1, summary ['sʌməri] adj.简易的; 扼要的n. 概要,摘要2, enforcement [in'fɔ:smənt] n. 执行,实施;强制3, summarise ['sʌməraiz] vt. 概括;相加4, smooth [smu:ð] adj.平稳的;顺利的vt.消除;缓和5, solemn ['sɔləm] adj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的6, hall [hɔ:l] n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍7, ingress ['inɡres] n. 进入;准许进入;入口;入境8, lords n. 上议院;上院议员9, enforcer [in'fɔ:sə] n. 实施者;强制执行者10, proverb ['prɔvə:b] n. 谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事11, prohibit [prəu'hibit] vt. 阻止,禁止12, spectator [spek'teitə, 'spekt-] n. 观众;旁观者13, installation [,instə'leiʃən] n. 安装,装置;就职14, grind [ɡraind] vt.磨快; 磨碎vi.折磨; 磨碎15, grand [ɡrænd] adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元16, summarization [,sʌmərai'zeiʃən, -ri'z-] n. 摘要;概要17, comply [kəm'plai] vi. 答应;遵守;顺从,遵从18, ingredient [in'ɡri:diənt] n.原料; 要素adj. 构成组成部分的19, prohibitive [prəu'hibitiv] adj. 禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;类同禁止的;过高的20, instable [in'steibl] adj. 不稳定的;不牢固的21, install [in'stɔ:l] vt. 任命;安装;安顿22, accelerate [ək'seləreit] vt.使……增速; 使……加快vi. 加速;促进;增加23, solemnity [sə'lemnəti] n. 严肃;庄严;一本正经24, association [ə,səusi'eiʃən, ə,səuʃi'ei-] n. 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想25, logging ['lɔɡiŋ, 'lɔ:ɡ-] n. 记录;伐木工作v. 把…锯成段木;砍伐树木26, log [lɔɡ, lɔ:ɡ] vi. 伐木vt.切;航行27, upgrade ['ʌpɡreid, ʌp'ɡreid] vt. 提升;使升级n.上升;上坡28, stimulation [,stimju'leiʃən] n. 激励,鼓舞;刺激29, parliament ['pɑ:ləmənt] n. 议会,国会30, dimension [di'menʃən, dai-] n. 维;尺寸vt. 标出尺寸31, proverbial [prəu'və:bjəl] adj. 谚语的;谚语式的;众所周知的32, retrieve [ri'tri:v] vt.检索;恢复vi. 找回猎物33, smoothly ['smu:ðli] adv. 平稳地,平滑地;流畅地,流利地34, resolute ['rezəlju:t, -lət] adj. 坚决的;果断的35, assert [ə'sə:t] vt. 断言;主张;声称;维护,坚持36, summon ['sʌmən] vt. 召唤;召集;鼓起;振作37, installer n. 安装者,安装工;安装程序38, summarize ['sʌməraiz] vt.概述; 总结vi. 作总结;作概括39, enforce [in'fɔ:s] vt. 强迫,强制;实施,执行40, prohibition [,prəuhi'biʃən] n. 禁止;禁令;诉讼中止令;禁酒41, inquire [in'kwaiə] vt.查究;问明vi. 询问;查究;询价42, installment [in'stɔ:lmənt] n. 分期付款;部分;就职;安装install vt. 安装;任命;安顿43, expense [ik'spens] n. 损失,代价;消费;开支vt. 向…收取费用vi. 被花掉44, foil [fɔil] vt.衬托;贴箔于n.叶形片;衬托,烘托45, terminal ['tə:minəl] n.极限;终点adj. 末端的;终点的;晚期的46, spectate ['spekteit] vi. 出席观看47, expensive [ik'spensiv] adj. 昂贵的;花钱的李总理的记者会大白话多,但其实要用英语翻译出汉语原文的韵味来也不容易,因为李总理特别喜欢“打比方”。
Givethefloor to请…发言ﻫIt is a great pleasurefor me to我很荣幸…ﻫRelevantissues 相关问题Updated research research result 最新的调查结果ﻫAttach the importa nce to对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies领先技术ﻫMinisterCounselor公使Naturalheritage自然遗产ﻫShared concern共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitu deto请…讲话Let’s welcometo givea speech双边会议bilateral conferenceﻫ以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose thewarmest applausetoﻫ主办单位sponsorﻫ颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech隆重举行observe thegrandopeningof ﻫ请…颁奖Let’sinvite to present the award取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony全球庆典global celebration ceremony宣布…结束declaretheclosing ofﻫ请全体起立,奏国歌Pleaserise for thenational anthem.ﻫCollecti ve stewardship集体管理ﻫCompetitiv ejob market充满竞争的就业市场Financialinstitutions金融机构ﻫFor ward-looking进取ﻫGross National Product国民生产总值Meet the challenges迎接挑战ﻫPublic authorities公共机构ﻫRegulato rymechanism 法规机制ﻫThe threshold of our transition intothenew millenmum跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (UnitedNationsCentre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心ﻫUrban residents 城市居民Well-servicedformal city服务齐全的高尚城市ﻫ把…列为重要内容placeasthe priority不放松工作never neglectthe workﻫ节约用水waterconservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere con gratulations onﻫ节约用水先进城市m odel city of water conservationﻫ使…取得预期效果attain theresults expected授予…光荣称号conferhonorable awards on为…而奋斗strive for ﻫ严重缺水城市a cityof severe watershortage有关单位units concerned与…比有差距compared with,thereis still some way to goﻫ预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success开源与节流并重broaden sources ofincome &reduce expenditureﻫ对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade 国内生产总值National Gross Products欢聚一堂merrily gather活跃的经济带vigorous economicregio n基础雄厚solidfoundationﻫ留下最美好的印象may you have a mostpl easantimpression盛世the grandoccasion祝愿在停留愉快wish apleasantstayﻫ综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaportﻫ春意盎然springis verymuch in the airﻫforestcoverage森林覆盖率ﻫglobal warming全球变暖principalelement主要因素toxicemission废气排放迸发出心灵的火花ignitethe sparks of understanding建立合作桥梁buildthebridge for cooperation内容翔实substantial in contentﻫ能源大省major province of energy日程紧凑tightin scheduleﻫcallupon 号召conservation benefits节水的好处ﻫindu strial reuseandrecycling工业中水利用pollutionfines 污染罚款ﻫurban water conservation城市节水ﻫwater savi ng fixtures节水装置ﻫ地区经济regional economic港口经营多元化diversification inport operation责任和义务performour duties andfulfillour obligationsﻫ地区行业盛会a well-known regionalevent of theindustryﻫ发起港initiatingportsﻫbreakfree 冲破藩篱civilsociety民间团体ﻫethniclines 种族genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴squatter settlements 违章建筑区without access to 享受不到ﻫ畅所欲言open dialoguesﻫ计划经济的束缚theboundingofplanning economyﻫ紧迫问题pressingissues科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalizethe province by scienceandtechnology and sustainable developmentﻫ空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflatedﻫ控制增长势头curb the trendofsteep riseﻫ面临严峻挑战face severe challengesﻫ清醒地看到acutely awareﻫ生态恶化ecologicaldeteriorationﻫ提高意识strengthenthe awareness相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each other, seekthe common g roundwhile putting aside difference,enjoy equalityand mutual benefits, complement eachother’s advantages,learn each other’s experience, expandthecooperation,stand fromthe present and lo ok forwardtothe futureﻫ以此会议为契机takethe opportunityo fthis seminar滞后lagbehind转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansitionofmechanismis slow总结经验教训drawlessons from the pastﻫcommunitydevelopmentoriented 以发展社区为宗旨的deserved winners当之无愧的获奖者ﻫethn icminorities少数民族gainfulemployment有报酬的ﻫgender issues性别问题ﻫhandicraftworks 手工艺品income generation 工薪阶层ﻫin-depth knowledge深入了解ﻫthe handicap ped残疾人ﻫ不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of thelargest产业结构industrialstructure城乡一体化the unified design between the cityand thecountryside 短期行为short-term conduct房地产开发real estatedevelopmentﻫ扶贫帮困help and support thepoor 公共绿地public lawn公用事业publicutilities会展中心convention centerﻫ基建规模infrastructure scale精品意识consciousness for the best精品住宅区modelhuman settlementsﻫ企业效益enterprise revenue 文明乘车civil bus ride希望工程Hope Project一、政治类:1ﻫ. 日益昌盛become incre asinglyprosperous2. 快速发展developrapidly3.隆重集会gather ceremoniously ﻫ4.热爱和平love peace5.追求进步pursueprogress6. 履行权利和义务perform theresponsibilities and obligations7ﻫ. 回顾奋斗历程review thecourse of struggle8ﻫ. 展望伟大征程look into the greatjourney9.充满信心和力量befilledwith confidenceand strengthﻫ10.必胜bebound towin11.主张各国政府采取行动urgegovernments of all countries to take ﻫaction12. 和平共处coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally andinternallyﻫ14. 经历两个不同时期experience tw odifferentperiodsﻫ15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties ﻫ16.赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another17. 完全意识到befully awarethat18.迈出重要的一步makean impo rtant step 1ﻫ9.采取各种措施adopt various measures20.得出结论,告一段落draw ( arr iveat, come toreach )aconclusionﻫ21. 实现民族独立realize national independence22. 追求真理seek thetruth 2ﻫ3.建立社会主义制度establish a socialistsystem 24ﻫ. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25.响应号召respond to the callﻫ26.进入新时期enter a new period27.实行新政策practicenewpolicies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29ﻫ. 增强综合国力enhan cecomprehensive(overall) national strength and ﻫ和国际竟争力international competitivenessﻫ30.进入世界先进行列edgeinto the advancedranksin the world31. 解决温饱问题solve the problemof food andclothing ﻫ32.吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what isad vanced inothercivilizations 33. 与日俱增increase every day34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes ﻫ35. 必将实现be bound to cometrue 36ﻫ. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army 37ﻫ.建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense38ﻫ. 进行和谈holdpeace talksﻫ39.修改法律amend the laws40ﻫ. 在...中起(至关)play a major的(crucial,an important ) role in重要作用41.对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great,major)contributions to42.遵循规则followthe principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theorywithpractice … 44ﻫ.把...作为指导take… asthe guide45.缓和紧张状况ease the tensionﻫ46. 高举伟大旗帜hold highthe greatbanner47.解决新问题resolve newproblems ﻫ48. 观察当今世界observethepresent-day world49.开拓前进open up newways forward50.增强凝聚力enhancethe rally power51.结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the v iolence andresume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整makestrate gic readjustment 53ﻫ.开始生效gointoeffect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协acceptacomp romise on55. 接受...的采访beinterviewed byﻫ56. 把……看成社会公敌lookupon … as athreat tosociety57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities ﻫ58.维护世界和平maintain world peace 5ﻫ9. 摆脱贫穷落后get r id of poverty and backwardness6ﻫ0.实现发展繁荣bring aboutdeve lopment and prosperityﻫ61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义beopposed to all formsof terrorism62.宣布。
最新《英语三级大纲词汇表》.d o c-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1词汇表(Vocabulary)Aabandon 放弃,抛弃ability 能力,智能,才能aboard 在船(飞机,车)上absence 缺席,不在场absolute 绝对的,完全的absolutely 绝对地,极其,完全地absorb 吸收abuse 虐待academic 学院的,学术的accelerate 加速,促进accent 腔调,口音,重音accept 接受,认可acceptance 接受,接纳,承认accident 事故,意外的事accompany 陪伴,伴随accomplish 完成accordance 一致account 账,账目,说明,解释accumulate 积累,积聚accurate 准确的,精确的accuse 谴责,指控,告发accustomed 惯常的,习惯的ache 疼痛,酸痛achieve 完成,达到,获得achievement 完成,成绩,成就acid 酸,酸性物质,酸的acquaintance 熟人,相识acquire 取得,获得acre 英亩across 横越,在…那边act 行为,动作,表演action 行动,动作active 活动的,活跃的,积极的activity 活动actor 男演员actress 女演员actual 实际的,现实的actually 实际上A.D. 公元addition 加法,增加additional 附加的,另外的adequate 足够的,恰当的adjective 形容词adjust 调节,调整administration 管理,经营,行政机关,政府admire 羡慕,赞赏,钦佩admit 允许进入,接纳,承认adopt 收养,采取,通过adult 成人advance 推进,促进,前进advanced 前进的,先进的advantage 优点,有利条件adventure 冒险,惊险活动adverb 副词advertisement 广告advice 忠告,意见advise 忠告,劝告,通知affair 事,事情,事件affect 影响affection 爱,感情afford 担负得起,买得起afraid 担心的,害怕的Africa 非洲African 非洲人,非洲的after 在…之后against 对(着),反对,靠agent 代理人,代表agreement 同意,一致,协定aggressive 挑衅的,放肆的agriculture 农业aid 援助,救援aim 志在,旨在,目标aircraft 飞机,飞行器airline 航空公司,(飞机)航线airport 航空站,机场awkward 尴尬的alarm 惊恐,忧虑,报警alcohol 酒精,乙醇alike 相同的,相像的alive 活着的,活跃的allow 允许,承认almost 几乎,差不多along 向前,沿着aloud 出声地,大声地alphabet 字母表alter 改变,变更although 虽然,即使altogether 完全,总之amaze 使惊愕,使惊叹ambition 雄心,野心ambulance 救护车America 美洲,美国American 美国人,美国人的amount 数量,数额,合计amuse 经…以消遣,给…以娱乐analysis 分析,解析analyze/analyse 分析,分解ancestor 祖宗,祖先anchor 锚,抛锚,停泊ancient 古代的,古老的anger 愤怒,气愤angle 角,角度,观点ankle 踝announce 宣布,通告annoy 使烦恼,使生气,打搅annual 每年的,每年度的anticipate 预料,期望anxiety 焦虑,挂虑,渴望anxious 担心的,焦虑的,渴望的anyhow 无论如何,不管怎样apart 分离,隔开,相距apartment 一套公寓房间apologize/-ise 道歉,认错apology 道歉,歉意apparent 明显的appear 出现,出场,仿佛appearance 出现,露面,外表appetite 食欲,胃口application 申请,申请书,应用apply 申请,运用,应用appoint 任命,委派,约定appointment 约会,约见,任命approach 接近,途径,方法appropriate 适合的,恰当approve 赞成,同意,批准approximately 似地,约April 四月2area 面积,地区,范围arbitrary 随心所欲的,专断的architecture 建筑学,建筑术,建筑风格argue 辩论,争论,主张argument 辩论,论点,论据arise 出现,发生,起源于arithmetic 算术arouse 引起,激起,唤起,唤醒arrange 整理,布置,安排arrangement 安排,准备工作arrest 逮捕,扣留arrow 箭,箭状物article 文章,东西,冠词artificial 人工的artist 艺术家,美术家ash 灰ashamed 惭愧的,害臊的aside 一旁,一边assemble 集合,集会,装配assembly 集会,会议,装配assignment 任务,作业,分配assist 帮助,协助assistance 帮助,援助assistant 助手,助教,助理的assume 假装,假定,设想,承担,采取assure 保证,使确信astonish 使吃惊,使惊讶astronaut 宇航员Atlantic 大西洋的,大西洋atmosphere 空气,大气,气氛atom 原子attach 贴上,系上,使依附attack 攻击,进攻,抨击attain 获得,达到attempt 试图,努力attend 出席,照顾,注意,留意,专心于attention 注意,注意力,立正attitude 态度,看法,姿势attract 吸引,招引,引诱attraction 吸引,吸引力,具有吸引力的事物(或人)attractive 有吸引力的audience 听众,观众,读者August 八月aunt 伯母,婶母,舅母,姨母,姑母author 作者automatic 自动的automobile/auto 汽车autumn 秋available 可利用的,可得到的avenue 林荫路,大街,途径average 平均,平均数,通常的avoid 避免,逃避awake 醒着的,唤醒,醒来award 奖,奖品,授予aware 知道的,意识到的awful 使人畏惧的,可怕的ax(e) 斧子Bbackground 背景,经历backward 倒,倒行的,落后的badly 坏,差,严重的,非常badminton 羽毛球baggage 行李bake 烤,烘,焙balance 称,平衡,均衡,差额ball 舞会balloon 气球band 乐队,军乐队,一群,条,带,绑扎bank 岸,堤barber 理发师bare 赤裸的,光秃的,空的,仅有的,勉强的bargain 讨价还价,便宜货,契约barn 谷仓,仓库barrel 枪管,炮管,桶barrier 障碍,屏障base 基础,基地,根据地basic 基本的,基础的basin 盆,脸盘,盆地basis 根据,基础basket 篮子,篓bat 蝙蝠bathe 洗澡,游泳,浸,冲洗bathroom 浴室,盥洗室battle 战斗,战役,斗争bay 海湾,港湾B.C. 公元前beach 海滨,海滩bean 豆,菜豆bear 忍受,容忍,负担,结果实,生孩子beard 胡子beast 兽,牲畜,凶残的人beat 打败,战胜,节拍,跳动,打,敲beauty 美丽,美人,美丽的东西beginning 开端,开始behalf 利益behave 举动,举止,运转behavio(u)r 行为,举止behind 在…后面,落后belief 信仰,信条bell 钟,铃belong 属,附属,隶属below 在…下面belt 带,腰带bench 长凳,条凳,工作台bend 弯曲,曲折处,折弯beneath 在…下方beneficial 有益的benefit 利益,恩惠beside 在…旁边,和…相比besides 而且,还有,除…之外bet 赌,打赌,赌注beyond 在…那边,在远处Bible 圣经bill 账单,单子,招牌billion 十亿bind 捆绑,捆扎biology 生物学birth 出生,出身biscuit 饼干bit 一片,一点,一些bite 咬,叮,一口bitter 苦的,痛苦的blame 责备,怨,责任,过失blank 空白表格,无表情的,空着的,茫然的,blanket 毛毯,毯子blind 瞎的,盲目的,使失明block 阻塞,封锁,木块,块料,一排房屋,街段blood 血液,血统,气质bloom 开花,花blow 吹,打气,爆炸,欧打blue 蓝色,青色board 板,木板,纸板,上船(飞机,车),委员会boast 夸口,夸耀,大话boat 船,小船3boil 沸腾,煮沸bold 大胆的,冒失的bolt 螺栓,插销,闩门,关窗,拴住bomb 炸弹,轰炸bond 联结,结合,约束,契约bone 骨骼,骨boot 靴子border 边缘,边界,与…毗邻bore 钻洞,打眼,钻探born 天生的,生来的bother 打扰,麻烦bottle 瓶子,装瓶bottom 底,底部bound 跳,必定boundary 界线,边界bow 鞠躬,点头,弓bowl 碗,钵brain 大脑,骨髓,智能brake 刹车,闸branch 枝,树枝,分部brand 商标,打烙印于brass 黄铜,铜器brave 勇敢的break off 中止,中断breadth 宽度,幅break 打破,折断,违反,破坏,打断,中止,(课间或工间)休息时间breath 胸脯,乳房breath 呼吸,气息breathe 吸入,呼吸breed 饲养breeze 微风,轻风brick 砖,砖状物bride 新娘brief 向…作简要的介绍,简短的,简洁的bright 明亮的,聪明的,伶俐的,快活的,美好的brilliant 辉煌的,灿烂的,杰出的,有才华的Britain 不列颠,英国broadcast 广播,播音brow 眉毛,眉brown 棕色,烟色bubble 泡,吹泡,起泡bucket 吊桶,水桶build 修筑,建造,建立building 建筑物,大楼bulb 球状物,灯泡bulk 体积,容积,主体bullet 子弹,枪弹bunch 束,捆,串bundle 捆,包,束burden 担子,负担bureau 署,局burn 燃烧,烧毁,灼伤burst 破裂,爆炸,突然发作bury 埋,安葬bush 灌木,灌木丛business 生意,事务,职责butter 黄油,奶油,抹黄油button 扣子,按钮,扣紧Ccabbage 洋白菜,卷心菜cabinet 橱柜,内阁cable 电报café 咖啡馆,小餐厅cage 笼,鸟笼calculate 计算calendar 日历,月历calm 平静的,镇静的,平静camel 骆驼camera 照相机,摄影机camp 野营,营地,宿营campaign 战役,运动campus (大学)校园canal 运河,渠cancel 取消,撤消cancer 癌candidate 候选人,报考者candle 蜡烛,帆布,画布capable 有本领的,有能力的capital 首都,大写,资金,主要的,基本的captain 首领,队长,船长,上校capture 捕获,捉拿,夺得carbon 碳care 注意,小心,关心,喜欢career 生涯,经历,专业careless 粗心的,草率的cargo 船货,货物carpenter 木工,木匠carpet 地毯carriage 马车,客车,车厢carry 搬运,运送,携带cart 大车,手推车case 事实,情况,案件,盒子cassette 盒式录音带cast 投,掷,抛castle 城堡casual 偶然的,碰巧的,随便的catch 捕,捉,赶上,感染传法染病cattle 牛cause 原因,缘故,事业cave 山洞,洞穴cease 停止ceiling 天花板celebrate 庆祝cell 牢房,蜂房,细胞cent 分,分币central 中心的,中央的centre/center 中心,中央,集中ceremony 仪式,典礼,礼节certain 确实的,可靠的,某一,某些,一定,必然的certainly 一定,必定,无疑,当然,行certificate 证书,证明书chain 链,链条,一连串,拴住chairman 主席,议长,会长chalk 白垩,粉笔challenge 挑战champion 冠军,捍卫者channel 海峡,水道,沟渠chapter 章,回character 性格,品质,特性characteristic 特有的,独特的,特征charge 指控chart 图表chase 追求,追逐cheat 欺骗,骗取,行骗check 制止,控制,检查cheer 喝彩,欢呼,使高兴cheerful 快乐的,高兴的cheese 干酪,乳酪chemical 化学的,化学药品chemist 化学家,药剂师chemistry 化学cheque 支票cherry 樱桃,樱桃树chess 棋chest 柜子,橱,胸脯chew 咀嚼chief 主要的,首要的,首领4child 孩子,儿童,儿女childhood 幼年,童年chimney 烟囱,烟筒chin 下巴China 中国Chinese 中国人,中文,中国人的china 瓷器chocolate 巧克力choice 选择,选择机会choose 选择,挑拣,甘愿Christmas 圣诞节church 教堂,教会cigarette 香烟,纸烟cinema 电影院circle 圆,圈,圆周,集团,环绕,盘旋,周期,循环circumstance 情形,环境citizen 公民,市民,居民civil 公民的,平民的,国内的,文明的,有教养的civilize 使文明,开化claim 声称,主张,对…提出要求,索取clap 鼓掌class 种类,等级,阶级,班,课classical 经典的,古典的classify 分类,分等classmate 同班同学classroom 教室claw 爪,脚爪clay 粘土clear 晴朗的,清澈的,明亮的,清晰,明白,澄清clerk 办事员,职员,店员cliff 悬崖,崖climate 气候,风气,社会思潮clothe 给…穿衣clue 线索,提示coal 煤,煤块coarse 粗的,粗糙,粗劣的,粗俗的,粗鲁的coast 海岸,海滨collar 衣领colleague 同事,同僚collect 收集,收(税等),领走collection 收藏,收集,收藏品collective 集体的,共同的,团体colonel (陆军)上校colony 殖民地column 柱,柱状物,专栏comb 梳子,梳理combination 结合,联合combine 结合,联合,化合comfort 慰问,安慰,安逸comfortable 舒适的,舒服的,自在的command 命令,指挥,掌握commander 指挥员,司令comment 解说,评论,意见commerce 商业commercial 商业的,商务的commit 犯,干(错事)committee 委员会,全体委员common 普通的,通常的,公共的communicate 通讯,交流,交际communism 共产主义communist 共产党员,共产主义的community 社区,社会companion 同伴,伴侣companionship 伴侣关系,友谊,一群伙伴company 公司,商号,陪伴,客人comparative 比较的,相当的compare 比较,相比compass 罗盘,指南针compel 强迫,逼迫competent 有能力的,胜任的competition 比赛,竞争complain 抱怨complete 完成的,完全的,完成complex 复杂的,复合的complicate 错综复杂的,麻烦的compose 写作,作曲,由…组成compound 复合的,混合物,化合物comprehension 理解(力),领悟compromise 妥协computer 计算机comrade 同志,朋友,同事conceal 隐藏,隐瞒concentrate 集中,聚集,浓缩concept 概念concern 关心,挂念,涉及concerning 关于concert 音乐会,演奏会conclude 结束,下结论,缔结conclusion 结束,终结,结论concrete 混凝土,具体的,实质性的condense 压缩,浓缩,精简condition 状况,状态,条件conduct 行为,品行conductor 领队,乐队指挥,售票员,列车员,导体conference 会议,讨论会confess 承认,坦白,忏悔confident 确信的,有自信的confine 限制,局限于,禁闭confirm 证实,肯定,批准conflict 战斗,斗争,抵触confuse 混淆,搞乱congratulate 祝贺,贺喜congress 大会,国会,议会conjunction 连接词connect 连续,联系connection 连结,关系conquest 征服conscience 良心,良知conscious 有意识的consent 同意,答应consequence 后果consequently 因而,所以conservative 保守的,保守的人consider 考虑,认为considerable 相当的,可观的considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的consist 由…构成,在于consistent 一致的,一贯的constant 不断的,始终如一的constitution 章程,宪法,体质,构造construct 建设,建造consult 商量,请教,咨询consume 消耗,花费contact 接触,联系,交往contain 容纳,含有,装有container 容器,集装箱contemporary 现代的,同辈content 满足,甘愿contest 竞争,比赛continue 连续,继续continuous 连续的,继续的contract 契约,合同,包工contract 收缩,紧缩contradiction 矛盾,反驳contrary 相反的,矛盾的contrast 对比contribute 捐助,投稿control 控制,抑制5convenient 方便的conventional 普通的,常见的conversation 谈话,会话convert 转化convey 传达,输送convince 使信服,使相信co-operate 合作,协作cope 对付,应付copper 铜,铜币cord 绳,索cordial 诚恳的,亲切的core 心,核心corn 谷物,庄稼,玉米corner 角,角落corporation 团体,公司correct 正确的,合适的,修正correspond 相当于,符合corresponding 相应的corridor 走廊cost 成本,费用,值costly 昂贵的,豪华的cottage 村舍,别墅cotton 棉花,棉纱cough 咳嗽council 理事会,委员会count 数,计算,认为counter 柜台,计数器,反对countryside 乡下,农村county 郡,县couple 对,双,夫妇courage 勇气,胆量course 过程,课程,一道菜court 法院,法庭,宫廷,院子cousin 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹cover 盖,包括,涉及crack (使)破裂,砸开crash 摔坏,坠毁crawl 爬行,缓慢行进crazy 疯狂的,蠢的cream 奶油create 创造,创作,建立creative 有创造力的creature 人,动物creep 爬行,爬crew 全体船员,全体乘务员cricket 板球,蟋蟀crime 罪,罪行criminal 犯罪的,刑事的,罪犯critic 批评家,评论家critical 批评的,紧要的criticism 批评,评论criticize 批评,评论crop 农作物,庄稼,收成crowd 人群,群众,拥挤crown 王冠,君权cruel 残酷的,残忍的crush 压碎,压服crystal 水晶,透明的culture 修养,教养cupboard 碗柜,小橱cure 治愈,矫正current 流,电流,气流,水流,潮流,趋势,通用的curse 诅骂,咒骂curtain 窗帘,幕(布)cushion 垫子,坐垫custom 习惯,海关customer 顾客customs 海关cycle 自行车,循环Ddaily 每日,日常的dairy 牛奶场damage 毁坏dangerous 危险的,不安全的dare 敢,胆敢darling 亲爱的人,宠爱的dash 冲,突进,破折号dawn 黎明,开始,出现daylight 日光,白天,(一)天deaf 聋的,不愿听的deal 处理,交易,契约,做买卖death 死亡debt 债,欠债decade 十年deceive 欺骗,蒙蔽December 十二月decision 决定,果断deck 甲板,桥面,层面declare 宣布,表明decorate 装饰,布置decrease 减少,减小deduce 推论,演绎deed 行为,事迹deep 深的,深切的defeat 战胜,挫败defence/defense 防御,保卫,工事defend 保卫,辩护definite 明确的,限定的definitely 明确地,肯定地,当然degree 度,程度,学位delay 推迟,耽搁delegation 代表团delicate 纤弱的,易碎的,优美的,精美的delicious 美味的,芬芳的delight 快乐,使高兴deliver 投递,送交,发表,接生delivery 传递,交付demand 要求,需要,质问democracy 民主,民主制demonstrate 证实,表明dense 密的,浓厚的deny 否认,拒绝depart 出发,离开department 部门,系depend 依靠,信任dependent (on,upon)依赖的depress 压抑,降低depth 深度,厚度descend 下来,下降,传下describe 描述,形容description 描写,形容desert 沙漠,不毛之地deserve 应受,值得design 计划,企图,设计desirable 合乎需要的,令人满意的desire 愿望,要求despair 失望,绝望desperate 绝望的,危急的,铤而走险的despite 不管,尽管destination 目的地destroy 破坏,毁灭destruction 破坏,毁灭detail 细节,详细说明detect 察觉,发现determination 决心,决定determine 决定,测定develop 发展,进展,发扬development 发展,进展,新事物device 装置,仪器devil 魔鬼devote 奉献,献身diagram 图解,图表6dial 标度盘,拨号盘,打电话dialect 方言dialogue 对话,对白diameter 直径diamond 钻石,金刚石diary 日记,日记簿dictate 听写,口述dictation 口授笔录,听写dictionary 字典,词典differ 不同,分歧difference 差别,争论difficulty 困难,难事dig 挖,掘diligent 勤奋的,用功的dim 暗淡的,模糊的dinner 正餐,宴会dip 浸,蘸direct 径直,直接,指引direction 方向,指导,说明directly 直接地,立即director 主任,处长,导演dirt 尘,土,污物disadvantage 不利条件disagree 意见分歧,不符disappear 消失,消散disappoint 使失望disaster 灾害,灾难discharge 卸(货),解除,发射discourage 使失去信心discover 发现,显示,暴露discovery 发现discuss 讨论discussion 讨论,议论disease 疾病disgust 使厌恶,厌恶dish 碟,盘子,菜肴dishonour 不光彩,使丢脸dislike 不喜欢,厌恶dismiss 驳回,对…不予受理disorder 失调,疾病display 陈列,展览distance 距离,路程,远处distant 在远处的,远隔的distinction 区别,差别distinguish 区别,辨别出distress 苦恼,悲痛,危难distribute 分配,散布district 区,地区,行政区disturb 扰乱,妨碍,使不安ditch 沟,渠,水沟dive 潜水,跳水,俯冲divide 分,划分,分担division 分,分割,除法divorce 离婚,分离dollar 美元,元domestic 家庭的,国内的donkey 驴dormitory/dorm (集体)宿舍dose 剂量,一剂dot 点,圆点,打点double 两倍的,双重的doubt 怀疑,疑问,不相信doubtful 怀疑的,可疑的doubtless 无疑的,很可能的down 下,向下,顺…而下downstairs 在楼下,往楼下,楼下的dozen 一打,十二个draft 草稿,草案,草拟drag 拖拉dramatic 戏剧性的,引人注目的draw 拉,拖,引出,提取drawer 抽屉drawing 素描,图画dream 梦,梦想,做梦dress 服装,女装,打扮drift 漂,漂流drip 滴下,漏水,点滴drive 驾驶,开动,迫使drop 滴,水滴,失落drown 淹死,淹没drug 药品,麻醉品drum 鼓,鼓状物dry 干的,干旱的,晒干duck 鸭,鸭肉due 预定,应得的,到期的dull 愚笨的,单调的,阴暗的dumb 哑的,无声的during 在…期间,在…时候dusk 黄昏,幽暗dust 灰尘,拂,掸,垃圾duty 职务,义务,税dye 染,染色,染料Eeach 各,各自,每eager 热心的,渴望的eagle 鹰earn 赚得,羸得,获得earnest 热切的,认真的ease 容易,安逸,减轻easily 容易地,轻易地eastern 东方的,朝东的echo 回声,把响economic 经济的economy 经济,经济制度,节约edge 刃,边缘,棱,挤进educate 教育,培养education 教育,训练effect 效果,作用effective 有效的,生效的efficiency 效率,功效efficient 效率高的,有能力的effort 努力,尽力eg. 例如elastic 弹性的,灵活的,松紧带elder 年长的,资格老的,长辈elect 推选,选举election 选举electric 电的,带电的,电动的electrical 电的,电气科学的electricity 电,电流,电学electronic 电子的element 元素,要素,成分elevator 电梯,升降机else 别的,另外elsewhere 在别处embarrass 使窘迫,使为难emerge 出现,冒出,(事情)暴露emergency 紧急情况,突然事件emit 散发,放射emotion 情感,情绪emotional 感情的emperor 皇帝emphasis 强调emphasize 强调empire 帝国employ 雇用,使用employee 雇员employment 职业,就业,雇佣empty 空的,空洞的,搬空enable 使能够encounter 遭遇,遇到encourage 鼓励,助长,促进endless 无限的,无穷的endure 忍受,忍耐,持续7enemy 敌人,仇敌energy 精力,气力,能量enforce 实行,执行,强制engage 雇佣,使订婚engine 发动机,引擎engineer 工程师engineering 工程(学)England 英格兰,英国English 英语,英国人,英国的enlarge 扩大,放大enormous 庞大的,巨大的enough 足够,足够地ensure 保证,担保entertain 招待,使欢乐enthusiasm 热心,热情,积极性entire 完全的,完整的entitle 给以权利,给以资格entrance 入口,门口,入场entry 进入,入场envelope 信封,信皮environment 环境,周围状况,自然环境envy 妒忌,羡慕equal 同等的,相等的,匹敌者equation 方程(式),等式equip 装备,设备equipment 装备,器材era 时代,纪元error 错误,过失escape 逃跑,逃避especially 特别,格外essay 散文,随笔essential 必不可少的,必要的establish 建立,确立estimate 估计,评价etc. 等等Europe 欧洲European 欧洲的,欧洲人evaluate 估价,评价eve 前夜,前夕even 甚至,连…都,平等的evening 晚上,黄昏event 事件,大事,比赛项目eventually 最后,终于ever 曾经,在任何时候every 每,每个everybody 每人everyday 每天的everyone 每人everything 事事,一切东西everywhere 到处,处处evidence 明显的,明白的evil 坏的,邪恶的exact 确切的,精确的exactly 确切地,恰好exaggerate 夸大examination/exam 考试,检验examine 检验,审查,考试example 例,范例exceed 超过excellent 优秀的except 除…之外exception 除外,例外excessive 过多的,极度的exchange 交换,调换excite 激动,唤起,刺激exciting 令人兴奋的exclaim 呼喊,大声说exclude 把…排除在外execute 实行,执行,处决executive 实施的exercise 习题,运用,训练exhaust 用尽,竭力exhibit 展览,显示,展品exhibition 展览会,显示exist 在,存在existence 存在,生存exit 出口,太平门,离去expect 期待,盼望experience 经验,经历experiment 试验expert 专家,能手explain 解释explanation 解释explode 爆炸,破裂explore 探险,探索explosion 爆炸,爆发explosive 爆炸(性)的,炸药expose 揭露export 出口,输出express 表示expression 表示,措辞,脸色extend 伸出extensive 广博的extent 范围,程度external 外部的extra 额外的extraordinary 特别的extreme 极端的eyesight 视力Ffabric 织物facility 便利,设备,工具factor 因素,要素fade 褪色,凋谢,消失failure 失败,失败者faint 发晕,昏过去,微弱的fair 公平的,相当的,晴朗的,定期集市,交易会fairly 公平地,相当,完全faith 信任,信用,信仰faithful 忠诚的,忠实的false 假的,虚伪的familiar 熟悉的,交情好的famine 饥荒famous 著名的fan 扇子,风扇,狂热爱好者fare 车费,船费,进展farewell 再会farmer 农夫,农场主farther(further)更远,进一步fashion 样子,方式,风尚fashionable 流行的fasten 扣紧,结牢fatal 致命的fate 命运fatigue 劳累fault 缺点,过失favo(u)r 好感,恩惠,支持favo(u)rable 有利的,赞成的favo(u)rite 最喜爱的人(或)物,最喜爱的fear 恐惧,担心fearful 吓人的feasible 可行的feather 羽毛feature 面貌,特征February 二月federal 联邦的,联盟的fee 酬金,学费feed 喂养,(牛,马)吃东西feeling 感觉,知觉,心情fell 砍伐fellow 家伙,小伙子,同事female 雌性的动物,女子,女(性)的8fence 篱笆,围栏fertile 肥沃的fertilizer 化肥,肥料festival 音乐节,节日fetch (去)拿来,请来fever 发烧,发热,兴奋few 少数的,几平没有fibre/fiber 纤维,纤维质field 原野,活动范围fierce 凶猛的,强烈的fight 打仗,斗争figure 外形,图形,人物fill 装满,填充filter 滤纸,过滤器final 最后的,决定性的financial 财政的finding 调查(或研究)的结果fine 美好的,优良的,明朗的,细的,精细的finger 指头finish 完毕,完成fireman 消防队员firm 坚固的,坚强的,公司fisherman 渔夫fist 拳头fit 合适的,恰当的,健壮的fix 固定,安装,修理,确定flag 旗flame 火焰,火苗,热情flat 平坦的,平淡的,公寓套房flavo(u)r 滋味,风味fleet 舰队,机群flesh 肉,果肉,肌肤flexible 柔软的,易弯曲的flight 飞行,航班float 浮动flock (一)群flood 洪水,水灾,淹没flour 面粉,粉状物flourish 繁荣,兴旺flow 流,流动fluent 流利的,流畅的fluid 流动的,液体的,流体fly 飞行,苍蝇focus 使聚集,使集中fog 雾fold 人们,民间的follow 跟随,追求,遵循,理解following 下列的,接着的fool 笨蛋,愚蠢,玩弄foolish 愚笨的footstep 脚步,脚步声forbid 禁止force 力,力气,军队,强迫forecast 预测forehead 额foreign 外国的,对外的foreigner 外国人forest 森林,森林地带forever 永远,总是forget 忘记,遗忘forgive 宽恕fork 叉,岔口form 形状,方式,形成,类型,格式,表格formal 正式的,礼仪上的formation 形成,构成,形成物former 在前的formula 公式forth 向前,向外fortnight 两星期fortunate 幸运的fortunately 幸运地fortune 命运,财富forward 前部的,激进的found 建立foundation 建立,基础fountain 泉水,喷泉fox 狐狸fraction 碎片,小部分fragment 小部分,片段frame 框架,体格framework 构架,结构frank 坦白的free 自由的,免费的,畅通的freedom 自由,自主freeze 结冰,凝固French 法国的,法国人,法语,法语的frequently 时常,往往fresh 新的,有生气的,淡水的friendly 友谊的,友好的friendship 友好,友谊frighten 吓唬frog 蛙frontier 边界,边疆frost 霜,严寒frown 皱眉头fruit 水果,成果fry 油煎fuel 燃料fulfil(l) 完成,履行full 满的,完全fun 玩笑,有趣的人(或事)function 职责,功能fund 资金,专款fundamental 基本的funeral 葬礼funny 可笑的,有趣的,古怪的fur 软毛,皮衣furnace 炉子furniture 家具further 更远,进一步furthermore 而且future 将来,远景Ggain 获得,增加,获利gallon 加仑gang 一群gap 缺口,隔阂garage 车库,飞机库gardener 园丁gas 气体,煤气gasoline 汽油gate 大门,城门gay 快乐的,华丽的gaze 凝视general 普通的,总的,大体的,将军generally 一般generation 产生,代,时代generator 发电机,发生器generous 慷慨的,宽厚的genius 天才gentle 和蔼的,有礼貌的gentleman 绅士,先生gently 文雅地,轻轻地genuine 真正的,真诚的geometry 几何学germ 微生物,病菌German 德国人,德语,德语的,德国人的Germany 德意志gesture 手势,姿态ghost 幽灵giant 巨人,大的9gift 赠品,才能glance 看一眼glimpse 一瞥globe 地球,地球仪glorious 壮丽的glory 光荣glove 手套glow 发热,发红,发光glue 胶goal 终点,目的gold 金,金的golden 金色的goods 货物,财产goose 鹅govern 统治government 政府,管理,政体governor 地方长官graceful 优美的grade 等级,年级,分数gradual 逐步的gradually 逐渐地graduate 毕业生,研究生的grain 谷物,颗粒grammar 语法,语法书grand 主要的,宏大的granddaughter 孙女,外孙女grandfather 祖父,外祖父grandmother 祖母,外祖母grandson 孙子,外孙grant 同意,给予grape 葡萄graph (曲线)图,图解grasp 掌握,抓紧grass 草grateful 感激的gratitude 感激great 大的,重大的,十足的,美妙的greatly 大大地,非常greedy 贪吃的,渴望的Greek 希腊人,希腊(人)的,希腊语green 绿色,生的,缺乏经验的greet 致敬,迎接,扑(鼻),入(耳),触(目)greeting 致敬,祝贺grey/gray 灰色grip 紧握groan 呻吟grocer 食品商,杂货商gross 总的,毛重的ground 地面,场地,根据growth 生长,增长guarantee 保证guard 守卫,提防,哨兵guess 推测,以为guest 客人,旅客guidance 引导guide 向导,入门书guilty 有罪的gulf 海湾gum 树胶,口香糖gymnasium/gym 体育馆,健身房Hhabit 习惯hall 穿堂,大厅halt 止步hammer 锤,敲打handful 一把,少数handkerchief 手帕handle 手柄,触,处理handsome 漂亮的,慷慨的handwriting 笔迹handy 手边的hang 吊,绞死happiness 幸福,幸运harbor(u)r 港口,避难所harden 硬化hardship 艰难hardware 五金,硬件harm 损害,危害harmony 和谐,和睦harvest 收获,后果haste 匆忙,赶快hat 帽子hatred 憎恶hay 干草hazard 危险,危害headache 头痛headmaster 校长headquarters 司令部,指挥部health 健康,卫生healthy 健康的heap (一)堆,许多heart 心,中心,内心heat 热,激烈,发热heaven 天堂,天空heavy 重的,繁重的,猛烈的hedge 篱笆heel 脚跟height 高,高度,顶点helicopter 直升飞机helpful 有帮助的,有益的hen 母鸡,雌禽hence 因此hero 英雄,男主角heroine 女英雄,女主角heroic 英勇的hesitate 犹豫,踌躇hide 隐藏,躲藏highly 高度地,很,非常highway 公路hillside (小山)山腰hint 暗示hire 雇用,租借hit 打击,碰撞,完成hobby 业余爱好holiday 假日,休假hollow 空的,中空的holy 神圣的honest 诚实的,正直的hono(u)r 荣誉,敬意hono(u)rable 光荣的,可尊敬的hook 钩,钩状物hopeful 有希望的hopeless 没有希望的horn 角,喇叭,触角horror 恐怖horsepower 马力hospital 医院host 主人hostile 敌对的hotel 旅馆household 户,家庭housewife 家庭主妇however 然而,无论,不管human 人的,人类的humble 低下的,谦卑的,降低humid 湿的,湿气重的humo(u)rous 幽默的hunt 打猎,寻找hurt 伤害hydrogen 氢Iice-cream 冰淇淋idea 想法,概念10ideal 理想,称心的identify 认出idle 闲着的,无效的,空虚igore 不理,忽视illegal 不合法的illness 病image 像,形象imaginary 想像的imagination 想像imagine 想像,料想imitate 模仿immediate 立即的,最接近的immense 巨大的immigrant 移民,侨民impact 影响impatient 不耐烦的implication 含义,暗指imply 意指import 输入,进口物资importance 重要性impossible 不可能的impress 给…深刻的印象impression 印象,感想impressive 给人以深刻印象的improve 改善,进步improvement 改进inch 英寸incident 小事件,事变include 包含,计入income 收入increase 增长indeed 的确,多么independence 独立independent 独立的Indian 印度人(的),印的安人(的)indicate 指示,暗示indication 迹象indirect 间接的individual 个人,个别的indoor(s) 室内industrial 工业的industry 工业inevitable 必然的infant 婴儿infect 传染infer 推断inferior 次的influence 影响,权势inform 通知,告发information 信息,情报inhabitant 居民inherit 继承injection 注射,喷射injure 损害,伤害inn 小旅馆inner 内部的innocent 清白的insect 昆虫insist 坚持inspect 检查inspire 使产生灵感install 装置instance 例instant 立刻,瞬间instead 代替instinct 本能,天性instruct 教,指示instruction 命令,说明instrument 工具,乐器insult 侮辱insurance 保险insure 保险,替…保险intellectual 知识分子intelligence 智力,报导intelligent 聪明的intend 想要,企图intensive 加强的,集中的intention 意图intentional 故意的interest 兴趣,利息interesting 有趣的interfere 干涉interference 干涉intermediate 中间的internal 内部的international 国际的interrupt 打断,断绝interval 间隔interview 接见,面试intimate 亲密的into 到…里,成为introduce 介绍,引进introduction 介绍,引论invasion 侵入invent 发明invention 发明inventor 发明者invest 投资investigate 调查研究investment 投资invitation 请柬,招待invite 邀请,招待involve 卷入,连累,含有inward 里面的,向内的iron 铁,烙铁,烫island 岛屿isolate 隔离Italian 意大利(人)的,意大利语item 条,条款its 它的itself 它自己Jjacket 短上衣jam 果酱January 一月Japanese 日本的,日本人的,日语jar 罐,坛jaw 颌,颚jazz 爵士乐jealous 妒忌的jewel 宝石join 接合,加入joint 关节,接合处,联合的joke 笑话,玩笑,开玩笑journal 日报,期刊journey 旅行joy 欢乐,乐事judge 审判员,评价,审判judg(e)ment 审判,意见juice 汁,液July 七月June 六月junior 年少的,后进的,下级的justice 公道,司法justify 证明…正当(或有理),为…辩护Ikeen 锋利的,尖锐的,敏捷的,热心的,渴望的kick 踢kid 小孩,戏弄kilogram(me)/kilo 公斤,千克kilometre 公里,千米kindness 仁慈,友好行为kingdom 王国,领域kitchen 厨房knee 膝kneel 跪knock 敲打,碰撞knot 结,节疤knowledge 知识,知道L laboratory/lab 实验室labo(u)r 工作,劳动,劳力lack 缺少,没有ladder 梯子lady 夫人,小姐,女士lag 落后lake 湖lamp 灯land 陆地,国家,着陆landlord 房东,地主lane 小路,行车道language 语言lap 膝盖large 大的,众多的largely 大部分,基本上laser 激光last 迟到,晚期的,持续lately 近来latter 后面的,后者laughter 笑声launch 发射,发起,开始laundry 洗衣房lavatory 厕所lawn 草地lawyer 律师lay 放,搁,下(蛋),铺设layer 层lazy 懒惰的lead 领导,引导,铅leading 指导的,最主要的leader 领袖leadership 领导leaf 叶子league 同盟,联盟leak 渗漏lean 屈身,倚,依赖leap 跳跃,跳过learn 学习,听到learned 有学问的learning 学习,学问least 最小的,最少leather 皮革,皮革制品leave 离开,留下,忘带,同意lecture 演讲,讲课leg 腿脚,腿legal 法律(上)的,合法的leisure 空闲lemon 柠檬length 长,长度lens 透镜,镜头less 较少lessen 课,教训lest 惟恐,以免level 水平,水准,铺平liable 有…倾向的liberal 慷慨的,丰富的,自由的liberate 解放license/licence 准许,认可,执照lid 盖lie 躺,平放,说慌,慌言life 生命,生计,寿命lifetime 一生lift 提起,消散,电梯light 光,轻的lightning 闪电,快速的likely 可能的,大概likewise 同样,也lime 石灰limit 界限,范围,限定limitation 限制,局限性link 环,联系lion 狮子lip 嘴唇liquid 液体,液态的liquor 酒list 表,名单,列入literature 文学,图书资料litre/liter 公升lively 活泼的,逼真liver 肝,肝脏living 活的,现存的living-room 起居室load 装,装填,负担loaf 一条(只)面包loan 贷款,借出local 地方的,局部的locate 找出,位于lodge 住宿log 圆木,木料logic 逻辑,逻辑学logical 逻辑(上)的,符合逻辑的lonely 孤独的,荒凉的loose 松的,宽的lorry 卡车,运货汽车loud 响亮的,吵闹的loudspeaker 扬声器lovely 可爱的,秀丽的,令人愉快的lover 爱好者,情人loyal 忠诚的loyalty 忠诚,忠心lucky 幸运的luggage 行李lump 块,团lunch 午餐lung 肺luxury 奢侈,奢侈品Mmachine 机器,机械machinery (总称)机械,机器mad 疯的,着迷的magazine 杂志,期刊magic 戏法,魔法,有魔力的magnificent 壮丽的,宏伟的maid 女仆mail 邮件,邮寄main 主要的,总管道mainly 主要地,大体上mainland 大陆,本土maintain 保养,维修,继续major 较大的,主要的,主修majority 多数male 男(性)的manage 管理,处理,设法management 管理,经营manager 经理mankind 人类manner 方式,态度,规矩manual 用手的,体力的March 三月margin 页边空白mark 记号,痕迹,分数,作标记marriage 结婚,结婚仪式married 已婚的,夫妇的mask 面具,遮盖mass 团,堆,民众,大量master 主人,能手,掌握。
三级笔译教材整理 考前必背
一下的一些东西是需要打印的生物工程词语:gene pool 基因库diagnosis therapy recombination 重组cloneGenetic expression 基因组表达mutationNano material 纳米材料protein engineeringDecode the secret of human 揭开人类的奥秘Growth hormone 生长激素cell culture pharmaceutical Console 控制台pawnshop 当铺Offspring the Food and Drug Administration批准endorse approve approval (名词)The United States Senate and House of Representatives both approved landmark Medicare drug bills on Friday that will give older Americans help in paying for their prescription medicines 跨时代意义The Consumer Federation of America slaughterhouseBiotechnology bioengineering life science and technology genome 基因组Human clone the cloning technology is a double-edged sword. 双刃剑Stem cell 干细胞soilless cultivation 无土栽培transgenosis animal 转基因动物Genetically modified/ altered crops/food 转基因作物。
Cross-breeding 杂交培育hybrid rice 杂交水稻asexual reproduction 无性繁殖Issue 组织recipient 受体transgenic organism sequenceShyness 羞涩mammal habitat legal situations课文分析和一些可以采纳的句型和词语Major 作为重大的再次列举一些的表达方法:A majority of sort of number of在表示。
v.大胆进行,拿…冒风险 n.冒险活动,冒险;奇遇
n.(政府,公司等的) 顾问
a.另一,再一;别的 pron.另一个
n./v.回答;答复 n.答案
a.一些;任何的 pron.无论哪一个;无论哪些
n.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入) 的方法
v.断言;(法庭上) 陈述
a.肯定的 n.(指言语) 表示同意的词语
CATTI二三级笔译综合科目难点词汇CATTI 二三级笔译综合科目难点词汇Discern vt. 看出,理解,了解,识别,辨别,隐约看见;vi. 辨明,分清Preach 宣扬;说教;布道,讲道;讲(道)Prime the pump 采取措施使某事发展Ambient adj. 环境; 周围的,包围着的;产生轻松氛围的Exorbitant If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much higher than it should be. (价格、费用) 过高的Scanty 不足的,勉强够的(大小或数量)Stingy adj. 吝啬的,小气的;有刺的;缺乏的Ameliorate vt. 改善,减轻(痛苦等),改良;vi. 变得更好Parch to deprive or be deprived of water; dry up 脱水; 使干涸the sun parches the fieldsElucidate If you elucidate something, you make it clear and easy to understand. 阐明; 解释[正式]Untenable An argument, theory, or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack. 不堪一击的(观点、理论或立场)This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.从知识、道德和现实的角度来看,这种论点是站不住脚的。
Indefatigably 不厌倦地Meticulously 细致地The flat had been meticulously cleaned.这间公寓被仔仔细细地打扫过了。
大学英语三级核心词汇:需要掌握其拼写(中译英)、词性、意义、搭配(听力、阅读、翻译)、读音(听力)force,力量,武力,影响力;强迫,强夺enforce,加强,迫使,强制实施reinforce,加固物;增援,加强;加强,增援report,报告,报导,成绩单;报告,报导,记录scope,范围spirit,精神decline,衰微,跌落;降低,婉谢climate,气候lend to 借,贷款,增添,accuse,责备,控告afford,提供,供应得起,给于anxiety,焦虑,挂念,担心,渴望,热望atmosphere,大气,气氛blame,过失,责备calculate,计算,考虑,计划circle,圆周,社交圈,循环;包围,盘旋,环绕confidence,信任,信心conscious,神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的convince,说服,使...相信custom,习俗,风俗,海关desperate,不顾一切的,绝望的encourage,鼓励,激励,支持discourage,使气馁,阻碍economy,经济,节约motive,动机,目的;发动的,机动的promote,促进,提升,升迁,促销emotional,感情的,情绪的motion,打手势,示意,移动,动作,提议fail to,失败,不及格,辜负,极少flat,平坦的,单调的,扁平的;平直地,干脆地install,安装,安置,使...就职intimate,亲密的,私人的,秘密的;暗示,通知,告诉limit,限制,限定;限度major,主修,成年人,陆军少校;主要的,较多的,大部份的no matter,无论neutral,中立的,中性的outlet,出口,出路,通风口,批发商店perform,执行,表演,做inform,告诉,通知,检举,高发,formal,正式的normal,正常的,正规的;正常状态radiate,放射,散发,辐射authority,权力,权威,当局companion,同伴,同事concept,观念,概念create,创造,造成creature,生物,动物,人dentist,牙科医生identify,识别,认明,鉴定identical,相同的,同一的identity,身份engage,答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚entitle,取名为,给与名称,叫做,使有权利evaluate,评价,估价fluid,流体,液体;流动的,流体的influence,影响力,感化力,权势,影响fortune,运气,命运fulfill,完成,履行general,一般的,普遍的intense,非常的,强烈的,紧张的,热情的interpret,解释,演出,翻译justice,司法,正义,公正;法官adjust,调整,使……适于judge,法官;裁决,判断,审判;断定,判断minor,未成年人,副修科目;次要的,较小的,二流的,未成年的;辅修observe,观察,遵守,注意到deserve,应该得到,应受,值得preserve,保护,保持,维持,防腐,做蜜饯parallel.平行的;平行线percept,知觉的对象,知觉对象stuff,材料,原料,东西; 填满,塞满surrounding,环绕,周围的事物transport,运输,流放transmit,传输,传达,传送transform,转换,使……变形undergo,遭受,经历,忍受wander,游荡wonder,奇迹,惊奇,怀疑;奇妙的widespread,分布广的,普遍的ambition,雄心,野心,追求approach,途径,方法,靠近,接近brief,摘要,简报,公事包;简短的,简洁的对...作简报,摘要conquer,克服,征服,战胜result,结果,成绩,答案;产生,起于,致使consult,商讨,向……请教,查询insult,侮辱deliberate,仔细考虑,研讨;深思熟虑的,故意的despair,绝望,失望compare,比较,比喻,对照emergence.出现establish,建立,确立,创办exhaust,排气,排气装置;用尽,耗尽,使……筋疲力尽expand,使膨胀,扩张扩充fade,褪色,消失,凋谢frustrate,挫败,击败,破坏;无益的,挫败的,挫折的handy,方便的,手边的incredible,难以置信的inherit,继承conference,会议infer,推断,推论offer,出价,提议,提供,企图interfere,妨碍,冲突,干涉length,长度manufacture,产品,制造,制造业,加工mood,心情,情绪,语气necessity,需要,必需品。
致力于、从事于: be committed to、engage in、embark onWe will work to 、look to 、 seek to、 endeavor to、 strive to 我要努力⋯⋯ Wewill adopt +nBear : 承担,具有,果,支撑,向左(右),携Score:得,得分,二十,复,了解Mark :志,祝 ,表明,价Boast:吹嘘,有Endow :予,助Harness: 利用,具展、提高、促、增加等意思: develop, upgrade, enrich, improve, advance, pursue, move forward, forge ahead, enhance, sharpen, widen, broaden, quicken, accelerate, speed up, step up减少裁 : slash, cut(down), shed, downsize, diminish, dwindle 、 eliminate超 exceed 、surpass 、 top 、 overtake、 transcend 、 go beyond保、支持 : safeguard 、 uphold 、 support利用 maximize 、fully leverage、fully unleash 、give full play to 、make best use of showcaseappearemergerepresentdeliver :,履行,表,represent: 代表,表,象征,回on the rise、 on the decrease、on the decline( 在衰退中 )gear to 适,配合prevail:,盛行embrace:包含,接受,抱cherishseize、 grasp、grapple withburden 、 saddle withDifference 、 disparity 明差异、 discrepancy 差异矛盾 usher 引,开辟carve out ,开拓,雕刻identify,确,志,使易于辨。
2017.11CATTI英语二三级笔译综合科目难点词汇(1)Masticate /ˈmæstɪˌkeɪt/When you masticate food, you chew it. 咀嚼; 嚼碎Hines slowly masticated a shrimp.海恩斯慢慢地咀嚼着一只虾。
Don't gulp everything down without masticating.不要不咀嚼就全吞下去。
masticationPoor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.消化不良可能是因为嘴里的食物没有完全嚼碎而引起的。
Stifle /ˈstaɪfəl/If someone stifles something you consider to be a good thing, they prevent it from continuing. 压制Regulations on children stifled creativity.对孩子们制定的各种规定压制了创造力。
If you stifle a yawn or laugh, you prevent yourself from yawning or laughing. 忍住 (呵欠或笑声)She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn.她并未试图忍住一个哈欠。
If you stifle your natural feelings or behaviour, you prevent yourself from having those feelings or behaving in that way. 控制(感情或行为)It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.最好忍住好奇心,别碰鸟巢。
CATTI3高频词汇One Country, Two Systems 一国两制One China, One Taiwan 一中一台Two Chinas 两个中国Three Direct Links (Mail, Air and Shipping Services and Trade) (两岸)直接三通23 Million Taiwan Compatriots 两千三百万台湾同胞Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC) 两会(人大,政协)Three Represents 三个代表the Important Thought of Three Represents 三个代表重要思想Woman Pace-Setter 三八红旗手the Three Major Historical Tasks三大历史任务the Seven-Year Program to Help 80 Million People Out of Poverty "八七"扶贫攻坚计划the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) "十一五"计划the 15th central committee of the communist party of China (CPC) 第十五届中央委员会17th Party Congress 十七大the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee 十一届三中全会South-South Cooperation 南南合作North-South Dialog 南北对话Taiwan Independence 台独"Bring In" and "Going Out" "引进来"和"走出去"政策patriotic democratic personages爱国民主人士patriotic united front 爱国统一战线patriotism 爱国主义精神live and work in peace and contentment 安居乐业an enterprising spirit 昂扬向上的精神状态our compatriots in the Macao SAR (Special Administrative Region) 澳门特别行政区同胞hegemonism 霸权主义a hundred flowers blossom 百花齐放a hundred schools of thought contend 百家争鸣the stability in border areas 边疆稳定remote areas 边远地区a magnificent upsurge 波澜壮阔extensive and profound 博大精深never degenerating 不变质constantly better people's lives 不断提高人民生活水平unfair and irrational 不公正不合理shackles of the outdated notions 不合时宜的观念的束缚an inexhaustible motive force 不竭动力invincible 不可战胜an irresistible trend of history 不可阻挡的历史潮流not lose our bearings不迷失方向uneven 不平衡a tortuous course 不平坦的道路not all-inclusive 不全面的take resolute measures 采取果断措施participation in and deliberation of state affairs 参政议政long-term coexistence 长期共存long-term social stability and solidarity 长期社会安定团结long-term peace and order 长治久安honesty 诚实守信fully mobilize and rally充分调动和凝聚take shape initially 初步建立traditional threats to security 传统安全威胁creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity 创造力、凝聚力和战斗力system of resignation 辞职制proceed from our national conditions 从我国国情出发promote common development 促进共同发展promote all-round social progress 促进社会全面进步assuming heavy responsibilities 担当重任the contemporary era 当代masters of the country当家作主the wish to be the masters of our country 当家作主的愿望congress of party representatives 党代会backbone of the party 党的骨干力量the party's basic theory, line and program 党的基本理论、路线和纲领party building 党的建设party's progressiveness 党的先进性the destiny of the party and state 党和国家前途命运the cause of the party and state 党和国家事业Deng Xiaoping theory 邓小平理论the demise of comrade Deng Xiaoping邓小平同志逝世the sixth place 第六位the primary productive force 第一生产力E-government 电子政务mobilize the initiative 调动积极性equal political entities 对等的政治实体erroneous and dogmatic interpretation of Marxism 对马克思主义的错误和教条式的理解multi-tiered 多层次multiparty cooperation 多党合作diversify 多元化pluralistic society多元社会diverse forces 多种力量duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法awareness of law 法制观念a country with an adequate legal system 法制国家a country under the rule of law 法治国家prosperity, stability and development 繁荣、稳定和发展fight against "Taiwan Independence" 反对"台独"oppose separation 反对分裂combat corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉guard against 防止non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁splitting activities 分裂活动the objectives and tasks 奋斗目标和任务develop diverse forms of democracy 丰富民主形式trials and tribulations 风浪考验serve the overall interests 服务大局strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced 富强、民主、文明hinterland 腹地reform, development and stability 改革、发展、稳定reform and opening-up 改革开放lacquer painting 漆画lacquer ware 漆器celadon 青瓷色two-sided embroidery 双面绣landscape/ink painting 水墨画Suzhou embroidery 苏绣sandalwood fan 檀香扇trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 唐三彩pottery 陶器Ceramics 制陶业the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study—a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper 文房四宝inkslab engraving 砚刻Yixing pottery 宜兴陶folding fan 折扇Wickerwork 枝编工艺tapestry 织锦,挂毯papier mache 纸工艺品Chinese painting 中国画folklores 民间传说fable 寓言legend 传说mythology 神话God of Heaven 玉皇大帝the Eight Immortals 八仙Chang’e, the Chinese moon goddess 嫦娥Fu Xi, God of Fishery and Husbandry 伏羲god of fortune, god of prosperity, and god of longevity 福禄寿三星god of fortune 财神god of the kitchen 灶神Gonggong, God of Water 公神Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns) 后羿Yellow Emperor 黄帝Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant ) 夸父Nuwa: a goddess who patches up the sky 女娲Pan Gu, creator of the universe 盘古Patron of Agriculture 神农Yu, the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty 禹Zhurong, God of Fire 祝融make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China 古为今用,洋为中用inscribe a poem 赋诗matching an antithetical couplet 对对联solar calendar 阳历gregorian calendar 公历lunar calendar 阴历heavenly stem 天干earthly branch 地支leap year 闰年the twenty-four solar terms 二十四节气zodiac 十二生肖rat 鼠ox 牛tiger 虎hare 兔dragon 龙snake 蛇horse 马sheep 羊monkey 猴rooster 鸡dog 狗pig 猪year of monkey 猴年one’s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches 本命年traditional holidays 传统节日Spring Festival 春节pay a New Year visit 拜年firecracker 鞭炮,爆竹Eve of Chinese New Year 除夕Spring couplets 春联ring out the old year and ring in the new 辞旧迎新Jiaozi, boiled dumpling 饺子pot sticker 锅贴temple fair 庙会ring out the old year 鸣钟辞旧岁(traditional) New Year pictures 年画the Eve Feast; family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve 年夜饭year-end household cleaning 年终大扫除stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 守岁family reunion dinner 团圆饭New Year gift-money; money given to children as a New Year gift 压岁钱dragon dance 舞龙Lantern Festival (15th day of the first lunar month) 元宵节sweet sticky rice dumplings 元宵festival lantern 花灯lantern riddle 灯谜lion dance 狮子舞stilt walking 踩高跷Pure Brightness Festival/Tomb-sweeping Day (April the 5th) 清明节sweep tomb sites of loved ones 扫墓offer sacrifices to the ancestors 祭祖go for an outing in spring 踏青dragon Boat Festival (5th of the fifth lunar month) 端午节dragon boat race 赛龙舟zongzi (pyramid-shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) 粽子Departed soul 亡灵loyal minister 忠臣Quyuan the poet 诗人屈原Moon Festival/Mid- Autumn Day (15th of eighth lhunar month) 中秋节mooncake 月饼appreciate the glorious full moon 赏月Chinese architecture 中国建筑Quadrangle, the traditional Chinese single-story houses with rows of rooms around the four sides of a courtyard 四合院(Mongolian) yurt 蒙古包inscriptions on a tablet 碑刻,碑文,碑铭the forest of steles, tablet forest 碑林Taoist temple 道观hall 殿beacon tower 烽火台drum tower 鼓楼ornamental column 华表corridor 回廊altar 祭坛rockery 假山watchtower 角楼corridor 廊pailou, decorated archway 牌楼bridge 桥stone boat 石舫grotto 石窟pavilion on the water 水榭pagoda; tower 塔terrace 台altar 坛pavilion 亭阁bell tower 钟楼pillar, column, post 柱emperor's mausoleum/tomb 陵墓major cultural heritage 重要文化遗产outstanding folk arts 优秀民间艺术cultural relics 文物Chinese knot 中国结Cheongsam 旗袍traditional Chinese garments (clothing), Tang suit 中山装cloisonné景泰蓝royal court envoy 朝廷使者men of letter 文人refined scholar 雅士culture industry 文化产业cultural deposit 文化底蕴cultural undertaking 文化事业cross-cultural communication 文化交流culture shock 文化冲突national culture 民族文化folk culture 民间文化urban culture 城镇文化rural culture 乡村文化native culture 当地文化performing art 表演艺术popular art, pop art 现代流行艺术high art 纯艺术refined art 高雅艺术cinematographic art 电影艺术theatrical art 戏剧艺术male (the positive male role) 生(男性正面角色)female (the positive female role) 旦(女性正面角色)a supporting male role with striking character 净(性格鲜明的男性配角)a clown or a negative role 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)painted role 花脸monodrama; one-man show 独角戏musical 歌舞喜剧shtick 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头skit 滑稽短剧amateur performer of Beijing Opera/Peking Opera fan 京剧票友Peking Opera Mask 京剧人物脸谱ventriloquism 口技puppet show 木偶戏voice over 旁白shadow play; leather-silhouette show 皮影戏story-telling 说书make a human pyramid 叠罗汉colors, primary 红、黄、蓝三原色colors, secondary 合成色,间色composition 构图engraving 雕刻艺术,镌版术;亦指雕版印刷品,版画etching 蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画foreshortening effect [绘画]通过透视原理表现立体空间fresco [绘画]在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画,壁画highlight [绘画]高光high relief 高浮雕impasto [绘画]厚涂颜料的绘画法,厚涂的颜料inlaying 镶嵌landscape 风景画,山水画lithography 石印(平版印刷)术;平版印刷品modeling 建模,造型monochrome 单色画(由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画)pastel 浅淡的色调,柔和而悦目的色彩perspective [绘画]透视primary colors 三原色relief 浮雕(效果)sketching 写生,写生画still life 静物tempera 蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法)texture 质地,纹理tone 色调trompe l’oeil 一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格aria 独唱曲;咏叹调background music 背景音乐band 乐队baritone 男中音bass 低音部;男低音;低音乐器bilateral diplomatic activities 双边外交win-win situation 双赢局面smooth transition of power 权利顺利平稳过渡candid and in-depth 坦诚深入的treaty 条约halt 停滞不前equal dignity 同等尊严break-through 突破unity 团结external blockade 外部封锁diplomacy 外交diplomatic practice 外交惯例diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权diplomatic barometer 外交晴雨表diplomatic envoy 外交使节diplomatic truce 外交休兵downright distrust 完全不信任complete equality 完全平等stubborn ills 顽疾seek a common good 为大众谋利maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong 维护香港的繁荣与稳定justice-upholding 维护正义的diplomatic practice 外交惯例cultural exchange 文化交流cultural ambassador 文化使节cradle of civilization 文化摇篮inexorable facts 无情的事实disorder 无秩序状态current state 现状elaborate on 详细谈论harmonize 协调agreement 协定alliance 结盟protocol 协议coordination 协作hand-in hand 携手a new world pattern 新的世界形态neo-colonialism 新殖民主义assert 宣称;维护declaration 宣告,声明the Asia-Pacific region 亚太地区severe test 严峻的考验message of condolences 唁电consistent policy 一贯的政策take history as guidance and look into the future 以史为鉴,面向未来ideology 意识形态never yielding 永不屈服increase; strengthen; promote; expand; boost 增进enhance mutual understanding 增进了解strategic relationship 战略关系strategic partnership of coordination 战略协作伙伴关系normalization 正常化correct foreign policy 正确的对外方针an official visit 正式访问transfer of government 政权交接political dialogs 政治对话political and moral support 政治和道义上的支持medium and long term cooperation 中长期的合作the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约apartheid; racial segregation 种族隔离racial tensions 种族矛盾racial discrimination 种族歧视approach (a problem) 着手处理reevaluation 重新评估sovereign states 主权国家garrison 驻军self-determination 自觉自主self-reclusive 自我封闭least-developed countries (LDCs) 最不发达国家the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项基本原则equality and mutual benefit 平等互利mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity 互相尊重和主权领土完整non-aggression 互不侵犯non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries 互不干涉内政peaceful coexistence 和平共处Abstract Expressionism 抽象表现主义Art Deco 装饰派艺术Art Nouveau 新艺术主义Ashcan School 垃圾箱画派Assemblage (Collage) 装配艺术品Barbizon School (Landscape Painting) 巴比松画派Baroque 巴罗克艺术风格Classicism 古典风格Constructivism 构成派Cubism 立体派Dada达达主义运动Expressionism 表现主义Fauvism 野兽派Futurism 未来主义Genre 风俗画Impressionism 印象主义Mannerism 风格主义Neoclassicism 新古典主义Neoimpressionism 新印象主义,点描派Op Art 光效应绘画艺术,欧普艺术Pop Art 波普艺术Realism 现实主义画派Rococo 洛可可风格Surrealism 超现实主义Symbolism 象征主义mechanism 机制active defense 积极防御positive impact 积极影响cornerstone 基石great expectation 极大的希望aggregation 集合;凝聚shoulder 肩负arduous task 艰巨任务a constructive strategic partnership 建设性的战略伙伴关系exchange notes 交换意见exchange views 交换观点establish new contacts 结交新友emulate 竭力仿效resolve differences 解决分歧progress; advancement 进步world-renowned 举世闻名military intelligence (secrets) 军事机密test 考验affirm old tradition 肯定传统framework 框架expand the common ground 扩大共识hard-won 来之不易optimism 乐观精神reciprocity in courtesy; reciprocal (mutual) courtesy 礼尚往来decencies 礼仪;行为准则good faith 良好诚意a favorable climate in areas around China 良好周边环境conscience 良知cross-strait relations 两岸关系territorial integrity 领土完整border or territorial disputes 领土争端fulfill international obligations 履行国际义务ally; allies 盟国people-to-people diplomacy 民间外交mode 模式friction 摩擦good-neighborliness 睦邻友好good-neighbor relationship 睦邻友好关系remove interferences and obstacles 排除干扰与障碍exclusive group 排他性集团exclusivism 排外主义ratify 批准equality and mutual benefit 平等互利principle of equality and mutual benefit 平等互利原则equal partnership 平等伙伴关系equal consultation 平等协商concerted effort 齐心协力discrimination 歧视make positive contribution to 起积极作用millennium 千年prospect; future 前景condemn 谴责power diplomacy 强权外交power politics 强权政策enforcement 强制执行violate; encroach on; be an encroachment on 侵犯seek common ground while reserving/shelving/putting aside differences 求同存异twists and turns 曲折yield to 屈服trend 趋势all-round cooperation 全方位合作all-round; all-around 全面的;全方位的comprehensive engagement 全面接触all-round improvement 全面提高globalization 全球化the world at large; the world over 全世界rights and interests 权利和义务(make) concessions 让步humanitarian 人道主义者fusion 融合trilateral 三边的convey profound condolences to 深切哀悼size up the situation 审时度势mission 使命undertaking; cause 事业momentum 势头build shared optimism 树立共有的乐观精神bilateral 双边的bilateral relations 双边关系bilateral cooperation 双边合作bilateral channels 双边渠道encroachment 侵犯endeavor 努力enduring 持久的;不朽的enrich 充实equitable 公平的;公正的era 纪元erupt 突然爆发escalation 升级exacerbate 恶化,使......加剧flaunt 炫耀;标榜fluctuation 波动;起伏不定foil 阻扰;挫败formulation 明确表达;简洁陈述foundation 基础;基金会guarantee 保证guidance 指导gunboat policy (尖船利炮)强权政策hamper 妨碍harness 管理,支配,控制strengthen the bond 加强联系;加固纽带subordinate 次要、下属、从属的subsequent 后来的,接着发生的,连续的summit 峰会;首脑会议symbol/symbolize 象征thereby 从而threat 威胁,恐吓trailblazer 开拓者trailblazing 开拓性trample 践踏tranquil 安静、宁静的transcend 凌驾;超越trans-century 跨世纪courtesy call 礼节性拜会dinner; dinner party 晚宴distinguished guest 贵宾;嘉宾draw to a close 即将结束eloquent remark 雄辩的(动人的)演讲entertain 招待extraordinary arrangement 特殊安排;精心安排eye salute 注目礼farewell ceremony 欢送仪式feel honored and privileged 感到荣幸feel pleased and honored 感到愉快和荣幸feel proud and honored 感到骄傲和荣幸fellow citizens 同胞们foreign affairs office 外事办fulfill one’s ambitions 展鸿图,酬壮志generous hospitality 盛情款待genuine friendship 真挚友谊give a dinner for a visitor from afar 接风洗尘goodwill visit 友好访问gracious invitation 盛情邀请gracious remark 热情的演讲,评论Guest of Honor 主宾gun salute 礼炮heartfelt gratefulness 由衷的感谢hearty embrace 热烈拥抱hearty gratitude 衷心的感谢heritage 传统hospitality 好客host a farewell dinner for someone 为…饯行host country 主办国,东道主国家host 主人I’ve long heard of you 久仰impromptu speech 即席讲话in the company of…;accompanied by…在…的陪同下inauguration 开幕式;就职典礼incomparable hospitality 无比盛情的款待itinerary 活动日程,路线kind words of welcome 友好的欢迎词lasting friendship 长久的友谊long-awaited guest 盼望已久的客人look back at the past回顾过去look into the future 展望未来luncheon 午餐会motorcade 车队nodding acquaintance 泛泛之交occasion 场合;时刻opening address 开幕致辞opening ceremony 开幕式pay a return visit 回拜picnic party 野餐会propose a toast 祝酒receive; play host to 接待receptionist 接待员reception 招待会regard 尊重;敬意regards 问候renew old friendships(and establish new contacts) 重温旧情(结交新友)seating arrangement 席位安排signing ceremony 签约式sincere gratitude 真挚的感谢speech of welcome; address of welcome 欢迎词state banquet 国宴sworn friend 刎颈之交take this opportunity 趁此机会toaster 祝酒者toast 祝酒词unequalled 无与伦比的unprecedented 前所未有的warm reception 热情接待warm welcome 热情欢迎wedding reception 喜宴welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会welcoming ceremony 欢迎仪式a resolution 决议abundant accomplishment 丰硕的成果accord with; agree with; conform to; meet 符合acknowledge 承认assert 宣称;维护attempt 尝试beckon 召唤boost 促进,刺激,增进bilateral 双边的bilateral channels 双边渠道bilateral cooperation 双边合作bilateral diplomatic activities 双边外交bilateral relations 双边关系bully 欺侮;以强凌弱LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示器Mac (Macintosh) 苹果机maglev train 磁悬浮列车manned spaceflight 载人航天飞行MD (minidisk) 小型磁盘MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 迷笛,数码音乐microcircuit 微电路modem “猫”,调制解调器multimedia 多媒体molecular science 分子科学natural sciences 自然科学nerd 不善社交、专心致志搞科研或精于科研的人;书呆子neuron 神经元new and high technology industries 高新技术产业notebook computer 笔记本电脑Omega point 欧米伽点P2P (Peer to Peer Networking) 对等网络PC (Personal Computer) 个人电脑PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) 个人数字助理,掌上电脑Pentium 奔腾,Intel公司生产的CPU芯片Plug and play 插件Plug-in 插件PPP (PowerPoint presentation) 文件演示plastic beauty 人造美女posthuman 后人类pseudo-science 伪科学RAM (Random Access Memory) 随机存贮器,内存remote control 遥控robotics 机器人技术research institutions 科研院所semi-conductor 半导体soil and pasture management 土壤和草场管理streaming media 流媒体synchronous 同步的scanner 扫描仪screen capturing 截屏search engine 搜索引擎technological innovation 科技创新telecommunication 电讯teleconference 远程电信会议touchscreen 触摸屏tablet computer 平板电脑tissue (生物)组织URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 互联网上的信息资源定位系统ubiquitous network 无处不在的网络virtual community 虚拟社区VR –virtual reality (artificial reality) 虚拟现实water conservancy 水利webcasting 网络广播live web casting 网络直播World Wide Web 万维网acknowledge 承认a gathering permeated with a spirit of cordial friendship 充满亲切友情的聚会a rewarding trip 不虚此行accommodate 供给……住宿,招待;适应,配合add a new page to the history of 给……的历史增加了新的一页agenda 议程alumnus 校友at the invitation of …应……的邀请banquet 宴会播BBQ party 烧烤会Bon Appetit! 祝你胃口好Bon Voyage! 旅途愉快buffet 自助餐buffet reception 冷餐招待会cheek-to-cheek embrace 贴脸拥抱cheers 干杯closing speech 闭幕致辞cocktail party 鸡尾酒会colleague(s) 同仁commerce ties 商业关系coexistence 共存,共处congenial atmosphere 融洽气氛costume party; masquerade 化妆舞会courtesy call 礼节性拜会grand jury 大陪审团gravitas 庄严的举止,庄严grenade 手榴弹Ground Zero 常规导弹瞄准的目标或核设备爆炸点(特指,美国9·11恐怖袭击事件之后世贸中心的废墟)hand over 交出,移出hard-line Islamist 强硬派伊斯兰教徒homicide bombers 人体炸弹hate crimes 出于仇恨的犯罪hesperophobia (fear of the west) 对西方的恐惧high seas 公海highest alert 一级戒备hijack 劫持hit targets 攻击目标holy warriors 圣斗士homeland security 国土安全hostage 人质hostile forces 敌对势力ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile) 洲际弹道导弹impeachment 弹劾,指摘Isolationism 孤立主义(一种避免与其他国家建立政治或经济关系的国家政策)IRS (Internal Revenue Services) 美国国税局infantry 步兵团INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 美国移民归化局international common practice 国际惯例international tribunal 国际法庭strip the citizenship 取消国籍stronghold 要塞据点stun gun 眩晕枪suicide bombing 自杀性爆炸surgical strike 外科手术式袭击(指精确而迅速的袭击,一般为空袭)syndicalism 工会组织主义,职能政府论symmetrical warfare 对称作战tear gas 催泪弹terrorism 恐怖主义,恐怖行为terrorist acts 恐怖行动,恐怖活动terrorist group 恐怖组织terrorist mastermind 恐怖大亨the Bush Administration 布什政府the disintegration of the Soviet Union 苏联解体the Middle East Peace Process 中东和平进程the World Energy Conference 世界能源会议think tank 智囊团TMD (Theater Missile Defense system) 战区导弹防御系统to want somebody dead or alive 无论是生是死,都要将其缉拿Tory 保守党党员,保皇党人;保守分子的toxin 毒素Twin Towers 姊妹楼,又称双子座,美国世贸中心原七座大楼中的主要建筑tyranny 暴政,苛政,专治United Nations 联合国UN permanent representative 常驻联合国代表unilateralism 单边主义,单方面裁军unveil fresh policy 新政策出台vertical envelopment 垂直包围,依*空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻victim 受害者visit to the Yasukuni war shrine 参拜靖国神社warplane (military aircraft) 军用飞机Watergate 水门事件(美国政治丑闻)WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) 大规模杀伤性武器WTC (World Trade Center) 美国世贸中心wreckage 遇难过程或遇难的情况;残骸,碎片Zionist 犹太人复国主义者(的)2D (two dimensional graphics images and animated images) 平面3D (three dimensional graphics images and animated images) 三维3D rendering 三维渲染aerial top dressing 空中施肥advanced technology 先进技术analog electronic technology 模拟电子技术animation 动画片AOL (American Online) 美国在线absolutism 专制主义ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) 美国公民自由协会Affirmative Action 平权措施,平等权利政策a nightmarish day 噩梦般的一天aerosol spray (用以自卫的)喷雾剂air base 空军基地air raid 空袭airborne 空降部队air force one 美国空军一号air marshal 为预防劫机而在客机上设的随机军官aircraft carrier 航空母舰air piracy 劫机air strike 空袭all-out attack 全面进攻amendment 宪法、法案等的修正案anarchism 无政府主义anarchist 无政府主义者Andean Summit 安第斯集团峰会(拉美国家)anthrax 炭疽热anonymity 匿名armada 舰队armistice 停战协议artillery 大炮;炮兵部队assassination 暗杀,行刺asymmetrical warfare 不对等作战attorney general 首席检察官,司法部长autocracy 独裁政治,独裁政府axis of evil 邪恶轴心ballistic missile 弹道飞弹battalion 军营;军队bestial act 兽行bigotry 偏见、偏执、持偏见的行为(态度)bill 法案、议案Bill of Rights 权利和自由法案,(美)美国宪法前十条修正案biochemterrorism 生化恐怖主义biological weapons 生物武器biometrics 生物测定bioterrorism 生物恐怖主义bioterrorism preparedness 生物恐怖预防bipartisan [美]两党的;代表两党的;得到两党支持的blitz 闪电战(尤指空袭)body scan 人体扫描cabinet 内阁、政府capitalism 资本主义Camp David 位于马里兰州的总统度假地戴维营cannon 大炮;炮袭cargo planes 运输机carpet bomb 地毯式轰炸catastrophic success 灾难性胜利(指大规模、绝对性的胜利,并不是造成灾难的意思)casualty 伤亡人员cavalry 原指骑兵;现指(需要借助车辆或直升机快速移动的)突击部队cease-fire 停战censorship 审查制度chancellor 长官、大臣、(德国)总理chaos 混乱chemical weapons 化学武器graduate placement 毕业生分配supervisor of Ph. D. candidate / doctoral advisor 博导the national higher education exams for self- taught adults 自学考试adult education 成人教育update one's knowledge 充电elementary education 初等教育college town 大学城college community 大学社区associate degree 大专文凭mark; grade 分数academic record; school record 学习成绩transcript 成绩单paper(大学);thesis(研);dissertation(博)毕业论文internship; field work 实习graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业典礼certificate 毕业证书higher education 高等教育the "211 Project" for higher education 高等教育"211工程"institution of higher education 高等学府comprehensive university 综合性大学colleges of (liberal) arts 文科院校college / university of science and engineering 理工科大学teachers' college / normal college 师范学院polytechnic university 工科大学college of agriculture 农学院medical school 医学院institute of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 中医院music school 音乐学院academy of fine arts 美术学院high scores and low abilities(university / college) entrance examination 高考the college expansion plan 高校扩招highschool equivalency 高中同等学力radio and television university 广播电视大学National Proficiency Test of Putonghua (Mandarin) 国家普通话水平考试correspondence university 函授大学professor 教授associate professor 副教授visiting professor; guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师assistant 助教assistant for political and ideological work 辅导员teaching and research section / group 教研室/ 组pedagogy; teaching method 教学法education circle 教育界input in education 教育投入nine-year compulsory education九年义务教育take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 考研extracurricular 课外的extracurricular activities 课外活动class discussion 课堂讨论required / compulsory course 必修课elective / optional course 选修课basic course 基础课specialized course 专业课school schedule 课程表seminar 研究小组;讨论会teaching program; syllabus 教学大纲period of schooling 学习年限record of formal schooling 学历school / academic year 学年(school) term; semester 学期credit 学分academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering 两院院士heuristic education 启发式教学hot topic 热门话题talents exchange 人才交流competition for talented people 人才战Business English Certificate (BEC) 商务英语证书academy of design 设计学院institute of physical culture 体育学院enrolment rate for children of school age 适龄儿童入学率to confer a degree on / to sb. / for sth. (e.g. thesis) 授予某人学位proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade 升学率(state) stipend / subsidy / financial aid (国家)助学金a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study 硕博连读Songjiang College Town 松江大学城quality-oriented education 素质教育cramming method of teaching 填鸭式教育simultaneous interpretation 同声传译Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) 托福block release 脱产进修short-term training course 短训班faculty, students and staff 师生员工the faculty; teaching staff 教学人员headmaster / headmistress; principal 中、小学校长<美>president; <英>chancellor; vice-chancellor 大专院校校长dean 教务长,(系)主任Hope Project 希望工程group discussions 小组讨论school motto 校训alumnus(男); alumna(女)[pl. alumni; alumnae] 校友students' union / association 学生会extern; non-resident student 走读生boarder 住宿生auditor 旁听生graduate student; post-graduate (student) 研究生graduating student; current year's graduate 应届毕业生course; curriculum 课程campus digitalization 校园数字化to safeguard world peace and promote common development 维护世界和平与促进共同发展health and sports undertakings 卫生体育事业adequate food and clothing program 温饱工程realm of ideology 意识形态领域brave difficulties 迎难而上support the army 拥军give preferential treatment to the families of servicemen and martyrs (拥军)优属support the government 拥政enjoy a lasting peace 永享太平the eternal soul of the army 永远不变的军魂accountability for neglect of supervisory duty 用人失察责任追究accountability for the use of the wrong person 用人失误责任追究optimize structure优化结构optimize and upgrade 优化升级the laws observed 有法必依there are laws to go by 有法可依supervisory function of the media 舆论监督share weal and woe with the people 与人民群众共命运advances with the times 与时代发展同步伐keep pace with the times 与时俱进with a long history behind it 源远流长developing amidst twists and turns 在曲折中发展increase understanding增加了解be mindful of potential danger 增强忧患意识strategic plan 战略部署strategic adjustment 战略性调整energetic and promising leadership 朝气蓬勃、奋发有为的领导层to be rectified and standardized 整顿和规范regularized 正规化government intervention 政府干预government organs; government institutions 政府机构special government allowance 政府特殊津贴separating the functions of government from those of institutions 政事分开(have) a good government and a united people 政通人和CPPCC committees 政协委员会the political and economic spheres 政治、经济领域old political and economic order 政治经济旧秩序politburo 政治局political situation 政治局面political restructuring 政治体制political consultation 政治协商political consultation system 政治协商制度kingpin 支撑intellectuals 知识分子(be) better educated 知识化the laws strictly enforced 执法必严exercise the state power in the interest of the people 执政为民the cornerstone for its (the party's) governance 执政之基municipality directly under the Central Government 直辖市overlapping functions 职能交*guiding ideology 指导思想the formulation of the eleventh five-year plan 制定"十一五"计划institutional innovation 制度创新running the party, state and army 治党治国治军intellectual support 智力支持the CPC (Communist Party of China) central committee 中共中央CCCP (Central Committee of Communist Party) 中共中央委员会the seventeenth national congress of the CPC 中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会Socialism with Chinese characteristics 中国特色社会主义事业all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation 中华儿女。
构 词
变 形
播送、发射 ;传送、传染
搭 配
transmit knowledge from one generation to another
transmission of news
A)affect B)effect C)result D)consequence
The new appointment of our president ______from the very beginning of next semester.
A)takes effect B)takes part C)takes place D)takes turn
A)transfer B) deliveries C) transportation D) transmissions
Some diseases are ___ by certain water animals.
attack 全线的攻击;an intensive attack 集中某一点攻击。
The patient’s health failed to such an extent that he was put into____care.
A)tense B)rigid C)intensive D)tight
at hand
Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are_in grocery stores.
Ability, able, aboard, abode, abolish, abortion, abound, about, absent, absorb, abstract, abuse, academy, accept, acceptance, access, accidental, accommodation, accompany, according to, account, accuracy, accurate, accuse, accustomed, achievement, acquire, acquit, acquisition, across, act, action, add, adequate, administration, admirable, admire, admission, admit, adopt, adore, adroit, adult, advance, advanced, advantage, advantageous, adventure, adversity , advertise, advertisement, advice, advisable, advise, aesthetic, aesthetics, affair, affect, affection, affectionate, affirm, afraid, again, against, age, agelike, agenda, aggrieve, agriculture, aid, AIDS, akin, alarm, album, alcohol, alien, alimentation, all, allow, allude, allusion, aloof, aloud, already, also, alter, alternative, altitude, amateur, amazing, ambiguous, ambiguity, ambition, ambivalence, ambulance, ambush, amiable, amiss, ammunition, amount, an, analysis, anarchism, ancestor, ancient, and, anger, angle, angry, animal, animate, animosity, announce, anonymous, anticipate, antipathy, antique, anxiety, any, anyhow, anything, apology, apparent, appeal, appear, appease, appeasement, append, appetite, applaud, application, apply, appoint, appointment, appointment, appraise, appreciate, apprehend, approach, appropriate, approve, approximate, April, arbitrate, architecture, archive, ardour, argument, arise, arithmetic, arm, armistice, array, arrest, arrival, arrive, arrogance, arrow, art, article, artificial, as, ascertain, ask, askew, aspire, aspiration, assault, assemble, assert, assertion, assessment, assist, associate, asylum, athlete, attack, attempt, attitude, attorney, attraction, attractive, atypical, auction, audience, audit, autobiography, available, avarice, avenge, avenue, average, averse, avert, avoid, await, awake, award, aware, awkwardnessBacteria, banal, bankrupt, bar, barbarian, barbarism, bargain, barometer, barrage, bashful, battery, bawdy, bay, bearing, beast, beget, behalf, behold, believer, belittle, bemuddle, bemuse, bemusement, bename, benediction, beneficial, benevolence, benevolent, benign, benumbed, bepaint, bequeath, beseech, besiege, bespeak, bestow, bestride, betide, betray, betrayal, betrayer, betrothed, betterment, bettermost, bewrite, biased, biblical, biochemistry, biography, biology, biosphere, birthmark, blackout, blade, bleed, blend, block, blockade, bloody, bloom, blub, blur, boast, boisterous, bold, bond, bondage, boom, boon, bounce, bound, boundary, bounteous, bountiful, bounty, bouquet, bow, brace, brag, braggart, braid, brainchild, brainman, braintrust, brainwash, brainwork, brainy, brand, breach, breed, brevity, brew, briefing, brilliance, brilliant, brittle, bubble, buoy, buy-backCab, cable, calamity, calendar, camera, campaign, can, cancel, canon, capable, captivate, capture, cardinal, career, cargo, carnal, carnival, cash, cassette, cast, casual, casualty, caution, cease, cell, censor, central, centripetal, ceremony, certificate, challenge, champagne, championship, chant, character, characterize, charitable, charm, chaste, chat, check, cheerful, chemical, chemistry, chief, chill, choice, choke, chop, chorus, chronicle, cinema, civilian, civilization, claim, clap, clash, clue, coach, code, collect, collective, combat, combine, comedy, command, comment, commerce, commitment, community, comparative, comparison, compel, compete, competent, competitive, complain, complex, composition, compound, compound, comprehensive, compress, conceal, concentrate, concert, concession, conclude, concrete, condemn, condense, condition, conduct, confess, confine, conflict, congress, connection, connotation, conquer, conscience, consent, considerate, consist, console, consort, constitute, constrain, construct, consultant, contagious, contempt, contemptuous, content, contest, contingency, continual, continuous, contradiction, contrary, contribute, convention, conversely, convert, convict, convince, cook, cooperation, copious, cordial, core, corporal, correspondence, corrupt, costly, could, counsel, count, countenance, counteract, court, crack, crafty, crash, creative, credibility, credit, creed, crew, criminal, critical, criticize, crucial, crude, cruel, crystal, cue, cult, cultivate, curiosity, currency, curse, curve, cycleDairy, deadline, decease, deceit, deceive, decency, decent, deception, deceptive, decorate, decrease, decree, dedicate, dedicated, defame, default, defect, defend, defer, defiance, defiant, define, definite, degrade, delegate, delegation, deliberate, deliberately, deliberation, delineate, delude, demean, democracy, demolish, demonstrate, demonstration, depart, department, departure, depend, dependent, deploy, deployment, deport, deportation, depose, deposit, depress, deprive, deputy, deride, derive, derogatory, descend, deserve, desirable, destitute, destitution, destruction, detach, detached, detachment, detect, detection, detective, deter, deteriorate, deterioration, determination, determine, determined, device, devise, devoid, devote, devour, dexterity, dexterous, diabetes, diagnose, diagnoses, dictate, diction, diet, differ, digest, digestion, digestive, dignify, digress, digression, dilate, direct, director, directory, disadvantage, disadvantaged,disaffected, disappoint, disapprove, disapproving, disapprovingly, discern, discernible, discerning, discharge, disciple, discipline, disciplined, disclaim, disclaimer, disclose, discontent, discount, discount store, discourage, discourse, disguise, disgust, dismiss, dismissal, dismissive, disorder, disordered, disorderly, disorganization, disorganize, dispatch, disperse, display, disposal, dispose, disposed, dispute, disqualification, disregard, dissension, dissent, dissenter, dissolute, dissolution, dissolve, distill, distillation, distress, distressing, distribute, distribution, distrust, distrustful, distrustfully, divisible, division, divisive, divorce, divorced, divorcee, doctrine, document, domestic, dominant, donate, doubtful, download, draft, draftsman, drag, draw, drawback, drawbridge, drawer, drawing, drift, drifter, drought, drum, drummer, drunk, dry, dual, dubious, dumbfound, dump, duplicate, duplication, dynamic, dynamics, dynamismEager, earnest, economics, economy, effect, effective, efficiency, eject, elaborate, electrical, elementary, elevate, eliminate, elite, eloquence, elucidate, emancipate, embarrass, embrace, embroidery, emergency, emphasis, emphasize, empty, encourage, endure, energetic, enforce, engage, engineering, enhance, enrage, enroll, ensue, entertain, entertainment, enthusiasm, entreat, entrust, envy, epidemic, epidemics, equip, equipment, equivalent, erect, erudite, essence, essential, estimate, estrange, evade, evaluate, evidence, evident, evince, evolution, evoke, evolve, exact, exaggerate, exalt, exceed, excess, excessive, exchange, exclaim, exclude, exclusive, excursion, exhaust, exhibit, existence, exotic, expand, expansion, expel, expense, expire, explicit, explode, exploit, explore, expose, exposure, expression, exquisite, extant, extensive, exterminate, extraordinaryFable, fallacy, fallible, fascinate, fatal, fatalism, feasible, feast, feat, feature, feeble, feedback, fellowship, feminine, fervent, fetish, fiction, fictitious, fiddle, fidelity, fierce, fiery, filter, filth, finance, financial, finite, fishery, fit, fixture, flame, flank, flash, flat, flatter, flavor, flaw, flee, flee, fleece, flexibility, flexible, flick, fling, flirt, flit, float, flock, flood, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluent, fluid, flush, flutter, flux, foam, foe, foil, fold, following, fond, fool, forbear, forbid, forcible, forecast, foreground, foremost, forerunner, foresee, foresight, foretell, forge, forgery, forgive, fork, format, formation, formidable, formula, forthcoming, fortify, fortitude, fortnight, fortune, foul, foundation, fountain, fraction, fracture, fragile, fragment, fragrance, frail, frame, framework, frank, fraud, freelance, freeze, frenzy, frequency, fret, frontier, frost, frown, frustrate, fuel, fugitive, fulfill, fumble, fund, fundamental, furious, furnace, furnish, fuse, fusion, fuss,Galaxy, garage, garbage, gas, gash, gasoline, gap, gender, generate, generator, genesis, genius, genre, genteel, gentility, gentry, genuine, geometry, glamour, glass, glimpse, glint, globe, gloom, gloomy, glorious, glory, gospel, gossip, gown, grab, grace, graceful, grade, graft, grain, grant, graph, graphic, grasp, gratify, gratitude, gravity, gravy, graze, grease, greed, greedy, greenhouse, greet, grief, grieve, grill, grind, grip, grisly, groan, grope, gross, grotesque, ground, group, growl, grudge, grudgingly, guarantee, guardian, guerrilla, guidance, guilty, gum, gusto, gut, gymnasiumHabitation, haggard, hail, hammer, hamper, hand, handicap, handle, handy, haphazard, harass, harassment, harbor, harden, hardware, hardy, harmony, harness, harsh, haste, hasty, hatch, hatred, haughty, haul, haunt, head, heading, headquarters, headstrong, headway, heal, heap, hearth, heat, heave, heed, hegira, heighten, heir, heirship, hem, hemisphere, hereditary, heredity, heritage, hesitate, hideous, hierarchy, high-handed, highlight, hijack, hike, hinder, hint, hitch, holder, hollow, home, homestead, honor, honorable, horizon, horizontal, horn, horrible, horrid, horrify, horror, hospitality, hostage, hostile, hostility, hound, household, hover, howl, huddle, hum, humane, humanity, humble, humid, humidity, hunt, hurtle, hush, hygiene, hypocrisy, hystericalIce, ideal, identical , identify, identity, ideology, ignorance, ignorant, illegible, illiterate, imaginary, imaginative, imbecile, imitate, imitation, immortal, immune, immutable, impact, impair, impetus, impious, implicit, implore, imply, impress, impressive, imprison, impromptu, impropriety, improvise, imprudent, impugn, impulse, inaccessible, inaction, inactive, inactivity, inadvertent, inanimate, inappropriate, inaugurate, incident, incidentally, incipient, incise, incisive, incite, inclement, incline, inclusive, incoherent, incomparable, incongruity, incongruous, inconsistency, inconsolable, incorporate, incredible, incredulity, indefatigable, indefinite, indelible, independence, independent, index, indicate, indication, indignant, indignation, indignity, indispensable, indisposed, indisputable, individual, indolent, indomitable,induce, indulge, industrialize, industrious, inevitable, inexhaustible, inexorable, infallible, infamous,Jail, jar, jargon, jealous, jet, joint, joke, jolt, judicial, jumbo, jungle, junk, justice, justification, justify, juvenileKeen, keep, kernel, kettle, key, keyboard, kick, kid, kill, kilogram, kilometer, kin, kind, kindergarten, kindness, kindred, king, kingdom, knee, kneel, knot, knowledgeableLabor, laborious, lag, lame, lament, landscape, lane, lapse, laser, lash, latent, lateral, latitude, launch, laundry, lavatory, lavish, lawn, layman, layout, lead, lead, leading, leaf, lean, leap, learned, lease, leather, leave, lecture, ledge, legacy, legislate, legislation, legislature, legitimate, leisure, lens, lest, level, lever, leverage, levity, levy, liability, liable, liberal, liberate, liberty, librarian, license, lick, lift, likelihood, likewise, lily, limb, limit, limousine, limp, linear, linguistic, liquid, liquor, list, literacy, literal, literally, literary, literate, litter, living, load, loaf, loathe lobby, locality, locate, lock, lodge, lofty, log, longevity, longitude, loom, loop, loosen, loot, lorry, lotion, lottery, loudspeaker, lounge, lower, lucrative, ludicrous, lull, lumber, luminous, lump, lunge, lure, luscious, lust, luster, luxury, lyricMagic, magnetic, magnificent, magnify, magnitude, maid, maiden, maintain, maintenance, majesty, malediction, malefactor, malevolent, malice, malign, malignant, malnutrition, mandate, mandatory, maneuver, mangle, maniac, manifest, manipulate, mansion, mantle, manual, manufacture, manure, manuscript, map, maple, mar, marble, margin, marginal, marijuana, marine, marital, mark, market, marvel, marvelous, masculine, mash, mask, mass, massacre, massage, massive, mast, master, masterpiece, mate, material, maternal, mathematical, matrimony, matron, mattress, mature, maudlin, maul, maxim, maximum, maze, meadow, mean, means, measurement, mechanic, mechanical, mechanism, meddle, mediate, medieval, mediocre, medium, melancholy, melody, memoir, memorandum, memorial, menace, menace, mend, mendacious, mendicant, mentality, mercenary, merchandise, merge, merger, merit, mess, messenger, metabolism, metamorphosis, metaphor, mete, meteor, meteorite, meter, methodical, meticulous, metric, metro, metropolitan, microbe, microbiology, microorganism, microphone, microscopic, midnight, might, migrant, migrate, migratory, mild, mileage, militant, military, mill, mine, mineral, mingle, miniature, minimal, minimize, minimum, minister, minority, minuscule, minute, miracle, miraculous, mirage, mirror, mirth, misapply, miscellaneous, mischief, mischievous, misdeed, miser, miserable, misfortune, misgiving, mishap, mislead, missile, mission, missionary, mist, mitigate, mixture, moan, mobilize, mock, modest, modify, modulate, module, ,moist, moisten, moisture, mold, mole, molecule, momentous, momentum, monarch, monarchy, monastery, monetary, monitor, monk, monologue, monopoly, monotonous, monotony, monster, monstrous, monument, monumental, mop, moral, morale, morality, morass, morbid, mordant, moribund, morose, mortal, mosquito, motion, motivate, motive, motto, mound, mount, mourn, moustache, mow, muddy, muffle, mug, mule, multiple, mellifluous, multiplication, multiply, multitude, multivocal, mumble, municipal, munificent, munitions, murmur, muscular, muster, mute, mutter, mutton, muzzle, myriad, mysterious, mystic, mysticism, mythologyNaïve, narrative, narrow, necessitate, necessity, neglect, network, newscaster, nightmare, nonetheless, nonsense, norm, normal, nostalgic, notable, notation, noticeable, notify, notorious, notwithstanding, nourish, novel, novelty, novice, numb, number, numerical, numerous, nurse, nutritionOath, obedient, object, objection, objective, obligation, oblige, oblivion, oblivious, obloquy, obscene, observant, observation, observatory, observe, observer, obsess, obtain, obvious, occasion, occasional, occidental, occupation, occupy, occur, occurrence, offend, offense, offensive, offer, oil, omit, omnipotent, omniscient, onerous, onion ,opening, operate, operation, operational, operator, opponent, oppose, opposite, oppress, pot, optical, optimism, optimism, optimistic, optimum, option, optional, opulence, orchestra, ordeal, orderly, ordinance, ordnance, ore, organ, organic, organism, organize, orient, oriental, orientation, origin, original, originate, ornament, ornate, ostensible, ostentatious, oust, outbreak, outburst, outcry, outer, outline, outlook, output, outrage, outright, outset, outskirts, outspread, outstanding, oven, overall, overalls, overcome, overdue, overflow, overhead, overhear, overlap, overlook, overly, overnight, overpass, overpay, oversight, overstate, overt, overtake, overthrow, overtone, owing, owl, ownership, ozonePace, package, pact, page, pageant, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, palace, pale, palm, paltry, pamphlet, pan, panic, panorama, pant, pantheism, pantry, pants, paperback, paradise, paradox, paragraph, parallel, paralyze, parameter, paramount, parasite, parcel, pardon, parenthesis, parish, park, parley, parliament, parlor, parody, parrot, partake, partial, partially, participant, participate, particle, particular, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, passionate, passive, passport, past, paste, pastime, paternal, path, pathetic, patience, patient, patriot, patriotic, patrol, patron, patronize, pattern, pause, pave, pavilion, paw, pawn, pay, payment, peace, peaceful, peach, peak, peal, peanut, pear, pearl, peasant, peep, peer, peg, pen, penalize, penalty, penance, pending, penetrate, pension, pensive, people, pepper, perceive, percentage, perception, perch, percussion, peremptory, perennial, perennially, perfect, perfection, performance, perfume, perhaps, perimeter, period, periodic, periodical, perish, perjure, perjury, permanent, permeate, permission, permit, pernicious, perpetual, perpetuate, perplex, persecute, persist, persistent, personal, personality, personalty, personnel, perspective, perspiration, perspire, persuade, persuasion, persuasive, pertain, pertinent, perturb, peruse, pervade, perverse, pessimistic, pest, pet, petal, petition, petrol, pharmacy, phase, phenomenon, philanthropy, philosopher, philosophy, phoenix, phone, phonogram, photograph, phrase, physical, physician, physics, piano, pick, picnic, picture, picturesque, pie, piece, pierce, piety, pig, pigeon, pillow, pilot, pin, pink, pinpoint, pint, pioneer, pious, pipe, pirate, pity, pizza, placate, place, plague, plain, plaintiff, plan, planet, plant, plantation, plaster, plastic, plate, platform, platitude, plausible, play, playground, plea, plead, pleasant, please, pleasure, pledge, plentiful, plight, plot, plow, plug, plum, plumber, plume, plunge, plural, ply, pneumonia, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, poise, poison, poisonous, pole, policeman, polite, political, politics, pollute, pollution, pope, popular, population, port, portable, porter, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, post, postage, postcard, poster, postman, postpone, postscript, posture, pot, potential, poultry, pound, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practice, praise, pray, prayer, preach, precaution, precede, precedent, preceding, precept, precious, precise, precisely, precision, preclude, prefer, preferable, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, prejudice, preliminary, premature, premier, prepare, preposition, prescribe, prescription, presence, present, presentation, presently, preserve, preside, president, press, pressure, prestige, presumably, presume, pretend, pretentious, pretext, pretty, prevail, prevalent, prevent, preview, previous, pride, price, priest, primarily, primary, prime, primitive, prince, princess, principal, principle, print, privacy, private, privilege, prize, problem proceed, proceedings, process, procession, proclaim, prodigy, produce, product, production, productive, productivity, profession, professional, proffer, proficiency, proficient, profile, profit, profitable, profound, profuse, profusion, program progress, progressive, prohibit, project, promise, promising, prompt, promulgate, prone, pronoun, pronounce, pronunciation, proof, proper, property, prophecy, prophesy, prophet, proposal, propose, proposition, propound, prospect, prospective, prospector, prosper, prosperity, protect, protection, protective, protein, protest, proud, prove, proverb, proverbial, provide, provided, province, provision, provisional, proviso, provocative, provoke, prowess, prudent, prune, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, pull, purchase, pure, purge, purify, purity, purple, purport, purpose, purse, pursue, pursuit, push, put, puzzle, pyramidQualification, qualify, quantify, quantitative, quarantine, quarter, quarterly, quartz, quay, quay, queer, quench, query, quest, queue, quit, quiver, quiz, quotation, quoteRace, racial, racism, radar, radiant, radiate, radiation, radiation, radical, rag, rage, ragged, raid, rail, rake, random, range, rank, rape, rapt, rapture, rare, rate, rational, rationalize, raw, react, reaction, readily, reading, realistic, realize, realm, reap, reasonable, reassure, rebel, rebellion, rebuke, recall, receipt, reception, receptive, recess, recession, recite, reckless, reckon, reclaim, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, reconcile, reconciliation, recreation, recruit, rectangle, rectangular, recycle, redeem, reduce, reduction, refer, referee, reference, refine, reflect, reflection, refresh, refreshment, refrigerator, refund, refusal, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, register, regulate, regulation, reign, reject, rejoice, relate, relativity, release, relegate, relentless, relevant, reliable, reliance, relics, relief, reluctant, remain, remainder, remark, remarkable, remedy, remind, remote, removal, renaissance, renew, repeal, replace, replacement, replete, replica, replicate, represent, representative, repress, repression, republican, repudiate, repugnance, repugnant, repulse, reputation, repute, requirement, resemblance, resemble, resent, reservation, reserve, reservoir, resign, resist, resistance, resistant, resolute, resolution, resolve, resonance, resonant, resort, resource, resourceful, respective, responsibility, responsible, resituate, restless, restore, retain, retaliate, retard, retarded, retire, retreat, reveal, revelation,revenge, revenue, reverberate, review, reviewer, revise, revision, revival, revive, revolution, revolutionary, revolve, reward, rhetoric, rhyme, rhythm, rice, rich, riddle, ride, rigid, rigor, rigorous, rim, ring, ripple, ripe, rise, risk, rite, ritual, rival, rivalry, roast, robe, rocket, roll, roller, root, rotate, rotten, rough, roundabout, routine, row, royal, royalty, rub, rubber, rudimentary, rudiments, rue, ruin, rumble, rumor, runway, rupture, rust, ruthlessSack, sacred, sacrifice, safeguard, sage, saint, sake, salon, saloon, salute, salvage, salvation, sample, sanctify, sanction, sand, sandal, sandwich, sane, sanitary, sanitation, sarcasm, sarcastic, satiate, satire, sausage, savage, save, saving, savor, saw, scale, scamper, scan, scandal, scant, scar, scarce, scare, scarf, scatter, scene, scenery, scent, schedule, scheme, schism, scoff, scold, score, scorn, scour, scourge, scout, scowl, scramble, scrape, scratch, scream, screw, scribble, script, scripture, scrutiny, sculpture, scuttle, scythe, seal, seam, season, secede, seclude, seclusion, second, secondary, secretion, sect, section, sector, secure, security, sedate, sediment, seduce, sedulous, seed, seek, seemingly, select, selection, semblance, senate, senator, senior, sensation, sense, sensible, sensitive, sensory, sensuous, sentiment, sentinel, entry, sequel, sequence, series, sermon, setback, setting, settle, settlement, settler, sew, shabby, shack, shade, shadow, shaft, shaggy, shallow, shame, shampoo, share, shark, shatter, shave, shear, shed, sheep, sheer, shell, shelter, shield, shimmer, shine, shoot, shortcoming, shorthand, shot, show, shower, shred, shrewd, shrimp, shrine, shrink, shudder, shuffle, shun, shutter, shuttle, shy, signal, significance, significant, signify, silence, simmer, simplicity, simplify, simulate, simultaneous, sin, singe, single, singular, sinister, sink, siren, site, size, skate, skeleton, skeptical, sketch, ski, skillful, skim, skin, skip, skirt, skull, skylark, skyrocket, skyscraper, slam, slant, slap, slash, slave, slay, sleet, slender, slice, slick, slide, slight, slim, sling, slip, slippery, slit, slope, slot, slum, sly, smart, site, smolder, smooth, smother, smuggle, snack, snake, snap, snare, snatch, sneak, sneer, snob, snore, snow, snug, soak, sober, so-called, sociable, socialism, socialist, sociology, sock, socket, sod, soda, sofa, software, soil, sojourn, solace, solar, solemn, solicit, solicitor, solid, solitary, solitude, solo, soluble, solution, solve, solvent, somber, some, somebody, somehow, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, sonic, soot, soothe, sop, sophisticated, soporific, sordid, sore, sorrow, sort, soul, sound, soundly, soup, sour, source, south, southern, souvenir, sovereign, sow, spacecraft, spacious, spade, span, spank, spare, spark, sparkle, sparse, spatial, spawn, speaker, special, specialist, specialize, specialty, species, specific, specifically, specification, specify, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacular, spectator, specter, spectrum, speculate, speech, speed, spell, spelling, spend, sphere, spice, spider, spill, spin, spinach, spine, spiral, spiritual, spit, spite, splash, splendid, splendor, split, spoil, spokesman, sponge, sponsor, spontaneous, spoon, sporadic, sport, sportsman, spot, spouse, spout, sprawl, spray, spread, spring, sprinkle, sprout, spur, spurt, spy, squad, squadron, square, squash, squat, squeak, squeeze, stability, stabilize, stable, stack, stadium, staff, stage, stagger, stagnant, stain, stair, staircase, stake, stale, stalk, stammer, stamp, standard, standardize, standpoint, staple, star, starch, stare, startle, starve, state, stately, statement, static, station, stationary, stationery, statue, stature, status, statute, statutory, staunch, steadfast, steady, steak, steal, stealthy, steam, steamer, steel, steep, steer, stem, stenography, step, stepfather, stepmother, stereotype, sterling, stern, stew, steward, stick, sticky, stiff, still, stimulate, stimulus, sting, stink, stir, stock, stocking, stoic, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storey, storm, stormy, story, stout, stove, straddle, straggle, straight, straightforward, strain, strange, stranger, strangle, strap, strategic, strategy, straw, strawberry, stray, stream, streamline, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strict, striction, stride, strident, strife, strike, striking, string, stringent, strip, stripe, strive, stroke, stroll, strong, structure, struggle, strut, stubborn, studio, stuff, stumble, stump, stun, sturdy, style, stylish,, suave, subdue, subject, subjective, submit, subordinate, subpoena, subscribe, subsequent, subsidize, subsidy, subsist, subsonic, substance, substitute, subterranean, subtle, subtlety, subtract, suburb, subversive, subvert, subway, succeed, success, successful, succession, successive, successor, suck, sudden, sue, suffer, suffice, suffrage, suffuse, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, suitable, suitcase, suite, sultry, sum, summarize, summary, summer, summit, sumptuous, sunder, sundry, sunflower, sunlight, sunny, sunrise, sunset, sunshine, super, superb, superior, superiority, supermarket, supernal, supersede, supersonic, superstition, supervise, supper, supply, support, suppose, suppress, supreme, sure, surge, surgeon, surgery, surmise, surmount, surname, surpass, surplus, surrender, surreptitious, surround, surrounding, survey, survival, survive, susceptible, suspect, suspend, suspense, suspension, suspicion, suspicious, sustain, sustenance, swagger, swallow, swarm, swear, sweat, sweater, sweep, sweet, swell, swerve, swift, swim, swing, switch, sword, syllable, symbol, symbolize, symmetry, sympathetic, sympathize, sympathy, symphony, symposium, symptom, synchronize, synthesis, system, systematicTable, tablet, taboo, tack, tackle, tact, tactic, tag, tail, tailor, tame, tamper, tan, tank , tantamount, tap, tape, taper, tar, tardy, target, tariff, tart, tavern, tax, tease, technicality, technician, tedious, teem, telescope, televise, temper, temperament, temperate, tempest, tempo, temporary, tempt, temptation, tenacious, tenant, tend, tendency, tender, tense, tension, tentative, tenuous, term terminate, terrain, terrestrial, terrify, territory, terror, testify, testimony, texture, thatch, thaw, theater, theft, therapy, thermal, thermometer, thigh, thirst, thirsty, thorn, thoughtful, thrall, thrash, thread, threat, threaten, threshold, thrift, thrifty, thrive, throb, throne, throng, thrust, thumb, thwart, thump, tick, tide, tidings, tidy, tie, tier, tile, tilt, timber, timid, timorous, tinge, tinkle, tip, tire, tissue, title, titular, toast, toll, token, tolerance, tolerant, tolerate, toll, tome, topical , torch, torment, totter, touch, tough, tournament, toxic, trace, trademark, traduce, traffic, trail, trait, tram, tramp, trample, tranquil, transaction, transcribe, transcript, transfer, transform, transfuse, transient, transistor, transit, transition, transitory, translucent, transmission, transmit, transmitter, transmute, transparent, transpire, transplant, transport, transportation, transpose, trap, trash, traverse, travesty, tread, treason, treasure, treasury, treat, treatment, treaty, tremble, tremendous, tremor, tremulous, trench, trend, trial, triangle, tribe, tributary, tribute, trick, trickle, trifle, triple, triumph, trivial, trolley, troop, trophy, tropic, trot, truce, truism, trumpet, trunk , trust, trustee, tryst, tub, tube, tug, tuition, tulip, tumble, tumor, tumult, tumultuous, tune, tunnel, turmoil, tutor, twig, twilight, tine, twist, type, typhoon, tyranny, tyrantUltimate, unaccustomed, unanimity, unanimous, unbounded, uncomely, uncommon, uncover, undeniable, underestimate, underfoot, undergo, underlie, underneath, underpay, underrate, underscore, undertake, underwear, underworld, undo, undoubtedly, undue, undulate, unduly, unearth, unfold, ungainly, unify, unique, unity, universal, universe, unload, unprecedented, unstable, unveil, unbraid, update, upgrade, upheaval, uphold, upright, uprising, uproar, uproot, upset, up to date, upturn, urban, urbane, urge, urgent, usher, usurp, utilitarian, utility, utilitarian, utmost, utterVacancy, vacant, vacation, vacuity, vacuate, vacuity, vacuum, vagabond, vague, vain, valiant, valid, valor, valuation, van, vanish, vanity, vapor, variable, variation, vastity, V-day, vegetation, vehemence, vehement, vehicle, ventilate, venture, verdict, verify, veritable, vernacular, versatile, version, versus, vertex, vertical, vertigo, vessel, vest, vestment, veteran, veto, vibrate, vice, vicinity, victim, video, vigorous, vile, villain, vindicate, vindicate, vindictive, violate, violence, violent, violet, virgin, virtual, virtue, virus, visage, visible, vision, visual, visualize, vital, vivacious, vivacity, v-mail, vocal, vocational, vogue, void, volcano, voluntary, volunteer, vulgar, vulnerableWagon, wail, walnut, wander, wane, wanting, wanton, ward, ware, warehouse, warfare, warily, warrant, warrior, warship, wary, wasteful, wasteland, wastepaper, waster, wasteyard, watcher, watchdog, watchful, watchword, waterproof, watershed, wave, wax, waxcandle, way-out, wayward, weave, web, webmaster, weep, weigh, weight, weighty, weir, weird, weld, westernize, wet, wettable, wharf, whet, whip, whirl, whisk, whisper, whistle, whiten, wholesome, wicked, widen, widespread, widow, widower, width, wig, wile, wimp, windy, wink, win-win, wire, wireless, wistful, wit, witch, withdraw, withdrawal, wither, withhold, withstand, witness, witticism, witty, woeful, wolf, womanhood, womanize, wonder, wont, woodcutting, wooden, wordy, workman, workshop, worth, worthwhile, worthy, wound, wrap, wrath, wreath, wreck, wrestle, wretched, wrist, wronghead, wrongheadedXerox, x-eyed, x-film, x-radiate, x-ratedYahoo, yap, yawn, yawny, yearbook, yearn, yearningly, yeasaying, yes-man, yield, yogaZeal, zealot, zealotic, zealous, zip, zoology。
game, or walking his baby in the park, contentedly. But then, Sampras has never wanted to be seen. He only wanted to be great.我想我应该不会再看到桑普拉斯在四分之一决赛里为了再一次听到观众的喝彩而努力拚搏的景象了。
WORD LIST1.Ceremonialn. 仪式adj. 正式的A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonialduties.国家元首也许没有太多政治上的权利,而仅限于礼仪上的职责。
2.stutter-step停顿,顿挫运动(如,足球、篮球、网球)中的一种步法,以停顿和顿挫影响对手的判断;这个短语也有“对于某项工作或举动做游移不定,没有准确的决定”的意思3.cravev. 恳求,渴望He knows that if they trust him, he can give them the happiness which they crave.他知道如果他们信任他,他能够把他们热切渴望的幸福赐予他们。
At this time the inner man began to crave the nourishment.这时,肚子开始咕咕叫着要吃东西了。
4.feten. 庆祝、祭祀、节日;vt. 宴请、招待、给予…巨大的荣誉Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead.尽管天气不好,庆祝活动会照常进行。
翻译资格考试三级笔译---常考高频词汇One Co untr y, Tw o Systems 一国两制One Ch ina, O ne Ta iw an 一中一台Tw o Ch in as 两个中国Three D ir ec t Links (Ma il, Air an d Sh ipp ing S erv ic es and Tra de) (两岸)直接三通23 Millio n Ta iw an Co mpa tr iots 两千三百万台湾同胞Tw o Confer enc es (N PC and CPP CC) 两会(人大,政协)Three Re pres ents 三个代表the Im port ant Tho ugh t of Thre e Repr esen ts 三个代表重要思想Wom an Pac e-Set ter 三八红旗手the Thre e Ma jor Hist or ic a l Tasks三大历史任务the Sev en-Year Pro gram to He lp 80 Millio n P eop le Out of P ov erty "八七"扶贫攻坚计划the Elev enth F ive-Ye ar P la n (2006-2010) "十一五"计划the 15th c e ntra l c o mm itt e e of th e c ommu n ist p arty of Ch in a (CP C) 第十五届中央委员会17th P arty Con gress 十七大the Th ird P le nary S ess ion of th e Elev en th Centr a l Com m itt ee 十一届三中全会South-S out h Coop era t ion 南南合作North-S out h D ia lo g 南北对话Ta iw an In dep en de nc e 台独"Br in g In" a nd "G o ing Out" "引进来"和"走出去"政策patr iot ic de moc rat ic p erson ag es爱国民主人士patr iot ic un ite d front 爱国统一战线patr iot ism 爱国主义精神live and w ork in pe ac e and c ont en tme nt 安居乐业an e nter pr is in g sp ir it 昂扬向上的精神状态our c omp atr iots in th e Mac a o S AR (Spec ia l Adm in istr at iv e Re g io n) 澳门特别行政区同胞heg emo n ism 霸权主义a hun dre d f low ersb lossom 百花齐放a hun dre d sc hoo ls of th oug ht c ont end 百家争鸣the st ab ility in bord er ar eas 边疆稳定remot e ar eas 边远地区a ma gn if ic e nt ups urge 波澜壮阔ext ens iv e a nd prof oun d 博大精深nev er de ge ner at ing 不变质c onstant ly b ett er pe op le's liv es 不断提高人民生活水平unfa ir an d irrat ion a l 不公正不合理shac k les of t he o utd at ed no t io ns 不合时宜的观念的束缚an in ex haust ib le mot ive f orc e 不竭动力inv inc ib le 不可战胜an irres is t ib le tre nd of h is tory 不可阻挡的历史潮流not los e our b ear ings不迷失方向une ven 不平衡a tort uous c ourse 不平坦的道路not a ll-inc lus ive 不全面的tak e reso lut e me asures 采取果断措施part ic ip at ion in an d de lib erat ion of st at e affa irs 参政议政long-t erm c o ex ist enc e 长期共存long-t erm soc ia l stab ilit y an d so lidar ity 长期社会安定团结long-t erm p e ac e an d ord er 长治久安hon esty 诚实守信fu lly m ob iliz e an d ra lly充分调动和凝聚tak e sha pe in it ia lly 初步建立trad it ion a l t hre ats to sec ur ity 传统安全威胁c reat iv ity, c oh es ion and f ight ing c a pac it y 创造力、凝聚力和战斗力system of res ign at io n 辞职制proc ee d from o ur na t ion a l c on d it ions 从我国国情出发promot e c omm on d eve lop me nt 促进共同发展promot e a ll-ro und soc ia l pro gress 促进社会全面进步assum in g he av y respo ns ib ilit ies 担当重任the c ont em porar y er a 当代masters of t he c ou ntry当家作主the w ish to b e th e mast ers of our c o untry 当家作主的愿望c ongress of p arty r epres ent at ives 党代会bac kbo ne of the part y 党的骨干力量the p arty's b as ic the ory, lin e a nd pr ogr am 党的基本理论、路线和纲领party bu ild in g 党的建设party's pr ogress ive ness 党的先进性the d est in y of th e p arty and st ate 党和国家前途命运the c aus e of th e p arty and st ate 党和国家事业Den g X iaop ing t he ory 邓小平理论the d em is e of c omra de D en g X iaop in g邓小平同志逝世the s ix th p lac e 第六位the pr imar y prod uc t iv e forc e 第一生产力E-g over nm ent 电子政务mob iliz e th e in it iat iv e 调动积极性equ a l p o lit ic a l en t it ies 对等的政治实体erron eous an d d ogm at ic int erpre tat ion of Marx ism 对马克思主义的错误和教条式的理解mu lt i-t ier ed 多层次mu lt ipart y c oop erat ion 多党合作d ivers if y 多元化p lura list ic soc iet y多元社会d iverse forc es 多种力量dup lic ate law enforc eme nt 多重多头执法aw aren ess of law法制观念a c ountr y w it h an ad equ at e le ga l syst em 法制国家a c ountr y und er th e ru le of law法治国家prosper ity, sta b ility a nd d ev e lo pme nt 繁荣、稳定和发展fight aga inst "Ta iw an Ind ep en denc e" 反对"台独"oppos e sep ara t ion 反对分裂c ombat c orru pt io n and bu ild a c lea n gov ern men t 反腐倡廉guar d ag a inst 防止non-tr ad it ion a l t hre ats to sec ur ity 非传统安全威胁splitt ing ac t iv it ies 分裂活动the o b jec t ives a nd t asks 奋斗目标和任务dev e lo p d iv erse for ms of de moc rac y 丰富民主形式tria ls a nd tr ibu lat ions 风浪考验serve t he o ver a ll inter ests 服务大局strong, prosp ero us, dem oc rat ic an d c u ltur a lly ad va nc ed 富强、民主、文明h int er la nd 腹地reform, d ev e lop me nt a nd sta b ility 改革、发展、稳定reform a nd o pe n ing-up 改革开放fa ll b eh ind th e t im es 落后于时代Mar x ism-Le n in ism 马克思列宁主义the b as ic ten ets of Mar x ism 马克思主义基本原理a Marx ist ru lin g par ty 马克思主义执政党Ma o Zen don g Thoug ht 毛泽东思想the m ilit ia 民兵Dem oc rat ic Progr ess iv e Part y 民进党peo p le's live liho od 民生democ r at ic an d th e le ga l syst em 民主法制democ r at ic ma nag em ent 民主管理prep are d for bo th pro mot ion a nd d emo t io n 能上能下to a llev iat e rur a l po vert y thro ugh de ve lopm ent 农村扶贫开发reform of rur a l t ax es an d ad m in istr at ive c har ges 农村税费改革prob lems fac in g agr ic u ltur e, rura l ar eas a nd far mers 农业、农村和农民问题agr ic u lt ure and r ura l w ork 农业和农村工作agr ic u lt ure as the f oun dat ion of the ec ono my 农业基础地位fa ls if ic at ion 弄虚作假person ne l tra in in g 培养人才peo p le in f in anc ia l d iff ic u lt ies 贫困群众smooth tr ans it ion of pow er平稳过渡extr av aga nc e a nd w aste 铺张浪费gen era l e lec t ion syst em 普选制less dev e lope d 欠发达地区inte ns ify fu nc t ions 强化功能w in-w in c o-op er at io n 强强联手pow er po lit ic s 强权政治overs eas Ch in ese 侨胞overs eas Ch in ese affa irs 侨务工作industr y an d c oura ge 勤劳勇敢seek c omm on gr oun d w hile sh e lv ing d iff ere nc es 求同存异reg io na l orga n iz at ions 区域性组织tortuo us roa d 曲折的道路draw upo n on e an oth er's strong p o in ts 取长补短y ie ld subst ant ia l res u lts 取得丰硕成果sc ore trem end ous ac h iev eme nts 取得巨大成就repe a l t ax es on sp ec ia l a gr ic u lt ura l prod uc ts 取消农业特产税a ll th e p arty m emb ers; w ho le par ty 全党the c rysta lliz at ion of the part y's c ollec t iv e w is dom 全党集体智慧的结晶a ll-d ime ns ion a l 全方位the Ch in ese peo p le of a ll n at iona lit ies; peo p le o f a ll e thn ic grou ps of th e c oun try 全国各族人民dep uty t o the Na t ion a l P eop le's Congr ess 全国人大代表the N at io na l Comm itt ee of the Ch inese P eop le's Po lit ic a l Co nsu lt at iv e Conf ere nc e 全国政协p len ary s essions 全会bu ild a w e ll-off soc iety in a n a ll-r oun d w ay; b u ild a m oder at e ly prosp erous soc ie ty in a ll r espec ts 全面建设小康社会in fu ll sw ing 全面展开d ivorce betw e en p ow ers an d respo ns ib ilit ies 权责脱节the g en era l pub lic群众Peop le's Congr esses 人大the st and ing c omm itte es 人大常委会NPC (Nat ion a l Pe op le's Co ngr ess) memb er 人大代表the sp ir it of th e c ongr ess 人大精神put sb. to th e b est use 人尽其才a fu ll d is p la y of a dv ant ag es in hu man r esourc es 人力资源优势得到充分发挥mat er ia l an d c u ltur a l n ee ds of the peo p le 人民的物质文化需要the p eo p le's d emoc ra t ic d ic tat orsh ip 人民民主专政upgr ade the t ex ture of life f or th e pe op le 人民生活更加殷实mass organ iz at ions 人民团体the Ch inese P eo p le's Po lit ic a l Co nsu lt at ive Conf ere nc e (CPPCC) 人民政协the tr end of pop u lar sent ime nt 人心向背person ne l exc h ang es 人员往来trea t ing eac h o th er w it h a ll s inc er it y 肝胆相照the h igh d egr ee of un it y a nd so lidar ity 高度团结统一a h ig h de gre e of a uto nomy 高度自治ho ld h igh t he gr e at ba nn er of D eng X ia op ing th eor y 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜lofty c har ac ter 高尚的品格oper a h igh lights 折子戏stilt w a lk 踩高跷pant om im e; m ime 哑剧pant om im is t 哑剧演员skit 戏剧小品c irc us show马戏mono logu e c om ic ta lk, sta ndu p c omed y 单口相声stunt 特技表演w itty d ia log ue c om edy, c om ic c ross ta lk 相声the trad it io na l stor y-te llin g in Be ijing d ia lec t w it h dr um ac c ompan ime nt 京韵大鼓shaa nx i o per a 秦腔sea lc utt ing 篆刻c harac ters c ut in int ag lio 阴文c harac ters c ut in r e lief 阳文sea l 图章grav er 刻刀mak ing ru bb in gs from ston e insc r ip t ions 拓碑rubb ing 拓片w orkmansh ip/c raftsm ansh ip 工艺,手艺han d ic raft 手工艺品w ood c arv in g 木雕boxw ood c raf t 黄杨木雕c arved lac qu erw are 雕漆stone c ar v ing 石雕min iatur e en gra v in g 微雕ivory c ar v ing 象牙雕bamb oo engr av ing 竹雕she ll c arv ing 贝雕ic e sc u lp tur e 冰雕pa in te d sc ulptur e 彩塑ena me l 瓷釉embro id ery 刺绣sc roll 卷轴bat ik 蜡染c la y f igur e 泥人lac qu er pa int ing 漆画lac qu er w are 漆器c elad on 青瓷色tw o-sid ed embr o id ery 双面绣landsc a pe/ink pa int in g 水墨画Suzh ou e mbro ider y 苏绣sand a lw ood f an 檀香扇trio-c o lor ed g la ze d pott ery of the Tang D yn asty 唐三彩pott ery 陶器Cer am ic s 制陶业the four sta t io nery tr easur es of the Ch in ese stu dy—a w rit ing br ush, an in k stic k, an in k ston e an d pa per 文房四宝inks la b e ngra v in g 砚刻Yix ing p ott ery 宜兴陶fo ld in g fa n 折扇Wic k erw ork 枝编工艺tap estry 织锦,挂毯pap ier m ac he 纸工艺品Ch inese pa int ing 中国画fo lk lor es 民间传说fab le 寓言leg end 传说mytho log y 神话God of He av en 玉皇大帝the Eig ht Imm orta ls 八仙Ch ang’e, t he Ch ines e moo n god dess 嫦娥Fu X i, Go d of F ish ery and Husba ndr y 伏羲god of for tun e, god of prosp er it y, an d god of lon ge v ity 福禄寿三星god of for tun e 财神god of t he k itc he n 灶神Gong gon g, Go d of Wa ter 公神Houy i (a leg end ary h ero w ho sho t dow n n ine su ns) 后羿Ye llow Emp eror 黄帝Kuaf u (a fa b led sun-c h as ing g ia nt ) 夸父Nuw a: a god dess w ho pa tc hes up t he sk y 女娲Pan G u, c reat or of th e un ivers e 盘古Patro n of Agr ic u ltur e 神农Yu, th e re put ed fo und er of th e X ia D yn asty 禹Zh uron g, God of F ire 祝融mak e th e past ser ve t he pr esen t an d th e fore ign serv e Ch in a 古为今用,洋为中用insc rib e a poe m 赋诗matc h in g a n ant ith et ic a l c o up let 对对联solar c a lend ar 阳历greg or ia n c a le nd ar 公历lunar c a le ndar 阴历hea ve n ly st em 天干eart h ly br anc h 地支lea p ye ar 闰年the tw e nty-fo ur so lar terms 二十四节气zod iac十二生肖rat 鼠ox 牛tiger 虎hare 兔drag on 龙snak e 蛇horse 马shee p 羊monk ey 猴rooster 鸡dog 狗p ig 猪year of mon ke y 猴年one’s ye ar of birt h c onsider ed in re lat ion to the 12 Terr estr ia l Bra nc hes 本命年trad it ion a l h o lidays 传统节日Spr ing F est iv a l 春节pay a New Year v is it 拜年fir ec rac ker 鞭炮,爆竹Ev e of Ch in ese New Ye ar 除夕Spr ing c ou p lets 春联ring ou t th e o ld y e ar an d r ing in th e new辞旧迎新Jiaoz i, bo iled dump lin g 饺子pot st ic ker 锅贴temp le f a ir 庙会ring ou t th e o ld y e ar 鸣钟辞旧岁(trad it ion a l) New Ye ar p ic tur es 年画the Ev e Fe ast; fa m ily r eun ion d inn er o n Lunar New Year’s Eve 年夜饭year-end hous eho ld c le an in g 年终大扫除stay up lat e on t he New Ye ar’s Eve 守岁fam ily reu n io n d in ner 团圆饭New Ye ar g if t-mon ey; mon ey g ive n to c h ildre n as a N ew Ye ar g if t 压岁钱drag on d anc e 舞龙La nt ern Fest iv a l (15t h d ay of th e f irst lu nar m ont h) 元宵节sw eet st ic ky r ic e d ump lings 元宵fest iv a l lant ern 花灯lant ern r idd le 灯谜lion d anc e 狮子舞stilt w a lk ing 踩高跷Pure Br igh tn ess Fest iv a l/To mb-sw ee p in g Da y (Apr il th e 5t h) 清明节sw eep tom b sites of lov ed on es 扫墓offer sac r if ic es to th e a nc estors 祭祖go for a n out ing in spr ing 踏青drag on Boa t Fest iva l (5th of t he f if th lu nar m onth) 端午节drag on bo at r ac e 赛龙舟zon gz i (pyr am id-sha ped dum p ling m ad e b y g lut in ous r ic e w rapp ed in r ee d or bamb oo lea ves) 粽子Dep art ed sou l 亡灵loya l m in is ter 忠臣Quyu an t he p oe t 诗人屈原Moo n Fest iva l/Mid- Aut umn D ay (15th of e ighth lhu nar m onth) 中秋节moonc a ke 月饼appr ec iat e th e g lor ious fu ll mo on 赏月reun ion 团圆sw eet osma nth us 桂花Doub le N int h Da y/t he Ag ed D ay 重阳节adm ir e th e b eau ty of c hrys anth em um 赏菊c lim b mou nta in 登高TCM (tr ad it io na l Ch ines e me d ic in e) 中药First Em per or, Emp er or Ch in 秦始皇帝empr ess dow ag er 皇太后found er of th e Han D yn asty (206BC-220AD) 汉高祖刘邦Gen gh is Kha n; Temu jin 成吉思汗g ifte d sc ho lars a nd b ea ut if u l la d ies 才子佳人c rad le of c iv iliz at ion 文明摇篮X ia Dyn asty 夏朝(of) Ming a nd Q ing d yn ast ies 明清两代Ch inese c iv iliz at ion 中华文明Sic h uan, S zec hw a n, Szec h ua n 四川Sha anx i 陕西Res earc h Cen ter for Anc ient Civ iliz at ions 古文明研究中心Ch inese an d ov erseas sc ho lars 中外学者arc ha eo lo g ists 考古学家anthr opo log is t 人类学家h istor ian 历史学家Tao, ”t he w ay”, th e pr inc ip le of w ork ings of t he u n iv erse 道huma ne ness (a ls o me an:hu ma n ity, b en ev o le nc e, goo dn ess, vir tu e) 仁the Fo ur Books 四书the Gr ea t Le arn in g 《大学》the D oc tr in e of th e Mea n 《中庸》the An a lec ts of Conf uc ius 《论语》the Me nc ius 《孟子》five m a jor sty les of c a lligr aph y 书法五大书体sea l sc r ipt/s ea l c h arac t er篆书offic ia l sc ript/c ler ic a l sc ript 隶书runn ing sc ript/se m i-c urs iv e sc rip t 行书c ursiv e sc ript 草书regu lar sc ript/st and ard sc r ipt 楷书trad it ion a l Ch ines e pa int ing 中国画Ch inese brush p a in t in g; ink an d w ash pa int ing 水墨画trad it ion a l Ch ines e rea list ic pa int in g 工笔six c lassic a l arts 六艺rit e 礼mus ic乐arc hery 射rid ing 御w rit in g 书ar ith met ic数the Art of War 孙子兵法Ch inese c h arac t er 汉字stroke (汉字)笔画rad ic a l 偏旁部首w rit in g syste m 书写体系Sino-T ib eta n 汉藏语系Sino log ist/S ino log ue 汉学家Sinom an ia 中国热of the sa me or ig in 同宗同源the Ch inese anc est ors 华夏祖先sin g le sy lla b le 单音节Ch inese lan gu ag e is “sob er ly log ic a l”汉语有“合理的逻辑性”the fo ur ton es of Ch in ese c har ac ters 汉语四声调lev e l to ne 阴平ris ing to ne 阳平fa lling-r is in g to ne 上声fa lling to ne 去声mart ia l ar t 武术Kung f u 中国武术sty les or sc hoo ls of mart ia l art 武术门派prac t ic e m art ia l art f or f itn ess 习武健身anc ie nt form of c om bat 古代格斗术Ch inese Mart ia l Ar t Assoc ia t ion 中国武术协会top m art ia l art is t 武林高手Q igo ng; d e ep br eat h in g ex erc ises 气功judo 柔道kara te 空手道tae kw on do 跆拳道box ing 拳击w restling 摔跤fenc ing 击剑w alk th e ear th (w ith a sw ord) 仗剑走天涯ta les of rov ing kn igh ts; kun g fu no ve ls 武侠小说Ch inese lit erat ure 中国文学Three Kin gdoms 《三国演义》Journe y to th e West; P ilgr im age to th e West 《西游记》Dre am of th e Red Ma ns ions 《红楼梦》the Clas s ic of Mou nta ins an Riv ers 《山海经》His tory as a Mirror; Com pre hens ive Histor y Reto ld as a Mirror f or Ru lers 《资治通鉴》the Rom anc e of West Cha mber 《西厢记》Hero es of th e Marsh es; Ta les of t he Wat er Marg in 《水浒传》Strang e Ta les of a Lon e ly Stu d io; Stra ng e Ta les fr o m Ma ke-Do St ud io 《聊斋志异》Fortress Bes ie ge d 《围城》the True Stor y of Ah Q 《阿Q正传》the Spr ing and Aut umn An na ls 《春秋》His tor ic a l Rec ords 《史记》the Boo k of Son gs; th e Book of Od es 《诗经》the Boo k of Hist ory 《书经》I Ch in g; th e Book of Ch an ges 《易经》the Boo k of Rites 《礼记》Boo k of F ilia l P iet y 《孝经》thre e-c har ac ter sc riptur e; thr e e-w ord c han t 《三字经》e igh t-p art essa y; ster eot yp ed w rit in g 八股文five-c h arac ter qua tra in 五言绝句seve n-c har ac ter oc ta ve 七言律诗Ch inese arc h it ec ture 中国建筑Qua dra ng le, the tra d it iona l Ch ines e s in g le-st ory hous es w ith row s of rooms arou nd th e four s ides of a c our ty ard 四合院(Mon go lian) yurt 蒙古包insc rip t io ns on a t ab let 碑刻,碑文,碑铭the for est of ste les, ta b let forest 碑林Tao ist t emp le 道观ha ll 殿beac o n tow er 烽火台drum tow er 鼓楼ornam en ta l c o lumn 华表c orrid or 回廊a lt ar 祭坛roc kery 假山w atc htow er 角楼c orrid or 廊pa ilou, d ec orat ed arc hw ay 牌楼br idg e 桥stone b oa t 石舫grotto 石窟pav ilio n on th e w at er 水榭pag oda; tow er 塔terrac e 台a lt ar 坛pav ilio n 亭阁be ll t ow er 钟楼p illar, c o lum n, post 柱emp eror's ma uso le um/tomb 陵墓ma jor c u ltura l her ita ge 重要文化遗产outsta nd ing fo lk arts 优秀民间艺术c ult ura l r e lic s 文物Ch inese kno t 中国结Ch eon gsam 旗袍trad it ion a l Ch ines e garm en ts (c lo th in g), Tang su it 中山装c lo iso nné景泰蓝roya l c o urt en voy 朝廷使者men of lett er 文人ref in ed sc ho lar 雅士c ult ure industr y 文化产业c ult ura l de pos it 文化底蕴c ult ura l und ert ak ing 文化事业c ross-c ultur a l c ommu n ic at ion 文化交流c ult ure sh oc k 文化冲突nat ion a l c u ltur e 民族文化fo lk c u ltur e 民间文化urba n c u ltur e 城镇文化rura l c u lt ure 乡村文化nat ive c u lt ure 当地文化perform ing art 表演艺术popu lar art, pop art 现代流行艺术h igh art 纯艺术ref in ed ar t 高雅艺术c in ema togr ap h ic art 电影艺术the atr ic a l art 戏剧艺术ma le (th e pos it ive m a le ro le) 生(男性正面角色)fema le (t he p os it iv e fe ma le ro le) 旦(女性正面角色)a supp ort in g ma le ro le w ith str ik ing c h arac t er 净(性格鲜明的男性配角)a c low n or a n ega t iv e ro le 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)pa in te d ro le 花脸mono dram a; o ne-m an sh ow独角戏mus ic a l 歌舞喜剧sht ic k 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头skit 滑稽短剧ama teur perf ormer of Be ijin g Op er a/Pe k in g Op era f an 京剧票友Pek ing O per a Mask 京剧人物脸谱ventr ilo qu ism 口技pupp et show木偶戏vo ic e o ver 旁白shadow p lay; lea th er-silho uet te show皮影戏story-te llin g 说书mak e a h uma n pyr am id 叠罗汉c olors, pr imar y 红、黄、蓝三原色c olors, sec on dar y 合成色,间色c ompos it ion 构图engr av ing 雕刻艺术,镌版术;亦指雕版印刷品,版画etc h in g 蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画foreshor ten ing effec t [绘画]通过透视原理表现立体空间fresc o [绘画]在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画,壁画h igh ligh t [绘画]高光h igh r e lief 高浮雕im past o [绘画]厚涂颜料的绘画法,厚涂的颜料in la y in g 镶嵌landsc a pe 风景画,山水画litho gra phy 石印(平版印刷)术;平版印刷品mode lin g 建模,造型monoc hro me 单色画(由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画)paste l 浅淡的色调,柔和而悦目的色彩persp ec t ive [绘画]透视pr imar y c o lors 三原色re lief 浮雕(效果)sketc h in g 写生,写生画still lif e 静物temp era 蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法)text ure 质地,纹理tone 色调tromp e l’oe il 一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格ar ia 独唱曲;咏叹调bac kgro und mus ic背景音乐ban d 乐队bar it on e 男中音bass 低音部;男低音;低音乐器bea t 节奏,鼓点brass 铜管乐队;铜管乐器Bro adw ay m us ic a l 百老汇音乐剧c anon 卡农(一种乐曲形式,其中同样的旋律被一个或者多个声部重复,同一调或者相关调彼此在时间上重合)c hord 和弦,和音c omposer 作家,作曲家c onc erto 协奏曲c onduc tor 管弦乐队、合唱队指挥c ontem porar y mus ic当代音乐c resc endo 声音渐增,渐强dec resc en do 渐弱d issona nce 不谐和音,不一致duet 二重奏fina le (戏剧的)最后一场,结局;终曲;(电视剧)最后一集flat [音]降半音fox trot 狐步舞,狐步舞曲fugu e [音]赋格曲genr e 类型,流派ac id ja zz 酸性爵士a lt erna t iv e mus ic另类(非主流)音乐,如g ay m us ic(同性恋音乐)b lue grass 蓝草音乐—起源于美国南方的民间音乐,特色为音乐轻快和像爵士乐那样即兴演奏b lues 布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐)Ce lt ic mus ic凯尔特音乐(尤指爱尔兰风格)c lass ic a l mus ic古典乐c ountry m us ic乡村音乐danc e m us ic劲爆蹦迪音乐easy lis ten ing m us ic轻音乐e lec tro n ic mus ic电子音乐env ir onm ent a l m us ic环境音乐exp er im ent a l m us ic实验音乐fo lk mus ic民族音乐fusion mus ic融合音乐hea vy m et a l; h ard roc k 重金属摇滚h ip-h op mus ic嘻蹦乐,译嘻哈house m us ic电子乐的一种Ind ie-Roc k m us ic独立音乐(属于另类音乐)jaz z 爵士乐Jazz Blu es 爵士布鲁斯La t in m us ic拉丁乐mus ic a l 音乐剧New Ag e mus ic新时代乐风Punk; New w ave 朋克;新浪潮R&B 节奏布鲁斯Ra p mus ic说唱Re gga e mus ic雷鬼乐,一种风格独特的牙买加音乐Retr o mus ic怀旧音乐Soft roc k 慢摇滚sou l mus ic(美国黑人)爵士灵歌,结合了福音唱诗以及节奏布鲁斯音乐的特点soundtr ac k 电影配乐sw ing m us ic摇摆乐Tec hno mus ic强烈动感的电子音乐Tranc e mus ic非常Hi的电子舞曲,迷幻电子乐gospe l mus ic福音音乐harmo ny [音]和弦,和声,悦耳的声音组合hymn 赞美诗,圣歌,唱赞美歌im prov is at ion 即席创作lip sync h ing 对口型,假唱lyr ic抒情诗,歌词marc h [音]进行曲me lo dy 旋律oper a 歌剧opus 作品orc hestra 管弦乐队perc uss ion 打击乐器,鼓点po lk a 波尔卡舞曲pop mus ic流行音乐,通俗音乐quart et 四重奏;四重唱Re na issa nc e 文艺复兴,有文艺复兴时期的艺术风格的音乐reper to ir e (准备好演出的)节目,保留剧目Re qu iem Mass 安魂曲rhumb a (=rum ba)伦巴舞蹈,伦巴乐曲rhythm 节奏,韵律roc k 摇滚乐sa lsa 萨尔萨舞曲,拉丁美洲一种流行舞曲samba 桑巴舞(一种源自非洲的巴西舞)sc ore 乐谱solo 独唱曲,独唱sonat a [音]奏鸣曲sopran o 女高音sympho ny 交响乐,交响曲tang o 探戈temp o (音乐)速度、拍子;发展速度tenor 男高音them e [音]主题,主题曲,主旋律them e a nd v ar ia t io ns [音]主题与变奏trio 三重唱voc a l ra ng e 音域w alt z 华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲the fo ur gre at inve nt ions of a nc ient Ch ina 四大发明gunp ow der 火药pr int ing 印刷术pap er-ma k in g 造纸术the c omp ass 指南针Anc ien t Ch in ese Ph iloso phers 中国古代哲学家Conf uc ius 孔子Me nc ius 孟子La o Tzu 老子Chu an g Tzu 庄子Mo Tzu 墨子Sun Tzu 孙子b ila ter a l d ip lom at ic ac t iv it ies 双边外交w in-w in s itu at ion 双赢局面smooth tr ans it ion of pow er 权利顺利平稳过渡c and id and in-d ept h 坦诚深入的trea ty 条约ha lt 停滞不前equ a l d ign ity 同等尊严brea k-thr oug h 突破un ity 团结ext ern a l b loc kad e 外部封锁d ip lo mac y 外交d ip lo mat ic pr ac t ice 外交惯例d ip lo mat ic immun ity 外交豁免权d ip lo mat ic b aro met er 外交晴雨表d ip lo mat ic env oy 外交使节d ip lo mat ic tr uce 外交休兵dow nr igh t d istrust 完全不信任c omp let e e qu a lit y 完全平等stubbor n ills 顽疾seek a c ommon goo d 为大众谋利ma in ta in th e prosp er it y an d stab ilit y of Ho ng Kong 维护香港的繁荣与稳定just ic e-u pho ld in g 维护正义的d ip lo mat ic pr ac t ice 外交惯例c ult ura l exc h ang e 文化交流c ult ura l amb assad or 文化使节c rad le of c iv iliz at ion 文化摇篮inex ora b le f ac ts 无情的事实d isord er 无秩序状态c urrent sta te 现状e la bor ate on 详细谈论harmo n ize 协调agre em ent 协定a llianc e 结盟protoc o l 协议c oord in at io n 协作han d-in h an d 携手a new w or ld p att ern 新的世界形态neo-c o lon ia lism 新殖民主义assert 宣称;维护dec lar at ion 宣告,声明the As ia-P ac if ic reg ion 亚太地区sever e test 严峻的考验messag e of c ond o le nc es 唁电c onsist ent po lic y 一贯的政策tak e h istor y as gu id anc e a nd lo ok into th e fut ure 以史为鉴,面向未来ideo log y 意识形态nev er y ie ld ing 永不屈服inc reas e; stre ngth en; prom ote; ex pa nd; b oost 增进enh anc e m utu a l un derst an d ing 增进了解strate g ic re lat io nsh ip 战略关系strate g ic part nersh ip of c oor d in at io n 战略协作伙伴关系norma liz at ion 正常化c orrec t fore ig n po lic y 正确的对外方针an off ic ia l v is it 正式访问transfer of gov ern men t 政权交接po lit ic a l d ia lo gs 政治对话po lit ic a l a nd mor a l sup port 政治和道义上的支持med ium a nd lo ng t erm c oop era t io n 中长期的合作the S ino-Ja pa nese Tre aty for P eac e and Fr ie ndsh ip 中日和平友好条约apar th e id; r ac ia l se gre gat ion 种族隔离rac ia l t ens io ns 种族矛盾rac ia l d isc r im ina t io n 种族歧视appr oac h (a prob lem) 着手处理reev a luat ion 重新评估sover e ign st at es 主权国家garr iso n 驻军se lf-de term in at io n 自觉自主se lf-rec lus ive 自我封闭least-de ve lop ed c oun tr ies (LD Cs) 最不发达国家the F ive Pr inc ip les of Pe ac efu l Co ex ist enc e 和平共处五项基本原则equ a lit y a nd mut ua l be nef it 平等互利mutu a l resp ec t for sov ere ignt y, terr itor ia l in te gr ity 互相尊重和主权领土完整non-aggr ess ion 互不侵犯non-interf ere nc e in t he inter na l affa irs of oth er c ountr ies 互不干涉内政peac efu l c oe x ist enc e 和平共处Abstrac t Ex press io n ism 抽象表现主义Ar t D ec o 装饰派艺术Ar t No uv eau 新艺术主义As hc an Sc ho o l 垃圾箱画派Ass emb lag e (Co llag e) 装配艺术品Bar b iz on Sc ho o l (Lan dsc ape P a int in g) 巴比松画派Bar oqu e 巴罗克艺术风格Class ic ism 古典风格Constr uc t iv ism 构成派Cub is m 立体派Dad a达达主义运动Ex press io n ism 表现主义Fauv is m 野兽派Futur ism 未来主义Genr e 风俗画Impress io n ism 印象主义Ma nn er ism 风格主义Neoc lassic ism 新古典主义Neo impr ession ism 新印象主义,点描派Op Ar t 光效应绘画艺术,欧普艺术Pop Ar t 波普艺术Re a lism 现实主义画派Roc oc o 洛可可风格Surre a lism 超现实主义Symbo lism 象征主义bas-re lief (=bass-re lief) 浮雕,浅浮雕c ameo 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳c aric a tur e 漫画c artoon (报刊上的)政治性漫画,讽刺画,卡通画,漫画c hiarosc uro 光影、明暗对比法c olors, c omp lem ent ary 补色;对比色trans it ion 转变;过渡turmo il 动乱;冲突tac k le 处理;对付tak e sha pe 成形tense 紧张的und erm in e 破坏und es irab le 不受欢迎的un io n 联盟;工会unsw erv in g ly 坚定不移地v igor ous 强健的;精力充沛的vo la t ile 不稳定的;多变的go in g g lo ba l “走出去”(战略)sec urity; s af et y 安全heg emo ny 霸权c lose d-do or p ast 闭关锁国的过去c lose d-do or po lic y 闭关政策c rit er ia 标准ext ens iv e a nd prof oun d 博大深远non-c onfr ont at io n 不对抗irr at iona lity 不合理non-a lig nme nt 不结盟insurmo unt ab le d iff ic u lty 不可克服的困难ineq ua lity 不平等unrem itt ing effor ts 不懈的努力und erta ke c onc re te st ep 采取具体步骤gap 距离att empt 尝试dyn am ism 充满活力lofty c aus e 崇高的事业gran d id ea l 崇高理想addr ess d iffer enc es 处理分歧shutt le d ip lom ac y 穿梭外交brea k dow n b arr iers 打破障碍un ilater a l 单边的un ilater a lism 单边主义Den g X iaop ing’s d ip lom at ic th oug hts 邓小平外交思想und erest imat e; u nd erest imat ion 低估reg io na l c o nf lic ts 地方矛盾reg io na l d isp ar ity 地区差异reg io na l turm o il (c onf lic ts) 地区动乱(冲突)inde pe nd ent for e ig n po lic y of pe ac e 独立自主的和平外交政策pr inc ip les of ind ep en denc e 独立自主原则ho lid ay-mak ing d ip lomac y 度假外交oppo ne nt; r iv a l 对手ext ern a l w ork 对外工作mu lt ilat era l d ip lom at ic ac t iv it ies 多变外交mu lt ilat era lism 多变政策g lob a l v illa ge 地球村mu lt i-po lar iz at ion 多极化mu lt ipo lar t im es 多极时代mu lt ipo lar w or ld 多极世界mu lt i-po lar ity 多极性prosper ity 繁荣flour ish 繁荣昌盛im ita t io n 仿效d iv is io n of resp ons ib ilit ies 分工splitt ist ac t iv it ies 分裂活动issu es of d iffer enc e 分歧veto r ight 否决权a c omp lex a nd v o la t ile int ern at io na l s itua t io n 复杂多变的国际形势c omp lic at ion 复杂化c omp le x ity 复杂性ame lior ate 改善,改进h igh-lev e l and a ll-d irec t io na l d ia log ue 高层次、全方位的对话summ it(for um) 高峰论坛sen ior off ic ia ls 高级官员estran ge men t 隔阂w ell-be ing of a ll n at ions 各国人民的福祉proc lam at ion 公告fa irn ess 公平just ic e 公正,正义c onsensus 共识a ll-w in 共赢the tr ans it ion a l p er io d 过渡期hea d of sta te 国家元首state-to-sta te 国与国go ov erbo ard 过分the leg it im ate r ights a nd inter ests 合法权益c ooper at iv e re lat ionsh ip 合作关系harmo n io us re lat io nsh ip 和睦关系peac e 和平peac efu l m ea ns 和平方式peac efu l c oe x ist enc e 和平共处peac e d ip lom ac y 和平外交c onsequ enc e 后果;结果。
英语三级笔译词汇小集——旅游旅游黄金周golden week for tourism世界旅游日World Tourism Day标准/豪华游normal/luxury tour(travel)黄金线路/景点hot travel route/spot出境游/国内游outbound/inbound tourism自助游independent/do-it-yourself travel随团旅游group travel外滩(上海)the Bund斜拉索桥stayed-cable bridge新干线“the Shinkansen, bullet train”磁悬浮列车Maglev(train); magnetically levitated train; magnetic suspension train 轻轨light rail train旱地滑雪场mock skiing park风景区scenic areas宁静环境peaceful environment美丽景色beautiful views如画的风景picturesque landscape水乡泽国the water resort独特的人文景观unique human landscape物华天宝a land of plenty人杰地灵rich land fostering more talents人文山水a unique culture in a nice natural surrounding优美的高山高原自然风光beautiful plateau natural scenery布达拉宫the Potala Palace出土文物unearthed cultural relics古建筑群ancient architectural comples古文化遗址sites of primitive cultures北京故宫博物馆the Palace Museum秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Museum of the Terra-cotta Warriors四川三星堆博物馆the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan陵墓emperor’s mausoleum/tomb古墓ancient tomb皇城imperial city行宫temporary imperial palace for brief stays御花园imperial garden颐和园the Summer Palace颐和园the Summer Palace蒙古包(Mongolian) yurt佛教建筑the Buddhist architecture历史古迹historical sites土特产品local specialties星级饭店star-rated hotel文明风景旅游示范点model civilized scenic site国际旅游局China National Tourism Adminiatration入境游客international tourist arrivals旅游服务需方business second party of tourist service 顾客customer旅游者tourist旅游散客independent traveler旅游团队tour group旅游服务供方service supplier in tourism旅游服务组织service organization in tourism旅游服务企业enterprise of service in tourism旅游定点企业designated tourism enterprises旅游服务特性characteristics of service in tourism旅游服务提供service delivery in tourism旅游服务等级service grade in tourism星级star星级评定star-rating旅游服务产品product of service in tourism观光旅游sightseeing tour度假旅游vacation tour专项旅游specific tour会议旅游convention tour奖励旅游incentive travel特种旅游special interest tour旅行社travel service;travel agency导游人员tour guide海外领队overseas escort旅游交通tourist communications旅游汽车tourist automobile旅游船cruise ship游览船sightseeing boat;sightseeing ship星级游船star-rated cruise ship旅游住宿tourist lodging旅游涉外饭店hotels catering to overseas tourists星级饭店star-rated hotel涉外公寓apartment for aliens星级公寓star-rated apartment涉外写字楼office buiding for aliens旅游餐饮tourist catering旅游定点餐馆designated tourist restaurant旅游团队餐meals for tour group游览地place of sightseeing游览区sightseeing district度假区holiday resort游览点sightseeing spot参观点visiting spot旅游购物tourist shopping旅游定点商店designated tourist shop旅游娱乐tourist recreation文化类旅游娱乐场所tourist recreational spot of cultural kind康乐类旅游娱乐场所tourist recreational spot of health and pleasure kind 服务service旅游服务质量service quality in tourism旅游服务规范service specification in tourism旅游服务质量标准standards of service quality in tourism旅游服务质量评定evaluation of service quality in tourism旅游服务质量认证validation of service quality in tourism旅游安全管理management of tourist safety旅游投诉管理handling of tourist complaint旅游投诉tourist complaint旅游投诉理赔settlement of tourist complaint英语三级笔译词汇小集——生态旅游世界自然遗产地World Natural Heritages site国际生态旅游协会the International Ecotourism Society可持续观光sustainable tourism野生生物旅游wildlife tourism绿色观光green tourism适宜的旅游appropriate tourism负责的旅游responsible tourism自然旅游nature tourism荒野旅游wilderness tourism探险旅游adventure tourism替代性旅游alternative tourism自然假日nature vacations研修旅游study tourism科考旅游scientific tourism文化旅游cultural tourism农业旅游agro-tourism乡村旅游rural tourism背包游package tourism自助游DIY tourism团体游group/organized tourism医疗旅游medical tourism生态城市eco city生态农业eco-farming海洋生态系统marine ecosystems沿海生态系统coastal ecosystems河口生态系统estuarine ecosystems岛屿生态系统island ecosystems加强生态农业建设Promoting the construction of ecological agriculture经济发展与生态平衡economic development and ecological equilibrium生态系统的系统分析system analysis of ecosystem生态环境保护专项规划Sub-plan for Environmental Protection旖旎神奇的热带、亚热带自然景观rare tropic rain forest, special semi-tropical vies依山傍海at the foot of hills and beside the sea山清水秀beautiful mountains and clear waters海上仙境a fairyland on the sea世界文化遗产与自然遗产the World Cultural and Natural Heritage人文历史悠久a long cultural tradition“天下第一山”the “most beautiful mountain under heaven”山清、水秀、洞奇、石美fantastic hills, crystal-clear water, spectacular caves and picturesque rocks 龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes上有天堂,下有苏杭。
Give the floor to 请…发言It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸…Relevant issues 相关问题Updated research research result 最新的调查结果Attach the importance to 对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies领先技术Minister Counselor公使Natural heritage自然遗产Shared concern 共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to请…讲话Let’ s welcome to give a speech双边会议bilateral conference以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to主办单位sponsor颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony贺词greeting speech隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖Let's invite to present the award取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony 全球庆典global celebration ceremony宣布…结束declare the closing of请全体起立,奏国歌Please rise for the national anthem.Collective stewardship集体管理Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场Financial institutions金融机构Forward-looking进取Gross National Product国民生产总值Meet the challenges 迎接挑战Public authorities公共机构Regulatory mechanism 法规机制The threshold of our transition into the new millenmum跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市把…列为重要内容place as the priority不放松工作never neglect the work节约用水water conservation对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation使…取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予…光荣称号confer honorable awards on 为…而奋斗strive for严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage 有关单位units concerned与…比有差距compared with ,there is still some way to go预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success开源与节流并重broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade国内生产总值National Gross Products欢聚一堂merrily gather活跃的经济带vigorous economic region基础雄厚solid foundation留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression盛世the grand occasion祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaport春意盎然spring is very much in the air forest coverage森林覆盖率global warming全球变暖principal element主要因素toxic emission废气排放迸发出心灵的火花ignite the sparks of understanding建立合作桥梁build the bridge for cooperation内容翔实substantial in content能源大省major province of energy日程紧凑tight in schedulecall upon 号召conservation benefits节水的好处industrial reuse and recycling工业中水利用pollution fines 污染罚款urban water conservation城市节水water saving fixtures节水装置地区经济regional economic港口经营多元化diversification in port operation责任和义务perform our duties and fulfill our obligations地区行业盛会a well—known regional event of the industry发起港initiating portsbreak free 冲破藩篱civil society民间团体ethnic lines种族genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴squatter settlements 违章建筑区without access to 享受不到畅所欲言open dialogues计划经济的束缚the bounding of planning economy紧迫问题pressing issues科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflated控制增长势头curb the trend of steep rise面临严峻挑战face severe challenges清醒地看到acutely aware生态恶化ecological deterioration提高意识strengthen the awareness相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each other,seek the common ground while putting aside difference, enjoy equality and mutual benefits,complementeach other’s advantages, learn each other’s experience, expand the cooperation, stand from the present and look forward to the future以此会议为契机take the opportunity of this seminar滞后lag behind转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow总结经验教训draw lessons from the past community development oriented 以发展社区为宗旨的deserved winners当之无愧的获奖者ethnic minorities少数民族gainful employment有报酬的gender issues性别问题handicraft works 手工艺品income generation 工薪阶层in-depth knowledge深入了解the handicapped残疾人不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of the largest产业结构industrial structure城乡一体化the unified design between the city and the countryside短期行为short-term conduct房地产开发real estate development扶贫帮困help and support the poor公共绿地public lawn公用事业public utilities 会展中心convention center基建规模infrastructure scale精品意识consciousness for the best精品住宅区model human settlements企业效益enterprise revenue文明乘车civil bus ride希望工程Hope Project一、政治类:1. 日益昌盛become increasingly prosperous2。
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新版全国翻译专业资格考试指定教材之英语笔译综合能力(三级)习题难点单词归纳:Unit1 lesson1 P6-p8
Transaction 交易
Extinguish 熄灭;掐灭abolish 废除,废止
Adverse不利的;逆的averse 不乐意的,反对的appall(美)使惊骇,使恐惧Apprehend理解;逮捕array 队列,阵列;衣服append附加,添加
Akin同源的,相似的likely 可能的适合的有希望的relevant 相关的
Exotic异国的,外来的;奇异的mystic 神秘主义者
Animosity 憎恨,敌意ardour激情
Bluff 吓唬brag吹嘘,夸口说