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infrastructure 基础设施,公共建设 n. subordinate parts, installations, etc that form the basis

of a system, an organization oran enterprise (eg of an army) , 【词源解析】infra-底下inherent 粘附 adj. ~ existing as a natural or permanent feature or quality of sb/sth 【词源解析】her=stick,表示“粘附”

initial 开始的,最初的 adj. of or at the beginning; first


exit n 出口,出去(ex 出+it→走出,出口)

initiate v 开始;开创

initiative a 起步的 n. 原动力(initiate 开始+ive)

innovate 革新,创新 v. make changes; introduce new things


novel a 新奇的 n. 小说(nov+el)

nova n 新星(now+a 表示物体→新天体)

renovate v 翻新(re 重新+nov+ate→重新翻新)

input 输入 n. ~ action of putting sth in

insert 插入 v. ~ sth put, fit, place sth into sth or between two things


assert v 断言;主张(as+sert→强行插入观点→断言)

desert v 离开;抛弃(de 分开+sert→不再加入→离开)

exsert v 使突出;伸出(ex 出+sert→插出去→突出)
