Figure 18 shows the efficiency/load current profiles for switching frequencies from 150kHz to 400kHz. Figure 19 shows the efficiency against input voltage for the 220kHz155E f f i c i e n c y (%)1000Input Voltage (V)Efficiency v Input Voltage20406080791113Figure 19.Efficiency against Input Voltage for the Converter of Figure 16.F op =220kHz; V out=5V; load current=1A.Figure 20.Switching Waveforms for the Converter of Figure 16 operating at 400kHz. Turn-on edges. Risetime= 20ns. Upper trace - Base-to-0V, 2V/div.Lower trace - Collector-to-0V, 2V/div.Timebase at 50ns/div.Figure 21.Switching Waveforms for the Converter of Figure 16 operating at 400kHz.Turn-off edges. Falltime=30ns. Upper trace - Base-to-0V, 2V/div.Lower trace - Collector-to-0V, 2V/div.Timebase at 50ns/div.AN22 - 10charge necessary for small signal types ZTX107, ZTX300 and ZTX500, and switching transistors ZTX310 and ZTX510.Figure 25.Trigger Waveforms and Effect of Varying Trigger Capacitance. Upper trace - Input waveform; lower traces - output at collector, (a) Variable capacitor “C1” below critical value, (b) “C1” at critical value with collector voltage rising to 90% of final value,(c) “C1” above critical value. Horizontal scale=200ns/div, Vertical scale=2V/div.ZTX300, I B =1mA, I C =10mA.+5VTo Oscilloscope0VFigure 24.Circuit to Determine Minimum Value of Trigger Charge for Bipolar Transistor.AN22 - 14I B - Base Current (A)Min. T rigger Charge v I B for Small Signaland Switching Transistors10p 10nM i n i m u m T r i g g e r C h a r g e (C )100p1nFigure 26.Minimum Trigger Charge for Small Signal and Switching Transistors. Forced Gains (I C /I B ) of : a)10; b)20; c)40.No significant difference observed for different forced gains on the ZTX310 series.AN22 - 16。

莫尔森DC DC转换器产品说明书

莫尔森DC DC转换器产品说明书

30W,Ultra wide input isolated &regulated dual/single output,DC/DC converterCB Patent ProtectionRoHSFEATURES●Ultra wide input voltage range (4:1)●High efficiency up to 90%with full load ●High efficiency up to 82%with 5%load●No-load power consumption as low as 0.14W ●Isolation voltage:1.5K VDC●Input under-voltage protection,output short circuit,over-voltage,over-current protection ●Operating temperature range:-40℃to +80℃●Meet CISPR32/EN55032CLASS A,without external components●Six-sided metal shielding package●Reverse voltage protection available with A2S(Chassis mounting)or A4S(35mm DIN-Rail mounting)●IEC60950,UL60950,EN60950approvalURA_LD-30WR3&URB_LD-30WR3series are isolated 30W DC-DC products with 4:1input voltage.They feature efficiency up to 90%,1.5K VDC isolation,operating temperature of -40℃to +80℃,Input under-voltage protection,output short circuit protection,over-voltage protection,over-current protection and EMI meets CISPR32/EN55032CLASS A,which make them widely applied in data transmission device,battery power supply device,tele-comunication device,distributed power supply system,remote control system,industrial robot fields.And extension package A2S and A4S also enable them with reverse voltage protection.Product Characteristic CurveFig.1Apply model :URA2405LD-30W(H)R3(9-18V input voltage )、URA2424LD-30W(H)R3(9-18V input voltage )、URA4805LD-30W(H)R3(18-36V input voltage )Fig.2Apply model :URA2405LD-30W(H)R3(18-36V input voltage )、URA2424LD-30W(H)R3(18-36V input voltage )、URA4805LD-30W(H)R3(36-75V input voltage )、URA2412LD-30W(H)R3、URA2415LD-30W(H)R3、URA4812LD-30W(H)R3、URA4815LD-30W(H)R3Fig.3Apply model :URB2403LD-30W(H)R3、URB2405LD-30W(H)R3、URB4803LD-30W(H)R3、URB4805LD-30W(H)R3Fig.4Apply model :URB2409LD-30W(H)R3、URB2412LD-30W(H)R3、URB2415LD-30W(H)R3、URB2424LD-30W(H)R3、URB4812LD-30W(H)R3、URB4815LD-30W(H)R3、URB4824LD-30W(H)R3All the DC/DC converters of this series are tested according to the recommended circuit(see Fig.5)before delivery.If it is required to further reduce input and output ripple,properly increase the input&output of additional capacitors Cin and Cout or select capacitors of low equivalent impedance provided that the capacitance is no larger than the max.capacitive load of the product.V in0VV in0VDual outp ut:Single outputvoltage(VDC)Cout(µF)Cin(µF)Dual outputvoltage(VDC)Cout(µF)Cin(µF)3.3/5/9220100±5/±12/±1522010012/15/24100±241002.EMC solution-recommended circuitSingle outputFig.6Notes:Part①in the Fig.6is used for EMC test and part②for EMI filtering;selected based on needs.Parameter descriptionModel Vin:24V Vin:48VFUSEChoose according to actual inputcurrentMOV S20K30S14K60C0680µF/50V330µF/100VC1330µF/50V330µF/100VC2 4.7µF/50V 2.2µF/100VC3Refer to the Cout in Fig.5LCM1mH,recommended to useMORNSUN’s FL2D-30-102sCY1、CY21nF/2KVDual outputFig.7Notes:Part①in the Fig.7is used for EMC test and part②for EMI filtering;selected based on needs.Model Vin:24V Vin:48VFUSE Choose according to actual inputcurrentMOV S20K30S14K60C0680µF/50V330µF/100VC1 2.2µF/50V 2.2µF/100VC2 2.2µF/50V 2.2µF/100VC3330µF/50V330µF/100VC4Refer to the Cout in Fig.5LDM1 3.3µHCY1、CY2 2.2nF/400V AC Safety Y Capacitor3.Application of Trim and calculation of Trim resistanceTrim up Trim downApplied circuits of Trim(Part in broken line is the interior of models)Calculation formula of Trim resistance:up: a=VrefVo’-VrefR1R=TaR2R-a2-R3down: a=VrefVo’-VrefR2R=TaR1R-a1-R3R T is Trim resistance,a is a self-definedparameter,with no real meaning.Vo’for the actual needs of the up ordown regulated voltageVout(VDC)R1(KΩ)R2(KΩ)R3(KΩ)Vref(V)3.34.801 2.8712.4 1.245 2.883 2.8710 2.597.500 2.8715 2.51211.000 2.8715 2.51514.494 2.8715 2.52424.872 2.8717.8 2.54.It is not allowed to connect modules output in parallel to enlarge the power5.For more information please find DC-DC converter application notes on Horizontal Package(without heat sink)Dimensions and Recommended LayoutHorizontal Package(with heat sink)DimensionsURA_LD-30WR3A2S&URB_LD-30WR3A2S(without heat sink)DimensionsNotes:1.Packing information please refer to Product Packing Information which can be downloaded from .Horizontal Packing Bag Number:58200035(without heat sink),58200051(with heat sink),A2S/A4S Packing Bag Number:58220022;2.The maximum capacitive load offered were tested at input voltage range and full load;3.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%RH with nominalinput voltage and rated output load;4.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on Company’s corporate standards;5.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;6.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";7.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.Mornsun Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。

DC-DC 转换器产品参数表说明书

DC-DC 转换器产品参数表说明书

PYBJ15-Q24-S5-Mdate 06/24/2019page1 of 9SERIES: PYBJ15 │ DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTERFEATURES• up to 15 W isolated output• ultra wide 4:1 input voltage range • single regulated output• output short circuit, over current, over voltage protection • efficiency up to 89%• DIP and SMT mounting styles • available with or without case• 1500 Vdc isolationMODELinput voltageoutput voltageoutput currentoutput powerripple & noise 1efficiency 2typ (Vdc)range (Vdc)(Vdc)min (mA)max (mA)max (W)max (mVp-p)typ (%)PYBJ15-Q24-S3249~36 3.30450014.8510088PYBJ15-Q24-S5249~365030001510088PYBJ15-Q24-S12249~3612012501510089PYBJ15-Q24-S15249~3615010001510089PYBJ15-Q48-S34818~75 3.30450014.8510088PYBJ15-Q48-S54818~755030001510088PYBJ15-Q48-S124818~7512012501510089PYBJ15-Q48-S154818~751510001510089Notes: 1. From 5~100% load, nominal input, 20 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, with 10 µF tantalum and 1 µF ceramic capacitors on the output. From 0~5% load, ripple and noise is <5% Vo.2. Measured at nominal input voltage, full load.3. All specifications are measured at T a=25°C, humidity < 75%, nominal input voltage, and rated output load unless otherwise specified.PART NUMBER KEYBase NumberPYBJ15 - Q XX - S XX - X XInput VoltageOutput VoltageCase:“blank” = with case O = no caseMounting Style:D = DIPM = SMTdate 06/24/2019 │page 2 of 9 CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTERINPUTparameter conditions/description min typ max unitsoperating input voltage24 Vdc input models48 Vdc input models 91824483675VdcVdcstart-up voltage24 Vdc input models48 Vdc input models 918VdcVdcsurge voltage24 Vdc input models for 1 second max48 Vdc input models for 1 second max -0.7-0.750100VdcVdcunder voltage shutdown24 Vdc input models48 Vdc input models 5.5126.515.5VdcVdccurrent 24 Vdc input models3, 5 Vdc output models12, 15 Vdc output models727718mAmA48 Vdc input models 3.3 Vdc output models5 Vdc output models363360mAmAstart-up current24 Vdc input models48 Vdc input models 3,0001,500mAmAremote on/off (CTRL)4turn on (CTRL pin pulled low to GND (0~1.2 Vdc))turn off (CTRL pin open or pulled high (3.5~12 Vdc))input current when switched off615mAalarm indication (ALM)Valm (relative to GND), when under voltage protection isgoing to happen, and during the over voltage protectionworking status.0.2 1.2Vdc Valm (relative to GND), other working status 3.59Vdcfilter Pi filterno load power consumption0.36W Notes: 4. The voltage of the CTRL pin is referenced to input GND pin.OUTPUTparameter conditions/description min typ max unitsmaximum capacitive load53.3, 5 Vdc output models12 Vdc output models15 Vdc output models4,7001,000820μFμFμFvoltage accuracy from 0% to full load±1±2% line regulation from low line to high line, full load±0.2±0.5% load regulation6from 5% to full load±0.5±1% switching frequency7PWM mode300kHz transient recovery time25% load step change, nominal input voltage300500μstransient response deviation 25% load step change, nominal input voltage3.3, 5 Vdc output modelsall other output models±3±3±8±5%%temperature coefficient at full load±0.03%/°C Note: 5. Tested at input voltage range and full load.6. At 0~100% load, the max load regulation is ±3%.7. Value is based on full load. At loads <50%, the switching frequency decreases with decreasing load for efficiency improvement.date 06/24/2019 │ page 3 of 9CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │ DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTER PROTECTIONSparameterconditions/description min typmax units over voltage protection output shut down 110160%over current protection hiccup, auto recovery110180230%short circuit protectionhiccup, continuous, auto recoverySAFETY AND COMPLIANCEparameter conditions/descriptionmin typ max units isolation voltageinput to output for 1 minute at 1 mA input to case 8 for 1 minute at 1 mA output to case 8 for 1 minute at 1 mA 1,500500500Vdc Vdc Vdc isolation resistance input to output at 500 Vdc input to case 8 at 500 Vdc output to case 8 at 500 Vdc 100100100MΩMΩMΩisolation capacitance input to output, 100 kHz / 0.1 V 1,000pFsafety approvals IEC 62368-1, EN 62368-1conducted emissions CISPR32/EN55032, class B (external circuit required, see Figure 2-a) radiated emissions CISPR32/EN55032, class B (external circuit required, see Figure 2-a)ESDIEC/EN61000-4-2, contact ±6 kV , class B radiated immunity IEC/EN61000-4-3, 10 V/m, class AEFT/burst IEC/EN61000-4-4, ±2 kV , class B (external circuit required, see Figure 2-b)surgeIEC/EN61000-4-5, line-line ±2 kV , class B (external circuit required, see Figure Figure 2-b)conducted immunity IEC/EN61000-4-6, 3 Vr .m.s, class A MTBF as per MIL-HDBK-217F , 25°C 1,000,000hoursRoHSyesNote:8. Only applies to versions with case.ENVIRONMENTALparameterconditions/description min typmax units operating temperature see derating curves-4085°C storage temperature -55125°C storage humidity non-condensing595%vibration10~150 Hz, for 60 minutes on each axis 5GDERATING CURVESO u t p u t L o a d (%)60801004020120 0Temperature Derating Curve(Output Load vs. Ambient Tempearature3.3, 5 Vdc output models)O u t p u t L o a d (%)60801004020120 070Temperature Derating Curve(Output Load vs. Ambient Tempearature12, 15 Vdc output models)date 06/24/2019 │ page 4 of 9CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │ DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTER MECHANICALparameterconditions/descriptionmintypmaxunits dimensionsDIP without case:3.3, 5 Vdc output models: 38.70 x 27.20 x 6.20 [1.524 x 1.071 x 0.244 inch]12, 15 Vdc output models: 38.70 x 27.20 x 5.80 [1.524 x 1.071 x 0.228 inch]mm mm DIP with case:3.3, 5 Vdc output models: 39.10 x 29.50 x 6.80 [1.539 x 1.161 x 0.268 inch]12, 15 Vdc output models: 39.10 x 29.50 x 6.40 [1.539 x 1.161 x 0.252 inch]mm mm SMT without case:3.3, 5 Vdc output models: 38.70 x 27.20 x 6.20 [1.524 x 1.071 x 0.244 inch]12, 15 Vdc output models: 38.70 x 27.20 x 5.80 [1.524 x 1.071 x 0.228 inch]mm mm SMT with case:3.3, 5 Vdc output models: 39.10 x 29.50 x 6.80 [1.539 x 1.161 x 0.268 inch]12, 15 Vdc output models: 39.10 x 29.50 x 6.40 [1.539 x 1.161 x 0.252 inch]mm mm case material aluminum alloyweightwithout case 3.3, 5 Vdc output models without case 12, 15 Vdc output models with case 3.3, 5 Vdc output models with case 12, 15 Vdc output models11.08.813.811.5g g g g10 Sec. Max.Wave Soldering Time4 Sec. Max.Peak Temp. 260°C Max.Time (sec.)T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )25020015010050SOLDERABILITYparameter conditions/descriptionmin typ max units hand soldering 1.5 mm from case for 10 seconds 300°C wave soldering 9see wave soldering profile260°C reflow soldering 10see reflow soldering profileMaximum duration >217°C is 60 seconds.For actual application, refer to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1245°CNote: 9. For DIP models only. 10. For SMT models only.50100150200250245217T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )Time (sec.)60 sec max (>217°C)Peak Temp 245°CWave Soldering Proflile(DIP models)Reflow Soldering Profile(SMT models)date 06/24/2019 │ page 5 of 9CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │ DESCRIPTION:DC-DC CONVERTER units: mm [inch]tolerance: ±0.50[±0.020]pin section tolerance: ±0.10[±0.004]Recommended PCB LayoutTop Viewunits: mm [inch]tolerance: ±0.50[±0.020]pin section tolerance: ±0.10[±0.004]MECHANICAL DRAWING (DIP WITH CASE )Recommended PCB LayoutTop ViewMECHANICAL DRAWING (DIP WITHOUT CASE )PIN CONNECTIONS PIN Function 1+Vo 2+Vo 3+Vo 40V 50V 6NC 7ALM 8CTRL 9NC 10+Vin 11+Vin 12GND 13GND PIN CONNECTIONS PIN Function 1+Vo 2+Vo 3+Vo 40V 50V 6NC 7ALM 8CTRL 9NC 10+Vin 11+Vin 12GND 13GND 14NCNote: NC = no connectdate 06/24/2019 │ page 6 of 9CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │ DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTER units: mm [inch]tolerance: ±0.50[±0.020]pin section tolerance: ±0.10[±0.004]MECHANICAL DRAWING (SMT WITHOUT CASE )Recommended PCB LayoutTop Viewunits: mm [inch]tolerance: ±0.50[±0.020]pin section tolerance: ±0.10[±0.004]MECHANICAL DRAWING (SMT WITH CASE )PIN CONNECTIONS PIN Function 1+Vo 2+Vo 3+Vo 40V 50V 6NC 7NC 8ALM 9CTRL 10NC 11+Vin 12+Vin 13GND 14GND Recommended PCB LayoutTop ViewPIN CONNECTIONS PIN Function 1+Vo 2+Vo 3+Vo 40V 50V 6NC 7NC 8ALM 9CTRL 10NC 11+Vin 12+Vin 13GND 14GND 15NCNote: NC = no connectdate 06/24/2019 │page 7 of 9 CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTERAPPLICATION CIRCUITFigure 1 Table 1Vin+Vo0V Vout(Vdc)Cin(μF)Cout(μF)3.3/5/12/1510010This series has been tested according to the following recommended circuit (Figure 1) before leaving the factory. If you want to further reduce the input and output ripple, you can increase the input and output capacitors or select capacitors of low equivalent impedance provided that the capacitance is less than the maximum capacitive load of the model.EMC RECOMMENDED CIRCUITTable 2Figure 2Recommended External Circuit ComponentsVin (Vdc)2448FUSE choose according to actual input currentC0470 µF / 50 V680 µF / 100 VC1, C2 4.7 µF / 50 V 4.7 µF / 100 VC3refer to the Cout in T able 1C4330 µF / 50 V330 µF / 100 VLCM1 4.7 µHCY1, CY22000 pF /2 kVdate 06/24/2019 │page 8 of 9 CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTERPACKAGINGunits: mmInner Carton Size: 280 x 196 x 63 mmOuter Carton Size: 600 x 285 x 225 mmOuter Carton QTY: 288 pcsdate 06/24/2019 │ page 9 of 9CUI Inc │ SERIES: PYBJ15 │ DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTER CUI offers a two (2) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website.Headquarters20050 SW 112th Ave.Tualatin, OR 97062800.275.4899Fax 503.612.2383cui .com*******************rev.description date 1.0initial release06/24/2019The revision history provided is for informational purposes only and is believed to be accurate.REVISION HISTORYPYBJ15-Q24-S5-M。

RB系列DC DC转换器说明书

RB系列DC DC转换器说明书

FeaturesUnregulated Converters• Low cost 1W converter•Power sharing on dual output versions•1kVDC/1s or 2kVDC/1s isolation option • Optional continuous short circuit protection • Efficiency up to 85%• UL94V-0 package materialRBDescriptionThe RB series DC/DC converter has been designed for isolating or converting DC power rails in general purpose applications. Although low cost, it does not compromise on features and offers 1KVDC/1s or 2kVDC/1s isolation, a –40°C to +85°C operating temperature range and optional DC/DC Conver ter1 Watt SIP7UL60950-1 certifiedCAN/CSA-C22.2 No 60950-1 certified IEC/EN60950-1 certified EN55032 compliantE358085RB-xx12D (3,4) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 ±12 ±42 78-82 ±220RB-xx15D (3,4) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 ±15 ±33 80-84 ±220RB-xx24D (3,4)3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24±24±2180-84±100Model NumberingNotes:Note3: standard part is without Continuous Short Circuit Protection add suffix …/P“ for Continuous Short Circuit Protection Note4: standard part is with 1kVDC/1s Isolation add suffix …/H“ for 2kVDC/1s Isolation or add suffix …/HP“ for 2kVDC/1s Isolation and Continuous Short Circuit ProtectionOrdering Examples:RB-123.3/P: 12VDC Input Voltage, 3.3VDC Output Voltage, Single Output with continuous short circuit protection and 1kVDC/1s isolationRB-0509D/HP: 5VDC Input Voltage, ±9VDC Output Voltage, Dual Output with continuous short circuit protection and 2kVDC/1s isolationnom. Input Voltage Output VoltageRB- __ /“Protection (4)”“Isolation Option (3)”S ingle or D ualNotes:Note1: Efficiency is tested at nominal input and full load at +25°C ambientNote2: Max Cap Load is tested at nominal input and full resistive load and is defined as the capacitive load that will allow start up in under 1s without damage to the converterSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)REGULATIONSParameter Condition Value Output Accuracy±5.0% typ. Line Regulation low line to high line±1.2% of 1.0% Vin typ.Load Regulation (5)10% to 100% load3.3, 5Vout9, 12, 15, 24Vout15.0% max.10.0% max.Notes:Note5: Operation below 10% load will not harm the converter, but specifications may not be metSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)PROTECTIONSParameter Type ValueShort Circuit Protection (SCP)without suffixwith suffix “/P”1 secondcontinuousIsolation Voltage (6)I/P to O/P without suffixtested for 1 secondrated for 1 minute1kVDC500VAC/60Hz with suffix “/H”tested for 1 secondrated for 1 minute2kVDC1kVAC/60HzIsolation Resistance10GΩ min. Isolation Capacitance20pF min. / 75pF max.Insulation Gradebasic (IEC/EN60950-1) functional (IEC/EN60601-1)Notes:Note6: For repeat Hi-Pot testing, reduce the time and/or the test voltageNote7: Refer to local saftey regulations if input over-current protection is also required. Recommended fuse: slow blow typeENVIRONMENTALParameter Condition Value Operating Temperature Range full load @ free air convection, refer to “Derating Graph”-40°C to +85°C Maximum Case Temperature+105°C Temperature Coefficient±0.03%/K typ. Thermal Impedance56K/W typ. Operating Altitude3000m Operating Humidity non-condensing95% RH max. Pollution Degree PD2MTBF according to MIL-HDBK-217F, G.B.+25°C+85°C16400 x 103 hours10200 x 103 hoursSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)-40-20020407060-30-10103050809085110100100806040907050302010O u t p u t L o a d [%]Ambient Temperature [°C]Derating Graph(@ free air convection)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)Pinning InformationPACKAGING INFORMATIONParameter Type Value Packaging Dimension (LxWxH)tube 520.0 x 16.0 x 9.0mm Packaging Quantity tube 25pcs Storage Temperature Range-55°C to +125°C Storage Humidity non-condensing95% RH max.The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause。

SL500系列单输出DC DC转换器说明书

SL500系列单输出DC DC转换器说明书

FeaturesHow to OrderAgency ApprovalsMilitary Grade Environmental Screening Notes:See “Guide to Operation” for full detailsNotes:Standard unit has pins out the top with 6-32 THD inserts,written as SL500SI/28-270• Input Range from 200Vdc to 400Vdc • No Derating from -55 C to +100 C • Efficiency: Up to 91%• Parallelable• Synchronizable• Power Density: Up to 87W / in�• Non-latching Overtemperature Protection • Fixed Frequency Power Conversion • Latching Output Overvoltage ProtectionSL 500 S I / 28 - C (270)SeriesTotal Output Power Single Output OptionsI - Unscreened M - Screened Output Voltage OptionsC - Thru Hole Inserts (0.140 DIA) I - Metric Inserts (M3)Input Voltage100% Environmental Screening for Military Versions Meets MIL – Standards: MIL – STD – 454 P4855 – 1A MIL – STD – 704D MIL – STD – 810E MIL – S – 901C MIL-STD- 461F with companion filter The SL500 converter is a standalone, 91% efficient COTS converter in a standard 2.4” x 4.6” x 0.52” full brick package.Protection features include overvoltage, overcurrent, overtemperature, and short circuit protection.The converter is parallelable for higher power require-ments and synchronizable for noise sensitive systems. A 300 KHz fixed switching frequency aids in filtering of EMI. The SL500 EMI filter is third party qualified and meets Mil-Std-461F for conducted emissions.All “Mil” Grade units receive the following:Stabilization Bake :+125 C for 24 hours per Mil-Std-883, M1108, Condition B Temperature Cycling :10 cycles at -55 C to +125 C (transition period 36 minutes) per Mil-Std-883, M1010, Condition B Burn-in :160 hours at +85 C min.Final TestingModel Number (Unscreened)SL500SI/28 (270)SL500SI/24 (270)SL500SI/15 (270)SL500SI/12 (270)SL500SI/5 (270)SL500SI/3.3 (270)Nominal Output(Vdc)2824151253.3Output Current(Amps)17.920.925254040/powerconversionFor additional information, call 310.542.8561ore-mail:*******************Input Characteristics - 270Vdc InputOutput CharacteristicsInput VoltageBrown Out (75%) Full Load No Load Power Dissipation Inrush Current <20µS Duration Reflected Ripple Current Logic Disable Current (Sink)Logic Disable Power In Input Ripple Rejection (120HZ)Efficiency Up ToInput Transient Per MIL-STD-704D (Operating 100ms)EMIMIN200185TYP 27027302.86091UNITS Vdc Vdc W A A rmsmA W dB %MAX 4000.52Use Companion FilterNote: Output Ripple is measured with 1µF ceramic and 22µF low ESR Tantalum CapacitorSet Point Accuracy Load Regulation Line Regulation Ripple P-P (20MHz)Trim Range Remote Sense 12V , 15V , 24V , 28V3.3V , 5VOvervoltage Protection Current Sharing Transient Response 50-75% Load (0.2A/µS)Temperature Drift Long Term Drift Current Limit Short Circuit Current Turn-on Time (Power Input)Logic Turn-on Time Switching Frequency Sync Input Voltage Sync Input Frequency Sync Input Duty Cycle Turn-on OvershootMIN90110254.533015TYP 11250.010.0215090300MAX 1±0.3±0.231100.500.25135±83/3000.030.05140755.5360550.1UNITS % Vout % Vout % Vout % Vout % Vout Vdc Vdc % Vout % Iout / at Full Load% Vout / µSSetting Time to Within 1% Vout%Vout / C %Vout / 1KHrs%Iout %Iout Hiccup TypemS FL 270V mS FL 270VKHzVp-p KHz %% Vout500VdcSpecificationsTemperature CharacteristicsMechanical CharacteristicsOperating (Baseplate)Storage (Ambient)Over Temperature Shutdown Thermal Resistance (Case to Ambient)MIN-55-55TYP +1055.71MAX +100+125+110UNITS C CC / Auto RecoveryC / WInput to Output Output to Base-plate Input to Base-plate Insulation Resistance (Measured at 50 VDC)Input to Output CapacitanceMIN1000500100050TYP 0.003MAX UNITS Vdc Vdc Vdc MohmµFWeight Size Volume Mounting (STD)ConstructionTYP7.62.4 x 4.6 x 0.5261 x 116.9 x 13.25.7494UNITS oz in mm in�cm�Threaded, #6-325 sided metal can, nickel plated cover, aluminum baseplateIsolation CharacteristicsCase drawingsCase Drawingsinch mmA 4.60116.9B 2.4061.0C .5213.2D 2.00050.80E .205.1F .205.1G .3759.53H 4.200106.68J .5012.7K .40010.20L .70017.8M 1.00025.40N 1.40035.60P.0401.02R .0802.03Standard ModelC OptionThru hole inserts (0.140 DIA)Model number written as SL500SI/28-C (270)Tolerances:Material: Mounting: 6-32 THD inserts are provided in baseplate Metric: M3 insertsInches mm x.xx = ±0.03x.xxx = ±0.015x.xx = ±0.4x.x = ±0.8Pin = Brass (Solder Plating)Baseplate = Aluminum 5050-H32Case = SteelFinish = Nickel PlatingPin placement on top of unitTOP VIEW(MARKING SURFACE)KLMNJB FHE DA12345678109P DIA ±0.005B A S E P L A T EINPUT PINSOUTPUT PINSG MINCR DIA ±0.005B A S E P L A T EG MINP DIA ±0.005CCharacteristicsCharacteristicsIX. TTL Turn OnIII. Ef ficiency vs. Input VoltageII. Efficiency vs. Output Power I. Input Voltage vs. Output PowerVI. Input Transient ResponseV. Load Transient ResponseIV. Output Voltage RippleVII. Input Inrush CurrentVIII. Input Current RippleX. TTL Turn OffXI. Turn OnXII. Turn OffO u t p u t P o w e r (%)Input Voltage VDC E f fi c i e n c y (%)E f fi c i e n c y (%)10090807017017518018540020406080100556065707580859095Output Power (%)Input Voltage VDC9492908886848280787620024028032036040050m V /d i v500m V /d i v5A /d i vTime: 2µS/divBandwidth: 20MHzV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VTime: 400µS/divV in = 270Vdc V out = 28VI out = 17.9A V out = 28V200m V /d i v100V /d i vTime: 400µS/div100V /d i v10A /d i vV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VTime: 10µS/div 2A /d i vTime: 2µS/div V in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28V Time: 400µS/divTime: 200µS/divTime: 20mS/divTime: 20mS/div2V /d i v5V /d i v5V /d i v5V /d i v100V /d i v5V /d i v100V /d i v10V /d i vFor example, if the DC/DC converter in Figure 1a is a50W unit (5VDC @ 10 Amps) with output load regulationspecified at 0.2%; the connection as shown will degradeload regulation by a factor of 10. In this example, the 4feet of #14 AWG wire used to connect the converteroutput to the load, has a total line resistance of 10mΩ(ignoring any contact resistance). For a 50W, 5 VDCoutput converter, the drop across the lead resistance willbe 100 mV (10A x 0.010Ω) or 2% of the output. Thus,the converter is selected for 0.2% regulation, but thepower system layout achieves only 2.2%.This can be corrected by decreasing the distancebetween the converter output and load. If that is notpossible, using larger diameter wire (see Table 1), orPCB runs that have larger cross sectional area andshorter length will also reduce conductor resistance. Theuse of the converter’s remote sense capability will alsowork (see Remote Sense for more information on thisoption).General Application NotesThe most basic use of the power converter is shown inFigure 1. An input fuse is always recommended toprotect both the source and the power supply in theevent of failures. Slow-blow fuse is recommended with acurrent rating approximately 200% of the full load inputcurrent to the converter. Having a slow-blow type fusewill allow for the converter’s inrush charge at turn-on.The sense pins of the converters must be connected totheir corresponding output bus. Inherently, powerconverters will have some internal energy loss, which isdissipated in the form of heat through an aluminummounting surface. This surface must be cooled tomaintain a temperature below the maximum operatingtemperature.Wire Gage & Distance to LoadIf the resistance of the wire, printed circuit board runs orconnectors used to connect a converter to systemcomponents is too high, excessive voltage drop will resultbetween the converter and system components, degrad-ing overall system performance.The SL family of power converters, designed as militarygrade standalone power converters, can also be used ascomponents in complex power systems. The SL Seriesutilizes a high efficiency full bridge isolated DC to DCconverter which operates at 300 KHz constant frequency.The SL units are supplied in five sided metal case tominimize radiated noise. A number of protectionfeatures, as well as electrical and thermal derating ofinternal components per NAVSO P3641A guidelines andthe use of proven topology allow for high reliabilitythroughout an operating range of -55 C to +100 C. Inapplications where even greater reliability is required, theconverter can be screened to MIL-STD-883 upon#AWG91011121314151617181920CurrentResistance(mΩ/Foot)0.7920.9981.2611.5882.0012.5243.1814.0205.0546.3868.04610.13#AWG212223242526272829303132CurrentResistance(mΩ/Foot)12.7716.2020.3025.6732.3741.0251.4465.3781.21103.7130.9162.0Table 1/powerconversionFor additional information, call 310.542.8561ore-mail:*******************General Application Notes - con’tRemote sense pins, +S and -S have been provided on the SL Series converters for applications where precise load regulation is required at a distance from where the converter is physically located. If remote sensing is NOT required, these pins MUST be tied to their repective output pins (+S to +OUT, -S to -OUT, see Figure 2). If one or more of these sense pins are not connected to their respective output pins, the output of the unit will not regulate to within specification and may cause high output voltage condition.Remote On / OffNOTE: High IR drops between the converter and load may cause converter parameters, such as output voltage accuracy, trim range, etc., to appear to be out of specification. High IR drops on input lines may cause start up problems (voltage at the input pins below the input range of the converter). Obviously, any connections made to the power distribu-tion bus present a similar problem. Poor connections (such as microcracking around solder joints) can cause serious problems such as arcing. Contact resistance must be minimized. Proper workmanship standards must be followed to insure reliable solder joints for board mount converters. Terminal strips, spade lugs and edge connectors must be free of any corrosion, dust or dirt. If parallel lines or connections are available for routingconverter output currents, they should be utilized. Remote SenseFigure 2DO NOT connect sense pins to any pin other than their respective output pins or permanent damage will occur. DO NOT connect sense pins to any load other than the same load the output pins are connected to or permanent damage may occur.Remote turn ON / OFF (TTL Pin) is an additional featureto the SL Series. This feature is especially useful inportable/mobile applications where battery powerconservation is critical. The voltage level at the TTL pinis referenced with respect to the converter’s –VIN Input.When the TTL pin is pulled to less than 1.0V with respectto the –VIN pin. Via either an open collector (see Figure3) or a mechanical switch with a 0.5mA capability, the converter shuts down. An optocoupler can also be usedIF the TTL Signals need to be referenced from the outputside. If the TTL pin is left floating the unit remains on.When multiple units are tied to a central switch com-mand, a series resistor of 200 Ohms to each TTL pin isrecommended to increase noise immunity.Figure 3 Output TrimThe output trim pin has been supplied on the SL familyto provide output voltages other than the nominal fixedvoltage. Output voltage can be increased or decreased(+10% Max, -10% Min) by simply connecting a resistorbetween the trim pin and the –Output return pin or the+Output pin respectively (see Figure 4).Figure 4Output Trim - con’tThe value of the resistors required to Trim Hi is shown in the Table 2. The external resistor is connected between the Trim Pin and the Output Return Pin at the power supply (use standard value 1% resistor closest to the table value). Trimming the output voltage too high may activate the over voltage protection circuitry. The value of resistor required to Trim Lo is shown in Table 2.The external resistor is connected between the Trim Pin and the +Output Pin at the power supply (use standard value 1% resistor closest to the table value). A potentiometer can be substituted for the resistor to achieve a more precise output voltage setting. When trimming up or down, the maximum output current and/or maximum output power cannot be exceeded.15Vout110% Vout 108% Vout 106% Vout 104% Vout 102% Vout 100% Vout 98% Vout 96% Vout 94% Vout 92% Vout 90% Vout Volts16.5016.2015.9015.6015.3015.0014.7014.4014.1013.8013.50KΩ122.9153.9205.1309.9616.8OPEN107.846.225.715.49.124VoutVolts26.4025.9225.4424.9624.4824.0023.5223.0422.5622.0821.60KΩ224.0278.6369.8554.91165OPEN103.744.724.614.48.328VoutVolts30.8030.2429.6829.1225.5628.0027.4426.8826.3225.7625.20KΩ268.6331.8435.9650.61282OPEN110.649.528.918.612.43.3Vout110% Vout 108% Vout 106% Vout 104% Vout 102% Vout 100% Vout 98% Vout 96% Vout 94% Vout 92% Vout 90% Vout Volts3.633.563.503.433.373.303.Ω8.3010.414.021.443.3OPEN115.357.137.527.421.45VoutVolts5.505.405.305.Ω18.324.836.158.1134.0OPEN106.948.928.418.312.212VoutVolts13.2012.9612.7212.4812.2412.0011.7611.5211.2811.0410.80KΩ92.6117.1158.1241.7504.6OPEN100.744.424.914.98.80Table 2Military SpecificationsSpecification MIL-STD-704D MIL-STD-810EMIL-S-901CConditionInput TransientVibrationHumidityTemperature/AltitudeAccelerationTemperature ShockHigh Impact ShockMethod514.4507.3520.1513.4503.3Procedure1133Test ConditionTransients up to 500V for 0.1 sec (270Vdc input)Up to 30 gs, each axis for 1 hour95% humidity, non condensing for 10 days40 hours from -55°C to +71°C14 gs each axis-55°C to + 100°C (non-operating, one hour each cycle)5 foot hammer dropSeries OperationSynchronizationThe SL500 family of power converters may be arranged in a series operating mode to supply higher outputvoltages when required (see Figure 5). In this configura-tion, D1 and D2 are added to protect against the applica-tion of a negative across the outputs of the powerconverters during power up and power down. The two (or more) units do not need to have the same output voltage, but the output current supplied in this configura-tion will be limited to the lowest maximum output current of the modules used.Synchronization of switch-mode converters to a central system clock frequency is often essential in noise sensitive systems. The SL Series can be tied to the central clock that is referenced to -OUT (see Figure 7) by inputting a square wave clock signal which has a frequency amplitude and duty cycle within specifiedlimits. The SL Series converter’s internal synchonization circuit is triggered by rising edge of this clock waveform.DO NOT add any capacitance from the SYNC pin line to Ground.Parallel OperationThe SL500 converter family has the capability of being paralleled to drive loads of higher power than a single SL500 unit can handle. The PAR pin is supplied on the unit for this function (see Figure 6). If parallel operation of two or more units is removed, the following precau-tions must be followed:• Corresponding input and output leads or traces on each unit should be as equal in length and size aspractical. The more equivalent the leads are, the closer the unit sharing.• The PAR pins of all units should be tied together.The units do not have to be synchronized for parallel operation but may be if required (see Synchronization ). Or’ing diodes may be included in the positive output leads for true N + 1 redundant systems, but are not necessary. Local sensing should be used whenever possible to minimize noise on the +S and -S pins in parallel applications.Figure 6Parallel OperationSynchronization to External ClockOutput ripple and noise (sometimes referred to as PARDor “Periodic and Random Deviations”) can be defined as unwanted variations in the output voltage of a power supply. In switching power supplies, this output noise is seen as a series of pulses with a high frequency content and is therefore measured as a peak value (i.e., speci-fied as “peak-to-peak”).Ripple & NoiseRipple & Noise - con’tElectro Magnetic Filter (EMI) - SLF500The SL Series of power supplies are specified and tested in our factory with a 20 MHz bandwidth oscillo-scope / probe. Measurements taken by a scope set at higher frequencies (i.e. 300 MHz) may produce signifi-cantly different results due to noise coupling on to the probe from sources other than the power supply. Noise that is common to all output leads of a power converter with repect to the chassis is refered to as common mode noise. Noise that is apparent on one output lead with respect to the other output lead is referred to as differential mode noise. Common mode noise is produced in switching action. Martek Power, a brand of Cooper Bussmann, typically minimizes the level of output common mode noise by incorporating line to chassis ground capacitors (on input and output leads) into the power converters. In most cases, this issufficient to minimize the level of common mode noise. However, if further attenuation is required, additional line to chassis ground capacitance may be added by the customer at the system level. Martek Power noisespecifications (output ripple specifications) all reference the level of differential mode noise at a given bandwidth, not the level of common mode noise. The measurement of differential mode noise is detailed in the following paragraphs.Measurement TechniquesThe length of all measurement leads (especially the ground lead) should be minimized and the sense pins should be tied to their respective outputs (+SENSE to +OUTPUT, - SENSE to - OUTPUT). One inch or less from the output terminals, place a ceramic capacitor of 1µF and a 22µF low ESR Tantalum capacitor. Using an X1 scope probe with a 20 MHz bandwidth, we recom-mend measurement close to the capacitors. We do not recommend using the probe ground clip. Instead,replace it with connecting a short bus wire (generally 0.5 inches or less, making a loop at the end to place the probe in) to the negative and positive outputs on the backside of the connector. Place the tip of the probe on the +OUTPUT, and the ground ring (or ground band) on the -OUTPUT for a true ripple measurement (see Figure 8). Utilizing the probe ground ring (as opposed to a ground clip) will minimize the chance of noise coupling from sources other than the power supply.Figure 8Sense Tied Local+ SENSE + OUTPUT1” max.- SENSE- OUTPUT 1µF 22µFRipple and Noise Test Set-UpMaximum Allowable CapacitanceOutput Voltage3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 28VMax Capacitance15,000µF 15,000µF 5,000µF 5,000µF 3,000µF 3,000µFFor applications where electromagnetic interference is a concern, the SLF500, a passive input line filter may be installed at the input of the SL Series converters (see Figure 9). If output power greater than 500 watts are required, multiple SLF500 units will be necessary. For more details, consult the factory.Figure 9Table 3Ripple Reduction TechniquesIn applications where the output ripple of the converter is higher than desired, various techniques can beemployed to reduce output ripple and noise (PARD). One method is to add additional capacitance in parallel with the output leads of the converter (low ESR type tantalums or ceramic are recommended). This should substantially reduce PARD. See Table 3 for maximum allowable capacitance that may be added to the output leads.SLF500 SchematicSL500 Block DiagramINPUTVDCOUTPUTTTL ON/OFF/powerconversionEaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USA March 2017ore-mail:*******************。



DC/DC转换器按变换类型可分为直接 和间接两种。直接DC/DC转换器通过 开关管和储能元件实现电压的直接变 换,间接DC/DC转换器则通过变换器 将直流电源转换为交流电源,再通过 整流和滤波电路实现直流电源的变换 。
DC/DC转换器按开关类型可分为硬开 关和软开关两种。硬开关在开关过程 中因器件的硬性开通和关断而产生较 大的损耗和电磁干扰,而软开关则在 开关过程中通过谐振技术使开关器件 在零电压或零电流状态下进行开关转 换,从而降低了损耗和电磁干扰。
航空航天领域需要使用DC/DC转换器将母线电压 转换为各种电子设备所需的直流电源,同时由于 空间环境的特殊性,要求DC/DC转换器具有较高 的可靠性和稳定性。
工业控制系统中需要使用大量的传感器、执行器 和控制器等电子设备,这些设备需要使用DC/DC 转换器提供稳定可靠的电源。
采用电容器存储能量,然后与输入电压一起向 负载提供能量,使得输出电压大于输入电压。
将直流电压转换成交流电压,通常用于无源元 件的驱动。
脉冲宽度调制( PWM)
通过调节占空比来控制输出电压,使 得输出电压保持稳定。
定期对DC/DC转换器进行维护 检查,包括清理灰尘、检查电 路板和散热风扇等,确保设备 正常运行
优化方向:提高转换效率 改进措施:增加过压保护功能
通过优化电路设计和选用高效元器件,提高DC/DC转 换器的转换效率
在DC/DC转换器上增加过压保护功能,当输出电压过 高时,能够自动切断电源,保护负载和电路板

DC-DC Converter (直流变换器)资料

DC-DC Converter (直流变换器)资料

iL iO
Uo C
导通 Ui
连续 (CCM-Continuous Current Mode)
临界 断续(DCM-Discontiuous Current Mode)
S 阻断
电压纹波、谐波、内阻 ……
iL 0
iL 0
R Uo
R Uo
1 电流的不同状态
★ 电流连续状态:
uL iC
S1 S2
★ 电流临界状态:
1 L
tON 0
1 L
(U i
Uo )tON
DTUi (1 D) L
1 2
UiT D(1 D) 2L
4I LCM D(1 D)
TUi 8L
★ 电流断续状态:
uL Ui -UO
(Ui Uo )DT 1TUo Uo D Ui D 1
D 1 1 Uo
iS ii S
iL iO
Uo C
1 2
1 )T
Uo 2L




按照产品规格书的要求,逐项测试 DC/DC转换器的各项功能指标。
在模拟实际工作条件下,对DC/DC 转换器进行长时间、高强度的工作 测试,以验证其稳定性和可靠性。
检验DC/DC转换器的安全性能,如 过压、过流、过温等保护功能是否 可靠。
根据负载要求,确定DC/DC转换器 的输出电压和电流。
根据输出电压和电流以及不同的应 用场景,选择合适的电路拓扑。
随着全球环保意识的不断提高,环保和节能已成为电子行业的重要发展趋势。DC/DC转换 器厂商需要关注环保和节能要求,积极研发环保节能产品,以满足市场需求和社会责任要 求。



转换器输入和输出之间存在电气隔离 ,通常使用变压器实现。优点是可以 在不同电压级别之间转换,提高安全 性。缺点是体积较大,成本较高。
转换器输入和输出之间没有电气隔离 。优点是成本较低,体积较小。缺点 是安全性较低,只能用于相同电压级 别之间的转换。
指DC/DC转换器内部或外部产生的干扰信号,可能会影响输出电压和电流的稳定 性和性能。
DC/DC转换器的物理尺寸,会影响其 在系统中的应用和布局。
DC/DC转换器的重量,会影响其在系 统中的安装和固定方式。
通过四个开关管和两个磁性元件,将输入直流电压转换为另 一个直流电压。优点是输出电压精度高,效率高。缺点是电 路复杂,成本较高。
DC/DC转换器的输入电压范围决 定了其适应的电源范围,通常根 据系统需求和电源供应情况而定 。
输出电压是DC/DC转换器所能够 调整和稳定的直流电压,通常需 要根据负载的需求进行设定。
汇报人: 2023-12-23
• DC/DC转换器简介 • DC/DC转换器的类型 • DC/DC转换器的性能参数 • DC/DC转换器的选择 • DC/DC转换器的使用和注意
事项 • DC/DC转换器的常见问题和



DC-DC直流变换器第⼀章绪论本章介绍了双向DC/DC变换器(Bi-directional DC/DC Converter,BDC)的基本原理概述、研究背景和应⽤前景,并指出了⽬前双向直流变换器在应⽤中遇到的主要问题。

1.1 双向DC/DC变换器概述所谓双向DC/DC变换器就是在保持输⼊、输出电压极性不变的情况下,根据具体需要改变电流的⽅向,实现双象限运⾏的双向直流/直流变换器。

相⽐于我们所熟悉的单向DC/DC 变换器实现了能量的双向传输。



1.2 双向直流变换器的研究背景在20世纪80年代初期,由于⼈造卫星太阳能电源系统的体积和重量很⼤,美国学者提出了⽤双向Buck/Boost直流变换器来代替原有的充、放电器,从⽽实现汇流条电压的稳定。


1994年,⾹港⼤学陈清泉教授将双向直流变换器应⽤到了电动车上,同年,F.Caricchi 等教授研制成功了⽤20kW⽔冷式双向直流变换器应⽤到电动车驱动,由于双向直流变换器的输⼊输出电压极性相反,不适合于电动车,所以他提出了⼀种Buck-Boost级联型双向直流变换器,其输⼊输出的负端共⽤。



1994年,澳⼤利亚Felix A.Himmelstoss发表论⽂,总结出了不隔离双向直流变换器的拓扑结构。

DC DC 转换器产品说明书

DC DC 转换器产品说明书

DC/DC Conver ter Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)E224736UL-60950-1 CertifiedEN-55022 Certified20 Watt 2:11.6“ x 1“Ribbed StyleSingle OutputSelection GuidePart Input Input Output Output Efficiency Max. CapacitiveNumber VoltageRange Current Voltage Current typ. Load[VDC] [mA] [VDC] [mA] [%] [µF]RPP20-2412S 18-36 940 12 1670 90 1000DescriptionThe RPP20 series 2:1 input range DC/DC converters are ideal for high end industrial applications and COTS Militaryapplications where a very wide operating temperature range of -45°C to +115°C is required. Although the case sizeis very compact, the converter contains a built-in EMC filter EN-55022 Class B without the need for any externalcomponents. The RPP20 is available in a ribbed case style for active cooling. They are UL-60950-1 certified.FeaturesICETechnology*• +115°C Maximum Case Temperature• -45°C Minimum Case Temperature• Built-in EMC Filter• Ribbed Case Style• 2250VDC Isolation• EN-55022 Class B RPP20-2412S* ICE TechnologyICE (Innovation in Converter Excellence)uses state-of-the-art techniques to minimiseinternal power dissipation and to increasethe internal temperature limits to extend theambient operating temperature range to themaximum.Notes:Note1: Typical values at nominal input voltage and full load.Only the single output converters have a trim function that allows users to adjust the output voltage from +10% to -10%, please refer to the trim table that follow for details. Adjustment to the output voltage can be used with a simple fixed resistor as shown in Figures 1 and 2. A single fixed resistor can increase or decrease the output voltage depending on its connection. Resistor should be located close to the converter. If the trim function is not used, leave the trim pin open.Trim adjustments higher than the specified range can have an adverse effect on the converter´s performance and are not recommended. E xcessive voltage differences between output voltage sense voltage, in conjunction with trim adjustment of the output voltage; can cause the OVP circuitry to activate. Thermal derating is based on maximum output current and voltage at the converter´s output pins. Use of the trim and sense function can cause output voltages to increase, thereby increasing output power beyond the converter´s specified rating. Therefore: (Vout at Pins) X (Iout) ≤ rated output power.PROTECTIONSParameterConditionValueOutput Power Protection (OPP)current limit 120% typ.Over Voltage Protection (OVP)10% load 120% typ.Over Temperature Protection (OTP)case temperature 120°C, auto-recovery Isolation Voltage I/P to O/P , at 70% RH I/P to Case, O/P to Case 2250VDC / 1 Minute 1500VDC / 1 MinuteIsolation Resistance I/P to O/P , at 70% RH100M W min.Isolation CapacitanceI/P to O/P1500pF typ.Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)Notes:Note2:This Power Module is not internally fused. A input fuse must be always used. Recommended Fuse: T1.6AREGULATIONSParameterConditionValueOutput Voltage Accuracy 50% load ±1.5% max.Line Voltage Regulation low line to high line ±0.3% max.Load Voltage Regulation 10% to 100% load±0.5% max.Transient Response 25% load step change, ΔIo/Δt=2.5A/us 800µs typ.Transient Peak Deviation25% load step change, ΔIo/Δt=2.5A/us±2%Vout max.Trimming Output VoltageFigure 2. Trim connections to decrease output voltage using fixed resistorsFigure 1. Trim connections to increase output voltage using fixed resistors+V IN -V INCTRL +V OUT R TRIM UP-V OUTTRIMLOAD+V IN -V INCTRL +V OUT R TRIM DOWN-V OUTTRIMLOADTrim down resistor value (K W )Vout-1%-2%-3%-4%-5%-6%-7%-8%-9%-10%12VDC 322.2137. up resistor value (K W )Vout1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%12VDC 238.7113.168.246.332.122.415. Humidity95%, non condensing Temperature Coefficient ±0.04% / °C max.Thermal Impedance natural convection, mounting at FR4(254x254mm) PCB vertical horizontal7.2°C/W 7.8°C/WOperating Temperature Range start up at -45°C-45°C to (see calculation)Maximum Case Temperature +115°CMTBFaccording to MIL-HDBK-217F (+50°C G.B.)according to BellCore-TR-332 (+50°C G.B.)768 x 103 hours 1572 x 103 hourscontinued on next pageDerating Graph(Ta= +25°C, natural convection, typ. Vin and vertical mounting)CalculationSpecifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)302535404550102030405060708090100Load [%]C a s e T e m p e r a t u r e [°C ]105060708090100203040506070809010018Vin24Vin 36Vin Load [%]E f f i c i e n c y [%]R thcase-ambient = 7.2°C/W (vertical) T case = Case Temperature R thcase-ambient = 7.8°C/W (horizontal)T ambient= Environment TemperatureP dissipation = Internal lossesR thcase-ambient = T case - T ambientP IN = Input PowerP dissipationP OUT = Output Powerh = Efficiency under given Operating Conditions P dissipation = P IN - P OUT = P OUTapp- P OUTapp R thcase-ambient = Thermal ImpedancehPractical Example:Take the RPP20-2412S with 50% load. What is the maximum ambient operating temperature? Use converter vertical in application.Eff min = 89% @ V nom P OUT = 20WP OUTapp = 20 x 0.5 = 10W P dissipation = P OUTapp- P OUTapp R th = T casemax - T ambient --> 7.2°C/W = 115°C - T ambienthP dissipation1.24Wh = ~88% (from Eff vs Load Graph)T ambientmax = 106.1°CP dissipation = 10- 10 = 1.24W0.89Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)DC/DC Conver terSpecifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)RPP20-2412SSeriesPACKAGING INFORMATIONParameterTypeValuePackaging Dimension (LxWxH)Tube160.0 x 45.0 x 16.0mmPackaging Quantity 5pcsStorage Temperature Range-55°C to +125°CThe product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorizeduse of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications.。


问题旳提出 ?
输出滤波元件旳加入必然使变换电路中开关管VT旳电 压、电流应力增长
Uo≠Ui,当开关管 VT导通 时,电容C将造成输入输出
2.1 DC-DC变换器旳基本构造
➢ 如左图所示。经过串联可变电阻变化直流电压。R↑,则 uL↓; R ↓ ,则uL ↑。
uL rL
直流 电动机
➢ 在串联电阻中也流过与负载电阻电流相同旳电流,将产生大旳损耗。
➢ 利用上述原理,使用开关器件,将直流电压转换成脉冲旳形式,把 这些脉冲组合在一起就得到了输出电压。无需加入电阻,降低损耗
在以上2种调制方式中,脉冲宽度调制(PWM)控制方式 是电力电子开关变换器最常用旳开关斩波控制方式,也是 本章讨论所涉及旳主要开关控制方式。
2.1 DC-DC变换器旳基本构造
➢ 直流斩波器实际上是一类基本旳DC-DC变换、降-升), 这种基本旳DC-DC变换器可分为: buck型 DC-DC变换器 boost 型 DC-DC变换器 buck-boost型 DC-DC变换器 boost-buck型 DC-DC变换器 下列分别讨论此类DC-DC变换器旳基本构造。
➢若考虑变换器输入、输出能量旳不变性 (忽视电路及元件旳损耗),则buck型电 压变换器在完毕降压变换旳同步也完毕了 升流(boost)变换。同理buck型电流变换 器在完毕降流变换旳同步也完毕了升压( boost)变换。

DC-DC 电源转换器说明书

DC-DC 电源转换器说明书

DC TO AC POWER INVERTERPWRNV1250W INSTRUCTION MANUALSAVE THIS MANUALYou will need the manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assembly instructions, operating and maintenance procedures, parts list and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep the manual and invoice in a safe and dry place for future reference.Basic Operation•Make sure that you choose the right operating voltage for both input and output of the inverter.•When unpacking, make sure that the inverter is in good condition. If any parts are missing or broken, please call AIMS Power, Inc. at the number found on the warranty card.•Place the power inverter on a flat surface. Make sure it has adequate ventilation and is not in direct sunlight. Fasten the inverter securely to the surface, using screws or some othermeans. If holes are to be drilled, follow safe, proper installation techniques.Before you connect the battery cables, make sure the power switch is in the off position. Connect Red (+) battery cable to Red (+) inverter terminal. Connect Black (-) battery cable to Black (-) inverter terminal. Connect Red (+) battery cable to Red (+) battery terminal. Connect Black (-) battery cable to Black (-) battery terminal. Alligator clamp cables may be used but only to connect to the battery.Do not use clamps on inverter terminals. Alligator clamps are not a permanent solution. You may see a spark during connection.•Connect the ground cable to an earth ground, such as a metal water pipe or to the vehicle ground when used in a vehicle if the inverter includes a ground port.•Turn the power switch to the on position, which is located on the front of the inverter. The green LED light will confirm that AC power is present.•Before plugging the equipment into the inverter, make sure the equipment AND the inverter are off. Turn inverter on first, then turn on the equipment.•The power inverter can be used either while the engine is running or off.Warnings•Unplug the inverter when it is not in use.•If the AC inverter makes a beeping sound, turn off the equipment, unplug the inverter and restart the vehicle’s engine. The beeping sound is simply the low-battery warning, which indicates that the voltage of your battery is getting low. If you do not re-start your engine and continue operating the inverter, the inverter will automatically shut off, leavingyour vehicle's battery at about 10. 5 VDC. This will allow you to start your engine and resumeoperation of the inverter. It also reduces the fear of being stranded with a dead battery(dependent on health of battery).•This device should only be serviced by a qualified technician. This item does not have any serviceable parts.•Prevent body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerator enclosures during installation.•Do not operate the inverter if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Read warning labels on prescriptions to determine if your judgement or reflexes are impaired while taking drugs. Ifthere is any doubt, do not operate the inverter.•People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before using this product.Electromagnetic fields in close proximity to a heart pacemaker could cause interference to or failure of the pacemaker.•Keep children away. Children must never be allowed in the work area. Do not let them handle machines, tools, or extension cords.•Store idle equipment. When not in use, inverter must be stored in a dry location to prevent rust. Always lock up tools and the inverter and keep out of reach of children.•Size the inverter properly. Size the inverter for the surge rating of your equipment. The inverter’s continuous rating should be MORE than the surge rating of your equipment.Example: Power tool runs at 1500 watts but surges at 2500 watts. You should use an inverter >3000 watts.•Keep the inverter well-ventilated. Do not place any objects on top of or next to the inverter or allow anything to cover the cooling fans; doing so can cause the inverter to overheat,causing a potential fire hazard and/or damage to the inverter. Leave adequate ventilationspace underneath the inverter as well; thick carpets or rugs can obstruct air flow, causing the inverter to overheat.•Avoid unintentional starting. Be sure the switch is in the OFF position when not in use and before plugging in any appliance.Note: Performance of this unit may vary depending on the available battery power or appliance wattage.Warning: The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by operator. Guard against electric shock. Do not open the metal case; risk of electric shock.Battery Use•To avoid over-discharging your vehicle battery, we recommend running your engine for 10-20 minutes to recharge the vehicle's battery if battery voltage drops <11V.•To properly size your battery, use the following formula: Volts * Amps = Watts or Watts/Volts = Amps. Example: 1000 watt inverter / 12 volts DC = 83.3 DC amps. In this example, you willneed 83.3 amps to power a 1000 watt load for 1 hour. If you need to power 1000 watts for 2hours you will need 83.3 * 2 = 166.66 DC amps available. A 100 amp hour battery will giveyou 100 amps / 166.66 = .6 hours so you will need two batteries if using 100 amp battery.This is if you fully deplete your batteries. We do NOT recommend fully depleting yourbatteries. This is just an example. Your power requirements may be different.•If you choose to use a female 12 Volt DC adapter for your inverter or to the inverter make sure wire size is correct.•IF YOU CONNECT THE WIRES TO THE INCORRECT TERMINALS, YOU WILL REVERSE THE POLARITY AND DAMAGE THE INVERTER.•REVERSED POLAR ITY WILL INSTANTLY VOID THE WARRANTY OF YOUR INVERTER, SO BE CAREFUL TO CONNECT YOUR INPUT WIRES PROPEPLY.•If you choose to operate a battery charger to replenish your battery’s voltage, be sure to check with charger manufacture before damaging the charger.•CONNECTING THE INVERTER’S DC INPUT TO A BATTERY CHARGER WILL VOID THE WARRANTY, AND MAY DAMAGE THE INVERTER.•Make sure that the battery voltage does not exceed 15 volts DC.•CONNECTING THE INVERTER TO A DC POWER SOURCE GREATER THAN 15 VDC WILL VOID THE WARRANTY, AND MAY DAMAGE THE INVERTER.CablesWe recommend that you refrain from using battery cables longer than 12 feet between the DC power source and the DC input of the inverter. Longer battery cables on the DC input will create a voltage drop which results in a reduction of efficiency and output. If you require more than 12 feet, use a bigger cable. We recommend using an extension cord between the AC output and AC appliance. You may use up to 100ft, high quality extension cord. A longer cord may result in reduced output. See Specifications chart for recommended battery cable size.Digital Bar DisplayThe digital bar display displays battery DC voltage and DC current. The current should always be in the green zone. The inverter will operate for several minutes when thecurrent is in the yellow zone. Operation in the red zone of the display will result in protective inverter shutdown. NOTE: The bar display will only monitor DC current and voltage not AC. If you need to measure AC output you will need to use a TRUE RMS MULTI METER.Remote On/Off SwitchSome models include a remote port. An AIMS remote on/off switch may be connected to the remote port. The optional remote on/off switch is a convenient option to turn the inverter on/off if the inverter is installed in a hard to reach area. Make sure the inverter is turned off before installing the remote switch. Simply plug the switch into the remote jack. There are several ways to mount the remote switch. Remote switch comes with 4 pre-drilled holes for mounting. Remote part # REMOTEHF.Measuring the AC VoltageThe output waveform of the inverter is a MODIFIED SINE WAVE. If you choose to measure the AC output voltage, you must use a TRUE RMS MULTI METER. Using any other type of voltage measuring device will result in an AC voltage reading of 10 to 30 volts lower than actual voltage. When using a true RMS multi meter, you will get an accurate reading.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS•Do not open the case of the inverter. The high voltage inside the unit is the same type of power as your electrical outlets at home.•Do not let the cord of the inverter, or any appliance cord get wet. If you are operating the inverter in a moving vehicle, we recommend that you secure the inverter to prevent it fromshifting around while the vehicle is moving.•Do not operate this inverter in or around water. Water can damage the inverter, and water damage is not covered under warranty. Also, do not operate the inverter with wet hands. The AC voltage of the unit makes it an electrical shock hazard if operated with wet hands.•Allow at least one inch of clearance around the Inverter for air flow. Ensure the ventilation openings on the rear and bottom of the unit are not obstructed.•Do not connect the inverter directly to another AC power source. Damage may result, and such damage will void the inverter warranty.•Know the wattage requirements of your appliance. Use only those appliances which are limited by the capacity of this unit.•Use common sense. This device produces power just like your wall outlets at home and should be treated seriously. Keep it away from children.•Reversed polarity of AC power outlet LINE /NEUTRAL will void the warranty.•If there is anything wrong with the inverter, disconnect all of the power and contact technical support.If the Inverter does not appear to be functioning properly, check the following possible causes:•Poor contact: Clean contact parts thoroughly.•If the low battery alarm sounds, this means the input voltage is too low and battery needs to be recharged.•If you are getting a low output voltage, try reducing the load to minimize watts. You may have overloaded the inverter. Reduce your load. Also, keep input voltage above 10.5 volts tomaintain a constant flow of power.•If you are not getting any power output, turn the power switch Off and On again, until the green power light comes on. Your devices may draw too much power to operate them. Theinverter may be in thermal shutdown. Let it cool down and make sure there is adequateventilation around the unit.•If the green light turns red one of the following has happened:A.input voltage is too lowB.input voltage is too highC.short circuitD.inverter is close to overload•Battery voltage is too low: Start the engine to recharge the battery. Replace or recharge battery if needed.•Shuts down on overload: Reduce the wattage of your load.•Thermal shutdown: Under heavy loads for extended period, the inverter will shut down to prevent damage from excess heat. Simply reduce your load and allow theInverter to cool down.•Low-battery shutdown: Recharge your battery and resume operation.Very little maintenance is required to keep your inverter operating properly. You should disconnect input power first and then clean the exterior of the unit periodically with a dry cloth to prevent accumulation of dust and dirt. At the same time, tighten the screws on the DC input terminals.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLYNeither the manufacturer nor distributor makes any representation or warranty of any kind to the buyer that he or she is qualified to make any repairs to the product or that he or she is qualified to replace any parts of the product. In fact, the manufacturer and/or distributor expressly states that all repairs and parts replacements should be undertaken by certified and licensed technicians and not by the buyer. The buyer assumes all risk and liability arising out of his or her repairs to the original product or replacement parts thereto, or arising out of his or her installation of replacement parts thereto.WARRANTYAIMS Corp., Inc. dba AIMS Power Warranty Instructions:This product is designed using the most modern digital technology and under very strict quality control and testing guidelines. If, however, you feel this product is not performing as it should, please contact us:**************************(775)359-6703We will do our best to resolve your concerns. If the product needs repair or replacement, make sure to keep your receipt/invoice, as that will need to be sent back along with the package and RMA# prepaid to AIMS. You have a full 1 year warranty from date of purchase.This warranty is valid worldwide with the exception that freight and duty charges incurred outside the contiguous 48 United States will be prepaid by customer.Except as provided above, AIMS makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall AIMS be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages. This warranty only applies to AIMS Power branded products. All other name brand products are warranted by and according to their respective manufacturer. Please do not attempt to return non-AIMS Power branded products to AIMS Power.For additional products such as:-Modified sine wave inverters-Pure sine wave inverters-Low Frequency Inverters-Solar Charge Controllers-Micro Grid Tied Inverters-Inverter Chargers and Automatic transfer switches-Converters DC-DC-Custom cut cables-Batteries-Solar Panels & RacksPlease visit our web site: Tofindoutwheretobuyanyofourproducts,youmayalsoe-mail:************************ (775)359-6703.。

Orion 单片式电路 DC-DC 转换器用户手册说明书

Orion 单片式电路 DC-DC 转换器用户手册说明书

Orion IsolatedEnglishOwners manual Switched Mode DC-DC converter The converter must be mounted securely in a cool, dry location. Connect the negative input leads to the minus terminal on the converter. Attention :A bad minus connection could make the output voltage equal to the input voltage! Then connect the input ead via a fuse to the input terminal. At this point make sure that the output voltage is OK. If it is, you may safely connect the equipment to the OUTterminal via a fuse. (Fuse value equal to the output current).Attention: The currents can be very high. Always use cables of sufficient diameter!If no input and output fuse are used than warranty is void.FrançaisMode d’emploi Switched Mode DC-DC convertisseurPour obtenir le rendement optimal du convertisseur, il est conseillé de le monter sur une surface froide. Evitez de le monter dans un endroit humide! Reliez correctement la borne négatif (-) du accumulateur au minus (-) du convertisseur et alors reliez la borne positif (+) par une fusible du accumulateur au input (+) du convertisseur.Attention: par une connection défectueuse au minus (-) du convertisseur, le voltage au output du convertisseur sera également au voltage au input du convertisseur. Par là, votre appareillage peut être endommagé!! Assurez-vous par vérification que le voltage au output duconvertisseur est correct!! Ensuite reliez la borne positif de l’appareillage, par une fusible (égale à tension sortie), au output du convertisseur.Attention: Employez toujours les câbles du diamêtre suffisant!Sans une fusible pas garantie.NederlandsGebruiksaanwijzing Switched Mode DC-DC converterMonteer de omvormer op een koele droge plaats. Verbind eerst de min-kabel met Minus aansluiting van de omvormer.Pas op: bij een slechte minus aansluiting kan de uitgangsspanning gelijk zijn aan de ingangsspanning! Dit kan uw apparatuurbeschadigen! Sluit daarna de accu plus-spanning aan op de Input aansluiting via een zekering.Verzeker u er van dat de uitgangspanning correct is. Sluit daarna de apparatuur aan via een zekering, die gelijk is aan de uitgangstroom, op de output aansluiting.Pas op!: Er kunnen zeer hoge stromen lopen. Gebruik kabels van voldoende diameter!Bij gebruik zonder in- en uitgangszekering vervalt de garantie.DeutchGebrauchsanweisung Switched Mode DC-DC UmwandlerDamit ein optimaler Gebrauch gewährleistet wird muss der Umwandler auf einer kühlender Oberfläche montiert werden. Vermeiden Sie Montage auf einem feuchtem Platz. Verbinde zuerst die Minus Anschlussklemme mit dem Minus der Batterie.Achtung :Eine schlechte Minusanschluss könnte Ihre Geräte beschädigen! Demnächst verbinde die input Anschlussklemme via eine Sicherung mit dem Pluspol vom Batterie. Kontrolliere dieAusgangsspannung. Verbinde danach Ihrem Gerät via eine Sicherung (Größe gleichend derAusgangsstrom) mit den output Anschlussklemme. Achtung: Die Ströme können sehr hoch sein. Benutzen Sie immer Kabel des genügenden Durchmesser!Ohne Ein- und Ausgangs Sicherung keine Garantie.Version: 01Date: 10 October 2012Victron Energy B.V. / De Paal 35 / 1351 JG ALMERE / The NetherlandsPhone: (+31) (0)36 535 97 00 / Fax: (+31) (0)36 535 97 40 / /e-mail:***********************。

DC-DC Converter (直流变换器)

DC-DC Converter (直流变换器)

得 LDiT (1 U D )DiT (1 U U O )
2IO minU i
其中: ILCI0min
iS ii S
iL iO
Uo C
若IO-min过小,所需L过大,可加假负载,但η低; 若负载稳定,此L较小,使IS-on-Max和△UO较大,故一般取:
ILC(15~13)I0mi n
ZR E Sj(L E S1 C )
0L 1 EC S
0 L E S0
u O iC R E S C 1 o0 tiC d t u R Cu 很C 大 u R
n0 1nCo0
缩短C引线,减小分布电感; 多电容并联,减小ESR。
放电 充电 放电 充电
Uo Uo
ffC S
未经滤波的输出电压,即二极管 反压的富氏级数
iS ii S
iL iO
Uo C
u D U i ( D sD i c n t o s2 s i D c n 2 t o s n sn i D c n n o t )
iL iO
Uo C
导通 Ui
连续 (CCM-Continuous Current Mode)
临界 断续(DCM-Discontiuous Current Mode)



id + (a) Vd vL (b) + voi (Vd-Vo)
L + vL -
io + C vo=Vo R
iL (c) id (d)
0 0
(IL=Io) t
In the dc steady state:
VL = 0 (Vd Vo )ton = Vo (Ts ton ) Vo ton = =D Vd Ts (7 3)
7-4 Step-Up (Boost) Converter Step-up converter is mainly applied in regulated dc power supplies and regenerative braking of dc motors.
iL = 1 8 0.6 5 (Vin Vo ) DTs = = 1A L 24
Po 12 I L = Io = = = 1A Vo 12
Therefore, iL=IL+iL,ripple , as shown in Fig. 3-6. When the transistor is on, iin=iL, otherwise zero. The average input currents is Iin=DIo =0.6A .
Pd = Po Therefore: Vd I d = Vo I o and :
IC = 0
Io 1 = Id D
Vo I L = Io = R
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Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Tutorials > Power-Supply Circuits > APP 2031Keywords: DC to DC, buck, boost, flyback, inverter, PWM, quick-PWM, voltage mode, current mode skip, synchronous rectifier, switching regulator, linear regulatorTUTORIAL 2031DC-DC Converter TutorialNov 29, 2001Abstract:Switching power supplies offer higher efficiency than traditional linear power supplies. They can step-up, step-down, and invert. Some designs can isolate output voltage from the input. This article outlines the different types of switching regulators used in DC-DC conversion. It also reviews and compares the various control techniques for these converters.IntroductionThe power switch was the key to practical switching regulators. Prior to the invention of the Vertical Metal Oxide Semiconductor (VMOS) power switch, switching supplies were generally not practical.The inductor's main function is to limit the current slew rate through the power switch. This action limits the otherwise high-peak current that would be limited by the switch resistance alone. The key advantage for using an inductor in switching regulators is that an inductor stores energy. This energy can be expressed in Joules as a function of the current by:E = ½ × L × I²A linear regulator uses a resistive voltage drop to regulate the voltage, losing power (voltage drop times the current) in the form of heat. A switching regulator's inductor does have a voltage drop and an associated current but the current is 90 degrees out of phase with the voltage. Because of this, the energy is stored and can be recovered in the discharge phase of the switching cycle. This results in a much higher efficiency and much less heat.What is a Switching Regulator?A switching regulator is a circuit that uses a power switch, an inductor, and a diode to transfer energy from input to output.The basic components of the switching circuit can be rearranged to form a step-down (buck)converter, a step-up (boost) converter, or an inverter (flyback). These designs are shown in Figures 1,2,3, and 4 respectively, where Figures 3 and 4 are the same except for the transformer and the diode polarity. Feedback and control circuitry can be carefully nested around these circuits to regulate the energy transfer and maintain a constant output within normal operating conditions.Figure 1. Buck converter topology.Figure 2. Simple boost converter.Figure 3. Inverting topology.Figure 4. Transformer flyback topology.Why Use a Switching Regulator?Switching regulators offer three main advantages compared to linear regulators. First, switching efficiency can be much better. Second, because less energy is lost in the transfer, smaller components and less thermal management are required. Third, the energy stored by an inductor in a switching regulator can be transformed to output voltages that can be greater than the input (boost), negative (inverter), or can even be transferred through a transformer to provide electrical isolation with respect to the input (Figure 4).Given the advantages of switching regulators, one might wonder where can linear regulators be used? Linear regulators provide lower noise and higher bandwidth; their simplicity can sometimes offer a less expensive solution.There are, admittedly, disadvantages with switching regulators. They can be noisy and require energymanagement in the form of a control loop. Fortunately, the solution to these control problems is integrated in modern switching-mode controller chips.Charge PhaseA basic boost configuration is depicted in Figure 5. Assuming that the switch has been open for a long time and that the voltage drop across the diode is negative, the voltage across the capacitor is equal to the input voltage. When the switch closes, the input voltage, +V IN, is impressed across the inductor and the diode prevents the capacitor from discharging +V OUT to ground. Because the input voltage is DC, current through the inductor rises linearly with time at a rate proportional to the input voltage divided by the inductance.Figure 5. Charging phase: when the switch closes, current ramps up through the inductor.Discharge PhaseFigure 6 shows the discharge phase. When the switch opens again, the inductor current continues to flow into the rectification diode to charge the output. As the output voltage rises, the slope of the current, di/dt, though the inductor reverses. The output voltage rises until equilibrium is reached or:V L = L × di/dtIn other words, the higher the inductor voltage, the faster the inductor current drops.Figure 6. Discharge phase: when the switch opens, current flows to the load through the rectifying diode.In a steady-state operating condition, the average voltage across the inductor over the entire switching cycle is zero. This implies that the average current through the inductor is also in steady state. This is an important rule governing all inductor-based switching topologies. Taking this one step further, we can establish that for a given charge time, t ON, and a given input voltage and with the circuit in equilibrium, there is a specific discharge time, t OFF, for an output voltage. Because the average inductor voltage in steady state must equal zero, we can calculate for the boost circuit:V IN × t ON = t OFF × V LAnd because:V OUT = V IN + V LWe can then establish the relationship:V OUT = V IN × (1 + t ON/t OFF)Using the relationship for duty cycle (D):t ON/(t ON + t OFF) = DThen for the boost circuit:V OUT = V IN/(1-D)Similar derivations can be made for the buck circuit:V OUT = V IN × DAnd for the inverter circuit (flyback):V OUT = V IN × D/(1-D)Control TechniquesFrom the derivations for the boost, buck, and inverter (flyback), it can be seen that changing the duty cycle controls the steady-state output with respect to the input voltage. This is a key concept governing all inductor-based switching circuits.The most common control method, shown in Figure 7, is pulse-width modulation (PWM). This method takes a sample of the output voltage and subtracts this from a reference voltage to establish a small error signal (V ERROR). This error signal is compared to an oscillator ramp signal. The comparator outputs a digital output (PWM) that operates the power switch. When the circuit output voltage changes, V ERROR also changes and thus causes the comparator threshold to change. Consequently, the output pulse width (PWM) also changes. This duty cycle change then moves the output voltage to reduce the error signal to zero, thus completing the control loop.Figure 7. Varying error signal generates a pulse-width-modulated switch signal.Figure 8 shows a practical circuit using the boost topology formed with the MAX1932. This IC is an integrated controller with an onboard programmable digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The DAC sets the output voltage digitally through a serial link. R5 and R8 form a divider that meters the output voltage. R6 is effectively out of circuit when the DAC voltage is the same as the reference voltage (1.25V). This is because there are zero volts across R6 and so zero current. When the DAC output is zero (ground), R6 is effectively in parallel with R8. These two conditions correspond to the minimum and maximum output adjustment range of 40V and 90V, respectively.Figure 8. The MAX1932 provides an integrated boost circuit with voltage-mode control.Next, the divider signal is subtracted from the internal 1.25V reference and then amplified. This error signal is then output on pin 8 as a current source. This, in conjunction with the differential input pair, forms a transconductance amplifier. This arrangement is used because the output at the error amp is high impedance (current source), allowing the circuit's gain to be adjusted by changing R7 and C4. This arrangement also provides the ability to trim the loop gain for acceptable stability margins. The error signal on pin 8 is then forwarded to the comparator and output to drive the power switch. R1 is a current-sense resistor that meters the output current. When the current is unacceptably high, the PWM circuit shuts down, thereby protecting the circuit.The type of switching (topology) in Figures 7 and 8 is classified as a voltage-mode controller (VMC) because the feedback regulates the output voltage. For analysis we can assume that if the loop gain is infinite, the output impedance for an ideal voltage source is zero. Another commonly used type of control is current-mode control (CMC). This method regulates the output current and, with infinite loop gain, the output is a high-impedance source. In CMC, the current loop is nested with a slower voltage loop, as shown in Figure 9; a ramp is generated by the slope of the inductor current and compared with the error signal. So, when the output voltage sags, the CMC supplies more current to the load. The advantage of CMC is its ability to manage the inductor current. In VMC the inductor current is not metered. This becomes a problem because the inductor, in conjunction with the output filter capacitor, forms a resonant tank that can ring and even cause oscillations. Current mode control senses the inductor current to correct for inconsistencies. Although difficult to accomplish, carefully selected compensation components can effectively cancel out this resonance in VCM.Figure 9. Current-mode pulse-width modulation.The circuit in Figure 10 uses CMC with the MAX668 controller. This boost circuit is similar to Figures 7 and 8 except that R1 senses the inductor current for CMC. R1 and some internal comparators provide a current limit. R5 in conjunction with C9 filters the switching noise on the sense resistor to prevent false triggering of the current limit. The MAX668's internal current-limit threshold is fixed; changing resistor R1 adjusts the current-limit setting. Resistor R2 sets the operating frequency. The MAX668 is a versatile integrated circuit that can provide a wide range of DC-DC conversions.The external components of the MAX668 can have high-voltage ratings that provide greater flexibility for high-power applications. For portable applications that require less power, the MAX1760 and theMAX8627 are recommended. These latter devices use internal FETs, and sense the current by using the FETs' resistance to measure inductor current (no sense resistor required).Figure 10. The MAX668 for current-mode-controlled boost circuit.Figure 11 shows a simplified version of Maxim's Quick-PWM™ architecture. To analyze this buck circuit, we start with the feedback signal below the regulating threshold defined by the reference. If there are no forward current faults, then the t ON one-shot timer that calculates the on-time for DH is turned on immediately along with DH. This t ON calculation is based on the output voltage divided by the input, which approximates the on-time required to maintain a fixed switching frequency defined by the constant K. Once the t ON one-shot timer has expired, DH is turned off and DL is turned on. Then if the voltage is still below the regulating threshold, the DH immediately turns back on. This allows the inductor current to rapidly ramp up to meet the load requirements. Once equilibrium with the load has been met, the average inductor voltage must be zero. Therefore we calculate:Figure 11. Simplified block diagram of Maxim's Quick-PWM control.t ON × (V IN - V OUT) = t OFF × V OUTRearranging:V OUT/(V IN - V OUT) = t ON/t OFFAdding 1 to both side and collecting terms:V OUT/V IN = t ON/(t ON + t OFF)Because the duty factor is D:t ON/(t ON + t OFF) = DFor the buck circuit:D = V OUT/V INMaxim's proprietary Quick-PWM control method offers some advantages over PWM. Quick-PWM control generates a new cycle when the output voltage falls below the regulation threshold. Consequently, heavytransients force the output to fall, immediately firing a new on-cycle. This action results in a 100ns load-step response. It is also important to note that unlike the buck circuit in Figure 1, Figure 11 uses a MOSFET (Q2) instead of a diode for the discharge path. This design reduces the losses associated with the diode drop; the on-resistance of the MOSFET channel doubles as a current sense. Because output-voltage ripple is required to stimulate the circuit to switch, an output filter capacitor with some ESR is required to maintain stability. The Quick-PWM architecture can also respond quickly to line input changes by directly feeding the input voltage signal to the on-time calculator. Other methods must wait for the output voltage to sag or soar before action is taken, and this is often too late.A practical application of Quick-PWM is found in Figure 12. The MAX8632 is an integrated DDR memory power supply. Along with a Quick-PWM buck circuit (VDDQ), the MAX8632 integrates a high-speed linear regulator (VTT) to manage bus transients found in DDR memory systems. The linear regulator offers specific advantages over switchers: linear regulators do not have an inductor to limit current slew-rate, so a very fast current slew rate can service load transients. Slower circuits would require large capacitors to provide load current until the power supply can ramp up the current to service the load.More detailed image (PDF, 76kB)Figure 12. The MAX8632 uses Maxim's Quick-PWM architecture and a linear regulator to provide a complete DDR power-supply system. The device can be used as a main GPU or as a standard core-logic power supply.EfficiencyOne of the largest power-loss factors for switchers is the rectifying diode. The power dissipated is simply the forward voltage drop multiplied by the current going through it. The reverse recovery for silicon diodes can also create loss. These power losses reduce overall efficiency and require thermal management in the form of a heat sink or fan.To minimize this loss, switching regulators can use Schottky diodes that have a relatively low forward-voltage drop and good reverse recovery. For maximum efficiency, however, you can use a MOSFET switch instead of the diode. This design is known as a "synchronous rectifier" (see Figures 11, 12 and 13). The synchronous rectifier switch is open when the main switch is closed, and the same is true conversely. To prevent cross-conduction (both top and bottom switches are on simultaneously), the switching scheme must be break-before-make. Because of this, a diode is still required to conduct during the interval between the opening of the main switch and the closing of the synchronous-rectifier switch(dead time). When a MOSFET is used as a synchronous switch, the current normally flows in reverse (source to drain), and this allows the integrated body diode to conduct current during the dead time. When the synchronous rectifier switch closes, the current flows through the MOSFET channel. Because of the very low-channel resistance for power MOSFETs, the standard forward drop of the rectifying diode can be reduced to a few millivolts. Synchronous rectification can provide efficiencies well above 90%.Figure 13. Synchronous rectification for the buck circuit. Notice the integrated MOSFET body diode.Skip Mode Improves Light Load EfficiencyA feature offered in many modern switching controllers is skip mode. Skip mode allows the regulator to skip cycles when they are not needed, which greatly improves efficiency at light loads. For the standard buck circuit (Figure 1) with a rectifying diode, not initiating a new cycle simply allows the inductor current or inductor energy to discharge to zero. At this point, the diode blocks any reverse-inductor current flow and the voltage across the inductor goes to zero. This is called "discontinuous mode" and is shown in Figure 14. In skip mode, a new cycle is initiated when the output voltage drops below the regulating threshold. While in skip mode and discontinuous operation, the switching frequency is proportional to the load current. The situation with a synchronous rectifier is, unfortunately, somewhat more complicated. This is because the inductor current can reverse in the MOSFET switch if the gate is left on. TheMAX8632 integrates a comparator that senses when the current through the inductor has reversed and opens the switch, allowing the MOSFET's body diode to block the reverse current.Figure 14. In discontinuous mode the inductor fully discharges and then the inductor voltage rests at zero.Figure 15 shows that skip mode offers improved light-load efficiencies but at the expense of noise,because the switching frequency is not fixed. The forced-PWM control technique maintains a constant switching frequency, and varies the ratio of charge cycle to discharge cycle as the operating parameters vary. Because the switching frequency is fixed, the noise spectrum is relatively narrow, thereby allowing simple lowpass or notch filter techniques to greatly reduce the peak-to-peak ripple voltage. Because the noise can be placed in a less-sensitive frequency band, PWM is popular with telecom and other applications where noise interference is a concern.Figure 15. Efficiency with and without skip mode.SummaryAlthough switching techniques are more difficult to implement, switching circuits have almost completely replaced linear power supplies in a wide range of portable and stationary designs. This is because switching circuits offer better efficiency, smaller components, and fewer thermal management issues. MOSFET power switches are now integrated with controllers to form single-chip solutions, like theMAX1945 circuit shown in Figure 16. This chip has a metallic slug on the underside that removes heat from the die so the 28-pin TSSOP package can dissipate over 1W, allowing the circuit to supply over 10W to its load. With a 1MHz switching frequency, the output inductor and filter capacitors can be reduced in size, further saving valuable space and component count. As MOSFET power-switch technologies continue to improve, so will switch-mode performance, further reducing cost, size, and thermal management problems.Figure 16. The MAX1945 is a 6A internal switch device with a reduced part count and small footprint to save board space.Part Selection LinksStep-Up/Boost ConvertersStep-Down/Buck ConvertersSwitching Regulators for Driving LEDsSwitching Regulators for Battery-Powered ApplicationsSwitching Regulators for Industrial (High Voltage) ApplicationsRelated PartsMAX17600.8A, Low-Noise, 1MHz, Step-Up DC-DC Converter Free SamplesFree Samples MAX1932Digitally Controlled, 0.5% Accurate, Safest APD BiasSupplyMAX19451MHz, 1% Accurate, 6A Internal Switch Step-DownFree SamplesRegulatorsMAX668 1.8V to 28V Input, PWM Step-Up Controllers in µMAX Free SamplesFree Samples MAX8627Low V BATT, 20µA I Q, 1MHz Synchronous BoostConverter with True ShutdownFree Samples MAX8632Integrated DDR Power-Supply Solution for Desktops,Notebooks, and Graphic CardsMore InformationFor Technical Support: /supportFor Samples: /samplesOther Questions and Comments: /contactApplication Note 2031: /an2031TUTORIAL 2031, AN2031, AN 2031, APP2031, Appnote2031, Appnote 2031© 2013 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Additional Legal Notices: /legal。
