

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains

Section A 3a—3c

Teaching plan

I. Teaching Goals

1. Knowledge Goals:

1) Key Vocabulary:object, magic, stick, hide, t ail, turn…into, excite, western

2) Target Language:

The Monkey is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.

The Monkey King can turn himself into different animals and objects. He can not turn himself into a man unless he can hide his tail.

2. Ability Goals:

1). Be able to understand the passage and learn to talk about the Monkey King using the target language.

2). Enable students to practice reading and writing with the target language.

3). Train students’ integrative and comprehensive abilities.

3. Emotional Goals:

Educate students to keep fighting against evils and bad deeds and never give up.

II. Key points and difficult points

1. Key Vocabulary:object, magic, stick, hide, tail, turn…into, excite, western

2. Key Expressions:

The Monkey is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.

The Monkey King can turn himself into different animals and objects. He can not turn himself into a man unless he can hide his tail.

3. Difficult Points:

Be able to understand the fairy story and tell their favorite story with target language.

III. Teaching steps.

1. Greetings

2. Review: Do you know these traditional stories of China?

3. Watch a video

4. Talk about the four main characters especially the Monkey King.

5. How much do you know about the Monkey King?

6. Teach the new words by showing some pictures.

New words: hide—hid, turn…into, object, magic stick, tail, excite, western.

7. While reading: Task 1: Skimming

Read the passage quickly and finish answering the question and match the main idea with each paragraph. They have two minutes.

Question: Which book is talked about?

Match the main idea.

Paragraph 1 Western children are also becoming interested in the

stories of the Monkey King.

Paragraph 2 The Monkey King is new to pupils in England but not

to Chinese children.

Paragraph 3 The Monkey King is not just normal monkey. He can

do magical things.

8. Check the answer.

9. While reading: Task 2: Careful reading.

Read paragraph 1 and tell T or F in two minutes.

1). In November 1978, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Monkey. ()

2). Most of them were hearing this story for the second time. ()

3). The Monkey King is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the west. ()

Ask three students to tell their answers. If it is true, move to the next one, if it is false, ask the students to tell the correct answer. Then read the three sentences together.

10. Careful reading: Read paragraph 2 and finish the mind map. Time limit: 2 minutes.

11. Check the answer.

12. Read paragraph 3 and finish another mind map. Then check the answer.

13. Finish 3c. Check the answer after they finish it. Read these sentences together.

14. Game: House of card. (Optional)

1). Tell the rules of the game: Choose a card. If you are lucky enough you can get into the house directly and get some points. If you choose a number and you are asked to answer a question, then you have to answer it correctly to get some points. If you don’t give the right answer, there will be no points for you. And if you give up, no points either.

2). Play the game.

15. Read the passage while listening. Pay attention to the pronunciation.

16. Discussion: What do you think of the Monkey King? What is he like? Ask Ss to talk about their own opinion freely.

17. Summary: We talk about the main character the Monkey King from Journey to the West. He can do many things, but he cannot turn himself into a man unless he can hide his tail. His spirit should be learned by children both from China and Western countries.

18. Homework: 1). Tell your family or classmates about the Monkey King in English. 2). Try to recite the passage.

Remember: Never give up and be helpful. Where there is a will, there is a way.

19. Blackboard design.


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 仁爱版英语八年级下学期全册教案 织金七中周文 举 Unit 5 二、教材分析 本单元的三个话题紧紧围绕情感这个主题展开。第一部分通过Kangkang, Maria, Jane和Michael四个同学谈论《音乐之声》以及与Mr.Lee 的谈话自然地引出了高兴和快乐、失望和遗憾的情感。第二部分由Beth的哭泣引出伤心的情感,进而由老师的出现引出安慰及建议等用语。第三部分围绕Michael的病情巩固各种情感,并引出事物对情感的影响。本单元主要以活动的形式,联系生活实际,把英语教学和情感教育有机地结合起来。 Topic 1 这个话题通过Mr.Lee和同学们对话,呈现了孩子们的高兴和李老师因没有票而感到失望和遗憾,进而引出各种情感,集中体现了有关情感的形容词及一些短语。在这个话题中,你将学会如何表达自己的情感,如何描述自己或他人的情感,还可以了解一些戏剧和电影等方面的相关知识。主要句型有: You lookfeelsound... They are very lucky. Did Michael’s mother sound worried? How does Mr. Lee feel? He feels disappointed. Why is ’t get the ticket to The Sound of Music. 三、教学建议 Topic 1 Section A Section A需用1~2课时。 重点活动是1,2和3。 教学目标: 1.能听懂谈论个人情感的比较熟悉的话题,获取主要信息。 2.掌握be+adj. 的用法。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 师生问候。谈谈寒假生活及过春节的感受。


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy,delicious,expensive,inexpensive.crowded.flew,kite,later,felt,little, corner, discuss,etc Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。 根据初中英语新课程标准和本科教材内容,我确定了以下目标: 1.Master the vocabulary 2.Master the key patterns: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains ? Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 单元教学重难点 1.Vocabulary and Expressions 2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains. Did she go on Central Park?Yes, she did. No, she didn’ t Use the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in E nglish with the following sentences: Where did you go on vacation? Did you go to…?Yes. …/No,… Such as; go abroad, go hiking, go climbing, summer camps, and so on接近学生的 生活,They are all interested in talking about it. Section A中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. Grammar focus 教学目标 知识与能力 1. Match the vocabulary:New York City,Central Park,exam. 2. Master and use:Where did you/ they /he / she go, vacation? I / They /He /She went to the mountains\New York City\beach\ summer camp. Did you go to the beach?Yes,I did.No, I didn’t. 过程与方法 通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过 去时态。 教学重、难点及教学突破重点 l. The vocabulary:New York City, Central Pads,exam. 2. Language: Where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? I/They/He/She went to the mountains/ N ew York City/ beach /summer camp Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did. No, I didn’t. 难点 Use the language to talk about past events. Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习


超级资源(共10套112页)人教版八年级英语上册(全册)精品全英教案汇总 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Language Goal 【语言目标】Learn to talk about past events:in this unit,students learn to talk about where they went and what things they did in the past. Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words anyone,anywhere,wonderful,few,most,something,not hing,everyone,myself,yourself,seem,bored,someone ,decide,try,wonder,difference,wait,below,enough, hungry,as,dislike Key Phrases quite a few,of course,feel like,because of,on vacation,keep a diary,have a good time Key Sentences 1.Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains. 2.Did you...?Yes,I did./No,I didn't. 3.How was your vacation? Key Grammar 1.“Where”cause of special questions and answers(where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答). 2.The use of indefinite pronouns(不定代词的用 法).


八年级英语下学期U n i t 教案 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

课题 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Period 7教学目标 Objects Reading: Why don’t you learn to sing English songs Objects To train students’ reading comprehension. To train students how to use the strategy of reading. and Value To be interested in learning English by singing English songs. 教材分析 Key Points Key vocabulary. Section 1. Section 2. Difficulties Section 3. Section 4. 板书设计 Reading: Why don’t you learn to sing English songs An example of the summary of the reading. ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Ⅰ Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Show the new words on the screen. Ask students to read the words one by one. Correct any mistakes. Then read them to the class and ask students to repeat. Step 2 Section 1 Before You Read Pairwork 1a Ask students How many English songs can you think of Which are your favorites Let students work in pairs. 1b Get students to look at 1b and ask students How can singing English songs help your English Discuss it with your partner and make a list. Get students to complete it. Students do not look at the reading yet. Instead, they work in pairs and use their background knowledge to try to make a list of how can singing English songs help one’s English abilities. As students complete this task, move around the room and look at their progress.


Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:foot, knee, neck, stomach, throat... 2) 能掌握以下句型What’s the matter?I have a headache. You should drink some tea. That sounds a like a good idea. I have a sore back. 二、教学重难点:1) Talk about your health. 2) Make suggestions. 三、教学方法:Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading. 四、教学辅助:Tape-recorder and Lattern. 五、课时:Six periods 六、教学过程: Period 1(Section A1a-2d) I. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects. Body names. Illness.What’s the matter? I have a cold. 2. Ability Objects. Listening skill. Recognizing skill. 3. Moral Objects. Exercise every day and keep healthy and strong. II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty What’s the matter?I have a cold. III. Teaching Methods Recognizing method Listening method. Discover method. Pairwork. IV. Teaching Aids A tape recorder. A doll for teaching the names of the body. A Projector. V. Teaching Procedures Lead-in Name the parts of the body by pictures. Step 1 Read a chant about the body. Step 2 Enjoy a song. Step 3 Play a game. Say and draw the part of body. Step 4 Activity 1a. Let Ss to look at the picture and write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body. Step 5 Judge their problems based on every picture. Step 6 Activity 1b. Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Step 7 Act it out with their partner. Step 8 Listen again and complete the table. Step 9 Activity 1c. Pair works. Make conversations according to pictures.


人教版八年级下册英语教案u n i t1

人教版八年级下册英语教案unit1 课题:Unit One What’s the matter? Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 一、Teaching date: 二:学情及教学内容分析: 主要讨论的话题是询问某人的健康状况以及遇到麻烦的表达方法。本单元涉及到大量的表示人体部分的单词以及关于身体某部位不舒服的短语。此外,本单元还涉及到党当人身体不适时,医生、朋友或亲人提出的意见的表达法。本单元共有阅读类文章两篇,文章的主体时态都为一般过去时。主要句型为.What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…?”“I have a headache/stomachache/toothache.”“Does she/he/ have a fever/cold/toothache…?”总的来说,本单元的相关语法知识并不难。 教学目标: 三:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词以及短语:matter, sore, have a cold, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, toothache, headache, break, hurt, enough water, take breaks away from, all weekend, take one’s temperature, in the same way, go to a doctor, see a dentist, 2) 能熟悉以下句型: What’s the matter with…?” “What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?” “I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教会学生关心他人,培养同学间团结、友善的精神。 四:教学重难点 掌握相关的单词和词组,并能够灵活运用会使用以下句型:“What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 五:教学流程:


最新人教版八年级英语下册教案全册 Unit 1What's the matter? Period 5 Self Check 本单元教材以“What's the matter?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache./What's the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have

a fever?No,I don't./What should I do? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes,you should.等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A 主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给出合理性的建议。应掌握句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache.What should I do?等。短文“Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man”介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B 安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor Target language: 1.What's the matter? I have a stomachache. 2.What should I do? Should I take my temperature? 3.I think you should lie down and rest. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about health problems and give advice. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】 Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.—What's the matter with her? —She has a very sore t______ now. 2.He ate too much,so he had a s______. 3.If you feel tired,you should l______ down and rest. 4.If you ______(咳嗽),drink some hot tea with honey. 5.He wants to see a dentist,because he has a ______(牙疼). ★Step 2Consociation and exploration【合作探究】 Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questions,ask some students to check the answers. ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】 Ask a student to act something is wrong with his/ her head… And T:What's the matter? Help the students to answer:I have a… Have the students repeat. ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】 Page 1,1a &1b

八年级英语下册unit2单元教案 - 副本

八年级下学期英语第二单元教案 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. I.Analysis of the teaching material 本单元主要围绕“V olunteer and Charity”这两个相关话题展开,在offer help 的这一系列活动中学习应用一系列动词短语或句型。Section A主要是基础语言应用,Section B在Section A的基础上进一步拓展和延伸,尤其是阅读篇目能大大提高学生阅读文章的技能和技巧。 II.Teaching Aims 学生学会一些表达“向别人提供帮助”的动词短语,并学会使用“I will…”,“I would like…”等句型,向别人提供帮助。 单词advertisement, fix, repair, pleasure, blind, deaf, shut, carry, specially, fetch hunger, homeless, cheer, clean-up, sign, establish, major, commitment, elementary, veterinarian, coach, similar, call-in, strategy, disabled, organization, unable, support, appreciate, donation, part of speech, pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, donate, Jimmy, Sally 词组clean up, cheer up, give out, put off, set up, think up, take after, fix up, give away, put up, hand out, work out, at once 熟练使用下列日常用语:1)I hope to work outside. 2)I’d like to help homeless people.


◇总第1课时 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 —yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen.


八年级下册英语教案 马街二中

Unit 1 What’s the matter? 教学目标: 1语言目标:描述健康问题的词汇,及如何根据别人的健康问题提建议。 2 技能目标:能听懂谈论健康问题的对话材料;能根据别人的健康问题提建议;能写出重 点单词和重点句型,并能描述怎样对待健康问题。 3 情感目标:通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人身体健康的品质。 通过本课的阅读,培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力,树立紧急事件时互相 帮助的精神。 教学重点: 短语: have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, take one’s temperature, go to a doctor, get off, to one’s surprise, agree to do sth., get into trouble, fall down, be used to, run out (of), cut off , get out of, be in control of , keep on (doing sth.), give up 句子: 1 What’s the matter? I have a stomachache. You shouldn’t eat so much next time. 2 What’s the matter with Ben? He hurt himself. He has a sore back. He should lie down and rest. 3 Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I don’t know. 4 Does he have a toothache? Yes, he does. He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 5 What should she do? She should take her temperature. 6 Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should No, you shouldn’t.


U n i t3I’m m o r e o u t g o i n g t h a n m y s i s t e r. Period 1 Section A 1a-2d 教学目标: 一、知识目标 1.Words and expressions:outgoing,better,loudly,quietly,which,competition,fantastic, hard-working, clearly,win, funny,friendly,smart,lazy,Both...and,as...as... ,Singing, competition. 2.Sentences: 1)That’s Tara, isn’t it? 2)She also sings more loudly than Tara. 3)he most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. 4)Nelly danced better than Lisa. 二、能力目标 1、学会对比表达,初步培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 2、掌握形容词副词比较级的用法。 三、情感目标 逐步培养学生的逻辑表达能力,使学生相互了解,增强人际交往,以形成良好的人际关系。 四、语法难点 形容词副词的比较级用法。 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation 1.Ask the students to compare two objects by height /weight and so on. 2.List some adjectives and their comparatives:good-better funny-more funnier outgoing-more outgoing:and make a sentence like ,She speaks English better than me. 3.Let the students make sentences with the words above. Step 2 1a 1.Learn new words:outgoing,better loudly quietly which competition fantastic hard-working clearly win funny friendly smart lazy. 2.look at the picture in 1a and make a list of the adjectives. Step 3 1b listen and write the number of the pairs. 1.Listen again for the students to listen and fill in the chart. 2.Check the answers with the class.


Unit 1 What's the matter Language Goals 【语言目标】Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give some advice. Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 -Key Words matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,passenger,herself,sick,knee,hurt,hit,ourselves, accident,situation,knife,blood,mean,importance,decision,control,spirit,death,nurse Key Phrases have a stomachache,have a cold, lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor,get off,to one's surprise,agree to, get into trouble,be used to,take a risk(take risks),run out,cut off,get out of,be in control of, keep on(doing sth.),give up Key Sentences 's the matter I have a stomachache. 2.What's the matter with Ben He has a sore back. 3.Do you have a fever No,I don't. , 4.What should I do You should take your temperature. 5.Should I put some medicine on it Yes,you should. 6.The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 7.The bus driver stopped the bus without thinking twice. 8.Thanks to and the passengers,the man was saved by the doctors in time. 9.Put a bandage on it.


宕昌县理川中学 2018 - 2019 学年第 2 学期教案 第周八年级英语备课组教案 教师授课时间课时5-1 课题Unit 7 Section A (1a-2d)课型新授 教具 准备 教学目标一、知识与技能: 1.掌握重点单词和短语: (1) square meter deep desert population Asia feel free tour tourist wall amazing ancient protect wide. (2) the population of as far as feel free to do …as …as 2.掌握重点句式: (1) The Qomolangma is 8844.43meters high.(5 meters long/20 feet wide) (2) The Sahara is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size. (3) It’s a lot bigger than the population of the United States.(much, far, a little, much, even) (4) China has the biggest population in the world. (5) China is one of the oldest countries in the world. 二、过程与方法:通过听、说、读、写等任务型活动,熟练应用词汇和句型。 三、情感态度与价值观:引导学生学会用比较级、最高级来比较描述事物感受大自然的美。 重点 1. 学会使用比较级、最高级; 2. 正确使用有关原级、比较级、最高级; 难点1. 不规则形容词、副词的比较级、最高级形式,尤其是多音节形容词及副词; 2. 灵活运用比较级、最高级谈论自然景观。 教学环节问题分层设置旁注 教学内容复习旧 课(新 课预 习、作 业的检 查) Listen and sing the song 新 课 导 入 以6道知识竞答题做热身、导入。答对的同学能得 到小礼物。 (1) The first dynasty in China‘s history? ——Xia Dynasty (2) The longest wall in the world?——The Great Wall (3) The larg est square in the world?——Tian’ an Men Square

2018年新人教版八年级英语 上全册教案

八年级上册英语全册教案 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Period One: Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法:复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3) 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学用具: 录音机,多媒体,幻灯片,课本 四、教学过程: I. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 II. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture?


初中英语新课程标准教材 英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学校: 年级: 任课教师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 八年级英语教案 编订:XX文讯教育机构

Relationships教案 教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中八年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 unit 5 relationships 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: 复习第五单元 二. 本周教学重点: 1. too…to…, not … enough to do 2. modifying adverbs 3. giving reasons 4. making contrast 5. talk about personalities. 三. 具体内容: (一)enough

1. enough修饰形容词或副词时必须位于被修饰的词语之后。修饰名词时一般位于其前,也可位于其后。enough后面通常接不定式短语或介词for短语。 e.g. the question is easy enough. tom didn’t do his homework carefully enough. the water is cool enough to drink. we have enough tickets for all of you. 2. 修饰形容词时,如果用于否定句,则否定句在否定enough的同时,也否定了其后的不定式。 e.g. he is not careful enough to do the work. she is not old enough to go to school. enough如果修饰名词,用于否定句时,不定式没有被否定之意。 e.g. there were not enough people to pick the apples. 3. enough也可以做代词,意思是“足够,充足”。 e.g. we have enough to do to complete the project. (二)too…to… too+形容词或副词+(for sb.)+to do 表示“太……以至于不能……”,不定式虽然是肯
