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According to the request of the intruction of plant design for undergraduated, the design of Jingshansi iron Mine magnetic separation with the capacity of 6000t/d, and the products is iron concentrate.

The Jingshansi iron Mine is located in Pingdingshan City in Henan provience, an important raw material for the Wugang.With the help of the teachers and the collection of data, The work institutions of each workshop were determined, The process of crushing is three sections with one close circuit, the grinding process is two sections with all closed circuit, Sorting by three-stage magnetic separation process of a sweeping election,the concentrates is direct filtration dehydration process.

Technological parameters of crushing ,screening, grinding , classificatio- n ,magnetic separation (include the circuit of pulp)and dewatering were computed, respectively. Then the technological parameters of equipments and the auxiliary equipments were compared ,and the optimal equipments were determined.

The general arrangement of concentrator plant and the allocation of equipments in diferent workshop were presented. According to the topography of plant site, plants were arranged along the contour line . The workshops of coarse crushing, middle and fine crushing (screening) were aloted independent. Arrangment with parallel contour line of coarse crushing workshop、middle and fine crushing ( screening) workshops were used.Grinding and magnetic separation of plant configuration, the grinding used vertical configuration, magnetic separator is also used vertical configuration . Filter and concentrate storage configuration in the concentrate plant. Completed a coarse crushing, transit stations, the crushing (screening), grinding and classification, magnetic separation, dehydration plant three views, the number of flow charts and equipment quality and pulp contact map and construction contact map a total of eight maps .

Keywords: concentrator design, iron ores,magnetic separation Jingshansi

摘要 .................................................................................................................................................. I Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ II 第一章总论. (1)

1.1概述 (1)

1.2设计依据 (2)

1.3设计范围 (3)

1.4设计原则 (3)

1.5设计主要内容 (5)

第二章地质 (6)

2.1设计依据地质资料及评述 (6)

2.1.1地质勘探工作 (6)

2.2矿区地质 (7)

2.2.1矿区地层 (7)

2.2.2矿区构造 (7)

2.2.3区域变质作用 (8)

2.3矿体地质特征 (9)

2.4矿石质量 (10)

2.4.1矿石矿物成分 (10)

2.4.2矿石结构构造 (10)

2.4.3矿石类型 (10)

2.4.4矿石化学成分 (11)

2.4.5设计对矿石质量的研究 (11)

2.5岩石力学 (12)

2.5.1设计依据 (12)

2.5.2矿区工程地质条件 (12)

2.5.3矿区岩组物理力学性质 (13)

2.5.4矿区岩石力学分析 (14)

2.5.5结论及建议 (17)

第三章选矿工艺 (18)

3.1矿床与矿石类型 (18)

3.1.1矿床的地质特点 (18)

3.1.2矿石类型 (18)

3.1.3矿石矿物组成 (18)

3.1.4矿石结构构造 (19)

3.1.5矿石化学成分 (19)

3.1.6矿石物理特性 (19)

3.2矿山供矿条件 (19)

3.2.1矿样的配制 (20)

3.2.2原矿物理化学分析 (20)

3.2.3相对可磨度试验 (21)

3.2.4磁性分析 (22)

3.2.5工艺流程试验 (24)

3.2.6尾矿物相分析 (29)
