物联网(The Internet of things)
什么是物联网,物联网概念及介绍物联网百科名片物联网物联网(The Internet of things)的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
目录定义背景用途应用发展未来问题定义物联网的英文名称为"The Internet of Things” ,简称:IOT。
2009年9月,在北京举办的物联网与企业环境中欧研讨会上,欧盟委员会信息和社会媒体司RFID部门负责人Lorent Ferderix博士给出了欧盟对物联网的定义:物联网是一个动态的全球网络基础设施,它具有基于标准和互操作通信协议的自组织能力,其中物理的和虚拟的“物”具有身份标识、物理属性、虚拟的特性和智能的接口,并与信息网络无缝整合。
物联网物联网(The Internet of Things,简称IOT)是指通过各种信息传感器、射频识别技术、全球定位系统、红外感应器、激光扫描器等各种装置与技术,实时采集任何需要监控、连接、互动的物体或过程,采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息,通过各类可能的网络接入,实现物与物、物与人的泛在连接,实现对物品和过程的智能化感知、识别和管理。
定义物联网(IoT ,Internet of things )即“万物相连的互联网”,是互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络,将各种信息传感设备与互联网结合起来而形成的一个巨大网络,实现在任何时间、任何地点,人、机、物的互联互通。
the internet of things英语阅读理解
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The Internet of Things(IoT) (物联网) aims to get everything and everyone talking. Attaching sensors to “things”,such as cows, cars and refrigerator, and then assigning them unique IP addresses allow them to “talk” to the Internet. Of course, the loT will involve much more than a handful of sensors. Networking company Cisco estimates that 50 billion Internet-connected devices and objects will be sending over data by 2020.1.How do researchers get everything and everyone talking?A.By establishing the loT and launching a handful of sensors.B.By connecting sensors with them and appointing them unique IP addresses.C.By communicating with them all the time through the IoT.D.By sending people to track them day and night and collect useful data.2.What else do critics worry about the loT besides its probablyending up being a fashion?A.People will lose interest in it as quickly as the thrill over last year's smartphone.B.Refrigerators and washing machines will be replaced by other devices in a few years.C.Whether related companies will provide long-term software updates or not.D.The software provided by companies will be outdated easily and quickly.3.According to the passage,when owners of the Telsa Model S electric received a recall notice, they __________________.A.just waited in the car while the maintenance is being done through wireless update.B.were required to go to the nearest 4S store to make some adjustments or repairs.C.could definitely depend on the loT to send them the charger plug to be fixed.D.had to confirm the update with the help of the equipment provided by the company.【答案】1-3 BCA.。
物联网的基本定义物联网(Internet of Things,简称IoT)是指通过各种传感器、设备和互联网连接,实现物理对象之间的信息交互和互联互通的网络系统。
二、物联网的应用1. 智能家居物联网为家居生活带来了许多便利。
2. 智慧交通物联网技术在交通领域的应用,可以大大提高交通管理的效率和车辆行驶的安全性。
3. 智慧城市物联网在城市管理和公共服务方面的应用,可以使城市更加智能化和高效。
应用环境安全技术可信终端、身份认证、访问控制、安全审 计等
网络环境安全技术无线网安全、虚拟专用网、传输安全、安 全路由、防火墙、安全域策略、安全审计等
信息安全防御关键技术攻击监测、内容分析、病毒防治、访 问控制、应急反应、战略预警等 信息安全基础核心技术密码技术、高速密码芯片、PKI公钥 基础设施、信息系统平台安全等
签显示了独特的优势,而虚拟光学的加密解密技术为基 于光学标签的身份标识提供了手段,基于软件的虚拟光学 密码系统由于可以在光波的多个维度进行信息的加密处理, 具有比一般传统的对称加密系统有更高的安全性,数学模 型的建立和软件技术的发展极大地推动了该领域的研究和 应用推广。 • 数据处理过程中涉及到基于位置的服务与在信息处理过 程中的隐私保护问题。ACM于2008年成立了 SIGSPATIAL(Special Interest Group oil SpatialInformation),致力于空间信息理论与应用研究。 基于位置的服务是物联网提供的基本功能,是定位、电子 地图、基于位置的数据挖掘和发现、自适应表达等技术的 融合。定位技术目前主要有GPS定位、基于手机的定位、 无线传感网定位等。无线传感网的定位主要是射频识别、 蓝牙及ZigBee等。基于位置的服务面临严峻的隐私保护问。
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• 从物联网的信息处理过程来看,感知信息经过采集、汇 聚、融合、传输、决策与控制等过程,整个信息处理的过 程体现了物联网安全的特征与要求,也揭示了所面临的安 全问题。 • 一是感知网络的信息采集、传输与信息安全问题。感知 节点呈现多源异构性,感知节点通常情况下功能简单(如 自动温度计)、携带能量少(使用电池),使得它们无法拥有 复杂的安全保护能力,而感知网络多种多样,从温度测量 到水文监控,从道路导航到自动控制,它们的数据传输和 消息也没有特定的标准,所以没法提供统一的安全保护体 系。 • 二是核心网络的传输与信息安全问题。核心网络具有相 对完整的安全保护能力,但是由于物联网中节点数量庞大, 且以集群方式存在,因此会导致在数据传播时,由
什么是物联网(IoT)物联网(Internet of Things,缩写为IoT)是指通过互联网技术将各种日常用品、设备和物体连接到一起,并通过信息传输、数据共享和通信交互来实现信息传递和控制的智能系统。
一、物联网的基本原理物联网的实现基于以下三个主要要素:1. 物体感知和识别:物联网中的物体需要具备感知和识别的能力,通过传感器和标识技术,可以采集环境数据和物体信息,并将其转化为数字信号进行处理。
2. 信息传输和通信:通过无线网络、局域网或互联网等通信技术,将物体采集到的数据传输至云平台或其他设备,实现数据的共享和交流。
3. 数据分析和应用:利用云计算、大数据分析等技术,对物联网中的数据进行处理、分析和应用,为用户提供有用的信息和服务。
二、物联网的应用领域物联网在各个领域都有着广泛的应用,其中一些典型的应用领域包括:1. 智能家居:通过智能家居设备和传感器,实现对家庭生活的智能化管理,如智能灯光控制、温度调节、安全监测等。
2. 智能交通:通过车联网技术,实现车辆与道路设施、其他车辆之间的互联互通,提升交通效率和安全性。
3. 工业自动化:通过物联网的技术手段,实现生产设备和工业系统的自动化管理和监控,提高生产效率和产品质量。
4. 智慧城市:将城市中的各种设施和服务进行互联互通,实现城市管理的智能化,如智能供水、垃圾分类、智能交通等。
5. 农业物联网:利用物联网技术,实现对土壤湿度、气象条件、作物生长等信息的实时监测和管理,提升农业生产效率和质量。
三、物联网的优势和挑战物联网的发展带来了许多优势,包括:1. 自动化和智能化:物联网实现了物体的自动感知和远程控制,使得各种设备和系统变得更加智能和自动化。
2. 数据共享和决策支持:物联网将大量的数据进行收集和整合,为用户提供全面的信息和决策支持。
物联网概述1、物联网-概念物联网(The Internet of things)的概念是在1999年提出的,所谓物联网,简单的来说就是“物物相连的互联网”。
其定义为:物联网是指将各种信息传感设备及系统(如传感器网络、射频识别(RFID)、条码与二维码、红外感应器、激光扫描器全球定位系统和其它基于物-物通信模式(Machine to Machine M2M)的短程无线网络),通过各种接入网与互联网结合形成的一个巨大的智能网络,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理。
物联网是什么举例让你看懂什么是物联网物联网(Internet of Things,缩写为IoT)是指通过互联网连接和交互的各种物理设备和物体之间的网络。
1. 智能家居智能家居是物联网应用的一个明显例子。
2. 智能交通物联网在交通系统中的应用也很广泛。
3. 智能健康物联网在医疗健康领域的应用也越来越广泛。
4. 智能工厂物联网在工业领域中的应用被称为工业物联网(Industrial Internet of Things,缩写为IIoT)。
什么是物联网(Internet of Things)
![什么是物联网(Internet of Things)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5360a4e69b89680203d825fe.png)
什么是物联网(Internet of Things)?发帖日期:2010-03-12 11:40:46 标签:物联网一、物联网概念物联网(The Internet of things)的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
(Via 百度百科)二、物联网发展史∙物联网(The Internet of things)的概念是在1999年提出:Foundation of Auto-ID center of MIT (RFID technology)∙2003 SUN article: Toward a Global “Internet of Things” (Via)∙2005年11月17日:在突尼斯举行的信息社会世界峰会(WSIS)上,国际电信联盟(ITU)发布《ITU互联网报告2005:物联网》∙2009年1月23日:IBM Smart Planet,奥巴马针对IBM首席执行官彭明盛首次提出“智慧的地球”这一概念,做出回应:物联网技术美国在21世纪保持和夺回竞争优势的方式∙2009年8月7日:温家宝考察中科院无锡高新微纳传感网工程技术研发中心。
强调“在传感网发展中,要早一点谋划未来,早一点攻破核心技术,把传感系统和3G中的TD 技术结合起来”。
∙2009年9月21日:工信部在相关会议上,首次明确提出要进一步研究建设物联网、传感网,加快传感中心建设,推进信息技术在工业领域的广泛应用,提高资源利用率、经济运行效益和投入产出效率等∙2009年9月:Internet of Things – An action plan for Europe 欧盟行动计划三、IBM智慧地球提到物联网,不得不提一下IBM的智慧地球,IBM可以说是物联网概念的忠诚的推动者。
中英文资料外文翻译Internet of Things1.the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.2.The meaning of "material"Where the "objects" to meet the following conditions can be included in the scope of the "Internet of Things":1. Receiver have the appropriate information;2. Have a data transmission path;3. Have a certain storage capabilities;4. To have the CPU;5.To have the operating system;6. Have specialized applications;7. Have a data transmitter;8. Follow the communication protocol of Things;9. World Network, a unique number that can be identified.3. "Chinese style" as defined inInternet of Things (Internet of Things) refers to is the ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) terminal equipment (Devices) and facilities (Facilities), including with the "inner intelligence" sensors, mobile terminals, industrial systems, floor control system, the family of Intelligentfacilities, video surveillance systems, and external can "(Enabled), such as RFID, a variety of assets (the Assets), personal and vehicle carrying the wireless terminal" intelligent objects or animals "or" smart dust "(the Mote), through a variety of wireless and / or cable over long distances and / or short-range communication networks to achieve interoperability (M2M), application integration (the Grand Integration), and based on cloud computing, SaaS operation mode, in internal network (intranet), private network (extranet), and / or the Internet (Internet) environment, the use of appropriate information security mechanisms to provide a safe, controlled and even personalized real-time online monitoring, retrospective positioning, alarm linkage, command and control plan management, remote control, security, remote repair and maintenance, online upgrades, statistical reporting, decision support, the leadership of the desktop (showcase of the Cockpit Dashboard) management and service functions, "Everything," "efficient, energy saving, security environmental protection, "" possession, control, Camp integration [1].4.EU definitionIn September 2009, the Internet of Things and enterprise environments held in Beijing, China-EU Seminar on the European Commission and Social Media Division RFID Division is responsible for Dr. Lorent Ferderix, given the EU's definition of things: the Internet of Things is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standards-based and interoperable communication protocols, self-organizing capabilities, including physical and virtual "objects" of identity, physical attributes, virtual features and smart interface and seamless integration of information networks .Internet of Things Internet and media, the Internet and business Internet one, constitute the future of the Internet.5.changeThe Internet of Things (Internet of Things) the word universally recognized at home and abroad Ashton, Professor of the MIT Auto-ID Center in 1999 first proposed to study RFID. The report of the same name released in 2005, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the definition and scope of the Internet of Things has been a change in the coverage of a larger expansion, no longer refers only to the Internet of Things based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the "Experience China" Internet of Things was officially listed as a national one of the five emerging strategic industries, to write the "Government Work Report" Internet of Things in China has been the great concern of the society as a whole degree of concern is unparalleled in the United States, European Union, as well as other countries.The concept of Internet of Things is not so much a foreign concept, as it has been the concept of a "Made in China", his coverage of the times, has gone beyond the scope of the 1999 Ashton professor and the 2005 ITU report referred to, Internet of Things has been labeled a "Chinese style" label.6.BackgroundThe concept of Internet of Things in 1999. Internet-based, RFID technology and EPC standards, on the basis of the computer Internet, the use of radio frequency identification technology, wireless data communication technology, a global items of information to real-time sharing of the physical Internet "Internet of things" (referred to as the Internet of Things) , which is also the basis of the first round of the China Internet of Things boom set off in 2003.The sensor network is built up based on sensing technology network. Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 on the start sensor network research and has made some achievements in scientific research, the establishment of applicable sensor network.1999, held in the United States, mobile computing and networking International Conference, "The sensor network is a development opportunity facing humanity in the next century. In 2003, the United States, "Technology Review" proposed sensor network technology will be future changes ten people's lives first.November 17, 2005, the WSIS held in Tunis (WSIS), the International TelecommunicationUnion released ITU Internet Report 2005: Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative to be exchanged. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor technology, nanotechnology, intelligent embedded technology will be more widely used.According to the description of the ITU, the era of things, a short-range mobile transceivers embedded in a variety of daily necessities, human beings in the world of information and communication will receive a new communication dimension, from any time communication between people of the place of connection extended to the communication connection between persons and things and things and things. The Internet of Things concept of the rise, largely due to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the title of Internet of Things 2005 annual Internet Report. However, the ITU report the lack of a clear definition of Things.Domestic Internet of Things is also there is no single standard definition, but the Internet of Things In essence, the Internet of Things is a polymer application of modern information technology to a certain stage of development and technological upgrading of various sensing technology modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology aggregation and integration of applications, so that the human and material wisdom of dialogue to create a world of wisdom. Because the development of the Internet of Things technology, involving almost all aspects of IT, innovative application and development of a polymer, systematic, and therefore be called revolutionary innovation of information industry. Summed up the nature of the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the Internet features that need to be networked objects must be able to achieve the interoperability of the Internet; identification and communication features, that is included in the Internet of Things "objects" must to have the functions of automatic identification and physical objects communication (M2M); intelligent features, the network system should have automated, self-feedback and intelligent control features January 28, 2009, Obama became the President of the United States, held with U.S. business leaders a "round table", as one of the only two representatives, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano for the first time that "the wisdom of the Earth" this concept, it is recommended that the new government to invest in a new generation of intelligent infrastructure.February 24, 2009 news, IBM Greater China CEO money crowd called "Smarter Planet"strategy announced in the forum 2009IBM.This concept was put forth, that is the great concern of the United States from all walks of life, and even analysts believe that IBM's vision is very likely to rise to U.S. national strategy, and caused a sensation in the world. IBM believes that the industry, the next phase of the mission is to make full use of the new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among specifically, is the embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water supply systems dams, oil and gas pipelines and other objects, and is generally connected to the formation of Things.Strategy conference, IBM, and implant the concept of "wisdom" in the implementation of the infrastructure, strong, not only in the short term to stimulate the economy, promote employment, and in a short period of time for China to build a mature wisdom infrastructure platform.IBM "Smarter Planet" strategy will set off again after the wave of Internet technology industrial revolution. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner has raised an important point of view, every 15 years, a revolution in computing model. This judgment is the same as Moore's Law accurately call it a "15-year cycle Law". Before and after 1965, changes to the mainframe as a symbol, 1980 marked by the popularization of personal computers, 1995, the Internet revolution. Each such technological change are caused by the enterprise, industry and even the national competitive landscape of major upheaval and change. To a certain extent in the Internet revolution is ripening by the "information superhighway" strategy. 1990s, the Clinton administration plan for 20 years, $ 200 billion to -4000 billion, construction of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure, to create a huge economic and social benefits.Today, the "Smarter Planet" strategy by many Americans that there are many similarities with the "information superhighway", the same they revive the economy, a key strategy for competitive advantage. The strategy can be set off, not only for the United States, such as the Internet revolution was the wave of technological and economic concern, more attention from the world."Internet of Things prospects are very bright, it will dramatically change our current way of life." Demonstration director of the Center of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Electrical and Electronic Zhao Guoan said. Industry experts said that the Internet of things to our life personification of the things became a kind of human.Goods (goods) in the world of physical objects associated with each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention.The Internet of Things using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet. It can be said that the Internet of Things depict the world is full of intelligent. In the world of Internet of Things, material objects connected to the dragnet.The second session, held at Peking University in November 2008, China Mobile Government Seminar "Knowledge Society and Innovation 2.0", the experts made the mobile technology, the Internet of Things technology led to the development of economic and social form, innovative forms of change, and promote the The next generation of innovation for the knowledge society as the core of user experience (innovative 2.0) the formation of innovation and development of the form to pay more attention to the user to focus on people-oriented. Research institutions is expected to 10 years, the Internet of Things may be mass adoption of this technology will develop into one of thousands of yuan-scale high-tech market, the industry than the Internet 30 times.It is learned that the things industry chain can be broken down into the identity, perception, processing and information transfer, four links, each link of the key technologies for the wireless transmission network of RFID, sensors, smart chip and telecom operators. EPOSS in the "Internet of Things in 2020" report, an analysis predicted that the future development of the Internet of Things will go through four stages, 2010, RFID is widely used in the field of logistics, retail and pharmaceutical objects interconnect 2010 to 2015, 2015 ~ In 2020, the object into the semi-intelligent, intelligent objects into 2020.As the vanguard of the Internet of Things, RFID has become the most concerned about the technology market. The data show that the global RFID market size in 2008 from $ 4.93 billion in 2007 rose to $ 5.29 billion, this figure covers all aspects of the RFID market, including tags, readers and other infrastructure, software and services. RFID card and card-related infrastructure will account for 57.3 percent of the market, reaching $ 3.03 billion. Application from financial and security industries will drive the market growth of RFID cards. Analysys International forecasts, the Chinese RFID market size in 2009 will reach 5.0 billion, a CAGR of 33%, in which the electronic tag is more than 3.8 billion yuan, the reader close to 700 million yuan, software and services market to reach 500 million yuan pattern.MEMS is the abbreviation of the micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS technology is built on the basis of micro / nano, the market prospect is broad. The main advantage of the MEMS sensoris the small size, large-scale mass production cost reduction, mainly used in two major areas of automotive and consumer electronics. Under ICInsight the latest report is expected in 2007-2012, global sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators based on MEMS will reach 19 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), compared with $ 4.1 billion in 2007 to five years will achieve $ 9.7 billion in annual sales.7.PrincipleInternet of Things is on the basis of the computer Internet, RFID, wireless data communications technology, to construct a cover everything in the world's "Internet of Things". In this network, the goods (products) to each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. Its essence is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet.The Internet of Things is a very important technology is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. RFID is radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification) technology abbreviation, is an automatic identification technology in the 1990s began to rise, the more advanced a non-contact identification technology. The development of RFID technology based on a simple RFID system, combined with existing network technology, database technology, middleware technology, to build a one composed by a large number of networked readers and numerous mobile label, much larger than the Internet of Things trend.RFID, It is able to let items "speak" a technique. In the "Internet of Things" concept, RFID tags are stored in the specification and interoperability information collected automatically by wireless data communications network to a central information system, to achieve the identification of goods (products), and then through the open computer network for information exchange and sharing, items "transparent" management.The information technology revolution in the Internet of Things is referred to as IT mobile Pan of a specific application. Internet of Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network convergence applications, breaking the conventional thinking before, human beings can achieve ubiquitous computing and network connectivity [3]. The traditional thinking has been the separation of physical infrastructure and IT infrastructure: on the one hand, airports, roads, buildings, while on the other hand, the data center, PC, broadband. In theera of the "Internet of Things", reinforced concrete, cable with the chip, broadband integration into a unified infrastructure, in this sense, the infrastructure is more like a new site of the Earth, the world really works it, which including economic management, production operation, social and even personal life. "Internet of Things" makes it much more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to manage the future of the city to achieve the status of "wisdom" to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve the relationship between man and nature. 8.Agency1, institution-buildingAs the first national Internet of Things industry community organizations - the application of professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Things technology products (referred to as: "objects of the IPCC"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 2010, preliminary approved by the Ministry of August being reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs for final approval.2, the main taskServe as a bridge between business and government to assist the Government of the industry guidance, coordination, consultation and services to help members to reflect the business requirements to the Government; coordinate the relationship between enterprises to strengthen technical cooperation, product distribution, the elimination of vicious competition ; supervision of members the correct implementation of national laws and regulations, to regulate the industry; member of information communication technology products, cooperation, resource sharing, capital operation, and promote the application of Internet of Things technologies and products, and promote the Internet of Things industrial scale , co-development.9.ConstructionInternet of Things in the practical application to carry out requires the involvement of all walks of life, and need the guidance of the national government as well as related regulations and policies to assist the launching of the Internet of Things has the scale, broad participation, management, technical, and material properties, etc. other features, the technical problem is the most crucial issues of Things billion Bo logistics consulting, Internet of Things technology is an integrated technology, a system not yet which company has overall responsibility for network planning and construction of the entire system, theoretical studies have commenced in all walks of life and the practical application is limited to within the industry. The key is on the planning and design andresearch and development of the Internet of Things research in the field of RFID, sensors, embedded software, and transmission of data calculation. In general, to carry out the steps of the Internet of things mainly as follows:(1) identified the object attributes, properties, including static and dynamic properties of the static property can be stored directly in the label, the dynamic properties need to start with sensors to detect real-time;(2) the need to identify the equipment to complete the reading of object attributes, and information into a data format suitable for network transmission;(3) the object of information transmitted over the network to the information processing center (processing center may be distributed, such as home computers or mobile phones, may also be centralized, such as China Mobile IDC) by the processing center to complete the object communication calculation.10.key areasInternet of Things 4 key areas:(1) RFID;(2) sensor network;(3) The M2M;(4) integration of the two.11.TrendIndustry experts believe that the Internet of things on the one hand can improve economic efficiency and significant cost savings; the other hand, can provide technical impetus to global economic recovery. Currently, the United States, the European Union are all invested heavily in-depth study to explore the Internet of Things. The country is also highly concerned about the emphasis of Things, Industry and Information Technology Ministry in conjunction with the relevant departments are conducting research in a new generation of IT to the formation of policies and measures to support the development of a new generation of IT.China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou has repeatedly mentioned the Internet of Things will become the focus of future development of China Mobile. He will be invited to Taiwan to produce RFID, sensors and bar code manufacturers and China Mobile. According to him, the use of the Internet of Things technology, Shanghai Mobile has a number of industrial customers tailor the datacollection, transmission, processing and business management in one set of wireless application solutions. The latest data show that Shanghai Mobile has more than 100,000 chips mounted on a taxi, bus, various forms of matter networking applications in all walks of prowess, to ensure the orderly operation of the city. During the Shanghai World Expo, "the bus services through" will be fully applied to the Shanghai public transport system, the smooth flow traffic to the most advanced technology to protect Expo area; for logistics transportation management, e-logistics ", will provide users with real-time accurate information of Cargo, vehicle tracking and positioning, the transport path selection, logistics network design and optimization services greatly enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises.In addition, the popularization of the "Internet of Things" for the number of animals, plants and machinery, sensors and RFID tags of items and related interface devices will greatly exceed the number of mobile phones. The promotion of the Internet of Things will become a drive to promote economic development for the industry to open up a potential development opportunities. According to the current demand on the Internet of Things, in recent years, billions of sensors and electronic tags, which will greatly promote the production of IT components, while increasing the number of job opportunities.According to reports, it is necessary to truly build an effective Internet of things, there are two important factors. First, the scale, only with the scale to make the items of intelligence play a role. For example, a city of one million vehicles, if we only 10000 vehicles installed on the smart system, it is impossible to form an intelligent transportation system; two mobility items are usually not static, but in the state of the movement , we must maintain the items in the state of motion, and even high-speed motion state can at any time for dialogue.FORRESTER of the authority of the U.S. advisory body predicted that 2020, the world of business of the Internet of Things, compared with the business of interpersonal communication, will reach 30 to 1, so the "Internet of Things" is known to be the next one trillion communications services.Internet of Things heat wave Why is rapidly growing in China? Internet of Things in China rapid rise thanks to the several advantages of our country in terms of things.In the early 1999 launched the Internet of Things core sensor network technology research, R & D level in the world; the second, sensor network field in the world, China is the standard one ofthe dominant country, the patent owner; third China is one of the countries to achieve a complete industrial chain of Things; Fourth, China's wireless communications network and broadband coverage provides a solid infrastructure to support the development of the Internet of Things; Fifth, China has become the world's first the three major economies, with strong economic strength to support the development of the Internet of Things.12.MythThe current understanding of the Internet of things there are a lot of misunderstanding, which is also a direct impact on our understanding of Things on the development of the logistics industry, it is necessary first to distinguish errors, clarify our thinking.One sensor networks or RFID network equivalent of Things. The fact that sensor technology, or RFID technology, or are simply one of the information collection technology. In addition to the sensor technology and RFID technology, GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, scanning can be achieved automatically identify physical objects to communicate technical information collection technology can become the Internet of Things. Sensor networks or RFID network is just an application of Things, but not all of Things.Second, the Internet of Things as a myriad of unlimited extension of the Internet of Things as a completely open for all things, all of the interconnections, all shared Internet platform.In fact, the Internet of Things is not simple infinite extension of the global sharing of the Internet. Even if the Internet is also not only refers to we typically think of the international sharing computer network, Internet, WAN and LAN. Internet of Things can be both an extension of our usual sense of the Internet to the matter; LAN, professional can also be based on real needs and industrial applications. The reality is not necessary and can not make all the items networking; no need to make professional, LAN must be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. Of things in the future the Internet will be very different from the professional network of similar smart logistics, smart transportation, smart grid; the intelligence community and other local area network is the largest use of space.Ter, that the ubiquitous network of the Internet of Things Internet of Things, and therefore the Internet of Things is a castle in the air, is difficult to achieve the technology. In fact the Internet of things are real, many of the primary Internet of Things applications already for our services. The Internet of Things concept is introduced in many real-world applications based on polymericintegrated innovation, pre-existing network with the Internet of Things, intelligent, automated system, summarized and upgrading it upgraded from a higher perspective our knowledge.Four of Things as a basket, and everything installed inside; based on self-awareness, and only be able to interact, communication products as the Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedded some of the sensors, to become the so-called Internet of Things appliances; products labeled with RFID tags, became the Internet of Things applications.esThings widely used throughout the intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government, public safety, peace at home, smart fire, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, elderly care, personal health, floriculture, water monitoring, food traceability, enemy detection and intelligence collection and other fields.International Telecommunication Union in 2005, a report has portrayed the picture of the era of the "Internet of Things": car when the driver operational errors will automatically alarm; briefcase will remind the owner forgot something; clothes will "tell" washing machine color and water temperature requirements. Billion Bo logistics consulting vivid introduction of Things in the logistics field, for example, a logistics company, application of Things truck, when loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you overloaded and overload how many, but the space remaining , the severity of goods with how to tell you; when handling staff unloading a cargo packaging may be shouting "throw you hurt me", or "My dear, you do not get too barbaric, you can?"; when the driver and others gossip, trucks will pretend boss's voice roaring "stupid, the grid!Internet of things to make full use of a new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among, specifically, is embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water systems, dams, oil and gas pipelines, etc.kinds of objects, and then "Internet of Things" with the existing Internet to integrate and realize the integration of human society and the physical system, which in this integrated network, there is the ability to super-powerful central computer cluster, integrated network staff implementation of real-time management and control of the machinery, equipment and infrastructure, on this basis, the human can be more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to achieve the status of the "wisdom", to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve human the relationship between the natural.。
下面是关于物联网的一些常见名词的解释:1. 物联网:The Internet of Things(IoT),简称物联网,是指一系列通过互联网连接的物理设备、传感器、机器和其他对象,以实现设备之间的通信和数据传递。
2. 传感器:Sensor,是物联网中的一种设备,用于检测和测量环境中的物理量,如温度、湿度、光照等,并将这些数据转换为电信号进行传递。
3. 无线传感网络:Wireless Sensor Network(WSN),是一种基于传感器节点相互连接的网络,用于实现数据的采集、传输和处理。
4. 物联网平台:IoT Platform,是用于管理和控制物联网设备的软件平台,可以收集、存储和分析来自各种设备的数据,并实现数据的可视化和智能化控制。
5. 云计算:Cloud Computing,是一种通过网络连接的集中式计算资源,以提供计算、存储、网络等服务的技术。
6. 大数据:Big Data,是指由大量、高速生成的数据所形成的数据集合。
7. 物联网安全:IoT Security,是指保护物联网设备和数据不受未经授权的访问、篡改和破坏的一系列技术和措施。
8. 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence(AI),是一种模拟人类智能的技术,可以使物联网设备具备学习、理解、推理和决策的能力。
9. 无人驾驶:Autonomous Driving,是指车辆利用物联网技术和人工智能实现自主驾驶的能力。
The Internet of Things 物联网
![The Internet of Things 物联网](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8d36fb04763231126fdb1100.png)
The Internet of Things was the 'it' word for 2013, it concisely summed up the act of devices being more interactive with users. The Internet of Everything expands that idea. The Internet of Everything is described as something that brings together people, data and things, to create networked connections that turns information into action. So rather than just connecting devices (like the Internet of Things), the Internet of Everything connects, well, everything.物联网(the Internet of Things)是2013年的潮词,它是对各类设备与用户间更多互动行为的精确总结。
万物网(the Internet of Everything)将这一理念扩大。
From the connected lounge room to internet-enabled fridges, from the smart TV to the watch that keeps your Tweets up-to-date, technology has evolvedto such a point that you could throw a dart in almost any direction and hit an internet-connected "thing".从有网络连接的客厅到互联网支持的冰箱,从智能电视到可以随时更新微博的手表,科技已经进步到你朝任何一个方向扔出一枚飞镖都能击中一样与互联网连接着的“事物”。
什么是物联网,物联网概念及介绍什么是物联网?物联网(Internet of Things, IoT)是指通过互联网将各种物理设备连接起来,使其能够相互通信和交互。
什么是物联网英语作文200字英文回答:The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnectedness of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, enabling data exchange and controlvia the internet. It is a network of devices that have the ability to connect and exchange data without human intervention.IoT devices can collect and transmit data such as temperature, humidity, location, and motion. This data can be used to improve efficiency, save energy, and enhance security. For example, IoT devices can be used to automate tasks such as turning on lights when someone enters a roomor locking doors when someone leaves. They can also be used to monitor environmental conditions and send alerts when something is wrong.中文回答:物联网(IoT)是指通过电子元件、软件、传感器和网络连接将物理设备、车辆、建筑物及其他物品连接起来的网络,实现通过互联网进行数据交换和控制。
什么是物联网百科名片物联网(The Internet of things)的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
定义物联网的英文名称为"The Internet of Things” ,简称:IOT。
2009年9月,在北京举办的物联网与企业环境中欧研讨会上,欧盟委员会信息和社会媒体司RFID部门负责人Lorent Ferderix博士给出了欧盟对物联网的定义:物联网是一个动态的全球网络基础设施,它具有基于标准和互操作通信协议的自组织能力,其中物理的和虚拟的“物”具有身份标识、物理属性、虚拟的特性和智能的接口,并与信息网络无缝整合。
3_物联网(The Internet of Things)的概念
![3_物联网(The Internet of Things)的概念](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f340302b55270722192ef787.png)
物联网(The Internet of Things)的概念(一)概述物联网(The Internet of things)的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
如下图所示:(二)定义物联网的英文名称为"The Internet of Things”。
2009年9月,在北京举办的物联网与企业环境中欧研讨会上,欧盟委员会信息和社会媒体司RFID部门负责人Lorent Ferderix博士给出了欧盟对物联网的定义:物联网是一个动态的全球网络基础设施,它具有基于标准和互操作通信协议的自组织能力,其中物理的和虚拟的“物”具有身份标识、物理属性、虚拟的特性和智能的接口,并与信息网络无缝整合。
物联网(Internet of Things)是指通过互联网连接、通信和交互的各种物理设备、传感器、软件和网络,从而实现智能化、自动化和智能化的系统。
1. 互联性:物联网连接了各种物理设备和传感器,使其能够相互通信、交互和共享信息。
2. 智能化:物联网通过传感器和软件等技术,可以获取和分析大量的数据。
3. 广泛应用:物联网的应用范围广泛,涵盖了各个领域,如家庭、工业、农业、交通、健康等。
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物联网(The Internet of things)物联网(The Internet of things)的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
定义物联网的英文名称为"The I nternet of Things” 。
2009年9月,在北京举办的物联网与企业环境中欧研讨会上,欧盟委员会信息和社会媒体司RFID部门负责人Lorent Ferderix博士给出了欧盟对物联网的定义:物联网是一个动态的全球网络基础设施,它具有基于标准和互操作通信协议的自组织能力,其中物理的和虚拟的“物”具有身份标识、物理属性、虚拟的特性和智能的接口,并与信息网络无缝整合。
物联网概念的兴起,很大程度上得益于国际电信联盟(ITU)2005 年以物联网为标题的年度互联网报告。
EPOSS在《Internet of Things in 2020》报告中分析预测,未来物联网的发展将经历四个阶段,2010年之前RFID被广泛应用于物流、零售和制药领域,2010~2015年物体互联,2015~2020年物体进入半智能化,2020年之后物体进入全智能化。