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Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be


First-line manager, middle manager and top manager. (concepts & difference)

First-line Managers

Managers at the lowest level of the organization that manage the work of nonmanagerial employees.

Middle Managers

Managers between the first level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line


Top Managers

Managers at or near the upper levels of the organization structure who are responsible for making

organization-wide decisions and establishing the goals and plans that affect the entire organization.

基层管理者(First-line manager)通常称为监工。在制造工厂中,基层(或最低层)管理者可能被称为领班。


中层管理者(middle manager)可能享有部门或办事处主任、项目经理、单位主管、地区经理、系主任、主教,或部门经理的头衔。

高层管理者(top manager)处在或接近组织最高领导位置的管理者的头衔,通常有诸如总裁、副总裁、校长、总监、总经理、首席执行官或者董事会主席。

The four contemporary functions of management:

Planning: Defining goals, establishing strategies, and developing plans to coordinate activities

Organizing: Arranging work to accomplish organizational goals.

Leading: Working with and through people to accomplish goals.

Controlling: Monitoring, comparing, and correcting the work


10 managerial roles developed by Mintzberg. (英文版在p11)

Interpersonal roles: Figurehead, Leader, Liaison

Informational roles: Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson

Decisional roles: Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource allocator, Negotiator

Organizational culture

The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act .


Programmed decisions & nonprogrammed decisions

Programmed decisions : A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach. Nonprogrammed decisions : A unique that requires a custom-made solution.

程序化决策(Programmed decision)


非程序化决策(Nonprogrammed decisions)


Purposes of planning

●Provides direction to managers and nonmanagers alike.

●Reduces uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change ,consider

the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses.

●Minimizes waste and redundancy.

●Establishes the goals or standards used in controlling


Strategic management

What managers do to develop the organization’s str ategies.

The steps in the strategic management process.

Step 1: Identifying the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies

Step 2: Doing an external analysis
