(Communication English)通信与信息工程专业英语教程[习题解答]




A business survives and thrives on information: information within the organization and information changed with suppliers, customers,and regulators. Moreover, the information needs to be consistent, accessible, and at the right location. We consider information in four forms-voice, data, image, and video-and the implications of distributed requirements.The term voice communications refers primarily to telephone related communications. By far the most common form of communication in any organization and for most personnel is direct telephone conversation. The telephone has been a basic tool of business for decades. Telephone communications has recently been enhanced by a variety of computer-based services, including voice mail and computerized telephone exchange systems. V oice mail provides the ability to send, forward , and reply to voice messages nonsimultaneously , and it has become a cost-efficient tool even for many midsize organizations. It provides saving on answering machines and services as well as more responsive service to customers and suppliers. Advances have also been made in computerized telephone exchange systems, including in-house digital private branch exchanges(PBX) and Centrex systems provided by the local telephone company. These new systems provide a host of features, including call forwarding, call waiting, least-cost routing of long-distance calls, and a variety of accounting and auditing features.The term data communications is sometimes used to refer to virtually any form of information transfer other than voice. It is sometimes convenient to limit this term to information in the form of text(such as reports, memos, and other documents) and numerical data(such as accounting files). The rapid changes in technology have created fresh challenges for management in making effective use of data communications. We will briefly outline the changes in technology in transmission, networks, and communications software that present the manager with new powerful business tools but also the necessity of making choices among complex alternatives.一个企业生存和蓬勃发展的信息:在改变与供应商,客户和监管机构的组织和信息的信息。



Signal and System
Mathematical Foundations in Information and Communication Engineering
Mathematics plays a fundamental role in information and communication engineering, promoting the theoretical frameworks and analytical tools for system design and analysis
Frontier Technologies in Information and Communication Engineering Practice and Application of Information and Communication Engineering Reading and Writing Skills for Information and Communication Engineering English
Fundamentals of Information and Communication Engineering
Information theory is a branch of engineering that studies the quantification, transmission, and processing of information It provides fundamental principles for the design of communication systems



-------------------------------------- 14课-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1、configuration 配置Topologies拓扑结构2、multidrop插头式ring or loop 环状或回路型the mesh 网状3、simultaneously 同时intelligence 情报4、perpheral equipment 外围终端5、essentially /in nature 本质上6、vary considerable 在很大程度上7、hotel reservation systems 宾馆预订系统8、telecommunications network 电信网络9、plural 复数mass media 大众媒体10、ATM = automatic teller machine11、simplex 单工,duplex 双工,HDX = half duplex, FDX= full duplex, F/FDX= full/full duplex12、unidirectional 单向的,two-way alternate or either-way lines 双向交替或任一方向电路13、citizens band 民用波段14、postal system 邮政系统15、indefinitely 不确定的16、vice verse反之亦然17、error control 差错控制,error detection 检错,error correction 纠错,echoplex回送18、Trade-off 平衡,折中考虑,serial-parallel transmission串行和并行传输19、between the source and destination 在源地和目的地之间20、short-distance communications 近距离通信21、and serial transmission is used for long-distance communications 远距离通信22、To insure an ordly flow of data between the line control unit and the modem,a serial interface is placed between them .23、in data communications,there are four types of synchronization<同步>that must be achieved:bit or clock synchronization,modem or carrier synchronization,characteraynchronization,and message synchronization.1、Innovation 进步2、optical feeder links 光馈,digital compression techniques 数字压缩技术3、service integration 综合服务4、频分复用frequency-division multiplexing5、utilize 利用6、in this implementation 在这种实现方式中7、fiber-to-the-curb<FTTC>光纤到路边8、视频点播video on demand<VOD>9、telephony , industry 行业10、the CATV industry is deploying bidirectional networks —CATV 行业有必要拓展双向网络11、noted above 前面提到的12、atenuates衰减13、nonadjacent 不毗连的,turn over 移交,subscribers 订户14、packet-switched wireless network 分组交换无线网络15、with the sponsorship 在---的资助下16、hub 中心17、on the order of 大约,在---数量级18、penetration 渗透无线局域网WLAN=wireless local area networktoehold 立足点notebook 笔记本backbone 骨干,integrated services 综合服务,multimedia Web access 多媒体网页访问公共信道信令common channel signaling用户subscriber telephone远程监控remote monitoring同步传输synchronous transmissionSDLC 同步数据链路控制=synchronous data link controlHDLC 高级数据链路控制=high-level data link control信息包packet自同步码self-aynchronizing code存储转发分组交换store-and-forward packet-switchingLAN 局域网=local area networkWAN 广域网= wide area network异步传输模式<ATM>= Asynchronous Transfer modecell 信元,feeder 馈电线有线电视CATV= community antenna television障碍物obstructionunidirectional 单向的nonadjacent 不相邻的,turn over 反复考虑with the sponsorship of 在----的资助下on the order of 与----相似的toehold 立足点,notebook 笔记本掌上电脑palm-sized computerbackbone 骨干,脊椎机顶盒set-top TV boxmultiplex 多路复用ISDN = integrated services digital network分组交换packet-switch数字用户线路DSL = digital subscriber linestore and forward 存储转发计算机串口the serial port of computer devices它是短距离〔少于30米〕的低速率〔为38kbps〕传输标准This standard is for low bit rate<up to 38kbps>transmission over short diatances<less than 30m> 每次一个字符one character at a time可以添加一个奇偶校验比特用于检错they can add a parity bit for error detection连续字符successive characters时间间隔time interval当接收器检测到一个新字符的开始时When the receiver detects the beginning of a new character非双绞线untwisted wires随着速率和距离的增加as the rate and the distance increase---------------------------------------------- 17课-----------------------------------------------------1、simultaneously 同时的2、facsimile3、audio 音频4、severe terrain 恶劣的地形5、composite 合成6、preemphasis network 预加重网络7、deviator 偏差器8、precede 在-----之前9、amplitude 丰富10、artificial boost 人为的提升11、IF = intermediate frequency12、Conventional 常见的13、Mixer 混频器14、Oscillator 振荡器15、Multiply 倍频16、Heterodyning 外差作用17、Crystal oscillator 晶体振荡器18、Factor 指数19、Noncoherent非相关的20、Detector 检波器21、Amplitude-versus-frequency characteristics幅频特性22、载波比carrier-to-noise ratio23、信噪比signal-to-noise ratio24、Modulated 调制器25、Deemphasis network 去加重网络26、In digital microwave communications systems,phased shift keying is usually used tomodulate the HF carrier by baseband signal27、The receive module down-converts the Rf carrier to IF ,the IF AMP /AGC and equalizercircuits amplify and reshape the IF28、The received RF signal enters the receiver through the channel separation network andbandpass filter29、The term "digital radio"is used to refer to any microwave radio that transmits PCMcarrier signals ,regardless of how or at what point the signals are inserted into the radio equipment.30、The equalizer compensates for gain-versus-frequency nonlinearities and envelop delaydistortion introduced in the system.18课1、celestial body 天上的2、space vehicle 太空交通工具3、military 军事4、GPS = global positioning system 全球定位系统5、Navigation 航海,航行6、Incorporate 合并7、Frame 设计8、Sector 部门9、Aeronautical航空10、Geostationary orbital 同步轨道11、Highly elliptical orbital 高椭圆轨道12、Sole 基础13、Briefcase 公文包14、Significantly 值得一提的是15、Alphanumeric pagers 文字数字寻呼机16、Exploits 发射17、Dual-mode phone 双模18、蜂窝网络cellular network19、Multi-spot-beam coverage 多点波束覆盖技术20、Inversely proportional to 反比于21、Collective 集中地22、Cruise liner 巡航船23、Aircraft 飞机24、Fixed 固定的25、同步卫星geostationary satellite26、赤道equator27、近赤道卫星equatorial orbit28、The satellite link is probably the most basic in microwave communications since aline-of-sight path typically exists between the earth and space .29、The ground segment consists of three main network elements :gateways,sometimescalled fixed earth stations ,the network control center and the satellite control center . Multiplexing of signals 信号复用Multiple-access system多址系统Allocated to 分配Simultaneously 同时Transponder 转发器Inherent 内在的Self-interference 自干扰Critical 更关键的Throughput 吞吐量Multi-spot-beam 多点波束Spot beam 波束Contemporary 当代的Pedestrian 步行者Hence因此Municipal agencies 市政部门By virtue of 利用Intriguing 巧妙地。



Introduction to Communication EngineeringCommunication Engineering is a vibrant and rapidly evolving field that deals with the transmission of information across various mediums, from wired connections to wireless networks. It encompasses a wide range of technologies and systems, including telephones, radios, televisions, satellites, and the internet, all essential components of modern society.The core of communication engineering lies in understanding the principles of signal processing and information theory. This involves the study of analog and digital signals, modulation techniques, coding and decoding methods, and the design of efficient communication systems. Additionally, communication engineers must stay abreast of emerging technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and satellite communications, which are revolutionizing the way we connect and interact.A degree in communication engineering opens up a plethora of career opportunities. Graduates can find employment in telecommunications companies, network infrastructure providers, broadcasting organizations, or even in research and development roles within the industry. Moreover, with the increasing demand for high-speed and reliable communication systems, the job prospects in this field are expected to grow significantly in the coming years.In conclusion, Communication Engineering is a fascinating and challenging field that plays a pivotal role in connecting people and driving technological advancements. It requires a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and a keen interest in staying updated with the latest trends and developments.通信工程专业介绍通信工程专业是一个充满活力和快速发展的领域,涉及信息在各种媒介中的传输,从有线连接到无线网络。

第1章 信息与通信工程专业英语(第2版)_韩定定

第1章 信息与通信工程专业英语(第2版)_韩定定

联想意义是人们在概括 自己对客观世界的感性 认识和情感体验之后, 通过联系、类比等手段 赋予词汇一定的象征意 义。联想意义是词汇内 涵的重要组成部分,同 样植根于文化的土壤之 中。
英汉颜色词,从物理学角度讲是没有 区别的,但在语言交流中,它们却各 具不同的联想意义,成为象征色彩。 例如,黄色(yellow)在中国文化中象征 至高无上的权力或色情淫秽,人们常 说“黄袍加身”、“黄色书刊” 等, 但在美国,yellow没有这种特定的内涵, 人们常用蓝色(blue)来指代色情(如a blue movie)。再如,绿色(green)在汉 语中象征春天、新生的希望,但一提 到它,英美人却会由此想到嫉妒(green eyed)与缺乏经验(green hand)。
关于英汉习俗差异,最 典型的莫过于在对狗这 种动物的态度上。
狗在汉语中是一种卑微的动物。 “狐朋狗党”、“狗急跳墙”、 “狼心狗肺”、“狗腿子”等。 西方英语国家,狗被认为是人类 最忠诚的朋友。 You are a lucky dog 你是一个幸运儿 Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意日 Old dog will not learn new tricks 老人学不了新东西 as sick as a dog 病得厉害
总之,文化差异现象 的根源主要由于概念 意义的差异和联想意 义的差异。
概念意义是客观事物在 人们意识中的反映和概 括。在中西方不同文化 背景下,客观事物本身 存在差异,因此,英汉 词汇在概念意义上常具 有不同的内涵。
西方饮食中的sandwich、 hamburger、salad,中国人既未看 过,也未吃过,只好音译为“三明 治”、“汉堡包”、“色拉”,美 国人生活中特有的drugstore,汉 语中还没有一个词语能贴切地表达 其内涵,也只能以注释性的文字说 明它是“出售药物、糖果、饮料及 其他日用杂品的店铺”。同样,汉 语里的一些词,如“天干”、“地 支”、“楷书”、“普通话”、 “太极拳”等,在英语中也找不到 对应词。



通信工程专业英语教程The field of communication engineering has experienced remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by the rapid technological progress and the ever-increasing demand for efficient and reliable communication systems. As the world becomes more interconnected, the role of communication engineers in shaping the future of global communication networks has become increasingly crucial. To meet the evolving needs of this dynamic industry, the development of a comprehensive and well-structured English curriculum for communication engineering majors is of paramount importance.The primary objective of an English curriculum for communication engineering students should be to equip them with the necessary language skills and technical knowledge to effectively navigate the global landscape of communication technologies. This curriculum should be designed to not only enhance their proficiency in English but also to provide them with a deep understanding of the specialized terminology, concepts, and methodologies relevant to their field of study.One of the core components of such a curriculum should be a strong emphasis on technical writing and communication. Communication engineers are often required to prepare technical reports, proposals, and presentations, which necessitate the ability to convey complex information in a clear, concise, and professional manner. The English curriculum should therefore include courses that focus on technical writing, report writing, and professional communication, providing students with the opportunity to develop these essential skills.In addition to technical writing, the curriculum should also incorporate language training that caters to the specific needs of communication engineers. This may include courses on academic English, scientific and engineering English, as well as English for specific purposes (ESP) courses that cover topics such as telecommunication systems, signal processing, and network protocols. By providing students with a solid foundation in the language used in their field, they will be better equipped to engage in discussions, read and comprehend technical literature, and collaborate with international colleagues.Another crucial aspect of the English curriculum for communication engineering majors should be the integration of project-based learning. This approach allows students to apply their language and technical skills in real-world scenarios, fostering their ability to work in teams, solve complex problems, and communicate effectively withdiverse stakeholders. Such projects may involve the design and implementation of communication systems, the analysis of network performance, or the development of innovative communication technologies.Furthermore, the curriculum should incorporate opportunities for students to engage in international collaborations and exchanges. This could include student exchange programs, virtual international team projects, or participation in global communication engineering conferences and workshops. These experiences not only enhance students' language proficiency but also expose them to different cultural perspectives and industry practices, preparing them for the global nature of the communication engineering field.To ensure the effectiveness of the English curriculum, it is essential to incorporate ongoing assessment and feedback mechanisms. This may include regular evaluations of students' language proficiency, technical knowledge, and communication skills, as well as feedback from industry partners and alumni to ensure the curriculum remains relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of the communication engineering sector.In conclusion, the development of a comprehensive English curriculum for communication engineering majors is a crucial step in preparing the next generation of communication professionals. Bycombining language instruction with technical knowledge and practical application, this curriculum will equip students with the necessary skills and competencies to thrive in the dynamic and globally interconnected world of communication engineering. As the demand for efficient and innovative communication systems continues to grow, the importance of a well-designed English curriculum cannot be overstated, as it will contribute to the development of highly skilled and globally-minded communication engineers who can drive the future of the industry.。



介绍通信工程专业英语作文English:Communication engineering is a specialized field that involves the study and application of various communication technologies and systems. Students in this major learn about wireless and wired communication principles, network architectures, telecommunications systems, signal processing, information theory, and digital communication techniques. They also gain practical experience in designing and implementing communication networks, analyzing data transmission, and troubleshooting communication issues. Communication engineering professionals play a crucial role in developing and maintaining communication infrastructures that enable seamless connectivity and information exchange in today's digital world. This major equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, internet service providers, broadcasting, and information technology companies.Translated content:通信工程是一个专门领域,涉及各种通信技术和系统的研究和应用。



analog-- digital :模拟的--数字的 continuous-- discrete: 连续的--离散的
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
Transfered words
有些单词的通用含义很接近,但它们的专业含义却完全不 同,如:
bus network rectifier regulator monitor
田野, 场地, 领域
公共汽车 网、网状组织 修正者 调整者 班长
总线 网络 整流器 稳压器 显示器、监视器
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
依据谓语动词把复合句分解成一组简单句。 Insulation 绝缘,insulated ,insulating 依据关键词简化词组。 dielectric constant 介电常数 e.g. The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation, is called the dielectric constant of that particular material. ratio is called constant
Interactive-network → internet
transmitter-receiver → transceiver 收发器



科技论文一般需附英文摘要。通常是将中文标题、作 者、摘要及关键词译为英文,这里的英文摘要泛指以 上各项。英文摘要的编写实质上是一个汉译英的问题, 它涉及到英文基本功、中文素养以及对论述内容和术 语的理解。随着国际交流的日益广泛,向各种的国外 期刊和国际会议投稿日益增多,一方面推动国际学术 交流,促进科学研究工作;另一方面可以加大论文信 息传播的力度、速度和广度,吸引读者,拓宽国内外 的读者面,提高论文乃至期刊在国内外的被引频次; 还可以提高作者、期刊、工作单位在国内外的学术地 位和知名度。要使论文更高效率的被接受,除了论文 的创新性,还需要注意论文的英文写法是否规范。
7.1 标题写作
科技论文的标题是表达论文的特定内容,反映研究范围和深度的最 恰当、最简明的逻辑组合,即题名应“以最少数量的单词来充分 表述论文的内容”。题名的作用主要有二方面:
(1)吸引读者。题名相当于论文的“标签”,一般读者通常是根 据题名来考虑是否需要阅读摘要或全文,而这个决定往往是在一 目十行的过程中做出的。因此,题名如果表达不当,就会失去其 应有的作用,使真正需要它的读者错过阅读论文的机会。
5) 题名中的大小写。题名字母的大小写有以下3种格式。
① 全部字母大写。例如:A NOVEL TRUE RMS-DC CONVERTER(一种新型真均方根/直流转换器);
2) 题名的字数。题名不应过长,在能准确反映论文特定内容 的前提下,题名词数越少越好。
3) 中英文题名的一致性。同一篇论文,其英文题名与中文题 名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况 下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。


Brief Introduction to Information and Communication Engineering
Brief Introduction to Information and
Communication Engineering
Among all of the essentials for human existence, the need to interact with others ranks just below our need to sustain life. Communication is almost as important to us as our reliance on air, water, food, and shelter.
development of Communication components vacuum tube—transistor—integrate circuit—large scale integrated
circuit 真空管—晶体管—集成电路—大规模集成电路
development of transmission method telegram— voice —Much carrier modulation—pulse - code
What is Communication?

Communication in our daily lives takes many forms and occurs in many
modulation 电报--声音—多载波调幅—pcm
development of range of message voice —text —graph, image 声音—文字—图形、图像


The author systematically introduces the history and development of the tissue culture of poplar.
The history and development of the tissue culture of poplar are introduced systematically.
2’s $150 points to another
possibility: financial reward for the little guys, the
n. 可能性 adj. 金融的 n. 报酬
amateurs, and the hobbyists.
The concrete has been studied for many years. Man has not yet learned to store the solar energy.
主动语态:摘要中谓语动词采用主动语态,有助于文 字清 晰、简洁及表达有力。
“I thought to myself, ‘If anyone ever finds out that
you can just sit around in your underwear writing
n. 内衣
stupid blog and make $150 a day, the world will be
A method to deal with installation errors of wearable accelerometers for human activity recognition

通信与信息工程专业英语教程参考答案(Communication English)概要

通信与信息工程专业英语教程参考答案(Communication English)概要

参考答案( Communication English )第一章电子通信导论1.将表1-1译成中文。

表1-1 通信大事纪年代事件公元前3000年埃及人发明象形文字公元800年借鉴印度, 阿拉伯人使用我们的现行数制1440年约翰.戈登贝尔发明可移动的金属记录带1752年贝莱明.富兰克林的风筝证明了雷闪是电1827年欧姆发表欧姆定律( I = E / R)1834年 C.F.高斯和E.H.韦伯发明电磁电报1838年W.F.库克和C.维特斯通发明电报1844年S.F.B.莫尔斯演示巴尔的摩和华盛顿的电报线路1850年G.R.基尔赫夫发表基尔赫夫电路定律1858年铺设第一条越洋电缆, 并于26天后举办博览会1864年J.C.麦克斯威尔预言电磁辐射1871年电报工程师协会在伦敦成立1876年 A.G.贝尔发明电话并获专利1883年 A.爱迪生发现真空管中的电子流1884年美国电气工程师协会(AIEE)成立1887年H.赫兹证明麦克斯威的理论1900年G.马可尼传送第一个越洋无线电信号1905年R.芬森登利用无线电传送语音和音乐1906年L.弗雷斯特真空三极管放大器1915年贝尔系统完成美国大陆电话线路1918年 E.H.阿尔莫斯通发明超外差接收机电路1920年第一个定时无线广播J.R.卡尔松将取样用于广播1926年美国演示电视1927年H.布兰克在贝尔实验室发明负反馈放大器1931年电传打字机投入运营1933年 E.H.阿尔莫斯通发明调频1935年R.A.沃特森-瓦特发明第一个实用雷达1936年英国广播公司(BBC)开办第一个电视广播1937年 A.雷弗斯提出脉冲编码调制(PCM)1941年J.V.阿当拉索夫在依俄华州立大学发明计算机1945年ENIAC电子数字计算机研发于宾夕伐尼亚大学1947年布雷登、巴登和肖克利在贝尔实验室研制晶体管S.O.莱斯在贝尔实验室研究噪声的统计表征1948年 C.E.香农发表他的信息理论1950年时分多路用于电话1953年美国提出NTSC彩色电视1957年苏联发射第一个地球卫星Sputnik I1958年 A.L.肖洛和C.H.托莱斯发表激光原理仙童公司的R.诺依斯生第一硅集成电路1961年美国开始立体声调频广播1962年第一个有源卫星, Telstar I , 实现美国与欧洲的电视中继1963年贝尔系统推出按键式电话电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)成立1963~66年研究纠错码和自适应均衡1964年电子电话交换系统(No.1ESS)投入运营1965年笫一个商用通信卫星,Early Bird,发射1968年开发电缆电视系统1971年Intel公司研制第一个单片微处理器—40041972年摩托罗拉向美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)演示蜂窝式电话1976年推出个人计算机1979年64-kb随机存取存储器标志着进入VLSI时代1980年贝尔系统研发FT3光纤通信, Philips和Sony研发光碟(CD) 1984年苹果公司研发Macintosh计算机1985年传真机普及1989年摩托罗拉推出袖珍移动电话1990~现在用微处理器进行数字信号处理的时代, 数字示波器, 数字调谐接收机, 扩频系统, ISDN, HDTV, 数字卫星系统2.将表1-2译成中文。


Information and Communication
Engineering Professi
• Overview of Information and Communication Engineering
• Vocabulary for Information and Communication Engineering
A measure of the uncertainty or randomness of a message source It quantifies the average amount of information in a message
A measure of the amount of information shared between two random variables It quantifies the dependency between two variables
Application fields of information and communication engineering
ICE has applications in transportation systems, such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that utilize communication technology for traffic management, vehicle navigation, and consolidation avoidance
Vocabulary for Information Theory



positive 阳性的、正的、正数 negative阴性的、负的、负数
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
Speciality vocabularies
diode 二极管 triode 三极(真空)管 transistor 晶体管、三极管 field-effect transistor 场效应晶体管(FET) amplifier 放大器 oscillator 振荡器 oscilloscope 示波器 oscillo- 波动 Ohm’s law 欧姆定律 radio 无线电、收音机 radar 雷达 laser 激光
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
合成词: 词汇的特点: multimeter 万用表,interface 接口、界面 大量使用专业词汇、转意词汇;
较多使用词性转换adj→n,n→v,等等; code n.码 → v.→codec 编解码 code-decode 编码 GSM , GPRS , CDMA , GPS , CPU , USB , LCD 较多使用词缀、词根,甚至用词缀词根创造新词; variable adj.可变的,易变的→ n.变量 大量使用专业缩写词; coder-decoder →codec 编解码器 新专业词汇、缩写词不断出现。 multiple adj.多样的→ n.倍数 the least common ~ modulator-demolator→modem 调制解调器
differential :微分
probability :概率
difference :差分
possibility :可能性



介绍通信工程专业英语作文英文回答:Communication engineering is a branch of electrical engineering that deals with the design, development, and implementation of communication systems. It involves the study of the transmission, reception, and processing of information over various communication channels, such as copper wires, optical fibers, and wireless networks. Communication engineers play a crucial role in enabling communication between devices, networks, and people, making it essential for the modern world.The field of communication engineering encompasses a wide range of topics, including:Signal processing.Modulation and demodulation.Coding and decoding.Network design and optimization.Wireless communications.Optical communications.Satellite communications.Communication engineers work in various industries, including telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and manufacturing. They are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining communication networks that support a wide range of applications, such as:Voice and data communications.Internet access.Satellite communications.Wireless communications.Industrial automation.The study of communication engineering provides students with a strong foundation in the principles and techniques used in the design and implementation of communication systems. Graduates of communication engineering programs are highly sought-after by employers due to their expertise in this vital field.中文回答:通信工程是电气工程的一个分支,涉及通信系统的设计、开发和实施。

通信与信息工程专业英语教程 (15)[20页]

通信与信息工程专业英语教程 (15)[20页]

Model of a Software radio: Figure 16-1 RF front-end: frequency mixing, amplifying, noise or spurious signal, sensitivity, selectivity, stability, dynamic range
Second-generation (2G) wireless technology consists of a handful of incompatible standards, and the goal behind the development of third-generation (3G) standards is compatibility among these standards within and between different generations’ standards. Even if cellular standards globally coverage, 3G systems require multimode operation and automatic mode selection. With fourth-generation (4G) and possible 3G systems, the user’s application will likely have the ability to control the quality of service and obtain a higher QoS for higher cost. Higher QoS can be achieved through priority scheduling of packets, changes in data packaging, improved protection coding, better channel equalization techniques, implementation of smart antennas, and so on.
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参考答案( Communication English )第一章电子通信导论1.将表1-1译成中文。

表1-1 通信大事纪年代事件公元前3000年埃及人发明象形文字公元800年借鉴印度, 阿拉伯人使用我们的现行数制1440年约翰.戈登贝尔发明可移动的金属记录带1752年贝莱明.富兰克林的风筝证明了雷闪是电1827年欧姆发表欧姆定律( I = E / R)1834年 C.F.高斯和E.H.韦伯发明电磁电报1838年W.F.库克和C.维特斯通发明电报1844年S.F.B.莫尔斯演示巴尔的摩和华盛顿的电报线路1850年G.R.基尔赫夫发表基尔赫夫电路定律1858年铺设第一条越洋电缆, 并于26天后举办博览会1864年J.C.麦克斯威尔预言电磁辐射1871年电报工程师协会在伦敦成立1876年 A.G.贝尔发明电话并获专利1883年 A.爱迪生发现真空管中的电子流1884年美国电气工程师协会(AIEE)成立1887年H.赫兹证明麦克斯威的理论1900年G.马可尼传送第一个越洋无线电信号1905年R.芬森登利用无线电传送语音和音乐1906年L.弗雷斯特真空三极管放大器1915年贝尔系统完成美国大陆电话线路1918年 E.H.阿尔莫斯通发明超外差接收机电路1920年第一个定时无线广播J.R.卡尔松将取样用于广播1926年美国演示电视1927年H.布兰克在贝尔实验室发明负反馈放大器1931年电传打字机投入运营1933年 E.H.阿尔莫斯通发明调频1935年R.A.沃特森-瓦特发明第一个实用雷达1936年英国广播公司(BBC)开办第一个电视广播1937年 A.雷弗斯提出脉冲编码调制(PCM)1941年J.V.阿当拉索夫在依俄华州立大学发明计算机1945年ENIAC电子数字计算机研发于宾夕伐尼亚大学1947年布雷登、巴登和肖克利在贝尔实验室研制晶体管S.O.莱斯在贝尔实验室研究噪声的统计表征1948年 C.E.香农发表他的信息理论1950年时分多路用于电话1953年美国提出NTSC彩色电视1957年苏联发射第一个地球卫星Sputnik I1958年 A.L.肖洛和C.H.托莱斯发表激光原理仙童公司的R.诺依斯生第一硅集成电路1961年美国开始立体声调频广播1962年第一个有源卫星, Telstar I , 实现美国与欧洲的电视中继1963年贝尔系统推出按键式电话电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)成立1963~66年研究纠错码和自适应均衡1964年电子电话交换系统(No.1ESS)投入运营1965年笫一个商用通信卫星,Early Bird,发射1968年开发电缆电视系统1971年Intel公司研制第一个单片微处理器—40041972年摩托罗拉向美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)演示蜂窝式电话1976年推出个人计算机1979年64-kb随机存取存储器标志着进入VLSI时代1980年贝尔系统研发FT3光纤通信, Philips和Sony研发光碟(CD) 1984年苹果公司研发Macintosh计算机1985年传真机普及1989年摩托罗拉推出袖珍移动电话1990~现在用微处理器进行数字信号处理的时代, 数字示波器, 数字调谐接收机, 扩频系统, ISDN, HDTV, 数字卫星系统2.将表1-2译成中文。

表1-2 无线电频段频段名称传播特性典型应用3—30kHz 甚低频(VLF) 地波,昼夜衰减小,大气噪远距导航,海下通信声严重30—300kHz 低频(LF) 类似于VLF,可靠性稍差远距导航,海上通信,白日有吸收无线电航标300—3000 中频(MF) 地波,夜间天波,夜晚衰减小, 海上无线电,定向, kHz 白日衰减大,大气噪声调幅广播3—30MHz 高频(HF) 电离层的反射随昼夜、季业余无线电,国际广节、频率而变播,军用通信,电话,电报,传真30—300MHz甚高频(VHF) 近于视线(LOS)传播,散射电视,调频广播,航空宇宙噪声调幅通信,航空导航0.3—3GHz 超高频(UHF) 视线传播,宇宙噪声电视,移动电动,导航雷达,微波链路,个人通信系统3—30GHz 特高频(SHF) 视线传播,降雨衰减,大气衰卫星通信,减,大的水汽衰减雷达微波链30—300GHz 极高频(EHF) 视线传播,大的水汽衰减, 雷达,卫星,科学实验氧吸收>1000GHz 红外线,可见光视线传播光通信紫外线3.将1.4节的课文译成中文。






例如,话音频率包含300Hz 到3000Hz的信号。




























(1) An analog information source produces messages that are defined on a continuum, whilea digital information source produces a finite set of possible messages.(2) The beacon-fire tower in ancient China was a communications system.(3) Show that the entropy is a maximum when the probability of sending a binary 1 is equalto the probability of sending a binary 0 .(4) Information capacity is a measure of how much information can be transferred through acommunications system in a given period of time .(5) The wider the bandwidth and the longer the time of transmission, the more informationcan be conveyed through the system .5.Answer the following questions :(1) Samuel Morse developed the first electronic communications system in 1837 .(2) Yes.(3) The vacuum-tube triode .(4) Hartley’s law simply states that the wider the bandwidth and the longer the transmissiontime, the more information that can be conveyed through the system . The Shannon’s formula is I=B log2(1+S/N) , where I=information capacity(bps), B=bandwidth(Hz), S/N=signal-to-noise power ratio(unitless) .(5) (a) VLF, (b) MF, (c) SHF第二章信息源1.根据课文回答下列问题。

(1) There are four important information sources: speech, music, pictures, and computer data.(2) Three successive stages: production, propagation, and perception.(3) The bandwidth of 300 to 3100Hz.(4) A musical signal differs from a speech signal in that its spectrum occupies a much widerband of frequencies that may extend up to about 15kHz.(5) The dynamic pictures, as in television, are in motion; while the static pictures, as infacsimile, are still.(6) In black-white TV, only a luminance signal is needed. However, in color TV, there arethree signals: a luminance signal and a pair of chrominance signals.(7) Yes.(8) Suppose the seven data bits are 0110101. For the odd parity, an extra parity bit of 1should be ended, so that the total number of 1s is 5, which is odd.(9) Lossless compression operates by removing the redundant information contained in thedata of interest. Lossy compression involves the loss of information in a controlled manner.Lossy compression may achieve a compression ratio higher than that attainable with lossless methods.(10) There are four distinct operations: time-frequency mapping, psychoacoustic modeling,quantization and coding, and frame-packing.2.将2.3节译成中文。
